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Another Day on the Job
Sana in Milliways and also thomassia
Permalink Mark Unread

Well, this doesn't make sense, does it? You walk home, and you randomly show up inside a mystic multiverse bar instead of your apartment? There's a bar that made a glass of fizzy orange juice show up, and rooms for rent (?). But, well. She's not gonna have another hallucination like this. So she might as well enjoy it, eh?

Permalink Mark Unread

Sana's really looking forward to her bath tonight, Viola is a lovely girl but always makes her sweat a lot.

She opens the door to her bedroom, already anticipating having some time to unwind.

She freezes. On the other side of the door, instead of her room, there is a... vast hall.

It looks like some royal palace, not that Sana has ever seen one, but the shiny surfaces, chairs made of metal, it all speaks of someone incredibly rich.

She's far too curious to not investigate. She takes a few tentative steps inside the massive room, while the door - completely forgotten - closes softly behind her.

The lights are so bright, probably magical, and the whole room is filled with decorations! Red, gold and green ribbons on the walls, and a tree full of trinkets that look incredibly expensive, made of glass and other materials she doesn't even recognize.

There is a person sitting on one of the chairs, and Sana cautiously approaches them.


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It's a woman, dressed in a pair of nearly-black leggings worn under a short dress. "Well, fancy seeing you here. Shithead. Once these hallucinations are over, I'm gonna go smash someone's face in at my local dueling gym. How do you like to relieve stress, figment of my imagination?"

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"My name is Sana, I don't know anyone called Seeted. And I... don't think this is an illusion, it looks way too detailed and, well, real? Do you know who is the Lord of this castle?"

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"I was insulting you. And you're telling me that people can just walk into their homes and randomly arrive at an interdimensional bar that serves drinks appearing from nowhere? We know that people can have some very vivid dreams, trust me. Parallel universe drinking establishments aren't real. I'm sure the lord of this 'castle' is the god of beer and jolly, hah."

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"Oh. You better apologize miss, there are consequences to insulting me. I don't know what a bar is, and I may even agree with you that it's downright weird how I got here from my bedroom door, which is still there, behind -"

As she says that, she turns to point to the door, but loses her thread when she realizes that there are at least a dozen identical doors on the wall, none of which look like her bedroom's one.

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"Your weird mind trick almost worked! But I'm really not scared of anything that a hallucination might do to me. Honestly, I should calm down, still." The woman walks towards the doors, hoping that opening them to see what's behind them at least adds some fun to this hallucination.

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Mind trick? What mind trick?

She's about to voice a rebuttal, when the stranger opens a door to... a world, with impossibly high buildings, made of glass and what looks like unreally flat slabs of rock, painted in a perfect white. They look too fragile to be that tall, and yet they stand, more than the eye can count.

She can see some mechanical contraptions in the distance, running faster than a horse, while making no sound.

Is this... Axis? Did she just insult an Outsider?

Carefully, deferentially, she asks "My lady, is that... your native plane?"

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"It's a city, not a plane. If your planes are this huge, where the hell did you come from? Anyway, I wanna stop hallucinating. See ya later once I've asked the guys at the hospital what happened!" She waits a few seconds, deliberately waving at Sana before starting to make her way back to something that isn't an obvious hallucination, at least.

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She's so confused. Why does the outsider think she comes from Hell? She's clearly human, not a devil!

"Wait!" and then, hesitantly "Please. I'm confused by what's happening and need to understand what all this is.".

As she says that, she follows the outsider through the door, keeping it open with one hand.

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The woman just shrugs. "I don't think it's harmful to have imaginary friends. Sure, you can come with me. I'm looking forward to seeing if you do anything else fun."

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Sana doesn't feel imaginary at all, truth be told, but it's probably useless to try more convincing now.

She looks at the door, still showing the palace on the other side, and hesitates.

The outsider was able to get this door to her plane from that weird palace, show if she goes back now she can also probably get a door to her home again.

But. This is (probably) Axis.

Sana knows that, realistically, she's going to be Judged as Neutral Evil, and thus get the choice between Hell and the Abyss. Or maybe just end up in the Abyss, like her Lady. Either way, there is no way she can make Axis and... it looks nice here. There are green fields, buildings that no human hand could make, and the outsider was rude, sure but... not violent. Nor vindictive.

She thinks about Sofia, how worried she would be to find her gone, her bathrobe untouched, all her jewels and gold still there.

Could she bring Sofia here? She has some savings, and gold is gold, they could probably...

Would they even let her stay here? She's still alive, she doesn't really belong, and she's not even of the right alignment. The outsider sounded indifferent, which is surprising for a being of Law.

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"I want to follow you, but can we make sure that I'll be able to get home first?"

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The woman turns around and looks at Sana, with a stunned expression. "... wow. I think you might somehow be someone real. Yes, yes of course. Try some of the other doors; I'll be holding this one open, ready for you."

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Thank you, she doesn't say. She steps into Axis, looking for another door. There!

She opens it, heart beating fast, just to find that it leads to a room with walls covered in tiles. She stares, as if her glare could magically make the room change, then slowly, dejected, closes it back.

As the door closes, she feels... something. The tiniest  spark of energy running from her hand to the door's handle.

She concentrates on the feeling and...

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Opens the door. In front of her, now, she can see the palace, with the magic lights and... oh, wow, are those stars in the window? They look so pretty...

She leans against the door, feeling suddenly tired, then closes it and turns towards the outsider.

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"I am ready. I will follow you."

As she walks back to the other door, she asks: "May I know your name, mylady?"

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"The name's Cynthia. And I guess you might be real, after all. Now, how about following me home so I can start showing you around?"

She's in front of one of the skyscrapers surrounding a courtyard, with bright white paths of sand. There are a few people walking around packed circles full of flowers, colored in red and purple. She walks up towards a greyish square against the wall the skyscrapers, designed so the door is camouflaged against the wall. The door slides away, revealing a lobby with many widely-spaced columns, hiding elevators. She walks up towards the one labelled D7, before looking back at Sana, waiting expectantly for her to follow her.

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Cynthia! Such a... normal name. "I will follow you."

Ooooh, the flowers are pretty, she particularly loves the purple ones!

She follows her inside the tower, and just stares confused when Cynthia stops next to a column. Ooooh, is that of marble?

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Eventually, the elevator shows up. "Just walk right on in", she says. The elevator is unusually roomy and square, perhaps 3 meters by 3 meters, with white walls. It starts racing up after Cynthia pushes 2 buttons on the elevator panel. Sana feels a fair bit of acceleration, before Cynthia pushes a tiny, cylindrical key into the wall and reveals the huge living room of her apartment. The view of the window only really shows the skyscraper opposite hers, though. "Hope it's big enough."

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Why is there an empty room inside the column? Why is it moving? Sana is so confused.

"Hope it's big enough."

She must be making fun of her. This house is almost three times as big as hers, and Sana is rich enough to have a separate room for Sofia. The only weird thing is that there aren't any defined rooms, it's just a single open space. Do people even need a bedroom in Axis?

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"It is appropriate for your caliber, my Lady."

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Cynthia chuckles slightly at Sana's words. "I sure as hell hope it would be! I work hard to earn my money. Anyway, how are you liking it? Wanna just relax and sprawl out on the couch or something?"

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Her mentioning Hell again... this is clearly Axis though, there is no one being tortured, no fire...

"I think it's delightful, tastefully decorated."

She's still feeling a bit dizzy from the effort of opening the door earlier, and would actually appreciate being able to relax.

sprawl out on the couch

Is this... an invitation to lay together?

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Cynthia stretches a few times, before walking to the microwave and starting to heat up a cup of green tea. She's really looking forward to it; she hasn't had green tea for a few days now, so it'll be kind of like having it for the first time. The cup, with the blue and green bubble pattern around it, slowly spins in the microwave, and she thinks it's fun to see it moving like that.

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Sana lays on the couch, keeping her posture open but not explicit.

She is fascinated by the spinning contraption that Cyntha put her mug in. She wonders what it's doing to it, it's hard to tell. There is no heat coming off it, nor apparent magic.

She is kind of staring at it.

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Cynthia looks at Sana mildly amused, before getting out the tea steeper and spinning it a few times around in the cup. She turns on the timer function of the microwave, putting the cup on top of it, before walking off towards Sana. She kneels on the floor next to her, wanting to stretch a bit before sitting down and having her tea in the meditation posture. There's what looks like an unusually thick rug under her feet; it's thick and soft enough to cushion her knees. She doesn't need the pillow if she's just sitting for a few minutes.

"Well, uhh. Just sitting here is kind of boring, don't you think? Anything you're curious about or want to talk about?"

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Why is she kneeling?

Well, uhh. Just sitting here is kind of boring, don't you think?

Oh, so she is interested.

Anything you're curious about or want to talk about?

Or maybe not? She's getting very mixed signals here!

"Well, most of all I'm curious about you."

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"Sure, you barely know me after all. I'm Cynthia, and I'm a support worker at a local hospital. My job is to really just be a pretty face and comforting touch for patients, so they don't feel isolated or touch-starved if they're stuck in the hospital. I really like it, so I spend long hours at work, and it feels so amazing to get paid for doing something I like so well. I also do scuba diving, working out, and meditation, but that's everyone. I'm uhh. Not someone with a lot to say about themselves."

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"I also work with providing a pretty face and comforting touches! It really is great to get paid for enjoying yourself. Well. Most of the time at least. What is scuba diving? I've never heard of that."

She will lean towards Cynthia, her elbow resting on her leg, looking curious and interested.

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The lights in the microwave flash a bit, so Cynthia walks off to pick up her green tea. She's tempted to take a sip, but stops herself before getting back in the proper pose on the meditation mat.

"Fancy coincidence that we both have the same job! Scuba diving means you have the tanks on your back and the mask on your face so you don't have to hold your breath? In case you didn't know that it was called that."

Cynthia takes a sip of the green tea, grinning to herself with how fantastic it tastes. She doesn't look at Sana, but makes it clear that she's listening to her intently.

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"Tanks and a mask? For diving? I'm confused, I don't think I've ever heard of diving with a mask, is it something traditional?"

Sana can smell some kind of herbal infusion coming from the mug. It feels nice. She relaxes her posture, leaning back into the couch.

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"What. You didn't even think of having a mask over your eyes so water doesn't get into your eyes? Huh? It shouldn't be something traditional. Have you ever even been to a pool?"

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How would that even work? She's so confused!

"We don't really have pools near my city, I usually get Sofia to bring water from the river if I want to take a bath. Which is really often, I bathe almost every day!"

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Cynthia starts laughing when Sana says that she bathes almost every day.

"Wow, you really came from a backwater, huh... Also, who's Sofia? And what do you mean, you 'get her to bring water from the river'"? Cynthia looks at Sana with suspicion and contempt.

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"She's my maid. Absolutely loyal, and really smart." Sana is smiling fondly now, for the first time since she met Cynthia. "And bringing water to the house is among her responsibilities."

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Cynthia responds with rage, instinctively smacking Sana in the face. "She is not yours! She is not loyal, you've just broken her! She is an equal and whole person! Where is she, tell me now! I'm not letting her languish and toil while you just lay back and leech off her work!"

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"She gets paid for that! I'm not a slaver!!! She works for me because she wants to!"

She is now standing, hands clenched in fists.

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Cynthia calms down, before looking at Sana again. "And what else could she be spending time doing? Helping make food for everyone? Helping children have a happy childhood? Caring for her aging family members? Think of how petty and wasteful it is to have someone hired just as a servant so you don't have to do your own chores."

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"And with what gold she would do all that exactly? You may be used to being so rich that you can afford to spend time of frivolous Good activities, but were I come from nobody has time to give happiness to children. I'm already thankful that my country has orphanages at all, and children don't simply die if their parents do. Abyss, we even have schools for the smartest ones! That's already better than most other countries. Life is harsh in the Material, we don't have the resources you have here in Axis."


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Cynthia gets saddened. "You told me that you had a servant to bring water from the river. I should have realized... I'm sorry, I - your life must have been miserable. And everyone else who didn't have servants..."

The first tears start sliding down her face.

"You called me "mylady"! Fucker..." she begins sobbing and wiping tears off her face.

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Sana is startled! People don't cry in front of strangers (or at all if they're not kids, really) in Cheliax! She doesn't know how to react.

She decides pretending to not notice the tears is the most dignified thing to do.

"My life is actually pretty good, most people don't have servants, no. Some people actually have slaves, but I think freedom is important, and if you pay a person you're less likely to find a dagger between your shoulders when you let your guard down."

"Aren't you a lady? You live in a magic tower, with columns of pure marble, rooms that move and you even use magic for something as mundane as heating your infusions. Your house is huge and you are powerful enough that you can afford to invite a stranger home without fearing for your life."

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"I'm not a lady. There are no ladies. This is just the life me and my fellow human beings have built, together, for each other. It's a magic tower, yes. Made using the wisdom and life's work of thousands. Magic has become so cheap we can casually use it for heating tea. And I know that I have dedicated, fearless guards keeping me safe. But we don't need slaves, or servants or nobility for any of that. We just need each other, working every day to make life a tiny bit richer, safer and happier for everyone."

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Did they execute their nobles like Galt? But if so, how can they be so... peaceful? Maybe they had more time to create a stable society after the revolution.

"Thousands, for each tower... but I have seen dozens of them, how could you... how many people live in this city?

I hadn't noticed your bodyguards, but I guess if magic is cheap to you they could stay Invisible at all times.

How can you manage people and taxes without nobility? I know Galt tried but the result is... an unruly chaos, where the Council gets executed every year and yet your roads looked peaceful, and the people calm.

How can you have people working for everyone? Wouldn't the greediest just... take advantage of that?"

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"Well, it's thousands for all the towers. This city has probably 5 or so million residents. And those bodyguards aren't with me now, everyone gets bodyguards that they can summon at any time. We manage people and taxes by using bureaucrats and mayors and high-consensus votes. Galt sounds like utter insanity to me; if the council truly gets executed every year, then eventually someone else should take over, shouldn't they?"

"The roads are peaceful because we know nobody has any cause to hurt another, and people are calm because they know there exists no reason to hurt them. And it's simple to have people working for everyone: just don't get in their way."

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"Five... million people. I don't think there are five million people on all of Golarion. And you all live in a single city? How do you deal with the inevitable plagues?

You can Summon at will? What... creature do you usually summon for your protection?" This will be very informative on her alignment

"Oh Galt is utter insanity, better to be ruled by Hell than to live in that instability. The issue is exactly that 'someone else takes over'. And then they kill the previous rulers"

"Don't you have thieves? Assassins? Kidnappers? Then this must definitely be Axis, there is no way to avoid those unless everybody is selected for their Law"

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"Well, we stay at home and have food sent to us when there's plagues. We have room enough to make that comfortable and to not feel cramped in any way."

"I summon guards to protect me, not horses or cows. What were you expecting?"

"And of course there are bad people, still. But they must fight an entire world of good people, so they never get very far or do much harm."

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"I was expecting an Archon, or an Arbiter. But I can now see you meant summon, not Summon."

"I can see how having so many good people means that you will win any fight, even a powerful wizard can't defeat an army on its own."

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"Archon? Arbiter? What are those? Are those what you call the people from the state who kept you and your things safe, back from where you came from?

And of course, a powerful wizard can't defeat an army on its own. But it's deeper than that: if a wizard destroyed the tower we live in now, it would be hard for him to get one to replace it. He would need an unbelievable amount of people, under his perfect control, if he wanted to force them to build him this tower. It'd be more work than using his wizard powers and asking for a tower like this in return, instead."

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"They are outsiders, being from the outer planes. Archons are Lawful Good, Abiters are Lawful Neutral. The state I live in, Cheliax, would never call Archons, they would usually call devils...

But in any case for keeping things safe we usually have humans, mostly guards, some time Inquisitors"

"A sufficiently powerful wizard could just build their own tower, or even get a permanent demiplane eventually?"

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"Outsiders, outer planes, lawful good... none of those words mean anything. Is there a reason that Cheliax would use devils? They sound dangerous."

"Also, that's exactly my point! Wizards have much better options than violence. You don't even need to force people into your bidding, you just get your own tower without dealing with conquering or fighting anyone!"

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"You don't have outer planes here? How do your afterlives work? What do you know about Gods?

Cheliax uses devils because, well, most wizards are Evil. They are dangerous, but if you summon them you can control them, so they're only dangerous to your enemies."

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"Well, no, we only have skyplanes. We haven't checked our afterlives, at all. Only thing that makes sense is that you just stop feeling things forever, like you're asleep and never wake up. We're really sure that Gods are just ideas people came up with and aren't real in any way.

Cheliax wizards are evil how? Wouldn't evil wizards use archons or whatever instead? What's stopping them, do archons not want to deal with evil people?"

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"Yeah, archons are Good and will not work for Evil people at all, and Evil means... just about what you would expect? Selfishness, ambition, not caring about others, wanting power... Basically putting your life above the lives of others.

Good is working without pay, sacrificing yourself, doing things that you think will help people even when they don't want your help..."

"But back to more important topics. Gods are real, you just need to go to a temple and see the priest there create water to know that clerics exist, and their magic is different from the wizard one, in a way that I can't explain but a wizard or cleric could."

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"Wait. What do you mean you haven't checked your afterlives? Can't you scry? Can't powerful wizards just plane shift to them?"

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"Ambition and wanting power as evil sounds a bit off to me, but the rest sound just about right. Gods aren't real, we used to go to temples, but priests didn't make water, trust me.

We mean that it's impossible to check the afterlife because people are dead and don't talk about it. There is no scrying. And there are no wizards to plane shift! I'm not sure where you came from or how they did those things, but I assure you, cleric and wizard magic is the same because neither of them are real!"

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"I've seen a priest create water. Granted, it could have been an illusion, but that would be a spell too.

Clerics and wizards are real, I've seen them! I might have become one if I had been smarter...

And the Gods are also real, otherwise how would you explain Commune and Miracle?

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"Well, if priests could just create water, we'd start having fewer plumbers. Huge amounts of people have spent huge amount of time and energy to discover magic like that, and we can guarantee you that nothing remotely similar has happened in our world. I know of neither "commune" nor "miracle", beyond those done by charlatans doing what we definitely know to be impossible, so there is nothing that needs explaining."

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"If your priests can't create water, they're probably just charlatans, on that we agree. Plenty of those. But... I wish I could show you a spell...

You could come to my world, but a Good person like you would probably be in danger immediately upon setting foot in Cheliax, to say nothing of a temple of Asmodeus.

On the other hand, I'll definitely need to get back home today, tell Sofia I'm fine.

Maybe you could come with me, Hell, even talk to Sofia to make sure she's choosing her job freely, and then we can get back to your plane world? I still want to know more about it, it seems so clean and beautiful, and you have incredible wealth and magic."

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"Your world sounds very, very scary to me. I'm rather unwilling to risk that danger, but if you bring Sofia back, I'll know enough to try convincing someone willing to take you and everyone else from Cheliax or anywhere else awful. In any case, we'd be beyond happy to shelter you and Sofia, together with anyone else escaping Cheliax. I'm happy to volunteer this home to you, Sofia and any other potential refugees, just to get started."

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"It's not that awful. Yes, we are ruled by the Hell-appointed Thrunes, but at least we have peace, and orphanages, and schools....

I think it would be too dangerous for you to accept other people, you never know who is an informant for the secret police, but I trust Sofia and... I'm willing to trust you. For now."

"We can get back to the palace where we met, I get Sofia and some things from home, you wait me in the palaxe and then open a door for all three to here?"

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"We have peace, and loving families, and schools built on sprawling green acres. Don't resign yourself to living somewhere like that. I noticed that you're much less trusting than me, what with your talk of me being able to let you into my home without worrying for my life. I guess I'd start being less trusting, too. I'm not sure I can control that the door opens into here, unfortunately."

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"So. Earlier I was able to open a door to the palace. If you keep it open for me I can probably get back with Sofia?"

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"Well, let's try it?" Cynthia walks over to the door into her apartment, opening it and revealing that it somehow has turned into a door leading into the mysterious intermediate space where she met Sana. "I guess I hold the door open? And you know how to lead Sofia back to here?"

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"Yes, I think I do".

Sana walks through the door that Cynthia is holding and immediately looks for a different one to open, hopefully to her world, ideally to her house.

This time it doesn't require any effort, and as she opens it she sees Sofia, waiting directly in front of it.

