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the nautiloid
Azem is a vampire and he is having a very terrible time of it
Permalink Mark Unread

Astarion does not have permission to take baths. He is punished if he does. However, not taking baths means he gets grimier and grimier, and he gets punished if he's too grimy. Furthermore, being too grimy means that he is much worse at attracting victims for Cazador, which also earns him punishment. Pointing out the inherent injustice of this system also gets him punished.

Sometimes Cazador punishes him just because he feels like it. Astarion is of the opinion that this isn't really "being punished" so much as Cazador just being a sadistic motherfucker who likes to see people under his power suffer. Astarion has not voiced this opinion because he has more than two brain cells.

So he's taking a bath while Cazador is away somewhere, because even though he is going to be punished for that he has reached the point where going any longer without would incur more punishment. And it's while he's luxuriating in Cazador's fourth guest bath (the one reserved for guests he does not want to host at all), perfuming himself and just relaxing in the water, that the nautiloid shows up in the skies of Baldur's Gate. And because Astarion is having such a grand time in the bath he entirely fails to notice the Nautiloid until it's ripped the ceiling off Cazador's manor. He barely has the time to ponder life's injustices before one of its many tentacles brushes against his skin, causing him to be instantly teleported into a disgusting fleshy pod inside the illithid ship.

He supposes he will ponder life's injustices from within his pod.

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His pod is very cosy, which is to say it's claustrophobic and he can't move his arms and legs and he barely has enough room to try to push himself closer to the dome of tinted glasslike material separating him from the room his pod is in. But the room is circular, and not that badly illuminated, so he can make a lot of it out, though he might wish he didn't.

There are three other pods like his, arranged in a circle around the center of the room. A mind flayer is standing there, looking at an elevated pool of glowing yellowish liquid, its back to Astarion. It looks over its shoulder at him when he materialises inside the pod, its expression too inhuman to be readable despite the sudden animation of its face tentacles, then looks at the pool again to reach into it and grab... something... from it.

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Oh he bets it's something disgusting.

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That depends on how he feels about weird squirming tadpoles. The illithid floats over to Astarion's pod and the pod opens at a thought—

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Which means Astarion can talk. "Excuse me! I believe there may have been a misunderstanding. I am not Cazador."

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The illithid's words form in Astarion's mind:

Your identity is immaterial.

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"—I'm sorry? No, you see, I was in Cazador's manor when you attacked but I am not Cazador, he is on a trip—"

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We care not about the one of whom you speak.

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...wait, so this wasn't targeted? It was just—random?

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All will bow to the Absolute.

And without waiting for a response, the creature leans forward to bring the disgusting tadpole to Astarion's left eye. From this close he can see the circular rows of sharp teeth and the eyes to either side of its "head" and the four little tentacles—

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Aaaaargh, there must be something he can do—

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There isn't. The creature lands on Astarion's cheekbone and waddles the rest of the way up to his eye and its four little tentacles irresistibly push Astarion's eyelids open so that it can make its way around his eyeball and into his skull.

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He doesn't pass out, though he wishes he would. Instead he feels the pressure of the larva making its way up his eye nerve all the way to his brain. And people don't have a sense of touch in their brains so even though he feels like he should be able to feel it there all it feels like is a dull pressure in his skull that slowly fades as the tadpole flattens itself against his brain.

His brain.

He has a mind flayer tadpole in his brain.

It's a good thing he's a vampire because he thinks if he had a normal digestive system he'd throw up and that would just be pointlessly making his day more upsetting. He'd been having such a nice bath.

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The illithid leaves him to his suffering, letting the lid of the pod he's in fall shut again as it turns to leave. A sphincter-like door (that looks a bit like an enormous asshole) opens to let it through and then closes again, leaving Astarion alone with his thoughts.

Well, alone with his thoughts and the three other poor souls in the other pods.

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Good. Great. Awesome. Terrific. Wonderful. Absolutely fantastic. He's ecstatic, really, that's exactly what he wanted in his life after two hundred years of slavery and torture by a sadistic vampire overlord, is be kidnapped by psychic octopus-people who are doing some kind of absurd mind surgery on him using disgusting squirming toothed worms. No, really, there's nothing in this world that he wanted more than this

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The ship suddenly shakes rather violently, the way ships tend to do when they are hit by something either very heavy or going very fast. Astarion's cosy pod at least means he doesn't get too badly jostled—there are not enough degrees of freedom for his limbs to get jostled—but it's still dizzying. And there are more such violent shakes, one after another, indicating that, well. Something is going on. The mind flayers are not just peacefully kidnapping harmless vampires from their masters' baths with zero resistance.

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Good for whoever's doing the resisting. These mind flayers need some resisting. He hopes they're being resisted very violently and bloodily, that'd be the best kind of resistance.

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But then there's a lurching feeling along none of the normal spatial dimensions he's used to and it's even more dizzying in a completely different way, like having your stomach be pulled out of your body without going through any other parts of it.

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why is this happening to him

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The assault on the nautiloid continues, and the decrease in flight stability suggests that whoever's attacking is very plausibly winning the fight. There is occasionally a noticeable feeling of decreased weight that suggests the ship is losing altitude but it's unclear if the losses are due to damage or tactical flying.

And then there is fire.

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In his long, long life, Astarion tried praying to all manners of gods. Good gods, neutral gods, evil gods, lawful gods, chaotic gods. None of them ever answered.

There is only one god he could forgive this from.

So when he thinks he might be having his last thoughts in the face of the conflagration, his prayers go to Tymora.

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But he doesn't die. The fire mercifully does not destroy his pod, and him with it, flammable though he may be. But it does destroy enough of one of his neighbours' pod that she manages to kick herself free and jump out of it.

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...the pointy ears and froggy skin, she's githyanki, which means—

"Hey! Excuse me! I need help!"

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She does not look at him, either unable to listen or entirely ignoring him. After getting her bearings she steps through the ex-asshole that is now just a round charred hole on the wall and then she's gone.

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Fuck. Come on!

Wait, maybe the fire could've weakened his pod? That'd be really useful, and some further pulling on the disgustingly fleshy machinery holding him suggests more give than there was before.

Ah, the beauty of being in a ship that is also a living thing. Means that if you damage it you are hurting it and so everything starts working less well.

Mind flayers are stupid as fuck.

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He can make some progress towards freeing himself, but the thing that finally allows him to shake himself loose is another bizarre cross-dimensional lurching feeling.

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He gets spat out of the pod just as that happens. Right onto the fleshy, gunky floor.

And he's naked.

Great. Amazing. Awesome. At least he didn't fall into the disgusting little pool with the disgusting little tadpoles in it.

Anyway, he'll make his way to his feet, then, and... look around. He supposes.

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Now that the not-glass of the pod is no longer obscuring his vision he can make out... a right mess. Even outside the fire that damaged a good chunk of the room, there are corpses of two mind flayers on the floor, not looking like they died of the fire at all. They had probably already been there when Astarion got kidnapped. And the two other pods were a bit too close to the fire when the fire happened and the people inside them appear to have been, ah. Cooked.

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Once again he is very thankful for not having a normal digestive system anymore because that is revolting.

Okay! What next, then?

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He spends a moment considering the idea of checking the illithid's bodies for valuables before discarding it. The chance of there being some sort of trap is too high, he doesn't want a second tadpole in his brain thank you kindly. Onwards through the ex-asshole, then, careful not to step on the still-blazing bits of floor because he continues to be a vampire and extra flammable no matter how many little parasites he is now the host for.

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The next room has some more dead mindflayers but most importantly the corridor beyond it is entirely exposed to the elements as apparently it ran along an outer wall of the ship's that has been destroyed. And what he can see beyond are many red dragons, the kind the githyanki like to ride, and, uh.


The fires of Avernus.

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Kidnapped by mind flayers and then sent to Hell! He kind of thinks that he should be cursing Tymora, here, there is just no way she isn't laughing her ass off at him. That'll teach him to think things even remotely flavoured "it couldn't get any worse". It could always get worse. You could always go to Hell.

And fuck him, that exposed hallway is probably where he has to go next because (after some exploration of the room he determines that) there is nowhere else to go.

Fuuuuuck him.

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But just as he's stepping out the githyanki jumps out of nowhere in front of him, sword in hand. "Abomination. This is your end!"

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"—no! Enough things, that is too many things!!!!"

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The woman tenses up to move to drive her sword through Astarion and—

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Astarion doubles over in pain, a pain mimicked by the githyanki woman. His head throbs, and he gets pins and needles all over his skin. And while that's happening, he can see, see...

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- a dragon's wing -

        - a silver sword -

    - a mindflayer's dead body -

- his own face, through the eyes of the stranger -

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And then he's back, still on the ship, still in Avernus, reeling from seeing—his face—no mirror, no screen, he hasn't seen his own face in centuries, and the first thing that comes out of his mouth is—

"I look disgusting and I need a bath. Another bath."

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"Tsk'va. You're no thrall?" says the other, recovering at the same time as he did. "Vlaakith blesses me this day! Together we may survive." She unsheathes a knife from her belt and offers it to Astarion, hilt-first. "Can you use a blade?"

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"...yes but back the fuck up why were you just trying to kill me???" The sword isn't actually silver so it wouldn't have worked but it's the principle of the thing.

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"We carry ghaik parasites in our brains, you and I. We resist their powers now, though I do not know how. But unless we escape—unless we are cleansed—we will become ghaik, ourselves."

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"...oh that's wonderful. We have parasites that will turn us into mind flayers?" He accepts the knife and spits on the floor. "Tymora mocks me. What do we do?"

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She points in the direction of the only room they can go to. "Find the ship's helm and take control of it. Kill any infernals we run into. Now move." And off she goes.

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"—right, then. Pleasure to meet you, too." He follows after her, half trying to commit his own visage to memory half trying to not think about how he is entirely covered in mind flayer gunk. And it's only going to get worse from here.

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There are infernals up ahead, but only weak ones: small flying imps, the lowest of the low, feasting on the corpses of... thralls? Other non-mind flayers, at least, scattered around that room.

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Well he sure hopes they're level one imps because he will almost certainly fail to do anything about anyone stronger than that.

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The githyanki herself is clearly higher level than that, given the ease with which she tears through them.

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Good, good, good for heeeeey that imp was about to sucker stab her and now it is not. If there is one thing Astarion can do well it is scurry around in shadows and take people unawares and this imp should know better than to try to copy his style.

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She whirls around to see the corpse of the imp falling lifelessly on the floor at Astarion's hands and makes a pleased hmming sound. "Surprisingly adequate. Come."

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"H-hold on, let me steal some pants—"

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"We do not have time for you to undress the dead for your sense of propriety. Come." And she goes.

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...it's not for his sense of oh whatever.

"I suppose I won't deny you your eye candy if you want it so much."

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She ignores him and continues to make her way onwards.

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He's not sure he's personally doing much to keep her safe but she's definitely going to be keeping him safe so he'll follow her. Even as they have to climb fleshy vines to reach an exposed higher level of the ship and walk over things that go squelch when you step on them.

Has he mentioned mind flayer ships are revolting? Because they're revolting. He's used to skulking in the underbelly of Baldur's Gate but at least when he does that there are thick leather boots between his feet and the bodily fluids that inevitably paint those streets and alleyways, and this is substantially more unpleasant than that.

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The next room is another one of those rooms with pods with people in them. Unlike the room they came from, however, there's no brine pool in the center; instead, there's a mildly pulsating fleshy organic access terminal (which accesses... what?) and four slanted operating tables. Two of them have humans strapped onto them, still breathing but seemingly insensate.

"Do not touch these machines," the gith hisses. "We do not know what they do."

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"When you ask so nicely..."

He walks around the machine to inspect the two humans.

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Once he's angled such that he can see the top of their skulls he'll notice that they've been cleanly and smoothly cut off to expose the brains inside. The gith ignores this and goes on to explore the rest of the room, watching for traps.

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At which point he'll be able to hear the muffled sounds of cries for help from within one of the pods.

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Astarion whirls around to look at the source of the noise, his grip on his knife tightening, but then relaxes when he sees what it was.

Also: this means that the gith could totally hear him in the other room and just chose to ignore him. Ice cold.

He walks over to the pod.

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"You! Help me out of here, please!"

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"We have no time for stragglers," she says, having walked over to investigate whatever had grabbed Astarion's attention.

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On the one hand, yeah. On the other...

...he wishes the gith had helped him.

"I will look for a way to get you out!" he calls before starting to examine the pod.

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"Try that contraption next to the pod! They did something to it when they sealed me in."

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Contraption next to the pod... aha, there it is. Aaaand he is just as unfamiliar with this as he was with the one from earlier.

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However, he can feel a tug in his mind, something almost... calling to him.

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Oh, wonderful, something calling to him from weird mind flayer machines, what could possibly go wrong.

...well, if he's about to turn into a mind flayer himself, he might as well make use of his newfound psychic powers in the interim.

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"I will not stay and watch you die at the hands of this contraption," the gith declares. She turns around and goes into one of the two anus-doors leading out of this room (other than the one they came in through).

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The parasite starts to squirm inside Astarion's head, the pressure growing into pain... and then fading. And then another sensation washes over him: authority.

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Psychic powers ahoy.

Open, he thinks intently at the device.

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It works. As he does that, the pod opens, releasing its captive.

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She falls to her knees, gasping for air, and looks up at her saviour. "I thought I would die. Thank you." Pause. "Why are you nude."

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"I was kidnapped while I was in the middle of a very relaxing bath, and my day has only gotten worse from there. Until, that is, I met you and that other beauty. Things are looking up."

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And then they connect, and for a moment he can feel her thoughts. Gratitude towards him, wariness towards the gith, unwavering purpose washing through her.

"...the parasites."

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"Mmhmm. I fear this will not be the last time, at least until we become mind flayers ourselves."

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"—we must not. I have a mission." And speaking of the mission, she climbs to her feet and reaches into her pod for an artefact: a strange regular metal icosahedron with slightly concave faces.

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None of his business.

"I'm Astarion. 'Tis a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

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She puts her artefact away and looks at him again. "Shadowheart."

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That's a title, not a name.

Whatever. They should—

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"It seems you yet live. We must away."

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Astarion jumps nearly out of his skin when he hears her voice. "Decided to come back for us? I feel so loved."

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"It was a dead end. Let's move." And once again she does not wait for them before going towards the other exit.

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And her sword has new blood stains it did not have before. The imps don't bleed, so what exactly did she fight in there...?

Well, no matter. She's right, they need to go.

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"When we get to the helm, do as I say," the gith says, without looking over her shoulder at them.

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"We'll follow your lead, milady."

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"Save it."

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They make it to the helm in short enough order, and once they do what they see is a battlefield: two mindflayers, half a score of imps, and three cambions.

Thrall, "says" one of the mind flayers who noticed their arrival. Connect the nerves of the transponder. We must escape. Now.

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"Do it," the gith hisses to the other two in an undertone. "We will deal with the ghaik after we escape."

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Shadowheart nods curtly and moves.

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Astarion bows and moves faster and with more agility. He's very used to this.

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So since the infernals (who are also under the impression these three are on the mind flayers' side) don't seem to be able to get their hands on Astarion they focus their fire on the gith and Shadowheart.

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Thankfully they are both armoured and higher than level one.

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So he dodges, sprints, and dashes until he reaches the control console, which is...

...a bunch of tentacles. Of course. He can't say he doesn't respect the consistency in this species's aesthetics, he guesses. But he doesn't know which of these tentacles he's meant to connect so he just kind of grabs two of them at random and pulls them towards each other.

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Once again there's that lurching feeling—and then they are no longer in Avernus. Instead they find themselves on the Prime Material, rapidly approaching the ground. Either the damage incurred by the ship or whatever Astarion did (or, perhaps more likely, the combination of both) seems to have entirely destroyed the navigation system and it is inexorably making its way to a very messy crash.

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Figures. He supposes that's as good an end to this adventure as any. Took a while longer for him to die than he'd expected but at least he's not going to become a mind flayer.

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But before the ship can crash there's an explosion—a system failing, a spell going wrong, a spell going right—a big one, and the wall on this side of the ship was already damaged enough to barely be there so this explosion is enough to finish it off and push Astarion out into the air to fall to his death.

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And it's daytime! Jolly good, there are many things trying to kill him.

He closes his eyes and waits, feeling the sun burn him as he rapidly approaches terminal velocity.

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But he doesn't die. A second before he hits the ground he suddenly decelerates, stopping upside down a few inches above the ground, and then he finishes falling but from a much less dangerous height.

