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some godsforsaken cave in the middle of the desert
Permalink Mark Unread

Arik has been traveling for... several years. He kind of isn't keeping count. Sometimes he spends a while not traveling; you rescue someone's beautiful daughter or handsome son from some kind of troll, and they insist that you stay with them a while and rest your weary heels. That usually lasts until they find him in bed with their beautiful progeny, at which point he takes his escape bag and makes for the road. But sometimes it lasts a few months. (There have been cases where it's lasted almost nine.) But he travels, and he travels in a generally westerly sort of direction. And he kills monsters along the way, because he's got a sword and some spells and that's often all it takes.

The villagers of wherever the hell this is have a problem. They have relayed to Arik that their graveyard has been losing corpses, at a rather alarming rate. (In Arik's opinion this is better than gaining them, but not by very much.) There are signs that the corpses have been vanishing into a nearby cave. In that cave is said to be a demon, but the demon has not done very much of note up until recently.

Arik does not care to give it the opportunity to do anything of more note, so he saddles up Tommy, his pecopeco, and rides him to the mouth of the cave. Hopefully there will be a rock suited to acting as a hitching post. It's not that Tommy will wander off, but given free rein he might camouflage himself under a bush so as to bite Ari's shins when he emerges, and no one needs that kind of stress.

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He can find something suited to acting as a hitching post, most certainly, so Tommy will not be able to sneak up on him.

As for the cave, it's more of a grotto, or at least it seems to be at first glance: its entrance is small, amidst some rocks, enough so that you could definitely miss it if you weren't looking for it and weren't walking so close to it, and it really doesn't look like it should actually lead anywhere. But if he dips his head down and crawls into it and walks a little bit further it'll eventually open up into a very large gallery, really wide and much longer than that, long enough that the light of Arik's torch cannot reach the other end. The floor is bare stone, dusty more than dirty, except for the trails of proper dirt that presumably-the-dead dragged in for whatever reason dead people may have to go into the place. These trails, too, lead far enough in that his light cannot see where.

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Oh, ruins. These are often interesting.

What if he turns the brightness up on his torch-stick. Maybe sends out a couple of extra lights to explore the room. (He'd really like to see the walls - and any hidden enemies, since witchlight is so helpful that way - before going anywhere.)

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There isn't, actually, anything else in this gallery, as far as he can tell. Various bits of the "room" are caved in, with mountains of rubble taller than he is here and there. They seem to be hiding absolutely nothing.

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Fiiiiine, he'll follow the corpsetrails. There is probably going to be an angry demon at the end of all this and it will probably have laid some level of trap for him. This, as they say, Is Fine.

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The cave gets colder, as these things do, the deeper in he goes. Cold enough that his breath starts fogging up, though of course not enough that there's any actual frost anywhere. Or perhaps it's just the lack of humidity. And maybe the cold isn't just physical. But This, as they say, Is (probably) Fine.


It takes some walking, but eventually he does find something that might be in want of punching or burning or slicing or whatever: a kind of spiritual being in the shape of a floating ball of purple flame, bobbing up and down in the air. It's not, directly, attacking him, per se, but it does seem to be doing something to him that doesn't feel very nice? Sort of psychologically? It's hard to say.

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How does it feel, psychologically, about his sword, which is also more of a spiritual than a physical entity, stabbing it.

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It does try to lunge for him when he does that, but it's not fast enough, and it dissipates without fanfare. And it does feel better.


It probably feels better.

The cold is probably somewhat less cold.

Wait, no, that's nonsense, why would the cold be less cold? It's just as cold. Isn't it?

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The fact that he is experiencing cold, when he was not only raised in a hut in the mountains-where-your-spit-freezes-before-hitting-the-ground but is wearing a magical necklace that has allowed him to run around naked in those very mountains, is deeply suspicious. He presses onward.

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There are more spiritual beings. Some of them were hidden, and become visible when touched by the light of his torch; some didn't bother hiding, and just wander around aimlessly. Some have shapes, like fire, or paper, or flowers, or air—wait, is being shaped like air a thing?—while others are shapeless, a hint of existence just barely this side of awareness.

They're not ghosts, or not straightforward ones at least. It doesn't seem like they're haunting anything, except themselves. But they're spirits all the same.

And they don't attack him, usually. They just hang around, and feel bad to be around, and once he kills them he feels slightly less bad (probably). Not all, though, a couple do lunge at him and try to do something to him.

None are very strong. None seem to be trying very hard. None take very many stabs to dissipate into the air.

And it gets a little bit less cold each time, except for how it's still cold.

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It doesn't really take a genius to figure out, which is good, because Arik is an idiot with a sword.

These things affect an area around themselves. As he approaches, things feel worse.

Things already feel bad, even when he's not near one.

But maybe he's near enough. To a really big one.

(That's, uh, been doing something with corpses. Animating them remotely, maybe? He kind of thought something was going to be eating them. But necromancy isn't exactly new either.)

This is going to suck, probably.

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He sees the first of the corpses at the same time as he sees the light. The light is, actually, pretty difficult to see, at first; it's far, or so it seems, and it's small, and it could be a trick of his eyes, or just another flame spirit. But it's different. And a lot closer-by is a corpse, the first one he's seen so far (wait, he thought that before, didn't he?), and it's lying on the ground, staring up at the (tall, tall) ceiling with empty eyes filled with light. Are they empty or are they filled with light? There are eyes, and it seems like there may be light, but it's not really there, and not really light.

Except for that one light over there in the distance. That light is real. It's the only real thing, here, even more real than the floor, solid under his feet. It's more real than he is. Doesn't he want to see it? Doesn't he want to know what being real is like? What being light is like? What being like is light? What light like is being? Doesn't he?

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In a blissful daze, he staggers forward. His mouth is half-open, his eyes half-closed; his hands are twitching at his sides.

Until he's within reach, at which point his eyes are open again and his hand closes around his sword, and he drives it home with all his strength.

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His blade is stopped, and the thing makes itself visible all at once.

It's big.

It's humanoid, ish, though sort of shapeless and of bizarre proportions. Its head is about half the size of its torso, and it only has eyes, no nose or mouth or ears. Its arms are short and its hands are huge—one of them is holding a lantern at the end of a stick, and the other is holding Arik's sword between its fingers a little bit like a toothpick. It's dark purple and its eyes are black as the night sky and filled with a terrible light, and it's looking at him with a tilted head, as if confused.

Then it's trying to pull him up into the air by grabbing his sword, as if assuming it's a limb of his and he'll just go up with it.

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At some point in this process, there was a miscalculation. Arik isn't sure at the moment where it was, because he needs to not die, and that means thinking later, and acting now.

First of all: his sword doesn't exist, especially not right now. His arms go right back down by his sides, and he jumps backwards and flings a knife at its eye. (The knife also doesn't exist, but right now it exists.)

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The knife seems to surprise it more than anything. It does land, and it does sink into the thing's eye, but it's not acting like it particularly hurt. Then again, who knows how the body language of this kind of creature goes? Regardless, it turns to face him more fully, its head tilting to the other side, and then it moves the hand holding the lantern so that its light is between Arik and the creature—

The light is more than he is. More alive, more living, more vibrant and happy and joyous and real. Doesn't he want to know how the light feels? Doesn't he want to be with the light? Be in the light? Be the light?

Doesn't he?

D̵̝͎̈o̶͍͙̅ë̴̼̻́̅s̶̝̼̋́ñ̵̡̺̋'̸̣̦̑t̴̮͋͆ ̷̡̾͘h̵̢͆ḛ̵̩̊?̸̣̳͘

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He's already taken a step forwards, before he wrests control back and turns on his heel to run.

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The siren's song of the lantern isn't completely gone—having looked at it up close, it's clear that it's been calling to him since he stepped foot in this place, trying to worm its way into his thoughts—but it's a lot easier to resist when he's not looking directly at the light. But the lantern isn't the creature's only trick, and it can get surprisingly fast for its size (although how surprising is it, really, given that it's more spirit than matter?). It's soon bounding after Arik, the shadows its lantern casts swaying wildly as it bobs side to side and up and down.

These halls are indeed ruins, though of what is not a question they can answer. But this means that Arik's way isn't clear of obstacles, and there is much to stand in his way, doors and walls and crumbled rock. And at some point he must've gotten turned around, maybe distracted by the light, but the direction of the exit isn't obvious at all.

And he will find the corpses, as he runs, but at this point it might start becoming clear that they, too, were just bait. The corpses were not the point; attracting prey who would want to know where the corpses went was. And Arik is very much prey, right now.

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Arik has ways of dealing with physical obstacles. It admittedly involves switching between a lot of fiddly states of mind, but fiddling with his own state of mind is about seventy percent of what he does. Leap over the wall. Move-like-that through the door. Switch, at one particularly lengthy stretch of rubble, to running along the walls - that one always gives him a headache, but headaches are survivable.

And, yeah, sure he got turned around. Fuck off with that fairy-hill bullshit. He's of half a mind to turn around and just fight the thing like a man, but. He would die. Badly. So he'll keep fucking running.

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Despite how it's mostly a spirit, the thing does seem to have enough matter that when it tries to clip around a corner or through a doorway it mostly causes a ton of structural damage to its surroundings. And this becomes very relevant to Arik very soon when a wrong turn sends him into something akin to a dead end, and the creature crashes against a wall when trying to follow him which causes the wall between it and him to come crashing down into more rubble.

On the bright side, the thing can't squeeze into the hole Arik's found himself in. On the less bright side, he is in fact. Kind of trapped. Right now.

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Some would take being trapped like a rat in a... rat trap... as cause for despair.

Arik thinks of it as more of a grace period, in which to figure out what in the living, breathing fuck he is doing.

He can't hurt the lantern-spirit meaningfully - or at least, not enough to take it down. Maybe if he knew more of the Art; maybe if he worked out how to bathe his sword in holy fire, like he sometimes dreams about.


He dreamed about the healing magic, too. Before he could do it.

He was dying when it came to him. His necklace hadn't been enough to keep him upright, and he lay there choking on his own blood, and he felt his hand reach toward his own chest. And he rose, on shaky feet, hurting all over but alive. It was like a miracle, in his hour of direst need.


Father of the Sky, if you're listening, he thinks, and moves-like-that through the rubble, blade in hand.

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It works! 

...well, kind of. His sword is bathed in holy fire, but just a little bit of it, and it does hurt and surprise the creature when he phases through the rubble, but just a little bit. Enough to give it some pause and look at the smoking cut on its hand, not though that it can't immediately try to retaliate.

It has claws, even though it didn't a moment ago, and it moves fast, though not blindingly so. It swipes.

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It can fucking try!

...oh, Mother, it can really fucking try. The Hammer-Strikes-Smoke Mantra works so much better when you can be the member of the equation who is Smoke. He takes a set of vicious ethereal claws across his chest, and... oh, those are bones. That's a significant quantity of his ribcage. He slams healing energy through himself and presses on.

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Is he sure he wants to do that? The creature is definitely capable of dishing more hurt than it's taking; being ethereal in nature, it doesn't work so much in a "has a body that can be damage in ways that impair it" way as in a "probably will die if sufficiently damaged but until then it'll just keep going" way.

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What a fucking coincidence. So does he.

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If that's how he wants to die, the spirit is ?happy? to oblige him. It's completely silent, creepily so, and it's relentless in its attacks. It also deals more damage per hit and has more hit points than he does.

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He heals, and strikes.

Strikes again, and heals.

Slashes furiously, without much technique, but with the burning resolve of a man who will not die today. He should have died a thousand times. He won't. He cannot die.

(He feels cold. That well of healing, how deep is it? It's never been tested like this. He's been hurt before, terribly, but not over and over and over and over -)

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There's a loud snap sound, and a woman in a monk's gi appears next to him. 

There's another loud snap sound, and now both of them are in the little safe hole behind the rubble.

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And the last sight he sees just before that happens is a man in sleeveless leathers with a shawl covering the lower half of his face, bearing two daggers as long as his forearms, stepping out of shadows not dark enough to have plausibly concealed him, pressing a flurry of attacks against the spirit.

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"Hello," he says inanely.

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The monk scowls at him then snap snap gets the rogue in with them.

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"Hello!" echoes the rogue. "We are here to rescue you."

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"Thanks. Usually I do that. But, um."

Vague hand-flicking gesture which sends blood spattering against a nearby rock.

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"Yeah, that looked tough."

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"This is a waste of time. That thing's beyond us, the bounty only said to investigate, and if this person really wants to take it down he should've just died and come back with a stronger party next time," she says, as if Arik weren't right there.

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"...I couldn't get out. And... dying... would not help???"

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She glares at him.

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"Sorry, we've been terribly impolite, my name is Taharqi and my friend here is Annika. Why do you think it wouldn't help? Do you not have a resurrection point?" He'd suspected as much, from the way the man had been fighting, but this seems like direct confirmation.

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(There's a thud as the spirit hits the rubble particularly hard.)

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"Arik. I do not and have never come back from the dead. ...I guess probably my heart's stopped a few times."

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"Me neither! But I guess this might be my first time, if we have to actually fight past that thing to leave."

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"Oh? Were you planning to leave this poor misguided soul behind to die without a resurrection point?"

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Why does he ask questions he knows the answer for. It's probably to make fun of her. ...it might be to make her have to admit it out loud. Well, she's not giving him the satisfaction.

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"Thought so!" To Arik: "So, what can you do, Arik?"

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...and Annika will grab some red potions from her pouch to offer Arik. She guesses.

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Potions! ...oh that's extremely nice.

"I have this sword," Arik says, holding it up to the light. "It doesn't exist," he says, holding nothing in particular. "Very handy when you need to cut your foe to the quick but something's in the way, like armor; it's real for the flesh, but not the steel. Similarly I have armor that doesn't exist and I can have a shield that doesn't exist, but I'm not as good with them. And I can do a handful of other tricks like that, passing through barriers or existing in such a way that I can stand on the ceiling. And... I'm blessed, I guess, by the Skyfather and Earthmother. She lets me heal myself, He guides my blade against the unclean beasts of shadow."

He blinks. "I don't know why I phrased that like that."

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This person is bizarre but since he seems to have spells (which she maybe should've guessed, given how he's equipped, or not equipped), she will also offer him some blue potions.

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"Beats me! Do you think these potions would be enough for us to make a run for it, if you can go through walls?"

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Blue potions! Oh that's so much better. He shudders all over.

"I can't go through much wall. Maybe a few feet at a time. If you've got a map, I'd be willing to try for an escape route, but I think that thing messed with my head so I lost my way out."

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"I know the way out. I'm more wondering if the two of you can outrun it, it was a lot faster than I'd expected just now."

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(Thud. Crash.)

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Well Annika could Snap away, probably, but that does leave this guy behind.

Also, they're on a time limit here.

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"I outran it before! Outran it into a hole in the wall, admittedly, but I did."

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"Sounds like a plan. I'll try to distract it long enough to give the two of you a headstart, Annika can lead you out?"

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"That's a 'yes, sir, that sounds like an astoundingly good plan, thank you for your brilliant insights and peerless leadership' in Annika's mothertongue."

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"I heard fine, you domineering prick. Regional dialect?"

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"It might be! And you managed to get a smile out of her in under an hour, you're only the second person I've met who could do that and I was not the first."

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"I think you were probably trying too hard. Annika, I'm ready to run."

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She nods, looks at Taharqi—

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"Ready here, too."

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Snap snap Taharqi is gone then snap Annika and Arik are out and she's started to sprint away.

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Arik can sprint. Sprinting is a thing he can do.

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Annika summons a large floating ball of blue flame that orbits around her while she runs. Its light doesn't reach very far but it does the same job as Arik's light of revealing unseen foes. Plus, whenever it touches one such foe it apparently does substantial damage to it.

She doesn't stop to fight anything, though, and just runs.

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"Hello! Fancy seeing you here," says Taharqi, emerging from nowhere and easily keeping up with the other two. "You know, that thing might in fact follow us out. That'd be a problem."

