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the prodigal sorceress
writers postulating 'strong feelings increase magical power' have not solved for the equilibrium
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The mother of the girl that the village will later call Healthy-Orphan does not mark the day or really the year of her last daughter's birth.  It isn't the sort of village that can afford calendars.

The seasons turn four times from there, and the girl's mother is dead.  The orphan doesn't particularly have a father that she knows of--her mother volunteered no such information before death took any answers that might've been--so she goes to her mother's sister.

She lives and thrives, through further turnings of the seasons, which is unusual for an orphan; she has good teeth and a face unscarred by any waves of plague.  They call her Healthy-Orphan, then, which is not too much of an awkward construction in their language; opalin-milyer it would be there.

Orphan's village does not consider itself to be poor.  They consider themselves to be orderly, custom-abiding people, who can afford the sort of luxuries that are proper to their station.  This doesn't include anyone learning to read; it does include waiting until girls look old enough to have a chance at surviving pregnancy before they're fair game, even if their skin is unusually fair and their forms unusually healthy.  So nobody is really bothering to count the seasons, as such, but the seasons turn several times from Orphan's first blood to when she's sold.  It really is a very civilized village, as such places go.

The first time Orphan feels strongly enough about anything for her sorcery to wake up inside her, to rip free of her, the dark fire's first act is to shred the man who bought and married her.

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Orphan is ecstatic.  Dark sorceresses are spoken of only in whispers, in her little village, but even the whispers are enough to make it clear that dark sorceresses get to have a lot more fun than peasants.

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The seasons turn twice again and Orphan is dressed in the fine clothing of a merchantess whose last crime was to wear clothing that looked to be in Orphan's size.

Her sorcery is still instinctive, unlearned, only a little less crude than it was the day it first ripped forth from her, but she is powerful enough to shred through a fancy academy wizard's shields before he has time to scream.

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The seasons turn, and Orphan has slain five barons and two counts.

Orphan wishes she knew how to take and hold their territory, not just their gold; but she has a sense there are unknown and mysterious arrangements you are supposed to make about that, if you don't want Dukes and Grand Dukes and maybe the Dread Emperor himself arriving where you've conveniently set yourself up in a castle to be killed.

So in place of permanent territory Orphan has her own little bandit-army.  She doesn't really need them to win battles, but they're helpful at the rounding-up and the looting; and also she doesn't have much else on which to spend the loot; and also, how does anyone know you've come up in the world if you have no castle and also no army?

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The seasons turn, and Orphan's story ends.

There hasn't been anyone powerful enough to contest Orphan head-to-head in all her experience.  But her sorcery is crude for all its power, and her shields don't extend through every dimension known to arcana.

Orphan runs out of gold one day, and her army rides to the nearest castle.

The baron there, in seeming folly, sends forth his own forces to meet her.

Orphan's first casually-tossed inferno disperses to the carefully prepared counterspell of a wizard, for such are the hazards of having a predictable signature spell.

The wizard doesn't survive for long.  Orphan becomes more powerful when she feels strongly about something.

But by then Orphan's army is already riddled by an archer's salvo, and the baron's elite knights have come to within a dozen paces of her.

And in the midst of those knights, a man who's skipped his dark robes today to clad himself in armor indistinguishable from the surrounding knights; a student of arts that some might call ill-advised, and powers that some might consider unnatural.

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The baron's hired necromancer rips out her soul.

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And right at that moment, in some totally other world, Opalyn Miller gets run over by a truck.

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Welcome to Eldrida!  Here's your starter package!

One (1) new healthy body with a brief lifetime of memories of peasant life followed by magical banditry!  Don't open them all at once!

Several (N) new magical senses!  "Senses" might be something of a misnomer because they won't make any sense yet!

One (1) "armored knight" who's just finishing ripping something out of your body!

Seven (7) other armored knights beside the remains of six of their fellows, four of whom are still on fire and two of whom are still screaming!

Blood!  Screaming!  Fire!  More screaming!  Pseudo-medieval big stone castle in background!  Tons of planets in the sky with strands of light extending between them!

What do?

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This bears little if any resemblance whatsoever to the day Opalyn was planning on having!

No time right now to figure out what happened, to figure out how she got here: first things first. There are people ON FIRE! In general, people should not be on fire!

Is there anything at all in the immediate surroundings that is anything like a blanket that could be thrown over a person on fire to snuff out the flames? Preferably something that is not synthetic? Opalyn doesn't want to melt polyester onto anyone's skin! Or failing that, is there perhaps a nearby pond or other source of water?



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There is no water in your immediate range of vision!  Also, somebody is swinging a sword at you!  You might want to dodge--

Wait, never mind, your body has acted on reflex and is starting to leap back!  Also you seem to be doing something made of out of completely unfamiliar sensorimotor qualia that is going to totally incinerate that guy according to an instinctive flash of your own memories.

What do?

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As jets of fire start to shoot out of Opalyn's hands, she flings her arms up and to the side. The gouts of flame go over the shoulder of the sword-swinging guy, who gets a bit singed around the beard but otherwise does not burst into flames.


Opalyn can shoot JETS of FIRE out of her HANDS?


Wait, is Opalyn the one who set those guys on fire?

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Okay, look, Eldrida means no offense here, but the part where you were about to kill that guy SWINGING A SWORD AT YOU was probably important to your own continued health, okay?  This is not Earth.

Moving your arms in front of you like that is going to stop that sword from directly taking your head.  But you are now down a left arm.  Stings a bit, will probably hurt more in a moment.

Also your spell seems to be in the process of exploding without you correctly managing it, and your memories indicate that this latter problem is actually the important one.

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Why is the spell exploding? Opalyn still cast the spell, she just shot the fire that way instead of this way, shouldn't it still have discharged appropriately...?

Opalyn's sense of wrongness about the spell is rising faster than she can reason about it so with some effort she just lets go and lets her body take over. She immediately feels an internal wordless slip-pinch and the flow of magic to the fire spell twists off. That's a relief, that's how that's supposed to work.


But now OH FUCK oh fuck oh fuck FUCK FUCK my fucking ARM

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The necromancer is CONFUSED about how ripping a bandit-sorceress's SOUL out of her (which he is pretty sure he did successfully) will cause her to GET WORSE AT COMBAT AND SPELLCASTING rather than IMMEDIATELY FALLING OVER DEAD.

By far the most obvious and best way to deal with this issue is to pretend for the rest of his life that he totally meant to do that.

"She's cursed and weakened!" he shouts in an unfamiliar language that Opalyn's memories understand perfectly, as he quickly backs away.  "Rush her!  If you cannot take her now, with all that aid, I wash my hands of you!"

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Sure, the seven knights will all rush her at once, then.  Some of them are on fire, but on every life a little fire must fall.

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This does not actually seem better than getting run over by a truck! Opalyn worries that if she lets these knights take her down, she'll be transported to a third place even worse than this, and then another and another, faster and faster, with less and less she can do! At least here she seems to be magical!

Seems like this is a time when setting people on fire is correct. Or maybe something better than that, since fire didn't seem to do the trick here.

Can she magically PUSH the knights away from her? She inhales, concentrates, and wills OUT-AWAY-SHOVE in a circle around her.

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Did you mean to say CIRCLE or SPHERE?

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CIRCLE. The knights are storming toward her on ground. She made the circle of force hit them all about hip-height.

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At your current strength of emotion, this will send five of the seven knights flying off into the distance at a really quite high and not particularly survivable rate of speed!  The necromancer manages to divert most of what hits him but still gets sent flying back with ominous cracking sounds!

One knight leaps over your circle, one knight rolls under, and the one who leapt it has his sword going right for your head.  Inhaling and concentrating are not actually good moves in magical combat!  Just kill things!

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BTW enemy archers have not been sitting around this entire time, flight of arrows incoming.

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Opalyn is in way over her head here but she might as well just TRY TO LIVE.



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This grand working of dark-sorcerous-button-mashing would probably have worked better if the combined spell was more familiar to you and had, like, 80% less instinctive casting time, and you were not trying to do it with ONE ARM while also in the middle of DODGING A SWORD.

An enormous terrifying surge of dark magical power blasts out of you in a perfect sphere, aimed in the WRONG DIRECTION along as many as SEVERAL OTHER DIMENSIONS BESIDES THE USUAL THREE.  

Also your body does manage to dodge the sword, after your sphere heads out in the wrong dimensional direction.  But behind that swung sword is also a mailed armored fist coming at where a highly trained fighter might predict your head would be--




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--and you are waking up!  In chains!  Restored left arm included!  This is perhaps because the strange indescribably-tinged electricaloid current running through you, from those chains, would not work as well if you were down an arm.

The clothes you are wearing are torn and bloodied in a fashion indicating that there were probably a number of arrow holes in you at some earlier point in time that has been skipped-over.

You are in some sort of very fancy flying... prison... thing?  Suspended in chains, connecting to an ornate hollow sphere of gold prison bars, chained to a larger containing sphere of clear glass, held inside a spherical forcefield only apparent to your magical senses.

The nested spheres are flying in the air, very high, the ground is very far below you.






Anyways!  Good morning!  Welcome to Eldrida!

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Time to take stock.

Good news: Losing an arm is apparently no big deal at all, nor is turning into an arrow-pincushion. Physical damage is just an inconvenience around here. This is great! This means that all those guys Opalyn sent flying with her force-circle might make it! Even the ones who were on fire! Opalyn didn't want to let them kill her, but she wasn't really expecting quite so much spine-cracking and felt bad about it even while she was fighting for her life. She'd originally envisioned just knocking them down without causing any permanent paralysis.

Also, she's really very happy to have her arm back. She was in shock the entire time it was missing and hadn't really adjusted at all to the idea of missing a limb and now she can skip the entire adjustment and grief process and just not have that happen. This world seems to have an undo button. This is glorious.

More good news: Opalyn is very powerful and it takes over a dozen foes to take her down! Wheeeee! Opalyn knows that being powerful is not particularly a reflection of her own actual merit as a person, it is not as though she earned these powers as far as she knows, but she indulges herself in a bit of egotistical preening about being this much of a badass, and then tamps that back down again because it is not actually helping.

Bad news though: She did get taken down, and now she's a prisoner, and it does seem like possibly she even deserves to be a prisoner. She has a growing nagging sense that maybe in this world she's the bad guy and that if she's basically been arrested and is going to await trial for being an evil sorceress and then get the death penalty for that, well, that might actually be correct?

More bad news: Opalyn's entire previous life appears to be over nope can't think about that right now, that's a vast pool of grief and Opalyn really can't afford it at the moment. It's possible she only has a few more minutes to herself in these prison spheres before all hell starts breaking loose again and she needs to focus on figuring out as much as she can about who she is and what she's capable of.

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Okay, so, what does Opalyn actually know? She seems to have two sets of memories: one from the life that she was living up until today, and another entire set that belong to this world. She wonders:

Is it true that she's an evil sorceress and would plausibly deserve it if she's about to be tried and sentenced to death?

Has this world heard of isekai before and would anybody believe her if she explained that she's not the real evil sorceress? Opalyn does not have a lot of hope about this one, probably all the evil sorceresses are always claiming "It wasn't me, that was someone else who set all those people on fire" but most of them are lying about it.

Who is in charge around here? What are they currently trying to do? How are they stuck? Does Opalyn have any way of helping them out in exchange for... whatever Opalyn ends up needing?

What are the major factions in this region and what's the deal with each of them?

Does Opalyn have any allies or resources?

What's the technology level here? Does Opalyn remember anything from her previous life that could plausibly completely shift the balance of power?

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Is it true that she's an evil sorceress and would plausibly deserve it if she's about to be tried and sentenced to death?

Man, society as Healthy-Orphan knew it did not run on this 'deserves' concept at all.  The leading figure is literally called the Dread Emperor and rules from the largest planet visible in the sky above.

Healthy-Orphan didn't think about her role in existence very hard.  She saw that she had magical powers and wasn't a nobility-owned wizard and figured "oh I must be a dark sorceress then" and went off and did that.  Healthy-Orphan killed people who had things she wanted and whom Orphan expected to not just hand those things over.  She did have a tendency to go more for gold owned by merchants or armor owned by adventurers, and then trade that for food owned by peasants, rather than going after the peasants directly.  She never killed any children, nor any beaten-down fathers helping to juggle underfed toddlers, and doesn't seem to have thought of this as Morality so much as Orphan just not particularly wanting to do that.  She once saw a strong young man in a village and told him that he was now following around her army and sleeping with her whenever she wanted, and it did not particularly occur to her or him that "asking for consent" was a thing a dark sorceress could do.

Orphan has never heard of any such thing as a person being 'tried'.  If you transgress in a village, the elders get together and decide what to do with you.  If you transgress in a town, the town's ruler put in place by the Baron would decide what to do with you.  She was aware in a distant way that there were such things as written laws, but they were not for villagers and bandit queens, or beggars and city guards, more for merchants and nobles.

As Orphan saw the world, if she was defeated by a baron, she'd obviously die on the spot.  It didn't particularly occur to her that a dark sorceress would be imprisoned or judged, or enslaved or sold, or for that matter offered forgiveness or a chance to work for the government.  She knew there were magic-users who worked for the government and nobles with powers, but they were not labeled as present or former dark-sorceress-bandit-queens, so they did not seem to have roles or fates commensurate with Orphan's.

Has this world heard of isekai before and would anybody believe her if she explained that she's not the real evil sorceress? Opalyn does not have a lot of hope about this one, probably all the evil sorceresses are always claiming "It wasn't me, that was someone else who set all those people on fire" but most of them are lying about it.

Orphan will not have reliably heard of most things her world has heard of.  Orphan is from an illiterate peasant village.  She forced a guy to teach her to sound out letters, so she could read stolen books about magic; but then there were also numbers in the magic books, and nobody around her knew how to do anything with numbers besides counting small quantities of coin, so Orphan gave up there.

None of the songs and tales coming to Opalyn Miller's stolen memory have anything about people from another world in there.

Who is in charge around here? What are they currently trying to do? How are they stuck? Does Opalyn have any way of helping them out in exchange for... whatever Opalyn ends up needing?

The Dread Emperor rules all, and none rule him.  Orphan moved around a bit but never got outside the territory of Duke Greendeath.

Orphan does not have a concept that governments try to change or improve the way that things are, or that Eldrida (all the planets ruled by the Dread Emperor, Orphan does not seem to know very much about astronomy besides all that stuff staying up in the sky somehow) had been going anywhere it could get stuck on.

The village had spinning wheels, and a water-wheel turned by the river, and a crudely charmed ice-pit to keep food from spoilage which all the villagers chant over every 37 days.  If there is such a thing as electricity it is not known to Orphan's memories.

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What are the major factions in this region and what's the deal with each of them?

The Dread Emperor sets Princes to rule over planets, and then there's Grand Dukes and Dukes and Counts and Barons below those, except that also there's songs mentioning Seigneurs and Marquesses and Presidents and Headstompers and all sorts of other weird titles that Orphan did not particularly try to sort out.

They don't fight each other, whoever was in charge above them would come in and settle any arguments.  Duke Greendeath is much stronger than any Count. 

Merchant lords get into trade-wars and assassinate each other a lot, but they wouldn't kill a smith who was good at his job because that might upset the smith's Baron.

Does Opalyn have any allies or resources?

Everyone in her little army is dead!  Happened with the first archer volleys after that wizard counterspelled her!  Healthy-Orphan was briefly angry and maybe even horrified and sad about that, before her soul got ripped out of her... oh, possibly Opalyn's eyes might be tearing up.  Because of a man her memories remember sleeping with, and there was a woman in camp who was really nice to everyone and she had two kids.

What's the technology level here? Does Opalyn remember anything from her previous life that could plausibly completely shift the balance of power?

Faux-medieval but with a bunch of magitek thrown in.  A peasant village might hold a couple of bicycles in common, with metal wheels instead of rubber tires, so that somebody can peddle over to a nearby village on a paved road if something comes up.  Healthy-Orphan doesn't know how to pave a road, probably a wizard does it.  Scythe-blades are forged of some unstaining metal and handed down for hundreds of years.

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And what of magic? Opalyn had no choice but to give over to instinct and muscle memory during the battle, but what does her memory tell her about her capabilities there? It would be nice to be able to form actual plans that involve realistic assessments of her magical abilities, rather than just reacting while her opponents pull her puppet strings.

How strong is she, magically speaking? Is she the most powerful person in this universe? (Seems unlikely!) One of the top ten? Top thousand? Top fifty percent?

Her predecessor seemed to favor fire, at least in the battle they shared. Did she always favor fire? Is that because she's especially good at fire, or because fire is scary, or some other reason? Are there other kinds of magic, like water and earth and so on, or does it not work like that here?

How is magic fueled? Is it just for free, or is she draining her own life force, or the life force of other people, or the mystical energy that makes grass grow and birds fly? Does she get extremely tired or extremely hungry after she uses magic?

What are the limits to healing? She got her whole arm back, that was great! What if she'd had her back broken (as she did to those knights) or lost 99% of her blood or been decapitated? Is it possible to raise the dead, and are they basically good as new afterwards or is there some terrible price to pay? Does it matter how long you're dead?

Opalyn doesn't particularly expect this question to work, but does this place have physics at all? Like, is there conservation of matter, for example? When Opalyn shot out that circle of force she made it a circle rather than a wedge directed at the knights because she didn't want to get thrown backwards with equal and opposite force, but did that actually matter?

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How strong is she, magically speaking? Is she the most powerful person in this universe? (Seems unlikely!) One of the top ten? Top thousand? Top fifty percent?

These are difficult questions to ask the memory of somebody who did not know what a fraction was!  Healthy-Orphan never met a magic-user she could not completely crush using brute force at the time she met them.  On the other hand, she didn't know anything about how to string lightlines between planets (she did know vaguely they were called lightlines).  The Dread Emperor is supposed to have cosmic-scale power of some vague kind and Orphan hasn't even tried uprooting any mountains.

Her predecessor seemed to favor fire, at least in the battle they shared. Did she always favor fire? Is that because she's especially good at fire, or because fire is scary, or some other reason? Are there other kinds of magic, like water and earth and so on, or does it not work like that here?

There are all kinds of weird things that magic is said to be able to do in legend!  They proooobably aren't all true unless the Dread Emperor literally once got hungry and ate a planet!  Orphan used fire because it was simple and reliable.  Magic can transmute base materials into weird new forms, some of which are long-lasting enough to form roads or scythes.  Magic can keep food cold or heat it up again.  Magic-users can fly... oh, Orphan has flown, but the first time she tried it, she got all airsick and threw up in midair, then frantically instinctively tried to get back on the ground again, then crashed into the ground hard enough to break her shields and some ribs.  Orphan never tried flying again after that.

How is magic fueled? Is it just for free, or is she draining her own life force, or the life force of other people, or the mystical energy that makes grass grow and birds fly? Does she get extremely tired or extremely hungry after she uses magic?

Other magic-users supposedly get tired!  This has never happened to Orphan.  If anyone knows about a deeper thing that magic draws upon, they haven't explained it to Orphan.

What are the limits to healing? She got her whole hand back, that was great! What if she'd had her back broken (as she did to those knights) or lost 99% of her blood or been decapitated? Is it possible to raise the dead, and are they basically good as new afterwards or is there some terrible price to pay? Does it matter how long you're dead?

Orphan's memory has a vague notion that dead dead isn't reversible, unless the person died around a necromancer who prepared for that happening in advance.  Her instinctive healing works reliably on herself, but when she tried it on a follower who'd lost a hand, the follower ended up growing a weird sickly 'that is not how a hand looks' hand and they ended up cutting it off again.  She once kept a woman giving birth and hemorrhaging from dying of blood loss, but the woman died as soon as Orphan got bored and stopped keeping her alive (she tried, okay).  The woman looked all pale so Orphan's guess was that magic was not making more blood inside her.  Magic in tales and legends can do things like shrink a person down to six inches, turn them old, or give a man tentacles so that he can impregnate all the women in a town in a single night.  These may or may not be reliable; Orphan didn't think of tales as really being things which were true-false rather than fun-unfun.

Opalyn doesn't particularly expect this question to work, but does this place have physics at all? Like, is there conservation of matter, for example? When Opalyn shot out that circle of force she made it a circle rather than a wedge directed at the knights because she didn't want to get thrown backwards with equal and opposite force, but did that actually matter?

Orphan's memory has never heard of any quantity in reality being conserved except for money.  She's never heard anyone suggest that if a thing goes in one direction then some other thing ought to go in the opposite direction, with or without magic being involved.

On examination, however, magic maybe has to transform stuff rather than make stuff, at least all the magic that Orphan has personally used or witnessed, rather than stories where somebody captures a witch and tortures her into a raising a castle in a single night.  This might be another reason that Orphan attacked with fire blasts rather than like materializing bullets or something.

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Opalyn quiets her mind and body and opens herself up to perception, just to see if she will notice anything important. She's been thinking hard and trying to piece together her situation, but sometimes thinking hard can drown out immediate sensation, and sometimes immediate sensation matters, like when her fire spell almost exploded during the battle because she hadn't realized she needed to twist off the magic.

Any low-level alarms ringing in her mind or body or magic system? Anything going on around her she should maybe notice?

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Well, all of your ability to use magic is being disrupted by threads of foreign magic running through you from your chains--threads that feel quite flimsy, but seem to do a completely effective job of shutting you down hard enough that you can't disrupt some flimsy threads.

The golden prison-globe holding you is accelerating hard upward, this is evident to magic even though it feels to you like you're in a stable single gravity.

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Upward, huh? Is Opalyn going to one of those other planets right now? Is it possible to tell which one? If it's the biggest one, she might be on the way to the Dread Emperor. Yikes. That seems both alarming and maybe welcome at the same time. If she had been captured by some lesser person, she'd then have to fool around with middle-tier power games while figuring out how to secure a position for herself in this world.

Oh shoot, is it too late to look down at the planet she was on previously and see the rough layout, like whether there are any cities and how big they look? And if it is too late, is it still too early to do the same thing with whichever planet she's bound for?

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Okay yeah, if she looks down again, this is now less of a 'looking down at clouds' situation and more of a 'looking down from space' situation; the planet is still very huge in her vision, but it's already looking curved and she's maybe getting out of the atmosphere.  A touch of night is visible on the far side of the planet's curve, and nothing in it that looks like an electricity-lit city.  She can see the outlines of lakes, one huge river wide enough to still be clear from up here, and everything which isn't water or stone looks like it might possibly be farmland.  Nothing that looks wild, untamed, like a forest; the only wild things are rocks.

...she's plausibly heading for that huge-looking but distant planet which her memories say is the capital planet of the interplanetary system, yeah.  But that one's still far away at least to biological eyes.

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Opalyn's ideal situation when starting a brand new life in media res would be to get dropped in a secluded, well-stocked cabin in the woods, where she could think and experiment and plan, and only come out and start interacting with other people when she already had almost everything figured out.

This is not that. In particular she is really wishing for a computer or a whiteboard or a notebook and pen, some kind of outboard memory, on which to organize her questions and thoughts and track all the experiments she would like to run. But she doesn't have any of that, so she's just going to have to trust in this fragile brain that isn't even hers. She wonders what characteristics go with the hardware and what go with the software. She was very good at learning and remembering in her past life; will she notice a difference, now that the hardware's been swapped out?

It does seem like she has some time to think -- it seems like it's going to be awhile before she gets to the planet -- but not arbitrary time. Limited time. She'll have to prioritize, not waste time panicking or grieving or remembering her own first life or fixating on ultimately useless lines of inquiry.

It does not seem particularly like she can experiment much. She'd like to do so many experiments with magic and figure out how it all works, but that's been taken away from her in here.

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Opalyn assumes she'll soon be speaking to someone with more status and authority than she has, maybe the Dread Emperor, maybe someone who serves him. She wants to come into that conversation with the strongest position possible. She should at some point think about techs she can reinvent, but she won't be able to promise anything about that until she can do a lot of experimentation to see what works here. She also can't tell what information she wants to reveal as a way of gaining immediate status, and what she wants to hold back for the long game.

Her mind flickers briefly to the possibility that there won't be a negotiation at all, that she'll just be thrown in a dungeon or tortured or pressed into sexual service without any recourse or hope. There is no law of the universe preventing that -- probably? -- but it doesn't help to dwell on it. If she's truly powerless, thinking about it in advance won't make that less true, so she might as well skip thinking about it for now.

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And suddenly it begins to feel like Opalyn doesn't actually know how to make productive use of this interplanetary flight. There's just so much she doesn't know. It's going to be a political game -- she hopes! -- and her predecessor didn't have firsthand information about the players in the game.

Opalyn wants to scheme and plot and plan, but is somewhat lacking in the raw materials to do so. She needs data.

But she has to scheme and plot and plan or she's going to cry --

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Update!  As your speed picks up, it becomes clear that you are maybe not heading as directly toward the capital planet as you ought to be if you are going straight there through space.

You are maybe heading toward that one glowing dendrite of a lightline which is connected toward the capital planet, though.

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Oh thank goodness something is happening, Opalyn can pay attention to that and not actually freak out

Opalyn peers out of the sphere in whatever direction she can crane her neck. What's up with these lightlines, anyway?

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They are giant light tendrils connecting the planets visible in the night sky!  They're magical!  They're... probably important somehow?  Orphan has no memory of seeing them change, or hearing about a catastrophe where they snapped.  There's stories about the Dread Emperor spinning them between planets to build his empire, but there's also stories about him eating planets, and stories about him impregnating every woman on a continent just by smiling at it from space in an incredibly masculine fashion.

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Wait... is the Dread Emperor... hot?  What genre of story is this, anyway?

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Everyone who has enough sorcery to use it for self-healing is hot!  Healthy-Orphan had all of her teeth and no plague-scars and everything!  Every man she has ever asked has confirmed to her that she is the hottest woman they've ever met, especially since Healthy-Orphan made it very clear that receiving any other answer would result in instant death.  Healthy-Orphan did not seem to feel that this changed the reliability of the answers she received in any way, and seems to have felt sincerely proud of having her peerless beauty confirmed to her by these countless reliable testimonies.

The Dread Emperor is in charge of everything, and any man who is in charge of everything should logically have muscles bigger than all those other men who are not in charge of everything.  Nobody in Orphan's memories has ever thought to question this.

...the prison-sphere is coming up on the dendrite now.

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Opalyn doubts that she's actually hot, except maybe by comparison to people who have been riddled by plague, but is nonetheless enjoying the memories of believing she's hot. Opalyn was not especially hot in her previous life and it feels good to poke that place inside her and find it a source of strength rather than tenderness.

What does she see as she gets close to the dendrite? Are there other spheres? Is this a vast interplanetary network of sphere-exchange? How do the spheres not run into each other? Are there sorceresses inside all of them?

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If she casts her eyes about carefully, or maybe a bit more than just her eyes, she'll spot a larger opaque black sphere heading towards the dendrite at a more sedate pace.  It won't get there before she does.

Nothing is emerging or has emerged from the glowing terminal, but Orphan's memory is dredging up some half-remembered fact about how lightlines have separate axons and dendrites--

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--oh, apparently they're close enough now!  VOOP!

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This planet has some glowing surface points going on, that could plausibly be cities-at-night.  Also a lot more lightlines, most of them going point-to-point on the planet's surface.

The capital planet seems... kinda large.  Opalyn maybe does not have a great point of comparison, because she did not have magical senses before this.  But looking down at this planet while having magic creates the feeling that this planet must be much, much larger than Earth.  Even taking into account that Earth was quite large, and Opalyn has never magically sensed anything the size of Earth.

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The planet seems large? Not just the cities, but the planet itself?

Opalyn racks her brains to remember what she knows about large planets. Not very much, as it turns out. She remembers that large planets are often called 'gas giants' but is not sure if that means they are literally gaseous every time, and what that would mean about inhabiting such a planet.

It probably doesn't matter, they probably just magiteked around whatever they've got, somehow.

She does wonder if, like, gravity will be oppressively strong here, and whether she can just be okay anyway, because, MAGIC.

Does her memory have anything to say about what's going to be different here, and what she's expected to do to compensate?

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Nnnooot really, no.  Stories include "everyone on the capital planet is a wizard" and "the capital planet has infinite free food" (source unspecified) and "the entire capital planet is filled with the Emperor's harem" and "gold is only as valuable as copper there" and "everyone is a noble and everyone challenges everyone to an honor duel every time they meet in the streets" but nothing about gravity or atmosphere.  The people telling stories about the Capital Planet may possibly have not been making an overwhelming effort to ensure scrupulous accuracy even at the cost of a less good story.

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Do Opalyn's magical senses tell her anything about the population of this larger planet, or how they're distributed?

And what was up with the difference between axons and dendrites? Should she be thinking of axons as the backbone in the transportation network and the dendrites as little side branches, or is there some more literal neurobiology... you know what, never mind, there is no way her predecessor had a better grasp of neurobiology than Opalyn has.

As Opalyn approaches the planet, she decides to pay attention to what's happening rather than turn inward and scheme. The scheming wasn't getting her very far. Direct observation seems far more useful right now in expectation, and also it's just really pretty and she doesn't want to miss it.

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It's probably just a translation metaphor?  Nobody talked to Orphan about neurobiology at any point, she just has concepts about lightlines which involve them having many-to-one reception and one-to-many transmission.

Opalyn can't sense population at this distance without an instinctive effort to stretch her magical senses that gets noped by the interfering magical current from her chains.

...her golden prison could plausibly be approaching this foreboding castle-like building in space, notable for its lack of any concession to centrifugal design.

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It's so pretty.

Opalyn realizes they can torture people even in pretty castles, but come on, this really looks much more like "all of your little-girl dreams are just about to come true" than like "we're going to extract your fingernails and then grow them back again over and over."

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Possibly these other castles now passing within visual range, that are not your destination, will recalibrate your concept of pretty space castles that would be all your little-girl dreams come true!

If, you know, they were the castles you were heading for, instead of that other one.

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Opalyn has never seriously coveted a castle before. She thought they were neat at the same age she thought princesses and unicorns and fairies were neat, but as an adult she thought more of the overhead of maintaining such a thing. Previously she would have said that anything more than a mansion was vastly overdoing it.

But apparently pretty castles are very achievable here, and if it turns out that castles magically clean themselves and replace their own broken chandelier bulbs, she has a new potential life goal.

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Her golden-prison bubble approaches the massive castle of steel unidentified silvery metal, and settles down on a landing pad.

There's some new friends waiting there to meet her!

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These guys seem extremely ominous! They do not appear to have faces! This would be terrifying if Opalyn were allowing herself to feel terrified right now!


Opalyn wonders if they have bodies at all, and if not, why they bother to have armor or even human form.

Their helmets look a little bit like children's birthday party hats and Opalyn has to stifle a strained choke-giggle. It is probably unwise to giggle right now.

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"We are your new friends.  Now you will come with us and engage in friendship activities."

(The Party-Hat Guards do not actually say this.)

Instead the leader speaks in an even, calming tone.  "Your magic will remain disabled for a time.  There is no point in feeling strongly about it."

The one behind his left hand speaks.  "We are stronger than you without magic.  There is no point in fighting us."

And the third.  "If you have been falsely accused, you may report it to the Deputy Headstomper of the Farm, to whom you now go for your intake interview."

"Your behavior with us now will reflect upon your future there," finishes the leader.

(Their voices sound distinct, all probably male, differently accented from Orphan's home planet and possibly from each other but all clearly understandable.)

The Party-Hat Guards then begin to approach the golden prison-sphere.

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Opalyn gets an appalling visual of someone in the same Party-Hat Guard garb whose job it is to curbstomp people and she recoils internally, but maintains her composure.

She can't make sense of the bit about the Farm, and feels vaguely insulted that she's only meeting with the Deputy.


"Accused? Of what exactly?"

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"That is not our job to know.  Whoever sent you here will have included an entrance document explaining why they sent you here and why we ought to reward them for that.  The questioner will not believe all you say, and he also will not believe everything he reads."

The Party-Hat Guards open a gate set into the golden prison-sphere--though it's not obvious, among all the ornamentation, what was lock or hinge--and start uncoupling Opalyn's chains from the bars, though she's still wearing the cuffs and it's still sending that little trickle of interfering power through her.

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Opalyn can't see that she has any viable moves here; anything she tries is likely to be met with force and leave her in a worse state.

"I have to urinate," she announces. It's only kind of true, but she wants to find out how they'll handle it. Will they accommodate this reasonable request? Will they take advantage of the opportunity to humiliate her or cause her physical and psychological discomfort?

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"Then you will need to do so under our supervision."

They take her chains and move, at a pace she can follow despite those chains, into the dark silvery halls.

(Also, Opalyn is now recollecting of Orphan how to use sorcery to not need to urinate, but she in fact can't do that part right now.)

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This is a mild positive update, assuming they now conduct her to a suitable place and do not leer at her or otherwise make it weird. Perhaps she is going to be treated with at least some dignity.

Also, there's magic for not needing to pee? This is even better than rainbow-spangled space castles.

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They trod down silvery halls, and before long swerve to go through a force-screened archway into a clean silvery-metal room with a silvery-metal trench running through the floor.  It doesn't smell like anything, either urine or other scents to cover urine.

They move her over the trench.  One of the Party-Hat Guards reaches down below her waist, and taps her dress and underthings a couple of millimeters out of the way along a nonstandard spatial direction.

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This is incredibly civilized, actually, under the circumstances?

Opalyn pees. This is Opalyn's "ahhh, that feels better" face.

Opalyn does not particularly feel modest about it; everybody pees. Except maybe unhobbled sorceresses and faceless bladderless people, but whatever.

The upcoming intake interview with the Deputy (hmph) Headstomper of the Farm is going to go much better with an empty tank.


Can Opalyn search her memories for more information about non-standard dimensions, because she keeps running into those. Can she store arbitrary amounts of stuff there and get it back whenever? Presumably time keeps flowing, so she can't just start some magical or chemical process and then effectively put it into stasis by shifting it over, but worth checking. Can she shift herself into other dimensions and thus creep around unseen and undetected and then pop back out? Can other people do that to her? Obviously none of this works at the moment with the cuffs on, looking for general precepts here.

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Orphan's memories:  There was a wizard book she stole about this.  It had NUMBERS.

...possibly these numbers were literally just the generalization of Euclidean distance to N dimensions, but Orphan had stopped reading at that point.  Her sorcerous practice regarding this general idiom was "keep my spells inside the standard three dimensions and shield against anything that tries to come at me from outside it".

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The Party-Hat Guards restore Opalyn's clothing to the normal three dimensions, and march her down more hallways, through another shielded archway, and into the office of somebody who looks like an incredibly fed-up magical bureaucrat in a comfy cushioned ergonomic throne.  Before him is a desk which betokens that this man has been given an amount of paperwork substantially and systematically greater than the amount of paperwork he can actually do.



His eyes narrow as soon as he sees Opalyn, brought forth in chains.  "Is there anything about your case that is the least bit complicated?" he says.

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Opalyn recognizes this guy. Not this guy specifically but his function in a bureaucracy. Her case is complicated -- isekai! -- but if she says that flat out, she risks getting put in cold storage indefinitely while he attends to more straightforward tasks for the rest of eternity. She's only going to get a couple of sentences to make her case.

"I suspect we can find an efficient way through. In my previous life, I specialized in cutting to the heart of the matter and finding solutions that actually work. What makes this go fast for you without making it go horribly for me?"

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"Sounds complicated.  Send her to the Assistant Deputy Headstomper."

The Party-Hat Guards hustle Opalyn out of the room without particularly giving her a chance to reply.

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Well, shit. That could theoretically have gone better, but she has the impression it was a rigged game. Even if she'd said "No, I'm not complicated" that could easily have translated to "I plead guilty, send me to the Sorceress Magic Extraction Factory for the next fifty years." The fact is, her case is complicated.

Let's see what the Assistant Deputy Headstomper has to say for themselves.

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It should possibly be mentioned at this point that Opalyn's memories suggest that powerful sorcerers can live for a long time.  The Dread Emperor, most obviously, but also Duke Greendeath supposedly hasn't been replaced in a while.

This comes up because the level of paperwork in this office has gone utterly and completely out of control, and some of it looks like it might be quite old.



The guy at this desk looks up as she's brought into the room, and not at all with a happy expression.  "Are you complicated?" he barks at her.

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This is the same as before except even more rigged. Opalyn suspects that the only possible outcome of the next exchange is to get sent to a third sad bureaucrat who is actually already dead, having suffocated under a heap of paper, take his job, and work her way up from there. IF she manages not to get sent to space sorceress labor camp by this guy. She tries another tack.

"Do you want me to be complicated?" she asks seductively. She tugs at the top of her dress with one hand, not enough to reveal anything, but enough to make her suggestion obvious.

She does not especially expect this to work, but the way it doesn't work will be informative.

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"DO I LOOK LIKE I HAVE TIME!?  Send her to the Deputy Assistant Deputy Headstomper."

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"Is this going to take longer than literally three-quarters of a minute?"

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If this universe supports more than three levels of recursion, Opalyn is going to be pissed.

"Yes, getting you out from under all of that paper will take more than three quarters of a minute, but we can probably make headway in under an hour. Let's get started."

Opalyn would start physically shoveling paper with her hands, except that she's still cuffed, but she tries to project an air of cheerful competence.

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One of her guards laughs and is promptly hit upside the head by the guard leader.

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"You look complicated.  Have a seat."

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Opalyn recognizes this guy, too! This is Special Circumstances! She's finally reached the person who actually does complicated things! This seems promising. Opalyn sits.

"Hello, pleased to meet you. I'm Opalyn. What is the goal of this conversation, please, and how can I make it go well?"

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"From your perspective?  Making the best you can of your situation.  From my perspective?  Doing this another five thousand times without fucking up badly enough to get demoted."

"I'll be taking a look at your file in just a moment.  But before then, why don't you tell me a story about how you got here?  Doesn't have to be true at all.  Can just be a complete lie, you've got my permission.  No punishment at stake one way or another."

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This is the most reasonable-seeming person Opalyn has encountered since arriving in this universe, though admittedly it's not a high bar.

She's at a crossroads: does she tell the isekai story or hold it back?

Point in favor of holding it back: if they don't already know about isekai here, it's going to sound ludicrous. They're going to think she's delusional or a liar or both.

Point in favor of telling it: her comparative advantages here all stem from her experiences in her home universe, and she has little else to bargain with.

That settles it: she'll try the truth and see how that goes for her. He did say she was allowed to lie, so if it goes poorly maybe she can just play it off as a silly thing she was trying rather than outright psychosis.

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She squares her shoulders and speaks confidently and earnestly.


"I'm not from this universe. I had an entirely different life in an entirely different place that ended... I'm not sure, a few hours ago maybe. Suddenly I found myself in this body..."

She holds out her arms as best she can with the cuffs on, and nods at them.

"...in the middle of a pitched battle. I have memories of both my homeworld and of this one, but I am not the person who was driving this body until very recently."

"I don't know why I was captured and brought here. I don't know if this system seeks to punish me, or what my predecessor might have done to earn that."

"My homeworld was very technologically advanced compared to this one. I expect I have knowledge that I can use to improve conditions here."

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"And the truth?"

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She's not giving up on this yet.

"Name any system in this world that you think is not working as well as it could be, and I'll tell you something of how we do it in my world."

If he'll answer this question, that of course gives Opalyn information she can use, even if it doesn't ultimately convince him.

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"Heh.  Now there's a question with a lot of wrong answers someone might imagine they could use for blackmail purposes."

"But sure, I'll bite.  Organizing prisons for sorcerers."

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"We do not have sorcerers on my world as far as I know, so we have not developed much tech for imprisoning them! That said, I would begin by learning as much as I could about how magic flows and how it can be measured and disrupted. I would look for technological crossovers from my world to this one that might allow for new ways to block sorcery. I would examine case studies of previous failures in imprisoning magic-users and learn from the mistakes previously made. I would invite friendly sorcerers to try to break out of my prisons and see if they could defeat me, and offer rewards for those who discover new exploits."

"Also, these cuffs seem pretty good and I wonder why they don't just completely solve the problem?"

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"Because we want to actually get some work out of you lot.  If that wasn't true, an axe would completely solve the problem."

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"What kind of work do you want to get out of us? And who is 'you lot'? And what did my predecessor do that got me into these cuffs in the first place?"

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"Powering lightlines, mainly.  That's a lot of brute power and doesn't require us to trust in complicated enchantments you put on something."

"As for what you did, sure, let's have a look at what your entrance document says."

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"Well, according to this, you're an illiterate peasant turned bandit leader with no grasp of tactics, strategy, finance, spellcraft, or mathematics.  And unknown raw power that would put you at least on the Duke level, if you showed the slightest trace of being able to cooperate with anything resembling an organized hierarchy."

"See, this is the point of talking to people for a minute before you read the paperwork.  It helps you notice when the paperwork is absolute utter bullshit."

"If I asked what in ninefold flaming fucks is actually going on, here, is there any chance I would get back a sensible answer?  Like, why did whoever sent you here even think we would believe this?"

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Opalyn is feeling pretty good about taking a minute to demonstrate that she has a brain before Special Circumstances read her paperwork!

"I would not be surprised if that was a good description of the previous inhabitant of this body!"

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"Yeah, I am not particularly getting what is going on right now, except that you are not acting like somebody who desperately wants to prove herself innocent of whatever ridiculous charges they slapped on you.  Somebody is playing stupid games, you know what the stupid games are, and you don't particularly think it matters to you that you tell me."

"Suppose we handled the sane part of this conversation.  Prison here is divided up the usual way, you want to apply to go to the boring section, the dramatic section, or the lewd section?  Or, I suppose, have me file the piece of paper which says that the story behind how you got sent here strikes me as possibly not correct and maybe the system could use you better elsewhere, though I'm somehow expecting you to not pick that one."

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Opalyn's experience up until now has suggested that showing desperation is usually not helpful, but it's not like she lacks feelings of desperation to draw on, if that's going to help.

"If I'm not yet acting desperate it's because nobody has told me until now what's at stake! Now that you're talking about prison I am in fact starting to feel somewhat more desperate! Talking to you has been the high point of my time in this universe so far and I am a little afraid this will be the peak and then I will never have a conversation with a reasonable person ever again! I would very much like to secure a future in which I have any agency or ability to make things go better for myself!"

She takes a breath. There's showing desperation, and then there's actually yielding to it.

"What happens if you file the special piece of paper? I have the impression you're already the Special Circumstances guy. Do I go to the Even More Special Circumstances Guy after you, or what?"


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Mr. Special Circumstances takes a while to think about this, tapping his fingers on his desk in an I-am-clearly-thinking-and-deliberately-informing-you-of-that way.

Spoilers for what he's thinking, so the coauthor can reply without knowing.  (I'd suggest readers also read this part only after having finished reading the entire following conversation without seeing his thoughts, first.) When you ask people to tell you a story that doesn't have to be true, in a moment of high stakes, it's rare for their reply to mean nothing.

The flash of urgency just shown by 'Healthy-Orphan' (according to her entrance file, or accented-pronunciation-of-'Healthy' as she named herself) suggests that she was trying to tell him something important with that other-world nonsense, there.  And that the message wasn't 'see how much I don't care how this conversation goes'.

First deduction, the one that seems most solid:  'Healthy' has some reason not to plainly say what she's trying to communicate to him.  So she's worried about a difference between how he reacts, and the reaction of someone else who could read a report of this conversation.

Trāho wishes he could convince 'Healthy' this worry was not valid, which would simplify his life.  Alas, she could be right, or wrong but unconvinceable.  Trāho has to file a report on how this went, and the report that he files will be an accurate summary so far as the overt conversation goes.  There's three other people listening to them, in face-concealing armor, and Trāho is not going to overtly falsify a report with respect to overt facts that other personnel know.

Unfortunately, it seems likely that 'Healthy' vastly overestimates the ability of other people to decode subtle hints thrown into fanciful stories.  A young woman's mistake, if so, but he was already thinking that 'Healthy' doesn't have the bearing of centuries.  Trāho will try to decode the hints anyway, if only for the intellectual exercise.

Suppose that her story about being from another universe and having suddenly appeared in Eldrida, indicates that 'Healthy' is from a hick region on the fringes of Eldrida--that tracks, he doesn't remember much about the planet that sent her, so it's an obscure one--and that 'Healthy' wasn't prepared for whatever nonsense started around her.  So 'Healthy' is... a young child of nobility that somebody kidnapped and is trying to dispose of through the Farm, say?  Doesn't explain why 'Healthy' wouldn't just say so.  'Healthy' came here on purpose, wants to hide out in the Farm to evade someone else's attention?  And she thinks her enemies are powerful enough to have eyes on the Capital Farm bureaucracy, if she comes out and explains her situation, even without naming names?  Doesn't sound incredibly plausible, but it could be her mistake, or he could've not decoded this right.  He does get the sense that 'Healthy' is genuinely unfamiliar with how a Farm works, which could also track with very young nobility.

Obvious question #1:  Whatever her deal is, does Trāho give a shit?

Answer:  'Healthy' can't have missed that Trāho would ask himself that question.  'Healthy' dropped hints about supposedly having very valuable knowledge, or being very valuable to whoever held her.  First question out of her mouth when she sat down was something along the lines of 'What's the goal of this conversation and how can I make it go well?' which is the sort of thing you say when you're hinting at mutually profitable cooperation.

It's not a reason for Trāho to take risks, given credible-reward issues, but he can consider doing her a favor.  'Healthy' will be in the prison system where he can get at her for retribution, if this is all whimsical bullshit, which makes her less likely to be bullshitting.

'Healthy' had better manage to communicate what her desired favor is without too much nonsense.  Trāho has limited patience for trying to decode dramatic amateur hinting-around.

Her most recent words... Trāho doesn't know what she means by calling him the 'special circumstances man', but her question seems to be about if she can go to a more-so version of whatever she just called him.  She wants to go to his boss?  Presumably not his manager inside the Farm's on-paper command structure.  She wants to go to... whoever is greater than him in a special, circumstantial hierarchy?  That tracks; if she's got any big deals to offer, he can't actually fill those himself.  Sure, he can try to deniably indicate openness to something along those lines.

"...Realistically, if I file that paper, you go to a not-too-special special holding area, and get treated mostly like our other inmates.  Which is to say, decent so long as you don't make trouble, and offduty-recovery privileges scaling with however much power you actually have.  Nobody here wants an inmate getting angry enough to sacrifice their life in the name of spite."

"We send back a notice to your backwater hick region, saying that we aren't paying because we don't think you're a real criminal.  If you actually were a Duke-level bandit, they'd be motivated to demand further investigation so they could get paid for a Duke-rank.  I would not expect them to make that demand under the actual circumstances, but maybe you know something I don't.  If they don't reply, someone with pull would have to pull on your appeal for it to move.  By default it hangs around in the extraspatial-void-vacuum for a couple of decades, but it's not impossible you'd get released at the end."

"If there's actually something interesting about you, and word of that fact makes it to the right pair of ears, someone might make you one of the usual offers while you're in holding."

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"Who turned me in, anyway? And why would you ever pay them for doing that? Why is that a good deal for you?"

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(hidden thoughts) He doesn't quite see where she's aiming at, here, which is more evidence that she's from some weird sheltered noble family and is asking because she really doesn't know some of what's going on around her.  Actually, he might've not known the real answer to that either, when he was as young as she looks.

"What was the name of that planet... Mayvos, right.  Obvious answer, Emperor wants the lightlines kept alive and also for overpowered idiots to not wreck Eldrida.  He gives us a budget, we pay for ranked-sorcerer criminals, other planets have a reason to send them to us after catching them."

"Subtle answer?  The fact that we pay for criminals means that the system has a reason to care if somebody sends us ridiculous papers about a bandit queen.  Means that bureaucrats perk up and go, ah, there's money involved, somebody's trying to get money out of us.  If it was just a question of whether the papers are true and if you ought to be in here or not, well, nobody really cares about that.  Imprisoning an innocent person doesn't make the system look weak, it makes it look strong enough not to give a shit.  But sending out money to people who tricked us, now, that makes a bureaucrat look contemptible."

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"It sounds like you distinguish between overpowered idiots and powerful people who are otherwise law-abiding. You use the overpowered idiots to run the lightlines, but the law-abiders must have some function too, or you'd just scoop all of them up to run the lightlines or press them into other magical service."

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(hidden thoughts) Trāho is frankly a bit at sea here, about why they're discussing something this basic, and if she's trying to encode something clever in there he's frankly missing it.  As is only to be expected when some young idiot thinks she can successfully communicate in parables.  Communicating is hard enough as a problem when everyone talks in plain Eldric.  As for him, he'll try to hint that her real message is not getting through.

"Not sure I understand why you're asking that, but yeah.  Maybe the Dread Emperor could take every other sorcerer in Eldrida, but that's not the same as organizing them into a system that runs itself effectively.  Some powerful people want to be in charge of things, throw their weight around.  They become Princes and Grand Dukes and so on down to the Barons.  Other, equally powerful sorcerers come to the Capital planet so they can live the high life, find a place in the system that pays well enough for a flying castle loaded down with concubines, and they think the Princes are idiots for preferring to run their own planet instead.  Not sure what arrangement the Dread Emperor is supposed to prefer to that one, where there's a stable bureaucratic system he could put in place to make it actually happen."

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Opalyn is trying to figure out how this place actually works, what magical power is for, and whether it often straightforwardly translates into political power, or if it just makes you a target. When she understands what the Dread Emperor and other important people want and how they go about it, maybe she'll be able to figure out how to get what she wants and how to go about that.

It now seems like magically powerful people are left to do their own thing if they want to be Princes or Grand Dukes and they seem effective at that, but if they become marauding bandits like her predecessor did, then they get scooped up and turned into lightline fuel.

