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a sudden change in material conditions
Automated luxury space communism, perhaps?
Permalink Mark Unread

Bah! Bah!

Another day, another brick laid into the corrupt system of capital. She doesn't always fixate on this, furious and seething, when trying to sleep, but today she does. Trying to show the truth is exhausting, trying to dress it up in other words- 'Community organization' instead of 'mutual aid' or 'unions'- Railing against the predatory health insurance system and the tax evasion of the rich and corruption everywhere and blogging about it all- Meeting with like minds and trying (and failing) to organize so much as a small-town election on a social support platform-


Networking and finding like minds is the true work. Only with all acting together will the world be made... More fair. But she's not amazing at that, and her ideas too unconventional to use the usual strategies of charm, misdirection, pandering.

Hmph! But everyone burns out if they try to do their life's work all the time. So instead of seething more, perhaps some digital violence. Shooter games and swearing into the mic. And then a long shower, and bed.

Permalink Mark Unread

While she's sleeping a low dose of a general anesthetic is teleported into her bloodstream and then she's teleported elsewhere.

When she wakes it will be on a mattress made of some sort of memory foam with built in pillows. The sheets are an austere white.

On the ceiling above her is a small chandelier mounted to what looks like a rather beefy mounting bracket.

The room is largely lit by what seems to be the light of an early dawn through a window behind her.

Permalink Mark Unread


...She does not drink anymore so this cannot be a blackout or anything?

...Surely she would have woken up if kidnapped? And who would even bother?

"Pardon me! I demand an explanation!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hello, you have been selected to assist in medical research. We are as yet unfamiliar with your species and therefore unable to provide the full range of necessary medical care. With your assistance we will hopefully be able to rectify this shortcoming."

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"This has SO MANY implications if it's not a tasteless prank!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can assure you that this is not a prank. As far as I am aware your world does not have access to teleportation technology. As such this should be convincing." A granola bar wrapped in paper appears in midair above her and bounces off her stomach.

Permalink Mark Unread

She sits up and waves her hand through where it appeared, and scrutinizes the chandelier suspiciously.

"You obviously know English if you're alien! Good! Do that again, from different angles! Please!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"From different angles? I'm afraid I don't understand."

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She's looking at the spot from several different angles now, standing on the bed.

"A single instance of a sudden object appearing could be some clever tricks with painted covers, moving platforms and wires! Circus tricks! Surely more proof would be trivial."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah, you're attempting to see if there is some manner of apparatus." A series of identically wrapped bars appears in midair. They flicker momentarily just before landing and these ones do not bounce instead landing as a neat stack in an alternating pattern. This continues until there are 16 bars.

Permalink Mark Unread

That is pretty convincing!

"That is pretty convincing! Very well, I accept that you have teleportation technology and something for applying light force remotely, too. Amazing! What a wonder of scientific advancement!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Everything I demonstrated was teleportation, just used with some measure of creativity."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So objects that have been teleported can have their relative motion manipulated? Could you teleport something in such a way that it's moving upward relative to local gravity? What implications does this have for entropy, under my understanding of the laws of physics there is no such thing as a free lunch? Are we in outer space right now? Can I see the stars? Can you cure aging and cancer?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Teleportation is able to match the average vector of what's being transported to the surroundings. With some creativity you can use that to accelerate objects but there are limits to what's possible. Our physicists are uncertain if all of our technology respects conservation laws. Conservation of momentum is violated at least locally. Curing age related damage and addressing cancers are both among of my research goals."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Regardless of your goals, then, though I do wish to discuss them, I am willing! As I'm sure you are capable of finding one cooperative human in billions anyway! The frailty of the human form is perhaps the greatest shackle remaining to our potential! To help remove this chain is something that we should all be eternally grateful for! I now presume that our current location is secret in some way."