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"...I was holding my own, for a bit. I think I'd do better if I didn't have to split focus and attack as well. Do you two think you could take it down, if it focuses on ripping me open?"

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"How much hurt can you take? Annika can take a lot of it."

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"Am I being a domineering prick again?"

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"...I can do it. Tank it."

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"I can take a lot of hurt. Especially focusing on shielding myself, especially if I have one of those potions. And you saw how much damage my blade was doing. I think this is going to work better if you two focus on the offense - the faster we destroy it, the less it can hurt us."

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"Sounds like a plan! But let's worry about it if it actually follows us out, no need to borrow trouble unnecessarily. ...is that too much optimism? It might be."

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"Everyone loves an optimist, except the gods."

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The spirit continues to follow them, though the only noises it makes are when it crashes into things; even its footsteps are eerily quiet, and it doesn't have a mouth to make any other sounds. But they can outrun it, and the crashes become more distant, while the feeling of its hypnotic light gets weaker. By the time they're by the cave entrance, it seems like they've lost it.

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Taharqi opens his mouth, then closes it. "I am not going to say what I was going to say because it would just be tempting fate."

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Annika peers at the narrow entrance. "...how did it leave. Before. It cannot fit through this space."

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"To get the corpses? It could have sent those other little spirits, maybe."

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"No, not that. Our bounty was to investigate something harassing travellers outside, and Annika followed a spiritual trail here. What's this about corpses?"

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"The villagers nearby were losing bodies from their graveyard. I followed a literal trail of grave dirt."

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"Alright. So either that spirit was not the cause of the travellers' troubles—"

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"It was."

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"—or it must have some other way of leaving the ruins."

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"Does it seem to anyone else," Arik wonders slowly, "like this is suspicious. That lantern that it sucks you in with, like a fishing rod... the corpses, dragged in as bait for heroes... this trickster-trapper spirit, which has to navigate these ruins all the time, crashing into every wall it can, so you can hear that it's right behind you. And so you think you know when it isn't."

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It's so... cold...

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"MOVE!" he cries, jumping to one side—

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—at the same time as Annika Snaps herself and Arik away in a different direction—

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—at the same time as a veritable crater appears right where they had been standing, followed by the creature itself becoming visible as it's touched by the revealing effect of Annika's and Arik's flames. 

It's also half again as tall as it'd been and has four arms now, and its eyes glow with the same terrible


light that had been in the lantern it'd been carrying before.

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Arik flings himself forward and drives his blessed blade into its featureless crotch to get its attention, while calling up his shield on his other arm. He's on defense, but he still needs to piss it off enough that it focuses on him.

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The other two hang back to facilitate this process. While Arik angers the creature, Annika closes her eyes and starts to... meditate?

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The spirit may be smart enough to try to lure them into traps but it's not smart enough to notice that it'd probably better ignore Arik and focus on the other opponents. To be fair to it, it hasn't actually seen what they can do. 

To be even fairer to it, new floating flames start appearing around it one by one to harass them anyway, and looking directly at any of them has the same effect as looking at the lantern did.

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Alright Taharqi supposes his job will be keeping those off the backs of the other two, then?

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Sounds good! Arik will be busy fighting this thing with his eyes locked on its torso like his life depends on it. Which it largely does!

He is getting significantly less mauled, this time around. The shield helps a lot, and so does not needing to capitalize on every opening. He can wait it out.

(That doesn't mean he isn't getting mauled.)

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One. Two.

Small spheres of spiritual energy emerge from her body one by one and begin to circle her, even more slowly than her Ruwach.

Three. Four.

It's not a slow process, but from within the heightened awareness of a battle in progress it feels like an eternity. 


Once the fifth sphere appears, she opens her eyes and there's a boom of air expanding outwards from her, and at the same time a layer of red energy envelops her whole body. She looks at the spirit and then—


—she starts pummelling it. Punches and open palm hits, enchanted with Holy magic, placed with superhuman precision and backed with preternatural force.

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The creature is noticeably surprised by the sudden onslaught, and though Annika's hits don't cut the same way Arik's sword does they still seem to be doing a fair amount of damage. It's starting to notice that maybe Arik isn't actually the biggest threat here so maybe it should focus on her instead—well, it has four arms, so it could divide its attention—

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How about it gets stabbed about it? What about that proposal.

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Yeah it's having trouble actually going after her even though it's trying. It's very much not even that Arik's hits hurt that much as that they're physically getting in the way and messing with its momentum and causing pain, and trying to make him not be in the way means it can't get to her.

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And it's not like she's going to just let it hit her, either. She's not nearly as fast as Taharqi but she can still Snap. She's also consuming her spiritual spheres as she goes, and as they go down her hits become less powerful and fast, so she has to step away again to renew them. Really, the only reason she can concentrate on that is because Arik is distracting the monster and Taharqi is dealing with the constant streams of smaller spirits.

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This... this feels good. This might be what it's supposed to feel like. Blood in his mouth, lungs burning, bones jarred from ringing steel - and still fighting, not just for his own life but for theirs.

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Annika is kind of surprised that this is actually working. She'd have assumed killing this thing would be at least rank 2, if "get information about it" was rank 1. Then again, this person seems to have some very heavy-duty self-healing and incredibly high pain tolerance, she's not sure she's seen anything like that outside the Church's own Crusaders, so he might be kind of carrying all of them. ...then again, he clearly couldn't have actually taken it down on his own.

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That's called teamwork, Annika.

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It's unclear what tips the balance for the spirit, but it is smart enough to eventually realise that it's not going to win this, and so it decides that it should, actually, retreat.

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Has it considered, instead, being extremely stabbed.

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It has! It has decided against it. It turns around and starts to run—

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No it does not.

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Taharqi doesn't have cool sound effects when he appears out of nowhere—it would, in fact, rather defeat the point—but he does have the ability to do so and intercept the spirit. This means that the smaller flame spirits are not being dealt with, but if they can take the bigger one down they'll probably dissipate.

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Annika can optimise for something else, now that Taharqi is doing the damage-dealing. A change in her stance, a change in her punches, and now they're destabilising the creature rather than directly inflicting damage. Messing with its momentum, targetting specific points of balance, compensating for everything it tries to do to leave.

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It may be able to become silent and incorporeal but clearly it still has an Actual Shape, and even though it tries going smaller again that doesn't seem to help, so instead what it'll try to do is go big and claw Annika open from head to toe.

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...maybe she should've been expecting this but she wasn't, actually.

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"Shit." Okay now they really need to kill this thing.

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Oh, fuck that. Grab Annika's wrist and heal - it's always harder when it's on somebody else - oh that's much harder, actually. But the glowing brownish void in the center of his vision doesn't matter, she's back in one piece. He lurches forward for more stabbing, forcing blood to move through deadened limbs to kill this fucking thing.

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"—hold it still," Annika says, and starts meditating.

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Whhyyyy did that sound like she is about to do something very ill-advised.

Well, he'll do his best. He's not as good as she is at this but he can buy her time.

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Arik can do it too. He... doesn't have any specific tricks under his belt for this, but he has gumption, and blood slowly flowing back to his brain and extremities.

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One. Two. Three. Four. Five.

Then she reabsorbs the spheres into herself, and static starts to crackle on her skin and her, her eyes glowing.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five.

"Out of my way."

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...yeah, that seems like the thing to do.

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It sure fucking does!

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Her Snap skill is a modified Teleportation, in that it actually translocates the caster and passenger without going through the intervening space. What's happening here instead is sheer overwhelming speed, faster than anything Taharqi's done so far, faster than the speed of thought.

Annika is in the middle of a mid-sized crater, her fist buried in the stone, in the place where the spirit was just a moment ago.

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The spirit and its summoned minions are quickly dissipating, and the feeling of overwhelming cold and the negative spiritual pressure are all going away with it, leaving the place feeling very...


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And she collapses and starts screaming.

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Arik grabs her shoulder and tries to heal her, ready to pass out and - ah. Nope. Not the kind of thing he can heal, apparently.

...but, actually, he's had a very big day, and he is in fact going to pass out anyway.

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When he comes back to, he's in a bed, inside a dark room somewhere. He can see soft light coming through the gaps around a wooden door, as well as moonlight seeping around curtains made of cloth covering a window to his left.

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Even if his captors did not have the common human decency to cut his throat, they have rested him on his side and provided a bucket by his mattress. He vomits with the speed and enthusiasm of a seasoned alcoholic. It helps remarkably little.

He moans ghoulishly, wishing he were an Odinite so he could pray to one of their funny little men about this. He hears Thor is popular for this situation.

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Taharqi hears the ghoulish sounds and, a few seconds later, opens the door only wide enough to slip in before closing it behind himself again. "Hey, buddy. How're you feeling?"

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"Okay, dumb question," he agrees, speaking in a low murmur. "But on the bright side we killed the thing and survived! ...kind of survived! Annika asked me to kill her so we're waiting on that."

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"What?!" Arik tries to sit upright. Then he makes a noise that isn't really even sound, just air whistling out of his body - and then he clenches his teeth and gets out of bed, hissing. "Where is she?"

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"...back at the nearest Kafra headquarters, probably? Lie down, you're going to pull something."

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"She - she - they can treat her, there? She didn't... okay?"

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"...I think there may be a bigger disconnect here than I thought."

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Arik collapses back onto the bed. "She... you said. Asked you to kill her. Thought she was... worse than dead."

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He still kind of feels like there must be some disconnect, but. "I'm... not sure, exactly, how she was feeling? She was just screaming very much and unable to offer any helpful suggestions and the only suggestion I gave that she seemed to accept was killing her, so I did, and the hopeful expectation is that Kafra will be able to help her be in better shape faster than if she just waited it out."

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"Killed... help..."

He scowls at himself and clenches his hands together.

"People... die. You... don't?"

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...ah. Okay.

This guy has in fact lived under a rock his whole life.

That'd make some sense of some things.

He pokes his tongue out then lifts it up to point at a little piece of metal pierced into its underside. "This," he says, tongue back where it should be, "has an enchantment that, when it detects that my heart has stopped, casts a stasis spell on me and teleports me to the nearest Kafra Corps headquarters. Once there, if I actually died someone is immediately called to resurrect me before my soul is unreachable. Then, I stay in stasis until someone can get to me, figure out what was wrong with me, fix it, and pull me out of stasis. It's one-use only, and if I pay more when I buy one I get bumped up the priority queue. Annika is going to need to buy a new one there, but on the bright side probably the reward for what we just did will be a lot more than enough to cover it."

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Arik leaves it at that, for a moment.

"I'd heard stories," he says, when his head feels stationary again. "But... you hear stories. Thought it was... more on the Beowulf side. You know?"

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"Your reaction is, I will be honest with you, making me wonder what rock you have lived under. And, ah, I don't want to pry, you don't need to tell me if you don't want to, we've just met. But. People will be curious."

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Arik laughs, then very visibly regrets it.

"More of an ice-hut than a rock. There was a witch involved. Also, a campaign of deliberate misinformation. By the witch. Still... sorting that out."

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"...that sounds rough, buddy. Should I get you an adventuring 101 book, is there even such a book, actually did the witch teach you how to read—wait. You're fucking with me."

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"No, I was very much raised to adolescence by a woman with powerful dark magic and a really concerning personal relationship to the goddess Hel. She did teach me to read, though. And fight."

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"And she also gave you the... necklace and bangles" and literally nothing else "that presumably were pulling most of the weight of keeping you alive there?"

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"No, uh - I went down the mountain for festivals sometimes, and there was an old man in the village, Father Nikos, and I wasn't supposed to talk to him, so eventually I talked to him, and he told me that she was... how'd he put it, it wasn't wicked but it was something kind of odd and out of place like that? And he gave me the necklace and a little bell, and told me to sleep with the bell in my hand. And I did, and a few weeks later it woke me up while she was sneaking into my room with a dagger. And we fought. But she wasn't expecting me to be any kind of a real fight, and she distracted herself ranting, and I got in close and gutted her."

He fingers the necklace as he speaks. It's an unassuming little silver pendant with an embossed snowflake, and a tiny bead of a sapphire at the center.

"The bangles I just kind of picked up. Not all of them are even magic."

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See, Taharqi would usually reckon he's really, really good at catching lies, and Arik really doesn't look like he's lying.

"...you know, I have a friend that I'd like to introduce you to, I bet he'd have a much easier time figuring all of that out than I would. If nothing else I think he'd be delighted to walk you through the basics of adventuring, and I am feeling out of my depth here."

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"Is he hot?"

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"Oh, incredibly. He's also a fan of being naked, men, and naked men, so something tells me you'll get along famously."

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"Fantastic. Lead the way."

Arik sits up again. He takes it slower, this time, and his head has been hurting less and less through the whole conversation anyway; he makes it to his feet only wobbling a bit.

"Did you happen to rescue my pecopeco, by the by? If not we may have to stop by the entrance of that cave again, or he'll chew himself loose and wreak absolute havoc."

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"Yeah, he's tied outside. But I shouldn't, actually, lead the way right now, because I should still wait for Annika to be back alive and also I didn't just spend several hours passed out and will need some sleep myself. ...also do you have any money." And if so, where do you store it, he doesn't ask. "I'll be happy to cover your teleportation to Geffen to meet my friend and I'll share your share of the bounty with you but you might want to think about that."

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"-right, you're just visiting... ugh. I guess it's a situation where teleporting makes sense. How much does it cost?"

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"Prontera to Geffen would be... less than a thousand zeny, I think? Six hundredish? And when Annika's here she can teleport us to Prontera. Kind of surprised in hindsight that you know about teleportation but not about resurrection points."

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"It isn't as if adventurers were dying in front of me all the time! Anybody can teleport! Anyway, I've got that much, but if I needed to take a dozen trips like it I'd want to find somewhere to sell a ring."

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"Oh you'll almost certainly get about fifty to a hundred thousand as your share for that bounty, for what that's worth."

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"What am I supposed to do with it???"

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"Typically adventurers will use that kind of money for teleportation, healing consumables, and to feed the insatiable maw of the gear and enchantment market."

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"Those blue potions were convenient," Arik admits. "And... it would probably make sense to get more equipment. I just - it feels ridiculous to spend that much on it! If I gave a hundred thousand zeny to one of the people in this village, they wouldn't have to work for a year!"

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He probably shouldn't bring up the six hundred million zeny earrings he saw that one time even though Arik's reaction would be very funny. "That necklace of yours is probably somewhere between the tens and hundreds of millions depending on exactly how it's managed to keep you alive this long. How many lives have you saved, do you think, that you couldn't have without it?"

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He thinks about this.

"I don't think you're wrong. But it feels like... what I would say, if I were going to justify spending millions of zeny on shiny swords instead of on the people around me. And I don't know if I like it being true."

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"My friend will probably also have a better understanding of stuff like that. Market forces and the like. But that's the gist of it, if I understand it well enough, that adventurers only pay that much because it's worth that much. Or, well, I guess not all adventurers are trying to save a bunch of people as a, ah, an objective itself. But something along those lines."

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"I need to think about it. ...maybe over some food, I think it'd ground me. The locals have these really nice fried mutton-and-chickpea things, do you want one if I get myself some?"

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"Nah, you go ahead, I'm going to catch some sleep."

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"Alright. Rest like death, and wake to life." 

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"...is that a thing the evil witch used to say? It's badass, if a little creepy."

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"I've always thought so. The Cult of Hel isn't well-stocked with lullabies, but Beuriman was nothing if not creative."

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"You know, Hel isn't really meant to be the patron goddess of evil witches, in standard Odinian and Freyjan mythology."

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"Oh? I never actually got very much of a primer, I was born Deic and for some reason she raised me that way."

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"Deic... hang on, I know that one, is that the religion of the natives of the Arunafeltz States?" A.k.a. the country they're in right now?

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"Yeah. S'been interesting being around people who, uh, understand the religion. Mostly much better than I do. I stop in at the temples sometimes. -the main difference between us and the Odinites is that we've got the Father and the Mother and a couple others, but we don't give them... character traits? There's none of this 'Odin's beard!' or 'Freyja's saggy tits!' or stories about the Shadow fucking a horse. All seems a bit twee."