It does not seem like she's going to be allowed to press the "undo" button and go be a Grand Duchess now, and she's also not particularly sure how sexist this world is. Maybe there's no such thing as a Grand Duchess?

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So here are the options then:

1. Be a Grand Duchess - too late, she's already been arrested, and also maybe sexism.

2. Be a prisoner who fuels lightlines, with sub-options of boring, dramatic, or lewd - no thanks, doesn't sound like there's much agency available there.

3. File for special status and see what the 'usual offers' are and if there's any possibility of more agency there.


"Can you tell me more about the 'usual offers'?"

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(Hidden thoughts.) He is, at this point, genuinely unsure if this is the thing she's angling for... well, if not, it's hard to see what other favor she could possibly have in mind?  And he doesn't know how much she actually knows, either, so he'll go ahead and answer the question as if she were ignorant.  Probably plays well for the watching guards, too.

"Same concept as your local pissant Baron sweeping the town jails for new thugs to hire, or a brothel that comes in and offers girls an alternative to execution, maybe after being the ones to frame them for the crime in the first place.  But upscale, because we only take ranked sorcerers here."

"Anyone with the legal right or extralegal capability can come in and offer one of our inmates a role as their dark lieutenant.  Or--could be the spymaster of a Grand Duke's personal spy service, retired assassin looking for a worthy apprentice, Prince's brother-in-law who wants to be a great detective and wants a legman to do all the work, space pirate polycule that decides one more peer node can solve their relationship balancing, that sort of thing."

"The Farm is ultimately for powerful idiots that nobody in the system has any better use for.  People who cannot keep to anyone else's rules, or who take up too much managerial capacity to be worth it.  Though I do not recommend getting sent here twice, you're not going to get attractive second offers if you fuck up the first one."

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Now we're talking! Some of these jobs sound fun enough that Opalyn might even choose to spend some years of her life on them voluntarily! This may or may not be the final stop in her new Sorceress career, but it's definitely a move in the right direction!

"Okay! Let's file for special status then!"

"Can I put together a dossier or a resume or something so that people will hire me into the best roles? What are the median and maximum times someone has to wait for a placement? Can I say no or am I required to take the first offer that comes along? How do I find you years from now to reward you for being so helpful to me? Because I'd really like to give you a gratuity but I am not currently in a position to do so!"

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He's just going to put his palm over his face and breathe deeply a few times.

(Hidden thoughts.) He officially has no idea what's going on at this point.

"I think you are overestimating how bureaucratically legible this process is supposed to be."

"That said:  Yes, we can do that.  Everyone's case is individual so I couldn't guess your wait time.  Whether you can say no depends on how much money they offer someone with the authority or just capability to hand you over anyways.  My name is Trāho."

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Opalyn suspects Trāho of possibly fucking with her... the phrase "bureaucratically legible" sounds suspiciously well-informed, even for a Special Circumstances guy, as though maybe he has at some point worked in some entirely different bureaucracy that had a different amount of legibility. Her model of this world is that there's one monolithic bureaucracy, so where would he get experience like that? She wants to squint her eyes at him or call him out on it but decides she's been weird enough at him already and lets it go for now.

"Wonderful. Can you supply me with some paper and something to write with? You seem woefully undersupplied with paper compared to your colleagues but I bet you have some around here somewhere."

"Also, are you so well-known that a single two-syllable name fully identifies you?"

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(Hidden thoughts.) Trāho has dealt with culture shock before, in his career; there's some weird planets out there that produce even weirder overpowered criminals.  And yet something about 'Healthy' seems off even relative to that range of variance.  He's starting to feel curious about what happens if he throws out a piece of information that might be interesting to somebody raised in deliberately complete isolation by mad alchemists; or alternatively, that somebody pretending to be from another universe might try to dramatically react to in order to keep up a bit.

"It identifies me as a low-level intake officer in the Farm.  There's only a couple hundred of us in the intake office of the Farm's Headstomping section, and we usually stay a while.  I wouldn't try it with the ten trillion souls of Capital."

"And let's get your regular intake finished, before we consider what brief words I might pass on to any entirely legal agents who happen to chat me up."  

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Ten trillion souls? With a T? The planet looked big but not that big. How did they manage to get a thousand times more people on a planet that, despite its size, probably has nothing like a thousand times the surface area?

MAGIC is the obvious explanation, though not a very satisfying one; the details matter. Opalyn files it away under "Eldrida Mysteries" to reconsider as she gathers more data about how everything works here.


"All right. What else do you need to know?"

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(Hidden thoughts.) 'Healthy' looked briefly shocked and then didn't perform asking questions about it.  So either she's properly subtle about performing the bit, or it really was news to her.

"Well, usually at this point I'd ask you about boring versus dramatic versus lewd prison.  But I cannot in good bureaucratic-conscience offer you boring prison.  If you wanted to go to boring prison, you needed to not arrive here with blatantly fake entrance papers proclaiming you to be an illiterate bandit queen.  I think it's down to dramatic, or lewd and dramatic, and few people want lewd and dramatic."

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When Opalyn thinks about lewd prison she thinks it might have its advantages, but then again, it might really not, it might be nonstop assault and rape with no recourse. There's no guarantee that lewd implies fun if you have no power.

But then dramatic doesn't sound that great either. It sounds like people being irrational and emotional and upset at each other for illegible reasons.

Opalyn does actually kind of want boring prison, on her current models anyway. There are always books to read to get lewd and dramatic content on your own terms (she hopes), but getting lewd and dramatic content on other people's terms sounds unbearable.


"Can you say more about each type of prison? I realize I have a bunch of guesses about what you might mean, but they're only guesses. What does a typical day look like in each place?"

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(Hidden thoughts.) It does not surprise him, at this point, that 'Healthy' is not already familiar with these concepts.  Possibly if he wants to accrue favors with her, he should treat her like she metaphorically comes from another universe, as per her told-story which might be a request for a particular kind of help even if it wasn't true.

"I suppose that, supposedly coming from a different universe with no sorcerers in it, supposedly you wouldn't already know, hm."

"Sorcerers can use more power if they feel strongly about things.  I imagine that would seem like a pretty central fact about Eldrida to somebody who didn't already know how it worked."

"Boring prison is for sorcerers with the ill luck to have been born with the sort of low-drama personality that doesn't lend itself to rulership positions.  It's hard for them to ever get hysterically worked up enough about anything to keep a planet subordinate to themselves.  There's various things we do to get low-drama sorcerers into a state where they can recharge a lightline, and then, when that's over, they just want to go quietly relax with their equally low-drama harem."

"Dramatic prison is for the sort of sorcerer who can manage to get really worked up about the prospect of losing relative rank or a member of their polycule breaking up with them if they fail to recharge the lifeline."

"Lewd prison is for sorcerers who can sexually enjoy being hurt or ordered around, who obviously have a lot more fun in prison than anyone else could possibly be capable of.  We work with it."

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Ohhhh. Opalyn previously thought they sorted the prisoners for entirely different reasons. She thought the boring prisoners would have a lower guard-to-prisoner ratio and produce better work because they were not constantly being fucked with by high-drama cellmates, but that's not it at all.


"Okay, I get why you ask us whether we want to be in lewd prison or not. People who like to be hurt will say yes and people who don't like to be hurt will say no. The incentives are properly aligned. But I don't get why you trust inmates to self-select into dramatic vs. boring correctly. Doesn't everyone say they're dramatic, to avoid the probably-very-distressing stimuli you provide to get them worked up? I'm sure the mis-sorting becomes obvious pretty quickly, but I would expect a bunch of people to lie."


"Also, where's the prison for people who just... do the thing... because that's how you provide value in this context, and you would like to be a functional member of society, as long as that society is not itself so fundamentally bad that you need to overthrow it? And by functioning well, get whatever privileges are due to you thereby?"

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"Well, the problem is that most people have trouble getting hysterically worked up about the importance of being a functional member of society, so that is not where you get maximum sorcerous power-output.  I'd dearly love to live in a universe where people could go into complete histrionics about, say, the importance of good ops skills and basic organizational logistics, and those were the people who ended up ruling continents.  That is not, actually, the world that we live in."

"And yeah, lot of people ask to go to dramatic prison and then turn out to not be able to get worked up in the right way to recharge a lightline.  This is not an issue that I would say the Farm deals with in an optimal fashion.  The present system is founded on the deep and abiding conviction that every criminal fits into one of three buckets, or four if you count lewd dramatic.  If you aren't a perfect inmate according to any of those three buckets, fuck you."

(Hidden thoughts.)This actually sounds sort of uncomfortably stupid now that Traho is imagining trying to explain it to someone raised in isolation by mad alchemists, who doesn't already take it for granted.
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Opalyn remembers some times she got pretty worked up about how people were not doing ops correctly and feels a bit like an alien in this world, but then she was kind of an alien in her previous world too, if that's how we're measuring.

"Why don't people generally pick lewd plus dramatic? I would think having the stimuli rotated would provide some nice variety."

"Also, if I can reliably get myself amped up without help, will they just leave me to it instead of constantly messing with me? Because I'd rather try it on my own first. It sounds like an interesting challenge."

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"We can try lewd dramatic.  You wanna?"

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"Wait, no, tell me why first, maybe there is on this occasion some wisdom in the crowd!"

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"It's a mix of being hurt, ordered around, made to do sexual things, making other people do sexual things, and the relationship polycules constantly breaking up and forming with much crying and much wild laughter, and people trying to get the upper hand on each other, gaining and losing all sorts of statuses inside the system.  Obviously, who manages to put out the most lightline charge is at the center of it all.  I wouldn't wanna."

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Is she gonna do this?

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Yeah, she's gonna do this.

"Allll right. I guess it's just until someone picks me to be their top spy or overhaul their economy or something."

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It's always the fucking quiet ones.

"I am still filing the paper which says that your entrance papers are obviously wrong.  I'd expect that sends you to a nicer holding cell, and gets you better offers.  But I should disclaim that I have not actually seen for myself what goes on in whatever section of the Farm exists for lewd, dramatic inmates who were possibly sent to us on false pretenses.  I'd expect it to be a bit niche and for all I know they now have developed their own weird-planetary-subculture."

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"With that kind of setup, any other result would be shocking."

"Still very grateful for your help here! Because I'm new here, what kind of favor would you most appreciate in some distant future where I'm in a position to bestow favors? I can't guarantee this will ever come about but it would be nice to know what you value, just in case I get there."

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"It really does depend on where you end up, ya know?  If you end up with pull inside the system, I wouldn't mind a few people getting fired who I'm not going to name on the record.  You wind up with a billion gold, I'd take a million."

"But we're still not done with my proper job here.  Key question, what's your actual sorcerous rank?  Entrance paper says Duke, not sure I can get you out of stressful-power-testing where they try to get a Duke's power output out of you.  I can try to write in a note asking them not to try too hard because the paper is wrong, but there isn't actually a line of the form for that."

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"Obviously I have no idea what my rank is! I spent a grand total of about twelve seconds with access to my powers before I got knocked out and cuffed, and I was very confused the entire time! Also I haven't particularly seen anyone else in action!"

Opalyn thinks for a moment, and then remembers that wait, she has two sets of memories. She keeps forgetting that. They don't particularly integrate with her own sense of self, she's not used to reaching for them, and they don't really rise up in her consciousness on their own, she has to actively decide to query them.

"Oh wait. Strike that. I do have some memories left over from my predecessor, though I guess I'm still not sure how to interpret them. Mostly I remember winning a lot and not losing ever until now. But I still don't really know what that means; maybe I was a medium-sized fish in a very tiny pond."


"I assume that it would be somehow to my advantage to sandbag that initial power testing, so it'll be easier to meet expectations later, and I further assume that they expect sandbagging and have ways of getting people not to sandbag. I wonder why they even ask you your opinion if they're just going to test me anyway." 

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"I mean, there's no point in taking somebody who's never shown power above Count under even the most extreme stress, and going on trying to push them further once they get to half-Count.  We do understand the concept that if you keep hammering on a person they are likely to break and then not be as good for recharging lightlines.  Same reason we provide amenities like harems, we'd like our generators to go on generating."

"I... am going to say plainly that I am confused about this memories business.  But saying what I'd say if I took it at face value, who's the strongest opponent you remember defeating?"

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Opalyn remains unimpressed at the Farm's metrics if they can't tell what's going on better than that. If she were in charge... but she's not, and that's probably not where she's aiming in the long run.


Opalyn actively queries the secondary set of memories. She remembers defeating five Barons and two Counts, though she's not sure which one is which... ah but now her memories say that Counts are beefier than Barons, which sort of lines up with the numbers. And it seems like rank is tied pretty directly to sorcery power. Opalyn is confused about that. Shouldn't something other than sorcery figure in? Like, being an effective administrator in any way whatsoever?


Now, how much of this should she reveal to Trāho? Plausibly the time to sandbag is now, if she's gonna, though she feels a bit bad about it as she believes dealing directly with Trāho so far has the appearance of going well. He hasn't visibly defected yet, and she's reluctant to defect first. Also, she's a terrible liar and will probably get caught immediately.

On the other hand, he might want to help her out here and all she has to do is give him some plausible deniability. He did state at the beginning of the interview that lying was acceptable and would not be punished, though she's not sure if that is still in effect.

Meh, this is taking too long, she'll try it.


"I've defeated two Barons."

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"As a bandit queen?"

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"I'm not sure what you mean. Yeah, all my battles except the last twelve seconds of the final one were run by my bandit queen predecessor. I just got here."

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"Instead of trying to ask what is going on, I am going to ask you the question that actually matters to me.  If I send back saying the entrance papers seem obviously false because you are clearly not an illiterate peasant bandit queen, does the Prince of Mayvos immediately dispute that and then provide apparently clear and cogent documented testimony from witnesses, about how somebody who looks just like you totally did all those things?"

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"I imagine so, yes! The person previously occupying this body did totally do those things. Does that mean I definitely don't get the special offers?"

Opalyn is reconsidering her choice of lewd dramatic if it might be forever.

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"No, those offers come to the general inmate population, not just special holding areas."

"What happens if we, in the fastest short order permitted by bureaucracy, before you could plausibly be given a new education, administer to this supposed illiterate peasant turned bandit queen..."

(Hidden thoughts) What works if she was raised in isolation by mad alchemists?  Or if she's really committed to the bit about being from another universe?  History exams won't fly.

"...a test of her current mathematical education?"

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"Sure! I like math tests! They're fun!"

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"How much math, though?  Are we talking multiplication?  Fractions?  Algebra?  Type theory?"

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"Trāho, are you holding out on me? Do you know surprisingly much math for the purposes of this job, or did you just memorize a list of kinds of math?"

If this were a story, it would turn out that surprise, Trāho is the Dread Emperor, dressed up as a bureaucrat for inscrutable reasons that you care less about after the inevitable sex scene.

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"I may not know type theory, but I'm enough of a sissy wizard to know what the big-dicked wizards know."

(Hidden thoughts.)Actually, why would a universe even invent math if they didn't have magic?  But it's not like he believes that story so he's not going to waste time jumping on plot holes in it.
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"I can't wait to find out what the connection between math and wizardry is! Also, whether wizardry and sorcery are different things in this world, or if they're just synonyms for the practice of magic!"

"Anyway, yes, I can do multiplication and fractions. In my world, 'algebra' means two different things and I'm excellent at the easy one and rusty at the hard one, but I did ever learn it. And we distinguish somewhat between set theory and type theory and I have more training in the former than the latter, though I'm not completely unaware of it and if you let me noodle around with the problems for a while I could probably get somewhere."

"I do hope that the test will account for potential differences in vocabulary and notation."

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"I see.  I do not, actually understand what's going on, at this point, so I'll say that depending on what's actually going on, it's not clear to me we'd even want to do that.  Taking everything for what it would imply at face value, Mayvos will be able to support and document your crimes as a bandit queen, and we'll be able to prove that you knew way more math than the person they reported you to us as being.  Setting events in motion that make your existence look weird and complicated and like different investigations are returning different results, is not quite the same helpful deed as filing papers that Mayvos will quietly let drop because they can't respond to them."

"Reading ahead in the swordfight, Mayvos plausibly responds by saying, oops, guess we were wrong about her being an illiterate peasant but that's not the main point, it's that she dominated and slew--wasn't it five Barons and two Counts?"

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Whoops, well, that didn't work. Why doesn't that ever work?

"I wasn't sure if you needed me to be the one to lowball the number so you could dutifully write it down and have it be not your fault, but yes, your records are correct."

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"Yeah, I can see what you were thinking there, but... no.  No.  Hopefully you get some valuable experience with this sort of thing in somewhat lower-stakes situations off in the Lewd Drama section."

"How close were you to your limit, during the fight with whichever of the two Counts was stronger?"

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Theoretically a second attempt at deception might actually go better, given that the first one was so easily pierced, but Opalyn feels a bit out of her depth trying to figure out what to lie about to whom and when and why and decides just to stick with the truth. Besides, she likes the truth. The truth is fun.

"I think it was not at all close. I think my predecessor just crushed them."

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"Was she... feeling strongly about that, at all."

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"It's hard to decode. In my memory, she feels... smug, I think? Powerful, amused at herself, haughty. I don't have any specific memories of her feeling enraged or threatened or like someone was about to steal her harem members or anything."

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"See, that shifts me back toward disputing things with Mayvos.  If you are actually Duke-ranked and possibly Grand, it's not a good look on me if I ignore anomalies and we just pay them."

"You are not going to lack for job offers either, though they are going to want to see that rank verified first."

"Who should I be trying to connect you with?  I should warn you right now, you're free to talk about illegal fantasies and I'm free to ignore them."

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"I have no idea what's legal and illegal here so it's a good thing I'm allowed to talk about anything!"

"Let's see... I like to figure out complicated things that aren't working right and make them work better. I like being useful. I like building infrastructure, so that a thing that has to be done over and over becomes easier or more pleasant or cheaper. I like connecting person A who has problem X with person B who has solution Y and then having both of those people owe me favors. Lewdness is fine, as you already know."

"I am not used to having sorcery as a resource. It will probably take me a while to find out how to activate my own emotions in a way that really works for me and lets me use my power effectively, and I'm going to want to study existing materials and run my own experiments to test the limits of my magic."

"Thinking back to the examples you listed before, I should probably not actually be a spy, as I'm pretty big on just sharing information and trying to find multi-agent-optimal solutions to problems; I constantly worry that if everyone is hiding information we'll be leaving a lot of potential value on the table. Also I'm just outright bad at lying so it's mostly my value I'm leaving on the table when I try it."

"But the other ideas sound more promising. To be a really good assassin it would help a lot if I thought the people I was killing needed killing; in the absence of that, it's not great. Learning to be a detective sounds fun! Space pirate polycule sounds like a great stopping off point on my way to some other port."

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...He'll handle the easy part of this first.  "So far as activating your emotions goes, for obvious reasons the Farm is always happy to supply training in histrionic meditation and to positively reinforce any visible signs of neuroticism.  Also for obvious reasons, while nobody's going to object to you reading books on the subject, you will only be enabled to use magic while somebody more powerful than you is watching you charge a lightline."

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Histrionic meditation?  No, thank you!

"I do not actually want my neuroticism reinforced! I have worked hard to contain my neuroticism and would strongly prefer to maintain my large window of tolerance!"


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"Well, you're sure committing to the bit about being from a different universe, I'll give you that."

"And if you're committing that hard, it may be a bit difficult for you to communicate to me what it is you want from life, here.  Being a connectrix isn't something that takes Duke-ranked sorcery, and also selling a Duke-potential to space pirates is the sort of decision that actually gets somebody in trouble."

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"Maybe your previous examples were not ideal because you didn't know me very well yet, and you could generate some new ones? I still don't really know what sorcery is good for other than lightlines, or why political power seems so strongly correlated to sorcery and not to anything more obviously useful in politics!"

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"Most Dukes wouldn't want to waste their time defending a fake Count who couldn't defend theirself against a Baron.  It's one thing to shut down violence between your subordinates, and another thing to have to defend your subordinates from random passing wizards.  For the strong to rule is the most natural structure, which takes the least amount of work from stronger powers to keep in a state of pleasant stability."

"If, possibly, you had a chance to hit up some library books or seduce information out of your fellow inmates--you can't beat it out of them until you've had your first lightline session--would you then feel like you weren't violating your bit by appearing to have learned some things and have some better idea of what you wanted, if I wandered by and chatted with you again in a few days?"

(Hidden thoughts.) He still doesn't think 'Healthy' is from another universe, and is talking in terms of that bit in order to not call attention to any possibilities that 'Healthy' is not mentioning, such as mad alchemists raising her in isolation, or complicated criminal frame-up jobs or... he doesn't know, actually, what could plausibly be going on here.  But 'Healthy' made it be about alternate universes, so that's what he's sticking to.
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Would Opalyn like to be given some library books about magic and time to read them?


"That sounds fantastic! In addition to textbooks about sorcery and wizardry, if indeed those are two separate things, I'd also like history books, novels, cookbooks, ettiquette manuals, memoirs, self-help books, ... you know, is there any way I can go to the library myself and just poke around?"

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"They'll have a library, and baths, gardens, masseurs, whatever.  You might need your Duke ranking before you can take the best ones away from people who did worse on lightline duty, but they'll have the goodies there for you to seize."

(Hidden thoughts.) Would that make sense to someone who'd grown up in a mad alchemist's laboratory?  He can sort of see how it wouldn't, honestly.

"Prisons for criminal sorcerers are, you know, ordained by the rulers of the system, who are, how can I put this, emotionally sympathetic to criminal sorcerers.  The system goes way lighter on someone who loots a town by raining stones down on it, compared to how it treats somebody who, say, steals the same amount of gold by cooking books in a merchant consortium.  They'll say the accountant violated trust that was given them, and the bandit just tried to take what they want and never promised anyone otherwise.  But sometimes I wonder whether, if continents were ruled by accountants, they'd somehow end up going light on people who embezzled a million gold."

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When was the last time Opalyn had a long hot bath with a book followed by a massage in a room overlooking an opulent garden?

Opalyn begins to suspect that this is all a weird stress dream and that the truck didn't hit her at all and that she's going to wake up back on Earth and still have to nope, can't think about old life, this is still really not a good time for a breakdown.

"All right. So I'll see you again in a few days?"

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"No promises, but probably.  And it may wait on your ranking just like some other things.  It's not worth the risks for me to exchange rumors with anyone about you, until you've proven a definite rank."

"I wouldn't actually softball it, I think, if I were in your socks.  Dukes don't get the same offers as Grands."

(Hidden thoughts.)He is of course still doing his proper duty as an officer of the Farm to encourage inmates to contribute their best power output, especially with the guards still in hearing distance and potentially being asked to report on this later.  If 'Healthy' can't figure that out and discount his advice accordingly, sucks to be her.
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Suits her. Trying to titrate her power when she has absolutely no idea how anything works was going to be very difficult, and it was going to be even worse weaving a coherent deception about that when she has no idea what correlates with what.

"Noted, and thank you again for all of the advice."

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He'll write a number of things into her entrance paperwork, then, including some writing at an angle suggesting it's not going into standard lines on the form, with the absorbed expression of somebody who does not care to be interrupted about his paperwork.

When he's done with that, he'll hand the marked-up entrance paperwork to one of the guards, and then immediately start filling out other paperwork, still not looking particularly interruptible.

Trāho has carefully selected summaries to write while they're still in his memory, and some paperwork about possible wrongful accusations that is definitely going to take a delicately worded interoffice memo clipped on.  Not that anyone will read the memo until it's way too late to do anything differently, but the memo still has to look right.

(Hidden thoughts.) Part of him really does wonder what the universe would be like without sorcery--what a single planet would be like, since there'd be no lightlines--if instead of the most powerful sorcerers, the smartest and most competent people ended up in charge; if schools didn't train future elites to react with wild hypersensitivity to any tiny thing they didn't like; if political power went to people who could maintain focus on important matters, instead of whoever got the most upset about things...

But he is, in the end, busy and holding important things in his memory, and it's not worth maybe disrupting that in order to find what 'Healthy' would make up about it, if he asked what a world like that would be like.  It probably wouldn't be very plausible anyways.

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The Party-Hat Guards escort Opalyn out of her interview cell...


...down some hallways that bear distinct non-Euclidean overtones, to her magical senses...

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...and into a prisoner transport.

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Off to the luxury-hotel-prison for a bath and some books! This seems fine.

Are there any other prisoners on the transport?

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There are!  Fourteen of them!  Their appearance ranges from Opalyn's age to late thirties, nobody who looks as old as the bureaucrats she saw.  Some are dressed in nice clothes, other in stark prison clothing no two styles of which are alike.  They tend to come one or three to a guard, rather than being escorted by three guards as Opalyn is.

Half of them are openly sobbing, or red-faced with gritted teeth.  The other half look stoic.  Oh, and one of them is fidgeting with a blushing expression, possibly because her prison clothes seem to have ended up torn in a somewhat revealing way.

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Does Opalyn have any indication about whether they're all going to lewd dramatic or if this is generic prison transport, and some of these people are boring?

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No more than what her eyes already see!

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Opalyn kind of wants to offer a shawl or something to the one with the torn dress, but she doesn't have any spare clothing to offer. Second best would be a kind look, but the woman is looking down and away and Opalyn can't make eye contact.

Opalyn also wants to ask a bunch of questions. She's always wanted to turn to a fellow prisoner and growl, "So. What are you in for?" but it seems like they're all having a much worse day than she is, which is kind of funny considering. Now is maybe not the time to be jovial and friendly.

Instead she... can she look out the windows? Are there any windows?

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More like the whole thing is a floating platform, but sure, she can see out from here.  They're still above Capital.

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The prisoner transport bops another lightline, though a much smaller one than the last, and VOOPS a shorter and less impressive distance over to the landing platform of a prison-castle much larger than the last one they were at.  Half of the people on the transport, the stoic ones, are unloaded here.

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Okay! That must be boring prison and those must be boring people!

That leaves the ones who are crying and/or gritting their teeth and the woman with the torn dress. Opalyn now suspects that they're "dramatic" and "lewd" respectively, and that she's the only one who's going to lewd dramatic. Is her prediction correct?

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Nope!  The next stop has both Opalyn and 'lewd' being escorted out!

Not all masochists would be visibly fidgeting and blushing on a prison transport, you know.

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Huh, how about that! The woman with the torn dress is clearly lewd, but it's not yet clear to Opalyn how to tell who's dramatic and who's not. Possibly that woman was a clear-cut case of "simply lewd," and Trāho suggested that very few people would go for both lewd and dramatic.

Apparently it's the lewd-dramatic prison's lucky day as they're getting two new inmates on the same transport!

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The ominous Party-Hat Guards--three for Opalyn, and one for the other woman--will again escort them down ominous hallways and into an ominous magical prison holding office, where they join four other inmates already there.  Three women, one man.

The Party-Hat Guard assigned to the other woman transfers her chains over to the Party-Hat Guard already holding the chains for the three women and one man.  Opalyn's three stay with her.

The man is looking at her like he is possibly considering speaking but does not, actually, dare.

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Seems like the rest of them are probably not Duchess/Grand Duchess level material if there's only one guard for the five of them. Are all the rest of them sending off sexual vibes like the woman from the transport? Does it seem like an orgy could break out at any moment? What's the energy in the room?

Opalyn is slightly concerned that she's misfiled herself, and isn't sure if it's about being much more powerful than everyone else, or just not fitting neatly into Eldrida's 3.5 buckets.

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The guy is looking at her like he might have something to say but is, you know, scared of this terrifying person in a way where he would not have totally unconflicted feelings if she were to speak to him in a scathing tone and hand out some sort of punishment for his insolence in looking at her?  Or possibly Opalyn is just imagining that part.

Two of the women look more subdued.  The third is sidling nervously toward the blushing fourth who just got added to the group, possibly to offer comfort, possibly to offer something else.

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Opalyn assumes the guy is just longing to be dominated but she doesn't want to do that for him because dominating people is exhausting. This guy looks like a bottomless pit; Opalyn's going to conserve her energy. Of course he'll probably interpret her unwillingness to be haughty at him as haughtiness, but there's nothing she can do about that.

Opalyn observes the sidling one and the blushing one with some interest but tries not to be obvious about it.

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There's possibly some sort of nonverbal negotiation taking place there, but if so, it's gated on a cultural gap that is transparent neither to Opalyn Miller nor Opalin-Milyer.  Orphan didn't have very much subtle lesbian negotiation between educated sorcerers going on in her life.

The two nonverbal negotiators have not advanced to the point of actual hugs being exchanged, by the time a door slams open and a new bureaucrat storms into the room.

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"All right you melodramatic sluts, listen up."

"This is your very quick orientation lecture.  I will not be repeating it except at a cost in pain."

"I don't care what you heard about how the Farm operates elsewhere.  My section operates efficiently, sensibly, and cooperatively."

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"First.  You will not destroy the facilities or damage other inmates unless you have sufficient Farm credit to pay for it.  I'm not telling you to exercise self-control until it turns into a habit, I'm telling you to viscerally fear the consequences of transgressing your place in my facility."

"Second.  You will all be among the most productive inmates of this Facility, to my own credit as a senior bureaucrat.  You will form enjoyable high-tension relationships; ones that can and will fail catastrophically, to your own loss and horror, if your lightline output falters and key privileges of yours are taken away.  Many people form highly fraught, drama-laden relationships without even trying.  There can be no excuse if your own relationships end up any less tense than that."

"Third.  Maintaining a high level of drama and sexual tension is everyone's job.  It is everyone's job to see that no relationship issues are allowed to come to a head unless someone is in the middle of charging a lightline.  It is everyone's job to break up and abort any interpersonal interactions that seem to be approaching an important resolution at the wrong time.  If someone is visibly upset, hug them!  If someone looks calm, give them nothing and act like they don't exist!  Attempts to sabotage your competitors in your section--whether by giving them sensible advice, pointing out better solutions to their problems, or resolving what seem to you like obvious miscommunications--also interfere with this Facility's productivity, and will not be looked upon kindly."

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The intersection of "sorcery makes lightlines go" and "emotion makes sorcery go" and "this set of prisoners has emotions about relationships and sex" sure does have some straightforward implications that Opalyn had nonetheless not fully predicted!

Opalyn feels oddly peaceful about this new situation. For one thing, she still hopes it will be temporary. For another, she knows a lot about how relationships work. This is territory she has mapped pretty carefully. The same knowledge that she'd normally use for good, she can use to generate power instead!

It's like if you go to medical school and use the information you've learned not to be a surgeon, but to be an assassin.


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But is this good? Is this right? Should Opalyn actually be participating in this?

She does wonder about that. It's easy to imagine trying to create the worst possible fight amongst a bunch of strangers, but once she gets to know them, maybe she'll care about them and not be so sanguine about hurting them. That's probably what's going to happen.

How is she going to make this okay with herself?

Well... it's not yet clear whether she has a choice! Wumi claimed the prisoners should viscerally fear doing anything else, but Opalyn also has the sense that the sorcerer containment system isn't perfect, or else Trāho wouldn't be asking for tips about that. Opalyn might have a choice, and shouldn't just do bad things because it seems inconvenient not to.

She's going to have to wait and see how bad the things are, and what degrees of freedom she actually has.

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The rest of the speaker's lecture/threat doesn't have the same surprise impact on the margins.  It amounts to some repetitions of "don't make trouble", albeit with a somewhat different perspective on "trouble" in which causing a screaming physical fight to erupt during a major magical ritual does not count as "trouble".

She introduces herself as Headstomper Wumi.

It's clear from implications that the people around Opalyn are not particularly those who've had papers filed about their possible innocence; Opalyn may have a special bureaucratic status but it doesn't seem to correspond to being in a distinct building.  Possibly the people like Opalyn are too few to have a distinct building.  Especially since the system seems to be set up so that a cohort of newcomers (larger than just the seven of them) get introduced in tandem to the existing population.

But the most important thing that happens next is that they all get fitted for their permanent custom-fitted magic-blocking slave collars, so that the guards guarding them can be freed up!  This being the Facility for melodramatic sluts and hence sluts, they'll also need a chastity belt, but it is literally just a belt, a thin chain around their waist.  It serves to prevent unauthorized sexual activity, that's all, for people who haven't paid tokens properly earned by lightline charging in order to authorize that sexual activity.

Off with them to be fitted!

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Opalyn is not amused. She's supposed to spend all day stirring up sexual feelings in other people and then not have 'unauthorized sexual activity?'

Yeah there better be massage therapists and hot baths.

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That's right!  You SHOULD be eager for your first chance to be good lightline-charging sluts!

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Having the slave collars fitted is an expensive operation involving powerful magic and people using what look like enchanted abacuses.  It'll take around ten minutes.

Someone will start crying, during this operation.  They will immediately receive a hug.

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Okay, okay, maybe it's not all bad. The part where everyone receives exactly the attention they need in between PROVOKING A CRISIS to GENERATE POWER seems fairly non-evil.

Though in the limit it's going to have to turn out that the hugger is secretly sabotaging the efforts of the hug-ee somehow, so it will turn out that the HUG WAS A LIE. Opalyn's mind is racing ahead to create maximum emotional wreckage, and she feels kind of bad about how much her mind is attracted to plotting like this.

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(Note:  You are now cleared to click on and read the spoilered HIDDEN THOUGHTS of Trāho starting from here.  It is not important that you interrupt your reading to do so.)

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And after that, they will be taken on a quick tour of The Facility, a dramatic lewd section of The Farm!

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Among the first things you will notice at The Facility are the helpful signs everywhere!

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Reading is a popular activity at The Facility!  You'll see plenty of it happening even before you get to the library!  Sorcerers with some wizard training especially often choose to spend their time learning, from hired teachers, or from books taken out of the library.  Some of the people who've already been here a while have spent some of their earned Farm credits on magical artifacts, often in the form of wands, to compensate for their usually-sealed magic.

(Opalyn might have some stumbles reading ambient Eldric; Orphan wasn't very practiced at it.)

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Some of the younger inmates especially are too wild to let fear restrain them.  They're in cells.  You definitely get to go past the cells, so you can see what happens to you if you're not afraid.

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You get homework, is what happens.  Caning alone would not totally work on everyone here to provide the correct incentives.

In worse cases, they take your pretty clothes away too.

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The Facility's dress code is complicated but one critical aspect is, "Being allowed to wear higher-coverage clothing in public areas is a privilege that requires Farm credits."  Anyone who wears relatively less, therefore, is someone lacking in Farm credits, and therefore someone vulnerable in all sorts of ways to those who have more.  (Or, of course, that's just what they want you to think.)

The point is, customs have been arranged to preserve some of the signaling-value by which exposure suggests defenselessness, rather than letting the entire thing devolve into a meaningless personal choice.

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And finally, the promised gardens are there, and they look to be all that they were promised to be!

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Well, this certainly is one way to do it!

Opalyn has a hard time imagining that posters full of Wrong Thoughts are actually very effective for their purpose, in the same way that she never met anyone on earth who was earnestly inspired by posters of eagles soaring over mountains.

She wonders if maybe the person writing the Wrong Thoughts posters just really likes writing Wrong Thoughts posters and sort of got carried away with the project without actually checking to see if it was helping.

Opalyn has lots of ideas for how to get people to be even more emotional, and how to efficiently harness their emotions, since that seems to be the goal... but is not yet sure she should be participating in making the Farm operate better.


It sure would be nice to get library access very soon now and try to figure out what she's trying to accomplish in this universe and what affordances she has for doing so, before she gets nerdsniped into optimizing this corner of the world, possibly against her own values and best interests.

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(It's indeed a similar systemic behavior as the one that produces ineffective posters in Earth schools:  Once an Authority knows how their captive subjects should behave, Authority will instinctively order their captives to behave like that!  It just feels really good to order people to be the way you think they should be!  Very few Authorities would have the strength of character to resist that temptation, especially if their surroundings reward rather than punish them for giving in to that temptation.

Also in terms of Eldrida-specific phenomena, a noble sees little point in trying to hide knowledge of what causes a fraught relationship, even if it might otherwise be more useful to let people be taken by surprise, when the nobility already talks about that topic so much.

Also also, it's a rare Authority who doesn't think they are super good at having highly fraught relationships.  Why, their life experience on the topic makes them a super expert!  One way that an Authority can share this incredibly valuable expertise is by ordering a new poster put up after their most recent breakup.)

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Anyways, at the end of the tour, Opalyn will be escorted to her temporary personal quarters pending her assigned sorcerous rating.  Loss aversion being a thing, she will be shown some quite nice quarters to be afraid of losing if she doesn't contribute lots to the lightline!

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A four-poster BATHTUB? That's so nuts! The steam will get into the velvety drapes and make them all moldy nah, magic fixes everything.

Yeah, this is all right. Opalyn can definitely make this work.

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She knows, from past experience, that when she really relaxes she is probably going to have really a lot of feelings about everything that has happened.

- she DIED
- her old life is apparently ENTIRELY OVER and she will NEVER SEE HER LOVED ONES again
- her ARM was CUT OFF
- people were trying to KILL HER for a second time in the same minute
- she has been SENT TO PRISON
- the prison she has been sent to is OPERATING INEFFICIENTLY

Yeah, it's really best not to think about anything but the very last point, that's a safe place to hang out, mentally and emotionally.

On Earth, she would think about this as avoidance practicing self-care by grieving in the proper time and place.
On Eldrida, she can think of it as being a productive member of society!

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So... does everyone on Eldrida attempt to be as batshit as possible, or only people with magical potential?

Presumably lots of people have no magical aptitude at all. Are they running around being all dramatic all the time, too? Or are they just cowering and fawning and trying to people-please the magicians?


Since no books have been provided yet, Opalyn checks to see if her Orphan-memories have anything to say about that.

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Orphan never really thought about it in those terms, because her little village did not have much truck with wizards, let alone nobles.  Orphan has heard tales about nobles behaving in very dramatic ways, like having their girlfriends or boyfriends tortured to death in amusing ways for amusing reasons, or wiping out somebody's whole family because they didn't bow low enough to a carriage, or noble children being incredibly spoiled and going into screaming tantrums that ends with some villager flogged or dead.  But this doesn't make it immediately obvious to an Earthling that this was about deliberate drama generation; Earth nobles were like that too.

Orphan has heard about rich merchants behaving like this, though less so.  But that doesn't make it obvious whether the merchants were aping noble behavior or for that matter if it was all lies because obviously everyone hates rich merchants.

The people in her village did not behave like this.  The people she recruited to her little army did not behave like this.

The people in Orphan's memories and the bureaucrats she's met in the Facility... well, the phrase that comes to mind is "different planets" and in fact they are.

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(Her room does have some books already in it, but they're not, like, history books.)

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Opalyn cannot actually resist paging through the book to see what it's about. She predicts:

- it will be written from the perspective of the protagonist
- no other points of view will ever be shown or even credibly guessed-at
- the dramatic tension, if they bother with that here, will be derived from other characters constantly behaving even worse and the protagonist finding clever ways to get even 
- certainly the protagonist doesn't learn any constructive lessons; any "growth" is in becoming even more neurotic

How did Opalyn do?

Also, did she read anything that provided new information about this world, or violated her predictions? She's not just looking for her biases to be confirmed here, she's looking for new data.

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The story does often dive into the thoughts of the... at least three men that this woman is stringing along!  It's hard to be sure of their total number without reading cover-to-cover.  Literary technology here either hasn't invented third-person limited omniscient viewpoint or has abjured it for some reason; the viewpoint just freely talks about the thoughts of both sides in a way that an Earth reader might find jarring at first.  It can be hard to tell whether a man is thinking a thought, or the protagonist thinks that he's thinking it.

P. 34:  A man says something that the female lead finds very insulting.  His thoughts show that he totally meant to insult her like that, even though he acts outwardly surprised that she'd think he meant it that way.

P. 57:  Female lead perfectly divines the man's subconscious motivations from subtle hints.  He reacts with outward surprise that his inward thoughts show to be about the sudden realization that she's nailed him perfectly, and even some amount of internal gratitude that she showed him that truth about himself, even as he outwardly denies that she could possibly be on to anything because then he'd owe her and he doesn't want her knowing that he owes her.

Towards the end of the story, the female lead's thoughts have become much less uncertain-sounding; she's overcome her early uncertainty about whether she's really that good at reading men's minds, and has come to the understanding that her instincts are accurate and men often have a reason to hide from her how accurate all her guesses really are.  She no longer tells her men what she's guessed about them, and instead reserves that confident knowledge for her own, internal plotting.

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In terms of updating about Eldrida... unfortunately the romance novel seems to itself be set in a fanciful alternate universe, possibly?  Or at least, there's a mention in there about how the character has something called Love Spirit which is more powerful than sorcery, and they're in some sort of giant underground cavern setting with no mention of planets existing.

It will nonetheless be possible to pick up that "wizardry" is the use of (potentially small) amounts of the same magical power that sorcerers have, in mathematically structured ways.  The author seems to think that this is a crutch for people who lack raw power, but even mighty sorcerers are also praised as being precise and efficient and leveraged and pinpoint and various other such qualities.  There's a brief magical fight scene which casually refers to a lot of concepts that neither Opalyn nor Orphan had, but you can maybe see in retrospect from Orphan's memories that Orphan's opponents were trying to come at her with efficient spatial-slicing spells, and Orphan was simply blowing away everything in her path.

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It is not terribly surprising that Orphan had not been using her power optimally!

Opalyn wonders: is there a real dichotomy between wizardry and sorcery? Like, do some people have wizard aptitude and some people have sorcerer aptitude? Or should she be thinking of this as "math aptitude" and "magic aptitude" and if you have both you can use the math to wring more precision and efficiency out of your existing magic?

Opalyn feels a little hopeless about figuring this out from Orphan's memories and one overwrought romance novel, but if she doesn't have enough data here yet she can just hold these ideas as theories to investigate later.

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Nothing overtly contradicts the hypothesis that there's no ontological difference between wizardry and sorcery?  There isn't any difference in the ontological language that the book uses for describing wizards when they're being very mathy, and sorcerers when they're being a little mathy.

Orphan knows that not everyone can be a wizard; you need to have the potential to be a wizard.  The question of whether this is the same kind of potential as noble sorcery, but less of it, is not one that ever occurred to Orphan; she had little impulse to organize her thoughts into an ontologically tidy universe.

Actually, if Opalyn is staring at words and checking Orphan's memories at the same time, she's liable to notice at some point that Opalyn seems to understand words in the book that Orphan has no memories of hearing or reading as words.

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Huh. Why would Opalyn know words that Orphan didn't know? She previously thought she was running on Orphan's memories of the language, but apparently something deeper is at work. She files it away as yet another mystery about this place.


Now that she has leisure to try experiments in relative privacy, can she do anything at all with magic with this collar on? Like, even if she can feel how much intensity she's putting out (and then having blocked), that would be interesting.

First she'll try very gingerly remembering the feeling of the fury of getting her arm cut off, at maybe 5% of the original intensity, while simultaneously trying to send a 10cm-ball of PUSH at something safe like a pillow, and just see what happens. Can she feel anything at all?

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The collar seems to interfere with magic generation somewhere far upstream of getting anywhere near that far, blocking her before Opalyn can really generate or call forth the magic; the item does not try to let her generate it and then block it!  (If reasonably economical magic items could generate power on anything like Orphan's scale, then Orphan would not have been able to lawnmower over wealthy enemies, right?)

It's like being drunk, maybe, in a very selective way.  Like your magical motor neurons are in their own personal REM-stage dream, where every time they try to be sensible they just end up feeding the pillowcases back to the crocodiles again.  The impulse to cast a spell is not going nowhere, but it sure is not going into generating the magic that could actually feed into that spell.

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And not particularly expecting this to work either, Opalyn slowly recites the times tables to herself while trying to generate the same 10-cm ball. Same result? Or different at all?

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Same result, no detectable difference.

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Opalyn decides to look around her quarters systematically and see what else is here.

Are there any cues about what time it is? Is there any food here, in case she gets hungry? Does it seem like she ought to take a bath? Is there any way to signal for help, if she wants to ask about books?

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At some point, somebody must have hit Opalyn with a cleaning spell, or she must've walked through the right archway; her dress is no longer bloodstained from her wounds.  She doesn't feel icky.  She could, in principle, walk out of here without a bath, if she wanted.  (Even torn, her dress is nowhere near revealing enough for her to go outside with zero Farm credits to her name; but there's a grace period pending her first lightline event.)

It was explained to Opalyn during her tour that lights are on in public areas at all times, and the refectory open at all times.  Everyone just keeps their own sleep cycle.  There is no food inside the room and no refrigerator or oven; to obtain a meal you must dare to venture outside and take on the corresponding risks, though once food is obtained there's a dining-area inside the suite where you could eat by yourself or with up to three sufficiently close friends.

Nobody has mentioned anything about a way to call for help, that's for sure.

The suite contains a lot of unfamiliar things, only a few of which Orphan's memories recognize at all.

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There's a fancier version of something Orphan once looted from a baron's wife's bedroom, what the fence said was a magical vanity that helped apply makeup (though not very smartly so).  Orphan had no use for such things; she sold it rather than learn how to use it herself.  It is not particularly obvious how to use.

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There's what looks like a gameboard, with triangular symmetry suggestive that it takes three players; the board and pieces glow to Opalyn's magical senses, but not in a way that makes clear what the magic does.

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The bedroom contains several decorative clocks, all showing different times, all proceeding at different rates; and indeed, a close inspection would reveal that those rates were subtly varying.  A decorative sign on the wall explains what might be the underlying philosophy here, from the perspective of any inmates hoping to be able to meet a lover at an agreed-upon time and place:

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The magical fireplace is apparently complicated enough or unusual enough that the user guide has been left next to it.  One of the inscrutable other objects lying around was a remote control for the fireplace, apparently?

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This place is very foreign. Of course it is! It's a different planet, different universe, different physics possibly, the surprising thing is that Opalyn can make any sense of any of it at all. Opalyn tries to focus on how much commonality there is to her own flavor of humanity, how MUCH SENSE things make. She tries to count up everything that makes sense rather than count down everything that doesn't, because if she counts down she's going to lose her grip.


Meanwhile she wonders... can she just... wander out of her room whenever she wants? She had the possibly-mistaken notion that since this is a prison she'd be locked in her quarters some of the time and then escorted to meals some of the time and then who knows what else.

Does her door lock at all, from either the inside or the outside?

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There's no visible outside lock.

You can use Farm credits to charge the inside lock, which will then hold your door until somebody spends more Farm credits than that to mutually annihilate your credits and force their entry.  If they want to sneak into your room undetectably to you, in a way where you can't tell afterward that they were even there, they'll have to spend more Farm credits again to recharge the lock.

If you have zero Farm credits, or just don't prioritize spending it on your lock, anyone could just come into your room and have their way with you any time they pleased.

There's probably a grace period on that too?  The Headstomper didn't mention it, but it's not like she was working from a visible checklist of what needs to be mentioned to every new inmate.

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Then Opalyn will sally forth in the general direction of the refectory, if she can remember how to get there!

She has the following goals:

- Library! It wasn't on the tour, where is it? Maybe on the way to the refectory, or maybe she finds someone holding a book and asks them where they got it.
- See what kinds of food there are. She's a little hungry, but mostly she wants to know what her options are for when she's having a craving. Opalyn always likes to know what her options are.
- See what manner of humans she encounters. She wants to talk to them and see if she can learn more about the politics of this place. (She also needs a friend, but is desperately afraid that she will not find anyone she can really connect with here.)
- She knows the administration is coming for her at some point and would prefer not to lie around in a state of passive waiting.

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The way to the refectory wasn't too complicated.  And if the criterion is just meeting anyone carrying a book, it won't be long at all.

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The person coming down the hallway is unreasonably hot by Opalyn's standards.

Yes, the thighs and the hips and the belly are nice but also she's

~!~!~ reading a book ~!~!~
~!~!~ while she walks down the hallway, ~!~!~

and it turns out this is a powerful attraction signal.

(And the completely useless pieces of fabric pooling to both sides! Why is that hot! That makes no sense!)
(Why does the book have two spines? How do you flip the pages in the center section?)


Opalyn is going to have to pull herself together or they will have passed in the hallway and it will be too late!

"Excuse me! I'm new here... can you tell me where I can find the library?"

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The person looks up from her book with a cool, assessing gaze.  "What's in it for me?"

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"The joy of having been kind to a stranger, someone who is new here as you once were?"

"Or, y'know, name your price. What do you value?"

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"What do you think you have, newcomer?"

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"Possibly nothing you want! I don't have any credits yet. If you don't want to tell me, that's fine, I'll just continue to explore and ask other people. Have a good day!"

Opalyn makes as if to continue down the hallway. It's not a bluff, she will happily just move on, but she does sort of wonder if the other person will let the conversation drop.

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"Library is blue door from the refectory you were heading toward, then left at the end of that hallway.  We'll all see what you make of favors owed."

The woman is already continuing on her own way.

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Okay. That went... well? Maybe?

Opalyn attempts to follow the instructions to the library. Examining the food offerings can wait; if all goes extremely well, Opalyn can eat while perusing a pile of books.

She's done this many thousands of times in her life. Always find a book before you get your food, or else the food gets cold during the book search.

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This then shall take her through the refectory, since the directions for the library assumed that.  The refectory has a high-end ambiance, comparable more to Opalyn's temporary bedroom than to some of the hallways.  Visible gender ratio runs about 3F:1M.

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Food here does not look totally normal by Earth standards.  Something like a cupcake shape seems to be a popular presentation format but it does not... exactly look like Earth cupcakes.

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Huh. The skull noodles with straws coming out are especially disturbing, but there also seem to be non-skull noodles so that's good?

Opalyn hopes they have any protein, this all looks very carb-y, but doesn't particularly pause to search. She's on a book mission.

