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nine, meet Faded Springs
Hannah Smart recreates members of the Slaughterhouse Nine as children.
Permalink Mark Unread

A while ago, Hannah Smart, young nanotechnological demigoddess from Earth Mira, devoured the entire lineup of the Slaughterhouse Nine. Using Jack Slash as a trial run, she edited out his more traumatic memories and rebuilt him as a young Miracle child. He has turned out to be quite lovely. This has spurred her to proceed with rebuilding his old teammates, Screamer, Silver Morning, Breed, Nyx, and Crimson, in much the same manner. 

A few miles outside the town of Faded Springs, their new selves lie incubating in cocoon like structures, awaiting a signal from Hannah to release their occupants. Which she does.

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The cocoon spits out five children. They look around their surroundings. The one who was Screamer hugs herself and starts humming a tune. The one who was Breed looks at her curiously.

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The shock of suddenly being spat out of a cocoon is probably enough to induce Manifestation. 

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It probably would be, for most people. Here, the only one who does get shocked enough for that is the one who used to be Silver Morning, who feels a moment of omnipotence—

—and then a bunch of ground floats up to cover her in protective armor. Breed peers at her, now.

"...hi," says she-who-used-to-be-Screamer. "Um. What's going on?"

"I dunno—where's my mom?" asks ex-Crimson.

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They suddenly perceive what looks like the hologram of a silver little girl. "Hello," it says. 

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Ex-Screamer scrams and then clamps her hands on her mouth. "Who're you?" she asks. "Why are we here?"

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"I'm Hannah. You're here because I brought you back from the dead, sorta. And it's 1998! And I'm fairly sure most of you are orphans."

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"Nuh uh, if I'd died I'd remember it," she says.

"Maybe you forget it when you die," ex-Nyx suggests.

"Bullshit," says ex-Crimson.

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"Hah! That's so Charles. Simple, I cut those memories out, along with the rest of the ones you all made as superpowered serial killers."

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"I'm sorry, what," says he-who-was-Breed.

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"You were all part of a team of horrible murderers who roamed around the country killing people for kicks using your really gross superpowers. I ate all of you. Here, I'll show you."

They're now treated to a highlights reel of Hannah fighting and devouring all of them, from her perspective. 

"Oh, and you were grown ups."

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"Bullshit," repeats Charles-who-was-Crimson.

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"Okay, you tell me why you're standing naked in the middle of the woods covered in goo, talking to a hologram who's showing you videos of grown up you being eaten, after being spewed out of a cocoon."

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"There's people being eaten. Doesn't mean it's us," Charles says, rolling his eyes.

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"Good point! Well, search your memories for a bit. Notice any suspicious gaps?" She looks at she-who-was-Screamer and the former Breed. "Well, not so much you two."

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"Why not us?" Lilly-who-was-Screamer asks. Charles, Nat-who-was-Silver-Morning, and Carol-who-was-Nyx all frown.

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"You were just a spoiled brat. The rest of you...not so much. Lots of trauma and pain in those freaky little heads of yours."

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"I was not!" protests Lilly. William just shrugs.

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She smiles and shakes her head at her. "Another thing, you might have noticed that you all feel really, really good? Physically, at least. Thoughts seem clearer?"

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"...yeah, they do," says William.

"Why are we villains?" demands Charles.

"I wouldn't be a villain," Lilly insists. "I'd totally be a hero." Pause. "What's my power?" She looks at Nat, who's covered in armour made of earth. "Why does she have powers?"

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"You're all now what are called Miracles. You're physically and mentally something like human++, and you'll heal from anything over time. Including age. You're immortal! And you'll get extra awesome powers when you Manifest. If you were most other kids it would have happened to all of you once woke up in the cocoons, but you're all a bit messed up. Sorry, but it's true."

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"I'm not messed up!" Lilly insists. "Maybe they are but I'm not."

"Shut up," snarls Charles.

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"It's not your fault. You all just got an unlucky combo of genetics and environment. But things will be better this time. Or at least better than the last five times."

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"...last five times?" William asks.

"Excuse me," says Carol-who-has-been-silent-all-this-time, "but what is going on? Heroes and villains don't exist. They're make believe. From stories. You know?"

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"Where you're from, maybe. On this world and my world there are lots of people with powers. And soon you will, too!" She claps.

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"So why am I in your world?"

"Um, what did you mean by five times?" William asks again, and Lilly nods.

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"Afraid I don't know that. Still, we'll look after you." She sounds sincere. 

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She looks at Nat. "Congrats on the powers. Wouldn't the armour kinda hurt?"

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Nat just shakes her head.

"He asked you a question," says Charles.

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"What question?"

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"You said 'last five times,'" William says. "What's that about?"

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"Seriously," she says to Nat, "all those rocks..."

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"Stop ignoring me!" William whines.

"Um," says Carol, "where's my sister? She's not a villain?"

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"Um, I don't know where she is, but I'm pretty sure I know who she is. She's a hero. I can try to get you in touch eventually. She'll be different from how you remember, though."

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"What? Why did I become a villain and Claire's a hero?"

William waves a hand in front of Hannah's eyes.

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"Well, when you got powers in your first life, they changed the way you looked. Probably changed your brain, too. I would put worry about it too much. Just try to be a good person."

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William looks at the others. "Am I invisible? Do you think she can't see me? Maybe I have a power that cameras don't detect me."

Charles and Carol shrug.

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"It's so weird there's only five of you. Weren't you supposed to be the Slaughterhouse Nine? Wait, don't answer that, you wouldn't remember. So, does anyone have any questions?"

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"Stop ignoring me!" William cries.

"Yeah, dude, not cool," Lilly says.

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"I saaaaaaid, any questions?"

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"Are you ignoring me, too?" Lilly asks, sounding affronted.

The others just watch this, Charles mildly amused and exasperated.

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"Shut up, Lilly. Seriously, none of you have any questions?"

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...she is temporarily speechless.

"What did you mean by five times?" Carol decides to ask.

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"Thank you. So, this isn't the first time I've tried remaking you. The other times didn't go well, so I started over. For instance, the incident with the bees."

She now shows them a hologram of the incident with the bees.

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Carol screams, and both Lilly and William are too busy frowning at Hannah to care. Nat seems oddly fascinated by it, but Charles—Charles is pissed. "That is such a liewouldn't do that! Stop lying!"

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"I can show you something that almost wasn't your fault."

And now they are watching the incident with the wolf.


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"That's disgusting," says Lilly, but Nat is if anything even more intrigued. Carol just makes faces, and Charles decides to stop watching and to lunge at Hannah—

—experience a moment of omnipotence—

—stop, look around, and start running for the trees at supernatural speed, rivaling the triplets when they're being playful.

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She steps out from behind one of the trees. "Ding ding, we have a winner!"

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And the winner is on her.

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She laughs.

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The winner is not sure what to do after he has her pinned down.

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"Oh, go wild. I don't really feel pain, and I have loads of spares."

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He frowns and gets up, then spits in her direction.

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"Oh, don't be a sourpuss. You're immortal and you have superpowers. Can't wait to see what Carol gets."

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"...me? Why me?"

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"Cause you're the only important one left. Hey, I think I have a picture of your sister I can show you. Your sister today, I mean."

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"Why are you so mean!" cries Lilly.

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She rolls her eyes quite clearly. "Do you want to see it? It's not like, scary or anything."

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"Stop ignoring me," Lilly shrieks—

—and now she is clearly impossible to ignore, she's the most important thing around, she's fascinating, every movement of hers is noteworthy, every word meaningful, every glance relevant—

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Not to Hannah, but she can guess the affect based on how everyone else is reacting. "Ooh, I think you just Manifested, Lilly. Might be more to it if you try stuff."

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"—oh so now you're not ignoring me, huh?" she says, pouting.

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She giggles. "You're sort of making it hard. So, Carol, picture?"

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"Is she gonna ignore me until I get powers, too? Why me and not you, you don't have any powers," William tells Carol, who shrugs.

"She's stupid," Charles declares.

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"Oh, be quiet Charles, I reconstructed you from bacon and leaves."

She displays the picture. It seems to have been taken without the subject's knowledge, who's at the very least undeniably related to Carol. She looks happy.

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Carol looks at it.

And frowns.

It turns completely red and then dissolves into nothing.

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"Are you okay?"

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...she shakes her head.

William frowns. "So I'm the only one without powers, now?"

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"You were twins, weren't you?"

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"That's rough. My brothers and sister are triplets."

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"What were my powers in the other life?" William asks.

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"Gross and stupid."

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"You vomited bugs."

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"Ew!" declares the most important person amongst them.

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"And then the bugs climbed into people's mouths or butts and ate them from the inside."

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William makes a face while the most important person repeats a louder "Ew!" and Charles says "Dope!"

"...do you have holograms of that?" comes Nat's small voice.

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"Um, yes, but we don't need to see that. Nat, could you come talk with me. In private?"

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They are then surrounded by stone walls. "You don't feel much, do you?"

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"Except when people are hurting?"

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"Not just people."

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"I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to hurt people or animals just so you can feel better. I can make it so other things make you feel, though. Do you want that?"

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"I'm not sure. What's it like?"

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"I can make you feel some feelings now if it would help you decide."

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First she makes her feel happy. 

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She's in a suit of armor made of rock, it's not super clear what her reaction to this is.

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"Do you like that?"

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"I dunno."

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"Maybe we could try it for a few days and see if you like it?"

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"Are you okay with me taking down the walls, now?"

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She lets them fall. "Okay, so everyone's Manifested!"

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"I still haven't!" William complains.

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"Eh. So, how about we wash that yucky amniotic fluid off in the river and head into town. Birthday breakfast!"

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The others follow her.

"...are you gonna ignore me, too?" William says. Carol looks over her shoulder and shrugs.

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Once they're there, Hannah initiates a splash fight.

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Everyone joins in except for Nat and William.

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Huh, she was sort of hoping to give Nat an opportunity to try out her fancy new emotional reactions. Once everyone's clean, she starts generating clothes for them. She's willing to accept suggestions.

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They get their clothes one by one, and William's the last.

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"Sorry, Miracles only."

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"What?! Why?"

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"So everyone will know who's what."

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"That's not fair! Why do I get to be last? I didn't do any—"

—feeling of omnipotence—

"—thing," he finishes in unison with himself—or his other self, standing in front of him and blinking.

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"I guess you both get pants."

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"Um," they both say, "what."

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"Sorry for being crappy to you and Lilly. I knew it would help you Manifest."

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They fold their arms in unison and glare at her.

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"Trousers or shorts? Also, might want to see if you can duplicate clothes. Saves embarrassment."

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They look at each other, then one of them disappears.

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"Any idea how many of you you can make?"

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"Give me my trousers first."

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"Oh, sure." She hands them over, along with a shirt.

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He accepts them.

Then multiplies. And multiplies again. And again. "Don't think I have a limit," they all say.

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"Awesome! Now, to Faded Springs!"

She leads them out of the woods into town, whistling a merry tune.

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...they're all silent, except for Lilly, who talks about everything and nothing with Charles.

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Is Charles talking back?

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Occasionally. Lilly does kinda dominate the conversation.

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Cute. Eventually they reach town.

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Where most people are at work or at school, and the streets are mostly deserted.

"Where are we?" asks Lilly.

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"Faded Springs. Whole town is made up of Miracles like you guys."

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As if to punctuate her statement, someone flies by above their heads.

"...wicked," says Charles, grinning.

"Okay but why?" asks Carol.

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"Because someone tried murdering all these people, and I had to keep them safe by eating them. I made them Miracles to say I was sorry."

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"Someone? Who?" asks Lilly.

"She means us," the two remaining Williams inform her.


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"Still, water under the bridge. Now, breakfast."

She leads them to a diner she rather likes. 

"Make way, five hungry Miracles in need of emergency birthday breakfasts!"

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"And where," comes a familiar voice, "did you get six new Miracles, Ms. Smart?"

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"Oh, hi Mayor Boris. And I made them."

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"Made them?"

"We used to be villains but we're nice now," supplies Lilly.

Mayor Boris does a double take. "Villains," he says, deadpan, before looking at Hannah again. "Ms. Smart, are they who I think they are?"

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"Well, I can't read minds."

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"Ms. Smart."

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"Okay, you got me, they're the Nine. Well, five."

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The whole diner falls silent. "That was a very unwise thing to do, Ms. Smart."

"We're nice! We didn't do anything!" Lilly insists.

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"She's  right, really."

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"Ms. Smart, would you and your new Miracles come with me?"

"But we're hungry," complains Charles, and Carol nods.

"It'll be just a moment."

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He leads them outside, then asks the five/nine to wait a moment and pulls Hannah aside.

"Has it occurred to you, Ms. Smart, that everyone in this town has been murdered by these people?"

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"So did Jacob, and everyone likes him."

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"I'm sure everyone in your world likes him, and I'm also sure everyone here would be very traumatized to see him."

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"They're all like, eight."

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"Yes, Ms. Smart, but I do not expect the people of this town will be reassured to know that some of their loved ones are gone forever because you could not get to them in time while their killers are walking around free."

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".... I'll take them home. Could they have breakfast first?"

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"Not here, please, Ms. Smart."

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She heads back over to the 5/9. "Sorry guys, breakfast is postponed. Who's up for a journey to a tropical paradise in another dimension?"

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"...why?" asks William, suspiciously.

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"Because people here are scared of your old selves and would treat you unfairly here."

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They're all silent at that.

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"It's not so bad. My world has awesome giant monsters, mermaids, cool ruins, the lot."

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"Oooh!" say Carol, Charles, and Lilly simultaneously.

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"All we need to do is head to the waterslide portal."

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She pulls some chocolate bars out of her "dress pocket". "Take these and follow me!" 

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They all take one.

Except for Nat.

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"Not a chocolate person?"

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"That's okay."

She leads them a ways out of town to an abandoned water park, where Hannah has gotten one of the slides up and running again, plus loads of flashing lights. "Who wants to go first?"

