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cock worship
Permalink Mark Unread

Ah let's see how this goes...

I relax back on the lip of my throne, and bring her here, and point down. 



Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh hi..." 

Ohhh yeah this is a kneeling room only sit, so I kerplop my knees gently down onto the lil yoga mat, a lil wistful breath flooding through my chest and aaaa. 

Let's see what we're working with, Goddess. 

I swing my head back with a pleased wiggle of my hips and a stare up into her eyes, lil pink strands floating back off my forehead, and then in closer, head drifting close to her thighs. 

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I shift my thighs and sigh a little, and watch, carefully.

Permalink Mark Unread

There's just... so much of her, isn't there? She's gotten int' the habit of messin' 'round with the external size, sure, but there's something just... 

mmphily classic 'bout the big ol' package pressed up 'gainst those shorts, taut lycra wrapping pleasingly around her thick rod and showing the - 'curves' of her balls, each of them sizable enough to comically distort the top and bottom of her clothes with their heft. My nose twitches fondly, and my hands reach out to feel just how bloody big they are.

My fingers flare out to feel them through the cloth, rubbing absent-mindedly along the grain of the cloth, all the tension and tightening of it from being forced to accomodate such a monster~ so tangible as I caress just before her sack, feeling the little squish and way it presses and sticks and staring like a slut right down her dick. 

I blush softly. 


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And down, ducking and bowing and pressing into her, feeling her rod lean up against her face. There's a certain - tacky stickiness to it that just feel really really nice on my skin that leaks through the pores of her clothes, that makes her musk settle on my skin and... 

My toes curl and hands settle against her sexy sexy firm thighs and ahhhhhhhhhh... 

My mouth lolls open and I just inhale her scent - this time it's....

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I trace an idle fingertip along her forehead, and just listen to her babble. What a cutie. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Ooooh yeah that hits the spot. It's all sweet and musky and heavy and honeyed and rich and sweaty and slinky and.... 

Like technically it has a bunch of super specific notes, that could be construed in relation to being like - banana and cedar and olive oil and the like, but mostly it's just... hers, and so present that it makes me grin and blush and feel it and flare my nose and just all fuckin' punchdrunk, you know? 

There's this deep seep of the sweat that lathers onto my skin that gives me lil burst of lightning and peace on my skin as I rub my cheek up 'long the outline of her massive nuts. I lean and list back and blink my eyes with a grin before just slipping her pants down, hands caressing softly along the free-floating skin, divinely soft pretty pore-filled sack sudsing up my hands and fingers, so tactile and tender and slick and mnn~

My spine shudders as I lean in a little closer and lick.


Permalink Mark Unread

Oh fuuuuck yes. 

My tongue sloshes and slides against the wet warm valley of her glans, streaking slickly against the firm head of her tip. It flattens softly, fondly lapping against the softer swell of the tip before basking in the bitchbreaking hardness of her cock's core. 

I pant and bask and let out a lil blubbering laugh as my nipples surge with sympathetic lust, tingling and hot and shivery and cunt slick and tight and tender and throat relaxing back the lil protections and thighs wiggling and it's so good to feel the shameless sensitivity of her sex reflected onwards.  

Permalink Mark Unread

I slide forward, wet lips parting and pulsing back and forth as I pant atop her hardness, stretching out my sweeping tongue to collect the soft weeping warmth trickling from her tip, voraciously lapping it up as I grin ear to ear and start to feel the fullness of her size in my mouth, hard rod thick enough to just gently lock my jaw open. I can feel it in my breath, the little ripples of her heat and lust as the roof of my mouth embraces her rod, easing against the enormity of it all, breasts flushed pink with pleasure as I just sit and stare at those swollen nuts of hers, fingertips caressing along the greasy grain of her skin. 

moan, and blush blush blush! 

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I buck in a little, hardness gliding down her velvety throat as she leans in, everything turning all perky and pliant for me as she glks and glides along my length, tongue lingeringly lapping. She's even got the good ol' heart eyes... 

My hands settle against her cheeks, making her shiver so prettily and purposefully, fingers just slipping along her skin as I feel her cheeks hollow as she drinks up my dick. 

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I inhale all of goddess's goddesshood, eyes welling up a little at the effort as I do my best to caress it, to inhale her musk and stare at her shiny skin and feel the coming conciousness-conkin' bliss of orgasm approach, a pink pleasant daze dancin' in my thoughts as I milk her fat nuts for every drop of that droolingly delicious fuckin' cum, jolts of liquid pleasure spilling out my hands and her cock alike as she sinks into it. I eeeeee reflexively 't the giddy lil rush of it as I roll back my eyes in my head and feel the fuckin' naturalness of being full of her and fucked by her and all the little affections and - 



Permalink Mark Unread

I saw in and out, ramming in, feeling the way she squirms at every thrust and pulse and press, relishing her as my restraints draws admittedly kinda thin - 

I pull her off for a moment, panting and purring in that tight little throat of hers, the white foamy slickness of my seed slopped atop her tongue. 

Gorgeous. I let out a happy little snort and just sink all the way to the base again, devasting her throat with my dick and just yeaaaaaaaaaah lessgo. 

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Slowly and then all of once she floods my fucking cumming throat, deep and rich and thick seed spilling down into my heaving trembling mouth and throat, white and pink and red flashing behind my eye lids as I loll back and take it like the bitch I fuckin' am and bonelessly slurrrrrp up into it and fall to the floor, gasping and grinning and giggling and nosing into her still so hard and fat and firm cockhead like a dick-lovin' ditz. 

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"I love ya, goddess." 

...I blush and flutter my eyes shut for a moment and bounce up again. 

"~Can we go again~?"