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A thief's undoing
Neo gets what she deserves from Ruby
Permalink Mark Unread

She smiles, staring up at the vaulted ceilings of the museum, each step eerily quiet against the stone. 

She lets her hips sway a little as she strolls deeper through the halls, half-a-dozen little figments fooling each and every camera as she gets herself deep inside. The enchantments on her wonderfully snug bodysuit meant that the more exotic security system didn't stand a chance of stopping her and the guards...~

She smiled, and pressed two fingers up against her cheek, wiping away the last remnants of their lipstick. 

They were simple enough to deal with. 


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And there.

She slipped Hush down from her shoulders, spinning through her fingers before angling it up against the gem's display glass. 

Her eyes gleamed brown and pink, and with a click, the a laser of hottest pink lanced out into the glass, effortlessly cutting through the shell. 

With a deft glide around, the glass popped out, and her hand swiftly snuck out the gems. 

She twirled in place to pocket her prize, a smirk of victory shining along her lips.

Permalink Mark Unread

And she's right there, glistening curly crimson hair spilling out far past her shoulders, a fantastical fortune of fire dust glimmering menacingly in her billowing hair, her sculpted face gleaming just right in the light to show off her gem-like lips and swaggering smirk, to guide her eyes to look at her massive mesmerizing breasts swaying and sliding loosely in her crop top with each and every breath. She strides forward, steady and slow, every inch of her perfectly cut physique shown off, her bare abs and full, wide hips swaying with a sinful grace. 

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She stares, stunned and flushed, stilling as her presence washes over her in a lengthy moment. 

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"Well, well, well..."

She growls warm and low, every word husky and hot, every syllable soft and slick and sensual, every flare of her tongue transfixing. She feels so close, like she's already holding you down in her toned arms and is whispering right into her ear. 

"Who's been a Naughty girl?"

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She feels her voice roll over her skin, liquid sex and liquid sin dripping down her frame, leaving her shivering as the slick heat of it ran up her arching spine and right between her fluttering thighs. 

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This is going to be so much fun.

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Her arms slipped behind her back swiftly, and her eyes fluttered with a sly and insincere smile. 

It feels - good, a glorious little golden rush of joy down her chest as she feels her stare, as she defers to the authority of this hot hunky hero. 

Permalink Mark Unread

"I know you have it." 

There's an earthy grumble to her voice, and a calm commanding thrum that silkily slides through her ears. 

"Now hands up, or things might get messy." 

Each word has an unutterable smoky smugness to it, of deep relaxation and dismissiveness, tightly laced in with a langorous purr deep inside her throat, betraying a predatory eagerness slumbering beneath. 

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Her hands slid up, palms cupping around her plump ass before shimmying up her side. 

Her body feels oddly - ready, racing heart and raw skin and little electric shivers all blurring together with the golden joy in her chest as she 'follows' her 'orders'... 

Permalink Mark Unread

Her aura tightens, coiling up for a moment, cloaking her in a shell of normalcy and laxadazical compliance as she steps in close to her and - 

She rushes forward, hands stretching out to grab her chest, stunning enchantment primed and ready, sign flickering into existence in a flash - 

And her hand starts to wrap around her broad breast -

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Her aura is the brilliant red of her hair, shining and respledent as her aura flares back - 

The breast is shocking soft, fantastically firm yet brilliantly billowy and sinfully soft around her fingers - 

and every inch is bright brilliant silvery succulent bliss as she manhandles them for that fleeting moment - 

Her mouth is open and wide and warm and welcoming for that fraction of a section of dazed delight, 

and it's over in a flash. 

She growling, low and gravelly and just right as she rapidly recovers. 


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She rolls away, the 'meep meep' sign dissolving into colorful sparks. 

Her silvery-static-shimmering hand rubs gently against her clinging clenching thighs, her chest heaving lightly for a moment as she steadies and breathes out the golden gutpunch of the flurry of fantasies that all brought. She can feel her heart pumping, her ears glowing an impish pink, her nipples poking up against her sheer stocking.