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...he cracks up. "You know, when you put it like that, it does sound a bit absurd."

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"Only a bit! But, yes, what I know about Hel is 'the girl Shadow, the one who's about people dying unpleasantly'."

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"I suppose that's a way to put it," he says, shaking his head with a small smile. "Anyway, I'll leave you to it, I'm running on fumes right now and should hit the hay."

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"Yes, hit your hay. I'm off to achieve falafel."

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It's a few hours later, after everyone except for Arik is asleep, that there's the characteristic sound of a teleport outside and Annika's blue silhouette blinks into existence for a moment before the monk herself replaces it. She freezes for a fraction of a second to orient, then makes her way towards the building Arik and Taharqi are in.

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Well, Arik's actually no longer in the building but running out the door with the intention of giving her a very firm hug.

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The close proximity triggers her fight instincts but she notices it's him and—freezes.

"What are you doing," she asks, after a couple of seconds of it.

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"Hugging," he says. "I can stop but I would prefer not to."

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She'll. Let that happen. She supposes.

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Eventually Arik manages to let go. (There's a few false starts first.)

"Taharqi is sleeping," he says. "Sorry for... getting you killed."

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She blinks slowly. "I asked to be killed. You didn't do anything."

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"If I hadn't been there you would have left," he says. "And told your Kafra people about the spirit. And they'd have sent someone to kill it who wouldn't have had to... do whatever you did. That was worse than dying."

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O...kay? She really does not know how to reassure people and doesn't actually quite understand why he seems to need reassurance. "I paid to be resurrected quickly. The only reason I took this long to come back was because I was collecting our rewards. Dying wasn't that bad."

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"...that's very strange to me but I'm not going to contradict you."

He steps back. "Anyway. I'm glad it went better than I thought."

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Right. Sure.

She reaches into one of the pouches attached to the inside of her gi to grab a small bag of money that is nevertheless a lot heavier than it should plausibly be able to be, and offers it to him. "Your cut. 83,334 zeny."

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"Gods, that's so much money."

He holds it up to a golden bangle on his wrist, then hands it back. It now weighs as much as a small empty bag.

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She accepts it and puts it away. "You should buy a resurrection point. The most basic one costs six thousand zeny and is available for purchase at the cheapest subscription tier."

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"I am absolutely going to do that. I didn't know they were a real thing. Taharqi has been explaining various things to me, like what a resurrection point is."

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She blinks again, a few times. He didn't know...? That explains some things. And raises other questions. 

...other questions she really doesn't give a damn about. "Is Taharqi asleep?"

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"Yes. You should go in and wake him up, he'll be happier to see you than he will be mad about the disruption to his sleep."

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"He likes you, and he was worried that killing you didn't fix whatever happened, and he'll sleep better knowing you're okay."

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You know what, that kind of stuff does sound like the crazy rogue. "I'm fine." But, alright, sure, she'll go wake him up, she guesses.

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(There is a small plate of falafel by his bedside.)

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...she isn't sure how to do this. Does she... poke him?

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His lips curl into a mostly involuntary smile. "Annika..." he mumbles, pretending to be talking in his sleep. "Annika... don't go..."

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...he's not fooling her. "I'm fine," she repeats, grabbing the bag of zeny with his share of the reward and tossing it to him.

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It hits his chest and he oofs with the sudden concentrated weight then starts coughing. "That was uncalled for," he croaks.

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"That person said you'd sleep better if you knew. So now you know. 83,333 zeny, by the way."

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"That explains why it's so heavy." He pulls it off his chest and drops it next to the bed before sitting up. 

Then he notices the falafel. "Aww, he's very sweet."

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Yeah, sure. "Are you going to sleep longer?"

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"After being so rudely awakened I think I'll have trouble going back to sleep."

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"So this was worse than useless."

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"Would it make you happier if I did sleep longer?"

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"Do whatever you want."

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"Well, I suppose I could sleep some more; we'll need to be around at least until the morning to thank our hosts for their hospitality anyway."

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"Fine. Good night."

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"Good night, Annika."

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That smile that she hates again. Fuck this guy. She's out.

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Arik is grinning like an idiot.

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Oh another smile that she hates. They're multiplying now. "What."

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"You're both very cute. Sorry, that house isn't very soundproof."

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She is a monk of Odin, she is not cute. "Whatever you say." ...but being resurrected means she's not at all sleepy or tired so she's going to need to find something to do with herself until morning.

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"Do you want to spar?"

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...that might be a useful way to spend the time, actually. "What conditions?"

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"...I should clarify that I have never sparred with anyone other than my deceased foster mother. Who wanted to kill me. Probably you should be the one to propose conditions."

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She nods. "To yield, immobilisation, or unconsciousness, then. Property damage or lethality forfeits, indifferent to blood or broken bones, nothing that costs over fifteen percent of your mana at once." That last part completely rules out the attack she did to kill the spirit, which consumes all of it.

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"Oh! Those are very sensible rules. I agree."

Arik shifts his stance. His eyes are strangely unfocused. His skin is still bare, but the light glints off something an inch above it. He's holding his sword, which is to say there is the intimation of a sharp edge somewhere in his vicinity. "On three?"

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"Yes." She's summoning her spirit spheres already.

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"One. Two. Three."

And he lunges.

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Annika's fight style is being both an unstoppable force and an immovable object. When she's expecting an attack, even one that is in theory meant to cut, she can often tank it. So she does not move an inch and instead prepares to intercept his blade with her bare hands (not that she's telegraphing it, of course).

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She may have trouble with that, actually. See, the thing about blocking something is that it has to be a thing, and generally, it should be a thing that exists. His sword isn't and doesn't. Her hands close on air, and her shoulder gets a fun new piercing, and Arik dances away.

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Annika Snaps out of the way once she notices he's actually managed to cut her but otherwise does not flinch at the pain. Flinching at the pain would not lead to victory, and she is the master of her own body.

...what the fuck just happened.

(Arik might observe that she is passively regenerating, slowly, just by standing there.)

She doesn't know how he did that. She vaguely remembers him saying something about his sword not being real? Cutting flesh but not armour? She's not wearing armour, and she relies rather a lot on her own natural resilience. If that's not going to work, she is going to need something else.

She'll change tacks. And for the first move of her new tack, she Snaps right up and close to him with one palm forward pressing directly against his chest with overwhelming force.

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He goes flying and lands in a plume of sand and dust!

Wow that's a lot of sand isn't it. Kind of hard to see.

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Well, she didn't use her eyes to find that spirit, did she, and she is nothing if not a fast learner. Sounds, smells, the feeling of the movement of air against her skin (she is not any good with that one, but the way you get good is by practising it so she's doing that), and the movements of the spiritual currents around her (also not amazingly good at that, with targets that aren't themselves spirits, but same), those are all available to her as sources of information about her quarry.

And she is fully immersed in her body. She's not moving, she's barely breathing, but she's holding herself lightly, ready to move at the softest touch. Brute resistance won't work, but she can still dodge.

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...some of those sensory modalities are being more cooperative than others. Her ears aren't picking up any of the sand-crunching footsteps, and the air is moving exactly as if there were no one else in this sand cloud except her. But there is a spiritual presence. In fact, it's quite bright, if flickery - a spirit overflowing, imperfectly contained by flesh and skin. She can even sense his sword separately from him!

It's coming for the back of her leg.

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She can move it in the same direction and at the same speed as it's coming, then, just as it touches her, so that it looks like it's going to connect until the very last moment, and twist her whole body just so, rotating around her other heel as a pivot point to try to land a punch on Arik from above, and four more immediately after if that one connects.

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Oh, it connects. He hits the ground so hard it actually settles a good deal of the dust cloud, by virtue of some kind of complicated downward momentum equation. He's also laughing like a maniac. Some of it's more like coughing. The dust, you know.

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Is that so. Then she's absolutely going to press the advantage, Raging Quadruple Blow into Raging Thrust into Chain Crush Combo, consuming a Spirit Sphere to make herself momentarily faster and stronger—

(He is going to need to do something because she can and will in fact just keep going until he's down otherwise.)

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Eventually he slaps the ground and laughs "Mother, mother! You win!"

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She stops mid-blow as soon as he slaps the ground (before she finishes her Chain Crush Combo) and steps back, light on the balls of her feet. Then she steps back forward and offers him a hand up.

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He takes the hand and clambers to his feet. He's moving in a way that indicates at least one broken bone, but probably one of the fiddly little ones nobody cares about.

"Knew you were good, but damn, you're good."

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...she smiles. "What did you do?" she asks, finally bothering to look at her shoulder to check how bad that was.

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No worse than a decently enchanted ordinary sword that happened to ignore the stopping power of solid bone. Fortunately, this means it didn't fuck up her bones or ligaments, because they're untouched.

"Mm. First of all, I'd like to disclaim that nothing I'm about to say is true, because truth and falsehood are lies humans tell about a fundamentally nonsensical illusion called 'reality'. But the convenient thing about that is that you don't actually have to tell the same lies as anyone else. Of course, there's more of them, so they're more convincing. But if you're good enough at lying, you can convince the world that up is down. And I can literally do that."

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"You said words but they didn't mean anything," she says, as she sits down cross-legged and starts meditating on regenerating faster.

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"I did warn you. I don't think it can actually be explained in a way that makes sense to anyone who isn't temperamentally suited to doing it, anyway."

He gets tired of the feeling of bone scraping bone, and heals himself.

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Well, she's found a counter to him. And... "What would you do next time, to win against me?"

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"Mm. How'd you see me through the dust?"

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"Your spiritual signature. And your sword's. They were... almost as bright as the spirit's, from yesterday. Different. Opposite. But bright."

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"Huh. That doesn't sound like something I want to fix, let alone something I can, so probably harrying you from cover isn't the game. ...I wasn't that badly hurt by the end, but it was hard to concentrate with you hitting me like that. Which I imagine was the idea. Still, I could've probably focused enough to get a blade back in my hand and stabbed you in the gut."

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"Unless you can move much faster than you've demonstrated, I would have dodged it. ...or I could have dodged it. What would you do next?"

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"An enemy who's dodging is an enemy who isn't beating me senseless. I'd have probably invoked the Hammer-Strikes-Smoke Mantra... dunno how well that'd work on you, but it's like the sword's bit backwards. Not being a thing-that-can-be-struck. Maintaining it isn't easy, I don't usually bother unless something seems like it stands a chance of really fucking me up."

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"And how does that make you win?"

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"Interesting question. I suppose it doesn't, but it puts me in a better position, doesn't it?"

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She shakes her head. "Yes. But. Choices are only good if you can use them to win. It didn't..." Words. How do those work. Come on, Annika, you can do this, believe in yourself. "It didn't look like you were taking actions that would cause you to win. Just actions that would make winning easier. There is a difference." Although putting it this way feels like she's placing the cart ahead of the peco peco. How would Fist Keera put it? She will try to come up with something better.

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"I think you might be right," he muses. "I don't do enough winning. I succeed, but it's because I'm very bad at losing. And... what was it that Beuriman liked to say, the undefeated swordsman must be exceptionally poor."

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She nods along with that. It's not exactly something any of the Fists have said but it rhymes with their philosophy. "Every movement, in service of your goal. Every cut, in service of your goal. Every parry, in service of your goal. Every step, every breath, every choice, every thought, in service of your goal. That is the way of the monk. ...you're not a monk, but..." If she didn't think that was a good philosophy she wouldn't have become a monk, now, would she? And she understands that not everyone should be a monk but she does think that everyone should have that philosophy.

Taharqi has that philosophy, for all that he's a nightmare to spar with and acts all twisty and she can't see how he chooses what to do; he still does win, too reliably for it to be just luck.

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"...maybe I should find a teacher. Not for the True Art, I don't think there are teachers for that, but - for winning."

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"'The True Art'. Is that how you call the thing where you don't exist?"

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"I call it a lot of things. I don't think it has a name, strictly speaking, but - the True Art is lying to the very bones of Ymir."

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That has a nice ring to it, she has to admit.

She hops to her feet and starts summoning her Spirit Spheres again. "Again, now trying to win."

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Taharqi wakes up reasonably early the next morning. He thanks their hosts, who thank him right back, profusely, for dealing with the thing that was stealing their dead. He feels bad taking credit for that since that was not at all mentioned by the bounty they'd been chasing but Arik did do it for that reason so he deserves those thanks.

And then they're ready to go. "So, Annika is probably going back to the Abbey for more training, but we should get you set up with a Kafra subscription and resurrection point, and then maybe I can drop you off at Geffen and introduce you to my friend? I'm probably gonna spend a while there, too, I haven't seen him in months."

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Arik is happy to let Taharqi take credit for dealing with the dead-stealing, because if Taharqi hadn't been there it wouldn't have been dealt with! It was a team effort. (However, he maintains that the granny who makes the falafel likes him better.)

"That all sounds great." Arik gives a sweet root vegetable to Tommy the pecopeco, because Tommy was a very good boy and did not bite off even one of Taharqi's fingers for slinging Arik over his back like a sack of grain and leading him back to town. Not for lack of trying, but still.

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(Taharqi was glad to find out that he hadn't been singled out for Tommy's murderous hatred. He had been feeling very hurt, last night, by how much Tommy seemed to want his death.)

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Annika grabs a blue gemstone from an inner pocket in her gi and crushes it in her hand, causing a pillar of blue light to appear in front of her.

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Taharqi steps into it and disappears in a flash of blue light.

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"Do I also..."

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Hop skip and a jump into the pretty blue light, Tommy following behind.

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It's... pretty anticlimactic, all in all. His vision flashes blue, and he finds himself elsewhere. It doesn't really feel like anything.

He's in a clean lobby that could belong in an upscale inn in some big city. There is a counter manned by five people with one hallway to either side of it leading into parts unknown. There is a sort of a lounge area with chairs and potted plants and some artwork. There is a door behind him leading outside.

The architecture and art are recognisably Feltzeen—polished marble, metal-and-glass hanging lights, a huge section of the floor is transparent glass with limpid water flowing lazily visible underneath—but it's approximately maximally sterile and inoffensive within those constraints.

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The sound of a teleport announces Annika's arrival behind him, and after she catches Taharqi's and Arik's eyes and nods at them she disappears into more blue light.

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"Alright! Let me introduce you to some of the marvels of modern adventuring."

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Arik follows dutifully, looking around. "Is this some kind of temple?"

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"No, this is the lobby of the Kafra Corps. They provide a bunch of services for money, and aren't affiliated with any governments or churches. Relevantly, the resurrection point, but also storage and teleportation and a few other things." He gets in the non-urgent queue to speak with someone behind the counter.

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"...kind of a money-temple, I guess. It's so shiny."

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"Ha. Yes, I suppose you would not go far wrong imagining these people worship money."

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"Reminds me of Lighthalzen," he grumbles.

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"...really? I suppose the marble and the water are reminiscent."

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"The marble, the water - we're an oasis in the desert, la - and they've waxed that marble floor. And they polish the wax. That's Lighthalzen."

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"The ostentatiousness for no reason other than itself? I can see that." He hopes Arik has never been to the Rekenber Corporation HQ because he might blow a gasket there.

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"Not understanding that there could be a reason for something to be beautiful. If you have a beautiful sword, it should be because it does its job and you take care of it. If you have a beautiful temple, it should be because you love your god and the beauty reminds you of that. You shouldn't have a beautiful bank. You can have a nice bank, because people have to look at it. But you shouldn't love it, and it shouldn't be beautiful. ...and you shouldn't polish a marble floor, anyway, not when people are tromping their greaves over it, it'll scuff. Leave the stone to weather."

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"Next, please!"

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"That'll be us," he says, thankful for not having to come up with something to say in response to that. "My friend here would like a resurrection point. He doesn't have a prior registration with you guys or Eden Group or Kuru Corps."

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"Of course." They grab a piece of paper and offer it to Arik with a ballpoint pen. "Please fill out as much of this as you are comfortable with. The only mandatory field is your name, but for best access to your services we should collect your magical signature for future authentication."