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"Is something the matter? It's been a while, and you still haven't -"

Her train of thought is utterly derailed by what she can now see on the other side of the door. She stares, unbelieving at what's very clearly not her mistress's bedroom.

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She speaks curtly, in Taldane "Come on this side, quickly. I don't want anyone to possibly notice what's going on."

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She follows, without hesitation.

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"Hey, Cynthia, is it OK for you to hold the door a couple minutes? I want to explain the situation a bit, and give her the choice to come or stay"

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"Well, I was going to hold the door. So yes, I can honestly wait all day."

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Wait. That wasn't Taldane. None of the conversations she's had with Cynthia were! She was too distracted to notice it before, but now that she's spoken to Sofia again, the difference is clear.

"Sofia, can you understand us?"

"Yes, why? Oh. Oh wow, this is so strange"

"Just the last to add on the pile, honestly. So... How are you feeling about a vacation?"

"A vacation? But what will you do without me?"

"I meant together..." - Sana smiles despite herself

"Oh..." she looks flustered - for a Chelish person - "Of course! Where are we going? What do you want to pack?"


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"So... where is in fact the interesting question. This Good lady here is called Cynthia, and has offered to host us if we want to escape Cheliax. In her house." Sana points to the door "Which. Is in a different world. That looks like Axis to me but they don't have afterlives here, apparently, so it's probably not that."

She pauses for a second, and then continues.

"... and I think I'm going to take her up on her offer. At least for a while, until I understand if I like it better than Cheliax.

Or until Cynthia realizes that I'm Evil and she's trusting me too much."

"So. Do you want to come?"

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"Yes. If you'll have me."

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"You don't have to ask me, it's Cynthia that's hosting us."

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She looks at the size of the house. Makes a guess to the rank of the foreigner.

"Will you host me, good Lady?"

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"Gladly! I've heard so much about how hard your life was, and just want you to be able to feel safe and live comfortably. This is a house only really meant for one person, note, so I'd want to upgrade. But that comes later; for now, please make yourselves comfortable."

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Only meant for one person? How rich are these people???

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"Pack whatever you need, but try to be fast. I don't know if anyone can detect the door, but I don't want any bad surprises."

She opens the door again.

Sofia is quick with packing: both of her changes of clothes, some gold, and a small bag with all her personal belongings, and comes back to the weird palace.

Her first instinct is to tell Sofia to pack her things too, but then remembers the discussion she had about servants, and tells her to hold the door instead.

Sana packs her jewels, her gold, her accounting books and all of her clothes (five full changes). She then puts her profane icon of her Lady in a bag with the other things, takes a last look at her house, and closes the door.

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"I very much don't want one either!" Cynthia says somewhat panicked, placing her hand against her leggings, as she waits at the door to her apartment.

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"Let's go."

They walk through the door to Cynthia's house. The door closes.

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Sofia is watching everything around her, starstruck by all the space and how everything is so white and clean and... how are those towers standing, with that much glass?

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Cynthia thinks for a few moments before walking over to the huge window that nearly covers the opposite wall. She somewhat hurriedly slides a sliding switch on the wall by the window, and all the windows outside suddenly turn black.

"Well, I'm not fully sure about what we'll be doing now! I guess you'd want to unpack in this main room, and then we can talk about what we'll maybe do next?"

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"What do you mean, main room?"

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"Well, this is the biggest room of the house. And I also have a bathroom and a bedroom? It'd be weird if this room was the whole house, right? Where'd you even sleep?"

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"You have a room just for bathing in???"

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"Well, I wouldn't want this room to get wet, would I? And it'd be weird to have the toilet just out in the open."

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"You have your toilet in your house??? Isn't it... unsanitary?"

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"No you idiot! I'm not heading down 40 stories to use an outhouse!"

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"She is not an idiot, don't you dare!!!" Calm down, this is undignified, and you really don't want to offend your host. "Sofia, dear, they have incredibly magic. I have seen her heat her infusion without a fire, rooms move without a sound, machines faster than horses. They probably have some magic for taking care of making an outhouse an... inhouse?"

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"Sorry sorry sorry, I shouldn't be so mean. You obviously wouldn't know. It's just that I'm... sheltered, and I got kind of offended by her seeming to think I was unsanitary like that. We don't need magic, we can just use water!"

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"You said you don't have clerics for creating water, and you didn't know about summoning elementals so... how do you make water appear?"

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"The water comes from wells and rivers, just like you're used to. And we just pipe it up here."

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"How do you get it to go... up? Is it more magic?"

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"Electricity is basically magic! It lets us run the pumps."

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"I'm still confused by you having so many wizards that you can just have ones dedicated to moving water, but you don't know about summoning or outer planes...

Maybe it is because everyone is Good, so you don't have enough wars and dangers for them to get to the higher circles?"

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"We don't have any wizards! We don't know about summoning or outer planes, because we can just call people and travel on planes."

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"But then how can you have so much magic! I'm so confused.

And tired, actually, which is probably one reason why we're arguing more than is necessary.

You said you have a room for baths? If it's not imposing too much, I would love to take some time to wash myself and decompress."

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"Yes, feel free to enjoy it. You'd probably want to decompress; I'll set up somewhere to sleep." Cynthia walks into her bedroom, before returning with a Japanese-style futon.

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"Not to be an idiot who usually walks down 40 stories to use an outhouse but... where is your bath room? And how do I fill the bath with water?"

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"There are many things you'd want to learn! Let me help you." Cynthia opens the door to the bathroom, revealing a rectangular space of maybe 150 square feet, with a squarish toilet on one end, as well a shower near the other end of the room. There's a sink behind the shower, the sink placed behind a glass door that keeps everything in it safe from the shower when the shower is in use. The shower has a divider and a shower enclosure door in front of it, making it so the shower essentially has a built-in pool. "So that thing against the end, that's our inhouse, as you so delightfully called it. It's actually called a toilet! And on the opposite of the room, you have the bath, shower and sink. You fill the bath with water like so:"

Cynthia takes off the smaller handheld mini shower head, placing into a holder near the end of the bath. Then she turns the left handle of the mixing battery, causing water to start flowing out from the handheld shower head into the bath. "You can also fill the bath using the shower head." She turns the knob built into the wall, starting the flow of water from the shower head built into the ceiling. Everything in the room seems to be made of beautiful, perfect marble.

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"So the 'shower head' is just raining, but in a closed space? That's soooo weird. Wouldn't you get cold by just standing in the rain?"

"Does the inhouse toilet work with your world's magic too? Does it just bring everything away with water when you're done?"

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"This other one controls the temperature, so you're really nice and warm." Cynthia turns the right handle on the blending battery.

"And we don't use magic, we just use water, as you suggested, to clean things out."

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"You have warm water coming to your house! Just when I thought I couldn't be more surprised. I think I'm going to try the warm rain, thank you."

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And Sana gets to enjoy standing under comfortably heated rain in the all-white marble bathroom, in an enclosure big enough that her hands don't even touch the walls if she spreads them out. If she turns up the heat, she'll notice that the water heats up instantly. She can also use the handheld head if she wants to focus the water on certain parts of her body, or even lie down and have a proper bath, thanks to the divider.

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She will luxuriate in the warm rain, almost burning herself when she turns the temperature up and the water goes from warm to SCALDING in an heartbeat.

She tries the handheld head, appreciating how it allows her to direct the water, and the pressure that it can exert.

She gets almost carried away in religious bliss, but then remembers that she's not home, and just finishes washing up.

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When she's done she grabs her clothes in one hand and walks back to the main room.

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"Hope it was nice, Sana." Cynthia waves. "I think you'd want some more, new clothes. Especially if you're thinking of returning to your old work. I can show you some of my work clothes, maybe. If you think we have the time."

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"I already have five full sets, why would I need more? I even have one which is reserved for the bed.

Oh, I get it, is it because I would stand out as foreign? Then it might be worth getting one outfit, possibly two.

I'm not sure I can afford clothes of the same high quality you have, though. On my world, I would be able to afford 6 or 7 outfits with my savings."

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"Well, yeah. I haven't seen your sets. But I think it's unlikely that they're to our tastes, that'd be quite a coincidence. There's a tailor that I recommend highly, and I think that one set reserved for the bed would end up a bit untenable, so you'd want more than just one such outfit. And you'd want to have spares for when you normal clothes are being sent to the laundry, as well. I'm pretty sure you'd be able to afford clothes like we have, even if you were so poor that you could only have 6 or 7 sets in your world. And I'm sure the hospital would give you an advance to buy the clothing you need."

"Anyway, would you follow me?" Cynthia leads Sana towards a closet in one part of the main room. It's maybe 10 feet wide. She opens the sliding door, revealing that it's packed with all sorts of dresses and leggings and underwear and tops. She grabs out 2 from a drawer under all the coat hangers, those being a fairly long pair of shorts that match her skin color more or less perfectly, reaching a bit above her waist to just a bit over her knees, together with a bra in the similar skin-like color that's nearly impossible to distinguish from the color of the hand that's holding it. "These are really my workhorses; I can wear them under anything and for anything. I use these maybe 80% of the time, and I can wear em all day without feeling remotely uncomfortable. And they let me basically ignore it if I'm wearing a short skirt or revealing top. You'll want a similar set for yourself, first of all. After that, it gets more subjective. You'd want to look at some inspiration."

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"Ooooh, so you can look undressed and be suggestive while still being technically covered. Such a perversion of the rules. I LOVE them!!!"

If Cynthia is paying attention she'll be able to see a rare genuine smile at that.

"The seams are invisible, these must be worth a lot of money!"

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"No? I did a lot of rounds of tailoring for them, which added a fair bit to the cost. But they're just a single piece of fabric glued together. They're maybe the cheapest thing in my wardrobe."

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"Well, this is what an outfit would cost in my world." She counts out 8 pieces of solid gold from her bag, and shows them to Cynthia.

"Which makes me think, it may be easier to get an advance from your hospital than try to explain why my coins are stamped by a kingdom nobody knows."

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"... yeah, it would be easier. But well, coins like that could buy you a lot more than a single outfit. At the same time, it doesn't take many days of work to earn that amount at a hospital. So it's not really that much in terms of money, no offense."

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"Your world is so rich I could scarcely believe it if I hadn't seen its magic firsthand. Being able to buy an outfit with mere days of work is unthinkable for most people in mine.

It's so weird to me that the hospital would give me money without really knowing who I am. Although I guess you could vouch for me, if you're so foolish."

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"Yup, it's glorious to be rich. The hospital wouldn't need to know who you are, in every situation but this. People get paid money from the government just for being alive, so the hospital doesn't really need to know you to be sure that you're good for it. I could vouch for you, but the advance from the hospital pales in comparison to the income you earn from doing your work, so it's an impossibly stupid decision for you to betray me. Although I guess you could betray me after I vouched for you, if you're so foolish."

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"Wait, what? You get paid money for being alive??? But then why does anybody work at all?

And, I'm not going to betray you, I'm Evil but not, like, evil. Nor stupid."

And I like you. She doesn't say.

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"People work at all because they want more than what merely being alive earns them. I'm sure that there are those in your world working, even once they have enough income to keep themselves alive. It's called basic income, and I want it for everyone in every world, including yours."

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"I still don't understand how you can raise enough taxes to give money to everyone if people can just... not work and then pay no taxes, but I've never been smart enough for wizardry after all."

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"Well, I'm paying taxes, right now, for being allowed to live here. If all that tax money goes to everyone, then half of people pay in, and the other half get money back out. And the money people get back out proves enough."

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"Now, Sana, because I find the idea of having a single person dedicated to serving a single other person so uncomfortable, and I'm not 100% comfortable with you getting Sofia to do things. I'll want to hire a part-time housekeeper to do all the things that Sofia is doing now, just so I can be 100% sure that she isn't in an uncomfortable position where she has no choice but to do what you're saying. I just think it feels so much nicer to not have that weird, kind of power imbalance, in a master and servant relationship. Just because it feels so much nicer, on my end."

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"You all really are just incredibly wealthy."

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"But nobody is forcing me to do what my mistress asks! I'm her maid, not her slave!

If I don't agree with something I can just pack my things and go away, and I have threatened to do it in the past.

If you hire someone else to do my job, what will I do with my life? And someone else will not know how to do things properly! My mistress deserves perfection."

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"I told you I was fine."

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"No, you were not. There is a reason he will not be allowed back."

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"Hey, Sofia, I'm doing this for me, not for you. If you feel like doing service for Sana, I'm not gonna get in your way! I just feel uncomfortable with the idea of full-time, live-in servants, is the thing. So... I guess I'd be fine with it if you kept it out of sight? Or just tell the housekeeper you don't want something done, if you're really wanting to serve Sana. Or, actually, you could work as a thomassian housekeeper, if you want something to do with your life, and serve many people instead of just Sana; I mean, it sounds like something you'd find gratifying."

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"Oh, I can be very discreet, don't you worry.

Working for... more people?"

She looks at Sana, unsure.

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"With all their magic there will be much less to do. Even just having water in the house will make washing clothes much faster.

If you feel like it, why not? If you don't... apparently you will just get money out of nothing."

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"Sofia sounded like the kind of person who wouldn't be happy with money out of nothing, to me at least. And yes, you're absolutely right that there's much, much less to do. So one housekeeper can do the domestic work for many people, freeing them to work even harder on giving the housekeeper more medical care, food and spacious housing! So in a weird way, the housekeeper isn't really anyone's servant, but it's kind of a system where everyone is everyone's servant, meaning nobody's really a servant."

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"Oh, yes, I wouldn't be happy with doing nothing with my time, nor getting money for nothing.

I find the idea of people being servants of each other so confusing! But... helping someone is why I chose this job in the first place, so I think I'll be fine with helping more than one person, if I have the time."

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"Housekeepers tend to help a lot of people! So you'll get to meet some new people, too. Anyway, we'd get on to doing that after moving out to someplace designed for 3 people? I mean, it's awkward to have 3 people and just 1 proper bedroom."

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"I wouldn't mind sharing."

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"Yes, we should get a place with proper beds for everyone."

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"That is correct." Cynthia starts lying down on her futon, testing it out a few times. "Sana, you'd want to join me on getting some proper clothes tomorrow? So you can get some work in the hospital, because you wouldn't be satisfied with living off gruel in a hut in the woods?"

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"I will join you, yes."

"Actually, if the clothes are as cheap as you said... Sofia, would you like to also get some? Your outfits are as likely to draw attention as mine, and you don't want that if you want to work for other people."

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"You're right! I would love to come along."

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Cynthia begin pulls the blanket of the futon over her, feeling cozy under it. "So, yup. My bed is way bigger than it needs to be for just me; hopefully, it's not too tight a fit for the 2 of you. It's through the door that you haven't entered yet." Inside, there's a king-size bed, next to a closet. There's also a light in the ceiling, currently turned off, and an ever so faint breeze flowing through the room.

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"But you shouldn't be giving up your bed for us!"

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"The bed she's currently in would be a very snug fit for two, and while I'm fine with sleeping with you for the night, I still don't want to lay with you, so a bigger bed seems advised."

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"Oh. You're right then."

Well, at least she gets to sleep with her mistress again, and this time Sana won't be crying in her sleep. Hopefully.

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Morning comes, and Cynthia is reveling in the ability to walk around in just the workhorses she can wear under anything. She's holding a cup of tea, looking down at the beautiful green courtyard through the polarized window in front of her, turning all other windows she can see into black squares on the white buildings.

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Is she naked? Oh, no, it's the clothes she has shown her yesterday. Yupp. Still loves them.

They really look great on Cynthia.

"Why are all the windows black today? More of the local magic?"

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"Yup, it's magic called polarization. Their windows looking into here are black, too. But I can still see outside, though not inside their windows. I like to look down at the courtyard from all the way up here." She bends over to look at the flowers and the dawn's light slowly spreading over the grass.

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It really looks like she's naked. And yet, her modesty is protected.


"It's really nice that you can have a nice view of the courtyard while to get a nice view of you one needs to be inside the house."

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"It really is a nice view!

The flowers are so beautiful!"

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"Yup, I think they're just so great. You should see some of our birds. Now: you all want breakfast, right? What are you thinking of having? Just imagine that you're infinitely wealthy, live a little."

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"I'll just have what you have."

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"Sure." Cynthia walks over to the phone, before ordering some soy sauce chicken. "The food is on its way". Then she starts enjoying her black tea, as its aroma slowly spreads through the air.

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 "Do you use the black mirror to do a Sending to not-a-servant for food?"

"Your infusion smells really nice, do you have more herbs?"


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"Yes, more or less, the food doesn't come from a servant at all. And I have more herbs than you'd even know what to do with!" Cynthia opens the cupboard over the microwave, revealing maybe 2 dozen small, thin cylinders filled with tea leaves, all placed on a rack as if they were alchemy reagents. "Have a preference, or want my recommendation?"

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"Surprise me!"

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"May I have some too?"

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Cynthia takes two cups from the cupboard, fills them with water from the sink, and places them in the microwave. Then she grabs a small portion of green tea leaves, and steeps them inside each of the cups for a few seconds. "This one's a bit sweet, but it also has a really nice, zesty taste, as well. It might be slightly hot right now."

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Like owner, like tea.

"Thank you."

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Cynthia sits down at a table with 4 chairs, keeping her legs spread out a bit, as she stretches out her arms again. After 20 or so minutes of waiting, a chime can be heard and Cynthia opens the elevator, revealing a cute cargo robot carrying 3 metal boxes on top of each other. They contain the food, a huge portion of rice, vegetables and chicken, together with plates and even metal cutlery for the 3 of them. "This will be fantastic, trust me." She takes her first bite and thoroughly enjoys the food.

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"I really understand why you like those skin-clothes. They really make me think you're naked."


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"Oh, you have golems too."

After taking some bites: "Sofia, I'm really sorry. But this is actually better than your cooking."

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"It is! It's so tender, and flavorful! What is this black sauce? Doesn't taste like anything I've had before!"

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"It's called soy sauce. Made from soybeans, which very well might be something you've never had before." After finishing her food, Cynthia walks over to the window, where she starts putting on her outfit for the day: a flattering pair of leggings, worn beneath a dress with a short skirt that fits loosely around her hips and waist. The dress is notably quite sheer on several panels of fabric in the back, revealing a bit of skin.

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"It's delicious!"

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"What kind of fabric is this?" she asks, while lightly touching the most transparent parts of the dress.

To understand how the fabric would feel on her skin, of course.

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"It's a fabric named nylon. The main idea is that it's strong, so you can make it unbelievably thin without it fraying or breaking." The fabric is quite soft and makes a mesh that feels cool to the touch.

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"I'm looking forward to getting my own nylon clothes."

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"Down we go!" Cynthia pushes the button and calls the elevator to her floor, before starting to ride it downwards. After reaching the ground floor, she walks in front of the others, leading them to the car that she had called in advance. It's truly huge, and the 3 of them can easily fit in the capacious interior space, with 3 rows of seats.

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"Uh, so that's what they look like inside."

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"This looks like a carriage, but where are the horses?"

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"We've replaced them with electric motors. They're hidden under the car. Basically, we want to dedicate every inch of our cities to people, and having horses mean we'd have less space for people." She makes her way to the driver's seat, sitting with the same posture she had when she had breakfast.

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"Should we sit next to you or back?"

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"Sit back, I like having all the space."

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"As you wish, mistress."

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Cynthia just shrugs, before driving the trio to her favorite tailor. It's less than 10 minutes before they arrive, with Cynthia handing off her car to someone waiting near the store. As she enters, a showroom with all sorts of underwear and dresses, some sheer and others less so, sprawl out in front of them. "Uhh, Sofia, this tailor isn't an expert on work clothes for housekeepers, so he might not have everything you need. But those kinds of clothes don't tend to be too special, so I'm sure he'll be able to make something for you."

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"That was incredibly smooth, I don't think even our best carriages can be that good."


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"Oh, okay." She looks at the clothes and starts blushing.

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"So, I get this one" - pointing - "and I think I get this one, even though it seems unsanitary. But is the deal with that one? It just seems incredibly uncomfortable!"

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"Unsanitary? I'm not 100% sure why. And for the one that seems uncomfortable: that's the trick! If you tailor it just right, it's almost like wearing nothing! And there's something... powerful, it's hard to explain, about wearing clothes like that while feeling perfectly comfortable in them. It's one aspect of thomassian tastes that you'll really want to keep in mind."

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"But it goes... nevermind. I guess if perfectly tailored it could make sense. Although I think I'll skip those for now."