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"Me! Me! I do!" says Carol.

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"Kay! Don't worry about your clothes getting wet."

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She'll go, then.

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There's a flash of light at the bottom.

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"Line up everyone, I'll see you on the other side."

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They line up. Even Nat.

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She makes sure they're all spaced apart. 

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They slide underwater, and when they emerge...

...they are naked. And in a cave.

"Um. What," says Lilly.

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"Welcome to my home!" shouts Hannah, not bothering with the dress either. "...Not that I actually live in this cave."

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"Why are we naked?"

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"Eh, magic portals are like that. Hardly anyone bothers here anyway. Wanna come meet my brothers and sister? We can show you the volcano lair!"

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"There's a Volcano Lair?" Charles exclaims. "That's dope!"

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"It so is."

She leads them out onto the beach, where the triplets, Evan, Maurice, Jacob and Sadde are playing.

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And they all turn to look at the new kids.

"Who're these?" Sadde asks.

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"Jacob's friends from when he was evil."

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"You've edited them, right?"

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"Course I did! All Miracles by the way."

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"Edited them?"

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"Made them less likely to kill us all in our beds."

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"I wouldn't kill anyone!" says Lilly.

"Well you did. In the future," Charles points out.

"Bet it was just obnoxious people," William says.

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"Some of them were pretty okay."

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Martin desperately wants to change the subject. "What are your powers?"

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"I don't know, she just says I have one," says Lilly.

"I can duplicate," William says, demonstrating.

Charles shrugs. "I'm super fast and strong but not now."

"I can paint things!" Carol says brightly. "And they do things when I paint them."

And Nat is still in her armour.

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"How can you not know your power?"

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"I just don't."

"You're shiny," says Charles. "It feels like we should pay attention to you."

Sadde chokes on her spit. "You what?" She looks away, then looks at Lilly, and screeches.

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Jacob blinks and looks between Sadde and Lilly.

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"Don't be nasty, Sadde."

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Lilly looks very confused.

"I'm not being nasty she is messing with my head!"

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"Not on purpose."

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"Does that make my head less messed with? It does not!"

"But I'm not doing anything!" Lilly exclaims.

"Kinda are," says Charles. "Hard to see but we were around you before. It's different."

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"Sadde, we shouldn't mistreat people for things they can't control."

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"I'm not mistreating anyone! I'm just going away, I am totally allowed to not be around people for things they can't control."

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"That's fine. I hope we can work out a solution some time."

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"Yeah. Bye."

And she's ensuited and flies away.

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Jacob looks around and decides to fly after her.

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"...um," says Lilly.

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"Sorry about that. Sadde is very defensive of her mind."

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"Shame Jacob flew away. You'd have liked him."

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Michael suddenly is behind Lilly. "But everyone likes Jacob."

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She screams, and Charles snickers.

"I don't really get it," Carol shrugs.

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Michael giggles. "I'm Michael, son of the mermaid!" he declares, mostly at Lilly.

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"Is that why you're all gray?" asks Charles.

"Who cares, a mermaid?" enthuses Lilly.

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"Show me!"

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"You mind going for a swim?"

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"...I can't breathe underwater."

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Martin zips off for a second. "Here," he says, handing her a breathing mask. 

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She eyes it mistrustfully. "What's that?"

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"Breathing mask, let you stay underwater for a long time."

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"How do you use it?"

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"You strap it over your mouth and breathe, silly."

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"Okay!" She puts it on.

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Michael takes her by the hand and leads her into the water. 

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She follows willingly!

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Stan decides to go find Jacob and Sadde. "Michael's taking Lilly to meet his tribe if you wanna come back."

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"—yeah, okay."

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Back to the south beach! "So, how's not being grown up super-murderers treating you guys?" He looks at Nat. "And what's with the armour?"

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"I like it," she says defensively.

"Stan, you shouldn't criticise other people's fashion choices."

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Jacob giggles.

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"I didn't say it was bad. Though the sun does feel nice."

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"I think we're ignoring the big issue here. Namely, that Carol has paint powers."

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"Yep!" she says, grinning.

Charles rolls his eyes. "Laaaaaaame."

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And now Charles is trapped in a rainbow bubble. "Could you show us?"

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So she makes a patch of sand turn red...

...and then it gradually starts being consumed and turned into nothing.

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"Can you do other colours?"

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"Yeah but I don't know what they do."

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"One way to find out!"

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"What should I paint?'

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He points at a palm tree. "That." 

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She starts covering the tree in green. Nothing happens at first, but after the whole tree's been greenified—

—a copy of it appears a few feet away from it.

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The kids are all impressed, but none are as enraptured as Maurice. "Bravo, bravo! Magnifique!"

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She giggles and bows.

"That's a really cool power. You have a different thing for each color?" Sadde asks.

"I think so."

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"Try it on one of my illusions," says the still colourful Maurice suddenly standing beside the now pink skinned original.

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She squints at it. "I can't."

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"Huh. Interesting."


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"So, is the armour your whole power or..." Martin asks Nat.

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"No." Nat makes a bunch of rocks float and orbit around her.

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"Cool! Can ya do sand?"

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She demonstrates that she can by making an arc of sand around herself.

"That's much cooler than painting things," Charles opines.

"I can destroy anything," snorts Carol.

"...fine, that's cool, too."

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"And there are so many colours! She's like a goddess! A pretty art goddess!"

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She giggles. "What's your power?"

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"I manipulate air and sound to make illusions."

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"So you also paint things?"

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"Yeah. I also paint things with like, brushes and stuff."

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"I don't. Dunno why I got this power."

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"Maybe you'd like real painting if you tried it?"

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"Maybe," she says dubiously.

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"Well, if you're ever bored."

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"Yeah okay."

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Moira looks at Charles. "What did you mean by being super strong but not now?"

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"I'm not super strong now. I don't know why I was before, but I was, I found her," he points at Hannah, "and I ran to her and got her when she was hiding, but now I'm just normal again."

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"What was happening when you did that?"

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"...she was fucking with us."

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In a split second he's being shoved against a tree. "Don't swear!"

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And in a split second she's been shoved away and he's standing five feet from her and baring his teeth.

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"Oh, so you need to be pissed." She assumes a more battle ready stance. "Wanna fight?"

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"Bring it!"

And he pounces.

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She flings him into the air and flies after him!

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He's agile enough he can twist in the air and avoid her.

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Then he'll fall to the ground.

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"Battle Royale!"

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Yeah fine they can have fun.

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By unspoken agreement, it's island child vs. 5/9. Stan goes for William.

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William mob rushes Stan.

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Maurice intervenes with his own air clones.

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William makes more William.

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What are Jacob and Sadde up to?

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Watching and quietly talking to Nat.

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"You're no fun!" says Stan from the William dog-pile.

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"Yet you still hang out with me!" she calls.

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"Your room is down the hall!"

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"Ignore him," Martin says to Nat. "He's just what happens when the dumb twin thinks he's the evil one."

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She squirms uncomfortably at that.

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"Are you okay?"

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"Dont talk much?"

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Jacob pats her shoulder.

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"No idea where I might have seen that before.'

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Jacob giggles.

Nat looks at him, then peels back the rock from her face so her head is sticking out of the armor.

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Martin giggles a little as well. "So you do have a face."

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She pokes her tongue out at him, then looks very surprised that she did that. Jacob pats her again.

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"Resuming leadership duties, are we?"

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Now he's not sure if that was appropriate. 

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...yeah it wasn't. Jacob frowns.

Nat looks at him. "You were Jack Slash?"

Jacob nods.

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"But he's the nicest kid you'll ever meet unless he somehow has a baby with Maurice!"

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A grimace, now. Nat giggles, and is surprised by this, too.

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Humour, he can do that. "Don't mind him, he just learned how babies were made a week ago."

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Nat blinks in confusion. "How are babies made?"

"A boy puts his peepee in a girl and that feels good for both of them and then something in the boy goes in the girl and that grows into a baby," Jacob explains.


"It's weird," he agrees.

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"Your world's schools weren't doing their job."

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"I didn't go to school," Jacob says. Nat just shrugs.

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"How much do you remember of your old life?" he asks Nat.

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"Not much. Didn't like my mom. Dad was never around."

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"Oh. Well, I'm sure my mum can find you a new one."

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"...a new dad?"

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"Or a new mum, or both. Someone to look after you."

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Sadde's turn to pat her. "We're team terrible parents, here," she nods.

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"This kinda puts a dead dad in perspective."

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At that Sadde frowns.

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And now Jacob's patting her.

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"So what do you want to do, Nat? We've got a whole island to work with."

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She looks around. "Stay here."

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"That's okay, as long as you're happy."

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She furrows her brows in concentration.

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"Thinking about something?"

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"Don't know if I'm happy."

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"...Is that a problem you have a lot?"

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"I was born today."

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He laughs. "Fair enough." 

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Meanwhile, Moira is still duelling with Charles, having the time of her life testing her might against a new speedster.

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Charles doesn't quite match her but it's close enough to be challenging, and the more ticked he is the faster and stronger and more agile he is.

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She resorts to tickling him to try and boost his powers.

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That only annoys him—so it does in fact help.

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"You are a worthy challenger," she says between striking and dodging.

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"You are annoying," he says, laughing between dodging and striking.

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"I wonder how strong a good kick to the bollocks would make you."

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"Don't you dare," he growls.

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She makes a wild kicking motion, deliberately stopping just short of her supposed target.

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He dodges anyway, and attacks.

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She is very fast. "You are so adorable when you're angry."

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She lets him get her, he's earned it.

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Meanwhile, Carol and Maurice have been testing colours. Blue makes things cold, black makes things warm, purple makes things slippery, orange makes things more solid...

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"I love my powers, wouldn't trade them for anything...but if I had to I'd want yours."

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"It's really cool," she says smugly. "I wonder if I could have a color that sets things on fire."

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"And this is why we test new colours on sand and rocks."

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"I wanna set things on fire! Maybe..."

She tries combining red and black. It works. She giggles.

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"I am the master of all elements!"

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He winks. "Don't let Nat hear that."

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"I'm way better than she is. Hmm... I think..." She envelops a rock in white. It starts floating. "I'm getting the hang of this."

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"Can you do colours people can't usually see?"

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"Like what?"

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"Ultraviolet, infrared?"

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She tries one of these invisible colours. It makes stuff glow. "That's ultraviolet." Then infrared causes it to start vibrating and moving and shaking and jumping a lot.

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"Doesn't seem very stable."

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"I want something other than sand and rocks to practice on."

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"Dunno. Mice."

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"Maybe not something so...alive?"

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She pouts. "But that's the fun!"

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He giggles, a little warily. 

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And now Michael is walking out from the surf, a thoroughly painted Lilly in hand. "We're baaack!"

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"There were mermaids they were so cool!"

...yeah Sadde's noping out of there.

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"There were mermen, too."

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"Yeah all of those. They're gray but it's like dolphins and they make clicking noises and it's so great!!!"

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"I know, right? I think they liked you."

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"I got all painted look!" She runs up to one of the extant Williams to show him. He nods solemnly.

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"And we saw a baby being born."

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"Yyyyeeeeeah it was icky."

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"It was the miracle of life!"

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"It was an icky baby coming out of icky parts!"

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"You don't like babies?"

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"They're icky," she declares.

"Eh, they're alright," a William says.

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"See, he knows what's up. And you were a baby once."

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"And icky," she insists.

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"Wait, you were born today. So logically you're still a baby!"

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"What's logic got to do with anything?"

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"You are a day old, and people who are a day old are babies." She pats Lilly on the head.

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"No, babies are small icky gooey things, it has nothing to do with how old you are."

"Rrrrraaaah!" cries Charles as he tackles Moira.

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"And that means Hannah's your mummy!" she says while wrestling around with Charles. 

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"No she's not, she's, like, a surrogate mom at most."

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"Cause she carried you inside her?"

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Hannah giggles. "I'm so proud of my babies."

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"Not a baby," Lilly insists.

"Kind of a baby," William muses.

"Rrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!" Charles cries.

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"This one thinks he's a dinosaur."

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Head butt!

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He growls and runs after her.

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She holds him in a head lock. 

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He throws himself (and her) to the ground.

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"I concede."

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"Hah! I win!"

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"Feels good, don't it?"

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"Do you take back that spit earlier?"

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Shrug. "Maybe."

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"I did make you an awesome superhuman."

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"You also ignored us a lot for a long time," complains the most important person around. "That was mean."

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"That was so you could get powers."

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"Couldn't you just inject us with hormones or something," asks William.

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"That doesn't sound very safe."

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"You literally made us."

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"Do you see regular mummies injecting their babies with hormones?"

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"You're not regular."

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"God, why does it matter now?"

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"'Cause you could've done it!" William insists.

Jacob tilts his head and waves, calling Hannah's attention.

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"Excuse me." She walks over to Jacob.

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"Are you gonna do this again?"

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"Make people."

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"Why do you ask?"

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"If you are, you should listen to them."

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"I am listening."

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"God, why does it matter now?" he says in Hannah's voice.

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"Wait, how are you doing that?"

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"Just because I can't copy your powers doesn't mean I can't copy you, silly," he says, still in her voice.

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"Well, he was being dumb."

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"Was not!" William protests.

"You're very powerful, Hannah, but you need to think very carefully before you use your powers. The easiest way to do things isn't always the best, and you need to be sure that you've found the best way to achieve your goals," Jacob says in Zaneta's voice.

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"Stop being mum, Jacob, it's weird! And how was what I did easy?"

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"You could've tried to figure out how to get them to Manifest without being mean to them," says Jacob-who-is-Martin.

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"I tried that the first four times!"

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"You should've figured it out before trying even once," Jacob-Stan says, rolling his eyes.

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"Then how would you have done it?"

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"You're the whizz kid here." Moira now.

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"What was I supposed to do? Let them stay dead?"