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"Oh, thank you."

He sets about the form. His name is Arik Bergson. How much of the rest does he even know?

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Date of birth, location of birth, names of parents, Eden registration, various identification documents from various countries, membership to any of a number of Guilds and other organisations, current address...

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"I would be comfortable giving you the rest of this information if I had any of it," he says, handing over the paper with his name on it and nothing else.

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"Naturally. Am I authorised to collect your magical signature?"

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"...what are you actually going to do with it?"

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"Use it as your universal identification protocol for you to access any services you may hire from us; without it, and with so little other information, it will be quite difficult to verify that you are who you say you are in the future, and so the number of services we will be able to offer you will be limited."

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"Mm. I'm fine with that, then."

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They grab a little marble square with a small spike in the center. "Please press a finger against this hard enough to draw blood. It will not actually draw any blood or hurt you at all, it will merely capture a snapshot of the stressed patterns of your signature. If you have any kinds of magical protection, especially mental or spiritual, please disable them or add an exception to them for this. It still works even if you don't do that, but most shields will make it easier for others to fake being you."

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"No, okay, I'm not doing that. Is there any other way to verify my identity, can I tell you my foster mother's dying words."

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This person is completely unruffled, almost like they deal with weird idiosyncrasies from adventurers daily. They take the square back and say, "A secret question-answer pair can work, yes, as can a regular passcode, or many of those. You may write them down or speak them aloud, and you may cast any privacy spells you wish to ensure the information will not leak to eavesdroppers. We are also happy to provide you with a privacy spell or a shielded room for this purpose for an extra charge."

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"I'll whisper in your ear, if you don't mind."

His foster mother's dying words were, apparently, If you loved me - if you ever loved me - no! No, you vultures - this was not glory! This was not honor! This was not -

"And then, you know, blood-choked death rattle. Not sure I can reproduce that bit on command."

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They write it down, reread it, then say, "Could you repeat that for verification purposes?"

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Yeah, he's not gonna forget it any time soon.

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"Thank you very much, sir, your registration has been processed. Now, if you wish to purchase a subscription and a resurrection point, please head down that hallway and let me colleague at the next counter know, they will be able to present you with our available plans. Have a nice day!"

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Off he trots.

"Good of them to have an alternative arrangement," he comments.

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"I would guess you might have been the second weirdest person they've had to deal with this week."

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"I'm not giving charming strangers my fucking blood, Taharqi. I have lived in this world too long."

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"I wasn't going to try to convince you to, the kind of—man, I bet Vallynn would have some fancy words for this like 'institutional trust' or something—anyway, I would be suspicious in your metaphorical shoes, too."

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"Quite! Which is why it's good they took an alternative."

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The person at the next reception is equally bland and professional, and presents him with various options for subscriptions and plans. The most basic subscription tier is 150z a month, and it gives him access to a basic resurrection point for 10,000z, plus a few upgrade options for extra money like an ability to customise the conditions for triggering the enchantment to a limited extent.

The expected time for resurrection is between 6 and 72 hours after death, depending on how busy his nearest Kafra office is at the time, and he can pay extra to be bumped up the priority queue but that works in a "whoever paid the most amongst the people who are currently dead goes first" way. They have a spread of how much people tend to spend and expected delay per amount paid, if he'd like to make a more informed decision.

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Arik would like to not die when he is killed. Further details are unnecessary. Minimum viable not dying, please.

Also, can they stable his extremely aggressive pecopeco.

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Roger that! They can help him with both things. His mount is sent to a stable and then, what kind of gear piece would he like the enchantment to be placed on? Earring, necklace, armlet, bracelet, ring, anklet, various kinds of piercing, there's clothing items too but this person is guessing Arik does not want one of those, they can enchant something Arik already owns but that might interact badly with existing enchantments and costs extra...

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"My companion has it in his tongue and that seems very cosmopolitan and exciting. D'you just poke it through?"

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"Yes, that's certainly doable. Please go into the room to my left and someone will be with you shortly."

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He can do that!

"Taharqi, will you hold my hand?"

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He blinks. "Sure," he says, offering a hand.

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Arik takes it. "When I had my ears pierced, a girl offered to hold my hand through it," he explains. "Because she thought I'd be scared of it hurting otherwise. I always thought that was cute, and since I've got you here I thought I might make it a tradition."

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"I'm happy to hold—my brain jumped to an innuendo that would be a lot more crass than I want to be and I can't find one that isn't—I am happy to offer you support, how's that."

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"I won't say no to crass, but probably not on the marble flooring."

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"Didn't you say the floor needed some wearing out? We could wear it out."

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"I think anything intense enough to strip the polish from the marble would get us kicked out. Also, unless you cum acid, I have no idea what could possibly do that."

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"That seems like a lack of creativity on your part."

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"Mr. Bergson? I have your enchantment ready," says a person emerging from a door.

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Arik dutifully opens wide and sticks his tongue out.

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And now he is pierced and healed for his trouble. "Thank you very much! Is there anything else Kafra can help you with today, sir?"

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He turns to Taharqi.

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"We'll teleport to Geffen later but for other services, maybe open a storage account?" He looks at the Kafra person.

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"That's certainly doable!" they say, turning back to Arik. "We have multiple tiers of storage service of increasing capacity and convenience. At the low end, you can rent a box and have a Kafra agent teleport it to you whenever you need it; at the high end you can have an entire room of storage including weapon racks, stasis chambers, cold storage, and many other amenities, plus the service of an employee to fetch anything for you so you don't have to do it yourself, plus an enchanted item that can teleport you directly to it and then back where you came from at will."

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"I'll take the box, thanks. Five-foot cube."

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"Certainly! I can register you very quickly for that. Do you have anything you wish to store at this time?"

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Arik looks down at himself.

Arik looks back up.

"I'm alright."

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"Of course! If that'll be all, then, I hope you have a wonderful day. My colleague in the main lobby will be able to teleport you to Geffen."

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"Thanks for all your help."

Can the helpful representative's colleague in the main lobby teleport them to Geffen?

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They indeed can! Costs this much.

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Taharqi can pay for it.

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Here's a portal, please step into it.

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Geffen's moniker is "the City of Magic", and it's well-earned. The Mages' Guild is headquartered there, but that in itself is a consequence, not the cause, of its focus on magic. The kingdom of Geffenia, which regained its independence from the kingdom of Rune-Midgard within the last hundred years, was founded by elves, hundreds of years ago before the majority of them moved back to Alfheim and sealed the entrance—and one of the main things they've always been great at was magic. And now, with magic back in the world and humans once more capable of wielding it, Geffenia has become the world power it used to be.

The whole city is roughly hexagonal, and is oriented around the Wizard Tower. It's arranged in concentric terraced rings of roads and buildings, with rings closer to the tower in the center placed lower than those farther out, and there are six main radial roads leading from the outermost ring all the way to the Tower. That means that the Tower is even taller than it looks from the outside, and looks progressively more impressive and imposing the closer to it you get. Couple that with the fact that it is visible from a fair distance away from the city, easily five times taller than the next tallest building, looking impressively wizardly—even to eyes that can't see the torrents of magic coming from it and powering various wards and enchantments all over the city, including a ward that covers the city itself—and you get a very awe-inspiring sight, widely considered one of the greatest feats of architecture on the continent.

And as if that weren't enough, the city itself is very obviously magical. The streetlights, not currently lit up this early in the day, are floating lamps with mage lights inside them. The plaza the two of them find themselves at once they've gone through the portal has a fountain with a statue made up of hunks of stone connected to each other by glowing magical tendrils to form the rough silhouette of a wizard with their staff held out in front of them. And though the staff is not physically connected to anything else, that's where the water is spouting from.

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"Okay, I can respect this," Arik judges. "It's still showing off, but magic is a much less annoying thing to show off than money."

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"Personally I like it for the, you know, artistic merit itself. Not just the showing off, but it's—pretty in the same way a painting or a sculpture or a song are pretty, you know?"

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"Oh, yes, it's lovely too. I just think... if something's ugly, that's the end of it, it's failed. If it's beautiful, I have more to judge."

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"You know what, that makes sense, I respect that. Anyway, let's see if we can find Vallynn," he says, and starts leading the way down the road towards the Wizards' Tower.

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Good place to start. "He's a wizard?"

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"In training. We met at the Academy a few months ago, we were roommates. —do you know about the Academy?"

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"Alright I'll leave it to him to explain it but it's a place sponsored by Eden Group—big adventurer org—that trains novice adventurers in the basics and streamlines acceptance into one of the major Guilds out there."

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"...Eden. Them I've heard of. ...you trust them?"

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"Oh, yes. With a lot more than just my life. ...I'm from Morroc, I lived in the city proper, the only reason I'm not dead is that I was away from it when Surt destroyed it, and Eden is the main reason why that did not go a lot worse than it could have. They got Rune-Midgard and Morroc to actually mount a defense and guarding system."

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"...that's good to know."

It takes a bit of walking for him to find what to say.

"Beuriman told me a lot of things," he settles on. "She was lying about a lot of them. But - some of them, they're true and nobody knows it. Anyone would tell me she was lying, and if I hadn't seen the proof I'd believe them. And she didn't have proof, about Eden. But no one would know if she was right."

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"...what did she say, about Eden?"

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"She said, it's really clever. See, they're really strong, those big heroes. And they got that way because they were so excited to fight and win and do the right thing. But normal people aren't like that - no, don't look at me like that, you're special, you're not normal. Normal people want to be happy, not strong. Normal people want strong people to protect them. So what do you do, when there aren't enough strong people? Well, eventually it'll take care of itself, right, because if there's not enough strong people, the way to be happy is to be strong. But that takes time. And they saw the sand falling through the glass - and it is falling, never forget it's falling. And - let me show you something."

He breaks out of the eerie reenactment, the pleasantly detached feminine tone. "She showed me a little magic toy, with two halves and a wall that was stronger from one side than the other. You could hammer away at the one end and it wouldn't go through at all, but if you poked at the other, pop, it was gone, and the water rushed in."

"That's the trick. Surt could have come here of his own accord, but it would be hard. But with an invitation, well, that changes things. I could've summoned Surt, if you gave me thirteen virgins and a white goat. But it wouldn't have done anything for me. If I want someone to be strong, I show them how to be strong. But those heroes over in Eden, they wanted something that made the people want themselves to be strong. They wanted a nice big sandbox where the boys who got big enough could fight big nasty demons and get even stronger. And they wanted to save the world from it."

"And they did. They got everything they wanted, and all it cost them was a few soldiers past their prime and a little secret."

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"...she thinks Eden summoned Surt? I—well, that would in fact change everything and I would actually want to destroy them if it were true, but it... I'd need rather extraordinary evidence, for that.

"Do you know the tale of Ragnarök?"

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"Yeah. Yeah, I know about Ragnarök."

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"So. Surt—if that demon is Surt—was fated to come, no matter what. If that demon is Surt, it seems—impossible—that it was people, on this side of reality, who managed to break the seal? Not without a lot of nudging from the other side. And I want to kill a god or two same as anyone else, but I would be—surprised—if anyone on this side could possibly claim to be that strong, yet."

They're at the foot of the impressive tower, but Taharqi wants to finish this conversation before walking in. "I don't know that I believe it's Ragnarök. But even if I don't, I'd be surprised if Thanatos's seal could have broken that easily. Baphomet's seal took a thousand years to break, and Asura was not as strong as Thanatos was, according to the legends, and his seal was much weaker.

"I admit it'd be a very tragic and ironic story, if what she said were true, and I would dedicate my life to burning Eden and everything it stands for if it were. But I really, really do not think it is."

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"...I absolutely trust your judgment more than I trust mine. Even if I have some disagreements with your premises."

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"Well. We'll find out, eventually. Beating Surt is my personal goal, and I refuse to stop or die until that happens, and I will stop at nothing to reach that goal. Annika feels the same."

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He takes a deep breath and recenters himself. "Anyway! Let's go?"

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"Let's go."

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Into the Tower.

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It's enormous.

This is, of course, unsurprising, but bears restating, because people often focus a lot on how tall it is and neglect to observe how wide it is. It doesn't use any kinds of spatial manipulation to make the inside bigger than the outside, but it definitely feels like it, especially with how the ground floor is laid out: a relatively empty atrium, except for a colossal blue crystal in the center, floating above a circular pool of clear water, raised on a platform, emitting a soft almost calming hum and rotating slowly and orbited by other, smaller crystals (though only relatively so, as each of them is about half as tall as a person). To either side of them, across the room from each other, are two sets of stairs set against the dark stone walls and climbing the tower in intertwined spirals. The stairs lead into ring-shaped landings hanging over the atrium, each successive ring thicker than the last so that as they go higher the open hole in their middles get smaller and smaller until, about two thirds of the way up to the top of the tower as seen from outside, there is a ceiling.

The landing is only relatively empty, though, compared to its size. Closer to the walls there are tables and chairs and bookshelves where pockets of people are chatting or reading or napping or staring at nothing in deep concentration. Most people are dressed as wizards, which is to say "in thick, shapeless, typically-dark robes with many layers, occasionally with pointy hats", and the average age is into 50s or 60s. There isn't anyone that looks very much like an apprentice of anything.

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Arik looks for a desk, like the one at the banker-temple.

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There doesn't seem to be one.

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Arik approaches the nearest bundle of cloth. "Excuse me, we're looking for his friend Vallyn? He's a wizard in training."

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"Are you looking for the Mages' Guild," they say, tiredly.

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"Outside," they sigh. "Not here."

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"Thank you!" Arik chirps.

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"I'm going to go ahead and justify myself by saying I've never been here and from their reaction this is a very common confusion but I probably should've asked someone."

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"We did!"

Once outside, Arik assails a random passer-by. "Excuse me, d'you know the way to the Mages' Guild?"

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"Up that road, just past the plaza."

As in, the direction they came from.

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That just makes him feel worse.

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Arik trots in that direction.

"Something wrong?" he asks.

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"Oh, nothing, I was just very confidently wrong and now I am paying for my mistakes in mild embarrassment."

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"Taharqi, there was a great fucking tower at the center of everything full of wizards, but not the specific wizard you wanted. I think that's more a prank than anything."

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...he grins. "Now that makes me wonder if it was a prank that someone thought would be really funny. Probably not, but."

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"I don't know how whimsical wizards are, as a rule! You've probably met more of them."

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"The one I'm most intimately familiar with is, I think, somewhat unique."

Now that they know that the Mages' Guild is by the plaza they arrived at there's one building that's the obvious candidate but just to be sure Taharqi asks a city guard about it to confirm.

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The building is shorter and smaller but its style is definitely aiming for something very similar to what the Tower was doing, down to an (appropriately downscaled) enormous crystal floating above a pool of water. But it's cosier for being smaller, and the little nooks with chairs and black boards and bookshelves and people are all more inviting for not being so far away from each other.

Also, this building does have a reception counter!

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"Oh, gods, another one," groans a mage that had been chatting to a couple of other mages in the middle of the room as Taharqi and Arik walk in their vague direction (as that is the direction where the counter is).

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"Another what?" Arik wonders, loud enough for them to hear but not necessarily in their direction.

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"Naked guy."

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"—oh, you must've met Vallynn!"

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"Yeah, I know 'im. You're looking for him? Figures. I think he was out on bounty but his room is 304 if you wanna find him."

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"Well, thank you very much, Mr...?"

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"Gaël. Not that it matters."

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"I'm Taharqi, and my friend here is Arik, so if you happen to run into Vallynn before we do please tell him we're looking for him?"

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"Sure, alright."

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"I apologize for distracting you with my penis," Arik says, in the cadence of a pleasantry someone learned by rote several years ago.

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He rolls his eyes and turns back to his conversation.

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"Don't tease the poor mage with body image issues," Taharqi admonishes in a low voice with a half smile as they walk away towards the nearest stairs.

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"Body image?" Arik wonders, not quite as quietly. "He looked very pretty. If he weren't wrapped up like a sheep for shearing I'd happily pin him against a wall."

