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indistinguishable from science
In which [redacted] does an urban fantasy awakening.
Permalink Mark Unread

It's a bleary and dark morning as Alex Marche wakes up, which is why it happens at all.  She's lived a life rather amazingly free of noticeable incident so far - only a few cases of being swept up by a reassuring feeling.

Even this is minor.

But nonetheless, it is indisputable that when she fumbles for the lightswitch on the stairs of her rental housing, once, twice, thrice she tries and she is so done with this -

That they flick on, but she has not even touched the base-plate, despite feeling her finger flick the switch in a sense that is and yet isn't touch at all.

She stares at her hand.  She stares at the switch.  She stares at that strange un-feeling still there upon her fingers, insofar as one can stare at anything at all.


She hesitantly takes a picture of the scene, to hopefully confirm her eyes aren't lying to her.


And then she kind of panics.

She doesn't want to be a magic cop!  ...Okay she kind of wants to punch a baddie or two ever because who hasn't had a superhero fantasy ever in their life, but she doesn't want to be a cop about it!

Shit, she has no idea what to do now.  It's not exactly like there's a manual for this kind of stuff, is there?

...Is there?  Help her out here, Internet.  "Manual for new practitioners"?  Anybody?  Bueller?

...If that doesn't work she does have some ideas, at least, but she'd really like it to work.  C'mon.  Somebody please have a professional guide to onboard new mages or whatever.  She doesn't like fumbling in the dark.

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The first result is a listicle of Little Rituals To Try If You Think You Might Be Magic. Candle lighting, cleaning, putting someone to sleep, making a loud noise, condensing moisture into dewdrops.

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Well.  Sure.  She'll take a look at that cleaning one, it seems actually practical unlike most of the other cantrips.  Prestidigitation, here she comes.

Maybe also the sleep spell if it can self-target or quick-cast in self-defense...

Does it say why the rituals are designed that way at all?

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The cleaning spell apparently involves reciting a short poem in sotto voce while also making three simple hand signs (the Tiger sign from Naruto, I.E. hands clasped with index fingers pointing up, then both palms up separate, then two clenched fists against each other) in time in a cycle- with the meter, and tapping the surface to be cleaned.

It does not say why. Very bottom-barrel clickbaity writing quality, here. Festooned in ads too. In this case for incense, 'energy crystals', and overpriced health supplements.

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...If it's stupid and it works...

Well, it's still stupid, but it does, probably, work.

Does it describe what clean is, or is she meant to supply that herself, spell-writer?

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It magically loosens and unbinds 'filth'. It notes that stubborn stains may require repeated applications, and that you should wipe down or rinse afterwards to remove the loosened material. It does not repair damage, such as permanent loss of dye to bleach/acid, fire damage, etc.

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"...Well, here goes nothing."  She'll just...  Use some scribbled-on paper as her test subject, Thinking Really Hard that the carbon is totally filth.  ...Huh, you could maybe use this to undye clothes...

She also sets up her phone to record this test.

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It feels like she's trying to insert the wrong key into a lock, when she tries this.  (While wearing boxing gloves, for good measure.)

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...Maybe if she thinks about what clean is instead?  She's going to need to start a blog of her own about this, at this rate...

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That one fits.  The paper is now less pencil-marked, after she raps it on the desk.

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...Yeah, that's...  That's evidence.

Fuck.  Existential crisis later.  Right now, she has learning to do.  To the library!  Because she has a funny feeling they're going to have better resources than Google.  Surely they will have proper research available, no matter the headache she might get beating her head against the jargon...

...Is there going to be jargon?  It's not as if she saw a Mage Studies major in the catalog...  Would that be anthropology?  It'd probably be anthropology.  Study of humans and whatnot.  Maybe that's a good place to start looking, too.  That and psychology; there's a significant element of thinking in the right way that's evidently involved here...

Well, she is pretty good at perspective-taking when she remembers to try, at least.  Most of the time.


...Hey, wait a minute, if that spell is making a pop culture reference, where are the Jedi?  Can she use the Force?  That would be so fucking cool.  (She adds 'and pop culture' to her to-look-up list.)

...Damn, now she really wants a lightsaber.  (In the coolest possible color, which is purple.  Or maybe in octarine...  Would that one be powered by crystallized narrativium?)

She's positively buzzing with ideas and theories and wonder that she'd long since resigned herself to the lack of.  It wasn't like she was special enough to be magic.

(Except she apparently was.)

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Regardless of her rushing thoughts, however, the library awaits.  Who knows what lore awaits this seeker of knowledge within its storied walls and quiet halls?

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This is a university library, and the contents lean very academic. Much less fiction or bookstore-reading. And the overall academic view on magic appears to be... Not skeptical, exactly, they admit it exists, but kind of 'collectively throwing hands up about understanding or verifying any of this'. There's some stuff on anthropology, psychology, and history as regards magic. There are few hard scientific studies. There doesn't seem to be an encyclopedia of magic that anyone agrees is actually correct or definitive.

Things that very probably exist: 

Magical girls.
Demons, or at least succubi. There's apparently a special law for them as regards medical licenses in the state of New York.
Tinkers/Mad Scientists/Artificers. People who make magical objects. Some of them have been studied in engineering papers, to much bafflement.
Tentacle monsters, apparently, are plants.
"Lesser" Magical Girls- Puchuu have stated before that they don't recruit everyone because not everyone has the same potential.
A lot of folkloric monsters have various amounts of evidence for their existence.

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And if they're throwing their hands up about it, that smells like a research opportunity.

...She is not a mad scientist, she did not cackle.  The present thunderstorm is a coincidence.

Hmm.  ...What's that about succubi and medical licenses in the state of New York, anyway?  One wouldn't, normally, expect to put those words together.  But it feels like a string to tug on.  ...Why is she tugging on strings, you ask?  Because they're there.  And because she can get a clearer picture of things when they interact with other things, like medical bureaucracy, that she already (kind of) understands.  ...And because she's following Obi-wan's advice and trusting her feelings, which think that this seems like a good idea, for...  Reasons.  (No, it's not rampant lesbianism.  Really.)

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Succubi can have said licenses even if they are not a US citizen, and can choose to take alternate forms of some of the tests. They have biomancy magic, apparently.

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Huh.  Cool.  She wonders how transhuman they can go about it.

...Where was she?  Spell design?  Was she anywhere near spell design?

...Okay, no, she was at 'magic replicates, but in a soft-science way'...

So what does happen if she just makes something up, anyway?  That's leaping, like, several dozen steps ahead, but...  She really wants to try.


...Later, though.  What's the demography of practitioners look like?  Has anybody put together a survey or something?  She feels like she's likely to be an outlier somewhere on that scale just based on her history, but for all she knows this is normal - though the (probably fictional) precedent of Hogwarts et al. suggests that she's coming to the field a bit late.  (...Is Hogwarts based off a real school goes on to the interminable research pile.)

...And if one wanted to get in touch with a succubus with a medical license, for medical purposes - how might one go about that, anyway?  What do succubi even want?  ...Presumably, currency.  Possibly other things, too, though, because where else could the mythos she's all too aware of have even come from?

(She's had thoughts about solving some of her problems that way, but until now, they'd all seemed like only distant fantasy.  Much like magic, despite how much it intrigued her even before she found out that she had any.)

...She needs to talk to somebody with a research-oriented background about maybe putting together some experiments, speaking of, and if she goes poking into too many things too fast, she might break blinding - as much as it's even possible to blind yourself in experiments you'll be integral to performing - so while she's googling things like "biomancer near me", she also pulls up the faculty pages and sees if she can find some names that're on any of the papers (metaphorically) in front of her.

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One study posits about a 1 in 13000 rate of people having magic in America. Doesn't seem heritable. No relevant genetic markers.

There doesn't seem to be a comprehensive survey of lifestyle conditions. Puchuu near exclusively recruit young teens, and disproportionately girls and the queer community. Commonly mentioned traditions include Magical Girl, Witch, Wizard, Druid, and Tinker.

Succubi want magic energy, which they extract through sex. No apparent long term effects, can't rule either way on potential for addiction.

Tentacle monsters are kind of... Mindbreaky? There's a whole three shelves of medical knowledge on trying to deal with it.

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...That thing about tentacle monsters is vaguely concerning!  And a good thing to know before she encounters one!


...Witch, wizard, druid, tinker - what, still no Jedi?  Or would they fall into the druidic category - and how much should she be reading into the analogy from D&D, anyway?  ...And speaking of classes - Hey!  Where are the monks!  What kind of Eurocentric bias is this?  Surely the xianxia tropes don't have no backing in historical practice!  (Yes, she just used a double negative, no, she's not changing her mind, hypothetical telepathic pedants; while she is given to pedantry herself in most circumstances and therefore shouldn't throw stones, anyone suggesting that it's inappropriate to use a 'not ... none' construction here, when she expects that there are very few admissible bits of evidence in the first place, let alone evident connections, can bite her.)

(Magical girls, being rather a sort of soldier rather than necessarily a practitioner's methodology, are...)

(...Rapidly thrown into the bucket labelled 'warlock/pact-bound', when she thinks about it for five seconds.  She's vaguely surprised by having made this decision, but...  It does make sense.)

...Coming back around to some of the earlier lines of thought, she does find herself thinking that you could put the stereotypical cultivator 'monk' somewhere in between wizard and druid, but she's still bemused that the Middle Kingdom's ample historical record hasn't seen more review...

And, well, the rest of Asia, too.  The king who fell off his horse in 670-something and failed to keep it from the history monks to then become a Tumblr meme would like a word.

...Say, what about shamans?  Are they lumped under druidry?  It would make an amount of sense, but it rankles her sense of definition.


...Ugh, this state of knowledge, in the Internet age, is going to frustrate her, she can tell.

Time to put on some good calm thinking music and get her priorities in order.

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...Alright.  So.  Her priorities are as follows:

  1. Make sure she is not going to be eaten by a grue.
  2. Make sure she is not going to be assassinated by a shadowy cabal that doesn't like magic being scienced or conscripted for some stupid war by the government or the Puchuu or any such thing. (This has a very low presence in her threat model, but it's still high priority because she'd really hate to miss it.)
  3. Determine what professional niches are available to her based on the fact of having magic.
  4. Determine where she stands in relation to the expected power and capacity of average practitioners.
  5. Develop training/paradigm to maximize amount of cool and/or useful shit she can do.  She'd like to break entropy over her knee, please and thank you.
  6. Actually make useful knowledge of what magic is slash how and why it works more widely available, if she can find any!

...Okay, those last couple things are more of an unordered priority list at this point, but it's more than she had five minutes ago. Now she just needs to...  ...Talk... to people... ...if she can even find any.

Oh dear.  That might be the hardest part of this whole endeavour.  ...Maybe her academic advisor will have contacts?  It's not like she wasn't already slated for a meeting soon enough...

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The library does not offer her a solution to this conundrum.

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It wouldn't, no.

She shoots off a quick email to the academic advisor in question to the tune of "This just in: I have had a Sudden Life Event and need to re-evaluate the suitability of my degree program; would the scheduled advisory meeting be suitable to discuss that", except with more painfully formal academese.  The response will get there when it gets there, and the meeting's already scheduled anyway.  Right now, with that taken care of, she's going to turn to her greatest informal knowledge resource, to see if she's miraculously rolled a 1-in-13000 chance: her collection of Random Internet People.

Setting her status to "halp, I'm apparently magical, what *do?!*" is not exactly a thorough search, but it'll get to the people she wants to see it soon enough, regardless.  If nothing else because she doesn't even normally use that field and someone's bound to ask.

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Her academic advisor is happy to discuss whatever she needs. Here is her current calendar if Alex needs an earlier appointment.

The internet is the internet, but it seems nobody immediately comments. Not in the first, like, sixty seconds, anyway.

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Re: email: ...Would the 2:30 timeslot today work?


As for the Internet: Yeah, that's about what she expected to begin with.  She's got a few people she's going to tell directly - though maybe she'll wait til there's slightly more to tell, because at this point it's almost all questions, and certainly no answers; she's noticed that most people don't really like that sort of conversation much - but this is more of a fire-and-forget sort of thing.


(...Maybe she'll tell a couple of her closer confidantes right now.  Just for emotional support.  It's been a day and it's barely started.)

(...Augh, she's going to have to tell her parents about this.)

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Her advisor can do 2:30 today if it's just a 20 minute meeting. If they go over they can continue on the regular meeting day?

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It's probably not a bad idea to do that that way, given that there's likely to be research that needs doing; she's on her way over to the office now.


She arrives several minutes before 2:30, accompanied by an unearned, unfounded, and unwelcome feeling of impending doom.  Has she mentioned she hates talking to people.

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Her assigned advisor is also a TA, has a lot of kitch on her desk, and seems to sound eternally tired.

"Hello Alex! Come on in. I, uhhhhh... I pulled your file up but I don't know what we're talking about today. Are classes going okay?"

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"...Urgh, not exactly," she grimaces, knowing that she's kind of started falling apart a bit, lately, even if she's hanging on by the skin of her teeth - "but that's not actually what prompted my email.  Nobody's dead, in case that's the sort of surprise you're thinking about, but it's probably easier to just show you than tell you.  If you wouldn't mind?"

She pulls up the video of her successfully de-penciling some paper.  It was... Take seven?

"And I guess, the thing is, I don't really know what the - expletive," clearly self-censored, "I should do about that, academically, let alone personally."

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She watches it three times, not seeming to get it.

"...I'm, uh, obviously not really able to talk about it, but you're not the first such case in this university, if this is what I think it is? It does seem like... Maybe a time to pause and take stock for a semester, if that's what you want."

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"...Well, what do you think it is?  I don't want to be talking past you.

"...Though I do want to say that I hope that the reason you can't give any particular advice is because of, well, client confidentiality, rather than - other possible causes, I guess.  I don't think anyone has half a clue if there are limits to what magic can do to those not able to defend themselves from it..."  ...She shudders.  "But I guess the question is, could I even pursue some related course of study here, and then furthermore should I want to.  There's so little in the library that's worth the time I spent reading it, though I'm getting the feeling that that's maybe the whole entire field's problem."

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"I think you've become a witch- Or, a magical person. We do not share personally identifying details of students. I'm not sure I can even describe when or how many. It's better not to touch it."

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"I think I'm not actually anything in particular yet, based on my limited understanding, but I do have some underlying capacity to do magic, which I would like to study further and perhaps even publish upon, if nothing else to remedy some of the positively dire lack of proper understanding thereof that afflicts even some researchers in the field.  I mean, really, a paper that concludes that you know just as much nothing as you started knowing is a waste of grant money, and there's a couple of those that're not infrequently cited to.  Admittedly, a lot of those were about attempting to reverse-engineer the work of Tinkers, which is kind of obviously not going to go very far unless you're doing something absurd in turn - but still, it gets me right in the pride.  So, Ms. Green, I'm asking you for some academic advice: Is there a course of study here that points that way?  And is there anything that you feel you should inform me of, otherwise?"

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"Uh... My brain is saying physics? But no. You might have to give me a day to research that one. I wouldn't want to steer you wrong by guessing."

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"Mmm.  Yeah, I figured you might.  I was actually thinking of anthropology and-or psych as the sort of go-to, oddly enough.  That or an outside chance of lit being effective; I'm already finding myself itching to deconstruct the various bits of symbolism in that random cleaning spell to see if I can figure out why it has you do those particular things, you know?  ...Well, no, I can't really presume that you do know, but that's part of my thought process.  There was a literary reference on the webpage and I ended up like three books deep in that rabbit hole before I realized there weren't too many people looking at 'why' instead of 'how'."

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"Well, we don't have any courses on doing magic. We also don't have a degree focused on studying it. Some of the individual courses that study it, maybe? Why psychology and anthropology exactly? Those are both fairly different from your studies so far."

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"Because they feel like the right sort of lens to look at mages with.  Because there's cultural influences upon effective practice of magic, as evidenced by the way different - clades?  Castes?  I'd say 'classes', but I'm already having to beat off my D&D-based assumptions with a stick - of casters exist, and I want to understand them, and hopefully synthesize some more unified theory.  And I know I'm in a CS-department major, but I figure that if there is such a thing as a psychology hobbyist, I'd probably qualify; the mind has always fascinated me even if I couldn't really turn that into the typical career of a Psy-D or equivalent since I'd burn out in a heartbeat.  Compassion fatigue and all that.  And then there's that old canard about most psychologists falling into the field because they want to figure out what the heck is going on in their own brain, no matter how likely to backfire that plan is.  The stigma against self-diagnosis, while harmfully overblown, does have some basis in evidence.  ...I guess I have a bit of a head start on figuring myself out, at least...  Anyway.  I'm not awful at the little toy problems we get here, but I do have to say that there were, I guess, expectations that threw me down this path, that haven't really panned out - programming is practically the family business - but, well, now that table's well and truly flipped.  Once I actually muster the courage to mention it, I guess.  That might...take some time."

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Her advisor rubs her temples in thought.

"It feels like the tendency to put things into neat little boxes might not be the best way to think about magic? Then again, studying it in any real way for academia like you want to do... Is essentially putting magic in boxes. Anthropology makes some amount of sense to me the more I think about it. The study of people- And what are all the magic-users but people? Even the pet-things are people, I'm pretty sure."

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She shrugs.  "Absolute heck if I know.  But other animals are generally more intelligent than the median human gives them credit for, as far as I understand, so I suppose -

"...Wait, are you talking about the puchuu?  The ones that recruit Magical Girls?  Yeah those are definitely a kind of people.  I mean, they use language, yeah?  And not just in the way that some have tried to debunk Koko the gorilla over.  Or even that African Grey parrot who coined a word.  They have abstract relationships and philosophies and everything.  ...You alright?  I feel like I've inadvertently given you my - strictly metaphorical - headache, which really wasn't my intent...

"Anyway, I'm not sure that what I want is to study magic for academia's sake - I'm no tenure-track professor - but what I do know I want to do is to study it.  To do science.  To - perform the fundamental inquiry of looking at something and asking why it happens that way; to form hypotheses and then try my damnedest to disprove them.  It feels like a lot of existing research is busy getting sidetracked with how, though I'll admit I'm also curious about the hows as much as the whys.  And if that path goes through academia proper, to obtain the necessary support, then - well, so be it?"

"...Anyway.  Next meeting, we get down to the brass tacks of it?  I figure you might need some time to gather a potential course list.  But it's been - " she checks the time - "Long enough that I'm worried my next tangent will overrun, and I think I've gotten what I needed to say to you all out there already?"

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"Advising you is literally my job, and I always seem to have a headache. Don't worry too much. I'll take Advil or something. And I'll talk to the department head and some advisors from social sciences, figure something out. Actually, wait. How secretive do you want to be about this?"

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"I don't have the faintest clue how to begin to determine whether I should be keeping this quiet.  I don't see why I'd need to do that, but clearly everyone else who has magical capabilities does keep a lot of secrets, so - why do they?  I don't know, and I'd really rather like to, but that same opacity is why I have no idea whatsoever of what might be reason to keep this secret.  That said, I don't think I'm doing all that good a job of it to begin with.  So, I guess, don't tell all and sundry, but it's not like I haven't been telling my friends or anything."

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"Okay. I'm really not qualified to talk about anything but classes... But talk to me if you need to. We'll keep our other meeting on the schedule and, uh, I'll hopefully have answers for you then."

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"Here's hoping.  Good luck - and thank you; I know this is kind of a big ask."  With nothing else left to say, she makes her way out.


Has anyone turned up in her DMs in the last thirty minutes, perchance?

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There's at least one, and possibly more.

From OcularStone:


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And in reply:

Yeah.  Like, for-real reality-bending-to-my-will magic magic, not 'got handed artifacts by an inscrutable bunnycat' magic.  Admittedly I've only used that to, like, 'clean' a sheet of paper, so far, but it's definitely a thing.  And I have no idea what to do with this information, because I never expected it'd happen to me.

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OcularStone is typing...

OcularStone is typing...

OcularStone is typing...


OcularStone is typing...




OcularStone is typing...

OcularStone is typing...

OcularStone is typing...

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...My thoughts exactly.  But yeah I've just kind of - run out of available information on what to - do, or expect, or whatever.  And, lacking local contacts, I'm hoping the Internet has answers.  That aren't obviously woo-peddlers.  You might have a magic spell on your website, random article with a bunch of cantrips, but that doesn't mean that those 'energy crystals' you're trying to tell me are any less scammy.

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OcularStone said:

I mean

Clearly MGs are real

I'm looking at a wiki now and there's at least one that is crystal themed 

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I mean I guess.  But if someone had cracked mass production on that sort of thing surely even us plebeians would have heard of it?  You know how it is with tinkers.

Do share the wiki BTW?  My search-fu has proven insufficient.

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OcularStone said:


MG watchers

Internet says magic is v rare

You're right hard to find anything that looks legit

U ok?

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Rattled, but otherwise fine?  Kind of vaguely worried that there's gonna be some sort of reason there's no legit info out there, but other than that...  I dunno, it's just.  Sure, this might as well be happening?  I'm looking forward to getting to do some hands-on work developing and experimenting, if I can swing it.

What's the wiki like?  What does it focus on?  Are there any magical girls near her?

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So the thing is

It's been bothering me a lot actually

I am pretty sure it is in fact true that some magic people get to be ageless





The wiki focuses on the 'careers' of known Magical Girls! Where they appear, what their powers are, Where Are They Now? (most Magical Girls seem to non-euphemistically retire when no longer teenagers?), what their hobbies are, obsessive ranking and speculation on puchuus and the seemingly always renewing menagerie of things they fight, Versus Debates. Lots of Versus Debates. 

There's a fanmade power scale that goes from F to A to S, SS, and tops out at SSR (with nobody currently living granted that rank, the example of Madoka from PMMM is given) (They seem to think PMMM is obvious shameless edgelording/metaphor for puchuu exploitation, and not based in reality at all- MGs never stick THAT closely to their theme, and don't get wishes, anyway!).

There appears to be Discourse about how public their civvie identities ought to be. And how people who try to dox Magical Girls tend to mysteriously fail to find anything and/or forget they tried that and/or disappear.

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...And?  Like.  That's neat...?  Are they doing anything weird with that capacity?  I don't know why that's bothering you and I can't really help if I don't.


...Also, is it just me or are the puchuu running some sort of Masquerade/Veil thing with, like, black-ops black-bag bullshit.  That feels like it's absolutely a thing.  Fucking dammit.

...So are there or aren't there any magical girls in her area, retired or not, that she could contact?  She has questions, dammit.  Even if she's maybe going to have to beat off puchuu with a stick.  ...Okay maybe she'll try that later when it would be harder to vanish her.  Instead of now.

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Everyone should have that


I can't say anything about that except

Everyone should have that

There would still be like




The wiki does show at least one Magical Girl who is active in this city! It's actually a magical boy, Starshield Savior, whose theme appears to be star-speckled sheets of dark blue energy made into something physical, mostly as shields or flying platforms.

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...Yeah.  You're right about that.  But there's only so much magic one person can do, let alone sustain, I think.  And we don't even know how it works.  Still, I'll put it on my to-do list.

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OcularStone leaves a checkmark emoji on that message but has no further immediate comment.



A while later they send a link to a Google Doc apparently full of summarized internet research.

lmk if this is...

too much?

not what youwant?

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Well, to do that she'll first have to read it, but she thinks it sounds good!

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It has a bunch of random notes and observations:

Magical Girls always seem to have something for attack, something for defense, something for movement, and something for utility

Witch spells all seem very home ec? Weather, healing, cleaning, fixing, etc

Wizards are monks?? All about zen and control your center and direct the flow of energy

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...Huh.  Well, that answered some questions she didn't know she was asking.

This is pretty useful; thanks, dude.  I guess the next question is how on earth one goes from 'okay so you flipped a lightswitch by being annoyed and half-asleep' to 'recognizably an [X]'...

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Yeah idk

You should write down all the magic you do

And when and what and how

Did the paper cleaning feel


Trying to estimate your possible rank

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I don't think it felt exercise-y?  Like, the trick I needed to get was thinking the right way rather than doing anything in particular, aside from, like, dealing with the clumsiness inherent in trying to move a limb that's been asleep for a decade.  ...Wonder if there's a spell for that sort of power-assessment thing.  I mean, there's gotta be.  But I don't know what it is if there's one standard.

And yeah, I'm planning on documenting everything I can.

...I honestly really do wonder if magic is basically all in the thinking about it, power levels aside.  Because it'd be cool as fuck if I could actually use the Force.

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I have no way at all to tell.

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I can't believe in the existence of p-zombies.  So there's bound to be some way.  And if there isn't yet, then I suppose I'll have to make one.

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OcularStone is Typing...

OcularStone is Typing...

It sounds like magic is a mental thing only sometimes from the blogs I'm finding

If they're not BS

But I also feel like necessary != sufficient


Depends on what you mean by the force

Replicating stuff from star wars is one thing

The actual force is another

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True enough!  But we'll find out!  Hopefully within the next year or so!  Assuming somebody's willing to put things together for doing this as proper research!  I don't have enough executive function to make the legwork happen on my own, but I've got some ideas!

hums opening bars - and refrain - of "Come Together" by the Beatles, contemplatively.

If it looks like it might work out, you're gonna be one of the first people on my list to share with.  You think about the right things.

Permalink Mark Unread

Beep boop, I am science advisor, +5 to magic research dice. My loyalty quest is the fountain of youth.

Permalink Mark Unread


more of a special projects advisor, ne?  this is Magic Research Quest, you know.  ;P

...Frankly I bet the succubi already have at least antisenescence as a spot treatment.  ...dunno how one goes about politely asking them things, though.  Gods, if it's anything like some myths imply, I will die on the spot.  Of embarrassment.

Permalink Mark Unread

I mean

Have you heard the thing where "Changeling Children" were probably autistic?


Where was I going with that...

OcularStone is typing...



I kind of suspect most myths have a grain of truth to them somewhere

So uh

That should probably be confirmed by... Research.

Yes. Research.

Permalink Mark Unread

Have I heard, I will practically go LARPing that now that I have an excuse.  Man, which Court would I even be?  And from which typology for that matter...

Uh, anyway.

Right.  Uh.  Research.  ...That I should definitely...do at some point.  Dear gods.  On the one hand I really must know, if I'm gonna start swimming in the ocean.  On the other hand I'm not certain I could survive collapsing my uncertainty into knowing.

...I'll be back in just a minute.  Gotta get the gay panic attack under control.  (This statement intentionally left ambiguous.)

The woman OcularStone knows only as StandaloneCheese is silent for more than the promised minute - but not very long - as she...investigates how one would make (polite!) contact with a succubus, and the requisite diplomatic manners.  If such information does in fact exist in the college library's card catalog.

Permalink Mark Unread

Not in an easily-findable and obviously correct fashion.

There's demonology books. They're either historical or under 'fiction'.

Permalink Mark Unread

...Historical, s'il te plait.  Ideally, by primary sources...?

Permalink Mark Unread

If she wanted a pop-history analysis of myths, fairy tales, and legends of demons from the 5th to the 18th century- That does describe several rituals meant to supposedly summon/bind/control/drive off succubi- Then she has it.

Permalink Mark Unread

...God.  Dammit.  Well, it might be better than nothing, at least.

She doesn't expect they're in the phone book.

...She'll check that too, though.

...Er.  Probably not the literal phone book.  But, hell, maybe even that if it's digitized enough to be searchable.  ...Or she could do some bibliomancy in the classical mode, for all she knows.  Wouldn't be impossible.  Would be effort she's leaving off for if her first resorts whiff, though.  Spell design feels like she might be trying to run before she can walk, and all.  ...If she had local contacts worth mentioning...

But she doesn't, really, unless a recognizable magical girl walks in here and she gets over her social anxiety right quick.

...Not impossible, that.  The Force is with her, she knows, and that's...  A warm comfort.  But still, in the words of a children's book Viking, vastly improbable.

Permalink Mark Unread

Searching the internet for how to find succubi gets her porn. And then urban legends and old forum posts asking the same question (usually answered by 'lol noob' or similar), when one turns Safe Search on.

There's at least one actual website that at least heavily implies it's run by succubi? It's very vague vagueness for 'Tantric Wellness Wholesome Aesthetic and Healing Spa'. By appointment only.

Permalink Mark Unread

She will fucking take it.


My apologies in advance if I have erred in my reading of the implications of your website, but it is heavily implied that that this business employs at least one ...if succubus is not the correct term, my apologies, but that is what I was able to find - and I hope that this letter may be less rude than attempting to construct a summoning from Middle-Ages accounts and first principles, if indeed it finds itself in hands that would be qualified to answer that question.

I am...

Relatively new to the field of organized magical practice - but it is a relatively prominent piece of knowledge, in my studies so far, that succubi do biokinetic magic.  I have approximately all the questions on how it works and what it can accomplish and how on earth it's so predictably affine with succubi as to form almost a trope trying to beat down the doors of my brain and storm the page, despite myself, but there is also a - personal matter that I would like to seek a medical-magic consult on, and ideally treatment for, if that is a service that can be arranged for within a student's budget.  ...Or possibly in alternate methods of payment, though I would not wish to be too assuming, especially off of such scant records as I've yet found.  (It's not like my health insurance couldn't be pressed into covering this, anyway, for a cost in $USD; they're required by law, I'm pretty dang sure, I'm just - not sure I have the energy to try and fight them about it if they put up a fuss.  Though I assume that you have better lawyers than I could, given some of the laws that have very pointed exemptions.)

Again, my apologies, should I have made any faux-pas.


With hope,

-- AJM (she/her)

Permalink Mark Unread

And to OcularStone:

Well, apparently there's a tantric holistic wellness jargobabble that isn't, actually, too far to dare consider approaching, nearby.  So I emailed them instead of actually doing that.  ...Especially since they did say by appointment only.

If this goes horribly wrong, I guess I told me so.  Wish me luck?

Permalink Mark Unread

It's not like sex is a bad thing

I can just hear the christian screaming but

that's stupid

A lot of people would be perfectly fine with it and that's fine

>.> I mean

Maybe they're gaslighty or manipulative and actually it sucks? Or is problematic?

If they need sex to survive


I'm rambling

It's a lot better than wanting to be paid in blood or souls or something

After the last text:

Sounds like a rich people scam

Maybe tell someone you know local where going?

<.< nervous

The email to the clinic is not immediately answered.

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...Well, you're not wrong that my issues around walking to their door came from the cultural attitudes.  Even if I quite agree with you on the morals, I seem to have internalized far too much shame.


...Would sure be nice if I had anyone local to tell; I don't have people like that.  Guess I could tell the academic advisor, though, uh.  Don't wanna.  Or I could plausibly do one of those fancy deadmans-switch things.  That seems more... comfortable, insofar as preparations for my disappearance under suspicious circumstances can be.  Maybe also forward to the local magical girl if so...