Also: the sun isn't burning him. It is just... heating him up. The thing he's feeling on his skin is not fire, it is merely the normal heat that normal mortals feel when they are outside in daytime. He is not being consumed by flames.

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Wait, what.



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He reaches a finger into his mouth and pokes at his fangs. They're still there, still sharp.

He places a hand on his chest. His heart is still unbeating, his skin is still not warm.

He pays attention to his senses. His vision is still just as good, he still hungers for blood.

He is still a vampire.

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But it seems that he is now a vampire who can walk in the sun!

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Naked, no less!

He sits up and looks around, noticing from the widespread destruction around him that he must've passed out at some point because he failed to witness the final crashing moments of the ship even though it very much did crash over yonder. He pushes himself to his feet, and he's still not burning. He fell off a crashing ship and he didn't become paste.

Yeah, he's got nothing.

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But from his curent vantage point of "standing up" he can see Shadowheart a ways over there, lying unconscious on the sand.

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...okay it is simultaneously less strange and stranger that someone else managed to survive, too. Less strange because it's not something weird that happened to him specifically, stranger because why is there something specifically saving the not-thralls of the mind flayers?

Well, he supposes maybe the mind flayers did this somehow. He'll have to see. For now he'll check on his new friend, grabbing the dagger the githyanki gave him from where it was lying on the sand over there on his way.

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She jolts awake, pushes him off her, and rolls to her feet.

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Then blinks. "I'm alive."

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"And so am I, yes. Shall we move on to more pertinent things or do you also want to remark that it is daytime and water is still wet"

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"Why are we alive?" she asks, frowning in annoyance.

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"A more pertinent question! One that I am, alas, not equipped to answer."

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"Hmm." She looks around, then at him again. "I do not know where we are, either."

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"Ah, well, too much to hope for, I suppose."

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"No matter. We need food, shelter, and someone who can do something about the parasites in our heads."

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"'We'? Why, darling, I didn't know you felt that way about me."

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"We have better odds of survival together."

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"That we do. And I may have a lead: the githyanki seemed to know of a way for us to get rid of our parasites. Which stands to reason, given the givens. Assuming she survived, she might be our best chance."

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"A big assumption."

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"Hmm. We follow the tentacles, I suppose.

"...and thank you."

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"Whatever for?"

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"Rescuing me. On the nautiloid. I have a life debt to you."

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"Oh, darling, these sweet honeyed words of yours will get you places."

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"...let's move."

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"Lead the way."

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Leading the way is easy enough: as Shadowheart said, follow the tentacles.

And boy are there tentacles.

The nautiloid's many gargantuan tentacles decorate the landscape, forming barriers and arches and dangerous terrain but most importantly giving them a direction to find the crashed nautiloid. And although they can't literally just climb a tentacle and follow it—if nothing else, that would be extremely dangerous and reckless—they can follow the environmental storytelling. So they walk past these dead fishers—

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Wait, fishers?

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Indeed, it seems like the nautiloid crashed straight onto a fishing village.

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Excellent. Astarion will acquire clothes and no longer be naked as on his nameday. People will be deprived of his beautifully sculpted form but as they say, sometimes concealing is sexier than revealing.

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Literally no one cares.

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Ahem, anyway, as the narrator was saying before being rudely interrupted, after diverting a dead body of its clothes for Astarion's benefit the small party continues to try to find their way to the crashed airship—

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While diverting the dead of their other belongings! Now that Astarion has pockets he can carry things, like money. None of these people have a better knife than the githyanki blade his new friend gave him, though, so he supposes it'll have to do.

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...is he done with the interruptions?

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Yes, they may continue.

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Well now the narrator lost track of the plot. One moment, let's see, Astarion survives the crash and the sun, finds Shadowheart, wakes her, they decide to look for La- for the githyanki together, ah yes and they're now on their way to the crashed nautiloid.

The small party makes their way towards the crashed nautiloid and when they're close enough to it they can see some rather unsavoury survivors: brains. Brains with legs, four little white clawed things that allow them to walk around, and four thin little tentacles sprouting from their sides and swaying in the wind like antennae.

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"Don't suppose they're friendly?" asks the vampire in an undertone from where he and Shadowheart are looking at the disgusting little creatures from around a corner.

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"It was a humorous obviously-incorrect remark, to lighten the mood. You need to relax."

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"I'll relax when I'm dead. Let's kill them."

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"—really? I was thinking we could instead just, you know, walk around them, avoid a fight altogether..."

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"You can do that if you want. I am going to kill them."

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"Well, far be it from me to stop you."

And with that he—hides. Which is to say he makes himself unobtrusive, out of the way. If someone is looking directly at him or for him they will have no trouble with it but he becomes... easy to overlook.

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...useful talent. But not hers.

She charges.

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The walking brain creatures are, in fact, hostile. Though not extremely difficult to kill, even if those claws are awfully sharp.

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And despite his words Astarion does show up, more or less out of nowhere, to stab one or two of these things. "Maybe that's what will happen to our brains next."

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"...it would be imprudent to discount the possibility. Let us hope it does not come to that, but if it does... may Shar help us."

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"...Shar, really? I suppose 'Shadowheart' makes some sense."

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"This name was given to me by my Lady's worshippers, yes. I am her humble servant."

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"To each their own insanity, I suppose," he says with a shrug.

Well, time to explore this place some more.

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The ship has effectively fused with the ground at places, such that it's hard to tell where ship ends and packed earth begins, and the ruins are more like the putrid insides of a living creature than like wreckage of flying machinery. And they can find some more dead bodies, of mortals and other brain thingies and a few mind flayers and...

...that mind flayer there is still alive. Half-buried under rubble, though, in a pool of its own blood, looking like it's going to die very soon.

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Oh, it's going to die very soon, that much is certain. By his hand. Vile creature.

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"Be careful."

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"What can it do? Glare at me?" he scoffs, walking over to it.

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No. What it can do is make Astarion feel... feel...


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"No. I refuse. This is my mind, understand? Mine!"

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It is... but it should not be. He should be punished for it, for this hatred and this, this independence. He should... bow. He should bow to his true master, and... provide the sustenance it needs to thrive. His life is nothing, means nothing, before the mighty creature before him.

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"Do you think you're clever? Better men than you have tried this and failed. And you." He steps on the flayer's exposed brain hard enough to squeeze. "Are." He does it again. "Not." Again. "Good enough." Again and again and again and again until there's nothing recognisable left of the creature's head, only a bloody tentacled mess.

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The grip on Shadowheart's mind is released as soon as it is on Astarion's and she watches, impassively, as the elf does... the only correct thing to do in this situation, really.

"Death is too good for it."

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He turns around and stalks off in a random direction. "Let's leave. The gith will not be here."

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Yeah. Fair enough. She jogs to catch up with him.

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When she does he is stripping some dead goblins of their valuables. They were killed by the crash, but through sheer luck they did not get entirely carbonised, and soon enough Astarion is in possession of a crossbow and a few bolts.

"Much better," he says, his erstwhile cheer returning. "I much prefer not to be in close quarters if I can help it."

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"...what's that?"

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A strange magical disturbance on the rock face a short walk east. It looks like a... portal of some kind? And an arm is coming out of it and waving uselessly.

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"...that looks like a trap."

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"A trap? For us?"

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"...well, I suppose not."

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Shadowheart carefully walks over to it, weapons in hand and an incantation at the tip of her tongue.

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"I heard that! I hear you! Hello? Some help, please?"

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"I heard that too! I'm just, I'm stuck! I just need someone to pull me free!"

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Shadowheart starts to reach towards the hand—

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—but Astarion places a hand on her chest. "Don't grab the hand of some mysteriously 'stuck' interdimensional traveler. I'm very fond of you and don't want to see you die."

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"...you're right."

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"—what? No, he's not! I'm just a guy! I just need some help!"

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"You got yourself into whatever... situation you're in. You can get yourself out of it."

And without further ado he turns around and walks away.

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"Wait, no, please! I need help, I need someone, please!"

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No, the elf was right, this is far too suspicious and they have no reason to get involved in this. It's not their problem.

"...these tracks," she says, instead, looking at the dirt. "Someone walked this way. Those are boot prints, and... heavy. Could be the githyanki."

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Astarion ignores the continued pleading of whomever and looks at where Shadowheart's looking. "...I suppose I see it. And I also suppose you'll be better than I am at following these tracks."

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"Hmm." It's probably true, so she leads the way again.

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And after following the track a ways up north they can hear a faint conversation.


    "Of course it's dangerous! One of them carved up Zorru's whole squad!"

"So we should leave it."

    "And leave it to the goblins? No! We take it to the Grove."

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It? A mind flayer, perhaps? Except, hmm. He lifts a finger to his lips and does his little trick of hiding in plain sight then draws closer.

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The sources of the voices turn out to be two tieflings, red and horned with demonlike tails.

"Let's just leave it!" says one of them.

    "If it allies with the Goblins it will come after us!"

"Why would it? And besides, we'll be on our way to Baldur's Gate!"

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And the "it" they're talking about is indeed the githyanki, who seems to somehow have run afoul of the tieflings' trap and is being held in a cage hanging from a tree. And unlike the tieflings, she notices Astarion's arrival, and though her lips don't move, he can hear her just fine.

Get rid of them.

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Right, psychic powers.

Do I get a kiss if I do?

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If you do not I will hunt you down and relieve you of your entrails when I free myself.

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I hadn't realised we'd grown so close, darling, you'll make me blush with all this kinky talk.

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If you want to live and not become ghaik you need to get me down.

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Ah, that's what I wanted to hear! Positive incentives.

"Excuse me!" he calls to the tieflings.

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"Ilmater guard me," exclaims the first tiefling.

    "—hello," says the second one. "Who are you?"

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Wow these people's survival instincts are garbage.

"A friend who has come to solve your issues. That gith? Is extremely dangerous."

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"...well, yes, that's what we were—"

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"And you're clearly unprepared to deal with it," he continues. "Leave it to me. I can kill it—and my friend here better than me," he adds, hiking a thumb in Shadowheart's direction. "But if you stay around you are very likely to be collateral damage. You should go."

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"If it's as dangerous as you say he is," says the first tiefling to the second, "then he's right. We're not fighters, how do you even want to bring it to the Grove? If we bring it down it'll kill us."

    "...I suppose."

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"What is this grove you speak of?"

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"The druids' Grove to the northwest, where our people are staying—"

    "Nymessa, they may be friendly but you shouldn't just tell people like that!"

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"You really shouldn't," Astarion agrees. "Now go."

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They look at each other then nod and bow to Astarion. "Thank you, stranger. Selûne light your path."

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Shadowheart makes a face but does not say anything to that.

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Astarion waits for the tieflings to be out of earshot and then walks over to the trap to regard the gith. "You seem to have found yourself in a bind here, hmm?"

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"Enough gawking! Get me down!"

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"Say 'please'."

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"You would expect some more politeness when you're the one up there and I'm the one down here."

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"You would have expected more intelligence when you are the one who will turn into ghaik and I am the one who knows how to stop the transformation."

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"You'll also become one," he points out.

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"And so you know that I have no reason to mislead you."

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"...you know what, that's fair enough." He can find wherever the cage is attached to and cut the ropes. "Brace for the fall."

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She does, and then she's on the ground. "I see the tadpole hasn't scrambled all your senses yet. Auspicious."

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"What's your name? I'm Astarion and this is Shadowheart."

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"Lae'zel. Now come, my people will possess a cure for this infection. I must find a crèche; you will join me. And you will not call me gith again if you want to keep your tongue."

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He ignores the threat in favour of the more important bit. "A 'crèche'."

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"A place my people maintain on the Prime Material. We will find a ghustil there, which will purify us of the ghaik tadpole."

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"I suppose of all people githyanki would know best. And there's no way to stop the transformation without losing the powers...?"

Because, he has realised, the main thing that changed between when he was having his nice bath last night and now is the fact that he has a magic psychic tadpole in his head. So maybe...

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"No. Your choices are purification or beheading."

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It's a wide, wide world. He'll keep his options open. But this gith does not need to know that.

"I suppose we make our way to this crèche, then. Where, ah, is it."

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"I do not know. But if we find this 'Zorru' those devilspawn mentioned, they may be able to tell us where they found my people."

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"...I see." So she doesn't even have a proper lead. Figures.

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"...I spotted a temple to the east. We should go there."

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"East? The devilspawn spoke of the little druid's Grove to the northwest."

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"And it will soon be sundown and we need to find somewhere to stay for the night before that happens."

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"The parasite in your brain will not sleep. This is a waste of time."

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"Maybe the parasite won't, but we must." Sort of. He's still a vampire (spawn) and an elf so he doesn't really have the same needs, but Shadowheart is a half-elf and does need to sleep. "How long do these transformations usually take?"

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"Seven days is how long we have before the transformation is complete."


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"I caught that hesitation."

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"We should be seeing signs of the transformation already. That we do not is... disturbing."

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"But promising! Perhaps we do not need to worry so much."

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"If you will not seek a cure I will kill you myself and rid the world of one more monstrosity," she says, reaching behind her back to wrap her hand around the hilt of her sword but not yet unsheathing it.

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"We'll seek a cure. Tomorrow. When we are better rested and have not just miraculously survived a nautiloid crash and have better hold of our bearings."

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"Very well. But the moment I see a tentacle, I will end you."

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"I'd expect nothing less."

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When Shadowheart said she spotted a temple to the east she meant that actually there are the ruins of a temple right around the corner over there. Which is easy enough to find.

However, there are already people there.

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People, hmm? Time to eavesdrop—

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"Charge!" cries the githyanki, rushing ahead into the group.

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What? "No, no, do not charge—" He lunges at her to arrest her momentum before she gets them into a fight they very much do not need.

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But of course when a githyanki warrior loudly yells "charge" that tends to attract some attention, and not the friendliest kind. The spot they arrived at was overlooking the main entrance to the chapel and there was one halfling scout there but another halfling, a half-elf, and an elf soon run up there to see what the ruckus was about.

"Not another step!" says the scout, pointing a crossbow at the party.

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"Unhand me at once!"

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"Lae'zel, beautiful Lae'zel, we do not randomly attack people, do you understand me? Shadowheart, you back me here, don't you, sweetheart?"

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Better than nothing.

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"What's this about?" asks the arriving halfling, also armed with a crossbow. "You here to loot the crypt? Or the ship? Move along, now, they're ours."

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"No, no, nothing of the sort, just." He clears his throat then gets off Lae'zel. "My friend here is woefully undersocialised, I'm afraid. We do not wish to—ah, did you say ship? The illithid ship over yonder?"

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"Don't see no other ship, now, do I?"

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"Ah, I see, it's just, well..."

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"...well? Spit it out, lad, before I fill you with holes."

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"It's just we were just there and it's, you know... crawling with illithid."

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    "Mind flayers," says the elf.

"...you're pulling my leg?"

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"I mean, you're free to go see the place yourselves, of course, but we barely escaped with our lives—"

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"No ghaik threatened me."

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"—despite my friend's bravado. It is a nautiloid, after all, and we all know mind flayers are telekinetic so I figure that's how they survived. I wouldn't want to go back there myself. I'd probably leave this area too if I were you, I can't imagine they'll be limiting themselves to the ship."

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"...a very convenient thing for you to say." But Astarion will be able to tell that his words are having an effect: both halflings have lowered their weapons and the elf and half-elf have been trading worried looks. They have noticed that Astarion, Lae'zel, and Shadowheart do look kind of beat up and have more than a little mindflayer bodily fluid covering their skin.

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"We just came here to warn you. ...well, I did, my friend here as stated is not the greatest at not attacking people on sight. I suppose she really wants to flex that sword arm."

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"...yeah, uh, that, ah, won't be necessary, I feel," says the halfling, probably their leader given how the others seem to look to him for reactions. "We can come back sometime later, once these il- illi- mind flayers are well and truly gone."

    "I told you it was a bad idea to stay around..." says the half-elf.

"Alright, shut your trap. Let's go. And, ah, thank you for the warning, lad."

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"Of course, of course."

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"It would have been faster to kill them," says Lae'zel, once they're gone.

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"They probably have friends inside the temple that would've come to their aid, and I did not want to deal with that. Now we only have to deal with the friends."

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"...they would abandon their allies? Disloyal cravens."

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"Opportunistic bandits are not known for being particularly faithful to each other, no. Let's scope this place out."