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"Most mages don't focus so much on their physical bodies and so even the ones who adventure tend to be on the 'not unhealthy' side of lean rather than properly fit, so seeing an attractive naked man can make them feel self-conscious about how that is not what they look like under their sheep wrappings."

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"...I'm still lost on what about being lean isn't attractive. I know most people don't like when someone looks like they're sick or scarred, and I thought that was odd but they were able to explain it. But he's clearly had enough to eat, he's not that skinny, so he doesn't look sick, he just doesn't look like he swings a sword around. Which he doesn't."

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He shrugs. "People's ideas of what an ideally attractive male looks like are more like you than like him and even people who don't want to buy into those still feel pressured by them."

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"It wouldn't even help if I offered to have sex with him, would it."

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"No, probably not."

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"Ugh. People are ridiculous, I should've stayed in the mountains."

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"It's not too late to go back."

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"No, no, it's too late now. You'd miss me terribly."

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"It's true, I would. And I wouldn't want to waste the golden opportunity of getting you and Vallynn in a room together. With me, preferably."

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"I can't lie, the thought appeals to me too."

(Visibly. Though, for what it's worth, he's not one of those who ends up with a coatrack jutting out at waist height; it just grabs a bit more of one's attention.)

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Third floor.

"Let's see if we can find him—ah, actually, give me a moment, yes?" And he vanishes into thin air.

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Yeah, sure, he'll stand here with a growing erection and very little idea what's going on. That's its own kind of fun, really.

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It's only a handful of seconds and then he's back. "I found him, and he's not in his room. I want to hide you in there as a surprise gift to him," he says, starting to lead the way towards said room.

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Even more fun!

"Go ahead, do I need to do anything for it?"

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"Nah. I'm sure he'd be really appreciative if that were up when he walked in," he says, looking down and then back up, "but it might be a bit so don't feel obliged."

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"I meant do I need to do anything for you to get me in there. This is not going down."

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"Oh, yeah, I'll need to open it for you but." They're at the door now and he twists the handle and it opens. "I have opened it for you."

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"I'll make myself at home, shall I."

He does so! Lying on the bed, stroking just enough to keep himself at attention, a pace he can maintain for an hour if he needs to. He probably doesn't, but he could.

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So Taharqi walks over to room 308 and fades into the background.

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A few minutes later a person wearing the skimpiest possible thing that could still count as mage robes walks out of it. 

His waist is encircled twice by a dark red belt forming an X shape in the front and back. The top V section of that X shape follows his V-lines, and the sides are bare, showing the sides of his thighs and glutes. The lower part of the belt holds a pair of dark grey trousers, which start out skintight enough to show the outline of his penis but then flare out nearer the shins to give space for a pair of slightly less dark grey boots with black soles.

His forearms and most of his hands are adorned by a pair of skintight gloves (except they don't cover his thumbs and middle and ring fingers), which are the same grey as the trousers except for a few dark red accents.

And finally, the ankle-length robe topping the ensemble is sleeveless, its shoulders hard and angled, pointing out away from him. Its neck is long and it has clasps holding it together from his Adam's apple to the middle of his chest, with a single, large, blood-red jewel attached to that last clasp, but below that it splits open to highlight his bare torso. The outside is the same grey as that of the boots, but the fabric on the inside is dark red like the belt and the accents on his gloves.

Even to an untrained eye, the fabric looks very nice. To a trained eye, the whole thing would be easily worth some ten million zeny.

He's a lot fitter than most mages—in a lean and athletic way rather than the more classical largesse associated with heroes, but it works on him—and he's grinning slightly to himself as he shuts the door behind him.

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...okay, Taharqi kinda liked the jungle boy look Vallynn used to rock but he has to admit this looks hotter. It's funny that wearing more clothes than he used to would do that but sometimes that's how it goes. Also Vallynn looks—fitter? More adult? They are twenty, it figures that there had still been some maturation leftover to do—something, which Taharqi also appreciates.

"Oh I thought I heard familiar voices," he says, starting to talk before fully stepping out of the shadows.

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"Odin's sagging ballsack where the fuck did you come from?"

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"I was right here!"

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"Fucking Hel, man, have you been hanging out with Alph a lot?"

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"How should I know? It's not like either of us would notice the other if we did."

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"Yes, yes, har de har har. Come on, if you're going to show up out of nowhere to scare the shit out of me you may as well follow me." He starts making his way out.

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"Actually, can we stop at your room, first? There's something I want to show you that I can't out here."

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He stops walking and looks at Taharqi, tilting his head. "Sure? Now I'm curious."

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"Lead the way."

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"He says, as if he didn't know exactly which room was mine." But sure, he walks a couple of doors down and uses his telekinesis spell to unlock the door and open it.

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Arik looks up from his activities. "Oh, you are pretty," he marvels, slightly distractibly.

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He blinks several times.

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"Surprise! Meet my friend Arik."

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He turns slowly to look at Taharqi. "I died today, you know. ...or I came back today."

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"—wait, seriously, shit I didn't know, are you—"

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"I'm fine, this is just to explain the level of mood whiplash I'm feeling right now." Although his trousers are very bad at hiding the fact that mood whiplash is far from the only thing he's feeling. He looks at Arik again. "Hello, Arik, wonderful to meet you, I'm Vallynn. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

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Arik's gaze refocuses a bit. "Your friend saving me from dying yesterday, actually. I don't know that I'd be in the mood if he'd failed. Would you like a mostly nonsexual hug?"

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"...I'm really fine but if you want a hug I'm not saying no except fair warning I don't think I can make it nonsexual on my end."

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Alright Taharqi will shut the door now because he has a feeling this is going to get even less suitable for general audiences than just a hunk doing "activities".

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"I did say mostly."

Hug. With only incidental rubbing.

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Vallynn likes to think he's very good at hugs. The robe makes it kind of awkward but otherwise it is very nice to be hugged by a huge stranger. And nice in a different way that he's naked.

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"So what got you?" Arik asks, releasing him. "I don't know if that's polite to ask. For me it was some great bastard of a trickster-spirit with a hypnotic lantern and massive claws."

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"I don't actually know what it was. Some kind of fish holding a trident and far too proficient with both lightning magic and its teeth."

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"Oh, lightning, fun. - I mean, obviously not in this case, but. I've had a few very pleasant near-death experiences there."

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"...I do have lightning spells of my own but I'm not sure I trust my control with them sufficiently well to thread the needle."

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Taharqi walks behind Vallynn and pulls him away from Arik a little bit to start unclasping his robe. "But it would be fun."

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"...do you have the kind of fine control where you would be able to hit me with something... half as strong as the strongest you could?"

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"That much control comes built into the Skill. It's amounts less than the least amount of power than that that are difficult to control."

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"A Skill? Where's the Vallynn who invented a whole telekinesis spell on his own as a teenager? Surely he can come up with a lightning one that isn't so strict."

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"On the spot? Absolutely not."

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"But you already have one."

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"I may or may not already have one."

(He does, in fact, have one.)

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"I remember there being some other reason you wanted me to meet Vallyn," Arik comments to Taharqi. "Besides the obvious."

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Vallynn's bed isn't quite large enough to hold them comfortably but when they're kind of snuggling against each other like that it works alright. "Yeah, he's exactly the right kind of nerd you need."

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"...you need a nerd?"

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"He said you'd have an easier time making sense of... something about where I come from? Maybe what I do? He seemed confused by most of me, honestly."

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"Okay that makes me curious, what's so confusing?"

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"He was raised in the mountains by an evil witch, didn't know about resurrection points when we saved him from being mauled, was told some very interesting theories about Eden, has Skills I'd never heard of before."

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"...wow okay that's. A lot. 'We'?" he starts with, because that's the part of it he has the best handle on.

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"Annika and me."

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"Oh, so you went to visit her before me, I see how it is."

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"I can explain!"

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"Later, he's more interesting."

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"Ouch, wounded."

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"I really don't know where to start, I don't actually have a baseline here. Would you like to know about the Skills."

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"Absolutely not, I will want to write them down and I don't want to uns—I am being an idiot." He peers at a satchel that's hanging from a hook on the door, and it obligingly opens itself to allow a sheaf of paper and a vial of ink to float out and hover above the bed. "Alright, carry on."

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"So..." Arik closes his eyes. "It's kind of odd. Because I do have Skills, definitely. I've got Light, I've got - something about being very good with a sword, and something else about hitting people really hard with the sword when I need to, and healing, and I worked something out yesterday for making my sword more effective against the unclean beasts of - agh. Demons and undead.

"But the main thing I do, the Art. It lets me have a sword, even when I don't have a sword. And armor that isn't armor, and I can flicker through things and I've been working on control over my personal gravity. And there's more to it than that, a sword that isn't a sword can't be blocked unless you do it the right way. But those aren't Skills. They don't have a channel apiece. It's all just the Art. The Art has a channel. I can widen it as much as I want, I think; I certainly haven't hit diminishing returns. And it lets me use the Art. I do my own detail work, mostly. I know about techniques that Beuriman - um, the witch - told me about, and some of them are beyond me, but I don't hit them all at once."

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"...okay that continues to be a lot," he says, not looking away from the paper where he's frantically writing things down as Ari says them. "I'm going to ignore everything you just said about 'the Art' and we can come back to it later because what, no, that makes no fucking sense, let's focus on the Skills first. Can you explain them to me one by one? And I'll have questions, probably."

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"I started out good with a sword. I've widened that channel as I grow, because it seems like the kind of thing that keeps being helpful. I am now very good with a sword. That doesn't feel like one of the complicated ones. Then-"

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"Wait, hold on, so when you say widen that channel you mean you've strengthened the Skill?" he interrupts to ask. "Just to make sure I get you."

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"Oh. Yes. That's the phrasing Beuriman used, the 'channel'."

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"Alright, okay, gotcha, carry on."

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"I can focus for a second, and smite people with the sword. It hits about... twice as hard, I think, as a normal blow, the way I do it at the moment... I can heal; that one took me a while to work out. It came to me in dreams, first, I'd see myself laying hands on someone and their wounds would close, but it wasn't 'til I was cut halfway open by a fire drake that I worked out how to actually do it. I can heal my own wounds right up to the brink of death, not quite casually but without too much fuss. Other people, it's harder. Healing your friend Annika made me almost pass out on the spot."

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"What's the heal like? Can you control how much you heal, or is it a single burst, or is it several bursts? How is it harder for other people, does it cost more or does it do less per cost? Also when you say 'in dreams', what's up with that? —let me not just dump a bunch of questions on you," he says, pulling out another piece of paper from the sheaf and writing down his questions on it, with large enough handwriting that it should hopefully be readable.

(The ink on the other piece of paper is also being rearranged, a little bit, and expanded upon, though not much because he can't multitask that well.)

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(It's still kind of impressive, especially compared to the version of it he had back at the Academy.)

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"It's best on flesh and bone, won't do much for poisons except keep you alive long enough to purge it. I've never really tried healing less than I could, I just focus on the healing, and sort of... force it all out as fast as I can? More like a single burst, but I guess it pulses a few times in there. With other people, it feels like I'm forcing it through a smaller hole, and it wavers... pulses... more.

"And the dreams. I have these dreams. I'm the same as I ever am... mostly, I think I've got a beard sometimes... but I have a real sword, a great chunk of steel, and there's a woman with me. My wife. And we're fighting together. There's others there too, sometimes, but she's the one who's always by my side. And I can do incredible things. Not the Art, but I see myself bringing back men half-dead, cutting through a troop of warriors all in the same swing. Killing a dragon the size of this building, taking its legs out one by one like chopping trees and then driving my blade through its eye, burning gold. Glory, everything drenched in glory..."

He shakes his head vigorously. "Sorry. I don't talk about them much. Apparently I say strange things when I do."

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"Oh huh I had a pretty vivid dream of doing impossible things recently too but I don't think I got any Skills from it. Also I was the party's tank, which is pretty unrealistic if you ask me."

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"I had one last night—or, while I was dead actually, which is really weird because I'm pretty sure you're not meant to have dreams while in stasis, but maybe it was while I was bleeding out and hallucinating—"

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"Bleeding out? Vallynn, what in Hel—"

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"Tell you later, this is more interesting. Can you heal people who aren't hurt? Can you heal yourself while you're not hurt? Can you show me?"

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"Can't heal people who aren't hurt; I used that diagnostically once, to see whether somebody was bleeding inside. And, yeah -"

Arik stands, a good distance from the bed. He isn't holding a knife. It goes straight through his hand anyway. Then there's a pulse of energy, and the wound is healed, with only the spray of blood on his skin and the floor to show it was ever there.

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"—huh, not being able to heal people who aren't hurt is interesting, actually. Can you do that again but try to heal less? Or just be slower? And..." He sits up, looks down at his own hand, and frowns.

...actually he'll put down the paper and ink first and then try to experiment with magic in ways that might hurt him. There they go, onto his desk.

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And then, can he repurpose his telekinesis spell into something that'll cut? It doesn't seem like it shouldn't work, in principle; with all of the improvements he and the other mages he knows have made he has a lot of fine control and precision and efficiency, and it's just a matter of applying mana as pressure directly to objects, so if he does that directly to his hand in a slicing pattern—

"Ow, Freyja fuck me with a spear that hurt," he hisses, as he's apparently cut deep enough to nearly reach bone. He uses teekay to make sure he doesn't drip any blood on the bedsheets then says, "Okay, let's ignore me for a moment, we'll get back to me later." He needs to stop distracting himself.

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Arik prods him forcefully in the forehead. He is healed.

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"...I didn't have good enough reaction time there to actually watch you do it so I'm gonna have to hurt myself again you know."

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"You could hurt me!"

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"We can play later I am investigating."

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Arik takes Taharqi's hand then, telegraphing very deliberately, stabs him in the forearm.

"Are you watching now?" he asks.

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Taharqi is going to just stay very still here and ignore any physiological reactions he may be having.

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"Good." Another pulse of healing energy, and - the wound scabs over, but doesn't quite knit shut. Then there's another pulse, and it does.

"Fuck that felt weird. You ever try to stop pissing five seconds in? Agh."

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"There's exercises you can do to make that feel less bad, you know, and it also helps with orgasm control. Now do yourself, I wanna compare."

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If Vallynn keeps talking about orgasm control this is going be become less physiological.

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He stabs himself in the side, this time. Heal.

"If you wanted that partway I'm not sure I can actually hurt myself badly enough - it doesn't waver nearly as much, I wouldn't have a good stopping point until half my ribs were showing."

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"...huh. Okay I know absolutely nothing about enchanting," except for the tidbits he picked up here and there from reading stuff in the library or hearing other mages chat, "but I'm going to guess one of your items is doing something there."

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"...that'd make sense," he says, rubbing his necklace. "Thanks, Father Nikos."

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"Father Nikos? ...Nikos Velsignet?? You have a necklace made by Nikos horsefucking Velsignet????????"

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"...is that person famous, then?"

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"I never personally saw him fuck a horse, but yes, people called him Velsignet sometimes. I'm with Taharqi, how do you know him?"

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"Holy shit I need to introduce you to someone she is going to lose her marbles over a necklace made by Nikos Velsignet."

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Taharqi flicks Vallynn's forehead. "Hey, airhead, focus."

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"...right, sorry," he says, rubbing the spot on his forehead where he was flicked. "He's super famous because he's, like, immortal? I wasn't sure he existed and I'm honestly still not sure he exists but if he does and that necklace was made by him then it's probably worth like a billion zeny or something, and I am not using the word 'billion' as hyperbole here. ...he's not just famous because he's immortal, he's famous because he's immortal and he keeps to himself in Lutie and he makes the most bizarre enchanted things ever and if he likes you or the gods smile upon you or whatever he'll give you something and it'll be unique and plausibly the most impressive thing you'll put your hands on in your life."

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"A... billion... that's not. I know that's a real number but that's not a real number."