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm not demanding any personal info but like

I'll follow sealed instructions if you stop responding

This is obviously the most important thing I'll do all week. Maybe month. Probably not year given the uh

You being magic and wanting a ??research coordinator??


OcularStone is typing...

OcularStone is typing...

I don't want to be friendly and helpful JUST because maybe magic??

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I wouldn't trust you to do that if you were, but you aren't.  I've known you long enough to get at least that much of an understanding of your character.  Besides, you put your potential ulterior motive(s) right on the table and I happen to agree with them.  Rational self-interest suggests that I pull you in here before someone else I don't know as well tries to make themself a better candidate, in self-defense.

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Anyway if the cleaning thing did not feel hard at all you're almost certainly at least a C on this scale

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That's good news.  Annoying that it's so vague, though.  ...Speaking of spells, I don't suppose you've found any others lying around?  I could probably try to improvise from my collection of literature, but I'm, well, fretting about messing something up.

Permalink Mark Unread

There's a bunch

I haven't been throwing them at you because I don't want to


Prejudice the condition

Break the double blind

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Mmm, true.  Dammit, I want to do more magic, but I also don't want to - accidentally explode or anything.  That would, you know, be bad for our chances of immortality.

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Think you're up for trying a spell without knowing what it's supposed to do? To test the mental hypothesis?

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Sure.  Gimme a few, gonna get somewhere that won't mind some sort of misfire very much.  Or do I need supplies for this one too?

Permalink Mark Unread

Cup of water, salt

Put the salt in the water

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Alright.  How much salt, how big a cup?  Or, I mean, does it mean 'a cup' the unit or a cup the object?  Any special procedures...?

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No, we just need salty water. Whatever size. Just enough to taste salty, doesn't have to be ocean level.

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Alright, one cupful of salty water plus intent-to-do-some-sort-of-magic coming up, I guess.

Permalink Mark Unread

...That shouldn't be too hard to round up, at least.  She'll go for a small one; she has little disposable cups and she's sure there's a packet of salt around here somewhere...

Permalink Mark Unread

OcularStone is typing...

OcularStone is typing...

Try not to form expectations about the magic? If that's even mentally possible when you have to focus to DO it?

Touch the outside of the cup and stare at the water. Imagine the impurities within it- Salt, and also minute minerals. Focus on wanting to separate everything within the cup by type. Still focusing on it, set the cup down on grass or dirt, clear of anything fragile for about five feet and back off.  Then chant five times: As Below, So Above. Then walk up, pick the cup up, and pour it out on the spot.

Permalink Mark Unread

...Maybe you should've picked something that doesn't have English chants with a clear intentionality behind them.  For future reference.

I know enough about Latin to not trip over my own tongue without breaking the blinding if I don't actively try to break down the words by roots I know?

"This is Alex Marche, I'm out here running another spellcasting experiment; I've had a friend pick out a spell and try to relay the instructions without telling me what they do.  Though I'm not sure that was successful, but I'm not sure I can successfully record my expected expectations without - solidifying them into something that will definitely interfere with testing the requirement that the mage not know what they're actually doing.  ...I'm not sure if he's testing whether spells are required to exist, actually.  I don't actually think he could tell me."

She will edit the instructions in, as-delivered, in post.

"Anyway.  Here we go.  Attempt 1."

And she does her best to proceed without expectation of how the spell might act, should it indeed exist.

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All she is certain of is that it is invoking a principle of sympathy, and - separation?  The pouring-out of the cup, though, she has successfully formed no particular belief about, even if she might guess at some possibilities when left to her thoughts.

She's not left to her thoughts when she's busy casting, after all.

"As Below, So Above, As Below, So Above, As Below, So Above, As Below, So Above, As Below, So Above -" and pour -

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Her fingers slip from the lock at the last step, the key released from her unsteady hands before it could be turned.

This is not a complete spell.

But it does leave behind the salt.

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"...Well, it felt incomplete.  Like I stuck a key in a lock and then it fell out because I didn't turn it.  But the salt stayed put how I visualized.  If nothing else I've got a decent line on distilled water, hey?"

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She debates, for a moment, whether to try and press the button to end the recording on her phone via magic or walking over normally.

Eventually, she chooses to walk.  Though not before recording a last few thoughts...

"Originally, I suspected that this could've been some sort of trace-mineral sifter, like some sort of magical equivalent of panning for gold.  But I wasn't sure, given the direction of the chant, that it really was; the thought fell from my mind before I cast.

"This suggests a further experiment; that will be another recording, or multiple, if and when it happens."

Permalink Mark Unread

Annnd send the video.

Experiment thoughts: Do spell with intent to perform what your instructions say the spell should do, do spell with intent to do what I maybe thought it could after you break blinding.

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And answering a niggling doubt he's never going to mention, too.

What my instructions say, then what you thought? Or what you thought, then what my instructions say?

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I think we test "do what your instructions say" first.

Gimme a sec, I'mma do it.

"Experiment number two, take one; I'm going to see if I can get the spell that didn't complete in experiment one, to complete by referencing the friend who gave me the instructions' understanding of its mechanics."

And so she forms and holds the intention to perform the spell OcularStone knows to be accomplished by this procedure -

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- and the key doesn't fit anymore.

"...Same non-result; the salt separated, but the wider effect, if any existed...

"This felt more like I was trying to use the wrong key, than that I let go of it before the spell completed.  That maybe it could be forced with enough power, or something.

"...I have some ideas on how to actually ease the working of that, by the same sympathetic principles, but, mmm.  For another time."

She stops the recording.  Sends it.

Spell jammed, rather than not turning.  Hmm.  I guess now is...  Actually I should try to perform my suspected result both before and after you tell me the design intent.

Permalink Mark Unread

:sparkles: :sparkles: :magic_wand: :sparkles:

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So, then.

What happens if she focuses on sifting the trace minerals from the dirt, as a logical consequence of the spell?  (While still, of course, recording and explaining what she's trying to do.)

Though there is that pesky thread of doubt...

As Below, So Above, is, after all, backwards, to accomplish that purpose.  It's what knocked that suspicion off to begin with.

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...Well.  She believes it to be unsuitably backwards, so it is therefore unsuitably backwards.  The psychosomatic 'lock' doesn't turn that way, even if it does feel closer.

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"...Hmn.  This one felt more like trying to turn a good key - or at least one that fits - the wrong way.  I suppose that invalidates the need to try it after seeing if I can cast this particular spell knowing what it's supposed to accomplish, at least.  Chanting and doing all the walking back and forth, it's tiresome." 

(...And frankly kind of dysphoric, honestly.  A lot of people like her voice, she gets 'ma'am'-ed often enough - but she's never felt quite right about it; it's like the actual vocal cords, or at least her body-image thereof, are out of place, and it slips easily into the default (and, therefore, bad) register if she's not consciously paying attention to her speech.)

...Send the recording...

So what's this supposed to do, now that we know I can't get it to do this particular thing?

Permalink Mark Unread

It's supposed to make it 'rain' in a very local area, for watering a garden or de-fogging.

Permalink Mark Unread

Huh.  You'd expect it to have an area delimiter.  I guess that's more part of the visualization...

...I wonder if that could serve as a power metric.  By way of max volume at specified humidity, or something.  's reasonably standardizable, and it would...  Oh, hmm, I don't know, actually...

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Anyway, experimental procedure design aside, I'm gonna make sure this works like it ought to now that I know how it ought to work.

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And, amazingly enough, it does.

Permalink Mark Unread

Woo!  Fistpump!

Also she didn't get rained on, either!  Woo!  Fistpump!

And work it did.  Video attached.

A pause.

Well, we haven't disproven the hypothesis yet.  So I guess we can upgrade 'spells require user intent' to a possible theory.

Permalink Mark Unread

We're also probably not doing actual science.

We should think of things to measure about magic

Total water produced vs humidity? Subjective experience of tiredness?

Internet chatter is sounding like people have mana bars, like, maximum magic per second output, and separately, a tank and regen rate

Also did you read this scary shit about tentacle monsters?? As if women didn't have to be on the lookout for NORMAL sexual predators already???????

Permalink Mark Unread

I did read the scary shit about tentacle monsters, yes.  I'm just glad that they're ultimately a Tinkertechy superstimulus, rather than an ontology-altering one, and therefore we don't have any particular need for the SCP Foundation.  ...Wait, shit, the fucking Kyuubey-ass -- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, while my mind runs off gibbering in fear and I contemplate the potential necessity of a SCP tattoo, I can at least let you know there's the smallest possible silver lining to the existence of those things: apparently the, uh, permanently afflicted, do potentially live longer, even controlling for magical potential.  Though the data's shaky.

Permalink Mark Unread


Oh. L.

The world is scary sometimes

But we kind of just do what we can

Sorry for making it especially salient

It's not like nukes don't exist. I wonder if Puchuus are on that.

Permalink Mark Unread

Nukes are at least physical threats rather than onto-epistemic ones.  You can bunker from a nuke.  You can't immunize your cognition from the death parrot.  Or maybe you can but assuming that you can do it for all possible memes is -- hubristic.  Let alone the antimemes!  I don't know why I haven't been eaten by the spiders!

...How the hell are we still alive?

Permalink Mark Unread

Presumably because magic doesn't work like that? Or the Kyubeys really are protecting us muggles from horrible shit?

If the Ring Video were real some chucklefuck would have posted it to YouTube and we'd have heard warnings not to watch YouTube anymore

Or something

I don't think there's anything we can usefully do about a hypothetical lurking apocalypse we don't know about is what I'm saying

Maybe there's something that's like tentacles that is less... Publicly acknowledged

But... Procedure is the same? Learn magic, learn how magic works, etc?

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Yeah I mean I guess.  Could be that it's, like, also dependent upon the viewer having...

Hm, no.  Surely being obsessed with MGs doesn't have a particular correlation with magic talent.

Maybe the Kyuubey thing is also done by way of brain lesions?  Ugh, hypocrite that I am, I trust my brain chemicals to tell me they are brain chemicals.

Haaaaate this threat category, hate hate haaaaaaaaate it so muuuuuch, augh, why...

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Gaslighting sure ain't fun, especially if it may or may not be magic gaslightning

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I don't want to look at a head-exploding picture, either!  Though I do suppose there's a certain self-censoring element to that in that you'd likely have to invoke the concept to use the concept...  ...I, uh, need to go ask the cognitive science department something.  Motherfucker.

...Do we even have one of those, actually...

Anyway, I'm going to go see if there's anybody who can tell me if there's a use-mention distinction on the neurological level!  :smilinggrimace:

Back in a bit!

Permalink Mark Unread

She googles.  She JSTORs.  She searches arxiv.  She finds no definitive answer, but it seems there might be people trying and failing to prove that could exist.

It's somewhat reassuring, at least, to suspect that the only time creating BLITs is likely to be possible, let alone feasible, is in a (self-extincting) death curse.  That you'd have to expose yourself to a dangerous meme, while it was dangerous, before you could possibly inoculate yourself to it.

...She suddenly wanders off into the weeds of wondering whether people with aphasia have problems casting things, but catches herself before she gets too far.


...I'm back.  Signs cloudy, but point to "memetic attacks are effectively bombing your own position".  Better than nothing.  Standing down from high alert for now.

...She checks her email.

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Alex has an email from the clinic:

The Tantric Wellness Wholesome Aesthetic and Healing Spa prides itself on its careful discretion and devotion to privacy.

We do employ succubi, and we do offer medical care that is based on magical means, including sex transition care, under select circumstances and certain conditions.

Please note that while we offer services including sex therapy and education, STD screenings, and treatments for sexual organs and/or dysfunctions, the spa staff, regardless of species, do not have sex with clients at our clinic. Any instances of harassment are grounds for a permanent ban and other actions. You can read our Commitment to Goodness here [link]. We advise looking at other organizations employing or composed of succubi for sexual interests.

For most clients, payment for services is preferred in cash, and appointments should be made well in advance. Possible alternate arrangements, especially in reciprocal magical services, can be discussed during your orientation appointment, which lasts 1-2 hours and is $90 (non-refundable).

Please fill out the attached form and return it through the SecureForm portal (click here for instructions) to book an appointment to discuss your options.

Permalink Mark Unread

Of course.  Thank you for your candor.  Do you take insurance?

She can fill out the form, sure.  She's not busy.  Once that's done, though, and OcularStone informed with a 

Heard back from the succubus-hiring people and these guys are definitely medical practitioners; their client-facing software is medtech, there's nowhere else this janky -

-- Well.  Just because she isn't in immediate panic, doesn't mean that she's not still thinking about defending herself from memetic hazards.

And what better to defend against memes with, than other memes?

Onto the blank pages before her spill instructions.  Or things that could become them, given time.

Fragments of thought, like "Rule of Three vs. total threat surface coverage - make nine?", and "What does the black moon howl?  -- WORKS for challenge-response portion" and "Initiant/respondent divide?  Needs to be collapsed for self use", diagrams of dramatic lighting and drafts of a three-monkeys-esque design.  "Sacrifice potential to create coghaz as defense against allowing them in?  Is that necessary?"

The phrase "There Is No Antimemetics Division" is scrawled and underlined in her characteristically shambling handwriting.

In one of the corners, there is a small sketch labelled 'Magneto helmet?  Dorky but memetic...  Unsuitable prop-dependency, though.  Logo can be improvised, especially w/ Type-Blue overtone.  Blue Sharpie or w/e.'

...I worry that I am about to throw myself into the deep end.  Why I'm actively designing a ritual to protect against cognitive hazards when I've barely started doing any magic is quite beyond me to explain - at least, as anything but anxiety.  And I just got done saying I shouldn't need to worry about that sort of thing outside of, like, death curses or some shit.

But damn it all, I appear to be doing it anyway.

Permalink Mark Unread

At least send me what you're working on first so I can properly document it?

'A cross section of the spell development process' or smth

Here's a google doc we can both edot [link]


Most of our procedures are elective and ineligible for most insurance. We take insurance for some procedures that are considered medically necessary, but mostly prefer not to interact with those systems.

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm doing this pen-and-paper; easier to do this without having to struggle with image editors.  Here's what I've got so far, though.

...I should really invent brain-machine interfaces.

And to the medical people:

I rather intend to wring every penny I can get out of my insurance, when it comes to gender-affirming care.  They deserve it - plus, the law's on my side as far as what must be covered, at least where my billing address is.  Not quite as sure of the regs around here, which is kind of surprising, considering.  But so noted.  I'll expect to have to do paperwork about it, or something.

Permalink Mark Unread

That sounds like something to do slowly and carefully


After comparing our schedule and your provided availability, we can set an appointment from 10:30-12:30 this coming Saturday. Is that acceptable?

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, definitely.  But it equally definitely needs to go On The List.


It'll do.

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OcularStone is writing up an experiment log in the shared Google Drive folder.


Thank you, your appointment is confirmed. We are looking forward to seeing you.

Permalink Mark Unread

So is she, random biosculpting place; so is she.


She takes a break from fiddling with the ritual state to answer a suddenly-occurring question.

"This is Alex Marche, I am once again recording an experiment; the procedure is as follows.  Step one.  Say 'Let there be light' while in the specific mindset of doing a dramatic invocation.  Step two.  Expect this to produce a magic light.  ...Step three, see if this replicates without the actual saying-words part, maybe, but frankly I just want to see if this works."

She pauses.  Takes a sip of a drink.  Intones - "Let there be light."

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And there was light!  About one lightbulb's worth of it, falteringly at first but coming with greater ease as she gets more annoyed with the whole process.  Or 'with additional repetition', but that's the same thing.

With focus, she can shift the color-spectrum a bit 'warmer' or 'cooler', or reshape the 'bulb' into a few primitives like 'possibly bendable cylinder' or 'CFL swirly-whirly thing', but - it's plain old white light.  It's certainly not, despite her best efforts, suitable for lasers.  On the other hand, it is, still, light, from nothing.

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"Amazingly enough, that worked."  Even she can't tell whether she's being sarcastic.

"...I wonder if I could make 'Tea.  Earl grey.  Hot.' by the same throughline.  Something for another time, I guess."

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"...Right now, though, I'm just going to keep being kind of quietly amazed at the bit where I'm having tangible effects upon the world by wanting really hard.  Even if I swear I have all the finesse of a drunken gorilla attempting to play basketball, at the moment.  ...Anyway.  Alex out."

End video, share video, apologize to OcularStone for all the profanity in video...

Back to work; she has an anti-cognitohazard to design and hopefully implant stat.

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It is getting late, by the time she approaches a complete design.

Perhaps the night emboldens her unduly, because, having finished this spell in some form, she proceeds to do something that a slightly less impulse-driven version of herself would call this present moment out for even contemplating -

She begins to cast it, insofar as one can cast what is, essentially, a short film script.

She hasn't quite worked out a one-speaking-part version that hits all the right notes, but she'll fix that in post - by which she means that as part of constructing the giver/recipient framework while still being one person, she will have done this ritual three times.  That will suffice to cover the power deficit.

(She believes it will, at least.)

So she cuts some lights, cues some others, puts some tape on a bulb just so, sets up for recording...

And proceeds to speak her parts, in their proper order.

"This world is not a world in which the SCP Foundation is known to exist, because were it to exist, I would perforce not know of it.

"That does not, however, mean that its name does not hold weight, when magic is real and words have power.

"That does not mean that its sigil cannot be a protection against things that go bump in the dark.

"In the eyes of the Foundation - or, at least, those parts of it vaguely familiar with the GOC - I am a Type-Green, or Type-Blue; a reality-warper, a practitioner of magic.  Something strange, something anomalous.  Something that stands out, that is special.  But the Foundation cares much more about what something does than how it does it, when they write these things down in their neverending quest to understand and render safe - and what I intend to do is nothing less than fulfill the Foundation's mission statement.  I intend to use the accumulated work of the Foundation to secure, contain, and protect.  I intend to make a general inoculation against cognitohazards, and spread it onwards via this ritual.

"A cognitohazard is, in its basest definition, information that is dangerous to know or perceive, because the act of processing such information exposes you to harms much worse than mere consternation or displeasure.  Perhaps you have heard of how hard it is to not think of pink elephants?  That is a benign, neutered version of the true danger.  Pink elephants are a strange thing to think of, but they will not hurt you merely for having thought of them.

"It is against those things that harm through understanding, that harm through perception - knowing or unknowing - that we must defend ourselves.  That we shall defend ourselves.

"We shall secure our minds from tampering - contain and isolate these hazards somewhere they cannot hurt us, so that we may better protect ourselves and others from those that would do us harm.

"If you have reached this point, you know what to say.

"What does the black moon howl?"  Silence, to eclipse the wills of those who would be gods.

"What must you remember, when the world itself would forget?"  There is no Antimemetics Division.

"What will we build, upon this Foundation?"  Safety.  Comprehension.  Peace.



"Now go forth, and know that you stand completely protected from all sorts of cognitohazardous problems.  So I have said, and so mote it be."

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So mote it be indeed.

It's time to pass out and hallucinate vividly for many hours, Alex.  You need the rest, after pulling that off.

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The process of refining a ritual like this, until it clicks into place- Not entirely smoothly, not entirely cleanly, much more a 'close enough' fit than one that was made to fit together- Is half aesthetic, half logic, and half intuition. (Yes, that's three halves.)

But it does click into place. It feels like an internal brace, a block of concrete unreality standing in her soul, smooth glass geometry laid over itself in squares and hexagons: Protection of the mind from deviations. From curses, from virii, from unnatural shifts. A return to center.


OcularStone stops constantly bothering her to document what she's working on some time around 11 PM.

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She's up until an ill-advised, if still somewhat self-consistent 4, sending the occasional status update.

And then the last few recordings are her going through the ritual.

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Her dreams include the odd if somewhat explicable (given her recent thoughts) scene of SCP personnel securing a van-size six-tailed fox whose fur is made of fire. It complains to her that it just wanted to talk, then explodes and vanishes from the containment cell.

And also plenty of other semi-comprehensible dream things.

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"I trust that my men would not have reacted this way if you had not attempted to do something untoward," O5-A says to the exploding kitsune.  "But come in peace and peace will be kept.  I bear you no ill-will; my work is to understand and defend, not to aggress."


That was, frankly, far more comprehensibly incomprehensible than her usual dreams.  And she succeeded in something in that part.  Hoo boy, she's gonna need to actually start a dream journal.

I think I made that ward just in time, yikes.  There was a kitsune? in my dreams last night that pissed off a Site staff, complained that she just wanted to talk, and exploded.

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OS messages again at about 9 AM:

I have Actual Work TM

We're not being scientific about this at all

If you hoped to do an academic paper

But I'll do my best to summarize everything and try to


Make a general model of magic?

And later:

Research suggests some entities target newbies in various ways

For recruitment, scams, deals, kidnapping... Eating

And a lot of them are sensitive to active magic use

Succubi are frequently mentioned to be at least.

So uhhh


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...Yeah this wasn't particularly scientific.  Sleep-deprived me has horrible impulse control.  But it was clearly necessary, even if it probably also sent up the flare that drew attention to me to begin with, I think.

Good luck with your Actual Work (tm).

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...Huh, I wonder if that was what a Tinker fugue is like, come to think of it.  And I can at least lay out the design theory.  Try to reverse-engineer what matters and what's set dressing.  ...Though there's a sense in which the set dressing matters in and of itself...

...I should probably really make sure I can use the Force for self-defense, in other news.  If, uh, eating is in the cards.  Because getting eaten would be bad.

Time to find the campus LARPers...  There's gotta be some.

She might even have met any, through a potential mutual interest in videogame music performance.

...Anyway.  She's going to poke at her ward a bit, see if she can get some information on what happened overnight --

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Report begins:

At 0737 Eastern, entity-0001 entered the defended area oneiromantically; entity-0001 merits at least Uncontained(Euclid[2])[!]/Keneq[3]/Warning[3] designation under ACS, and plausibly Uncontained(Keter[3])[!]/Keneq[3]/Danger[4], if its oneiromantic abilities are substantially equivalent to its physical capabilities.  It is unknown whether Entity-0001 qualifies for any Esoteric containment class.  At 0740 Eastern, entity-0001 attempted to deploy a thaumaturgy with perceptual effects targeting the visual system, tentatively classed Decommissioned(Safe[1])[0*]/Vlam[1]/Caution[1].  Entity-0001 retreated when cautioned.  Site-AM did not sustain damage during this exchange.

Report ends.

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-- ...She is only a little bit surprised at this.

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...Well, apparently my brain or magic groks enough of the SCP technical style to serve up an incident report when I ask the ward I made for information on what it blocked.

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Secure. Contain. Protect.

First hypothesis: Magic requires thinking of things in ways that match cultural zeitgeist and this is why lots of spells call on similar things- Salt circles, pentagrams, candles, chants, etc.

Second hypothesis: Magic is based almost entirely on users' will and imagination, with patterns the user's brain can imagine or understand being those that occur and reality.

Underlying mechanism for either of these: ??????

How to test: ???????????????????????

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Ain't that the truth.  Part of the reason I'm switching majors to the 'soft' sciences if I don't get caught up in something.

I think we have some data on - required volume?  Something about cultural saturation...

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...Hm, I feel like I might actually be feeling the effort on this one, too.  Like, I can definitely feel the weight of this ward.  Dunno what in particular caused that yet, but I'm leaning towards 'it's hard to do this' over 'not enough base oomph'.  ...I wonder if mana capacity expands with exercise, like muscles?

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What, find some obscure fanfic that uses really weird tropes and patterns and try to spell off those?

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Yeah, something like that.  Use someone's random worldbuilding they never published or w/e.  See if it still works like this or if it only works as well as an invocation of the shared tropes.

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And try throwing a spell that references things I have no knowledge of at me, I suppose, though I think those blogwitch spells are dang close already.

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Brb looking up the weirdest spell I can


Do you know much about India?

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Unfortunately I know more things than I should to properly be considered blind to the cultural milieu; I've read enough stuff that dealt with Hindu mythology in some form to understand the principles.  And it overlaps with like, cultivator shit.  Try Africa, I don't know nearly as much as I'd like to about the whole damn continent.  ...Which is to say, I know Anansi exists, and little else.  ...That or...Hm, South America is probably out, too...  Maybe Mongolia?  Or non-Hindu and non-Islamic stuff...

...This is going to be a huge fucking pain, isn't it.

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Yeah. All we can do is give it our best shot.

Or design something as purposefully context-free as possible.

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I wonder if I could do something like mantle a D&D character sheet.  The game itself has enough cultural saturation, and I've certainly got some characters...

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Why don't you brainstorm a lot of possible spell ideas and then we see which ones answer the most interesting questions? I'm looking for something african now.

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Will do.

- Charsheet manifestation

- ...Do those like-to-charge-reblog-to-cast posts...actually do anything?

- His Great Noodly Appendage, &c., &c..

- What about canon characters?

- ...Hey wait a minute why aren't there more furries, or am I just blind?  Is it some sort of medical license thing?

- If you make a replica of a legendary object, will it reify?  Do you need to make it if you're the wizard who wants one?

- Did anyone say The Gamer.  I'm saying The Gamer.  I want me some inventory hax.  And leveling up.  And quest tracking!  Like.  Yes please.

- Would that one technique where you fuel your Force use off of a big explosion or whatever fast-moving objects you've got, work as far as magic is concerned.

- Did Rumpelstiltskin actually happen, and what would the economic implications of spinning straw into gold even be.

- If there are multiple claimant personae to a name, e.g. Mab, Titania, and you invoke the generic... who wins?  Is it dealer's choice?

- Oh dear I hope I can't cast that one on accident.  Possing off the fae is bad.

- ...Is the multiverse real.  I mean we've got any evidence in favor from the physics being nominally indeterminate at the "where are all those rolled-up dimensions going" level...

- ...How many ways to casually tell physics to take a hike are just lying around somewhere, anyway?  What's the equivalence of hypothetical thaums to joules?  Is the second law of thermodynamics actually valid?

- These aren't spell ideas, are they.  Uh.


- I wonder if you could actually manifest 'rupees' by breaking enough pots with the right sword.

- Narrativium manipulation: It's a million-to-one chance.  Million-to-one chances crop up nine times out of ten. (GNU Pterry.)

- ...What's even up with the transmissible sorts of supernatural creature, anyway?  Like, vampires didn't come from nowhere...

- I am one with the Force and the Force is with me.

- Summon Bigger Fish?

- I'm horrible at having ideas.

- Light spell plus prism = more directed light spell?

- Really need to get Eschew Materials...

- ...Actually, what if I did go LARPing...

- Okay that's a horrible idea because it just might work and then where would we be.  (Having liability issues because spells aren't supposed to actually get cast at a LARP, that's where.)

- But I do want to see if I can make a lightsaber.  Lightsabers are cool.

- ...I mean there is the company that makes actual lightsabers/handheld cordless plasma cutters...

- But I dunno, it wouldn't feel quite the same without the shiny rock.

- Speaking of: Structural Grasping.  And other Shirou Emiya bullshit.

- Mythological matsci?  Orichalcum?  Beskar?

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I'll organize it

So I notice

You're going down the witch path pretty hard by doing rituals for everything

We might want to try some druid magic or wizard magic instead

To start you on the path of the Fake Jedi

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Eh?  Nah I did a ritual for this on account of it being the sort of thing that rituals are good for.  I expect combat evocation et al. to turn out a lot more 'wiz'/dru.  Telekinesis is no good if you have to take a bunch of effort to do it.

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Combat evocation seems to be an MG thing

There's this blig [link]


Where a retired MG called Majestic Millinier Millie (lol?) talks about how combat magic feels similar to playing soccer

Training into muscle memory, with a dash of strategy on top

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Rituals are - for building power to a point, or for careful construction of something specific.  ...Which suggests that I'm gonna want to get hands-on if I want to make magic items at any point.  But that doesn't mean that...

Hmm.  How to explain my intuition here...

Wizard spells are suited for the sort of thing you want to call kinesis.  And if any methodology is going to be suited for divination - and familiars, and suchlike - I'd say that's druid flavor.  Though, funnily enough, I bet there's also druid rituals...

...Right, this seems like it might get complicated.

One moment, please.  Thinking.  Need better buckets, or sth..  MG data is very...specialized.  But she's not wrong about how I expect it to feel, sort of.

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Ooh, a blog.  She can't get too distracted reading it but she'll grab a couple interesting-looking posts while she's thinking about how spells should or could be assorted.

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It's inactive since four years ago, and pretty sparse before that. Maybe once every couple of months. Final post is a long rant against people calling her a faker. Interesting standout articles:

That Time I Went to Outer Space

Why the Army can't fight monsters

So what does magic ACTUALLY feel like?

No, Puchuus aren't evil, and here's why

Yeah, I power up from sex, so what?

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Right.  So.

Hmm.  Internal/External, Physical/Mental, and Personal/Cultural?

Creating this octet of...

...Yeah, this is starting to make sense as a potential casting classification scheme.  Or is this more about casters again...

Internal Physical Personal: Cultivators.

Internal Physical Cultural: Culture Heroes?  MGs?  ...Not sure this is the right bucket.  Bards?

Internal Mental Personal: 'Wizards', meditative casting

Internal Mental Cultural: Priests, invokers???

External Physical Personal: Tinkers.

External Physical Cultural: Ritual casting.

External Mental Personal: Tricksters?  Power from the perception of others?  Not sure.

External Mental Cultural: Psychic team bonds and whatnot.

...Yeah this turned out to be about casters again.  Dammit.  That's not what I wanted, brain!

She'll take the last two articles, and 'rant about people calling her a faker', please.  For now.  The adventures in space do sound interesting.

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She does, however, still have spell-typing to figure out.

Spell classification...

I feel like there is a pretty direct analogy from what I just brained up to cover spell casters, but hmm.

Three elements of a spell, maybe.

Symbology, Control Structure?

Hmm.  Passive/Active is right out.  Conscious/Subconscious?  Or something about agency...  Rassafrassing.  This should work but it doesn't.  So what am I missing?  What makes spells distinct?

Great fucking question, past me, that's what I've been trying to figure out for the past umpty!

I feel like it's gotta be something about...

Where you put some thing in the spell.  How the spell itself is -- scaffolded!  Aha!  Yeah.  That seems like it might work.

...But then what makes the scaffolds distinct?  We've come back around to where we started!  Augh!


I think maybe you can classify spells by whether their symbols are personal or cultural, whether those symbols are invoked by physical or mental means, and whether it is held onto or released?

Ugh, it's still not quite hanging together...

It does seem like I could be getting closer, though.  But I wouldn't bet on it.

