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in the dying light
Lily!Azula and 2B!Zuko's family drama will determine the fate of the world (unfortunately)
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Zuko is on the prow when the sun rises, as is her custom. She would imagine the first touch of the warm rays as a gentle kiss upon the scarring around her left eye were it not for the fact that she has been exiled from her home until she can bring back the missing Avatar. This is the one thousand one hundred and second sunrise she's seen since that day and it still leaves her cold.


To be entirely fair, the air is also fairly cold all by itself, when you're sailing this close to the south pole. Which is why she is bundled up in a thick parka. She'll shed it when she starts her morning kata, but it's a sensible thing to wear this early in the morning, before you really start moving.

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- Which means she's perfectly positioned to see the enormous beam of light - a searing white veering into a faint afterimage of blue - that pierces the sky in the distance.

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That's it. That's what she's been searching for, she can feel it-

Zuko starts shouting for the helmsman to change course.

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The light fades. 

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Right before her aunt emerges from below decks. 

"What did you see, niece?"

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"It's the Avatar. It has to be."

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They've had sightings and rumors before that didn't come to much, but... "What was it?"

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"A pillar of light, shooting into the sky."

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"Don't get your hopes too hung on this," she warns, "The lights out here can behave strangely, and the spirits are stranger yet. But it is worth investigating." She shakes her head. "I'll remind the helmsman about navigation concerns... And you keep an eye out for spirit activity."

(Zuko's heard - mostly from the grumblings of the sailors - a lot of stories about spirits like wisps of light leading ships astray and into more treacherous waters. No one likes being assigned to the South Pole, and not just because of the relentlessly frigid air.)

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"This was more than that," she insists.

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"We'll see." She - gently - clasps Zuko's shoulder.

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This is a good day, maybe, so she doesn't pull away. Still doesn't lean in.

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She doesn't hold her for long - she does have responsibilities here. 

They'll also need to move with as much speed as is safe to reach that point before night falls - it's too dangerous to sail in the dark here. 

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Zuko will continue to stand watch.

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Elsewhere, a little bit earlier...

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The sun's just starting to rise - after an incredibly short night; they'll be getting to midnight sun pretty soon - and Amaruq is already dutifully packing up a canoe with a basket for fish and other supplies for a long day out on the ice. She'd laid in a lot of supplies for the village the last few days, but fish freezes well and there's a sense that she's avoiding Gran Gran after their most recent hushed argument - Amaruq is a difficult teenager, the women of the village whisper. 


Her older sister is probably the only one who'll spot more supplies than strictly necessary for a gathering and fishing trip - ones someone intending to be out longer might take along. Maybe she's going on an extended hunt, but... 

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Taqqiq meets her by the canoe.

"Hey sis."

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"I'm heading out. ...Fishing. Aren't you busy today?"

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"Fishing on top of a cliff?" She nods at the ice axes and coils of rope.

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"...I want to scout good locations first. The ice floes have been shifting with it being summer and all."

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"I should go with you, then. It'll be safer with two."

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"I'm alright on my own. Really."

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"You're going to leave me all alone here?"

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"You have - responsibilities. Here. That don't involve following me everywhere."

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"Nothing that can't wait while I spend some quality time with my favorite sister."

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She's getting tense, almost on the verge of angry. (The same way she gets before fights with Gran Gran, but - she usually tries to avoid exploding quite as quickly at Taqqiq. (And she's trying to be quiet, right now. To not shout.))

"I'm fine, Taqqiq."

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Quietly, "I don't want you to have to go alone."

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Tiny return smile! 

Is Taqqiq packed? Amaruq wants to get going as soon as there's enough light to navigate by...

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She's got enough essentials to go with what Amaruq has.

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They can get going right away, then. (Amaruq's not saying goodbye.)

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Fair enough.

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They've got a lot way to go, too... At least the summer means the sea is relatively free of ice. 

...Though not entirely free. But so far it's manageable; they'll just have to be careful not to get hemmed in anywhere. 

She can talk and steer/ nudge along the canoe with waterbending at the same time, at least. "I... Wasn't expecting you to come with..."

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"You didn't ask."

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"...I didn't want to hear the answer."

"You've got - responsibilities here." The two of them seem to be the only ones who think women can fight or hunt at all; nevermind that the only men in the village are under ten or over sixty. 

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"My responsibilities to you are more important."

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Tiny smile. "As my big sis?"

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"Family first."

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"I just - I need to get out of there." Before she does more than just scream.

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"So this is an adventure without a destination?"

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"North Pole, maybe - I need a teacher at this point."

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"Might need a couple more fish to get that far."

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"The ocean should have plenty."

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"Good thing we can fish."

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"One thing I'm very good at." She waves her hand over the water and a small rippling wave rises under it. 

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"And for everything else, there's Boomerang."

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"Planning some hunts?"

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"Of course."

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"We'll see what strange beasts dwell between here and the North Pole, then," she teases. 

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"The other half of why I'm joining you."

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"New and interesting cuisines?"

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"There's got to be more to life than steamed fish and tiger seal blubber."

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"Maybe we can find some actual spices..." Those are basically mythical in their village, and probably were even before trade got as bad as it is. 

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"That would be incredible."

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"We'll stop in a few ports on the way."

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"Good plan."

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Unfortunately canoes aren't set up well for shoulder bumping...

Also unfortunately, they probably need to pay attention to navigating - the ice floes are getting denser, and they've hit a pretty strong current. They'll need to be careful to not get trapped...

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Yeah, this is a real maze. That will grind them into pretty pink paste if they're not careful.

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Might be best to pull up on a more firm chunk, until the current works itself out... And Amaruq might be able to break up the ice? 

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There's a lot of it...

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Well, she can at least try. And once the current dumps them in a larger channel, the thinned out ice will disperse better. Hopefully. 

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Well. They can give it a go.

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There's a sturdy-looking iceberg over there, that even has a convenient point they call pull up on. 

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She'll paddle in that direction, then.

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They get there safely (though Amaruq has to shove away a few chunks of ice on the way). The thing they're on does feel steady, so, after a chance to catch her breath... Amaruq will start trying to break up the ice between them and their exit. 

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Taqqiq will keep watch for anything unexpected cropping up.

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Amaruq's having some trouble with aim. She's definitely getting the ice around them... And the ice behind them, just a little. 

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As long as the ice beneath them stays okay...

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Seems to be! 

...Though the ice behind them has moved from cracking to, uh, glowing. 

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Uh. "Amaruq... Is that you?"

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She turns to look, and reflexively takes a step away from the now glowing glacier, stopping her waterbending. "I don't think so?!"

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The glacier continues to glow brighter! And now it's cracking even more loudly than it had been. Sounds like it might be about to break apart, actually. 

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"We should move."

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Yeah she's getting the canoe. (The rest of the water isn't much better but at least it isn't glowing.)

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They don't manage to get into the canoe, though, before the top of the iceberg shatters, revealing - 

A perfect sphere of ice, and the glow is coming from a person 

Or a person-shaped spirit, at least.

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A person-shaped person, even, just before the sphere erupts in a blinding beam of light.

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What the fuck!!!

She pulls her sister down to dodge any flying chunks of ice from the glowing explosion. And squeezes her eyes shut, because fuck that's bright. 

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The wind mostly blows the shards up and over, and the glow doesn't last that long.

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She looks up when it fades.

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Blink blink.