"What about the skinlike clothes? Do they have those too?"

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"Yes, they do. They just don't advertise them, so you ask the guy about it." Cynthia walks over to find the tailor. "I have 2 friends who need some new clothing, just the basics, really. One of them will be working as an emotional support worker, and the other a housekeeper. So, are the rooms ready?" The man, who likes the vibe of a silent, elderly tailor who's had customers for decades, just nods. He points at the rooms, and Cynthia walks over to Sana and Sofia.

"So, the way that things work is that you go into those rooms, over there, and we send in the clothes you're wanting to try through hatches. There are keys inside the doors, so you'll have complete privacy once you've locked it behind you." She points at a row of relatively small rectangular rooms, perhaps 6 feet by 12 feet, opening the door to two of them. The rooms all have a bench next to the door leading in, and a mirror that takes up the entire wall opposite the door leading in.

"So, Sana. Yes, they have the skinlike clothes. You'll take your own measurements, and then this tailor will get back to you with a pair for you. I think that's a great place to start. Sofia? Are you thinking of starting with getting a pair of those too, maybe?"

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"They look really cool, I think I'd like a pair, yes" so I can wear them in front of my mistress

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"How do we take our measurements?"

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"There's a measuring tape placed on the bench inside. Use that one to get your measurements. Then the tailor will spin up the machines to get them cut to fit you, you'll try them on, and give feedback. Do you want them to go as low as mine, or do you want them a bit shorter?"

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"They get made immediately? That's incredible!"

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To Cynthia "What if I want you to give feedback? You're the local expert after all."

"I think I'll be fine with having them as long as yours, maybe I'll get shorter ones in the future."

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"Yup! So, you should be ready to get started and try out some new outfits, right?" She smiles a bit at Sana.

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"Let's do it!" she enters the room, does not lock it, and starts measuring herself.

The measuring tape is a material unlike anything she's ever seen, and she spends some moments trying to understand what it's made of. If feels like the softest of clothes, but is heavier than that... Probably something made with the local magic.

She will peek her head out to tell Cynthia her measurements.

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Cynthia gives a thumbs up. "Now, the machines are fast, but not instant. So it'll be a few minutes of waiting before yours shows up. Actually..." Cynthia walks away for about a minute, before returning with what looks like a pen. "We'd also want to measure your skin color, as well." She points it at Sana's face for a moment. "Now we can start making them. Sofia, I forgot about checking your skin color; can you poke your head out for a minute?"

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She also headpokes, and gives her measurements.

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3 minutes pass before the lightning-quick laser cutting machine has made the 2 singular pieces of fabric, and the precise robot arms of the heat bonding machine have flawlessly fused them together, creating 2 entirely seamless pieces of clothing in a color identical to that of Sana and Sofia's skin. Cynthia walks over to the rooms, giving each of them the knee-length undergarments that become indistinguishable from their skin once it's put on.

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"It's so comfortable! Perfectly sized and feels like wearing nothing.

How much did you say these cost? I might get a couple, I can see why you love them so much!"

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"It really feels like being naked..."

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"Well, they're stupid cheap. I think you could buy 50 of them with one of those old gold coins you have lying around? Of course you wouldn't need all those, maybe around 10 or so is enough that I can basically forget laundry entirely."

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"Oh. Well, I trust you, I'll get ten."


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"Guess we can look at the work outfits now."

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"Yes, let's! So, for Sana, it's going to be a bit more subjective. I want you to try thinking a bit about what you'd like, and I can give feedback on how well that fits in with how you'll be doing your job. For Sofia, it's a bit easier. You'll want leggings, a long shirt you can tuck into the leggings, the gloves, and the mask. And maybe a dress or a skirt or an apron on top of the basics. Anyway, it'd probably really help Sana to have a look around, see what kind of outfits and layers emotional support workers tend to have."

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"A... mask? Why do I need to hide my face?"

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"It's not about hiding your face. Housekeepers are exposed to a lot of dirt and dust, and they occasionally use cleaning materials that don't smell very nice, and the mask protects you from your face getting any dirt on it or smelling any of the bad-smelling materials. It's mostly psychological, really; it gives you that feeling of protection from "dirtiness". But if you don't mind it as much, it's probably not too necessary."

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"I think I'd like one then, thank you."

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Sana looks around to get a feeling for the various combinations she could use, and she sees...

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dresses, made from increasing and decreasing amounts of sheer fabrics, sometimes in the front part of the skirt, between the legs, sometimes overlaid with flowers...


underwear sets of all sorts of different cuts, alluringly revealing larger or smaller parts of the mannequin's body...


loose, simple dresses, made of ultra-thin materials that do little to hide what's behind them...


flattering leggings, being tight in just the right areas...

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Oh wow.

None of those cover much.

Or at all, in the case of the dresses.

"Those ones are reserved for the bedroom, right?"

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"That they are! If you're going out for a brief errand or something, it's 100% fine to walk around in just your workhorses. And if you're obviously dating someone, these are also acceptable for walking around in. But otherwise, yes, they're reserved for the bedroom, outside of the leggings and a few of the more modest dresses."

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"Now, Sofia, I'll send in the basics of a housekeeper's outfit. But this isn't a tailor that specializes in masks, so they'll take a bit longer to arrive. OK?" After 10 or so minutes of waiting, Cynthia drops a pair of leggings, a set of gloves, and the shirt into Sofia's room, through the hatch. The leggings are very dark gray, bordering on black, and they contrast nicely against the nearly-white shirt. The gloves are bright yellow and feel a bit rubbery, but mostly like very fine cloth. They're designed to fit tightly around the wrist, so that they almost work like a pair of gloves built into the sleeves themselves.

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"Then I think get only one of the transparent dress," for wearing when you're around " and a bit more of the modest ones. I definitely want the ability to walk around your city without advertising my profession."

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"These fit perfectly, thank you!" She opens the door, to allow the other two to see her fit.

"Does it look good on me?"

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"Won't getting just one transparent dress be annoying in terms of laundry? Or do you not particularly mind?"

Cynthia looks over Sofia. "I think they fit amazingly, and you look really great. I think you're fitting in as a housekeeper so fantastically well."

Cynthia walks around with Sana, picking out a dark blue simple dress for Sana, together with a modest black dress that has a long skirt, sheer sleeves and small cutouts, rather than anything more risque. Then she runs off to the tailor across the street, coming back with a mask carefully designed to fit Sofia's face. It's a mask that fits very, very closely over Sofia's mouth and nose, although still not quite touching either, with a filter on the right side and a large exhalation valve on the left that makes it extremely easy to breathe in.

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"I also think you look great with those... you said they're called leggings?"

"Ok, then maybe more than one. I'm still not used to clothes being... cheap."

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"How many sets do you recommend I get?"


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"2 is enough, 3 is plenty; and it's not like you're not gonna buy a third eventually, once they wear out. So go with 3 of any outfit, except those that you can be sure get worn rarely."

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"I don't think I need anything else."

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"Me neither."

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Cynthia takes her phone out from a perfectly-sized pocket in her leggings, placing it against a white mat with a spiral placed on the counter. Then she awkwardly runs off to the tailor where she got the mask for Sofia, paying him as well, and returns to the women. "There! Now you've got some work clothes. Next, Sofia, Sana, how about we find a place that's roomy enough so you don't have to find a way to squeeze yourselves into my place?"

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"We definitely shouldn't prevent you from sleeping in your bed any more than necessary. Let's go!"

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Cynthia is excited; she's actually wanted to switch to a waterfront apartment for a while, but she hasn't really had an excuse to move until now. It IS a longer commute, but really, the subways are stupidly amazing, so it probably just means a bit more time by herself to think before going to work. She takes Sofia and Sana towards the subway entrance designed to look like the entrance into an apartment block; it helps save more space on the streets, and makes for a more seamless design. She enters, walking down into the subway platform with its beautiful murals of scientists reading under trees in beautiful gardens, one of them with an apple precariously dangling over his head.

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"Who are all those people? Past rulers of this country?"

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"No, just some of the people whose life's work make it possible for me and everyone else to live this well. Heroes, the lot of them."

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"What did they do?"

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"Well, they found out the method for turning the energy of matter itself into heat. So everyone can essentially get an infinite supply of coal all to themselves, without breathing in a single wisp of smoke."

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"Is that how you prepared the tea this morning?"

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"Yes, that's how I got the energy to prepare the tea. But I used a different method for actually heating it." As she's saying this, the subway train appears, totally quiet. The interior consists of wide, soft seats, made of a breathable mesh. The passengers make use of the extra space, sitting comfortably sprawled out. Cynthia walks inside, finding a seat and motioning for Sana and Sofia to sit next to her.

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They take a sit, Sana sitting next to her, and Sofia next to Sana.

"Tell me more!"

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"Well, do you know how it's hotter to be out in the sun in dark clothes, than doing it in lighter clothes? That's because the sun creates, essentially, a wave of energy. But white fabrics, similar to a mirror, send that wave back, with black ones picking it up. I sent the same kinds of waves into the water, to heat that water up, instead."

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"That's so cool!"

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"Why do you have the carriages run underground? Didn't it take a lot of work to create all this caves and tunnels?"

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"Yes, it's a lot of work to make these tunnels. But imagine if we had things running overground: we'd have to be careful about where we walked, to avoid carriages like the one we're in. And there'd be less space for people to live, because that space would go to making a space that this vehicle could follow."

Cynthia stands up, making her way off the station. She can see the ocean, and tendrils of sand stretching into it, a short walk from the new apartment building she's had her eyes on for a while now. She walks inside the lobby, shaking hands with the woman who's offering to sell it to her. But of course, she'd want to check with Sofia and Sana first.

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"Does the house have a window to the sea? Because if yes, I'm already sold."

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"Well, yes it has a view. It's just not a direct view; you'll kind of have to look at it from an angle, if that's fine with you. Everything else in this apartment is just so perfect, to me. So I'm really, really hoping that the you're happy with the view."

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"I think I will be very happy with the view. And happy to look at the sea, even if at an angle."

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Cynthia receives the key, and starts finding the elevator to her apartment, fairly close to a corner of the building. She presses two buttons to set the correct floor, starting the rapid trip upwards. She pushes the key against the door the elevator opens into, opening it into the new apartment that she's had in her crosshairs for a while now.

Inside, there are 4 doors flanking a corridor. It leads into a set of stairs going down, ending in the main room, with vast windows designed to emulate a balcony, and a thick, soft carpet running all across the floor. All the shelving is recessed into the walls, and there's a chandelier, hanging below under the high ceiling and above the center of the main room. The main room has a table and chairs for six people, together with a wide sofa looking out through the windows.

"Now, Sana, Sofia, I want you to have a look at your bathrooms and tell me how you like them; they're behind the 2 bedrooms to the left. I'll check out mine, as well." Sofia steps into the first room to the right before leaving Sana and Sofia to explore the apartment.

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The bed is big enough for two people, that's nice.

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Her bathroom has a nice big shower head, and also the detachable one that she remembers appreciating a lot from Cynthia's current house.

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"The room is wonderful!"

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"And the bahtroom looks like it has all the tools I've learned to appreciate!"

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"Beautiful to hear it! Now, come check this out." Cynthia opens the door to the master bathroom, revealing a spacious tub built into the ground. It could fit all of 3 the apartment's residents, with a shower head in the ceiling raining down on anyone wanting all that space just to enjoy a shower, and several faucets built into the walls that to rapidly fill the tub for anyone wanting to luxuriate in a bath, maybe even with someone else. Hidden behind what looks like a pillar, there's a L-shaped alcove that hides the toilet from anyone entering the bath, while letting anyone using it move it out of the way so that they could feel the openness of being able to see the entire master bathroom when sitting down.

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"That's a huge tub! Although I guess if you don't need to carry the water it's fine if it's that big.

It's still really big though, why would a single person need all that water?"

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Cynthia looks at Sofia. "Just taking up space and being able spread out your arms and legs feels nice!" She stands at the center of the pool, showing off how her arms don't quite reach the ends of it. "So you can move around and lie down and change your posture and everything, and not bump into any walls or people."

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"Or people? Why would...


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"The house looks incredible, I understand why you were considering moving here!"

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"Fantastic, isn't it? I thought you were going to like it, but I'm pleasantly surprised that you're loving it this much. I'll just tell her that I've made up my mind and will be staying here from now on."

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"Just like that? Wouldn't you need to get a contract drafted, check it accurately for loopholes, and then sign it?"

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"This kind of thing happens often enough that there's already a contract for that. And I trust the police here to not let this lady get away with a loophole like that; they've been very much reasonable about cracking down on previous attempts."

"Oh, and... I kind of need this bathroom to myself, now. I guess we could marvel about how amazing everything is after I've done my business here."

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"Sure! I'll go have a look at the main room."

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"I'll follow you, I also want to get a good look downstairs."

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The main room really has the massive wall largely made of glass as its main feature. It lets them get a fairly good view of the ocean, and all kinds of people having fun on the water. A comfortable sofa, quite a bit bigger than it'd need to be for 3 people, provides a comfortable place to look at the beachgoers. Next to it, there's a dining table, with 6 simple chairs.

There's a microwave pushed up against one of the walls, placed on top of a refrigerator, but no more cooking equipment than that. There are a few cupboards that are recessed into the wall above it, as well. The floor is really nice and soft for anyone's bare feet. There's a squat rack and a treadmill tucked into a corner; they didn't seem to have seen much use. Finally, there are a few meditation pillows randomly placed in a pile, on the opposite corner from where the squat rack and treadmill is.

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Sana lays on the sofa, looking into the distance, waiting for Cynthia to be done with whatever she's doing.

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Cynthia walks out of the bathroom, her eyes quickly glancing at Sana. "I was thinking of taking you to the hospital, so you can get the final pieces of gear and the necessary devices. Do you think you'd want to go now? Or is there something else you want to do right now?" She smiles excitedly at Sana.

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"Well, you kept talking about how the massive tub means you wouldn't bump into the other people if using it together, but I'm not convinced honestly, I think I'd need to see it to actually believe it."

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"Well, yeah. I guess we can try it. And enjoy a nice bath together. Sofia? Are you in the mood for a nice bath?"

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"I actually think that I need a bathroom break myself, but then I'd gladly join you."

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"Same for me."

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"Sure, I'll start filling up the pool so the water's nice and hot."

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Sana is at first utterly baffled and then incredibly impressed by the bidet that automatically activates for her.

... some water may have ended up on the floor when she quickly stood up, startled.

When she opens the door to the master bathroom, she tells mock-accusingly to Cynthia "You should have told me about the surprise water jet. I was surprised."

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"It was very unexpected."

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"Surprise water jet? Ohh... I've gotten so used to that automatic feature that it managed to slip my mind. But it must feel nice to be cleaned up like that, I hope... oh wow, now I get what you said about things being unsanitary! I won't even ask how you dealt with things before coming here."

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"Also, you need to stop being fully clothed. You're going to be soaking wet and miserable, and this kind of soap is probably going to ruin your clothes. You don't take baths fully dressed, people."

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Sana starts to undress.

Her eyes fixed on Cynthia in front of her, she gradually removes each piece, leisurely and intentionally.

When she's done she turns around, and slowly bends over to put them on the floor, next to the wall, in a neat pile.

She smiles at Cynthia, and walks into the pool.

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Sofia is blushing so much. She's very self conscious as she undresses, and does so hastily, then submerges herself into the water and immediately sits down so that her body is fully underwater, only her face out - almost as red as her hair.

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Cynthia casually lounges in the water, sitting down with her legs leisurely splayed out, taking up more space.

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She gets closer to Cynthia and pokes her shoulder.

"See, the tub is huge, but it's not preventing me from bumping into you."

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"No, there aren't any walls blocking you from reaching me. Of course if you move over you touch me. The point is that I can more or less take up as much space as I want without having to bump into you because this pool isn't big enough. Notice how I'm sitting?"

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"Oh. Trust me. I have."

She kneels in front of her, and puts her right hand or her knee. "It's obvious you're really enjoying the space you have to keep your legs open."

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"Yes, absolutely. It feels so, so much better than having to push them together or cross them. It just feels natural to sit like this, relaxing everything and having all this space."

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She moves her hand from the knee down to her calf. "I don't know, you still seem pretty tense, would you like a massage?"

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"Yup! I think a lot of your clients will also be asking for massages. This is a good way to get practice!"

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Oh, you will notice I don't need more practice.

She grabs her leg with both hands, and starts applying pressure with her thumbs - making small circles - while moving her hands upwards, from her ankle up to her knee.

She does this a couple times, eventually switching to her other leg.

"What should I focus on next? Do you feel more tense in your feet or in your tights?"

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"I'm a lot tenser in the thighs, honestly." Cynthia gently purrs with delight, doing her best to remain dignified and collected as she enjoys Sana's massage.

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She puts on her best serious face "Let me help you, then."

It's kinda scary how it's basically impossible to tell what she's feeling now, her face a mask of professionalism.

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She shakes her head, and starts smiling again.

"Sorry, I... just come from a place where we don't show our emotions openly. Or at all."

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She lets her hands reach higher, massaging Cynthia's thighs methodically, while always remaining a few inches lower than her hips.

When she moves to the other leg her fingers brush against her navel, and then resume their circles and pressure.

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Cynthia keeps a poker face, choosing to enjoy herself as much as she can and happily purring any time Sana touches her just right. "Oh wow, they're going to love you! You're fantastic!"

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Sofia is even more submerged now, just poking out from her nose upward.

She tried not looking. Or not staring.

But then she found that her curiosity is dragging her, irresistibly, to move closer and closer, until she's sitting right next to Cynthia.

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Every time she switches from one leg to the other, her circles move imperceptibly closer.

And closer.

Until she lets her thumb slip, and accidentally ends up touching her mound.

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"Whops, I'm sorry, my finger slipped!"

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Cynthia only twitches the slightest bit. "I know you didn't slip. Next time, give a warning. You'd get in serious trouble if you did that to an actual client. But I'm sure you're glad to know that, now."

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"Wait, what? I'm confused. I thought that was were we were going?"

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"We were, and we both knew it. But paying customers have different expectations than intimate friends. Treat them more dispassionately and be more explicit with them. At least, until they turn into regulars."

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"Uh. Thank you for warning me."

She's lost a bit of steam, and is looking at her hands as if unsure what to do.

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"You shouldn't feel too bad, we are still learning and adapting to... everything!"

"I personally think you were doing great."

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Cynthia leans back and opens her legs wider. "See how all this space helps?"

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This makes her knee bump against Sofia's leg, who wasn't expecting it, and makes a startled "eep!".

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"Are you ok?" - she snorts

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"Uh, y...yes."

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"Come on, out with it, what's wrong? It's not the first time you've seen me, I know that you watch me work sometimes."

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"You knew???"

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"It's just that... I wish you would ever touch me like that."

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"I will not tou..." her voice fades out as she's hit by a thought.

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Why? Why, with all the people she's worked for, she won't touch Sofia? What would be wrong?

She's the only person she actually trusts.

But... it would feel? ... wrong?

What would be wrong about sex?

She loves sex! She really does. Sometimes her customer is bad at it, but she always has fun except for... those times.

And she could have chosen a different profession - Hell, she could taken her savings, moved elsewhere and just find a different job.

But she doesn't want to, she genuinely enjoys it, especially with her regulars.

Then... what's wrong?

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When she's having sex she's a goddess of lust and pleasure, perfect, knowing every detail, controlling every movement.

And it's a mask. A natural one, but a mask nonetheless, like the thousand masks she wears every day to survive in a country run by Hell.


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Except she doesn't wear a mask with Sofia. And that's the crux, isn't it? She doesn't want to touch her...

Because Sofia is not a game, not a person she can be her goddess mask with.

Because for all that Cheliax thought her it's stupid, she cares about her.

And wants to protect her from... all the bad that comes with the fun, all the customers that are never returning.

All the times she faked an orgasm.

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"Mistress, what's happening? Are you ok? Are you... crying???"

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"I'm fine, I'm..."

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She's not in Cheliax.

She doesn't need to return there.

She can be here.


She can be here. With the one person she cares about in the world.

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"I love you", she doesn't say.

"I... care about you."

She's still crying. And for once in her life she doesn't try to hide it.

She puts her hand on Sofia's face.

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"I care about you too. And I will protect you. As I have. As I always will."

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"... Sana. Sofia." Cynthia quietly embraces the two of them, gently squeezing them against each other and against herself. "Let's all find joy and pleasure, together. Right?"