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The temple overlooks the rivershore they crashed onto, giving them a view of the river in the distance and the smoking remains of the nautiloid. The structure seems to have been dug into the rock, with stairs leading down to a door that probably used to be more underground before the temple lost its ceiling and most of its walls; as it is, it's just stone ruins and a stone floor and the stairs, exposed to the elements. Whichever god this temple was dedicated to, it was abandoned by their followers long before the nautiloid's arrival.

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Ah, a door. Now, do they try to fib their way in or get inside otherwise undetected...?

"Lae'zel, I promise you will have much opportunity to kill and maim but for the moment please follow my lead."

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"...very well."

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So he goes to the door and knocks.

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"That you, Gimblebock?" comes a muffled voice after a few seconds. "Everything alright out there?"

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These people do not share a single brain cell between them. "Gimblebock triggered some trap! He needs help, now!"

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"I told him it wasn't safe out there. Get inside, I'll rustle up some bandages..." The man unlocks and opens the door to let them in—

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—and Astarion pulls him out by his shirt, one foot stretched out to push the human out of balance, and a hit to the back of the man's head with the butt of his dagger is enough to knock him clean out.

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"...and I suppose you will ask me not to kill him?"

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"For the moment, yes. He may prove useful."

Or... he may prove food. Astarion has never tasted a person's blood...

He should not get distracted by the thought. Into the ruins they go, dragging the unconscious man with them.

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The room they walk into has a hearth and a table covered with various types of long-shelf life food as well as a nook with some books that even from a distance look dusty enough that it's clear the place's current denizens have not, themselves, touched the place.

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Shadowheart looks around with somewhat more interest than she's been showing... most things, really. "Strange," she whispers. "It tends to be more obvious, who exactly is worshipped in a temple."

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"No one else here," he whispers back, looking at the other door leading deeper into the crypt. "These people really do not know what they're doing."

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"Let's kill them," says Lae'zel, not whispering.

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"Tymora help us all," Astarion breathes as he looks around for some rope to tie their new unconscious friend. He gets some but before he ties the man up he takes the man's shirt off to make a gag out of it. Then he ties the man up.

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"This skulking around is dishonourable and pathetic."

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"Lae'zel, gorgeous, I am not as powerful as either of you and if we get swarmed by ten people I will be the first one to die. I would like to not die. So I want to take care of as many threats as I can before we are inevitably forced into conflict."

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"You can just stay back and watch."

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"Or I could instead use the skills I do have so that I can become more powerful, too."

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"Tsk. Coward."

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"It is to the benefit of us all that I become stronger. Especially if we're planning to storm a whole druid's Grove filled with druids and tieflings and who knows what else."

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"Tsk. Fine."

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Excellent, talking to people still mostly works.

To the door he goes, so he can press an ear against it and listen for other threats.

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The muffled sounds of footsteps suggest a single person patrolling the area.

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Patrolling is interesting. It suggests there are multiple points of entry into the crypt; if it were just this door, there would be no reason to patrol.

He waits until the footsteps sound sufficiently faint and opens the door, not quietly because the door being opened quietly is more suspicious than it being opened normally by someone who is meant to be there, but when he slips through he is quiet and manages to fade into the shadows before the human has turned around to spot him.

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"...Andorn?" she calls uncertainly when she sees no one on the other side of the now-open door.

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And now Astarion is behind her, a hand covering her mouth and a dagger to her throat. "Sweetheart, if you call for help that will be the last thing you'll ever do. If you try to hit me or push me away that will also be the last thing you'll do; I have done this before and have excellent reflexes."

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She is wise enough to freeze and not make any noises.

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"Wonderful. Now let's slowly walk through that door and then shut it so that we can ask you some questions. Nod if you understand. Shake your head if you'd rather die painlessly right now. ...well, I assume it'll be painless, but I confess I've never had my throat sliced through and would not be able to say."

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She nods minutely.

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"There's a good sport."

So he walks her to the other room and motions for Shadowheart to close the door behind him.

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Which she does. "You're better at this than I'd expected."

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(Even Lae'zel looks grudgingly impressed.)

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"Years of practice, darling." The human is placed next to her friend and Astarion keeps the tip of his blade positioned right next to her throat as he walks around her to face her. "Now, please keep in mind that you will die if you try to get anyone's attention. Nod if you understand."

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She nods, looking terrified.

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"How many others are there? Not counting your pal Andorn and the ones outside, we've dealt with them already."

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"What are their capabilities?"

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"T-two of them are hunters, one is very good with a sword, one is a wizard."

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He cusses under his breath. "I hate wizards. Not very powerful, though, the lot of you?"

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She nods again.

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"There were three other doors there, and you were patrolling. There's another way in, isn't there? Don't lie to me."

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She nods again.

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"Please succintly describe the layout of this place to the best of your knowledge."

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"Th-the, everyone else is in the main crypt. Across the hall. The room to the left is empty b-but, there's a hole in the wall and ceiling that l-leads up. The r-room to the right, the door's locked, no handle no keyhole, we don't know how to get in. Could b-be another way i-in."

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"Hmm, the bottleneck to the main crypt is concerning but can be used to our advantage. Anything else of note? Please think very carefully and very hard about this."

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"W-we think there is p-probably something valuable in the l-locked room? Some b-books mention more..."

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"But nothing else you've personally found so far."

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"Alrighty. Thank you so much for your cooperation. I am now going to gag you and tie you up, if you're well-behaved we won't need to knock you out."

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"Kill her. We got the information we needed."

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She whimpers involuntarily.

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"Love, if you predictably kill people who give you what you need they won't give you what you need. I want it to be possible to be cooperated with. Trust me. I know what I'm doing. If I fuck up and we fail at anything you can start ignoring me then."

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Shadowheart is definitely approving, though.

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He aims to please.

So before anything they should check that her claims about the rooms other than the main crypt are true, which means they should still be careful just in case she was trying to lure them into a trap.

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She wasn't.

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He didn't think so, no.

"Do not charge in. The door's bottleneck is advantageous to us, since we're outnumbered and I am very fragile. I will draw them out and we can take them out one at a time." He looks at the human. "Are you particularly fond of any of your companions? Not that I'm promising to spare them, but I can think about it."

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"Excellent. Let's do this."

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They don't manage to finish the fight without any injuries, but all in all it's a pretty bloodless affair. On their end, that is; there's enough bloodshed to satisfy even Lae'zel, after Astarion entirely fails to be sufficiently diplomatic to avoid a fight entirely. One of the hunters begs for mercy, so Astarion merely knocks him unconscious, but the other three unfortunately perish of their injuries.

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"Yes. This spilled blood exalts Vlaakith's glory."

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Whatever you say, sweetheart.

Time to explore.

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One might imagine that the human from earlier doesn't know what the word "crypt" means, as this is most definitely not one. There aren't any tombs or coffins, only a statue to an unknown god with a plaque in an unrecognisable language and numerous books.

Roll Perception.

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Sorry, what?

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While exploring the place Astarion notices one specific candleholder attached to a wall is somewhat crooked compared to the others, and not in a way that looks best-explained by age.

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...he does?

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He's so talented.

Well, nothing to it, then: time to pull the obvious lever!

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It has the effect one would expect: the handleless locked door opens. And the room it opens to is... mostly empty, but there is another door in there probably leading to the actual crypts.

Plus some banners that have not frayed to nothingness with the centuries.

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"...that symbol. I... recognise it... but I can't remember where from."

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"I believe we should not go exploring right now and should instead retire for the day. Now that we've found a suitable place for that."

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"And our prisoners?"

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"We release them, one at a time, from different locations so they have more trouble finding each other again. And we lock the doors and stand watch. I am an elf, so I can take a longer watch."

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"Hmm. Acceptable."

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"Glowing praise. Now, I will lead one of our prisoners out and then take this chance to wash myself in the nearby river. It has been a rather exhausting day."

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First, thou shalt not drink the blood of thinking creatures. Cazador Szarr's rule for Astarion.

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And here, away from his companions...

"I will release you here, but first you will do me a favour," he says to that prisoner.

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And it turns out running water does in fact no longer hurt him.

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"Let's move," says Lae'zel in the next morning, once they're all awake. "We have no time to waste."

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"But I so wanted to explore these ruins some more..."

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"We have no time to waste."

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"It was a jest, sweetheart, I recognise that my curiosity notwithstanding we are on a time limit.

"Despite the lack of symptoms, that is. What should we have been expecting, exactly?"

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"It starts with a fever and your hair falls out," she starts, gesticulating animatedly. "Then, you start to hallucinate. Your hair falls out and you bleed from every orifice. Your bones will change form, and your jaw will split to allow room for four great tentacles. All skin will turn to gore, and be shed to reveal new flesh underneath. Then, you have ceased to exist, and a mind flayer is born."

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"So it's even more surprising that none of that has happened, hmm?"

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"Everything about our situation is most unusual. All the more reason to visit the crèche; my people are experts in these matters, we have done battle to ghaik from time immemorial, ever since we escaped thralldom under them."

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"You can always return here later to explore, after getting cured."

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"Hmm, I suppose. We should probably lock this door again, then."

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Placing the candle holder back where it was obligingly makes the door close again.

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And Astarion can make sure to smush out their tracks here so others are less likely to find the lever and door.

Onwards to the northwest.

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They don't run into any trouble. The nautiloid is mostly no longer burning and is now merely ugly and putrescent. They travel along beaten paths to the west and north a while as the sun climbs higher in the sky... until they hear shouting.

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Time to eavesdrop.

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"Open the bloody gate!" calls a human in front of, indeed, a gate. It's lightly camouflaged against the sheer rock face, covered in vines, but not that camouflaged, and the disguise is somewhat ruined by the obvious battlements above it.

    "Nobody gets in!" calls a tiefling from said battlement. "Zevlor's orders!"

"That pack of goblins will be on us any second!"

        "What's going on?" asks a second tiefling, arriving then.

"Goblins are on our tail. Open the gate, Zevlor. Now."

        "You fool! You led goblins here? Where's the druid?"

"Please! There's no time!"

There is indeed no time as a pack of goblins chooses this moment to arrive within earshot.

        "By the Nine Hells. Open the gate!" Another tiefling starts doing that but she is immediately shot by a goblin sharpshooter. "Kanon, no!"

"Shit. Form a line!" cries the human, turning around and unslinging his bow.

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"Are you going to say we should spare these creatures too?"

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"Gods, no. Slaughter away. —the goblins."

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Astarion and Shadowheart provide support, Shadowheart using magic from the higher vantage point and Astarion from the shadows.

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The goblins are not prepared for such fierce resistance, and perish accordingly. They fail to take even one person down, too.

"That was the last of them," calls the one others called Zevlor. "Inside, all of you! More may follow. Open the gate!"

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"There must be a horde of them nearby. More will come, again and again; they will besiege this place."

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"Unfortunate for them."

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"And for us. We must find this Zorru. Or, perhaps, someone else; these druids could well know more about the infection, too."

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"Don't be ridiculous. No one knows more than githyanki about mind flayers."

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"It is always better to have more rather than fewer options, I feel. Let's go inside. Oh, and Lae'zel? Stand down. I will side with these people if you attack them."

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"Who do you think you are?"

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"An elf trying to survive, thank you kindly. I will do whatever it takes to ensure that."

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"Tsk. You have more steel in you than I expected. I will follow."

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Once they're through and the gate is closed behind them they walk into a continuation of the argument from outside.

"There are children here, you fool!" Zevlor yells at the one human.

    "We was running for our lives!"

"Yes, and while running you led them straight to usAnd you let them take the druid too. Unbelievable!"

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"You know, that could have ended a lot worse than it did."

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The human finally notices them. "...and who the hells are you supposed to be?"

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"My friends and I here are the people you owe your sorry life to. Say 'thank you'."

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(Lae'zel snorts at this. Apparently when she's not the one being demanded politeness of it is very amusing.)

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"Well I didn't ask for any gods damned help!"

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"Oh please, you were nearly wetting your breeches out there, and it's because of you that Kanon is dead." There were other people with the human too but he's clearly the "brains" of this operation.

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Zevlor draws in a sharp breath at the name but the human twitches with guilt—and then anger. He moves to punch Astarion...

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...who dodges the punch easily and uses that momentum to get behind him and grab him in a headlock. "I'm so sorry for this," Astarion says to the tiefling. "I didn't mean to interrupt but he was such a delectable target, I couldn't help myself."

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    The human is starting to have trouble drawing in breath as he struggles but if anything that makes Zevlor look even more approving.

"Oh, you were right." He looks at the human. "He was right. Kanon is dead because of you. I've a mind to kick you out of this camp."

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Astarion releases the human so he can talk.

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    He coughs and glares at him. "First I get nearly gutted by goblins and now I get strangled by a bloody elf. I'm done. I'm out. Fuck this, and fuck you, foulblood."

Zevlor doesn't even twitch at the racist remark and just watches impassively as the man leaves, his two companions following him. Then he sighs and shakes his head. "The goblins will be back, no doubt. We'll need to pack up and leave." To Astarion: "Thank you. I'm Zevlor."

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"Astarion, and these two lovely ladies with me are Lae'zel, of the githyanki, and Shadowheart, cleric of Shar."

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His eyes pause on the githyanki and narrow for a moment before he looks at Astarion again. "Well met. I should warn you: visitors are no longer welcome in this grove. Whatever your business, I'd see to it quickly; the druids are forcing everyone out. This attack will only strengthen their resolve."

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"We will not be staying long. We are looking for someone who might help us with a little, ah, health problem we have in common, and we have a lead that brought us here."

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"Halsin? I'm afraid he didn't make it back from Aradin's expedition," he says, giving the gate the human just left the Grove through a dirty look.

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"...no, I'm not familiar with that name, but now I'm curious as to why he came to mind as quickly as that."

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Lae'zel twitches a bit, looking like she's about to say something—but then she reconsiders, and keeps her peace.

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"Oh? He's a renowned healer, and the leader of this group. Or he was, now the gods only know if he's even still alive."

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"I see. But no, we were looking for a man named Zorru, who might know something of interest to us."

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"I see. He is one of my people; I can take you to him, as thanks."

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"That would be most appreciated."

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So Zevlor starts to lead the way further into the camp.

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And Astarion looks over his shoulder and mouths a "thank you" to Lae'zel.

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She narrows her eyes in suspicion and doesn't answer.

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Shadowheart just follows, quietly.

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"Out of curiosity, what are your people doing here, Zevlor?"

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"We're refugees, from Elturel; we took shelter here after gnolls attacked us on the road. We were bound for Baldur's Gate, and it was too late to turn back. Elturel has no place for tieflings after the Descent."

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"...'the Descent'. That sounded like it had a capital letter."

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"I would've thought everyone had heard of it by now. The High Overseer, our grand protector, signed a pact with devils which dragged all of Elturel straight to Hell. A group of adventurers found a way to bring the city back, but after that people just looked at us and saw 'devilkin'. Not much different from the druids here, truth be told, and that is why they're closing this place off from the outside world."

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"Closing it off?"

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"They are preparing a ritual which will seal it away, kick all outsiders out, and not let anyone else in. And... we're city folk. We're not fighters. We lost enough people on our way here, I shudder to think what will happen if we leave. But we have little choice."

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And not at all his problem.

"I'm sorry about all of this. I wish I could help."

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"You have helped more than enough." He leads the way into the combination of natural open-air caverns and ruined construction that decorates this "grove" that is not really a grove down a packed-earth path past makeshift tents and hastily-built wooden structures for the refugees until he gets to a little thatch-roofed ramshackle cottage in front of which is another tiefling. "Zorru, these people were looking for you, I believe."

    "Hello, I—oh by Mordai's eyes, another one," he says, going from warmth to abject terror as soon as he lays eyes on Lae'zel. "My f-friend's blood not enough? Come to rip me open, too?"

"...what's this?" asks Zevlor, catching wind that there is... something more going on than he'd expected.

    "Is this m-monster with you?" Zorru asks of Zevlor.

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"In crèche K'liir," Lae'zel hisses, "a formal greeting begins with a bow."

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"Lae'zel, darling, please leave the talking to me."

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"...this man holds the information we need! This is no time to waste with your morals."

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"My morals have nothing to do with this, dear, I am just much better than you at having conversations. Now stand. Down."

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"K'chakhi! Fine."

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"Apologies for this," he says to Zorru. "She will not hurt you."

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"...th-thanks," says Zorru, really not sure of what to make of... well, an elf getting a githyanki to stand down just like that. "H-how can I help?"

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"The githyanki you saw. We're looking for them. Where did you meet them?"