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Taharqi is whistling, though. "That must be fancy. I mean, the stuff he described to me was fancy, but—"

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"Enchantment often compounds and one of the things he's good at is making enchanted things that kind of work with everything. Or so I hear. Like—okay so I don't actually know to what extent this is really like how it works but a way I've seen it described is that enchanting is sort of like making a statement about who and what you are to the world. And so you usually will make a sentence or a paragraph out of the stuff you're wearing, and that's why adventurers don't just stack up on enchanted stuff until they're just a barely-mobile bundle of bling, the sentences need to make sense. And if each individual enchanted item is like a word in that sentece, Nikos Velsignet's stuff is like the word 'the'. It just—fits most sentences.

"Which is to say that I am positive there are effects you have no idea about just waiting to be discovered when you get other things to synergise," he says, to Arik specifically. "But what do you know about it?"

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"It's kept me alive. I'm harder to hurt than I should be, and I come back from anything that leaves me still breathing. And I don't get hungrier than I could eat, or thirsty at all, and when I do eat, nothing... comes of it... and I can swim under ice or walk for days through the desert sun or hold my breath for nearly an hour. I don't know about any other effects. But it's very good at keeping me in one piece."

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Halfway through that, Vallynn starts cursing profusely under his breath. By the end of it he's quiet again and trying to do some quick maths about how much it'd all actually be worth, on the market, trying to account for any effects Arik hasn't discovered yet.

He's not sure the number he comes up with could possibly be real, either.

"Are you okay taking it off and trying to heal yourself again to see if anything changes?"

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He clutches it in his hand.

"I... haven't."

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"...you don't need to, it's just—well, it's mostly—scientific curiosity. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

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"Thanks. I'm already uncomfortable with what you've told me, I don't need to add... that."

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He nods. "Sorry. We don't need to keep going, if you don't want to." Even though he is dying of curiosity.

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"Not knowing doesn't help. Except for, you know, how it did. But it's not going to help now."

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That sounds like tempting the hamingja but he's not going to argue. "So, anyway, assuming it is your necklace that's making healing you easier, I think you've got a reasonably standard Heal Skill there, or maybe some strange cousin. Which is bizarre, if you got that from a dream. The actual full form of the Heal Skill is a pretty closely-guarded secret by the Churches of Odin and Freyja, there are variants around but none nearly as good as what the Churches have."

...honestly, Vallynn isn't sure why it should be so hard, now that he thinks about it. It's obvious what it's doing—well, not obvious obvious, you can't actually glean the full mechanics of most popular Skills in use from just looking at them because they're just that mana-efficient, but from the effects and from what he can see it's kind of obvious, and sounds monstrously complex, but not in an intractable way.

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"...I do... he does invoke Freya when he does it. I don't. What with being Deic."

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"Oh I mean if there are any Skills that require invoking any gods I don't know them, it's just a purely practical matter of trade secrets. The Churches seem to have some way to reliably teach their members how to get the standard Heal skill in a way those people can't then replicate while anyone outside the Churches trying to do it without instruction will only get it right about one in a hundred times or less while everyone else gets clearly inferior cousins of it, which means that most people don't actually try because it'd be a waste of a Skill slot."

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"No, I mean - every time he heals, he says a prayer. Every time he eats. Every time he kills someone. He's more faithful than people are. Normal people. I wouldn't - mm. If he were real, I wouldn't be surprised at all if he'd trained with the Church."

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"Oh wait you're thinking you—dreamt someone real? That, like, really existed at some point?"

He doesn't sound disbelieving; there is far too much shit in this world that no one understands and "Arik dreams of a real person and learns Skills from them" would be bizarre but he knows nothing that would prohibit it from happening.

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"The more I think of it, yeah. I mean - dreams, right - but that's not how dreams work, I don't think? People talk about these dreams they have where their shoes bite them, or their cow grows wings, and I remember having those when I had my milkteeth, but... they stopped. And it's just him now. And he's like me, but not just some ideal of me, right, he's powerful but he can't do some of what I can and I don't want to mutter about Thor for five seconds between every round of beer. He's just different."

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"Do you know if it's, like, someone from the past or present? ...or maybe future, if some people's theories about the nature of time are right?"

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"...I don't know for sure, but. He's got a castle, I think he might've built parts of it himself or at least come up with them. And he... feels... proud of the wrong things? His wife came up with these cunning little stones that cool down part of the cellar, so you could just pour in wellwater and shave it off into a bowl, pour in some honey or fruit juice... it's just like snow-sweets, taste it! In the middle of summer! Isn't my-"


He flinches.

"...clever. Isn't she clever. But I don't know her name. ...anyway, I don't think you have to invent coldstones anymore."

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"You... don't, no."

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Taharqi, though, is looking thoughtful. "I haven't forgotten my dream."

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"Beg pardon?"

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"It's been weeks but I still remember it. And I didn't know their names, either. We were in Glastheim, and I'd died, but Kafra didn't exist, or at least I didn't think of it as a possibility. My party's priest brought me back after they'd retreated.

"I think Glastheim being filled with ghosts was a recent event in it. And I don't know their names and it's bugging me so much. I don't even know the name of the archer's wolf, even though I was petting her and telling her what a good girl she was."

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"So about three hundred years ago, then? ...well, now I'm curious about my dream, too. We had just defeated something called 'the Destroyer' but I don't know of any historical monster by that name offhand." Is he seriously considering the possibility that they're all connected to past heroes, somehow? That seems a bit too storylike even for him.

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"It does seem... generic. Or absolute. Whoever named it either wasn't very creative, or they were very sure that this was the worst thing that would happen in a long time."

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"If it's very absolute it might be in history books and if I find a person from however long ago who killed a thing called the Destroyer and who matches my dream I am really not sure what I'll do about that."

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"Were they a mage? You could learn magic from them."

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"They were a mage. It'd feel a bit like cheating but on the other hand what matters is the results."

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"It's not cheating if you take their work and improve on it. Also, cheating is a fake idea."

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"Yes, yes, I'm not going to actually not do it if I happen to have any dreams with him in which he is doing some cool unknown magic, it will just singe my pride."

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"You've got Heal—or, a cousin of it, actually, you said it doesn't go if someone doesn't need it, but otherwise it seems to work identically to our current best Heal—and a sword passive, that's probably something standard, you've got this smite Skill, what else?"

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"Ah - yesterday, I worked something out while fighting that spirit. It was barely getting scratched by my sword, and I remembered a thing he could do, covering his sword in holy fire that cut through demons and undead like butter. And I tried doing that. It didn't feel like it was hitting as hard as it should, but it did let me hurt it."

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"Holy fire, hmm, maybe Demonsbane? Do all of your proper Skills that aren't whatever that other thing you mentioned is come from your guy?"

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"Beu taught me Light. Other than that, no."

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"Which one are you calling Light, I know of like seven of those."

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"He had a magic light attached to a torch and it revealed hidden enemies."

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"...I now know of like eight of those!"

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"It can attach to other things!"

He pops a light globe onto Vallyn's shoulder.

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Vallynn moves his shoulder and then leans this way and that to watch it follow him. "What's the reveal range?"

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"I haven't widened the channel since she died - it's like ten, fifteen feet? You can see the light's pretty dim. When I need a lot of light I send out the rest of them to stick to the walls."

Demonstratively: that. Three more globes of light emanate and take a wobbly path to the walls of the room, where they cling and continue glowing.

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"—I suppose it stands to reason you can do multiple but I'm still surprised, I only know of one other Light that does that."

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"Yeah, it's definitely weird, but without that they wouldn't be very good at the point of the Skill."

One of the globes, which neither Taharqi nor Vallynn is looking directly at, abruptly flares so brightly that if either of them was looking directly at it they'd regret it. Then it dissipates.

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"The point?" he says, looking over at where it used to be now that it's not.

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"They're traps! I can only do the flashy one, but Beuriman had lights that poison, lights that burn, lights that petrify..."

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"Oh that sounds useful as Hel."

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"Can it do exclusions or does it affect everyone?"

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"It excludes me. And it won't hurt people I love. ...which would be inconveniently specific for most adventurers except I'm broken in various fascinating ways so I'm pretty sure it would exclude Taharqi and Annika and in a few days it'd probably exclude you too."

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"Would it be faster to exclude me if we also had a near-death experience together?"

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"I think we've all had enough near-death experiences for the moment."

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"Taharqi I knew you were a hypocrite but this is completely new levels."

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"I am not a—" He cuts himself off and tries to think about what he'd say if someone else tried to prevent him from having a new near-death experience after he'd just had one. "...okay, fine, I'd just rather people I like not get seriously hurt."

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"Ah huh. Unless it makes them come."

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"Would that even count as 'seriously hurt'?"

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"With that amount of electricity? Yes."

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"Oh, come on, serious isn't objective. You might as well say I'd be poisoning myself by eating a head of garlic because it'd kill a dog."

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"Fine, fine, I suppose you are looking a lot more hale and healthy than—you should be."

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"Alright, then, the Ar—" He is interrupted by his stomach growling, cartoon-style. "...okay I do need to eat, myself, actually. Is this conversation confidential or can we go somewhere to grab a bite?"

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"Not confidential. ...probably don't mention the billion zeny thing. But the Art isn't a secret I need to keep."

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"I will refrain from mentioning it." It's more like seven billion zeny, actually, but he won't mention that either. "Alright, hyup," he says, hopping off the bed and looking around for the pieces of his clothes.

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Taharqi will do the same, then.

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And Arik won't!

(He will find a decent washcloth, though. Going around nude is one thing, but fluids are not really to be borne.)

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Vallynn looks over his shoulder at him. Then he looks around the room. Then he looks at Arik again. "Do you want to get washed up? I've got a laundry slash shower spell in the works but it's not yet safe for humans."

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"—wait, seriously?"

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"Yep! My party will be the least stinky adventuring party in the world."

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"Oh, yes please. I assume if it flays me it won't be in a way that results in more mess?"

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"—no, I meant showing you the washroom, my spell is actually not in fact at all safe. It might or might not evaporate all of the blood in your veins and I don't think your necklace is rated for that."

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"Wait could that be used offensively?"

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"Presumably but like all spells it needs to pierce through magic defence when resisted and it has zero defence-piercing mechanisms since it has not been designed for that."

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"Ah. And it's one of those that would fall apart completely if I did resist enough to keep it out of my orifices? Sad."

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"It might not but I want to refine it and test it further on things that do not have blood before I move on to live human experimentation. And in the meantime: washroom?"

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"Yes, quite, lead the way."

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Vallynn doesn't put his actual robes on, because honestly he can't be bothered, nor his gloves, and his boots trail after him telekinetically, so he's only in his trousers.

"How'd you get in anyway?" he asks, after unlocking and opening his door.

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"If you want to keep a rogue out of your room you are going to need something better than a lock."

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"Fair shout, maybe I should look into magical locking."

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"All these locks. City folk are so antisocial."

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"People could try to steal my stuff! Had I anything worth stealing! Which I'm sure I will someday!"

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"I can't recommend it."

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"...you know what, fair enough. Oh! Hold on." He turns around and sprints back the few paces to his room so that he can grab his paper and ink before rejoining the other two. "I am still going to have so many questions."

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"Just don't bathe it with you."

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"I've got a drying spell! ...which would probably target the ink too, hmm. Maybe I could—no, that'd require too much sustained attention—yes, I'll be careful."

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The washroom isn't really that far, though, just at the end of the hallway. There are communal showers and baths, all of which are powered by magic drawing from the magic crystal in the center of the building, which functions as an enormous mana battery that pretty much every mage in the building is constantly feeding into whenever they're not using it.

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"Oh, lovely, like having a swimming pond right near your bed."

Arik makes as if to leap into one of the larger communal baths, then remembers Vallynn's paper and wades in instead.

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...that's adorable. Arik is adorable.

Alright, anyway, Vallynn also wants to get the dry cum off him and, most importantly, off his clothes, but he doesn't want to actually go into a bath so instead he just uses the shower for both things.

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"...I'm assuming you have a spell to dry your clothes or something?"

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"Mind sharing?"

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"It'll cost you."

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"How much?"

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"I'll decide later."

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"What am I getting myself into," he says, grinning, but he does start undressing again. He's regretting having gotten dressed in the first place, honestly, his gear has too many belts and buckles.

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"Nothing you'll regret, I'm sure," Arik contributes.

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"I think Vallynn might be too squeamish to make me pay something I regret."

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"I think I am just actually not able to do that, you get off on everything."

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"You're not wrong."

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But bantering aside, after making sure Taharqi isn't carrying any potions or poisons or whatever else which would be damaged by having all of its water evaporate, Vallynn is perfectly willing to dry Taharqi's clothes. Then they can go. "We could eat at the cafeteria here but I feel like I'd be a bad host if we did that. Even though I wasn't expecting any guests."

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"I have recently come into money. We could go be frivolous about that."

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"I think you're a little bit too illiquid. But no, Taharqi's treat, he's the one who showed up unannounced and dragged you with plus he's loaded."

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"...I am?"

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"I saw the daggers you had hanging off the rack back at the Academy. That was money."

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"Nothing gets past you, huh?"

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"If you really wanted to be stealthy about it I'm sure you could've."

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"I do have a lot of money, yes," he admits with a shrug of his own. "But—well, I guess I want to say that my family has money. I don't use it very much. The daggers were heirlooms."

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Aaaand he's from Morroc so the topic of family cannot be that comfortable. "Sorry."

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"It's fine. Bottom line is, yes I can in fact pay for food."

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"Good! I'm - well, not hungry, but excited to try the local cuisine. And I haven't found the conversation that goes worse over food, though admittedly I've rarely had conversations about the Maybe Sword."

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"I'll do my best not to disappoint." He starts to lead the way down the hallway.

"So where were we, right, you'd just explained how your bizarre Light works. Are there any other Skills you haven't mentioned yet?"

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"No, I funnel most of my potential into the channel for the Art."

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"Right. Okay. Sure. Alright. That thing. Okay." He takes a deep breath. "Arik, tell me about the Art."

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"So, how much do you know about koan? Like, 'if a tree falls and no one hears it, does it make a sound', that's the easiest one I know."

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"Not. Or, I mean, I've heard that one before, but not the word koan, I'm not sure what the category refers to."

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"They're... aids to understanding things that aren't meant to be understood. Generally the answer can't be expressed per se - 'yes' and 'no' are both wrong, about the tree question, even though it's one of the ones you can actually answer if you try, and they only get more complicated. Thinking about the question that's being asked leads you into an understanding of the truth it's gesturing at. In this case, I express it as 'it almost certainly makes a sound, but the sound doesn't matter in any real way to the rest of the world, and if it didn't make a sound we wouldn't know about it so we can't be sure, and thus both answers are meaningfully correct, which is almost always true of everything.' Which is one of the fundamentals of the Art. Nothing is really true and nothing is really false."

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"...in retrospect this reaction was obvious."

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"No, no, I'm not going to argue with the premise," he says, to himself more than anyone else, "it's magic, if it works it works. But, like, what, exactly, is it that works?"

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"If it was true that I didn't have a knife," Arik says, flipping a knife into the air and catching it point-down, "I couldn't do this. On the other hand, if it was true that I had a knife," he says, plunging it into his chest and leaving the hilt in place despite the lack of any wound or blood, "then this would not be at all comfortable. The principle holds for other objects - I can be wearing armor, or boots, or iron knuckles - but a blade is one of the simplest things you can imagine. It cuts. Or, as you prefer, it doesn't."

He breathes in and out, and steps left to walk along the wall for a while. "If it were unconditionally true that down is that way," he says, pointing rightwards with his eyes closed, "I could obviously not do this. If I were definitely a solid object, I would be leaving footprints all over this wall and whatever paintings or other decorations it might have." (He isn't.) He hops back to the floor without missing a beat. "And there's some other tricks I think I might be able to manage at some point. I think I could grow or shrink, if I worked on the perspective issues that mess with me when I shift gravity. I could jump from unobserved place to unobserved place, if I were a little better at ignoring the evidence of my own perceptions. ...if I were really good, I could cut a mountain in half. I don't know that I'd want to. But I could."