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Sana does not reply. She stares at Sofia for a while.

Slips a hand behind her neck.

And kisses her.

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She then moves to kissing her neck, while her hands slides down from the neck, to the shoulder, to finally cup her.

Without moving her hand she turns to Cynthia, and kisses her on the lips, briefly.

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Cynthia nuzzles Sana, while still embracing both her and Sofia. She gently wraps her legs around the two of them, creating a gentle and caring pressure.

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They lean into the embrace, and the warmth that comes from shared vulnerability.

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They spend... a while in that position, blissed out in the warmth of the water in the pool. "Ahh, that was beyond spectacular! Makes it kind of a tragedy that the world always goes on..."

Cynthia gently and slowly makes her way out of the pool, and begins talking. "Sophia! You were thinking of working as a housekeeper, correct? The way that it works is that each housekeeper tends to live in the same building that they maintain, and they run around and do all the laundry and cleaning and other chores for all the units. So, before I take Sana to the hospital so she can begin bringing love to the people there, I want to introduce you to the current housekeeper so he can show you the ropes and show you around. Could you follow me, please?"

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"Sure! But maybe we should dress first?"

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"But of course." Cynthia walks off, returning in a poofy black dress with lace trim and elaborate lace cutouts on the back and the chest. "I'm really in the mood for black today."

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"It suits you! I'm going to try the clothes we bought earlier.". She stands up, kisses Sana on the head and then goes to change into her new clothes.

"All ready, let's go!"

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"Off we go!" Cynthia walks over to the elevator, before it races down to the ground floor. She walks over to a corner on the first floor lobby, opening a door to a room filled with cleaning supplies: mops, paper towels, dusters, a vacuum cleaner, cleaning sprays, buckets, anything you might need for cleaning up an apartment. "I'm not sure where he lives, but he hasn't taken any of the stuff here, so he still hasn't gotten started. It probably won't be long until he gets down, though."

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"What is that thing with the wheels on the side?"

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"That's a vacuum cleaner. It's a machine that sucks in dust and grime, so it just flies into it instead of you having to clean it up and constantly change cloths. Unbelievably useful."

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"That's amazing! Between that and having water directly in your houses I start to see how a single person can work for multiple households!"

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"Yup, it's really fantastic." As they're talking, a tall, lanky man walks up to them. "Hi mister! I'm Cynthia, and this is Sophia. She wants to work as this building's housekeeper. Can you show her around and teach her the basics of her job?" The man looks at Sofia.

"Hi Sofia, I'm Henry. I'd be glad to show you around and teach you my job; we've been hoping to find someone to do some housekeeping, what with how many apartments there are."

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"And I've been hoping to find houses in need of housekeeping!"

She looks at Cynthia "Should I just... get back to your house when I'm done? How do I do that, by the way?"

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"The way that housekeeping works, is that you unlock the door from the outside using your key, and then the housekeeper walks in. The doors then lock themselves automatically, when you walk out. You could end your rounds by cleaning up my house when I unlock my door for housekeeping, although you're 100% going to need a key of your own, eventually."

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"I see... how do I get a key of my own?"

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"It's a quick trip down to the locksmith, to make a copy of the key to my apartment, after I've officially made it my property. Nobody else is allowed to make a copy of my key, as you might expect."

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"How does that work? How do they know if they key to copy is yours?"

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"I tell them where I live, and they can check who bought that home most recently, which lets them know whose bank account is the one that owns a particular home. I am the only person able to send money from my account, so I send them the money to make that key, and they know that it's my property because it's registered to my bank account."

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"I see..."

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"I don't have a bank account, though."

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"That's correct, so you'll have to trust me to care for your money until you get one. Hopefully that's fine for you?"

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"Yes. I trust my mistress, and she seems to trust you, so it's fine."

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"So, Henry, how about you start showing Sofia around? She's done this before, but using a vacuum like that, and probably some of the other equipment, will be new for her."

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The door opens to an apartment which is very similar to the one Cynthia had before.

"Where do we start from?"


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"The top, is really the right answer. You'll want to throw down the dust and dirt from shelves and tables and everything else, and then the vacuum picks them all up." Henry begins by grabbing something that looks like a mop, but has a bluish paper towel on the end of it. He gently pushes it along the tops of cabinets and other high off places, cleaning them off, before going downwards. He kicks up a bit of dust into the air as he does so. After cleaning off one area, he continues to another. "Once you can't clean anything else but the floor anymore, then you vacuum everything, and finally mop the floor once all the dust that the vacuum would pick up properly was gone. I recommend using earplugs when you turn it on; you won't use it for long, but the vacuum still gets quite loud."

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She gets to dusting, and they make quick work of the room. After that she'll watch carefully to learn how to operate the vacuum.

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Henry plugs the vacuum into the wall, before pushing a button on it with his foot to turn it on. It generates a loud whooshing noise as it powers on, easily absorbing all the accumulated dust as he moves through the room at a steady rhythm. It doesn't take long before the floor is utterly dust-free, and he moves on to mopping it by using thick, orange mops at the end of the mop's handle.

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That's loud!

When they're finished, they move on to the next apartment.

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This time, there's someone waiting inside! It's a pregnant woman, and her main room has been converted into a maternity ward for her. The polarization filter is always turned on; all the windows that the main room looks into, are black. "This is Anne; she wants to keep her home extra-clean and bacteria-free, for herself and for her baby. Use these:" Henry points to a stack of green cloths, placed above the other cleaning supplies in the cart he's rolling around. "They'll make this room clean enough that she can go through a caesarean, if that proves necessary." He shows Sofia how to carefully rub the green cloths against any every surface, going over to a new cloth rapidly to keep everything properly sterile.

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"Good morning Anne, nice to meet you."

"Have you already picked the names for your baby?"

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"Good morning, miss. I'll name a boy Martin, and a girl Mary. I'm so glad that people like you can help me out so much, here. What's your name? I'll want to know you going forward."

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"Those are beautiful names." She smiles, warmly, "I'm Sofia, glad to be of service."

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"Nice to meet you, Sofia! You know, I'm not sure how much longer I'll live here. I've always loved this city, but it's not really built for mothers like me. Maybe once my son becomes 2 or 3, I'll move somewhere better for him?"

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"What's not good about this city? It seems lovely to me."

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"Well, we'd want more playgrounds, and more space for kids to play. Right now, I'll be hiring a nanny, but it'd be easier to have a group so my baby would always have somewhere there for him. We don't have proper schools for those under 15. Oh, and he won't have many children his age around him to play with."

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"I see. It's nice to see someone look out for their child so much."

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"Yup, and if I lived in one of the parent cities, it would be more than just someone else looking out for my child; it would be a whole society."

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"It sure is nice to live in such a Good place."

She waits for a beat, and then - if Anne doesn't say anything more - she'll get to cleaning.

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Anne doesn't say anymore; after finishing the cleaning together with Sofia, Henry rubs a cotton swab along the floor and puts it in a vial, before taking the elevator to their next client. Henry takes out a small pen-shaped device, revealing a hidden text on one of the doors of the elevator. "Someone wants their clean clothes placed in their closets, as well their home cleaned. We'll need to head off to the laundry room to grab their clothes first." Henry pushes a button that says zero, taking the two of them to the basement. The door leads into a corridor, with a parking lot for cars, and a room with a picture of a washing board. Entering it reveals a row of large washing machines.

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"How do these machines work?"

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"Well, they fill with water, and they spin around, moving them through the water. Imagine putting a washboard on a sling; you can put the clothes you want to wash in the sling, and when you spin it, the clothes are pulled along the washboard."

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"They wash clothes automatically? That's amazing!"

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"That's right. Spectacularly convenient, if I say so myself. And the machine also works to dry them out as well. Makes them real crisp and warm." He walks up to the machine, revealing that it's filled with mesh bags. The bags nest into each other; there's one bag for all the clothes to be cleaned on a given setting, one bag for all the clothes from each apartment, and one bag specifying how the clothes inside are to be stored: in a particular drawer, on a coat hanger, or even on a mannequin (on a few of the costlier dresses and sheerer pieces of lingerie).

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Sofia observes all the bags intently, and then helps him pick up the clothes they need to bring to the apartment.

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Carrying all the clothes from the machine into the elevator proves fairly difficult; a lot of people live here, so there are a lot of clothes to bring up. Henry quickly sorts the various units' laundry bags onto the machine, as he starts putting back everyone's clothes in their designated locations.

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That sure is some see through underwear! But you would wear it underneath other clothes, so why-

A picture of her mistress wearing it passes through her mind.

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The room suddenly feels very warm.

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Then she and Henry took everyone's dirty laundry (and bedsheets) back down again, stuffed into the nested layers of laundry bags before being placed back down into the huge washing machine. "Phew, bringing all that down there was fairly tough. Amazingly glad to have your help in taking it down."

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"I'm glad to have such a good and patient teacher!"

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"That should be just about everything you'll need to know, with one exception." He puts the UV flashlight in Sofia's hands, before pushing the button to turn it on. "Apartment residents have the ability to write on the walls of the elevators, in a way that doesn't show to anyone but you, or them when using this tool. After you've done whatever request they made, you just wipe it off to let them know you've done it." As he explains this to Sofia, his eyes noticed what it said one one of the apartment doors: "Clean up mess in bathroom, unit C3-551".

"Well, Sofia, sounds like you're getting the see when this job is at its worst. I'd like to see you try doing this all by yourself, just to see if you'd be ready to completely take over for me."

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The secret messages are So Coool!

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"I can try, yes!"

The mess is nothing she hasn't seen before, but for some reason she's finding the cleanup much easier than usual. The cleaning tools definitely help (the funnily colored cleaning fluid still feels like magic) but there is something else she's missing...

Oh! The mask! It's completely filtering out any smell! She now understands why it's part of her uniform! And the gloves are great: it feels like not having them, but it only takes little effort to wash them if they get dirty!

Working here is good!

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"You seemed like you had the stomach for it. Know what, Sofia, I'm really happy to have someone who could take over for me. It's been a lot of work housekeeping in this understaffed building, and I'm happy to have earned a ton of money doing so, but I'm happy that I can move out and enjoy the money I've made now that I know that the residents of this building will still have a housekeeper there for them. Thanks, young lady."

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"You're too kind!

I'm happy you will have time to enjoy the results of your work, and grateful that you took the time to teach me."

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Meanwhile, Cynthia is enjoying a chauffered ride to the hospital with Sana, her legs in the rear-facing seat in the same open, indulgent pose that she always sits in. She has a suitcase, made of incredibly light plastic, containing the work clothes she'll be wearing for some of her clients today. It's tucked under the row of seats that she's making full use of.

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"I think we should talk about what happened in the bathtub. You said that if my 'finger slipped' with a customer I would be in trouble. Tell me more about that, what are the expectations on the job?"

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"Well, basically, the key is that you're allowed to use body language to touch them anywhere other than exactly between their legs, that they accept. You need to double-check and get verbal affirmation to touch them in that one, most intimate area, certainly if it's the first time. But usually they'll tell you really directly, so you're unlikely to need to ask."

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"Seems simple enough. I would be surprised if they didn't want to be touched that way, after I'm done with my massage."

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"They probably would like that, yes." Some 10 minutes later, the duo arrive at the hospital. It's truly huge, taking up several city blocks, with towers connected to each other via walkways. The skyscrapers surrounding it all have spacious balconies, dedicated to housing beautiful green gardens. Cynthia walks out of the car, her legs ostentatiously kept apart when exiting it, as she makes her way into the hospital lobby with the suitcase under her arm. "Please follow me, you'll want to meet the staff before getting started with me."

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She dutifully follows.

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The hospital lobby is spacious and luxurious, being two stories tall. There's soft artificial grass everywhere, with children and adults both sitting on the soft ground, or on the spacious mesh benches. There's a constant flow of patients getting treatment, or seeing their loved ones in the lobby, and a counter with a few employees waiting behind it, including one woman in a blue and white dress that reaches to halfway down her knees.

"Hi Serena! I'm here to find some patients needing service, together with the newcomer behind me, Sana. She hasn't gotten the upgrades, quite yet. So I'd like you to start the onboarding process for new emotional service workers like myself."

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The weird grass everywhere is very pretty, but must be a lot of work to keep clean!

She whispers to Cynthia: "Upgrades?"

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"Well, yes. So you don't get pregnant, and don't have periods where you won't be able to work, and so you'll always have the guards available to protect you. Now, please follow Serena; she helped me get my upgrades, so she'll walk you to the room where you'll get yours." Serena then nods before leading Sana and Cynthia through the hospital, before ending up in a spacious and comfortable room not too far from the lobby. "This is where we'll wait for everyone."

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No pregnancies.

Guards always available.

(No periods is good too but. It pales in comparison to the other two.)


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"Cynthia. We'll need to talk. Later. About... where I come from."

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"Well, we'd want to do that, wouldn't we?" It's maybe 10 minutes of waiting, before Serena returns with 2 things: a small ball, placed on the end of what looks like a syringe, together with a small, thin semi-cylinder that looks virtually identical to Sana's skin color. "So, this one's called a ball implant, and it stops you from risking pregnancy. I'll want to put it in somewhere near your side. That larger thing, is called an Emergency Summoning Cylinder. It sticks to your skin, so you'd need to take off everything to put it on. Do you want me to leave the room when you put it on, after giving you the ball implant?"

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"I don't mind, really."

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"Sure, let's not waste any time." Serena takes a pen from out off her pockets, rubbing it against Sana's back for a moment, before using the scalpel hidden under the ball implant to make a tiny incision and insert it inside her body, slightly above her waist, in the right side of her back. Then she hands over the 10 cm tall semicylinder to Sana. "Where do you want to stick it? It should be somewhere it doesn't show too much, or changes your  silhouette out of clothing. It's common to have it on either a bit above your waist, at the back. Or on the back side of your thighs, it's really up to you. But it has to be reachable using your hands, of course."

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"Let's go for above the waist, it sounds more comfortable."

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"Right. I can put it on there for you, if you want? But usually the wearer sticks it on themselves, so they get better control."

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"So, there's a small ring that you pull. And that activates the signal to summon the guards. Do you want to try it, in the room with the guards? Or do you think you're ready to start doing some rounds with Cynthia, being a friendly face and helpful hand for isolated and frustrated patients?"

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"I... would like to try it at least once, yes. Then I will be ready for some rounds."

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"Yup, sure. Let's take you to their headquarters, then." Selena leads Sana to an elevator, quickly taking her to one of the rooms used by hospital security. She knocks, before revealing an intimidatingly tall and muscled man on the other side, in front of quite a few similarly scary-looking men. "We have a new emotional support worker here. She asked to be allowed to test her Emergency Summoning Cylinder here, can you do that?" He just gruffly nods, before looking on at Sana expectantly.

"Everyone, there's someone wanting to try out a cylinder here! Please give her a warm welcome and show her she won't need to worry with that thing on."

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She pulls the ring, hesitantly.

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5 or so guards snap to attention, running out and surrounding her in a comforting ball, slowly leading her away from the door and towards one of the elevators. "That's what'll happen if you use that thing to summon for our help, in case someone does something to you you don't want. Do you feel safer, now?"

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That's... yes. Yes she does.

"Yes. Thank you for protecting people... like me."

She won't have emotions about this right now, but she will have a talk with Cynthia tonight.

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The guard looks slightly confused at Sana. Cynthia smiles at her. "It sounds like you're ready to walk around and bring people joy? Follow me; my phone keeps track of everyone's requests, so I'll know where to go."

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"Let's go spreading joy!"

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"The first client isn't too far from here! She's here recovering after breathing in a lot of smoke during a fire, when a camping fire went out of control. You'll have to be careful so she doesn't get out of breath. And of course, there's one place you can't touch her without her making it very, very obvious."

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"... which place?"

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"The one between her legs. Maybe that's more than one place, if you think about it?" Cynthia opens the door, revealing a woman splayed out on a wide hospital bed. She has loose, thick onesie on, with many buttons that make it possible to access any part of her body without taking the whole thing off. She has a mask over her mouth and nose, and is breathing very slowly and deliberately. She makes a few simple hand signs for Cynthia, before rising slightly so she can use a keyboard to communicate, her words showing up on a small screen on an arm next to her head. "Hi. Talking feels really bad, so you'll have to read what I'm saying here. Can you massage my thighs first?"

Cynthia turns to Sana. "If they're wearing a onesie like that, it means that they have absolutely nothing on under it! So you'll basically never have to worry about any extra layers getting in your way."

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Sana is at first confused by the keyboard, until she sees the text magically appear on the surface next to the woman's head.

One day she'll stop being surprised by this world. That day is, apparently, not today.

"That seems convenient for our job!"

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"It's mostly useful for the doctors, really." Cynthia walks up, using a button hidden near the hips of the outfit to reveal the woman's left thigh. Then she begins gently and slowly massaging it, heading both up and down. "Liking what we're doing?" She just nods and smiles.

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Sana looks, paying particular attention at how Cynthia communicates with the woman.

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She moves on to teasing her, rubbing her chin against her thighs and inching ever so slightly higher... "Do you want me to kiss you there, on your most sensitive area?" She nods enthusiastically, as Cynthia slowly, slowly reaches for the button of the onesie that reveals her hips and what's between her legs. "Sana, could you show her why you were so beloved where you came from?" She turns around and smiles at her.

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Sana smiles back, then turns towards the bed, and locks her gaze onto the woman, pure lust on her face.

She puts her hands on the exposed hips, and lower her head so that her breath can be felt on the exposed skin.

NSFW. Explicit. May also contain handholding. (No it wont't, but it is in fact nsfw and explicit).

She puts her mouth on the inner thigh, and kisses it.




Slowly inching upwards, getting closer and closer to her core.




She can smell her excitement now, so close. She lets her breath linger, and enjoys the scent of woman filling her consciousness, driving her own excitement.

She almost gets carried away, but she's here to do things properly, and properly they will be done. The left leg hasn't got enough love yet.




This times she moves quicker, and her fourth kiss finds lips, ready to accept her attentions.
Her tongue traces onto them, once again, twice again, and between them at last.

The flavor is overpowering, and she lets her instincts take over, she lets pleasure drive her, to creating it for who she's tasting. To feeling it for herself in return.

Her tongue explores deeper, the excitement pooling here now smeared on her face.

She then gently teases upwards with the tip of her nose, tongue still firmly inside, until she thinks she found the correct spot, then moves her tongue here, in a carousel of caressing, applying pressure, and gently suckling.

When she finally needs to breathe (she's really proud of how long she can last without), she takes a moment to ask Cynthia:

"Hey, I can't actually see the tablet from here, is everything ok? Breathing is fine?"

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The woman is breathing a bit intensely, and a wooshing sound picks up, but she's managing to handle it, just about. Then Cynthia quickly gives Sana a tap. "You're really wearing her out, here. Please give her a bit of a break, now. Next time, when you get tired, miss, please touch Sana here somewhere with your legs, OK? Now, Sana, I want you to be staying around here near these people, while I make my way through the hospital. I'll tell the nurses that you forgot your phone and that you'll be waiting in this room, in case one of their patients requests someone like you. You can tell them to use their phones, if you ever need to contact me." Cynthia waits for a reply from Sana, before making her way off.

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"Fine by me, have a nice work day!"

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"I sure will, Sana! Now, maybe stay here with..." the screen says Lydia "Lydia here, for a while. It just feels so nice to have someone caring for you in the room, even when they don't massage the most sensitive parts of your body." Then Cynthia starts heading elsewhere in the hospital.

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"Would you like my company, Lydia?"

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She nods enthusiastically. "Can you nuzzle me on the chest, as well? Please?" She smiles slightly.

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She does it very gently, careful to not apply pressure on her recovering lungs. This time she goes for affectionate and playful instead of intense and lustful.

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After a while of Lydia enjoying her company, Sana hears a nurse knock on the door. Opening it, she mentions that there's a man a few blocks over who wants her services. Lydia looks at Sana, writing "I'll be happy resting a bit by myself, for now."

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"Goodbye, Lydia. Happy I could make your time here a bit more pleasant." She winks at her.

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She's always preferred women to man, but work is work and... she is safe here.

She looks at the nurse. "I'll follow you."

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The nurse takes Sana a few rooms over, revealing a man who currently has an arm in a cast. "I won't be here too much longer; could you be quick and... use your mouth for a few minutes?"

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Be quick, and help him for a couple minutes? She can definitely do that.

"You should touch me on my back if you want me to stop or if I'm doing something you don't like."