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Oh hey, people! Hello people! She waves enthusiastically.

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Uh, what?

She... Waves back? "Who are you?"

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"I'm Dechen!" She leaps gracefully across the remaining ice over to where Amaruq and Taqqiq are. "It's nice to meet you!"

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The energy is a bit infectious. "I'm Amaruq, and this is my big sis, Taqqiq. Nice to meet you too." Pause. "So... How did you get in the iceberg?" And she takes a closer look at the girl. "...And do you want a coat?"

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She's dressed in light silk robes, dyed bright orange and yellow. She also has blue arrow tattoos on her forehead and arms. "Nope! I like being able to move." She twirls demonstratively.

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"Aren't you cold?"

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"But,  anyways - how did you get in the iceberg? And what's up with the glowing - ?" The girl doesn't look like a spirit, but Amaruq's pretty sure benders don't glow, even masters...

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"Oh. Uh. It's kind of a long story? And not very fun."

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"Well, we're a bit stuck until this ice disperses, so we've got time."

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"You're a waterbender, right? Can't you just," she makes swooshy motions with her arms, "clear it out?"

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"Yeah that's what I was trying to do when I broke the glacier... I'm still learning."

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"You must be pretty strong to have done that, though."

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Smile! "Not much help without control..."

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"This could be good practice."

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"If I don't break the ice under us..."

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"Someone could have seen that light, you know. We might not be alone for long."

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" - Yeah. One of the other villages spotted a Fire Navy ship recently." Trade's limited nowadays, but - news spreads as best it can.

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"Fire Nation?"

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"Yeah - it's been a little bit since they raided us directly, and normally they'd come in the fall, but I don't really fancy them realizing there's still any waterbenders here."

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"...I'd better go wake Appa up, then."

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"There's someone else in there?"

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"Kinda technically? Appa's a sky bisoncat."

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" - A what?"

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"A sky bisoncat. I guess you probably don't have those here."

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"You're in for a treat. Be right back." She hops over to whence she came.

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Appa grumbles and tucks their nose under two of their front legs.

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Poke. Pokepoke. Pokepokepooooooke.

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Grumble groan.

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"Appa come on we have to go before the Fire Nation gets here." Again.

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One large eye slides open with a much angrier groan.

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They grumble and slowly clamber to their feet, and then streeeeetchhhhh - 

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Yes! Here we go.

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They don't exactly hop energetically into the air - they're tired, alright - but they will lumber up.

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Amaruq, meanwhile, has clambered over the rim of ice to look down into the crater, possibly spoiling any planned reveal. "Woah," she says, examining the sky bisoncat with clear surprise (and interest). "It can swim?"

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"If they feel like it!"

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Huh. Sky bisoncat. That's. Yep, that's what this animal is. No other word for it, really.

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"The ice's dispersed enough that it shouldn't be a problem for something that size." Just for their little canoe.

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"How about it, Appa?"

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Mrow! (That's probably a 'yes.')

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"Great! We should go pick up their stuff first..."

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Their stuff is still all in the canoe, which is really light and designed to be picked up and carried around. It'll be easy enough to get the whole thing on Appa's saddle. 

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And enough room for everyone to sit, still!

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Appa's pretty big. 

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That's how sky bisoncats are.

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"Do they get bigger?"

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"Not much. Appa's pretty near full-grown."

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"What makes it a sky bisoncat," Taqqiq wonders.

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"Good question." She gives Dechen a curious look. 

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"You might want to hold on to something..."

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She'll grab the saddle? 

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Taqqiq has a sudden bad feeling.

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"Appa, yip yip!"

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Appa flaps their tail - and then with a rumble, almost a roar - they leap, pushing off with all their legs at once - and the ice falls away below them as they take flight. 

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Dechen loves this part!

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She can see why!!!

Amaruq leans over the side to watch the ocean fall away below them. 

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"Okay, question answered. Can we go back down now please."

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"But this is fun! And fast!" Amaruq twists around to grin at her sister. "You know, we'd make it to the North Pole much faster if we flew the whole way."

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"Human beings were not designed to fly through the air."

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"Sky bisoncats are, though."

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Taqqiq has Doubts about the veracity of that statement.

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"Flying being an abomination of nature is half the fun!"

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"What's wrong with paddling? Paddling is perfectly reliable. Time-tested. Predictable."

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"Slow and boring."

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"There's nothing wrong with that!"

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Dechen giggles. "And Appa hasn't even shown off their loops yet!"

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Interested noise! 

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"I think we should tie the canoe down more securely before we do any loops." And maybe also the Taqqiq. She maybe be Boomerang Girl, but she's not a boomerang girl. If she falls off the bisoncat, she's not coming back.

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"We can wait until you and the canoe are safely on land, even," she teases.

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"That would be nice."

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"Never say I don't look out for my big sis."

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"Uh huh."

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She laughs. And to Dechen: "Where were you going originally?"

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"Oh.. I was- looking for a... waterbending teacher."

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"You're a waterbender?"

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"Sort of."

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"You don't look much like a waterbender."

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"How can you be 'sort of' a waterbender?"

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"Well, actually...."

"I'm the Avatar."

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" - What, really?"

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"Mhm," she nods. "I already mastered airbending, that's why I have the tattoos. Next is supposed to be water."

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"Can you prove it?" Also she wants to see airbending.

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"Which part?"

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"The all of it."

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"I can do some airbending for you, at least. Watch this." She holds her hands out one above the other like she's holding something invisible, then starts wiggling them in small circles going opposed directions. A faintly-visible globe of moving air begins to condense between them, whistling softly. Once it coalesces fully, Dechen changes the pattern slightly and the whistle begins to play a tune.

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What happens if she sticks her hand into the spinny ball?

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It feels like it's trying to get blown off her wrist. Also the music is disrupted.

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She pulls her hand back out.

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It takes Dechen a little bit to get the song back in tune.

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It's a good song!

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But... If Dechen's looking for a waterbending master - so's Amaruq. There's no one else left in the South, but the Northern Water Tribe's supposed to still be going strong. They can look for a teacher together!

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Yeah! It'll be an adventure.

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Great! This'll be so much faster than paddling.

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Guess that means she'll have to get used to the sky bisoncat.

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It's a giant sweetheart. Amaruq can tell this sort of thing. 

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Yeah, yeah. She just... needs some time to get used to it.

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She'll get there eventually.

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Appa's very lovable. Dechen's not worried.

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Appa's already taken over Amaruq's heart.

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She leans over the side of the saddle to pet the fluff.

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Pleased mrrr!

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This is going to be great.

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Yeah, it will. 

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Meanwhile, the Wani continues its course to the beam Zuko saw.

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Her single minded intensity is possibly the only reason she spots an odd creature - definitely not native to the area - lifting off from the area around the base of the beam, climbing up into the sky. 

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...Wasn't the Avatar supposed to have some sort of flying steed? A tigeryak eagle, or some such.

She wants to follow it.

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Keeping up with a flying creature like that will be difficult, and they'll have to keep an eye on the engines - but it should be possible to get at least a heading.

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They'll have to land at some point.

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Information on the flying animals of the Airbenders is scarce, though - they're not entirely sure how far the creature can go without a break. But at its size, that's unlikely to be far.

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They have charts. They can check for likely islands.

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And if nothing else, they know roughly how far humans can travel without needing to get off their mount.

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So that defines a search radius.