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The section of the prison that Opalyn has been sent to would seem to contain a lot of people her own age, or maybe, who chose to appear to be Opalyn's age.  (Orphan thinks sorcerers are supposed to look like whatever they want, though Orphan herself hadn't figured out how to do much with that, and her memories have the tinge of story-belief about them to somebody who knows what it's like to have beliefs that aren't stories.)

A lot of the actual couples, as one passes them, seem to be smiling; there isn't much drama visible right at this moment.

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One of the least scantily-dressed women present is also the only one sitting at a table with two men, both rather less-dressed.

"Newcomer," she says, as Opalyn is passing her.

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"Yes, hello, I'm new here! Nice to meet you!" Opalyn says breezily, undeterred on her way to the library!

She is aware that the rather-more-dressed woman might have been attempting a put-down, but as it was a simple utterance of fact, Opalyn does not feel dismayed by it.

On Opalyn's models, nothing particularly good comes of slowing down to talk to someone whose opening salvo is a mild power move!

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If Opalyn didn't slow down, the woman at the table will say nothing more.  There's a low whistle in the background from one of the adjacent tables.

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No one else makes any overtures to Opalyn before she's out of the refectory via blue door, and turning left at the end of that hallway does indeed take her to a library.  It's warmly lighted with... actually those are obviously fake candles, the flames on them are utterly steady and unchanging, and there's no heat waver above them, though aside from that they look just like regular flames.

"No borrowing privileges until you've done some lightline-charging," says the obvious librarian there as soon as Opalyn enters, his tone brusque but not unkind.  "Unless you're a really surprisingly excellent fuck in a field with a lot of competition."

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"All right, but can you tell me more about how it works after that? Like is it just, charge the lightlines once and then as many books as I want?"

"Also, what kinds of books do you have here, and how are they organized? Once I have privileges, can I browse the stacks myself or do I have to describe to you what I want and you get it for me? Is there anything like a card catalog?"

Opalyn says 'card catalog' hoping that whatever magic does language translation fills in the most appropriate thing, and not something too literal to be meaningful to the librarian.


(It's not that she wouldn't fuck him for book access, he's pretty hot and kind of stern and books are worth a lot to her, but she also expects to charge the lightlines pretty soon and maybe doesn't need to be giving away favors just yet.)

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"Four credits per day per book.  You can browse the stacks yourself.  No catalog, this is Capital and the Farm has a central library repository running on multispatial presence and semantic assortation.  That means once you head out of the front browsing area, the library offers you choices between different bookcases, you travel past one bookcase to choose, go down a virtual hallway, the library offers you another choice between bookcases and passages, you keep choosing in the direction that you hope is more like the books you want until you find a bookcase that has something acceptable."

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"Is four credits a lot? How many credits do most people earn when they charge the lightline once?"

"Are there always lots of books no matter what subject you show interest in, or do you sometimes run out of selection?"

"Is there any way to get a random assortment of books, or random within some search criteria while remaining fixed in other ways?"

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"Lightline opportunities are once per four days, a typical Baron-level gets their baseline set to 50 credits and 100 per unit extra effort."

"There's always more books, if the library starts to run out it'll pay less attention to some of your earlier choices."

"If you just look at the very first choice the library offers you, that's about as random as anything is."

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Opalyn pauses to think. She really wants books, but also it sounds like she won't have to wait long, and on her current models she's going to be able to afford a lot of them once she starts earning credits. She could apparently fuck her way into book borrowing privileges but she doesn't actually feel like it at the moment, and it sounds like kind of a set up where she blows the guy and then he tells her it wasn't good enough, even if actually it was great, and she's not really interested in that, it's not her kink.

So... probably it's time to eat and then see if she can volunteer to charge the lightlines sooner than later so she can have some books during this subjective day.

"All right. Thanks for your help!"

And if the guy does not immediately respond in any interesting way she will turn and go back to the refectory.

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She's allowed to browse books here, but the librarian isn't going to say anything if the newcomer doesn't ask.

(Besides, if he does point it out to her, she'll no doubt snap that she knew that and wasn't interested in browsing, in order to not look stupid to him.  This librarian has been in the Dramatic-Lewd section of the criminal-sorcerer holding facility for longer than a day.)

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Opalyn often takes rules somewhat too literally and fails to read between the lines or guess at the gray area! Opalyns function best in environments where everything is legible! She's going to have such a great time in Eldrida!

Back to the refectory, then, in search of protein to go with her carbs. If the macronutrients on this planet are even the same, which, upon reflection, she's not sure about.

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There's more eyes on her, this time.

...the food offerings do seem really heavy on items that look like what an Earthling might consider dessert.

This soup could be a savory dish, maybe?  It's got stuff floating in it that could be meat, and no obvious frosting?

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Opalyn searches her Orphan memories: what do fit people eat around here? Is it likely that these people are just eating to stave off hunger but then they're using magic to transmogrify the food in whatever form into actual nutrition? Or would the collar prevent that?

Does what she eats matter in any way to how she feels or how she ends up looking?

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...Orphan's memories are consistent with her eating Whatever and having not noticed any problems with this, but also Orphan still ate some fair amount of meat in there, and meat-vegetable stew, because that was what Orphan found actually tasty and merchant caravans didn't carry tons of chocolate cupcakes when robbed.

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Opalyn's going to eat whatever actually appeals to her for any reason whatsoever and see what happens. It's a brave new world of nutrition science magic and she's just going to have to experiment. She'll also watch what other people eat and see what that seems to do to their physique and energy.

She takes the soup and three very different-looking cupcake things and goes to an unoccupied table that seats four and begins to eat.

How's the food?

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Unfamiliar!  Tasty!  The soup is in fact savory and the meat-like stuff could legit be meat, though smooth and tender.  The most brightly-colored of the three cupcakes has inedibly sweet frosting, unless Opalyn thinks that there's no such thing as "inedibly sweet" in which case it is no doubt the tastiest thing she's ever eaten.

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Opalyn has met lots of people who'd be thrilled by "inedible sweetness," but she's not one of them. She finishes the soup and attempts to eat just the cake part without the frosting part. Normally this would be a messy process but it's her first day here so she's somewhat neat about it. She'd rather not have someone come up and power-move her right when she has rainbow-colored frosting all over her face.

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A woman brushes past the table without turning or looking in Opalyn's direction; if Opalyn is not being Constantly Vigilant it may take her a while to notice that there's now an unobtrusive scrap of paper on the tabletop.

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It does take a while, but when Opalyn realizes that she's been Passed a Note she's kind of thrilled! In middle school, participating in Note Passing was a popularity-marker.

What does the note say?

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woman you snubbed was Baron-level
but enforces for Duchess-level Carnidine who dominates in this section
enforcer not usually cruel but she won't let it pass if you do nothing

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Woman she snubbed, woman she snubbed...
Who did Opalyn allegedly snub, now? What could this be about? Could the note have been delivered to the wrong place?

Let's see, there was the woman in the hallway who directed her to the library. There were the people she passed by the first time through the eating area. There were the people she passed by when she fetched her food.

If this note is true at all, it's probably about the woman who called her a "newcomer?"

Is that woman still around? Will Opalyn even recognize her? She had more clothes on, that could be a way to locate her again. Opalyn tries to look around without obviously looking around.

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Still here.

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Opalyn is not entirely sure what to do here! She is quite certain she didn't 'snub' this woman, and equally certain it won't matter what her intentions were. She is not, at this point, afraid of the enforcer. Opalyn could just ignore the situation, but that doesn't sound right. If there really is a problem, she'd rather address it head on than wait for it to catch up to her at a less convenient time.

She walks up to the table with the three people, pulls a chair from a nearby empty table, and says, "Mind if I join you?"

She does not go so far as to sit down, she waits for a response.

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The woman there quietly but audibly exhales, and then says, "We can try."

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Huh. Opalyn expected either a haughty rejection or, outside chance, something both positive-and-dominant sounding at the same time, but this was neither. This was quiet and subdued. There is definitely something strange going on here.

She pushes the chair into place and sits down, orienting herself toward the woman.

"Hi, I'm Opalyn. What shall I call you?"

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"Tiraff will do."

"I'm in the habit of offering a helping finger, if not a whole helping hand, to newcomers.  Walking right past me after I called to you makes that a little difficult for me to do, in terms of keeping up appearances, but it's not the sort of mistake that's beyond repair or reparation."

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Ha! Apparently the previous overture was intended as warm and welcoming as well as being a power move! Good to know!

"Nice to meet you, Tiraff."

What does one say to another prisoner? Most of the Earth-standard openers don't work. Might as well skip straight to the important parts.

"What do you value, here in this place? I have little in the way of resources or power at the moment, but I like to help people, and to do that it helps to know what they want."

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She chuckles quietly, at that.  "Well, a less perceptive person might perhaps talk about Farm credits; or contributing one more strong arm as we dance just short of the level of violence that provokes the Headstompers to separate us and tell us to save it for later; or, of course, the sort of tradeable relationship influence that we all want individually as we do our best to fall in and out of love."

"But really I'd say that the most fundamental thing a human being wants, in the end, is appearances.  I'm trading away some of mine for letting you just sit down at my table after insulting me earlier.  I'll want it paid back at some point through you making me look good.  Once you phrase it that way, and realize it's at the bottom of everything, there's so many ways for one person to make another look good.  Even a newbie Baron-level with no underworld savvy can do it."

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Opalyn can't claim that she doesn't value appearances at all, that wouldn't be true. She did refrain from getting rainbow frosting all over her face so as not to look a fool; she knew that being obviously unkempt would result in a worse opening position in any subsequent conversation. She has such a thing as a concept of personal dignity.

But Tiraff's claim that "the most fundamental thing a human being wants is appearances" does not have the ring of truth. It's not generally true of all humans, and Opalyn wonders if it's even really true of Tiraff. If she only looked powerful but wielded no actual power would that really do anything for her?

Still, there's probably something in it, and Opalyn would rather learn more than start picking it apart, so she'll just ask more questions.

"I apologize! I did not actually realize that walking past your table would harm your reputation, and I probably would not have done it if I'd realized."

"Who here are we trying to impress?"

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"I don't think there's a single person in the universe whose opinion I don't care about, so almost anyone will do, really.  It doesn't have to be the people I'm losing face in front of today, it just has to outweigh the mass of the couple of dozen Barons here.  One Count would do it, or five million mundanes."

"You won't improvise any attempts to help me.  You'll wait until I ask."

"We also haven't talked about what you might want from me, perhaps."

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Fair enough! Opalyn has certainly been on the wrong end of enough attempts to "help" that she can understand Tiraff not wanting Opalyn just to guess.

Opalyn does not particularly care for the bossy tone, but presumably Tiraff includes the two men at the table as "people to impress" so Opalyn will let it pass.

Opalyn wants information, of course, but has decided not to broadcast her isekai story broadly in this place as she doesn't think it will be believed. It's better to try to get library access, and to get that, she needs to power the lightlines.

"How do I get a chance to power the lightlines sooner rather than later?"

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"Petition the Headstompers and expect 'no' for an answer.  Influence on that level is beyond my remit entire, to say nothing of what I'd do for you."

"They are a little more likely to say 'yes' if you emphasize that you have anger or grief to give, rather than that you want your status set early.  But even so, we ultimately exist for their convenience and at their whim, and they value our knowing that beyond almost anything else we can do for them."

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"Does it by any chance help if I start having a tantrum or weeping and tearing my hair or otherwise visibly freaking out?"

"And whose attention am I actually trying to get? Like, will they even notice if I start to freak out?"

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She smiles, briefly, at that.  "If you knew the name of a Headstomper who could be so easily moved by a brat wasting her feelings so, you could trade that information for a great deal indeed.  They'd tell you that you were the author of your own loss."

"The obvious person to talk to would be the Deputy Secretary to Headstomper Wumi's Secretary's Assistant Secretary, if you were trying anyways."

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Opalyn can't quite manage to stifle her amusement at this title.

"So... you're telling me that people actually do manage to save up their emotions and then then have them all at once at the right time?"

This is news! Opalyn previously had the notion that everyone here was a completely dysregulated mess!

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"Hardly anything so dangerously self-controlled.  We manage to save up the triggers."

"Well.  Some of us do.  Others do more poorly, and end up as prey to their superiors in the art."

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"Okay, so let me get this straight. People who play the game well arrange to get triggered by other people right before they go charge the lightlines? Because... those people owe you a favor? Or why do they do it at the time that's most convenient for you?"

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"You can ask for your lovers, or your enemies, to be brought with you to lightline-charging; or go out of turn to theirs, if you've recovered enough by then.  Though they'll hardly let you bring along someone more productive than you, to start a fight with--the emotion of the stronger sorcerer is the one they'll prioritize harvesting."

"To be concrete, say, if Duchess Carnidine felt like bringing me with on her next charging-trip, so she could let out some of her feelings and slap me and berate me, they'd bring me with to her.  I could hardly ask the same in reverse, for it's not worth wasting any of her feelings to strengthen the feelings of a Baron-level like me.  But if Carnidine made a habit of it, and gave me no recompense, she'd be making an enemy, for whatever the enmity of a Baroness could matter to her.  And if she made enough of a habit of asking for me to be brought along, they'd synchronize our charging-trips, and hook me up to the same lightline."

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"If Duchess Carnidine wants to bring you, does she ask you, or does she inform the Headstompers and they bring you along, like it or not?"

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"What planet do you even come from where it'd ever be the first one?"

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Okay, fair. Opalyn did actual think these people had some notion of collaboration, and thought that the power games involved in negotiating who was going to a charging session would be a source of drama, but apparently not.

"Can I ask for anyone to be brought to my very first charging session? I don't actually have feelings about anybody here yet so I probably wouldn't ask, but just curious."

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"Certainly, if the Facility already knows you to outrank them as a sorceress, and you don't mind making enemies of your lessers and whatever unknown friends they might have."

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"And this is probably completely obvious and basic, but I like to say things out loud to make sure I understand them. If I direct that a specific person be brought with me, that's considered... unkind... to that person. Because... it uses up some of their emotional energy and tires them out, and then they can't charge as much the next time?"

Opalyn wonders about that. She believes that for some emotional wounds, rehearsing them only makes them more powerful. It's not the case that every time you rehash a fight in your head, you feel better about it. But she decides not to wonder about that out loud.

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"Depends on what you do with them, really.  Climactic breakup that they've been building up to for months?  If they're not entirely below you, I think the Facility would look unkindly on the two of you not being hooked up simultaneously."

"Grinding them into the dirt the same way you have five times before, if you have some hold over them where they've no way to fight you back?  Why, that you could do every time you went to a lightline, over and over, and the Facility will smile on you for it."

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Tiraff's misunderstanding is telling but Opalyn will try again!

"I don't actually mean to ask what the Farm thinks about it, I meant to ask what the other sorcerer will think about it! They take it as a hardship?"

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"I'm truly confused about the concept of a planet where you can do someone an injury, in the form of setting them up to gain fewer credits of their own, purposefully to your own benefit, and have that not held against you."

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"Like I said, I like to say even very basic things out loud, especially when I'm in a new situation, so I can be sure I've understood what's going on! I catch a lot of mistakes that way!"

Opalyn is really not sure yet that the lower-status person is necessarily going to end up with fewer credits out of the deal, even if they get dragged to a higher-status person's charging session. Seems like it would all be grist for the lower-status person's mill, but maybe there's some other factors she hasn't properly understood yet.

Her current theory is that people here are so entrenched in their beliefs about power and hierarchy that they're not actually measuring the results of various combinations of actions, they're just making assumptions and to some extent their prophecies are self-fulfilling. But only experimentation will settle this question.

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"This policy will cause everyone to think you're an idiot, in case you hadn't realized that."

(There is something really off about this weird person...)

"I'm curious, at this point, what turn of events brought you to our Prince Purplesupper Memorial Facility for the Harvest of High-Drama Slutty Supercriminals."

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"I feel cheerful about being underestimated, for the most part!"

"I seem to be here because I set too many of the wrong people on fire."

Opalyn has a policy of telling the truth, but the words 'I seem' are doing a lot of work in that sentence.

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"How would you kill anyone who mattered using fire?"

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"Well, in the end, it didn't work out for me, did it?" Opalyn is not having trouble being cheerfully dopey about what happened there, as she actually has no idea!

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"I think, if I were in your shoes, I'd be asking me about who here might be inclined to guide me around the place and what I might offer them."

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"Thank you, that is a very helpful suggestion! Yes, please tell me who here might help me, what I might explicitly offer them, and what else they might be getting out of helping me!"

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"Well, only now I need a moment to actually think about it, you see.  This might take three quarters of a minute, or even, dare I say, longer."  Tiraff begins drumming her fingers on the table, leaning back some into her chair.

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"What do you have to offer, to somebody who helps you?  Are you the sort to fall easily in love?  To naturally run hot and cold?  To get half of someone's friends upset with the other half?"

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"I do fall in love pretty easily, too easily perhaps. I've been making an effort in recent years to slow down and look harder for compatibility, but maybe I should hold off on that project! I can be quite persnickety about my expectations for a partner, and some partners say I'm impossible to please."

"I don't recall ever making a bunch of friends upset with each other."

It occurs to Opalyn after she blurts out this truthful statement that this might have been an opportunity for, if not prevarication, at least some spin, but the words are out now.

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"Anyone can be impossible to please.  I'd even say that most people are.  The valuable quality is having it look like it should be possible to please you."

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"Well, if it helps, meet my own standards, and my hope that someone else might meet my standards someday seems to spring eternal. I probably invest too much in trying to teach people."

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(Temporarily hidden thoughts; ok to read at end of conversation.) The thing is, she can't actually send 'Opalyn' to somebody who will do an excellent job of explaining everything to her, allaying her anxieties, and slotting her into a good place in the Facility.  You shouldn't ever calm anyone down that much.  That could potentially endanger Tiraff's standing with the Headstompers, if somebody reports her for deciting that much drama.

Maybe match this weirdo with another of the Facility's weirdos?  That at least seems like the sort of thing that defensibly should generate drama if you have to explain yourself to a Headstomper about it.

"I can think of a plausible match.  I won't, of course, tell you what I consider his drama-inciting qualities to be, and you shouldn't come right forth and blurt out yours.  Going in blind on that sort of thing is elementary enough that I shouldn't have to explain it, that's half the point of matchmaking being the favor that it is."

"His name is Iilasir, and his room's coordinates are 3-kek by 9-pft.  Tell me your room's coordinates, and I'll have them passed on to him, without it being clear that the suggestion came from me; and you shouldn't identify me as the matchmaker either.  It's how things are done around here."

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Opalyn's grief momentarily rises up within her as she remembers the partners she left behind. As recently as this morning she thought she had pretty much worked things out. None of the partners were perfect, none of the relationships were perfect, but she'd worked hard to cobble together a life with them, and it felt sustainable, if sometimes a little lonely.

If she let herself feel it, she'd be pissed that now she has to start all over, in this strange place with these strange rules, and somehow assemble a new harem here, where people try to have terrible relationships on purpose. She does not like her odds of feeling secure and stable here, ever, and while of course that is the entire point, she doesn't have to be happy about it.

But she doesn't let herself feel it, not yet. Opalyn's form of dignity is to manage her emotions and feel them only when she's alone or with someone she trusts. Or, in this place, she can save them for the lightlines.

She's more than a little competitive, and the idea of churning her despair into productivity is more than a little attractive. She's feeling really good about her chances on the sorcery test.

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"Thank you very much for your assistance in this. I won't forget your kindness. My room coordinates are 7-boop by 12-mix."

Opalyn manages to utter these coordinates with a straight face, despite wanting to laugh as she hears them come out of her mouth. The alphabet here sounds ridiculous to her ears.

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"Then we're done here, I believe."

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"Is there a way that I should depart the table that helps you out the most?"

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"A bow of your head as you rise would not go amiss."

(Temporarily hidden thoughts.) The notion that she is dealing with a potential Duchess or Grand Duchess has not even slightly crossed Tiraff's mind.  Somebody would announce that, if it were true, and the priors are not in favor of it.
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Sure, why not? Worst thing that happens is she's now ceded some status to Tiraff that Tiraff doesn't 'deserve,' whatever that would even mean, and that seems fine, at least for now?

Opalyn rises, bows slightly, puts the chair back where she got it, and begins to head back toward her room.

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Opalyn starts to walk toward her room on autopilot, but as she walks, she thinks about what she actually wants to do next.

It has been a hell of a day. Under any other circumstances the obvious next action would be to take a hot bath, curl up in the fetal position, and cry herself to sleep. And pretty soon, she'll reach a point where she essentially has no choice about that, when her mind and body are just too exhausted to hold it together anymore.

But here? Here, she should try to hold out just a little longer.


Does she remember the way to someplace with a lot of natural beauty, like a park? But also it should be not too hot and not too cold and not too bright and not too windy and not too buggy and... well, maybe it should be an indoor garden, now that she thinks about it.

Opalyn is this picky in general but the length of the list of her demands says something about how wrung out she's feeling.

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Sure!  Natural beauty is one of the easiest things for AI image generators magical architects to build into space stations!

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All right! Off we go then! Let's see some natural beauty!

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This world does have some redeeming features! This is gorgeous. It is hard to be wrung out and grumpy in here. Opalyn finds a place to sit for a while and just look, really look, at all the different kinds of flowers and plants that she's never seen before, and marvel at the glowing butterflies, and wonder about the lightlines.


How do they work, anyway? Do they stretch? Does that even make any sense? Opalyn would expect planets to get very far away from each other when they're on opposite sides of their orbits. Having something like lightlines feels like it makes a lot more sense for a planet and its moons than for several planets orbiting the same sun. Her first look up in the sky when she started on Mayvos suggested multiple planets in very close proximity -- they looked huge in the sky. Are all the orbits stable? Does it take magic to keep them from crashing down into each other? How does this actually work?

Asking Orphan's memories presumably gets her nowhere, but in the absence of library access, she'll give it a try.

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Orphan doesn't remember planets or lightlines moving.  Planets spin and lightlines stretch to make that work, but they don't wander around the sky.  There's no particular sense that planets do or should orbit anything, such as the light source that her memories map to the word 'Sun'.

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Huh. Planets that don't move in the sky? WTF?

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All right, well, evidently being grumpy at Oprhan's memories doesn't actually get her anywhere. Stands to reason.

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Opalyn wanders the paths, peering out the various windows, trying to get a glimpse of any point where the lightline joins the facility she's in. Presumably 'charging the lightlines' involves being in close proximity with one end of a line, though Opalyn has no mental image at all of how she'll be connected to it when she throws her sorcery into it.

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She'll run across a man wandering the other way, wearing more than usual for the Facility, with red leather(oid?) that covers his arms if not his chest, and a matching full pair of pants.

"You're new," he'll say, in a calm respectful tone.

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"I am! My name's Opalyn, and I just arrived today. Pleased to meet you."

Opalyn assumes he's relatively high-status, as prisoners go, and is encouraged that he's started the conversation warmly.

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(Temporarily hidden thoughts until end of current conversation.)He is a curious man, and there are all manner of things he wants to know about this one; is she powerful, is she useful, what was her crime, is she planning to stick around or take the first offer out, is she a fun victim.

But she is holding herself together very firmly, for somebody who just arrived in prison; and that's indicative of somebody planning to save her feelings for the lightlines.  He isn't going to interfere with that by asking her where she's from, what she did to get here, what she's lost.

"It's a beautiful planet, isn't it?  At least outwardly.  The view onto Capital beats any other view from space I've ever seen.  You can hardly see the planet for the lightlines."

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"It really is stunning."

Opalyn wants to say something about how there are no lightlines where she's from, but that's going to lead into isekai conversation territory. Her plan is to withhold that story since she doesn't expect it to be believed anyway.

"Have you been in here a long time? Any tips for a newcomer?"

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"Not that long.  A few years, maybe.  It's not a bad place for someone like me, and someone will have to make me quite an offer to get me out of it."

"Tips... hm.  All the best men are long since taken, so ignore anyone who's single and go for the throat on one who isn't.  Have you done much courting of your own kind, or only pleased yourself with slaves, before this?"

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"Oh, are you in the 'special handling' queue? I've heard about that. It sounds like you expect to be able to pick and choose among your offers. Have you already had some offers that you've turned down?"

It's not that Opalyn doesn't want to answer his question, as that learning about offers is a higher priority.


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(Temporarily hidden thoughts.) 'Special handling queue'?  He suspects that someone has gulled this one.

"There's always plenty of people ready to lowball every inmate and hope they get lucky with a sucker.  I'm not in a special handling queue, myself, did you get offered one, by someone?"

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Opalyn continues to feel confused about who gets what kind of offer, and what it's doing for her that Trāho filed that extra paperwork saying her arrest papers were faulty. She remembers that everyone gets offers, but she has the idea that the wrongfully arrested people get better offers, and she's worried she's just insulted this guy.

"Oh, sorry, I just assumed, since you were talking about waiting for a really good offer. I don't really know how anything works, here. It's all very confusing."

Maybe if she presents as one-down, he'll take pity on her and help her. And it's not much of an act!

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"Well, you heard about a special handling queue from somewhere?"

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"During my intake interview, it came out that my paperwork was incorrect. Whoever had me arrested put down some information about me that isn't true. And apparently that means I might eventually get better offers? I think?"

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He smiles, then.  "Oh.  I'd worried someone was messing with you.  That's true, but it's not because there's a special queue, it's because they know they need to make you a better offer if you've got a chance of getting out all on your own.  Can't sell a decrepit riding-zebra-unicorn for a mansion, to someone who's already three-quarters down the road, after all."

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"Heh, Right. Obviously."

Riding-zebra-unicorn? Opalyn wonders again how language translation actually works here.

"Anyway, to answer your previous question, I'm not usually the dominant in my relationships, and I've never taken a slave."

Opalyn suspects that these people do not realize that dominance and submission might occasionally run counter to real-world power in other domains, but wants to see what happens if she just continues to tell the truth!

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"I can guess you aren't in the mood to talk about what you've done before.  But if you haven't been in a mostly-female setting, or needed to pursue a man already taken, before this--it is rather different.  Exciting, if your fate is on the line.  But you will need to do more with yourself than look pretty and wait to be taken."

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Opalyn knows an opening when she sees one! As long as there's a multi-colored rotating spotlight shining right on it!

She tilts her head to one side and gently puts her index finger on his bare chest.

"What kind of thing would get your attention?"

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He smiles, and points to a nearby sign.

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Opalyn lightly traces a figure-eight on his chest with her finger.

"Huh. Well, I notice that you're telling me I have to fight for you, and that sure does seem convenient for you. Maybe I do and maybe I don't, but I can't tell yet if you're worth it. I'm willing to play with you, but I'm not willing to just... throw sexual spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks."

Opalyn is pretty sure that's going to come out sounding like a riding-zebra-unicorn in the translation.

"If you don't want to say what you want out loud, you can show me, or you can leave this conversation still wondering what it would have been like."

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He picks off a stray flower petal that settled on the sleeve of her dress at some point, a shade of vivid green that isn't quite glowing, considers it.  "I wonder how this tastes," he says, and then pops it in his mouth.  "Mm.  Well, now I know and you don't."

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Opalyn is still not convinced she even wants this guy but she's too stubborn to back down now. Back home, she was always sought-after for her combination of femininity and, well, awesomeness. Here, femininity is not a scarce resource, and Opalyn hasn't yet shown them that her brand of awesomeness is more awesome than theirs.

It's possible she shouldn't press too hard right now as she has no status-chips with which to gamble, but he is cute, and his banter is fun, and flirting is better than going back to her room and crying don't think about that.

"Well, you could describe it. Or better yet, give me a taste." She moves her finger up to his lips.

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His tongue darts out, quickly runs over her finger.  "Now I know what the flower and your finger tastes like, and you still know nothing."

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Oh yeah, well, I know what your tongue feels like,

Opalyn doesn't say, because that would be stupid.

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Why is flirting so hard.

Why is flirting so hard, here?


It's because she's used to being pursued, not pursuing. Maybe she should take a page from the alpha male playbook?

What's in that playbook again? It's not like she has it memorized.

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Opalyn puts her hand behind the guy's neck, pulls him down, and forcibly kisses him.

Do his lips part enough for her to get a taste of whatever remains of that flower?

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He'll use his teeth to crush the flower petal, which he's kept mostly intact inside his own mouth this whole time, and pass the whole thing into her mouth when she kisses him!  It tastes pretty bitter once crushed!

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She tightens her grip on the back of his neck and forces the flower back into his mouth, deepening the kiss. It's mutually assured repulsion.

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Well, he'll try to push the flower petal right back at her, then, with his own tongue!

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While still maintaining headlock and liplock, Opalyn works both their bodies around until she can reach more of those vivid green flowers. She's reaching, trying to grab a whole fistful of the petals at once...

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What a fun flirtation they're having!  He'll try to grab some of the glowing flowers.

(Temporarily hidden thoughts.) He has no idea what those taste like, but she won't necessarily know that.
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Oh HELL no!

Opalyn gets to her flowers first and crushes them in her hand and pulls back just enough to try to start stuffing them into his face...

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She's maintaining a headlock, yes?  This means he has a hand free to grab her wrist plus another hand free to go on trying to grab his own flowers.

He's really getting into the tongue action on the kiss, too, not just trying to push the bitter crushed petal back and forth anymore.  It's turned into liquid paste at this point anyways.

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No no, no more tongue action, she's pulled back her head enough to try to jam the vivid green flower petals into HIS mouth without getting more into HERS though admittedly this wrist hold is putting a damper on her plans.

She shifts her weight onto her left leg and hooks the right leg around his left and tries to make his knee buckle. She lands the move pretty well and thinks it'll probably knock him way off balance unless he's very dextrous. Is he very dextrous?

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Probably!  But he's not really averse to going crashing down to the ground so long as he can pull her down with him.

"How could you betray me like this?!" he cries as soon as she releases the liplock.

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She takes advantage of his open mouth to get LOTS of flower petals in there.

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He's stopped trying to target the glowing flowers amid this tangle of limbs, and is now just grabbing whatever, crushing it in his hand, and attempting to shove it down the cleavage of her dress (hand 1) or as the case may be up the bottom of her dress (hand 2).

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This is not what she thought was going to happen! She wonders what effect the chastity belts actually have, whether he's wearing one, and whether they are going to prevent anything too extreme from happening!

Now that the entire fistful of green petals has been jammed into his mouth, she keeps going and shoves his entire face hard to one side, hoping for something painful and distracting but not quite so powerful as to snap his neck. She's pretty sure she can't snap his neck. Because that would be murder and that would be bad.

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That's not what he thought was going to happen, either!  That'll get him to grab her wrist hard with one hand, and try for an armlock that he can turn into a pin.

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And what's he going to do with that pin?

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Give her bottom a couple of good whacks!  That head-shove hurt!

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Ha! She's got him taking the initiative now!

She squeaks and squirms and wiggles fetchingly.

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"You lose the flirtation.  Well met, Opalyn.  I don't have the time to take this further, but perhaps I'll stalk you later."

The pressure holding her down vanishes.

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The words of a sore loser! Opalyn is not entirely sure how they score flirtations around here, but she feels pretty satisfied with how that came out. He was playing hard to get, until he wasn't, and then he turned tail and ran.

Maybe lewd dramatic is going to work out for her!


Opalyn gets up and dusts herself off as he rounds the corner out of the garden. Her dress is intact, but quite askew, so she straightens it out.

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(At least one of the crushed plants shoved down the front of her dress is kinda stingy on the left nipple.  Just saying.)

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Good to know! Opalyn enjoys the tingle but doesn't want too much of a good thing, so she removes the tingly plants, taking note of where to get more in case she needs them on some future occasion!

Is this entire garden full of herbal accessories for sadomasochism? If she ends up with time to kill she should make an inventory of what's available.

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It's full of mysterious plants, some of them magical!  Your magic senses do not say whether something is useful for sadomasochism or not without trying it.

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Opalyn is going to save the herbal inventory for another day.

She's been trying to avoid relaxation because it will inevitably melt into overwhelming grief. She may be tired enough now that she can go back to her bed and immediately fall asleep, bypassing wakeful relaxation entirely.

Wrestling red-leather guy was an excellent way to burn off some of her spare physical energy and tire herself out. She is, upon reflection, very glad to have run into him.

She starts to head back to her quarters.

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"Scantily clad woman reading a book" continues to be a thing quite often.

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This particular scantily clad woman is reading TWO BOOKS at THE SAME TIME!

Is it possible that Opalyn is going to be really happy here, actually?

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Opalyn enters her room, ready to strip off her gown and fall face first into her bed.

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The bed, on close inspection of its headboard, may be magically helpful about some things.

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What a world!

Opalyn presses "NOW!" and hopes that one translates directly. She'll worry about BBUL and TRHL some other time.

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Then she'll be asleep.

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...and then wake up, however she usually wakes up; though maybe waking later than she'd usually sleep, if she'd usually sleep too little.

She does not need to go to the toilet, which is good, because there isn't actually a toilet in this nice prison suite.

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This is the first time in Opalyn's entire life that she's woken up from a very long sleep NOT desperately needing to pee. This is... strange.

Also, no toilet in the suite? Is this some scheme to force prisoners to interact with each other in desperate, fraught circumstances? Seems not very sexy though.


Or perhaps this is all down to the magic that removes the need to attend to digestive functions? Maybe that magic just runs on auto-pilot, when it can, and the cuffs interfered with it but the collar doesn't?

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It's hard to tell whether or not Orphan's body-related sorcery is currently running; it seems to have been more-or-less subconscious.  There's some magic in herself that isn't her collar (or her chastity belt), possibly her own; though anything resembling an attempt to consciously direct any sort of magic gets shut down before it starts.

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Opalyn makes a mental note to pay close attention when the collar is removed for lightline charging. (At least, she's assuming they'll remove it then.) If she gets any spare time, even a few seconds, with the collar off, she has a whole bunch of things to try to probe.

 - Can she tell what this additional source of magic is, and whether it's internal or external?
 - Can she try to use math (wizardry) to do any magic?
 - Is there any body-related sorcery running an autopilot?
 - What's up with translation magic? Why can she say and understand and read words that Orphan didn't know?

This is already a pretty ambitious agenda to work on in tiny little uncontrolled gaps, but there's so much beyond that she'd like to investigate too. Do some emotions yield more power than others? When revisiting past upsetting experiences, will she generate more power from reliving vs. remembering - i.e. from unresolved trauma? What else is there to play with besides fire and force? Which parts of her previous button-mashing actually worked? What is up with all these extra dimensions?

Opalyn is really wishing hard for library access.

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Orphan was never really the type to meditate and examine all of the instinctive magic running through herself.  Still, Orphan did maybe stare hard at herself sometimes, like after being injured.  By her memory Orphan didn't see obviously less or different magic than is running through Opalyn's body right now.  It's blurrier, fainter, harder to see than the stuff that Orphan threw around in spells.

Opalyn doesn't particularly have a concept of where to start on using math to do magic; Orphan gave up on wizardry books when she got to the math part and before the book tried to say anything about what to do with math.  Also, any attempt at directing sorcery-like-a-spell, a deliberate magic-use, gets shut down by the collar.

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Yeah, nothing more she can figure out from here, probably.

Opalyn YAWNS and does a mighty full-body stretch, still lying in her bed.

What is she going to do with herself today?

She wishes they'd come and test her on the lightlines. Seems like everything is hinging on that, though she can generally find some way to use her time if she must.

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She does still get hungry, if she's usually hungry in the mornings.

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How does this work?

She needs nutrients to fuel her body, apparently, but then the byproducts of digestion are just... disappeared?

Opalyn has read of magical worlds in which people no longer need to eat; the magic is transformed directly into fuel for their bodies, apparently. But this magic intervenes in a different place. And either:

 - violates conservation of mass, or
 - converts digestive by-products into ?heat/light/energy/magic?, or
 - teleports digestive by-products into some waste heap that's out of sight?


Opalyn gets up to go and eat.

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Other people continue to have books!

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The cafeteria continues to be an interesting place filled with interesting people and foods.

There's at least one man dressed so non-sensuously that he's probably an employee rather than an inmate, talking to two women at a table who are both wearing more than usual and eating quite a lot.

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Opalyn wonders why they're eating so much. Did they just charge the lightlines, and now they're famished? Hard to say.

She doesn't particularly feel like playing power games at the moment, so she steers far enough away from their table that she probably won't end up in another snubbing accusation situation. She heads to the buffet, grabs a few dishes at random that are different from the ones she tried yesterday, and takes the dishes to a small, unoccupied table.

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She shall get around halfway through her meal before a young man comes up to her table; a man a little older than Orphan-who-was, and substantially younger than Opalyn-who-was.  He's dressed in clothing complete enough that it's probably not prison-wear at all, just as the torn white dress that Opalyn is temporarily permitted is not prison-wear.

"You're also new," he says.

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"That's right. I'm Opalyn. What's your story?"

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"Got upset at the way one of my neighboring Barons was treating her... citizens.  Sort of common in my county, actually.  Complained to my Countess, she told me to fuck off.  I decided I'd try killing as many Barons like that as I could, and, yeah, ended up in prison.  I don't regret it, so far, but I haven't had time to."


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"Set too many of the wrong people on fire."

The last time she said this was to Tiraff, who expressed some confusion, but Opalyn couldn't quite get a read on why. Let's see how this guy reacts.

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"Why'd you target them, and what made them wrong?"

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Huh. Well, she was going to have to get her story straight at some point, if she's not going to be fully honest about isekai!

What do Orphan's memories say, actually, about why she fought all those people?

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They had things Orphan wanted, and didn't particularly resemble any nice villagers or other sympathetic people that Orphan had ever known.

Orphan did once target a Baron who pissed her off by having collected all of the pretty young girls from a village.  The other four, and the two Counts, were just nearby when Orphan ran out of money.

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Huh, well, Opalyn doesn't feel great about saying she was greedy and not-overly-principled, even if that was true of her predecessor. Leaning too heavily on that last example feels a little disingenuous, as if she's trying to get in good with this guy, but it's also the only example that resonates at all with Opalyn's real values, so she'll have to go with it.

"Well, there was one Baron who was abusing his power to force himself on pretty young girls, and I don't care for that kind of behavior." That's true enough.

"As for what made them the wrong people to target, well, I guess someone got annoyed enough to turn me in, and here I am."

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(Temporarily hidden thought) (until end of current conversation) It has not particularly occurred to him that Opalyn earlier meant that she set people on fire, in the middle of fighting with them, in order to kill them using fire.  He hasn't particularly heard of fire being a combat strategy, as opposed to, say, a torture method.  So if Opalyn set people on fire, that must mean...

"When you talk about setting them on fire, do you mean that literally, and while they were still alive?  Like, knock your enemies unconscious, seal their magic, burn them?  Or are we speaking metaphorically?"

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"While they were still alive!"

Opalyn begins to suspect that this says something to everyone else here about how powerful she actually is, but that's probably just about to come out anyway.

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"It sounds like you know a better way to do it?"

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"I just killed people, then they were done, they were defeated."

"Never mind.  It doesn't really matter.  Hi Opalyn, I'm Terfallen.  I more or less expect to spend the rest of my life here.  You?"

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Opalyn is very confused by this strange person! He seemed to be objecting to how mean it was to set people on fire while they were alive and awake, but apparently that wasn't it because if he also just kills them, that doesn't seem less mean? Maybe he thinks it's rude to make them suffer while they die? She is not actually sure what he's getting at here.

But, he's moved on conversationally, and Opalyn sort of fears that if she asks too many questions all of the same person it becomes glaringly obvious that she's Not From Around Here, so she'll let him move on.

"I'm rather hoping that I'll get a good offer of other employment, though I'll have to wait and see. Why are you expecting not to take any offers?"

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"I expect all of them to involve my doing things I'd rather die than do, or at least, rather stay in prison than do."

(One could possibly get the impression that this young man is a bit sad and upset and depressed for some reason!)

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"Say more? What kinds of offers are a fate worse than death?"

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"Oh, say some Countess wants me to subdue her enemies, take them back to her court, and then, you know, burn them alive, or something.  To put it in terms that might be more common around here, it's just not my kink."

"You're not going to get it, and shouldn't bother trying."

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In Opalyn's experience, when a person comes up to you and talks to you and then tells you that you shouldn't bother trying to get what they're saying, you should listen to their body and not to their words.

"You don't want to be used as a tool to oppress the powerless on behalf of the powerful. Like, not at all, but especially not in such a cruel way."

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"It's--not even who's powerful or powerless it's about what's--pointless--"

"I don't know.  Close enough.  How did you get even that much?  Are there actually other people like me, around here, do they all end up in prisons, and nobody else like us comes to make us offers because the great Princes don't want people like us being allowed to gather?"

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"'People like you' meaning people who try to... do the right thing?"

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"People who think that burning people alive is not the right thing to do, to the point where they would think that killing other people about that is the right thing to do."

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"Sounds like you don't approve of me! Can't say I blame you, really!"

"I was actually asking, before. You said you like to straight up just kill your enemies. How do you do it? I don't really know a better way than the fire thing, but I'd appreciate some tips."

Opalyn is not sure if she has a bunch of killing people in her future, but she does tend to agree with Terfallen that setting people on fire is a fairly awful way to do it, if you've gotta.

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"After you've knocked them unconscious, instead of then binding them and later setting them on fire, you just cut their head off with a simple spatial slice?  You don't try to make it interesting, at all, you just kill them immediately?  You could even just directly kill them instead of knocking them out?"

"...This is not really the conversation I was hoping to have, but, fine, I guess this is my life now."

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"Oh! I wasn't knocking them unconscious. I was just burning them up, all in one go, during combat. Did you, like, sneak up on them and knock them unconscious, thus completely avoiding combat in the first place? That does sound more humane and also safer, if a little unsporting."

Opalyn can see that this guy is suffering, but is not sure how to be comforting to him when 1) he believes she's a horrible unethical monster and 2) they're talking past each other. She's hoping she can at least fix the second issue, though the first may be insurmountable.

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"I think I must not be understanding something.  How do you burn somebody up while you're fighting them?  If the two of you were still fighting, why wouldn't they just... not let you set them on fire?"

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"Not let me? How would they stop me?"

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"By stepping off of the wood you'd piled up, thereby avoiding getting burned when you set the wood on fire?"

"...this is all a bit, where you're trying to get me to ask you to describe in great detail exactly how you go about setting a person on fire, isn't it."


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They are definitely missing each other. Assuming Orphan's memories haven't been corrupted somehow, and that she's understanding them correctly, there's some great big disconnect between Opalyn and everybody else here. And she kind of thinks Orphan would be having a lot of the same disconnect, though she would probably be a lot less curious about it.

She is not really worried at all anymore about this guy thinking she's weird. He already hates her because he thinks she's a sociopath. She might as well try to figure out what the disconnect is.


"No, I'm not trying to get you to describe anything, but I am trying to figure out why we're not getting each other."

"So. When I was in battle, I would cast a fire spell that would set my opponents on fire. They were awake at the time. They were not standing on piles of wood. Some of them were wearing armor and carrying weapons and running towards me. Others were sorcerers who were trying to cast their own spells back at me, though they didn't really get much of a chance to do that. Once I had cast my fire spell, my opponents would be ON FIRE and then shortly thereafter they would generally be DEAD. That is how it worked for me."

"Can you please explain the part where you thought they wouldn't let me?"

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"A fire spell?  Like, you take oil, set it on fire, and then try to translocate the oil at your opponent?"

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"No no no no. A FIRE spell. Like, I would shoot jets of fire out of my hands. At my enemies. And then they would be on fire."

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"But what is on fire when you do that?"

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"I dunno, man, it's MAGIC? How does magic even work?"

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"NOT by making FIRE come out of NOWHERE without anything being ON fire--"

"Okay, you're just messing with me, I get it."

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"I agree that magic is mysterious! There are many magical things that don't make sense to me yet! I don't even know what the shape of an underlying set of rules that could possibly explain this magic could be!"

"It sounds like, in your experience, fire without fuel doesn't work? Even with magic?"

"I wonder if the magic conjures some fuel for the fire in addition to conjuring the fire... maybe fine flammable particulate matter?"

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"It's fine, I get it now.  I'm not actually that stupid."

"Have a nice meal.  I'm sure we'll get plenty more chances to mess with each other later."

He nods his head to her and turns to go.

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It is dramatic prison after all!

Opalyn lets him go and continues eating her food, still wondering what is actually on fire when she casts a fire spell. Her money's on some kind of flammable dust. If magic can transport her digested food to a big pile somewhere, surely it can import dust.

Or maybe it's HER OWN SHIT that's on fire. Heh, that'd be neat. Though she doesn't remember the fire being smelly, other than the smell of burning flesh.

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Nobody else will molest Opalyn as she continues her meal!

Overheard from a couple sitting down at the next table over:  The man explaining that he's new to prison life, is sort of worried he'll never be able to get emotionally attached to anyone, and is looking for someone who can send him a lot of mixed signals and maybe break up with him at the worst possible moment if his prison stay isn't going well.

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Opalyn has no difficulty refraining from jumping up and volunteering for the role.

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As Opalyn is finishing her meal, a fully-dressed man in black approaches her table, his bearing managing to convey both dominance and officiousness.  "Healthy-Orphan?" he intones.

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"Yes? You can call me Opalyn. How can I help you?"

Is it finally time to charge some lightlines?

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"Iilasir has requested you to be present for his lightline-charging.  Due to your relative rank we would not ordinarily displace you at his request, but there is a charging station open.  You will fill it."

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Huh! Opalyn must have a provisional rank based on Trāho's report.

She's pretty happy to be getting on with the process, and also meeting Iilasir in the process!

"All right. Let's go!"

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She'll be escorted, then, to a prison transport much resembling the one that brought her to the Facility, and seated next to other prison inmates who don't particularly look like they're excited for this upcoming experience.

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This is Opalyn's chill look. Opalyn is very excited, actually, but it seems like nobody else is, and she doesn't want to make them feel bad.

This is kind of like the atmosphere right before everyone does the math section on the SATs. She tried to be chill then, too.

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The prison transport approaches a lightline.

A much huger metal structure--looking almost like a space station, except there's no hint of rotation or spherical design--also floats into place toward that lightline.

Other prison transports can likewise be seen, converging on the ritual location... no, on where the space fortress will be, more than on the light line itself.

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They dock, on the lightline-charging station, even as it continues to move through space.

A metal-clad guard escorts Opalyn out, and towards one of many platforms that rise up out of the station, each platform crowned by an obvious magical circle.

The platforms vary in what else is on them besides a magical circle, but many of them have what look like bondage furniture: pillories, whipping posts.

(The platform her escort is leading her toward does not have any of that exciting stuff, though.)

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Opalyn looks around at all of the infrastructure, trying not to gawk too openly. Apparently they have to go to a specific spot on the lightline to... charge that spot, maybe? Is that what's going on?

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There are two others who look like they may be approaching toward the same target platform: a man in a simple black robe, a metal-clad woman.

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"I am Iilasir," the man remarks as he approaches.

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"Hello, pleased to meet you. I'm Opalyn. Thanks for inviting me."

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"Ah, good.  I was worried that any number of supposed facts might have been miscommunications, or worse, deceptions."

"You are said to have been asking strange questions."

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"Yes, I suppose I have been. There is much I don't understand about this place, and I learn faster when I ask about it than when I pretend I already know."

"For example: I know I'm here to help you charge the lightlines, but I don't know how that works. Will you explain?"

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"I am a special case and I cause other special cases to happen around me.  In my special case, you will perhaps enable me to feel some faint spark of feeling about possibly finding a new friend or at least an interesting anomaly, depending on how this conversation goes.  I will end up not actually charging the lightline very much, but I have managed to arrange a special case around myself whereby that is not how I get most of my credits and the Facility accepts that outcome so long as nothing rule-breaking happens along the way."

"Once I am done, you will then be taken off to your own platform and get your own chance at charging the lightline.  There are aids you can request to help you feel more strongly, about that, if your recent changes of circumstance are not enough.  It is however acceptable to spend the first time more on getting used to the process; they do not weight it as strongly as the next few occasions."

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"Okay! I can try to help you with that! I do not guarantee that you'll actually have feelings, but I can certainly be myself and we can see what happens as a result."

"Would you be willing to tell me about some other friend, past or present, and what draws you to them?"

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"For a start, they've almost all been female.  That way there's at least some possible payoff at the end, for solving whatever problems are presented by trying to talk to someone else, which keeps the process bearable for me."

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"Oh, so friendship to you is an exchange of problem solving for sex?"

There is no judgement or pity in Opalyn's question. If anything, she's projecting warmth with a tinge of faint approval or understanding.

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"Not at all.  It's just that most other conversations don't have any winning condition, or obvious goal or point to them, or if they do it's about preventing something bad from happening rather than making something good happen.  It's hard to form a friendship if all the conversations are unpleasant and you can't even tell when they're over."

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"I might see. So: when you're talking to a woman, there's a potential winning condition in the form of sex. But if you're talking to someone you'd never want to have sex with, there's nothing else there for you."

"And so talking to me, and possibly finding a new friend in me, means seeing if there are sexual possibilities here?"

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"No, in your case, if you fail to ask interesting questions I'll quickly despair.  I'm currently not polyunsaturated enough for sexual interest alone to sustain forming a new relationship."

"On the plus side, you're literally able to repeat back what I say in your own words, which I suppose isn't very much intelligence in an absolute sense but is so surprising that it raises the possibility of further surprises in the same direction."

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Opalyn laughs. "It's always surprising to me, too, when people get that right!"

"I don't know what questions are going to interest you, but I can ask some questions that interest me and then you can tell me what you thought of them. How many would you like at a time?"

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"We can start once I'm set up for charging.  Hope, disappointment, it all becomes fuel."