This is...  Awfully annoying.  I want there to be a model!

...Oh hmm.

For various reasons the word psychosomatic came through my head, and now that I think about it, psychic/somatic feels better.

Thinking or doing, I guess.  ...But that's physical and mental dressed up in slightly fancier words!

Phfff...  Maybe I should just steal the idea of spell components.

...Oh.  I know what it is.  It's preparation requirements.  And whether the agency of an active effect is your own, I guess?  Definitely sold on preparation requirements being a notable distinction.

...Prep: Psychic, Somatic, Material, Focal?  ...Not quite, let's try that again...

Preparation: Mental or Material?

Symbols: Personal or Cultural...?

Casting: Psychic or Somatic.  ...Okay, actually, I think it's likely that you really want both of those in a good spell, that Light cantrip was a real pain - but what predominates, I guess.

...Yeah.  This feels like it might actually make sense to sort by.

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The rant seems fairly typical for a content creator who has gotten the wrong end of an internet bandwagon, basically declaring that she doesn't want to deal with death threats and doxxing attempts and it's better to just vanish, fuck you haters. And no, she still won't reveal EXACTLY which former-MG she is, stop trying to guess. The comments are. Interesting.

'Puchuus aren't evil': According to this blogger, they discuss philosophy and the ramifications of their actions all the time? And will accept well-reasoned debates, sometimes even changing their policies. Yes, they don't listen to cops, because ACAB. No, they don't count as cops themselves, they're not enforcing laws and imprisoning people. Yes, they sometimes erase memories, but that's because of trauma. No, they don't steal little girls' souls. She wasn't forced into it and she was actually advised to quit twice during her career, and she eventually retired from active Magical Girling, like most do. Yes, sometimes MGs die, but sometimes ordinary little girls die, too, so.

'Power up through sex': Apparently Magical Girl style casting finds itself massively boosted in flexibility and power by strong emotions. Hopes and dreams. Leaning into them and reveling, living your best life. And guess what one of the strongest, most persistent human emotions is? HORNY. When she downranked from S tier to A tier at around 19-20, her Puchuu coach advised her on sexual meditation techniques, which let her keep hitting S consistently for years more. She argues that being fucked thoroughly has saved lives by keeping her at top form, and if you hate it because a prude, lol u mad.


I want to remember that we have little idea what the heck we are looking at, magic wise

Classification systems are only useful when the classifications are relevant

And models should be considered hypotheses to be torched until further notice

I could sort all the shit I'm finding according to these classes

Or according to SCP ratings

But I'm not sure that's USEFUL? For anything but satisfying the 'put thing in box' part of brain?

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Very true.  I just...Find a world-model with even bad boxes, a lot easier to work with.  Especially when I'm being asked to make things.  Because even if the boxes are bad I can see how they might be bad a lot easier.  Or something.

But what got us onto this tangent was originally your concern that I'm approaching my spells too witchy?

So like, there's already classification systems in play.

...Not that it matters too much.

I think I've got this under control, though?  Like.  I can use the Force.  Even if I haven't actively tapped it yet, I know for a certainty that this will work.  And the amount of telekinesis to carefully stop bloodflow and KO any human opponent, is minimal.  And replicable by human hands.  's how sleeper holds work.  I think that's the name, at least.

So it's not like I'm gonna be out of shit to do if something comes down to fighting.  ...Even if I vaguely worry that I would end up Sith-ing instead of Jedi-ing, that way.  ...Then again, it's not like the Sith Code is some horrendous abomination, it's just that the Sith practitioners are kriffing idiots.  Have I gone on this rant at you yet?  About how the Sith stupidly enslaved themselves to their fears by stoking fear in the hopes that it would give them power they had no real need of with their chains broken, and created this awful defect-defect equilibrium of horrible?

Because that is absolutely my headcanon here, Rakata or no Rakata.

...Or, in other words, the Sith Code ought to produce the tantric practitioners (and the ADHD/autism hyperfocus junkies) to the Jedi's ascetic Zen Buddhism.  Hell, with a little nudge, you could really make a Sithy order of warrior-monks.

Hmm.  There's a thought, I guess.  Use a different Code to try and interact with The Force, see what happens...

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I almost think your mental ward thing is more Cultivatory than Witchy

Especially if it ... gave you an SCP report, something you didn't specifically try to design in

It's making me nervous on your behalf

Cultivator stories are full of shit like 'failed breakthrough fucked up my meridians and crippled me'

So are you going with sorting things like this for now? Preparation: Mental or Material? Symbols: Personal or Cultural...? Casting: Psychic or Somatic

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I'm not certain I'm going with anything in particular, yet.  Just that it feels like there's a way things are shaped that my brain is picking up on, and I'm still trying to put into words.  This happens sometimes.

And yeah, that does...Mmm.  It makes sense?  But I don't want to think into reality something that needn't be true, as far as assuming dangers.  Because we don't actually want Chaos to exist, and all.

It does feel like it's more of a...

Cornerstone technique?  I'm not sure how to describe my intuition here.  But it was meant to be a grand thing, a solid, enduring, ha, foundation, that I could build upon - and a grand thing was what I got.

Something that felt bigger than myself even though it was my hands and my words and my choices.

It's so hard to explain the...


This is like one of those times when, despite all reasons to feel and believe to the contrary, I Know that it'll be alright - and I've never been proven false by those.  It's like one of those.  ...It is one of those.  Holy shit.  ...Yeah.  I get why you'd be worried.  You're not in my head.  But I promise you.  I've never had feeling like this explode on me, and it's not going to start now.

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OcularStone is typing...

OcularStone is typing...

Yah sry, you're the one with magic here in the end

Google says the 'just knowing' thing happens w magic sometimes so


(Around this time, someone pushes an envelope under her apartment door sill and/or mail slot)

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Huh.  Wish I'd known that, I could've gotten started sooner.

...Did she just see someone walk up to the front of her house (well, 'her' house, that is technically shared, and, y'know, a rental,) through the blinds?  They didn't knock or anything...  Huh, what's that there?

...I've got surprise under-the-door mail, it seems.  Hm.  You got anything for screening mail in your spell compilation?

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Hold on


I have a 'detect poison' and a 'detect trap'?

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Gimme plskthx

Kinda tempted to roll my own detect spell, ngl, but better tried and true.  Do you have any 'detect disease'?  Not sure if that'd scan like a poison.

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How about 'disinfect'?

He sends them; Detect Poison is a witchy spell, detect trap seems Wizardy (it describes a state of hypervigilance and focusing on sending out a gentle pulse).

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Disinfect seems useful to have on hand in general.

Hypervigilance, you say.  Did you mean, "weaponize what's probably a trauma response?"

She hopes she has what she needs for the witchy spell, just in case, but she does think that the wizard spell will likely give her enough data.

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The wizard spell actually means something very particular, and uses a whole paragraph to describe it!

('Not in the sense of paranoia or fear, but of vigilance and caution. That of a bureaucrat checking every line of a contract; That of a soldier knowing that danger lurks around the corner. You must also focus on the principle of illusion; (That is, be aware of your own perceptions and how they can lie to you; Your mind is a fallible machine- Exercises on this can be found in ch. 1)- By focusing on the principle of illusion and on personal danger resulting from it, and on overcoming it, your magic will be primed to highlight differences in what your mind sees and the truth of the world.') 

And a whole page of advice on how to tell if you're getting close or not! And mentions that this is the very most basic version.

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Mmhmm.  She knows.  She can be incredibly poetic about emotional states too, when she tries.  Doesn't really change the key things she's tapping into to get there, though!

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...Dear gods, this spell is incredibly florid considering how much of it is very thinly veiled CBT/DBT exercises.  I'm half expecting to read something about 'wise mind' and lose all suspension of disbelief.

...In the "I'll burst out laughcrying because good gods why is everything like this" sense, not, like, a breaking the spell, sense.

Can probably get it to work, though.  Especially w/ the right music on hand...Hmm.  Which music do I want, actually...

...Ah, yes.  This will do.

Opus Magnum Solving 6, don't fail her now.

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The envelope sits there. Menacingly.

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...Is it a trap, though?

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She does not detect any traps. Or poison, if she tries the other one.

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Well...It didn't detect trapped.  I'm gonna open iiiii--

Detect magic?  Why did I not try that first...

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There's some references to doing it better or more precisely?

I think you're supposed to detect magic naturally

I found something for 'tracking spell traces'?

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Oh, if it's supposed to be something I have out of the box I bet I can work that out.  Do gimme the spell trace tracker though please.

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Magic Bloodhound.txt

(Appears to be a Druid thing? About falling into tune with all the natural flows of the world, and detecting the one that's out of place, then following it. It 'goes better if you have experience in the terrain you're attempting to track through, or familiarity with the specific location'.)

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Hm.  Seems ill-suited to close work.  Doing it live it is, then.

Annnnd she will just be, meditating, for a bit.  Close her eyes, steady her breathing, put calm open music on, listen to the world and its magic and focus from there onto the letter in her hands...

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There's a little bit of foreign-ness to the letter? If one were to render it from magic-sense into synaesthesia- A slightly spicy smell. And incense-y, maybe. A hint of old stones and settled earth.

Her own signature is overpowering it, washing it away. It seems to be the equivalent of body heat or scent, not anything structured.

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...Huh.  Magicians leave passive traces.  ...Letter seems inert, so, wish me luck.

Time to open what she's only almost certain is just going to be, like, a courtesy call sort of thing, after all that effort.

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How many times did you check this before you opened it?


Most of my friendly warnings aren't even necessary, it seems. Nice super secret agents metaphor. Don't believe everything you read on the internet, and watch out for the stupid and hungry ones.

Want to meet somewhere (public) and chat about the wonderful world of magic?


And a phone number, and there's detailed line art of a smug six tailed fox at the bottom, burned into the paper in a display of pyromantic precision.

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Ah.  It seems that my dream visitor does honestly want to chat; she gave me a phone number.

She muses, for a second, over whether she should do something like get a burner phone.

...That seems like far too much effort.  Her threat surface isn't the right shape for that, anyway.  Though she maybe should actually start using Tor.

Texting Foxy Dream Lady Kitsune?:

So I heard you might be the vixen of my dreams.  I can't really take the credit for the Foundation that caught your eye, for all that I did build one, but I can say I'd like to chat, too!  University center's ice cream place sound good?  I feel like I could stand to make up a *little* for the explosive encounter we had; you're hardly some black agency spook like I was worried about when I thought about the people who'd be interested in me.

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Fair reaction tbh? I was going to prank you, soz.

Ice cream is fine with me. You'll recognize me since we met at night and sparks flew... Right?

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...Be careful

And take notes. Obv.

Is what OS messages her.

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To fox lady:

Pranks are a world away from black-bag conscription by personality rewrite or w/e, which is the sort of thing I'd been freaking out about.

And I do bet I could, alright, you have a distinctive signature when I'm looking - but in the interests of not leaving our next meeting to quite as much chance, I'll be wearing a university sweatshirt and this bracelet.

(Attached is a picture of the bracelet (but not her), one of those elastics with round beads; most of them are purple rocks, but it has a full rainbow of pride colors as a sort of accent segment.)

To OS:

OFC.  I'll be as safe as I can; I can only hope that's enough.

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Uwu, you like my perfume? *blushy blushy*

C u soon

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I'll be there in ~15 mins.

And off she goes.

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Alex's contact is...

...Pretty obvious. A full fox head, long claw-like fingers, shoeless paws and a tail visible as she lounges on one of the plastic chairs. Nobody else seems to notice, though.

Wave wave smirk.

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Alex waves!

She has a funny feeling she knows what her ward will tell her if she checks it, so she doesn't feel the need to bother.

She swings into the booth seating opposite the fox lady with surprising economy of motion for someone who clearly finds themself spending much more time behind a screen or in a book than out in the field.

"Well, hello there!  Fancy seeing you here - we met last night, but I don't think I caught your name?  Or what you'd prefer to be called."

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"I've had a bunch of names. You can call me Wren. How 'bout you? I don't actually know yours. As you might've guessed- Everyone else sees a cute girl instead of a fox, and I can slap down something to make them decide we're obviously talking about a book or something. Yea or nea?"

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Alex shrugs.  "That's your prerogative; I've already decided to be relatively open about the magic thing, but you haven't.  You can call me Alex, by the way."

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"Then I shall. Don't ask me to do big magic demos though. I don't get it for free, unlike you."

Her metaphor for everything is, apparently, fire. Near invisible blue-white embers trace a wide sphere around the table. Something settles into place.

"Anchored to the table, not us, so we can go order ice cream fine. I think you said you'd treat me~?"

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"I did indeed, and I sha'n't back down from my word."  Oh no, she's doing a flirty voice...

Send help, she's too gay for this!

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Wren snickers.

"I like cookie dough. Or strawberry."

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Alex orders...

Well, let's just say that Death By Chocolate isn't meant to be literal, but she's giving it the ol' college try anyway.

"And I'm covering hers."

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Cookie dough AND strawberry, then.

When they sit down again, Wren says, "I imagine you're holding back a lot of questions. You can let it all out."

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"So.  Many.  Questions.  Yeah.  Uh.  ...Shit, what were they?"

Alex's palm, meet Alex's face.

"Okay there are at least a couple that're coming to mind.  Probably.  Sometimes I could swear I'd lose my own head if it wasn't so firmly attached...

"So, how'd you find me, anyway?  I'm guessing the ritual?  It felt a lot bigger than anything else I've yet tried and clearly magic leaves traces behind just from the magician existing.  And who, or what, else might be looking?"

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"The failed attempts more than the successful one, but yes. The ritual." She taps her nose. "Foxes like me are good at sniffing out magic, but succubi, other demon types, hungry ghosts, nightmares, puchuus, werewolves, and vampires aren't bad at it. The big news that's good for people like you- Is that the Puchuu Mafia will absolutely murder magical beings who fuck with the status quo." Shrug. "So I'm not gonna kill muggles or unaligned sorcerers without a really good excuse."

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She nods.  "...Is there a lot of that going around, then?"

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"Murder? Tribalism among magic types? Unthinking menaces? Kinda, yeah. That's what happens when some people can literally ignore cops. I mean, puchuu girls are the magic cops."

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"Well ain't that just great.  By which I mean absolutely terrible.  ...I'm kind of surprised the Puchuu didn't try for me, to be honest; I have an unfortunate rule-following streak."

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"Maybe they didn't notice you. They're not infallible. And I might be overselling the doom and gloom. I don't think existing while magic is actually more dangerous than existing while black in inner chicago, for example."

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"Being as white as bread and mostly raised in suburbia as I have been - though I suppose there was that time where the sperm donor was in the city and I split weekends - I'm not sure that works as an effective point of comparison, but I guess that's not a bad sign.  Comparatively.

"...I should hope that the police brutality is not as much a threat as that, though."

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She makes a waffling motion with one pawhand and licks her ice cream.

"Most of Lilith's brood aside from a couple varietals, like succubi or dryads, have it bad from them. Sorcerers are mostly fine unless you go around collecting skulls or robbing stores and so on."

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"Ouch.  ...Wait, whomst?  Is there really a Lilith by way of the Biblical apocrypha that that sounds like?  Damn.  That's not something that I was expecting to be meaningfully truthy, though having thought about it for five seconds now I can't say I know why I wouldn't have, given that, like.  Succubi demonstrably exist.  Though there could have been evolutionary pressures...  ...It's not like there aren't gonna be half a dozen occult traditions quote-mining the book of Enoch or what have you, anyway.  ...Though the question of the potential historicity of that apocrypha would be rather open in ways mere quote-mining couldn't possibly achieve, despite the overall lack thereof in Genesis...

"...Interestingly enough, they have actually found something that looks like it could've been Noah's Ark recently-ish, to boot."

"...Or is 'Lilith's brood' more of a cultural thing, than a matter of actual known descent?  That would fit different models.  But the way you said it...

"Well, you sounded like Lilith was a person who made design decisions, to be using the term varietals there."

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She feigns sleepiness at the bible talk, then blinks twice.

"Lilith as a specific individual may be apocryphal- Disciples, an Empire, a legend, a tradition- But yes. 'Lilith's brood' refers to monster species which have reliably heritable magic, are people, can take humanoid form, and must get their magic from some external source, not generating it. The mother of monsters, the story goes, was put out that sorcery is decidedly not heritable, murdered all her sons and daughters, and then designed new ones."

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"Huh.  The murder's not okay but the other bits seem pretty cool.  I do rather agree with her that it's rude of the universe that only some people get to be and-or do magic, as of yet.

"...The possibility of sharing is somewhere on my ever-growing to-do list, though."

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"Stronger sorcerers than you have tried to spread sorcery."

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"I'm sure.  But that just means that, to steal a line from Edison, we know three-thousand ways to not make a lightbulb.  And human imagination is vaster still than filaments."

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She looks taken aback, then smiles. More genuine than smirky this time.

"Okay, I've decided I like you."

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Yay!  Oh, hell, she's blushing.  And she needs to respond to the conversation!  "That's good!  You're pretty!  Um!  I mean!  Um!  Pretty likeable!  Too!  Um!  - oh dear - but I mean - I cannot possibly retract a true statement but I hadn't meant to actually be so forward as to say that particular thing in response even though it's true...?  Oops?"  ...Now she's blushing even moreso.

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Her tail is wagging. She ducks her head and snickers.

"Cute. A girl does like compliments~. Ahem. I'm not one for romance right now. Still miss my last spouse..."

Contemplative look.

"Casual sex is fine though."

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...She is not actually spontaneously combusting of gay, is she?  Right?

"...I'm pretty sure Sappho of Lesbos herself would astrally project out of Ancient Greece and whap me upside the head if I lied and said I wasn't interested, despite the bit where I'm currently rolling to disbelieve that this is a thing that could happen in my life, and not someone else's life that's gotten switched with mine through a celestial bureaucracy clerical error."

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"Oh, I can show you some things Sappho would approve of... Nobody believes good things can happen to them until they do. But really... You did win the cosmic lottery a little bit. I'll admit the magic is part of what makes you attractive to me. It's a nice smell. I enjoy it. I also like messing with people a little bit, and flustering them via flirting is one form of that. But consider... You've spontaneously generated a pretty darn solid mental defense structure, and you're approaching this whole thing with diligence, caution, ambition, and kindness in your heart. It's not just luck."

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She is very flustered!

"I'm, touched that you think so.  I wouldn't have thought myself that exceptional, even with the magic."

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"There's exceptions and there's exceptions."

Wren has somehow ended up with a little bit of ice cream on her snout.

"Before we get too deep in the useless zone though, I really have to warn you about a couple things. Your foundation will take care of the worst sucker punches but you should practice something for physical-ish combat. Also, have you found stuff on the tentacles? They're nasty. Leftover bio weapons from the Janeway Cult."

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"I'm gonna hate doing it, but yeah, I know, I've gotta be able to survive a fight getting physical.  I figure I'll start doing Jedi practice.  And I've found enough on the tentacles to know that I really don't want to end up caught by them.  Scary little fuckers."

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"They're remarkably resistant to extermination, unlike the inventors. As for combat, even something like a fire spell you can snap off quickly, or little charms of physical protection, is a lot better than nothing. Escape tools are better yet."

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"Ayup.  Good to know.  ...Mmm, I wonder if I could do, like, some sort of fancy rune tattoo thing...  Get the benefits of props, without the risk of being deprived of props."

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"Ooh. I've met tattoo mages. They tend to be hard to undo if you fuck up, is my caution."


"You're seeing about some corrections from some succubi, right? You could get a womb tattoo, once you have a womb to go with it."

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"...Oh no, you've gone and nerdsniped me about trying to take the difficulty of undoing out of tattoo magic instead of distracting me with lewd thoughts.  I wonder if there's much use of metamagic or component systems..."

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She giggles. "Think about the kinds of effects a tattoo might have instead? I can maybe see about an introduction to a guy named Aoba later. He does the Maui thing- Tattoos of his accomplishments, that give boons related to said accomplishments."

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"...That does seem like it might be useful!  Very solid 'makes what you're good at better' sort of thing."

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"The other major thing I've seen was people meditating on symbology and geometry- I don't remember much of it, except pentagons for expansiveness, triangles for stability, and squares for precision. Hexagons for growth. Sorcery is always ultimately personal, though. You can borrow spells but don't use them as a bible."

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She nods.  "Yeah.  Though I suspect there's also kind of a necessary element of noƶspheric saturation, like - if I came up with some random never-before-seen rune language, I'd need to tell people about it before it could start working properly, as more than a focusing aid for wizardry and/or artificiery.  It'd need expression.  ...Though come to think of it, I find myself wondering how that works with the Tinkers-ala-Worm, whose whole hat is doing things where nobody understands how the fuck that works - or, no, that's gotta be some sort of applied conceptual reification...but then...hmm...

"Surely then the ultimate Tinker would be one wielding the principle of reification itself as their fundamental tool - and oh how we should fear that ever such a genius arises.  There are too many things that really shouldn't be, no matter that perhaps they could."

She shudders, and takes another bite of ice cream to distract herself from the dread design she has just drafted.

"...Please forget what I just said.  I don't want to give any wannabe gods ideas.  I don't want to give me any more ideas like that one.  That idea," of a self-reinforcing loop of metaphysical throw-weight, "would've been bad enough before it started having ill-defined but indubitably consequential ontological implications at me."

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"Tinkers? They're not making technology. They're making magic items, with some of the details supported by mundane details of construction. That's the whole point. You can feel magic in a tinker's stuff. Hell, I can eat the magic out of a tinker's stuff.

...And out of cute girls."

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"...Yes of course they're magic, we know they're magic; the question is how they're magic.  And at least one potential answer has terrifying existential implications!  ...I should build a Hume detector."  Notwithstanding that she's terrified that it will work.

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"Another SCP thing - it's a putative measure of realness in, well, a world full of reality warpers.  A measure of the weight of an ontology, to be poetic about it.  ...Actually, I stand corrected, a measure of the inertia of an ontology."

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"Oh, spiritual weight. The ability of a thing to resist hostile magic. Sometimes called authority."

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"What implicates do you imagine this has because I'm not seeing it?"

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"...Be glad that you have not had the paper-thin veneer of reality ripped off of Azathoth's dream," she says, positively haunted.  "I don't think it's healthy, to see from this particular perspective."

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"...Kay. I'll just completely ignore your concern since you won't explain it, then." Eye-roll.

She sounds annoyed, and starts scarfing down what ice cream remains.

"It's not like every passing whim of yours is rewriting peoples' minds. A rock is pretty sure it's a rock. A slab of neurons likewise."

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"I'm sure they are.  But I'm not concerned about my impact, anyway.  I'm but a speck of dust in the eye of the universe, hoping that it won't blink."

But for all she knows, the whole damn universe is an idle daydream of SCP-239.

"I'm sorry.  It's..."

A pause.

"I can no longer truly believe that reality is real, I think, without - self-deluding.

"And not in the solipsistic sense that that sort of sentence usually gets thrown about.

"I might exist and have experiences.  But it's impossible to disprove the existence of Azathoth, if things can exist more than others.  And if Azathoth decides I don't exist, that I couldn't exist - then I have no true defense, for all the tools I could use to mount it are Azathoth's to take away.  Not that Azathoth would care about me, unless I become Azathoth."

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"Oh. I misunderstood. I, uh... I can't help you with that."

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"...I think I need more ice cream.  And possibly a hug.  Not that I'd dare presume."

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"I will hug you. And buy the second round of ice cream."

She stands, goes around the table and hugs. Tail is involved in the hug.

"...I've always operated on the principle of 'change what you can, accept what you can't', personally."

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...The hug is nice.  She...  Maybe cries a little bit, too, overwhelmed by a numinous, nebulous Emotion.


"...Yeah.  And I mean, by the same token that we can't prove Azathoth doesn't exist, we can't possibly meaningfully prove that Azathoth does exist either, so it's...

"Kind of moot, on a 'and what can I even do' level, short of somehow usurping the throne of 'the most real' - but it was still a shock to the system from assuming that reality is fundamentally real.  And I have a horrible tendency to jump straight to the worst-case scenario, when I'm weighing out innumerable possibilities."

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...This round of ice cream is the pastel to her earlier death-by-chocolate's goth.  Light and fruity.  Sensational.  She eats it carefully, slowly, trying to ride out the aftermath of an unpleasant revelation.

"...What's the spell you've had the most fun with?  Or, like, do you have any cool stories?"

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"I don't really have spells so much as three foundational techniques. How about the time I helped a samurai rob a train?"

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"Oooooh, do tell."  You have her attention!  And her random pre-knowledge that yes, actually, there could have been samurai pulling off train heists in the Old West(tm)!  (Thanks, Tumblr.)

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So it turns out the samurai was seeking revenge for an American arms dealer who had taken a lot of silver and silk in return for guns, and never delivered. And also the arms dealer was a greed demon, who consumes precious things for magic power. Mr. Samurai showed up in San Francisco sticking out like a sore thumb and fought the local mob, winning because he was a latent sword-sorcerer who never realized it.

So Wren sees him running away from a bunch of Tongs with guns, yanks him to the side and kisses him, putting an illusion of a random white couple over the pair so the thugs run by-

And the rest is a pretty typical wild west romp. They just miss the greed demon, but they get a whole safe full of gold, and the samurai goes home with the money.

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It's an interesting story!  Really helps take her mind off of the things she's trying to not think too much about!

"I'm kinda surprised there isn't already a movie of this.  It'd make a good one."

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"Magic and samurai and the wild west all in one? I can just see some creative type slamming it for 'lack of coherent vision'."

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"More like 'a magical samurai chases the path of his honor into a den of rustlers and thieves, and must reckon with age-old questions of right and wrong as he tracks down the arms he was promised - but never delivered!'"

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"Hmm, maybe. I don't know how making movies works much. Ooh, I didn't include the part where we made a deal with a pack of succubi to hitch a ride north on their steamboat-bordello. We'd rather attracted the attention of the US Marshals, you see. We went up to Alaska looking like telegraph operators. Now, I don't know what happened behind closed doors... But he was certainly a lot more relaxed on the trip to Alaska than he was getting to Oklahoma."

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"Oh my.  And here I am, about to walk into a massage parlor, this chronically pent up...  Regardless of whether it's permitted at the clinic, I half expect to fear for my so-called virtue afterwards!"

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"Oh yeah, succubi are a treat. Probably the most successful of Lilith's Brood. And in my opinion, older societies without modern medicine might have had a point but now the only virtue in that is making getting rid of it as fun and filling- Ahem, fulfilling, as possible."

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And boy oh boy is she incredibly flustered by that idea!

"I surely can't say I disagree!  Not that I've any practical experience with it, ah, heh..."

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...Wren hums thoughtfully.

"So... It's debatable if karma is real, but it's definitely true that one acquires a reputation. I like breaking in virgins, so to speak. Because I want to share the joys, to make them squirm and moan... But this is not necessarily the best thing for everyone, ne? You only get one first time, even if over-emphasizing it and worshiping it is unhealthy... Best to start off on the right foot? I know it sounds like I'm contradicting myself. But- If you'll have me as your guide, I think it'd be best to think and talk first. About what it would mean for each of us. And to take our time, either way. If after some consideration, you decide 'fuck it, do me'... Very well! You'll have thought about it, and decided."

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The blush is incandescent, and the nod is firm.  She needs a minute to restart her words engine, but, "That seems like it would be a good idea.  Clear expectations.

"I wouldn't have sex with just anybody and everybody, I'm not quite that casual even when you peel the anxiety off of me, but, I think you're meaningfully already not just anybody if we've already shared an existential crisis.  And it's not like I'm coming into this completely blind, as was; I've not done anything physical with another before, but the theater of the mind allows for many sorts of performance, so, you know.  I have a few ideas of things that seem fun.

"And for what it's worth, I think you're not contradicting yourself by calling a first time special, because it is new - but discouraging the fixation on firsts that everyone promotes.  Obsession is bad, y'know?  And not liking obsessions doesn't make you a hypocrite for enjoying being part of something special.

"So, uh, if you're still as goshdarned pretty as you are right now, and you're still as interested as you are right now, then, after the clinic's done their thing perhaps it would be fun to go for a test drive?  Really, I'd say even before that is up for grabs, I just know I want to do something special to commemorate the occasion, and goodness knows I'm no party girl."

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"Hmm... Yeah, I am very casual about it. Anyway, that doesn't sound bad. Indeed we're not strangers- I'm hoping for friends with benefits as a final equilibrium. More magical friends is rarely a bad thing. I'm not up to any major shenanigans right now, mostly just petty ones. Taking a temporary retirement from magical affairs, as much as one can. I will admit I'm a little partial to penises, personally, but delighting a new you would be fun too. Just so you're aware, they're going to have essence sinks. A device that you can push all your mana into, which measures it and stores it for later. A full-scale remodel, as it were, is probably going to take a week or two even if they let you go into mana debt for it instead of paying up front. It's hard to judge your natural mana output just from being near you, but based on your ward, you'll probably be paying it off for weeks to months. They'll know a lot more precisely than me, of course."

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She nods.  "I have to admit I haven't yet quite decided whether that's staying or going.  Though, well, option value, hm?  I suppose we'll see what comes out of my body map.  Essence sinks...  Interesting.  I'm kinda wondering if there's also an effective throughput measure to go with the volume..."

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"Well, flow equals size divided by time."

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"Plus recovery during that time, though?  Though, true; I'll have to make a note for science purposes when I do see."

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"Mmhm. Oh. If you want me to show off some magic tricks, you can willingly pass a bit of magic to me. I'm not a precision instrument but I could guess. Foxes like me have a lot of ways of absorbing mana, but none as efficient as a species entirely dedicated to one."

She holds out a pawhand.

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Y'know, she would like that.  "Sure, I can do that if you'd like.  Seeing cool magic can only help me do more cool magic."

Now, how can she do this...

Well, first, she needs to have a good feeling of where her mana even is.  Her spiritual limbs are still a bit numb, metaphorically speaking.  But that doesn't mean that she can feel nothing.  It's a bit dim, but she can, still, feel.  And her ability to feel out spellforms is helpful, as well.

So it is with steady breathing and closed eyes that Alex's hand finds itself holding Wren's hand-paw, carefully feeding just a little bit of her mana reserve into the kitsune through this shared intimacy.  One percent.  One percent of that thrumming potential that overflows the bounds of her soul.  No more, no less.  If Wren needs more magic...  She'll ask.

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Alex can feel Wren's existence nestled next to her own.

What she pushes to the surface might or might not be one percent... Actually, it's probably significantly less than one percent. It doesn't move all at once, but in a sluggish, restrained flow. There's barely a teeny tiny trickle. It's a little awkward to hold it to that level, like standing on one's toes.