As she swallows, she raises her gaze to check on the man, and sees him with his eyes closed and a big smile on his face.

"Hope that was quick enough." She winks at him, then heads out of the door.

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The man just smiles widely at Sana. "Oh wow, you were fantastic! Thank you so, so much!" She bumps into Cynthia as she exits the room, with her wearing a mouth guard with a design of a tiny lotus flowers on it, keeping her mouth open. "Shana", she takes the mouth guard out, putting it in a plastic bag to stop the drool leaking into the other things in her small suitcase, "Sana, you must be doing fantastic! I was just using my mouth on another male client, and I feel like I did unusually well!"

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"I've got quite a lot of experience! I tend to prefer using my mouth, as it leads... well, lead, to less abortions down the line."

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Cynthia simply responds with stunned silence. "Well, of course it... it would do that. But you didn't have a mouth guard; wouldn't using your mouth end up tiring out your jaw?"

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"Practice, dear." Wink.

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"Well, I did practice quite a bit. But it's still easier! Anyway, your next client is just in this next room." Cynthia opens a door to a larger than average suite, revealing a tired, elderly man. And someone else drying... his head while walking out from a shower. Cynthia closes the door rapidly. "Well, eh. I don't usually knock because they know I'm coming... but that's maybe not the greatest of ideas!" Eventually, the man opens the door slightly, blushing at Sana and Cynthia. "Well, you're free to come on in now!" He's wearing the same skin-colored underwear that Sana has seen Cynthia in, although his parts... don't look like men's parts, when wearing those.

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The skin-colored underwear are way too tight to not show off his... shapes. Why does he look like a woman down there?

(She's kinda staring.)

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"So, uhh... could you enter? My grandpa here was getting cranky and touch starved, so I wanted you to give him a few hugs and embrace him." That person quickly steps back into the shower, returning wearing a skirt as well as a fairy long white dress shirt.

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A skirt? Maybe men wear skirts too on this world? After all she's been here for two days, it's not as if she could have seen the whole gamut of local dressing customs.

She moves closer to the person on the bed, touching his arm at first.

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The old man doesn't have much energy, but is obviously pleased at getting touched by Sana. The person in the skirt joins in, embracing the old man in the hospital bed and crying a few teardrops as well. "This young lady of yours is really nice. Do you think you could have her stay with me for a few hours? I get lonely when nobody's here."

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"I would love that. Do you want a hug?"

Doing nothing for a few hours sounds good. She bragged about her jaw not hurting, but she knows it would hurt if she tried to use it more right now.

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"Yes, please, young lady. I want a lot of hugs!" After another long, hard hug, he suggest Sana sit down. Then the old man begins talking about the many memories they've had together, of long days by the lake and fun trips around the world.

Eventually, Sana is left with the old man by herself. He's a great customer; he asks for massages, hugs, getting nuzzled and patted all over his body. Nothing demanding! A few hours in, Cynthia returns. "Soo, Sana? I kind of want to show you around more places. I was planning on spending just about all day in the hospital, but I think I should be spending some time with you and Sofia helping you get used to everything here. Do you want to spend another hour or so here at work before meeting Sophia and spending some time at the beach?"

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"Works for me! Harold was just telling me of that one time he went on a plane to Leakey Resort to enjoy their white beaches. He really is a gentleman."

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"Sure, I'll show up once I think it's time to head home to Sofia again, and be ready to pick you up in a car again. It'll be done in a flash!"

Cynthia comes back precisely an hour later, driving Sana back to her apartment and asking Sofia to join them on a trip to the beach. "I even bought a Uranium lounge one-day pass for each of you! Although... do you actually have proper beach outfits, or would we have to buy those too?"

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"What would be a proper beach outfit?"

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"I mean, you've seen all our clothes. Would anything we have work?"

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"A proper beach outfit means something that makes you look good, and that doesn't get wet and soggy when you're in the water. I don't think anything you have now, qualifies. So some swimwear would be another thing to get, as well as phones for each of you. Anything else you think you might want to pick up, before heading to the beach? Personally, I like getting new underwear because I like looking great for clients, but at this point, I'll be taking a break from filling up my closets even more. What are your thoughts? Sofia? Sana?"

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"Honestly there's only two people I'd want to look good for right now."

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"Clothes that don't get soggy in water? I'd love to see that!"

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"Yup, let's get some of those! There's a tailor not too far from the beach, who made all of my swimwear. I'm sure he can get you something perfect. But before everything else, we should get phones." Cynthia leads Sana and Sofia to a walk to a nearby phone store; the phones look quite similar, the main difference being their sizes. They're made of ultra-lightweight plastic, so they weigh next to nothing. "Just find a phone the right size for your hands; these are all the same on the inside."

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"I see... I guess it's not the size that matters, but how you use your hands..."

They choose their phones.

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Cynthia shrugs at Sana's joke. "Now, it's just a short walk to the tailor who makes you swimwear. And, because Sana worried about this earlier, they're all perfectly sanitary." She walks the couple of blocks over to the tailor in question, an excitable young woman who always wears a wetsuit, even indoors at her shop. "So, ladies, did you have any ideas for how you'd like to look when playing in the ocean?"

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She has a look at the swimsuits on display, then gets closer to Cynthia to speak without being overheard. "So, let me get this straight. You basically go swimming in your underwear?"

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"Not necessarily, but mostly. I mean, you don't want to wear too much so your clothes get weighed down and you can actually enjoy the sun on your skin, right?" There are a few pieces of lace swimwear on mannequins, looking just about identical to some of the underwear that Sana and Sofia would have seen.

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"Ooooh, I like this one!" She's eyeing a two piece with red flames on a black background.

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"I love it, too! Looks so bright and exciting. Sofia, seen anything you like?" There are a few proper dresses, actually; some have thicker wetsuits built in, even, although the weather's too warm most of the year.

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"This one is really pretty!" She's looking at a midnight blue racing suit with a pattern of galaxies that sparkles under the light.

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"Great, I'm sure you'll look fantastic in it! Now, let's get them and head off to the beach, shall we?" Cynthia pays for both outfits, before making her way to another tower looking out over one of the curved beaches. There's a small 92 next to the lock on one of the doors, and she scans a small card against it, causing the door to open up. It reveals a spacious bathroom, with its own pool built into the floor and a huge shower only slightly smaller than the one in Cynthia's master bathroom. "Sofia, I'm thinking this'll be your changing room? Sana, you take the one next to it, and I take the one next to that, OK?" She puts a small plastic card in Sana's hand, before walking up over to her own room hidden inside the apartment building.

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Sana... tries to scan the card on the next door.

It opens to a bathroom almost identical to the one Sofia's changing in.

She changes into her new swimsuit, appreciating how light it feels on her skin, and how it sustains and emphasizes.

When she's done she gets out of the door and looks for Cynthia.

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Cynthia looks... revealingly dressed. She has a rather sheer, simple white dress, similar to the ones that Sana has seen previously. And hopefully, some of the workhorse underwear she likes so well...

"You look amazing, Cynthia! Let's run off into the water, shall we?" She runs off, swimming on her back and looking at Sana as she slowly makes her way into the beautiful blue water.

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Sana and Sofia walk into the water until it reaches halfway through their bust, and then look... a bit unsure what do to.

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"You don't want to enjoy the water?" Cynthia gently glides on the water, making her way to a small raft with a diving board and a few benches floating in the water.

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"I don't know how to swim."

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"Doesn't really come up, it's not safe to swim in our local river."

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"Oh, of course. I'll find one of the float suits for you, then." Cynthia awkwardly rushes back, finding something like a life jacket, that she pulls over Sana and Sofia, before strapping it on around their thighs. It's unexpectedly light and sleek. "With this on, your heads will stay above water, so you won't need to know how to swim, and can still follow me." Cynthia then jumps into the water again, heading to the small raft with a few people enjoying some fries.

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She follows, awkwardly moving her arms and legs to propel forward.

Sofia trails closely behind.

They heave themselves out of the water and unto the raft.

It's easier than expect, with her jacket helping push her out of the water, and her swimwear not being heavy with water, but apparently barely damp despite staying in water for minutes.

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Cynthia is holding a cardboard box of fries in her hand, covered with the orange spice, eating each of them slowly and appreciatively. There's someone running small centrifuges of fries, constantly spreading a perfectly even, thin layer of spices over them. "You have to try these, they're fantastic!"

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She'll grab one, and try being sensual while eating it.

It's... not really working, and she just looks kinda goofy doing that.

The orange spice smells unfamiliar, with smokey but not unpleasant tones.

The food is extremely salty, crisp and incredibly satisfying to munch on. She guesses it's some kind of vegetable, the orange and yellow could be potatoes, or carrots, but she's not quite sure after a single one.

Time for some more science!

"Oh, you're right, they're great! Sofia, come try them!"

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Munch munch munch.

"Are these... potatoes? How do you even cook them to get them like this?"


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"Extreme quantities of vegetable oil, mostly!" She keeps having more and more of them, as a few other men also make their way onto the raft, enjoying a box of the tasty treats. Just as one of the centrifuges run out, a large drone starts making its way over the water, carrying a plastic box with enough fries to fill them up and enough left over for quite a few refills.

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Whispering, so that men can't hear her: "No wonder nobody makes these at home, the salt cost alone would be prohibitive!"

She laughs: "I love them, why do you even bother eating anything else?"

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"Well, you get sick of them, eventually? And it'd be annoying to get all your protein from protein shakes."

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"What's a pro-tein shake?"

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"Well, it's basically en extra thick creamy drink, where you put in protein powder also? It's used by people wanting more muscle."

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"I actually don't know what 'protein' means."

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"Hmm. Raw material for making muscles? I think that's the best explanation. It's in meat and beans, mostly. Fruits and grains have next to none of it."

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"Oh, I think I get what you're talking about!"

Munch munch munch - still not sick of these.

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She lays in the sun, enjoying the slight breeze, the waves moving the raft, the heat on her exposed skin.

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Eventually, the sun starts to set. "Well, I'm wanting to go home, now. Enjoy some reenactments. Are you thinking of staying here longer? I don't have the keys, so you'd need to use your phones to call me."

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"I think I got all the laying around doing nothing done for this month, we can definitely get back."

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"What about laying around doing things?"

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Cynthia starts heading home, walking out to her main room and sitting on the couch. "So, how was your first day, Sana? Hopefully you didn't have to do anything too tough. And Sofia, I'm hoping you didn't have to clean up anything too nasty? Are you feeling like you're happy with your new jobs?"

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"It was mostly... surprising? In a good way, though. The biggest difference is that... I'm safe here.

And I actually did way less than I would have done at home, the elderly person just wanted hugs, and telling me his stories, we didn't have any sex at all.

And... communication is extremely different. People just show all their emotions all the time here, and they will ask you for things instead of demanding them.

And the dude I blew off didn't grab my head at all, but was very... passive about it? Granted, one of his arms was covered with something looking like stone, but his other was free so..."

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"Nothing I hadn't cleaned before, but this time I had the Magic Blue Cleaning Liquid, and the gloves which are super easy to clean! And Henry was so patient with me, he never hurt me, even when I was asking silly questions or making mistakes."

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"...oh wow, and you consider those pleasant surprises? It shouldn't be a surprise that you're safe at work! And of course the person you're putting your mouth shouldn't be grabbing your head unless you've negotiated everything in advance. And so goes for you, Sofia, not being hurt for making mistakes isn't something you should even think to mention! I'm not letting whatever hellhole you came from keep hurting totally innocent, ordinary people like you! ...if I had the ability to do something about it."

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"Yes. That. We should talk about... that."

"Because it is a Hellhole. In a very specific sense."

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"Do you remember when we first met? I thought you may be an outsider out of Axis. But you kept not understanding my words, and a Lawful creature would not lie about that, so I stopped thinking about it but I think that know that we know each other better and have a bit more trust I can try explaining and you won't dismiss it fantasies or confusion on my part."

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"Axis is one of the afterlives. Which are places your soul goes to when you die.

There are nine of them:
Heaven, Nirvana, Elysium,
Axis, the Boneyard, the Maelstorm
Hell, Abaddon, the Abyss.

When people die, they get Judged, and depending on whether they were Good or Evil, Chaotic or Lawful, they go to different afterlives.

I'm pretty sure if I died today I would get sorted Evil but neither Chaotic nor Lawful."

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Cynthia puts her hand under her chin. "How in the hell would you be sorted evil? You seem friendly enough."

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"I'm... not the same person I was yesterday.

... you two are the first people who've seen me cry since I was too young to have the self discipline to Not Do That.

Funny thing what not living in constant fear of your mind being read, of being killed and sent to be tortured for eternity for disloyal thoughts can do to a person."

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"But make no mistake. The reason I would be Judged Evil is because I have done evil. I have hurt people, I have always put my needs and wants over the ones of others. I have stolen and intimidated and blackmailed.

Being friendly has nothing to do with it. The reason I've been at first deferential and then friendly with you is that I knew you had my future in your hands."

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"And then you showed me trust.

You showed me a world in which everyone I've met was more Good than each single person in Cheliax.

And yet your country is more advanced than anything I've heard of from my world.

You've given me shelter, food, opened your house, taken care of me and Sofia.

Again and again, never making my choices for me, never second guessing my opinions."


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"Showing you were truthful hurt by our pain.

And slowly... I stopped pretending to be friendly.

Because I understood you were not pretending."

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"And trust me. I would be able to tell if you were pretending. People from Cheliax don't show their emotions, ever. And yet my work is precisely to understand what they want. And whether they're dangerous.

Because if they're stronger than you.

You -

You don't get to decide what happens in the bedroom.

Unless your words are what they need to hear, and that takes experience to get.

And while you are getting that experience. There is no one to protect you."

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"Oh... oh... oh..." Cynthia blinks and nods, before choosing to give Sana a hug, careful to have her consent first, of course. "I'm never gonna let them hurt you like that, again. Or... anyone else, maybe? But how? There are lots of skilled soldiers here, but... we need more than that to help."

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"Soldiers can help, a wizard will always lose against a thousand soldiers.


A wizard can kill a hundred soldiers with a single fireball. And then shoot again six seconds later.

I'm sure your world has better soldiers, better armors, better weapons.

But you remember when I told you about our schools?

The ones that take in the brightest, regardless of their background?

They are for teaching new wizards. Our army has hundreds of them. And some of them are even more powerful than that.

It's rumored that the most powerful of them can literally stop time.

Would your world win? Maybe.

But are you ready to sacrifice a million of your soldiers for that?"

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"And this is their humans, they say a pit fiend is the general of their armies. But I am getting ahead of myself. Let me do this in order."

Their armies. Funny that.

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"There are 15 billion of us. I think that one in ten thousand of them, if not more, would be willing to sacrifice their lives to save those of many, many others. Yes, I think we are willing to sacrifice those soldiers. And we'd never let their wizards have 100 people close enough to hit. And in the hands of a truly capable shooter, 6 seconds is a lot of time."

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You truly are a planet of Good people, aren't you?"

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"So. Back to afterlives.

There are nine corresponding to all the combinations of Lawful/Chaotic/Neither, Good/Evil/Neither.

Hell is the Lawful Evil one, and is controlled by Asmodeus, the god of tyranny, torture and contracts.


One hundred years ago Cheliax was the center of the faith of Aroden, a God of humanity and civilization. Lawful but not Good nor Evil. One hundred years ago Aroden was supposed to return to Cheliax and bring an age of prosperity. One hundred years ago Aroden died.

His clerics stopped receiving spells. The sky was clouded. The crops failed. People died. Entire countries were devoured by a tornado that is still going on today.

Cheliax fell into a civil war, until the Thrune family... " her tone changes, sarcasm and disdain palpable "oh-so-gloriously saved us, and by sealing a pact with Asmodeus got power, put an end to decades of civil war and brought back Law and order.

Now. This is what I learned while living in Cheliax. So it's going to be filled with lies and half truths, but one hundred years later, you can still see the scars. Most churches of Asmodeus still have an eye here or there.

They say that He will conquer the world, and all afterlives, because He's the most powerful of all gods. It's probably a lie. But one hundred years later, my country is still under the yoke of Hell, and none of the Good gods have done anything about it."

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"If it's true that the general of the Chelish army is a pit fiend, and it may be, that's a creature that can cover a battlefield in hellfire, fly, control the minds of his enemies.

And maybe it's a lie, it would be one of many. But maybe it's not, and suddenly it's not a hundred soldiers dead, it's the whole battlefield set ablaze.

We... you may be able to win, but not by charging headfirst.

I don't want to see good people dying without a plan."

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"There will be no battlefield. What's stopping us from freeing all those people isn't the armies of Cheliax, but the fact that they have no way here. We don't have to kill their pit fiend, only leave him behind us. Just so we know to prepare: could he fit inside one of our normal doors?"

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"He could smash through it, ignoring the wall. Unless it's magically protected, possibly? I'm not a wizard."

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"... but you went through that weird intermediate place first, right? Would he able to smash the wall in that magic place... and end up here?"

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"I... don't know. There are so many things I don't know. But, it doesn't take a major devil to cause a disaster.

What I'm thinking is... we need to be smarter, quicker than them, not stronger."

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"Being quicker than them would be easy. And being smarter sounds like it should be extremely doable."

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"Can I get another hug?"

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"You know what? I think you should fall asleep with me hugging you. I think that's probably necessary." Cynthia takes off everything but her underwear and hugs Sana, before slowly taking her towards the entrance to the apartment. "Or do you want to luxuriate in a bath? Just having space to yourself and sprawling out in total privacy can feel therapeutic."

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"I don't want to be alone."

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"You're not alone."

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"And you never will be, here." Cynthia keeps up the pressure on Sana.

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She's not crying, but every muscle in her body is tense, and as soon as they get to the bed she curls up in a ball and starts shivering.


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"May I undress you?"

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"I don't want to... oh, you meant...

Yes, you may."

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She strips down to her underwear, then gently, slowly, does the same for Sana, and hugs her from one side.

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Cynthia quietly grabs a thick blanket, turning up the air conditioning, before entering a pile squeezing both Sana and Sofia. The bed is slightly cramped for the three of them; she'd probably want to get one of those mats for the main room if she wanted to do this more often...

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She's feeling exhausted. It was a long day of work, fun and... hopelessness.

They say Hell is the destruction of hope. It sure feels that way to think about her country now.

Cynthia is so Good and optimistic, but... they don't think gods exist, and even on her planet, a hundred years and the Good gods have done nothing, Cheliax is still in the clutches of Asmodeus.

She won't sleep well, but it could have been worse. She could have been alone.

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Cynthia is on her phone, with a look of determination on her face. "Look, Maurice, they own clothing that wasn't made here. Hair samples will show contaminants that no place on thomassia would have. They come from a different world, a very dangerous world, and a miserable world full of people we need to help. Our Grand Army could easily destroy them if deployed; they have no firearms, and won't stand a chance against our modern firearms and assassination drones."

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"Why don't we just open a door for him? Hard to argue with that."

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Cynthia nods at Sofia. "I'll take them to you, and you'll see how real they are." She turns to the two of them. "Sana, Sofia? We're heading off to meet someone with power, who can really help you and all of Cheliax. Come with me." She quickly changes into the first thing she has available, a workout outfit with a shirt that reaches down a bit in the back, before walking over to the elevator, impatiently waiting for the two others to follow her there.

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They will change back into their Chelish clothes, as quick as possible, but selecting for the ones that are more visibly foreign.

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"I'm still worried that there would be more to pay than you expect. But it's your choice.

Personally I'm ready to help Hell with collecting more souls. By helping Asmodeans to reach an early afterlife."

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"Well, it could be a huge amount to pay. But we're happy to give up a lot, I'm expecting." She returns again to a car waiting near the base of the building, racing through the narrow streets to the massive skyscraper towering over the others, near the center of the city. Some 30 minutes of spirited driving has them waiting at the bottom of it. Cynthia walks in, flashing a photo of the mayor's seal on her phone to the receptionist, and gets to the express elevator taking them all the way to the top.

It's less than a minute before they arrive to the very top, the height of the tower letting it see far into the distance, over the many tall buildings of the city. She knocks on the door to the mayor's office, waiting impatiently.

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It's hard to stay miserable when surrounded by so much beauty. She looks out from the window, taking in the scenery, the wealth, the local magic pushing things in motion...

... is that a flying version of the mechanical carriage they were in moments ago?

Cheliax won't know what hit them. The fuckers.

She's still angry, but it's... more focused, less consuming.