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The station they're on is slowing, as it approaches the lightline.

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Opalyn and Iilasir and their escorts have almost reached the end of the walkway leading to the obvious ritual platform.

Other ritualists are mounting their own platforms.

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The man mounts his own designated platform, his guard behind him, and speaks without turning about.

"So.  Questions?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Really? This is how this works? He just stands on the platform facing away from her while she yells questions at him? This is so not what she was imagining for the last day or so!

Also, it's hard to have a connecting, intriguing, deep conversation while yelling at a busy person's back!

Well, here goes nothing.

Permalink Mark Unread

"So I can shoot jets of fire out of my hands, and another prisoner asked me what was ON fire, and I had some ideas about that but he didn't want to talk about it anymore."

"My current theory is that my magic is conjuring very fine, flammable dust and that's what's on fire, but I wonder if you have any better ideas?"

"Or if you think that question is boring, I have dozens more, but it would help if you would criticize the question so I can make sure the next question does not repeat the same flaw!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Wait, you... shoot jets of fire out of your hands without knowing how?  As in, spontaneous sorcery, no explicit spellcraft?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's right! I would really like to learn some explicit spellcraft but they won't let me check out books from the library until I've charged the lightlines! That's why I was so glad you invited me today!"

Permalink Mark Unread

He turns his head back to look at her, at this point.  "There are unspoken premises here and I think I am missing a large amount of context.  Did you just awaken your sorcery and then immediately end up in prison after shooting jets of fire from your hands and before you got to read any books about spellcraft?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It is a little more complicated than that but if you went with that as your working theory it would not lead you to make any actual errors, I don't think?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"How would you feel about disabling her collar a bit early, so I can watch her shoot jets of fire from her hands and see if I can figure out how that works," he says in the direction of Opalyn's own guard.

Permalink Mark Unread


"And, nice try, fucker."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The context there being that shooting jets of fire from your hands without any spellcraft implies that you have literally enough magical power to materialize it as fire, which... I'd have to sit down and calculate numbers but I'm pretty sure Counts can't do that, possibly Dukes can't do that, which means that if somehow everyone in Facility admin was unaware of that, there was an outside chance we could've escaped from prison if I'd successfully fooled them into disabling your collar just now."

"Very slim chance, to be clear, but it doesn't do to pass that sort of thing up."

Permalink Mark Unread

Sweet! Opalyn is a badass! She had suspected as much but the evidence is mounting and that's pretty fun.

"What rank are you? And what prevents me from attempting prison escapes when they remove my collar to charge the lightlines?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Barely Baron-level.  What prevents me from escaping is a greater annihilation weapon pointed at the back of my head at all times my collar is switched off.  What prevents you from escaping is, I presume, a greater annihilation weapon and the Prince of the Farm supervising you in person."

"Well, now I'm feeling all interested.  Let's begin, shall we?"  This is spoken by him to his own guard.


Permalink Mark Unread

Huh! Apparently the actual charging still hasn't started!

"Am I still supposed to yell questions at you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

He turns back from her, to the lightline, and raises up his hand, even as the guard at his back points a dangerous-looking wand straight at his head.

A moment later, Opalyn's magical senses tell her that power is welling up from this man--though nothing impressive by Orphan's standards, to be sure--and then it intensifies, and begins flowing from him toward the lightline.

"Yes," he says, his voice now slightly strained.  "In fact, you'd better, under the conditions I invoked to bring you here."


Permalink Mark Unread

Opalyn is feeling the pressure, a little bit, despite herself. She wants to help Iilasir, but she barely knows him and doesn't know what will interest him. There's nothing she can do about that, though, might as well just keep following her own curiosity!

"Can you help me figure out how to direct my magic in the three spatial dimensions before us? I've had some problems with that. I sent out a force spell and it went into the wrong dimensions. Is it just a matter of concentrating?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"A matter of watching magic move in the nonmundane directions until you can both perceive and understand what you perceive.  A matter of practicing sending small amounts of magic out in mundane and nonmundane directions, until your movements correspond to your perception.  I doubt it's any different from how a baby learns to see with their eyes and move a hand toward what they see.  You will not get much chance to practice while you stay within the Farm, I fear."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, about that. Is there any way to get magic practice in here? It sounds like you've made some unconventional arrangements. What's the key to making deals in here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think it'd be very hard for you to make an unconventional arrangement like that.  While unblocked you are a danger unless you're watched by someone at least one rank up from yourself, and that's a Grand Duke if you're a Duke yourself.  There can't be many of those who work for the Farm.  You would need to be terrifically valuable to them, more valuable than a Grand Duke's time and in a way they could not just force from you."

"The key to an unconventional arrangement is to have something that an upper bureaucrat of the Farm actually values, and which they cannot force from you more easily than they can bribe you for it.  In my case, that key is my ability to create mass amounts of drama in a legible form that shows up on the Facility's performance metrics."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ohhhh I was wondering about that. You know how to make people feel things. That does sound valuable here."

"Would it be entertaining to you to hear me speculate about how you might go about that? Or would it just frustrate you to hear a beginner fumbling around with ideas you've long since mastered?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, I haven't mastered a fucking thing.  My own relationships have little drama that isn't caused by my own lack of reaction to events.  But when I take actions myself, such as moving around and breathing, I exude some mysterious effluvium that causes enormous amounts of drama to start happening in everyone around me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That... makes no sense? At least according to my own current understanding of anything at all?"

"What is your own working theory of why you have this property? Is it some form of magic that isn't disrupted by your collar?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think it's more that in some point in my life, I started having bright ideas about how we could all do things better, not just in the grand scheme of things but in the minutia of our daily lives and relationships, and these ideas appeal to exactly half of whichever audience I happen to be speaking in front of at the moment."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, you were exaggerating before when you said that just moving around and breathing is enough. Also you have ideas and you speak those ideas aloud. That seems pretty important! And totally nonmagical!"

"Except maybe the part about 'exactly half.' Were you exaggerating again, or did you literally mean that in a crowd of fourteen people, exactly seven will like any idea you speak? Because if that is what actually happens then I will have additional questions."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're extremely literal.  I like that in a woman."

"I was speaking sardonically.  The actual phenomenon is approximate and goes through a further step in which almost everyone in the audience, including those both for and against me, have a different interpretation of my words that they do not realize is different."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Was it always like this for you, including before you came to prison? And is your divisiveness a big part of how you ended up in prison?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes and yes."


Permalink Mark Unread

"Are you sure you want to ask me about myself? I'm supposed to be asking you interesting questions. How's the lightline charging going, and will changing the conversational focus help or hinder your efforts?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Asking me questions about myself isn't that interesting.  I know myself quite well.  I was more interested in the strange questions you were reputed to be asking earlier, such as how spontaneous sorcery would go about materializing fire."

"Lightline charging is boring.  This is a problem for me because I don't, actually, find relationship drama fascinating."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So, I can tell you some of my story, but I'm afraid you will find it unbelievable and then lose interest in me. I wonder if you would be willing to hear the story but hold your judgment of me in abeyance for a time after you've heard it. Obviously you may eventually lose interest in me anyway, but I'm asking you to base your judgment on interactions other than my story."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That is not something I can promise you.  I judge what I judge.  I will cheerfully undo my judgment if what I see with eyes open implies that my first judgment is wrong."

Permalink Mark Unread

"But that would require you to keep me in your field of vision, such that your open eyes might still continue to collect data."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That doesn't require you to convince me of your grand thesis.  It only requires that you present me with at least one anomaly I don't understand yet."

"I am better than anyone you have ever met at noticing when I don't yet understand an anomaly."

Permalink Mark Unread

"A bold claim! You have no idea who I've ever met! To say that without any caveat or reservation is equivalent to saying you're better than literally everyone everywhere ever. Is that what you mean to say? Or are you exaggerating yet again?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, I suppose in some sense it's a guess, but it's a very reliable guess, unless somewhere among a thousand planets there's an entire population of people who are much better at it than the averages I know.  It is rumored sometimes that the Dread Emperor goes about in disguise, but any random person you meet is not likely to be him."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I will make a note to sand off some of the edges of everything you say from now on!"


"Yesterday was my first day occupying this body. Previously, this body was inhabited by an entirely different person, and I inhabited an entirely different body in a different universe. I guess we'll just start there."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Improbable on the surface of things, but if the Dread Emperor created our bubble of reality as people sometimes claim, he must have come from somewhere before then.  Based on your observation of our world so far, what's a worked and developed idea from your universe that you would expect to have not been worked and developed here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know for sure because I've seen very little of this world so far and do not know how physics hangs together here, or what the limits of magic are. But in my world we have something called electromagnetic force and we use it to power a vast array of devices for many different tasks. I would like to assemble a few materials here and start experimenting to see if it works the same here, and find out if it is also well known or if it was just easier to reach for magic."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I know of electromagnetism as I know of fire.  But if this is a masquerade by you, well-done on selecting what would plausibly be a grand accomplishment of another world, that truly had no idea at all what was already known here."

"It doesn't seem likely that you'd know personally how to create any grand constructs of electromagnetism; what your putative civilization could do there exceeding any facet of our world, if indeed it had invested more skill there, would probably be a complex of arts not contained within any one individual.  Though I'm open to hearing differently."

"Otherwise, any other ideas?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you know, in this world, how to send a secret message in such a way that only the intended recipient can decode it, and it would be prohibitively expensive for anyone who intercepts the message to break the encoding?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Transform letters into numbers using their positions in the alphabetical ordering.  Create a very long list of numbers to add or subtract from those positions, treated circularly.  Give the list of numbers to the message recipient in advance.  So long as you never reuse numbers from the list, the message cannot be decoded by anyone who does not have that list."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I believe I can improve upon that state of the art significantly. But, moving on."

"Do you know the mechanism by which the traits of the parents are passed to their child?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The information is carried in both male sperm and by the woman's body."

"Why move on?  The one-time number list is the simplest and best way of exchanging coded messages.  I don't see how you could improve upon it, actually."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, for a start, you have to exchange number lists in advance. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to send messages between any pair of people without any per-pair preparation?"

"I'm moving on because I've now learned that I have valuable information and I don't want to reveal it for free."


"Do you ever have food or supply shortages, in this world, and do you know what causes them and how to prevent them?"


Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm not sure I understand that question.  Food is always short; if it weren't, more children would survive to adulthood and have more of their own children until food was short again.  If there was ever an age where that wasn't true, it would've been while Eldrida didn't already have as many planets as it could sustain and the Dread Emperor or someone was still making planets or dragging them into place."

"I don't see how in principle you could have a code that worked without preparing something in advance.  Can you explain a key insight that would make that possible, without revealing your actual method?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"So food is always the limiting factor, here, on how many children are born? It's never anything else? Do people have reliable access to methods of preventing conception of children?"

Making planets! Dragging them into place! Well that's interesting. Opalyn makes a mental note to come back to that.


"As for the code, I'm a little wary of giving you the key insight as that might actually meaningfully lower the value of my own information. It would help me to know how you actually do arithmetic over large numbers. Or even -- what you would consider to be a large number."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Large numbers, I'd say, are those which require understanding interesting mathematical facts in order to express, most classically the well-ordering structure of an ordinal such that you can apply the fast-growing hierarchy to that ordinal.  The first barest steps into that field of mathematics will yield numbers too large to be written down on all of the paper in all of the planets, and consequently large numbers are too large to perform arithmetic upon them.  Some relatively simple large numbers can be expressed in a compact notation and communicated in that form, but adding one to that large number will yield a result which can only be compactly expressed by leaving that addition unreduced and unsimplified."

"Taking the basic premise at face value and given that the previous topic was encoding secret messages, I would conjecture that your putative civilization is less mathematically advanced than ours and by 'large number' you meant one that requires a whole sheet of paper to write down.  I would expect that building a bigger version of the arithmetic machines used by accountants would suffice to multiply or add numbers like that as well."

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh wow, he was doing so well, until he ran aground.

"Perhaps you're right, we'll see. Can you tell me more about the arithmetic machines that accountants use? What operations do they offer, how long does it take them to execute those operations, and how do they work, internally?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Based on your pattern of questions, I wonder if your putative civilization has been doing interesting things with message-sized numbers."

"The arithmetic done by accountants is very simple compared to the mathematics involved in wizardry.  Multiplication, addition, subtraction, occasionally division.  It is done by placing gears and switches into a pattern that corresponds perfectly to the encoding of a number in base three.  Importantly, the operations are effectively error-free, and consistency checks can be mandated into the system without the possibility of a lazy accountant skipping the work.  This matters since missing a fraction of a coin anywhere inside the system will cause the entire accounts of a bank spread across a hundred planets to fail to balance.  I believe the time for all the gears to move would usually be on the order of seconds."

Permalink Mark Unread

Opalyn is going to have to think at greater length about whether she's willing or able to bring computation and other technology to this civilization, but right now she wants to keep up a steady drumbeat of questions that keep Iilasir interested in the conversation. This is not the right time to get lost in thought.

Right now, all she wants to do is get more information about the technological frontier, while giving up as little of her own advantage as possible.

"How is the entire system of gears and switches powered?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Tapping into a planet's core for heat, which boils water into steam, which expands, which drives a metal piston which turns a wheel."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Does that imply that all accounting machines are housed in buildings close to geothermal power plants?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"A planet's core is very hot.  A partial portal the width of your least wide finger is wide enough to provide all the heat required."

"How do your people make a 'geothermal power plant' such that it's a notable feature of a town or maybe a planet?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Perhaps I've misunderstood. Do you have many of these finger-wide ports, all over the place? Are they very easy for you to drill?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"They require extremely sophisticated wizardry but no great sorcery, and are rooted to a single point once created, then last... I don't actually know how long they last.  They are all over the place on those planets where wizards prefer to trade their services..."

"Hm.  Now that you point it out, local bank branches should also exist in some form on planets less welcoming to wizards, and wouldn't easily be able to dispatch their accounting work entirely to home branches.  I wonder how those arithmetic machines are powered."

Permalink Mark Unread

There's more to investigate almost everywhere she looks, but she's going to keep on surveying broadly rather than diving too deep on any one topic.

"Does this world have any notion of -- what stuff is made out of? Like if you were to take apart the leaf of a plant, or a chunk of ore, or the air that we are breathing right now, what do you know about what it's made out of? What are the smallest building blocks you know about?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"From the existence of apparently conserved quantities within chemical transformations we infer the existence of 'atoms', of which there appear to be exactly five hundred and eleven varieties; an obvious conjecture is that there exists a five-hundred-and-twelfth form, the theorized null atom, which does not participate in chemistry.  It is said that philosophers have carefully reasoned out that beneath the atoms must be some quintessence that takes the form of a physical quantity whose meaning is the quantitative degree of reality possessed by a mathematical structure, but that has not been among my fields of study."

Permalink Mark Unread

Five hundred eleven! That is more than Opalyn was expecting! Does this mean that physics and chemistry are actually different here, or does it mean that Iilasir's 'atoms' are not Opalyn's atoms, and he's really talking about molecules or something?

She is eager to get her hands on a chemistry textbook and see what she can find out. In particular, getting a look at anything like a periodic table is likely to be informative.

"What is your current theory of whether I'm really from another universe, and if you think I'm not, what do you think is really going on with me?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm currently suspending judgment.  You're behaving like somebody who actually is from another universe, and not like almost anyone from this universe would think to imagine a visitor from another universe to be like, and there is no previously obvious reason why I should expect to be the target of a mind-game on that level.  It is, however, very very very improbable--unless of course it happens all the time, and the knowledge of it is suppressed.  I will be sad and at least slightly irate if this is the circumstance that finally gets me slaughtered."

"How did you come to be in this place?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I will absolutely answer that question in just a moment, but first... how is the lightline charging going? How does this conversation compare to your baseline for 'interesting?'"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Two-thirds of the way to exhausting myself."

"This conversation is the most interesting thing that's happened to me in the last three years, so I'm probably around two-ninths of a standard deviation above my baseline.  This is very impressive and you should be proud of yourself."

Permalink Mark Unread

Hurray! Opalyn is helping! By being interestingly herself! This is among her favorite ways to help!

"I'm glad to be of service! I would be happy to help you charge as long as it's actually helping, as I am also enjoying this conversation and it's not at all a burden!"


"Anyway... how did I get here? Well, it was a fairly normal day for me on my own world. I was on my way from my home to a friend's home when I was suddenly and accidentally killed. In my subjective experience, no time passed at all, and then I was here on one of your rural planets, in this body, in the middle of a battle. I lost that battle, was captured, and was transported to an intake facility and then to prison."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you have any idea or theory about why that happened?  Is it a known kind of event within your own world?  Maybe more importantly, does the bureaucracy know that this happened to you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"On my world, there are many theories about what happens when a person dies. Many people believe that the dying person simply ceases to exist. Many others believe in some sort of afterlife in which the spirit of the deceased person goes on to some other plane of existence, often one ruled by some much more powerful entity. Still others believe that the same spirits are recycled over and over, born into one body after another, within the same world."

"And then some people believe that, under certain circumstances, the dying person's intellect may be 'summoned' to another world."

"I previously believed that I would simply cease to exist when I died. Looks like I was wrong."

"What do people in this world believe happens after death?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think I've ever heard any theories besides 'you are your soul and its dissipation is synonymous with you ceasing to exist'.  What evidence exists such that your world was ambiguous about its interpretation?"

"But first I ask again, because it's important.  What has the Farm bureaucracy told you, or shown you, that they believe you to be, in the way that bureaucracies have of believing things?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh right, sorry. I have only told one other person the truth about where I came from, and that was the intake officer who ultimately sent me to this prison. I don't think he believed me, but he didn't say out loud what he thought the real story was. He did say it was obvious my intake paperwork was wrong, given that it said I was a barely-literate, completely innumerate peasant."

"As for evidence about afterlives, we have none. I always assumed that people with any theory other than 'you stop existing' were just telling themselves stories to be less terrified of death. Are people here somehow not terrified of death?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Of course they're terrified.  And now that I think about it, any evidence suggesting that people shouldn't be terrified would be hugely inconvenient to the supervisors who can otherwise threaten people with death.  Well.  This is exciting."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is this the kind of thing you say out loud that is extremely divisive and causes a great deal of drama? Yeah. Start a religion. Can't believe you haven't done it already."

Permalink Mark Unread


"You know, I think you spotted that faster than I did, which, after all this time, really is a bit embarrassing for me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"All right, here's one more question to pique your interest, to take you through the last little bit of lightline charging for today."

"On my world, sexual power and other kinds of power do not always run together. For example, someone might be both the mayor of a city and also sexually submissive... and not just submissive to the leader of the next greater political territory, but flat out just submissive. And the humblest laborer might be sexually dominant."

"So far I have the impression that sexual dominance runs strictly along the magical power hierarchy. Am I wrong?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, and I don't know how you would've gotten that misdeduction, actually?  Even the least of Barons is dominant above a hundred thousand mundanes; but the very existence of a lewd section of a Farm that only takes sorcerous prisoners of at least Baron-rank, implies that some of those Barons are, at the least, masochists... I suppose masochism does not correlate perfectly with submission, but yes, a supermajority of those in the lewd sections are submissive."

"I am decidedly not so.  I executed my deal to be in lewd-dramatic instead of just dramatic because, if I must be in prison, I prefer to be imprisoned with a large number of submissive, masochistic sorceresses in a male-light environment."

Permalink Mark Unread

Opalyn feels a bit of a tingle at Iilasir's proclamation. She'd been getting worried that she wouldn't be able to find anyone suitable in this culture at all, if she were limited to selecting from the pool of people more magically powerful than herself, but apparently there's some hope yet. She's coming to like Iilasir, a bit, and is glad to know he's in play for her, despite his weaker magic.


"I haven't been here very long so I'm operating from very little data, but some of the status games in the refectory suggested to me that the more magically powerful people are also the socially dominant people, and then I guess I had trouble imagining that would just... reverse... in a sexual situation. Seems rough, and hard to execute well."

"I was imagining that everyone here functions as a switch, whether that is their natural inclination or not, and dominates downward while submitting upward."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Whether someone finds submission or dominance more pleasant is to first order considered a property of that person.  To second order, it varies with a thousand factors; the social positioning of the person they're interacting with might be sixth on that list, maybe.  I'm a rather first-order sort of person myself; I've never seen the point of being different people in different situations rather than just being me."

"Magically more powerful people are socially more powerful, in the Farm as in all other places.  In particular, in the lewd-dramatic facility, while the general Farm credits of higher ranks do not nearly scale linearly with their sorcerous contributions, they receive a generous allocation of chastity-unlock tokens which can only be used downward on those of lower rank."

"Among those inmates being dominated by other inmates, I think it'd be rare but not unheard-of for a higher-rank to be dominated by the lower-rank.  They'd need to be an exception to the more usual rule that submissives prefer to be conquered rather than yielding themselves, but those exceptions are hardly rare; or of course the lower-rank could've gotten the upper hand by other means, such as discovering blackmail material."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How does conquering work, then? On my world, we have no magic, so 'conquering' is mostly a social dance. Although many dominants could in principle physically overpower their submissives, it's rare for them to do so unilaterally and without negotiation, and in fact that is wildly illegal and heavily socially stigmatized. So in a sense, our submissives usually yield, even if they play at being conquered."

"I would expect it to be the same here, at least in the prison. Although I don't understand magic, don't our collars equalize us? What is different, here, such that 'conquering' is that much of an option?"

Permalink Mark Unread


"How does a universe function without magic?  What does that even mean, there's no sharp division within ultimate reality between effects that happen because of spells and effects that happen for other reasons."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh goodness, sorry, I guess that hadn't come up before! I am so used to a reality without magic that to me, your world with magic is the weird one, and I failed to mention that my own world is normal!"

"I do not yet understand anything about what magic actually is, what it makes possible, or how it functions, so I'm not yet in a position to explain to you what the division is."

"In my world, people cannot cause effects in the world simply by willing it. In the few seconds I had access to my magic here, I cast three spells. I had never done anything like that in my previous life, nor had I ever seen anyone else do anything remotely similar."

Permalink Mark Unread


"Hmmm.  I admit, that does make it seem more probable that this is someone's mindgame."

"Among the events which contributed to my imprisonment, was my extrapolating a society in which sorcerers did not exist, and noticing that there were vastly nicer possibilities than our present one.  Though of course there were less pleasant possibilities as well.  I did say that it was obviously going to remain pure theory.  And also that it was entirely possible that what you'd actually get--absent the basic structuring force of all society where a ruler can outfight the combined forces of everyone they rule--was a total absence of stability; just endless mundane armies taking their chances on attacking other armies.  Those nuances, like so many of my nuances, seem to have been missed."

"I'll bite the obvious bait.  What was your nonmagical society like, and why was that configuration for it a stable one?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm not entirely sure I'd call my own world 'stable,' though it finds various equilibria and hovers there for a time, until something destabilizes that equilibrium. Then there is a transitional period with a lot of upheaval until we settle into the next equilibrium. We go through unstable periods when, for example, there's a technological advance or a plague."

"While we still get into mundane wars from time to time, it is far more common for factions on my world to grapple with each other via other means, such as embargoes on imports or exports. And many mundane wars are averted because it is clear from the outset who would win that war, or that everyone involved would lose together."

"We worry a lot, these days, about the terrible things one person or a small group can do to many others at the same time. It used to be very difficult for individuals to wreak much havoc, but current advances in technology have favored offensive rather than defensive capabilities. In that way maybe our world is becoming more like yours, if you think of those individuals as high-ranked sorcerers who are not plugging into the current hierarchy but rather upending it."

Opalyn doesn't bother to mention the impending invention of superhuman intelligence; these people don't have computation, and now that she thinks about it, maybe she should take care not to introduce it.

Permalink Mark Unread

"How old is your universe, if there's still--technological advances?  New things being invented of an order that upends societies?  What was the last invention like that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The age of the universe itself is probably not particularly relevant. There have been human-like creatures on my planet of origin for one or two million years, but they were not very intelligent for most of that time. Quite a lot of human history has taken place in the last handful of thousands of years, with the pace of technological innovation steadily doubling and redoubling. We're developing technology so fast right now that parents have trouble advising their children, the world has changed so much in a single generation. There's been a society-upending innovation in just the last year, I think, though it's hard to be sure when you're right in the middle of it; certainly there have been multiple such within my own lifetime."

"I have the impression that this world is quite a bit more unchanging than that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Indeed.  What force makes people in your world more intelligent over time?  What was that innovation from the last year?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am thinking about how much to tell you, because I am not sure that all of this information is actually safe for a human society!"

"What I can share is that you get big apparent intelligence gains simply by feeding your people properly and not letting them get exposed to poisons. On my world, for example, there's an element called lead, and if you are exposed to it, you're mostly functional in most ways but just... not as much as you otherwise would have been. So getting lead out of the water and the cooking vessels makes a big positive difference."

"There are also systemic changes, such as reserving childhood mostly for education and deferring work until later, that do not increase native intelligence per se but allow people to develop to their potential."

"And of course, you can incentivize reproduction among those whose characteristics you want more of, though any such program is pretty easy to do dreadfully wrong."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh.  That seems to imply either an extra-soul origin of intelligence, which is classically considered the most intrinsically soul-like feature of a soul short of consciousness itself, or alternatively that you somehow have parent-child heritable variation in souls--"

The glow in Iilasir's hand goes out.

"It seems we must resume this later.  We now have one minute to finish up and then they'll take you to your own charging."

"You don't need to worry about the Farm bureaucracy deducing the reality of your story from the fact that I'm taking it seriously; the bureaucracy here hasn't worked out that I'm enormously smarter than them.  It's very amusing, really."

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What? They think intelligence is in the soul? Opalyn has additional questions! But no time to ask them at the moment.

"I hereby invite you to join me for my charging session. Hey! Guy with the wand! I want Iilasir to come with me!"

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"Unplanned rearrangements during charging are not permitted."

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"The guards here don't get paid more for greater sorcerous outputs.  Nobody ever gets paid for anything, really, some days I don't understand how this whole society works either."

"Sorry, not literal.  Almost nobody gets paid for the vast majority of things that somebody else ought to want them to do."

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Opalyn is escorted by her own guard then towards her own platform, with a magical circle that looks a lot larger and more impressive than the one that Iilasir used.

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Well, this isn't intimidating at all.

Opalyn feels like she's just been escorted to the center of the field at halftime at the Super Bowl and handed a microphone.

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An armored figure waits for her there, rather more dangerous-looking than the guard that escorted her.

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"Hello," the figure says in a cheerful tone.  "Heathy-Orphan, correct?  I understand that you're a fresh inmate and this is your first time with us, and that you have relatively little education in spellcraft?  My name is Fdera and I'll be walking you through the charging process."

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Opalyn elects to see this guy as a friendly preschool teacher who's going to show her how to hang her coat in her cubby, wash her hands, and get a snack - who happens to be dressed up as an executioner for Halloween.


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"All right!  Now, the first important thing to understand is that as part of this process, we obviously need to permit your sorcery to work under your voluntary control again.  You need to only use it to charge the lightline, because if we see you doing anything else, we'll immediately kill you.  Any questions about that part?  It's not meant to be complicated."

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"How exactly do you kill me? Just curious. No need to demonstrate, a description will do."

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"I completely understand!  I'm glad you asked, it saves us all a lot of trouble if you don't have any doubts about our ability to kill you."

"The main reason you'd die is that the Prince of the Farm is present whenever Grand Duchesses and Duchesses--your file says you're probably a Duchess--are unlocked, and he's powerful enough to lock down space so you can't teleport out and kill all of you at once.  It's just like being part of a regular hierarchy that way!  We wouldn't let a charging session get large enough that the Prince couldn't kill everyone who was unlocked in it."

"But also, I've got an annihilation wand and I can fire it faster than a Grand Duchess should be able to raise shields that work against an annihilation wand.  They're very expensive, though, so I'm not going to demonstrate.  The whole point is that you know we have the wand and so we don't have to actually use it."

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It seems to Opalyn that there's a chance that she's more powerful even than a Grand Duchess. Maybe she's as powerful as the Prince, or even more than that. Who knows? And if that happens to be true, these precautions are probably not enough. Furthermore, they're just about to test her, and so this might be the only chance she ever has of surprising them. If she's Prince-level or above, and they find that out five minutes from now, she'll never be this lightly guarded again.

But what is she supposed to do with that possibility?

If she gambles now and loses, she's dead.

And even if she gambles now and wins, she has absolutely no idea where to go next from here, or how to get there, and she'll very quickly be chased down by anyone up to the Dread Emperor himself, and then killed.

She doesn't know enough to win decisively and permanently if she makes a break right now.

It would, however, be to her advantage to be read as a Duchess and nothing better than that. She doesn't like her odds of being able to titrate her power consistently, given how little mastery she has, but she should maybe do something other than trying her very hardest.


"Thank you. Please go on."

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"Part of why lightline charging is what the Farm does is that it's very simple!  You want to perceive the charging port we'll open on the lightline, perceive its oscillating frequency, express your power as falash, and send it into the port by extending it out from you in a straight line that matches the target frequency, timed so it arrives with exactly opposite phase to the port.  If your file says that your sorcery isn't very sophisticated we don't distract you in any way the first time you do it, since some sorcerers aren't very smart.  I hope you aren't one of those and that you manage to use your sorcery precisely the first time!  Just in case, though, don't use all of your power right away!"

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"I have absolutely no idea how to do any of that! I don't know how to perceive the port or the lightline's frequency, and I have no idea what falash is!"

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"That's fine!  We'll start out super extra slow.  I'll show you how to create falash using my own power, and you just will your sorcery to be like the magic that you see.  If you're a Countess or higher you should have no trouble perceiving its nature directly!  Then, if you can't see the port oscillating, I'll oscillate a tiny bit of my own magic at the same frequency as the port--that'll help you see where the port is, too, it's the magic which has that oscillation frequency."

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"All right?" Opalyn makes it a question without really meaning to.

She also remembers, belatedly, to see if any of these instructions make sense when compared to Orphan's memories, or if Orphan knew about falash.

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Orphan has seen magic increasing or lowering at a regular frequency, or 'rotating' through other dimensions at a frequency.  Fancy wizards do it quite often, in the fraction of the second they last before Orphan blasts right through them without any of that fancy stuff.

Falash means--something, possibly, to Orphan's memories, though it's not a word Orphan's memories ever recall hearing, the word is pointing to a thing the same way that 'type theory' points to something in Opalyn's memories without Orphan or Opalyn having ever heard the Eldric for it?  The word has a sense in it of compactness, maybe, of tight packing, like (now Opalyn's memories) a molecular crystal in which positive and negative charges on the atoms form a neat packing order and thereby closely align.

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"It'll be easier to see and do then it is to describe, especially if you don't know any math at all!  That's why I'm not trying to use words for it."

"Now, next, everyone who comes to the Facility who isn't a complete idiot--and even some of the people who are complete idiots--have the thought, 'Why don't I just not show them my real power?  That way, I'll always have an easy time of lightline charging and I'll always seem to put out lots of power for my assigned rank and get all those extra effort credits every time.'  The thing to remember is, we've thought of that too!  We've seen it tried literally millions of times!  We have all sorts of ways of telling!  I'm not going to go through all of them, but one of the most obvious ways is that we could poke you when you're done, in a way that's hard for a sorceress not to react to, and see if you've still got lots of energy left to react with."

"If you try to lowball your power today, we'll hurt you until you try harder.  Now, I know you might think you'd like that, since you're one of the lewd ones, but if you want it to happen that way, you can just ask.  If you make us do it instead of asking, you'll get zero credits for all of that work!  That means making yourself pretty vulnerable, in the lewd dramatic section of the Facility!  You won't even be able to lock your door at all, if you come back from your first charging session like that!"

"If that also sounds like fun, then, yes, we can do it that way.  I'd have fun with it too!"

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So if she lowballs, they might discover it, and if they do discover it, she stands to get hurt and go without credits. Lack of credits translates to being other people's free-use object, potentially, and more tragically, four more days without library access.

To evade capture, she will have to appear tired and refrain from reacting magically when they startle her. Can she do that? She has no idea.

The downsides do not seem terrible, and the upside of having her true potential undiagnosed seems quite high.

Opalyn's going to try to lowball.


There's also the very real chance that she will just completely fail to figure out falash and be kicked out of this prison for not even making Baron rank!


"I do know quite a lot of math, actually. I suggest that we start just with the demonstration, and then if I don't seem to be getting it, please describe it in mathematical terms and that may help."


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"Thaaat's not what your file says!  But maybe you just don't realize how much math there is to know!  For example, what is... the square root of forty-nine?"

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"Seven." Opalyn glares.

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"What's the first derivative of the sine function?"

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It has been a minute! She almost blurts "cosine!" from sheer rote memory but takes a second to check. She mentally graphs the sine function and notices that it's steeply increasing at first and then flattens out and then steeply decreasing and then flat again. Sure seems like cosine.


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"Is the rest of your file also completely wrong?"

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"I don't know! I haven't seen my file! But I suspect it may have other errors, yes!"

"I should probably mention that I don't have any idea how to use math and magic together."

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"Thaaaaaat doesn't make any sense so I'm just going to ignore it and explain everything from scratch but also use math words.  Falash means you arrange your magic so the convergence nodes are dense in four dimensions with a packing corresponding to a solid tiling of regular hexadecachorons and the oscillation of each node being a round number of sixteenth-circles out of phase with respect to its neighbors along each dimension!  It's one of the simplest kinds of dense magic that there is!  But if you don't know how to use math and magic together at all, you should probably just will your magic to look like my magic and not think about it too hard.  The whole definition of being a sorcerer is that you can use magic without having to know how it works, after all!"

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Opalyn's initial reaction is something like PANIC because the faceless executioner man is saying math words she's never heard before. At first she thought he'd mispronounced "hexadecahedron" and then realized, no, he really meant "hexadecachoron" and WHAT IS A CHORON and WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE, maybe Opalyn is going to fail the math test.

But this is a familiar gut reaction. Opalyn's had it hundreds of times. When she was a wee Opalyn she took it seriously; she thought she was supposed to know everything already, and if anyone said anything to her that she didn't already know it was an error condition that needed to be corrected immediately through either anger at the other person or crushing shame directed at herself.

Now she knows that this feeling is just the thing that happens before she learns a new thing! So she quickly transmutes the feeling of inadequacy into the feeling of curiosity, buttressed by her solid conviction that she probably is going to succeed at learning the new thing, and that this uncomfortable period of confusion is probably temporary.

"I don't already know what a hexadecachoron is or how to densely pack them in four dimensions but I am excited to find out!"

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"I'd ask how anybody learns about calculus without even doing any four-dimensional geometry first but it's not actually my job so I won't!  Also if what I said didn't already make complete sense, then just tell your magic to look like my magic and forget about all the math parts.  We don't have time to walk you through becoming a wizard from scratch."

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Fascinating! They have an entirely different way to learn calculus! Opalyn is pretty interested to see how that works. She wonders if people here can actually perceive more dimensions somehow, so that these visualizations are easy for them, and if so, if everyone can do it or if you need innate magical ability.

"All right, I'll try winging it!"

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"Maybe you didn't mean it that way, but 'winging it' would be very bad, actually, especially if your file is right about you being a Duchess!  You don't wing anything, actually!  You do exactly what I tell you to do, when I tell you to do it, and do nothing else whatsoever!  If you do anything else, I might turn your blocking collar right back on--or maybe, if your magic looks powerful and dangerous enough, vaporize your head!  When I tell you to look at my magic, and make that much magic which looks the same as my magic, do exactly that."

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That's exactly what Opalyn meant by 'winging it.' Anytime she's just imitating what someone else is doing without really deeply understanding it, that's winging it, that's substituting in someone else's judgment for her own. Opalyn will grant that there are many circumstances in which it is advantageous to let someone else drive, but it's always going to feel risky.

Explaining this to Fdera doesn't feel important, so she doesn't.

"Understood. I will attempt to imitate you without variation!"

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"Great!  I'm sorry if you weren't planning to do anything weird, and I made it sound like you might be.  Just remember, we get a lot of strange people here at the Farm and when I don't super double check everything, people die and then I get a frowny note on my record!  But not a big frowny note because they don't want to discourage my killing people too much."

"Next, I'm going to check that you can follow instructions and imitate other people.  Not with magic, just with your plain old material body.  That's not a punishment for anything you did, it's because sometimes we get people at the Farm who just can't follow instructions at all, even if they say that they can."


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Opalyn is encouraged by this very sensible precaution!


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"Put your hand on your head!"

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This really is like preschool!

Opalyn puts her hand on her head.

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"Put your left hand on your stomach and your right hand on your head!"

"Without taking your hand off your stomach, put your hand on my head!"

"Subtract three from seven and say 'fizzbuzz' that many times!"

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Opalyn puts her left hand on her stomach and her right hand on her head.

Opalyn moves her right hand from her own head to Fdera's head.

Opalyn says "fizzbuzz, fizzbuzz, fizzbuzz, fizzbuzz."

Opalyn giggles.

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He waits a few seconds to see if Opalyn gives in to the temptation to remove her hand from his head, despite having not been instructed to do that.

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Nope! Opalyn holds this ridiculous pose. She's trying to peer into Fdera's hood to see what's in there. She had to get quite close to him to get her hand onto his head.

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Beneath the hood is nothing but darkness, so far as Opalyn's eyes can see.  She can tell that there's some interesting, unfamiliar magic going on, not just underneath the hood, but throughout the whole armored suit and the body inside it.

"Take your hand off my head."

"Next, I'm going to give you a set of instructions, where you shouldn't do any of them, until I say 'go', and then you'll do them all simultaneously.  Once I've given you the instructions, say 'Ready' if you think you remember all of them and you're ready to do them, or 'Repeat' if you want me to say them again, or 'I'm not sure I can' if you think it's too many things to do simultaneously, or 'I didn't understand' if it was hard to understand."

"The instructions are:  Put your right hand on your stomach, make a fist with your left hand, and say 'moop'."

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Opalyn takes her right hand off Fdera's head.

She takes a moment to visualize herself following the instructions, and then says "Ready."

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Opalyn simultaneously moves her right hand to her stomach, balls up the left hand (which is still at her stomach), and says, "Moop!"

Next Fdera's going to ask what sound a sheep makes.

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"Very good!  From now on, don't execute any instructions until I say 'go'--unless I begin by saying 'Immediately!' and then you should do what you hear me say as soon as you think you've understood it.  If I haven't said 'immediately', and I finish by saying 'end' and without saying 'go', that means you should reply 'ready' or else say 'I didn't understand' or 'I'm not sure I can' or things like that."

"Say fizzbuzz fifteen times end."

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"I'm not sure I can! It's very hard to say that word several times in a row, and it's also hard to simultaneously count to fifteen, especially if I'm not supposed to use my fingers to count. I can attempt it anyway if failure is non-catastrophic but I estimate my chance of flawless success at around fifty percent."

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"Super excellent!  That trick gets almost every apprentice wizard the first time they have to follow instructions like that, because it sounds easy to start but they don't visualize all the way to the end how hard it might be to keep going!  If somebody does manage to do it right, we give them trickier instructions until they either try and fail, or say that they're not sure they can."

"Cancel previous instructions.  Immediately count to ten!"

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Opalyn is thrilled by this faceless stranger's praise, even though hasn't done all that much to earn her respect!

"One, two, three, four, fi--"

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"Immediately shut up and slap yourself in the face!"

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Opalyn shuts up and slaps herself in the face. It's clearly a slap but it's not the hardest possible slap; he didn't ask for that and she's not going to overdo it without even being asked.

This is, at this point, still amusing, though she can see 'unamusing' from here and hopes they won't continue to move in that direction.

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"Very good!  Thank you for following that instruction right away!  Sometimes when I shout something like that, even if it sounds like you don't want to do it for some reason, it means you're about to die if you don't.  It's good that we didn't need to have a conversation about that part!"

"Put your body into whatever resting position you like.  It's now back under your control."

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Opalyn doesn't budge, except to ask:

"You didn't say 'end' or 'go' or 'immediately' so possibly this is a trick to see if I'm really paying attention, but I think you probably just straightforwardly meant it. Clarify?"

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"End.  It was a trick!  Keep on paying attention!  Well done!  Go."

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"Saying out loud that I now believe you added 'end' to the previous instruction that I could relax and get out of command mode, and 'go' to make it official."

"I didn't actually say 'ready' before you said 'go' so technically I am still in command mode and asking a clarifying question and will only enact the order if you confirm that I have understood and then again say 'go.'"

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"Yep, it can also be important to notice if I don't seem to be obeying the rules because that will usually indicate that you've misunderstood something yourself!  In this case, I haven't said what happens if I say 'go' and you haven't said 'ready'.  Mostly that should never happen unless I say 'go immediately' and then you should execute whatever instructions are in the queue."

"If you think something is about to go wrong, including that it looks like I'm not following the rules somehow, say 'exception'.  Now relax, end, go."

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Opalyn has somewhat lost track of what is actually going on here with all the extra language, but thinks the previous rules have not actually changed, so going straight from 'end' to 'go' is still weird and wrong.


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"Cancel all waiting instructions.  Immediately put your body into whatever position is comfortable; you're back in control of it."

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Opalyn just glares at him but otherwise doesn't budge.

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"It's real this time.  End."

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"Ready." Opalyn is tired of this part and hopes he just says 'Go' but whatever. Fucking power-happy preschool teacher.

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"Immediate is always real.  We never fuck around with it or do anything tricky with it."

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"Oh! I actually missed that you said 'immediately'! That one really was my fault."

"I realize now that I missed it because 'immediately' was not the first word of the instruction, so I had a pending half-instruction when you said 'immediately.' I will make a note to look for 'immediately' anywhere within an instruction and not just at the beginning."

Opalyn relaxes.

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"When I talk to you, I'll try to remember to loudly emphasize the word quote immediately unquote so that it'll be easier to notice.  Remember that the next person you work with won't know that unless you tell them!"

"Despite that last part, you still did more than well enough at following instructions!  Are you ready for your real lightline charging now?"

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Opalyn is actually feeling somewhat wrung out from the intense focus it took to follow Fdera's instructions perfectly, and had hoped for more than a five second break! But this is prison and and also they want her in a wrung out state, so she doesn't think asking for a longer break is particularly going to get her anywhere.

"Ready enough!"

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"Thaaaat's not really the same as 'ready'.  Is there more you want to say?"

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"When you told me I could relax I thought I'd get a real break from the intense focus but it seems not. You said before you don't have 'time' for certain things, like actually teaching wizardry, and I inferred from that that you're somehow in a hurry or understaffed or something, and I just kind of expect you wouldn't be interested in giving me a real break."

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"You're right, we don't really have time, but you can have three-quarters of a minute to close your eyes and breathe at least."

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Why don't they have time? What's the constraint in the system? Opalyn files away her question.

She closes her eyes and breathes. It helps.

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When time's up, he speaks again.

"Are you ready for the real lightline charging?  It's your first time so we're doing the simplest and easiest kind of charging, and trust me, people do this successfully who are much, much, much worse than you at following instructions."

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"I do feel ready now, yes!"

As ready as she can be, anyway. She's quite grateful to have been invited to Iilasir's charging, so she has any concept of what's about to happen here, at least as seen from the outside.

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"Back in instruction-following mode, with the rules for 'end', 'ready', 'go', and 'immediate'."

"Next, I'm going to raise my wand to point at you, and then unlock your inhibitor collar.  Don't use any sorcery at all, until further instructed, and then do only what I tell you.  End."

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"Go."  He points his wand at her, and then--

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Opalyn's sorcery is hers again.

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Opalyn doesn't do anything with it - her intention is to fully comply with the test except for sandbagging a bit - but what does it feel like, now that she's not distracted by a battle?

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Much the same as before, if she isn't telling her sorcery to do anything.  Whatever it's like to be unconsciously a sorceress, in the background, that part goes on even with the collar active; it hasn't changed.  The weird collar energy running through her is gone; that's all that's different, if she hasn't done anything yet.

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Oh. Well, that's less exciting that Opalyn hoped. She fights back the temptation to do a thing. She suspects this is easier for most other inmates than it is for her; they've had a previous lifetime to do things and so they're not missing out on quite as much information.

Nevertheless, she doesn't do anything. It's not the right time.

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"I'm glad I didn't have to kill you just then!  I think I would've actually been sad about that, you're nice."

"Next, I'm going to create contained falash energy.  Look at it as closely as you like, then make around that much energy, yourself, in the air in front of you, and will it to be exactly the same sort of energy, as closely as you can.  You can use gestures if they feel intuitive, but don't swing around your arms to the point where they could hit me or come close to the wand.  End."

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He raises his hand that isn't holding the wand, and, without apparent physical effort--though Opalyn can sense the power running through him--creates an incredibly weak and faint ball of energy hovering in the air above his hand.

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When she looks at it with her magical senses, what does she see, and does that inspire any kind of feeling of knowing how to duplicate what he's done?

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The sphere in his hand extends through four dimensions and it contains a lot of magic packed very neatly, very precisely, all of it staying in the same place relative to a faint tether from the man who's maintaining it with an even weaker and fainter link.  It feels like an animated diagram of a standing wave (though not showing the underlying component waves), though what's oscillating is not just a scalar amplitude but a four-dimensional direction of the magic.

It's a really neat little pattern, and does not feel like it would be complicated to just... do.

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All right, here goes nothing.

Opalyn attempts to just... do it.

(She has 15% on not surviving the next two seconds, if Fdera interprets her fumbling attempts as dangerous enough that he has to kill her about it.)

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Almost as soon as Opalyn starts to gather power, before the sphere can fully form--

"Immediately stop!"

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Opalyn immediately stops, her whole body tense!

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"That... looked like you were trying to create falash but way more of it than I did.  Did you miss the part about matching quantities?"

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"Oh! Sorry! I did not miss that part but I have no idea how to calibrate my own power! How do I make it smaller?"

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"Your file says you were being a rogue sorceress for at least three years.  Is that wrong?"

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Explaining this does not get less awkward.

"Please pretend that I've had a grand total of fifteen seconds of access to my magical power in my entire life, including the last three seconds. I realize that probably sounds weird but it is the most useful frame in which to operate."

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"Okay.  Lady.  I needed to know that part MUCH EARLIER.  And I should have checked it after I found out that other information in your file was wrong.  Today both of us have been very stupid and it is good that neither of us is dead."


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"Well, now you know? I did not especially expect you to believe me. Sorry for the omission."

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"The rest of the Farm, especially your section, is run by complete lunatics, yes, and I'm sorry about the impression that must have given you of their general competence.  It isn't a wrong impression at all, actually.  This section is run by survivors and the next person here you tell about this issue will not give you shit about it even if they don't understand the reasons."

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"Yes, some selection effects from survivorship in your population makes total sense now that you point it out! Thank you!"

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"Alllllllll right.  I'll do my best to accomodate a very new sorceress.  You didn't, actually, appear to be doing anything wrong or dangerous there; you'll use much more power than that to charge the lightline."

"Is there anything else I should know about you, given that your file appears to be completely worthless?"  Under other circumstances he'd be wondering if she was jobbing it, but her file also claimed her to lack education and to generally be a backwater-planet bandit leader, so.

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Opalyn stops to think for a minute. What else is relevant here?

"Well, you already know that I didn't know what falash is, but I guess I generated it correctly just now, so that shouldn't be a problem. Until now I've only ever generated fire and... 'force,' I guess is how I'd describe it. Some people have seemed surprised or even alarmed that I could make jets of fire come out of my hands without any obvious fuel source. Someone suggested that I was fueling the fire with my magic, though I consider that an unproven theory and have at least one other idea for how it could have worked."

Opalyn realizes that she may be giving the rank-game away, here, but neither Terfallen nor Iilasir immediately audibly jumped to conclusions about her rank, so she's risking it.

"Like I said before, I know a lot about math but have no idea how to integrate it with magic. That seems worth repeating."

"I would like the opportunity to regulate my own emotions and thereby sustain my magic, rather than having things done to me to get me to be emotional. I think I can probably do pretty well without external stimulus and I want to give it a try before you assume I can't do it."

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"We're not messing with any of the lewd stuff on your first time out if you've got literally no experience at sorcery!  You are still going to put forth a real effort and the rules don't actually let me let you off about that part, because the rules were not written by survivors, but we're not going to get fancy about it at all."  He'll be happy, actually, if she puts forth a good effort without 'external stimulation', his bets are on her trying to undercast.

"Literally materializing fire puts you at mid-Duchess rank, assuming you were pretty excited about it at the time, which I expect you were if it was your first twelve seconds worth of having sorcery at all.  Worry about how fire works later, right now you should be solely focused on making falash."

"I'm going to give you half of a three-quarter-minute to recover and then we're going to try again."

He's continuing to ignore the part about her having learned math in a non-magical context because he continues to have absolutely no idea how that could be true, what specifically would be the state of education in which it was true, or what he's supposed to do about besides being allowed to use math words if it's helpful and otherwise treating her as an illiterate.

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"Could you please give me some tips on regulating how much power I use? As of now I have no idea what to do differently next time and so I would expect the same result again."

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"For a sorcerer, it should be the same kind of mental motion as pushing more weakly with your hand, or speaking more softly with your voice.  Relax.  Be less tense, and put less of your tension into the magic."

"But also, it isn't actually bad that you were using more power than I did; it was a failure to follow instructions but not dangerous in itself.  So next time, you'll try to make falash and then you'll try to make more or less falash, and it won't be a problem if you overshoot."

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"All right. I'm ready whenever you are."

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"Confirm that you want to skip the brief rest period?"

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Oh, is she supposed to be tired from that previous attempt? She's not tired. Maybe she should take the rest anyway.

"Oh, right. I'll rest."

She closes her eyes and breathes again, and finds that actually it does help.