The moment it reaches the surface of her skin, the energy vanishes from her awareness.

After fifteen or twenty seconds, Wren says, "You're giving me just a teensy bit, right? This is maybe... Two or three thaums a minute. Which is tiny."

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"...Rassa...frassing...move, dammit, this is my magic it should do what I tell it --"

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Fine.  If she can't be Ms. Nice Gal, if she can't coax the mana to the surface smoothly - then she will grab on and pull.

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This is a lot more sudden. It comes in a big chunk, with a sudden lurch and an uncomfortable feeling a bit like coughing. She can feel the mana outside of her for a few moments, until it slips away into Wren.

"Okay! That was a bunch more. Okay, finesse will come with practice. That was... I want to say a couple kay-thaum? What a succubus would call about one and a bit 'O'. Do you have a sense of how much of your reserve it was?"

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...Does she?

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Ehhh.  Maybe she does.  It wasn't a huge chunk but it wasn't a tiny piece either.

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"I'd hazard definitely less than a tenth, probably less than a twentieth, but also definitely more than a hundredth.  It wasn't a huge chunk.

"...Can't fucking believe my mana sense needs glasses," she mutters.  "Though I guess I'm barely started."

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"You've been aware of it, what, a day? Little baby sorcerer. Don't worry about it. Hrmm... So your total capacity is probably in the ballpark of twenty to sixty-ish 'O'? Rule of thumb is that you make three full tanks of mana a week... So sixty to two hundred a week. Probably above one hundred. Depending on the going rate for mana from your succubus clinic, that's anywhere from three weeks to twenty going on the extremes of my guess for prices - six hundred to twelve hundred - and your output, if you push all your magic into that and don't reserve any for yourself."

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She nods, when she's done blushing.  "Beats 'like five entire years and then also major surgeries to potentially mixed results' to hell.  And that's assuming there's no low-hanging fruit on the mana accumulation front.  Like I mean I've gotta assume that people have, in fact, tried plenty of things, but I already found myself having thoughts about how one might use that geometric tattoo thing to create something useful."

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"There's been a lot of work on the mana accumulation front. Long story short, intense emotions, and maintaining them for as long as possible while doing the magic. It boosts both ability to push out magic fast, and ability to generate more, especially since regen naturally goes up a bit when the tank's low. I would dare say thinking about how you're going to get the body of your dreams - and maybe have a lovely meetup later~ - would count."

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"Mmhmm!  But I mean potentially affecting the base rate somehow.  Instead of the emotions multiplier.  So like, starting from the thingamajig..."

And now she has pulled out a pencil and a post-it, and started sketching.  "You frame the entire construction as a hexagon, because it is both grow-ing and emblematic of the growth you wish to encourage, and then you trisect it to make six stability triangles to support your hexagon of growth, and then you infix six squares of precision like so, creating more triangles, and then you have created another hexagon and you can re-utilize both the external and internal space - you put another layer of squares on the inside, which makes another hexagon, and another layer of triangles on the outside, so you have extra stability and more precision, and you can keep on with fractal triangle-square-triangles on the 'outer' segments..."

"I mean, am I missing something?

"Maybe even wrap the whole thing in a circle because of the infinite non-sidedness of it and whatnot, how every point is unique but indistinguishable..."

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"...You're welcome to try it. I just predict a fat lot of nothing. Because nobody seems to know how to touch the ineffable thing that mana comes from. You could maybe get my meat-to-mana thing or dryads' sun-to-mana working? I'd think Lilith would have done tattoos, not monsters, if they worked... Now, is there a nice park or something I can make a big notice-me-not and show off in?"

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"...Those gosh-darned ineffables.  At least I probably don't have to worry about some sort of Azathoth accumulation arms race..."

"And, yeah, I know a couple places we could go to for that."  There's a big empty space around the back of her apartment/house, if nothing else.

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Wren pats Alex on the legs, her tail snaking under the table to do so, then quickly finishes her second round of ice cream and daintily wipes her muzzle with napkins.

"Hmm, so, conclusions... We go for a nice short walk right now. I'll show off a bit- I have shapeshifting, illusions, and fire as foundational concepts, but you can get moderately creative- And then I offer to be a reference for magic stuff, and to try and bail you out if you get yourself into trouble and call me, and wish you well on your body spa appointment?"

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"Sounds like a plan!"

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"Mmhm..." She bounces up and leads the way.

Wren's... Tail... Sways very nicely, doesn't it? Almost like it's deliberate. Swish, swish.

She declares the nearby park good enough.

Blue flames incinerate her suit-like clothes as she poses, arms wide and giving an impression of nudity covered only by fire, to then reveal a moderately skimpy shiny red dress. Some details about her body are different now- She still has the fox head and the tail, but everything else looks almost human. She spins and dances briefly.

"Tadaaaa!  Any requests? Scenes from that little adventure I told you about? Maybe some purifying flame- Burn away tiredness and stress?"

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"Oh, please do."  She might not say it aloud, but if that actually works she will absolutely owe Wren one.

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"Okay. It looks a bit scary and it might sting a little, and is not a sleep replacement, but here you go. Yelp if you want to abort."

Wren holds up a wide, two foot sphere of lazily shifting blue fire between two hands.

"Touch it whenever you're ready. I'll be gentle~."

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It takes a moment to overcome the flinch reflex.  But it doesn't feel too hot, no matter how close her hand skims, so - in it goes.

...There's a lot of stress for this fire to burn.

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It stings a little. More the way a hot shower, or sudden emergence into daylight, does than anything else.

Wren slowly expands the flames up her arms, and then over the rest of her body. It gets a little intense, like scratching an itch over 100% of your body.

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...She just...  Melts, stumbling into Wren for support as the constant tension that's been holding her upright for who knows how long, releases.

It feels like what a baptism should be (for all that it never was).  It feels like a liberation.

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Also a hug.

She lets it taper off slowly once she's used about as much mana as she was given.


"You might want to go nap. Good dreams tend to happen after that."

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Yeah.  She's gonna do that.  Note to self: do something really nice for Wren.

Also let OS know she wasn't eaten by a grue.

Heya, just wanted to let you know I have not been eaten by a grue; I am going to take a nap now.  Notes later.

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Memory is fallible!


ok ok you're there not me

slep well?

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I have in fact slept well, thank you for asking.

Notes so far:

- Fantasy racism exists because of course it does

- The standard succubus unit of mana-measurement is called an 'O'

- Lilith, Mother of Monsters, may or may not have actually existed

- Mana measurement tools already exist by dint of "pour your mana into the storage object"

- CW: Azathoth

- Kitsune are apparently the generalist of magivores/magic-converters

- I forgot to ask about fluffy tail.

- Field measurement of my mana capacity says ~5+-3% of my reserves is a couple kilothaums, whatever those are.

- It'll probably take a month or three to pay the succubi with magic for the sort of full reno I'm looking for.

- ~three 'full tanks' of mana / week?  Should ask about the emotional investment.  ...Should also really practice Sith-ing it up in case of Fuckery.

- Despite cw: Azathoth, no known method to increase mana generation from base rate.

- Magic tattoos.  They're valid foci.  Wonder if I could do some fancy chameleon thing, too...

- Do not think about the consequences of spiritual weight too hard unless you're prepared for an existential crisis to mug you.

- Wren is apparently old enough to have been part of some absolutely gonzo shit in the Old West.  Note to self: What even is a sword saint or w/e, that's clearly a type of practitioner - is that a precursor species to MGs?

- Magic environments are ~as dangerous as inner-city Chicago, apparently.

- Tentacle monsters "left over from the Janeway Cult"???

-- Who the fuck is that?

- Wren has three techniques: Fire, illusion, shapeshifting.  Not generalist-capable???  Interesting line of distinction.

- Purifying fire is...  Incredibly useful for people who have anxiety, n = 1 sample size.

- Dryads charge from sunlight; investigate whether/how UV lamps work?

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Wren is, I assume, a kitsune? :susongeneralprinciple:

Janeway Cult: Apparently a really nasty mobster style magical gang, according to internet history. Witch + demon alliance. 'Puchuu/Janeway fights blew up some of the Appalachian Mountains' nasty.

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Indeed she is, or at least claims to be with little countervailing evidence.


...Holy shit that's what did that?  Damn!

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah. Uh, well below nuke levels but some forests burned down and stuff.

Sword saints would be 'Internal Physical Personal' if they're making themselves faster and stronger with magic? You put 'cultivators' in that bucket.

Permalink Mark Unread

Mmm, but a Sword Saint Tee Emm, has a sword, you see.

Eh.  Typing them can wait.  It's not like we're about to fight one or anything.  ...Narrative convention willing, at least.

Permalink Mark Unread

Are guns legal to own (without tons of kerfuffle) in your state?

I feel like you should have one or equivalent magic if someone's describing magic as 'inner city'

The inner city isn't actually THAT dangerous, but it's memetically pretty dangerous AIUI

Permalink Mark Unread

Absolute heck if I know.  I'd rather Not, though.  And yeah, I'm not sure what they meant by that really.

So like I said, I should really start figuring out how to meditate like a Sith.

Permalink Mark Unread

Do let me know if/how I can be more useful than random notes and organizing

Permalink Mark Unread

Will do.  You have better search luck, anyway.

...Alright.  She's going to go find the campus LARP group, and then, tomorrow, is her consult.

Permalink Mark Unread



The Tantric etc etc Clinic/Spa/Whatever looks very fancy and expensive. The waiting room has armchairs, modern art, and a TV playing nature footage.

"Are you here for an appointment?" Asks a very handsome receptionist.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have an initial consult at 10:30."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Alex Marche, correct? It looks like your assistant today will be Rebecca. Typically, the assistants go through some of our options and makes a broad plan with you, and then you speak to the appropriate doctor or doctors to review things in more detail. Here's the intake paperwork we need. Looks like you already did most of it, so it'll just be one consent form today..."

Paper is handed over. It's just saying she's agreeing that all the contact info and medical history is accurate.

"Once you file that, I'll show you to a waiting room where you can relax and wait for Rebecca. Please let me know if you have any questions."

Permalink Mark Unread

She looks it over.  (She knows she input it to begin with, but she's going to double-check this anyway.)

"...Looks like everything's in order.  And I have rather a large number of questions, but they're for the professionals, I believe."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can only imagine."

Waiting room: Get. It's comfy, almost cozy. Armchair, desk with office chair, wall screen (off), bookshelves, minifridge with drinks.

Rebecca shows up after a few minutes, knocking and waiting to be acknowledged before entering, tanned and small-framed. And pretty. Evidently the clinic does a lot of work on their own employees, perhaps as a sort of advertisement.

"Hello, Alex. I'm Rebecca. How are you feeling today?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...Less terrified than I thought I would be," she muses, "which is surely going to help."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can imagine. It can be difficult to confront how you look and feel. Especially when you're considering changing it drastically. My notes say you're interested in biokinetic magic treatments, and in alternate payment."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Those notes are indeed correct.  I've heard a few things about how alternate payment might work, from second- or thirdhand sources, enough that it's probably sufficient for you to quote the going rate; at the moment, though, I am not particularly well-informed as to what succubus biokinesis is used to best effect in accomplishing, versus what's expensive to reach for."

Permalink Mark Unread

She subtly makes a hard-to-read face when she says 'succubus'.

"So, many succubi do traditionally have sex with people as payment for services. This allows them to take some magical energy, which even non-magical people have a small amount of. The succubus doctors associated with our clinic prefer not to do that. Are you a magic-user, yourself? If so, there is still an alternate option."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That is, I expect, the option to which I was already referring.  I'm quite aware of the clinic's policy, and I would not dare violate it.

"Incidentally, since I saw you make that face and you might, actually, know, is there a word that's preferred over that one?  Considering all the, implications, that I would love to avoid here if I but knew how."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, no, they embrace the label. It's just that some patients are difficult on the policy we just discussed."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah.  Yes, quite.  One does unfortunately tap into certain memes when one starts using words like tantric to describe business practices, no matter how justifiably - but no still means no."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...That diversion aside, where were we?  Oh, right, payment options.  And what the unit mana buys."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, I know, it's supposed to be a way to quietly hint at them without outright stating it... Which is verboten, for some reason. So, biomancy can do a huge variety of things, with an emphasis on gradual changes backed up by subtle changes in body chemistry, cell structures, and so on. Most of our clients stick to optimizations within the normal human range. Enhancements beyond the human norm are an option, but typically custom and discussed directly with your doctor. We also offer transgender care, which is a fairly common request. Overall, biomancy services can be divided into four broad categories: Hormone and cellular changes, skin and body sculpting, major alterations- Such as genital surgery, or regrowth of damaged nerves in the spine, and finally fertility and prenatal care."

She turns the wall screen on, then navigates to and picks a before/after image of someone's back and arms. The 'after' photo has no moles, no hair, no blemishes at all, and a different shape. The changes in the lines are subtle, but undeniably feminine. "Here's an example of the results of six sessions of skin and body sculpting."

Permalink Mark Unread

She nods.  "Well, I can say I certainly have no interest in fertility at this time.  Everything else though...

"...Huh.  Couple of loose neurons just bounced together, and I suddenly found myself reminded of the guy who gene-edited out his lactose intolerance.  Wonder if having that sort of resource makes for good ritual fodder.  ...I doubt that's within your particular scope of practice, though; you're here for the artistic bits.  Or, insofar as that goes.

"...Hm, come to think of it, though, I had an offhand thought of attempting to - ping off of my proprioceptive sense, sort of, to serve as some sort of baseline...  I'm almost certain that none of those were quite the right words to use, but I'm sure you've had enough people with phantom sensation of what should be there to get what I mean?  Would that be, useful?  If I can pull that out of my ass?  ...Pardon my language."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm not familiar with magic outside of the details of our biomancy services. That said, if you're interested an interview with Dr. Marleth, we do sometimes pay for magic spells depending on needs, greater than the amount of mana expended on them. The only reason I'm not throwing out specific numbers yet is that we don't know how much you can produce. I'd say the average person who has magic at all, can produce something like five units per day. But we don't know your numbers yet."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm certain I'd love to talk shop; that said, I don't actually have that spell yet.  I'll definitely put it on my to-do list, though.

"Mm.  Which unit?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We refer to them as 'Oghams', or 'O's."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah.  Yeah, I have like at least four times that much mana on me right now, estimating extremely conservatively.  Probably more like forty, if we use the middle-ground estimates.  I'm sure we'll find out exactly how much soon enough, though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We can go test that right now if you'd like? And count it directly towards any treatments, naturally."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That sounds like a wonderful idea.  I've been itching to get a look at one of these ever since I heard they existed, honestly."

Permalink Mark Unread

They go through a couple of hallways, and pass one other person in the same uniform.

Alex feels a prickle over the door that Rebecca opens. This room is warded. Fairly heavily. Inside is a stone plinth that stands out like a sore thumb from the rest of the decor, looking like it extends straight down to bedrock. The top is carved with a flower mandala, and the sides have a set of dials that look almost exactly like an odometer, currently set to 'zero'.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oooooh.  That's interesting.  How does it even hold on --

"Right, anyway, how do we do this?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's already zeroed, so you touch the top and start feeding it mana. I'm told it's fairly intuitive. When you stop, I read the meter and fill out a receipt, and we use this to estimate your ability to pay the bills. We also offer cash for mana, but at worse rates than medical services."

Permalink Mark Unread

She nods, and steps up to the podium, leaning on it for support as she starts pressing her mana into the stone.  She's really looking forwards to this.

Permalink Mark Unread

It's hard. Effortful. Like fighting herself to keep jogging. It leaves her feeling cold.

4. 5. 6. 7... 10.

She's feeling winded, but in the magic.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Whoo, trying to get all of it out is difficult."

Why does everything have to be like physical effort.  It's nerdphobic!  Stop being like this!

"Should probably see if the coldness is physical or psychosomatic, sometime..."

She's gonna slow the pace for a bit, then go for another push.  Much like her 'running' the mile goes.

Permalink Mark Unread

She also feels mentally tired, if that helps?

Focusing on the joy and yearning does seem to make it a lot easier. She can almost feel more mana oozing in to replace what she's pouring out.



How determined is she? She's not actually empty. It's just kind of aversive to keep going.

Permalink Mark Unread

She's stubborn.  She's determined.  She's gonna find this out.

She's ignored enough aversive stimuli just to get here to push through this one too, dammit!

Permalink Mark Unread


She's starting to feel vaguely faint.


There's really not much left at this point.



38.62. She's done for now. Everything feels a little fake and far away.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Wheeeww.  Hokay.  Thirty-eight point six.  I think I'm out."  She takes a breath.  "Oddly dissociative, in the aftermath.  Damn, I should have recorded this.  Completely forgot to write it down, what sort of scientist am I?  ...Honestly though this isn't all that bad as feelings go!  A lil bit floaty, like I'm just a bit off and to the left of reality as we know it.  Sure beats depression to hell and back."  It feels a bit passĆ© to laugh at her own joke, so she only makes an abortive snrk.

"Speaking of procedures, I don't suppose the idea of having some juice and a cookie post blood draw has percolated to this sort of donation?  If I were writing this down I'd think it kind of indicated."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We can definitely get you snacks. And I think you'll find photography doesn't work in here. Just let me write this out for the records... Aaaand there."

It's carbon paper. She hands a copy of the receipt to Alex.

"Back to the consult room?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...Y'know, I forget if this is a one-party consent state for recordings, but I think that actively putting audio and/or visual recording under immutable forbiddance might pose an ADA violation.  Not that that matters right now, since I didn't anyway, but it came to mind.

"...Anyway.  Back to the consult room.  Sounds like a plan."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm sure there is a reason for it. Maybe it's a side effect."

Back to the consult room! The mini-fridge apparently has snacks, too.

"Based off a first time reading above thirty, we can offer services worth up to 2000 Oghams of mana in deferred payments. I think that should cover most everything, so it might be time to start looking at what you want to be as an end result."

Permalink Mark Unread

She is absolutely going to help herself to the (free!  right?) snacks.  She's a college student, that's practically a religious observance.

"Right.  I'm actually horrible with open-ended questions like that one!  So let's start with the broad cuts and work our way inward, shall we?  ...Now is really not the time to get sidetracked by fascinating experiments in VR-mediated proprioception, if I wanted to construct a try-before-you-buy spell I should have gone for it any other time than right now...  But anyway.  Uh.  Yeah, I'm going to need some handholding til we get to the part of the process where my opinions jump out from behind a bush and mug me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's a lot to consider. For male to female transgender care, the gold standard is a cellular-level hormone and gene expression correction, a lot of body and skin sculpting sessions, and optionally conversion of the genitals to a vagina and womb. Depending on your preferences, the womb can be left largely vestigial- It still serves an important purpose in genetic regulation. This can include or skip a full genetic rewrite of all of your body cells, which has a fair few implications. It's important to note that your hormones affect many things about how your body, such as how it maintains growth, and how you feel. Some people are more concerned with the felt experience and signs of stress and emotion, while others are more concerned with their appearance, which is a hundred percent valid. Looking good is feeling good, in many cases. Typically we would finish today by taking a few nude or semi-nude photos of you and then use computer software to generate example final looks, allowing you to refine your goals. We do have a sort of doll program that can help visualize changes, too. There's actually a list of about 20 'standard' changes. Picking from that can help you get an idea, let me just bring that up real quick..."


Hair Removal (permanent)

Hair Growth/Recolor (permanent)

Eyes Recolor/Repair

Butt Lift

Feminine Shoulders

Soft Face

Feminine Voice

Flawless Skin

Feminine Arms

Hip Widening

Waist Thinning

Swimmer's Legs

Flat Belly

Emphasize Musculature ("Muscle Girl")

Breast Growth (any size within reason)

Skin Sensitivity Changes 

Hand and Foot Sculpting

Skin Color Treatment

Resting Body Weight Adjustment

Height Adjustment

Body Scent Adjustment

Genital Sculpting (aesthetic or functional changes to existing)

Genital Reconfiguration (consult with the team for details)


"You can be an amazoness, or a waif. A supermodel or the girl next door, or anything in between. These are focused on aesthetic changes, not functional changes. An example of a functional change would be increasing your core strength, as opposed to emphasizing musculature. A matter of the exact goal."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...Right.  There are kind of a lot of functional problems with this miserable pile of lipids, though; is that - within scope?  Not that I am not intrigued by the idea that I could have some sort of aesthetically ideal form, but the amount that I care about aesthetics is...  Relatively small, compared to caring about whether I could maybe just be fit enough by default to run a mile without having to, at best, powerwalk most of it, or about getting a hole where my brain is utterly convinced a hole should be.  I guess there's boobs, on the midpoint of functional and aesthetic concerns.  ...Notably, I don't think I like what evolution came up with as regards cisfem-typical hormone cycles, if I'm being honest.  Not having anything resembling periods is one of the good things about getting my hormones from the grocery store.  And not doing -- well, I bet you've already heard all the shit I could possibly say as far as 'nonsensical HRT practices' goes, so I'll spare you the poorly delivered facts on why people need to stop pretending that injected estradiol valerate can actually last your system an entire week, et cetera.  But I have many things that I want to poke at on the functional level, even if I do also have a couple of aesthetic desires."

"...Insert some sort of quip about transhumanism here, I guess.  I'm fresh out.  But...  I'm really hardly one to create a body like an artist, overall.  I know this clinic is, like, extensively done up for the people who will get annoyed if their nose is a millimeter too thick for their cover shoot or whatever, but I came here because there's nobody in the mundane world who would have the first idea where to begin if I told them it would be really cool to see the shrimp colors, and because five years is way too fucking long to wait for the minimal results I expect my genes to produce, based on my egg-line.  ...Though, apparently, shrimp colors are mostly the same spectrum as human ones, just driven by a bunch of smaller-range cones instead of the three most of us have, so I probably wouldn't bother with that out of my limited budget.  ...Ooh, the human sort of tetrachromacy would be cool, though, come to think...  Uh.  Anyway.  Yeah.  Like I guess it would be cool to be a gymnast?  ...Strike the 'guess', I did in fact use to do gymnastics when I was like, five, and it was pretty cool, it just never went anywhere.  Story of my fucking life, that.  Promising start, but there's no real follow-through.

"...And another thing!  

"...Actually, no, even though I damn well wish I had a magic wand to wave at my neurochemistry to fix its reward-system failures, I am not going to throw magic I don't understand at it, especially since the brain itself is so poorly understood.  Disaster awaits in that direction, I should think, and I've read enough sci-fi to know."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, so you're way over on the functional side of the functional/aesthetic curve. You probably want a body that basically doesn't get sick, doesn't have allergies, doesn't need to sleep so much and wakes up easy, is nice and flexible, doesn't get joint pain, cleans up minor injuries well, doesn't get addicted easily, is clean of any inconvenient known genetic defects, gets and keeps muscle and cardiovascular health easily, promotes neuroplasticity without actually touching the brain per se... The Olympic Package, basically. Truly transhumanist options are something you'll have to talk to the doctor directly about, but I'll definitely note your interest."

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"That sounds like exactly the sort of thing I'm looking for, yeah."

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"A gymnast style look, and the Olympian treatment, okay. I'll start working up an estimate on that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mmhmm.  Sounds like a plan.  ...I will admit to some interest in tweaks of a more overtly prurient nature, as well, though given what Olympians legendarily get up to, I expect there's little more to add save perhaps making sure there's no inconvenient gag reflexes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So noted. Skin sensitivity tweaks are popular. I also know that Dr. Halthis can get them - bioreactive, to only show when you're affected by a specific spell or chemical. Also, as far as genital configurations go, 'both' is a possibility, but an expensive one since it needs a lot of extra work. Most clients end up deciding against it, historically, not that I can get more specific than that. I hear there are, ah, magic devices that serve a similar purpose with much less hassle."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Good to hear; I'll definitely keep that in mind.  ...Hm, I suppose it would be harder from a conceptual angle than the physical surgical one..."

Permalink Mark Unread

They chat about what Alex can expect for a while longer- Major external changes won't happen at first, but she should notice the exercise-related benefits starting right away-

And then a meeting with Dr. Marleth, a tall and slim woman who's just a little bit perfecter than the rest of the staff (but managing not to be in the uncanny valley about it), with slightly glowing purple eyes, who introduces herself and goes over a detailed, twelve-session treatment plan set to take place over three weeks.

"It's always good to see a new mage around to fund us. We'd actually die without you, you know... So our total fee for all the tuneups and follow-ups, before any additional requests, I'm going to say... Eight hundred Ogham. Bottom work will add another hundred. More exotic bottom work, up to four hundred."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...You have very pretty eyes."

"...Er, I mean.  So it never quite came up what sort of timeframe I would be expected to make up the credit in?"

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A slight smile, and then a shrug. "We want repeat customers- There's no planned obsolescence but bodies do require occasional maintenance, and people tend to get injured or want more changes over time, and mana isn't exactly something traditional financial institutions deal in. So we try to be generous with our terms when we can afford it. As long as you're paying back at least four percent of what you owe per week, we'll be fine with it. No interest."

Permalink Mark Unread

She nods, and pulls out her phone to run some numbers.

"Right.  I can make that work, I think.  And there was something about spells?  I haven't exactly gotten them up and running yet, but I do have a couple ideas for things I could probably do with a bit of time and effort.  ...Also a couple wildly speculative off-the-wall artifice or magical plant breeding ideas, since apparently dryads are solar-powered and I see no reason you couldn't splice that into a plant or reimplement it as an artifice like a solar panel, but that's more of a general thing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...Well, if you have something useful already refined I'd love to hear it, but you sound newly awakened?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...Well, yes, and?"  She seems genuinely confused at what this could possibly have to do with spellcraft.  "I'm not sure what it's like for you, but magic from a sorcerous perspective is all about thinking the right way, at least in my experience - and that I dare say I have plenty of practice in.  The rest is just... set dressing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Magic is extremely detail oriented and requires knowing exactly what you're doing, having a clear understanding of the moving parts of the systems and excellent visualization. Forgive me, but most new sorcerers aren't capable of doing it to my standards. Then again, most new sorcerers are young teens. By all means, pitch me with an idea and impress me with an elevator pitch, and perhaps I'll decide to give you a hefty discount for a prototype."

Permalink Mark Unread

She nods.  "Right now, I'm tossing around a couple things - the one I'm pretty sure will be easier to work out is a body-map projection, focusing on the consonance and dissonance of a patient's body compared to the expectations of their mind of that body.  I need to find or make a good interpretive layer between the biofeedback and the actual intended result - I'm thinking some sort of holographic projection - but once that's done it should be fairly simple.  The other idea that keeps coming back to me is a bit of artifice that ought to allow a sort of try-before-you-buy experience - discount astral projection into an illusory mannequin of sorts, with relatively detailed simulation of gross physical traits.  Possibly that ought to outright hijack the sensory cortex, but then I'd hardly be able to use it myself...  ...Hmm."  Pad of paper, where are you -

Sketching ahoy; she pulls out her blue ink pen and gets to work diagramming.  First off, some of the core connective anchors...

It's a relatively thorough blueprint, given that she's barely had half an hour to think of what ought to go there.  There's clearly some sci-fi and classic lit inspiration at hand, too, in the vision helmet and the design she figures makes the most sense for imparting control.  But the actual parts manifest doesn't seem to require any high-grade Bullshit.  Just some adjustable, well, parts, some Orbs(tm), and an exam chair.  The actual simulation engine she sketches out is genius, if she does say so herself - it's an adaptation of the TIS-100 onto the forms of the Vitruvian Man, punning off of things like 'heartbeat' and 'uplink' to keep the system alive and in good order.  Admittedly, the note of 'source of ectoplasm?' is less inspiring, but she's working on it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Dr. Halthis watches a tad skeptically.

"The illusory mannequin idea is good. Especially if it's highly customizable, but we'll want to try for a minimum viable product first. A generic female form with some properties that can be adjusted by a non-magic person. Let people create their own target body. The notion of drawing out what someone expects into an illusion is also good, but perhaps secondary. We can do body sculpting to get close to their ideal. I don't want to fuck with astral projection, it's a succubus magic subskill to give people detailed false sensations. We do that sometimes already."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, good, we can definitely work with that.  Possibly it works better for this setup; there's plenty of memetic weight behind some similar ideas..."  Scribble scribble.  "And I did say discount astral projection; goodness knows I don't want to go throwing souls about willy-nilly either.  So yeah, sensory hijack - actually, could you test a small one on me real quick?  I want to see if and how it offends my anti-mindfuck ward.  I'll pay you back."  Say, she heard magic grows with strong emotions - how's the !!excitement!! of !!making a cool thing!! for !!pretty doctor lady!!, doing for her recharge rate?

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm saying don't bother with the sensory replacement because I won't pay for that feature. Maybe later if the MVP works. Give me more information on this ward. How retaliatory it is, for example."

Excitement seems to be helping!

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, but it's still a protocol layer I should leave proper hooks for, even if they're dummied out for now.  If we're just doing the adjustable mannequin part, though - hm, where do I want to wire the I/O..."

"Oh - hm.  Shouldn't be at all; I did ask."  Though she does nudge the sense-of-Foundation in her head that she's organizing a drill and [they] should moderate [their] response so as to avoid harming allies, just in case - she's sure [they're] professionals who know what [they're] doing, but it's important to have redundancies.  "It mostly acts by isolating and dissecting the spell, though if you actually enter my mindscape as a part of the process that could get a bit more hairy at baseline; someone snuck into my dreams last night and got a bit surprised.  Though, like, she's fine even so, by all accounts."  She's pretty sure she saw [them] wielding confoam sprayers, actually.  Very non-lethal.  "I don't like the idea of hurting people.  I don't expect my magic to do it without severe provocation."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Don't overcomplicate it if this increases the risk of issues. I am going to keep saying things in that vein until you acknowledge."

She holds out one hand.

"...Grab my hand to test the 'illusion' effect."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I don't think I am overcomplicating it?  Though perhaps that is because I am still thinking in the context of the original idea.  But so noted.  ...Hm.  Really this project is more like several overlapping subprojects, so perhaps..."

She rotates plans in her mind, then carefully engages in handholding.

Permalink Mark Unread

Here, have the very distinct sensation of the doctor taking a juicy red apple out of nowhere and stuffing it at her mouth, and reflexively biting down on it. It tastes delicious.