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And a good lookout on the highest tower could track them fairly far.

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Then they need to get someone up there.

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Iroh can go, if Zuko trusts these old eyes.

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Yeah. That'll work.

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She'll keep a good eye on their target, then.

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"...Thank you, Aunt."

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"It's my pleasure, niece."

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Tiny smile.

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Bigger return smile! 

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Maybe her luck is finally turning around.

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Her Aunt will help her, either way. 

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And she heads off. 

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Zuko will go get the maps.

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Her second in command has already pulled the relevant ones together for her, and is reviewing nearby islands with a navigator. 

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Still, she wants to see for herself.

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"Yes, ma'am." She steps away so Zuko can take her place.

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Zuko nods in acknowledgement.

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They don't actually have the South Pole that well mapped - for one thing, a lot of islands are actually floating glaciers and tend to move around - but they've got the nonfrozen parts nearby, and if they assume the Avatar isn't going to be taking breaks on an ice field there's only so many landmasses in range, though exact range depends on how fast the mount can fly and the prevailing winds. 

Which are things they'll hopefully learn over the course of the chase.

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Then for now, they should focus on keeping up.

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Her lieutenant has gone to ensure exactly that. (She runs an exceptionally tight ship; impressive, given Zuko's crew are mostly sailors on punishment duty, or ones who fell out of favor with the Fire Lord or his admirals for other reasons.)

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Zuko will admit to herself that she would be in a much worse position if not for the lieutenant. There should be more officers like her, she thinks. The Fire Nation would be better for it. Zuko is an exile, and she still does her job.

It's not a relationship that admits of closeness. Which is fine.

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Part of the problem is maybe that doing her job is how she ended up here.

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Zuko doesn't exactly have access to personnel records.

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It could maybe be guessed from how others speak of her, but the crew aren't exactly eager to gossip around Zuko either. 

Still, right now - she's doing her job. 

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That's all she asks.

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Meanwhile: "We've got a problem."

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"What kind of problem?"

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She points behind and below them! "Fire Navy kind of problem."

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"The bad kind. Okay. We'll have to shake them."

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Good thing she has two Water Tribe members with her. Amaruq knows this area better than nearly anyone. 

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And Taqqiq is her competition.

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Though it'll still take some determined flying to get out of sight. 

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That's Dechen's area of expertise. And Appa is fast and strong.

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And there's a strong fog rolling in over the ice as the sun begins to slowly and ponderously set. 

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Good camouflage. She'll make sure it closes up smoothly behind them.

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It cooperates! (For now at least.)

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"Bad luck for them to have been so close." At least they're headed away from the village.

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"They might be working up to more raids..." Firebenders are strongest in summer, but apparently really, really don't like the midnight sun, so tend to hit in either spring or fall.

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"I hope not."

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"...They'll be less likely to go after the village without me there."

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"Hopefully, yeah."

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"...The Fire Nation is targeting waterbenders?"

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"...Yes? If you're an airbender - and the Avatar - you should. Like. Know that."

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"They weren't. Last I knew."

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"...How long were you in that iceberg?"

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"What year is it?"

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"Like, a hundred AG I think? Something like that." Amaruq doesn't actually keep close track of official calendars.

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"I think a long time, then."

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" - No one's seen the Avatar in more than a hundred years. I'd thought maybe it just cycled around again somehow, but - "

"You're the one from back then, aren't you? The one that vanished."

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"That's me," Dechen says with a half-hearted smile.

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Okay Amaruq is not the one who's good at social here and the Avatar apparently doesn't know about all the genocide. Including of her own people.

She sends Taqqiq a 'help???' look.

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"So there's kind of a lot of history you missed out on."

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"Things didn't get better, did they."

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"...Not really."

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"They got... A lot worse."

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"Do you want to wait until we land to hear about it?"

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...Yes, that thing. She wants that.

Dechen nods.

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Yeah. Probably a good idea. 

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They'll continue onwards, then.

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Meanwhile: "I've lost sight of them - helmsman! Take caution with this fog - !"

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They don't have time to be cautious, they're going to lose them-

Zuko heads to the prow and starts punching fire to try burning off the fog.

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It's not very effective. 

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"Niece," her aunt says, warningly, "Impatience will not help."

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She stops.

"Neither will anything else, apparently."

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"We have a heading now. That's more than anyone's been able to say for a hundred years."

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"It's not enough."

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She touches Zuko's arm softly. "Niece... Let's let our men do their part of the search. You and I can work on your form."

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She doesn't want to train, she wants to capture the Avatar. So she can go home.



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Training is, at least, unlikely to hurt that goal (and might tire her niece out enough that she'll listen to Iroh more).

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It usually does put her in a better mood, yes. Even if she can't land a hit on Iroh more than three tries in ten, when her aunt takes Zuko seriously.

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Even three times in ten is a very good start (and better than just about anyone but the masters, Iroh doesn't say) - though Iroh's job as her teacher won't be done until it's ten in ten.

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That's a ways off.

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Closer than she might think.

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Iroh will work on bringing it even closer.

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"Thank you, Aunt."

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"My pleasure, niece."

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Another round?

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Iroh's up for a few more, even.

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They'll see what tune Zuko is singing when Iroh has finished working her into exhaustion. 

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Won't be singing at all. She usually doesn't.

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One of these days. 

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Not happening.

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She says that now, but...

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But she will also say it later, yes.

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They'll see. 

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They will.

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Which is when a call from the lookout comes - they've caught up to their target. 

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Zuko hurries up to see.

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The sky bisoncat ended up having to land and take shelter - snow isn't falling yet, but there's heavy clouds building up overhead, with the threat of high winds. The thick fog meant neither party saw the other until they were nearly adjacent, too, so the ship is very nearly in firing range of the Avatar's party. 

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Zuko will lead a shore party. Stay quiet until the signal is given.

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A plan that's somewhat interrupted by one of the teenagers spotting her ship. "Fire Navy!" Amaruq calls. 

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Oh no.

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She tries to hit them with waves of ice! ...This is pretty enthusiastic as an attack, but not the best aimed. 

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Zuko's got enough strength as a firebender to counter the bits that are a danger to her, at least.

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And her troops are drilled for exactly this - multiple blasts of fire at once can match even the best firebender's raw power. 

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Though they might have trouble matching Iroh's finesse - she keeps the ice away from their troops with flicks of her hand, though she doesn't go on the offensive just yet, instead looking over their opponents with her brow furrowed.

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Oh shit oh shit oh shit, what do they do what do they do-

Air blast!

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"Avatar!" Zuko shouts, picking herself back up.

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Probably they should get on the bisoncat! - Though Amaruq needs to stay on the ice to keep using her waterbending. "Fuck off!"

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"Back off, waterbender. I'm not here for you."

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"You're the one chasing us!"

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"Not you. Her."

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"I'm not going to let you bastards kill her too!" 

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"That's not what I'm going to do."

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"You're fucking Fire Nation! You really expect me to believe Fire Lord Genocidal Dickhead doesn't want the Avatar dead?!"

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Okay, enough talking. That never works anyway.

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All right nope nope nope that's an angry firebender right there. Not good. Dechen flips over to deflect the fire with a wind shield. "Amaruq, run!"

-Wow, that's actually a nasty burn scar for a firebender. Wonder what happened there.

