Somebody will probably eventually call an ambulance about this slight, battered woman, lying half-naked on the ground, bleeding from two long wounds on her back, apparently conscious if you watch her eyes but not able to respond to anyone asking her if she's okay (or anything else, for that matter).
Post last updated:
do not resuscitate
Promise experiences medical drama
It's going to take a lot longer than usual, because Ottawa is having a time. It started with the snowstorm, which progressed to an ice storm, and now a lot of phone lines are down and the cell network is mostly out and the power is out across large swaths of the city. Oh, and a lot of roads are completely impassible, so even once someone finds her and manages to get a phone call through, it's going to be a bit of a wait.
The bystander who found her can put his coat over her. He's nervous about actually moving her because he thinks you're not supposed to do that with people if you don't know what injuries they have? He'll talk to her, though, at least insofar as to say that an ambulance is coming.