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"M-meet? I-we were on our way to Baldur's Gate. Near the mountain p-pass." He swallows dryly. "I-it saw us 'fore we s-saw it. Jammed its b-b-blade through Yul's belly, straight to the other side. And I just... I just ran."

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"Show me where on the map."

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"Lae'zel, sweetheart, I will not say this again: stop talking."

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"I'm so sorry for my friend. I would appreciate more precise directions, however."

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"R-right." He can show them where it is on the map.

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"Thank you very much." To Zevlor: "And thank you for your help, too. Apologies for the commotion. I wish your people luck in your journey."

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"...right. Thank you." And Zorru flees with Zevlor too, any excuse to get away from the githyanki.

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"The last time a subordinate questioned my judgment, I ate tongue stew that very night."

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"Subordinate? I think you misunderstand our relationship, my dear. We are partners with a common goal. If you wish to leave, leave. But do not presume to order me so."

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"And yet you would presume to order me? I should cut you open from stomach to chin to teach you respect."

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"I know my skills, and you know yours: I talk, you kill. I would not question you on a battlefield, but this was not one. We got what we wanted, and we didn't get this entire grove turning on us, plus we left future options open. Now, partner, I will continue to do what I do best—talk—and get information on alternatives to the crèche. You're free to accompany me, but if you'd prefer to start your trek westwards on your own you are also free to do so instead."

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"Your insolence will cost you your head."

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"You want to kiss me so much it makes you lose hold of your senses."

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She—does not have a reply to that.

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...wait, that worked????

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He thought it would. What an interesting culture this is.

"But for now, I should wish to investigate this place."

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The tiefling refugees are not settled in the druid camp proper; rather, they've taken residence in hastily-built structures on the rock outcroppings surrounding the Grove (which is not, really, a grove at all, and is instead a network of caves surrounding a stone henge). They have a central area with a market of sorts, a small smithy and an herbalist and someone tending to a large soup cauldron. A little ways off and up there are a handful of tieflings practising the sword or the bow with training dummies (and even from this distance it is very obvious that these are city folk) as well as some cattle. One corner has a designated jail area currently occupied by, apparently, a single goblin, and another corner is being used as a temporary headquarters of sorts for the people leading this group. Zevlor is there, poring over a map to make decisions for his people.

Interestingly, however, they're not starving. Despite the fact that apparently the druids are so unhappy with these people that they're about to kick them all out it seems like they've seen fit to host them and feed them and give them this shelter, meagre though it may be. And even now, they still haven't kicked the tieflings out regardless of how much noise they're making to that effect, and they're letting the tieflings regroup and plan their next steps.

And another thing of note is the abundance of children. Zevlor had not been exaggerating, the little ones are running this way and that with the kind of carefreeness of, again, city folk who are unused to the wilderness and to having to watch their backs for anything but cutpurses. Hells, probably many of these kids are the cutpurses.

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Which suggests either that wanting the tieflings gone was a very recent change or that the druids are not united in their desire to see the refugees gone. Perhaps both. Likely both, even, Astarion guesses.

And cutpurse children are something he's very familiar with. He is, also, city folk, and he can recognise a pickpocket when he sees one. Like this kid he "accidentally" bumps into, who tries to surreptitiously grab Astarion's bag of coins (and fails, because Astarion currently has no money) before disappearing down a hidden hatch between some rocks, or this other kid who is supposedly selling magic items.

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"Hold out your hand, mister! Let me show you something."

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"Oh? Show me what?" he wonders, all innocence, holding his hand out.

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The kid places a ring on his palm. "Go on. Take this ring. It's lucky."

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"Lucky! Well, kid, you got my interest. How is it lucky?"

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He grabs a coin from his pocket and says: "Heads or tails?"

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The kid flicks the coin into the air, grabs it, slaps it onto the back of his other hand, and shows it. "Heads!"

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"Oh, that was just chance. Heads again!"

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Heads again!

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"Huh. You weren't kidding, this ring is lucky."

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"And that's just a small one! I've got more where that came from; real cheap, too."

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"Really? Why don't you show me your wares?"

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Astarion peers over behind the kid at his stuff then says, "Lae'zel, Shadowheart, why don't you come take a look at these?"

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"This is a waste of time."

She does look curious about the "lucky" ring, though.

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"A well-equipped party is a happy party. Come on."

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Yeah sure whatever she'll play along.

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And when the three of them are sufficiently distracted... Astarion grabs the wrist of another tiefling kid trying to pickpocket him that appeared out of nowhere behind him. And doesn't turn around. "Hmm, how about that ring over there? What's it do?" he asks the first kid.

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Both Lae'zel and Shadowheart jump in surprise when they notice the kid that most definitely had not been there before.

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"...um, mister?" asks kid 1 uncertainly.

    "Aah, let go!" says kid 2.

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"Come on, answer the question."

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"I, uh, uh..."

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He grins and lets go before turning back around to face both kids. "I'm Astarion. What're your names?"

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"...uh. Mattis."

    "S-Silfy. Sir."

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"And that was clearly a modified War Widow scam."

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"...like hells it was! You can't do that one with rings, it has to be bracelets, because—" Beat. "Oh, damn."

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"Kid, how many rings do you have for sale? Not counting the one you just gave me."

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"Really? Are you sure?"

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"...uh, yeah? Look," he turns to count, "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven... wait no that's wrong. One, two three, four... uh..."

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Astarion holds out his left hand where he's holding a second ring. "Missing something?"

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"...bloody hells, mister."

    "Mattis, I don't like this anymore..."

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Astarion offers Mattis both rings.

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    He takes them, frowning.

"How'd you notice me?" asks Silfy.

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"Decades of practice, kid. I've been doing this since before your parents were born."

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"—wow, really? Can you teach us?" asks Mattis, switching from upset to excited in the blink of an eye.

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"Not here and not now. Hate to rain on your parade but you should not be doing that here."

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"What? Why not?"

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"—the lucky ring was not real?"

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"It was not."

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"If someone attempted this at crèche K'liir I would have cut off their hands."

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Astarion looks at the tieflings again, hiking a thumb over his shoulder at Lae'zel. "That, kids, is why you should not be doing this here. This isn't a city. You have a lot more to worry about. You don't want to get in trouble."

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Mattis's eyes are huge and round like saucers and Silfy looks like she's about to start crying. "We didn't mean it! It was just a joke! We swear!!"

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"Save these jokes for when your people aren't refugees at someone else's camp. Someone else who is about to kick you out, I add."

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    "They won't, Arabella stole their totem—"

"Silfyshut up!"


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...oh no. Ohhhh nononono this smells like plot and he already has a plot he does not need any more plot.

"That was probably a monumental mistake, my dears. One I am loath to see the consequences of. Now if you'll excuse me..."

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But the world is, alas, not always so kind as to only allow one to have only one plot. Indeed, if one is the sort of person who has "plots" at all, they often tend to come hand in hand, add, and multiply.

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...okay but he can just ignore the plot, can't he?

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He can... but will he?

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...damn it. Damn it. And damn him.

Fine, fine, you win, what is this gods forsaken plot he's about to be dragged into?

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He will have to find out for himself, but the form it takes is shouting coming from the direction of the henge.

Now back on the correct side of the fourth wall...

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"We've no time for this, you have been wasting enough of it—"

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"I said I wanted to see whether the druids had any way to help us, and people are more likely to help you if you help them first, darling. So I am going to go see what the commotion is about."

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The druids turn out to be having a shouting match around a terrified tiefling child. Or, well, at least one member of the druids is having a shouting match, it's currently unclear if the others have managed her volume.

"—and I'm not saying 'oh yes, let's just let the pack of feral children run rampant and steal important things without consequence!' I'm saying that leaving her under guard of your venomous bite happy snake equates to actually just killing her!"

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"What do you take me for?" another druid hisses, not anywhere near as loudly as the first one but with a presence just as attention-grabbing. "Teela is under my command and will not kill anyone—unless I bid her to. And this is quite beside the point that you are distracting from."

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That looks like such delicious drama involving the tidbit he just heard a little bit ago from the other tiefling kid. He and his party go down the steps to watch the spectacle.

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"It really isn't!! The adults are not going to find a literal viper particularly trustworthy, and will be furious if we actually keep her here under threat of death! Which is what it looks like and kind of is, actually! Just, look, I will take her to them and have a calm and rational discussion and we can talk about consequences for all of them that don't involve anyone getting bitten by a venomous snake!!!"

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    The tiefling child—Arabella—has been quietly trembling this whole time, not daring to sob for fear of provoking the death-viper, but Ivetrielle's mention of "threat of death" makes her make a terrified noise at the back of her throat. And almost as if to underline it, the noise makes the snake hiss at her in a manner not too dissimilar to how the druid is hissing at Ivetrielle.

"The only one here who seems to not be ready for calm and rationality is you. She stole our most holy idol and you would have me do what? Release her with barely a slap on the wrist so that you can try—again—to get these devils under control and fail—again? Do you even have a plan for how to achieve this? They are poison in our circle and this thief is just another drop in a cup that has long since overflowed!"

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"I would have you not threaten a literal child, yes!! And you complain about poison, and then call them devils and hellspawn and whatever else while planning to leave them all to goblins to die! This goes both ways, auntie, bridges need both sides! I'm saying I have been failing because you haven't been listening to me, so how the hells do you expect any of them to, either?!"

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"You will speak with respect when addressing me! Blood relation or not, I am this Circle's First Druid and you are a child. You need to know your place—"

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"Excuse me, hi!" calls Astarion from where he's been getting gradually closer to the line of druids that's guarding the central plaza of the grove from the outsiders until he's right by them. "Sorry, I couldn't help but notice there was a whole scene happening here that was not about me and I think this is a mistake?"

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    "Outsiders are not welcome here!" replies one of the druids that is serving as the place's effective bouncer.

"...I'm sorry, what did you say?" asks the First Druid.

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"Just as good at listening as always, auntie," says the shouty druid, a bit petulantly. "And... I think he's one of the ones that showed up to drive off the goblins? Hello, sir, are you in favor or against child endangerment because maybe she'll fucking listen to someone speaking sense as long as it's not from me."

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"Oh I don't give a rat's ass about this child," he says, like a liar. At least he's a pretty liar. He thinks. He didn't get a good look at his face that one time he saw it in Lae'zel's mind and he was covered in goop but he thinks there was a hot guy in there somewhere. "I just think this is distracting from much bigger problems such as mind flayers, the ship thereof, their danger, and of course the fact that this entire thing here has neglected to be about me even a little bit. So first I would like a reward for saving your people and then I would like to discuss the illithid I just mentioned, and I feel like the tiefling child is just, you know, ruining the vibe? Just give her back to her parents, call it done, then let's talk about something that matters a lot more than that."

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"...you have information about the mind flayers?"

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"Darling, I have so much more than that, but I feel like this is not the best place for us to discuss this."

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Roll Persuasion, DC 15.

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He has +5 to Persuasion rolls, +1d4 from Shadowheart's Guidance, and 4 Inspiration points, he's good.

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(Meanwhile, someone else rolls a Sleight Of Hand check to get the tiefling child's attention. Would Arabella (because she does in fact actually know her name) like to get the fuck out of this place right this instant, with the angry shouty druid who has been absolutely unwavering in her desire to keep this child safe?)

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The roll succeeds.

(Arabella would absolutely like to get the fuck out of this place but there is a snake right there and she heard it when people mentioned how a single drop of its poison could kill her.)

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Excellent, then all the people whose opinions matter are agreed.

So while the elves are distracted with each other, the shouty druid will carefully insert herself between Arabella and the snake, and then very quickly turn into a wolf and scoop the small child onto her back for an impromptu wolf ride. Destination: the fuck out of this place.

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Astarion, your Persuasion roll has disadvantage now.

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...come on, he was doing fine, he had this, why'd you go and make this more complicated!!!

Ugh. Fine. Even with disadvantage he's probably still fine. He'll probably need to use at least one of those Inspiration points but there's no point to hoarding them, is there?

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Costs two of them but it succeeds.

One of the other druids turns into a bear but doesn't really have time to react before the wolf has run past, and the other druids are too stunned and uncertain about what to do, between the First Druid (and her snake) and the other druid, but the First Druid herself just looks pissed off and done with all of this. "You," she says, pointing at Astarion. "Come speak with me." Then she looks at the tiefling spectators. "And if I ever see that thief again I will hand her to Teela. Now begone."

And she turns around and stalks off into one of the caves, followed after a couple seconds' hesitation by two other druids (but not the bear, who is still the henge's bouncer).

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See, he was doing fine.

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"That elf," Lae'zel says, looking over her shoulder at the departing wolf. "She has fire. I would test her mettle in battle."

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"Darling, I don't think she'll indulge you."

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"But I'm going after her anyway."

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"You change your mind a lot, don't you."

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"Don't think I didn't catch your approving glances, there, gorgeous."

But yes, after the wolf.

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The wolf has made it past the bear bouncer security! She knows where this child's parents are and she is taking her to them right this instant and only dewolfs when she gets there. If this is alarming to the various tieflings then good, they should be alarmed.

"I don't need to tell you how phenomenally stupid that was, do I," she sighs to Arabella, once she can talk again. "Locke, Komira, can one of you go get Zevlor? Because your daughter just started a damned shitstorm that we did not need."

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Yeah Arabella is just sobbing now, and her parents look appropriately terrified. Locke is hugging her but Komira looks at Ivetrielle and nods. "I'll get him. And—thank you. I, I don't know what I would've done..." She shakes her head, bows to Ivetrielle, then goes to fetch Zevlor, walking past an anxiously waiting Mattis and Silfy.

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"Quite the spectacle," Astarion says. "Unnecessary, though, I would say." He extends his hand towards Ivetrielle. "Hi, Astarion, these are my friends Shadowheart and Lae'zel. Lae'zel wishes to test your mettle in battle."

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"Fuck off I have neither time nor patience for your narcissism."

And then she gets to ignoring him. She will instead be talking to Locke, whose opinion she actually cares about.

"So, you heard what happened from the shouting, that she tried to steal the Idol of Silvanus, yes? Well, that happened while we were arguing about whether or not Kagha is First Druid, since Halsin was left for dead. For proper context of the size of the shitstorm."

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"...that seems bad," he says. "I don't... I'm not really someone who thinks about these things."

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("Weren't you meant to be good at talking?")

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("This is under control," he says, drawing his hand back and folding his hands behind his back.)

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("Doesn't seem to be.")

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("Under her control, and now is not the time for you to display your personality.")

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"What does that mean... for us?" asks Locke, ignoring those three.

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"The... person who wants you out the most has a credible argument for being in charge. And is now armed with a very good reason, that will convince just about everyone on the fence about whether to throw you all out or not, and not in your favor."

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The man is a tiefling so he doesn't blanch but he has the kind of facial expression one might associate with the word. And here are Zevlor and Komira.

"Child, what have you done?" Zevlor asks, which causes Arabella to cry even harder. He sighs and places a hand on her shoulder before turning to look at Ivetrielle—and then at Astarion. "You. I thought you a friend—"

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"Nah uh this isn't about me talk to the druid."

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Sigh. "Thank you," to Ivetrielle. "I'm sorry about the trouble she's caused, you didn't have to help us in this way but we are in your debt."

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"Great. I am calling in that debt to say you absolutely need to make reparations and apologetic sounds to Kagha right this instant. Think of real actual concrete things you can give the druids that make up for risking, among other things, their entire damned food supply. Because that is what just happened. And, and you really, really need to get your pack of feral children under control, I don't exactly want them all thrown in literal prison but at least they would be alive in there. Whereas this could very well get you all killed, especially with Halsin still gone."

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"...food supply?"

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"The Idol of Silvanus is the center of many druidic rituals," sighs the shouty druid. "And while yes stealing it would prevent anyone from casting the Rite of Thorns that my aunt so helpfully pulled out of her damned arse, it also is the center of other, more mundane ones that we do regularly. Like the Rite of Regrowth. That we have been using regularly to grow the food necessary to feed ourselves and you while we're all trapped in here together with goblins and mindflayers and gods know what else outside. So. Yes. The entire damned food supply."

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"Oh." He looks away, then says a very quiet but forceful "Fuck." before looking at Ivetrielle again. "Apologise, you say?"

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"Sorry, hi, excuse me, I need to interject here a moment."

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"Apologize profusely, prostrate yourself if you have to, make real actual tangible concessions, and yes, what do you want now you self centered prick."

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"He should not apologise, actually, that would go awfully, are you quite certain you're related to that woman?"