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"Ready?" he says, a brief pause later.

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"Yes," she says, not wanting to say 'ready' when he hasn't just said 'end.'

It's possibly Opalyn is a little too persnickety about this protocol.

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"All right!  Back to instruction-following protocol."

"Next, I'm going to create falash, and you're going to create falash in a similarly-sized ball, trying for the least of it that you can make, but it's not a problem if you end up with more than I made.  Whatever you create, maintain it at that level until you receive further instructions.  End."

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This is when she needs to really start to titrate. She's really not sure she can pull it off -- she's never pulled off a major bluff in her life -- but it would be folly not to try.

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He creates falash; more of it, this time, but the same size of sphere.

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Opalyn draws a deep, relaxing breath and grounds herself. She forms the faintest of intentions in her mind to make a ball of falash, just a whim, really, a glimmer of an idea, and whispers softly into it.

How weak a ball can she make, when she's trying as hard as she can not to try hard at all?

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Magic comes out of her and forms a sphere of approximately the correct size.  The four-dimensional weave of tiny nodes are spaced further apart than in his sphere, like a golf ball with too few dimples separated too widely.  In his sphere, the oscillating nodes have phases that change in equal amounts across each gap between nodes, and in her sphere the phase differences are less exactly identical.  As a result her own sphere is leaking power, or rather, is leaking much more power than his sphere; in her sphere maybe a percent of its energy every few seconds is radiating off through other dimensions to nowhere, while his sphere would take maybe an hour to lose half its energy.  (Orphan's memories make this feel intuitive if maybe not completely analyzed; sure, if these oscillations had irregular phase-steps, some power would leak.)  His sphere is tethered to him by a bare strand of added energy going into a few surface nodes, to make up for his tiny leakage; for Opalyn to maintain her sphere is drawing a correspondingly greater amount of power out of herself (a practiced sort of mental motion to Orphan, though, to whom the thought of being 'more efficient' does not seem to have really occurred at any point).

Her first try at the faintest possible sphere... has come out about eight times as strong as Fdera's current falash sphere.

It does feel like she could weaken it further, now that it's been formed, or that she could make a new sphere that would be the correct intensity, now that she's calibrated on willing that to happen and not just hoping for it.

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She relaxes further into it, attempting to tighten up the weave and reduce the intensity.

It feels like trying to use tweezers under a magnifying glass to untie a tight knot in a fine thread. She's concentrating pretty hard while using very tiny, very precise magical movements. It's actually much more effort than the first ball she made, the one that made Fdera call an immediate halt.

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"Immediate stop.  Yooouuu're doing something that I haven't told you to do."

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Opalyn stops and lets the sphere dissipate. She'd forgotten she wasn't supposed to try to continue to match, and she feels guilty about it!

"Oh, sorry!"

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"It's forgiveable!  At least while you're still just starting to learn!  But it actually is important that I know you can do only the things I tell you to do, and nothing else.  I wish we could take time to practice that with magic specifically but we don't, actually, have a lot of time to complete this before the Prince leaves for the day."

"You are, as near as I can see, trying to be a wizard.  That's very understandable.  Every sorcerer who isn't a moron wants to learn wizardry too.  But we don't have time for the several years of education that takes, so you need to be a sorcerer about it instead."

"Will your sphere to be more like mine.  Want it, don't manipulate it."

"Also--although it wasn't a bad mistake here!--when I say 'immediate stop', I mean to just stop actively doing whatever you're actively doing right then.  If I want you to dissipate your whole working, I'll say 'immediate dispel', and if I want you to try to intuitively undo whatever you just did, I'll say 'immediate undo'."

"Try again to create a sphere with mine as reference.  End."

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Opalyn is not trying to be a wizard! Opalyn is trying to follow instructions and is completely and utterly confused about why she keeps getting trouble about this.

In particular, Opalyn's understanding of wizardry is that it has to do with math. She was not manipulating her sphere with math! Manipulating it with math is currently very far outside her capabilities as she has not yet connected the math up with the magic! She was just willing it to be tighter and weaker, with no comprehension at all about how that would come about!

This sensation feels familiar; when she gave into it as a child she was accused of 'back-talk' and spanked, so she's not going to object out loud about Fdera's instruction.


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Opalyn tries one more time, aiming this time for the teeniest whisper of a sphere that she can manage, with a nice tight weave. Whatever she gets in the first quarter-second, she holds steady and doesn't try to alter. She's hoping it was the deliberate alteration that read as wizardry to him.

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Now that she's got any anchor and calibration in that way, trying to produce the faintest sphere she can manage, will produce a sphere much weaker than his!  Maybe a sixty-fourth as strong?

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Oh gosh! She didn't think she'd be able to undershoot at all, much less by such a large factor! She holds it steady even though it is not at all what was asked for, because apparently holding steady is more important than being correct!

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"I'm guessing that you were trying to make it as weak as you could, instead of willing it to match mine.  Which again isn't fatal and sure does look like someone who's been a sorcerer for minutes and is in the baby-arm-waving stage.  The lesson is, I do often try to say exactly what you should do and hopefully you can learn to do exactly that thing."

"Now, without trying to manipulate the sphere--without, this time, trying to tighten it or squeeze it or taking power and moving it from one place to another--try to make the sphere stronger, like mine, using just sorcery, by holding in your mind how you want it to be and letting your power flow to accomplish that goal.  End."

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He really seems to think that saying "just sorcery" conveys anything at all. Opalyn is pretty beaten down by now.


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Fdera does not, at this point, have the slightest clue that Opalyn has arrived at the Farm literally not knowing what this 'sorcery' concept is about.  There are people like that on some planets, maybe, but they don't know how to differentiate a sine function.


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Opalyn doesn't think at all, just wills sameness.

And fuck if her brain doesn't sort of fill in some interpolation that would get from this intensity to that one. She's not entirely sure how it is possible to skip that.

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Her brain indeed interpolates something!  It interpolates intermediate values between the sphere she starts with and the sphere she's getting.  Power flows out of Opalyn, and she can feel it happening but that doesn't mean she gets all the details on what's happening, any more than you know in numbers how fast your hand is moving when it moves--though it doesn't feel like throwing a stone by moving your hand, more like throwing a stone without moving your hand--

Anyways, the ball of sorcery does something that looks more than slightly unnatural--as if you threw a stone and then it didn't move quite the way Newton said it should--and ends up matching the target magic-ball's intensity pretty well.

The weave is still too far apart, though.

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Seems all right! Wouldn't do to get too many things perfect on the first try! Opalyn resists the urge to tighten up the weave.

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"That's good enough to charge a lightline!  And we're running out of time so I'm going to go faster from here than is actually smart because the rules say I have to, sorry."

"Next, match the frequency shift I'll produce in my falash.  I'll do it with wizardry, but don't imitate that part, do it with sorcery and will your ball to shift its frequency to match mine.  End."

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"Similar to the thing where you said to say fizzbuzz fifteen times, I am not confident I can get this correct on the first try, especially if I'm limited in how I am supposed to do it! But if failure is non-catastrophic, then I am ready. Ready!"

Opalyn repeats the last word to indicate that she actually means it and saying it was not ill-considered.

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"Try it anyways, this time.  Go!"

His hand, beneath its own ball of energy, makes gestures; power coalesces, flattens into a very sharp plane, seems to bounce and then sweeps upward through the sphere moving at an exactly constant velocity; dissipating as it exits the sphere fully.  In its wake, the falash nodes are all resonating twice as fast, while having ended up preserving the phase lock of the nodes; though there were brief out-of-phase moments in the wake of the power-plane's passage, and a corresponding tiny energy dissipation.

(Orphan's memories, or maybe just some innate instinct of sorcerers, make it feel like these local interactions make local sense.)

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Opalyn switches off her brain as much as possible and tries to will a plane just like Fdera's to move through her sphere just like Fdera's and leak a tiny bit of energy just like Fdera's...

And she tries desperately, with partial success, not to think about how to plug the leak.

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That works!

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"Okay, so, I really hope you're not just messing with me, here, because you do get punished if we finish without being able to charge the lightline at all and they try to make it unpleasant rather than sexy."

"What you just did was use your sorcery to imitate wizardry.  The problem is that then your falash leaks, the same way mine did, because the phases are not all changing simultaneously.  I need you to just will the node frequencies to shift all at once.  Don't do it using a flat-plane-of-power.  Just do it."

"I'm going to double my frequencies again.  Double yours to match, using sorcery.  End."

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Opalyn has no freaking clue what's sorcery and what's wizardry and what's sorcery imitating wizardry! She's just willing things left and right and definitely not doing any math and if no one will explain to her what wizardry is because they don't have time then that's on them!

"Rea-ady," she croaks with a hitch in her voice. Being set up to fail is getting to her.

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"You don't sound ready.  Is it possibly the case that the things I said made no sense and you're about to do something weird?"

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"Honestly I was about to just do the exact same thing again, because it did seem to work, and I have absolutely no idea what you want me to do. You keep saying to use sorcery as though I know how to do that or what that even means."

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Fdera is increasingly lost at sea about the concept of somebody who knows how to differentiate a sine function and has apparently never heard of sorcery.  He doesn't know where to find a person like that, or how to deal with it if as a result they start out with an enormous tendency to think in wizard terms, and he doesn't actually, have time to figure out any of what is going on with her, and he's already stated that if she's faking she'll get punished severely and if she's not faking then saying that again will not help.

"Do not, ever, do the same thing again, if I told you that you did it wrong last time.  Stop and ask more questions."

"Everyone can do at least a little magic.  Everyone can learn to cleverly structure that magic, which is wizardry.  Some people are so powerful that their magic obeys them directly, even after it leaves their soul and body; they're called sorcerers.  Sorcerers can do things by instinct and direct command which wizards take years to learn how to do by fiddling carefully with magic.  The part where you directly command your magic after it's left you, and it still obeys you because you're just that powerful, is sorcery."

"When I change the oscillation frequency of my falash by sweeping through it with more magic that I made, I'm changing magic by influencing it with other magic, which is what wizards have to do.  When I do that, though, the frequencies don't change all at once, they change in the lower part of my sphere and then the middle part and then the upper part.  So while that's going on, some nodes are vibrating faster than others that haven't been sped up yet, and while the gradual change hasn't been completed, my falash is leaking power.  The higher the frequency, the more power it leaks.  If it doubled a few more times it'd explode during the final doubling."

"You're a sorceress, so you can just want the frequency to double, and it will double, all at once in all the nodes, without leaking anything on the next step or exploding in three steps.  You do it with your continuing command over your magic, and not by making more magic that interacts with your first magic.  You don't need to calculate how fast the plane needs to move to synchronize with the node phases as it sweeps past, you want the frequency to double and it just does.  That is something you can do because you are a sorceress and I am not."

"Do you now understand what it is that I want you to do as a sorceress and not as a wizard?"

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"That really helps a lot, actually! Thank you for taking the time to explain! I have been so confused!"

"So I think you are telling me that when you demonstrate, the plane is not part of the demonstration. I could look at the sphere, and then close my eyes while the plane went through the sphere, and then look at it again, and that would actually be more informative than watching how you went about it. Is that right?"

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"Don't bother thanking me, we're on a time limit.  You aren't actually using your eyes and it shouldn't make a difference if you close them.  That said, yes, you should care about the change from start to end and not how it got there."

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Opalyn closes her eyes. Sure enough, there's the sphere. Huh.

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"I'm going to double my sphere's intensity again.  You should be able to see the end result of double, remember double, and then will your sphere to do double all at once simultaneously.  End."

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"I am still not sure I am going to nail exact doubling, but I think I will at least manage a simultaneous increase. If that's good enough, then: ready."

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"Go."  He sweeps a plane through his sphere again; this time about a third of the energy leaks out during the process.

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A third! Jeez Louise.

Opalyn wills the frequencies of all of the nodes in her sphere to double. She doesn't use a plane.

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She wills; magic obeys.

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"Great!  Remember that.  Later we're going to start with a long slow frequency that's easy for your senses to feel and duplicate, then double it exactly 32 times to reach the charging frequency for the lightline."

"Next step, hopefully easy now that you've realized you just need to will things: sending out a beam of energy like that."

He demonstrates, again with an incredibly small amount of power by Healthy-Orphan's standards:  From the palm of his hand comes a soft continuous wave of falash-nodes, spilling out of him and into outer space aimed at nothing in particular.

"Can you imitate that magic as exactly as you can, in frequency and node separation interval and propagation speed, at an intensity that isn't tiring at all?  End."

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Double it 32 times? Two to the thirty-second power? That's a lot. Opalyn wonders if everyone has to charge at that frequency and what changing the frequency does to the power draw on her and the power output or if something else changes when the frequency changes such that power is not affected to quite that degree.

Like, is this the Grand Duchess lightline charging plan, and Barons only have to double eight times, or something, and it's nowhere near as effective, but at least it's still resonant? Or... what?

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Opalyn starts paying attention again. Okay, beams. "Not tiring at all" is an interesting directive. This is an opportunity to leave some headroom for herself.

She attempts the beam. She is a little confused about how frequency and node separation interval and propagation speed are implied to be three independently varying quantities, but she just tries to copy exactly what he did, at a somewhat lower intensity.

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She wills; magic obeys.

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"Don't dispel your beam yet, as should be your default since I didn't order that.  Now..."

He creates a circle of--not falash, a lesser three-dimensional weave, like a cross-section of falash.  As the previous falash was 4-D and intersected classical space as a sphere, this one is 3-D and intersects classical space as a circle.  It leaks like crazy; he's visibly maintaining it all with his own power.

"This is me imitating a charging port.  I want you to move your beam so that it intersects this circle squarely; and then, by your will, adjust the phase so that the cross-section of your falash beam which intersects it, is exactly in phase with this fake charging port.  Divergences will be visible to you as dissonance and leakage; will the beam's phase to shift in the counter-direction of the sensed divergences causing those sensed leakages, until the leakages are gone."

"Did that make enough sense so you can try it and I can see what you tried?"

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"I think you're telling me that on this occasion I'm allowed to wing it, see what's wrong with what I did, and then tweak it in place based on what I see. This is different from other times, when you wanted me to make a single static effort and not fix it even if it was wrong."

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"Yes, unless I say to immediately stop, in which case maintain your beam exactly how it was rather than dispelling it."

"Move your falash beam, at its current intensity, to my fake charging port, then synchronize them.  End."

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She tries it. Does it work?

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She wills; magic obeys, at least in the sense of her beam moving to squarely intersect the circle, pretty exactly, even.  There's now magic leaking all over the place from a wild amount of dissonance as her nodes pass through those nodes, when the nodes manage to align at all (because the node interval isn't quite exactly right).

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She attempts to synchronize her beam with Fdera's fake charging port. She is uncertain about this as there wasn't a demonstration and she's not entirely sure what she's supposed to be varying. Not intensity... there were three other quantities that Fdera named that all mapped to 'frequency' in her mind but she doesn't think she's supposed to change that yet either. It must just be the phase of the waves in her beam?

She tries giving her beam a little nudge, a little hop-skip, to make it be different in phase. What does that do?

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She wills; magic obeys.  The beam now has a different phase on arrival, so different parts of the beam-port intersection are leaking more or less magic in different directions!

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Opalyn is a little at sea here but she has one more thing she can try. Her beam is coming from a different angle than his, so maybe it needs more adjustment on one side than on the other. She could in theory do a bunch of calculation about that but she believes that's not the way of sorcery so she tries a shortcut and just wills everything to match up.

Does that work or is her shortcut too short?

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It'll cause her beam's weave to tilt so that at least the angles all match up.  This actually seems to have fixed the issue with the node spacing too?  However, this intermediate step of progress is actually causing more dissension and spillage, albeit also more orderly dissension and spillage, on account of how now everything is out of phase instead of just some parts being out of phase.

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One more hop-skip nudge then? With a sprinkle of magic sorceress fairy dust to will the nudge to be just the right amount of nudginess.

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The fake charging port brightens to her magical senses, increases in intensity, as the beam passes through it in phase and pushes the oscillations there higher and higher while maintaining the same frequency.

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Hurray! Opalyn is a SORCERESS!

(And has any idea what that means.)

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"Good work!  Didn't want to interrupt you before, but note, you went ahead after I said 'end' without you saying 'ready' first or my saying 'go'.  Not fatal this time!  But don't make a habit of it!"

"Now, do it again, faster if you can.  You want to learn this whole operation as something you can just will to happen."

He dispels his previous port and creates another, with a different frequency and node interval.

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Some little time has passed--though with Fdera seeming increasingly hurried--and they are now at the point where Opalyn has doubled a beam frequency 32 times (it doesn't, actually, use more power, it's just the same power going faster) and gotten a weak version of her beam locked on a lightline charging port.

They are now, in theory, ready to actually begin charging.

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"We're now entering the point where mistakes can get both of us killed by magical explosions, not just you killed by me, so as a reminder:  If I say immediate followed by stop, it means stop progressing through any changes you're currently making, but don't dispel or depower any ongoing effects.  If I say dispel, that means to depower ongoing effects.  If I say undo, it means use your power as a sorceress to try to reverse whatever you just did or whatever just happened."


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"Stop means freeze. Dispel means stop. Undo means undo. Got it."

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"Dispel means depower, and not the thing I said that 'stop' meant.  Are you saying it sounded like 'dispel' and 'stop' meant the same thing?"

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"No, I am not saying that. I am merely translating from the words you chose to ones that seem more natural to me, so that I will actually remember them at the moment they matter the most. I do actually believe I understand you."

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The word 'stop' in Eldric applied to magic is supposed to mean the same thing everywhere, for safety reasons, but at this point Fdera has learned to let that all just pass.

"Treble the intensity of the beam end."

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Before she starts cranking up the intensity, what does she believe about the current intensity? She saw Iilasir's beam with her magical senses, and he claimed to be barely Baron level. What does her current beam look like, compared to that?

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Hers is about a factor of 30 weaker than his, maybe?

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All right. Lots of headroom, then.

She says ready, waits for Fdera to say go, and then she goes ahead and triples the intensity.

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"Treble twice again.  That means, multiply by three, pause to quickly glance at your work to make sure nothing went wrong, and then multiply by three again, so it ends up nine times more powerful than now and twenty-seven from where we started.  End."

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Seems fine! That will take her just about to Baron level.

She does the ready / go dance, triples, notices that everything seems on track, and then triples again.

Does she feel any apparent strain whatsoever?

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Hahahahahaha no.

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"We're now at the start of Baron level.  Treble thrice--again, pausing and quickly checking your work each time--and that'll take us to the start of Count.  From there it's 81 to Duchess and then, if you can reach it, another 243 to Grand, which is where a lot of the more interesting privileges start."


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Opalyn could not be more thrilled with this amount of information! She was quite worried about working from only one reference point and having no idea how far spaced the levels were from here! It is possible that Fdera is bullshitting here, and this is not an accurate accounting of the levels at all, but even having a lie to work with is far better than she expected!

Reviewing mentally: three triplings to get to Count, four more to Duchess, five more to Grand Duchess.

Opalyn's thoughts, hidden from Iarwain until the end of this charging session:

How does she want this test to come out, if she gets to pick?

Probably she wants to aim for Duchess, which leaves room for them to poke and prod her and reveal that she's secretly Grand Duchess (if in fact that's true), but in the worlds where she's really Princess or Empress level she wants to hide that.

So she wants to manage between seven and nine more triplings, probably starting to show some strain on the last few of those, and then make it Fdera's problem to reveal any additional available triplings.

He also keeps complaining that they're out of time, so if she can stall enough, she might get dismissed before they get to the end.

No stalling yet, though, it's too soon.

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"To make sure I understand: just keep tripling until I can't anymore, stopping to check my work each time, and then continuing?"

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"Nay, I'll want to check the beam myself when you reach Count and again each three triplings thereafter."

"It kinda is important at this point to do exactly what I say and nothing else.  It won't matter as much if everything goes normally, it may matter a lot if it doesn't."

"I say again:  Treble thrice; always pause and glance at your work to check it after each trebling.  End."

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Hidden thoughts:

This seems fine! This is too soon to start showing any strain. Opalyn will just comply, though she'll take her time with the checking.

Opalyn says ready, Fdera says go.

Opalyn triples the intensity, waits several seconds to make sure everything is just right; triples again, checking even more closely this time, and finally triples again.

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"Well done, at least Countess Healthy-Orphan!  You're at the start of an interesting and fun life at the Facility, so long as you don't blow your credits on pretending to be less powerful than you are, in which case it'll be an unpleasant time today and things will only start being fun later!"

"Treble thrice again, which takes you to the high end of Countess.  End."

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Hidden thoughts: Opalyn is at least a little daunted by Fdera's threats, but once the Facility knows her real level, they can never un-know it. Opalyn mentally prepares herself to be found out, to be scolded, to be punished, to be raped by other inmates in the prison, for at least four days and maybe longer. She lets that idea sink into her and knows that it is worth this fate for even a chance to have the upper hand. She mentally pays the price in advance so the threat of it can't be used against her later.

For these three triplings, she's going to go slower and slower, and she's going to start showing a little bit of strain, especially on the last tripling.

She takes a deep breath. "Ready."

She waits for the go, and then triples the first time.

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She takes a few more deep breaths, checking her work, and triples a second time.

And then, holding her shoulders more tensely, triples a third time.

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Still doesn't particularly feel like a strain at all.  Orphan used more magic than this to make fire.

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Does Orphan have any memories whatsoever of what magical strain actually feels like?

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Nope.  The thought of testing her own limits just doesn't seem to have occurred to Healthy-Orphan at all, any more than she ever engaged in a desperate sprint to see how fast she could run.

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Hidden thoughts:

She's just going to have to fake it, then, and guess what the outward signs would be, and they might be blatantly fake-looking to Fdera. Nothing for it.

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"According to your file, you should be able to reach the next tier without any trouble.  Your file is obvious bullshit, and we are in a region where it's not great if stuff just breaks down in a disorderly way."

"We're going to go up by factors of a cube root of three," it having been earlier verified by him that Opalyn knew how to do this with her beam, "and you stop-as-in-freeze and let me know and don't keep going up, if it starts to be a little bit of a strain.  We'll continue going from there, after that, but it's important that I know."

"Increase by cube root of three nine times, glance-checking after each increase, end."

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Hidden thoughts:

Allll right. She was at six triplings and she was planning to break down between seven and nine triplings. The next three increases get her to the seventh tripling, the three after that get her to eight, and the three after that get her to nine. This is where she attempts her bluff.

She is encouraged that Fdera does seem to be expecting it right around here.

"I should note that I am beginning to feel it already, though it does seem like I can go up at least a few more cube-root-of-threes and probably even a full tripling from here. If that is okay, then Ready."

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"Revised.  Cube-root-of-three three times, pausing for a full breath after each.  End."

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After the ready/go, Opalyn does each of the next three cube-root-of-three increases, slowly, breathing and checking after each.

"I am not entirely sure what 'strain' is supposed to feel like but plausibly this is it? It is starting to feel like an actual effort. What should I be looking for?"

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"A sense that you've taken on an unsustainable amount of effort, like you are lifting an overly heavy weight and might be about to drop it.  If that happens, drop back by a cube-root-of-three."

"Three cube-root-of-three-increases.  Pause for two breaths after each.  The moment you feel like your spellcasting is unsustainable, drop back by a cube-root-of-three.  Or if your instincts say you can't easily reach the next level, stop and tell me so instead of trying.  End."

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Opalyn squares her shoulders, does the ready/go, and proceeds.

After the first increase, she pauses for two breaths, and then on the attempt at the second increase, she flickers upward a couple of times and then drops back to where she was.

She breathes a few more times and then says, "Couldn't quite get there."

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"Duchess, if I may be frank here, you've only been a sorceress for minutes, you didn't even know what sorcery was, you have completely utterly absolutely zero chance of just guessing what it looks like to be under a lot of magical strain to somebody who's carefully examined hundreds of people who tried to fake it, and we're low on time.  Do we have to do this?"

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Hidden thoughts:

The way to lie convincingly is to believe your own lie. It's a lie that she's feeling strain, but Opalyn is genuinely upset that Fdera would say to follow her instincts and then claim she wasn't doing that. Her instincts are hers and he can't read her mind (she thinks!), and this is a bullshit way for Fdera to treat her. She leans hard into her outrage that he's giving her these mixed messages, and puts that emotion into her voice.

"If there is one thing you have made clear to me over and over, it's that I'm supposed to do exactly as I'm told. You said to stop if it started to feel hard or if my instincts told me I was at the edge. It started to feel hard a while ago, it felt even harder just now, and my instincts are telling me to stop. Do you want me to try to push through, in direct opposition to your orders?"

Opalyn sounds genuinely offended.

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"If you had ever actually seen what somebody looks like when they're nearing their first limit, you'd realize exactly how little chance you had of fooling me this way.  It's kind of charming, actually, like a ten-year-old with frosting smeared on their lips saying they had no idea what happened to that cake.  I'm not going to mark you down for it yet, any more than I would a ten-year-old sent to the Farm who tried the same thing, but seriously, you need to stop."

"Finish the previous set of increases, so two more, and then do three more cube-root-of-three increases after that.  Instructions same as before if you actually do feel the strain.  End."

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Hidden thoughts:

Opalyn has several theories here.

1. Her fakery is actually terrible and he can see right through her. This seems very possible.
2. He can't see through her, but this is just what he always says at this point in the proceedings because sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
3. He can't see through her, but this is just what he always says at this point in the proceedings because it will be upsetting and thereby cause the inmate to produce more magic

If it's #1, there's nothing she can do about it, she's definitely getting caught and she's gonna get hurt and raped about it.
If it's #2, the correct course of action is to bluff harder.
If it's #3, the correct course of action is to get emotional and then produce slightly more magic but not too much more.

Following strategy #3 seems to work in case #2 also, and there's no saving case #1.

Opalyn leans harder into the outrage she was already making herself feel. She drums up her feelings to maybe a three out of ten.

Opalyn glares at Fdera, grits her teeth, and clenches her fists. She squeezes her eyes shut tight and spits, "Ready."

After he says "Go," she completes two more of the small increases, slows and completes one more small increase, and then stops.

"Happy now?"

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"Nope.  Keep going and complete the set.  End."

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"You're so infuriating! Raaaaaarrggggggh! Ready!"

After the go, Opalyn goes up two more small increases.

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"RRrrrrrgh!  It's so hard... to say... words... but I can still... say... that you should... do another set of three cube-root increases!  Let me know... if you actually do... feel the strain!  END!"

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Hidden thoughts:

This appears to be working! Opalyn has to be careful not to start to laugh, because Fdera's attempts to infuriate her are actually fairly amusing but it's not going to help to start laughing!

Opalyn needs to look like she's losing her shit, now, but without actually losing her shit. She believes that if she really loses her shit, she might accidentally go up MANY more levels of intensity and lose the whole game.

She focuses on the fact that Fdera is actually being a gigantic dick to her right now.

Opalyn starts screaming continuously, does not say ready, and goes up two cube-root increases at the same time, flashes one cube-root increase hotter than that, drops back down, and continues screaming.

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Hidden thoughts:

Huh. This does begin to seem more like case #1. What could she possibly be missing in her fakery that he's picking up on? What would show to his magical senses?

So far she's tried flickering the intensity of her output -- the result of her magic -- and that's apparently not fooling him. Could it be something about the flow of magic from her to the beam seeming to weaken or short out?

She does think it's important to continue to seem very emotional, even though she's not -- and she thinks it's better to appear to go out in a blaze of glory than to happen to become erratic right after he said he wasn't fooled.

Opalyn continues to scream herself hoarse, pushes in one and a half full triplings all in one go, and then makes the flow of magic from herself to the beam start to look erratic.

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Hidden thoughts:

Goddammit. This fakery really could be going better. Still, Opalyn's best move is to admit nothing.

Opalyn drops back down to the previous level and removes the erraticism from the flow of her magic to the beam.

She continues to snarl and breathe hard and otherwise give off reasonably convincing signs of being very emotional, though perhaps just a shade less than she was a moment ago.

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"Well, they sure did choose correctly in sending you to the dramatic section."

"It'd be more amusing if we weren't low on time.  Listen, to actually fake this, you'd need to figure out what magical signs I'm looking for, and how to fake them, and then correctly guess how much more powerful you should get when you get emotional.  It's not likely you can do that.  We win this game against much better-informed adversaries, people who've been sorcerers for whole hours."

"You're already at the level where you've got some nice privileges in the Facility compared to the other inmates, and they're not going to take your first time as setting your permanent calibration anyways.  Can we just not?  Because the next step from here is that I cause you pain, which to be clear would increase someone's output by a whole lot from your last step if they weren't faking.  And if you're feeling emotional, maybe I actually do have trouble figuring out when you're nearing your second limit for real, and then that's unpleasant.  Go as far as you can without pain, and I won't have to hurt you at all, on your first visit."

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Hidden thoughts:

This is... actually a very compelling argument. Opalyn does at this point believe that she's not fooling Fdera and probably doesn't have much hope of doing so.

But she still wants to walk out of here with some secret power that he hasn't discovered. What is her best remaining path for getting that, even if the probability of it working is very small?

It sounds like they think in terms of first and second limits, where the first limit is what you can do without feeling emotion or effort, and the second limit is the real one, when you're straining and feeling emotional and also in pain? There could potentially be a third limit beyond that; it could go easy-emotional-painful, for example.

She's been trying to convince him that she's at the end of that second band, already very emotional, and he's not buying it, because she's not showing the correct magical signs of being at a limit. It's not working. Can she at least convince him that she's past the first limit? She's not sure it's going to work, but she has to try.

Seems like the only way to do that is to remain outwardly emotional, but admit that she's not at the second limit (since he knows that already anyway).

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Opalyn seethes at Fdera, holding her whole body quivering with tension. She's not actively screaming anymore but she's projecting fury as hard as she can.

"Of course I'm faking! Why do you think people keep faking! You've made it so that faking is obviously the correct fucking thing to do! Aaaaaarrrrgh!"

"It's so fucking unfair that I've been set up like this! I didn't hurt anybody, I don't deserve this, and now I'm in FUCKING JAIL for NO FUCKING REASON!"

Opalyn does not particularly have to fake this part, and is in danger of getting fairly upset for real, but internally tamps herself down.

"HERE!" she shrieks the last part and spikes up three full triplings in one go.

Hidden thoughts:

According to Fdera's original guidelines, that puts her right at the bottom of the Grand Duchess range. That's a little higher than she wanted to test, but it doesn't seem like she's going to get out of here for less effort than that. She's hoping that if she pushes that hard all at once she will finally start to emit the signs of hitting a magical limit of some kind, maybe the first limit.

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Thaaat's going to produce the new and unfamiliar feeling of a very slight strain on her magic, and also, have visible effects.


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Opalyn immediately dispels!

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Toooooo late.

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A possibly important piece of context which should be mentioned at this point:  Fdera was lying about what the intervals between ranks are.  A Count outweighs 27 Barons, a Duke outweighs 27 Counts, a Grand Duke outweighs 27 Dukes, and a Prince outweighs 27 Grands.

For those who've been keeping track of the numbers, this means that what Fdera described as the bottom of the Grand Duchess level was in fact the bottom of the Princess level, which is also the level to which Opalyn just increased her output.

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This lightline charging port was not, in fact, designed to accept an abrupt increase to Prince-level power inputs.

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A section of their metal platform glows, deforms, and a rather alarmed-looking sort of fellow rockets out, dressed to impress somebody who comes from some completely other culture than Opalyn.





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"She did it."

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"Um. Hi."

Opalyn tries to remember to LOOK TENSE.

It would help if she feels like she's in danger from whatever sort of magical explosion she just caused. Does she feel like she's in danger?

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The lightline continues to be in some distress, the part they're near is not far away, and the total amount of power bound up in the lightline does feel like it's on the order of thousands of times as much power as Opalyn put out during her brief spike just then, the level that did feel like a very slight strain.

Aside from that, Healthy-Orphan's memories aren't helping very much here.  She'd never seen or experienced any workings on this level.

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Do Orphan's memories say anything about how to form a shield around herself, or can she just guess how to do that? Does she think it would help?

She doesn't actually start to do this, she'll warn Fdera first if she decides to attempt it. No sense getting killed by the death wand while trying to save herself from an exploding lightline.

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Orphan had shielding, and it was completely impervious to everything tried against it, until one day somebody disguised as a knight tried something utterly weird and unfamiliar that went right through it and that's the last memory before Opalyn showed up.

Everything tried against it was vastly below this power level, to be clear.  Also vastly below Orphan's.

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"Hey guys, should we maybe be shielding or something? I don't like the look of that lightline."

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The overly-crowned man is just finishing up hearing out a hurried explanation from Fdera, about a sudden 27-fold power spike, but on hearing this the man turns to Opalyn with a look that's angry and somewhat frightened.  "There isn't much point!  If the lightline destabilizes, the Dread Emperor will have to put it back together!  And any time an event happens that forces the Dread Emperor to appear, he kills everyone who was involved in any way in disturbing him!  Can you stabilize it?"

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What should Opalyn do?

1. Stall, hoping to meet the Dread Emperor when the lightline destabilizes. Opalyn's best chances for self-determination and improvement of this world involve her meeting the Emperor, though that's not going to work if he instantly kills her. This is perhaps not the ideal way to meet him.
2. Attempt to stabilize the lightline herself and then presumably go back to being a regular prisoner. This is what Opalyn intended all along, and she's actually reasonably well positioned; she has more power than they've yet detected, and that was her goal for this initial lightline charging session. And stabilizing the lightline herself will leave these two in her debt.
3. See if she can disable or kill these two and then make a break for it. A lot of people would probably do this in Opalyn's shoes, but she has no idea where to go or what to do from here if she escapes; she rates this as a good plan for the first half a minute and then a terrible plan after that. She wants to gather much more intel before she attempts escape.

She'll go for option two.

"All right. How do I stabilize it?"

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"She knows math but nothing about how math relates to magic, she knew how to differentiate a sine function but literally didn't know that sorcery involved willing her magic to do things--"

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"That's not going to work because she doesn't know what normal is!  Sir."

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"Then have her will it to NOT EXPLODE, while we get in somebody who knows how to tell her how to fix it!  DO YOU HAVE ANY BETTER IDEAS?"

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While the other two bicker, Opalyn wills the lightline to look how it looked before she threw that extra 27x of intensity at it.

She also sneaks a look at Fdera to see if he's still got the death wand and his full attention aimed at her, and at the crown guy to see if he looks like he's got a death wand.

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Fdera:  Death wand pointed at her, but is looking at crown guy.

Crown guy:  No visible death wand, but he's got a lot of magic running around him, including a lot that's anchored on items on or around his person.

The moment Opalyn tries to bend her will to making the lightline look like it looked before, she can feel that this would take really a lot of magic making drastic changes at every point, possibly more magic than she actually has at her current level of upsetness; and also she can sort of feel intuitively that this would not make the lightline actually be how it was, just look that way.

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Completely fixing the lightline sure didn't work. Can she actually just will it not to explode? That feels like it shouldn't work, in this magic system? It's one thing to visualize how you want the magic to be and entirely different thing to visualize how you want the magic not to be. Opalyn will just have to trust that crown guy might have made a decent suggestion and just try it.

She wills the lightline not to explode... but in case that doesn't work, she'd really prefer not to be done with this universe quite yet. There are at least three different ways she might die in the next minute: lightline explosion, Emperor, or death wand. The death wand seems like the smallest risk of the three.

Shields up? If she can figure out how to put up shields, that is. And if she can, then she does so more definitively, no question mark.

Shields up!

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He doesn't realize immediately what Healthy-Orphan is trying for because of the major magical working she's already doing, and then he hesitates to fire immediately because of the implication that they're all dead anyways if she can't stabilize the lightline, and then of course it's already too late--

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Opalyn now has Orphan's style of shields up.  The one that totally failed to protect her from that one guy dressed as a knight, to be clear.  But it's quick and instinctive and requires almost no attention from her at all.

Her sorcery can't will the lightline to not be like something, but she can feel the major tremors running through it, and try to quiet them, maybe.

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Yay! Shields are up! This is a much better situation to be in! Now she would really like the Emperor not to appear just yet. First priority: quiet the lightline. Second priority: use this upper hand she's gained, somehow.

She feels the major tremors and tries to will them to be less, first just by willing, and then if that doesn't work maybe she tries to cancel them out with an opposite waveform.

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Willing them to be less works, but it takes so much power that even she can't quell more than one disruption at a time.

Trying to cancel them out with opposed waveforms... doesn't work perfectly but it sort of works, and it takes less power to do...

Crowned Guy steps up beside her and raises his own tightly clenched fist, and the aftereffects of Opalyn's attempted cancellations quiet further.

He's yelling a lot of things that he wants her to do instead of what she's currently doing, and is using terminology that makes almost no sense except for faint hints of semantic associations and possible related meanings.

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Using a combination of remembered instinct, feedback from the results she's seen so far, and the semantic associations she's getting from crown guy, Opalyn tries to get the lightline as stable as possible. She doesn't exhaust herself doing it, though; she'd rather not burn herself out, and to whatever extent she can manage her power expenditure, she'd like to encourage the crown guy to burn a lot of power, here.

Does any of this remotely work?

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It works, for a short time.

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And then someone else is present.

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He steps forth and raises one hand, and power equal to Opalyn's own rushes out in a vast surge, but aimed with precision and complexity; and the lightline that was blasting leakage in all directions begins to quiet.

"Explain.  Briefly."

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Opalyn is paying very close attention to what this guy does to fix the lightline.

She does not speak first, though if neither of the other guys says anything, she won't let the silence hang for long.

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"Yes, explain!" the crowned guy says to the Lightline Monitor, sounding very angry about it and like he just showed up himself.

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"Prisoner designated Healthy-Orphan with blatant entrance paper anomalies attempted very naive fakery of her calibration test, suddenly surged from Grand-level to Prince-level counter to instructions.  She and Prince Shade-of-Purple-Gray have been attempting stabilization for one and a half minutes, partially successful to my eyes; Healthy knows math but has zero prior experience with sorcery, Prince had insufficient strength."

If that's the Emperor, then Fdera is, in fact, pretty worried; first on the count of this sudden claim that the Emperor kills anyone responsible for an incident; second about the fact that this newcomer does not seem to be putting out more power than Healthy-Orphan, who now has shields up and has previously appeared annoyed with Fdera at several points.

Being visibly the only competent person on this scene seems like his best bet for surviving.  He'd spare the only competent guy on the scene if he was Emperor.

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Prince-level? FDERA.

She suspected he might be lying but is still annoyed to have been placed at Prince level already.

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Is now the time to blurt out her isekai story to this person who might be the Emperor? She's torn.

If he's a decent sort at all, or if she really is a Summoned Hero, it might be a good idea to identify herself and make her otherworldly assets known. Getting tagged as very out of the ordinary and potentially very valuable might save her from summary execution, if the crown guy was right about how that works -- though maybe also her shields save her from the Emperor's first attempt at murder? Hard to predict that.

Opalyn starts to open her mouth to explain herself when --

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The lightline stabilizes; and the man, the bruise-like marks on his forehead shifting with each of his motions, turns about and blurs toward Prince Purplegray and lifts him by the throat with one hand, in the same motion shattering every shield that was about him.

Then he squeezes, almost casually, and the Prince's head falls off.

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Fdera is already dead; a fact that wasn't noticeable enough to stand out, whenever it happened.

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"You have exactly one chance to avoid coming to the Dread Emperor's notice and dying, and it is for you to look as normal and unrelated to this situation as you can possibly manage," the man says to Opalyn.

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"I understand! How do I do that?"

She bolsters her shields as much as she can but makes no aggressive moves; she doesn't know if she can take this guy. Her heart is pounding; she's not at a three out of ten anymore. More like seven out of ten, emotionally.

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"I am trying to figure that out.  Keeping the Prince alive would have made a lot of other things simpler, but I couldn't trust him.  Can I trust you not to make trouble and get both of us killed, if I go to the bother of trying to save you?"

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"I will form a temporary alliance with you. I will not make trouble suddenly or without warning, until this current crisis is resolved, and I will inform you when I consider the alliance dissolved. Until then I will follow your lead."

She hopes this reads as "trustworthy and legible" rather than "too persnickety, just murder her."

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Without word or gesture, a massive power lashes out in unfamiliar form at an unfamiliar dimensional angle; Opalyn's shields shatter as easily as a dropped egg, leaving her inside untouched.

"I appreciate that measured reply," he says, "but it's my own life at stake too, and in my own interest I could protect it far more easily by killing you here and now, instead of letting you be hunted later.  You are worth much as a future ally, but not that much.  Will you obey as the price of your life."

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Okay. She can't take this guy, at least not at her current level of experience. If he doesn't have more raw power, he definitely just knows more.

If she hates how things are going, she always has the option of defying him and potentially moving on to the next universe.

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"They didn't know you were Prince-level, or they'd have killed you on the spot; the facilities don't exist to safely hold a Prince and extract power from them.  What did they think you were?"

He's going over to retrieve the papers from Fdera's body even as he speaks.

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"My papers estimated that I was Duchess or possibly Grand Duchess level but they were only guessing when they wrote that. My background is... strange, but I don't assume you have time to hear about that right now."

Opalyn has made the snap decision not to hold back on her alliance with this guy. He holds the power of life and death over her; she might as well go all-in, holding death as a viable alternative if needed.

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"What I need to know right now is what sort of attention you have already attracted."

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Opalyn is really not willing for this guy to kill Trāho and Iilasir and everyone else she's spoken to so far, so perhaps her idea of going all-in was a tad premature.

"Nobody who has seen me do magic since my arrest is still alive. There are a few people who think I'm strange but none who have any idea of my power level."

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He is skimming the papers even as he speaks.  "On this little notice I have nowhere I trust, to stash you with your power level restricted to something unremarkable, and where I can be confident of finding you again.  I am not ready for my own part to set you loose."

"I am trying to think of anything more prudent than sending you back to the Farm with false marks as mid-high Duchess.  I am not succeeding.  I'll place you on the transport with your paperwork falsely filled out, and you will simply be thought to have evacuated with the others here.  There will not be someone whose appearance is known, missing."

"Before then I will reseal your power more intelligently, and let you secretly learn the wizardry you lack.  Do you consent?

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"Wait, what does that mean to reseal my power more intelligently?"

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"I mean that I'll modify your collar so that you can prod it to let through barely-Baron power when no one is watching."

He's already filling out the paperwork that he took from Fdera's body, by staring hard at it until letters write themselves rather than by using a pen.

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"Oh! Then yes, I consent!"

Opalyn is jarred by all the very sudden murder, but for her own part this test is working out splendidly. She will set aside her feelings about these two people who died adjacent to her and probably have a lot of big jittery grief about it later.

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"You're visibly not exhausted by this day's work, and they may check.  I'm pulling you to something bigger than a lightline to charge.  Don't resist.  End."

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Hmph. Looks like he's about to find out her real power level.


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He grabs her hand and opens a portal, a tear in space; the center seems disturbingly to pseudo-reflect a distorted version of Opalyn's own form, though maybe it would do the same for anyone else who looked at it.

If Opalyn is paying attention she can see how his own power is tearing through wards that were laid down upon this space, to prevent portaling like this if somebody much less powerful were to try it.  It's not quite at the level where Opalyn could will this magic into being from having seen it only once.  It's complicated, and sharp, and feels like it really would be a lot easier to build if you were aware of how magic interacted with magic and didn't just will all of it to jump into place on demand.

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He pulls her through.

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And then they're standing in front of... whatever this is.

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"Charge that quickly and without worrying about the ramp-up.  Put all of your feelings into it.  If you can put out enough power to break it, you can also take the Dread Emperor head to head and wouldn't that be a nice problem to have."

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Opalyn looks at it with her magical senses. Does she have any idea how to charge this thing?

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It's got a power port that resembles the one on the lightline, but at a much lower frequency, the sort of frequency you could just eyeball; and also there is much much much more magical energy bound up in this than in the lightline.

...actually she can tell what this is doing, if not how, the output action is not complicated.  The artifact is outputting raw Newtonian force, pulling toward itself in all directions across a distance so vast that it feels at a first glance like infinity; except for an artificial dead zone in the immediate vicinity, in which they're standing now.

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Opalyn does, at this point, believe that people can tell when she's tiring and tell when she's worn out, so faking it does not seem at all prudent. This guy will just crush her if he thinks she's malingering.

But she does wonder, should she charge this force generator thing. What even is it? She would prefer not to charge up a weapon of mass destruction that will subsequently be used to kill a trillion people.

She takes a guess. Her guess does not quite make sense by her own notion of how physics should work, but maybe it will be interesting enough to provoke a helpful correction rather than getting her killed.

"Is this what keeps the planets stationary with respect to each other?"

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"It generates the gravity on Capital's surface.  Correcting planetary positions doesn't take nearly the same order of power."

"We're short on time, start."

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It generates the gravity? That's batshit. The mass of the planet should generate the gravity. Either this is a very stupid lie or else physics is just completely different here, and there is considerable evidence so far that physics is different.

But wait, how in the world did they ever even evolve or for that matter form planets in the first place if gravity needs to be artificially generated?

This really makes no sense.

"I would really rather not provoke you into killing me, but why do you need to generate gravity? This is a very big planet, it shouldn't need the help."

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"You're already coming very close to dying because I need to see you as reliable.  You offered me your obedience; I command: start establishing the charging link, now."

"Capital is hollow, if it were solid the gravity would crush everyone who tried to live on it."

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Ohhhh she's inside the Capital planet right now, very near its core! This is utterly bizarre but is at least coherent. Opalyn is willing to gamble that it's true and that she's not being duped into something awful.

She charges the force generator and she doesn't pussyfoot around about it.

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"Put your emotions into it.  We don't have time for you to exhaust yourself slowly."

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Opalyn lets the feelings well up, slowly at first, but then they start to snowball.

The dead lightline monitor and crown guy, arguably her fault.
How she's been railroaded from one weird, dangerous, unfair situation to the next.
People trying to cut her with swords. People actually cutting her with swords. Losing an ARM.

Her entire life on Earth being OVER. Never seeing her partners or her family again. Never getting to find out WHAT HAPPENS NEXT in her FIRST and MOST IMPORTANT LIFE.

It's not as showy as when she was faking. She doesn't rage or scream or clench, but the grief is massive and nearly incapacitating. She worries she's going to lose control of the magic.

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He's doing something to her collar that involves taking the very intricate magic in place there and yelling at it with tremendous power to be a different intricate enchantment instead.

Without taking his attention from that collar, his magic also wends gentle braces around Opalyn's magic, ready to steady if she wobbles, contain if she breaks.

"Do you need or want to be hurt?"

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She's a masochist, and she knows from experience that the best way to get ALL of her feelings out is to have someone help her jar them loose. Otherwise they tend to stick and build up.

"But it doesn't take a lot of pain. If you hurt me too much I might fight you." She gasps this. It's hard to form the words, but this part is important.

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"Know that this pain is not real."  He slips one hand through one of the larger holes in her dress, and lays it on her back, near the base of her spine, as one might hold a dancer in a couple's dance.  Where he touches, that whole area feels like touching a spoon that's been heated under hot water, such as one might use to sear away the histamine reaction of a mosquito bite; the pain builds, from there, but not to the point of touching boiling water or a stove burner.

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Opalyn sobs until she's choking on it, then sobs more. She sinks to her knees, somehow not losing contact with his hand, but holds the magic steady, holds onto it like a lifeline, like the only solid thing there is. She becomes a conduit, letting the pain flow from his hand through her back and out her hands, ripping out her guts along the way and pouring all of herself into the magic.

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What this man wills, space obeys; his hand stays wherever it needs to be.  With another twitch of his will, he looks across space to where a prison transport is getting too close to the Facility, causes a minor equipment malfunction to slow it down.

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Opalyn feels hollowed out, empty, used up. Tired.

She lets go of the magic. She brushes his hand gently away from her back, not in an act of defiance but just of completion, and curls into the fetal position at his feet.

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"Good.  Tap the left side of your collar three times to open the security hole, or close it again."  He picks Opalyn up in his arms, holding her as if she weighs nothing, and activates her collar.

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Opalyn is extremely wrung out, but not so far gone as to miss the feeling of being cradled. This is probably all the aftercare she's going to get; there aren't going to be snuggles and dark chocolate. She'll make the most of it. She doesn't know this guy at all and he may well be a monster -- certainly the way he killed crown guy was overly gruesome -- but at the moment, she just wants to be held, and he's holding her, so.

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And they portal out.

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Opalyn's viewpoint now occupies empty space above the vast planet of Capital, looking at a prison transport approaching the same Facility she was at before, or some other space-castle-prison just like it.  She can feel herself held in cradling arms, but not see the man who's holding her, or see herself.  Invisibility, apparently.

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"You can call me Moamo, should the question arise.  Is there something I should call you that isn't Healthy-Orphan?  Or just shake a hand if you're too wrung out to answer."

This is all said in the tones of somebody who's never heard anyone tell him that he's not supposed to talk in outer space.

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"My real name is Opalyn," she'll say, if she can also talk in outer space.

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Whatever magic is doing this, it's treating them as being in gravity and having air to breathe... she can actually sense it, the collar now interferes less with Opalyn looking more closely at magic.  They're sort of in two places at once, taking advantage of somewhere else's gravity and air.

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"Opalyn," he says, pronouncing it exactly correctly on the first try.  "You evacuated that platform with everyone else when the first instability occurred.  I'll figure out how to make the rest of it look like an accident, or maybe like the Dread Emperor intervened.  You are a perfectly normal mid-high Duchess or at least not any stranger than they already know."

"In reality, you're at the level that would exist between Prince and Dread Emperor, if the Dread Emperor suffered people to live who could maybe kill him and take over Eldrida if thirty of them were ever to combine forces."