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"Find out the best way to get them to Manifest before they woke up at all," suggests Maurice, helpfully.

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"But how?"

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Shrug. "Study more biology?" This is pure Jacob.

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"There are very few books on making weird resurrected kids Manifest." 

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"But kids Manifest when they're in certain emotional states, right?" argues Evan. "You could induce those internally."

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"And subjecting them to inexplicable terror is better?"

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"Better than explicable and reasonable terror," Evan continues. "But I don't know if this is the best idea, I'd need to think for a while."

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She sits in the sand. "You are officially annoying enough to be my brother."

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Jacob grins, walks over to her, and pats her shoulder.

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"Okay, okay, go play with your...do you want them to be anything to you?"

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"Least you're not the littlest around here anymore."

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"We're not little," Lilly insists. "We're just young."

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Michael has no opinion on this. He's busy examining Lilly. "You have got to have another power."

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"You keep saying that."

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"Only cause it's true. I've never met a Miracle with a power that tiny and useless. You like mermaids, maybe it's a sea thing."

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"My power isn't useless," and of course she's right.

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"Okay, not useless, but Miracles with powers like that have fighty ones, too."

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"Fighting's boring, why would I want to fight?"

She shouldn't fight if she doesn't want to, clearly.

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"Well, no, but sometimes you need to fight. Imagine if Hannah had dropped you naked in a jungle all alone or something."

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"That'd be mean, why would she do that?"

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"It's a hypothetical."

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"Is it gonna happen?"

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"So it doesn't matter."

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"Still be nice to know everything you can do."

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"Maybe I don't have a fighty power."

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"The power granting god computer likes well rounded Miracles."

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"...and fighting is important?"

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"It sure is! Right Charles?"

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"Raaaaaar!" Pounce.

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She pins him. "Maybe we should fight Lilly?"

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"Raaaaaar!" he growls, running towards Lilly.

"Aaah!" Lilly screams—

—knocking Charles unconscious.

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"Wimp!" She runs at Lilly.

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She screams again, and now Moira's inner ear's saying she's all over the place.

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She faints. 

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Martin pokes her with a toe. "She's not dead."

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"Neither is Charles. Guess you do have another power."

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She pouts. "It's a stupid power."

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"You just took out a class A Miracle." 

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"You're awesome!"

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"I know," she says smugly.

Charles sits up slowly, groaning. "What happened?"

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"Lilly knocked you out with her powers!"

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"Oh. How?"

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"By screaming!"

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"I dunno, I just screamed," says Lilly.

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"Eh, sleepy is over."

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"My power isn't fighty," one of the extant Williams says.

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"Dude, you're an army."

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"Yeah but not a fighting army. Just an army of scrawny nerds."

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"Maybe fighty is the wrong word. Survivey?"

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Moira stands up and dusts herself off. "You have bested me, flower-person."

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"...what?" asks Lilly. "Oh. Because of my name?"

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Zaneta drops from the sky. "Forgive my daughter. She enjoys nicknames."

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Lilly eeps and falls on her butt.

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"Hello, children."

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"Who're you?" asks Charles.

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"Zaneta Sokolov. Hannah's mother. Maybe your grandma, in a sense."

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He grimaces. "Hannah is not my mother. She's just a weird girl."

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"And you're perfectly normal, I suppose."

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"I let him beat me in a fight. He almost nearly kinda not lost before that."

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"Nuh uh! I totally won."

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"Is this terribly important right now?"

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"Never mind. Hannah, you are grounded from creating life."

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"I wasn't going to make a habit of it..."

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Eyebrow raise.

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"So, what do we do with you..."

She probably didn't mean for that to sound menacing. 

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"That sounded threatening," Jacob points out helpfully.

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"Then I apologise. No harm will come to any of you."

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"Why is there anything to do? We're fine here," insists Charles.

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"I think she was talking long term. We kinda already have two orphans."

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"It's a big island."

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"Can we at least keep this one?" says Moira, gripping Charles by the shoulder. "He's feisty!"

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"I'm feisty!" he agrees, and Lilly and William roll their eyes in unison.

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"Carol needs to be somewhere her power can be nurtured and grow. So, here or my house."

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Carol snorts.

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Zaneta allows herself a chuckle. "Given the circumstances, I think keeping you all together would be best for now. Not that you can't keep visiting, Maurice."

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Subliminal happy noise, and he is now blue with lime stripes. 

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Nat shuffles her feet a bit.

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"Are you alright, child?"

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Shrug. "I think so."

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"It's okay if you aren't."

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"But I think I am."

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"Good to know. So, any of you want pants?"

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"Yeah," says Lilly, and William and Carol nod. Nat is still in her rock armor, and Charles seems to be fine.

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"Kay." She produces some clothes, simple shorts and t-shirt affairs.

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They start getting dressed. Except Carol expertly applies some colour to the sand on her body so it'll go away and then the other two want in on that so they won't feel sticky.

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"I'm guessing that's not the only application of your Miracle?"

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"My colors can do all kindsa stuff," she says smugly.

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"Care to demonstrate?"

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She does! She demonstrates all colors they've tried so far.

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"Impressive. Anyone else want to show me what they can do?"

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Charles sure does! He tackles Moira again.

William merely multiplies, and Nat doesn't do anything, while Lilly—" I don't want to knock you unconscious." And really, isn't it nice of her to think of that? She's so considerate.

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She smiles at Lilly, before turning to Nat. "I suppose your Miracle is self evident."

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She nods. "I can control earth. And rocks. And sand."

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"Versatile. How about we get you all some lunch?"

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They all seem agreeable to this idea.

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And now there's a picnic laid out for them. 

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Oooh food!

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"You didn't feed them, did you?" she says to Hannah.

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"We got kicked out the diner."

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"I'm sure Mayor Boris explained why."

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Jacob ponderously facepalms.

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While the children eat, Zaneta sits down and asks them some seemingly innocuous questions about themselves. 

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They answer them! Mostly. They've forgotten some things.

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She decides that it needs to be addressed. "Would any of you like me to try and track down any family you might have?"

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"She says it's been years," Lilly says. "Do we even have family anymore?"

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"I'm afraid I don't know yet."

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"I guess it's fine," she says dubiously, and William shrugs.

"I want my sister," says Carol, "but she's an adult. I want my twin."

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"I could make a younger version of her for you."

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"Hannah!" says Zaneta very sharply.

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"...could you do that?" Carol wonders.

"Hannah, you are grounded from creating life," says Jacob-Zaneta.

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"Just hypothetically speaking."

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"Actually, Jacob, could you come and speak with me for a moment? In private?"

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Nod. Follow.

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"Jacob, I asked some people on Bet to do some digging, and I think we found your mother."

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Slow nod.

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"I thought you might want to know that. We don't have to do anything about right now. Or ever, if you'd rather."

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"I apologize if that was upsetting."

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Shrug. "Dunno."

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"Do you need a hug?"

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"Are you okay with the others staying here for the time being?"

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"You're very mature for your age."

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Meanwhile, Martin is chatting with Carol. "So you have a twin?"

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"...I dunno if I still do."

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"Because she'll be older?"

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"Yeah. And remember more things, and I was a villain."

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"But you weren't anymore."

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"But she doesn't know that and she won't meet me and go 'oh okay that's alright let's be sisters again'!"

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Martin looks over at Stan, who is currently squabbling with Charles about something. "Maybe twins are overrated."

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"They're not."

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"Mine thinks he's a villain."

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She shrugs. "I don't think kids can be villains."

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"He and Moira used to gang up on me all the time...kinda feels like sometimes they're the twins and I'm just extra."

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"But you're the one who looks like Stan."

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"You can have boy-girl twins."

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"I know but why would you think you're the one left out of you literally look like Stan?"

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"Cause they're, I don't know, more suited to each other?"

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Shrug. "I'm not suited to my sister. She's still mine."

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"What's she like?"

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"She's—I don't know how to describe her—she's nice and good and always worries about other people and she pretends she doesn't worry about me because I'm no good but she's lying she totally does and she covers for me when I do something wrong and says it's the last time but it never is and she's my sister."

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"I'm sure you're not bad."

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"I know I'm not. I don't care if I'm a villain when I grow up, maybe I become evil later but I'm not now and she knows that and she knows what I'll become and I'll never haver her back" and now she's crying for the first time since she was reborn.

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She hugs her tentatively. "I'm sorry. I know this won't sound like much, but my mum will take care of you, whatever happens."

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"She's not my sister."

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"Do you wanna cat? Cats make everything feel less the worst."

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She pulls away. "I want my sister, not a cat or your mum."

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"Hannah will be able to help--one way or another."

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"Take you to her, make a new, smaller her."

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"...didn't your mom say she couldn't?"

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"Eh, we'll convince her. Wanna go keep Sadde company?"

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They search for Sadde!

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Floating along somewhere, all alone.

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Martin floats along with her, carrying Carol. "Hi. Sorry about Lilly having a scary power."

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Shrug. "Not your fault."

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"Well, they're kinda going to be staying here for a while."

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"I know."

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"Maybe you should talk to Mum about it?"

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"What's she gonna do?"

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"She'll work something out. That's what mums are for."

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"I guess..."

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"Till then, why don't you show Carol your powers?"

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"I'm flying, aren't I?"

"Everyone can fly," Carol, who can't, rolls her eyes.

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"Maybe if you made your clothes the right colours?"

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"Do you have a floaty colour?"

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"Yeah but it's floating not flying."

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"Maybe if you found an accelerate colour and switched between that and floaty really fast."

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"Could just use both," she suggests.

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"Yeah, maybe!"

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"Shouldn't test on me, though, could get hurt."

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"You should try floating at least. I'll catch you."

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So she does! Gravity stops affecting her.

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She giggles.

"I could give you a propeller or something."

"Ooh!" says Carol. "I want one!"

So she has a propeller she can control with a remote near her arm.

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"Can I drop you now?"

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He does so.

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She is floating! She presses a button on the propeller and goes forward. "Whee!"

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"Yay, flying!"

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She learns to accelerate and steers and zips around, giggling.

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Flying tag!

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Maurice flies up to them in a glowy bathtub. "Oh, you figured out flying?" he asks Carol.

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"No, Sadde's helped me with the propeller." She shows him it.

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"Hurray, teamwork!"

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She giggles and boops him. "Tag, you're it!"

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Stan sends Charles flying past them.

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Maurice taps him on his way past. "You're it!"

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They giggle and fly.

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Michael watches from the ground. "Flying is just a rip off of swimming," he says to William and Lily. 

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"You're just jealous," says William.

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He teleports in front of him. "You were saying?"

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"You're just jealous," he repeats, unimpressed.

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"Why would I?"

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"You can't fly."

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"Neither can you."

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"Yeah but I'm not complaining."

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"I'm not either."

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"Uh huh."

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"Actually, maybe you could fly by copying upwards?"

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"Try it!"

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"What if I fall though."

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"Got spares dontcha?"

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"I dunno what happens if one of me dies!"

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"Good point. Hey, Lil, think you could break glass with your thing?"

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"I don't know. Sounds dangerous."

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"You sound like Sadde."

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She grimaces. "No I don't."

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"She's always like, 'that's dangerous', or 'you're terrible, everyone here is terrible!'"

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She folds her arms. "Bring something made of glass here."

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A few teleports later, and he has a glass.

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"...put it somewhere it won't cut you."

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He puts it on a rock near the trees.

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She screams.

It shatters.

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She bows.

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"I was right, I was right!"

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"Yes yes we get it," she says, rolling her eyes.

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The island has enough room that nobody has to share a room if they really don't want to. Maurice rather speedily obtains permission to spend the night.

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Carol thinks this is endearing.

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"So, I have a room set up here."

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"Of course you do, you practically live here, they said."

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"That's an exaggeration...only every other weekend. Half the holidays....some Christmases. But they practically live at my place, too!"

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"Do they have rooms there?"

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"Well, no, but my mums aren't crazy super rich and don't own a volcano."

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"There you go then."

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He leads her to his room. Unsurprisingly, it's filled with half finished paintings. Someone evidently moved another bed in. 

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Carol blinks. "Who's gonna sleep there?" she asks warily.

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"...I am going to have to speak to someone about being pushy. Probably Martin."

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"Yeah um I'm not gonna."

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"That's fine. Wanna take a painting, though?"

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"Oh, sorry, you don't have to. I'm being pushy."

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"No it's alright I'll take one."

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"Oh, okay. I like the one of the flying boat." 

It is rather nice. 

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She accepts it. "Thank you."

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"You're welcome. I'll get one of the glowy fast ones to move the bed."

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She giggles. "Okay."

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"Picked one out yet?"

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"...a room? No, not yet."

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"Want help looking?"

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That goes pleasantly enough. 

The next couple of days are nice enough, although eventually Zaneta feels compelled to discuss the Lilly situation with Sadde.

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Sadde is displeased.

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"I figured you would prefer to discuss this separately."

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"Her aura makes you uncomfortable, does it not?"

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"I'm guessing there is little I can do to alleviate that."

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"Maybe you and Lilly could alternate staying with Maurice's family?"

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"I don't mind being on the same island as her I just don't wanna be around her."

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"You can't tell me it doesn't make you feel awkward, though."

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Shrug. "I don't care."

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"You can go then." 

Once Sadde leaves, Zaneta calls in Lilly. 

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"So, your power scares Sadde. Not your fault, but still true."

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She folds her arms. "He's being silly, it doesn't do anything, what's so bad about paying attention to me?" asks the most important person in this room.

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"He'd rather avoid any interference with his thought processes. Does the situation make you uncomfortable at all?"

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"If he's gonna be silly about it it's his problem."

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"That's very sensible."

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She does make a point of seeing if the situation is making any of the other children uncomfortable.

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Jacob is a bit distressed by it but the others are cool.

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She brings it up while they're gardening one Sunday morning. "You don't feel responsible at all, do you?"

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"That's good. I suppose there's enough of you about that neither Sadde or Lilly are likely to feel left out."