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"I thought the hair color and temper would have given it away. And I think it'd go better than challenging her after I went and had a shouting match in front of everyone, yes. I'm sorry, what's your experience of five minutes of getting my aunt to not murder people got on my half a decade? Your reasoning?"

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He lowers his voice. "My reasoning, darling, is that at this moment she is itching for a reason to hurt them. She is angry at you, she is angry at them, she just had her power challenged loudly and publicly by you—which by the way instantly forced every other druid here to start having to align themselves into proper sides in case it became a power dispute between the two of you—and I provided her with a way to graciously exit without losing face but she still wants to take her frustration out on something or someone. She wants to feel in control right now. And given all of that, if anyone goes to her to ask for something she does not want to give them she will deny it to satisfy that deep, primal need for control.

"Is my analysis of her out of character?"

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Shouty druid digests this as one would bite down on a lemon.

"...... No, though your assessment of the situation is wrong. I cannot credibly challenge her for power because I am a dumb little child who doesn't know my place and can't watch my damned tongue. I also didn't say to ask for anything, I said to immediately apologize and offer real tangible reparations. Then I will take myself and the giant damned target on my back and go dramatically into the woods to pout like the child they all think I am to completely play into how I do not have power here and am not a threat." And use that time to find Halsin, she doesn't say, but it is nonetheless implied.

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"Well, I will defer to your expertise in the local politics."

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"You said you did not care about our child," accuses Komira.

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"I did indeed, but people say things they don't mean all the time, dear, it's called lying. The end result is still that she is safe and sound and Kagha is not interested in pursuing the matter any further." To Ivetrielle and Zevlor: "Now, if my little self-centered act did not turn you off too much, I think I can in fact mollify her enough to come up with some more targeted advice—or, at least, serve as an appropriate enough target that when you do go apologise she will not be so freshly angry." And to Shadowheart: "And you should probably stay. They are likely to have wolves in there."

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To Ivetrielle: "They do have wolves in there, don't they? And you never told me your name."

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"They do, yes. Ivetrielle." She frowns and crosses her arms. "See, that's almost a decent plan, except for how it requires me to trust your ability to persuade, and yet here I am. Extremely unpersuaded. Especially by how you keep condescending to me, and have this entire damned time, despite how you must have noticed I fucking hate it and have been being the adult among the druids this entire damned time and am fresh out of fucking patience for this kind of bullshit!!"

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"...sorry. It's hard to drop the act, I keep it on so often. I didn't mean to condescend. Or, well, I did, but only in word, not in action. I recognise you have been juggling rather a lot of knives here and I think you have done a very impressive job, if my guesses about your aunt's attitude and about where exactly I can see your hand in this camp are right. They are fed, and sheltered, and it was certainly not her doing. But it is my honest assessment that Kagha needs, for now, something to focus on other than the tieflings."

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This does cause her to soften. A little. Grudgingly. It has clearly been kind of a while since anyone has told her she's doing a good job.

"I don't disagree, please do go running off to tell her all about the horrible mind flayers in the woods plotting to kill us all, but be warned that if she feels too threatened she will want to drop the dead weight so the people she cares about can live. Zevlor, maybe sell her on the benefits of having tiefling shaped meat shields when you are prostrating. Yes I know it's horrible, I apologize for my shitty phrasing, I am just, gods I am so fucking tired of this shit. I told you that you needed to get them under control."

The last part sounds a little plaintive. Oh, damn, now that the anger has been mollified she just wants to curl up and cry.

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"Zevlor, this woman has your people's best interests at heart and you should thank the gods for placing her in your lives." It feels a bit ironic for him to say this given his own relationship to the gods but he doesn't need to bring that up. "Do listen to her."

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"...right. Yes, I. I will. Ah, Locke, Komira—"

    "Yes, right, come on, darling, let's get you something hot to eat..." says Arabella's father, and Komira throws Zevlor a thankful look before following. Mattis and Silfy have vanished but the attentive onlooker will notice they are still watching the scene like hawks from a distance.

"They're afraid. And they only know one kind of life. Trying to change their lives like that, it's... been hard on them."

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"Mm. Well, we don't live in a world of second chances, so count yourselves lucky that you got one anyway." Next time they do something that would get them killed they will just in fact get killed. That's just how this goes. "I think... Lae'zel and I should go see Kagha before she gets impatient, then, but if you wouldn't mind a suggestion for how to occupy your time, might I recommend cleaning up the mess outside? What camouflage this place has will I'm afraid not be sufficient in the face of the goblin bodies in front of the gate."

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".... Right. Of course not. And they might not know where we are yet, even if those damned fools did lead them straight to our door," she agrees, the suggestion giving her some focus beyond crying about how everything is so unfair. Which does also mean that she will be out there alone dragging bodies away but fucking fine, she'll go do it herself if she has to. Off she turns to go sort that out, then, without so much as a goodbye.

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Astarion spends a second watching her then looks at Shadowheart. "I think she could use some help, too, dear, if you would be so kind."

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She blinks, looks over her shoulder, then at him again, then nods and goes after her.

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"I'll come talk to you when I have better advice to give, Zevlor. Good luck."

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"Thank you. ...you're a good man, Astarion."

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"No, see, when you say things like that that's almost begging me to do something to prove you wrong. You'll ruin my image."

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Zevlor shakes his head, smiling, before turning to go back to his work of sorting the refugees out.

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"Are you going to have a reason why this was not a huge waste of time."

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"Of course, darling. I believe we may be about to get a druid to join our party, and though I do love dear Shadowheart she is a bit too angry as a person to be a proper healer, isn't she? Maybe if we get Ivetrielle dearest we'll finally have one whole healer between the two of them."

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The potential party member in question is stalking outside to see about the messy work of cleaning up. This does not involve opening the gate, this involves climbing above it and leaping down to the ground in a neat roll with a practiced ease of someone who's done it a million times. While it's most obvious to start at the bodies, it will take a while to clean those up properly, and actually what is most important are the tracks and signs of pursuit leading to the bodies.

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Shadowheart's armour is a bit too heavy for her to do a neat roll but she can climb down, and she can help with the tracks, too.

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When she lands she has a surprised druid looking at her. Shadowheart gets a tentative little smile.

".... Thanks. Could you handle the mess directly outside the gate? Sorting out the tracks might end up with running into goblins, and I can just turn into a bird and fly off."

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"...yeah." She suddenly flinches, and there's a small flash of light, quickly concealed, from a hand that she clutches close to her chest for a moment. She turns away, though, and makes no further mention of it.

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... Well that's very strange, but she's not exactly going to interrogate the strange adventurer on her backstory. Instead she'll go into the woods and see about cleaning up the mess other people have made. At least this time it's nice and physical instead of nebulous and social. There will not be any goblins able to find them on her watch.

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When she returns to the gate she will see the mess very neatly on its way to being handled, with the bodies in a pile, the scattered arrows and broken-off pieces of armour neatly collected, and the blood and viscera buried well enough to pass at least a second inspection.

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Oh good! That's so helpful. She'll get to assisting with handling the mess in companionable silence, then. She can help put back some of the foliage, or grow something to cover up more obvious bits of battle scarring.

"... is it bad that my first instinct is to feed them to the animals," she muses, of the corpses. "I could set them on fire, but the smell and smoke might be too obvious."

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"...has it not happened before? Dead bodies to get rid of."

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"Not of... things attacking us directly, that then need to be hidden? In the time that I've been here, anyway. Our typical methodology is to avoid being attacked in the first place, and kill only what needs to be killed, and use that well and respectfully. But... eh. It's probably fine to feed them to the animals. Not wasting nature's bounty, and all."

She sounds like she's quoting someone else, with a little bit of irony.

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"What do you do when your own people must be buried?"

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"In the soil of the grove, around the Idol of Silvanus, to continue to be part of the Circle even after their souls have left us. But that would be... inappropriate for goblins. Because, you know. Burying the bodies of our slaughtered enemies in the center of our Circle. Kind of icky."

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She nods. "...you might want to cook their meat anyway. It could have diseases that would be bad for your animals."

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"Mm. A good point. I think just bring them inside and let my elders sort it all out," she sniffs.

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"They'd know better," she agrees, with only a tiny quirk of the corner of her lips.

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"Indeed. And I am so young and reckless and foolish, and filled with such regret and shame for my outburst."

This decided, they can resume cleaning until everything except the corpses are sorted.

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"Ivetrielle, lovely Ivetrielle, as beautiful as the morning sun and twice as fiery," he says when they meet up again, "I need some alone time with you and the rest of my party for some wild, sweaty activities that should not be witnessed by small tiefling children."

He is wearing different clothes than before. They look much better than the ones he'd been wearing, stolen from a fisherman, and their style suggests they came from the tieflings, and not the druids: slick and modern rather than made directly from the pelts of hunted beasts and the surrounding flora. They still nod to practicalities, though, being made of thick leather that can withstand some amount of punishment in combat while leaving his arms free for the kinds of movement a rogue favours.

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“And to think my mood had almost begun to improve. Try again, but with a bit less innuendo and a bit more actual reasoning.”

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"No. Please trust me, and I really mean it, no. Come with me."

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She glares at him, finishes dragging the final goblin body through the gate, and then… maybe it’s actually important and he’s just being an ass about it.

“Fine,” she sighs, irritated.

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He finds somewhere sufficiently secluded and out of the way that no one is likely to run into them and that elf hearing won't pick up on what they're saying and says, without preamble: "Your aunt is a shadow druid."

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...a what?

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“She…” begins Ivetrielle, then stops, stunned. Oh. Oh that does explain where the Rite of Thorns came from, doesn’t it. A ritual to cut off the grove from the outside world would be a perfect moment for an attempted re-education of her entire Circle as to why civilization is bad and needs to be destroyed, wouldn’t it. And them without their First Druid, and a threat outside to scare them into obedience, and maybe some tiefling deaths on their collective conscience to help sort out that pesky squeamishness.

“Shit, that explains so much. And they probably promised that she could be First Druid of the new Circle loyal to damned Cloakwood. She’s been irritated at her station for years, and. Do you have any tangible proof.”

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"What do you take me for, darling?"

He reaches into a Bag of Holding he definitely didn't have last time Ivetrielle saw him and offers her a book and a letter.

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The book's spine is limber from overuse. The corner of one page is folded inwards, and some of the text on that page is rather concerning.

Balance is a myth; where any clan treads, nature struggles. Unity is a fiction; men of mere flesh seek only to tame beast and raze flora.

We are thunder, and we are the rain. We shatter mankind, and grow new life in its place.

And the letter itself isn't that elucidative but it is curious.


Swamp-docks. Tree. Meet me. Alone.


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"This is not, of course, proof, but I am itching to go to the swamp-docks and see what delights await me. And I believe Lae'zel is starting to become antsy from blade-thirst."

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"... Well, as I'm sure you've reasoned, if you go, I'll be going with you. But why are you so interested? Because I'm not likely to go and actually join an adventuring band long term, putting my standing with my circle to the torch notwithstanding. And I don't see why you'd.... particularly care about our internal politics."

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"Oh, I'm not that interested. It just looked interesting. No, no, my main worry is the fact that I have a mind flayer parasite in my brain. As do both of my friends. And according to our beautiful githyanki companion here, we should be shedding our flesh about now. According to your own Circle's Healer Nettie, this is also true."

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"You spoke to a healer?"

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"She said... that she's seen others with the same infection. Others who have had it for longer, and who have not transformed, and instead have gotten the same strange powers we did."

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"And your dear healer gave us some wyvern poison to take just in case we start sprouting tentacles..."

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"...and you said you'd take it? You?"

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"If I'm growing tentacles, darling, I am as good as dead. So I see no reason not to kill one of them in exchange."

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“And... Nettie told you that Halsin had been studying your condition, and he ran off with a band of third rate adventurers to figure out more about it,” surmises Ivetrielle. “So you have an obvious reason to find him. And... also an obvious reason to want a fourth member, who is not so afflicted, to follow you around in case of mind control or tentacles.”

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"Plus the fact that they have run into others who were also infected with the tadpoles and who didn't transform has calmed Lae'zel some."

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"I am not calm," she growls. "I merely think it may probably not be as urgent as we believed. But we still need to visit the crèche; they will know more than this 'Halsin'. My people have been dealing with ghaik for millennia."

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"Healer Nettie has been so kind as to inform us of where Halsin went, as well as of the fact that the relevant place—a temple of Selûne—has been overrun with goblins."

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Shadowheart purses her lips at "Selûne" but does not otherwise react.

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"Oh, Rath returned with news? And it's overrun with them? Damn. Well. Regardless, I see the logic. Though I think I should pack my bags and wait for you in the woods, so it's not quite so obvious we're being an adventuring party. Pouting in a fit of childish pique, and all."

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"And I should make sure to return these to where I found them because we do not want auntie dearest to find out that I've been through her stuff."

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“Quite.” Her mouth twitches. “Arron can likely get you set up with any supplies you need. Provided you mention that you’ll be investigating Selûne‘s temple.”

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"I will find them and tell them so. Now I do have one extra errand to do which is telling Zevlor that Kagha has already started the Rite of Thorns and is approximately impossible to dissuade for the reasons present company is now aware of but which shall remain unspecified so he should get his people ready to go. If we manage to un-shadow druid this Grove then that will come as a nice positive surprise for them."

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"...I notice we're acting as if you're the leader even though you're the lowest-level one of us and an asshole."

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"We are? Well, I'm not, I'm here for the logical reasons specified and also to kill you all if you get too tentacley. You can treat him as your leader, if you like. I'm just also not in a position to go shopping for gear myself. Rest assured you'll hear my complaints if you mess it up. Ta!"

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Zevlor is not happy about the news but at least the fact that the Rite takes several days to complete is... well, not as bad as it could've been. He thanks the party for everything they've done for his people and bids them good luck on their adventures.

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And soon enough they are all together and ready to go.

"So: temple of Selûne or swamp? I vote swamp."

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"I vote temple of Selûne," says Ivetrielle, a little smugly. Is that a paper parcel she's got already? Her? Innocent little her?

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Astarion lifts an eyebrow. "Someone looks like they've got a little secret."

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"Not really, I think it's perfectly obvious that I ditched you all to retrieve proof of my aunt's betrayal on my own. I turned into a bird and flew to get it like a sensible person. Much faster and sneakier than four people tromping through a swamp being obviously not a single druid retrieving a message. Versus me, with my knowledge of my aunt's favored wild forms." She raises her eyebrows. "So? Temple?"

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"Are you not going to open the package?"

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"What? Here? Now?" Her mouth twitches with something that implies she has already long opened it. "No, I don't see any particular reason to. Are you planning to dawdle here all day, or shall we get moving before we start growing moss?"

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You know what, if she wants to play this game, he'll play this game.

"Reasonable enough. Let's get moving."

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"Certainly!" Towards the temple they can go, her package of tempting mysteries tidily tucked away. Deep in her pack.

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According to the map the temple of Selûne is directly to the west of the Grove entrance past a tributary of the River Chionthar and through a small village by it. And given the location of the swamp...

"How do you see this going?" he wonders aloud. "It's about as far from here to the temple as it was to the swamp, but going as a bird means you'd have been shot down like Nettie's birds."

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"So, Nettie's birds are bluejays, and can't fly as high as other species of birds, and are also... birds... so they don't really think about things like 'how far could those bows shoot.' They think they have been given a task and they want to do it. But I was also not planning to go fly to the temple to investigate as a bird. I was going to, you know. Walk. With the rest of you."

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"And when this inevitably turns into Lae'zel screaming bloody murder while covered in the blood of her enemies where will you be?"

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"Wrapping her enemies in entangling vines so they can't escape from her? And likely flinging fire."

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"I see. And Shadowheart?"

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"Right, right, okay. And how does this not fail in the same way it did when druid Halsin came here with the other adventurers?"

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"We are not cowardly weaklings who will run away begging for help at the scent of blood."

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"From what I've gleaned, they did just run away without any kind of fighting at all. We will not be doing that. And also if possible I'd like to poison their water supply in advance. Like a sensible person."

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"I see, I see. Well, then, it seems we're all set. But say, isn't their water supply just the entire river? I believe I would like to—"

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But at that moment they begin to hear, faintly, voices up ahead. They speak in urgent, worried voices tinged with fear, though the words are not easy to make out from this distance.

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Ivetrielle tilts her head, but hesitates to just rush ahead to see what's going on. She... looks to the others for guidance about what to do about the worried voices and their owners.