"You are incredibly Good. But the more I get to know you, the less alien it feels."

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Eventually, Maurice, wearing a perfectly tailored three-piece suit, opens the door. He sits down in front of his desk, looking over at Sana and Sofia and instantly realizing the severity of the situation. He puts his phone on the desk, but doesn't call anyone just yet.

"So. What's the problem? What do we have to do about it?"

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After everyone has stepped into the office, Sana closes the door behind her, and opens it again to show... a different room.

The walls are festooned with red, gold and green, there is a huge bar counter of which only a small part is visible from the door. In the background the windows show exploding stars suspended in a pure black sky.

She sits down. Opening the door was easier this time, but still took effort.

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Maurice blinks twice, and shakes his head. "But... but... how are we supposed to send in soldiers? Or send out people? Through that tiny door! It'll take eternity to move a meaningful amount of people through it. How can we possibly make any difference?"

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"Do you have... bigger doors? Like, the door to a castle would be bigger to allow carriages in. I don't know if it will work, but it may be worth trying."

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"...We have some very, very big doors. Yes. But they're not here. And I'd prefer having a door open far away from anyone who might be attacked by the dangerous people that Cynthia mentioned, as you might expect."

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"How long would it take you to build a new door?"

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"We don't actually need to build one, there are a few huge doors in now abandoned areas that could do the trick. But building one a big as the one I'm thinking about would take 2 weeks or so."

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"I think we would need time for planning anyway. Yes, it's a tragedy that people are dying and going to Hell every day, it's a tragedy that the diabolists are going to control Cheliax for a while longer, but they have for the last century.

My country can survive two more weeks. Your world cannot survive us making a mistake that gets the Thrunes access to your weapons, or your knowledge.

We need to be smart, and quick, and that requires preparation."

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"What if we tried to pray to Iomedae?"

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"That's a mistake we truly can't survive, yes. I have a very interesting idea, a ruthless idea, for stopping that from happening. But I think it should be secret, from you more than anyone else. But that's just going to be part of the planning."

"Now, praying is going to do nothing, I'm pretty sure. But if it makes you feel better, go ahead."

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"Of course it's going to do nothing if I do it now, we're probably way too distant for Her to notice.

And I'm not even sure if She would be able to hear me, I'm definitely not Good, and probably not Lawful either."

She turns towards Cynthia.

"But you are Good. Do you usually respect the laws?"


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"All the time, every time, without exception. But prayer doesn't work, gods aren't real. Lots of people think so, but they're wrong."

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"Well, then it would obviously not hurt to open a door to Cheliax and think very loudly, something like:

Iomedae, Iomedae, I want to destroy Hell, to save every person in Cheliax, my country has weapons and people ready to die for this,


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"The danger is the opening the door part, mostly. We'd want to do it somewhere far away, with tons of extremely well-armed guards, in case someone seriously dangerous is waiting on the other side."

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"Yes, that seems prudent. The door should open to my house, but we should proceed with as much caution as we can afford.

That said, if we can get any of the Good gods on our side without tipping our hand to Asmodeus, it would completely change the board."

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Cynthia just ignores Sana's suggestions. "So, Maurice. We can be quite sure that what Sana and Sofia are speaking of is very, very real. And although we're certain that they're lied to about just how dangerous their rulers are, we should act as if they are incredibly dangerous. Shall we begin our planning for rescuing all of those people, and finding some method of handling all their infiltrators?"

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"It's also not going to be trivial finding a big door when we're in Cheliax. All the ones I know of belong to private noble estates, or are city door that we can't close and open on a whim."

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"I'm pretty sure that is a problem that can be solved by overwhelming force.

At least at the beginning you will need either me or Sofia to open the door, so we'll be the most exposed, so we should probably not know of any sensitive details, but we can answer all your questions."

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"And if the questions themselves could be sensitive, we could just decide, who of us is going to open the door, so the other one can answer questions."

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"I'm going to be the one opening the door."

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"Sofia, you are smarter than me, you're more likely to give them better ideas if they ask."

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"I said it'd take 2 weeks to build it. But we don't need 2 weeks, we already have a door like that ready. It's just a long trip, flying, to get there. I'll try mustering as many mayors and Supreme Coordinators as I can manage; and I expect you to be there and ready when the doors come open."

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"I will."

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"We will."

And then, in a whisper to Sana: "You will never be alone again. If you let me."

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Cynthia and Sana, together with Sofia, enjoy a comfortable flight to an abandoned airfield, complete with a hangar and its huge doors. It's about as wide as a city block, and 5 stories in height. And there is nobody to seen for miles upon miles. The trio is equipped with the finest body armor thomassia has to offer, with soldiers ready and armed, standing next to the huge doors.

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Airplanes are so cool!

She spent the whole flight with her face glued to the window, enjoying the world from above for the first time in her life.

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As it lands on the airstrip, Cynthia steels herself while waiting outside the huge doors. "Here goes nothing", she mumbles to herself.

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She grabs the handle, concentrates on the sensation that corresponds to opening the door to the other place instead of just opening it normally and... collapses unceremoniously on the floor.

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Sofia runs towards her.

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She croaks: "I'm fine!"

She slowly gets in a sitting position, her head still spinning.

"Cynthia, I think I can't do a big one from your world, you should try it. Let's hope it works for you."

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Cynthia shrugs, touch her hands to the hangar doors and... willing to lead Elsewhere? She really doesn't know what kind of mental motion she's supposed to make.

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It works on the first try. It takes no effort on her part, just a gentle mental nudge.

The bar is further away than where it was when they tried with normal doors, at the end of a corridor as wide as the hangar door she just opened.

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"Oh God, this is genuinely slightly terrifying. Well, one of you might be able to open the door, so... please do? And get some people to walk over through, so we... know slightly more to make a plan?"

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"I know some people that would follow me."

She walks to the end of the corridor, where there are some smaller doors, and opens one. It opens to Sana's house, which... appears to be exactly as it was two days ago.

"Keep the door open for me?"

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Cynthia nods at Sofia, looking slightly tense. She instinctively places a hand against her right thigh.

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After almost an hour has passed, voices can be heard from around the corner.

"How long have we known each other, Agnese? Why would I pull such a prank on you? And why in my mistress home of all places?"

As they round the corner, Cynthia can see that Sofia is walking with three other people, who to Sana's eye are clearly dressed as servants of House Sarini.

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Cynthia waves at Sofia and the others. "Welcome! You'll be happy here, trust me."

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"And she's the very Good person I was telling you about, she's the reason why I can even offer you the opportunity."

The three servants are staring agape at the door. "That's an illusion, isn't it?"

"Well, if it was, you'd be already screwed, so might as well give it a chance, no?"

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"Mistress, I had been thinking, because you're on the other side and can reopen the door anyway, you don't really need to keep it open for me. Plus, I may be able to open another door that's more convenient than... your bedroom door?"

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"Ok, let's try this. I'm going to wait for five minutes, if you haven't opened the door from the other side I'm going to reopen it from here."

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Sofia didn't manage to open the door, unfortunately. But Sana manages it. "Wait, I can see that they haven't shifted positions even slightly. I think time stops for the people on their side when we haven't opened the door leading there! We can take time to prepare and be ready."

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"Yeah, to me it looked like the door closed and reopened immediately."

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Cynthia gives her friendliest, warmest smile at the trio of servants behind Sofia. She doesn't want to scare them off by seeming too generous. "Welcome to my homeworld! There's so many new things that you'll get to see! And I can guarantee you'll have work if you want to stay!"

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They all step through the door, which Sofia starts closing behind them.

Just as it's about to close, she stops and says: "I still think you should pray to one of the Good gods, Cynthia."

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"Good gods? Like Iomedae? But I don't even know who that is." Cynthia thinks "Iomedae, if you hear me, I am but a humble woman happy to devote myself to the end of tyranny and for wealth and happiness to be enjoyed by all", more confused and shrugging than anything else, to herself.

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That spark is definitely looking in Her direction, even though she is calling for Iomedae. She sends a packet of information Her way, anyway. And another to Desna, because the spark comes from unfathomably far away, and She may know something about it.

Cynthia feels - <Warmth. Resolve. Redemption. Happiness. Hope. Pride. Hug. Intrusion-Permission?>

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Cynthia accepts anything that happens to her, not really trying to resist the bundle of emotions and concepts coming her way.

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Permission given, She reads the bright spark's mind, trying to be as gentle as possible but sending a <Sorry> because She knows that it will be painful for her, even at Her gentlest.

The spark is an emotional healer, who is dedicating her life to giving warmth and love to people who are recovering and healing. <Pride>

She tried to contact Iomedae because of a suggestion from the local spark standing next to her, who is... oh poor soul, I'm so happy you found a healer.

And her plan to end tyranny is...

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Cynthia will feel like falling backwards off a cliff, dropping into ice cold water, and struggling to breather until...


She is in a mostly empty room, with a couple chairs and a table. They look incredibly... simple.

The walls are white and featureless, and the floor is made of faux-wood. There is a big window, overlooking forested hills and a small lake. There are no people visible outside, nor buildings.

The rooms looks at the same time familiar and... weird. Like someone tried to create something familiar for Cynthia, but had no context on the æsthetic, or architecture, or her society at all.

Standing next to the window there is a woman, looking similar to Sana, although more muscular and tanned. She is wearing metal armor, and has a red cloak on her shoulders. At her hip sits a scabbard for a sword that is more than a meter long.


She turns around, and smiles at her.

"Hello, I'm Iomedae. Yes, Gods are real on this world. They probably aren't where you come from, no.

And you... you are the best news I have received in my whole existence so far. Sarenrae told me you come from a different world, and have the technology, soldiers, and will to free Cheliax from the clutches of Hell. I think we could do much more than that, if we succeed in working together - and I'm hopeful we can.

Sarenrae is the Goddess or Redemption, Honesty and Healing, and when you prayed She heard you because you were thinking about helping people, and sharing happiness, and those are more her domains than mine, but as soon as She got your permission to read your mind, She could see your plan, and told me to talk to you, because I am the Goddess of Winning against Evil.

I'm sure you have a lot of questions. I am refraining from reading your mind, because I will not assume your consent. If you give me explicit permission, I can read them and answer them directly, otherwise you can just ask, as if you were speaking to me."

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Cynthia gathers her mind in another gesture, blinking two times, very, very slowly. "Why are you speaking to me? I'm not a warrior, or even a leader. Or even someone who really has the courage to truly fight evil."

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"And yet there you are, terrified but willing to be on the front line of this. Not believing in gods yet willing to trust the suggestion of someone from Cheliax, because it might allow you to save more people, sacrifice less lives. Being there because you can't accept that people are living like that, without love, in fear, oppressed.

You say you're not a leader, but it was you holding that door. I will communicate with your warriors, in time. But I wanted to tell you I'm proud of you."

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Cynthia nods, just slightly. "I don't think you should compliment me for trusting someone from Cheliax; it was more ignorance than bravery, honestly. And dumb question: can you please show me some properly utopian surroundings? I want to imagine being in one of my wish-fulfillment novels, just once."

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She smiles warmly.

"May I read what you'd like to see from your mind?"

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"I consent freely and happily, with all my heart, to let you read my mind." (Cynthia really wishes she could say that to her boyfriend, as she's spreading her legs on the beautiful white bed, knowing she won't be hurt...)

And then she imagines her favorite scene from that indulgent romance show: a woman is walking around her huge, all-glass house, the dense clearing of woods surrounding her giving her total privacy so she doesn't have to wear a stitch of clothing, and the private nuclear reactor in her basement (lead-cooled, for extra safety, rated for 120 years of passive operation) letting her have an endless supply of hot water and to keep her body toasty warm through even the coldest nights of winter, not having to curl up for heat even once.

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Advanced civilization; overwhelmingly Good; oh, wow even Azlanti didn't have those; oh Abadar will be ecstatic about the whole idea, pity it requires much more wealth than Golarion has - for now; how many people are living there?; yeah, it could work with enough Mind Blanks; ...

She spins off a thread to process everything and to start making plans. [This goes to Abadar - standard conditions - in exchange for the exact amount of intervention budget She needs to not leak that She's concentrating a nontrivial amount of Herself; this will go to Milani at the right time, She'll love it but she's not... super reliable on waiting; Nethys is super not getting this; ...]

"You should close your eyes for a beat."


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Cynthia does as instructed, with an excited smile that reveals her teeth.

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When she opens them again, both of them look almost naked in their skin-clothes, and they're standing in the middle of a forest. There are walls, where furniture sits, but everywhere else there are just floor to floor windows that are so transparent that it's hard to tell they're there at all. The floor is warm under her bare feet, and she now has... something in her brain that feels like she can unspool with her will.

[Pharasma, we need to have a talk about getting souls for these travellers; Desna, could you please move a door for me?; ...]

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Cynthia makes a few mental motions with whatever's inside her brain, unspooling it(?) slightly here and there and back and forth.

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When she does she will feel like she could totally flip that switch over there from where she's standing - even though it's almost 7 meters away - or turn the temperature knob on the thermostat, and then re-spool it for later.

[I know, right? They are called Combine Harvesters; I think we could, but we need enough contingencies prepared to avoid Him from releasing It; ...]

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Cynthia tries unspooling on the ground, curious about whether she's able to feel sensation or resistance. She doesn't need to adjust the thermostat; she's plenty warm already. And not just on her feet, thanks to the beam-forming IR antennas heating her all over her body! She chooses to try taking up as much space as she can, sprawling out her arms and legs in the cavernous open space of the glass home.

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The mental motion doesn't give any sensory feedback.

"Keeping you here for a long time will give you a worse headache, so if you have questions, you should ask them now. In the meantime, feel free to explore your desire."

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"My question is, because I won't be a warrior: what will I be doing to help the innocent and struggling people on the other side of that door? If there are problems caused by staying here too long, I won't risk it. Although, if our powerful painkillers are able to stem that headache... I'll take one for the team; tell when my headache would be as bad as having a toe hit with a hammer, and kick me out. Someone must find out."

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"You are a healer, you should do what you do best. Talk to these people. They will be traumatized by living their whole life under the thumb of tyranny and torture. You have seen Sana and Sofia. There will be people even more hurt. You probably won't need to have sex with them, mind, they will need time to heal their souls first, to see a better world.

Most people can be redeemed, you could ask Sarenrae to be her cleric, She would be delighted. I will send someone to talk to you in the physical world, so you can ask more about what being a cleric even means.

You have already done an incredible thing, by opening your house and your heart to two people who needed safety and love to flourish, and by rousing your people for this when you realized that saving two people was not enough.

Yeah, painkillers will definitely work, but you shouldn't overuse them - although it will be less of a problem if you can get a Restoration for your liver afterwards. I will warn you when the time is over."

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"Yup, I'll bring these people lots of warmth and healing and joy. I'm happy to give that to them. And... space, of course, as always. Now, how about enjoying some of the warmth in this home's dedicated pool room, surrounded by all this beautiful nature? Maybe you'll enjoy it with me." She starts making her way to the pool of the house, wanting to enjoy some proper relaxation.

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"I can't really enjoy human sensations, I left that behind when I ascended to godhood, but I can keep you company in the pool for a while."

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Cynthia decides to lie down in the pool, closing her eyes and thinking about how she'll handle other Cheliax refugees going forward. Or sending in thomassian farm and construction workers; the people on the other side probably don't eat as well or have as much living space as privileged thomassians do.

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She enters the pool too.

"No, they definitely don't have enough food or space. People regularly starve to death and... I'm sorry for telling you, but I think you'd want to know. Less than two children in three reach adulthood.

That's why you are the best thing to ever happen. You can bring medicine, Combine Harvesters, better crops, hospitals, antibiotics, ...

You should get your scientists to speak to Erastil."

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"Well, all that death and all that hunger, that's miserable, isn't it? But it wasn't too many generations ago when we had numbers nearly as bad. So it's just something to deal with, not something to cry over. The quicker we crush the slavers and the poverty, the better."

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"You know, you could become a paladin - sacred warrior - of mine.

My teacher " - a note of sadness in Her voice - "taught me to

Never walk away
Never give up
Return again and again
No matter the cost
No matter how long it takes
Until everything is fixed
And everyone is all right

and I can see a spark of that in you.

You shouldn't - I think you'd find Sarenrae's path to be better for your soul - but you could."

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"I could do many things I shouldn't! I don't do them, and I don't think I'll be doing this thing I shouldn't either. But it's auspicious that you have faith in me, and think I'd be able to be a holy warrior."

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"You are a Good person, and I'll be glad to help you make the world a better place."

They stay in comfortable silence for a short while.

"You should probably go now."

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Cynthia tries to go by using her brain, read to rush to take some painkillers to ease the headache. She grits her teeth as she enjoys the challenge that the pain presents and rushes for a first-aid kit to try getting some relief for her pain.

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After her painkillers start to take effect, she'll notice that there is a big, fluffy dog, next to her.

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Cynthia is more scared than anything else by the surprise dog. "Who are you? Wait, why would I ask a dog..."

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"I'm Charlabu! The Dawnflower sent me to talk to you!"

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"No she didn't. That's impossible. You can't be real. What -"

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"More believable if I can stand on two paws?"

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Cynthia only stares. "This is slightly terrifying. And somehow less believable!"

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"I know it's terrifying! That why I usually go more... doggo!"

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"Uhh, is there... something important I need to know quickly?"

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"Important, yes! It is important to know that you are loved and appreciated! Quickly no, you can take your time to decide!"

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Cynthia shrugs. "Well, yes. Wait. Take my time to decide what?"

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"If you want to be Her cleric! She'd love that! Do you know what a cleric does, right?"

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"No, it sounds almost like a priest. It'd make her happy, I guess, but why should I?"

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"So. Gods are powerful, right? But they agreed to not act directly on the Material. Mostly.

So what they do, is they give a bit of their power to clerics. And then the clerics do... their own thing, really! Usually!

Some churches actually demand obedience, and have strict rules and who commands who.

Sarenrae has rules too, but they are simple.

Help the sick and wounded, protect your friends, help people on their path to redemption.

So. The way it works in practice is that if you think that you want to work with Her, to help people people heal, then you ask to become Her cleric, and then you get cool magic!

You pray in the morning, and you get spells! You can ask for specific ones, or trust Her to give you what you need.

You don't need to decide now! It's not a simple decision!"

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"I don't decide now, truly. It sounds like a huge responsibility, far, far more than I've ever had previously. I'll think about it. But I'm not sure I could be the best user of these powers."

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"She thinks you would use them for Good! And healing! She likes you!

But it's valid to think about it! The options is going to still be there tomorrow. And the day after. And probably more time after that!

Do you have questions for me?"

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"In truth, no. I just want to be here as a friendly and loving face for anyone crossing over from Cheliax. But we'll need to find a way to dismantle that place, if we want people to be able to leave..."

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"I think The Sad One is going to send someone to talk to your warriors and generals!"

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"May I step through the door?"

His voice is loud and deep, and doesn't fully sound human.

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Cynthia nods. "Yes, feel free. I don't think the bad guys would think to ask. Although I want to know, who are you?"

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"I am the Hand of the Inheritor, the Herald of Iomedae, sent by my Goddess to communicate with mortals, and fight by their side."

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"And the sourpussest of sourpusses!"

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"Greetings, Archon.

I think we should close the door while we plan, to minimize exposure."

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She closes the door.

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"Well, you wouldn't be planning with me. You'd be planning with the military guys... who we weren't planning to call in, today. Hmm. I guess we'll start teleconferencing?"

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"No, we would not planning with an healer. But I can help you with recovering from talking to my Goddess, if you wish.

I do not know what a 'teleconference' is, but if I am guessing correctly that it is similar to a Greater Scry, go ahead and cast it."

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"We'd need to find a projector for that, mister! Let me see if I can find one..." Cynthia looks around, seeing a small office building not too far from the hangar. "There should be some equipment there! Let's make our way over." Cynthia starts taking the lead, calling someone on her phone to get them ready for a strategy discussion.

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The group follows, with Charlabu zipping all over the place sniffing the unfamiliar plants and building and materials and oooooh, is that a butterfly?

The three refugees are staring agape at the buildings, the tarmac, the airplanes.

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Cynthia turns to the trio of refugees. "So, well. We want to keep you far, far away from Cheliax. You'll be safe, and we'll care for you, here. But this isn't a particularly great place for you; you'll want to head somewhere else, where there's housing and people are meant to live. I can take you there, after the important discussions."