She smiled wide and warm, lips curling up a little wider as Hush firmly clicked against the floor, and she beckoned forth with a wiggle of her eyebrows and hips. 

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She stretches up, a deep breath of the divine making her breasts sway and slide up her chest, white shirt clinging nearly taut to her heaving hypnotizing breasts, falling slowly as she sinks into a crouch.

...and down below, a giant cunt-crushing cock roars to life in her sinfully short shorts, all too obvious between her bent legs. 

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Her thighs clench a little at the sight at that juicy juicy cock, her tongue just barely slipping out past her lips at the sight of her - 

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She springs forth, a explosion of dust and air making every inch of her bountiful body bounce and flow and distort delightfully against the shock of air, pouncing down upon her prey with a racuous grin on her lips - 

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Hush flicks up to catch her charge, daring delight shining in her eyes -

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Her hand bats hush away with a growl, a swift and sure silver shock flooding her soul at the brief contact.

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She jumps a little at the metallic touch of her soul, and reflexively dives down, tumbling beneath her legs, trying to ignore the rush of her scent and the heat in her chest. 

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She pops up with a wink and smile, hush held out like an epee - and she strikes back, charging into the fray. 

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I match her , twisting and twining, swatting away half the blows just to show the strength of my rippling muscles and lithely weaving around others swiftly and surely. Flames spill out of my hair in my wake, a crismon crystalline tide of fury and heat and will, shattering the illusions she weaves and sinking into her skin until... 


Permalink Mark Unread

A moment is lost in a shivery dopey haze, staring up at her brilliant eyes and magnificent mein - 

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She gleams green for a moment and a wave of pressure washes over her, cracking her aura in a moment, a sweeping suprisingly silky wind tickling behind her knees to make them buckle. 

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She bounces down to her knees, flopping down, breath knocked out of her chest, ralling for a moment, ready to pounce back up - 

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And in an instant, there's a little red thread of aura wrapped around her neck. 

"I said: Enough."

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Her eyes roll as she pouts prettily, staring up at her petulantly, a challenging yet utterly caught smile on her face. 

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I let out a bassy swaggering hum. 

"Theeeere we go." 

My hand gently rests against her cheek - so rough and firm yet so tender and warm. 


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She reflexively suns and leans into her hand in a golden haze, happily sighing and flicking her hair to the side. Her skin flushes fondly at the touch, cheek leaping to embrace her hand, 

Her eyes flutter close sensually, breathing in the moment, feeling the pebbled perkiness of her breasts and the soft slickness of her sex, getting all ready for her rapist. 

She even smells really nice - rose oil and rosemary and a thick musky undercurrent. She'll have to leave a good review! 

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Her hand slides down along her hips, cupping and caressing them for a moment, before unleashing her cock.

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She stiffened, a jolt of lightning thrumming through her spine at the feeling of that juicy cock, jaw-dropping in jubilant awe at the majesty of the thing, eyes watering with electrum glee as her hands bury themselves in her sex.


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"Gooood girl~" 

I wipe my bitchbreakingly broad cock all over her face, godly glaze swiftly dripping down her face alongside her tears of joy. I can feel her panting and voicelessly purring and I can't help but slam my cock down her throat, and oh so soon she's bobbing and lovingly licking and lapping every inch of lusciously soft foreskin, and it's just fucking gorgeous. 


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She sucks, sliding up and down her shaft, soundlessly trembling as the terrific taste hits her, eyes glazed over with giddy lust as time slips away with every shluck of her pistoning perfect cock -

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And in time, I just erupt, a boundless fountain of sublime slick seed emptying itself down her twitching throat, growling as I watch her glistening cunt gush out of her orgasm as she tastes of my glory, sputtering and shaking with her pleasure - 

And I pull back, with a roguish grin, staring down at her thoroughly fucked form. 

"Nice round 1, babe~"

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She pants, deep and hard, hearts glistening in her multicolored eyes, parted lips still painted with her seed and eyes still blinking away the fuzz of her ferocious fucking. 

She flops back, a guileless grin on her face, flashing a quick paired 'v' with her fingers to her new goddess.