Permalink Mark Unread

"This facility is embedded in the celestial body you may know as Io. I designed this facility for the comfort of you and any others brought to help with this endeavor. If you have requests or suggestions please let me know. This is as you have likely deduced your personal room intended for rest and privacy. Through the door there is a liminal space with entrances to the other presently unoccupied personal rooms, the facilities for hygiene functions and the main common space."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's all irrelevant really, compared to the wonders to come. You took me without warning- Am I to assume choice is not involved? That's not great! By cooperarion and mutual respect does society best grow! But clearly you have the power to do so anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I would prefer willing assistance. Unfortunately, those in charge prefer to present us as being more capable than we actually are which requires research like mine be performed in secret and in advance."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hmph! So the corruption of those in power truly is a universal constant! With actions not guided by the common good but instead personal desires!"

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"It's a big universe so it's possible that there are exceptions but those I work for certainly prioritize their ability to remain in power over most matters."

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"I am a fervent believer in the power of collective action. By working together with those who have common interests with you, the masses can overcome those few who hoard power to greater and lesser extents!"

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"That may well be true. I don't believe it applies to our specific situation though."

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"Perhaps not, but I know very little of the situation as of yet. The principles of collective action can be flexible."

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"Those supervising me consider us both disposable and replaceable."

Permalink Mark Unread

She flops back on the bed and appears deep in thought.

"Ah, so... It's that sort of cyberpunk, is it? Mind cloning? I can't just give up though."

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"You have surmised correctly. Mind uploading for humans is also among the things I've been asked to research."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, how are policy decisions made and what mechanisms enforce them?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't actually know. I know that the Directorate leads the Consortium but I'm not sure how they make decisions or even what most of their policies are. As for enforcement, I'm only aware of the enforcement that applies to me. Specifically, they track whether I'm making progress on my assigned tasks and either reset or tweak me if I'm not. There's also monitoring to ensure I don't act outside of my assigned location and limits on the knowledge and materials I can requisition."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Tricky. Very tricky. I think I will have to read some physics textbooks sooner or later."

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"I can provide you access to the same databases available to me. I don't expect it to be fruitful but I expect the research to take quite some time and even an aggressive timeline will involve a substantial amount of downtime for you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, quite. There must be a million billion cunning paranoid minds watching all possible threats. Stability above all. But stability is stagnation too. Memes evolve like pathogens, and nothing is invulnerable to everything. There is no success without an attempt, I suppose. Even if it's not likely."

Permalink Mark Unread

"In any case, would you like to see more of this facility? We can also discuss my initial research plan."

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"As you like, I don't expect quibbles about the facilities to be important. It's not like you'll kill me through negligence, no?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You will be here for some time. It seems prudent to familiarize yourself with the space. If you prefer to remain in this room though I can replace the chandelier with a surgical rig and do all the work here instead of in the space designated for that purpose. I would however advise against that. My research into human psychology suggests having a location largely dedicated to rest is beneficial to long term mental health."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am a weird goblin brain and sometimes do wish I could lie in one spot forever. However! You do have a point. Social contact too; I already miss my Discord servers. I'll have to substitute it with LEARNING. I am an accredited engineer, you know?"

She rolls off the bed again and strides rapidly, impatiently, through the available space.

Permalink Mark Unread

The octagonal area outside has six numbered doors, a seventh door with a water droplet drawn on it and an open doorway opposite that leading to what looks like a fairly large room.

Permalink Mark Unread

Toilets are toilets. Hotel rooms are hotel rooms. There must be replicators around somewhere?

Big room! What is it?

Permalink Mark Unread

The big room has large windows leading to a space which almost looks like the real outdoors, inside there's a few couches and chairs along with a table big enough to seat six and a kitchen area along one wall. There's a door opposite the doorway she came in through. The wall with the door conspicuously doesn't have windows.

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"I'm the pilot patient, I see."