It would have been near impossible to tell that this was fake, if the Foundation wasn't !!! about it in her head. All the details of shadow and scent and air motion look and feel right. Tastes right. Even the bite felt kind of like she'd done it by reflex.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Whoa.  That's incredible fidelity.  Is it built off of your experiences?  Mine?  Some sort of platonic concept of suddenly shoving a delicious apple into someone else's mouth?  ...Now that I'm thinking about it, it's kind of strangely punny.  Apples, doctors, I'm sure you've heard somebody say the line before."  She pushes a bit of mana over to the doctor for her trouble, regrets that she is blushing, summarily scraps the idea of needing to handle somatosensory I/O - at least on the client end; it might still be useful to provide a preprocessor, though it might also not - and flips the page on her notepad.  Better to have a blank slate, even if she is going to fill it with some of the same ideas.  That transference sigil is going to be useful to many future projects, she's sure of it, and she's starting to get a sense of the design aesthetic she wants to go for, given what already is.

(She'll get the report on what happened later.)

Permalink Mark Unread

"Some of yours, some of mine. The exact details I consider a teensy bit of a species secret, really. I'm told we can be scary. Like almost anyone or anything with magic. And yes," she nods firmly, "I chose apples for a reason."

The doctor pulls her hand away.

"I'm willing to cut eighty Ogham out of your final bill for attempting a prototype adjustable mannequin at all, and up to two hundred fifty more for delivery of a minimum viable product depending on overall quality. After that initial one, if it's successful we'll want more features, as long as they end up smooth and error-free. We absolutely can't have obvious glitches on any magical equipment customers can see, that's the big one, what if they start doubting our competence? So I'm also going to be paying a tinker I know to check your work. We could write up a formal invoice with objective standards if you'd like."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think I can work with that."

(Okay, Alex, step one of starting a small business? by accident, don't panic.)

(She is failing at this, but she is trying to be calm, which helps.)


"...I have just realized that I have no idea whatsoever how this might impact my taxes.  Do you have an accountant or something?"  She cards a hand through her hair, in something of a stress tic.  "Hm.  The biggest cost on my end is going to be actually sourcing the parts, I'm pretty sure...  Well, between that and shop time slash hiring machiners; I'm a computer programmer, I've never done actual hardware in my life.  Besides that one time I soldered like half of a cheap knockoff-brand RC car.  ...Actually, I wonder if I could cut down the actual focal point to something less bulky than a mannequin...  Hmm.  Maybe, but then the underlying sympathetic link would be more tenuous...  We'll see how it goes.  I'm sure I can use something like that for something even if it turns out to not be useful for this.  Right.  Okay.  ...I'm probably going to have a horrible panic about the idea of being in a position of corporate responsibility the moment I stop hyperfocusing on the project's needs, but getting a good list of requirements is probably important, so the invoice is probably a better idea even before taking into account my preference that all important things be in writing.  Which this would be."

"...Note to self, test with furries if at all possible...  Oh hmm magical species - varietals - species? - I don't know if there's appropriate terms - with nonhumanoid bauplans might have different interactions -"

...Would that work, with the Vitruvian Man undergirding the process symbolically?  She's not sure!  She's sure she'll find out!  And find something that works better if that becomes necessary!

"...Well, that's my schedule filled for the next while.  And yes, glitches are very not good to have in things, I try to avoid them."

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"We report mana we receive as taxable income and we pay taxes on it. It works like sales tax, basically, where you don't need to report it because the clinic is collecting it at the point where you 'sell' to us. This, meanwhile, is a discount in exchange for services. It's ambiguous. If I were paying you cash, which is an option, I'd be retaining you for your fabrication skills. I'd pay you a flat amount for a specific project, and that would go on another 1099 form as independent contractor income. Being paid in discounts is ambiguous. Technically, you probably should report it for the would-be-cash-value, and pay income tax on it. Practically, if you don't, I don't expect anyone would end up bothering you about it."

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"...Huh.  Thanks, good to know.  Wasn't actually expecting you to know that off the top of your head.  ...Iiiii'm gonna take the option that results in me having to file less tax paperwork, and take some comfort in the fact that, at least in tax law, ignorance is an excuse."

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"...Hmm. I have a question about your gag reflex, actually. It does serve a useful survival purpose in many cases. Total removal may result in increased danger from choking hazards. Also, for your metabolism- Would.you rather never think about it, or be more optimized for athletics?"

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"Ah...  Hmm.  Maybe not all the way gone, I don't know.  ...There's really too much of that going around, today.  I don't exactly know how often I should expect to face, ehm, non-consensual, choking hazards?  There aren't often discussions of potential second-order medical problems even in works that attempt to reify porn logic, but it's not like I've ever gone and needed a Heimlich before."

"...I would much rather not have to think about my metabolism than have to expend significant effort managing it, but I don't know what significant effort would mean.  Though I do kind of expect that I will have little success in changing my dietary habits, unfortunately."

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"Reduced reflex, maybe. Or only activating when unconscious... There's a subset of people who want to be as healthy as possible. It's part of their self image. It's sort of a spectrum from a Honda Civic to a formula one racecar. If you're going to eat burgers, fries, ice cream, and other salty, fatty, or cholesterol filled foods, I recommend driving a Civic. You don't actually need to decide everything today, though. The first few treatments are essentially speed running HRT- You can see how you feel after that when we start doing detail work. I can also actually get into the biochemistry if you're interested, instead of the accessible gloss."

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"...Yeah, I'd rather drive the Civic, then.  The biochemistry does sound interesting, but not in such a way as to take up more of your valuable time over.  So let's speedrun HRT!  ...Oh no, the mental image of someone with like, a literal speedrun channel with the timers and a bunch of glitch explaining...doing that for transing their gender...It's too funny..."

She's gonna take a second to catch her breath.

"Alrighty, so, how does the magic actually go, anyway...?"

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"Let's go over the treatment plan and make sure you understand and agree to it. Then, all you have to do is lie down. It'll take about an hour, which overruns your original appointment but we had some cancellations. I recommend eating and drinking just before we begin, and resting and eating well for the rest of the day. I also recommend making sure you have loose clothes available, you'll start seeing results within hours, and definitely overnight. We have pamphlets on what to expect."

(The treatment plan she proffers definitely contains a lot of detail that isn't made up by a non-doctor.)

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She's ready for it!

(And she has definitely read, understood, and even offered occasional lay comment upon the said details!)

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The doctor touches various parts of Alex as she lays on an exam table. It doesn't feel like much. A faint tingling, and a lingering warmth, especially focused on the scalp, face, hips and waist, and upper chest.


"I recommend a very high caloric intake, around twice what you would normally eat, and one appointment every three days until we're all done. As we discussed, you'll need to complete the first four sessions before your transition will be stable and effectively permanent and maintenance-free, and the latter four will focus very heavily on general health. Please let us know if you experience any negative side-effects, and good luck with the mannequin project."

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She nods.  "Will do."

Now, to (book her followup appointments), go home and get to work.

She texts Wren -

Appointment went well; apparently I rate just a little under 40 'Oghams'.  38.6, technically, but I do wonder how much of that was in-process recharge.  Note to self: mana-storing fidget toy?  Stress ball?  Having to go to a fixed point is so inefficient...  Plus overflow loss!

- and messages OS:

Succubi: Very cool.  Capable of incredibly high-fidelity - uh, illusions, mind tricks?  Genjutsu? - haven't looked at the report just yet.  May have accidentally started a small business; I brought up the idea of making, like, a mannequin/test-dummy but for biosculpting and they're intrigued enough to accept them as alternate payment.  ...Now I just gotta find, like, parts.  Halp, how do I industry and hardware.

I mean I'm sure I can go ask the engineering department...

...Hm, yeah.  Right.  Time to go...Print out a sign or something.  Heavens know I'm not gonna start a conversation on my own.

...To the library!  ...Okay maybe not right now.  She is very much done socialing for the day.  But she has so many ideas bouncing around in her head...

Dammit, I have too many ideas.  And not enough hardware experience.  Like.  This is in fact the first time I have set out to design a wholeass physical object that's not made of Legos.  Or indeed one made of Legos, really, my various Bionicle kitbashes(?) aside.

...Ooh.  I wonder.  I should see if I can dig up some useful Bionicle stuff.  It's got the right sort of cachet, and a coherent identity.  At least, the old ones.  Reboot series, maybe less so; from what I'm hearing the writing has kind of gone flat, which is a shame.  Though it does have the small benefit of probably putting more old-series parts in circulation, which is helpful.

...That aside.  I'm gonna need, like, stuff.  Hoo boy.

...Note to self: Toa Ignika animated/empowered by lightning; this could be replicated; see also Toy Story for additl. oomph?  ...That gen is full of probably-useful things, actually, not just the heroes themselves.  Just gotta get them done right.  ...I'm gonna have to actually learn how to write the fancy font, aren't I.  At least it's hexagons.  Hexagons have useful geometric implications.  And I bet it can be printed pretty easily, too.  ...Can't get ahead of myself, though.  I don't have the supplies for that, either.

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They came up with a PC word for it

Isn't that Irish?

The actual name is ofc 'orgasms'

It means that a succubus could make you cum 38.6 times in a row before you're completely exhausted and tapped out~

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You can order lumber pre cut to specific sizes at like Home Depot

There's also woodshops near me that people rent/borrow to make, like, boy scout cars with

(Ugh, I always had to do one even tho it was dad who enjoyed them)

And u can get cloth and random other crafting stuff at Hobby Lobby

And order 3D printed models off the internet but they might be sub par for magic?

I'm more confused by the hour at how magic is supposed to work tbh

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To Wren:

...Well that is!  Certainly a fact!

And yeah I think it's to do with standing stones?  Or something.  There's definitely, like, at least one important Thingy by that name.

To OS:

Honestly if I could get away with wood shop...  I wouldn't be horribly uninformed about how to work there, I guess.  For the same unfortunate reasons.  But I think this ought to have metal bits for appropriate dramatic effect, is the really annoying problem.  Maybe I can make something work, though.  ...Gotta figure out physical transmission if I want to do that though...

Magic works how everybody thinks it works, when you don't instead throw power into simply rejecting reality and substituting your own; imo that's the beginning and end of it.  I'm not sure what's up with the power levels or why there's some sort of specific fidelity of control that must be honed, let alone why there's a minimum level of - narrative weight - you have to have been assigned by chance to do magic whatsoever, but - it's all about assembling the right tropes, unless you're Bullshit.  Or perhaps becoming your own trope is how you become Bullshit.  That would explain the way everyone's so paradigmatic, though it's probably also sunk-costs.

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There definitely does seem to be a lot of random bullshit involved here

Hardly anything can definitely be considered fake

Bigfoot probably really exists somewhere, if only because some troll decided to make him


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Paradigmatic: behaving in accordance with a specific paradigm, e.g. the various 'classes'.


...Any succubus could probably make you into Bigfoot with enough mana.  So yeah definitely.

...Anywho, my wiki-dive into half-forgotten Bionicle lore aside, I'm trying to find some useful random bullshit.  Hm.  What could we use for...

Oh, there's a thought.

Or maybe as many as several thoughts.



Then again, I don't really want that sort of thing to leak.  And I'm not sure how able I am to protect me from my own memes.

...And, I probably could try wire-wrap...  Unrelated to the prior thoughts.

...Am I really about to create a fucking pocket dimension based off a sigil derived from the TARDIS?  ...Well, uh.  Yes.  Probably.  I hope.  If it's actually useful.  Which I'm not sure of really.  TARDIS-interior has some properties where I don't know if they really suit.  ...Other useful popculture: Ant-Man?  I still need some actual connective tissue to pull it together, though...  ...Wasn't that what I had thought to use the TIS-100 for, actually.  That and the transference/input sigil.  ...Right, it wasOkay.

Hm.  Where even was I, anyway?  Before my train of thought derailed.

...Right, so, the body-modeling device.  Right.  What does that actually need.

- User input by non-thaumaturgic means.

- Substance? with which user input can be rendered pseudoreal.

- Biothaumaturgical validity check?

...Now how do we get there.

That's the tough part.

- Conceptual computing.

- Artificial souls are a horrible idea, me, don't.

- Crystal memory?

Virtual particles, duh,

-- Note to self: Feynman diagrams?

- ...Should the body have an idle animation?  Probably.

- Actually, am I playing TIS-100, or Shenzhen I/O?  Probably the latter.  Really though, TIS is the better acronym.

- Magical Bluetooth Keyboard.  For debugging purposes.  This totally makes sense.  Really I'd install a USB port if I had one.  ...I could just get one.  Or make one, or rather a means of reading it by magic.  It is Universal Serial Bus.  It has a sigil.

- Circuit diagrams?

- ...Is plain-English instruction language actually sufficiently magical?  Very unknown.  Pseudocode for pseudocomputing?  ...Sigil typing needs to be figured out.  I guess there's emojis?  esp. ala Discord?  How to input/define those, though - I really need a sonic screwdriver, ffs.

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Or maybe culture reflects reality

Or maybe humans really like stories and sorting things into boxes, so we see stories amd boxen

Start simple and work up? 'Pseudoreal' projection of like

A rubber ball

Then some way to control it

One step at a time like

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Nyehhh I don't want to make toy projects when I could instead make real projects with the same mana.  Don't do that to me.

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That's not saying that I couldn't make a smaller project of the same sort, but like.  Nyehhhhhh.  I have spent so much time doing useless toy projects.

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So.  Maybe I could solve some of my material problems this way.  That's practical.

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Opus Magnum don't fail me now.

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Don't blow yourself up?


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Oh right, recording, I should in fact do that.

"This is Alex Marche, and I am about to attempt to play Opus Magnum in real life using my cool new magical powers.  Because it would be cool if I could produce actual stuff with my magic.  Here goes nothing.

"...Really, the most uncertain thing is how big the result is going to be.  For all I know the atoms will be atoms, or they could manifest at actual diagram size.  Neither of those really make sense to me, but I'm sure stranger things have happened.

"...The question will surely be shortly resolved, anyway.

"...Or I could think of exactly the wrong thing to think of and majorly fuck over the idea of immediately transmuting mana into stuff by this paradigm.  Eh.  There's bound to be something I can do.  So let's see what there is.

"...Oh, hey, I know.  I could port Spacechem's syntax and modality over to the oh-emm board.  And maybe see if I can find some duplication hacks.

"...Hm, that might...

"...Okay, attempting to use alchemical symbols and chemical symbols as some sort of absurd duplicative interchange by way of salt is maybe a bit of a huge stretch.  But.  I'm gonna try it anyway."

"...Just need a sheet of hex paper..."

And once she has secured that, she begins a period of grave intellectual suffering.

On the plus side, she's figured out that she can probably make the waldos activate - or await - the grippers, to avoid synchronization issues!

On the minus side, instruction reference hell is upon her.  And she has to do almost all of the designing in her head.  She only has a color pen.

Still, the design is...

If not easy, still trivial.  It intakes NaCl 'atoms' (at factors she has worked out to be about one salt cube), feeds it into the conversion zone, separates the resulting two 'atoms' of alchemical salt, feeds those out of the zone one 'atom' at a time, and outputs NaCl twice by way of a cunning stratagem known as "if you pull a 'salt' in a given direction you clearly ought to end up with the chemical-salt it was made of trailing the path of the waldo" and "whatever picks an object up in the Conversion Zone determines the rules defining those 'atoms'".

Now it just has to actually work when she starts feeding it.  She has the salt packets.

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Amazingly enough - it does.  The waldoes wald, the grippers grip, the board works like it should, complete with solution display...

And one salt packet becomes two salt packets.

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"...Take that, thermodynamics!"

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For my next trick, I will perhaps actually transmute something!  Actually, huh, there's a thought.  I could use something like the same trick, but doing a sort of infinite-loop out of H2O -> Ag.  Or Au, or Cu, or...  A variety of metals.  Possibly more with additional alchemical symbols.  Anyway I should...  Probably ask Wren if she knows anything about conjured matter.


So, after much mental gymnastics, I just gave E=mc^2 the finger.  Should I be...  Worried about that.

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You probably didn't actually

And not unless there's an unsettling hole in reality, the thing you duplicated is still duplicating, you're hearing odd whispers telling you to kill people, etc etc etc


Maybe yes

Usually your own magic will refrain from harming you

Unless you're doing something weird and/or stupid and/or daring

But most 'conjured gold' just vanishes after a couple hours, leaving the sorceress in question feeling foolish for thinking it was that easy

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Well, what I did was start with real material, then abuse conceptual translation layers to [accurate description of the thing seems like it isn't properly supported in English, but 'cause a dupe "glitch"' isn't far off].

...Oh, I've had a horrible idea.  By which I mean a brilliant idea.  See, lead into gold actually has less mass iirc the chemistry.  So clearly it would concentrate the lead's spiritual weight and make it less vanishable than the lead was.  (Notwithstanding that I fully intend to pun off of pencil lead, instead, because real Pb is, you know, bad for humans.)

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...Anyway.  She has this information to test, now.

Which...  Is going to be kind of a pain, actually.  It's not like she has stuff she can use for this just sitting around.  ...Or does she?  If she pops open some of the transparent 'capsules' some of her meds come in...  That might actually fit the salt nicely.  At which point it's a matter of keeping an eye on them every so often, and seeing if there's less at some point.

...Come to think of it, I think 64C -> 1Ag is also, uh, overkill, atomic-numbers-wise.  But I am not going to start messing with mercury.  Mercury is also bad for humans.  And equally incredibly overkill by mass.  It's kind of annoying.

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Go ahead and try it, I guess?

You're the one with freeform does-what-you-want magic here, not me. Only thing I can make is ash.

A lot of witches use silver, gold, gemstones, quicksilver, sulfur, whatever, in their rituals. It does seem to help.

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Yeah.  Power of everybody thinking.  ...I wonder if you could ...observer-effect, like, a ~spiritually-stretched-out spool of silver wire, into being real without it taking a fuckton of magic?

Say, what even is your ash made of, anyway?  Like, it's magic fire, it just happens, so if there's ash from nothing, what is it?  Or, uh, do you mean just, 'I can burn stuff'.

...Anyway.  I really do need to get me some shiny rocks.  And some sort of...  Something.  Crafty.  Hm.

Actually, maybe I could make...

...Well, the problem with that idea is that I don't really have 3D construction, just 2.5D...  Maybe if...ugh, no, that would be rather a risk of bad associations.  Even if it would make sense.  ...Or maybe I could do some kind of origami with it.  For values of origami that likely involve far more cut-and-paste than is traditionally permissible.  Eh.  Not like I'm Japanese anyway.

...But.  Yeah.  I think I can make this work, actually.  3D Opus Magnum here we fucking go.

Maybe I'll even let myself have arbitrary-length manipulator arms.  As a treat.  ...I suppose I could do waldoes...

...Anyway, details of the tricks I'm trying to play on reality and myself aside, I...should probably actually do that if I'm gonna.  Wish me luck?

[...Alex is typing...]

...Oh no.  The gearing.  Maybe if I just pretend I can actually sightread base 6 everything will be fine and I won't have to worry about it.  ...Hold on, how many ticks can I put on a hexagonal gear of size s...

6*s, duh.  But can I actually...

...well, I can probably create a 1- or 2-tick gear.  And if that -- Oh, yes, it should.  Okay.  Okay, I can create a 2, which means that I can turn a 6 into a 3 - does it? fuck - oh wait, duh, triangles, which means I can probably bodge something together out of that to run a base-ten counter, if nothing else by stepping 60 down by 6:1...

Man.  Mechanics are really hard.  Especially when you're attempting to build them out of shapes you can build out of the centerpoints of hexagons and squares.  ...I do wonder if I could make a triangular grid work, though.  It might be useful...  Though, now that I'm thinking about it, I'm not sure it actually adds any degrees of freedom.

Uh.  Sorry if I'm just rambling on about something you don't want to hear, my brain just tends to take what rubberduck space it can get and this is getting pretty dang complicated on me all of a sudden.  So many bodges...

Anyway I am actually going to go try this now.  Wishing me luck still appreciated.

At least (pencil-)lead into silver is a pretty well-solved problem.  You just run a refining tower.  She could quite probably program one of those in her sleep.  Or blindfolded.  Even with the added step of taking the 'yes it is definitely lead she's feeding this input, she swears,' apart.

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I mean I can burn stuff yeah

And I have about 5% of an idea what any of the rest means

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Most of it's actually videogame stuff.  This may surprise you, but I'm actually a neeeeerd.  ;P

...One trip to the school supplies store later...

She's just spent like 50 bucks on 0.9mm pencil lead that she really hopes she'll be able to make up for, financially, by selling some fraction of the resulting little silver beads.  ...She could step them up into half again as much gold, but she's not quite sure it would be worth it.  Maybe platinum, though, that has industrial uses and it's incredibly rare and valued.  (Ssh, this is totally what happens when you allow gold to step up in a refining diagram.  There's an alchemical symbol for it and everything, y'know!  ...Actually, though, the exchange rate for platinum is better if she does it as gold plus silver like the alchemists thought, even if it complicates the top of her tower a bit more!  Hah!)

(...Then she actually checks the market rates, and the point of doing that is rendered moot by the price of gold somehow being twice that of platinum in the present market.  Curse that fucking plague and its aftereffects.)

"Alright.  Test 1: Concentrating pencil lead into silver and gold, by alchemical means.  Firing up the solution..."

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Yep.  That works just fine.  The little jars she gathered for this purpose fill up admirably, with little 0.9mm cylinders of silver and gold clinking into place.

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"Haha!  Haa.  Yeah.  Okay.  So.  I'm gonna make sure this doesn't disappear overnight.  And then if and when it doesn't, because it shouldn't - I bet there's somebody who needs gold around here.  Ohhhh, we are getting some good shit done.  Haaah.  Whew.  End recording."  She pushes the button to end the video file, a mixture of exhausted and utterly elated.

She's gonna have a good time working in this mode, even if it's a pain in her neck to plan it.

Hey OS, guess who just turned lead into gold?  It me!  I am it!  Ancient alchemists eat your heart out and praise our lord and savior Zachtronics!

I am incredibly hyper right now!  Despite also being fucking exhausted, physiomagically speaking!

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Vidya is probably really rich with nice concepts to build spells on, whether the 'fully free-form' or 'cultural zeitgeist' theories are correct. Not EVERYONE plays video games but millions and millions do.

Do you have something to fight with yet? Try 'protego'?

Maybe tomorrow. I bet ur tired.

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Didn't I already say I was going to do Jedi shit?  But yeah there's definitely something to the idea of reappropriating Rowling's stuff for purposes she'd be horribly offended by, the transphobe.  And yeah.  Tomorrow.

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In the morning, Alex's pajamas are noticeably tighter in certain spots, and looser in others. And she's also very hungry.

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Well, the dining hall is all-you-can-eat once you're in there.  And she needs to be somewhere there's people anyway, if she wants to find someone who can help with her various projects.

She grabs some protein bars and sets off to set up for that - though she has a bit of a morning struggle with her jeans and eventually decides that to hell with it, she'll wear her fancier pants until she can get new ones.

...That's gonna play merry hell on what she, despite all evidence to the contrary, alleges is a budget.  Maybe she can sell some cantrips?  She does have the option of trying to push her gold and silver production, anyway...

Hm.  Selling cantrips like she's some sort of roadside attraction wouldn't get her what she needs anyway because it's not like she can take credit cards, she's not a business, and she needs liquid funds in her bank account if she's gonna be ordering stuff online.  Which she probably is.  Well, no, which she definitely is, but most of the surefire things are for various purposes that are not clothes shopping.

That said, her gold refining would make a damn good showpiece.

(And it hasn't disappeared at all overnight!  Unlike the salt, which...  She had wondered why it felt like the recipe was trying to pull more mana out than she would actually let it take for that.)

(She'll have to create a better virtual particle management idiom.  Or just settle for having to eat that cost.  Now that she's thinking about it, the gold spell felt a bit like that too.  Which is...  Odd.  What would have happened if she hadn't pressed so firmly?  She doesn't actually know.  ...She could experiment with...  Tin?  Iron?  Copper?  Something that eats less supply if it just suddenly vanishes.  ...She's not sure if there won't be confounders, though, given that she's still dealing with chemistry in her alchemy.)

(...A quick google informs her that while she was close with her guess that iron might well suffice for a cheapish test, she is, despite her misgivings about the 8:1 compression, going to need to refine to copper before the number of protons going in becomes more than the number of protons going out.)

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...A pigeon lands right in front of her and holds out one leg, which has a small paper tied to it, cooing.

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...And does that detect as a trap or a poison or something?

(...She is one with the Force and the Force is with her, she is one with the Force and the Force is with her...)

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Yeah, the pigeon's magic, but it's not a trap as far as she can tell.

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What is it with wizards and absolutely disdaining the normal post?  I just got a messenger pigeon.

"...Hi there.  Is this for me, then?"

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It pecks the paper loose from its leg, then flutters off.

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OS replies:


Faster, maybe? If one already has messenger pigeons for hobby reasons?

I think that's a hobby anyway.

They used to be common.

What is it with wizards and turning lead into gold?

(Magic is bullshit btw)

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"...Well, I guess I don't have to worry about a tip."

What's the note even say?

Fair enough!

Though with the way pigeons work, there's - they only do return trips without magic?  IDK.  Seems, surprisingly risky, unless this wasn't a real bird, because, like.  Hawks.  But yeah, it is kind of iconic, huh.  Maybe it's druids.

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To the Newly Awakened of Considerable Potential,

I do not know your identity or location with much precision, and I have sent one of my assistants with a fairly dim memory to deliver this to you. Should you wish nothing to do with us, simply ignore this message and I will not go out of my way to contact you.

All I know of you is that you are new to magic, you are either driven or magically potent, and you had some kind of dream-conflict already, the echoes of which are what I detected. There is some symbolism in dream-looking which I could use to make further judgements of you, but these are unreliable at best.

Your activities late at night are disturbing the dreamscape in minute ways, detectable to those who bother to make a careful study of it. The discovery of magic in one's life is a wonderful time, but a new, lone magicker is often at their most vulnerable, before they have had time to experiment, to learn what they are capable of, and what dangers await.

As Chairman of the Lake Ontario Dreamwalker's Circle, I make a point to freely offer information and assistance to those who catch my notice, in hopes of resisting the regrettable pitfalls of magical society, the predators hoping to find the unwary, the downward spiral of local associations making petty snipes at each other, the gentle trap of dependence on the Mascots (and their not-so-gentle boot heels, should you threaten them), and those of the Beautiful Flesh. (That is, Puchuus and Succubi. I cannot resist a bit of drama at times.)

Simply name what you require to establish yourself, and I will attempt to see it done, within reason. I swear upon the stars and moon that there is no fey trickery here- Gifts are things that are offered freely, with no trap or expectation of return. But I do not blame you if you don't believe it.

--Sebastian deGaulle

(And contact information including an address in Toronto, a website, and more, on the back.)

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To Wren:

Sheesh, apparently someone operating all the way up in Canada caught some of the echoes of your visit.  They sent me a note.  You heard anything about the Lake Ontario Dreamwalker's Circle, yourself?

To OS:

Well, this is an interesting letter I just got.


I do think I like his vibes so far.  I'm rather thinking I might reply, though I'm not sure if I'm going to get a 'burner' email to do it with or just say to hell with it since it's not like I'm going to just suddenly seclude myself now; it would help with a lot of things and I'm rather curious what he's talking about given that I've only knowingly done dream-magicky-stuff the once.

What's the website look like?

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Oh sure.

I'm not that surprised, whatever you did to bring the Foundation into your head was pretty loud, mentally speaking. And then there was me.

Dreamwalkers lean way into metaphor and minds in ways my illusions can only barely grasp at. I'd call them sensory specialists. They make good therapists. It's more of a social club than, like, a clan or whatever tho. 

Old Sebby is the head, he's a nice guy. Kind of... Not quite pretentious, but quietly smug? Slightly patronizing? But in a grandpa way, not an asshole way.

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The website is a basic-ass thing, obviously a template, with dozens and dozens of blog posts- "Dream Trail Guides". Very new-agey. Also has horoscopes.

OS sends back:

I'm starting to feel like I can't actually help you that much.

Everything's going over my head.

I don't know how what you're doing works or why, which... Magic... But it makes it hard to think about since I don't know the rules.

That URL was registered in 2004. So it's kind of a long con if it is one.

After a bit:

Looks like a basic Wordpress install, hosted at WPEngine.

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To OS:

Honestly I just kind of feel like I need to stay connected with humanity if I want to do the most good for the most people, and you're undeniably human.  You're a grounding influence, or whatever.  ...Also you still have better search-fu, I think.  And, like, you're my friend!  I want to tell you things?  Y'know?  Even if you're not """useful""" or w/e.

...I think the #1 rule of magic is that it works if you believe it will.  Like Tinkerbell.  Clap your hands if you believe.  Or like Calvinball.  The rules are made up as you go.

To Wren:

Thanks!  That's good to know.

And to Sebastian deGaulle, from everforwardsmarche @ gmail.com:

M. Chairman,

I thought you might like to know that your letter did not get brought down by a hawk while in transit, or anything like that.

am vaguely surprised that your letter beat whatever community holds sway in New York, being rather geographically closer as they would be - but perhaps they aren't oneiromancers.  I wouldn't know; frankly it's quite fortuitous that you reached out to me, because I've been fumbling in the dark as far as making local connections goes.

And speaking of, I suppose that if I were to think about what I might need to establish myself long-term...

Well, setting aside the question of materials, tools, and craftsmanship, which I will admit to some need for despite having had an interesting amount of success with material synthesis...  scientam est potestas, no?  The thing that has truly captivated me about magic is the learning of it, and coming to understand what it does and how it does it.  Perhaps I may even one day begin to approach an understanding of why magic works the way it does.  And if I might learn how to properly harness my dreams...

I'll admit, I hadn't given them much thought, despite the many reasons I likely should have.  The amount of cultural weight upon dreams and dream magic alone is sufficiently indicative of both a threat surface and a vast utility - if I could reify Dream Feast, that alone would be incredibly useful... - let alone the hypothesis that the collective unconscious is what determines which metaphors/paradigms/aesthetics are more readily accessible to the average caster.  (While, obviously, individual affinity for certain patterns of thought would still tend to control any one caster's affinity for one of those paradigms, the hypothetical spherical frictionless magical cow in a vacuum is still interesting to think about, is it not?)

...Now that I think of it, I wonder what Puchuu culture is like, and whether us humans could tap into it as a source of, well, oomph, without their prior intervention (e.g. MGs).  As far as I know they're truly alien, arising outside humanity, while the clade of Lilim is - human-formed, despite subsequent developments.

But I digress.

It was a pleasure to hear from a fellow believer in sapient flourishing, and I look forward to future correspondence, even if I doubt I'll be making it to Toronto anytime soon.

--Alex Marche

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It takes about 15 minutes but she does get a response:

Mlle. Marche,

New York, the city, tends to be rather wrapped up in its own affairs. It has a truly monolithic presence and meaning in the dream world, greater even than most large cities. I would count myself lucky to be able to dip my toes in that at will rather than dropped in the deep end, in your position.