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"No, okay, hang on, I can't not argue with the premise here, whatever your mental states may be to do whatever it is you're doing mountains are big, they're not a matter of perspective, the amount of mana—"

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"Oh, I'm not spending mana."

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"Would you spend two decades perfecting a technique that lets you do half a dozen simple tricks the same way everyone else does them? My repertoire is not, objectively, that impressive. In most areas."

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"Yes! Yes I would!!!! If it let me cut mountains in half through a trick of perspective—can you believe you can kill Surt? Can you believe that really, really hard? Hang on I'm sure there are books on mind control in the library maybe we could make you really really believe it—"

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...okay that. Had. Not occurred to him at all as a possibility? It's probably not possible, but.

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"Not how this works. I know I'm not doing a very good job of explaining it, but... not how this works. If it was, you'd know my mother by name, because she'd rule the continent."

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"...right. Okay. But. Why is this not how it works, then? How is Surt different than a mountain?"

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"Mountains... are very big, right. They're a lot of rock and dirt and sometimes magma. But they're not... complicated? They don't think. They don't have - if there's something inside a mountain, it's a cave, or a different kind of rock or metal, or something. Maybe the cut will intersect a bear, or some trees. Maybe it'll hit an old dwarvish mine - that might actually mess up the technique. On the other hand, it might not."

"Surt is big. And Surt is... deep. Surt is a lot of things. He's got meat in him, probably, flesh and blood and bones, all reinforced against attack, not in the way that stone's hard to cut but in the way that it's hard to kill a man who doesn't want you to kill him. He's got magic in him, roiling oceans of it. He's a demon, he's a god. He's got belief. Some people worship him. Everyone at least fears him. He's got a story."

"If I tried to cut him like that, my sword would shatter in my hands. And I think I'd go with it."

He sighs explosively. "Also, separately, mind-controlling me to believe in myself won't work. The fact that none of this is true doesn't mean I'm making it up. It'd be like trying to sculpt an entire cow out of ground beef."

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"Well, what if you had a better story, then? A bigger one? One more people believed in? Some people worship him, but it's not that many, at least not over here on Midgard, and what—I mean I guess it could get really uncomfortable to be worshipped and I don't even know how I'd go about doing it but—no I obviously don't understand any of this, you're the Artist, not me, sorry, I got carried away."

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"You're closer than most get, I think, but... no, worshiping me wouldn't be a good way to get anything done."

(He sounds sort of thoughtful, though.)

"Anyway, none of that's to say that I couldn't fight Surt when I'm ready. Nor that being able to cut a mountain wouldn't help. But you use different tools for different jobs."

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"Alright. Okay. But I still want more details, that was all kind of vague and I guess from what you said it's kind of inherently vague but still. What else can you do?"

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"...that really is most of it, I wasn't kidding when I said my repertoire was limited. Annika kicked my ass, and Taharqi would probably have an even easier time, he's twisty. I could probably beat you but I don't think that's a terrific surprise. The blade's stronger than a normal sword but what do I know about fancy magic swords; same with the armor. Um... sometimes I can sort of slip past magic, I should work more on that but it's hard to practice when I don't have somebody to toss fire at me recreationally."

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"He's really selling himself short, there. He tanked a rank 2 bounty for us."

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"You're rank 2 already?"

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"Nope! And he doesn't have a rank, either!"

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"You know perfectly well what tanked that bounty," Arik mutters.

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"Wait if he doesn't have a rank how'd you two meet?"

They finally step outside the mages' guild and, after looking around a bit, Vallynn decides on a direction and starts going that way.

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"We ran into each other entirely by coincidence. Annika and I were chasing a bounty and he'd heard of the same thing just by chatting to people, and he almost died, and he hadn't ever been to a Kafra and didn't have a resurrection point."

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"Right, you mentioned."

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"So another part of the reason I wanted to introduce you two was that I felt like you'd be able to better, like... explain to him the basics of adventuring, for people who were kept away from civilisation their entire lives and have zero context."

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"I was only kept away from civilization for thirteen years," Arik mentions. "After that, I was mostly keeping myself away from civilization."

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"Aren't you glad you ran into us, then?"

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"Yes! I'd be dead otherwise, and you have an excellent penis."

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"Aww, shucks."

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"Well alright that's. Doable. I suppose. I'm gonna need to get my bearings. Arik, I've been interrogating you a lot about your magic, what do you want to do?"

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"...Annika said some things to me, that made me... recontextualize some things. I want to get strong. Strong enough to do important things. More important than whatever falls into my lap while I walk from Lutie to Ræl. I need to learn how to win, that's how she put it."

A few more seconds of walking pass. "Also, I eventually need to find the Heart of Ymir, but it's waited this long."

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"Find the what now."

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"Heart of Ymir? I know you've heard about it, Odinites love that thing. And Freyjans, they say Sessrúmnir's got something to do with it. That's why I was going to Ræl. Nikos said if I wanted to be helpful I could bring it to him, and, you know, it seemed like as good an idea as any, so I said I would."

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"I'm not an Odinite, or a Freyjan, but also as far as I know their mythology is that Midgard is Ymir's bones and flesh and blood, I don't think his heart was anywhere in those tales?"

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"Taharqi, am I being the weird one here again?"

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"You're not being weird in saying that people talk about it but I don't think it's, you know, part of the religious canon? There are things about how the mountains are the bones and the earth is the flesh and the seas are the blood of Ymir, where's his heart, it must be powerful, and so on, and there are some old phrases like 'and bring me Ymir's heart while you're at it' grandmothers like to say when they think whatever you're doing is impossible, but I don't actually know of there being anything that could actually be called Ymir's heart in Ræl.

"All of that said, the temple of Sessrúmnir there is occasionally referred to as the heart of Ymir—mostly by particularly devout Feltzeen Freyjans—as a metaphor for being the center of the world."

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"...huh. Well, he may in that case have been telling me to fuck off, but... I don't think I'll put it out of my mind entirely. Ignoring what Father Nikos tells you just because he's half-mad and what he's asking for doesn't exist seems like a very stupid mistake."

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"Oh I'm with you on that, if a wizened mentor who saves your life and gives you a unique magical artefact tells you to figure out what's under Midgard you fuckin' learn how to fly. ...that may be more true in novels than in real life but it's Nikos Velsignet, he's older than most novels, he's inspired some of them.

"So that's what you've been doing, before running into our intrepid novice adventurers? Walking to Ræl?"

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"That was the destination, yeah. But the journey was the proper part. Falling in with caravans, helping people with their monster problems. Staying places when I liked them. I almost got married once."

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"It seems to me like the kind of situation that can be described with that sentence was probably not going to be a long-lasting, successful marriage, so I'm happy it didn't happen?"

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"Yeah, I mean - she was great, honestly, I don't mean to be flippant, I loved her like anything, smart and funny and she actually understood what was going on with me, but we weren't done growing and I was still half-feral and she really needed to marry somebody who could run a goat farm? Was the issue."

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That was. Such a sentence. What is going on with that sentence. That was the sentence of all time.

How does he move on from that sentence.

"Oh there's the restaurant," thank the gods.

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They're seated in short order; Arik is provided, by the unflappable and forward-thinking waiter, with a towel to sit on. The options available in the menu are heavy on cream and wine and vegetables of all sorts, and very light on red meat. There's fish and chicken and frog and, at an absolutely eye-watering price, "filet of snail".

There's also a separate menu for cheese. There are so many cheeses. They have some kind of arcane ranking system from one to four.

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"I tried to teach her magic, but I didn't know back then that most people don't want to drop their lives and go adventuring," Arik continues, ignoring the conversational gap. "My gods I want to try filet of snail. But I could also buy a small house instead."

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"We could always try to find a snail and cook it ourselves, but I expect that would not taste as good. Also the snail is almost as tall as you and will be attempting to eat you right back.

"Now, how adventurous are we feeling with the cheeses?"

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"Alright so we've got the Geffenia blue which is the least adventurous of the adventurous ones and the Geffenia green which is more adventurous than that. This one here usually goes well when paired with a peach wine but by itself can be a bit too, I want to say spicy? That's not what I mean exactly but it will make your nose run. And then there's..."

It turns out Vallynn has a lot of opinions about cheese.

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Taharqi is not often surprised about other people but it happens every now and then.

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Arik wants the cheese that burns and is good with peach wine. (Also some peach wine. Also a frog the size of half a chicken, atop a wine-soaked cream-of-mushroom pasta.)

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Taharqi can also generate opinions but he seems a lot less enthusiastic about them than either of his companions.

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That's alright, not everyone can have correct opinions about cheese.

"So! I guess I should do Modern Aventuring 101 now?"

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"Let's have it, yeah. I'm told resurrection features heavily."

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"It's not that—" Pause. "Okay I guess from a background of it not being kind of normal it is pretty heavy, yeah. How much of the history of the last hundred years do you know?"

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"'History of the last hundred years', really, Vallynn?"

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"I feel like it's important shared background that's taken for granted!"

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"Most adventurers don't actually think that hard about it when deciding to adventure."

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"I—hmm. Guess that's fair."

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"A hundred years ago, give or take a decade, the walls between our world and Yggdrasil thinned. Within the space of a generation or two, any fool with a sword and a book could do things that used to be the purview of legendary heroes, and the good ones could do it better. At the same time, monsters went from an occasional threat to a constant erosive tide. The world yet lives because some strange mutants care more about the preservation of Midgard than their own primacy, and enough of those were good at their new jobs to form the Eden Group. They... um, may not, actually, have grown paranoid and corrupt and called a dark god to smite Morroc and wake the rest of us up, I'm told that's probably insane and a lie. And - there's been politics and things, Baphomet's hanging around being a bastard, Glastheim is full of dark spirits and possibly Beuriman's ex... is that enough to get you into your part of the exposition?"

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"...your evil witch thinks Eden Group somehow summoned Surt?"

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"Thought, she's dead. And we've been through this. Just to confirm, though, what would you personally want to do if it did turn out that Eden had done it?"

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"Tear it to the ground, obviously, what the fuck."

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"Just wanted to reassure Arik."

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"...alright. Well. If it turns out Eden did it I will destroy it with my bare hands if I need to."

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"Unrelatedly I for some reason did not expect your evil witch was a partisan of the 'walls of Yggdrasil' hypothesis of what happened, from your description she struck me more as the 'the gods are preparing us for a war'. ...I guess there are people who are into both of those and say that the method the gods are using to prepare us for a war is thinning the walls of Yggdrasil."

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"Well, the war will happen. She wasn't entirely confident that the gods... had that much control over the process, this late in the game?"

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"Well, fair enough. I don't particularly buy into any specific theory for why the stuff that happened is the stuff that happened, personally" (that is a complete lie but he doesn't feel justified in believing his pet theories, they're almost entirely based on aesthetic) "but that's a good enough overview. So, I guess we've got the specifics to cover, mostly.

"So for general services you've got the Kafra Corps and the Kuru Corps, which offer basically the same stuff: teleportation to some specific locations, remote storage, stabling and caring for animals, rentals of animals, and the resurrection service. —feel free to interrupt me if you have any questions or if I'm going over stuff you already know and you want me to move on.

"Anyway. The resurrection service mostly doesn't actually resurrect people; you get the little doodad attached to you that detects when your heart's stopped and teleports you to the nearest Kafra center and puts you into stasis until someone can come see you and fix whatever is wrong with you. If you're actually dead when you get there you get an urgent resurrection though which paradoxically goes faster than if you didn't die because rezzes usually fix a lot more than just being dead. You need to be an active subscriber to get access to it and then pay for the doodad each time since they're single use but the lowest subscription plan is enough to have access to the service. Oh and that's Kafra, Kuru doesn't require you to have an active sub, though the rez prices are higher.

"The main difference between Kuru and Kafra is that Kafra is an independent org based in Al de Baran which is itself independent of everyone else, while Kuru is backed by the Rekenber Corporation and thus has implicit allegiance to it and the Schwarzwald Republic, though they claim they don't. 

"Sorry that was a lot and not very organised, uh."

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"Great. A choice between that cult-of-gold, and Rekenber. Does the Shadow - uh, sorry, Loki-Hel - get a cut, I wonder."

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"...the who now."

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"He's Deic," Taharqi explains. "They do gods differently from mainstream Odinism and Freyjanity."

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"I... see? What do gods have anything to do with this though."

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"The people offering these services are either evil or slimy and I would like to know if the archetypal concept of being slimy and evil was somehow involved. I considered asking if Surt had his own service but it seemed more charged and like I was directly comparing Kafra to Surt, and only Rekenber deserve that comparison, Kafra are probably fine even if they make my teeth itch."

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He opens his mouth.

He closes his mouth.

He opens his mouth again.

He closes his mouth and looks at Taharqi.

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He rolls his eyes with a half-grin. "Let's not have a conversation about mercantilism, shall we?"

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"Yeah, alright," he says, offering a half-grin of his own.

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"Let'sn't! So - modern adventuring, right - Eden assign you a bounty and off you march to slay something? Is there someone at the top making sure the assignments are correct, or that the bounties are worthwhile, or..."

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"Oh, no, nothing—ah, thank you very much," he says to the person arriving with their appetisers, a couple of breads to break and sauces to dip them into. "Nothing like that, Eden doesn't assign anything. Eden doesn't, all in all, do much at all, really. You'd do better thinking of it as a place or a networking hub or a platform. You do only and exactly the bounties you want to do, out of all bounties submitted to and accepted by Eden, on your own cognizance. Kind of."

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"Huh! And it works? ...what's kind of, here?"

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"So it's a couple of things. If Eden were just a bunch of buildings where people could post bounties that anyone could then take, it wouldn't be, well, that's not really that special." He splits a piece of a spiced bread and then splits a smaller piece off it to dip into a thick orange sauce while he hums thoughtfully. "I don't have an itemised structured list so bear with me. I think what I want to say is that Eden's value proposition has a few distinct elements to it." The pieces of paper he's been continuously floating get shuffled so that he has a blank one and he can start jotting down shorthand items as he speaks.

"Nowadays, Eden has a name, and a reputation, and it has procedures and standards. If you accept a bounty from them, you know it's legit, you know it's not a scam, or even if it is a scam Eden takes responsibility for it and will compensate you and then go after the scammer for you. That's really good especially for new adventurers, right, 'cause if you're just starting out having something stable and reliable and dependable is good for your progress. So that's one thing, the, the legitimacy that it lends to its endeavours is a perk in itself."

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He pops the bread into his mouth and chews thoughtfully, watching as the ink he's telekinetically controlling writes and rewrites something several times in a row. "Then there's the incentive structures around the bounties. You're assigned a rank when you join—a green adventurer with nothing under their belts starts at rank zero but I imagine there must be ways to join at higher ranks than that?—anyway a lot of their operation revolves around these ranks. Bounties have ranks, and accepting and completing bounties of appropriate rank makes your rank go up, and higher-rank bounties usually have higher rewards to compensate for being harder, while taking a bounty whose rank is too low doesn't help raise your rank at all. If you take a bounty whose rank is higher than yours that can be worth a lot but the ranks are pretty good at tracking difficulty? The bounty I died earlier today to was a rank 2 bounty and I'm rank 1."

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"The thing you and Annika and I killed was rank 2," Taharqi observes to Arik. "'Get information about what was going on' was a rank 1 bounty but killing the thing got revised to rank 2 when Annika reported what happened at the lounge."

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"What was the reward?"

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"Quarter mil."

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He whistles long and low.

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"I did mention I could have covered dinner."

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"Well, you got a taste of some of the incentive structure, then. It's not just that, though; they have exclusive contracts with some of the best artisans in the world so that they'll only offer services to people who are of sufficiently high rank, or offer better customised things to them. For the cream of the crop specs and things that work for you as an individual you still want to chase down some genius who lives as a hermit in a cave in southwestern Payon and only sees three other human beings a year, but until you get there the Eden artisans will outfit you with the best stuff there is.