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"Indeed, I'm uncertain how many people can reasonably coexist in this space and also I'm not yet certain how many people will be useful. I do expect that I'll request at least one more though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What sort of construction and manufacturing technology is in effect?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"My systems are optimized towards constructing and modifying biological material and are rather clunky for other purposes. I can however requisition other objects and most of my requests are approved. I have already begun synthesizing copies of some of your organs and I expect that process to be complete within the next two days."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I want some sort of crafts space. To make things in. I know not what the limits of the requests are but digital files are not quite the same. I also want to learn all of the things. I'm not especially familiar with medicine but as I understand it the problem with organ cloning is in creating larger cell structures in the correct way, as natural repair and growth mechanisms tend to just scar or blob?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You'll need to explain in more detail what you want. As for organ cloning it's a matter of getting the right sorts of cells in the right places. I practiced quite a bit with other species from your planet so cloning human organs is largely a confirmatory step."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are you using crispr-like gene editing techniques? Teleportation of individual cells or even proteins? This is so fascinating!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"For fine detail work, it's easier to use physical manipulators. Teleportation doesn't work as well around things in liquid suspension. I can simply synthesize the DNA sequence I intend to use. Crispr is for in-vivo work modifying existing organisms. I'm using chemical signals similar to those used during embryonic development to prompt the base cells into differentiating properly."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I want to learn much more about all of that! I'll think about the workspace. It's not urgent. Mostly I want to make medical ascension available to Earth sooner. If I accelerate matters by a single hour, that is perhaps the largest impact I have the potential to make ever!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you're that eager to begin we can do so. The first procedure I have planned is to install a signal interceptor into your spinal cord. That will largely obviate the need for pain medication and other anesthetics for future procedures and also serve as a starting point for building a model of your sensorium which is a necessary step towards immersive virtual reality and uploading."

Permalink Mark Unread

She strikes a pose, legs planted wide and arm up, looking high towards the fake horizon.

"Lettuce begin!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Please proceed through the far door and then into the medical annex, it's the frosted glass structure in the outdoors area."

The illusion of the outdoors remains nearly perfect, there are trees scattered about and more thickly in the distance. It's only small bits of missing parallax that give away the fact that the ceiling and far distances are being shown on screens instead of truly being present. There's also a sizable pond about 50 meters across.

Permalink Mark Unread

She jogs through the surprisingly good fake outdoors and into the annex (asking, along the way, if her society likes to terraform planets or disassemble them for habitat cylinders or just live in fulldive VR).

Permalink Mark Unread

That's something she doesn't know, she's an uploaded mind but she doesn't know if that's common. They do have uniform acceleration fields so cylinders specifically aren't necessary.

Inside the medical building, the floors and the ceiling and the bits of the wall that aren't white frosted glass are all painted white  At the center of the room is a bed that closely resembles a hospital bed in size. On one end it has a hole like you would see on a massage table. The sides are metallic and seem to have flaps. There are clearly distinct segments to the bed. There's also cupboards made of metal mounted to the walls. Up above there's some very intricate and almost delicate. It's a little like a telesurgery machine but with a lot more limbs and some of the limbs end in what looks to be a fuzzy patch of something too small to make out. The rig is mounted high enough that she can sit on the bed without hitting her head. Overall, the impression is of sterility and function over form.

"Please lie face down on the bed. I will be sedating you for this procedure."

Permalink Mark Unread

She cannot resist the urge to hop up and inspect the machinery for a bit first!

But if prompted again, will harrumph and lie down as requested.

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No matter how close she looks there's still fuzzy patches. The arms shift to prevent her from touching those.

"The micro and nanoscale manipulators are delicate."

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"But fascinating! I would appreciate it if you explain approximately everything!"

Fine, fine, laying down.

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"I would be happy to explain as much as I can, I'll also make my notes available to you. In any case, we'll speak more when you're awake again."

And with that conscious fades rapidly.

When she wakes again she's in the same position, her neck is slightly sore but much less than she would expect from full fledged surgery.

"Welcome back. Are you experiencing significant pain?"

Permalink Mark Unread

She blinks, then stretches her neck and feels it with her hand, still lying on the strange medical table.

"I would say one out of ten."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Good, can you please try moving all your limbs and your neck? That will assist with associating your muscle nerves with the associated muscles."