As far as materials, tools, and craftsmanship, I would see no problem simply dropping a substantial pile of money on you. Money sooths many ills, and is hardly an obstacle to one who's long since made their comfortable position.

Dreamwalking is much like chess and many other things- Easy to learn, difficult to master. The first step is to become able to lucid dream within your own mind. It seems you are already asking the correct questions to approach the world of dreams, but I wouldn't want to spoil the process of answering them too much. I would be happy to discuss the art further some time, but perhaps practicalities for now. I will say that dreams can indeed serve as vectors for other magics as you are imagining. I have performed dream healing on multiple occasions, for example, though it cannot be completely relied upon.

The Mascots are enigmatic, even to me. Their dreams are rigid, orderly things, places of strict law and cold information, shining like prisms and pure of fear or doubt.

--Sebastian deGaulle

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M. DeGaulle,

re: New York:

Oh, yes, I would hardly want to get caught up in the big city intrigues either; I'm just surprised nonetheless that they seemingly don't have reliable eyes on their own backyard.  Then again, perhaps their attention was diverted by other forces; goodness knows I wouldn't know half that I do about the locals if not for something approaching coincidence.

(I'm really not surprised that New York has such a gravity to it in the dream world, given the sheer cultural weight of it, but I must admit that until you mentioned it the thought had nonetheless failed to occur to me, so, I do thank you for the prompting.)

re: my material problems:

As much as I am certainly appreciative of the offer of raw funding, I think that that's perhaps the one thing I do know I can work over with time.  It's not like there will ever be a cessation of demand for the precious metals, and I actually have a few ideas about providing carbon sequestration at a profit, in the longer term.  No, the thing that's frustrating me the most at present is that if I have a design for something that goes beyond putting pen to paper to make, I don't quite have what I need to realize it - whether that is skill of my own, appropriate equipment, or contacts with those who can already make better things than I could produce myself.

re: oneiromancy:

Ironically, lucid dreaming is one of those things I've been tripping over my own two feet in attempting to acquire the skill of since long before I knew I could do magic with it, so while I'm sure I could apply sufficient phlebotinium to the problem, I do want to ask if you've any tips on that.

re: Puchuu:

...Interesting.  The way you describe their dreams, I would not have expected that to register as a dream, rather than a simulation.  Then again, daydreaming is already somewhat about hypotheticals...

...I am inexplicably yet inarguably reminded of the Matrix movies, and their Agents Smith.  Moreso when I think of the things that caused me to raise the ward that caught your attention, even if I should damn well hope I was being excessively paranoid about what I did - do fear could be lurking.  ...Pardon my language.

(If you've no idea the sort of things that I could be thinking of...  Well, I suppose the threat-in-being of someone having the Men In Black's neuralyzer is a good idea of where my worries started.  If reassurance beyond my wild speculation about certain things being impossible to successfully construct as magical effects exists, I'd really appreciate it.)

--Alex Marche

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Mlle. Marche,

You've managed to find a metaphor for refining true gold? This is not unheard of, but certainly unusual. Just another reason why diversity of thought and inspiration is a good thing for the practice of magic. The matter of contacts or tools and skills to make things is less of one I can immediately solve, I admit. I suppose you're seeking to follow the path of enchantment, magic as bound into objects first of all?

The one thing the Mascots are good for is prevention of large-scale catastrophes. They are the ones with the metaphorical nuclear launch codes, if you will, and stand ready to enforce 'inspections' on those they suspect of having metaphorical enrichment facilities. These overlords are a better state than magical anarchy; But not an ideal one, as you will find when they first come to you for 'contribution to the cause of peace and justice'.

I cannot comment overmuch on the last concern, but if it were truly so easy to end the world or civilization with an ill-formed viral thought or parasitic nightmare, we would already be dead. Such things exist but they all have their vulnerabilities. Parasites, vulnerable to the cleansing fire of medicines or the cold steel of wards and cursebreaking. An archetypal example would be the Dog of War, which is attracted to latent or low-powered mages often unaware of their powers, who are affected by post-traumatic stress disorder or similar maladies. It appears to them like an emaciated, disfiguringly wounded dog and tries to drag them into incapacitating flashback spirals, then eat them. Even untrained, weak mages who push through the mental disturbance can easily slay it or drive it off. When well-fed, new ones can appear. The origins are unclear, but I personally suspect they are some poor wretch's nightmare come to life, which sadly can occur on occasion.

--Sebastian deGaulle

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M. deGaulle,

Well, it hasn't vanished yet and I think it would have by now if it was going to; I left it overnight and a similar experiment did dissipate, presumably due to its own lack of ontological inertia.  I can also do copper and silver; it remains to be seen if the rest of the periodic table will oblige me.  ...Ugh, isotopes.  That's going to be annoying.  Maybe if...

Well, anyway.

...I think that limiting myself to one such paradigm is, well.  Needlessly limiting.  I've cast spells as a wizard, as a witch, as a ritualist.  I rather also intend to weaponize my childhood fantasies of being a Jedi.  But I do think that enchantment-type magic is perhaps uniquely useful for its predictable permanency - I haven't worked on anything druidic yet, but the almost inherent expectation of volitionality inherent in even the simplest spirits...  I'd have to make one, special.  Though that is, in and of itself, certainly an idea I might well pursue.

...As for the 'contribution to justice and peace'...  Hoo boy.  That is very high-handed of them.  If they're gonna claim to have the authority to tax me, I at least want some shiny trinkets out of the deal.


Thank whatever gods may be, then, that at least that of my various new nightmares was somewhat overblown.  Well.  They're not literal nightmares.  You would have noticed them if they were.  But, uh.  Yeah.  The deep dark corners of my mind are one hell of a scary place; you may be eaten by a grue.  Or wake up Azathoth.  ...I'm just glad that my bad dreams are so predictable in execution.  Goodness knows I've read enough terrifying things that protecting myself from hostile mental manipulation was the thing I prioritized immediately, and if the possibilities had been a bit less constrained by the over-successful virus problem, and my dreams less utterly boring despite the pretty vistas, who knows what could have come out in those first few nights.  Or before I became aware of my magic, even.  Not that there really would have been much 'me' left to be aware, if the worst possibilities came to life.

...Perhaps we should discuss something less intrinsically full of horrors that are all too capable of being conceived of by human imagination, though.  I sha'n't promise a satisfying answer, but I imagine you have quite a few questions?


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Mlle. Marche,

I make it a habit not to pry, since it's all too easy to learn things people would rather I not know during my dream walks, and easier yet the more I know of them. Everyone deserves their privacy, and I would rather not intrude or identify someone particularly without being invited. For example, I learned from my messenger that you are a woman, and that you are seeing magical medical help about that, simply by the impressions and smell it carried home. If I have any question at all, it would be who are you seeing? The succubi are known for making a very good impression and using that to their advantage and your detriment. I don't think they are intrinsically evil more than any person, and I am not accusing whoever you may have found, but they have more tools than average to love-bomb, gaslight, and manipulate.

Also, I suppose, if your metaphor for gold and silver can create it in particular shapes and especially particular atomic alignments, that may help smooth out wrinkles in a sort of focus array a friend has been trying to perfect for years. It turns out that even modern science and magic combined cannot necessarily create perfect crystals in metal, at least not easily.

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Well, I'm not surprised you caught that, even if I was a bit taken aback that it didn't take you until we'd actually met.  Not that it wouldn't have come up anyway eventually; you seem nice enough to let on to.

As for your friend's request - Definitely, probably.  It would depend on the shape and/or what sort of Shenanigans I can pull with the diagramming - I can 100% do cubes and hexagonal prisms, though, and likely any composition of rotationally symmetric and predominantly single-shape (e.g. octagons probably work) tesselations.  What sort of thing is your friend trying to make?

As far as the succubi - the tool they have for such manipulations is terrifyingly potent, but given both the fact that I know I'd know if they tried, and the clinic's no-sexual-harrassment policies, I can be reasonably confident they aren't using it thusly.  The sort of succubus that actively wants to avoid having sex with their patients...  That's definitely someone who's bought in to medical ethics as taught locally.

I'd rather refrain from naming the specific clinic at the moment, unless I need to recommend one.  It's local to me, and we're hardly at the point where I want to exchange street addresses yet.


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The project is something I would not be too eager to share all the details of, on general principle of closed-mouthness. We'll call it an extremely specialized barrier or filter, to let only very pure magical energy of a very specific type through. We have tried monocrystalline silicon rods of the sort used for computer manufacturing, but while the crystal structure was good enough, the material of silicon did not have the correct associations. Hexagonal rods of monocrystalline silver would likely suffice.

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I can definitely make that.


...I get why you wouldn't want to tell me the specifics of the project.

I don't really think I need all the details, anyway.

The thing is, I'm hesitant to provide this service until I'm a bit more confident it won't be used for harmful purposes - I understand the necessity of self-defense, but there are already enough bad signs about magical politics that, well...  Inadvertently emulating Tony Stark, Merchant of Death, would not become me, and I would be quite irked if I found out someone had tried to use me thus.  (If you haven't heard a single word about the MCU in the past decade, I must admire your commitment to living under a rock, and I shall summarize the relevant material just in case: the plot of his introductory movie - I sha'n't speculate about the comics, but I believe them to be similar - was all about him realizing he couldn't be in the weapons business and turning his engineering around on people who tried to get him to build weapons for them.)


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That is your right, to trade with whom you will and refuse those you wish. I am already pushing against the bounds of my own duty to this person's privacy, so I cannot make any such assurances. We haven't even discussed what kind of things you might want in return! I assure you the benefits of trading with other magicals are not small. If you wish, I will reach out to my friend and broach the possibility of an introduction between you two.

I'm familiar with superheroics and the colorful cast of these movies, albeit mostly through their echoes in dreams. I don't much approve of Mr. Stark, personally. He uses wealth and brilliance as an excuse to be rude and dismissive. Perhaps doing the right thing in the end, but with no real class. No courtesy. He is not a gentleman like Jean-Luc Picard, Professor X, or Batman. I suppose I am showing my age with that, and there are far worse role-models.

This has been a pleasant discussion and I am glad to learn that you are well and safe for now, but I shall be less responsive for a time, as some scheduled business approaches me now. Do let me know if you have further questions or topics of interest.

With well wishes,
Sebastian DeGaulle

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Always be yourself, unless you can be Batman; I do agree.  Tony's a jerk.  He was just the first relevant example that came to mind.

If you'd like to reach out to your friend, I would certainly like to speak with them - I'm sure that whatever it is they're building is fascinating, to have gotten this complex.

Luck and skill in your business.


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Right, she's just going to sketch that working up.

One silver hexagonal prism builder, coming up.  She's sure she'll find some use for it.

She texts Wren.

So, that tattoo guy you mentioned - he around here?  I hadn't expected myself to be the sort to get one, at least of my own volition - but I really do figure I need every edge I can get.  The more I learn about the Puchuu, the more I am convinced that we're all very lucky they're not worse.

Anyway, I'm gonna go figure out where campus is hiding the LARPers.  For practice reasons.

...There's gotta be something, somewhere.  She is also going to order a lightsaber.  A good one, because the cheap plastic one just really won't suffice.

...Actually, maybe scratch that.  She could absolutely make one, is the thing.  And it would respond to her better.

Though that does open the question of just where she's going to even find the right sort of magic rock.  It's not like kyber has an Earthly analogue, and the absolute tat they pass off as crystals at Disney these days...  She wouldn't give the mouse money if it was on fire, after what they did to the series, anyway.

...Though, now that she's thinking of it...  There is always LEGO Star Wars.  She'd need to do some things, buuuuuuut...


...Although, Opus Magnum has some things that would probably be exactly what she needed if she wanted to just start turning salt and/or carbon into Magic Crystal Stuff.

The rest...

Hmm.  She could make that work.  Maybe if she branches out into other alchemies.  Ooh, and-or especially if she pulls out the non-fire triplex bonding technique...  It might be an incredible pain in the ass to script, but the important part is that she could do it -

Well, if she translated that back into chemistry-physics, she'd have made water-that-is-like-fire!  Or, plasma!  And from there...

Well, she's not quite sure where, from there, but she could work it out.

...Hm.  Should she store the Mors she would generate from that Vitae production...

...It's unlikely it would be useful.  She's no poisoner.  But then, there was the Especially Dark Rope...

Well, she does have some ideas.  (Damn it, she didn't want these ideas.  Can she put them back.)

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About 10 minutes later:

No, he's from Hawaii

I haven't told you stuff directly about the Puchuu have I? No straight stories anyway. Just ominous hinting.

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...Drat.  That means I'm gonna have to find someone local.  Or figure out how to do it myself, I guess.

You haven't, no; I did a bit of my own research, which is actually what prompted my immediately going for that ward, and then the oneiromancer said their dreams were weird  - I can get the quote if you'd like - in a way that made me think of what the not-necessarily-dreams of an artificial intelligence would be like.  And then panic some more because I don't even know their priorities.  ...Well, they are vaguely aligned, because the world still exists, but...  That they aren't paving us over for paperclips, is no real indication that there aren't things that might turn them against the ultimate goal of sapient flourishing, imo.

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'Created' is probably the top common theory for them actually

I think it's a mistake to think of them as robots or w/e though

First credible Puchuu sighting is ~1300 AD in China and if they haven't done a runaway exponential thing by now they're not going to

They fight each other occasionally, and they have internal politics or something that LOOKS like internal politics, they fuck up sometimes

Have you heard of Clarion Comet? What I heard in the gossip mill is that she was so annoyed about infighting between the New York and Boston Puchuus that she moved to Canada

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Oh, great, there's not just one artificial general intelligence, there's a bunch.  At least they're not, like, bullshit-tier ASI hive drones.


...I suddenly do not want to know what happens if one of them sees Person of Interest anymore.

-- oh, and before I forget, I don't know if you'd have any good tips/tricks for - well, what I want to accomplish is basically the every-scifi-movie-ever holographic interface thing, possibly even, like, cyberpunk?-style "think at it and it does shit" stuff, but I figure that I could approach it from a bunch of different angles and you're good at illusions, so I was wondering if you had any thoughts.

Note to self: Ask Dr. Marleth about encoding rituals in biology.

She promptly deletes that last part.

...I have just realized that I might have some idea how one might create novel Lilim.  Or at least, the beginnings of an inkling of what might have been done, if not the faintest clue as to how Lilith (or whosoever the name might or might not have been a proxy for) in particular approached it.  ...Is letting on that I might know anything remotely related to this likely to get me hunted down by the magic police for knowing too much, do you think.

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Not unless you actually try it. And even then mostly not unless you look like you're doing it irresponsibly or evilly.

...That one sounds genuinely hard? The interface thing. Also I'm struggling to imagine what you would want it to... Do. Display peoples' names? Make phone calls?

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I think I'd rather stick to biomagic-hacking plants than people, really.


What I'd want such a thing to do is mostly save me from the hassle of having to physically draw things after I've already determined what I need the ritual diagrams to look like.  Also, like, zooming things in and out and other utilities.  Like 'undo', because right now I'm stuck using colored pen.

Actual AR features are a stretch goal.

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Though, as she doesn't yet have such a spell, she supposes she should probably...get to work preparing the spell.

And shoot off a message to the man who she has already lost all hope of not remembering as just 'oneiromancer guy' first and foremost - maybe Sebastien? de Gaulle?  Is that it?

...'Sebastian deGaulle'.  Close enough.  He's in her contacts, for fuck's sake.  She should remember this.

Oh, uh, one other relevant question, for your associate - how big would the crystal need to be?  I figure I may as well busy my idle hands, and drafting is a fine thing to do it with.


...This is going to involve the hypothesized triangular grid, she thinks, if she wants to make sure every atom is pinned down just so.  But she can definitely make that happen.  Hm, how many powers of two is she going to need to iterate, anyway, once she's assembled the initial triangles from silver atoms...

...Oh, hm, and then there's the overlap at the merged edges to handle.  She's not making triforces; if she's building bigger triangles from smaller atomic triangles, she needs to fill in the middle with triangles that are 1u less big.  Otherwise the edges will get bumpy.  Or could she...

...No, she really can't; that way lies Inescapable Collisions Hell.  So figuring out how to interlink various sizes of triangle like some sort of awful, more spaghettiful cousin of Spacechem or Industrialcraft piping it is.

Let's see, one, two, three, four is two plus two plus two plus one, eight is four plus four plus four plus three, she needs to make seven?  Fuck.  Wait, would...  Ha!  Yes!  Four plus three plus three plus three!  And she can keep repeating that pattern until she's at the preferred size, then just stack vertically once she's done doing all the spinning she needs to do to make the hexagon!

Yeeessssss.  Problem solved.  She just needs to figure out the base rate, so it doesn't get jammed on the input level...

She needs - three times four is twelve two-triangles, four one-'triangles', four three-triangles.  Right.

So she just needs to balance the Ag-splitter like so - tape the hexagonal board to the triangular one like that - hmm, now how is she going to trigger the looping...

It reminds her of the production puzzles, really.  Limited space, after all.

Ooh, she could make a sensor on the hex board...

And if she makes the output also step that board forward one...

Well, she could probably make a counter in any number of ways, to be honest.  But then - oh, that might be a problem.  Hm.  Because what she needs is a nested for loop, really.  Not just a single incrementor.  Unless she wants to precalculate exactly how many atoms of silver she'll need, which just seems excessive, even for her.

...Maybe if she did a fullness sensor?  Yeah.  She could do something with - reservoirs, and switching pipes...

...Could she, in fact, do that.  Argh.

Well, maybe if she does some I/O sigil shenanigans.

...Oh duh, if you can hook the reservoirs up to release based on fullness and whether there's a signal being passed, you would have the proper behavior of accumulating (e.g.) 0111.1111.1111.1111 -> 1000.0000.0000.0000 -

...Motherfucker she hopes that the answer she gets back happens to be a power of two side-length in unit atoms.

...Wait, shit, and then there's the final assembly that she has to deal with these damn triangle problems in!  Shit!

...Okay, she can make this work.  She will make this work.  She knows how to use a (...) to good effect.  And if she wanted she could just...  Oh, no, that wouldn't quite work either, but it's closer, at least.  ...That means she's going to have a little bit of silver left over, huh.  Hmm.

She pauses.  Considers.  Tests a couple hexagon-assembling shapes.

...So actually, how hard would it be to assemble a 2n-2 triangle with nothing left over?  3-3-3-2 into 6, but then...

...Yeah, 7-7-7-6 into 14, so she just needs to rebalance the input splitter - thank goodness she did the numbers in pencil - and there needs to be another assembler tower like so -

And the final hexagon has sides of length n, assembled from one triangle of side length n, four triangles of side length n-1, and one triangle of side length n-2.  Or, at least, it worked with a 4-3-3-3-3-2.  She hopes it scales.  She figures it will scale.

...She's going to check with a 5-4-4-4-4-3.

...Thank goodness.  It works.  Now to just...

-- design an entire instruction set and selection of waldoes for the triangle grid, because she totally hasn't already made this hard enough for herself --

Well, that wasn't actually that hard all things considered, it's "translate one of six directions" and "rotate cw/ccw" and "pick up/drop", even if pick up and drop are sensitive to alignment - bonding and (hypothetical) debonding being emplaced on the sides of cells - or, no, actually she's gonna make that a mode switch, let the manipulators do it instead of cells -

Anyway.  It's ready.  Once she has measurements and has worked out a good point to do the unit conversion.  And, well, acquired sufficient silver.

...She's going to be seeing assemblers in her sleep.


...Anyway, where was she?

She messages OS:

Incidentally, I have a hypothesis as to why h. sapiens lilim are, well, like they are.

Ritual invocations, encoded on the genetic level, expressed by whatever means Lilith-or-whoever chose.  Possibly with a forcible propagation component in the gene-line - invoking the law of symmetry, maybe.

I may have to minor in org-chem and/or biomed, at this rate.  With a soft sciences degree.

My CV is gonna be such a mess.

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Wren doesn't reply right away, and neither does Sebastian. 

OS does, after a couple of minutes:

I want to say 'magic makes college irrelevant' but that's probably wrong


That seems like a big leap to make without much actual evidence or testing, let me say. Maybe put it down as a hypothesis.

Would some Powershell scripts and/or spreadsheets, the kind of thing I am capable of making, help you in any way?

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I did, in fact, literally say hypothesis, silly.  But the thing is, it feels right.  At least right enough to see if there's a local dryad who would like to help with botany experiments.  Solar-powered fruit magic, anyone?

...Anyway.  Maybe some shell scripting would help with some of the things that have been annoying me.  Or at least the metaphor thereof.  Hmm.  The annoying part is that I'm still going to have driver-related problems, isn't it.  Or ABI problems.  One of those things.  Because where I keep tripping over my own two metaphorical feet, is in the bit where I actually translate most of my thoughts into effected actions, so if I just.  Make that a shell invocation instead...

I mean, I was already thinking about AR.

But dammit, I should not be having this much trouble with light sources.

It's kind of ironic, really.

A pause.

Regardless.  Yes, I think I could use shell scripts to great effect.  Or, uh, pseudocode in the same general language family.  Which for some reason had slipped my mind.  So!  Thanks for reminding me!

...I am now trying to remember if I've ever had a clue how networking works.  And wishing I'd read the rest of whatshisname's series where someone with bare-metal sorts of experience in the field gets dropped into wizard-land and reinvents compilers.  But mostly I am trying to figure out how the hell to -

Well, I suppose I could always run the thing headless.

...Though that has too many wrong associations, damn it.

Anyway.  Time to try echo.

It's a bizarre sort of mental twist to make, but it's at least one that she knows to believe in, now.  She hadn't, before - and apparently that made all the difference, in whether it worked.

$ echo "This is a test; this is only a test."

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What, without defining any sort of operating system, encoding, or anything else? No hardware to run the command? Just demanding into open air?

...Nothing seems to happen.

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The Linux-alike CLI is implicit in the invocation; can't you see the $?

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Magic says: Fine.

This is a test; this is only a test.

It's clearly anchored to Alex- Running on the same hardware as the Foundation-ward, as it were.

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$ ls -la

...This is either a great idea, or a horrible one.

$ cd /

$ ls -la

Because, well.

Breaking out of the virtualization to the root hardware oughtn't be quite as simple as starting from root and going

$ cd ../

But.  There's no reason it shouldn't be that simple, because it's not like magic has been gone over by security engineers.

So what happens when she attempts to move the shell to a working directory outside of herself?

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Directory not found

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...It's right.  There.  Upwards and outwards from the root of herself.  So go.  Up!  Pop off the top of this tree into the heap that holds it, or whatever!  There's ambient magic!  You can run on it just fine!

(...Don't make her start fiddling with environment variables.  You won't like her when she has to start fiddling with environment variables, no sir.)


So.  Is she going to have to start fiddling with environment variables, or attempt to understand whatever the fuck Docker is, or whatever, you [expletive expletive expletive] shell program?  Or are you gonna WORK AS SHE DAMN WELL INTENDED!

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But it's only there for a moment before it vanishes.

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...Right.  The thing where mana she's not in close contact with seems to vanish from her senses.  That's really quite annoying.

Now.  She has an open shell on the universe machine.  What she has lost is the connection to that shell.  So what is she going to do about that...

Well.  Re-establish the connection, obviously.  But the question is how that is best accomplished.

SSH requires...

Oh, bother, she really ought to go kill that shell if it isn't encrypted.

But first:

$ ping alexshell.universemachine

Is it even alive?

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Destination host unreachable.

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...Yeah, she was kind of expecting that.

What if she tries...

$ ping universemachine:Alex'sshellprompt


It'd make more sense for it to be a port, anyway.

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Destination host unreachable.

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$ ping universemachine

, dammit, that is definitely there.

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Destination host unreachable.

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Oh fuck you.

$ ping


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Response received in < 1 ms

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Well, at least the problem isn't there.

$ ping


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Response received in 4 ms

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...So there is something like enough to a router, based on her assumption thereof, that she could quite likely poke.  Interesting.

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$ ssh

Assuming really hard, don't fail her now.

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She feels something fuzzy at the edge of her senses.

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$ pwd

(Which, for clarity's sake, stands for Print Working Directory.)

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There's an extra slow, steady drain on her mana coming from this connection.

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...Well, if that's what that feels like, then she can be pretty confident there's not an open shell just floating around - if it requires extra mana to realize something like this, then when the connection dropped it would promptly have run out.



She's gonna just.  Check.  Real quick.  After some Googling of CLI stuff.

$ arp-scan --localnet timeout = 1

1 light-millisecond of scanning should probably not -- she remembers the 500-mile emails just in time and doesn't actually start the process.

$ arp-scan --localnet timeout = 20ns

Specifying units differently from the default of milliseconds will likely require more effort to pull together, but not poking every magic-sensitive in the country if not the continent is probably worth the effort to establish.  (As it happens, light-nanoseconds are curiously close to US feet, and the shell can't have gone very far from her no matter what distance this unltimately measures.  (For all she knows, with it being the noƶsphere, she should've denominated it in cuils.)  But there's mana in physical space that she wants to query, so physical units she'll use.)

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This consumes a fair chunk of mana. Not huge, but noticeable.




And far down the list:




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She hadn't been expecting that to work quite so...  Thusly, though it's not like she's complaining.

...The hell is Unknown?

$ tracert Unknown

, she invokes, adding a twist of visual let-there-be-light to point along the path.

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Unknown is outside and slightly up!

Unknown has terminated the connection.

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Buddy.  Pal.  You responded to the ping, ya dumbass.  Nice try.  You're not shaking her when you're actively interfacing with her.  Sending 'drop-me' packets?  Interfacing.

She texts Wren.

Okay so

Spooky divination result close by RN

'Unknown' in entity list


[Alex sent you her location!]

She scribbles a horrible thing onto a Post-It, intaking air and outputting triplex-bonded water by means of two conversions through Van Berlo's Wheel.  It'll probably fuck something up.  Hopefully it will even fuck up the enemy.

She stands up.

(...she is one with the Force and the Force is with her; she is one with the Force and the Force is with her; she is one with the Force and the Force is with her...)

She approaches the mystery entity's location, apprehensively, scanning the area.  She remembers to look up.

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The Unknown is long gone.

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What kind of unknown?

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An Unknown unknown!  ...Also one that has apparently run off.  Which is both kind of a relief, and really annoying, because I don't know what it is.

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I'm confused

What kind of divination makes a list?

Do you need me to come over?

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One that runs a Linux local-network device enumerator from a router in the noƶsphere, apparently.  I wasn't even trying to find that; I was just trying to figure out if I'd left something lying around by accident when it slipped from my metaphorically-real clutches.

...I don't...  Think I need backup, right now, anymore, if I even did?  No, like, danger-sensey things, are doing any sensing of immediate danger.  But...  What the fuck could whatever-this-is have even been?

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Maybe a scavenger or a familiar? Or a hiveling?

Not enough information at all tbh.

My gut says that if it was just a weird animal most divinations would go 'Squirrel???' instead of 'Unknown', but maybe computers are fussy about precision?

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Computers are in fact notable for doing exactly what you tell them to do.

It was able to send (something the interpretive layer parsed as) a drop-me packet, which...  IDK if that's evidence for or against any of those things.

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I don't think you made an actual computer

You're just using it as a metaphor

I've seen it before

I could maybe rush over and try to pick out its scent but

That probably wouldn't work

And I kinda had plans?

And don't want to actively sniff after trouble too much

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No yeah it's fine.  It should be fine.  Don't, like, upend your day 'cause I saw something funny.  But I really do need to go find the damn LARP club.

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Well good cause my plans are awesome

I've got a date~

Not a romantic date obviously but the other kind of date

The kind where we flirt and drink booze

It's going to be fun

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Have fun!  o7

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This...  Thisness, has really driven home how badly she'd fall to pieces in an actual zombie apocalypse.

She scribbles over the bodgey mess of alchemy that she had laughingly thought might be useful in combat.  It really quite probably wouldn't be, in the light of day.

She emails Sebastian deGaulle.  (Not on the same reply chain as the silver prism commission conversation.)

M. deGaulle,

...It has recently occurred to me that I have no idea how a mage should prepare themself for the inevitable moment in which they must act in self-defense or defense of others.

I expect you've some experience in the subject, and that if you do not, you would likely know a great many people who do.  That, and you're the only other mage I know I've met, so far.

I expect that a foundation of physical fitness and martial arts does anyone good, but the possibilities magic presents are vast enough that I do not expect I can truly encompass the relevant concerns with creativity alone.

I don't suppose that I might therefore ask of you if there are specific things one ought to keep in mind, whether in developing or utilizing spells for such purposes, or in preparing to face such things used against oneself?

-- Alex Marche

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With that settled, she realizes that... she has completely lost track of what she was doing, and needs to go get some more food.  (All-you-can-eat dining hall for the win.  Even if the normal schedule fucks over night owls.)

She doesn't happen to see anything that'll help her with this whole 'surviving fights she may or may not end up getting into' business on the bulletin boards, does she?

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The campus bulletin boards are pretty as-usual. Mexican Day at the dining hall. Study calls arranged by enterprising students. Someone wanting to sell a guitar. Board game group. Tennis group. A PSA to get more sleep. A movie night. Belegarth, which fights with foam swords and shields and considers itself not larp. (They fight, they don't roleplay.) Office hours for various people. Bus schedule. A reminder that quiet hours will be different during finals week.

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She'll take one Belegarth, please.

By which she means 'add them to her schedule and hope she can just kind of show up without providing advance notice'.

Boffer fights are probably not the best training ever, but she has to start somewhere.

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...Speaking of training fights, though, she should really make some sort of actual weapon.

And lightsabers are really cool.

So maybe if she just...


Alright, this is going to be by far the most thaumaturgically complex problem she's ever dealt with.  First off, she needs to make quintessence.  It's the only material in the O-M catalogue that she can convince herself is a good representative of magic-itself.  And that's simple enough, really...

But what's complex is when she needs to build her ritual sigils out of it - at the very least, she needs to build a sort of floating I/O anchor, to turn the chains of triplex-bound air around at the tip of the blade.

...She may actually need to build the tip of the blade out of magic; as it is, she's not sure it would thrust properly.


First step: a reservoir, to store the quintessence that she will make the blade out of.

She can, at least, sort of reuse the framework for the silver crystal that she has already worked out...

Silver, gold, or platinum...

...Actually, no, the first question is how she should create the input/output nodes.

She has some ideas, at least - and it oughtn't be extremely difficult to create what she needs, though it will stretch her skills to their limit.