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"You guys get on Appa!" she shouts back, throwing ever larger and more forceful spears and walls of ice at the firebenders - finally overwhelming a handful of the common soldiers. There's massive cracks in the ice spreading from under her feet, too, and the fire is only making those worse - 

- Especially near the firebenders themselves. 

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"Watch your footing!" Iroh shouts, as the ice begins to creak. 

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No, no- not when she's so close-

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"Niece, get back - !" Iroh gestures for the troops to retreat to the ship as she nimbly leaps over to Zuko - grabbing her just as the ice under them starts to break. 

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The ice under the waterbender isn't faring much better!

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She's got her own agile savior though, no need to worry.

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And Appa's more than ready to take off as soon as everyone's aboard! 

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Let's get out of here.

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Iroh seems to feel the same, at least as far as getting back to the ship and off the crumbling glacier goes. 

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She was so close, though.

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"It's not worth your life, niece."

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That doesn't sound true.

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- She's going to nudge them out of view of the sailors for this conversation (after organizing pursuit, of course, but they'd already lost the Avatar in the fog by the time everyone made it back to the ship safely; there's little chance they'll catch up like this).

"Returning home won't mean anything if you only return to a pyre," she says, quietly. 

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"That won't be less than what meaning I have now."

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"It would be. Niece - "

If Zuko dies, Iroh's marching into Caldera City to kill the Fire Lord with her own hands, and damn the consequences.

"You matter to me, and I can't sit back and watch you die."

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"Then I need to get stronger."

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"You need to take care of your own life, too."

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"Getting stronger will help me do that."

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A bit wryly: "Strength can't substitute for wisdom."

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That seems like a non sequitar to Zuko.

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She pokes her niece. "Strength won't help you if you don't know when to use it, or when to retreat."

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Softly: "You should have retreated on your own from that, niece."

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"I almost had her."

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"Knowing when it's worth it to press on is part of wisdom. It wasn't worth it then; her position was strong, and she was already close to her mount."

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"Teach me wisdom, then."

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"I will."

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Hm. All right.

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"To start..." She hums. "We can talk about that fight in detail."

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"Debrief. Okay."

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They can sit down over a nice cup of tea, how about?

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Always with the tea...

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It's good for you! And a nice, revitalizing cup of black tea helps jump start the brain.

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Zuko doesn't like the taste. Or the way it makes it her feel like she has to get up and run around.

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Well, surely as she acquires wisdom she'll come to appreciate it.

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Honestly not sure if that's worth the price.

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She's well within her rights to not enjoy the hot leaf juice.

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Iroh clearly hasn't educated her properly then.

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She'll work on it over time. 

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But first: debriefing.

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Well, at least she doesn't have to drink the tea if she's talking.

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Though she might not like the talking either. 

"Niece... You seemed under the impression that just asking the Avatar to come in quietly, and for her allies to allow you to take her, would work instead of making them angrier - that Waterbender especially was getting more powerful the more upset she got."

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"They wouldn't have to fight, if they surrendered."

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"Why would they surrender?"

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"Because-" it's the right thing to do "They were outnumbered."

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"What would happen if they did surrender?"

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"I would take the Avatar back to the ship, and let the other two go."

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"And what would happen to the Avatar then?"

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"I would... take her back to the Fire Nation?"

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"And what would happen to her in the Fire Nation?"

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"I... don't know."

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"...She would be publically executed. And then the men would be questioned, and the Fire Lord would learn about that waterbender. He might not reprimand you for letting her live, if you'd come home with the greater prize, but he'd certainly order increased raids on what few villages remain, to root out any potential waterbenders. We'd thought we'd killed them all, but at her age - there must have been some child we'd missed during the most recent full war. The Fire Lord might even order the total extermination of the Water Tribe, either before or after he executes the Avatar - I'm unsure if he intends to break the cycle entirely, to force the Avatar cycle to pass to Fire, or some other plan. Regardless, he'd consider it an unacceptable outcome for the next Avatar to be someone like that girl."

"If anyone in that group surrenders, it will only be under duress, and even then it would be false. And they have no reason to believe any claims you make of mercy, because the Fire Lord has none."

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"That's not right."

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"What do you mean?"

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"We're better than that. The Fire Nation."

"We- should have honor."

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Bitterly: "My brother would say that honor doesn't win wars."

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Zuko flinches, instinctively twitching to hide the scarred side of her face.

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She doesn't look at Zuko; gives her a chance to get her composure back together.

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It only takes her a moment.

"That doesn't mean I can give up."

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"And so the Avatar and whoever allies themselves with her will not give up on fighting back."

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"Our strategy will need to change."

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"That is the point of the debrief... What do you have in mind?"

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"I don't know yet."

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"We'll think of something, then."

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"We should keep following them, to start with."

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"And- Once anyone else starts seeing them, the Fire Nation will hear about it. So I should send a report."

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"Get ahead of the rumors?"

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Nod. "So I can... stay in control."

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"Control is good, here."

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"What are you planning to say?"

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"That, I don't know."

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"I can help you with it - an important thing to decide first is how much you want to put into the report."

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"A hawk can only carry so long a missive, so it's important to prioritize. As well - the message is very likely to be seen by someone other than the Fire Lord, and it's possible for it to fall into enemy hands. You'll have to consider what's essential, what would be better to communicate in person, or - what would be better to just leave off. The Fire Lord is a busy man and doesn't need every little detail, after all."

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"So- Things like headings and physical descriptions."

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"Yes, potentially among other things."

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"I can see how that would work."

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"You'll have my aid, if you want it."

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Small smile. 

They'll have time to work on that report, though. 

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So it seems. Not much else to do while the ship sails.

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Though given they need to resupply soon, it might need to be finished sooner rather than later...

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It shouldn't take that long.

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True enough. 

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Zuko wants to check on the crew first, though.

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Alright; lead the way. 

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Up to the deck. Make sure the marines are all right, the bridge has the heading, no unexpected problems with the ship.

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Everything looks clear.

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Good. Good. Makes her feel a little better about things.

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"Is everything to your liking, Captain?"

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"Ah... Yes. Lieutenant. No issues with the crew?"

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"Some mild restlessness, but nothing unmanageable. No injuries."

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"We'll need to review our enemy bender tactics."

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"I'll put together a training regimen as well, if you wish."

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"That might be a good idea." Zuko could use it, if nothing else. "I'd like to review when you're done."

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"I'll inform you as soon as it's ready, Captain."

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Zuko is an exile. She is not technically a captain, because she is not part of the Fire Nation military. This has never stopped Lieutenant Jiahao, who is always excruciatingly precise in all other respects.

"Thank you, Lieutenant."

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She salutes, and then goes on her way.

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Suppose she'd better get that report written.

Zuko decides to write a full version first, then figure out what the edited one will look like from that.

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A sound strategy; filtering down's fairly doable from there.

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And it will help her remember the truth.

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Yes; it's helpful as an internal record, too.

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Zuko will keep it safe.

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Iroh trusts her.

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She'll try to live up to that.

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"You've always been honorable, niece. I have no doubt you will."

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Oh. All right, then.

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"Thank you, Aunt."

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"It's my pleasure."

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Back to work.

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Unfortunately for them, they do need to resupply and refuel soon - and the only port of any note within range is currently led by Commander Zhao, who, to put it lightly, is not fond of Zuko.

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...Poor planning. She tries to avoid Zhao's command whenever possible.

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Difficult to do when deploying towards the South Pole.