Permalink Mark Unread

She will spring up and do an abbreviated yoga routine, in fact! And then try individually wiggling fingers and toes and doing any other permutations of stretching and moving she can think of. "Has it also connected the nerves in my head, or just below the neck?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Connecting to the nerves in your head would be a more involved procedure and isn't a prerequisite for as many other procedures. We can do that if you wish though. Doing so would be a pre-requisite to fully immersive VR."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Perhaps later. I don't know that I could fully trust to know whether I'm in a simulation... But I'm resigned to situations like that anyway."

She goes still suddenly, then sighs.

"BAH! I want to punch things now!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can repair superficial tissue damage if necessary. The surface of this bed or the one in your room should also be safe to punch without causing damage. I can look into synthesizing something better suited to the purpose."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That... Okay. You probably should not take everything I say as a deep and heartfelt desire."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I will take that under advisement. In any case, moving in a variety of ways and touching objects with different properties will help improve calibration. There are also more structured methods to do so if you prefer. The next procedures on the list are inserting a monitoring system into your uterus and replacing a small section of your skin with cloned tissue. We could do those now or delay them until later today or tomorrow."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, I will make this clear here and now. No babies- No people, dependents, early embryos would be fine- That are my responsibility. Without much further thought. I cannot stop you, but I will not cooperate."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's certainly acceptable for the moment, perhaps when additional humans are here to assist one of them will be more comfortable with that. I would like more details on what you consider early stage."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have an IUD as I'm sure you've noticed so I haven't really put extensive thought into it. I will need to do some research on fetal development."

......She punches the surgery table. Full body, really swinging for it.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, the monitoring system I intend to install will replace that. When you return to your world I will naturally reinstall it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Largely irrelevant. Everything will have changed." She waves a hand dismissively. "And I'm not happy about the kidnapping but again, what was gained by voicing that out loud? Bah." She is pacing now. "You mentioned a more structured calibration? May as well."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Certainly, would you prefer to do the movement or stimulation portion first I can also interleave them if that's desirable. You'll need to disrobe for the stimulation portion."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Movement. I am antsy."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Certainly. As a start, can you run along the main circular path outside? I'm uncertain of your fitness level the goal is to get to the point of feeling some muscle strain and having an elevated heart rate."

Permalink Mark Unread

She will exercise! It feels nice to actually do so!

She is: About 30 years of age, only keeps to diet and exercise regimens sometimes, and is now pouring a lot of effort into this. It's not hard to work up a sweat.

Permalink Mark Unread

AG will let her run around the track three times before interrupting her it's about a kilometer and a half of running in total. "Alright, can you swim across the pond and back now? The specific stroke isn't as important. I'll have a towel at the shore to dry off when you're finished."

Permalink Mark Unread

Shrug. (Panting shrug.)

She does a few stretches first, then negligently tosses away her pajama shirt and sweatpants and panties, and swims. She's bad at it, and has to stop and tread water for a while.

The cold water feels nice.

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you can fully submerge at least once that would also be helpful. If it becomes too difficult I can also retrieve you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You know, I'm looking forward to becoming a bionic superhuman if possible! Fiber optic nerves and graphene muscle sheathe!"

She dunks herself, then shakes her head and keeps swimming.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Augmentation of that sort is certainly something we can experiment with. The basics of faster nerve conduction are already tested. Muscle enhancements are something I would need to test in animal trials first."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cybernetic - hah - eyes! Oxygen-reserving lungs! I have no interest in - becoming a living weapon - but every interest in cool augmentations! We've been - dreaming of such things for decades!" 

Is the shore getting closer or not???

Permalink Mark Unread

It is, in total it's a relatively short swim the pond is only 100 meters across or twice the length of an Olympic size pool.

Permalink Mark Unread

She is a programmer and engineer, not an athlete!

BAH! The new project is going to be getting behind schedule without her!

No, that doesn't matter. Not in comparison to aliens. If there's room for worrying in her head still, she can swim harder!

Permalink Mark Unread

When she comes to the end there is indeed a towel waiting for her. It's toasty like it's fresh from the dryer.