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Astarion lifts a finger to his lips then gestures for them to walk closer to the trees, and make themselves obscured. And then he does that thing rogues do where they're harder to see even when you're looking directly at them, and quietly leads the way to the sources of the voices, a short way off the main road just before the bridge.

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Two humans are worrying over a dwarf who looks like he's been mauled by a bear. The tracks suggest he wasn't attacked right there and was instead dragged by the other two, and they seem to be trying to render first aid and not really... knowing how.

"You're alright, Ed, you're alright—"

    "I can't stop the bleeding, Bry."

"Press the wound! No, not like that..."

    "Like what then?!"

"I—I don't know..."

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.... Yeah okay, that's enough stealth, someone's dying. Astarion can stay stealthy if he wants to, she can purposefully stop being sneaky away from him and the rest of their group, so as not to blow their cover.

"Hey," she says, making herself apparent. "I'm a druid, I can do some healing, may I see?"

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...oh for fuck's sake.

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    "Stay back! Not a step closer!" says the second human... and a strange red symbol flashes on her face for half a moment before vanishing as if it'd never been.

"She might be able to help, Bry!" To Ivetrielle: "He's hurt, badly. An owlbear got him deep. If there's anything you can do..."

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"I mean you no harm." She sets her staff aside in a show of nonviolence. It's not necessary for any of her spellcasting or anything, just self defense if something tries to tackle her while she's in her normal form, but, well, it's the principle of the matter. "I've got a healing potion in my pack and know a few spells to help, but he's lost a lot of blood already, can I...?"

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"Okay hi yes excuse me I do need to interject," says Astarion emerging from very much not the same place he had been just now, "are you out of your mind you're dropping your weapon like that do you know what an obvious trap this could be didn't you see the creepy—"

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"True Soul..." rasps the dying man, locking gazes with Astarion.

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"I beg your—"

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It's that time again! The time everyone's been waiting for, where Ivetrielle ignores Astarion completely in favor of something else. Clearly his teammate 'values life' or some other nonsense, because she is now focused on trying to save this man.

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His wounds... are, in fact, deep. And have been made worse by the fact that the other two seem to have dragged him quite a ways, with all the jostling and scraping that implies. He is still staring intently at Astarion in a way that one could reasonably call "trancelike", but the other two are now looking a lot more uncertain.

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Ohhhhhh this is bad. Magic and a potion and decent field dressing are likely not even going to be enough. Maybe if she'd gotten there sooner, but now...

Well. Nonetheless, she will try. Not today, Kelemvor, not if she has anything to say about it.

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Unfortunately, she doesn't. The man stops looking at Astarion and pushes Ivetrielle away with nearly the last of his strength before looking at the other two. "He is a True Soul. Mind him. He will—" The man coughs, and oh that is making it obvious that there are even more cuts than were apparent given the new and exciting places blood is starting to gush out from. "He—he—"

    "Edowin," says first human. "Ed! Please!"

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She is in fact pushed away, and stays pushed, looking stricken. Then she shakes her head, unhappily. "He's... past my abilities to heal. I'm sorry."

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Bry lets out a strangled sob but pulls herself together a lot more quickly than the other human as the dwarf falls still. "He's with the Absolute now," she says, swallowing dryly and trying to hold back her tears. Then she looks up at Ivetrielle and farther up at Astarion. "...my apologies. I—we didn't know. That you were also a True Soul. Edowin—our brother—he was one, too. Chosen. Like you."

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"Of course, well, no harm done." Except to the guy who is, uh, dead.

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The other human looks up, too, and he's not really succeeding at holding back his tears. "...I'm sorry, True Soul. I'm Andrick, she is Bryanna. We—"

    "Do you have orders for us?" says Bryanna, standing up and straightening her spine.

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Orders?? The fuck?? And a True Soul?? What even is that??? Ivetrielle has no idea what these people are talking about or what is going on.

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"I, ah, need to confer with my allies for a moment. We did not expect to find another True Soul here, and are not prepared to deal with two new apprentices. If you'll excuse us."

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"Yes, True Soul," says Bryanna.

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He gives Ivetrielle a pleading look then starts walking back to where the other two are.

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Uh, yeah, okay, she’ll follow after retrieving her staff. She’s still confused, but she’s pretty sure that Astarion is as well, and that they’re all about to go be confused at each other about this True Soul nonsense.

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"This is something about the parasite." Okay so not as confused as her. "I could see into his mind. I don't think he knew it was a parasite, they think it's powers given by this 'Absolute'."

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"Oh. That... makes it make more sense. Okay. And, in that context, I map out as another cultist, obediently following after my betters."

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"So we must kill them. Deny our enemy every advantage."

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"They could prove useful, though. If other infected are also under the impression that the infection is a blessing from this Absolute, that means these people will have information that we will need to understand what's happening. And they may provide clues as to why we're not growing tentacles."

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“I think I lean ruthlessly lying to them and using them for information,” agrees Ivetrielle, nodding. “We can always kill them later.

This sort of casual turnaround from working selflessly to save someone’s life to ‘we can just kill them later’ might inflict whiplash on her party members.

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Yeah it kinda does.

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...only a little bit.

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No Lae'zel was right this woman is ruthless.

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So they can return to those two, who had started talking to each other in subdued tones but who immediately stand at attention again once they're close enough.

"Before I decide what to do with you, I must know how much True Soul Edowin managed to impart on you. Tell me about the Absolute."

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"The Absolute is our goddess," says Andrick. "She is going to rip down the old world order, start a new one. Then we'll be the ones with the power. —well, you will firstly, True Soul. You don't need me to explain that."

    "A True Soul is one who has been chosen by the Absolute, and speaks with Her voice. And when the time comes, the True Souls will rule."

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"And what is the process through which one becomes a True Soul?"

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"...is that a trick question?" asks Andrick. "Only the Goddess chooses True Souls according to Her divine wisdom. It is not for mortals to know."

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"Of course it's a trick question, novice, and I did not invite your criticism. I told you to answer the questions and so you will answer the questions."

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"...please forgive me, True Soul, I meant no disrespect."

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"I will decide whether I'll forgive you or not later. For now: where are the bases of operation of the followers of the Absolute?"

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    "Our brother did not tell us about all of them. He only knew of the one at the old temple to the west. We were on our way from there when..." Bryanna gives Edowin's corpse a glance before looking back up at Astarion.

"...should we really be talking about this out in the open...?"

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Astarion glares at him...

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...and he starts to scream.

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"Your brother may have tolerated this inane questioning but do not mistake me for him, novice. The next time you speak out of turn I will have your tongue. Are we quite clear?"

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When Astarion releases Andrick from whatever spell that was he finds himself on his knees. "Yes, True Soul. I will remember, True Soul."

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(Lae'zel approves.)

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(Ivetrielle disapproves.)

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"Now, you said you were on your way from the old temple. Where were you headed?"

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"We're looking for fugitives," says Bryanna. "Survivors from that ship that crashed south of here."

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"Ah, so your brother and you were the ones sent on that particular mission, were you? What did he tell you about the mission?"

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"He... said the Absolute commanded that we find them, at any cost. It's been a day, so they could be anywhere, but they're bound to be injured, and that's a good place to get us started."

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Now Lae'zel is frowning again.

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"Well, that will not be necessary. We have found them, and dealt with them, as the Absolute commanded us." He sighs. "I believe that is enough to get us going. Now, I do have one more practical question: do you know of the druid Halsin? He has been meddling in our affairs for that Circle to the east and our Goddess commanded me to eliminate him."

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"...no. Apologies, True Soul, we have not seen any druids." Pause. "Except for, well..." She gives Ivetrielle a glance.

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"She is with us. The Absolute has agents everywhere."

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"...of course, True Soul."

(Andrick is still kneeling and not looking at Astarion.)

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Ivetrielle gives a nod and a small commiserating ‘Yep I am also a novice of Our Cult, yep, that sure is a thing I am,’ smile.

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"Very well. Since your mission has already been completed without you, I have a new mission for you: find that owlbear and avenge your brother. It has caused offence to the Absolute, and even mindless beasts must learn the cost of doing so. All will bow to Her might."

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Then Andrick looks up in terror, but he thinks twice of opening his mouth to object.

"Yes, True Soul. ...but we may not be a match for it," Bryanna says, looking down at Edowin again.

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"I am certain it took you by surprise. This time you have the advantage of preparation. You will use that advantage to bring honour to our Goddess—or you will perish, and in that case She did not have use for you after all.

"Do you have any questions?"

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    "No, True Soul," says Bryanna.

"No, True Soul," repeats Andrick, getting to his feet.

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"Then go. I will see to it that your brother's remains are taken care of."

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They definitely do not need to be told twice. That True Soul was terrifying.

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Ivetrielle will be good and not backtalk immediately, though she does look a tad pained. And it doesn’t take long for the inevitable backtalking to occur.

“Was the torture really necessary?” she says in an undertone, after the cultists are good and gone.

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"For the character that I was playing? Yes. But somewhat more importantly, now that they're gone." He takes in a deep breath...

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"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FREAKING MIND?! You could have gotten seriously hurt or worse! YOU COULD HAVE DIED! Do you know how many times I ran exactly that scam? Pretended to have someone injured or dying to get someone's guard down? And you left your freaking party!!!! Without talking about it first!!!!! If you ever do that to any other party they would be correct to leave you. Behind. To be eaten. BY AN OWLBEAR. You do not do this to your party!!! You are endangering them, you are endangering yourself, you are BREAKING THE SOCIAL CONTRACT!!!!

"And then. And then. When that creepy symbol appeared on that woman's face and all of our tadpoles reacted. I tried to warn you and you completely ignored me because despite all evidence you think. That I. Just. Do things. Without a reason!!!! When I interrupted Kagha I had a reason. When I interrupted you to talk to Zevlor I had a reason. AND NOW. I HAD A REASON TOO. YOU COULD HAVE BEEN ABDUCTED BY MIND FLAYERS AND THEN WHERE WOULD WE BE? DOWN A PARTY MEMBER IS WHERE!!!!!"

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Ivetrielle was absolutely not expecting this, and flinches at the sudden onslaught of yelling. Wow, that was a lot of nothing to suddenly yelling??? Her first instinct is to yell back, to justify herself and pick apart his arguments, but...

... he does sound like he sincerely worried. And she really is inexperienced when it comes to this whole 'adventuring in an adventuring party' business.

"I'm sorry for scaring you," she says, in a bit of a small voice, because it's probably best to get that out of the way first.

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He breathes deeply again, then takes a few more breaths for good measure until he's something resembling calm again. "You are forgiven," he says, in a much softer voice. "You do not need to like us, you do not need to want to be with us, you may be planning to only stay with us temporarily, but please, in the future, at minimum give the rest of the party time to object or to reposition and prepare in case we do in fact need to intervene. Does that work for you?"

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“Right. Okay. Yes. … Though I had moved so as not to give away your position, and, time was of the essence, and I don’t think we all agree on our priorities. If someone is dying and I could prevent it I will step in to save them regardless of how that could put me in danger. Though, for the record, putting my staff down didn’t really do much.”

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"It may not have been that bad from a tactical perspective," he concedes. "And I hope that that 'regardless' in that sentence was for rhetorical effect because if you will try to save someone in fact without considering the trade-off—well, you are free to do so but this is something you party also has an interest in knowing."

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“Rhetorical effect, yes. I don’t want to throw my life away either, I have things to do. Just.” She gives a vague wave. “He was dying and I had a chance to maybe save him. Without putting you all directly at risk, because I did. Think about that.” Pause. “Also for the record I could probably talk an owlbear out of eating me but I assume that phrasing was also for rhetorical effect.”

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"It was. And it's fine if you want to be all Good and save people, I would just have liked about ten seconds more to position properly in case I needed to stab a bitch."

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(Shadowheart approves.)

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“Fair. I’ll, you know. Look at the rest of you and gauge how stupid you all think I’ll be to go running off to help strangers. I’m not used to this whole… adventuring party business. It’s usually just me in the woods, doing things.”

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"Speaking of it being just you, in the woods..." He reaches into his Bag of Holding to grab the package Ivetrielle had grabbed for Kagha from the swamp, opens it, and shows her the stick inside it as well as a note she wrote. "What is this?"

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Ivetrielle looks both amused and irritated. “Well, I know you’re not used to being out in the wilderness, but I should hope you don’t need me to tell you. It’s a stick, Astarion. A yew branch, to be specific.”

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He grabs the note and unfolds it one-handed to show it to Ivetrielle, glaring. It reads:

Has anyone ever told you it's not nice to go through other people's things?

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She smiles placidly, looking as innocent as one possibly can when one has ruthlessly drawn their party member into a trap.

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(Lae'zel approves.)

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(Shadowheart approves.)

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He folds his arms and says, "Well?"

(And fuck both of you too.)

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Innocent blinking. “Well, what? You’re the one who went through my pack without permission, when if you were curious about something you just could have asked. Like a reasonable person.”

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"I," he sniffles, "gave you the information about your aunt for free. The least I expected is that you would share your findings!"

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“Well, I wasn’t privy to that deal you decided I was a part of, now was I. And instead of asking, you went through my pack to see for yourself. This is what my circle would call a learning exercise.”

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Shadowheart looks away and covers her lips to hide her laughter.

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"Well. Well!" He huffs.

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"Ivy, beautiful, I'm terribly curious about what you found in the swamp and what you did with it. Won't you share it with me?"

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’Ivy’,” repeats Ivetrielle, archly. “Bit overly familiar, but I’ll accept this as progress. Well, it was an enchanted ring. I couldn’t quite make sense of what it was meant to do. I could just tell that it was made with,” she waves vaguely, “extremely nasty fey magic. Likely made by the local hag, as a favor to the Cloakwood Circle. And so I took it to Rath, who’s about the most sensible senior druid in my circle, along with the note.”

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"And what did the note say?"

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“Descriptions of the common wild forms of the shadow druids that would be joining her. To assist in the change of power. It’s likely they’ve already infiltrated the grove. It’s why I didn’t want us to linger or make a particular fuss about it.”

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"...that's. Bad."

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"So when we return to the Grove it might be a battlefield, or the smoking remains of one."

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“Quite. Though, I think Rath will… be able to keep it from coming to blows before we return. There’s a reason I brought it all to him to sort out. And we have a different job.”

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"Finding Halsin."

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"So let's stop this prattle and move."

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"Not yet, Lae'zel, darling. Can you not feel it?"

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"Feel what."

That looks like he's about to waste even more time.

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"The tug." He looks at the dead dwarf. "He's dead, but I suspect..."

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"Tug? ... Towards the thing inside him? Your tadpole wants you to go make friends??"

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"Seems to be. The little disgusting thing inside him is probably still alive."

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"So we destroy it."

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"So we keep it for study."

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"... Agreed. Though I should likely be the one to get it, if they aren't too fast and wriggly and likely to manage to get into my head."

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"I think that can be dealt with. I can try to tug back..."

And he looks at the corpse again and his eyes go unfocused—

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—the other two flinch—

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—and the man's face starts to contort.

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"...it won't infect you," Astarion says, to Ivetrielle, voice straining. "You can probably—grab it—now—I might be able to coax it all the way out—"

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"Right," she agrees, retrieving a vial and a knife and getting to digging a worm-like thing out of this corpse's skull. It's grisly work, but druids are not in the habit of letting any part of an animal go to waste, so. While she hasn't done this in particular, it's absolutely the sort of thing she has a lot of practice at.

Tadpole! Be caught, and get shoved in this little vial thingy!!!

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It is pretty wiggly, but in a way that suggests it is successfully failing at doing whatever it is that it wants to be doing. It does not try to escape once Ivetrielle has her hands on it.

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And once she's successfully stoppered the vial Astarion releases his psychic hold on it and gasps, staggering towards a tree to lean against it. "Bloody hells."

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“Quite,” she agrees, holding the vial with the little… creature… to the light to properly look at it now that it’s pinned. “It’s fortunate that this thing isn’t considered part of nature’s balance, because eugh.” She offers the vial up to the others if they’d like to look at it. “You all right? That looked uncomfortable.”

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"Fine, of course, darling," Astarion says, despite the way he is still breathing heavily. "The one in my head was, you know, a little bit agitated, a little bit squirmy, but overall a mostly," breathe in, "painless experience."

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"Vile creature," Lae'zel says, and spits on the ground. "We shall make it suffer."

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Shadowheart peers at it. "Hopefully this will help us understand more about this false goddess."