"Plus, not every bounty is available to be picked by anyone of the right rank who shows up. Some of the trickier, more sensitive, or more specialised ones go around via word of mouth, or via Eden knowing that you, specifically, would be a good fit for a certain task. Those tend to have very high rewards, not just tangible monetary ones but also, you know, credibility. For adventurers who aren't just starting out and who are looking to move mountains, they'll keep track of who's whom, they'll help connections get made, parties get set up, the whole thing. There are secret 'lounges' of various ranks around the world, and you know that if you're at a rank 10 lounge everyone else in there will be rank 10 or higher and so they have a lot of work under their belts."

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Some more bread, and some water. "So the thing Eden truly, really is, at its core, is a facilitator of these relationships and a sponsor of people's power growth. They've got streamlined processes to help you become more powerful that incidentally involve helping the world at large—well, not that incidentally, it's the point—and they sponsor academies and lounges and professionals all around, and then when something like Surt shows up they have the two hundred most powerful people on Midgard available to take their call and mount up a task force to keep the demons at bay while they scramble to get existing armies to build something that can hold on in the longer term without needing to rely on those two hundred people."

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"...well. That does make them the obvious choice, if I want to do something bigger than whatever quests I can find on the road."

The cheeses arrive. It is time for cheese.

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Ooh cheese!

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"I don't think I'd ever seen you enjoy food like this before, you know."

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"When I was limited in my knowledge and availability of foods I did not know what I had been missing. Academy food is alright but it is not this."

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"That I'll grant you."

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"Oh, speaking of, yeah, so, the typical start of the Eden pipeline is that they have a handful of academies around the world that have instructors dedicated to teaching you the very basics of how to be an adventurer, first aid, how to get Skills and Stats, et cetera, and which also have representatives from major guilds on retainer. That's where Taharqi and Annika and I met."

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"Well, that'll be fun." Peach wine! Oh that is good. "I suppose I should stop by to see if there's anything I missed, even though I'm not likely to need most of it."

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"Yeah, you're probably good, honestly, if you've survived this long on your own, but there might be things they can teach you.

"Do you know about guilds, should I go over them?"

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"They're... groups of people who do the same kind of Skills and teach people to do the same if they swear loyalty? Is my understanding."

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"Yesish. The loyalty part varies and it's not always the right, ah, mood. Like, the Church of Odin all but requires you to be devout, the Mages' Guild will not turn you away if you decide to just show up and listen to a lecture or read a book, and the Archers' Guild requires you to show aptitude and be a proper member in good standing but doesn't particularly want you to feel any which way about it. And the Wizards' Guild only takes you in if you're really really good and they like you."

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"Ah. Inconvenient that the ones who can help me are the assholes."

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"It's a problem! Though honestly I feel like everything they teach really should be possible to reverse engineer, I don't know why it hasn't been done. —well, the answer is that it's probably harder than it looks and I am too sure of myself and wouldn't be able to do it as well as I think if I tried, but. I don't in fact see where the problem is."

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"...well, if you'd like to reverse engineer Heal, you've got it. If that is what I have."

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He looks extremely tempted but...

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He shakes his head. "No. It'd take years. At least months. Probably definitely more than weeks. I'm overestimating myself. I can't do it. Maybe I can do it but I'll only do it if I know I can, thousands of people have tried."

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"Were any of them prodigies?"

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"Almost certainly!!!"

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"I'm not saying we should do it in a week without sleeping or eating - could, but it sounds boring as shit. But if we're going to kill Surt, we're going to be spending a while together, and I'll be healing for a lot of it. So, if seeing it cast over and over makes you think you can replicate it, let me know what else you need!"

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"No, no, what I'd need is—well, yes, seeing it cast over and over but not in combat, I'd need to do a whole thing of getting you enchantments and analysing how it behaves on different kinds of wounds and with different amounts of mana in you and—okay this is kind of tempting but I'm really not sure—it'd be so cool though.


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"So what you're saying is that you want to hurt me in new and interesting ways, make me heal while exhausted and overcharged and wearing strange things, all while you stare at me with that look on your face."

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"...well. Yeah."

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"I am very much at your service."

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"We'll leave that for later, though. If nothing else I've got a ton more classes to take at the Guild to learn to do what I need to do."

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"And I've got my own learning to do."

The meal concludes. (Arik demands a croquembouche tower for the table in no uncertain terms; it arrives flambé, and he claps like a schoolboy.)

"So - where would I apply to become a warrior of Father Church? And is there one of those adventurer-schools nearby?"

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"There isn't but lucky for you the Criatura Academy is in Izlude which is right next to Prontera and that's the seat of the Church."

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"Excellent. Does either of you feel like accompanying me, to reduce the chance I manage to upset anyone enough for them to hang me from a tree with a spear in my side? ...that is the thing, right?"

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"I'll do it, do me good to get out of this city a little bit for something that's not a bounty. ...but tomorrow. I need to sleep."

He gives Taharqi a questioning look.

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"I need to check in with the Guild and who knows when they'll let me see the light of day again."

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"Do you need to do it tonight?"

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"...guess not. Just soonish, they want to make sure I didn't," half-smile, "go rogue."

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"...how long have you wanted to make this joke?"

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"Far too long."

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"Excellent! Then we can have sex again before you go. I was worried I'd have to suck you off in an alley or something, if I wanted to fit that in."

He considers.

"Not that that doesn't separately sound fun."

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"Far be it from me to stop you."

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"Can I watch?"

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"No, of course not. If you're in the Fuck Alley, you perform obscene acts. That's the entire point of a Fuck Alley."

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"Oh that does sound better."

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"...also, can you two make yourselves invisible too, or is this going to be the fun kind of public indecency."

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"I can make myself not noticeable, which is almost the same."

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"I can't!" he says cheerfully.

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"...hmm. I have some tests to perform."


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Tests are accomplished. Sleep ensues. Morning comes.

"Is it time to head to Izlude, then?" Arik asks Vallynn once they've broken their fast.

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"Yeah. —I assume you'll be alright with teleporting, I can't take enough time off to walk."

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"Yeah. I'd love to walk it sometime, but it's not a high priority."

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"Alright. To Kafra, then."

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Izlude is a much smaller city than Geffen, which is not surprising, given that it's just a satellite town to the capital of the Kingdom of Rune-Midgard, Prontera. The central plaza has a few open markets and various stores, and two main streets, north-south and east-west, meet in the middle there. To the south is the airport, to the west the Swordsmen Guild, to the east and north the port, and to the north the Criatura Academy.

The Academy is definitely the most attention-grabbing of the lot, from this distance. Not because the other buildings aren't big and important in their own right, but rather because the Academy was designed to be visible from a distance so that newbie adventurers would definitely not be confused about where it is.

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"That one's not a decoy too, is it?" Arik asks first.

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"...a decoy?"

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"Oh – like that tower in Geffen, tall and magicky and right at the center of everything, that didn't have the Mages' Guild in it. So, is that the Academy, or is it some kind of very fancy granary?"

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"The Wizard Tower is not a decoy! I'm just not a wizard yet." He shakes his head. "But yes that is the Academy."

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"I know. I'm fucking with you, my liege."

But: that-direction-wards.

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Training grounds with practice dummies and a stable population of different types of porings can be seen from the front of the three stories-tall building. A score and a half young adventurers-to-be are spread around the grounds practising archery and spellcasting and swordfighting and punching and, in the case of two people, singing and dancing in a way that seems to somehow have adverse effects on the porings they're practising with.

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Hi, sorry, excuse Arik, he got distracted. What was that about dancers?

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It's a boy and a girl, both looking to be about twenty, and they aren't both dancers, actually.

The girl is a singer, wearing the kinds of leathers one might associate with hunters hailing from Payon—an impression compounded by her smooth black hair and facial features typical of the area. She's playing a lute and singing rapidly, sentences occasionally interrupted by half-words and vocalisations that sync with the boy's movements.

The boy on the other hand is putting both Arik and Vallynn to shame in the department of "dressed in ways designed to make someone question or affirm their sexuality". He's wearing barely-there sheer silks with golden accents, hanging from his neck and wrists and waist and ankles swaying with his movements, plus a thong that is only constraining enough of the jiggles to be mesmerising. The thong isn't itself transparent, but it has a sufficiently low-hanging base to make the viewer aware that his auburn curls are the only hair on his body and and that he has a golden ring around the base of his penis. He's also decorated with golden gem-studded bangles and rings and anklets and earrings and piercings of similar make, all over his body, and his feet are bare.

While they sing and dance, some of the harmless magic slimes in front of them occasionally burst apart out of nowhere, while others bounce and jiggle in something approximating a dance as if hypnotised and trying to follow the motions along despite the lack of limbs.

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...yeah, Arik is offline for the foreseeable future.

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He's not the only one getting distracted by the display, but the other novices around are probably at least a little bit used to it by now, judging by the spread of reactions.

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"Don't just stand around gawping, if you're going to stare at least do so in proper earshot," Vallynn laughs, walking behind Arik and gently pushing him towards the training grounds and away from the entrance gate.

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Walking is permitted if he can keep Looking.

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He can, they don't need to actually walk into the main building, there's a direct connection from the front courtyard to the training grounds.

When the bard and the dancer notice they have a proper audience (as opposed to just some other novices missing a swing or a punch because they got too distracted) they start to perform for it. They are not the most skilled performers on Midgard or they wouldn't be at the Academy at all, but the way to become the most skilled performers on Midgard is by, well, performing. And of course, even not-that-highly-skilled bards and dancers are still better than people who just do it as a hobby, since they're calling on Skills that codify performances that work.

The bard continues to sing the same song but she switches some of the wordless parts for lyrics and starts to project her voice more; her song seems to be about a warrior who's going through many trials in order to save his lover's life but the story it tells keeps going and going. The dancer flows into larger and more expressive moves and poses, his movements clearly inspired by the warrior's exploits, and he makes eye contact with Vallynn or Arik whenever the song mentions the warrior's lover. Their performance summons light effects, swirling ethereal ribbons of colour and illusory barely-visible silhouettes of foes defeated, but there's also clearly some kind of emotional component, something to the song that makes them feel as if they're the ones fighting, they're the ones the song is about.

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He... remembers...

(she wanted him to be hers, and he thought she loved him, and she didn't, not until he had shown her he was someone to love, not until they had been together, really together, not just the marriage bed but the thrones, the birthing-hut, the battlefield...)

(the witch told them the truth {what was the truth} and his bride snapped it doesn't matter we're dead anyway i love you go and fight and it was the first time she'd ever said it and it was the last thing she ever said)

(killing the beasts, dozens hundreds thousands, healing himself over and over and over and over and swinging his blade until his arm was torn away and then taking it in his left and killing another two before they finally ripped him apart)

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And then the song ends.

(The warrior found his lover. The warrior realised at some point he wasn't doing it for his lover, but for himself. The song leaves what happens next ambiguous.)

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Vallynn seems to have gotten into a similar rêverie to Arik's, but he snaps out of it once the performance is over and, after a second of reacclimating to the real world, starts clapping.

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Clap clap clap.

"I wonder if... that... is part of the song-magic," he murmurs to Vallynn.

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"Betting on 'not'."

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The performers walk over to their audience, winded and (in the dancer's case) covered by a shiny sheen of sweat. "Hi! Haven't seen you guys around before," says the dancer, giving both of them a very thorough once-over—especially Arik.

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"They're clearly not new," says the bard, not looking any less interested. "That gear looks expensive."

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"Depends on what new means to you! I have been killing monsters for a while, but I never came here, so I'm seeing if I missed anything. He's my moral support."

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"Oh, does that mean we'll get to see you more often?" he asks hopefully.

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"It almost certainly does, unless you're about to graduate tomorrow."

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"No, we arrived just last week. I'm Yun Tae-hee, my friend here is Minghwē."

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"I'm Arik! Am I so exciting to see?"

(Minghwē can certainly tell that the reverse is true. As can Tae-hee, though the excitement isn't necessarily aimed in her direction.)

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"Yes," he replies immediately, even though it is not anywhere near as physically apparent that he finds the sight exciting.

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Vallynn will not comment on that. He knows from experience that right after exercising he often feels too tired to get it up.

"Should we go inside and get you registered?" he asks Arik, but then he remembers: "Is Bjorn still here?"

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"Oh, yes. He blushes horribly whenever he catches sight of Minghwē."

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Not being able to maintain an erection while half-dead from exhaustion is the definition of skill issue.

"Sounds like someone I might want to meet."

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"He's the local wizard instructor's assistant. When I got here I used to wear something substantially more revealing than this and he had similar reactions."

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"Sounds very much like someone I want to meet. Do I have any excuse, or would I only be there to harass him?"

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"I could say I'm visiting. I'm sure Wizard Mara would love to see me again."

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"Would she now."

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"Not in that way! ...not that I'd say no but."

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"You really do seem to leave a wake of sexual frustration behind you," Arik notes. "Like the slime trail from some kind of horny poring."

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"...what a very specific mental image! What would a horny poring even be like?"

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"Aren't all porings a little bit horny?"

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"How, pray tell, are all porings a little bit horny?"

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"...you've never wondered what it'd feel like? They're little bouncing balls of slippery jelly, just solid enough that if you stuck something into them they'd squeeze on it."

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"You know, I actually hadn't until this moment."

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"If all porings are a little bit horny then what would a horny poring be like?"

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"White, for one thing."

Receptionist? Secretary? Registrar? Arik seeks a person of desk.

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They take a side entrance into the building which leads them into a wide but short hallway with numerous doors on both sides. The main entrance is to the right, as is the reception, which is substantially more utilitarian and less fancy than the Kafra reception was; definitely not a temple to money. There is one stairway up to either side of that room, and Minghwē and Tae-hee excuse themselves to go up one of them to their rooms to wash up.

A professional-looking woman is at the reception reading a book, and a short pointy-eared woman is standing in a corner meditating. The receptionist looks up when Arik and Vallynn walk around the desk from behind her, puts her book down, and smiles at them. "Good morning! How may I help you?"

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Whoa, déjà vu.

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"Ah, well – currently we're looking for Bjorn, Wizard Mara's assistant. Also I'd like to enroll, possibly on some sort of accelerated program, I've got all my Skills and combat experience worked out but I could do with an injection of context about what Eden and adventuring parties and all that stuff, uh, is."

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"Yes, of course! Just one moment." She shuffles through some papers to get a registration form which she slides over to him along with a pen. "Please fill this out. If your name is originally written in a different alphabet please include a transliteration next to it to the best of your ability; surname is optional, guild is optional especially if you're already in one but if you're not this can help any prospective ones to get your information. Please let me know if you have any questions."

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Scribble scribble. Arik's handwriting is unsurprisingly atrocious.

"I'm not in a guild and I strongly suspect the paladins will reject me, my being Deic, but I have their Skills. Should I put them down anyway?"

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"Sure! I'll add a note to your profile about that, too."

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"There. I did have to leave a few fields blank due to things like having no permanent residence, or not knowing anything about my birth parents. And my surname is a regional generic for bastards. But other than that, done."

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"That's just fine. Will you be staying in our accommodations, and if so, do you have a preference for your roommate being the same gender? We have empty one- and two-person rooms as well as two-person rooms that already have one tenant in them. And you can of course acquire lodgings in the city but the Academy doesn't cover the cost for those."

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Okay Vallynn is pretty sure now that most of the stuff she's saying is a standard script.

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"I'm probably not staying for more than a few days, but during that time I could room with somebody... No gender preference. Stick me with somebody who's already there, seems somehow more efficient."

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"That works! One moment..." Going through files, files, files, "Ah, here we go, room 012, up a flight of stairs and to the left that way," she says, offering Arik a key. "Meals are at 7:30AM, 12PM, and 6PM for an hour and a half in the mess hall down that way," which means they've just missed the end of breakfast.

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"Good to know! I don't usually eat, but I know many of my peers will."

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That's a very peculiar thing to say! This looks like a very peculiar young man, though, so that tracks.

"Welcome to the Academy!"

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"I feel so welcome! Vallynn, should we go harass your wizard friend now?"