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"Maybe it'll keep them from running off."

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"Major disadvantage of flying children."

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"Lilly can't fly," he points out.

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"Neither can Evan, and he manages."

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"That flying suit of his."

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"Then he can fly," Jacob argues reasonably.

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"Fair point, but the others could still carry Lilly."

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"I'm hoping the volcano lair keeps them from getting bored and wandering off."

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A few days later, Moira wakes up, and with Michael busy doing ocean things, she decides to go find Charles.

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He is staring at the ceiling in his room.

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Which Zaneta helped decorate to his tastes.

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When Moira arrives he looks up at her. "Hullo."

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"You wanna go fight? Swim? Watch a movie? Annoy Martin?"

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He sits up immediately. "Yes."

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"All of them! Any of them! Let's just do something!"

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"...Are you seriously bored?"

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"Okay, I can get bored here, but I doubt you lived on a super-science volcano lair."

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"Well I haven't seen any super science. Or volcanoes."

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"There's the time room. And this is a volcano."

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"Whoopity doo, looks like a room to me."

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"Then suggest a boredom cure!"

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"You're the one who lives here and the hostess, it's your job!"

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"Well, I guess it might not be here."

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"There's a whole wide world out there."

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"You're the one who mentioned the volcano lair."

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"Did you really think we've have lava flowing down the halls?"

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"No I'm just saying you're the one who said we didn't need to go anywhere to not be bored but then you said we should go somewhere else so you were wrong."

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"Oh, whatever. Do you want to go on an adventure or not?"

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"Hmm, you ever been to the White House?"

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"...maybe? I was a villain I bet I attacked it sometime."

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"I don't think you were that cool."

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"I was totally that cool! I was the coolest villain."

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"Then how come Jacob was the boss?"

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"...have you met Jacob?"

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"Yes. Your point?"

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"Of course he'd be the leader of anything, he's Jacob."

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"Yeah. Can't really imagine him murdering people, though. He's more into kitties."

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"Kitties... of death?"

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"Kitties of cuddles! That like milk!"

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"Milk of death."

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"From an evil cow."

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"And turns the kitties evil."

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"And then Jacob makes them nice again. With hugs."

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"It's all part of his master plan."

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"He told you the plan yet?"

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"Of course not, I'm not worthy."

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"Nope. Wanna see if anyone's up for adventuring?"

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She makes the rounds of the island.

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"What kind of adventuring?"

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"The kind where we venture into the shattered ruins of your homeland!"

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"...New York?"

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"Well, America. Specifically, the White House."

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"...is Lilly going?"

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She sighs. "Let me check." 

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"What are we gonna do there?"

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"Take some pictures in the Oval Office, then maybe go check out the Library of Congress?"

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"And the Smithsonian," she sing songs.

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"More adventure for Sadde then."

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She returns to Sadde. "It's fine."

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"Then I'm in."

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She quickly checks if any of the other Nine clones wish to join them.

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Nat doesn't want to, William says sure (and sends a clone because no reason he can't both stay and go) and so does Carol.

Jacob's going, too, to keep an eye on them.

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Unsurprisingly, Stan is coming.

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"Everyone ready?"

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Everyone is!

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The children find themselves standing in a grassy field, swaying in the breeze. Looming over them is the somber sight of the White House, slowly rotting away from time and the occasional attention of the Miracles. The city that surrounds them has seen better days.

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"Home away from home!"

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"...what?" asks Charles. "Whose?"

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"Us! The next step in evolution! Children of the revolution!"

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"Why not?"

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"'Cause there's lots of other places."

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"It was the seat of power for the old establishment. It's symbolic!"

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"Of what?"

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"Of us taking their place, dummy."

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"Oh." Pause. "I like that."

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"Yay! My dinosaur understands symbolism!"

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"I'm not a dinosaur!"

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"You fight like one."

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"You fight like an angry snarly raptor."

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"It is. Now, let's show you around the sombre reminder of man's downfall."

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Meanwhile, Martin is playing with Nat.

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Well, "playing."

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They are enjoying each other's company then.

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Yeah that works better, although, well, """enjoying."""

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"So, being alive treating you well?"

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Shrug. "I think so but I don't know how to compare."

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"You know what makes me happy? Kitties!"

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He whistles, purely for affect. A few cats soon wander into the room.

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She blinks at them.

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He gently picks up a black and white kitten. "This is Oberon. Want to hold him?"

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He shows her proper kitten holding procedure. Oberon is very purry and nuzzly. 

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She starts when it purrs.

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"It's okay, just means he's happy." 

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...she tentatively pets it.

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It nuzzles its head against her hand.

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This is good. She continues doing this.

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Kitten continues to enjoy being pet.

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She could get used to this.

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It does eventually want to be let down. 

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Oh no what does she do—

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"Okay, just lower him down gently."

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She tries that.

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"He likes you."

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...she smiles, tentatively.

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He decides not to comment. He does smile back, though.

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Are there other kitties?

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Many! Most are amendable to cuddles.

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She doesn't know this.

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That's okay, Martin will nudge them into making this known.

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...she still doesn't know this.

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They are rubbing up against her and purring.

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Yeah she has no idea what to do about that.

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"Just pet them, they won't bite."

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...she tries this.

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They are appreciative!

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Okay so petting is a general cat thing not an Oberon thing. Huh.

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Titania, Rupert, and Annabell all enjoy petting, yes.

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They climb over her a bit. 

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She freezes when they do.

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"They're just being affectionate. I can make them stop if you want."

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"I'm not sure what to do."

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"You don't have to do anything, as long as it isn't making you feel bad."

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"It isn't," she says immediately.

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She smiles tentatively.

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Meanwhile, Moira and Stan are showing the others around the White House. Plants have started growing in the hallways. Presidential portraits have moustaches drawn on them.

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Jacob is not super sure he likes it here.

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Stan points at a crude carving in the ceiling, spelling out "StAN wAs HEre". 

"I totally was."

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He giggles.

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"Wanna make your mark on history?"

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Eyebrow raise.

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"You know, 'Jacob was here'!"

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Even higher eyebrow raise.

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"How high do those things go?"

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About this high.

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"So, do you wanna or not?"

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"You're no fun."

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"Am too."

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"Do you have statistical proofs of this?"

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He gestures towards the other kids then himself.

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"....Go on."

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"Wouldn't be here if I weren't."

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"See, language has its uses."

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Eyeroll. Grin.

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"Seriously, does not speaking charge up your powers?"

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He nods seriously, then raises a finger to his mouth in a "shh" gesture.

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"Assassin!" Moira screams at Stan.

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"He was trying to make you talk!"

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"I know, evil, right?"

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Eyeroll. Giggle.

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"Anyway, rumpus room!"

The "rumpus room" is in fact the Oval Office....with a billiards table....and a hot tub....and a fridge....and a very large TV.

"We got this thing from your world. It's called a "Super Nintendo".

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"...this world doesn't have video games?"

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...Jacob inspects the strange contraption.

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"Yes and no. We have ones you can plug your mind into! But that can be a hassle."

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"It's called virtual reality. Some inventor came up with it back when this wasn't a rumpus room."

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"What was it?"

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"It's like, information beamed into your brain so it's like you're in the game."

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"I mean what was the rumpus room before."

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"Oh, come on, Sadde. I know Jacob has an excuse for not knowing these things, and Charles might have been raised by lions, but you should know this! It's the Oval Office! Where the president lived!"

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"I know it was the Oval Office, and I know it's the rumpus room, but I didn't know it never was anything else between those two things!"

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"Well, there were some Miracle teens hanging around here being stupid when we first came here. They were real mean to Maurice."

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"He was human back then."

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"Why were they mean?"

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"Cause Maurice was small and wheezy."

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"That's not a good reason."

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"Yes. Hence why they were mean."

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(Charles meanwhile is having the time of his life in the VR.)

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Moira joins him in Dragon Riders 101.

"I guess this is fun if you can't fly."

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"Right, rub it in."

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"And the dragons are almost birds, I guess."

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"Dragons are way better than birds."

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"You take that back!"

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"They are huge and spit fire!"

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She attempts to leap off her dragon, a dark green behemoth that looks like death made flesh....and then falls out of sight, the game not being designed to accommodate flight powers.

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Charles giggles and continues flying.

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She reappears on the back of his. "Stupid unrealistic game."

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"It's realistic, most kids can't fly."

He's a bit smug.

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"They don't have super strength and speed and senses either."

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"Yeah and I'm not using those am I? I'm riding a dragon."

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"True. Mecha-dragon on the port right!" 

An enourmous steam punk looking dragon air ship attacks.

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This is the best game.

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"Kill it, kill it, kill it!"

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Kiiill it! Rawr!

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Their dragon is very responsive. 

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Raaawrrrrr the other dragon is going to be dead so very very dead.

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And it's down! Panicked crewmen leap to their deaths to escape the flames!

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Charles cackles gleefully.

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She hugs his waist. "You were brilliant!"

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"I know," he says, smugly.

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"Still better when we get to do this kinda thing. Being pretend-baseline sucks."

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Shrug. "Baseline doesn't have dragons."

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"But we're like kid-dragons."

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"Do you spit fire?"

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"Super-heated air works just as well."

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"Are you a reptile?"

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"Queen of the birdies. They're improved reptiles."

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He rolls his eyes and continues riding his Super Awesome Dragon.

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She decides to make conversation while enjoying the ride. "So, did you have a mum and dad?"

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Well there goes his mood. "Does it matter? They're probably dead now."

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"Sorry. Just seems like the sort of thing you ask."

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"Yeah well. Now you know the answer. Can we talk about something else?"

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"Okay, do you actually like living with us?"

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"That is the correct answer, yes."

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He smiles a bit. "It's cool to live here. There."

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"And you're okay to have around."

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"I'm the best to have around."

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"You would be if you actually turned into a dragon when you got ticked off."

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"Hey maybe I never got ticked off enough."

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"Oh my God, oh my God, we gotta try that."

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He laughs.

Any other dragons to kill?

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There's a portal to their next mission. 

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Their mission is to destroy that peasant village. Also, they are now dragons.

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Fuck that village and all of its cows!

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Moira is now a colossal winged lizard with scales blacker than space and eyes like twin portals to Double-Hell. 


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...he's gonna spit fire at Moira.

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"Really? Fighting in front of the cowering humans?"

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The humans are now toast. Back to fighting.

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"You remind me of Michael," she says in between attempts to disembowel Charles.

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"You're a fighty borderline feral child! And that's rad."

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"I'm not borderline feral," he protests while trying to rip Moira's throat out.

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"That was a compliment!"

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"Yeah well I'm not!"

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"Noble savage?"

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"That's better."


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Yeah the mission's probably all forgotten now.

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Which is why shining knights on winged steeds are attacking.

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The holy lances can piece their scaly hides!

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"Argh! Fuck you!" Fire!

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"Don't swear!" More fire!

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And biting, yes? He can chew on the shining knights?

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Their armour burns his tongue!

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"Arghh!" He spits them out and more fire.

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Moira discovers she can rather handily eat the horses.

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Who cares about the horses they're being attacked!

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"We can eat the horses out from under the knights, doofus!"

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"We can set the horses on fire," he says, and demonstrates with a roar.

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The flames become gold light!

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What why.

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Because that would be easy.

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Fine he'll eat the stupid horses.

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And now the knights are falling to the Earth screaming in fear. Happy now?

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Can he set them on fire now?

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He's his own person.

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Yes but does it work.

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And now Stan is pulling the headset off Charles. "You do know what you two look like playing this, right?"

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He growls. "Give that back!"

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"Sure." Whom. "It's out on the lawn."

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He growls again but runs after it. Pretty fast.

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Moira removes her headset. "Why are you being a dick, Stan?"

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"His Miracle is powered by people being a dick at him!"

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He's back with his headset and a rock which he throws with super strength at Stan before getting back to his game.

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"Sorry about Stan."

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"Whatever, let's kill warriors and innocent children."

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Meanwhile, Stan is showing Jacob and William what a Mario is.


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Jacob finds this oddly puzzling and fascinating. William does too but is too cool for this game.

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"And so then he has to collect the fire flower to--"

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He's interrupted by a teenager in a worn out lab coat barging in, a band of younger kids in tow. 

"Oh, come on, we booked the rumpus room ages ago! Oh, hi Jacob."

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Jacob turns to look at her and waves, grinning.

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"You can book the rumpus room?"

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"I made a log-book."

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"But those are boring," comments the girl wolf-child.

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"So who are these kids?"

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"Friends," he says vaguely.

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She looks at him shrewdly. "You meet them through Hannah?"

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He sighs and does a so-so gesture.

"Who're you?" asks one of the new kids—William.

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"We're the Roamers," says a naked blonde girl who's suddenly appeared behind William.

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"Natural enemies of Zaneta's brood," says Ezekiel. He sniffs the air. "Your Miracle smells useful."

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"It's the best Miracle," William agrees. "—did you just smell it?"

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"Helps me find good Miracles to copy."

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He takes a step back. "It's mine."

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"I don't steal them, silly."

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"Yes but it's mine."

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"And copying is mine, too."

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"Yeah so what."

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"I just want to see what it's like."

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"Too bad."

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"Look, kid, I'm just trying to be polite--"

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"Not in here!"

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"The polite thing to do when someone says 'no' is not do it."

William nods a lot.

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"That too." 

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"Okay, okay."

He looks at Charles. "What's he do?"

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"Copies himself then gets back together."

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"Oh. That's all?"

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"It's the best power," insists William.

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"One of the girls back home has a different power for every colour!"

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"I think that's maybe one of the least helpful ways of putting it."

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"But it's true!"

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"Sure but it could mean anything."

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"But she has like, thousands and thousands!"

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"But you didn't explain for example that she makes these colours."

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"That is incidental to the awesome!"

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"It's not, she can't do things to things she didn't paint, that changes a lot!"