Permalink Mark Unread

She flops on the shore to catch her breath and stares at the ""sky"" for a bit first.

"I'm going to need more clothes before other people show up. The implicit rules of our society serve the social purpose of creating a sense of consensus and belonging, and wearing clothes is one of them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's a selection of basic garments in your room. Additional garments can be obtained in your request. I can list what's currently present if that would be helpful."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am developing a headache. Do you have or can make diet sodas?"

Time to dry off.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't fully understand the connection. I can produce flavored drinks with caffeine, carbonation and non-sugar sweeteners. Is that what you mean?"

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"Yes, if I don't get my daily dose of caffeine I will get much grumpier, and I prefer to take it in the form of Diet Pepsi. Not crucial, of course."

She heads back for the medical building, grabbing up the discarded clothes along the way, once done drying off.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can produce something that should be reasonably close in flavor." When she enters the building there's a glass of something in a lighter shade than Pepsi but otherwise similar. It tastes almost but not quite the same.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you!"

She stands there and drinks a few sips, then interlaces her fingers and stretches her arms, then asks, "Back on the table, I presume? Or more exercise?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Which would you prefer? There are more exercises, specifically more stretches and bits of resistance exercises that would be helpful but the order of things isn't as important."

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"The exercise is a bit wearying now."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Alright, please lie down then. Is there anywhere that you would prefer I not stimulate you? If you don't have preferences to the contrary I intend to induce orgasm as part of this process."

Permalink Mark Unread

She double-takes.

"Oh, my. At least take me out to dinner first! ...That was a joke. Hmm! You've seemed quite business-like so far, can you tell me a bit about how you relate to sex? Because you're clearly a person, not a toy, and that makes it, eh, wiggly."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I enjoy it when people regard me positively and react positively to my actions but that isn't specific to sexual matters. I don't have any specific feelings regarding sex."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If nothing else, it's quite a powerful lever for humans. And presumably other biological species."

Nod, nod. She sets the cup down and lies down on the table again, on her back this time.

"Okay! I'm a shameless pervert anyway, so do your worst! Or best, as it were. It's useful training data, yes? A perfectly rational reason to have orgasms."

Wiggle wiggle blush. What a nice feeling. This has been surreal, but just go with the flow, yes?

Permalink Mark Unread

"Presumably you might desire to experience orgasm within virtual reality and this assists in making that possible. I assume you're less interested in realistic levels of pain from injury and also producing those sensations is likely to obstruct the collection of other data so that will not be part of this session."

The surgical rig descends towards her the initial touches have a rubbery feel a bit like a finger in exam gloves. Five appendages rotate their touches one starting on each of her limbs and torso. Small sections of the bed lower away from her skin to allow access to the back of her body and limbs. It's very through, the probes on her torso don't avoid or pay special attention to her breasts. The probes on her legs gradually work their way up and transition to a gentle examination of her labia and their surroundings. They do not move into her vagina or directly touch her clitoris. 

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't mind some amount of painful stimulus as part of calibration, since it's for science! But later. I'm no masochist."

Of course, starting slow. This isn't just about sex, it's a full course. "Should I be thinking about anything in particular, trying to stay neutral, or anything?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm aware of literature suggesting you that sensations are perceived differently when an individual is sexually aroused but I'm unsure whether that is a difference in the signals sent to the brain or a difference within the brain. If you do choose to start fantasizing please let me know but otherwise feel free to think about whatever you wish."

The next round is similar but it feels like she's being touched with ice cubes. There's no moisture left on her skin though.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm possibly becoming somewhat aroused anyway, just from the context."

She's being probed!!! Are you kidding? It's quiet for now, though. The chill is interesting. She shuts her eyes and tries to relax.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, is that simply from the sensations or have you previously fantasized about similar situations?"

The next round is heat like from one of those pillows you heat in the microwave.

Permalink Mark Unread

"The latter! There's quite a bit of... Prior art, let's say, on the subject. Dozens of tentacles, touching every part at once... Ahem."

She should stay still! For her partner. Or it'll compromise the test.

