"I may or may not already have one."
He has to help with the part where his arms are hooked through it but then he is successfully topless. "I'm going to trust you on that, then," he says, and then he gives Arik a love tap with enough power that it could in fact at least temporarily lock a normal human's muscles.
(He does in fact have somewhat more intimate knowledge of how much electricity it takes to stop a human heart and he did not expect it to come in handy so soon.)
Arik's body jumps. It's not like how muscles are supposed to move, really, it's uncanny if you pay too much attention to the wrong places. But his legs lock, his back arches, and without any kind of actual vocalization, he cums like a pistol. The first two shots, as he spasms, spray Vallyn's crotch; the rest dribble out into a puddle on the floor, as his body relaxes back into normal working order, not really discrete shots so much as a lazy flow.
"Was that... so fucking hard," he breathes, once his lungs are back in order.
Vallynn is certain that if Taharqi had been rubbing him any harder he would've also come, just from watching this—and from knowing that he did this. He did not expect to be so into it but, perhaps, he is just very very into causing other people to come.
Obvious, in retrospect.
As it is, he's just kind of breathing really heavily and leaking even more heavily and helping support Arik's weight so he doesn't crumple down to the floor and he is harder than he's been in his life. "Hard is a very good word for it, actually, yes."