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They'll keep the men on the ship, just do a quick resupply - Jialin can keep them in line, and Iroh can dangle the promise of a longer shore leave somewhere less frigid for those who behave.

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And Zuko will try not to start any fights.

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Iroh believes in her restraint.

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It's not her restraint that's in question.

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She'll trust Zuko's judgement as well.

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Hopefully it doesn't need to be much exercised.

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Around Zhao it might.

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They'll both be cautious.

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See how far that goes.

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It doesn't, unfortunately, go far enough to prevent Commander Zhao from approaching them as they disembark. 

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Well. Let's get this over with.

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"Princess Zuko, General Iroh," he calls, jovially, "What brings you to my port?"

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"Commander. Fuel and supplies."

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"Surely you have time to join me for some tea while your men load all that up."

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Okay, what's the trap here? Probably something in the conversation. Or the tea is poisoned. In which case Aunt might actually kill him, which seems worth the risk. Or he's trying to pull something with the supplies, but Zuko's got Lieutenant Jiahao supervising who will catch anything like that. And etiquette doesn't give her much space to refuse.

So, "I... suppose."

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He smiles. It isn't a very pleasant smile. "Right this way."

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Ugh. Hope this wasn't a mistake.

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"How has your search been going, Princess?" he asks once they're settled.

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She doesn't like the way that title sounds in his mouth. Slimy.

"...I have found a positive lead. Evidence of airbending."

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"Is that so - ? What sort of evidence?"

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(Iroh is very subtly stepping on Zuko's foot.) "Rumors, mostly," she says, pleasantly. "It'll take us a while yet to track down the truth of them."

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It isn't very clear if Zhao believes her.

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Zuko is going to take a drink of this wonderful tea now. Mm, tea.

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A servant brings another pot, and Zhao quietly gestures something to him as he leaves, getting a bow in return. Zhao then turns to Zuko with his usual unpleasant smile. "How has your journey been, other than chasing rumors?"

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She has no idea what he's after.

"Nothing out of the ordinary."

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"No problems, then?"

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He keeps talking - it's really unclear if he's trying to probe her for some detail or another, or if he's just making pointless small talk.

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Probably wasting time until he causes something to happen that he can blame her for.

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Eventually one of the servants comes in with more tea - and murmurs something in Zhao's ear. Zhao pauses, listening with his head tilted, then stands, his hands behind his back, and says lightly to Zuko: "Now, Princess... With you being so close to the Avatar, I think it's more appropriate for someone with more experience to take over, don't you? It wouldn't do for the Fire Nation to fail in this."

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Nothing good ever happens when she shouts. She clenches her fists instead.

"This task was assigned to me."

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"And I am relieving you of it. You may enjoy my hospitality a little longer, though," he says, as he nods to the armed guards moving to block the exits.

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She stands. "You do not have the authority to do that."

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"And you do not have the authority to contradict me, Princess," he sneers.

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"Tell your men to get out of the way."

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"I don't think I will."

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Then she will be going through them.

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Iroh steps smoothly in front of her, stopping her from attacking the guards.

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"Why don't we negotiate instead?" she says, not at all pleasantly.

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"I see no reason to."

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"You have no honor, Zhao."

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He sneers at her. "Is that a challenge, Princess?"

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"An Agni Kai, then."

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She can have a breakdown later. Mustn't show weakness.

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Fortunately, the base has a nearby courtyard perfectly suitable for this - as well as suitable ceremonial shawls, since they're doing this properly. 

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She's glad they don't have to wait until dawn. No time to second-guess herself.

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Zhao's combat style doesn't give her much time to second guess herself during the duel itself, either - he's extremely aggressive, trying to throw her off balance with wide sweeping kicks and harsh punches of fire. 

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...Is he telegraphing on purpose? He's just so much slower than Aunt.

She focuses on dodging, neglecting to take advantage of the openings she sees in case it's a trap.

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It's entirely probable he's actually just this much slower than her aunt, especially as he grows enraged with how she's avoiding him - which makes him sloppy. 

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She kind of thought Fire Nation commanders were supposed to be good at firebending. But okay. Next time he pivots back for a high kick, she sweeps low herself to blast his ground leg out from under him.

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He falls! And tries to roll back to his feet. 

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Too late, she's already kneeling on his chest, fist wreathed in flame.


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He sneers at her! "Kill me, you coward," he challenges. 

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"That was not the terms," she says. "Yield."

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He tries to hit her with a blast of fire from his feet. 

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She twists out of the way and drives her palm of fire into his chest.

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He curses, tries to block - but she hits him, scoring the light burn that's technically all that's needed for a standard Agni Kai.

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She backs off, taking a ready position.

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Her Aunt steps forward to examine the scene. "It seems the match has concluded in my niece's favor."

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She's not relaxing until Zhao actually concedes.

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He grudgingly does so.

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Then they'll be taking their supplies and leaving.

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Zhao lashes out at her as soon as she turns her back - 

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And is immediately stopped cold by Iroh. 

"My niece has far more honor than you," she says, voice deceptively even. "You've lost, Zhao. Accept it."

And then they can leave.

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This is why she hates the Agni Kai.

It's over now.

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For now.

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Let's get out of here.

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As soon as they can - which is fairly soon; the men don't much like this port it turns out, and they're eager enough to go. And Iroh can resolve any problems with recalcitrant suppliers.

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Zuko will delay going to hide in her cabin and having a breakdown until after they're underway.

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Iroh takes over things smoothly and gives Zuko her space. 

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She's back to normal the next day.

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"How do you feel, niece?"

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"Fine." A little paler than usual, heavier bags under her eyes.

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She raises an eyebrow, skeptically. "What do you think of how the Agni Kai went?"

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"I won."

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"You did; you're a skilled fighter, and you handled Zhao's dishonesty well."

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Right. So no problems, then.

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"This was a more typical Agni Kai than what you - participated in - previously."

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Zuko does not like thinking about her first Agni Kai.

"Zhao didn't honor his surrender," she says.

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"Prior to that, at least."

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"...I was expecting him to be better."

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"As a firebender, or as a person?"

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"As a..." person, "bender."

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Somewhat wryly: "He's considered very skilled."

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Skeptical Zuko.

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"You've been training under me, niece. I'm not just legendary for my tea making skills."

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"You're a better firebender than you think," she says, softly, "Certainly a far better one than Zhao."

"You're a better person, too."

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She raises an eyebrow, questioningly.

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"What- what makes you say that?"

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"As a firebender - you've got good control over yourself and your flames. You don't just rely on your flames when fighting, and instead maintain awareness of and use your body and surroundings. You watch your opponent well, and you don't fall for traps."

"As a person - you have a tremendous sense of honor, Zuko." A bit wryly: "Far more than I've ever had. You fight for what you feel is right, and you fight fairly."

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"I don't feel like I'm a good person."

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"Why not?"

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"I've never been good enough."

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"How good of a person you are - doesn't affect your luck. Not in the way we'd like it to."

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"Then what's the point?"

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"How we treat others, and how we view ourselves."

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"...It's a lot to think about - I'll understand if you need time to process and think of a response."

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"I- Yeah."

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Iroh can handle the leading the ship parts - they're underway, so there's not much to do - if Zuko wants to go meditate.

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No, she'd rather be busy.

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Then she can definitely find things for Zuko to do.

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The only major thing left is deciding where they go next. 