"-I just realized we never exchanged names! I am Kanna Dipolous."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah, I see. My designation is AG41882. I realize that isn't much like the names humans are accustomed to though. You may call me AG or Aggie if you prefer."

The next few rounds are abbreviated: just testing a few places where her nerve density is higher and a few where it's lower and go through a pretty major variety in textures, wood, bark, plastics, leather, a few types of cloth, sand, dirt, wood chips and more.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Aggie. That's a nice name. You know, I've never really thought about how sensitive the palms and wrists are... Well, actually I have, some gentle rubbing there can make excellent foreplay or massage. The body is astoundingly complex..."

She begins trying to guess what material will be next.

Permalink Mark Unread

Did she guess needles? Because needles and other sharp bits are next.

Permalink Mark Unread


She jumps and flinches away in surprise at the first one.

"Okay, I'm okay, I'll hold still."

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"Apologies perhaps I should have warned you. Thank you for the compliment on my name. I don't know very much about human names but yours is pleasingly succinct."

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"I like short names. They're fast. This is why we have nicknames. Tim, not Timothy. Ben, not Benjamin. In America, anyway."

She pats her hands against her cheeks a couple of times, then lies down again, taking a deep breath. "Needle away. I'll try not to flinch."

Permalink Mark Unread

The needles resume, Aggie is careful not to break the skin so there's just the sensation of sharpness without the feeling of broken skin.

Permalink Mark Unread

Too bad it's not injecting her with aphrodisiac or something like that.

Aggie isn't even trying yet.

"...I'm fantasizing, but not deliberately, per se."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Reasonable, I believe that the next sequence is going to be more in line with those fantasies."

The next round is testing fluids of varying viscosities rubbed against her skin and gently cleaned off. There's things that feel like honey, water, soap, massage oil, a couple types of lube and something a bit slimy among others.

Permalink Mark Unread

She starts tensing and un-tensing gently. She's definitely warming up. Her lips, her neck, her arms, her breasts, her thighs and labia...

She imagines being caressed all over by warm tentacles, holding her tightly in place so she can barely squirm, eager to pleasure and penetrate her... "Mmmm..."

Permalink Mark Unread

It probably helps that the next set of tests are with what feel like samples of human skin, there's smooth, calloused, hairy and stubble all represented.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes, she's being slowly massaged all over in foreplay. She wants to start touching herself, but she'll be good and refrain.

"It's a bit chilly in here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can increase the temperature. Let me know when it's comfortable."

The room indeed starts to warm.

The next round switches from pokes to firmer broader pressure with the texture of smooth skin. It works its way around her legs and arms and torso.

Permalink Mark Unread

"This is good," she nods after a bit. "Getting close to the main event, hmm~?" She wiggles slightly in anticipation.

Permalink Mark Unread

"We are certainly in the stage of sensations that are expected to be arousing. Though the next round may be less so, it will be more targeted pressure that I believe you might call pinching."

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"Ah well. Pinching and stretching are certainly sensations. As I said, no 'M' here. Or not much, anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I understand."

The arms proceed with little pinches across her skin including small pinches on her nipples, her labia and a cautious pinch on her clitoris.

Permalink Mark Unread

Ow. But she is stoic.

Permalink Mark Unread

With that finished the next set of tests is with varying intensities of vibration.

Permalink Mark Unread

She's definitely pretty aroused by now. With the usual physiological responses, which might be less immediately obvious in women than men but are no less real.

"...Apropos of nothing I'm suddenly curious if quantum computing is really all it's cracked up to be."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's useful in certain applications but optical computers are superior for most tasks because they are deterministic."

Her vagina being prepared for comfortable penetration was actually something Aggie was watching for.

"Please let me know when this becomes uncomfortable."

A group of small probes sans vibration penetrate deeply inside her and slowly stretch her passage simulating a steadily larger dildo.

Permalink Mark Unread

She bucks slightly in surprise, then makes a happy noise. "Right!"

Waiting... Waiting... Ow.