"Give no sign of this, ever."

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Opalyn would be very excited about this, if she had any emotional energy remaining! As it is, she just feels a faint warm glow.

Her brain is starting to come back online, though.

"I told you before, I have a strange backstory. It is very hard for me to blend in, here. It's not a matter of being unwilling, it's a matter of being unable, and I rather expect to be caught out as a foreigner at some point. It will help that I will gain library access now, so I'll have less motivation to ask strange questions."

"I also wonder what happens at my next lightline charging. I am not completely clear how much power a mid-high Duchess is supposed to make, and I don't know how to feign being tired when I'm not."

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"They shouldn't force you to try again for... eight days, maybe twelve, I had your paperwork show you as exhausted.  I'll figure out something to do before then.  Don't volunteer."

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"Thank you for not killing me. I realize you could have."

"I don't actually expect you to answer this truthfully, but I'm going to ask anyway: how powerful are you? And if you're on par with me, why does the Emperor suffer you to live?"

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"I'm roughly the same level as you, so far as I could tell from looking.  A good deal older and more experienced.  It will be a long time before you can fight me evenly, and a somewhat shorter time before you can force me to kill you rather than capturing you alive."

"So far as I know, the Dread Emperor doesn't know I exist.  Either that or he's playing a long, sick game.  I give it 30-70."

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Opalyn takes this information and files it away in the "Moamo claims" folder and not the "facts" folder. In particular, she hopes that with work and study he won't be able to overpower her for long, though it's not the sort of thing she'll get to take several runs at; the first time she fights him will be the last, one way or another.

"Do I have any way of contacting you, or do I just need to wait?"

"And what happens if I get attractive offers for leaving the prison?"

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"I don't know how you'd contact me safely, at your current level."

"Offers--turn them down, unless the offer is so good that declining would be suspicious, in which case it's probably a test and you should accept.  Don't take anything where I wouldn't be able to find you again, after that, by inquiring at the Farm."

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"All right. I'm guessing we're almost out of time, here, but if there's still just a moment..."

"I have a long list of subjects I already plan to study at the library. Anything you recommend that I read first?"

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"All of the fucking wizardry."

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The prison transport shakes, then, as its engines glow brighter and restart.

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...and as most of the inmates are picking themselves up from where they were shaken onto the floor, Opalyn's curled-up form is among them, at the rear, sealed papers in hand.

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They track everything with physical paper and that's it? No wonder all the intake Headstompers were deluged in paper! Opalyn strongly suspects there's some way to fake everything if she ends up wanting to stay in the prison past her next lightline charging.

She's not sure how many hours have actually passed since breakfast, but she feels about ready to go to bed again. She wonders, though, if she needs to stop somewhere for her paperwork to be processed and turned into tokens, so that she can lock her door before she pushes the sleep NOW! button again.

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(Realistically, if the time she woke up is to be designated as 7am, it can't actually be any later than 1pm.  But there's no clocks in the Facility except ones all running at different variable speeds; so bedtime is whenever you want it to be...)

The prison ship docks at the Facility, and they all shuffle on out.  Opalyn will find that her muscles aren't drained, when she tries to rise, only whatever aspect of her might be drawn down by having a lot of feelings.

But, yes, you need to stop off somewhere and get paperwork turned into tokens.

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The robed man who accepts papers from inmates is sitting behind a set of vertical metal bars; possibly the high-strung prisoners around here, in the process of turning over their papers and receiving tokens, flip out often enough that it's worth the trouble to shield the bureaucrats from physical violence.

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Opalyn feels a little loopy. She imagines if, somehow, she'd completed the normal testing process and come out with her true rating. Would it be like a slot machine at a casino hitting a jackpot? Piles and piles of tokens spilling out the window and piling into heaps in the hallway?

She keeps a straight face and presents her papers.

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The person there accepts her papers, skims them, raises his eyebrows.

A shock of hostile magic pokes Opalyn, one that she can see coming for a fractional second but can't defend against on any conscious level; when it zaps her it feels like a whole-body electrical shock, lasting some fraction of a second before her unconscious body-magic rallies in response and crushes every thread of the offending magic out of existence.

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Presumably they're scanning her to see if she's actually drained? Very strange that this would be done here as a matter of course, rather than out on the charging platforms by the lightline monitors. Or maybe it's defense in depth?

Opalyn hopes that her crushing response was normal and expected. Her collar is in full-dampening mode right now, or so she believes, and she hopes that's enough to keep her from doing anything she shouldn't be able to do at the moment.

"What was that?" she asks. It is, after all, her first time here. Showing some surprise should be expected.

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"Checking if you're as exhausted as your monitor wrote you down for being."  Her response sure looks it so far as he can see.

And then Opalyn starts having her chastity belt (which also apparently serves as her local debit card) charged with tokens.  It's obvious to anyone who looks at Opalyn's ragged dress that it's her first time through this process, and she gets brief explanations with at least somewhat more on tap if she asks.

There are some kinds of tokens you can freely trade around, but only because it's more dramatic if there's some components of a market economy.  Ultimately, an economy is not what they are here to have.

Opalyn's supposed output at baseline Duchess-of-her-level gets her 150 tokens of the sort you can trade around freely, plus a further 300 tokens for having supposedly put her best emotional effort into charging at above that baseline.  Those are the kinds of tokens that you can use for library rentals, clothing privileges, or locking your door.

Duchesses also get distributions of non-transferable tokens that they can only personally use on Countesses and Counts.  The idea being that Opalyn now gets to start her own feudal faction in the facility, as this is the sort of thing that tends to create drama.  For example, Opalyn gets 2 chastity unlock tokens that she can use on herself or trade, and 20 chastity unlock tokens she can only personally use on Countesses and Counts (though she doesn't have to stick around after enabling the unlock).

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Good. Apparently squashing the scanning magic was not a problem!

"Where can I buy some paper and a pen, and where can I buy clothing?"

The way the sexual tokens work rather implies that she's going to need at least one Count-level minion if she wants to interact sexually with the large supply of Barons. She does not, at this moment, want to interact sexually with anyone except maybe herself.

"Oh, and where can I buy a vibrator?"

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"Pen and paper are no good, mutually legible records of the past are poisonous to drama.  For clothing you'll want somebody to point you to one of the Facility clothing stores.  Don't think 'vibrator' translated but we've got shop equipment you can use in-place."

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The lack of pen and paper is a Serious Problem and will be near the top of Opalyn's list once she's better rested; how is she supposed to catalog all of her research without being able to write down her questions and what she's learned so far?

But... 'vibrator' didn't translate? How is this possible? What kind of lewd dramatic prison even is this?

"Shop equipment? As in... machine shop? I don't think I understand. I mean an object people use for sexual gratification."

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"Oh, you mean tinglers!  Sure, we've got whole Facility stores full of those too, or you can just pin somebody down and use tokens to activate the nerve tingler built into their own chastity belt.  We didn't want any inmate to be without that capacity at any time so long as they had the tokens for it."

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Whew. For a minute there Opalyn worried that her first technological contribution to this world was going to be the concept of the vibrator, and while that would be a noble contribution indeed, she was kind of hoping to fix their economy to vastly reduce hunger or maybe help them avoid poisoning their children into being stupid or something like that. She may be overthinking it; she can plausibly do all this and more, once she's had some sleep.

Opalyn does still wonder if she'll end up using both of her self-tokens in one go if she unlocks her belt and then tingles herself, but there is a long line of other inmates behind her waiting to be processed. She feels a bit bad keeping all these exhausted people waiting while she asks masturbation questions that she can surely figure out on her own relatively soon.

"All right, thank you. I think I'm all set for now."

Except presumably they will now strip her of her torn dress and send her forth in pasties and panties, or something?


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Well, if she wasn't willing to spend anything on clothing rights, then she'd be sent out in some quick standard-issue barely-clothed-girl-walking-the-halls wear, yes.

Continuing to wear that torn dress of hers would be quite expensive, does she want to?

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She's not at all attached to this torn dress; it was Orphan's, and it's in very bad shape. But she does like the idea of having a choice about what she wears.

Is this going to meaningfully trade off against her library budget?

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Depends on how often she thinks she can handle this level of lightline charging; and how many books she wants to have out at one time; and whether she wants to lock her door, either at all, or in a way that'll stand up to Dukes and not just Baron-level spending; and how many minions or harem members she's planning to have and how cruel she plans on being to them.

A lot of girls who don't feel like they really need clothing rights or locked doors will often carry a book around with them, to create plausible deniability about whether they're sluts or just incredibly intelligent people who can't help spending all their Farm credits on library borrows.  Or at least, that's how it probably started centuries earlier, but by this point there's just a recognized local Scantily Clad Girl Carrying A Book gendertrope, which even a Duchess could adopt despite that not having any plausible deniability in terms of the original underlying logic and a Duchess's budget.

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Opalyn's priorities, as far as spending economy-credits, are:

1. books
2. more books
3. locking her door, so she can read her books
4. looking a certain way

She decides to put off buying clothing rights for now. She's going to go through a lot of books at first, and doesn't want to be limited in her research.

Also, she wonders if clothing rights are a one-time purchase or if it's an ongoing expense, like a weekly subscription or something.

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Weekly subscription!  You can buy fancy clothes in prison stores for relatively cheap, and have them forever and wear them inside your own room or a lover's room whenever you want.  It's wearing things in public that cost a four-day subscription fee.

Her current dress is expensive because it's very full-coverage and opaque, despite the holes.  There's several budgetary steps down from there she could take before she went full Scantily Clad.

The bureaucrat notes that Opalyn doesn't presently have a book to take with her; and that Duchesses who aren't trying to maintain plausible deniability about being huge sluts would want to buy rights to some piece of clothing that didn't decrease their vulnerability--like thigh-high black stockings--to signal that they were leaving themselves vulnerable on purpose, not because they were low-status people who couldn't afford better.

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So wait. Are these the choices?

1. Wear clothing that covers you. Signals: high status, unknown but probable sluttiness.
2. Wear clothing that doesn't cover you, like stockings. Signals: medium status, slutty but plausibly deniable about it.
3. Go scantily clad but carry a book. Signals: medium status, toss-up among intellectual, slutty, or both.
4. Go scantily clad with no book. Signals: Slutty.

There does not seem to be a way to signal "not slutty" and of course not, why would there be, this prison is lewd. Everyone is slutty.

Opalyn doesn't care about signaling status or intellectualism.

This entire game seems irrelevant to her?

Or do some of these options lead to more people bothering her?

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No, more like:

1.  Wear clothing that covers you.  Signals:  You can afford nice things and are probably a Duchess.  (Only a Grand Duchess could easily afford Opalyn's current dress, though.)
2.  Go scantily clad but carry a book.  Signals:  You're probably slutty trying to signal you're intellectual, but you might actually be intellectual.  (Like having gone to Harvard; you could be a rich alumnus's kid, or you could be one of the smart kids.)
3.  Go scantily clad and deliberately wear extra clothing that doesn't protect you.  Signals:  You are absolutely being a slut on purpose.
4.  Go scantily clad with no book.  Signals:  You may be actually powerless to defend yourself and a victim.  Anyone could probably try your door at night, and get in, and you might actually not like it.  Or, of course, that's what you prefer people to think.

People might feel disappointed and offended if they try their credits to get through your door at night, and their credits just vanish without successfully unlocking your door.  Of course, maybe you totally want people coming after you for revenge?  There's nothing wrong with that!

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So it seems like Opalyn just needs to sprint to the library then?

This is not an ideal time to be this tired. But, like, how badly can this go?


Opalyn pictures how badly it could actually go and decides she's too tired for that today.


DAMMIT. All right, she'll spring for clothing rights. Not for her full opaque dress. What does it cost to wear something like this, if it's backless?


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Oh, that's pretty standard Duchess-wear for a Duchess who's willing to spend a significant part of their Farm credit on signaling that she's a Duchess!  Though Opalyn couldn't just swap it out tomorrow for something more translucent but with a lower hemline, say, she'd actually have to revisit her particular clothing rights in another four days.

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Shoot. She doesn't want to pay that much, she needs book money! How about this?

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Somebody might mistake her for a Countess, and if told she was a Duchess might not believe her or would wonder what she's doing with all those credits instead of spending it all on keeping up appearances like a sane person.

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No, no, see, it's not about what rank she appears to have. It's about whether she can walk to the library without anyone trying to drag her by her hair back to their room and rape her, only to discover that their unlock tokens don't even work on her belt. All she wants is to be able to go and get a book without being accosted a whole bunch. What does she need to wear to make it safely to the library?

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Oh, anything on the upper end of Baron slash low end of Countess would protect her from most random encounters, in the sense that people would only do it if carefully weighing their moves.

The bureaucrat does not of course say that; that'd cross the line into averting drama.

Instead he'll just note that if you want to be safe you should maybe try not being in prison.

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All right, obviously she can't actually rely on this person to help her figure this out. Books remain a high priority and if people attack her this four-day period they are going to be quite remorseful about it later, and that will create drama, and so be it, apparently.

Opalyn will only spend enough to be allowed to wear this, then. It shows cleavage! It shows belly! She would be willing to swap out the panties for a thong if that's what it takes to have most of her credits remaining for books!

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Those extra panels on the side of the panties, mean you're wearing clothing some pieces of which don't even do anything, which clearly signals that you're a slut and trying to signal that on purpose?  A Countess-level slut, in this case?  The bureaucrat is pretty sure he already explained that part, though.  And if he didn't explain it successfully, well, trying to make sure you communicated something successfully really crosses the line of what a low-level bureaucrat can get away with around here.  And sure, swapping for a thong will save a couple of credits on the privilege-cost.

He sends Opalyn on her way, slightly wishing she was just a Baron-level inmate.  She's cute, and this conversation turned him on some.  He'd have considered using one of his prison-employee privilege tokens on her if she were cheaper.

Then the next imprisoned submissive noble girl shows up at his window, quivering in distress about how poorly the monitor judged her to have performed, and how many tokens he'll give her given her past record; and he forgets all about the previous woman.

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Opalyn is Very Tired. But she also now has credits, and could go to the library! And also she's a little hungry, and she'll sleep better if she eats a little something first!

All right then. Library, refectory, bed. That's the plan.

Does she trigger any random encounters on the way to the library?

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Just the usual.

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Then she'll triumphantly stride into the library and ask for directions to activate the semantic assortation book search, intending to look for books about wizardry!

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The library looks considerably more impressive once your collar is partially disabled in a way that lets you see more magic; and in particular, see the magical links that connect every book here into a giant nexus that in turn connects to some more distant nexus.

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Anyways, they're happy enough to initialize a door into Polyfractal Library Space for her!

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Opalyn is getting a second wind now that she's in a magical library.

If she understands correctly, her actual book selection experience starts on the other side of that portal, but she looks quickly at the shelves this side of the portal to see if anything catches her eye.

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There's one whose spine proclaims it to be The Joy of Wizardry, and if Opalyn pulls it, she'll find that the cover looks like this!

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Obviously she's going to open that and see what's inside!

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...there is no plausible endowment of prior knowledge which could make this book not be really, really badly written.  It reads like a GPT-4 content farm that produces long fake anecdotes about kitchen recipes, followed by eventually coughing out a recipe found verbatim on some more concise website; obviously without explaining in the slightest how to "slice garlic" or how thinly to slice it, if you don't already know what that means.

As for the content, it's about configuring intangible magical tentacles that will produce slight tingles, as might possibly be an amusing diversion in bed if the victim was already really, really turned on.

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Oh no. What if all of the books are like this, because their main purpose is for signaling intellectualism?

Surely this society has other subcultures that are not like the lewd dramatic prison? Surely there are actual intellectuals somewhere? Or at least, people who want to learn wizardry?

Opalyn pulls down another book.

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Well if she just pulls at random she's going to get this sort of thing.

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This seems to be some sort of guide to starting a fake religion, based on the cover art? Maybe she should check it out for Iilasir?

Nah, not when she's still on the hunt for books for herself and she doesn't know how many she'll find of those. She'll remember where she saw this volume, though, in case she wants to snag it on the way back out of the library.

Right now it's time to go through the portal, because she thinks her picks here don't actually count so far as the library's book selection algorithm is concerned.

She'll go through, and look specifically for wizardry books.

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Bookcase on the LEFT:  Tales from the Crystal Dimension, The Old Wizard and His Harem, My Life In A Pirate Polycule, Across the Lightlines, Sadistic Sorceress Anthology LXIII

Bookcase on the RIGHT:  Aspiring Mage's Career Guide, Forty Things You Can Do With Tiny Portals, Encyclopedia Magica, Handbook of Obscure Necromantic Constants, The Home Handywizard's Guide To Mysterious Integer Sequences

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What if Opalyn wants to go down BOTH PATHS?

Clearly the left side is cotton candy, things to read when she's tired of learning and just wants to have fun. The right side is lean protein and vegetables to make her strong. She should go down the right path.

She wonders if she can sneak Sadistic Sorceress Anthology LXIII off the left shelf really quickly and then take basically all of the books on the right shelf or if that will mess it up. She doesn't want to mess it up. She casts a forlorn look at Sadistic Sorceress, but takes Aspiring Mages and the Encyclopedia down off the shelf and looks through them.

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Neither of these seem incredibly useful to somebody trying to learn wizardry for the first time.  Aspiring Mage is about which famous universities teach which subjects, and which major planets and interplanetary businesses were hiring... as of whenever this book was written, it looks old.  Encyclopedia Magica would have been more accurately named "an encyclopedic listing of all the magic items that were ever on sale by Trans-Spatial Resources" and for some reason it is really keen on letting you know that any kind of magical jewelry that exists comes in a version that turns into a personal virtual riding beast.

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Hmph. She puts those two back and then continues down the path to the right.

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LEFT bookcase:  Handbook of Obscure Necromantic Constants, Elementary Chemical Influences on Eighth-Axis-Positive Elements, Annals of Anal Sorcery Vol. 4420, Journal of Fruit Juice and Cognition Vol. 992

RIGHT bookcase:  Forty Things You Can Do With Tiny Portals, Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests, Slay Your Foes, Shields Up! Issue 88092.

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The organizing principle dividing the first two shelves felt obvious: smut vs. more academic works.

What's the organizing principle this time?

The right shelf might be more about combat, perhaps? While the left shelf is more about... Opalyn is really not sure what the left shelf is about.

She picks up Elementary Chemical Influences and Nastily Exhausting to take a look.

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Elementary Chemical Influences has complicated math in it that you are presumed to already know.  Nastily Exhausting is about prepping for the wizardry tests you'll get in the first year of a particular wizard school, and is written in a relentlessly peppy style which never really backs up and explains anything and instead exhorts you to do well on particular kinds of problem.

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Maybe the left shelf is, like, overly specific and detailed, while the right shelf is not detailed enough? That would be a disappointing organizing principle.

She probably needs to be looking at fairly basic materials. She'll go right, and then try to steer back into more rigorous materials from there if she can.

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LEFT:  Children's books, school materials.  (Slay Your Foes.)

RIGHT:  Adult nonfiction.  (Shields Up! issue 88092.)

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This is a tough choice, actually! While she aspires to read adult nonfiction in this universe, she'll probably do much better with a book intended for a smart, curious, five-year-old!

She goes left.

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LEFT:  Children's books.

RIGHT:  School materials.

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Can she look at an example from each side?

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LEFT:  Faster, Mommy, Kill Kill!

RIGHT:  Chemistry for Dullards

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Yes! Chemistry for Dullards sounds like just the thing! Let's have a look!

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Put the florbo-narbalate on the SILVER PLATE.  The SILVER plate.  Not the CERAMIC PLATE that you are ALREADY USING.  Not the FLOOR.

Now put out THREE thaums of spallation mana over TWELVE seconds.  You can tell if you are doing this correctly if the florbo-narbalate LIQUEFIES.  If instead it EXPLODES then that was not SPALLATION MANA it was VIBRATORY MANA and you need to BACK UP and TRY AGAIN and possibly GIVE UP ON CHEMISTRY.

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Is there anything even remotely resembling a periodic table of the elements anywhere in this book?

Or failing that, does it seem like Opalyn could painstakingly go through all of this drivel and figure out some things?


She's had a lifelong... not fantasy exactly, but recurring daydream about being sent to prison and only having a few books to look at and really squeezing everything she could possibly get out of those books. If this entire isekai experience is leading up to a full realization of that particular recurring daydream, she has other daydreams she would like to be living instead.

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Flipping through doesn't show anything that leaps out as resembling a periodic table of Earth elements.  However there will often appear a square or a cube about which the author's relentlessly fed-up voice instructs the reader to remember what THIS quadrant OBVIOUSLY indicates along axes 2, 8; or contrasting the +/-/- subcube to the -/+/- subcube along axes 3, 7, 2 if you're otherwise already in +/-/-/+ on 1, 4, 8, 9.

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All right. She'll take this one with her, in case nothing better comes along, and then she'll scan this shelf in search of anything on the following subjects:

- chemistry basics
- physics basics
- wizardry primer
- types of magic (e.g. fire, force, falash, ...)
- engineering basics? ideally comparing mundane vs. magical construction options?
- anything about basic biology / medicine

She also wants to know about history and politics but she thinks she's already well down a different path; that'll be a subsequent library search.

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She's at the point where she can start to see assorted textbooks on the RIGHT bookcase, yes.  Remedial Wizardry is one promising-sounding title, as is The First Layer of Item Engineering.  There isn't anything visible about biology or medicine, and a lot of the school materials will prove to be really appallingly written if she tries to look inside.

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Oooh ooh. What's Remedial Wizardry like?

And while Item Engineering doesn't really sound quite right, she'll take a quick glance at that too.

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Remedial Wizardry is for kids trying to go into their first year of wizardry who are missing some of the common prerequisites about that!  It's not incredibly well-written and still assumes the reader is coming in knowing way more than Opalyn actually knows but she may nonetheless want to keep this one.

Item Engineering assumes you already know what a bunch of basic terms and instructions mean--there is nothing about how you could engage in any such act as "impart spin 3/2 to your mana" literally at all--but it is then very meticulous about explaining all of the interactions between all of the kinds of forces that it is telling you to use.

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Okay! These are both keepers!

It's not like she's going to find something called So You've Been Isekaied to Eldrida as a Powerful Sorceress.

Right? She doesn't find anything like that?

If not, she'll continue down to the right.

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That would've probably been in the fiction section, yes.

Possibly her choice to pick up and take those three books has had some sort of effect on her next set of choices!  LEFT is more miscellaneous textbooks but RIGHT is now a treasury of remedial and introductory materials.


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Opalyn feels like this book is calling her out personally! She takes it off the shelf and looks through it. How exactly is she messing up spellcraft? Or has her sorcery so far even counted as spellcraft?

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The author would probably have Opalyn killed on sight.

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That's harsh! Why?

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The author seems to feel that many people whom society has foolishly recognized as adequate are in fact NOT ADEQUATE and should be LOCKED IN A SMALL ROOM whose LOCK requires AT LEAST BARELY ADEQUATE USE OF PRECISE WIZARDRY to let them out again.

...the author is willing to help on this project, to be clear.  It describes common spells and what is probably going wrong when you try to cast them SO POORLY and the exercises you should do to get better and how you will be able to tell when you are then casting the spell CORRECTLY.

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Opalyn is excited to become the kind of spellcaster who would not be killed on sight by this author!

This seems like an extremely good bookcase, and Opalyn is really very ready to be back in her room reading rather than on her feet after an overly exciting and draining day.

She gathers up as many more books as she thinks she can probably afford while leaving some credits for door-locking, and heads back to the front desk.

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The bookcases she previously passed are now showing different books on her return trip!  Possibly skewed a bit by her previous choices!  For example, the bookcase that was previously full of technical material possibly has more titles that look more like technical textbooks.

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Opalyn is somewhat dismayed/intrigued that this technology exists in this universe and walks briskly past that book! These bookshelves are a little too responsive to her interest and she worries that they might also show this book to other people who might then tickle her telekinetically and she feels very confused about that possibility!

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The spatially normal library entrance looks much the same as when she left it!

The number of books that Opalyn is proposing to take out will get a raised eyebrow; that'll burn through her Farm credit reserves relatively quickly, if she has all of them out at once for days on end.  She'd need to recharge in eight days rather than twelve.

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She'll take all of them for now on the theory that she'll likely return half of them in a day or two. She can't immediately tell which ones are winners and which are losers.

From here, she'll swing through the refectory. She'll grab some food that looks easy to transport one-handed -- her other arm is full of books -- and attempt to abscond to her room with her goodies.

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The refectory is much fuller than it was before, and the many inhabitants are talking (loudly enough to be heard over the background roar) with visibly alarmed looks on their faces.

The Prince of the Farm is dead.

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Opalyn is tired and just wants to read her books and eat her food and then sleep, and does not want to have to engage in a conversation in which she appears to be surprised by this news.

(And despite her cathartic experience charging the force generator, she maybe still feels a little bit guilty about her role in his death.)


Can she manage to move through the refectory without attracting any attention?

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Opalyn can try, but the number of books she is carrying do flagrantly say 'unfamiliar high-ranking person'.

"Were you there?  Did you see it?  Is it true the Dread Emperor himself killed everyone who didn't get out in time?  You look like a Duchess, do you have any idea what happens to the rest of us if the Grand Dukes aren't charging lightlines and aren't holding your unlock tokens over you?"

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Opalyn wants nothing to do with any of these questions!

Though, she does wonder... why wouldn't the Grand Dukes be charging lightlines anymore?

Oh... is it because they don't dare run charging sessions of high ranking inmates without a Prince there to oversee the operation?


"I'm not sure what's going to happen, either!" blurts Opalyn truthfully.

Can she sidle out of this conversation and make for the door?

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They're not going to physically stop her, so yes, she can get away with that.  Maybe even some food too, if she's willing to slow down enough to grab it with her non-booked hand?

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Yes! She's hungry! She wants the food!

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Then she can successfully grab food and get away!  At least one big strong bare-chested man eyes how Opalyn's arms are now full and non-self-defending, but he does not, visibly, follow her out of the refectory.

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All right then! Swiftly to her room, and if no one waylays her, she'll go inside, set down the books and the food, and immediately try to lock the door from the inside.

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How many tokens does she want to use to charge the lock?  Rules that somebody has probably explained to Opalyn at some point:

- Locks persist until successfully canceled by an intruder.  You can go in and out without canceling the lock.
- Somebody else, if they try to get in, has to guess how many tokens to try to use for an unlock.  They spend all of those tokens, win or lose, and it cancels out her lock if they spent more than she did.  If they didn't spend enough, their hard-earned tokens vanish without any effect.
- You can't cumulate lock strengths with repeated chargings.  If you want to charge the lock with more tokens than before, you need to pay over the whole greater fee.
- Lock strengths decay over time on a slow exponential curve, losing a third of their strength every 81 Capital days.

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She would really not like to be interrupted tonight.

But she's also trying to last up to twelve days without earning any more tokens, and she expects to be able to spend all of her money on books without really trying. Moamo put her in something of a bind, here, limiting her budget in this way.

As Opalyn sees it, the meaningful choices are:

- 0 tokens, and just see what happens -- if it's terrible, she can lock her door after that;
- 1 token, to defeat looky-loos who just try the door, and hope that people will not want to waste their money trying to intrude upon someone who is obviously rich;
- 2 tokens, to defeat people who were trying to defeat the 1-token strategy;
- All the money she hasn't already spent on books, to give herself the best shot at privacy.

Obviously there are sums betweeen '2' and 'everything' but without more information about the frequency of attempted invasion, how bad Opalyn's subjective experience of invasion will be, and how much budget people have for this kind of thing, it's pretty hard to reason about it.

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She also wonders what happens if she spends all her remaining money on locking her door and then doesn't return her library books, thus incurring additional borowing fees she can't afford.

Probably something dramatic. Or lewd. Or both.

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Opalyn goes for the two token strategy. She expects she'll pay more on locks in the future, if she's here long enough to build up some financial reserves, but for now books remain a higher priority than utter privacy.

She locks her door.

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Aaaaand she sits down on a comfy chaise sort of thing with a cupcake and Spellcraft: You're Doing It Completely Wrong.

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Nobody bothers her for a while.

The author of Spellcraft is going sufficiently far back to basics and using sufficiently detailed diagrams that at least one of the spell exercises here, a simple 2D-flat shield, feels like Opalyn could maybe try to construct it, based on Orphan's memories.  Does she want to unlock her collar and take a shot?

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Yeeeesssss? She thinks so?

Does she have any sense, either from reading the book or from Orphan's memories, whether she'll be able to dispel this extremely quickly if anyone bursts into her room?

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There's a limit on how fast a human can react to anything; but Orphan's memories suggest that for minor little magics she could utterly vanish it around as fast as, say, you could reflexively slap something.

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Then she'll do it!

She triple-taps her collar, pauses to notice if anything immediately feels different, and then tries the shield spell.

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- It does feel different, though not alarmingly so; she has a tiny tiny bit of her magic back.  It's the difference between being paralyzed, and being able to lift your arm using (one assumes) somewhere around 1/14,348,907th of your usual strength.

- Okay whoa wait suddenly back up over here; Orphan's memories are kind of useless because when you are barely Baron-level, magic does not instantaneously obey your every whim even after you cast it, the way it does when you are the level between 'Prince' and 'Dread Emperor'.

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Oh gosh, what an adorably tiny amount of power!

Does the spell work at all?

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Not on the first try, because Opalyn is going to have to learn precise emission of magic nearly from scratch.  Orphan had zero spellcraft of this sort because she never needed or used it for anything.

She can output the magical energies that are supposed to start off the spell -- indefinitely, the spell is designed for sub-Baron-level wizards and it's not like Opalyn's stamina is inhibited.  She can't get past stage 1 in terms of having the emitted energies interact with each other in the way that constructs the force-construct at stage 2 which she's then supposed to bounce more energy at and get to stage 3.

It is supposed to be a difficult exercise that helps wizards labeled adequate by not this author, to become more adequate than that.

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Okay, what does she need to do to get the emitted energies to interact with each other correctly? Is that explained in the book, or can she figure it out from whatever first principles she's got?

Sorcery works by WANTING and FEELING. What does she do here instead? Is it by any chance REASONING or CALCULATING?

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There's included diagrams for how the series of mana-structures constructed are supposed to end up looking at each stage, if you did them correctly.

If Opalyn wants to understand the details of how her own structures are ending up looking different from that, she might need to find a book that says how to do calculations about magic--like that book on layer 1 of magic items, say, which didn't explain how to emit anything exotic, but does describe how various kinds of manas interact with each other.

The Spellcraft book is mainly about building magical dexterity, and mostly assumes you already know basic formulas about physics-of-magic, like which kinds of mana interact with each other in a way that depends on inverse-square or inverse-cube distances between them.  The Spellcraft book does sometimes derive physics-of-magic formulas for particular spells and interactions; it doesn't slow down and explain them.  In particular it has calculations detailing all the Bad Things that will happen to you, if you are not dextrous on particular steps of common spells.  Let these two forms of mana get to within a too-close distance d of each other, like bad wizards usually allow, and they will radiate waste energy and lose mana according to this function of the distance d, for which the author has included example numbers working out to 0.3%.  The author has not however explained where the formula comes from; the wizards she's talking to are supposed to already know, inadequate as they are.

Physics-of-magic calculations already included in Spellcraft could potentially serve as a validation check on any cross-referenced attempts to figure out calculations from scratch using other books, maybe.

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Opalyn is feeling great about her choice to check out lots of books!

She switches to The First Layer of Item Engineering, has another bite of cupcake, and taps off her collar for now. She'll make a habit of keeping it off when she's not actively trying an experiment.

Things she's specifically looking for:

- whatever physics-of-magic she already encountered in Spellcraft but didn't yet understand;
- any discussion of what types of mana there are and what is different about them;
- whether mana type and perceived output magic type (e.g. fire, force, falash, etc. are the same thing);
- any discussion of the wizardly way to construct any of this magic

She also wonders why it's called Item Engineering; like, does it show you how to make persistent magical artifacts?

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The book does tend to assume you come in already knowing what types of mana there are, but in the course of describing how pairs of mana types interact, it does tend to at least mention the existence of a whole lot of mana types.

There is not a neat taxonomy of basic magical types the way there is a taxonomy of 511 chemical elements; there are standardized kinds of magic that get used in common spells, but they are not ontologically exhaustive.  It's like chemistry where you don't know about atoms, and instead you stare at a particular chemical that a sorcerer or another wizard or a magical artifact output, until you can make something the same flavor yourself.  It's like kitchens; there are standard spices but they are not exhaustive of all possible spices.  It's like painting; you can find a color or sheen of paint that isn't a standard paint and do something exotic with it, but that is mostly not where extraordinary paintings come from.

Falash isn't mentioned in the book; it may possibly be a thing for when you want sorcerers charging your artifacts, and sorcerers are quite rare.  There's discussion of a different kind of magical charging port that would take less complicated wizardry from people who can't just will magic into place; and then a simpler yet kind of battery that can be charged by complete yahoos throwing magic at it without knowing any wizardry at all.  Not very efficiently, but sometimes you care less about "efficient" and more about "works on a planet where education is very rare".

The book includes complete blueprints for some very simple and not incredibly useful magic items, like a textbook on very basic electronics that will at least show you how to construct a crystal radio.

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Opalyn remembers some science of cooking books from Earth. They'd talk a whole lot about, say, eggs, and what happens, physically and chemically, when you perform the standard cooking operations to an egg, perhaps in combination with some kind of fat or sugar. And then there'd be a chapters about milk and beans and leavening agents and emulsifying agents, and so on, such that a reader would have a good working vocabulary about how all of these common ingredients actually function within recipes, and which way to alter a recipe if it's not quite giving you the result that you want.

And then there'd be a few recipes along the way, maybe, but that was not the main point of these books.

Is it kind of like that?

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Sort of!  Like if cooking were electrical engineering, maybe?  There's more math and formulas being manipulated than in most recipe books, and way more intricate diagrams, unless Opalyn has been reading very different cookbooks from usual.

Also, the chemistry of eggs is known down to genuinely fundamental levels to a greater extent than this book seems to know about with respect to magic.  With Earth kitchen chemistry, say, you have explanations like:  Beating egg whites in a copper bowl will lead to smoother whipped whites: the whisk knocks off loose copper ions from the bowl; the copper ions bind to the sulfur groups in egg white proteins; those copper-bound sulfur groups are then prevented from forming strong disulfide bonds; those disulfide bonds would otherwise lead to tightly bound egg white proteins that would shove out water and air previously trapped inside looser bonds; and in this otherwise the whipped egg whites would then become gritty and dry.

And then the copper ions are guaranteed, if not to be fundamental, at least a sort of element that never gets altered by cooking operations.

So far as one can tell from these books, there isn't any level of magic that's known to be fundamental, the way that Eldridan chemistry has elements believed to be fundamental.

Maybe a good comparison would be a textbook on building suspension bridges?  The textbook tells you how to calculate the stresses and forces that determine whether the bridge stays up, and what kinds of materials will be suitable for that quantitatively speaking.  It's got more math and diagrams than most recipe books.  But there's something there called 'stainless steel' that's taken for granted as a standard thing that you can get and has structural properties falling inside particular bounds.  'Stainless steel' is known to not be fundamental, it has something to do with the ingredients that you throw into a furnace.  But there is not an explicit diagram of how the iron and chromium and nickel atoms are arranged in stainless steel; as opposed to a diagram of the forces on the macro level of the bridge.

That's sort of how these books are about mana flavors.  Standard mana flavors have known structural properties, but not known fundamentals that any book talks about.  There's diagrams and formulas and numbers for how to put mana flavors together, and how they then behave.  If the basic formulas used as axioms are being determined some other way than "sheerly empirically", the book speaks not of it.

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This seems very promising. It seems quite useful to build up a vocabulary of magical ingredients akin to the stainless steel of bridge building; this book definitely merits further study.

However, now that Opalyn's been sitting still for a while, her fatigue is starting to catch up to her. It's still only mid-afternoon by her body clock's time, but it's been a second big day in a row. She assisted with Iilasir's lightline charging, attempted her own, destabilized a lightline, met the Prince of the Farm, saw him and her lightline monitor get executed, and then fully drained herself magically and emotionally charging the force generator.

She is probably about due for a nap.

Maybe she'll just quickly flip through Remedial Wizardry first? What are the kids supposed to know before they head off to wizardry school? And... can she tell anything about who goes to wizardry school, and at what age, and where the wizardry schools are, and how competitive it is to get in, and stuff like that?

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Different people have different levels of magical capacity!  The Sorcerer level is where you can start using it instinctively, where magic will obey you as it comes out of you or even after it's left you, depending how strong you are.  Only one person in a hundred thousand is strong enough to be a sorcerer, though, and that one person in a hundred thousand is magically stronger than a hundred thousand non-sorcerers put together.  In principle, anyone can be a wizard!  In practice, only the top 3% of the population by magical potential should bother trying, unless they've got a tremendous obsession with doing the fine detail work on magic items or some such.

Also, to be a wizard (whether or not you are also a mere sorcerer), you need to have the talent for understanding things that are shaped by math.  That's another big ol' filter on top of the requisite level of magical power.  The book emphasizes that nobody can blame you for lacking in magical power, but if you were born with the magical power and can't learn math, this is entirely your fault because everyone can learn math if they just try hard enough.

Kids in the system described by this textbook seem to be taken from their parents and shipped off to wizard school at age 6, if they pass a combined magic and intelligence test.

It's from some planet where successful wizard graduates automatically get awarded a harem of three pretty members of the appropriate sex.

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What is magical potential, exactly? Is it some secret third thing, distinct from both sorcery and wizardry?

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It's how many thaums per second of magic you can put out!

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Yes, but can that be measured independent of actually doing sorcery or doing wizardry? Or is Opalyn just thinking about this all wrong?

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The book talks about this like every person has a maximum that can never be changed by practice or effort!  If your max is too low, you shouldn't bother trying to be a wizard unless you want a life of fine detail work on magic items.  If your maximum is high enough, then you can do sorcery as well as wizardry, because you are so magical that magic just does what you say!

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Okay, Opalyn has the following working theory now. Does this seem to be congruent with everything she's read so far?

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Okay! This is finally starting to make sense! Sort of! In a way!

Opalyn still has no real idea how to apply math to magic! She knows an awful lot of math but has not yet figured out how to integrate it with the magic and harness it for wizardry!

Figuring out how to do that is probably going to go better after some sleep.

She puts down the books and gets into bed.

Will someone dramatically burst through her door just as she's getting comfortable?

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Then she'll sleeeeep, and she doesn't even seem to need the NOW! button.

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And now it's another bright day--or whatever time period--in lewd dramatic prison!



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Ahhh. Opalyn has no idea how long she slept, but she slept enough, and that feels insanely great. That did not happen nearly enough in her previous life.

What will she do with her day? Read more books? Go seek out company?

It occurs to her that Iilasir can probably help her figure out the basics pretty quickly, and she can ask him questions, and that will probably speed things along. Also, he was nice to talk to.

She heads for the door, carrying Remedial Wizardry with her for hallway signaling, and in case she wants to look at it with Iilasir.

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(Opalyn has never been single for longer than about a week at a time since puberty. She's not exactly proud of this fact about herself, but it is nevertheless a fact. She sees through herself, a little bit, when she tells herself she wants to talk to Iilasir about wizardry. She also wants to see what it's like to talk to him face to face, when he's not busy charging a lightline.)

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There's a peephole in her door (probably a magical one, with an unnaturally wide field of view) and it shows a male seated outside.  He's waiting on the opposite side of the corridor from her door, not pressed up next to it; and is reading a book, and is dressed in not much at all.  He does look pretty muscular, but so do almost all men around here.

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Opalyn is not used to muscled men reading books and lying in wait for her! She could get used to this!

She opens the door and goes out.


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He lays his book aside, rises to a kneeling position, bows his head.  "Most noble and superior Duchess Healthy-Orphan, my master Duke Nackblorb is convening the Duke-levels of our Facility section, to discuss how we shall divide up dominion and mastery among ourselves."

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"Is he now. Thank you for telling me! Where and when is the meeting?"

Opalyn wants to know, but hasn't decided yet if she'll use the information to go to the meeting or to avoid it. Probably avoid it.

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"Duke Nackblorb will be renting the special area of Refectory Twelve.  It is... by now... probably about half the time between meals for an average person, from now?  But there is no harm in arriving early; my master will also provide fine food and drink, and long-denied and well-teased submissives to serve them."

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"Noted, thank you."

Opalyn has an idea. Is it a good idea or is it the best idea? She heads towards Iilasir's room.

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It'll take her a bit to find her way to that room, and she may at some point have to ask for directions, and the first time she asks may not work.  The people of the Facility have more guarded and nervous looks about them, now, even the evidently higher-ranking ones.


...But she can eventually find her way to what ought to be Iilasir's room, if nobody is lying or mistaken about that.

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She knocks, only half-expecting him to be home and receiving visitors. Surely today is a perfect day for inciting drama! And if not that, he has his own harem to juggle, apparently, and he may be busy with one of his partners.

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He sure might be!  But he evidently has a sense of priorities, because a few moments later, Opalyn is being beckoned into his apartments--with a foyer rather smaller and less fancy than Opalyn's--and a naked girl has been dumped not very ceremoniously into the hallway, along with her clothes.

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"Wow! Um... thanks for inviting me in. I would have waited, if you needed a few more minutes there!"

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"If you want people who know what you are, to not prioritize meeting your wishes with alacrity, killing the Prince of the Facility was the wrong way to signal this."

"I perceive nobody in our universe has explained to you how to use a doorblooper since you got here, remind me to show you when we leave again."

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This is Opalyn's perfectly straight face.

"What makes you think I killed the Prince of the Facility?"

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"He's dead.  That's very improbable."

"You're also very improbable."


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"Ahem. No comment."

"So, I have four invitations for you. You may take me up on any number of them or none of them, though the sequencing might matter."

"First: you are invited to be my guest at a party for all the Dukes and Duchesses of this section to figure out how we want to run the place, now that the Grands aren't going to be able to charge the lightlines for a while. I wasn't going to attend this party as it doesn't much interest me, but it occurred to me that it might be an excellent place for you to stir up drama, and you might not be able to get in without me."

"Second: I would like your help in figuring out which Count or Countess to add to my organization first. I am not sure I actually want much of an organization, but I probably do want to be able to get some Baron-level unlock tokens at some point, and I guess I need a Count-level minion for that."

"Third: You could explain basic wizardry to me, if you have the patience. I got some library books but I think it will go faster with your help."

"Fourth: You could explain exactly how the chastity belts work, like what acts and sensations are and are not possible without an unlock token."

"That's everything I can think of for now."

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"That's a lot to take in.  Can I interject to ask what are your goals and plans, into which these projects fit?  It seems implied that you aren't imminently planning to kill and replace the Dread Emperor."

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"Indeed not! I don't even know if he's dreadful yet!"

"I don't know yet what my ultimate goals are. My immediate instrumental goals are to gain capabilities and information."

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"I see."

"In answer to point one, I'll be very surprised if there's only a single party for Dukes.  There will be at least two factions.  Probably three.  As a newcomer you're unusually well-placed to sell to the highest bidder, albeit you also won't have banked resources unless you got them sideways.  If you take me there with the purpose of my starting drama--which, to be clear, I wouldn't be doing on purpose, I'd just say out loud when I thought I saw a better way for them to accomplish something--it ought to be after having sold that act to a rival faction."

"On point two--"

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"Oh, wait, I didn't mean for you to answer all of the questions at once! Is the first point the one you want to talk about first? It did seem the most time sensitive, but I wasn't sure if you'd even be interested."

"Are you interested?"

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"In a faint, distant way that's overwhelmingly drowned out by questions about whether Eldrida is likely to change drastically in the next week and how your own entire universe works."

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"Well, if I'm only a little interested, and you're only a little interested, I'd say we shouldn't bother with it. What happens if I just don't show up to any of the parties?"

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"Each of the factions has no way of being confident that you haven't made a deal with one of the other two."

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"Sounds dramatic!"

"All right then. So, you'd like to hear about my universe, that has value to you. You already know three more questions that I have. Can we find a way to spend some mutually beneficial time together?"

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"I expect so.  To be explicit about this, you're offering to pay me now rather than threatening me with later death after your rise to power?  Or is it both?"

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"I've never..."

Opalyn starts to say that she's never killed anyone and then ruefully remembers the force-circle and the cracking of spines that happened within a few seconds of her arrival...

"Hmmm. I've never been in a position where killing rivals or using the threat of death to force compliance was at all tempting. As of now I don't expect to become the sort of person who would do that." Opalyn sure hopes she doesn't become that kind of person, but you never know until you get there, do you? She didn't expect to kill five people at once, either, even in self-defense.


"I like to make good deals. In the best deals, both parties come out with an advantage because they have created value by trading. That's what I'm usually looking for."

"And yes, I'm offering to pay you now, or possibly in the very near future. I can't instantaneously transfer information directly into your mind." ... "I think?"

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"Is direct mental transfer near to something you can do?"

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"Not that I know of! In my world we were maybe getting close to being able to do that, but it was still some years off, despite the breakneck pace of innovation."

"The fastest way I know to transfer information from my mind to yours is by talking, and having you explain it back to me in your own words, or asking questions, and then we iterate back and forth until we have at least the illusion of mutual understanding."

"If there is a magical way to transfer information, I don't yet know anything about that. Is there?"

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"So far as I know, mind-affecting information-transfer sorcery is the province of the Dread Emperor's power level, or possibly of some artifacts he brought with him from wherever he was before Eldrida.  The Capital planet's translation field is the only case I think you'd have experienced directly, or that I'd have experienced for that matter."

"Hence my interest."

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"What is the translation field?"

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"For example, if your home planet and native universe didn't previously know what 'breen and roopo balls' were, you know it now."

(It sounds like a dish that would be similar to Swedish meatballs.)

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"Ahhhh, that might answer a question I've had. I have the memories of the person who previously inhabited this body, and at first I thought I knew the local language from her memories. But I also seem to be able to read and understand words that she didn't know. Would that effect go away if I were further from the Capital planet?"

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"Yes, but you'd retain any words you'd previously practiced."

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"Can people tell that I'm not a native speaker, just by listening to me or my accent, or maybe by magically perceiving the translation taking effect? Or do I sound indistinguishable from other people?"

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"No, you definitely sound like you're from a distant hick planet that spends most of its time out of touch with Capital.  Very educated, though."

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"Hmmm, I wonder if I can fix that. Probably doesn't matter."

"Anyway! I think of my three remaining questions, I would most value some help with my basic Wizardry, though the other two questions, regarding finding a Count and managing the chastity belt, are also still of interest. Can we make a deal?"

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"Yes.  Your ways are alien but I rather think I don't mind them."

"Albeit explaining basic wizardry sounds trivial at best and tedious at worst.  I'd want to be banking up favors about it.  In some ways I am an unusually good explainer and in some ways I am not.  I note, in case you weren't shown it on entry or you didn't correctly interpret what you saw, that there exists an entire academy interlaced through this Facility. Education increases the value of prisoners and is also a great source of drama."

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"Oh! I didn't realize there was an academy. You know me a little bit, now. How do you rate the odds that one of the academy's tutors would be more effective at helping me than you are? Or would it be easier to decide that after trying to explain one simple thing to me?"

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"I'd expect them to have access to such exotic teaching aids as simple magic-generating devices, or paper and pencil, or textbooks that didn't cost tokens to rent."

"I'd also expect them to be idiots who had a hard time comprehending exactly what you didn't understand.  You coming to me for help with those parts sounds rather more pleasant than my trying to do it all."

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"The books are free? What about the tutors? Do I need to pay them?"

"It does indeed sound like maybe I should start with them, then, as you said, and come back to you when they're being too idiotic."

"On to counts and countesses then?"

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"They're free.  All labor by non-sorcerers is free from the Facility's perspective, by comparison to sorcerer-related revenue, and they only charge for it if the charges help create drama.  In this case it's to their advantage that you learn."

"On Counts:  It's hard to say what Count you should blackmail or make an offer without knowing more about what you think you can offer them, what your plans are, what sort of personnel you expect to need, and all that.  Matchmaking that sort of thing isn't fundamentally lower-information than dating.  I don't even know at this point if you're a pure sub, or a switch, or a dominant who slipped in here sideways like myself."

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"I don't know what my plans are yet either, as I mentioned! I am not even sure how long I will be in this prison - kind of depends what offers I get, and whether there's a riot in the next few days that destroys the whole place!"

"Anyway, if I'm going to be here any length of time at all, I will probably want at least a few people on my team. I want friends, allies, lovers. Normally I prefer to connect with others using a combination of affection and mutual support and good deals, but here it seems everything runs on the token economy and I will participate in that if I must in order to have a small team."

"I'm primarily a submissive, though I am capable of switching. I find dominating to be kind of a lot of work so I need to be fairly entertained by how subby my subs are."

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"Many of the higher-ranked inmates try to cultivate their switch sides, what with all the submissives around they have ambitions of controlling.  A number of those, in the opinion of a number of subs, are not as good as more natural dominants like me.  I could probably steal some of their subs quite easily, with your backing, if you didn't mind making enemies or are resigned to making them anyways."

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"So wait, let me get this straight. You dominate them and I pay them? Is that the deal you are proposing?"

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"It's more that you pay to create the possibility of my dominating them properly, and then they meekly fall into line until you tell them they're no longer useful and leave them sobbing on a lightline charging circle."

"--this, to be clear, has not always worked on the first try."

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"I have to admit, 'leaving them sobbing' is not typically what I'm aiming for with people who've joined my team. I'm usually more interested in forging lasting, trusting bonds so that we can count on each other in adverse circumstances."