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The Avatar was heading north. They should follow.

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'North' covers a lot of territory. 

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But questioning locals along the path may prove more fruitful, now they know there is something for them to have seen.

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True enough, though they'll want to avoid making unnecessary enemies in the process.

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She can be diplomatic.

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Iroh believes in her.

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She'll do her best.

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This is a more or less successful strategy - more, because they do catch up to the Avatar. Less, because she always gets away, and each time they lose her turns into another frustrating hunt for rumors among people who really, really don't like the Fire Nation - and definitely like the Avatar more than them. 

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"We might get a bit more if we're not dressed so obviously as Fire Nation..." her aunt muses during one such exceptionally frustrating point, where the local villages (all Earth Nation) are refusing to talk to them. 

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Zuko frowns. "That seems like lying." Also she doesn't own any other clothes.

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"Is lying always bad?"

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"It is usually bad."

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"And you'd say it is in this case?"

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"The people we're talking to would say so."

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"A good way to look at it."

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Doesn't answer if it's the right way.

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Hard to say if there's any one right way - there's certainly wrong ways, but the world is... Complicated.

And it's something Zuko will have to figure out for herself, too. Iroh can't dictate morals to her.

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Complicated. Zuko's... not good at complicated.

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She'll need to practice, then. 

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Sigh. Nothing's ever easy.

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Life would get boring if it was too easy.

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If Aunt says so.

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It's almost like her niece doesn't believe her...

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Huh. Weird.

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Very strange!

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A mystery for the ages and no mistake. Moving on.

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They'll need to find out other ways of getting information on the Avatar, then, if Zuko is unwilling to lie.

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...Any suggestions?

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When all else fails, there's always bribery.

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That doesn't sound very honorable either.

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The people they're bribing will approve, though.

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Moral behavior is about more than just following a rigid, traditional set of codes - Zuko identified lying as bad, because the people they are lying to would consider it bad. Bribery - or paying for the information, if she'd rather look at it that way - isn't something the people being paid would object to. Their communities might, if it gets the Avatar captured - but that's not entirely Zuko and Iroh's problem. Their communities disapprove of the entire war, and of people who surrender or collaborate even without payment involved, after all.

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Hmm. That might be fine, then.

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They can give it a try. 

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Hopefully it doesn't backfire horribly.

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It doesn't! Amazingly enough. They're able to get the information they need, especially if they pay well, and the stories from the different people they pay off are similar enough to be believable. 

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Well, they have a direction now. Maybe her luck is turning after all.

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The direction helps - but it's still hard to catch the Avatar, even if they're now doing a better job at keeping up. She's slippery, and her friends are increasingly talented - 

- And then Iroh approaches her one day with a grim expression, as they're docking in a port controlled by Zhao (who's gotten a promotion away from the frigid southern port).

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"What is it, Aunt?"

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"There's a rumor going around the soldiers here that Zhao captured the Avatar recently - Zhao hasn't left the port yet, though." And their most recent report of the Avatar's activity was late the day before. 

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"That's- not good." Firstly, because Zuko needs to be the one and secondly- It's Zhao.

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"...Not for our mission."

"I'll see what other information I can find."

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Zuko will go as well.

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Zuko's pretty quickly able to figure out that:

-1) All the soldiers here hate Zhao. Like, seriously all of them, it's honestly somewhat impressive.

-2) Upon his promotion to Admiral, Zhao immediately pulled rank on the local Colonel in charge of the garrison to force him to lend soldiers, especially the Yuyan Archers, to his hunt for the Avatar.

-3) The Yuyan Archers are undefeated, and they don't talk at all so no one's entirely sure if they also hate Zhao, but they don't exactly look impressed with him.

-4) The Avatar's being kept at Pouhai Stronghold, where Zhao is also in residence. 

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Well. That's unfortunate. Not about Zhao's character, that matches what Zuko thinks of the man. She still doesn't know how he parlayed defeat in an Agni Kai against a teenager into a promotion, much less a position where he can command the Yuyan. But it would takes weeks for an army to crack Pouhai.

She doesn't have weeks. Neither does the Avatar. That she also doesn't have an army is... mostly irrelevant. Focus on what she does have.

Which is:
-a years-old memory of studying the plans to all the major Fire Nation-held fortresses
-experience sneaking around guards in the palace
-strong climbing arms
-a pair of dao Zhao has never seen her use
-an old theater mask from a play she and her sister went to

And what all that adds up... might just be the beginnings of a plan.

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It's one she'll have a narrow window to execute - but that night, Zhao is apparently calling for an assembly of the fort's personnel (there's grumbling about this).

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Good. No time to second-guess herself.

She's seen on the ship for dinner, but retires early. Once in her cabin, she changes quickly and climbs out the porthole to begin sneaking over to the cliffside where she'll climb up.

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The watch is pretty light! And it seems to be mostly Zhao's own men - who aren't familiar with the area. She can get past them without too much effort... Which just leaves finding the Avatar. 

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She'll check the prison block first.

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The Avatar's down there, in the highest security cell, with no window and four guards on the only door. 

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Four on one. And her with no bending. Yeah. Easy.

At least they're not expecting the sudden attack.

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They're decently trained! ...Which is well below Iroh's standards for their crew, let alone Zuko. 

She can take them down without too much noise or more than a few bruises to herself, but she might want to move quickly now.

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Yeah. Fortunately a locked prison door is much easier to open from the outside-

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Is the Avatar... asleep?

"Hey! Wake up!"

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Shit, is she still breathing-

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Still alive, just- drugged?

Well. That makes this harder.

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The girl is actually tiny, so Zuko has no problem getting her up and across her shoulders. She'll just have to avoid entanglements on the way out. Easy.

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It is, apparently, much harder to scale that cliff while carrying even a tiny girl. Zuko might need to find enough rope to improvise a sling, or go the long way around to get back.

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Nnnn. She doesn't really have time for either of those...

"It'd be real convenient if you would wake up now," she says, jostling her passenger a little.

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Hmmmmzzzzzznope too comfy. Snuggle.

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"Hey, no, come on. Wake up."

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She hears some booted footsteps around a corner. 

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Okay yeah she doesn't have time for this. Avatar can get dropped to the ground so she can ambush the patrol.

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Fortunately she has catlike reflexes and can turn this into an impromptu handspring.

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"Guards coming. Get ready."

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"I guess this is a rescue, then? Sure, whatever you say, dashingly heroic masked swordswoman."

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Patrol contains two firebenders! Zuko can probably pull off an ambush, take down at least one before they can raise the alarm, though that depends on Dechen's ability to keep quiet.

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Dechen can help! It'll be a pincer attack.

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This almost works! ...Except one of the firebenders gets off a flare - punching fire into the air - before she goes down.

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...The Avatar wasn't fighting to kill.

"We need to get out of here."

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"Yeah? How'd you get in, miss mystery?"

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"I climbed."

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Dechen peers out at the cliff.

"Long way down."

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"Do you have a better idea?"

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"Not really. I mean, I wasn't super awake when they brought me in, so."

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Which is approximately when someone starts shooting at them.

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Wind shield! It didn't help much last time but it should buy enough time for them to dodge!

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Maybe a little.

And then there's more arrows.

Seems the Yuyan Archers have noticed them.

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Swords aren't the best defense against arrows, but they're all she has to use. So.