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He shrugs. "Not like she needs actual paint." He looks at William again. "You could so take over the world with your power."

Is that a glint in Stan's eyes?

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He nods smugly. "I so could."

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"We should so do that!"

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"Well maybe I should do that."

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"You need someone with a bit of raw power behind you."

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"No I don't!"

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"It could be family bonding time!"

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He furrows his brows. "But we're not family."

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"You live in our house and our mum takes care of you."

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"Well what else do we need?"

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"But Hannah doesn't even have those, and she's our sister."

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"Okay so she's adopted."

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"And so are you!"

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"Hmm. Okay."

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"And that's why we should all conquer the world together!"

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"That's not a good reason."

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"It'd be fun!"

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"...it would," he admits.

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"You'd be bored senseless."

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    "...does anyone here like that? I don't wanna do that."

"I can do that," says Sadde.

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Simone sighs.

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"You guys need a spy?"

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"Maybe. What do you do?"

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"I turn invisible and intangible, and I can fly like that."

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"Ooh, yes!"

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"I can surround things in primordial fiery darkness!"

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"...maybe don't do that."

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The rest of that afternoon is spent discussing the merits of world domination. 

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Charles, meanwhile: is a dragon. Is an increasingly violent and bloody dragon.

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"Are we ever going to get you out?"

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"Out of what?"

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"This game."

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"After I kill everyone."

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"What if you get hungry?"

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"It's a video game I'm not gonna get hungry."

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"Your body will."

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"Well I'm gonna kill everyone before that."

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"It's probably getting late back home."

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"Mum will be worried."

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"Tell her I'm busy killing people."

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She vanishes from the game.

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And now Charles is being yanked back into the real world. The other kids are gone, now.

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He growls. "I was almost done!"

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"No you weren't."

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"Was too!"

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"There's a machine at home, anyway!"

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"—why didn't you say before?"

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"Because then you could enjoy being super-strong."

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He growls again and tackles her.

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She wants to see if they can somehow battle while making their way home!

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Well if it's up to him they can!

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No doubt this will involve him being thrown across the sky over the Atlantic ocean.

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Eventually he's smacked right into the mountain dome.

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And he bounces off it towards Moira.

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And now he's being held by the scruff of his neck by Zaneta. "Evening, Charles."

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"—hi, Zaneta. Can I get back to kicking Moira's ass please?"

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"And how might we rephrase that question?"

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"...can I get back to kicking Moira's hiney please?"

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"Sure can." 

She throws him vaguely in Moira's direction.

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He flips in the air and lets out a battle cry.

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He collides with Moira, sending her falling towards the beach, giggling.

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"And where were you today," says a voice from above them.

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He looks up from where he has Moira pinned. "Playing video games!"

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"Sounds boring."

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"I was a dragon."

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"Make-believe kaiju?"

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"Don't be petty, Michael."

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"I don't see you eating any innocent children for breakfast."

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"...Why'd ya wanna do that?"

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"Because they're tasty," he says, grinning in a way that'd show off sharpened canines if he had them.

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Michael bares his fangs

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"...I want fangs too!"

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"Wrong species."

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"I'll figure out how to make them."

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"You don't look like the figuring out kinda kid."

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"Yes well you don't look like the fangs kinda kid. Wanna trade?"

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"For what, boring old humanity? And I am so the fangs kind of kid."

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He shrugs. "Whatever." Then he looks at Moira and grins. "I win."

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Michael looks startled. "She never loses."

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He ignores Michael. "...what do I win? I want something. Can we fight him?" he asks, pointing at him.

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"Oh, sure."

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And now he jumps at the half-mer.

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"Hey, hey, wait, I didn't say we could--"

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The half-mer is tackled by a gleefully growling boy.

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He tries pushing him off.

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Charles is not as strong as he was when Moira told him they had the video game but he's still way stronger than human. "Come on, put up a fight!"

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Michael breaks one of his few rules of engagements and kicks him in the bollocks. 

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Well and now he's seeing stars and groaning.

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"Told ya I was the fangs kind of kid."

The fangs kind of kid probably would not have angled his foot so the claws didn't dig in, though.

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Yes well now Charles is pissed and he's on top of Michael and he doesn't have rules.

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And now Michael has teleported from under him, only to land on his back.

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Well he can twist and claw at Michael.

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"Stop it you two!"

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"—you said we could fight."

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And now Michael seems to be trying to strangle Charles, which is hard with his frictionless force field. 

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That's more like it. Charles can try to hit Michael until he lets go, screaming himself raw.

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The ghost of enjoyment appears across Michael's face. He teleports about fifty feet into the air, taking Charles with him....before teleporting back to Earth, alone.

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Well he angles himself so he's falling towards Michael if he can. And if he can't he just bounces.

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And now Zaneta is holding them apart.

"Moira told me you two were properly fighting."

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"...what's that mean?"

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"With intent to cause pain, little one."

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"...isn't that what a fight's like? It's a fight."

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"I think what you and my daughter do would be called playing."

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"And notice that she usually tells you if you want to fight?"

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"...I'm confused."

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"I didn't say I wanted to fight! And he was being weird and saying he liked eating kids!"

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"You're weird too. And you have fangs!"

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"How am I weird?"

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"I dunno you just are. And anyway who cares."

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"Would you like it if someone attacked you without permission?"

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"...no but then I'd fight them."

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"But would that make you happy?"

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"Even if it wasn't a fight you wanted to have?"

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"I wanna have all fights."

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"But not everyone else does."

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"So they should win. And Michael always likes fights and he doesn't ask for permission, what's the problem now?"

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She looks at Michael. "That's also true. Maybe it's something you two could both work on?"

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"But--but--he's evil!"

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He cackles maniacally.

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"You're not evil, dear."

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"No but I like laughing like that." He does it again.

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"That's alright then. I'm surprised you two aren't getting along."

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He shrugs. "He's the one who's mad for some reason."

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"...Because Moira likes you better."

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"And that's my fault?"

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"Whose else would it be?"

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"Dunno. Hers? Yours?"

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"Why would it be my fault?"

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"'Cause you're not as cool as me."

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"You're like, fake mer."

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"I'm better."

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Zaneta shushes both of them. "You boys should maybe get to know each other better... you ever been swimming Charles?"

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"...not really."

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"Would you like to learn?"

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Shrug. "Sure."

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She looks back at Michael. "Mike, how about tomorrow morning you take Charles here fishing?"

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"...I guess."

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"Then I'll be even better than mer."

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"So you'll learn how to breathe underwater?"

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Michael laughs at this.

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Before looking very stern again.

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Charles grins.

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Zaneta tries to hide her amusement. "Why don't you head home for the night Michael? Charles, you want dinner?"

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"...yeah. But then I wanna go be a dragon again."

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"Sure." She takes him by the hand. "Good night, Michael."

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"Night, Zaneta," he says making his way towards the surf.

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He waves.

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As does he, half-heartedly.

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And off he goes with Zaneta.

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Zaneta does not force him to go out and meet Michael if he doesn't want the next morning. 

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Nah he'll go.

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He's waiting for him on the beach. "Um, morning."

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He clicks his tongue a few times. "So, fishing."

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"You going to swim in pants?"

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"Mer don't."

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"Mer have no legs."

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"Moira does."

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"You're all really weird," he shrugs and starts undressing.

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"You're a clone Hannah made!"

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"And you're weirder than that."

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"Says you, baby-eater."

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He grins. "Yup."

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"So, spears or bare hands?"

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"...I dunno, you're the teacher."

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"I thought you were oh so better?"

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"I'm better at everything I do, doesn't mean I know how to do everything," he reasons.

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"Spears are stabby."

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"You don't say."

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"But with your hands you can feel the fishy thrash and die!"

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"...yes let's go with that."

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Undeclared race to the water!

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Well that annoys him. So he's faster.

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So he'll win. "It must suck having to get annoyed to use your powers."

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"I'm always annoyed."

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"I've seen you happy."

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"I'm happy when I'm annoyed."

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"You looked happy with Zaneta."

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"I was right!"

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"...yes I just said I'm happy when I'm annoyed."

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Super-strength splash!

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It might be a while before they actually get to fishing.

"So, what was it like?"

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"What was what like?"

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"Being...born again?"

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Shrug. "I just woke up in a weird place with weird kids around me. And Hannah trying to tick us off."

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"What was the last thing you remember?"

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"Going to bed. And I don't wanna talk about this anymore."

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"Wouldn't it make you tougher?"

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"I said I don't wanna talk about it."

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"Okay, jeez."

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"Now teach me how to fish."

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First he makes sure Charles can at least tread water.

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He can learn.

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Michael takes him by the hand and dives.

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...he cannot breathe underwater but he can valiantly hold his breath!

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Michael jabs him with his claws, in case this helps.

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...no it doesn't. He lets go of all the air and starts scrambling madly for the surface.

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He tries to help him reach the surface!

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They reach it and he's coughing and sputtering and scrambling for the beach again.

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"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

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He coughs up some water and heaves a few times then turns to glare at Michael. "You fucking asshole."

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"I thought it would help you hold your breath. It makes you better at most other things."

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"That's the stupidest thing you've ever said." He coughs some more and stands up. "It makes no sense and now I wanna punch you but Zaneta would be mad."

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"You can punch me if you don't do it hard enough I die."

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So Michael will find himself punched.

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He curls up on the ground in pain. "That's a good one."

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"Asshole," he repeats, with a bit less venom.

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"Yeah, I know."

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"Do you have another bright idea to teach me to swim?"

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"Zaneta has breathing masks."

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"Then why don't we get one."

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No response.

"Great, we're going to have to find one."

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He's still pissed off enough that he can run pretty quickly back to the house.

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A few minutes later, Michael catches up to him. "I have no idea where these things are."

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"Ooooi is there anyone heeeeeere!"

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No answer.

"I think they're being...what'd ya call me?"

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"Nah, those are useful."

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Shrug. He starts zooming this way and that looking for breathing masks.

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"Wait up!"

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He ignores Michael and continues to look, getting increasingly mad at not finding it.

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He comes across a cavernous room, containing what feels like a scale model of the solar system. If it wasn't for the ground beneath his feet, he'd likely feel as though he were floating amongst the planets.

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Yeah whatever who cares where are the breathing masks.

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Perhaps in Evan's maddeningly expansive walk in wardrobe?

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Maybe! He'll look.

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It's a vast collection of costumes for all occasions. Some of them are explosively powerful-supersuits. 

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But he's here on a mission.

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There are some breathing masks on a shelf next to some masquerade masks. Some of which would let him see through walls via sliding scale sonar, but they're not labelled. 

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Ooh he grabs one and goes back to Michael.

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"Poor, poor, diamond blood less humans."

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"Let's just go."

He zips over to the beach.

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"Why do you keep doing that? You know you'll have to wait."

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"You could teleport and be faster than me."

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"Line of sight."

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"I have to have line of sight where I'm going too, that's just an excuse."

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He teleports into the water then.

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He follows.

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Even without his supernatural powers, he's a genetically engineered transhuman designed from the ground up to be essentially good at everything. Picking up the basics of moving through water shouldn't be too hard.

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It isn't.

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Also, he doesn't need swim goggles to see clearly underwater, how about that.

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...well that's mildly surprising but not too much, he'd never visited the ocean before.

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The boys pass over a coral reef, alive with vibrantly coloured fish and alien looking growths. By the standards of many worlds, it would seem remarkably pristine, thanks to Earth Mira's relative lack of industry.

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Charles is gleefully unaware of this.

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Schools of fish spiral around them, forming startlingly geometric looking patterns.

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Michael demonstrates how to properly kick off into the clouds of delicious, nutritious fish.

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...he tries.

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And now there's a fish thrashing in his hand. 

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Michael demonstrates crushing the fish's gills, sending plumes of blood into the water.

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He silently but obviously dares him to actually bite into his fish.

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Oh he's on.

........ew. Eeeeeeeew.

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Michael looks smug and gestures towards a rock jutting out the water, swimming towards it and clambering on.

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He follows.

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"You did good," he says, munching on his prize.

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"This tastes disgusting."

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"Humans have no taste."

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"Still, fun, right?"

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Nod nod.

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"And you weren't even like 'this is evil, Michael, why would you do this this for fun?', or anything!"

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"...why would I do that it was really cool."

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"Fishy sympathisers!"

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"Why do you call them fishies?"

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"Cause I'm eight."

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"So'm I and I call them fish."

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"You're not even one."

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"So your excuse is even worse."

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"What's wrong with calling them that?"

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Shrug. "Nothing."

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"Maybe some time we could try hunting dolphin."

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"Don't believe what the humans say about dolphins, they're mean and rapey."

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"...what's rapey?"

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"Mating when you don't wanna. It's pretty awful."

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"Oh. Why'd they do that?"

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"Because they're arseholes. And they beat up porpoise babies, and they don't even eat them after!"

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"Wow. Let's go kill some."

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"What? Right now?"

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"You're the best clone!"

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"I am! You're alright too. You know, for a not-clone."

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"Hey, I'm the product of hybrid vigour!"

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"Sure whatever fishman."

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"Still the one with the fangs."

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He bares his teeth and growls.

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"That's the spirit!"

He tackles him into the water.

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Underwater wrestling!

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Eventually, Michael remembers they have something to do. He starts swimming towards the nearest dolphin scent.

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Ooh. Follow follow.

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There's a lone male bottlenose a mile or so off. They're the worst.

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You know who's worse than they?

Charles is.

(Click here to skip the graphical violence.)

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The dolphin squeaks angrily and attacks Michael!

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No, sorry narration, you're just wrong. What you mean is "the dolphin squeaks fearfully as it's attacked by Charles." Do it right this time.

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Michael goes for the eyes! Clouds of blood flow from its sockets!

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Heeeee this is fuuunnnnn~

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The blinded dolphin is attempting to crush Charles' organs with its snout. Humans often mistake this for affection.

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Ow! That hurt! Stupid dolphin! Charles is gonna crush you! He bets dolphins often mistake this for affection.