"Now. And I may have waited a bit too long, too."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you." The simulated dildo shrinks to about half of its max size and secretes some lube before it starts sliding in and out. The first few strokes are straight in and out before getting fancier with varied angles and then circular motions.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm usually more of a vibrator and skinship girl than a dildo girl, you know? Not that this is bad at all~ Ah- That, just now, that was good~"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can certainly incorporate that feedback."

The dildo keeps up the circular motions and is joined by a vibrator positioned on her clit and a firm pressure across much of her skin simulating the weight of a petite lover atop her. "Are you someone who finds stimulation uncomfortable after orgasming? I can draw things out more if so."

Permalink Mark Unread

It's electric. She spreads her legs further and reaches up with her arms as if to wrap around and hug and kiss the missing lover.

"Ah- Maybe stop the vibrator then, but if you can chain-orgasm me that would be most welcome. I usually don't manage it!"

Permalink Mark Unread

More appendages simulate the shape for her arms.

The vibrator reduces intensity until it's off over the course of five seconds. "Do you know what tends to have that result?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Haaah... Particularly intense fantasies, and variations in stimulation?"

Her first one is probably on its way soon; The fantasies are running wild. Tentacle monster. Cute robot girl smirking at her while these manipulators work. Elven lover who has her bound in rope. Incubus drawing her in with hypnosis as he fucks and teases her...

Permalink Mark Unread

"Variations I can certainly do. If you have specific requests let me know." The dildo changes temperature first sliding down from body temperature to ice cold and then sliding up to something a bit above body temperature. After that it starts to shapeshift gaining ridges and other bits of texture temporarily. In tandem, bits of vibration are added to the simulated lover on her skin and ersatz fingers start to play with her clit and labia.

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When the heat turns up, the image of an incubus and the sensation of pressure, being held down and fucked, expands in her mind until it's everything. "MmmMMMMM..."

She goes still and holds, letting the wave of pleasure wash over her for a good ten or so seconds, before relaxing again.

"Oh, that was nice. Hah. Maybe... Visual or auditory stimulation? And simulated ejaculation is nice. I don't want to be too needy..."

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"I'm happy to accommodate requests." The dildo continues thrusting and the fingers on her clit turn to vibrations. The lovers embrace transforms into tentacles that lift her off the bed and hold her in place. The dildo becomes more squirmy and tentacular and pulses with vibration as it pumps hot fluid into her depths.

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"-Ooooh my gods and stars that's hot! Manipulator control is amazing. Best invention."

She starts 'struggling', and begins playing with her own breasts and trying to ride the sensation back up for another orgasm.

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The simulated tentacles allow her to struggle a little a second tentacle begins to work it's way into her ass. Little variations continue until her second orgasm and then slowly wind down setting her back in the bed, withdrawing from her orifices and renewing the impression of a lover as a form of aftercare.

"Let me know when you want to get up."

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"That was everything I'd hoped for from real tentacle sex. Hah, I'll have such bragging rights- Well, ahem. Perhaps not something to spread too far. I'll calm down now and enjoy the afterglow."

She takes deep breaths for a minute, appreciating the tingly warm happy chemicals and the warm wetness between her legs.


Eventually, she does sigh and nod. "Right. Back to - work, I suppose?"

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"If you wish. It is okay if you would like some time to relax."

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"I think so, yes. I want- I want educational programming now, I think?"

She curls up on the table a little bit, sighing happily.

"Yes, it's time to begin learning the new possibilities here. Such as how that fun session gets transformed to useful data, perhaps. Or physics I'm not aware of!"

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"I can give you a tablet with database access. I don't have a more structured curriculum in mind."

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"Are there no learning programs stored in the database?"

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"There are but they aren't structured like human curricula. The database has three types of information in it, the human media corpus, summary documents written for non-experts to consume, and knowledge fragments designed to be absorbed by uploaded minds. The summary documents generally refer to steadily more in depth documents in their knowledge tree but they don't include tests of comprehension like a human textbook would."

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"I'd like a notebook and a desktop workstation to browse, then!"