"I realize this is entirely counter to the premise of this prison! And yet, that's what I want."

"Not averse to you getting plenty of quivering, happy subs out of the deal, though, if I'm getting what I want too."

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"I'm curious what percentage of your previous relationships have ended in lasting trusted bonds versus people sobbing."

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Oooof. Iilasir!

"Many more lasting trusting bonds than you're probably guessing, even among the people I've broken up with. Not that there wasn't some sobbing along the way, but I've retained probably 80% of my closer relationships as friendships."

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"With people on your own level, wherever you're from?  Not just minions that you go on paying for lesser services after you dump them from your inner circle?"

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"There are some assumptions in your question!"

"I have never really had romantic or sexual entanglements with people I'd call my 'minions.' I've had minions in a work context, but that's entirely different."

"I sort of expect that this isn't going to make sense to you given how intertwined these concepts are here."

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"No, it actually makes perfect sense in retrospect, I'm just failing to track the implications of 'magic not existing' fast enough."

"Well, that's very impressive if true.  My curiosity to see it in practice, especially if you can pull it off within this lovely Facility, far outweighs any thoughts I have about how you could get better results faster by being more cruel to your lovers."

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"Would you mind telling me a bit about what hierarchy you're currently a part of, and how that functions? I am happy to pay for that information with lore of my universe."

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"I'm not very affiliated with any faction inside the Facility, but Duchess Carnidine to the extent it's anyone.  They do me favors, and I them."

"Though, I think most people in this universe would have interpreted your question in a way where the answer is that I'm in the Facility and therefore chattel to a bureaucracy that answers to the Prince whose death you causally participated in somehow--I have updated against your having directly murdered him on a whim, based on the rest of this conversation--under the Dread Emperor."

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"Why do your sexual partners stay with you, given your low rank? I'm assuming it's because dominants are so rare here, and they enjoy their time with you? And you get tokens as favors from Carnidine and Muhulla? Or... I think you said maybe you make your subs provide the necessary tokens?"

Wow, being a true dominant in here is its own kind of currency, if Opalyn is understanding this correctly.

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"Essentially yes.  Pure dominant, male.  Not every sub wants that, and not every switch here is adorably inadequate, but it's rare enough that they'll bring the tokens and get me off even if they can't get off themselves."

"With longer-term relationships I'm careful not to modify or inhibit my natural alienness about what feels like the obvious right thing to say or do; and to many subs that reads as a cruelty that some subs fall in love with, which leads into a lot of romantic tension ending in disaster.  So I'm also not completely hopeless when it comes to boosting someone's lightline charging."

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"I think being careful not to modify or inhibit your natural alienness is the very best way to create a durable long term relationship! If you pretend to be something you're not, it's not really you in the relationship, and at some point the mask is likely to slip!"

"I hope you are keeping score about how many things about my world I'm supposed to tell you. Cash in when you like. Meanwhile I'll just keep asking nosy questions that you are free to decline to answer without any associated death threat!"

"Will Duchess Carnidine be upset if I form an alliance with you, and how important is it if she's upset?"

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"I think she'd be almost zero upset, unfortunately.  Nowhere near a degree of upset that Administration would reward you for producing in a Duchess."

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Opalyn keeps forgetting that upsetting people is considered a virtue, here!

"So are you any closer to being able to recommend a Count or Countess for me to invite to my team, or do you still need more information from me?"

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"Closer.  Not really at the point where I'd say I'm there."

"Are you looking for administrative ability?  Willingness to mildly beat somebody up at your direction?  Already having a battle harem or service harem that they bring to the table?  Are you planning to dominate a male, or a female, yourself?  Am I dominating them?  Are you bribing them with your full supply of chastity tokens or only one a week?  Are we doing the thing where we end up as friends forever despite this entire Facility, and if so what sort of qualities or relationships lead to that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Administrative ability: Ideally, yes."
"Beating people up: No."
"Battle harem: No."
"Service harem: Only if someone else in my organization requires that."
"Dominate anyone myself: Ideally not."
"You dominate them: Sure, if you'd be into that, and you and I have a mutually agreeable arrangement that includes that as one of the terms."
"Full supply of chastity tokens: Probably best not to promise the full allotment from the start, in case we need to expand the team later."

"And as to the last question, are WE doing the friends forever thing, as in you and me, or as in me and every single person we hire for the team? I think it's too soon to tell! I generally like to be on good terms with most folks I interact with to any degree, but it takes a while to build up to 'friends forever.'"

"The list of important qualities is long and could take a while to explain fully, but let's start with honesty and living up to promises. I am not sure how many people here ever even attempt those things since they're rewarded for the opposite, so it's possible I won't make any forever-friends here at all."

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"That last requirement narrows it down a lot, around here.  Hm.  I can think of one Countess who was designated as lewd for masochism, designated as dramatic for having not backed down from a couple of dramatic fights.  Hasn't actually fit in well in Lewd Dramatic Prison, seems medium-unhappy about the amount of lying and unreliability around here, and... strikes me as someone I could work beside without us mutually annihilating.  Good organizer of what is chaotic, not so much a commander of souls."

"We'd be stealing her from Duchess Carnidine and chastity tokens alone won't cut it to seduce her, or the promise of greater authority.  Maybe greater license, but only if we had non-land territory to give her license over?  I think we'd have to seduce her mostly with the work itself, whatever that work is... I admit, I don't really understand our organizational goals just yet, or the operational responsibilities for a Countess."

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"I'm not actually sure yet! There is so much I still don't understand about this universe in general and this prison specifically. The main thing I want right now is to have some allies of various ranks. This is mainly because the token system is set up to require various ranks; I can't just pick anyone I happen to mesh with, I do actually need to build a hierarchy of approximately the right shape if we want everybody to get all the correct chastity tokens as needed."

"I'm interested in this Countess you mention. It sounds like she has some qualities I value a lot, and I'd like to get to know her a bit. It's often easier to create good deals once you understand the other person's motivations better. I won't immediately be able to describe work duties to her because I don't know that part myself, yet -- but it always turns out there's work to do. Always. Every single time. Never fails."

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"Think I understand that well enough to know what the next steps would be if you set off the bomb on it.  Namely, we hunt her down when she's alone, corner her where she can't escape, and have a friendly talk."

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"I am just never sure when you're kidding!"

"Does... she prefer to be approached that way? Or just by you?"

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"It shows that we respect her escaping abilities."

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Opalyn is going to take this at face value for now but is going to 1) make it clear that it was Iilasir's idea and 2) ask if this Countess actually does enjoy that.

"All right, I think my last remaining question is about how the chastity belts work. People are going to start wanting token allotments and so on as soon as I start building the team and I should know as much as I can about how these things actually work."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Chastity dynamics are constantly being changed by the administration. You might think that they'd systematically try out different possibilities and determine a single best drama-maximizing set of rules and then stop there; but either they're not that smart, or it doesn't maximize drama one level up to have constant and predictable rules."

"I think this week the key relevant rules are that it's something like a tenth of a token to permit any interesting sensations down there, a quarter of a token to get close to orgasm, and a full token to go over the edge. The rule I mostly set for submissives is that, if they want to be hurt by me at all, they need to bring with whatever it takes for me to have an orgasm."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, I hadn't realized you could spend fractional tokens! If someone spends a fractional token to get interesting sensations or to edge, how long does that last? It kind of sounds like the full token is used up when the orgasm happens."

Have these people implemented edge detection? This would go for big money back on Earth, though if it's implemented with magic then it wouldn't transfer back.

Not that Opalyn ever gets to go back.

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"What would have once been called eighty-six minutes* back when we were permitted any way of measuring time."

(*)  A round unit of time rather than a precise one, in the Capital dialect.

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"And if you use a full token can you actually have multiple orgasms or was I right that it would shut off?"

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"No, you get your time window until the end, except that around one time in six it just randomly shuts down in the middle.  For the drama."

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Opalyn wants to object but it's not like Iilasir made this design decision. She assumes.

"Hmph. Well, I guess they'll change the rules again next week, and I'll probably like those even less!"


"I think maybe you should ask me some questions about Earth now, so I don't end up too much in your debt."

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He can do that, sure.  He'd rather have her in his debt but finds it quite sympathetic that she rather wouldn't be.

Iilasir mainly has questions about how a society organizes itself absent the foundational assumption that everyone in charge, on any level of management, can outfight everyone below them en masse.

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Opalyn will explain, then, the various ways that humans on Earth have organized themselves, and by what means they hold power.

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He asks a few questions but mostly listens.

As the most powerful person present--theoretically a "Duchess", ha ha--it is of course Opalyn's decision about where they go from here.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay, but, what is Iilasir's current working theory of Opalyn's actual rank and what happened at her lightline charging test?

She'll keep a poker face throughout whatever Iilasir says next. She's not going at lying or bluffing, but she's fairly good at staying composed while others speak.

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He's got several theories and is keeping firm track of the 'none of the above' category, of course.

His top theory is that Opalyn was powerful enough to cut down a Prince despite being greatly unskilled in wizardry, meaning that she's more powerful than a Prince, meaning that the Dread Emperor was indeed from outside Eldrida or maybe prior to its existence and that Opalyn possesses power on the same level as he.  She went back to the Facility because she didn't have anywhere in particular else she knew to go, didn't know how to teleport, and wanted to try messing around in lewd dramatic prison after having led a much less exciting life back in her magicless home universe.

His second theory is that people from outside this universe are also cursed by very weird luck, such that Opalyn managed to wildly disrupt lightline charging despite not actually having any more power than a Duchess, causing the Dread Emperor to show up and kill a lot of people but not actually kill Opalyn and send her back to the Farm.

His third theory is that there is no Dread Emperor, never has been, and whoever really rules Eldrida was attracted by the presence of an Outsider and then events ensued which got the Farm Prince killed and Opalyn sent back to the Facility.

None of these theories except the first one super hold together.

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That third theory triggers a strong desire to say:

'I am not the Dread Emperor ... The real Dread Emperor has been retired 15 years and living like a king in Patagonia.'

Opalyn does not actually say this, nor does she giggle. Maybe the corner of her mouth twists a little bit.

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"I am not actually going to tell you what happened, at least not right now. All I can really say is that I was assigned the rank of Duchess, and I'd appreciate it if we can just stick to that when speaking to others. Does that work for you?"

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"Yes.  I'm having trouble imagining how it couldn't?  And also, I think you ought to know this, it is very very hard to take at face value that if I said 'no' you wouldn't kill me.  I am, to be clear, listening to what you say, and tracking the possibility that it is actually true.  You're just behaving in a very odd way by local standards, if so."

Permalink Mark Unread

'Good night, good work, I'll most likely kill you in the morning' is definitely not the right comeback right now.

"I don't know of a way to convince you that I'm not going to kill you for going against me, except by not killing you for going against me. If we work together for long, we should set up situations where you can test this in tiny lower-risk ways at first and then work your way up, noticing each time that I still haven't killed you."

"And yes, I'm not surprised I'm acting strangely by local standards. If anything, it's a miracle I can function here at all. Out of the space of all possible civilizations I could have landed in, this one sure is foreign, but much more matches than doesn't."

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"To be clear, are you saying that the way this works where you're from is that I betray you a little, and then betray you a little more, slowly escalating up a ladder of misbehavior while you don't kill me each time to establish trust, until we fall in love?"

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"Ha! No! Not at all! Oh my goodness. Let me start again."

"Remember how you said before that with long term relationships, you try not to inhibit or modify yourself? That's all I mean."

"Some people take it hard when others disagree, or have different preferences, or have different values. Some even see that as a betrayal. I mostly don't. I want to know what you actually think and want, and then depending on how much natural, true, overlap there is there, we can be close -- or not. But it's highly unlikely I'm going to kill you about it."

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"Always good to know when I'm highly unlikely to be murdered!"

"People sure do take it as a betrayal when you believe things they'd rather you not believe.  I admit I'm a little skeptical that you won't take it as betrayal; but then, besides myself, I've never met anyone else who even understands why they shouldn't.  It'd be a cheap way to earn a lot of loyalty from me, I'll say that much."

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"I am not representative of my own culture on this, most of my people make this mistake too."

"I think differences of opinion can arise from many sources, and when the issue matters enough, it's worth trying to figure out why I disagree with someone else, but meanwhile I can mostly just tolerate the difference."

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"I wouldn't mind if you could charge an entire lightline with your irritation about it, so long as you weren't under the impression that I owed you the opinion you wanted, and you didn't order me to change it."

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"Let's try that sometime! You can tell me something awful and then I'll charge the lightline with it! It'll be fun!"

Opalyn does not expect to fail to charge the lightline even if Iilasir's allegedly radioactive takes turn out to be radiopassive.


"I'm hungry, but I don't want to end up at that one Duke's political chat. Do we have multiple refectories to choose from? Is there one where we're more likely to run into the Countess you were thinking of?"

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"High Countess Marina Waterfront.  I could guess at a refectory.  Though recruiting her away from Carnidine wouldn't be a subject to broach to her in public; and if we follow her out, she'll run away, and I for one couldn't catch her even if she was running on one leg."

"I guess you could introduce yourself to her, at least.  She's one of those non-introverted types."

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"Odds that she'll be there?"

"I'll probably want to go either way, though, I haven't eaten yet today."

And maybe this refectory will have something other than cupcakes and soup? Maybe she was somehow at the dessert cafe before, not realizing that there were choices?

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"Ordinarily something like 1 in 10, I'd say, but with recent drama more like 1 in 2 that she'll be there or findable from there; it's not a day for Countesses to hide in their rooms."

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This other refectory--noticeably more distant from Opalyn's quarters--is not visibly any fancier, but the discussions here have a more focused, sober sort of tone, among the more dressed men and women here.  (Also some people in submissive postures to them; and some of those look rather distracted.  But they are not the focus of attention.)

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Opalyn suggests to Iilasir that he look around for Marina.

Meanwhile, she'll avoid making eye contact, appear engrossed in her book, and survey the food situation. It's going to be all cupcakes again, isn't it.

She sighs and takes a plate full of cupcakes.

Has she noticed any ill effects to her mood or satiety so far from subsisting entirely on sugar?

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Why would that be a thing?  Heck, why would C6H12O6 even be a thing?

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He reports back in a bit, having questioned some of the more pliable women here, the sort with enough personal experience of him to have trouble directly looking him in the eye.  "Allegedly, Marina is off in one of the side chambers.  My guess is that it's not a trap."

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"I think it makes sense for you to make the introduction. Would you help me find her? Up to you if you stay after that or not."

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"My own estimate is that I should be around to smooth over cultural gaps, or possibly watch you flounder while taking mental notes and making inferences, depending on the circumstances."

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"Cool. Uh, thanks."

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Well, she didn't kill him that time.  They are building so much trust right now!

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The side-chamber of the restaurant is rather obscure; it requires finding at least two doors that, while not quite hidden, sure look like part of the wall until you spot the handle.

It does have a rather nice view.

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He points Opalyn over to one particular table (containing a woman noticeably better-dressed than the one sitting right by a viewport), and then falls into step behind her.  Not, yet, in the position of an overt subordinate, but Opalyn is a (supposed) Duchess and he is not.

He does still speak first, once they've reached the table.  "High Countess.  I introduce to you the Duchess Opalyn; she is of a remote planet with unusual opinions about operational efficiency, and I thought she might appreciate your company more than that of some others."

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"Oh?  How intriguing.  I'm always interested in meeting someone who has formed any opinions about operational efficiency at all, really."

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"Hello and pleased to meet you. I just arrived two days ago and I'm looking to find friends and teammates. I hear that you have many promising qualities, so I'm hoping to get to know you a bit better. Even if we don't end up working closely together, it's good to have connections!"

"If you don't mind my asking, how long have you been here, what's working well for you, and what do you wish were different?"

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"Oh, most recently?  About 13 months, maybe.  I like the frequent emergencies and dislike that the emergencies are stupid."

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"What kinds of emergencies do they have here and what makes them stupid?"

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"Well, if a Grand Duke previously allied with my Duchess's Grand suddenly decides he hates her, and this requires twenty of our Barons to suddenly run out and try to reforge forty alliances, I like the time pressure, the sense that there are real consequences, and the fact that I get to use at least some of my skills.  I dislike the fact that the inciting incident is a lover's spat.  I'd rather it be about a hundred other planets and Princes banding together into a raid to loot Capital."

Permalink Mark Unread

This one vignette has made a lot of things click in Opalyn's brain. This place might be starting to make sense? Maybe? Best not to get overconfident.

"How do you wrangle reforging forty alliances? That's a lot of rapidly changing information to organize. My understanding is that there's no easy way to write things down here in prison. Do you have a very good memory, or have you found a way to get pen and paper?"

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"Any flat surface and any liquid are paper and pen in an emergency."

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Opalyn hopes she doesn't mean blood, but she might mean blood.

"Do you really want to loot Capital? Like, does it deserve to be looted, or is it just Rich and also Right There?"

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"Neither, I just like jobs with time pressure, lots of things happening, interesting problems, and real stakes.  I'm happy on any side of any space battle, I just wish they were allowed to be larger."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If, hypothetically speaking, you were going to be in a huge high-stakes space battle, or were going to try to take over the Capital planet, or really anything of that kind of magnitude, what kinds of resources do you most need to be successful with that?"

This is a very open ended question. Opalyn wants to see what Marina does with it.

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"If the Dread Emperor announced tomorrow that his edicts of dreadful boring peace were repealed?  Why, I expect that the first requisites would be Princes, starships, and experienced commanders of smaller battles.  Whichever side obtained my services would set me to obtaining those somehow, and I would need riches, assassins, security breakers, or good blackmail material as the cases might be."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Edicts of dreadful boring peace?" This sounds intriguing.

Opalyn also wants to ask about Marina's current stock of riches, assassins, security breakers, and blackmail material, but it seems a tad premature. She'll save it for the second conversation.

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"Well, I'm not in favor of them.  I think it's been bad for all of Eldrida, actually.  So many planets and Princes would behave so very differently if they lived under a more natural state of affairs, where strength was allowed to conquer as it could and inefficiency led swiftly into annihilation."

Permalink Mark Unread

This job interview certainly is illuminating! Marina is more open about her sociopathy than most people on Earth would be; maybe it's more common here, or maybe Marina is powerful enough that she's generally just gotten away with it.

Does Opalyn want to hire her? Unclear. Seems like she might turn on you at any moment.


"What does it take for someone to earn your loyalty?"

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"Why, loyalty is my default, if I take a job at all.  You just need to not lose it."

"You're new-come to prison, I can tell.  What brought you here, what do you plan to make of it, and why does Iilasir not look bored around you?"

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"You have been putting up with many of my nosy questions and I agree that it's time I answered some of yours! If you'll allow me one last one, what are the ways people typically lose your loyalty?"

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"Granting me insufficient latitude to fix whatever mistakes of theirs they've set me to fix.  Screwing things up further while I'm in the middle of fixing them.  Trying to fuck me figuratively or literally."

"Your turn."

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"Noted! If we end up working together I will do my best not to cross you in those ways, and I hope you'll tell me if I'm messing it up!"

"As for me, I've been here two days. I come from a very remote planet, as Iilasir said, and I ended up here through a stroke of incredibly bad luck. You can probably tell by my accent that I'm unaccustomed to the way things are done here, close to the Capital. I haven't decided yet what I want to do with myself from here. Some people seem quite content here in the prison, but I suspect it will be too restrictive for me, unless I can find good ways around the various limitations they place on inmates. I might take an offer, or I might just overthrow the place."

Opalyn deadpans the last bit, and hopes that it will come through translation as she intended it: as truth layered with joke layered with truth, and no one quite sure if the bottom layer is joke or truth.

"As for Iilasir, you'd have to ask him yourself."

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"More on my wavelength than any Baron I've met, let alone Duchess.  Substantial probability she ends up a rapidly rising star.  Has interesting opinions on alternate political structures."

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"I do believe I've never seen you cause an enormous amount of drama by finding somebody else worthy of your backing, Iilasir.  This should be interesting."

"She's literally ended up in prison immediately after awakening her sorcery, hasn't she?  That is rather the bad luck."

Permalink Mark Unread

Opalyn phrases this very carefully. She's been walking a tightrope with Marina; everything she has said so far is the actual truth, but she's also not spilling her real backstory anymore. With Iilasir's help and her own increasing store of information about this world, she might be able to be a lot more selective about when she shares her isekai story.

"It's true that I have had very little practice with my sorcery. The vast majority of the time that I've had it, I've spent in magic-suppressing cuffs or this collar."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, Duchess, you've certainly picked the correct place to be a powerful and entirely untrained sorceress, since a lack of magical sophistication is no disadvantage here.  And an especially ideal time to be a Duchess, as well.  Is Iilasir taking you shopping for factions?"

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"At my request, yes. In my experience, no matter what it is you want to do, it's more effective to do it with a team. I don't know yet what I want to do, but whatever it is, I'll want support."

"Are you happy with your current Duke or Duchess, or whatever hierarchy you're a part of?"

On Earth, Opalyn might ask this in a more roundabout way, but apparently upsetting people is a virtue here.

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"I'd hardly say otherwise where others can hear.  Carnidine hasn't lost my loyalty yet."

"You mean to form your own independent faction?  It's a bold decision, where by bold, I mean, doomed unless you have something unexpected strapped to your thigh-garter."

Permalink Mark Unread

What would someone have strapped to their thigh-garter? A dildo? A vibrator tingler? Theoretically those things could help form a faction, Opalyn supposes.

"Do people of my rank typically throw in with others? I wouldn't rule it out, if I thought some existing faction were sensible and well-run and I liked the people. Are there any such?"

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"Why, Duchess Carnidine is the obvious choice, I'd say.  She's been penalized several times by the administrators for averting too much drama, and has some of the most intelligent, competent, and likeable Countesses you'll meet in the Facility."

Permalink Mark Unread

Opalyn takes this statement as Marina reading her lines and does not ascribe a lot of truth-value to it, though she will actually investigate directly. That Carnidine has people willing to recite lines like this says something about her -- either she's actually worthy of the loyalty, or she inspires great fear. Either way, Opalyn wants to get to know her.

Also, Tiraff was kind to Opalyn, and Tiraff is in Carnidine's service, and Opalyn hasn't forgotten it.

"Thank you for the recommendation! Would you be willing to arrange an introduction for me?"

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"I think she'd be more than pleased to receive you right now, in fact."

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"There's some implications there I should talk about with you before you accept any offers, and particularly before you pledge directly to a Duchess rather than Grand Duchess."

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Opalyn had no intention of pledging anything on the spot!

"Noted! Now, or in private?"

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"If you're trying to hide that she's so new to nobility that she doesn't see the implications, you've already failed at that."

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To Iilasir: "Yeah, I don't think there's any hope of hiding that, and I don't like to pretend to be more competent than I really am. That ends badly. That said, I'm happy to wait for the briefing in private. Meanwhile, I don't see any harm in speaking to Carnidine. It's just an introductory meeting, and I won't be pressured into pledging anything on the spot."

"If you disagree, please speak up, I would like to hear if I'm wrong."

Will he be able to bring himself to disagree?

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"Duchess Carnidine is one of the better friends and worse enemies, and right now is definitely a time when she'd like to have a new Duchess to present as an ally that she brought in.  But your call as to whether you're ready for it, it's not a game on easy mode."

Temporarily hidden thoughts:He cannot say, in front of the High Countess, 'Warning:  Carnidine might figure out more than you like about all the things you're hiding' or even hint in the direction of this being the dangerous part of meeting Carnidine; for then Marina will also read through that hint, and know that Opalyn has more things that she strongly wants to hide.
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"Thank you for that helpful additional context!"

He disagreed! Look how Opalyn's not murdering him about it!

"Given that, perhaps I should wait a day or two."


To Marina: "I would enjoy getting to know you better on a future occasion. What is the best way to reach you after this?"

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"Why, just drop off a message with anyone you're quite sure is still with Carnidine's faction.  All we who once served in common under our faction's Grand Duke once claimed for our own a little garden-room in Section Four, coordinates 3-neph by 0-blap, but who knows if that's still occupied and by the right people given the present chaotic situation."

"You will get better offers if you go today than tomorrow, you know.  The Grands have nothing to offer you, any more; and while you could find Dukes more desperate and making you larger offers than Carnidine, I rather doubt you'll get along with them as nicely.  Shall I, perhaps, linger over my food a few more minutes whilst you speak to Iilasir on the matter?"

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"That's kind of you, please do. One of us will be back soon either way."

She nods to Iilasir, hoping he'll lead the way to a private place, because Opalyn certainly doesn't know how to do that.

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He can find a private place nearby, yes.

"Not reliably private," is the first thing he says there, "so we should still speak in circumlocutions, but, you're not hiding information perfectly, and Carnidine's court is less stupid than most, and more capable of noticing more things about you, if you radiate hints."

"A 'High' noble is one that holds authority over other nobles of equal rank.  They wouldn't call Carnidine a High Duchess the moment that you bowed to her, but it would be an attention-grabbing implication, greatly increase her status, and somewhat lower yours."

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"There's something very odd about all of this. Are Princes so hard to replace that people expect the Grands to be useless forever? Without knowing anything else about this world, just knowing how bureaucracies work on Earth, I rather expect that either we'll get a new Prince or they'll do some Facility-merging so we can share Princes with some other Facility, or something. It makes little sense to me that there would be a permanent rearrangement of power."

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"Princes don't work however bureaucrats do in Mayvos.  Princes are independent.  The Dread Emperor forbids fighting among them, and aside from that, as I understand it, issues very little in the way of orders--certainly now, but reputedly also for at least several millennia."

"So Princes don't fight, and that means, nobody can make them do anything, not even an alliance of other Princes."

"I don't actually remember offhand how Prince Purplegray got assigned to oversee the Farm.  I think he might have fucked up a few thousand years ago and the Dread Emperor told him this was his punishment?"

"There may be a Prince out there who would like authority over the Farm, but it would have to be one of the non-noble Princes who dwell in Capital because nobody's going to abandon a planetary territory for that.  And then there's the question of who even decides who gets the Farm, if there's more than one applicant, or no applicants at all, and the Dread Emperor does not conveniently hand down a decision about it."

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Oh. This is not how Opalyn thought it worked at all. She keeps finding new layers of incomprehension. Was it only a few minutes ago that she had the illusion of this place making sense?

"I have several questions! I will say them quietly, but I do want to say them all at once before I forget any of them."

"First, I think I'm confused about Farm vs. Facility. Are these the same thing?"
"Second, how long do people typically live around here?"
"Third, who is actually in charge here right now, with the Prince dead? Not amongst the inmates, the silly political factions and whatnot, I mean who is actually running the place?"
"Fourth, what do you think they're going to do with the Grands, if there's never anyone to supervise them again? Seems like a huge liability to keep them around."

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"The Facility is the lewd dramatic section of the entire prison for sorcerers, which is the Farm."

"More powerful sorcerers live longer.  No Prince has yet died of old age."

"I would guess that the Supreme Lord of Operations took authority, that was the person who was running things for the Prince."

"The Farm is unusual in that if somebody smashed all our collars, there'd be enough Grand Dukes here to defeat a Prince, so the Farm is already in principle counterbalanced by the Princes who dwell in Capital and ultimately by the Dread Emperor.  That said, the Farm is certainly in more of a state than usual, of it not being outweighed in force by the authorities set directly over it."

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Oh. Well, that's far more unbalanced than Opalyn expected.

She's still not really sure if overthrowing the Farm and then potentially this entire universe is actually merited, much less whether she can do it. They certainly have plenty of poverty and injustice, but is she sure that she has some important quality that would allow her to simultaneously do better and hold onto power? Definitely not sure after only two days of being here.

Besides, it seems like the Farm being in more of a state might not be all that temporary, if Princes are in such short supply.

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Moamo knew all of this and much more, when he put her back in here. What's his actual role in this world's power structure? Was any of what he said true, and how can Opalyn ever find out? Certainly not from in here.

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It would be very easy to get caught up in political power games here, with Duchesses and Countesses and Barons, and Opalyn is not sure any of it matters. It's all kid stuff compared to the bigger game outside the Facility. She should probably be spending as much time working on mastering wizardry and sorcery as she can.

But on the other hand, she'll need trusted people for whatever she does next; it's nearly impossible to implement big change all by yourself.


On the whole, she thinks she doesn't want to be pressured into it on a timetable by people accustomed to playing the small game.

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"You haven't entirely answered my question about what they'll do to the Grands. Sounds like they do pose a threat. They always have, but it's even more acute now. They're incapacitated as long as they're in collars in the Facility, but if that were ever to change, that would pose a big problem. And now they no longer make up for that threat by providing powerful lightline charging services."

Opalyn think getting some of these folks on her team might help for her outside-the-prison game, whatever that turns out to be, and they might be much more approachable than normal.

"I think I'd like to meet some Grands. How do I do that?"

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"It hasn't become evident that this Farm never again gets a Prince, or the Grand Dukes here would already be dead.  I'm not sure they can afford to kill the Grand Dukes without shutting down two-thirds of the lightlines, or shutting down a third of them and doubling the prices of the remaining ones.  We're in an interregnum where the Grands are temporarily deprived of their political power, nobody knows for how long; the Dukes will be treading carefully around them and not burning bridges."

"You could easily enough get an audience with a Grand Duke by saying that you want to know where to pledge your allegiance after they return to power, maybe?  But to state what would be obvious here, you cannot recruit them to kneel before you, or even politely speak to them as equals, if they do not see you for a greater power than this."

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"It sounds to me like Eldrida is pretty screwed right now. Having to shut down two-thirds of the lightlines would have a very large effect on the system as a whole, is that right?"

"And if that's right, then I can't imagine they'll allow the current state of affairs to persist for very long at all. The lightlines must... "

not flow...

"The lightlines must glow. They have to, economically."

"So it seems like we'll almost certainly get a new Prince, or some other new way of overseeing the Grands as they go about their work. Soon, probably. Unless the lightlines can run without recharging for much longer than I currently believe."

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"Your section of Mayvos must have been operated with remarkable efficiency and even aesthetics, if 'they have to, economically' is a fact that implies 'they will'.  There is no Prince who starves.  The one who holds theoretical authority over the matter is the Dread Emperor, and it's not obvious that he actually cares if two-thirds of the lightlines shut down."

"My estimate, the lightlines start to run dry after two months, could be a quarter that or fourfold.  After that, they actually start to reprice them--they don't reprice right now, that is just way more foresight and proactivity than people have, when they're hoping somebody else fixes the problem instead, and their pricing authority isn't clear."

"In two years, the Princes of the planets that have diminished or expensive lightline access, are so extremely inconvenienced and unhappy and fed up, that they get together in a group and agree something ought to be done.  They can't immediately agree on how much they all ought to contribute to pay for something to be done.  They do all loudly agree with each other that the Princes of Capital who are available for hire at all, are insolently demanding to be paid far too much for taking command of the Farm."

"Two years after that, either the problem is so bad that they finally stop bickering and meet one of the Capital Princes' prices, or they've gotten used to things being that bad and it never gets fixed ever."

"Or there could be a Prince of the Capital who's always wanted to have free run of a whole Farm full of helpless noble prisoners, and they could take this place over tomorrow."

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This is not a good way for a universe to be. Opalyn is offended.

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"What is it like for the regular people on the planets that are cut off, it it takes time to restore the lightlines, or if they're never restored?"

Please don't say they all starve please don't say they all starve

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"Hmmm.  I think people who made previously exported, now unexportable goods, suffer great concentrated unemployment; some of those cannot find other employment and they die.  People who imported goods must now do with inferior and more expensive local substitutes; there are many more of those people, inconvenienced to a lesser degree.  The manufacturers of the local substitutes thrive, unless of course the lightlines go back up again one day, and then they are impoverished."

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"Does every planet have enough food to feed its own people? What about medicine? What about materials for building housing?"

"Or is this system so accustomed to being well-connected that the disappearance of the lightlines will constitute a major disruption to the basic function of human life and there will be a big die-off not limited to some very small percentage of people dealing in luxury import-export?"

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"The long-distance lightlines have never been charged enough to ship ordinary food.  Low-volume low-weight high-value goods are what gets shipped.  They ship eyeballs, not flank steak.  People who once grew spices are now unemployed; and everyone else has to eat blander food."

"Metal ingots don't rot; they get shipped through intervening space, on space barges.  There's probably some neighboring planets that ship food back and forth that way.  But not over lightline."

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Okay. This is not the humanitarian disaster Opalyn feared. It's bad, but it's not three-quarters-of-everyone-dying bad.

"I'm glad to hear that. Still, I'm surprised that anything worth building in the first place isn't worth carefully maintaining. Usually infrastructure starts to pay for itself and then becomes indispensable. Anyway!"


"So I now understand how it is that we might be without a Prince for an unpredictable amount of time, but how we will probably get another one eventually. And I guess this means that the Grands are kind of... temporarily embarrassed. They were powerful, they will again be powerful, and their current lack of power is just an anomaly."

"How is it that the power structures within the prison need to change at all? I guess the token distribution will be different, but why don't people just stay in their current hierarchies and hang tight for the inevitable restoration of the previous structure? What inequilibrium was introduced that prompted a great shuffling, today?" 

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"Worth maintaining for whom?  Who pays?  If it's worth something to three people, which of them pay how much?"

"And I'm not sure what to say in answer to your question except that it seems to involve... different basic assumptions about how politics works, and I'm not sure which assumptions differ?  Authority comes from power, the ability to threaten or bribe.  The Grands lost power, the ability to bribe and threaten, so nobody will treat them as having authority until they regain that power."

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"Well, who paid to build the lightlines in the first place? How did they decide to make that investment? And who pays for this Farm and its management and overhead?"

Opalyn is not sure where to go with that second part. It's as if these people have no object permanence about power. It's very strange. She'll come back to it.

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"I think the lightlines were made by the Dread Emperor, very long ago.  Probably the Farm was made at his command as well.  And when the Dread Emperor set that up, I assume he established the prices that the Lightline Authority pays to the Farm for charging?  At least, I don't see who could set a price like that if the Dread Emperor didn't."

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Oh no.

"Prices are set by... fiat?"

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"I do know what a market price is, but I don't see how that concept would apply to a single seller of stuff the Dread Emperor made, paying part of their income over to a prison with a lot of captive sorcerers."

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"So, in my world, we do sometimes build great big projects that we expect to serve many people, and it's somewhat difficult to get the funding right for those projects. I'm thinking here of massive transportation infrastructure projects that take many years to build."

Opalyn doesn't mention that the infrastructure is just humble tunnels and bridges; there are some ways that Eldrida is much more advanced than Earth. Simple intraplanetary transportation feels kind of weaksauce now that she's seen lightlines, but she'll press on.

"Before anyone builds such a thing, many smart people think hard about it for a long time and try to make predictions about how the project will help the economy grow or help people have a better standard of living or both. They estimate how much traffic the new route can carry and model how that will change shipping and employment patterns and so on."

"If it looks like it's a good idea to build it overall, the next step is to figure out how to pay for it. Sometimes this is done with taxes, at least for the initial construction. But often there's some sort of toll on the finished piece of infrastructure, such that those who use it also help pay for the construction and maintenance costs."

"And the workers who do that construction and maintenance are generally free people being paid market wage."

"So overall, the whole thing has to make sense, economically. It has to balance out. It's not always perfect, sometimes the projections are wrong, and the shortfall is made up by some other part of the system. But we do try very hard to get it to balance, or else we just don't build it in the first place."

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"Right, so, I expect that the way it worked in Eldrida long ago, as opposed to whatever goes on with your planet recently, is that the Dread Emperor decided there'd be lightlines and he made some.  And he realized they needed to stay charged, and didn't want to spend a day out of every year doing that himself; and also he needed a prison; and he made those two problems solve each other.  Possibly somebody ran numbers on which planets needed how many lightlines, but I'd guess the Dread Emperor just went by relative surface area or did some other math in his head or told somebody else to do it."

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"He winged it. And so it's not a stable system, and it can just fall over sometimes, and there's a lot of drama and some death when it does."


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"It's very stable on the level the Dread Emperor seems to care about, of planets and Princes never warring on each other.  That part hasn't fallen over since the day the Dread Emperor set it up.  Because he can and does kill anyone and everyone that tries to knock it over."

"If ever a sorcerer is born greater than he, and they kill him, they'd sure better be ready to take on that duty."

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Opalyn is learning so much about Eldridan politics!

... But some parts of it are still mysterious.

"Got it... I think. I want to go back to the part where there's so much upheaval in the prison right now."

"So... let's say Grand Duke A has Dukes B1, B2, and B3 who in turn have a bunch of Counts and Barons. And then one day the Grand Duke is no longer getting tokens from the prison economy anymore, but everyone anticipates that he will someday again be getting his usual stream of tokens."

"I am still not sure why B1, B2, and B3 don't just stay in a loose coalition with each other, doing most of the same things they were previously doing when A had power, anticipating that they will again be in A's organization once A gets power again. What does anyone stand to gain by reconfiguring?"


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"I mean, that may be largely what they end up doing?  But also the coalitions need to resolve among themselves what purposes they'll follow, since they're not following their former ruler's purposes, and those new purposes may imply different coalitions."

"From every Duke's perspective, it's an opportunity to do things more their own way, that they've always dreamed of, if they can find the right allies for it."

"Well, that would be my perspective if I were a Duke.  Many actual Dukes are probably wondering who they're supposed to submit to, if nobody above them is controlling their orgasms."

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Opalyn wonders if this entire place really runs on orgasm control or if that's just Iilasir's thing. Could go either way, really -- but the idea that the Dukes are a bit lost without the leadership they're used to getting does sound fairly plausible. It's easy to imagine that some of them are at loose ends right now. And she guesses maybe they'd try to solve their aimlessness by looking for sexual dominance rather than, y'know, leadership. After all, there's not much to actually lead in here, so maybe it really all does just come down to sex games.


"All right. Well, I still want to meet a Grand or two, and I don't want to say anything to them about my strange origins. I just want to have a conversation. I guess I don't mind if they think I'm potentially going to align with them later, though I want to avoid committing myself to that now. How do I go about getting a meeting?"

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"I think you ask Dukes or maybe Counts where to find their Grands.  I know where to find the Duchess Carnidine; probably Counts know where to find Grands."

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"So, back to Marina, then?"

"And I tell her I don't want to meet Carnidine now, but would be interested to meet Carnidine's former boss. That'll probably make some waves."

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"Yeah, about Marina.  Marina is probably at least slightly confused about you and of course carefully not showing it.  She probably doesn't believe you were actually trying to recruit her, because nobody would do that in public--or maybe thinks you really are that new to noble politics, in which case she'll report that to Carnidine; and Carnidine will either try to blackmail you onto her side, or kindly delegate a Countess to follow you around and help you, in hope that brings you to her side."

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"Okay? Sounds like that's just going to happen whether I want it to or not. Thank you for the advance warning."

"Anything else to talk about before we go back?"

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"I'm all kinds of confused about all of your implicit assumptions and everything you might be trying to accomplish or maybe not accomplish, but we shouldn't try to sort that out right now and I'm not even sure I could put it into words."

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"That makes us about even, I think? There are so many cultural gaps here it's hard to know where to begin to try to bridge them. I'm confused about a lot of things."

"I do want to thank you. I would be so much worse off without you. I can see that you are trying quite hard to help me out here, and I imagine it's frustrating how alien I am."

She experimentally puts her hand on his shoulder. It could be in just a friendly way. She wants to see what happens.

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He'll tilt his head to press against her hand, briefly.

"Boring and repetitive is frustrating.  Strange and unfamiliar is vastly preferable."

He smiles, with the deliberate smile of somebody who has to make his face do that because it doesn't usually do that on its own.

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She'll run her hand gently up the side of his face, then, a quick caress, before turning and heading back in the direction where they left Marina.

She wonders if he even caught that she was flirting with him, or if it was lost in translation. If it was lost, that wouldn't be the first time. She's used to having to escalate her flirtations until people finally notice.

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He'll follow, of course.

He's now surer that she's flirting.  He hopes he's not missing what's culturally meant as a direct order to fuck her; he sometimes misses direct orders like that.

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Opalyn finds Marina again.

"Thank you so much for waiting for us. I have a favor to ask of you. Would you be willing to put me in touch, not with Duchess Carnidine, but with your Grand Duke instead?"

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"I see you have chosen the boring path."

"Grand Duke Blossom-the-Flowers never holds court on what is, by his own reckoning, even-numbered days; nor days divisible by 3.  He won't change that for any momentary mess.  In somewhere around six hours, I'd guess, go to the furthest edge of the Facility where it borders on the merely dramatic; that's where the Farm put the parents-and-kids section of the Facility."

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"There are children in this prison?"

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"It's pretty rare that a young kid gets sent to the lewd section of the Farm, yes, but sometimes a parent goes there and you can't exactly ask a friend to babysit your kids for the next fifty years."

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"I see."

What a place to grow up.

"Well, thank you very much for your help. I may look for you again sometime soon."

And Opalyn takes her leave.

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"You'll be back."

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"She always says that every time I leave.  In fairness to her, I have always been back so far."

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As Opalyn and Iilasir wend their way back into the main part of the refectory, she asks him how to find the academy, so she can start to learn some wizardry.

She also snags another cupcake. It looks like chocolate but it tastes like... banana-mint? Huh.

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Wisdom is never hard to find for sorcerers who seek it, even in prison!  The nearest academic intake office is not far from the refectory, and the prison officer manning the desk will no doubt be back in just a moment.

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"Again, thank you for all of your help. Are you interested in joining me later when I go and speak to Grand Duke Blossom-the-Flowers? Happy to pay with more explanations about my world."

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"I'm not sure what it is you imagine could possibly be more interesting than yourself, but in any case yes."

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Opalyn now suspects Iilasir of flirting back!

She's still not sure how she feels about him -- they have trouble understanding each other -- but she's starting to trust him, and he's more or less her type, and if she's honest with herself she'll probably bang him at some point.

"See you later, then. I'll find you in your quarters when I'm ready to go."

She smiles at him, touches him lightly on the chest, and turns to go into the Academy.

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"As you wish."  He goes.

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Opalyn marches up to the front desk of the Academy looking to see if there is a bell or a buzzer or... what did Iilasir call it? A door-blooper?

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Not obviously.  She could try knocking on the desk, one supposes, or wait to see if there's a magical-person-detector that went off.

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"Hellooooooo?" she calls out, feeling guilty about probably bothering someone doing something more important?

She realizes this is not very Duchess-like, clears her throat, and tries again.

"I'm waiting!" she cries imperiously, but perhaps the effect is ruined when she also giggles a bit. It's going to take some practice to believe that she has rank and therefore privilege.

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Well, it's questionable how exactly rank works when she's in prison!  But in any case, a guy will emerge from the office tree after a half-minute.

"Whatcha want?"

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"I'd like a wizardry tutor, please! Ideally one who knows everything from the basics up to very advanced things, and can work with..."

How should Opalyn describe herself?

"...someone with weird patchy holes in what she knows."

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"You're new here, aintcha."

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"I am. Why, what have I misunderstood this time?"

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"So there's two kinds of teachers we got in the Facility.  Kind number one, wizard teachers who wound up in prison for one reason or another.  Some high-ranking operator from the Farm goes to the prison on Capital and says, they want to buy a hundred of them.  That operator ain't checkin' very hard how good they are as teachers.  Ain't their skin gets burned.  You can have one of those as a tutor and basically do what you want with 'em, even fuck 'em if you want to spend the chastity tokens on that, whatever."

"Kind number two, bigshot wizards and wizard teachers who want to run themselves a lewd school.  Obviously, anyone like that can afford to build themselves a lewd school if they wanna.  But here's where they can put captive nobles through their paces in it.  You go to that class, you're on their schedule, you're one of several students, but the teacher is some famous bigshot wizard."

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"Are the bigshot wizards any good at actually teaching?"

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"The ones who ain't are pretty good at the lewd part of lewd school, I'd figure.  Or good at getting you really upset.  They'll be good at something, anyways.  You ain't actually forced to show up, at least not on this month's set of rules."

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"Well, I'd like one who's actually a good teacher, if you've got any of those. I don't mind if there's a schedule or other students or any of that. And then if there's a long wait for that, maybe I can sign up for more than one and I'll get in faster that way?"

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"Not sure exactly who's what, it's not like I study here.  Recently got in a famous archwizard, He-Who-Ascends, he certainly has the knowledge, rumor says he's got the lewds, no idea if he's a good teacher.  You could go over to his tower, see if he's in or if his secretary has any such thing as a waiting list."

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"All right. How do I get there?"

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Directions can be provided, and Opalyn can be sent off down further passageways--possibly spatially-compressed ones, actually--until she's reached the Lewd Dramatic Academic section of Lewd Dramatic Prison.

"Hi!  New student, or just dropping by to punish one of your minions whose grades have been slipping?"

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"New student! Here to learn wizardry! Already know some math, not sure how to connect it to magic."

Opalyn is wishing for a syllabus and some required textbooks and a schedule for the midterm and the finals but this probably doesn't work like that.

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"Wow!  How'd you end up in that state of knowledge?"

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"Oh, that's just how it is when you grow up in a strange family!"

It feels like a game, now, only saying true things about her own history, while trying not to provide much actual content.

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"Oh, word.  I'd introduce you to my family, if I hadn't already killed them all."

"Anywhere you're trying to get to from here, or just here to hang out in study hall and get the lay of academica before you academic or get laid?"

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"Dude at the entrance to the Academy sent me here looking for He-Who-Ascends?"

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"Ambitious!  That door over there," finger-point, "pass three doors on the left, take the fourth door on the left, then the first door on the right and that'll be his tower.  Only not his actual tower, obviously, just his in-Farm tower."

(The newcomer is getting his name wrong, but the speaker is not going to mention that; she is a very good obedient prison inmate and never averts drama.)

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Oblivious, Opalyn continues as she was directed.

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This... is probably the entrance to the "wizard's tower"?

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This is... imposing.

Do they have to haul all these building materials up from the planet below or can they just materialize it using magic somehow?


Opalyn looks around for handles or doorbloopers or any other obvious means of entry, or of signaling that she wants to enter.

She also mutters "friend" under her breath. Just in case.

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There's things on this door that you could try to press or pull.  Possibly one of those is a doorblooper!  Or a self-destruct lever!

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Opalyn starts pressing and pulling things, slowly, gently, one at a time.

This is going to piss off the powerful wizard, isn't it.

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After pressing a silver isoceles trapezoid that is aesthetically very unobtrusive (because great UI design is all about hiding the controls!), there's an audible "bloop" sound!

A moment later the doors crack open and a weary woman's voice says, "Enter."

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Opalyn enters!


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The amount of magic that's visible in here to Opalyn, with her collar no longer interfering as much with her vision, is great enough to be distracting; not so much as to obscure her vision, though, after taking into account that her eyes and her magic senses seem to run by different roads.

There's a quite pretty young woman seated in front of what could maybe be a magitech imitation of a computer screen, though there's no visible trace of a keyboard or mouse.  She is dressed with such high coverage that in the Facility it would make her an Empress, if she were otherwise one of the inmates.  Behind her is an imitation window that doesn't quite show a holographically realistic outdoors, but does serve well to illuminate the room.

"What are you here for?" she says, not looking up from her screen.

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"I'm looking for wizardry lessons with He-Who-Ascends, and I was told to come here?"

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She taps the possible-screen in front of her (though it is obscured from Opalyn's sight), and then a moment later gestures at one of the several doors visible from here.  "Go in."

He-Who-Ascends is not his actual title, but correcting prison inmates about that is not her job and she doesn't want to dump her mental stack in order to hold a conversation about it.

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This is a surprising number of layers of people to talk to before she gets to the Wizard! Opalyn had expected just to go to the library and pull up a chair at the tutoring table. Well, maybe it will be worth it?

She goes.

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"What up?"

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Opalyn clears her throat. This wizard is intimidatingly majestic.

"I'm here for wizardry lessons? The academy said you take students?"

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"Do you dress like that because you enjoy it, or because you came here from the Facility section?  'Both' is an acceptable answer."

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"I'm an inmate of the Facility, yes, and I guess I'm somewhat surprised you get people wandering in here who are not inmates? Have I somehow managed to depart the secure zone of the Facility?"

"Oh, and, sure, I don't really mind dressing like this."

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The man raises his hand and snaps his fingers and a force pokes Opalyn one centimeter sideways, in a dimension that isn't the usual three.

"I see you're unfamiliar with the more expensive kind of magic," he says, in the slightly different office that now contains both of them, occupying the same positions as before.  "There's more than one entrance to this room, and more than one room in this space."

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Indeed! Opalyn was not expecting that!

Presumably the Facility has a way to contain its inmates even despite this kind of dimensional translation... though she wonders if it's overly reliant on the inmates having collars.

"Thank you for the demonstration! I would like to learn how to do that."

"I have a strange background: I know quite a bit of math, but not how to connect that math up to magic, and I'm hoping you will be able to help me with that."

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"How'd you end up in that epistemic state?"

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All right, how's she going to explain it this time?

"Does it matter? My family and schooling were quite unconventional by local standards."

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"Doesn't matter immediately, I suppose.  If I was taking you on as a student later, I'd want to know what you knew about math and what you didn't know about magic."

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"I know almost nothing about magic; I was arrested only seconds after starting to use my magic for the first time. The vast majority of my experience so far has been during a single lightline charging session."

"As for mathematics, it's been a while since I studied it formally, but I studied geometry, trigonometry, calculus, differential equations, set theory, probability, statistics, combinatorics... and probably a few other things that aren't coming to mind at the moment."

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The man now looks quite a bit more interested than he did a few seconds earlier.

"I am asking myself what subject matter draws on all of those topics, and does not at all demand the study of magic, and drawing an utter blank."