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"Watch out!" Dechen tackles the masked girl out of the way of an arrow, hissing in pain as it slices her shoulder instead.

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The Avatar... saved her?

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Whoops gotta keep moving.

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"We can't stay here."

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"Yep!" Duck spin twirl- "Any better ideas yet?"

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"Not," ngh, "so much."

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"Do you trust me?"

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"Do I- What?"

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"No time three-two-one go!" And out the window with the both of them!

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This is probably a terrible idea somehow except for how it means the archers now don't have a good line of sight, so can't shoot them nearly as well, and also they seem to somehow not be dead when they reach the base. Not even badly injured.

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Cliff jumping is much less dangerous when you have an airbender holding on to you.

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"We made it! Thanks, miss mystery."

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"You're, uh, welcome. We should-"

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"Keep moving, yeah. Don't want to get caught again and waste all your hard work. And I gotta get back to Amaruq and Taqqiq."

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This is the part where Zuko lures her back to the ship to take her prisoner.


Somehow she can't make herself say anything.

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"You could come too. If you wanted."

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...If she wanted?

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It's dang hard to read this girl behind that mask. Dechen will wait patiently for her to decide(?).

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"Can't. I have to go."

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"Oh. All right, then. Don't get caught!"

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"...You too."

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Well. Off she goes, then.

She looks back a couple times, but her girl of mystery doesn't seem to be following.

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Zuko makes her way back to the ship and crawls into bed.

She wakes with the sunrise, but doesn't much feel like getting up.

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It's Iroh that comes to knock on her door. "Rise and shine, niece!" she calls, way too cheerfully.

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Nnnnope. Not here. Covers over head.

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"Niece! You need to train!" she sing-songs. 

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It's fine to skip one day, isn't it...

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"And I have news about Zhao... Seems he's lost track of the Avatar." She sounds quite pleased about that. 

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Zuko groans. At least her betrayal wasn't completely for nothing.

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"Nothing to say about that, dear niece?"

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Why would she have anything to say about that, she is a lump, lumps don't talk.

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" - I'm coming in," she says, and then the door starts to open.

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Yeah. Sure. Why not.

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She closes the door and sits by Zuko's bed. "What's wrong?"

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"I don't know if I should tell you."

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"You can tell me anything, niece. I swear I won't judge you, nor act against you because of it."

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"Even if you have to lie about it later?"

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"Even then."

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"I was the one who broke the Avatar out."

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Quietly: "That must have been difficult. I'm proud of you."

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"I let her go," she says softly.

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"As I said."

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It's been years since Zuko asked for a hug.

She kind of wants one.

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She gives one! 

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Yeah. Much needed.

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Her Aunt Iroh still provides very good hugs.

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She really does.

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"Do you want to stop hunting her?" she asks, carefully. 

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"I don't know."

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"It isn't a decision you have to make right away. And it's one I can help you work through."

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"It's no problem."

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Not yet, anyway.

Zuko still doesn't feel like getting up and doing things.

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Iroh can take over for the day - and can go ahead and get them out of the port before Zhao comes looking for someone to be angry at. 

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That would be good.

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She'll go do that, then. 

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Zuko... should probably start trying to pull herself together, now that it seems like her life won't be imploding immediately. Meditate, or something.

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No one interrupts her. 

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Maybe she'll make some progress on sorting out her head.

It's a mess in there.

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She gets time - they don't quite manage to catch the Avatar, even if Zuko keeps trying. She doesn't even need to commit anymore treason to not catch the Avatar, actually. The Avatar's really good at escaping - and the amount that random people like her and will refuse to report on her keeps increasing. Everywhere Zuko goes, she hears stories of how much good the Avatar has done for people, regardless of wealth, status, or even nation - rumors of how the Avatar and her team will save a Fire Nation colony from Earth terrorists as readily as they'll protect conquered Earth Kingdom villages from harsh taxes levied by exploitive governors. How the Avatar will act as a neutral arbitrator in disputes, and somehow leave everyone at least satisfied. How the Avatar brokers peace between angry spirits and desperate humans. 

Admiral Zhao's star continues to rise in the background, too. He continues to make as many problems for Zuko as he can - though at least he doesn't capture the Avatar a second time. (No one captures the Avatar a second time.)

And then, one day, as rumors of war with the Northern Water Tribe are growing - as it becomes clear the Avatar will soon reach the Northern Water Tribe and presumably a bending teacher - 

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There's a familiar face waiting for her on the dock, the flame crown of the Fire Lord's heir gracing her top-knot, her crimson and golden armor well polished, her hand on her hip. She doesn't seem to have any attendants with her, and the dockworkers are keeping their heads down as they pass in a way that suggests she's been standing there, waiting, for some time.

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Zuko's not ready for this meeting. In truth, she's been purposefully not-thinking about what would happen the next time she saw Azula ever since her exile. There's just... too many complicated feelings.

She'd hide in her cabin and feign sickness, but that wouldn't even help. And Azula will have seen her already. So.

Nothing for it. She'll just have to face whatever this turns into.

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She strides confidently aboard as soon as the gangway is lowered. "Sister. I need to speak to you - in private." The way her gaze cuts to Iroh fairly clearly communicates 'without our Aunt.'

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"No words for your Aunt Iroh, niece?" she asks Azula.

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"After I speak to my sister."

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"...My cabin, then."

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"After you." She follows.

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It's not a big ship. Doesn't take long. Which is good and bad for Zuko's nerves: good because it means Azula won't be behind her too long, bad because it means that they're in an enclosed space alone very soon.

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And as soon as the door closes - 

- Azula hugs her. (Zuko gets only a brief glimpse of her face, but she's never seen her little sister look so vulnerable.)

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Hesitantly, after a brief delay, she hugs back.


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"...I missed you."

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"It's been a long time."

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"It has."

"...You're taller than me." Azula had been a weedy kid, often taller than her older sister. 

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"I'm... sorry?"

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"You don't have anything to apologize for, Zuko."

"I'm sorry I didn't protect you from father - and I'm sorry I haven't killed him yet."

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She pulls back, startled. "You're- what? What?"

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"He hurt you. I swore to kill him for that."

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"I don't- Why?"

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"Because I'll kill anyone who hurts you. You're my sister."

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She could have said something earlier.

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"...And I'm sorry I couldn't come with you."

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"I was exiled."

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"I know."

"I wasn't allowed to even say goodbye. And I couldn't defy Father and keep enough power to overthrow him smoothly."

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"I thought you- agreed. With the sentence."

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"I missed you, Lala."

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More hug!

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"So... Why now?"

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"I finally have enough freedom of movement. And - "

"Zhao's planning an all out - and rather stupid - assault on the North Pole. He's also planning to commandeer your ship. It'd be too easy for him to let... Accidents happen, after that."

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"Ah. Yes."

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"I won't allow him to hurt you."

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"Do you have a plan?"

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"I need to build up my ability to maneuver against Father as well, if I want to take the Fire Nation intact after killing him - discrediting Zhao will go a long way towards that. And this war threatens to overstretch us dramatically. I'm still exploring options for how to discredit Zhao and redirect our military power to something useful," like overthrowing her father, "Without damaging our fleet."

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"I'm not sure I can help with that, really..."

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"Don't insult my sister." 

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Tiny blush.

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Soft smile. "You're useful to me, Zuko. You've already done a lot to discredit Zhao... And that's something I can build on - that we can build on. Together."

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"If you say so."