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It will kill him and probably do inappropriate things to his corpse!

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Ha. Good try. No. It will die a horrible death.

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Then he probably shouldn't aim for the brain. 

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No. Horrible death. It will suffer.

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It attempts to flee!

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Does it not understand it's being crushed to death. Charles hugs it. Charles is annoyed that it's trying to not be crushed to death. It is going to be crushed to death whether it wants to or not.

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It thrashes in his arms. It's much too thick for him to embrace it completely.

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Doesn't matter, he's much too strong to let it go.

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Its bones crack. 

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Oh good. Squeeeeeeze.

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It explodes! 

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And Michael is tackling him. Oh, wait, no, this is a hug. 

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...well, okay, sure, hug.

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He giddily points towards the surface.

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Follow follow.

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More hug. "Oh my God that was so awesome that dolphin is so dead oh my God!"

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"It is! Completely totally dead!" He giggles.

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"It's so dead, its babies were probably born ghosts!"

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More giggling. "Dead dead dead," he singsongs.

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"We should go show my tribe the head!"

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He retrieves the reasonably intact dolphin head. "Let's get going before sharks come."

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"...but what if I wanna kill a shark?"

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"Mind meeting my family first? They'd like you."

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"Okay. But sharks after."

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He salutes. "Whatever you say, dolphin-killer."

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Grin. A rather feral one.

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"And my cousins all like fighting."

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"At once!"

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"Stop talking and let's go!"

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He leads him to what could be called his tribe's camp. Delicate structures of seaweed are used to corral useful fish and porpoises. Kelp is tended to. And a lot of mer young and...young are very impressed with the two boys.

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He's very smug about his dolphin.

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The adult mermaids and mermen are very keen to congratulate. A lot of back slaps and cheerful sounding clicks. 

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Well he doesn't speak a lick of this so he'll just beam proudly.

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Mer toddlers start picking at it!

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...okay sure. He looks at Michael with a "What now?" expression, partially obscured by the breathing mask.

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Michael makes a few hand signals, and suddenly, all his nearby age mates start grinning.

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And now the assembled mer-children are lunging at him.

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Argh! Assholes! Could've warned him first! He kicks one in the stomach and tries to headbutt another.

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That's the spirit! As... exuberant as the children are, they do know to avoid messing with the breathing mask.

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Good because otherwise when Hannah brought him back he would kill them dead.

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Michael looks apologetic... and then tackles him.

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Like hell he's apologetic, Charles is having the time of his life. 3D fighting! Menace from every direction!!!!!

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Angrily clicking humanoid dolphin monsters of indeterminate gender!

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Yes yes rawrrrrr this is funnnnn he loves violence~

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About five mer-children manage to pin him down to the seabed. 

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No they don't he's totally stronger than them see—

No. No he's not. What the fuck stupid powers that don't even let him—ah, there, now he's stronger than them.

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His world is a flurry of clicks and beating tails.

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He will attack them all!!!!

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This is the best land child Seal's brought home ever.

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He would agree if he understood what they were talking about.

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Eventually, the mer-children cease their assault, with Charles the clear winner. They then proceed to swim around regarding him curiously.

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He is the best land kid. So smug.

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One child smirks and whistles a bit. 

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Michael rolls his eyes at them. 

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He looks at Michael quizzically.

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He makes a "tell ya later gesture."

In the meantime, some of the adults want to paint Charles up like a proper mer-child.

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Ooh sure he can be painted.

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And so he's smeared head to toe with mollusk guts in patterns that tell of his epic dolphin murder.

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He is a true warrior.

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And then a mermaid hugs him and beams down at him.

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Michael tries to communicate via pantomime that the mermaid is his mother.

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Ooh. He beams at her, too.

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Some of the other mer kids show off their recently acquired Miracles. 

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None of them are apparently any good in a fight so he's not too impressed.

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Now that would just be unfair. And possibly deadly, in the case of one child who can produce underwater fire.

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Oooh coooooool. Okay he approves of underwater fire!

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Or the kid who can turn fish into bloated monstrosities.

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That one could totally have used their power in the fight.

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Then she'll sick the horror-fish on him!

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It is a fiendish beast of spines and mouths.

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Correction: it is a dead fiendish beast of spines and mouths.

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The young mermaid looks put out.

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Charles looks thrilled.

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...She approaches him. 

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He waves!

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She squints at him....

And suddenly he's developing scales....

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...what the fuck.

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And wings! Or maybe massive fins!

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That's kinda cool actually.

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Does he also approve of the claws?

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Or the gills opening along his neck?

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...does that mean he can take the mask off?

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He can try!

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No he'll mine asking first.

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The mermaid nods cheerfully. 

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Okay off goes the mask.

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He can breathe!

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Michael grabs the mask, just in case.

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Can he talk?

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"Your accent is terrible."

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"Shut up!"

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"So, sea monster."

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"Hey hey: I told you I'd learn how to breathe underwater!"

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"You didn't learn, Batman did it to you!"

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He points towards the smug looking mermaid. "That's her name. For humany people, I mean."

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He looks at her. "You don't look like a bat. Or a man."

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Michael whistles a bit at her, before turning back to Charles. "No English."

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He tries to mimic Michael's whistling.

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The mermaid giggles, which is an oddly musical sound.

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"You just told her you aren't a boy."

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"How do I tell her she isn't a boy?"

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"I think she knows. It's as hard to tell for mer as it is for humans."

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"Why's she batman then?"

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"She is sneaky and mysterious."

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"But she's not a bat or a man," he insists. "Do you even have bats down here?"

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"Stan once attached scuba gear to bats. They didn't like it."

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...well that mental image is just hilarious.

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"Batman thought they were pretty. And spooky."

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"Okay that's cool."

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"Bats are scaredy cats."

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"Does she even know what cats are?"

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"Nope! Martin wouldn't let us show her."

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"So stop using me—met—metaphors other people won't get!"

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"Aww, you care."

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He punches Michael.

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"...And you're trying to hide it!"

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"Shut up!"

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"You are community minded and have healthy ideas about friendship."

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Another punch!

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Nanannanana Batman!

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He eeps when she lunges at him and wrestles.

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All in all, a rather pleasant day. The mutations are fading by the time they clamber back onto the beach.

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And Charles is grinning like a madman. He even picked up a bit of their language.

"You know, you're alright."

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"You're nice."

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"I'm not nice I'm a villain."

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"You were cloned from a villain, but you are nice."

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"Batman likes you."

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"She's fun! I liked having fins."

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"What's this about fins?" Zaneta asks.

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"Hi Zaneta. Batman gave me fins."

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"He can speak mer now!"

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"Can you now?"

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He chitters a badly-accented "Hi! My name is Charles!"

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Zaneta looks at Michael. "Are those words?"

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"Hi, my name is Bitey Land Boy!"

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Zaneta laughs.

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"Oh, that's what it means."

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Her face becomes a little more serious. "Is that alright with you, Charles?"

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"Yeah, sure, why not?"

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"Some people would take issue with being called 'bitey'."

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He looks nonplussed. "But I am."

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She chuckles. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be laughing. You want a towel or something?"

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"Yeah okay."

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She fetches one. "Maurice says he can be a dragon with you tonight if you want."

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That makes him even happier. "Awesome!"

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"Be warned, he might try and be nice."

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"Is that bad?"

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"I'm told your playstyle is very not nice."

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"Oh he wants to be a nice dragon?"

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"I'm afraid so."

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"Ew. I'll eat him."

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"He'll probably let you."

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"Well that's no fun."

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"I suggest going for the townsfolk first. Then he'll probably fight."

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He grins viciously. "Thanks!"

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She remembers something. "Oh, and I managed to get you a spot in a karate class for children with enhanced strength."

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"Why karate?"

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"I thought it might suit you. And you'd know how to properly fight."

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"You lack technique."

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"...oh. Okay."

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"Do you want to give the class a try?"

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"Excellent. I'll confirm the place tonight."

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"Okay! I wanna play dragons though."

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"See ya later, Charles!"

He's waving exuberantly. 

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The next morning, Maurice is helping Carol explore the intricacies of her power. 

"What about mauve?"

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"Makes stuff taste like mint. I tried it last night."

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"Wait, you tasted something you changed?"

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"It wasn't doing anything!"

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"Zaneta would say that wasn't good experimental protocol."

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"It worked didn't it?"

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"Yeah. But it could have made it deadly poison."

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"...I guess. Oops."

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"Hmm, mulberry?"

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"What's that?"

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He picks up a colour booklet he picked up from the paint section of a hardware store. "This!"

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She tries covering a coin with it. Nothing happens to it.

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"Rose gold."

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"Wait I wanna figure out what this one does." She does turn a different coin rose gold. This one starts smelling very strongly of cabbages.

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"I was expecting prettier."

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"Cause rose gold is like, one of the top hundred pretty colours."

He examines the mulberry coin, resisting the urge to lick it. He nudges it. It sticks to the cabbage coin. "Ooh, magnets!"

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"Oooh." She unmulberrifies it. It stops sticking. Mulberry: magnet.

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Maurice looks thoughtful. "You know, you might be one of the most powerful Miracles in the world."

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"Do you know how many colours there are? Like, it's either you or Jacob."

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"Well he can copy me if he wants..."

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He smiles warmly. "But it's still yours. And it's sooooo pretty."

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She beams.

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"Also, I wouldn't complain if I was the second most powerful Miracle ever."

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"Maybe we should go ask William to help think up tests and stuff. He's smart."

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She makes a face. "I don't like him very much."

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"I'm sure he's okay once you get to know him."

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"Oh yeah? Did you get to know him?"

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"Not yet. Been kinda busy with your power. Still, I'd hate to be lonely here."

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Sigh. "Fine I guess."

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"You're real nice, you know that?"

They head for William's usual haunt.

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William is playing chess, checkers, Uno, and an old videogame with himself.

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"Doesn't this defeat the purpose?"

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"What purpose?" one of the checkers ones asks.

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"Well, the point of games is that you're doing something fun with someone else. Companionship. Also, challenge. You know what moves you're gonna make against yourself."

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"I don't always know," he reasons.

"Why not?" asks Carol.

"Well, I need to predict what he's thinking in response to what I'm thinking but I can always only go one step less than him," another explains.

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"If it makes you happy," says Maurice. "Hey, do you mind helping me and Carol test her power? We've just been seeing what different colours do and writing them down, but we thought you might come up with some different tests."

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Another clone emerges from one of the Uno players and walks over to them. "What you got so far?"

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Around a hundred and twenty colours and their associated effects, jotted down in a school workbook with a dolphin sticker on it. 

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He stares at the list. "Do you want me to just, what, suggest new colors?"

"Well, there's colors where we don't really know what they do," Carol explains, pointing some of them out. "It's hard to test. Like blood orange makes things stick to plants and only plants and I figured it out by accident."


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"We were kind of hoping you would be smart all over it."

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"Well I can be smart all over it! This one," he taps, "what've you tried so far?"

"It doesn't stick to anything," Carol explains, "doesn't change gravity or weight or taste or make you faint or..."

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"We threw it at some trees and they were fine."

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"Did you try eating it?"

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"We don't want to try that in case it's poison."

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"I can kill off a body or two for that," he shrugs.

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"Oh. You sure?"

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"Yeah." Carol hands him a coin and turns it that colour—something between pink and red. He swallows it.

Nothing happens.

"Well that was boring. You have a boring power."

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"Her power's great! She can do so many things!"

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"She can't even figure out what her power can do. It's stupid. Yours is too, you just paint stuff." This clone disappears, leaving the coin behind, which clatters to the ground (leaving tiny craters wherever it bounces).

"You're stupid," Carol retorts, before turning around and running away.

"Run after your silly little girlfriend, I'm busy," says a clone playing chess.

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Maurice heads in Carol's direction. "You shouldn't talk to people like that. It'll get you in trouble."

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"Whatever," says that clone.

"Bye," says a videogame-playing one, who did not deign to look at them throughout the interaction.

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Maurice starts running in Carol's direction. 

....Once he's out of sight, a heart stopping scream sounds right in every William's ears.

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Which is not very good for any of the games he's playing! All of him covers his ears and screams, knocking down board pieces, cards, and videogame controllers in the process.

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And when he opens his eyes the room will be swarming with scorpions. 

Maurice catches up to Carol. "Hey, don't listen to him."

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"I'm not, he's stupid. And it's just a power anyway, it's not like it matters." Her eyes are watering, though.

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He hugs her. "You're right, it doesn't. But that doesn't mean it isn't great, too. They didn't have powers where you came from, did they?"

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She shakes her head and dries her eyes, pretending there's something in them. "Not really."

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He smiles encouragingly. "You're doing really well. I bet most people who didn't know powers were a thing before this would still be hiding in the corner. You didn't even scream at Michael. Or think we were some kind of nudist cult. Or believe Stan when he said he was the emperor of the solar system."

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"I thought I was dreaming then, actually," she says, smiling a bit. "I have dreams I know are dreams pretty often and I thought that was one of them."

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"That must be nice."

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She shrugs. "I... mostly dream about my sister." Aaaand the smile's gone. She looks down. "I miss her."

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Maurice looks at her seriously. "Carol, is this a good place?"

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"...for what?"

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"To live, I guess? Grow up? Okay, I was going to do a big list of serious questions, seemed like the kind of thing Aunt Zaneta would do, but never mind that. Do you think your sister would be happy here? Being a Miracle and all."

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"...but my sister's still alive. And. You know. Grownup."

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"You don't have to be dead for Hannah to clone you."

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"Didn't she have to eat old me?"

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"Yeah, but she could put her back together just the same, then grow a little Claire."

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"I think it'd be wrong to do it without her permission, but we could still ask. Maybe she'd like knowing her sister isn't evil anymore, too."

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She nods slowly.

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"So, up for a trip to Bet?"

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He takes her by the hand. "For family! For love! For happiness!"