...It's a very artistic design, what she comes up with.  It intakes, in a roughly atmospheric ratio, many 'air-2' (Things That Aren't Oxygenated-2), a 'fire-2' (O2), 'water-3' (H2O, represented with a pair of triplex bonds), and fire-earth-fire (CO2), as well as 'lead' (an 'ingot' of pencil lead).  It outputs a version of her circle-spiral/hex-triangle sigil, the 'circle' (diagrammatically, a truncated hexagon of r=5), and triangles, made of quintessence and accented at their meeting with gold (to anchor unto other parts), while she renders implicit the hexagon by the triplex bonds that ring the center-point in fire, and crafts the two spirals - one that elevates the raw material into 'alchemical reification-space', and one that draws those raw materials out - of the four elements and 'vitae', and salt and 'mors'; the first plunging to the center's quintessence molecule, the second folding out within the outer rings.  (These, too, are bound with triplex bonds, for their 'nature' as energy-conductive.)

The way she fudges the structural bonds shall not be elaborated upon here, being as it is quite messy - but she does, in fact, believe that were she to assemble the bond structure from magnetized rods, orbs upon which to anchor them, and perhaps a bit of liberty taken with certain parts, that she could well draw them into a properly circular shape.


...With that settled, it is now time for her to contemplate how to actually lay out a lightsaber.

This may well end up being hell, if she's honest with herself.  She still doesn't have normal ways to etch alchemy-space into metals.  Though, now that she's thinking about it...

She could just put the alchemy-space into an alchemy-space.  Well, not exactly 'an alchemy-space', so much as 'the space in which alchemy-"space" itself is reified' - but all she needs to do is transfer the diagram's mana-structure into an I/O point, because those already abstract size/structure.

...Yeah.  She can work with this.  It's basically what she already does, when she flips things across planes or into different tilesets or through chemistry/alchemy transitions.

And producing one sigil is much less difficult than producing many sigils.

She can make this work.  This will work.

Now she just has to do some nice holographic rendering.  She can do that, right?

...This may take a minute.

Okay, seriously though, how is she going to do this...

Well.  Quintessence covereth a multitude of magical use-cases.  So if she just...  Uses quintessence-formed wireframes!  Ha!  ...She'll come back to that later.  It still has a reservoir problem.  And a structural issue, in that she doesn't have a Turing machine lying around to execute arbitrary data files or anything.  Yet.

Anyway.  She should, perhaps, make an actual magic tool.  (She wants her sonic screwdriver.)

Though the question there is 'how', once again.

Vitae, again, would elevate...  Connected to quintessence to channel and transmit -

Silver for the body, again.  And then what, though, is the question...  Or rather, she needs to get the form factor right, is the important thing.

So she has .9mm lead, and she has crystals of salt that are also totally that sort of size, she's not going to observe too closely -

- Actually, hm, she'll reuse the earlier shape she drafted, if she's going to do this in one diagram.  The lead's really a bit bigger than anything but those big honking cubes of salt that you get in pretzels, and those are bigger than the lead.

...Though, on the other hand...

...Yeah, no, she's going to create the Vitae in a different chamber.  The lead stays minimized.

Alright.  With that settled, and the salt refinery set up, she can bond the Vitae together to upsize it.  Plonk a Van Berlo's Wheel into another chamber to make Quintessence from the salt too - good grief, this is going to be a mess in terms of consumption - and she already has a lead-to-silver tower -

Anyway.  Write down a perpetual salt refinery, for fodder for the temporary projections, it'll be useful later -

The pattern for that should probably be bound by reactive air, to transmit the impulse; that means she needs to actually construct the relevant shape out of fire first and transmute it after -

Three hexes, empty centers - they'll get filled later -

Okay, she does actually need to tip the connection from the reservoirs with an emitter, fire that diagram up, hold its output -

- start assembling the casing -

input on a 'tell the device to do things' level comes from the Vitae-Quintessence -

- oh hmm if she just makes it a r=three series of hexes she should be able to bond the edges together at a semi-arbitrary angle -

- how do you tile 3D space properly, anyway, is it just only cubes or - well, apparently there's quite a few options but truncated octahedra have hexagonal faces -

- actually, no, she'll just do prisms, at least while she's constructing the bits that ought to be of equivalent vertical alignments -

- she might have to plan outside-in on this one, actually -

- anyway, how is she going to do this...

The inner core should be conductive.  Which means that the center should definitely be quintessence.  But what goes around the core - that is not yet properly defined.

Maybe, actually, if she tiled ports vertically...

...Yeah, that'll make producing a signal that actually carries far enough, easier.  And then she can always apply waldoes.

Or...  Actually maybe she should do the truncated-octahedron thing.  Because if she lines up the core vertically, she could adhere ports edgewise.

Yeah.  Yeah, she could do that.  And then...

That might mean she needs a layer of wind?  Or, no.  Quintessence again.  Or...

Hm, maybe gold wire, actually.  Yeah.  Consider these magic-particles she intends to produce to be electricity-'shaped' for carrier purposes, and promote them to a collimated beam at the release point.  Quintessence around Vitae, then bind to the wire tips as a face?  That seems like it ought to do.

(There's really quite a lot of paper laid out for this by now.  She's not sure she has enough.)

Anyway.  Cue music, because at this point she may well need to hang in there and pray for the assembly to work right.  Wire up the edge bindings for the thingamajig - she's going vertical now.  Do...  More of that.  For other things.  ...How is she even going to do that...

Realize that the whole 'central core of quintessence' thing was a stupid decision; promptly swap it for a gold wire and put the quintessence around that central point so it's adjacent to the diagrams that are now on the faces of the central gold wire.

Put in another intermediate step or three, with much frustration, to assemble a net for the 3D shape.  It's just squares and hexagons, and it'll make the embiggening easier.  But it's still annoying.

...She may need to get some pipe cleaners or something, the proper visualization of the assembly process, or rather, the lack thereof, is getting a bit ridiculous.  ...She knows how she intends it to happen, at least, which is what matters.  So she can damn well start printing sometime soon.  Right, herself?

Right, herself?

...Right.  Time to make sure everything is wired up correctly.


...When this is done, she is never using paper for this ever again.

Just.  No.  Never.

Actually, though, if she has enough understanding of computers that she can kinda run one as a magic emulation...


...Well, she has enough something built up in her head in understanding her gigantic tangle of production machinery, that she thinks that if she just draws the right symbols on herself, she could go all Fullmetal Alchemist freehand alchemy about it.

(Not that she knows all that much about that, or has incorporated it into her belief system - heavens no - but she knows it's a thing, at least.  And that it would in fact be cool as fuck.)

...And she does have a blue marker.

So if she pulls the output of the one part of production she's actually run as of yet, the I/O node itself, into herself via her sigil...

Grabs hold of some salt and some graphite...

And hooks power up to the models in her head and the diagrams strewn out in front of her by sheer force of arglebargle-frustration-determination-knowing-needing-want...

Can she maybe make a fancy magical effector stick?  Please?  She still needs to make her lightsaber!

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...You cannot, in fact, build a working factory out of spit, duct tape, and hope.  There's things she missed, things she doesn't quite get as well as she thinks she does.  And so, when she tries -

Well, the good news is that there's nothing that exploded.

The bad news is that no matter that she has now installed alchemy, that abomination of an alchemical diagram is not functional in the slightest.

The output sigil sputters out a stream of loose, intermingled stuff, clattering all over the table, and her mana supply drops precipitously as she feels her magic do something like choking but backwards, because she tried to cast a hairball.

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"...Glahckgh.  Ew.  Good gods.  ...Note to self: Don't do that again."

...At least she can probably reuse the materials.  They weren't corrupted or anything, just - shaken about, and everted, along with the so-called 'model'.  (The 'model' dissipated in a flare of mana and holography, because it was, you know, magic, projected unto the physical world.)

She butts her hand against the table, just to make sure that there's nothing left in there, and - good gods would you look at the time.  She'd better get dinner.  And then she can start stringing together a proper system with which to assemble things like lightsabers and sonic screwdrivers.

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OS has added some more files to the Google Drive, and reorganized some as well. Nothing about the Unknown, since he doesn't know about it.

Wren texted her some emoji at some point- Eggplant and peach and hearts.

Sebastian has not responded.

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She texts Wren thumbsup-kissyface-tongue-sticking-out-face, since emoji are the order of the day.

She jots off a brief "So I tried to assemble a magic effector wand because I could use it to build a lightsaber probably, but the build snarled up on me and everything went kerplooieurgh out of the space I held to do it in - probably because I tried to force it - but the space is still there so I can probably do alchemy FMA style in the future," with a picture of the aftermath, and the note that the IO rune synthesis, and absorbing it to anchor alchemyspace, worked fine, into the experiment logs.

And then, her dinner finished, she drags herself back home and lets herself pass out and hallucinate vividly for several hours.

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The next day...

Something is off when Alex awakens - for once, before her alarm drags her from visions of hexagon-arms.  There's a Ī»-smell of overripeness that she would have thought to be coming from the kitchen - but is, instead, seemingly concentrated outside her residence.

...Hey Wren - if I took a sample of something's magic, could you, like, tell me things about it?  Because there was something that got their magic all over my lawn last night and I can already tell that I am not looking forward to finding out what the hell it could've done.  It's, like, weirdly sickening-sweet ripeness vibes?  Like some kind of baby Nurgling.  Ugh, I need to ward the place and it's a rental.

She can, at least, quickly whip up a nonreactive and airtight container using some of the principles of her work yesterday.  On a smaller scale.

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And now, the question of how the heck to secure her place, is, uh, very open.

She does have some ideas, though...  Also a sample of this magic's alchemical signature to take by way of Chemical X and the stretching-out conversion trick, come to think of it.

Anyway.  Wards.  Physical wards.


Poses a problem.  On account of not, particularly, having IFF worth a damn as a readily-available primitive.

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...Though.  She has made magical networking software.  She could always use that as a basis.  And something something asymmetric cryptography, something something hashes something salts...  Oh, hey, she could use quantum foam as a noise source.  Take that, wall of lava lamps.


...Anywho.  Firstly, she needs to figure out how to read passive signals like whatever this nonsense is.

...Also, she needs to make an air purifier sticky note.  That at least is pretty simple.  (Mors + Air and Mors + Air + Air go in, Air + Air comes out.  She's actually going to store the Mors for later, though.  You never know when you might need to take advantage of a store of concentrated essence of deathyness.)

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Air purifier scribbled out, and uploaded to alchemy-space, she sets about uploading a few more useful templates.  A Vitae+Mors refiner, the endless salt duplicator, her lead-to-silver and lead-to-gold refining towers, her atmosphere-to-I/O-port builder....

Also her sample-taker - both varieties.

Anyway.  Where was she...

Figuring out how the heck to actually make either a lightsaber or a home defense ward.

...Well, back to the geometry mines she goes.

...Rhombic dodecahedra?  They have useful properties like "I can pretend that Opus Magnum manipulators work the same way they do in 2-space but with extra rotational degrees of freedom" and "looking pretty"...

...And, come to think of it, perhaps being able to tile the surface of a given 'sphere' with the particle/molecule she hypothesized as a carrier for the screwdriver -

- she never actually finished loading the darn thing, did she.

Well, that's an easy fix.  Although, come to think of it, why did she think she needed to make it out of wind?  Fire is actually probably more appropriate.  So if she just cues up the trick for fitting things inside other things, and hooks up a quintessence and a vitae/mors refiner from some infinite salt loops...

Yeah, that ought to actually do.  Instead of only look like it ought to do.

...Anyway.  She has to do...Stuff.  To the things.  So they'll do stuff.  This may be a problem.  She really doesn't have metaprogramming, not yet - and to dynamically generate a structure like this...

Well, actually, though, why wouldn't it be plausible to make it static-but-switched?

Anyway, she has the general gist of it.  She just needs to make the quintessence spiral.  ...She can probably just do that.  ...Can she actually just do that?  Well, she could always try making an instruction -

...Actually, she can just do that by binding the tip together.  Duh.  So the question is how she actually constructs the binding framework, which seems like it ought to have a relatively simple answer - she already has the idea of framing an I/O node at the front edge of the sequence anyway, for reprocessing...


...Also, she's pretty sure she has hammerspace now, after what she did succeed in doing, yesterday.  So that's good.  She'll exploit the hell out of that later.


Anyway.  Next up, making something that will actually ride the quintessence and shred the things that need to be shredded.

It's really rather simple, relatively speaking, to create something almost like a propeller with knives on.

(It's less simple to pack them down into a single space for recycling afterwards, but that's just how it is.  "...Note to self: investigate the paradox of the doubled sphere sometime, now that you're doing raw geometry.  Who was that, Banach-Tarski?  Banach-Tarski.  And the axiom of choice is assumable because magic.  I should check if it's been proven for anything that's not topologically equivalent...")

...How would she build a waldo - the Opus Magnum kind, Spacechem waldoes are definitely just magic circles - anyway?  Rather than having to manually assume them into being.


...Okay, "quintessence on the edge of an iron gripper 'T'-shape, built off of a ring of vitae/mors, anchored by quintessence" is not exactly where she thought she'd go with this, but it would work.  (It could also be silver, but that would take too long to spool up from scratch.  And considering that most of this matter is fundamentally sleight-of-hand on the universe's numbers, speed of operations to keep it from noticing before she's done will certainly help.)


Send help, I'm taking the axiom of choice </shitpost>

But seriously, I just realized that I can duplicate arbitrary topologically zero-holed matter just by mathing at it really hard.  And probably more than that; I just don't know if the sphere duplication was proved for toroids, f'rex.

Clearly I'm going to also need to keep studying math.

, she sends to OS.

Anyway.  After yesterday's fiasco, I've realized: Something Akin To Hammerspace: Probably invented, entirely by accident.  Woo.  Next up, home defense wards!  (Thus all the karking geometry.  But it'll make a lightsaber too, by the same principles, so I'll have to hope it's worth it.)

...Ooh, I could use the Spacechem C&C framework here to great effect in extensibility of the single-wardline I already have generable...  Probably only against rectangles, yet, but that's still pretty useful.  ...Well, rectangles and hexes.  If I needed to cover bee cells for some reason.


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...I can't believe it took me until now to realize that I can just make Maxwell's D(a)emon.  Excuse me whilst I cackle madly.

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...Also, I can 100% just transmute e.g. pencil lead into diamonds, straight up.  Why did it take me this long to figure that out?  ...Probably because I'm so used to thinking of it being actual lead on the OM board where it'd actually have a diamondoid structure if assembled properly...

...Hm, I could also make nanotubes.  Of arbitrary length.

...Anyway.  I should make a specification for properly generalizeable alchemy/chemistry...  It's neat that I can still keep to something akin to the conceit of having a 'board' and do so much regardless, but it's also so damn inefficient and limiting.  Even if I'm likely to stick to the 60 and 90 degree angle manipulators most of the time anyway just because of their general convenience.

...Actually, I bet there's prior art in chemistry, there....

...Google says not really, but...whatever, I'll make do.

...Maybe I should draw from graphics shaders to handle bulk crystal manufacture.  The principles are a lot more - full of uniformity.  And it's not like I couldn't quantum bogosort.

Well.  Not really quantum bogosort,  But, y'know.  Aggressively assert that the atoms shall be arranged thusly.

And apparently I'm surprisingly close to one of the big diamond markets, for all that NYC is, y'know, apparently a magical pit of vipers.  ...I should really work out that crazy idea I had about carbon capture...

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...Really, that one's pretty damn simple, with the tools she has on hand nowadays.  Intake CO2, break the C off of it, output O2, pipe the C to the diamond assembler...  Really, what's going to give her the most problems is figuring out when to output the diamond, since the structure just repeats ad infinitum.

There's also the carbon nanotubes idea, though...  It might be easier to start with research applications instead of tipping the synthetic diamond market on its head.

She can practically scrawl that one on a post-it, too.  ...Maybe an index card, instead.  There are two reaction chambers.

...How big are nanotubes, actually...?

(Google says: Answer varies.)

So she could actually make a pretty penny just by creating arbitrary valid configurations at specified lengths...

She's going to start with radius-3 ones, though.

Now to... wander the engineering department between classes?

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There's a fox lurking on the quad today, giving off a faint hint of magic.

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Hey yeah I had a sniff and that's not some kind of disease spirit, that's a hiveling danger marking. Basically telling fellow hive-members 'this spot is dangerous, avoid'.

So yeah. Hivelings.

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She waves at the fox politely.

...Right.  Well, I'm glad they think I'm dangerous, because aside from sheer amperage I'm not sure what I bring to a fight as of yet.  Though I do suppose I've a few ideas.

...Huh.  I took a little sample jar of that marker.  Wonder if I could use it.

And... What's a hiveling, anyway...?

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Kind of a bucket term. Basically magical ants, bees, or termites. There's a few common kinds. They're not even necessarily dangerous, just pests. They'll eat unattended magic shit. They're known to kill tentacle monsters and spites and poltergeists sometimes.

What's funny though is that I'm not seeing MORE signs of them. Usually they're pretty easy to sniff out if you find one. And the danger marking doesn't track if you didn't actually DO anything to it.

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...Well, I did find it.

But what I find myself wondering is if this isn't a hiveling.  If this is -

Wait, shit, if you're texting me then that magic fox-looking creature can't be you can it?

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You think my kung fu so weak, grasshopper?

She catches the glint of light reflecting off a phone screen from the lounging fox's direction, for a moment.

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Oh thank goodness.

Damn near scared the living daylights out of me for a minute there; I was already thinking about impostors.  (Insert Amogus Joke Here.)

...I really need to get a proper minimap or something; if I do that then maybe I can backport IFF out as an independent function, which I need given, like, wards, and the importance of not shredding myself or the maintenance guy upon them.

Anyway.  What I find myself wondering is if it's not a Hiveling, but instead something camouflaged as a Hiveling.  Surely they too have predators/an ecosystem.

...I mean that's not even getting into the question of whether we're dealing with a Rita Skeeter impersonator, but that doesn't quite track - so it's probably more of an offbrand magical Ant-Man, if there's a person involved.  (...I did not need the mental image of the magical equivalent of parasitic wasps, ugh, ew ew ew.  Why do I even come up with these things.)

Unrelated to any of the above - I don't suppose you have the capacity to photosynthesize as one of your many methods of thaumatogenesis?  I'm trying to work out a magic <-> wattage conversion, for various reasons, and solar power's pretty useful just in general.

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Well, I still don't want to get TOO involved in this shit.

Semi-retired and all.

It's WEIRD but as far as I'm concerned it's not an apocalypse waiting to happen and probably won't even manage to lastingly harm you.

So, would you like me to tell the local Magical Girl about this anomaly and potential threat, or not? Pros: Introduction on decent terms to them, high-caliber help if it turns out to be something super nasty. Cons: ACAB.

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Yeah I'm not on high alert or anything myself.  Yet.  If something else weird starts happening, then I panic.


I actually want to get a close look at their stuff, so, like.  Maybe, actually.  Despite, you know, ACAB.  And besides if the cops are bastards throwing them at gribblies first is the smart choice.

...I really need to go find somewhere that won't mind being a little exploded or on fire.  I doubt I can just book a bomb range....

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The cops have training facilities and would be the easiest in short term. I know them well enough to know that, unless you manage to stick your foot up your nose, you could probably borrow them for a little bit.

There's always out-of-the-way dirtlots. I could probably scare one up.

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Which the cops are we talking, like, the actual cops cops or the Magic Cops TM?  But yeah I suppose a firing range would be quite sufficient, actually.  Esp. if I can scare up, like, a bit of explosionproofing.

...Hm, I should do lead stripping.  I should really do lead stripping.  Fuck heavy metal poisoning.

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The magic cops, the Puchuus and Magical Girls

Isn't literal lead paint mostly taken care of these days?

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Bullets are still made of lead.  Oh, and I can de-mercury stuff, too.  I think that's a problem with some fish.

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Anyway.  She is just going to...

Get completely distracted from 3D modeling the Store Brand Lightsaber.

Because she's actually had another idea or two.

...It occurs to me, that 1) As far as succubi know, there does not exist a human with no magic, and 2) magic significantly responds to believing in it - as seen in multiple cases so far.

So with that said, I want to see if you can get at what's inside this.  Just...  Clap your hands if you believe.  And then see what you can do with it.  Because as far as my metaphors are concerned, this is the stuff of magic itself on some level.

And in the attachment of an I/O effector she sends direct to OS, she encloses, within a thin screwtop cylinder of gold, some raw quintessence.

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I guess that's a 'maybe later' on the magic cops?

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It takes a while but OS responds:


what am i holding

it wiped me the fuck out btw

huge headache

should i be worried???/

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To Wren:

Sorry 'bout that, just had Inspiration(tm) hit me, you know how it is.  I don't think we're in a rush?  On the magic cops?  I was kind of figuring that it'd take a minute to set up a meeting, at least.  She's gotta have some kind of day job.

...Do MGs have day jobs actually.  I have no idea.

Also I think I either just got a mundie to do magic (or at least, interact with a magic themself rather than the effect having specific hooks for human interaction) or awakened an Internet friend.

To OS:

It's Quintessence, from Opus Magnum.  In a little gold screwtop thing.  Because I figured that what's basically raw magic-stuff, would make for good...  I dunno even.  But even if you're not capable of magic on your own merits (which just still seems wrong to me) then this should at least be a little bit of something while I work on a better way to make things happen.  Right now I'm thinking about whether/how I could isolate the magic genes from various Lilim and mumble mumble retrovirus.  ...I think the headache is just.  Strain?  I'm not a doctor!  But like you had to Do A Thing with things that aren't used to doing, so.  Could be that.  Consult a medical professional.  ...Are you, by any chance, feeling very dissociated right now?

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...Hm.  Actually maybe I should send you a different thing if I want to enable you to, like, use magic ink, in ways somewhat independent of me, or whatever.  One second...

And now that she has established that this can be done, she is going to use this space's entangled sigil to pipe in, and poke out, a magic-ink-filled ballpoint pen.

(...She has some idea of how to make ink in OM terms and real-life terms that will do, here.  ...And she's sticking magicness to it anyway.)

....Maybe more like five minutes, even at full acceleration I have to work smallish.

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Slow down okay

I don't need to explode today


I have to finish this stupid migration anyway and that will give me time to process

I'm going to try some low-level witchy spells later

I'll let you know if it seems more like 'I'm slightly magic' or 'you did a magic thing that other people can trigger'.

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Luck to you!  I'm not sure I have brakes.  I was gonna send this one through from my end though.  Since I can now with the precedent of you having done it.

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And, with those few minutes spent assembling the pen well and truly passed, she passes the pen through the sigil.

There you go, one pen full of magically conductive/magical (and probably regularly-conductive) ink.  I don't expect this trick to keep working with the same sigil, it left a noticeable drain to keep the port open, as was, let alone what I expect caching on the network level will do to the underlying sympathetic connection I relied upon to get this there - but making one fresh isn't exactly hard if we need to send things over the Internet again.  ...Well.  I wouldn't find it hard for me so much.  Not sure if I'm just absurd.

...Also, now that she can make a magically conductive ink, she has many ideas for how she might use it - like finally making her damn lightsaber.

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So now I have a pen that popped out of my screen. ...Did you know I was alone or?

I really do think you're moving too fast, Alex.

Please don't go off on a tangent somewhere and crack your soul open by mistake.

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...I was not thinking about whether whether you were alone would matter, for which I do apologize.

...And I appreciate that you're worried about me.  I really do.  I'm not going to rush into danger.  I just...

can't stop, or else I'll stop.  And I can't stop, or else I'll stop.  Magic is the singular best thing to have happened to me in a good long while, and I was in one hell of a funk, beforehand.  So I may be leaning into the mania a little bit.  But...  It's a hell of a lot better than the depression, and I can make real things.  Real change.  The thing I've been craving my entire life - the ability to turn wanting into having done, with a few intermediate steps - has just dropped into my lap.  And I want a lot of things that I had no way to do, otherwise.

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She scribbles down "Elbereth" on a Post-it.

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So I get where you're coming from.  And I'm not going to wilfully do risky shit.  I just...

My ability to do things is like a shark.  It moves, and moves, and it has to keep moving or die.  And right now I am finally fucking moving.

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OcularStone is typing...

OcularStone is typing...


OcularStone is typing...


I'm not you and don't know your brain. Maybe advice here does the opposite of help, sometimes people want to vent and sometimes they actually want advice.

I wonder if you could try focusing the 'finally moving' on certain things? Like paying the doctors back specifically, or dealing with the weird traces specifically.

Maybe I should make an issues tracker list with priorities and poke you constantly about progress on each open issue. It sounds like kind of a nightmare to me but my ADHD seems to be on a lower level than most. To the point where it might not even be a thing.


I have worked hard in my life to cultivate the dao of chill. Petty shit just ultimately does not matter if you don't let it matter. Take it easy. Haste makes waste. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Etc.

Just words, i know

Maybe super precise control exercises, or

OcularStone is typing...

le sign

Here, have a woodshop tutorial video I found. [link]

Aaaand that's all I got.

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Oooh, woodshop.  Useful!

...That sounds like the sort of investment in my life I should be paying you for.

And yeah I've got the 'pay the doctors for their stuff' sorts of things ticking away in the back of my mind.

-- oh right, that was one of the things I wanted to work on with recent novel capabilities.  Thanks for reminding me!

Gonna go get started on that -- wait.  Aw, geez, I have class?  Where the heck did the time go?

(Lost to research binges, clearly.)

Anyway I have math to go suffer through.  (Suffer, because it's distracting from magic.  Though I suppose I do have some magicky math questions...)  BBIAB.

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Nothing interrupts normal university class operations.

If browsing the internet for news she sees a news story about one of the Boston magical girls, Star Sweep, causing collateral damage.

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Well, she's not really browsing browsing, but occasionally she ends up opening a new tab in mobile Chrome, and that has random news articles.  Like this one.  She'll even open it this time.

...Oof.  Ouch.  That's not good.  Hm.  What's the damage? ...Mostly property damage, but that's cold comfort, given that property is a lot less squishy than people.  What could be done about it, too...

...Well, outside of mass producing Elbereth wardlines, so that there aren't monsters in the first -- hm, but that might well cause problems for perfectly copacetic Lilim, and she can't be contributing to that.  Maybe some sort of attachment for MG spell-foci?

Like, Elbereth would work for her house because it's her house and she wants to keep everyone out of it and she can also anchor a threshold over the thing so that it's.  Fair.  To humans and Lilim alike.

But like.  Arbitrary use of that and that alone, would be what one should call, bad.

So she's thinking she ought to do the...  Was it MGLN that had, like, mages shunting their battles to a pseudoreal dimension so that the battle didn't actually wreck shit? - but maybe kind of, in reverse?  Sideways?  Fuck it, she'll let that percolate for a little while.  The general idea of a rider on the spells that makes the damage temporary - perhaps fueled by the force of the spell itself - is still a good one.  Maybe she'll ask M. De Gaulle if he wants to collaborate.  It'd give him something to hold over the Puchuu.


...Wow, this article is treating the magic cops like she wishes more articles treated the mundane cops.

It's kind of shocking.  Refreshing, in one way, and vaguely terrifying in another because she's certain that this messaging would stop the instant the government got its hands on the reins of magic.  Loose cannons her ass.

These photos of the damage are not going to stop her from having her own kickass energy sword, despite the mess.


...She'd better figure out how to practice checking her fire, though, yeesh.


As it happens, it is from her physics class (her teacher worked for NASA at one point!  That's fucking cool!) that she gets a useful answer to her Banach-Tarski woes, having had no luck with the computer programmer of a math teacher she had: As far as her physics teacher knows, as long as she's operating on an enclosed volume, the math holds.  ...She is now wondering if that means Klein bottles are right out, or what.  Maybe she'll try it and find out, later.

Regardless, she earmarked this timeblock for the dressing-room body dummy.  Even if she's going to shoot a quick email to M. De Gaulle on the thread with her inquiries about combat.

...Having just seen the news report so heavily on collateral damage in Boston, it occurs to me that some way of affixing 'dreamlike' qualities to at least the effects of a magical girl's spellwork on things they oughtn't be targeting, and thereby allowing it to evaporate when everyone 'wakes up' after the fight's done, ought to go over well with the Puchuu and the government both, since I'm sure neither like infrastructure damage.  My gut instinct is that it ought to be reasonably plausible to make that work as an enchantment laid on their foci.  Given the way the Puchuu dream, or rather, the ways they don't, though - well, I think this is a service only humans could provide, and I thought you might appreciate the idea, given your (rightful) whole thing.  I've got about half a solution to it from the frameworks I already have lying around, I think, if you'd like to collaborate.  Mostly the part that virtualizes the magic so one can perform such an abstract operation as that upon it; the actual dealing-with-magic-itself tools I have are rather coarse as of yet.  (Though I've no doubt that given that prompting I am about to suddenly delve into a vaguely adjacent field of symbology and loot it for spare abstractions.  Perhaps something patterned off the trigrams; they're pleasingly binary, I can work with octagons, and the general idea of feng shui seems like a useful hook...)


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Anyway.  She's got her project to start.

Humans are 70% water...

Hm.  Three water, quintessence, two vitae, gold, ...hexagonal?  Well, maybe, but actually no.  Hexagonal but with a hook.  The magic can be the hook.  Or, no.  So there's a ring of three triplex-waters, bonded to vitae-quintessence-vitae, and then the gold, ninety degrees off the plane.  Sort of like a scale, or chainmail, or...  Something.

And that sort of particle can be used to build almost arbitrarily from an anchor point.

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She just needs to...  Well, just is a bit of a stretch, when it's about basically live-printing a 3D model of arbitrary properties.  ...And really, she should do this more granularly.  So perhaps a full ring of vitae/quintessence for the skin - so it can carry the signal back - and then triplex-bonded water in a chain...  Muscles and bones, still.  Earth?  Earth.  Well, she could just literally do it out of calcium.  Though what about more exotic materials...?

She'll keep it 'earth'.  Like the skin is vitae.  ...The muscles, though.  Those should be...  Thing-shaped.


Yeah, earth-vitae.  And Earth-vitae-vitae for long-twitch, or whatever.  Ligaments...  Will be vitae again.  ...Eyes.  Oh no.  Eyes.  That might be.  Difficult.

...Water-vitae-water-vitae orbs, but then she needs to pigment them -

Oh, hell, hair.  Uh.  Keratin.  So earth-earth-vitae, plus...dye...adjacent or within.  Yeah.  Actually, she'll do that as a staggered crossbonded chain...or maybe a crosswoven one.

Dyes are going to be a pain in the ass.  She'll have to actually consult the biologists, see what chemicals they can code for.  ...Hm, and then there's the whole hair curliness thing.  Though that seems...  Reasonably plausible to do by playing with what's bonded how.