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“Quite. … Do you suppose it needs liquid in there? To avoid drying out?” She looks back at the corpse as if she’s contemplating filling the vial with liquidated brain matter or something.

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"Oh what a disgusting mental image, thank you for that, darling."

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"It might, though. Need water."

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"Why don't you go grab some from the river, Ivy dearest? And maybe while you're at it you could wash all of that grey matter off your hands, it is positively unsettling."

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“A saline solution would be more likely to house it comfortably, since it’s used to organic bodies,” she muses, but yes she’ll go get everything sorted. And get cleaned up.

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"Are there any further detours or shall we go?"

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“Not that I’m aware of,” says Ivetrielle, once the parasite is housed in a suitable environment. And the grey matter is cleaned off of her hands. The tadpole does, to its credit, look… sort of more comfortable in there? It’s hard to tell.

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Then onwards they go, to the west across the bridge... where they encounter a very girsly scene. Corpses, fresh ones, litter the ground, looking like they've been picked clean and left for carrion. The wounds suggest violence, a battle, but they also suggest rather a lot of cruelty. And amidst the corpses are three people they might recognise.

"Ah. It's you," says Aradin, the human who had been arguing with Zevlor. "Thought you was busy with the foulbloods in Halsin's grove."

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“Oh? Looking for more goblins to lead back, are we?”

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"I ain't coming back no matter how much you pay me. Shit contract start t' finish. Lose my crew, good people, t' a bunch o' goblins, get attacked by an elf—"

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"Darling, if I hadn't done that Zevlor had been about to punch you unconscious. And you did have it coming."

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"Wasn't any of your business, though, was it?"

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“Ah, yes, amazing how the lines of business are drawn so conveniently. Do you know what I spent hours doing? Cleaning up your tracks. Learning about your business. Do you know what I didn’t see? Any signs of you attempting a counterattack or ambush on your pursuers. Any attempt to throw them off your trail. You can bitch and whine about losing your people, but you and I both know you left them. We don’t want you back. I’m surprised you have the stones to even still be in this forest, I would have expected you to slink into a hole to quietly wet yourself for all I’ve seen of you.”

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"'Course I left them! I taught 'em, taught 'em good, if you see a hopeless battle you cut your losses an' run, we're mercenaries not heroes and we ain't dyin' for gold. Gold's no good if you're cold in the ground."

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"A handful of goblins is a hopeless battle? Pathetic."

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"Handful? Wasn't no handful of goblins, miss. 'Twere an entire hive of them. Contract said nothin' about that."

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"What was this contract?"

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"The kind that leaves half your crew dead. This wizard in Baldur's Gate'll pay gobloads for a relic supposedly buried 'round these parts. Under the temple."

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“Ahuh. Get into a different line of work. Baking, maybe. Because clearly you’re not cut out for this one.”

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"If we'd been told there were goblins we'd have prepared, now, wouldn't we, miss? If I sent you naked into a nest o' hungry vipers you'd be runnin' too. Send us out in the wild, say's some abandoned temple, give us stick swords to fight, an' we have a whole ambush? You ain't seen 'em. Organised like I never seen goblins be. You ain't know what you're talking about, miss."

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"Halsin. How does he feature into this?"

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"Don't see why I should be answering your questions, mate."

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Ivetrielle stares at the man.

"There's a hag based in the nearby swamp. She's been there for years now, people still keep showing up to ask her favors, even though it always ruins them. There are packs of gnolls running rampant in the north. To the far west, the woods are cursed with shadows that devour heat and light and especially people. We've been having mindflayer incidents for weeks. I saw a damned dragon yesterday. If you sent me naked into a nest of vipers I would have the sense to turn into a giant badger first. My circle isn't here because this is a lovely patch of forest with flowers and butterflies, we are here because it needs fixing. And you whine to me about your so called easy job not being as easy as you thought? About tripping face first into a nest of goblins and fucking over my home with your incompetence? Ha! Goblins are the least of your fucking worries, you self centered ass. You came to the wrong part of the Sword Coast for an easy job. You are not cut out for this business if you didn't see that before you came. Get into a different line of work."

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"I ain't standing here taking abuse from another bloody elf. Go try to rescue your druid, or don't, no skin off my back. But if you try you'll die, and no one'll cry at your funeral 'cause there ain't gonna be one. Good luck, you'll need all of it."

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"Half elf, thank you." She winks. "And with your perception and judgement, I suppose you thinking I'm doomed means I'll do just fine, now won't it? But yes, well spotted, I want you to leave. Stop wasting time stealing from the dead and get to getting the fuck out of the place that will chew you up and spit you out." She makes a shooing motion. Like one would to a pest. "Word of advice? Luck's nice, but intelligence and pre-planning are better."

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"...I ain't stealing. I was paying my respects."

But yes off he goes, followed by the two other party members who keep allowing him to do all the talking even though he kinda sucks at it. Maybe they suck worse.

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"Very much so. And not even a particularly good liar, either, he was definitely looting the bodies," says Ivetrielle, sort of cheerfully.

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Astarion peers into the distance and frowns. "But I am not sure we should keep going right now. The sun's almost set and fighting our way through a village of goblins sounds like a terrible idea." He points. "Bodies and destruction all over. Smoke over there. It's not just the temple they took over, I believe."

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"Agreed. .... I'm tempted to go find that owlbear and see if it'll share its den. Mm. Probably not, they're very territorial and we'd need to bring our weight in food for any chance of placating one. Guess I'll start asking birds for directions, then."

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"...asking birds for directions?"

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"Mhm. They're not very good at finding specific good places for making camp, but they're quite good at giving an accurate overview of the area to find us the most tactically viable location. And from there it'll be, mm. Probably rabbits, here, if I can get any of them to come out. Squirrels will do, but they really don't understand why we won't just go up trees, like 'sensible mammals.' As they put it."

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"Well, don't let us stand in your way, gorgeous. Do your thing."

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"Yep! Feel free to make any requests if you have camp preferences," she says cheerfully, and then she makes a motion with her hand and speaks a short phrase, and just. Actually starts addressing birds. She is perfectly intelligible as she does so.

One robin gives them directions in exchange for several strands of red hair and one (shiny) button, and from there she starts politely bribing squirrels with treats from her pack. They have an excellent and secluded little camping location in record time, nice and hidden and with a good view of the surrounding area.

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...well, then. That, uh. That happened. Honestly he's not going to complain.

And he did manage to procure some camp supplies, too, back at the Grove! They can eat and all that, and then get ready for sleep.

"Can your animal friends keep watch for us?"

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"Nnnnnot reliably. I could persuade them to try, but." She makes a face. "Without spending a while searching for something clever, the ones here are easily distracted and have better things to do than tolerate our silly requests that don't make sense. Best if we take watches. That was the argument for the owlbear, actually, we just actually wouldn't need to take watches when in an owlbear's den."

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"Hmm. Maybe something to think about in the future, then."

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"You're an elf. You don't sleep."

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"Darling, but I do need my beauty trance, I get so cranky if I skip it. Or if I'm woken from it. But, yes, I can take half the watch again."

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"Thank you for your service."

From there, they work out the rest of the watches among themselves, and get everything as hidden from notice as it can be. With a druid present, that is very.

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"Now why don't we partake in the grand tradition of our civilisation of bonding over this meal," he says when they're getting their food. "Shadowheart, I don't think we've heard much from you."

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"That's because I haven't said much."

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This earns a small, amused snort from Ivetrielle.

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"Why don't I start. I'm from Baldur's Gate, I'm a magistrate, I've lived there most of my life, I enjoy long walks in the rich and fancy areas of it, pretty things, pretty people, and long fancy baths."

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"Good for you."

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"And where are you from?"

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"I don't know."

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"...you don't know?"

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"I do not need to know to serve lady Shar."

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"Well, where were you before the nautiloid kidnapped you?"

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"Baldur's Gate."

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"We must've run in different circles, then."

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"We must have."

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"You all were on that thing??" says Ivetrielle, horrified. "Well done surviving the crash. How... ever you managed that."

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"Thank you!"

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"We don't know how we did it."

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"When I woke up I was in a cage and those devilspawn were discussing what to do with me like I was an animal."

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"Just before I was about to become elf purée I instead was floating just a little bit above the ground. Then I finished falling the rest of the way down."

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"You hadn't mentioned that."

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“… does your tadpole… do telekinesis?? Because unless there was a wizard or something hiding in the bushes, I don’t understand. That’s alarming.”

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"Ghaik have many such psychic abilities. It would not surprise me if these parasites could do the same."

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“Right. It’d make sense if they saved you so as to also not become purée. But have they shown telekinetic abilities elsewhere? Is the little prisoner in my pack going to screw me with psychic mage hand in a key moment?”

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"Hmm. No, they have not yet shown such abilities."

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"Well, we could always put it in a Bag of Holding. Even if it tries causing some mayhem it won't have a way to do so."

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“Right. Bag of Holding it is, then.” Astarion has one, so he can get to be tadpole jail keeper.

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Tadpole goes into evil baby jail.

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"Alright, Lae'zel, your turn. Tell us about yourself."

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"That is useless. The only way to truly get to know someone is through battle."

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“That seems pretty constrained. I think actions are the best way to learn about someone, but fighting specifically is sort of. It’s just one facet in one set of situations, isn’t it?”

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"Battles take many forms. A battle for survival is still a battle. A battle against the environment is still a battle. And..." She makes a face as if she's thoughtfully chewing on a particularly sour lemon. "A battle of wits can, I suppose, also be a battle."

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"Well! Fair enough, then. I suppose this definition extends to multiple people cooperating towards an overarching goal, as well? As long as it matters."

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"And yet I found the very fact that you think this very character-revealing, darling. Note to self: Lae'zel prefers to wrestle to decide who's going to top."

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"...how else would you decide it?"

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Ivy is so incredibly not engaging with ANY of that, nope, this looks like an excellent time to be busy eating. Conversation? What conversation, she's eating, there's no conversing here when her mouth is full.

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"And how about our newest druid friend, then? Does the lovely Ivy want to share something about herself with us?"

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Damn it. Now she has to engage.

"I kind of feel like I've shared most of the important stuff already, really. You... were all there for it. I think that speaks louder than anything else?"

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Don't mind Lae'zel, looking smug over here.

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"Nevertheless, you never know what things one could be hiding just below the surface. Not all kinds of ivy are poisonous, but some are."

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"... That's a terrible pun. Did you specifically ask me a question just so you could pun terribly with the nickname you came up with for me?"

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"I did not! The pun occurred to me afterwards and felt too irresistible."

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"I nonetheless feel a bit used," she sniffs. And then it's back to eating. Nom nom.

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Honey you have no idea what it feels like to be used.

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(Later that night, when Astarion goes out to properly eat, he tries his hardest to not be spotted. Having a druid in your party who can talk to squirrels is not a problem he thought he'd ever need to account for, and yet here they are.)

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Sneak past every animal in the immediate vicinity? While also trying to eat one of those animals? Well, she did say they were easily distractible, and maybe she won't wake up and immediately cast her spell to begin talking to them?

Nnnnnope. There she goes. Almost immediately after it's prepared.

And then she starts asking the birds about if they'd seen anything while they were resting.

"... Huh. It sounds like the goblins are having a party," she says, blinking.

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"Let us cut their celebration short."

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(Fucking hells.)

"What are they celebrating?"

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She squints at him like he's asked a very strange question. "No idea. The details of motivations and why actions are being taken is really not the sort of things you can.... get out of birds? They're not stupid, well, most of them aren't, but they're also not really going to try and psychoanalyze the goblins."

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"Well, how was I meant to know that," he says, a touch defensively. "Who knows what these adorable woodland creatures get up to."

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"Mostly working to have comfortable lives with minimal danger and maximum amount of the things they like. Food, shelter, mates, that sort of thing."

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"...huh. We may have more in common than I thought, me and them."

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"I... honestly don't understand how it could seem like you didn't have anything in common with them? You have much more in common with birds and squirrels and rabbits than, say, illithid."

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"Oh but you see they'll never have a fashion sense as good as mine and so they will forever be beneath me."

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"Less prattle, we have goblins to kill."

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"We can walk and prattle at the same time, thank you!" says Ivetrielle, cheerfully, getting to walking. "And, uh, no, birds in particular can be impressively vain. You know preening is a thing named for what they do, yes? Well, think if instead of wearing clothes you grew your own feathers and fussed at them endlessly to get them all perfect. And that if your feathers aren’t perfect and your nest is badly decorated you’ll never get anyone to love you. Birds therefore have excellent fashion sense.”

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"Oh puhlease, feathers are so last decade, I would be the talk of Baldur's Gate for at least a year if I showed up anywhere with feathers."

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"...would you really?"

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"Yes. Countess Rennier thought she could change opinions on this two years ago. She was wrong, and she," and his voice grows lower, more solemn, "paid the ultimate price."

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"...she was executed?"

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"Her reputation was executed. Why, I'm still talking about it two years later!"

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"What a dreadful state of affairs that surely has such lasting implications and gravity as execu... hm. Sorry, can you repeat that?"

The second sentence is not to any of them, it's to a squirrel. Her speak with animals spell is still up.

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"Your woodland friends are very rude," he sniffles.

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"You don't even know what she said," she snorts in an undertone to Astarion. Then at a more normal volume, to the squirrel: "When was this? Really. And... no, no, I understand, you have a family on the way to worry about, it's all right. Thank you for telling me. I'll look into it."

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"She interrupted a very important conversation! That's rude."

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"...I can't tell if you're being serious."

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"And that's just how I like it."

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"Everyone all right having a brief detour to investigate something that was sneaking near our camp while we were sleeping? She didn't know what it was and says it smelled like death. Which implies not a normal predator."

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"Oh and she comments on people's smells, too? Terribly rude."

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"How brief? We've had enough detours."

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"Oh, don't be so wound up, darling, I think we've determined to everyone's satisfaction that this transformation is not advancing with time, we can take a small break to investigate whatever's terrifying the poor squirrels." To Ivy: "Do lead on, dear."

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"Shouldn't be more than twenty minutes. I wouldn't want to impose at all, just that it was near our camp and was strange and with... everything... that puts me on edge. Squirrels get scared by normal predators all the time, but this... didn't sound like one."

Her immediate thought is clearly that a shadow druid might be following them.

But yes, she can start leading them in approximately the exact direction Astarion took his hunting.

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Yeah he thought so. Nothing to it, act innocent.

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Twenty minutes is... fine. She supposes.

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It quickly becomes clear that maybe Astarion should have also just been against her investigating the thing. Because, yeah, she is absolutely meandering in the direction his hunt took him last night, questioning woodland animals all the while. They have mostly wanted to stay far away from the hunting grounds of... whatever it is, but that can be worked around. 'Where was it going' and 'where did you run from' are perfectly reasonable questions to ask.

On her current trajectory she will find the boar he drained soon enough.

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No no he's sticking to it. It'll be a lot weirder if he gives up now. He can act properly innocent and surprised when they find out there's a vampire and... he'll defuse suspicion if people accuse him specifically.

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As predicted, they reach the boar's corpse. Also predictably, the local druid can figure out its cause of death easily enough.

".... Huh," says Ivetrielle, inspecting it. "Exsanguination. And... two little puncture wounds. A vampire? Here??? Damn it, I would like there to be less murderous things to worry about, not more!!"

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"...a vampire that eats animals? Uh, drinks, I suppose. Well, that's novel."

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"To be fair, I'm not sure what else there is to drink around here. I'd probably eat a boar over a goblin any day. But it didn't actually go for our camp at least, so.... hooray? We scared it off???"

She is absolutely staring with puzzlement at the boar, though.

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"We were pretty well-hidden, and keeping watch besides, maybe they would've come for us if we were easier prey? ...aren't there other intelligent species in the area, though? There was the fishing village the nautiloid crashed on, the village the goblins took over presumably had people in it before, surely a vampire looking to eat wouldn't need to settle for animals here. If nothing else, I bet our little mercenary friends would have been delicious, that human did not have a single worthwhile thought between his ears but he was gorgeous."

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"I suppose, yeah. It could just be recently that animals would be the way to go. Or... something about timing?? Didn't have time to do proper hunting?" She's still frowning at the boar.

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"Your animals said it was a single hunter. A lone vampire does not stand a chance against us, this is no threat. Let us go after our real quarry."

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"I must concur with our githyanki friend, this doesn't really seem to be our problem."

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"... I guess, yeah," she agrees, reluctantly. "Right, thank you for the detour, though it brought more questions than answers."