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Oh, crap. Opalyn might have said too much.

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"In the view of my teachers, math is generally useful and can feed into multiple applications, and is therefore worth studying on its own."

This does not feel like the time to start explaining Earth physics and engineering, much less computer science. Let's definitely not talk about computer science. Opalyn is still hoping to keep this world far away from artificial intelligence.

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"They're not quite wrong, but I would've expected the many many subfields of magic to be on that list of applications too.  So now, taking all your words at face value, we have the puzzle of who teaches those subjects, is careful not to teach any magic, operated under circumstances that you're reluctant to talk about even after you got sent to prison, and put you into conditions where you awakened your sorcery and got sent to prison immediately after that."

"I see why they put you in the dramatic section, at any rate."

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The flow of information is going the WRONG WAY here. Opalyn has got to transmit a lot less than this if she's going to talk to smart people.

Stands to reason that the ones who are good at wizardry are also the ones to watch out for.

"So will you take me as a student, then?"

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"Magic in both its basic and advanced applications requires extensive drilling.  Right now, I'm already drilling quite a number of students every day.  It doesn't sound like you're only looking to get drilled a little?"

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Surely that's only a double entendre in English, right? She'll play it straight.

"I'm happy to work hard and practice a lot. I'd like to learn as quickly as possible."

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"I do some pretty rigorous drilling."

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"Uh... okay?"

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"I'm also going to fuck you."

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Opalyn is not entirely sure how to answer that part.

She does really want to learn wizardry, and does not particularly have anything else to bargain with... but also she was told this was free, and wonders if he's just seeing what he can get away with?

(Also... would she fuck him? Like, just for fun? Hard to tell, they just met, and there's no spark so far.)


"Is that standard?" she stalls.

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"All the math classes that teach magic are like that.  Maybe that's why your family tried to keep you out of them."

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Opalyn now suspects the wizard of trolling her. After all, Boring prison exists.

(Wait. Was Boring just a synonym for Drilling?)

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"I'm not entirely sure I believe you about that! If I check with all of your other students, will they confirm that you're fucking all of them? And will they say they're happy with the deal they're getting, that they're actually learning?"

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"Some may tell the truth.  Some may lie to you because they don't want even more students competing with them for my desperately desired attentions.  Some may lie because they consider that to be more fun.  If you wanted true answers, you'd somehow need a way to reward or punish them that depended on the truth of what they were saying."

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Opalyn is currently amused, offended, skeptical, and intrigued. It's really unclear whether she wants to do business with this guy! Probably her best move is to leave the option open for later and find another way to make progress for now.

"Could you provide the names of a few students who are happy to have been drilled by you?" Opalyn will figure out the incentive stuff later.

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"Grewlin, Neyvos, and Spleen.  Be sure to tell 'em that if they don't give a good report of me they're suffering the individualized consequences."

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"And another teacher who's any good, while I'm checking your references?"

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"Nobody around here meets my standards.  No students, no teachers, not even me actually.  No one has passed in any class I've taught, ever."

"The second least awful and third least awful practitioners operating here are Morbledainen and Necva the Eyeless.  I can't speak to how good they are at teaching, but they both know their material."

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This is a very relatable attitude!

"Thank you for the recommendations! Will you have room for me, if I decide to go ahead with you later?"

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"I won't have room for you immediately unless you can prove yourself a very special case.  Frankly, I was not ready myself for the amount of lewd drama in the lewd dramatic section of the Farm.  I tell one sorceress that she is 'not that pretty'--in a kindly and supportive context to be clear--and it sets off a chain of events that gets out of the Facility, out of the Farm, that eighteen million people end up hearing about and gets into week-books, and as a result--I would not have predicted this as the result--there are now several dozen sorceresses ahead of you in line.  Not even for the educational part, just to fuck me."

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"I hope you're enjoying that state of affairs."

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Opalyn knows herself to be a very special case, but explicitly doesn't want to explain that out loud! So off she'll go.

"Thank you for your time! Remember to stretch frequently!"

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He pulls out a space-distorting bubble, shrinks it down to a much tinier bubble, and flicks it over to Opalyn--no, to her collar.

"Fill out my 'Get Failed By Nait' survey and hand it in to my secretary.  You could always turn out to be perfect."

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Opalyn has no idea what's going on with this bubble! She starts to ask and then thinks better of it. If she asks, he'll deduce her middle name and her favorite color.


And she hastens out.

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"I hope you didn't get him off because that is going to require me to rework his entire fucking schedule for the evening."

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"Good news! I didn't!" Opalyn smiles brightly.

"As I was leaving he flicked this... bubble?.. at me? Said something about a survey? What was that and how does the survey work, actually?"

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"You pull it off your collar, expand it, it turns into some papers and a pen, you tick off the multiple-choice questions and fill out the essay parts.  If the Facility catches you with it in-hand, you get spanked for having violated their prohibition on written records."

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Paper and a pen! Opalyn might just keep the survey and use it for record-keeping, if she can figure out where to stash it!

"How do I send it back in? Do I need to come back in person? Can I re-bubble the survey?"

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"Last one folded up the papers and hid them inside a book when she brought them in.  Pen's edible."

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"Got it. Thanks."

People must really want to fill out that survey.


And Opalyn sets off, retracing her steps through the twisty passages, and back to the lounge where she found the other students hanging out before.

Are any of them Grewlin, Neyvos, or Spleen, or know where they might be found? Or are any of them also students of Nait's? Or do they know where she might find those two other tutors that Nait mentioned?

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None of them are Grewlin, Neyvos, or Spleen.  However, Nait's other student Tibbleding is teasing her boyfriend in a nearby alcove to punish him for the bad grade she got in a recent class (not Nait's).  Tibbleding is probably interruptible about that, Tibbleding loves having excuses to stop.

Morbledainen is a teacher, not a tutor.  His class isn't in session, but he'll have a secretary on duty who could probably be found... on the opposite side of the hallway from where Opalyn found Nait, roughly.

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Opalyn will go and interrupt Tibbleding, then, and ask about her experiences with Nait as a teacher.

She doesn't make any particular attempt to incentivize honesty or disincentivize lying; she'll just ask directly.

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Tibbleding is wearing quite a lot, either a Duchess or a Countess who spends a lot on clothes-licence.  She doesn't remove her hand from inside the pants of the muscular guy massaging her chest while she answers.

"He-Who-Soars is... what's the word I'm looking for... harsh?  Not exactly.  Abrasive?  Inimical to lesser lifeforms?  I wouldn't be surprised if he came here more to filter on powerful masochistic students than for the sex.  Don't enter into his presence unless your spirit is truly unconquerable, like mine, or your ego needed crushing anyways."

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"Does he require any sort of payment in trade for his teaching?"

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"In tokens?  No.  That's not supposed to be a thing, around here.  But there's always an exchange, anywhere that demand exceeds supply.  Some of his students, like me, get there by being incredibly good fucks.  The students who aren't incredibly good fucks get there by doing favors for the pets of his who are."

(Temporarily hidden thoughts.)She's lying, of course. Doing favors for other students (implicitly: her) won't help you with Nait.
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"And what about you? Do you enjoy it? Does it feel like a fair trade to you?"

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"Why no, it's terribly unfair.  It used to be that I could command wizards of great stature to kneel before me.  Now here I am in this awful prison, having to spread my legs and bare my tender nipples just to get a few scraps of knowledge out of some bastard.  Are you asking that just to tease me?"

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From this, Opalyn infers that Tibbleding is quite enjoying being dominated in her math classes.

"I see! How terrible for you! I'm so sorry to hear that!"

Well, that's one data point, then. She can't completely trust it, but maybe she'll learn more as she asks around.


And she'll go back into the twisty passages in search of Morbledainen or his secretary.

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When Opalyn goes through to the study hall, on her way back from Tibbleding, she'll find a woman there who claims to be Nait's student.

This woman will testify that her body count sample size is over a hundred, and Nait was better than any other sex she's had, by, like, a factor of three.

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Can this woman say more about her sex scoring rubric?

(If she can't, that's not a good sign that this is a truthful report.)

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She's never really thought to have rigorous measures for that sort of thing--she's not the Lady of Surveys--but "time spent coming vs. time not spent coming" is one obvious metric that she's pretty sure supports this assertion, or "how long it took to string together a coherent thought afterwards".

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Fascinating. The woman's ability to give detail suggests that the report might actually be true.

Could talent at wizardry possibly translate into talent at sex? Opalyn wonders if Nait is using mathematically powered magic to induce this state of continuous state of brain-melting ecstasy.

The obvious thing to check is whether other clever wizards can also do this or if it's just Nait.

Onward to Morbeldainen, then!

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That woman had lain with other wizards before.  It is about putting any serious optimization whatsoever into sex.

(Though, even then, only 1 out of 6 subjects report an unprecedently incredible experience.)

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When Opalyn finds Morbledainen's office/tower/whatever, the first room visible on entry will prove to contain one possibly vaguely secretarial dominatrix-type person, surrounded on either side by two skeptical-looking blondes in matching white dresses and tight bondage.


"Welcome to Morbledainen's domain," says the one who seems to be in charge.

"Welcome," the other two echo in unison.

As of the moment of stepping across the invisible border between the Facility and this area, there is an ongoing light tingling in Opalyn's nipples.

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Why is this place LIKE THIS

Why is this a WAY a place would STABLY BE

(whatever, tingly nipples are fun)


"Hello! I'm here to inquire about wizardry lessons with Morbledainen?"

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Stable?  The Facility is insulted.

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She'd ask if the newcomer knows what she's getting herself into, but questions like that have been forbidden by Facility administration as part of their teaching agreement.

"Our lord is willing to try his hand at teaching any pretty wizardess of age, but he only persists in teaching those who keep his interest, and he is easily bored by all aspects of reality except for intelligence and masochism."

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Opalyn has those things! Best not to boast about them, though. Better to underpromise and overdeliver than the other way around.

"All right. How do I get started?"

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"What teachings do you seek of our lord?"

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"I'm a newly awakened sorceress with no experience of wizardry and I would like to learn. I have reason to believe I have mathematical aptitude."

Opalyn is going to be a bit more coy rather than bold claims of mathematical prowess. She didn't like how it went down when she explained it to Nait.

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"As in, you successfully learned to solve equations of a single unknown subjected to arithmetical transformations, the first time that task was presented to you?"

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Opalyn tries to remember the very first time she saw a problem like that. It was decades ago. She dimly remembers a story problem involving the weight of a partial pallet of bricks; she solved it rather intuitively, surprising her grade-school teacher. None of these specifics are going to help her explain herself; she'll try not to leak information.


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"Did you get any further than that, in whatever maths you were taught?  What sort of person was your teacher?"

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"Yes, I did get further than that, though I'm not sure that will matter for introductory wizardry lessons?"

What can she possibly say about the literally dozens of different people from whom she learned math, much less all the authors of math books? She doesn't even want to give away that she had more than one teacher.

"My math teacher loved math for its own sake and did not explain how it connected to magic."

There, that's probably true of all of them.

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"Is there a reason you're playing coy?  Of course it matters for a wizardess's first lessons what mathematics she can already understand spoken to her.  If you're trying to pose as intelligent, by seeming to quickly learn math you pretended not to have been taught, be warned that is ill-advised."

     "Actually, I don't know that couldn't work on--on Morbledainen?" says one of the side-blondes.

  "I think he'd be upset when he found out," says the other side-blonde.

     "Right, but, spanking her upset, or spanking us upset?"

  "Spanking us upset."

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"There's no 'of course' about it, I don't know how any of this works!"

"If I will be joining an established class, maybe you could describe the available options to me and I'll choose the one that seems most appropriate."

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"Our lord does not teach to a schedule, but as the whim takes him.  Lessons he has announced in the near future include..."

She reaches sideways through another dimension and takes out a piece of paper.

"'Forcing Curvy Entities To Not Be Straight', 'Twisting Things Until They Complain', 'Solving Magical Problems With Cleverness Instead of Math', 'I Hate Category Theory And So Should You', 'Elementary Mathematics For Masochists', 'How To Defeat a Smarter, More Powerful, and Better-Prepared Enemy', and 'Highly Advanced Wizardry 101 For Beginners'."

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Oh dear. These titles are less than perfectly helpful.

"Does 'Elementary Mathematics for Masochists' actually have any wizardry in it, or is it just straight math with no magical applications?"

The math in that one will be too easy, but maybe this is where Opalyn can find out literally anything she can apply to wizardry!

She really wants to take 'How to Defeat a Smarter, More Powerful, and Better-Prepared Enemy' but honestly that sounds like it's probably going to involve seduction and Opalyn already knows how to do that.

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"Our lord will use wizardry to illustrate the mathematical concepts involved.  But the primary focus would be on getting the fresh meat to understand what it even means that an N-spherical radiance tends to diminish in strength as the (N-1)th power of its radius, when before they've always been lazy sluts who just willed their magic to do intuitive things on their primitive little planets.  Are you a lazy slut?"

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This does not seem like what Opalyn is after at all. She already knows the math, she wants to learn the wizardry.

"What about 'Highly Advanced Wizardry 101 for Beginners'? What's that about?"

Possibly this is... exactly what she wants?

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"Taking less lazy sluts who have previously received inadequate educations of varying deficiencies, and retraining them into people who will make a lot of trouble for some government as soon as they find a way out of prison."

    "Mistress, I don't think you were supposed to say the quiet part out loud."

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"That sounds perfect! When can I start?"

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     "I don't think you should have said that out loud either."

The secretary absentmindedly slaps the blonde to her left--it sounds quite loud, though the blonde doesn't make a sound--and with her other hand consults her paper sheet again.  "Our lord should be finishing up 'Elementary Mathematics for Masochists' shortly, and by the schedule 'Highly Advanced Wizardry 101' will start after that.  He tends to arrange for the next class to arrive as the previous class is... finishing.  You'll need a school uniform, of course."

      "Though you could also just walk in as you are and accept the punishment for it--"


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"What's the school uniform, where do I get one, what does it cost, and how much trouble do I get in if I don't have one?"

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"You go through that door," she points a finger, "put your normal clothing in a auto-rekeying locker that locks on to your belt, go through the next door, and receive clothing that has been deemed appropriate to you and your class.  On your way back out, you'll throw that clothing in a used heap," if you still have any clothing left when the class ends, she doesn't say, "and pick up your own clothing on your next step out."

"Our lord's agreement with Facility suspends a number of the usual rules within his Tower, so don't worry if you're given more clothing than you've paid to be allowed to wear."

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This seems... fine, actually?

Opalyn has very little modesty, so even if the new outfit is something ridiculous, she'll be fine. She feels cheerful about this. She notices that the question about punishment was not actually answered, but it doesn't matter.


"All right. Thank you for your help!"

And she starts toward the indicated door.

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Have a cheerfully illuminated magical locker room!

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Opalyn wonders if the school uniform is going to involve heavy black eyeliner, a choker necklace, a black mesh body stocking, and maybe a bunch of unnecessary straps and chrome D-rings? What about thigh-high black boots with a surprising number of buckles? She did have a goth phase, she knows how to do this!

What she does not know how to do is use these lockers. As she strips off the Jasmine outfit, can she actually figure out where to put it and how to lock it, or will she have to go back out and beg the welcoming committee for help?

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There's a nicely clear place to put your hand, on each closed locker-door.  Brightly illuminated with the outline of a hand, even, on some of the doors; other doors have fainter illumination of the same outline, in blue instead of yellow.

They're numbered from 1 to 60.

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She'll take number 42, if that one has a brightly illuminated hand print on it; if she can't have that, she'll just increment until she finds the next available one. She places her hand on the handprint. Does it open?

If it does, she stuffs her clothing inside, closes the door, and heads through the next door in search of her uniform.

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42 opens!

After she exits, the door shuts behind her naked form with a rather ominous sort of clang and clearly audible locking sound.

As the door locks, the tingling on her nipples gets stronger.

In this room is a slightly transparent man with his feet up on a slightly transparent desk, apparently reading a book.  He looks up as Opalyn enters.

"Your belt's not in our system.  You new?"

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Opalyn wears a winning smile, as that's all she's got, and stands boldly. Her nipples are doing that too, nothing to be done about that.

"Yup! Here for 'Highly Advanced Wizardry 101 for Beginners!' and I need a uniform!"


... why is the man slightly transparent? That's weird.

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He gives her a long, measuring, not un-appreciative look, and then reaches over to some apparently invisible object and punches a few buttons.  "Raise your arms over your head, spread your thighs, arch your back, and hold still for the scanner."

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Wow. Okay. Sure, why not? Presumably this is actually necessary for the uniform fitting and is not just this guy messing with her?

Opalyn's new body really is pretty great compared to her previous one, and she doesn't actually mind the stretch. She does as instructed.

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A red scanning line starts to crawl up her body.  It stings and crackles a bit as it touches.

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Opalyn strongly suspects that Eldrida has other ways of uniform-fitting that do not involve sexual sadism?

But why would she want to learn wizardry a different way when this is available

The red scanning line has not actually reached her midsection yet but she's already tensing in anticipation.

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The stinging and crackling will continue.  Does morale improve?

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Opalyn lets out a tiny squeak as the red scanning line passes her center, but holds the position throughout the rest of the sweep.


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It doesn't spare her nipples, but it does cut out as it touches her collar.

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The guy is now pulling several levers and turns invisible dials, on machinery that Opalyn cannot see at all, until two holograms materialize--looking more stylized and more transparent than the ghostly guy himself; they don't look like they're being projected from the same space.


"Left or right?" he says.

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These are the school uniforms? Really? Opalyn should have predicted this.

"Left!" she says cheerfully. She likes the stockings, and does not especially feel that baring one's sternum is extra sexy.

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"ETA five time intervals."  The word he uses for time-interval is previously unheard but the translation field makes it feel like one of those is maybe three-quarters of a minute.

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"So... why are you transparent? Are you a hologram or something?"

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"Multipresence.  Can you imagine how bored I'd be, if I just sat around in this one room waiting for the rare occasions that some new sorceress has to be fitted for a lewd outfit for some single archwizard's classes?"

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"Do you just work for Morbledainen, or do you have lots of other bosses?"

Opalyn continues to be desperate for any hints about how people organize themselves in Eldrida, in the Facility, or at all.

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"I'm Facility personnel.  Morbledainen isn't my boss, that's a manager named Shilla you have no reason to ever meet.  There's eight people in my office section, and when some prisoner needs to be fitted toward a standard, whoever isn't already elsewhere gets partially materialized to there."

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This fitting process seems like it's going to take about ten minutes total. The Facility doesn't really have "daytime" and "nighttime" so they're presumably working around the clock. Using earth-standard notions of stamina, each person can work about 25% of the time, so it sounds like there are two people on duty at any given time. That suggests a throughput of something like 12 prisoner-fittings per Earth hour.

That is not actually shedding a lot of light on anything, without knowing the total population of the Facility. She'll just file it away for now.

"Are the lewd dramatic fittings your favorite?" Opalyn asks in a tone meant to imply that she already knows they are.

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"I'd take lewd over lewd dramatic, actually.  The lewd ones just make interesting sounds.  The lewd dramatic ones sometimes break down crying and you never know what it means or whether it's real."

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Legit! Opalyn is also frustrated by how illegible people can be around here! They play all kinds of games with words and they're coy and being upset is good and being calm is bad! It's very disorienting! But she has more dignity than to vent to this guy who's just here to give her a uniform. There's no reason to offload her emotions onto him.

"Makes sense."

Opalyn wonders if she would have liked just-lewd prison better, if that had been offered to her as an option.

She waits peaceably for her uniform.

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Soon enough, a hole in space opens up before the transparent desk--looking even more interesting to Opalyn's magic-sight than to her eyes--and plops some neatly folded clothing into a heap on the floor.

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Opalyn will squirm into the new uniform, wishing for a moment she could ask transparent guy for help with the fastenings in the back, and then realizing that he probably doesn't have corporeal presence here. She manages on her own.

She feels more exposed when dressed than she did when naked! This is probably intentional.

"I don't suppose you can conjure me a mirror?"

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"Sort of."

He pushes some buttons and Opalyn can now see a slightly transparent mirror.

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Opalyn checks herself out from several angles, including the awkward look-over-your-own-shoulder-to-try-to-see-your-ass-in-the-mirror angle, and is pleased with what she sees. It was awfully kind of whatever forces dropped her into Eldrida to drop her not just into a powerful sorceress body, but into a powerful HOT sorceress body!

She's feeling ready to conquer some wizardry!

(Maybe these school uniforms have some benefits after all.)

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Just to be clear, when she selected the 'left' outfit that showed less sternum, she did get one with a noticeably shorter microskirt.  It's hard to be sure from this angle, but it's possible that Opalyn's ass is sort of... vulnerable... even if she never at any point bends over slightly.

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Indeed! This skirt is a few inches above C level!

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"Move along."  The transparent guy waves in the approximate direction of not quite at the door behind him.

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First day of school jitters suddenly hit.

What is Opalyn going to see when she goes through that door? Will she get the information she's looking for? Will her shifty explanations about her background come into question? ... What actually is up with these uniforms? Presumably Morbledainen's just a perv who likes to look at pretty things while he teaches? That's fine, lots of people are pervs, Opalyn included.

Opalyn takes a breath and goes through the door.

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She can maybe notice it, now, the slight jolt as she passes through the 2-dimensional seam where one 3-dimensional space has been skillfully glued onto another.

And then she's in a classroom, with some people dressed similarly to her own black latex-like-material, settling into their sort-of-school-desks or standing to talk with each other.  Other women are dressed differently, in loose white cloth; those are picking up their books from their own desks, getting out of bondage ropes with some assistance, or in two cases tearfully rubbing not-overwhelmingly-concealed bottoms with red stripes across them.

Those of Opalyn's own sort (by clothing) are now turning to give her measured looks, even as she walks into the classroom.

Also the strong tingle at Opalyn's nipples has further strengthened into an ongoing stinging sensation.

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Ow! Opalyn mentally sputters about the nipple stinging until she can adapt, but once it's been going on for ten seconds or so, it fades from the focus of her conscious awareness.

... What is up with the women in the loose white cloth. This is probably the previous class on the way out, but why are they dressed differently? Did they start out in black latex and switch partway through the class? Were they dressed like that the whole time? Why would there be different uniforms for different magical subjects?

Opalyn notices the caned bottoms with some interest and feels a tingle somewhere other than her nipples.


Opalyn is not entirely sure what to do with herself, now that she's taken in the situation. In other, more typical classrooms, she'd find a desk that was in the second row and sit down and pretend to be very interested in her textbook, but she doesn't have a textbook. (She had previously been carrying around a library book for signaling, but foolishly left it in her locker with her regular clothes.) Can she at least sit down in a desk, or is there some other obvious way of being uninteresting and unobtrusive?

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The notion of what is "unobtrusive" depends on what's culturally normal!  For all Opalyn knows, if she goes into a corner and faces the corner, this will be considered very normal and nobody will look at her, while sitting down at a desk right away will cause everyone to stare at her!  This situation does not come with any obvious handbook for what will or won't cause additional attention to land on her.

There's definitely bondage equipment scattered around the classroom, if Opalyn's guess is that locking herself up in it will make her less obtrusive.

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Point taken that "unobtrusive" is a social construct, but reducing her own optionality doesn't sound like the best choice unless there's overwhelming evidence for it.

There are at least six other students in the class that's about to start. What are they all doing? Whatever's the most common activity, can Opalyn attempt to blend in by also doing that?

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The most common activity is talking to each other, and the second most common activity is sitting down at their desk and reviewing what look like ohmygosh those are WRITTEN NOTES on PAPER!

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Opalyn approaches one of the note-reviewers, crouches low alongside her, and asks in a quiet voice, "Hi, I'm new here, can you tell me where can I get some writing materials so I can take notes?"

This is not an unobtrusive action but the overwhelming desire for auxiliary processing space takes priority.

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"What's in it for me if I do?"

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Sigh. The warm glow of having been kind and good?

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"I'm not sure, what do you value that I might have?"

Opalyn is really going to have to figure out what the standard set of bargaining chips is around here because people are constantly wanting her to trade and she's got nothing.

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"I suppose you could offer to take one punishment for me, the next time I'm one of the bottom-scoring students--"

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"Don't fall for it," says a student at a nearby desk.  "They'll give you notepaper for free, you've just got to leave them in your locker when you go."

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"Fuck you!" hisses the student who was talking.  "That's averting drama, you bitch!"

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"It's fine so long as I'm doing it because I hate you."

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"Thanks!" Opalyn whispers to the student who helped her out. She gives a tiny wave and moves across the room away from those two, in case it's about to escalate.

Well, not getting to take the paper with her is unfortunate, but if it turns out class is boring maybe she can take notes about all the other things she wants to think about while the teacher drones on? Wouldn't be the first time!

Speaking of which... could the teacher please show up now?

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That happens just about as soon as the previous class has finished clearing out.

The man who walks into the classroom, alongside a mug that hovers obediently along through the air near his mouth, seems to have turned himself into a catboy at some point.  Or maybe just put on some very realistic cat ears.  He is wearing black armored robes and bears a smile that some might consider... unnatural.

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He is followed by a long-suffering-looking lady dressed in similar black armored robes, who has either also been turned into a cat-girl, or is also wearing a pretty decent set of cat-ears.

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"Greetings, my vulnerable apprentices--oh hey new face.  What's your deal?"

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Opalyn hesitates just a moment in case there is some other new pupil this -- catwizard -- might be addressing, perhaps some other student directly behind her?

When no one else speaks up, rather than let the silence get awkwardly long, she offers, "Hello, I'm here to learn some wizardry!"

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"You're in the wrong place then, this is my class on cupcake-baking."

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Oh, fantastic. Banter. Cross-cultural banter when Opalyn is at the bottom of the power differential. She'll opt to play along.

"Well, looks like we'll have to bake the cupcakes with wizardry, since I don't see any ovens or muffin tins here, so I'll stick around and see if I can learn something!"

Opalyn hopes they use ovens and muffin tins to make cupcakes in this universe, or else she just outed herself as very foreign.

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Well, at least this one can respond to banter literally at all, and has any life at her literally at all.

"As you're new to my teachings, you can start off by asking me any one question about wizardry.  It doesn't need to be restricted to what you think is the class topic; neither are we, really.  I won't pretend that I won't judge you on your choice of question and it is definitely possible for you to end up spanked here."

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Opalyn has had it with playing it safe; she'll just ask what she really wants to know.

"So, I'll need to explain a few things first."

"I've never been trained in magic at all. I've only gotten to use magic... " Opalyn starts to count and realizes she can't really tell the truth. "... a few times."

"And the only time anyone provided me with any real instruction was also the one time I charged the lightlines, the day of my lightline test."

"When I charged the lightlines, the monitor kept yelling at me, for lots of things. I didn't understand half of it. There was a lot of confusion about wizardry vs. sorcery because I didn't know the difference. He explained that when I'm doing sorcery I'm just supposed to will the magic to be a certain way, and after a lot of misery I eventually managed to do that."

"He also said that some of what I was doing was... I don't know. It had too much wizardry in it, somehow?"

"I gather that wizardry involves thinking math at the magic to get the magic to change what it's doing. With this collar on, I never get a chance to try it, though, and none of the books in the library give simple examples."

"So instead of a question, what I really want is some very basic instruction in the most basic possible unit of wizardry, before we do anything fancy. Like, what is the sort of thing you have a five year old do when they are first learning wizardry. I can probably extrapolate from there once I've seen even one basic thing."

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"You don't think math at -- important question, do you know math beyond arithmetic, at all?  This class presumes calculus and the ability to differentiate a formula from scratch.  This is a quality that should have been screened; and if it wasn't, my secretaries get spanked about it more than you, and I forward you to a different teacher and you come back later."

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Opalyn is not sure what "differentiate from scratch" means and if she's being honest it has been quite a while since she's differentiated anything at all, but she is not going to leave and go to some other teacher, she's going to get what she came for. She has a lot of differentiations memorized even after all these years, and she can probably estimate it with some quick and dirty graphing and spitballing if she has to.

"Yes, I know loads of math beyond arithmetic, I'll be fine with the math."

Besides, why should she have to share the spankings with the secretaries?

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"Derivative of a sine function?"

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Jiminy Cricket, these people have a weird idea of how to test people about math.

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"I have no idea where in a thousand worlds they manage to fuck up education on that level, of successfully managing to teach you the derivative of a sine function, but leaving you with the impression that you think math at magic to enact wizardry.  But wow if I was the Dread Emperor I would tell some places to improve their educational systems or die."

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On Earth, math is used for many applications. If someone on Earth came up to Opalyn and said they knew math but did not know any economics, or they knew math but didn’t know any engineering, or they knew math but didn’t know any physics, that would be utterly unsurprising.

Surely Eldrida has at least something that passes for economics and engineering and (mundane) physics.

So why is magic so special? Why is everyone constantly sputtering that Opalyn knows math without magic?



"It is not that strange to know math and yet know nothing of magic! Why do people keep saying this to me?"


And... wait. What else did he say?


"Also... what do you mean you don't think math at magic? What do you actually do with the math?"

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"I shall hold off on the first question until I have answered the second one, your original question, for it is prerequisite to the first."

"A wizard knows math.  Math describes magic.  Sorcerers tell magic what to do after it leaves their body, and it does that.  Wizards have to figure out what different possible magical actions will do, and do the right one.  They figure it out using math."

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Well that sure doesn't match any of what Opalyn had been thinking since the first time Fdera yelled at her about it.

This class is already incredibly educational.

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Morbledainen raises one finger in the air, and a light is born upon its tip, accompanied by magic.  A flick of his other hand's finger sets a second orb of light to orbit the first.

"You asked for a children's exercise.  This moving mana-bundle, circling the mana-source on my finger, is attracted to that mana-source with a force that varies as the inverse square of its distance from that mana-source."

"I don't make that be true by thinking math at it.  It's just always been the case that the moving type of magic is attracted in that exact way, well-described by math, to the magic I'm radiating from my finger."

"Since I know this, I can figure out how fast I need to flick the magic, at what distance, to make it orbit in a rough circle.  I also know that since I didn't flick it perfectly to make a perfect circle, the actual orbit will be an ellipse."

Though Morbledainen is trying to use simple words, Opalyn's senses will provide her with additional and more complicated information.  She can see that there's a Type A of mana flowing out of his finger, constantly radiating and losing its energy, and a type B of mana he's also emitting from his finger that just immediately turns into visible light.  The orb is made up of a different type C of mana that's orbiting the A-attractor and not losing energy; along with a bundle of type-B energy that's closely bound to the C-type mana and gradually losing energy as it turns into light.

(In other words:  The two simple kinds of mana here, type A at the center and type C orbiting it, might by default be invisible to ordinary eyes, if mere Baron-level sorcerers had weaker senses especially when collared.  But Morbledainen is helpfully tacking on B-type mana to both the central A-mana and the orbiting C-mana, so that they'll be visible to the naked eye.)

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"Okay. Looks like gravity to me, and the equations seem to be the same shape as gravity. Is there a well-known constant associated with those types of mana that's analogous to the gravitational constant? And does that constant change if you change the types of mana involved?"

... Is there a gravitational constant here or is she speaking alien right now?

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"Some kinds of mana pass right through each other.  Some are attracted inverse-linear, or inverse-cube.  Some repel each other instead of attracting."

He flicks his finger again, and another orb of light starts orbiting the star on his finger, at a wider distance, but circling faster.

"But in terms of finding another kind of mana attracted to my finger's mana inverse-square, but with a different constant -- well, there you go.  Can you say to me whether the constant of attraction, analogous to gravitation, must be higher for the new mana-bundle, or lower?"

There's now a new D-type of stable mana that's orbiting the A-type mana radiating from his finger, along with its own B-type rider to make it be visible to the naked eye.  The way the D-type mana holds its bound B-type mana is different from how the C-type mana keeps its own B-type mana along for the ride; but possibly that is not the most important thing for Opalyn to be thinking about right now.

The earlier orb (C+B) is circling at a distance of a few inches, the width of a human hand or so, and circling once per four seconds.  The new orb (D+B) orbits two hand-widths away from his finger, but completes an orbit every three seconds, outpacing the first despite the greater distance.

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She told him the math wouldn't be a problem, time to cough up some ancient, dusty recollections of physics!

Let's see. Step one is to remember how orbital mechanics works at all, without even varying the gravitational constant or bringing magic into it. Just regular old mundane satellites orbiting a planet will do just fine.

This is about when Opalyn would ordinarily just... look it up. Alas, she is utterly without the internet and must mentally muscle through this on her own, whether by recall or by calculation.


She can remember that comets typically zoom very fast when they do their fly-by of the sun, and then amble lazily when they're at aphelion. Do the same speed calculations just work for circular orbits, or does anything break when you take away the slingshot effect?

Somehow the shape of the circle needs to be maintained. A small orbit has four times the gravitational pull of one double its radius, so the satellite has to go twice as fast to avoid falling. Yep. Checks out.


Yet when she looks at Morbledainen's dancing lights, the one with the larger orbit is actually going faster. Much faster. Therefore, it must be counteracting a stronger pull toward his finger.

"The new constant-of-attraction must be higher, and the new mana-bundle must go correspondingly fast to avoid collapsing into your finger."

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"Yes.  And so that is an example of the relationship between math and magic.  Knowledge of math grants wizards power, because through that knowledge, wizards can predict the results of their own magical actions, and calculate which magical actions they ought to take.  Not because math grants them power by mere fiat of life, like some mere sorcerer who gains more power over magic when their emotions rise.  I suppose it's no one's fault to be born a sorcerer, but still, learn the damn math."

"As you apparently did, without knowing anything at all of magic."

"Now, it's not an incoherent state of knowledge for someone to know advanced math -- and have never once heard anything about the single most prestigious and powerful application of math, that is responsible for virtually all children first getting interested in math, that would appear in a supermajority of all children's books about math, that would be used in at least some illustrations and examples in all textbooks covering fields of math that can be used in wizardry at all -- the other fields of math being far less studied -- and that you'd expect a teacher to show off by magical demonstration when they taught some kid about inverse-square attractions in the first place.  Yours used gravity and that, you know, is kind of hard to demonstrate in a classroom if you want actual orbits."

"None of this matters at all to this classroom, but yes, strange.  You come from some very strange background, young lady, and stranger yet is that you do not know how strange it was.  I am genuinely unsure whether or not I ever want to hear about this again."

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"If you'll permit me one more question... do you distinguish between gravity -- which, to be clear, I think of as the attraction of mass upon other mass -- and other kinds of attraction, as in your examples with mana? Or are these all just shades of the same thing to you?"

Perhaps Opalyn should stop thinking of magic as being magical, and start thinking of it as an extension to physics. It does get much more weird to say you know calculus without knowing, say, Newtonian physics, and maybe that's why everyone keeps giving her funny looks.

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"Matter does seem interestingly distinct from magic in the sort of math it is known to obey, though I'm not sure I could easily put the difference into words -- aside from what's considered the definitional difference, namely, does it obey a sorcerer at all.  I don't know whether matter is ultimately a different sort of thing from magic, and, while I don't know if two things are the same, I shall go on distinguishing them inside my head.  I can always perceive their unity later, but once you start blurring things together it's harder even to notice that you were wrong to do that."

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"Ahhh, that one of those things obeys a sorcerer and the other does not seems like a very important distinction to me!"

Opalyn can't wait to go back to her room and play with magic now that she understands the very most basic things about it, finally.

Though she fears that just walking out of this room right now might mean missing out on even more insights. Or getting stopped and spanked.

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"I consider myself pretty good at telling whether or not I'm being messed with by ladies your age, and all of my social intuition tells me I'm not being messed with, but at the same time I literally do not know where in a thousand planets you hear about gravity but not about that."

"Anyways.  On to today's lesson."

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Today's lesson is enchantment, specifically, building vibrators.  (Yes, vibrators, not tinglers, tinglers would be way more complicated than a simple harmonic mechanical motion.)  If you know nothing else about a human female, the first guess at an effective vibration is 89Hz ramping to 101Hz, with displacement of 0.45mm.

The task of building the vibrators is both cooperative and competive!  Opalyn has an ordered list of five enemies, and needs to build sufficiently good vibrators that they can be effectively used to distract those enemies -- there's submissive-assistants who can be told to apply a vibrator to someone, once a vibrator has been built and enchanted -- so as to impede them from completing vibrators which are liable to otherwise be used on Opalyn!  Enchanting a vibrator is a two-person job, though, so you'll want to team up with some enemy of one of your enemies in order to work together on building a vibrator to distract them.  Afterwards you get graded on the efficiency, feature-completeness, and spec-compliance of your vibrators, and penalized for any orgasms you had, and the whole class gets ranked and then the winners cane the losers.

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What a practical use for magic!

Presumably her chastity belt has been disabled for the duration of class?

It seems like the students who attend this sort of class frequently will be at an advantage over others who have been denied for a long time! Can Opalyn sign up for, like, a LOT more wizardry classes?

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The Facility has a financial interest in producing more magically skilled criminals, yes.  Any future problems this creates for Society are Society's problems.

So anyone who's learning and improving at a sufficiently visible rate is totally allowed to attend multiple magic classes that award orgasms to students!

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The orgasms weren't presented so much as rewards, but, okay.

Next question: Can Opalyn just press her legs together or otherwise make it somewhat difficult to get vibrated? Can her opposition do that also? Should she be building, for example, spreader bars in addition to building vibrators? Spreader bars don't seem very magical but Opalyn wants to win.

She definitely doesn't want to have a whole bunch of orgasms and then get caned about it, definitely not, that's not what she's here for.

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Well, of course the winners get orgasms they won't be caned for!  And no, you're most certainly not allowed to close your legs while a submissive-assistant is applying a rival's enchanted vibrator to you.

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You should probably mention the reward orgasms out loud! That seems important!

Opalyn doesn't bother to ask what happens if you try to close your legs, the answer seems pretty obvious.

All right then, next question. Are these vibrators purely magical or are there physical components to them?

If the vibrators are physical, will the finished object look (to mundane sight) like a normal Earth vibrator but powered by a magical source? And where does she get the raw materials?

And if, on the other hand, the vibrators are magical, how does someone other than the wizard wield them?

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People's collars are not actually being disabled for this exercise; they're doing the enchanting exclusively using tools.  This is the sort of thing that's more awkward and expensive than just having a regular wizard do the work -- economically speaking -- but perfectly possible, just like doing a factory assembly job via teleoperated robotic hands would be feasible on Earth.  It serves to teach the skill.

The vibrators have a physical component!  Lesser magics do go easier with a physical anchor!  It's the shape that it needs to be to fit its target, plus an ergonomic handhold for the assistant.

This physical component is already provided; manufacturing that part isn't what they're trying to teach today.

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Okay! So, she just needs to make the business end of the vibrator physically move at the designated frequency and displacement? This makes sense!

And now these enchantment tools... is it completely obvious just from looking at them how to use them? She should probably find a partner, right? Enchantment was supposedly a two-person job.

There are undoubtedly better and worse people to pair up with in this room, but Opalyn doesn't know which are which. How about the girl who told her where to get paper? Is she still available?

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There is a WHOLE complicated set of alliances and rivalries inside this room which the school-provided graph of Designated Enemies has been designed to agitate as much as possible.  Opalyn, as a complete novice and outsider...

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...has obviously been given a list of five Designated Enemies whose enemies (both Designated and otherwise) include the most skilled students and best explainers in the class!  They'll need to make good use and training of Opalyn as an assistant if they want to win!

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"All right, fresh meat.  I hope you're motivated to learn here and not too horny, because otherwise neither of us is sitting down for a week."

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"I am very motivated to learn." No comment on the rest.

"Where do we start?"

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Nally will show her how to hammer a particular kind of magic into a strip of Element-000111010 which serves as the core of the harmonic oscillator.  That's probably the most straightforward part to start with.  Can Opalyn do that part using this here tool, while Nally does the more complicated work of laying down surrounding baffles to cancel out the magical stresses this generates?  Opalyn just needs to make her hammered-in magical potency be as much of an ideal smooth cylinder as she can manage.

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Opalyn gets to work as instructed, frequently checking her work with Nally at first, and then gaining in confidence as she can see with her magical sight when the work is proceeding correctly.

She wonders if there is a way to be sure the resulting magical object is truly a cylinder, all along its length, or if she's just supposed to eyeball it.

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Great question!  (Says Morbledainen, who is of course listening.)  An answer, using only tools to which Opalyn has immediate access:

It's not really what this here other tool is for, but if you just tap it against your finger and make like you're trying to enchant your finger, it'll produce a pulse of dissipated magic that'll refract through the cylinder!  The disharmonies there, in principle, would be something you could learn to look at and see where the cylinder wasn't exact.

However!  The cylindricality doesn't need to be that perfect, in order for the vibrator to work well enough to bring somebody to orgasm.  Morbledainen doesn't teach the way of perfection, but the way of knowing exactly how much imperfection you can get away with.  One point to Ravenclaw for her asking, though.

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Eyeballing it is, then! Though if Nally ever seems busy when Opalyn has less to do, she'll play with Morbledainen's tool the tool Morbledainen showed her.


After a while, she tells Nally she thinks the oscillating core is done.

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Great and good enough, but Opalyn needs to speed up on the next part of this.  Sometimes getting it done fast is more important than getting it done right; Nally is skilled enough to correct minor errors that Opalyn makes.  They may not have much time left before their enemy starts Distracting one of Nally or Opalyn -- probably Nally, but that's still bad news for Opalyn.

Conceptually, the next component of a vibrator is a magical element that gets attracted to the central pole with variable intensity, in order to make it oscillate at variable speed.  However, they actually need to build the more complicated speed control, for that component, before they can build the component itself...

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Build a speed control, quickly. Right. Opalyn will continue to follow instructions, and try to be quicker about it.

Opalyn notices that she would be completely lost without Nally. Nally knows how to use the tools already, which makes sense, but she also seems to know the components of a vibrator really well. Is that because they build vibrators in here routinely, or is Nally working from a schematic or something?

Also, has Opalyn at any point in this process needed any math beyond knowing what a cylinder is?

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That stuff scrawled on the whiteboard there is, theoretically, the instructions, and Nally has been doing math in her head about how to fulfill those instructions.

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Opalyn will have an easier time of understanding both the instructions and the math, he would guess, after she just builds something first.

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Legit! That is actually Opalyn's favorite way to learn! When she plays a new board game for the first time, she just wants to get started. She doesn't want to read the entire 32-page rulebook first. She expects to lose the first game, but the rulebook will make a lot more sense once she has some experience going through the mechanics of the game.


Now that she thinks about it that does not bode well for how this class period is going to end, and she feels a little bit bad about that because Nally has been very kind and patient with her so far! She keeps working, faster.

(But can't resist sneaking a peek at the whiteboard. Does it look intelligible in the slightest? Like, if she tried, could she make sense of it?)

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Nooooot unless Opalyn tries to look at it for long enough that Nally pleads with her to get back to enchanting.

By the way, Nally is now being Distracted and the submissive doing so is being really very mean about it, too.

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Oh no! Opalyn works even faster! No more sneaking looks at the whiteboard. But is it enough?

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It's enough to get the job done!  Eventually!

And then there's another vibrator to build, with another partner; and another vibrator, and another.  They do go faster each time.

Opalyn is not usually the priority target of any given Enemy for distraction.  But by the time she's working on vibrator number five, Opalyn herself will be subject to Distraction too.  Somebody's made a good guess about Opalyn's tastes; the person assigned to Distract Opalyn is a stern-looking and middle-aged senior assistant, dressed in black shiny, with short hair, and a distinctly more dominant vibe than the more junior assistants.

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And Morbledainen is partnering with her personally on this one!  He's actually explaining all the math as they go, this time!  He's not in a rush.

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Does he want her to learn, or does he want her to lose?

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Opalyn IS here to learn, after all. She'll ask a lot of wizardry questions.

Sometimes it takes a minute to get the entire question out, though, because she can't think straight. Or speak, really. The Distraction is very thorough.

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He'll be a very patient explainer.


(He understands that some people have other goals in life than this, but he's never really understood why.)

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And the class ends!  Time to score everyone!

Opalyn was partnered with a number of fine partners, including, of course, Morbledainen himself!  So she gets credit for building some decent vibrators, along with some due penalties.  She'll be punished, and then rewarded -- haha just kidding it's not time for the reward yet, the reward comes later.  Apparent reward time halted; time for more punishment instead!  Back to possible rewards... maybe this time will be the actual completed reward?  Nope, she wasn't done with the punishment!  Okay now it's time for her to be rewarded... well, probably Morbledainen will get around to finishing this reward eventually.  He's been sufficiently turned on by the new face in class and her travails that Opalyn is going to get fucked by him personally and the completion of her reward will be put off until after he's done, and some of the new enemies she's made in class today will be allowed to Do Things to Opalyn while Morbledainen is happening to her.  But then she'll get rewarded!

Morbledainen is a believer in showing the newcomer up front what she has to expect from his teaching.

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What an educational, transformative class! When is the next class meeting?

Opalyn will pull the scraps of her uniform around her, gather her notes, and skip back out to the locker room, her head -- and other parts of her -- pleasantly buzzing with everything that she's just learned. How wizardry actually works! Some very practical information about vibrator construction! Details of her own physiological response to intense stimuli!

She stows the notes in her locker as instructed, giving the notes one last wistful look. Maybe on a future occasion she will figure out how to smuggle the notes out. She puts the Jasmine outfit back on and picks her way back out of the educational sector of the prison complex, nodding and smiling at each of the receptionists and other students as she goes.

She's floating. Eldrida is magical.

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She's not hungry yet. It's not time to meet Grand Duke Blossom-the-Flowers yet.

Maybe another walk through the gardens?

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This place looks approximately how Opalyn feels. She'll stroll slowly through the garden, admiring the various strange spore-flowers and the view of the planet below. There are no benches to sit on but that's not actually a problem at the moment because Opalyn is in no condition to sit down! She'll just rub her posterior and grin at outer space.

Permalink Mark Unread

Time passes.

One of the other pretty girls strolling by, not wearing much at all, will give Opalyn a casual hard whack on her visibly red bottom.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, now that is just insult to injury. Can Opalyn just whack her back or is there some obvious reason why that's a terrible idea?

Permalink Mark Unread

Obvious?  No.  She's not wearing much and that, on theories previously explained, would indicate somebody either of the lowest rank, or softballing their rank, where Opalyn is visibly at least a Countess.

Also, the priors are against her being of equal or higher prison rank; most people aren't Duchesses.

Permalink Mark Unread

Then she'll whack back! Whack!

Permalink Mark Unread

She makes zero effort to evade, but will turn around and smile and attempt to whack Opalyn again!

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay, then it's a WHACK FIGHT and Opalyn is already all warmed up and extremely energetic at the moment.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, the passing imprisoned sorceress is definitely in the market for a whack fight!

If she's losing at any point she'll escalate to nipple flicks.

Permalink Mark Unread

Is this how you end up just having sex in the garden?

Sure! Let's do mutual nipple flicks! And also... back-of-the-knee licks!

Permalink Mark Unread

She sure seems to be getting the worst of the whack fight!  But is quite enthusiastic about back-of-knee licking once Opalyn introduces the concept.

Permalink Mark Unread

Opalyn has just had an orgasm half an hour ago and this should provide some kind of advantage. If she makes it a goal to get the other girl all wound up and frustrated while getting less frustrated herself, how does that go?

Permalink Mark Unread

She's liable to do really great at getting the other girl frustrated, by all visible outward signs of such!  Not so much on completely evading sexual teasing herself, the other girl seems very intent on getting Opalyn as aroused as feasible.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, this has been fun but Opalyn will now attempt to quit while she's ahead. She disengages and makes a dignified run for it.

Permalink Mark Unread

The other girl chases after Opalyn calling something about how she's so horny, wouldn't the Lady Countess please let her have relief, she'll do anything the Lady wants.

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It wasn't Opalyn's plan to provide relief in this case, but the pleading is actually getting to her a little!

How does this work, again? Does she have any of the right kind of tokens, if, hypothetically, she were to relent?

Permalink Mark Unread

Actually no!  After her first lightline charging, Duchess Orphan has been given a couple of tokens she can use to unlock herself temporarily, and a couple of dozen tokens she can use to unlock Counts.  If this here girl is the weak Baron she looks to be, then Opalyn's tokens won't work on her!  Opalyn is supposed to find some Counts to pledge fealty to her in exchange for orgasms, and then those Counts could unlock a Baron that Opalyn wants to fuck, using their own unlock tokens.

(This doesn't necessarily run along the same lines as dominance-submission, to be clear, you can be a subby Duchess with a court of Counts who dom you in exchange for their own orgasm unlock tokens.  At least, this will work for some subs.)

The Farm and the Facility are happy to help everyone structure themselves into a proper normal magical hierarchy like everyone is already used to, and dispense sexual permissions accordingly.

Also Opalyn is dressed to look like a Countess rather than a Duchess, so it's pretty understandable why this poor girl made the mistake she did!

Permalink Mark Unread

Whoooops, Opalyn is officially a tease!

"Sorrrrry, I actually don't have the right kind of token!"

And then her departure will become somewhat swifter and less dignified.


Is she doing lewd dramatic prison correctly?

Permalink Mark Unread

The other girl will audibly burst into tears, if Opalyn can hear that!  So probably yes!

Permalink Mark Unread

Opalyn can't figure out exactly how to feel about that and is a little ashamed that "satisfied" is in the mix. She'll have to go and sort that out and see if she's really okay with becoming a lewd dramatic monster?

Permalink Mark Unread

She won't have the time, at least not right this moment.

"You seem to be taking to prison well," observes Trāho, who was just entering the same entrance/exit hallway that Opalyn was fleeing into.