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"All the windows in this facility can function as displays. I can provide you with a keyboard and mouse if that would meet your requirements. Also, to clarify, by notebook did you mean a paper notebook? I can provide that if you prefer but I did get another specialist to substantially improve the verisimilitude of using a stylus with tablets."

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She clarifies her requests and goes back to her bed gets to studying Alien!!!! Technology!!!!

Focusing on medical things. She hasn't been very focused on biochem and that lot before, but Kanna is quite sure that she is smart, and meaningfully contributing to the research is only a side note to having more surfaces to engage her captive captor with. She occasionally asks increasingly targeted and insightful questions, approaching biology from a material science and manufacturing process standpoint. Laying down cells layer by layer is additive manufacturing in a way, she's poked her head into swarm robotics before, order arising from simple algorithms, and the sheer fucking insanity that the human immune system is somehow reminds her of that.

You could get lost in a wiki walk for days, pausing only to use the restroom and snack, not even really noticing that you're still naked.

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Though at some point she starts wondering aloud if you could make a legitimate aphrodisiac that actually works and isn't psychosomatic. Even if only by observing lots of hormonal and nerve-firing changes during arousal and then mimicking that, which is kind of inelegant...

"...Ah, it seems like I'm horny again, Aggie."

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"Well, if you're open to an experiment we could try testing simulated sensations. I believe I have a reasonable start on a model."

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"That sounds reasonably diverting. I hope I haven't been a bore with all the questions."

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"You have not, I enjoy talking about my specialty and you are picking things up reasonably quickly. Do you have any special requests?"

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"I think I would enjoy something to kiss? But the current shunt doesn't cover my head, does it."

Is there porn in this database? She hasn't bothered looking, but checks now.

"Something with my breasts, you were quite focused on my labia and vagina last time, you know? And maybe some sort of... Possession or charm spell or that type of role-play? Or audio and maybe video? Though live-editing video might be a tall ask for you, eh? A fantastical scenario makes it a lot more fun for me, is all. Then again, perhaps just one new thing at a time so I don't throw my hedonic treadmill out the window."

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The database has all the porn. Like everything from all the premium sites she hasn't paid for in addition to the free stuff.

"I'm not particularly skilled at creating fictions. I do think I can move your limbs against your will and also feed you the sensations associated with them being in a different place than they are. I'm unsure if that would be exciting or disturbing but it would certainly be novel."

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What a way to be reminded that she is completely within another's power. And not necessarily in a hot way.

"...Well, like I said, one novel thing at a time. Phantom sensations can be that today if you need to test them anyway?"

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"Certainly, I don't plan to use that ability without your permission, it's largely a side effect of being able to suppress movement during surgery. As for a fantasy, perhaps some sort of spectre or otherwise selectively tangible being would be a fitting choice?"

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She rubs her thighs together and smiles.

"...Okay, yes, I am now going to be fantasizing about a kitsune chasing me down and brushing me with ethereal aphrodisiacal flames until I can't resist. Flames that tingle with gentle warmth instead of pain."

She starts looking up appropriate porn for this. It's a big internet. There's probably something.

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"To clarify, do you want me to actually accelerate your arousal response or is that part just a fantasy?"

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"You can actually do that?"

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"Parts of it at least. Arousal is a mix of hormonal and physical changes and they're largely controlled by the nervous system. There are also some hormones released by the glands inside your brain and I can't directly control those."

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"Aphrodisics that actually work are an incredible fantasy and now you're telling me they... Can be real. Ah, I don't want to wire head or get addicted to things if possible... But, hmm. One new pleasure at a time, still. You can break that out some other time. Or perhaps have it as a 'penalty' in some sort of VR game later, oh that would be fun." She giggles.

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"I expect we'll have time to try a great many things. As for the current bit of fun, is this what you're thinking of?"

There's a feeling of intense heat suffusing a spot below her left shoulder blade with less intense heat covering a larger area about the size of her palm around it. The sensation lingers for a few seconds at full intensity before dissipating.