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Sofia adds: "Remember that these people are Good, they will not trick you, they will not hurt, and they really wear their emotions on their sleeves. I mean, you have seen the big angel, he wouldn't be coming along if they detected Evil at all!

You should take some time to look around, see how you feel about this place. If you want to go back, you will be allowed to. Well, maybe not immediately, we don't want to forewarn Hell of anything happening. But you are not prisoners, and if you decide you want to go immediately we could probably find a way to allow that. Somehow.

If you decide to stay, I would like to offer you a job as cultural interpreters, learning about this world and its people and explaining it to the Chelish refugees we will have when the war starts."

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"I will stay with you. You can pet me if you want. You can also ask questions about Good, about Evil (although I'm not good at those), and about how Nirvana can help you grow into your best selves (I'm very good at those)."

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The Hand follows Cynthia inside the building, with Sana trailing them.

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Cynthia takes the Hand into the building, quickly finding a conference room that maybe hosts a dozen people. She rapidly taps on her phone, causing the projector to display a greyish rectangle on the wall. "It won't be too long before they're ready for the discussion. I won't be able to contribute much, so I think I'll walk out once the talking's started."

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"Thank you for your service, healer. Your courage and openness has set in motion something Good."

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A thomassian officer, wearing a well-fitted suit of combat armor, appears on the projector screen. "We were wanting to siege Cheliax, using the superior range of our weapons to restrict supply lines over large swathes of ground. Do you believe that this is a viable strategy? What do you consider to be their strongest possible response to this approach?"

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"The people from Golarion have never seen your level of technology and they will be completely taken by surprise, especially by the sniper rifles, artillery and machine guns.

You can field more soldiers on a short notice than Cheliax can with an extended round of conscription. And they will be volunteers, better equipped and with higher morale.

On the other hand you have no magic, and don't know what to expect from that.

My expectation is that the first thing they'll do is try to get hold of your weapons, by teleporting under invisibility and Dominating or killing everyone they can.

I think our biggest priority is for you to learn all you can about magic, and to get more allies that can protect us from magical attacks."


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"They will have access to Wish diamonds, and Pit Fiends to cast them. Not a lot of them, but enough to kidnap your generals if they manage to get their names. You can be Mind Blanked to protect you from that, up to a point.

I think that our best bet is to be quick, have overwhelming force, and topple the Thrunes before Asmodeus can mount a reaction. They have a very disciplined army, but because their obedience is shaped through torture and hate, their forces will have inferior independence, and will be more susceptible to a decapitation strike.

A siege would work, because you have the superiority and can maintain in, as long as they cannot duplicate your weapons -"

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"They wouldn't have the technology for that, their weapons are the result of centuries of advances over the best crafters and alchemist in Golarion."

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"- then the biggest risk is that they will Dominate your people into attacking each other, sowing doubt into your ranks."

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"How many people can get dominated at once? Does the person dominating get access to the information of the person being dominated? What are invisible people invisible to, normal vision or more than that? Is there dangerous magic that works without line of sight, or would staying unseen effectively protect our soldiers?"

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"One at the time, but the spell lasts 2 days per circle, so at least 10 days, if not more. You don't get information automatically, but you can command the person to fail their save against Detect Thoughts, and you can receive their sensory inputs, which is very effective for spying.

Invisibility makes people impossible to see with normal vision, but there are spells to work around that - I can See Invisibility for 9 hours each day - and creatures who do not rely on vision can still detect invisible people. It is also possible to just hear someone if they are careless with how they move.

Most magic requires line of sight, but some do not. In particular, a Wish kidnapping can be cast from any plane to any plane, and other effects can move - like a Cloudkill, moving 30 meters each minute, and lasting for 10 minutes.

And a fireball can set you on fire without knowing exactly where you are, if it's close enough. Or if the building is made of wood.

There are also ways to find people, from See Alignment which would reveal you if you are strong enough to show up as Good, to Discern Location, which is able to discern the exact location of a specific person, with no saving except Mind Blank.

That said, remaining invisible is a great strategy, and it will protect you from most things."

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"In other words, we can use improved, mundane senses for detecting invisible adversaries. And dominating people sounds like it would be logistically difficult, there's a reason that it sounds like traditional combat remains relevant. But that Wish-kidnapping sounds like a severe danger. It sounds like a costly effect - what kind of wizard is necessary to use it?

How many of those effects do you believe they'd be able to summon? Would it be able to have a different ending point or starting point, hypothetically teleporting a general from here into a plane where they're trapped forever? Or would it only be useful for capturing them as prisoners?"

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"Yes, that would probably work. You can also set up an Alarm spell, for a specific location.

With regards to Wishes, they would probably enlist Pit Fiends - strong devils directly from Hell - but they need a diamond about this big " - he indicates with his hand - " for each attempt, although they would be able to try to kidnap up to 18 people.

They can absolutely teleport a general wherever they want, and even do worse things than just trapping them, by turning them into stone, trapping their soul into a gem, having their soul be eaten by a daemon or - the most probable - Maledicting them to Hell where they will be tortured forever until nothing human remains.

I don't have updated information on their fighting force, but there should be less than a thousand wizards in Cheliax, and most of them are going to be low circle ones, not warriors."

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Less than a thousand. Uh. Something more to add to the pile of lies she needs to unlearn.

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"An Alarm spell can handle the invisibility separately? We could easily set it up in a specific location; our weapons have a simply extreme range, so we wouldn't need many defended in such a way from invisible assailants. Just so we know what to compare it to: what's the range of a bow in relatively inexperienced hands?

How many diamonds sufficient for a Wish do they currently possess? This Malediction business, would you mind explaining this in greater detail? Would common soldiers be able to such a thing? Secondarily, how permanent is being sent to hell. Presumably, Wish would also permit us to kidnap people from hell? Were it not for Wish and our worries about malediction, those thousand wizards sound like they don't make up too much of a threat for modern repeating firearms. Would that assessment be correct?"

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"If you can have few positions, we can do better than an Alarm, by putting down a permanent Forbiddance that will hurt all Evil people and forbid anyone from teleporting in. They are very expensive, but we can afford to put down some. A good longbow will easily hit at thirty meters, and become utterly ineffective after three hundred. Some magic bows can do double that. In inexperience hands... I would say sixty meters would be the range.

Their stockpile of diamonds is a very closely guarded secret, not even Heaven knows about the exact number. It is definitely more than one and less than a hundred.

With regards to Malediction, what do you know about afterlives? Common soldiers no, it is a 4th circle cleric spell, they have less than three hundred of them and they cannot have them all fighting, lest they lose control over their population. Being sent to Hell is usually permanent, especially for Malediction. You need a Miracle or Wish, to physically retrieve the soul - which is very hard to do but not impossible, or to convince the original cleric to free the soul. Although sometimes trying multiple times also works, so if you can spend diamonds it will probably be enough. I can personally resurrect a person who has died recently, up to three times per day, but if they have been Maledicted it will only work about half of the times.

My assessment is that a powerful enough wizard is able to deal with anything you can throw at him, but not everything. Repeating firearms would not be an issue for an archmage, because you would never have him in your crosshair. But for anyone who is not one of their very few powerful wizards... yes, a firearm can still be very effective."

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"Hand, these people are incredibly rich, if that helps with strategic decisions. Also, I am Evil so please don't demonstrate smiting or Forbiddances while I am around."

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"You do not detect as Evil."

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"A Forbiddance sounds beyond spectacular. So our soldiers won't have to worry about anyone Evil walking up to or teleporting into their positions. And with the extreme range of their firearms, far far beyond 600 meters, conventional weapons won't be an issue either. We believe that a surprise siege of Cheliax, will be far safer than a decapitation strike and far more reliable than any siege initiated after their knowledge of our presence. 100 diamonds don't sound like they'd be close to enough. That would let them capture, what, less than 2000 soldiers and leave the rest of their wizards and soldiers to be massacred? Not a very sustainable approach.

We were convinced of the nonexistence of afterlives. But if you have convincing evidence of their presence, we'll have to consider that. And if they only have 300 people capable of maledicting, it doesn't sound like it'd be a meaningful problem for our full army, especially considering how difficult them attacking us would be to begin with. If spending multiple diamonds is the only thing needed to reverse a Malediction, we aren't particularly worried. If we started looking, we'd find much more than 100 such diamonds!

And we're not there for their wizards. More relevant than whether we could deal with an archmage is whether an archmage would be able to deal with us sabotaging their ability to control of their population. It doesn't particularly sound like they'd be able to rule all of Cheliax with us having near-perfect control of their supply lines."

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"They would not use the Wishes for your soldiers, but for your generals. And that would allow them to grab your secrets and plans. But we can Mind Blank them, and as much as possible avoid the enemy even knowing their names. And give them magic items for further protection.

A resurrection, as opposed to a Wish, requires a smaller diamond.

If you want to see an afterlife with your own eyes, I can bring you to Heaven; moving between planes comes easily to me.

No they would not. I still think that a decapitation strike would be the best choice, but I do not know your strengths and tools, and I believe that mortals should be allowed their free will. I will assist you whatever your plans will be. The things you will probably find most useful are my ability to resurrect three people per day, to heal even severe illnesses, and to fight their strongest warriors and be unassailable by fear and very hard to harm or control with magic."

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"If you have even more faith in a decapitation strike than our best plan, presumably because we can be fairly sure of its total success, we gladly defer to you and choose that rather than our plans. And if resurrection only requires a smaller diamond, then that's amazing news.

Mind Blank our best men, give them magical equipment, and tell us where to send them. They will certainly crumble before our unimaginable prowess."

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A subterranean bunker gets built, deep in the water and as far away from land as would ever be possible on this planet. A remote-operated cannon, on a robotic arm designed to let it move with superhuman dexterity, stands ready to fire lead with enough force to drag its future residents' heads from their necks. And hiding inside a lead-lined submersible floating just slightly above the bunker, enough casters to ensure that they'd be unable to be brought back using even a Wish or a Miracle. The only step remaining is putting one of the diamonds prepared for this to use.

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I Wish for these people to be gently transported from their current location (Westcrown, most likely), to that lovely room over there.

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Aspexia wastes no time, she immediately grabs Abrogail's hand and Plane Shifts to He-

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Several cannons fire dozens of small lead balls with vast amounts of energy, that effectively manage to drag the pulpy remains of the heads of those in the room towards one of the walls, separating them from their necks as intended. The room should now be safe enough for casting the necessary magic to guarantee that its residents will not be revived by any method.

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Quickened Dimensional Door, Soul Bind.

She hears the others around her doing the same, trapping most of Cheliax powerful casters into gems.

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A cleric rushes into the throne room. He doesn't stop to bow.

Gorthoklek would normally set someone on fire for such an insolence, but Abrogail just disappeared midsentence, so something is afoot.

He says "Her Majesty and the Most High have been kidnapped. Protocol is to Wish them both immediately to restore chain of command."

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The pit fiend grabs a scroll of Dominate Person from his bag of holding. "Fail your will save." He casts it. "Was that the truth?"


He casts his yearly Wish, willing Abrogail and Aspexia back here.


It doesn't work.


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This because they're extremely soul-trapped! Thomassia keeps the existence of the facility and everything related to it as secret as possible, of course. But the big barrier to their freeing of Cheliax has now disappeared, letting the military liberate the cities and disperse everyone within them to destroy the system of violence and hierarchy that Cheliax is built on, without the extreme unpredictability of a caster on Aspexia's level, and the chaos of the power vacuum leaving the remains of the power structure disorganized and broken.
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A thomassian sniper with excellent equipment and excellent training is able to hit a target - or launch a warning shot - from a distance of approximately 2.5 kilometers. Several small, dispersed teams of soldiers would hence be able to effectively patrol vast areas of Cheliax, controlling critical supply lines and the flow of goods. In the first stage of the operation, invisible in the pitch-black night in their black body armor, dozens of small guerrila bands simultaneously placed a sign outside several outlying cities that formed regional power centers.


Thomassian medical personnel, logistics experts and volunteers quietly hide themselves within the population of the surrounding hamlets and villages, preparing them for the vast wave of refugees escaping the cities after realizing that the food will not come.

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"Have them arrested! I want those terrorists executed and Maledicted by the day's end!"



"What do you mean you can't Scry them? We have their ridiculous declaration, what's the difficulty?"



"This is ridiculous! I'm going to have the next person bringing me bad news set on fire!"



"I specifically asked for apples today!" "... how did we run out of apples? The market is today!" "No food merchants? At all?"



"Why were there only two guards at my door tonight? No, I don't care how much it costs, hire more mercenaries!"



"I locked the door with my own key! And there was an Alarm on the whole room!"



"Empty??? Just raise more taxes!"

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On Oathday, the head of the former Paraduke Marcellus Thurivan can be seen peering from above the gate of Belde. On a spike.

You can order your men to march, to arrest, to investigate. But only as long as they can eat.

When a population runs out of food, you'll find that your power starts slipping through your fingers, until you're holding nothing.

The people from the city can get outside to find places where food is still available, but less and less come back at night.

This is the way the siege of Belde ends, not with a bang but a whimper.

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Tyranny can create very efficient and orderly chains of command, where people obey without questioning.

But it stifles innovation. It suppresses independence.

This is even more evident in Gorthoklek. He can easily lead the Chelish armies, creating a massive headache for the liberation. He just needs the order to do so.

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There are protocols in places for enemies killing any of their most powerful people, of course. There are no protocols for someone soultrapping all of them.

Cheliax folds like a house of cards.


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The waterfront is the most desirable and pleasant place to live; not only do you get the view of an endless sea and fantastic play opportunities, but there are also oceanic winds keeping things comfortably cool. The thomassians, now occupying Cheliax, put together one of their hypercompact reactor cores within a bunker beneath the heart of an abandoned port city, providing the energy needed for building and living in the city, and get to work. It takes only months before they end up with an adequate amount of temporary, low-rise housing for some of the city's returning residents, as thomassian workers quickly put together one of the beachfront skyscrapers right next to the homes. A new, less morbid sign gets placed outside:

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That is a trap, right? Whoever goes to those luxury mansions is going to get tortured and horribly killed, probably.

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Cynthia waits at the city gates, smiling at a few people looking at it from the outside. "Won't you want to return to your old homes? You can return to your old jobs, meet your old friends, get your old life back, or something even better! Me and the others are happy to help you if you need anything!"

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A merchant approaches the gate.

"Why would you do that? Aren't you the same people that starved us just months ago?"

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"We forced you to leave your homes, so the tyrants leading you would have no choice but to let you leave. Our goal was always to remove the power of all the barons, not starve you. We hid our agents where you were heading, so we could guarantee you'd have food when you got there. We only wanted to help you."

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Well. It is true that outside the city, everyone found food. There were still many deaths, though! Like poor Corvinus, or Eugenna...

In fairness to the invaders, Corvinus got stabbed by his maid. But still, people died, and Eugenna was definitely killed because of the food! He can still remember her poor face, her surprise at the poison he had slipped in her goblet...

"Who have you appointed as the new mayor?" - and where does he come from.

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"No mayor yet! We do have guards enforcing thomassian law; it's nothing too demanding. Our laws are just "don't nonconsensually touch another person's body, directly or indirectly" and "don't prevent a person from enjoying an item they expended effort to get, directly or indirectly." You'd have to ask a lawgiver to know whether something specific you're doing counts, but I don't think you should really be worried. The Captain of the Guard is probably the most mayor-like person we have now; you'd probably want to contact him for anything you'd need a mayor for, until we can get you a mayor that you're happy to have."

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These people are weird. They sound like they care about what the population wants.

And they're way, waaaay too Chaotic and Good.

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"Well, the city's not done, but it's still ready. Don't you want to move in to a house near the sea?"

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"How much is it going to cost?" Is it going to be worth it as a status symbol? Are there going to be better and worse houses to signal wealth?

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"Maybe 20% of what you'd earn as a nanny, caring for thomassian kids? Although men don't tend to like that work... we still want quite a few people stocking the shelves of stores, or offering massages, or making coffee, that kind of work. What was your previous profession? There's a chance thomassia has something similar, although the workday would probably look very different."

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Of course she can't tell, she's a foreigner after all.

"I am a merchant. I have a shop in town, but most of my job is traveling to acquire rare goods." And also cater to his... other tastes.

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"Travelling to acquire rare goods is something quite similar to working in logistics, and there will still be many people wanting to buy things in town. Although the ships will be different, I still think that your merchant experience will prove useful, especially when it comes to supplying the needs of local residents. I'm sure you'll be able to afford it, once your store and the economy gets off the ground again."

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You talked about ships being different, could you tell me more about it?"

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"Well, they're much, much bigger. And they don't use sails. And you need very huge cranes to unload them. Those are the differences that immediately come to mind, at least."

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"Do they move with magic then? I am definitely interested in being a merchant still, and I am looking forward to those better ships. Are you going to be coordinating the harbor too, or should I speak with someone else?"

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"I don't work at the harbour, I'm a sex worker! The harbor is one of many things being built, but I'm sure the Captain of the Guard can lead you to whoever will be responsible for the new thomassian harbor. Have you considered moving back into the old city and your old store yet? We're hoping that we'll hire enough nannies, so you wouldn't have to worry about us replacing too much of the old housing stock."

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He's been speaking to a whore this whole time? Disgusting. He was almost beginning to think well of these new masters, but who would send a whore as their representative?

Unless they think that the whole population is beneath them. Which... considering how quickly they ended this, might well be.

"I will speak to the Captain of the Guard."

And he departs, not even bothering to ask for directions.

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"Do you have any food?"

The woman is dressed in tatters of a dress that was meant to barely protect her modesty even when whole. She appears famished, and has an iron collar around her neck.

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"Fucker" Cynthia mumbles, before taking a look at Zenobia. "Yes, plenty. Please come with me." She starts walking towards one of the recently-completed beachfront properties, quietly tapping some buttons on her phone and motioning for Zenobia to come with her. "I think you'd want to stay inside, as well. This one's currently available free to lease."

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"I don't have any money."

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"You won't need any money, please just follow me inside."

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Might as well. It's not as if she has anything to lose.

She follows.

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Cynthia starts the (big) elevator heading up a few floors, before revealing a spacious studio apartment, together with an induction stove on top of a mini-sized oven. "Would you mind telling me your name, miss?"

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"I'm Zenobia, mylady."

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Cynthia just ignores the "mylady" thing. It's some 15 minutes later when the robot with the soy-sauce chicken arrives, making a chime to let Cynthia know it's there. She takes out the steel box from the robot, putting it on top of the desk with an ocean view. "That's the food I have." The portions are, in thomassian style, enormous.

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She starts eating, hesitantly at first, but then getting more confident. Despite the portion size, she eats the whole thing.

"I am in your debt, mylady."

She hopes the foreigner will be a better master.

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"I want you to try something." Cynthia finds the privacy mode slider on the wall, and activates the polarization over the windows. Any windows in neighboring homes turn into black squares, but the view over the ocean remains unchanged. Cynthia walks over to the center of the room, and spreads her legs and her arms to the side, taking up as much space as she possible can. "Try taking up space, like me. It makes me feel better, I'm hoping it'll help you too."

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"As you command." She obeys, spreading her legs and arms. The lady probably wants to check her out to decide how to make use of her.

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"Huh, maybe it's a cultural difference?" Cynthia decides to sit down, with her legs splayed out to take up more space. "I want you to know that you're under thomassia's protection now. Do you feel like there's a chance someone'll touch you somewhere that you don't want? You seem... tense."

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"I am glad to be under your protection. It is irrelevant what I want, I'll obey your orders."

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"Yeah, I'll be clear, you're not under my protection. You're under the protection of the same guards who protect me. I will not give you orders, and you will not obey them. You will satisfy your wants. Zenobia. Can you tell me what abilities you have, if that's what you want?"

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So this person is a slave too. Makes sense.

"I can sing well, I can read, I speak two languages, and I am well practiced in the arts of the bedroom."

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"Singing, literacy, sex work, bilingualism. Wow, I can't even sing! I'm sure you'll be fantastic at house calls, clubs or hospitals. Do you want me to introduce you to some of the people I've worked for, and get you the upgrades?"

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"I'll do what I'm told."

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"Ahh, ahh! I'm not telling you anything, I'm asking you! It's called self-respect. If I didn't tell you anything to do for the rest of your life, what would you do? What would you do to be able to feed yourself and live somewhere?"

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"Whatever it takes"

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"Well, doing that takes finding some work! And with your skills, I'm sure you'd be absolutely brilliant at bringing people love and happiness in the hospital. So is that what you'd be doing, miss?"