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She giggles and follows him.

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"Hannah! We need you!"

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"Stop shouting, I'm here!"

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"Ja need something?"

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She purses her lips and looks down, the prospect suddenly extremely daunting.

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"Her sister! Twins need twins!"

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She nods mutely.

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"You want to go find your sister?"

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Another nod.

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"You know she might say no, right?"

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"So, ready to go?"

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"So, how do you want to do this? Portal pool?"

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They head down to the cave where they emerged after being transported to Mira.

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Into the water she goes, then.

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They find themselves in darkness. 

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Because of the way Maurice's powers work, he cannot actually create light.

"Um, Hannah?"

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Hannah starts glowing. Turns out they're in a strangely empty dumpster. "Hey." 

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"...where are we?"

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"Las Vegas. Your sister lives a few streets from here."

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"What's Las Vegas?"

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"Were you raised in the same bunker as Jacob?"

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"Huh? What bunker?"

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"Wait, where are you from, exactly?"

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"Um, my city was called Innata? My country was the République Unifié des Amériques?"

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"Huh. You speak good English."

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"...everyone there does."

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"Sounds Spanish, though."

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"My city's official language is Spanish but everyone learns English and French, too."

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"Your accent's pretty."

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She blushes slightly. "Thank you."

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"Anyway, clothes!" She throws some at the other two children. "Also, Maurice, dial down your skin."

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He makes his skin look run of the mill caucasian, reluctantly. The universe has suffered a net loss of prettiness. 

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She puts her clothes on, too, fidgeting a bit and looking around.

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Maurice levitates them out with half a clam shell. 

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...And is completely blown away by all the lights.


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She blinks at... all of the lights. "Wow. My sister lives here?"

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"Well, yeah, in a place with less lights, though. This is where all the casinos are. Vegas is famous for them."

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"Oh. Okay. How are we getting there?"

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"Do you know what taxis are?"

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She throws her hand out. "TAXI!"

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And here comes the taxi. And a frowning driver. "...hey, shouldn't you kids be at home or something?"

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"We're heading to her sister's apartment!"

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"All alone? ...whatever, kid, as long as you have money."

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She has lots and lots and lots of money.

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Then she will have no trouble being transported to this fancy-ish apartment building.

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Is there a gate or a code or the like?

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There's a gate and a doorman that opens the gate.

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She turns into Carol's sister then. Does the doorman have a name tag?

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Yes! It's Robert Jones.

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"Afternoon, Robert," she says in what she hopes sounds like a grown up version of Carol's accent.

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"Oh, hi, Miss Claire. ...who are those two?" He does not open the door.

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"Cousins. Looking after them while their mother's in the hospital."

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"...huh. Is she alright?"

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"Knee surgery. Should be right in a week or so."

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"Well, she's in my prayers, ma'am."

Still not opening the door.

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"Thank you. Batman's dead in the water."

She knew spying on a stranger for weeks would pay off.

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He presses a button to open the door. "Have a good day, ma'am!"

Carol smiles nervously at him and fidgets some more.

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Much more security?

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Retina scan and another, different password and a personal question about family (these are automated).

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The question?

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"How many immediate family members (parents and siblings) do you have?"

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A loud alarm starts blaring in that corridor and sections of the ceiling open up to start shooting a gray sticky substance at them. Carol screams.

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Air forcefield air forcefield!

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Their forcefield is covered in the stuff, then.

"What happened?" asks Carol after she calms down enough. She seems to at some point have started clinging to Maurice.

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"Um, did you have more brothers or sisters?"

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"Oh. Then she might not remember you."

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"I'm sorry."

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She'll just. Sit here. And cry quietly.

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Maurice tentatively hugs and makes soothing noises.

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Yeah that's a thing. She might cling harder.

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Hannah revers to her usual silvery child form. "Should we wait for them to come or go home?"

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Before she has the time to answer, though, the gray substance starts dissolving, quickly revealing a small squad of people in full body armor pointing high-tech-looking guns at them.

And amidst them, Claire Hewett, arms folded, looking annoyed. "May I have an explanation?"

She does not have Carol's accent.

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The colours return to Maurice's skin. "Ah, this is a clone of your twin sister and she's lonely so we were going to ask if we could clone you to be her twin."

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Whatever she had been expecting, it wasn't this. It only takes a moment for her to recover her wits, though, and she says, "I'm an only child."

(Carol cries harder.)

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"Test her DNA, it's identical."

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"As if that means anything."

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"Why not?"

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"Kid, whatever game you think you're playing, this is Vegas. You'll need to work a lot harder to start having a chance. Any reason I shouldn't call this in?"

(Extremely crying.)

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"Because she's your sister damn it!"

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Hannah appears to be in mild shock at Maurice's outburst.

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She raises her wrist to her face and says, "Calling in three unidentified capes in my building, child-shaped, stranger changer shaker possibly thinker."

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"We're from Faded Springs, if it helps." Is that sarcasm in Maurice's voice?

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"Of course you are."

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"Do you actually remember anything about your life?"

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"I don't see how it's in my interests to continue to interact with you."

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"Weird letter u tattoo anywhere on your body?"

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"I'm not a Case 53."

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"Or you're a real pretty one."

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She folds her arms again and remains silent.

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"Oh, come on, don't be childish."

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Claire still silent. Armored people still pointing guns at them. Carol still crying (although it has been reduced from hiccuping to mere sobbing).

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"So what now?"

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"Now a couple of colleagues and a PRT truck are coming here to take you somewhere safe and figure out what exactly to do to people who come after capes' civilian identities."

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"So you're not even going to hear us out?"

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Is her silence answer enough?

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"You are missing out on so many answers."

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Maurice just settles into trying to comfort Carol.

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Until a thought occurs to him. He tries swirling all the air in the room.

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Which causes Claire to raise an eyebrow and her wrist to her lips again: "Confirmed shaker, at the very least aerokinesis."

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"You're very stubborn air."

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No response.

(Quiet crying.)

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"Dumb illusion." 

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"Can we just go?" Carol whispers.

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"Yeah, maybe."

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Hannah engulfs the two of them, and suddenly they're back in the portal cave.

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Carol starts going off somewhere.

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"Do you want someone to be sad at?"

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She shrugs and continues on her way.

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He follows tentatively.

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She fails to acknowledge him but does not send him away.

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He continues following till she does or stops moving.

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She'll find the beach and walk along it and not stop for a while.

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"I'm sorry."

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She kicks a stone. "It's not your fault."

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"I shoulda thought it through!"

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She shrugs. "We didn't know she wouldn't remember."

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"I coulda explained better."

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"Why would she believe you? She doesn't remember." She kicks another stone. "She's stubborn like that. She pretends she knows everything but she doesn't."

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"But why wouldn't she remember?"

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Shrug. "Dunno."

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He doesn't know what to say.

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Yeah that makes two of them.

Walk walk walk.

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"I think we're in trouble."

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"People over there know what Hannah looks like."

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"So what?"

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"I don't know."

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More stones kicked. "It doesn't matter anyway. My sister's dead. I should get over her."

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"She's not dead! We just don't have her here yet."

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"She's dead, she's forgotten me, even if you could get her how would she remember?"

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"Hannah made you remember."

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"...I'd forgotten, too?"

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"You were a weird monster thing."

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"I know, but I didn't know I didn't remember. I don't know who I'd be without Claire."

And she starts crying again.

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Maurice hugs her. "You don't need to find out. I promise."

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She doesn't hug him back but she stops walking. She's shaking.

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"Everything's going to be okay." He lets go of her. "I'll be back."

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He runs down the beach, shouting "Hannah! Hannah!"

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"Get Claire."

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"But, we tried--"

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"We asked. Just get her."

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"But she wouldn't--"

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"...You can put her back together the way she is. Carol shouldn't be lonely."

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"I don't like this."

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Maurice sighs. "I know. But twins need twins."

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And so, in Earth Bet, Hannah-crabs go searching for the real Claire.

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Meanwhile, Zaneta is contacted by someone.

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She's in her office, using her vast superhuman speed for its true purpose: paperwork. "Yes?"

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"There has been an incident, which may either involve a suspiciously well-informed shapeshifting cape or your children."

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She puts her face in her palms. "Which ones?" 

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"Hannah, Maurice, and one of the new ones." He grabs a tinker device with a screen and shows her footage of said incident.

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She's silent for a moment. "...Maurice?"

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"One of the members of the Slaughterhouse Nine your daughter defeated was called Nyx, with a y. Ms. Hewett goes by Nix, with an i. They have—had—very similar powers, and we'd previously assumed the villain had copied the hero's name to tick her, but if this is true the connection might run deeper than that."

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"She has mentioned her sister before...usually while crying."

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"Do you have a way to verify these were in fact your children and not impersonators?"

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"Do you have capes who can replicate powers? Because those seem very similar to Maurice's."

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"It's not impossible. That was Vegas, these things happen in Vegas."

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"I'll have to speak to the two of them... was anyone hurt?"

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"No. Very confused, and Nix's security has been significantly heightened by the Vegas Protectorate. Very expensively."

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"Good, good. Could it wait an hour? There's border skirmishes between Fool's Fire and the Olympians."

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"Yes, naturally. But I hope you're aware that this sort of thing, if it happens more, can significantly strain our worlds' relations."

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"Very aware."

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Meanwhile, Hannah crabs.

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The extremely expensive security system includes a permanent forcefield inside the walls of her building and apartment.

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Hmm, does it extend far below the surface?

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Not far.

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Tunnel, then.

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The floors turn out to also be covered by the forcefield.

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Claire's apartment!

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Is she present?

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Yes, at her computer.

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She slithers quietly into her kitchen cupboard, ready to accumulate mass.

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There are alarms everywhere, if she might wanna disable those first.

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Those first, then.

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She will then be undetected. Until, that is, Claire goes for a snack.

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From the fridge or...

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If this extension of Hannah had lungs or a mouth, she would grumble.

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Snackity snack.

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Hmm, slither, slither around her ankles.

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She starts walking back to the living room.

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Lunge, envelopment!

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It is smothered! Dissasembly begins!

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Well she can't do much, then, can she?

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She will be spat out on her bed, absent the last few minutes of her memory, but a whole lot more of her earlier ones. A rudimentary Hannah body dresses her before reverting to dust.

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"Hey, Carol, got something to show ya!"

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He takes her by the hand, leading her along the beach to a rather uncomfortable looking Hannah. At her feet is a chamber not dissimilar to the one Carol and the other clones gestated in. 


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"...what's that?"

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"Your sister."

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Her face opens in unabashed, unalloyed joys. "You convinced her? She's gonna be here?" Without waiting for the answers she runs towards the chamber to see if she can see anything inside it.

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"Yeah, she's almost done."

The shadow of a child is visible in the opaque chamber.

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She presses her face against the surface, visibly bouncing with anticipation.

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Maurice joins her. "So what's she like?"

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"She's—she's like—she's my sister and she's mine and—"

She doesn't seem to be able to produce any more coherent words.

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Maurice steps back as the chamber beings expelling its occupant.

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And its occupant is now being clung to by a very tearful small girl.

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"Ah, hi."

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The girl opens her eyes. "...Carol? What's going on? Why am I icky?"

"You're back you're back you're back you're here I love you please never leave me again you're here you're here," says teary-eyed twin.

"...I left?"

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Hannah, all silvery because she might as well get that out of the way. "Um, you and your sister are in the future. In another world. She got here a few weeks back."

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"Okay, that's two questions answered I guess. Why am I icky? And what."

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"Oh, oh, can I explain?" Maurice asks Carol, jumping up and down.

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Carol is way too nonverbal for this. Claire looks at her sister, rolls her eyes, then nods. "But first I want to not be icky. Also not naked. Why is everyone naked?"

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Too late! Maurice has already begun the audio-visual extravaganza! A droplet of gold light flies up from sand, before exploding in mid-air into a menagerie of neon penguins, dolphins, faeries and mermaids. The stylised kind of mermaid he's encountered in Earth Bet art, with the more human-esque skin and the scaled flukes. The mermaids and faeries start singing, their voices almost stunningly loud and beautiful, their words transcribed in elegant caligraphic font across the sky.

The song quite succinctly explains the nature of cloning, Miracles, the rough geographic location of the island, and includes a rather loving paen to Zaneta, before finishing up with directions to the bathroom and water fountains, before the whole scene collapses into gold dust.  

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"...So, want to wash off the slime in the ocean and I'll make you some clothes?"

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Claire looks completely unimpressed during the entire presentation. Carol eventually stops crying and just watches it, grinning from ear to ear.

"Can't you use your magic to clean me up?"

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Maurice is... slightly surprised by how nonplussed Claire seems. "Hey, did you feel kinda like God for a second at all?"

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She gives him a level stare. "No."

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Maurice recalls Hannah mentioning it took some time for the other clones to Manifest. "Don't worry, it'll happen soon. Hey, Carol, show Claire your Miracle."

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"Can you guys stop talking about your magic and get this slimy slime off me? And Carol sweetie I love you but you're sticking to me and getting slimy too and I really don't like the naked."

Carol nods and lets go of her sister, a tearful grin plastered onto her face.

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"So, which do you prefer? Ocean water, or bits of my skin eating off the slime?"

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She wrinkles her nose. "Is there a non-disgusting option?"

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"What's wrong with water?"

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"Would you prefer a shower?"

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He takes her hand. "I'm guessing you were a bit distracted during the orientation fireworks, so I'll take you to them."

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"I wasn't, I know where they are," she says, and starts walking, followed by her twin.

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Maurice follows at a reasonable distance.

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Hannah sits down and blinks back anxiety tears.

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Along the way they run into Evan, who's having Nat break apart rock samples. Perhaps thankfully, he's dressed. "Uh, okay, two Carols." 

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"No, I'm Claire, you can tell by how I'm covered in goo."

Nat successfully bisects this sample.

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"Oh. Wait, the Claire?"