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"Do you doubt me?"

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"I don't."

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"Then - we'll work together."

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"What about Aunt?"

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"Do you think she'll work against Father?"

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"I think-" How to phrase this?

"She'll work for me. And against the way the Fire Nation is right now."

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"Then she'll be a useful ally."

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"She has been- helpful."

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"I'm glad you had someone."

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"She'll help you too, if you ask."

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"...She hasn't before."

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"Then she made a mistake."

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"We'll see."

"But that she'll help you is what matters practically, so long as you're mine."

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That feels... right.


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She raises a hand to cup Zuko's cheek. "I missed having you."

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Azula has the best and cutest older sister. 

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"Should we get Aunt now?"

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Zuko will go do that, then.

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"Your talk go alright, niece?"

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"It did."

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"Is my other niece ready to speak to me?"

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"Yes. Um... be nice to her?"

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"I will."

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"Okay. Thanks."

Back to her cabin.

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Where Azula's standing perhaps more stiffly than she intends to, back against one wall, arms loosely by her side.

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Zuko crosses to stand by her side.

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Azula relaxes once Zuko's firmly next to her. "Princess Iroh," she says, almost challengingly. "Or do you prefer General, still?"

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"I prefer 'Aunt,' nowadays - and it's a pleasure to see you again."

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"Zuko says you've - aided her."

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"...As best as I could."

"And I'm sorry I couldn't aid you as well, Azula."

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"...Keeping my sister safe was all I needed from you." It's a lie. (She leans subtly towards Zuko.)

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Zuko leans into her.

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...It helps.

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"I will do what I can to help you now, though, niece. Anything that's in my power."

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"Anything? Truly?"

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"Azula... Your sister would balk at requests on a moral basis long before I would."

"I didn't win my title by playing Pai Sho, nor by brewing tea."

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"I'm going to kill father."

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"Good. Do you want the throne after, or just to see him dead? And does it matter if it's by your own hand?"

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Iroh's response pretty visibly surprises her. "I will be Fire Lord of a triumphant and powerful Fire Nation after. And I will rescind Zuko's banishment."

"...For that last - I want to burn him for what he did to my sister. But practicality matters more than sentiment."

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She turns to Zuko. "What do you desire, Zuko?"

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"I want to go home. And..."

"I want the war to be over."

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"Through peace, or through victory?"

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She looks to Azula, then.

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"...If Zuko wants peace, then that's what we'll have."

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Zuko hopes she didn't just mess everything up.

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Azula takes her hand and squeezes it. "Your - sense of honor isn't a problem, Zuko. It's not something I have, but - it's who you are. I'll listen to you on matters like that."

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"Since I'll rescind the banishment, you don't need to worry about your current mission, either."

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"I," might as well get it all out, "haven't been. Really. For a while."

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"That might make peace easier, at least."

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"Do you think the Avatar would support a peace that's fair to the Fire Nation as well?"

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"...If we can talk to her without everyone else shouting over us."

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"Then we'll get her alone."

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"That's easier said than done."

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"It'll be easier with us working together."

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"As long as you don't scare her off."

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"I'll behave."

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She squeezes Zuko's hand again.

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"We'll have to deal Zhao first, though."

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"The Avatar might make that easier, actually..." To Iroh: "Zhao's planning an attack on the North Pole. He's also planning to press this ship into service - likely onto the front line."

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She nods, solemnly. "You'll want to be careful in foiling the attack," she warns, "Especially once it's fully in motion."

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"It'd be nice to stop it before then."

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"We'll need to work quickly."

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"What do we need to do?"

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They'll need to get out of this port, first - it'll be bad if Zhao catches them here.

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It'll be a little suspicious to set sail so soon, but if it's the crown princess's order...

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It is.

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Can't argue with that.

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After that - Azula could probably challenge Zhao to an Agni Kai for command of the fleet, though at that point she's committed to either completing his mission or turning the fleet around in open rebellion. 

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A North Pole invasion wouldn't be a very good start to peace talks.

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No. So they'll need a different method, or to go ahead and start their rebellion.

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...How much is she starting her rebellion just by sailing off on Zuko's ship?

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...Only a little bit. 

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What if Zuko challenged Zhao to an Agni Kai when he tries to commandeer the ship? She's beaten him before, she could do it again.

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Is she willing to kill him? 

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She's not sure.

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He won't stop if he's alive. 

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Yeah. She's- seen some of that.

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Azula will handle killing Zhao if Zuko can't.

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"I have the standing to challenge him to an Agni Kai as well. I have no issue with killing him."

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"And he might try to insist that a banished Princess has no standing to challenge the Fire Lord's orders."

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"It's my ship. I should- take responsibility."

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"Then kill him."

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Something in Zuko firms, at that.

"I will."

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Soft smile. "Good girl."

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Cute sister. 

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"Would I get the fleet after? Or- not, since I'm still banished."

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She shakes her head. "Properly... The Fire Lord should appoint a new Admiral. But I or our Aunt should be able to take command in the meantime; there'll be a lot of confusion."

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"And then you can call off the invasion?"

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"Then I buy us time."

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"The Fire Lord will likely try to order the invasion continued. I'll stall, at least, but... We're going to need to move quickly to oppose him."

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"What can we do to prepare?"

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She has a few places to start...

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Zuko is ready to work.

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And if the plan is for Zuko to challenge Zhao - they should make it so he can find them easily.

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Any of the northern ports should suffice for that.

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She knows where Zhao is, too, which will help narrow things down.

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So they could manipulate the exact timing, potentially.

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It'll be tricky, but... Yes. 

Azula can use any time they buy beforehand to pre-position herself, too.

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She'll have whatever Zuko can give her.

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(Her big sister is unfairly cute...)

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(Said big sister has no idea. She's just doing her job.)

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(Something she's remarkably good at.)

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(There's got to be something.)

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(The prohibition against insulting Azula's big sister still applies.)

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Zuko is perfect and Azula won't hear a word otherwise.

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As Her Highness commands.

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Is that sass?

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It is appropriate deference to the Crown Princess.

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"You're being sassy. Zuzu, I never thought you had it in you."

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"It hasn't all been tea and futile pursuits."

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"Aunt Iroh has taught you much."

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"She has."

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"I don't think I taught you to be a brat on purpose, niece."

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"You taught me not to hide all the time."

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"Fair enough."

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Zuko feels... a lot more relaxed, since Azula showed up and proved she didn't hate Zuko. Like things are finally going back to normal. Whatever normal means.

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One good thing.

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It is.

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(Normal might include Zuko's Aunt 'casually' cornering her a bit later - after Azula's gone to write some letters - with the kind of smile on her face that promises some very awkward social interactions over the next few hours.)

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"What now."

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"Why the long face, niece?"

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"You smiling like that never means anything good."

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"I just want to have some tea and a little chat with one of my two favorite nieces..."

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Yeah, this is going to be bad.

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In her cabin, then? She has the tea set up already.

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Oh, good.

For what she wants to talk to Zuko about... She thinks she's been rather - remiss, in certain matters. Like the birds and the bees! Or, perhaps in this case, the bees and the bees?

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"You and your sister."

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"Have you noticed how the two of you look at each other?"

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"It's very cute," she says, teasingly. "You look at each other like two teenagers in young love."

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"We do?" Zuko has no idea what to do with this information. She thought she was just, y'know, happy to see her sister again.