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"I w..."




"If I must."

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"Don't be so dour! The money's plenty good for living like this, you'll never have a customer touch you without your consent, and you'll be able to meet lots of great people! Just look at me, mylady."

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"I am not a lady. Cannot be one, certainly not after having been used."

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"Well, I'm not a lady either. But what's so wrong with being, ahh, used? You're still yourself, right?"

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"There is nothing wrong. The strong takes the weak, that's just how it goes. I just... don't enjoy it."

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"And if you had guards there to stop anyone doing something you don't want to you? Then that wouldn't be how things go, would it? You'd do the things that other people want you to, so much that they'd have to give you something back. That's how things are different in thomassia. Everyone has guards keeping them and their things safe."

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"I just don't... enjoy bed work. Never had. But it's not as if I can choose. I am pretty, and young, and a slave, so if my master tells me to kneel... I kneel. And after a while you get good at pleasuring men.

And I guess that if there are guards protecting me it's less bad, but that wouldn't make it enjoyable, just safer."

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"Ohh, so then you'd just be doing singing? Bed work is far from the only thing you could be doing. What if you wanted to care for someone else's kids? Or help make food like you just had? Or show people around beautiful parks and mountains? Or sing to people? There are endless opportunities if you just put in the effort!"

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"Those all sound... peaceful. I think I wouldn't hate it."

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"Thomassia is a very peaceful place! Remember what I asked, about how you'd feed yourself and pay for shelter if I never gave you another command? You said you'd do whatever it takes. Well, wouldn't you prefer doing something you enjoy? So, what would that thing you enjoy, be?"

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"I think I would like to sing. And show people around beautiful places. And possibly cook or take care of children, but I've never done it so I don't know if I would enjoy it."

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"Well, sounds like your only option would be trying them and finding out! Want to see thomassia yourself, and do that?"

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"I... guess I can try."

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Cynthia opens the door leading into the condo. "Well, thomassia is through here, so could you please follow me?" She opens a door to the fountain at the downtown of her favorite winter resort, where the biting cold strikes her in just seconds. "Brr!" She shivers for a few seconds before running over to one of the IR radiators surrounding ground floor of the tall buildings in a circle around around the fountain, spreading heat all over her body to keep her comfortable in her decidedly non-wintery clothes. "It's warm here!" she shouts at Zenobia.

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She follows. The cold is really intense, and her clothing is not protecting her at all, but when she gets close to her new master the foreigner, she feels suddenly warm.

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"Yeah, you need to get clothes, quick. I'll buy you some winter clothes; come follow me. Stay close to the walls of the buildings, they'll keep you warm." Cynthia starts walking, before finally finding her way to her favorite winter clothing tailor: a tiny woman, with a nice, 2-story boutique full of thick, heavily-padded snowsuits in all colors and sizes. She opens the door, and waves at her.

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"I don't think I can afford any of these clothes, it would take me years of pay to get the cheapest of them."

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"That's where you're wrong, girl. It'd take you several full days, sure. But years? Not remotely. I'll buy you one, just so you can get started. But you'd need it tailored for you, first." 

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"As you wish."

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"Well, you can't get that done with that iron thing around your neck. How did that thing even get put on? We have to get it off, now."

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"... you truly don't know? Oh.

It's my slave collar. It tells people that I'm property, and can be used to restrain me.

Did you think I was a free person?"

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"Well, I realized. But you're not a slave and not property. You are a free person, and I don't think free people should have those. So, starting from today, you'll never have that around your neck again. Mercury, can you find some way of getting that thing off?"

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... just like that?

Being free.

She has been a slave since that winter. The winder her dad didn't come back home.

And now she would be free. And have money. And no one would force her into bed again.

It's hard to believe but... these people have incredible magic, they're probably rich enough that they don't even need slaves, but can just pay people to work for them.

She starts to hum a lullaby to herself, the one her mother used to sing them.

She is crying.

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Cynthia rushes to hug and comfort Zenobia, with her practiced ease. She gently coaxes her to relax her muscles and almost lie down, letting her bawl out all her tears between Cynthia's warm, comforting arms. She ever so gently strokes Zenobia's hair and pats her head in silence.

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"After all these years... Eugenna wasn't a bad master, she never hurt me needlessly, and kept me well fed, but... I have been a slave for most of my life and...

And now I'm free.

I now understand you're not my master but... I do feel in your debt. Can I do something for you, in exchange for the gift of freedom I'd never be able to repay?"

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"Repay for the clothes I'll buy, mostly. Because that means I'll be able to help the next person, similarly. And I think you helping others like yourself, would also be the most fair thing to do."

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"I... I think I would like that. Possibly even more than singing."

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She takes a look at some of the fellow waitstaff, who are all smiling at her as they're making their way home in their snowsuits with insulated helmets. It's cold this far north, certainly so outdoors. It's not many days to go until the coldest day of the year, in fact. Her current outfit is up for it, at the very least.

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"Hey William, what are you doing for the weekend? I would like to visit the city a bit more, but I could really use a local guide..."

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"Just the Winter's Bone celebration, actually. I really like the fireworks."

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"What is Winter's Bone?"

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"It's when you spend all day outside on the coldest day of the year. In your snowsuit, of course. It's just 2 days off, now."

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The snowsuit would mean that she wouldn't actually be cold, but still, such a weird way to celebrate.

Well, as they say, when in Egorian do as the Egorians.

"May... may I join you?"

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"Yes absolutely! It's for everyone to enjoy. What are you thinking of doing once you're home? Enjoying some documentaries, or some music?"

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"I really like watching documentaries, I especially love the ones talking about far away and exotic lands. It's still wild to me that on Thomassia everyone can move across the world so cheaply and safely, I had lived my whole life in a single province of a single country."

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"The mobility of the modern world sure is magic, isn't it? How are you enjoying your life here? Hopefully, the weather isn't too annoying."

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"And the communication! I can talk to anyone on the planet! For free! And have access to all the libraries and information and...

And I'm really happy here, you are all so kind and patient with us.

This weather would be incredibly worrying at home, but the clothes make it actually very pleasant. I like the crispness of the air, the way it tries to bite at you, and yet you are warm because the ingenuity of mankind is greater than any obstacle Creation throws at us."

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"Yes, yes, you're explaining it perfectly! You're going to love the Winter's Bone celebration." William smiles and waves at Zenobia, before starting to make his way back to where he lives, inside one of the many towers with a fantastic view of the surrounding mountains.

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Zenobia walks home. It's been weeks since she was assigned her own home, but it still feels a bit surreal to have such a large place just for her alone.

Not that she's complaining, this place - which the locals consider "modest" - is better than what her previous owner, a rich merchant, had. It's just taking her a while to get used to being free, to being able to have a work she actually enjoys, and to be in a country where every commoner can live like a queen.

She drops her bag on the table, her clothes on the floor, and gets into the sauna. She found that being naked can feel comfortable now that there is no one looking at her, no one having power over her. The sauna, like most rooms, has a floor to ceiling window, but even if she knows that it's possible to set it to show the outside without people being able to see inside, she still doesn't feel comfortable enough to do that when undressed.

As soon as she's done showering she puts on some comfortable clothes, and sets the windows to show the outside. It's still weird to live in a place so cold and yet every place is warm, with no drafts, with heating coming from the floor of every room. She enjoys looking at the falling snow, making the landscape soft, and the sounds quieter.

She turns on the projector, and searches for some new documentary to watch, or possibly some movie, if she sees anything that looks comfortable and uncomplicated.

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Well, as always, thomassians have a wide range of shows showing battles from history, especially those involving cannons on ships. But among the comfortable and uncomplicated things, her best option would probably be an animated movie about a family moving to a charming small town and learning about its history in the countryside. The city and the landscapes and the animation and everything else is just incredibly beautiful, and hearing the stories of the characters talking about how the world has changed before them produces in a really happy and nostalgic feeling.

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Oooh, that sounds like just what she needs! She'll put it on, and sink into the sofa to watch it.

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It's just... a pleasant experience. There's so many beautiful, relaxing visuals. And hearing the old people talking about how their lives have changed so much since they were young is so incredibly nostalgic, and meaningful. The very end of the movie has a grandma walk past the graves of her parents, one final time, before settling in to spend her final days with the newcomer protagonists.

After the credits are over, they show her taking her final breath, before the cryonics technicians go through the elaborate process of preserving her body and brain as perfectly as they can, and drive off from the small town, taking the old woman into her next life some day in the future.

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What... what are those people doing? That is a really elaborate coffin! Why is she not going to be buried in the local graveyard? Why is the scene put after all the authors and actors and wizards technicians names? She's so confused.

She'll have to ask William about it. One more question to add to the pile! It's so weird being able to ask questions and have people eager to answer you, going beyond what you asked to help you understand more about the world. One day she'll hope to know enough to be able to help people in the same way. She can answer questions about Cheliax, sure, but her coworkers have learned that it's a very sensitive topic and rarely ask anything at all.

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She decides to text him, actually.

Uh, silly question but. I just finished watching "Looking Back, It Feels Like Yesterday" and there is a thing I don't get. Why is there an extra scene at the end of it? Why is she not getting buried next to her parents?

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We call the way that she gets taken off "cryonics", that means they try to keep her body as perfect and unspoilt and "fresh" as possible, because it might be possible to find a cure for aging so she'll get to be alive again in the future. So there's a very high chance that she'll get to see her family again once they've figured that out. Her parents have probably rotted away into just skeletons, though. So they're not coming back.

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So they're basically making it easier to resurrect her. Makes sense, she guesses.

Is she scared they went to a different afterlife and she won't be able to reach them? Because she seemed like a really Good person, so if her parents were also Good they should be able to meet each other, even if she went to Nirvana and they went to - say - Heaven.

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Well, she's probably not ending up in an afterlife? She'll go back to just being alive again.

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But then old age is going to get to her eventually anyway? I'm confused.

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The idea is that aging might not get her once they've found a way around it, far in the future. The point is that she can get treatments we don't know about now, but will know later.

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I don't get it. Aging is not an illness, something you can cure, it's just the way mortals work. Different races age slower or quicer, but everyone dies of old age, except gods. And even then, Aroden died too.

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Aging is something that comes from somewhere else, and can be stopped by stopping that "somewhere else". Every illness is "the way mortals work", why would aging be the only one of them you can't cure?

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I... guess. I'm not smart enough to understand the details, I'm just confused.

But thank you for spending time to try and help me understand, I appreciate it.


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Glad you appreciate it! It's really a very interesting and impressive system.

The moment afterward, a message on her phone informs her that a grassfire has gotten out of control, and is spreading rapidly. It won't be long before all the smoke blows over the city, and everyone has been asked to stop skiing and rush to their homes.

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Oh, shit, fire. Her first instinct is to get out and try to get away from it, but the message explicitly said to get into houses.

She's confused, and scared. It looks like emergency alert can be replied to? She'll try that.

Uh. Hello. I'm one of the people who recently got here from Cheliax.

I'm confused by the order to get inside the house. With the fire coming, isn't it dangerous to be inside a closed place?

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The fire is far enough away that you have no need to worry about it spreading to your home. However, your home will protect you against the thick smoke that will be produced due to the growing fire. We will supply you with further protective equipment, as time allows. But at present, please stay home. The food delivery will continue uninterrupted; we will keep you both comfortable and well-supplied during this period.

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Thank you, dear Sir.

Or Lady.

She looks from her window, to see if she can see any trace of the fire.

"The food delivery will continue uninterrupted." Well, might as well make use of it. She orders some Sambar. The app asks if she wants it "extra spicy". Well, she likes spices so sure, why not?

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The fire started quite recently, so it's nowhere to be seen at the moment. As normal for food delivery, the food arrives some 25 minutes later, on the charming and cute robot. And there's an even, thick layer of paste over the food. It's very, very spicy, so Zenobia has to eat it more slowly. But it leaves a fantastic aftertaste that lasts for hours upon hours.

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She thanks the robot. After all, even if it's just a construct, it always pays to be nice

Oh. Oh wow, that's... a lot. She's not sure she'll get it extra spicy in the future, but very she's happy she tried it this once.

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A while later, smoke can be seen in the distance, clearly visible against the vast, white, snowy landscape. It reaches far into the sky, where it begins to spread out. Zenobia is sure that it'll blanket the city before the day is over.

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She'll look, fascinated, outside the window. It's good to feel safe.

Maybe... maybe her life will be good now.

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As she looks out the windows, she sees wisps of smoke starting to make its way towards the city. The sky turns orange, creating a beautiful, eerie feeling. It's not obvious how, but the air inside the apartment doesn't smell of smoke or anything burning, even though she should probably be able to smell it by now.

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She feels tired and should probably sleep, but it's just fascinating to look at the unfamiliar sky color, everything looking surreal.

She reluctantly shifts her attention to preparing for bed, but then sets the bedroom window to show the outside too, and stares amazed while in bed surrounded by her plushies. A frankly ridiculous amount of them, to be honest, but they were so cute, and cheap!

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The soft bed, and the thick, warm blankets (the bedroom is noticeably colder than the apartment) lulls Zenobia into sleep. The bed is exorbitantly wide for just one person, and no matter how Zenobia sprawls out over it, her hands and legs always stay under the comforting warmth and weight of her blanket.

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Zenobia wakes up, well rested and still surrounded by her fuzzy protectors.

She decides to text William for Winter's Bone.

Hey, want to meet up for Winter's Bone? :)

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Happily! I'm just thinking about the, uh, smoke. You'd probably want to get down to one of the tailors and upgrade to a helmet with real anti-smoke filters. I wouldn't want to have you coughing and wheezing on a big holiday like that. I can get you the address to one of them who works a lot with firefighters? He's got all the newest and best gear.

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Oh, that would be great, thank you!

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Zenobia's snowsuit, proudly displayed on a mannequin, is cozy and comfortable. It consists of an incredibly soft and fuzzy inner layer, closely fitted to her body, together with a wind-blocking outer layer with a large amount of padding. The snowsuit has its gloves built in to the sleeves. It's warm enough that it manages to keep her cozy and warm even in the biting wind, but it comes with special vents that can easily be opened so she doesn't drip with sweat when indoors. The helmet is designed to interface seamlessly with the collar of the snowsuit and protect her head from the cold just as well.

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She puts the snowsuit on, helmet and everything, and puts an additional cloth in front of her mouth to try and avoid the worst of the smoke.

Fully cocooned into the softness, she makes her way to the tailor, to get the modifications applied.

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The cloth does an OK of blocking the smoke; at least, the tailor isn't very far away so she doesn't breathe in too much of it. Zenobia feels a draft of air as she enters the tailor, and sees a man wearing a snowsuit like hers, with all vents open. He starts speaking. "Hello, miss. What can I do for you today? Are you going to give me your helmet, so I can get a look at your pretty face... and make it work to protect you from the smoke spreading over the city?"

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"I don't think my face is that pretty, honestly. But yes, I'd love to get something more protective. I made do with a wet cloth, but it's really not enough with all the smoke. What options do I have for having my helmet work better against smoke?" And how much would they cost? Zenobia now has a salary, but she hasn't been working for long yet, so she needs to pay attention to her purchases. Cynthia assured her that all refugees have funds assigned to them to help with the transition, but she doesn't want to use that, there are so many people who need it more! She's happy she has a job she enjoys, and that she can earn the things she now has.

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"Well, for helmets like yours, I use a fairly standardized wide inflow filter. Unless you spring for a dedicated anti-smoke helm, which is overkill unless you're very sensitive to smoke, that will do plenty. And it's actually rather affordable. If you could bring me the helmet?" He looks over it, shoving a squarish filter that fits over the vents of the helmet in front of them. He nods for a few seconds.

"I'll need it for a few minutes, get all necessary parts 3D printed. And you can wait here." He quotes a reassuringly low number for the modification process to Zenobia. "I'll also have you get a bunch of filters; they should be replaced often for easy breathing and good protection. I could also get a real ultralight exhalation valve for the helmet, think you'd be interested?"

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"I'm actually fine with smoke, but I was told it's apparently bad for people? I think I'd enjoy the exhalation valve, how much would it cost?

And... what does it mean to '3D print' something? I'm... one of the Chelish refugees, I still have a lot to learn..."

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"Smoke is indeed bad for people! It causes them to wheeze and cough and causes all sorts of lung problems and illnesses. The exhalation valve is really quite cheap, less than the filters, so don't worry about that."

"3D printing means that you use a special machine to quickly create an item, essentially putting layers of material on top of each other. It lets you be more precise than working by hand."

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"Oh, them I definitely want it, yes.

May I watch the machine working?"

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"Sure, why not?" He takes her to a backroom of the shop, with a fairly small 3D printer. After taking the necessary measurements of Zenobia's helmet, he turns it on, and it slowly, layer by layer, creates a clip that's able to hold the necessary filters on the front of her helm's air intake. It's a quite mesmerizing process to see happen.

"There, that's the clip. Now, it's just to put in the filter, and attach it to your helm, and..." it's a fairly quick process. He also puts a disc made of some kind of ultra-light plastic inside another part of the 3D printed bracket. The contraption makes the helmet a bit bulkier, but it can be removed when it's unneeded.

"It should work now? You shouldn't have to worry about any smoke or breathing in anything else unwanted with this on."

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"Thank you very much, it's so fascinating to see the technology you have at work."

She pays and gets outside. If she concentrates she can notice the filter making breathing a bit harder, but as soon as she stops paying attention it's almost like not having it. The air that comes through it is completely empty of smell and she can breathe easily and not cough at all.

Hey, I'm done with the tailor, meet up?

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Happily! Maybe meet up at the winter fountain? I really think it's the prettiest place in the city.

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Sure! How do I get there from the tailor?

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You can find a route using the subway with your phone. I guess you'd want to save your energy for the walk to the fireworks show?

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She checks the maps. It takes her a while (she still doesn't speak the language very well), but she manages to find the fountain. It's only four stops away.

Meet you there in 15.

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Ooh, I just know the fireworks will be wonderful this year!

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Zenobia gets off the subway, and starts walking up the stairs. She prefers it to using the escalators, she likes feeling in good shape, and every bit of exercise counts.

The sky is still yellow from the fire of the previous day, and as she steps out of the building, the setting sun bathes the whole world in a deep red, as if everything was still on fire.

The view from up there is incredible, on a clear day you can see the whole valley, but with the smoke still lingering in the air it's like being in the middle of nowhere, a smattering of houses suspended in the fog like one of those snow globes they sell in the souvenirs shop.

It would have been nice to see the stars, but she's really looking forward to seeing the fireworks. William showed her a video on his phone, but also said that the real thing is way more impressive. They looked very pretty, she can't wait for the show to start.

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It takes a bit, but Zenobia finally reaches the outskirts of town, together with William, where she will have a fantastic view of the fireworks. After a countdown, a single firework flies into the sky, marking the start of the show as its vast explosion looks like a sun with its rays, slowly making its way down to the ground.

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She's startled by the first explosion, but any wariness at the loud sounds is immediately replaced by childlike delight at the colors and shapes painting the sky with their light.

It's beautiful. Every new one a surprise: whistling, crackling, colors changing, small and high, or massive and looking like she could touch it.

The forest is bathed in the rich reds, greens, whites, blues of the fireworks, and Zenobia can see around her some of the regulars at the bar.

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Next to Zenobia, someone is holding a thermometer, watching the temperature keep inching down as it gets colder and colder and darker and darker. But Zenobia remains perfectly comfortable under the thick insulation of her snowsuit; she can see a few people spreading their arms, seeming to dare the cold to bite them, as they casually relax in the cold and constant wind.

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Sana is wearing just her skin-clothes and a mask with gas filters, staring at the fireworks with fascination.

"You know, I had heard about fireworks before. Apparently they're very popular in Tian Xia, but I had never seen one myself, they're way too expensive in Avistan. Plus they're beautiful and whimsical, so Infernal Cheliax would have never used them to celebrate anyway."

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One of the men looking at the fireworks, dressed in his thick snowsuit, looks over to Sana. "I'm glad you're getting a chance to enjoy this, miss. Also, I think it's amazing that you're able to handle this cold in your current outfit!"

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"They're beautiful, and it's great to celebrate how a richer society means that everyone can have nice things, even a sex worker like me.

As for the cold... I'm cheating! Care to have a guess?"

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"You're using something from the other side of that magical portal, you have to be doing that. Do they do something to the clothes, so that they can be made ultra-warm?"