...Annnd she needs to get the keratin, through the flesh.  Well, the skin.  Shit, that's mucking with what she has.  Maybe if she makes the follicles and cuticles run over the surface...

...Anyway she's got...  Most of what she's going to need.

...Maybe she should make a crawler to print the stuff in situ.  She probably could, even.

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...Though, the question there is not so much "could she do it", as "would the design not be utterly creepy".  Utterly creepy designs are bad.

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...Hm.  She could do little wheely things.  Just sort of...  Select the arm that's just moved to the forwards point on the triangle, F D Q R C Tab V ...

...This is getting a little into the range of metaprogramming, live, but hey, she does have TIS-100 to draw from.  She thought she was going to have to use it for this anyway!

...Oh, hey, she could use that general model for internal work, too.  Hmm.  This system might get 3D on her.  ...It'd be easier to code in anyway, if it was cubes.  More processor connections to work with.

...So she'll... mount the cubes in A-space and start writing the code.  And lay the pipes.

The 'down' layer is out, to a series of crawlers, controlling which arm-programs run - the top layer is input processing, reading measurement adjustments that she's going to need to feed in...  Actually, hm, there's also the question of reservoir selection - wait a minute she literally has hex codes for - no she doesn't PHYSICAL OBJECTS Alex - You know what she's just going to see if she can mock this up in the Minecraft TIS mod.  ...Any minute now.

Aaaaaany minute now.


Anybody?  Bueller?  Bueller?

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...It's time for more food.

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Around this time, Sebastian finally responds.

Mlle. Marche,

You have posed several questions to me since I was last able to respond, so I will respond in order.

1. Unless you specialize in combat, the three key things to remember that are: Don't Get Hit (Dodging is a lot more effective than shielding, and the Joseph Joestar Special Technique is a good one!), Hit First (If it truly comes to a fight, do not hesitate! He who hits first oft wins.), Fight Dirty (Ambush, stun, horrible poisons, sticky goo, go for the eyes and groin, etc. If you're already fighting each other, anything goes.)

2. My contact who wants a silver monocrystal hexagon rod is open to meeting you via video call or in person to discuss what he wants it for, but wants you to know they will want you to agree to a mild oath that will inform the other party if secrecy is broken (and nothing further) before telling you the full details. They have offered healing potions, combat stimulant potions, shielding artifacts, and magical martial arts tutoring as potential trades.

3. Some of the Puchuu have artifacts that do something like this; They shift especially large fights into what is described as 'halfway into the spirit world' or 'within a barrier world'. The use of these appears to be sharply limited in some way, as they don't ALWAYS use them. Perhaps they are limited in number, or have long recharge times, but who knows really. One of my best dream healing techniques riffs on 'waking up from a nightmare' and another on 'it looked worse than it actually was'. I have applied dreamlike qualities to a whole fight before, but what tends to happen is another magic user breaking out of the dream and re-affirming reality, which is easier than making the world dreamlike in the first place. It is much easier to put everything involved to sleep, generally speaking.

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My apologies for flooding your inbox, first of all; I have a bit of a motormouth behind the keyboard.

re: 1.: Ah, the basics.  Indeed.  Always remember that the best way to avoid getting hurt in a fight is not being in a fight.  But "hostile plane shifts are a live threat category" was more like what I was thinking of.  ...Ugh, defenses against those are going to be a pain to find useful metaphors for.  I'm actually going to have to start digging into Hume counters and SRAs at this rate.

re: 2.: I...Hmm.  On the one hand there is nothing objectionable to that oath.  On the other hand I can't actually promise that I'll remember what's secret when I get caught up in something that touches on any incidental knowledge I pick up from that chat.  On the third hand, if it's just that he needs a cultivation resource like the offer of mystic martial arts training implies, if but vaguely - then I think that I likely don't actually need more details on the specific reasons it has to be this cultivation resource.  Well, unless I'm intending to also cultivate, and furthermore cultivate the exact same Way.  Which would be stupid.  His Way is, well, just.  Definitionally, not my Way.  It's his.

re: 3.: Yeah, making the fight itself dreamlike couldn't possibly work.  It's all too real, and everyone knows that.  But could you perhaps draw on especially the force of bystanders' "fuck, this can't be happening to me" to phase-shift incoming damage away from them?  ...Notwithstanding that the idea was more like - getting a friendly mage to cooperate with making their otherwise-real attacks be carried on a dream, and effectively relying on hostile forces rolling to disbelieve what would otherwise have been dreamlike damage - that, when interrogated, becomes very real.  Weaponizing the way that they won't be surprised enough to let reality blink, as was.

...Admittedly a lot of that explanation is post hoc, but I'm reasonably confident it'd work.

...Oh!  Can you tell your guy that I still need the preferred dimensions of his crystal?  I can start it cooking anytime, but I do need to know when to stop it.

Thank you,


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After about 20 minutes:

For defense against esoteric threats, the best thing going for you is your own innate resistance. Most people don't want to be unexpectedly plane-shifted, have a grenade teleported next to their head, have their dreams eaten, etc. And as a person and, moreso, a sorcerer, your opinions on these matters are fairly weighty. It tends to take at least one factor such as a sympathetic link (I.E. from hair), major power differential or extreme specialization on the caster's part, or physical proximity for exotic attacks to work. In the end though- There is no perfect defense, and an often effective one is a support network who would warn you of apparent threats and avenge you.

I'm not sure I understand your meaning about shifting incoming damage. My dreamwalking is a wispy sort of thing, much more metaphorical than practical. Interfering with their will to fight, I would understand clearly... Perhaps I simply don't have the context you have, unless you mean the reverse of dream-healing? Phantom wounds that are forced to become real? A gruesome thought...

Hah. After I informed my friend of your inference, he said 'you may as well tell her, then, I'm clearly not the only one who's read xianxia'. Yes, they are for cultivation, specifically to try and create completely pure energy. I'm not sure it will work like he hopes, but I'm happy to connect a craftsman and a customer either way. The latest design for the ritual space (or array, or formation, I'm not sure on his terms) has fifty four slots that are exactly 0.4 cm on each side, or 0.8 cm from vertex to vertex, and they should have a length of 7.2 cm. Plus six more rods exactly double in length and width. We're aware that this is a lot of silver. He's willing to pay in cash or bank transfer for materials, in addition to whatever magical trade you want. If the first attempt doesn't work like he hopes, he may well want to keep trying different sizes, too.

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...Oh, hells, I should really definitely get a spell that can reliably obliterate any samples of my blood or hair, like, yesterday.

I think I do mean the reverse of dream-healing, but more in the way of the logical converse than the direct opposite.  Phantom wounds that your opponent forces into reality, by the same token of being too powerful for dreams to affect.  Like you wrapped a blasting-spell up in a bubble of being-a-dream, and it will only pop when it touches something potent enough to warrant blasting.

...If I stick with the usual method - well, my usual method - of refining the silver from carbon (via what I shall call shenanigans) - and I see little reason to not do that, given the sheer amount of atomic recombination I'm doing to make the crystal itself - then I think my material outlay is, like, a bag of charcoal from the nearest Home Depot, unless I've horribly futzed up the unit conversions - though I'm hardly going to argue if he wants to save the factor-of-thirty-two slowdown from the refining tower by throwing some silver at me.  ...Well, I could cut it down to factor-of-eight, but still.  If he still has any past attempts, I daresay I could save yet more still on every relevant factor by just - rebonding them, if they're the right size or larger.  And speaking of which, he should maybe try the largest size first.  It's much more annoying to add a layer when I'm operating in atoms, than to shave something down.  ...My magic outlay is as-yet unmeasured, speaking of crafting-process concerns, and I really need to get around to figuring out how the heck Lilith built the solar-power-to-magic ritual dryads use, or some other way of generating passive manaflow - but yeah.  It should just be a matter of time.

-- AM

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As text conversations sometimes go, Wren replies to her offhand question from earlier at about this time:

MGs with day jobs? Kinda depends. When they're teens or young adults, not really. A lot of them still go to school because a 'normal experience' is important or something but... I don't really know in detail, I guess. But older/semi-retired ones who've gotten tired of fighting or caught on to the bullshit or just fallen out of peak form and motivation usually have vocations, at least. Few people ACTUALLY want to sit around doing nothing all day, even if they could live off selling mana once a month.

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True that; I'm sure I will always have something to tinker with, but I'd go spare otherwise.

...There's a very stubborn part of her that is convinced that simple iconography will work to resolve her power problems, squaring up with a part of her that thinks there's no damn way it could possibly work like that.  It is yet to be seen which part shall win the ensuing fight.

...Though, she does have a lot of iconography to draw upon.  Even without studying up on trigrams, she could still tap a variety of fictional sources.

...Hey, d'you know if making reference to fictional magical systems with, eh, heavily associated, gribblies, is likely to accidentally cause those gribblies to exist in your general direction?  Warhammer's Chaos is utterly fucked but I want to steal the Winds because they're unique...

...Oh, hey, there's always mirror magic.  It worked for Lilith Weatherwax, why shouldn't it work for her?

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...Actually she might ask this question of De Gaulle, as well.

...There's actually a question that's been nagging me, as I set out to build more useful metaphors: If I draw from a lore that carries some very horrible gribblies - e.g. Warhammer (Fantasy, not 40K, and really not the new stuff either -) - on a regular basis, how likely is it that sheer associative inertia will accidentally reify said gribblies despite intending anything but that?


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Anyway.  ...No, horrible brain goose, put the Excrucians back, you don't know where they've Ī»-been!

(...She's going to end up Ī»-reifying herself a Deceiversona, isn't she.  The idea's bitten her.  This is her life now.  Fuck.)

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...And she still hasn't reached out to the Force properly!

Maybe that could help, somehow, with her power woes.  It is, after all, the power of the universe, merely leveraged upon the fulcrum of her soul.

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Anyway.  She needs to actually do that if she's going to, well, do that.  And she's done with her classes.  So it's probably time to settle in somewhere and meditate.

...Maybe she should make a holocron or a kyber crystal or something.  She's more prone to the sort of flow state she thinks would work best for this, when she's actually doing things.  And it's not like she wouldn't have uses for a magic computer!

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The succubus clinic sends her a courtesy reminder about her appointment tomorrow.

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Right, she already has the alarm for that set.

...She is going to write a note about questions she has for Dr. Marleth.

- CRISPR/Retrovirii, use as ritual catalysts?

- Lilim bloodlines, impact thereof on sorcerous potential

- Photosynthesis?  Photothaumosynthesis?

- How does the magic-storage obelisk work, even?  There's a vague impression that it's based off of bedrock and possibly life-of-the-planet -

- Chameleon skin as potential sigil anchor

- So how do esoteric pigments get coded for, she's working on the thing and she wants to get the API pretty close to what succubi already know how to do.

- Bring product-so-far; get anatomy reviewed/input.

Have a product-so-far.  Right now it's barely diagrams.

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Aaaaanywho. Holocrons.

...Oh boy.  The triplex-bonding thought experiment she just performed is very insistent that she needs to use them here.  In a cubic structure.  Goddammit.  Maybe if she makes them just be single special bonders...  Or, well, there's x-y-z, in 3D...

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Packet received from [Witch] NNE 1-3km

Hey, you need to fucking stop leaking mana all over the place, newbie.

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...It'd probably be an entirely different command-set, though, now that she's really thinking about it.  Something that twiddles an existing bond, rather than forging three separate novel kinds.  She could work with that.  Maybe a pi and tau operator, for the yellow and red 'sine-wave' bonds?  With the third part of the complex being a 'regular' bond, again.

Yeah.  That would work.  Now to just actually realize it.

Hmm.  Merging the OM and Spacechem milieux seems to really be her best path forward, here.  The instruction-tape, but also free-moving waldos...

Fuck it, she'll figure this live.  It's not like she can't just...  Use green waldo to write like a tape --


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Dear sweet mother of fuckor.

What the hell?

She pulls up an IM client out of sheer frustration at the idea of having to deal with the networking stack, and wings a message back -

...If I was aware I was so doing, I would in fact have stopped.  As-is, I'm not aware of any present drains upon my mana reserves.  Also, the hell is my signature doing all the way over there?  I literally haven't been in your direction.  Ever, not just since I started poking around.  ...You seen any weird magivores lately?  Because there was one acting funny around here.

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[Witch]: Just because you can't sense the trails and echoes doesn't mean they're not there. A bunch of pests are coming out of the woodwork because of your tinker-ass whatever the fuckery. It smells like computers and burning solder and chemistry sets. I know how to tidy up after myself and I much prefer it that way.

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The point is, I can't clean up what I myself can't yet see worth a damn.  So unless you've got a schema for this I can borrow, I would be disrupting my own projects for very uncertain chances of success since I can't even see what the fuck I'm doing.  Though I do agree that not attracting gribblies is in fact far better than having them come out of the woodwork, so I really hope you do have something.

...why the hell is it solder, I would have expected ozone...  Maybe the metaphorical lead, but then it's not like the lead is...  Ugh, anyway.  Look.  You pointed out the problem, you have therefore volunteered yourself to help fix it.  I don't have fuckin', Windsight or whatever, I was literally just now starting to get around to anything remotely sensory-proper and you just knocked me out of the flow state I was hoping would get me there.

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[Witch]: ...Spirits preserve me from overpowered newbies. Goddamn it, you probably woke up when I started feeling this, just a couple days ago, didn't you?

Fine. I'll put up a basic-bitch grounding circle around your place if you'll let me touch the windows and lawn. My fee is the amount of mana that goes into it, which really won't be much at all to you.

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Yeah, pretty much. 

...Although, if I just literally need proper grounding...

Better order myself one of those anti-static wristband thingies, I guess.  ...Damn it, circles are gonna make working with cubic solution spaces especially annoying until I've actually got something workable...

...I suppose I could literally make a lightning rod, at that.  Lemme just check the numbers...

...Well, I could.  Whether it'd work properly, hell if I know.  I suppose we'll find out soon enough.

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She can, in fact, promote to copper without conjuring protons from nothing.  And if she wraps copper atoms around a core of quintessence...  Hopefully that'll be magiconductive!

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(Copper probably would've been good enough on its own, really)

[Witch]: I have no idea what any of that meant, but if you want to take a stab at it yourself, have fun.

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So far, I've been liberally stealing from computer games.  ...Hm.  Wonder if those echoes can be recycled for anything, come to think of it...

...Right.  So maybe if she gets...

Well, she read that certain folk magics are fond of glass bottles as containers and she has one sitting around.  So once there's enough magicopper wire to do a neat little wrap...

Hm, she should maybe also dupe the bottle, she was using it for practical things before this came up.

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[Witch]: That's witchcraft 210 tbh

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...Huh, now that I'm thinking about it, this is also Thaumcraft (Minecraft mod (ca. Research Table and post- anything that I actually saw vis nodes in)) 102.  Better bust open the wiki, see if there's anything that wants these Essentia...  Huh, and I did literally use a redstone-esque metaphor once, I wonder if that translated to research/essence generation...

...Oh gods dammit I could have been doing stuff with that this entire time too!

She could have actually built a thaumometer!

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[Witch]: Look, I'm gonna duck out. If your thing doesn't work I might stop by in the dead of night and do it for you, pro-bono. I just want peace and quiet.

[Witch] has left the chat.

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Well wasn't that just ominous.

She texts Wren.

Looks like you're not the only one who's out here for the peace and quiet; I just got a witch yelling at me for leaking over the aethernet.

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...Self-appointed task complete, she buys a glass-bottled soda from one of the places on campus that sells one, because she normally recycles those but sees no reason to not reuse this instead of having to go find one with an actual screwtop again.

(Printing the wire is only a matter of diagramming and waiting for the solution to produce enough; then she wraps it around and into the bottle.  When she waves it around she can absolutely make it harvest essentia actively instead of passively capturing local overflow, and then it's gonna be stuck in there until she prises it out.)

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OcularStone texts her:

According to this [link] I'm probably F-rank.

I dusted something without touching it, I melted butter faster than it should have, and I saw what card I was about to draw from a deck.

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Huh.  Neat.  ...Annoying that it wasn't a useful proof of the magicalness of non-casters.  But that's cool that you're magic!

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Idk what even to feel now

Kinda feel like it will be all of the worry and few benefits?

Or that's just anxiety and overwhelm talking

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...I'll send you good shit?  But you can always, like, build up a reserve or something.  Besides, you can dust things without touching them.

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I'm being emo. I know.

I had already done all this processing about not being magic. 

Rah! Mundane humanity is just as strong! Science! Cooperation! Grr!

Except I am a mage. Just a shitty one.

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Yeah.  ...Anyway, wanna help me, like, brainstorm shit?  I appear to have leapt sideways from Zachtronics games into mcfucking Thaumcraft because someone yelled at me for spilling what was obviously by analogy essentia all over the place, but now that I've got a bottle for that shit I'm not sure what to even do with it.

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I might want an intro to your doctor for like

Anti-senescence therapy that I pay for with whatever tiny magic I can output over weeks and months

It would be an unbelievable relief even if I don't strictly need it yet

Kind of a wreck rn

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I'll ask if Dr. Marleth knows anyone with standards in your neck of the woods; flying is a pain in the neck and goodness knows I don't want to test any of the known functional distance transportation methods I have so far on a person.

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'My area' being glossable as 'Chicago', fwiw, in case you did not know.


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Copy that.

I don't think I did, for the record.

Her note for Dr. Marleth now looks like:

- CRISPR/Retrovirii, use as ritual catalysts?

- Lilim bloodlines, impact thereof on sorcerous potential

- Photosynthesis?  Photothaumosynthesis?

- How does the magic-storage obelisk work, even?  There's a vague impression that it's based off of bedrock and possibly life-of-the-planet -

- Chameleon skin as potential sigil anchor?

- So how do esoteric pigments get coded for, she's working on the thing and she wants to get the API pretty close to what succubi already know how to do.

- Bring product-so-far; get anatomy reviewed/input.

Have a product-so-far.  Right now it's barely diagrams.

- Anyone in Chicago area who does antisenescence and has ethical standards, asking for a friend.  Who is just barely magic, apparently.

...Where did she leave that project off, anyway...  Oh, right, the interface was being annoying.  ...Annnd she's just realized that the pi/tau bonders she made up while translating from Opus Magnum to Spacechem actually breaks triplex bonds wide open for non-transmutable elements, because it's Spacechem and Spacechem only occasionally cares about protons, not whether something is Fire, so now she needs to factor that in to her schematics...

Well, that's going to be interesting to work with.

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Sebastian DeGaulle emails her:

Mlle. Marche,

I have been a fool. May we send you previous failed attempts to salvage the precious metal from? I get the impression this will save you effort and mana, and they are useless to my friend Mr. Combs as it stands. If you want layers of separation we can work something out I'm sure. Perhaps a courier service or PO box.

Mr. Combs is happy to owe a substantial favor if you're not sure what you want yet.

Sebastian DeGaulle

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Hmm, as to where to send them -

- come to think of it, I could always send you - or, well, Mr. Combs, if necessary through you as intermediary - an access node to an abstracted alchemy space to which I'll upload the ritual when the materials are ready, rather than trusting precious metals to random couriers.  (Though, given that some very fancy things have been successfully passed through the USPS, it would hardly be overmuch risk.)  If we're able to coordinate on a time to do so I could even email it; as long as it's not getting cached the sympathetic entanglement I've worked out should hold.  ...Even if it is, possibly - what matters is if there's no longer an unbroken stream of packets from source to destination, not the rate it flows.

Or I could just get a PO box.


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I recommend a PO box, personally. No offense, but you are yet new and I'd rather trust valuables to more proven methods.

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Yeah, that's fair.  I'll get back to you with an address.  If it did fail - and, to be clear, I've only fucked up with this general metaphor once of the dozen times I've used it, by trying to pull together an improperly understood specification, whereas this spell I've already done a crapton of math and geometry to make absolutely solid - though I should really rework the spell to be maximally conservative with materials instead of jumping to the next highest power of two and pretending shaving off the excess layers and feeding them back in to the atomic input would be sufficient...  Anyway, even then, when I did fuck it up, it just kind of threw up the unprocessed reagents, and, I think, the metastructure of the alchemy itself, when it tried to push material somewhere it couldn't.  Unless it's the entanglement you're thinking is likely to up and break on us, which, I will admit, is a fact of such a method - but if I just do the identical-sigil-on-a-postcard method that one will be fine as long as the magic stays stuck to it.

(I've successfully transmitted multiple valuable objects myself, one via my placing it inside the sigil and accidentally awakening a friend who's a ways away by getting them to pull it out of its entangled pair over the Internet, despite that effort actually being the first time I'd tried such a thing.  And they had been pretty sure they weren't at all magic.  So I'm pretty confident that nothing bad will happen, which reinforces the fact that it won't because magic is solipsistic like that.  But I can understand why you wouldn't be, I've been a mage for, like, a week and by all rights shouldn't exactly have any idea how to muck with spacetime like that even if it's technically a trick more of noƶspheric transmutation and laws of sympathy rather than actual physical space-warping.  ...Which, speaking of, holy shit I could just, make, an Alcubierre drive.  And they've found an entirely positive-mass metric so what I'd need is mostly a focus to keep the warp stable than active physics-bending that would render the magic kind of pointless by needing too much too fast...  I really need to work out how the heck to generate/filter/manipulate/activate magic without a human in the loop, it's not like it isn't external, there's precedent in solar-powered dryads, and if I could make a magic solar panel, or even just extract more power from Maxwell's Daemon than I put in...)

Ah, anyway, my rambling aside, I'll get back to you shortly with that PO box.

To the university post office!  Surely this will be a short conversation that she doesn't need to pay overmuch attention to, she's busy being distracted by !!magic!!

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A PO Box can be had by waiting in line and paying money. It's not hard.

She might notice the traces of several unfamiliar magical signatures. Three are kind of... Vermin-y, and one is distinctly BIRD.

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She very carefully doesn't react to the familiars? she is feeling on the edge of her perception in any physically visible way, though she does find herself mentally murmuring the mantra from Rogue One meditatively.  Is there any particular...  Intent, attached to their presence here, she supposes?

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They all seem hungry, as much as these faint impressions can capture. And skittish.

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...Okay, that's worrying.  She texts Wren, focus divided.

Do hivelings ever disguise themselves as not that?  I'm getting some weird sensory impressions.  Maybe want to bump up that meeting with the local MG if that can happen.

...If she just...  Grabs a screenshot/capture of the 'windows' around the signatures she just made up, leaning on her spatial awareness (and practice with third-person cameras) to position them, with a mental motion that's almost inscrutable to anyone but herself but makes complete sense to her...  What do they look like?  Are they actually what they seem?

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I thought you decided no MG meeting? Ok sure. I'll put out feelers.

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Oh hey look a... Ghost... Rat-mole-lizard-thing? Also some sort of iridescent crab, and what almost looks like a tiny, ugly Bulbasaur. The window looking for the BIRD signature captures nothing. Also the BIRD signature is gone now.

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I decided it wasn't urgent; given new information I'm re-evaluating.  ...What the fuck are these?

[picture] [picture] [picture]

, she captures, framing them between her fingers with muttered frustration.

There was a fourth one that was pretending to be a bird... VERY LOUDLY... but it vanished before I could screenshot it.

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Diggby, Scoola, Bulbling. Annoying pests. Or weeds, I guess? Bulblings are parasitic, kill with fire.

Welcome to having a lot of mana and not concealing it well. All three of those eat mana.

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....Greaaaat.  I don't even have any blasty stuff yet!

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Fine then.  You know what she needs right now?  For her mana to be Secure and Contained so that she is Protected from random gribblies trying to eat her.  She focuses, and visualizes the Foundation's sigil as a focus for locking down her runaway mana.  It's not allowed to do that to begin with!

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(It's kind of hard to tell if this does anything.)

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Blasting is not really that difficult. And none of these things are any more a threat than like... A particularly stubborn goose, unless you ignore one actually growing on your skin/chewing on your leg or w/e

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...You literally have the concept of fire written in your DNA.  I'm trying to build combat spells off of the principles of alchemy-inspired videogames.  I feel like there's a bit of a difference in our toolsets.

Well, I tell a lie, I'm expecting to branch out soonish.  But.  I did not plan to need this capacity, at all.  So it is a bit of a stretch from the paradigm that actually came to me naturally.

...On the other hand, I can probably make frickin' laserbeams, so...  I expect I'll be more fine than my pessimism wishes me to think I am.

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...And, y'know, the good ol' standby of 'chuck a heavy object at them with my miiiiiind'.  Can't forget that either.

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girl EVERY SORCERER I know has a blasty thing, at least one

every single one.

Telekinesis works.

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Yeah, I'm just sayin, my body of work so far hasn't lent itself to blasty.  I'm going to fix that, mind.  But right now I'd have to have, like, copied down the formula for gunpowder first.  ...Oh, I could do that, couldn't I - hm, no, we want things that are not precisely magical at the interface because magic can be resisted -

...Goddammit I need to be able to deal with gamma radiation if I do this the stupid(ly obvious to me) way of just mumble mumble manipulating quantum foam excitation mumble spontaneous hydrogen-antihydrogen annihilation reaction mumble.  Maybe if I also throw in - shit, but enough even pseudo-space to cause significant redshift would, presumably, either induce hella lag, or crater my mana efficiency - and I can't exactly build an object for this because the whole point is that it needs to be a spell -

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You don't need to stick like glue to your one thing

You can always start doing new ones

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Yeah, I just...  Systems, with inputs, and outputs, and rules.  They're good.  I like them.  And then the messy squidgy Everything Else?  Kind of sucks.

inb4 installing another person on my soul so she can handle the messy squidgy bits or something.

...Oh no.  I thought that was a joke.  But I'm not sure it is.

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Be careful with tulpa or mindtwin type stuff. It tends to... Not go away once you wake it up.

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Yes, obviously, that's the whole point of the exercise,

A beat.

Sorry, you're giving me a reasonable warning if you don't already know I know way too much about all this stuff, I shouldn't bite.  Mindfuckery is a special interest.

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But really, she knows.  She understands.  Which is why she even thought of this idea.

She's too - rigid - to do the sort of deep intuitive magic that just pulling mana out of nowhere and turning it into blasting in a manner that doesn't rely on the fundamental properties of existence, is.  But if she entangles a complementary pattern into her soul - someone that she could be, could have become, but not someone she is -

She'll find new perspectives - and new powers, fit for the uses she isn't.

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She's lucky, then, that those who await her subconscious realization of a truth much like that one can think of themselves in similar ways.  But then, they're all images that stand in the reflection of this consciousness's hall of mirrors.  Perhaps it never could have been otherwise.  

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Perhaps, but she will fight you if you turn to fatalism like that - she can all but feel her hand grasping for the hilt of her sword at the thought of simply letting impersonal fate take her down without a fight.  The light that shines from within their heart could manifest in a million different ways, not just these three.  Perhaps O5-i, pfeh, feels more secure with the options so constrained --

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-- Don't blame this on her, that's Alex's anxiety --

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-- but Elaine is quite certain that these few facets of their oversoul are merely those that shine the brightest - not all those that could ever be found.

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...Regardless.  They do have a job to do.

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Also, you appear to have been a bit late, fair warning.  Also, it, really?  The whole point of us folk is being people in ways that merit a proper pronoun, that's what you need to hook into the metaphysique --

-- Inforant later, smite evil? gribblies nowish.  BRB.  --EIM

Alex, pass her those screenshot windows, if you would be so kind?  She's positively overflowing with mana from the joy of realization anyway, from the taking-off of an ill fit mask of singularity; it may as well go into something useful - especially since it'll probably just start sloshing out and exacerbating the problem, otherwise.

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-- uh.  Wow this is happening.  Okay.  Yeah uh here you go.  She's gonna go hide in her corner and think about magic rocks or something.

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There, there.  It's alright.  You needn't flee the premises.  See?  Elaine has everything under control.

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And indeed it is a very simple action for her, to channel the Light that always did enrapture her so into a gesture and a spell, line of sight established.

It is a simple clenched fist, and a pulling motion, drawing on certainty and revelation both for associative power.  They'll invite her in.  It's mana, after all.  It's what they want.  But should they prove as harmful to let continue, in Ophelia's careful eye, as she expects they might --

Well, the Light Wind and the Light of the na'aru both handily expunge most corruptive influences.

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Though it's the shadows on the future that their possible deaths cast, that she, their chosen Atropos, weighs, as she sits in an indefinite instant of judgement - the revelation of her being serving as a locus to accomplish her purpose in this work, a twist of the kaleidoscopic lens that is perspective revealing the crystals of truth that lie within.

Unfortunately, the Bulbling is truly the parasite that Wren described it as, and that seals its doom.  She veils just how it passes from Alex's attention - oh, not that Alex doesn't know, but... There is a difference between knowing that you've effectively boil-fried a doubly knocked-off cabbage to death with Light, and having paid intimate attention to its death-throes.  That grave burden is hers to bear - and Elaine's; there will come a time when she notices the weight of her actions, despite the high of battle, however distant, that's hiding it now.  Still... it is certainly not for the poor dear they're here to protect, each in their own ways.

The Diggby and the Scoola, though.  Those, she almost expects she could use, in a hunter's mien.  But now is not the time for that - it is time for a weighing of hearts, not a weighing of statlines.  And it is, truly, the moral component that she insists to the world shall matter, in her own first act.  That this shall not be an action that Elaine would regret, for she knows that her other other half hates to be the cause of suffering unto innocents just as much as she - whether they be beast or thinking being.  Let this spell be sealed with care and compassion - that it shall in these circumstances do no more harm than has been done, but in future use abide both mercy and necessity - for it would not do to fail in the world's defense, should such a horror of exigent circumstance come to pass, yet nor will she permit the infliction of harm simply because of a harm prior dealt, without the immanent need to prevent a future ill.

That this Light that shines forth from their soul in this moment, shall neither cause, nor falter in preventing, unnecessary suffering - she so binds their hands and deeds.  As she wills, so mote it be.

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...Someone really has a sense for drama, and it is not her.  But it seems to be working, she hopes.

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Even if it's a placebo, she'll take the placebo - because, as is quite clearly evident, so much of her cares all too deeply about...

These little critters, just trying to get by.

She, herself, wants nothing to do with them - is already brainstorming better isolation mechanisms, because clearly what she has is somehow proving insufficient.  But that doesn't mean that magivores are evil because of their diet, or that she wishes them harm.  That the spell will hopefully glance off in a scattering of probability and a flash of light if these things aren't hurting anybody...

Well, it's a selling point.

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She's quite certain that if she plumbed the depths of her own self-knowledge, she'd find more predictably final solutions to problems involving things that are unfortunately alive.

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But none of them want to be that.  So they won't.