Stumbling into the main bar area, Lucinda giggles as she sketches out a dance. After a few days here, she has already helped dozens of young women. She heads to the bar for another drink, and scans the crowd for anyone who looks like they might need her unique abilities.
Lila was out walking to the library, in her full magical-girl dress because she likes it, absent-mindedly dowsing for witches even though she's not totally sure she's up to take one down by herself if she finds one. She hasn't been a magical girl for that long, and she's already had more than her share of disturbing revelations... enough that she's already subconsciously trying to anticipate what will happen next.
Still, she wasn't anticipating opening the back door of the library and finding a strange bar.
But she pats down her poofy grass-green skirts, steps in, and looks around the crowd for someone who might be up to explain to a new magical girl what's going on.
"Oh wow, you've got an innate magic for soul-gems!? Is there any way I can get that?"
She was guessing there was a lot more magic in the universe than she knew, or the Kyuubeys were willing to show her, and she's really happy to be seeing a bit more of it now.
"And that gunk's from doing magic, mostly - though some of it might just be from feeling unhappy. But I'm a lot happier now to see you!"
On the one hand, she wishes she'd been able to pry more facts of the Kyuubeys, and maybe it would've helped to pry more before she'd accepted their contract.
On the other hand, she doesn't want to pass up this opportunity to see more magic!
But she'll risk a question. "That's great! But does it do anything else to me?"