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Nat looks up at that, but Claire turns to her sister. "Are all your new friends this slow?"

"Claire, don't be rude," Carol says fondly.

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"Just the platinum blond ones." He shakes Claire's hand. "I'm Evan. The rock girl is Nat."

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Nat raises a hand in a wave. "Hi."

"Hello. What's up with the platinum blond ones?"

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"They're my mum's other kids. They're strong enough that sometimes they forget to think."

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"Weird way to call your half-siblings."

"They're nice," says Carol. "They've been very nice to me."

"I'm still covered in goo."

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"I'm adopted. Oh, and their dad was also my dad and I'm pretty sure Mum had a crush on my first Mum."

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"...still half-siblings. Also, still covered in goo, let's go to that shower."

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"Want me to go get you clothes?"

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"Right. Will do. You coming or staying, Nat?"

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"I'll come."

"Good. And I will find my promised shower." And she starts walking that way without waiting.

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Eventually they reach said shower. It's a surprisingly nice looking block in the middle of the jungle.


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"Thank God," she says and—after figuring out how it works—gets the goo off.

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There are also towels. 

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Those are also very good.

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"Feel better?"

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"Still want clothes—for you, too, mister, don't think you're getting away free," she says, a towel wrapped around her body and her hands on her hips, "—but yes."

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"Oh, you want me dressed?"

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He creates a shroud of neon mist that covers what most people would consider objectionable. "Will this do for now?"

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"...yeah, fine, I guess. Can you cover everyone else, too?" Carol rolls her eyes.

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"You want covering, Carol?"

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She shrugs. "Sure."

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And the mist covers them all. It's less like clothes and more like cartoon censorship. Maurice studies the twins closely. "It's funny, you both have all the same thing but you use them differently. I guess Stan and Martin are the same, but I've known them so long they kinda look different in my head."

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"Yes, that's how twins work," Claire explains patiently. "Say, are actual clothes gonna show up anytime soon?"

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Meanwhile, Zaneta is waiting outside the small dojo Charles is enrolled in for his class to let out, not looking forward having to lecture Hannah again about breaking and entering.

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Class: lets out.

Charles runs out ahead of his peers. "That was so awesome thank you thank you thank you!" he says before colliding bodily with Zaneta and attaching himself to her legs.

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"You follow instruction?" she asks, firmly but gently.

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He nods many times then detaches from her. "I did and I did good and I didn't hurt anyone and it was amazing!!!!!"

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"Excellent. I'm sure your classmates didn't stand a chance."

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He grins. "Come on let's go I wanna show Moira a thing I learned."

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She... wishes to put off having to lecture Hannah again as much as possible. "So, skip ice cream?"

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"...no, ice cream first, Moira later."

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"Very sensible."

She walks--at a perfectly baseline pace--down to a creamery she's fond of. The owners make a bit of a fuss over the two of them.

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Does the fuss mean he gets more ice cream?

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Yes, actually, in as many perverse combinations of flavours as he pleases. Zaneta insists on actually paying.

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"So, any highlights?"

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"Mmf?" he asks, face full of ice cream.

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"Chew and swallow. And I mean, anything that stood out during class?"

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Oh boy can he ever give her a blow-by-blow.

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Presumably, at some point, Charles will have had enough ice cream. 

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At some point yes but he's a particularly active Miracle.

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And she is very, very patient. Eventually:

"Want to take the long way home today?"

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"No I wanna show Moira my moves!"

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She tries not to sigh too audibly. "Alright, alright."

She plucks him up and takes off, decelerating just a little towards their end of their journey, holding Charles out in front of her and easing up on the wind negation enough that the sensation of it hitting his face should be pleasant. 

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Once they're over the island, Zaneta swoops down low, looking for Maurice or Hannah.

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"—why are there two Carols?" he asks, pointing.

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She looks down where Charles is pointing, spotting Maurice, Carol, and a girl who looks very much like Carol pulling on some clothes. 

She guesses what's happened pretty much immediately, and it's terrible. But she's not going to risk frightening Charles. "Don't know. Might just be Hannah playing mimic again. Want me to find you Moira?"

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"No I wanna meet new Carol."

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What use would keeping this from the child be? "Alright then." 

The two of them land in front of the children. "Good afternoon."

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"Oh, finally an adult," says Claire. "I thought they were all dead."

"Claire, this is Charles. Charles, this is my twin Claire," Carol introduces.

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Maurice waves. "HEY AUNTY ZANETA!" With no further elaboration, he adds. "CLAIRE!"

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Claire flinches. "Can you please not shout?"

"How'd you get your twin?" wonders Charles, running up to Claire and looking her up and down. "Does she have the same powers as you?"

"I apparently don't have any," she says, with only a hint of a whine in her voice.

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"You'll get them soon."

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Claire turns to Zaneta. "I'm Claire. It's nice to meet you." She curtsies.

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"Hello, Claire. How are you feeling?"

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"Better now that there are people wearing clothes."

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Normal enough reaction she supposes.

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Hannah emerges uneasily from the jungle foliage. "Mama, I think I made a mistake." She looks like she's been crying. 

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"You're not wrong there!" Zaneta says, trying not to shout. "Did you even have the original's permission?"

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Hannah doesn't speak.

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Maurice fidgets. "...She didn't. But I made her do it! And she put her back right after."

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"...what's she talking about?" Claire asks Carol, who's suddenly very pale.

She hugs herself and shivers a bit. "I—I—Um..."

...so of course this is a great moment for a horde of identical clones of William to emerge from the woods screaming at the top of their lungs.

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Pursued by a mass of angry cats, birds, and very sleepy bats. 

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Zaneta is briefly flabbergasted.

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"...He was being mean earlier and I guess the triplets heard."

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Zaneta proceeds to zip one of the William clones to one of the island's reading rooms. "Just-just-try not to upset anyone, okay?"

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"I didn't do anything," he cries—and he's actually crying, his face streaked with tears and his body shivering unconsciously. "They just attacked me—first there were the scorpions and then—"

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Okay, hug is required.... "There, there, everything's going to be--scorpions?"

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"They disappeared after a bit," he sniffles.

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"Ah, that was probably Maurice." She sounds fairly surprised by that.

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She kneels to meet his eyes. "Look, there's something a bit dire I need to deal with at the moment--I suppose you were a bit preoccupied to notice the other Carol--but this isn't something I can allow to continue, either. Tell you what, how about I leave a few copies of you with some friends for the night if you don't feel safe, and once things have calmed down I'll put the fear of God into the other children?" 

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Another nod, slower and calmer.

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She perks up a little. "Right, anything you want to take with you?"

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She zips off for a second, returning with clothes. "First, pants."

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Sure pants.

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"How many bodies do you feel safe with off the island?"

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"I suppose you can double up in some places." 

Williams are distributed to Zaneta's friends in various AA territories. 


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Various Williams are curious about their surroundings. Other clones start popping off one by one.

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A fair few of them are in more secure former American states, and one is on an arctic research base. 

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Those places are interesting!

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Good, one crisis sorted. She returns to Maurice and the twins. All and all it's been about fifteen minutes. 

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"—you're gonna get a butt rash and I'm gonna laugh and laugh and laugh," Claire's saying to a naked Martin riding a tiger.

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"I don't get rashes!"

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She puts her hands on her waist and leans forward to say, "HA HA HA HA HA!"

Carol and Charles both look at her bemusedly.

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"Why do you care?"

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"Because people shouldn't be naked it's icky and dirty and there's sand and dirt."

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And suddenly Moira is right in front of her. "Huh. Claire, right?"

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"Why is everyone naked!" says a suddenly-blue Claire.

"Oooh," says Charles.


"You're blue," he says.

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"Oooh, it's like Carol but reverse!"

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She looks at her hands and says, "What," in a whisper.

"You have powers!" beams Carol.


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Moira tilts her head. "But what do they do besides make you blue?"

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"Charles! Lunge! That usually makes people use their powers!"

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"No, Charles--"

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He lunges.

At Moira, with a karate kick he saw his instructor using and a "YAAAAAAAA!"

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This manages to knock her to the ground. "Hey!" She grabs ahold of him. "Not me! Her!" She throws him at Claire.

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Claire shrieks but stops when Charles uses the momentum to turn around and throw himself at Moira again.

"...are they always like this?" she asks Zaneta.

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"Pretty much," answers Michael before Zaneta can answer, suddenly appearing in a shower of sparkles, regarding Claire with his large, black eyes.

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"Aaaaaah!" yelps Claire.

"Hey Michael," Charles calls from where he's grappling Moira.

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"Hey Charles," he says absently. "So, you're that twin Carol always cries about?"

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She looks at Carol. "What? Cries?"

"Um—I mean—you weren't here and—it'd been a while—"

She immediately and fiercely hugs her twin.

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"Yay! Family!" 

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Zaneta is muttering to herself. "Fifteen kids, oh, God, fifteen kids..."

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Seems like a good time for Nat to return with Evan, covered in bits of shiny rocks. "Oh, everyone's here," she says.

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Evan looks guilty about something. "Uh, Mum. We kinda blew up one of the labs."

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"It was a small explosion," Nat says, sounding a touch defensive.

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"What-what were you two doing?"

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For the first time in years, Zaneta raises her voice to her children in anger. "Will you all just stop doing things for a second?"

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Everyone stops and looks at her.

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"Look, we need to sort out with the situation with you and Claire," she says to Carol.

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And suddenly their attention is inexorably drawn to a girl in a pink dress and a cape. "Attention, heroes and do-gooders!" she calls. "You will be defeated!"

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Floating above her is Stan, dressed in a black outfit covered in plastic skulls. "Eat your life! Eat your children!"

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"Why are all your friends so weeeeird," wails Claire, still hugging her sister.

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"We outnumber you, you're weird!"

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"RAAAAAAA!" screams Charles, just in time for Jacob to float down towards the mess.

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(Sadde follows him from a safe distance.)

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Zaneta looks up at him. "Oh, Jacob, you quiet little thing."

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He nods at her, takes the scene in, lands—

—and now there are five Jacobs. One of them goes to the Moira/Charles fight, one to the Stan/Lilly supervillain team, one starts pushing Squishy and Martin away, one goes deal with Nat and Evan, and the final one looks up at Zaneta with an inquisitive look on his face.

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"Carol's sister is here." 

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He looks at the two of them and nods (while his various clones talk in short sentences and words to the others and try to make them disperse a bit). "How can I help?" he asks Zaneta.

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"You willing to give the villains someone to fight?"

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"I think Charles wants to show someone his karate."

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There is already a clone dealing with that but he can have multiple clones if that'll make Charles happier.

(It does.)

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She hugs him briefly. "You're a very good boy."

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He grins at her and hugs her back.

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"I think Martin, Michael, Evan and Nat just need someone to keep them busy. That fine?"

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"Well then, run along and play. I'll handle Maurice and the twins."

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He smiles and vanishes.

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(And Sadde decides he's not needed right now and floats away.)

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"Alright, Maurice, girls, huddle close."

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...they do.

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There's a portal.

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She ushers the children through.

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They're in a meeting room.

Hero's there. "Glad that you could join us."

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"I wish I could say the same." She gestures towards the children. "Carol, Claire, this is Hero."

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They look up at him.

"Not a very creative name," Claire says, which makes him laugh.

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"She is a clone of Nix. Hannah created her without the original's consent."

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"Yes, we're aware. Nix herself doesn't know it happened, but..." He looks at Hannah and removes his helmet so the gravity of his stare can be fully felt.

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Maurice steps in front of her. "I made her do it."

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He blinks and looks at Maurice. "Did you? And how exactly?"

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"Asked her. Very hard."

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He nods, but then looks at Zaneta. "Regardless, they're children. Even if they're incredibly powerful children, they're still children, and we cannot hold them to the same standards of responsibility as we can adults."

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She nods. "Nevertheless, incidents like this can't be allowed to keep happening."

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"...Is old Claire alright?"

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"Doesn't suspect a thing." And to Zaneta: "My main point here is that these children are your responsibility."

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"That they are. Will you be expecting reparations?"

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"No, nothing like that," he says, waving a hand dismissively. "What I want is a plan. Contact with your world has been one of the best things that's happened to us but not an unmitigated good, and I very much wish it was. I understand Hannah meant well," he says, and he's looking directly at her as he says that. "But it still is not extremely reassuring to us to have someone as powerful as she is running around doing things that mean well. Sets a bad precedent."

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"...What kinda plan?"

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"I don't know," he admits. "But I want to be able to go to bed without wondering what new thing will have happened tomorrow that I'll need to figure out how to deal with without causing an interdimensional incident."

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"Is there anything I can do?"

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"I don't know. I don't think it was your fault, and definitely don't think it's useful to be assigning blame, here."

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"I need to do something."

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"You do?"

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"Otherwise I'm bad."

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"...we can arrange some sort of community service?" he suggests dubiously.

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"That would be good."

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He nods. "Can do."

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"Thank you."

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To Zaneta: "But this still doesn't solve the main problem."

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"Restriction of movement would probably be wise."

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"Hannah. I can't really enforce anything physically, but some rules regarding egress between our worlds would at least help."

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"Enforcement can come from our side," he nods.

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"Good, good. We should probably negotiate this matter further."

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"Yeah, we should."

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"I think it's fair to keep Hannah restricted to our dimension until then."

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"Indeed." To Hannah: "Is that alright with you?"

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She nods.

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"Then that works for now."

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"I'll keep an eye on Claire here, unless you or she have any objections."

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"I don't think anyone will immediately think a set of twins called Carol and Claire living in another universe are clones of a hero and a villain here."

Claire for her part just shrugs.

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"Anything else we should attend to now?"

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"I think that's all."

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"Then good day."

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"You too."


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Portal is used.

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And closed.

"...so what now?"

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"I suppose we should set you up with a room."

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"Do you prefer having your own?"

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"I wanna be in her room," Claire and Carol say in unison.

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She allows herself a chuckle.

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They both grin at each other and at Zaneta.