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"My dear, if you wish to be the kind of adventurer who goes after quests like these I believe you may be in the wrong party."

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That earns a snort out of her.

"I agreed to drop it, didn't I? Just, you know. Balance of nature. Strange thing hunting in the woods. It's practically druid bait, really."

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"Indeed. Perhaps we will have time to come back to this later. For now we have a goblin party to crash."

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Roll Perception.

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...oh no?

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At first glance, the village looks abandoned; though fairly destroyed, from their vantage point it doesn't look like anyone's actually there.


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Astarion places a hand in front of Lae'zel, halting her movement, and frowns.

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Shadowheart also stops walking, narrowing her eyes and looking up.

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"What is it this time, k'chakhi?"

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"Look," Astarion whispers, nodding up towards the roof of one of the buildings by the town gates.

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“Oh. Ambush. … should I turn into a squirrel and sneak around to be ambushy backup?”

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"...yes. Yes, that could be useful. Might not be necessary, but having the option..."

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"You want to avoid the fight," Lae'zel accuses.

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Not being particularly invested in this becoming a fight, but being very invested in being helpful, Ivetrielle does in fact turn into a squirrel. A red one, with little ear tufts. Being adorable is important, okay.

She will wait until told to go running off, though, because she is attempting to grow as a person.

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"Lae'zel, darling, we will always have the opportunity to slaughter these goblins later, but for now we need to have a better understanding of what's happening. And it might become a fight anyway. Truthfully, it will become a fight once we find and rescue druid Halsin. But until then, we still need to find him, and investigate whatever these goblins know about the transformation."

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"You always have reasons not to fight."

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"Not true! We decimated those goblins in front of the Grove, did we not? And in those ruins, too, we definitely very much killed those bandits."

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"...hmm. Granted."

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"So! I'll vanish, count to thirty after I do then walk peacefully into the village, please, Lae'zel and Shadowheart. Ivy, dear, hang out in a tree nearby for support, jump on one of them to warn us to back off and regroup.

"Does that seem acceptable?"

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Affirmative sounding squeak!

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"Very well."

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And so he vanishes.

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Ivy gives a little goodbye squeak, then she’s up a tree to get an excellent vantage point overlooking the soon to be ambush. Counter ambush? Maybe not even a fight? Who knows, she doesn’t, she’s just happy to be here.

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Thirty seconds later, Lae'zel and Shadowheart do as instructed.

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"Well, well, well, what 'ave we here!" says one of the goblins on a roof. "Git over there!" she calls to her peers. "Surround 'em, like—"

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"No, darling, I don't think so," Astarion says, suddenly appearing behind her with a dagger at her neck.

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And Shadowheart and Lae'zel both get their weapons out, too.

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"—bloody hells."

There were other goblins starting to surround them but they stop, uncertain, seeing the group be a lot more prepared than expected.

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There will just be a little red squirrel, sneaking around behind those reinforcements, don’t mind her. Much less important than those adventurers up there. Is this plausibly a number of goblins they can in fact take? Good, good. Then she’ll just stay an adorable woodland creature for now.

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    "...we, we've got you outnumbered," a different goblin squeaks.

"Oi, shaddup, idjit, he's got a knife on me!"

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"It's a githyanki dagger, actually," he singsongs. "Now, I could have killed you. I walked right past your guards and got up here and not a one of you realised. If I wanted to kill you you would die one by one and not even notice it. Ivy, dearest, do you want to demonstrate just how completely unprepared for us they are?"

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She unsquirrels, almost directly behind two goblins on another roof entirely.

“Hello~” she says, picking up Astarion’s singsonging cadence.

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"Holy fuck," cries one of the goblins while the other one whirls around to try to charge her in a panic—

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There is a druid cantrip known as ‘gust.’ It summons a bracing gust of wind. The goblin charging her is charging uphill, up ceramic roof tiles.

Can the goblin make the required strength saving throw, to not get thrown off the roof?

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(Lae'zel approves.)

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(Shadowheart approves.)

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(Astarion approves.)

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...the goblin cannot in fact make that strength save, no.

"What do you want," wails goblin #1.

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"Just to pass. Maybe ask a few questions. And not be filled with arrows. You would regret trying to fill us with arrows very, very much."

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"O-o' course. Ya heard 'im, boys, let's, uh, let 'em pass, like."

There's some grumbling but yeah they're pretty convinced.

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"Wonderful," says Astarion, drawing the dagger away from the goblin and straightening up.

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Ivetrielle beams, then makes her way down to join Shadowheart and Lae’zel. Are any of the goblins going to change their minds and attempt murder as she does this?

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No, though one of them does grumble something like "Prob'ly didn't even have good loot anyway..." while shuffling over to check on their compatriot who fell from a roof.

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She will not dignify that with a response, and will also not scurry over to check on the goblin she threw off a roof. But she will check. Just, subtly. From over here. Still alive? Yes? Great.

In an undertone to the others, she asks, “Are we not going to ask them questions about… things?”

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"I think he is asking questions," replies Shadowheart, pointing at the roof where Astarion seems to have retreated to a corner and sat down to have a quiet conversation (?) with two goblins. "I don't know what questions we are meant to ask. 'Where is the druid?'"

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“This is true. I don’t really know either, it just was the stated goal. Talking to animals is much easier than talking to people. I can’t just bribe goblins with nuts and raisins.”

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...she's kind of noticing that she gets this feeling of having been conned every time she goes along with Astarion's plans.

"Youk'chakhi," she barks to the goblin Ivy pushed off and their friend.

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The goblin squeaks.

"Y-yes, sir!"

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"Where is the druid?"

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Both goblins stare at her and blink slowly in unison. "Th-there?" one of them tries, pointing at Ivy.

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This was utterly predictable, but it still causes her to crack a smile. That being said, it does give her an idea, actually. She can do this talking thing! Really! She takes to animals all the time, the skills should carry over at least a little.

“Do you know where the band of idiotic mercenaries got accosted, and where any prisoners might have been taken?”

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"...mercenaries? We ain't seen no mercenaries—"

    "What are you talkin' about? They was here just yesterday—"

"Yer not meant to say it idjit—"

    "I ain't gonna fuck with squirrel girl, nearly broke me legs last time—"

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Oh. Of course. Why would they tell them that.

… maybe if she also pretends to dislike them? Common enemies and whatnot?

“I’m asking because if you’re fucking them up, we want to see and help,” she says, flatly. “They pissed us off, too. They’re a bunch of dicks.”

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    "Cowards, too, shoulda seen them squeak. Had some fun with them afore killin' them..."

"They's all dead. Well, not all 'em, three got out and we captured one and they 'ad a bear too, like."

    "But we ain't sayin' more, we're good Absolute-fearin' folk."

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The… same people that consider those with tadpoles in their heads True Souls and who are meant to rule over all.

Well, there is an obvious way to spin this information.

“… yes. Us too. That’s why you’re alive,” she says, like she’s talking to children. Because that’s the only thing that makes sense, right? As the characters they’re playing. Though, she’s getting in too deep for her current level of deception skill, time to call for help from the expert.

“My lord?” she calls, to Astarion, going with ‘I am a cultist too, yep, and I am doing what my True Soul boss man says, like a good minion.’ “These ones don’t seem to have realized our allegiance. Is yours over there the same?”

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"...aw shit? 'E's a True Soul?"

    "You's a True Soul?" squeaks the goblin Astarion had been interrogating on that roof.

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"—of course I am," he says, adopting a very similar tone of voice as the one Ivy used.

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That goblin squints at him and glows a bit...

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...and he glows right back with a bite.

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The goblin screams and then falls to her knees. "O-of course, so so sorry, I shoulda known..."

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Having psychic torture powers is fun, actually.

"And the amount of information you were giving me even without knowing that I am a True Soul is most interesting."

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“Oh, forgive me if I interrupted your questioning, I thought it would be obvious to them,” she demurs to her apparent boss, all regret at being a bad party member, she means cultist. Look, getting yelled at is still a bit fresh, it’s not hard to come up with the proper emotions.

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"Well I believe I was in fact quite done with my questioning, and I'm not altogether pleased with how easily all of you surrender information to strangers. I suppose it would be too much to ask of mere goblins, that you keep any secrets for the Absolute. She will remember this, you know."

And on that menacing note he jumps down from the roof and walks over to join the rest of the party.

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Okay, so clearly what she should be doing is being a good pet druid that does what her True Soul says, so. She will lower her eyes respectfully and look like a good cultist. Or something. Whatever. Interrogation successful. She did in fact get information out of them! One mercenary is alive and if they have a bear that’s probably Halsin! Now to get the fuck out of here, which is not her area of expertise.

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There aren't so many goblins at the village that they can't find somewhere quiet to debrief.

"Sorry about that, I got a bit distracted and who knew that acting threatening and dangerous at people was so much fun, I hadn't even mentioned anything about the Absolute..."

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"Did you get any information?"

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"—oh, that particular goblin wasn't here yesterday, she didn't know anything about the druid, but I seem to have heard something from your direction?"

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“You mean my interrogation was more successful than yours?” says Ivy, a little delighted. “Yes. They have a survivor from the mercenaries and a very convenient pet bear. Who is almost certainly Halsin, pretending to be an ordinary animal so as to avoid attention. And probably plotting his own escape.”

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"Marvellous! I did catch that they have quite a large contingent at the temple, and the Absolute gave them three shiny new leaders. Seems like their, ah, uncharacteristic levels of coordination come from them."

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"...so we have to go to the temple? We knew that already."

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"I also seem to have spotted a gnome tied to a windmill's blades from up there," he says, pointing northwest in the direction of said windmill. "Probably unrelated but they looked very perturbed."

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…. Well now he has a very unhappy druid who wants to go save a guy!!! Look at her and her sad puppy eyes. So sad. So Good-aligned.

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"We will support you if you wish to go on a gnome-rescuing mission," he informs Ivy. "Since you've been such a good girl today. The best minion a True Soul could hope for, really."

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(...huh. Shadowheart approves.)

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(Lae'zel disapproves.)

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(Ivy predictably approves. So much.)

She will just be ignoring how he’s made it weird.

“Oh, good! … Probably easiest if you just tell them to stop, though. Oh True Soul.”

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"We're True Souls, too."

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"You can feel free to take point. As a benefit you get a drop-dead gorgeous druid calling you 'my lord'. Had my insides aflutter, that."

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Well now she’s going to turn pink and bury her head in her hands, embarrassed.

“….. I was thinking for the overall cohesion of the narrative but, but, I. Hells. I’ve cleverly signed myself up for genuflecting to all of you, haven’t I.”

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"You absolutely have, darling. Now let's see about rescuing a gnome."

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Yes! That! That is a thing to think about that is very important and not at all related to her sexual panic!

Off they go, to save a gnome.

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The gnome in question is currently tied to one of the blades of the windmill, getting heckled by goblins.

“Try flapping your wings, maybe that’ll help!” calls one of the latter group that looks like he’s probably in charge.

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"Now what do you think you're doing?" demands Astarion, channelling all of his True Soul authority into his voice and body language—though not, yet, his True Soul magic. He wants to toy with these goblins a little bit before making them squirm.

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“What’s it look like we’re doing? We’re having a bit o’ fun, teaching this gnome how to fly! Lookit him squirm up there!!”

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"Let me rephrase that. Why are you doing this?"

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“Didn’t you hear me? So he can fly! Won’t it be neat to see a flying gnome?”

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"...it does look funny, I'll admit that much."

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“Don’t it? Heh. And yeh couldn’t do that with no lousy human! It’s funniest when he’s squirming. Hey, mushroom muncher! Squirm or flap or somethin’, so our guest can get the full experience!”

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(Ivy is so unhappy with this. She will be good and not go rogue and save the guy on her own or anything, but. So unhappy.)

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"But say, where did you find him? I haven't seen any other gnomes hereabouts."

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“Oh, he was on the road. Walking about with a bag too big fer‘im. Why, you want a gnome of your own?”

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"You know, I think I might. I've heard they're great slaves."

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"Well, get yer own! He's ours!!"

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"Hmmmmmno, I think you'll find that he's mine."

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“Hah! Funny. How’dya figure that, pretty boy?”

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"See, darling, I want him, and I usually get the things I want. It can be the easy way or the fun way, and that's up to you and your friends here." He grabs a dagger from where it was attached to his waist and starts playing with it.

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“What the—? Hey! That’s mine!

The goblin absolutely looks ready to throw a punch.

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"No," he says, eyes glowing with tadpole power. "It's mine."

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“A True Soul—?” gasps the now very regretful goblin, who then proceeds to start groveling. With some sniveling and crying on the side.

“O—of course it’s yours, sir, my, my mistake, and the gnome, you can have the gnome, too, he was getting boring anyway, and, and, and.”

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Glow fades. "Now be a dear and untie him then move along before I decide I also want a goblin slave—" he looks around at the other goblins around "—or five."

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“Yes, yes, of, of course, uh! You!” He points at one of his compatriots. “Flip the stopper on the windmill, we’re getting ‘im down!”

There’s a lot of grumbling, but they are in fact very quick about getting down and releasing the very dizzy deep gnome into Astarion’s custody. Shortly after he’s brought down, the poor man throws up. It’s on the nearest goblin. The nearest goblin happens to be the same one currently being tormented by Astarion.

“Fucking shit eating—!”

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"Nah ah ah," tuts Astarion, wagging a finger left to right at the goblin. "Say 'thank you'."

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(Ivetrielle approves.)

(And also giggles.)

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The goblin looks rather like he'd rather jump off a cliff, but:

".... Thank you."

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(Lae'zel approves.)

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(Shadowheart disapproves.)

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"Now run along, darlings, we have a brand new slave to use."

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The goblins will wait until they're out of (ordinary) earshot to begin muttering their expletives, but rest assured: expletives are muttered.

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Astarion is an elf, so ordinary earshot doesn't cut it. They are very lucky that he isn't actually a True Soul who got drunk on power from the Absolute, and most importantly that he doesn't give a shit, because they'd be so fucked if he were or did.

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The 'brand new slave' has finished emptying the contents of his stomach, and is looking at his 'new master' with a mix of distaste and resignation.

"Oh, do you now. And how, pray tell, are you planning to put me to work. Because I'd rather you just get on with it."

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"Hmmmm... take a step to the left."

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The deep gnome gives him a deeply long suffering look, then does in fact step to the left. He guesses. Under protest.

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"Excellent! That was all the use I had for you. You're free."

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(...Shadowheart approves? She thinks?)

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(In a roundabout way, so does Lae'zel, kind of.)

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".... Right. When does the inevitable extortion start, then?"

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Ivetrielle sighs.

"Astarion, you realize it's much easier if you just tell the poor man 'Hello, that was a lie to get you off of there,' instead of playing mind games with him. Hi, are you injured, I can do some healing if so."

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"What? No, no, I'm fine, now that I'm back on solid ground."

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"But it's so much funnier this way." He sighs dramatically. "Fine, fine, this side quest is yours anyway. Hello, that was a lie to get you off of there, our bleeding heart druid wanted to rescue you and I wanted to curry favour with her and also to fuck with some goblins."

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"The bleeding heart druid would be the one wearing leaves, yes? ... Well. Thank you for your help. You can take my pack, if you can find it, I left it somewhere...." he waves vaguely in a direction. "Over there-ish. Should have dropped the damn thing to outrun those bastards, that'll teach me to pack lightly from now on..."

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... They're not actual leaves, they just... look like leaves.

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He pats her on the shoulder. There there dear it's fine, they're pretty leaves.

"I do have one question, though, or perhaps maybe a topic. Now I'm not one to go back on my word so if you just wish to tell us to fuck off we will go fetch our quest rewards and be on our way, but..."

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"But?" says Barcus, raising his eyebrows.

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"Just how did you get attached to a windmill?"

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He cracks a smile. "No, I just wanted to see your face." To the gnome: "What's this whole Absolute thing, from the perspective of someone who's been kidnapped by them? I'm finding myself very bereft of details for all my posturing."

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"Haven't the foggiest. They all seem like a bunch of crazed bastards, to me. ... I suppose there is one odd thing, though. They're strangely inclusive. There'd been talk of feeding me to their ogres, or some drow's pet spiders. I don't know many drow, but the ones I do would usually rather chew their own arms off than work with the likes of goblins."

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"Really, now. That is most interesting, thank you.

"Ah, and we haven't introduced ourselves, so rude of us! I'm Astarion, and these lovely ladies with me are Shadowheart, Lae'zel, and Ivetrielle."

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"Barcus Wroot, at your service," he says, giving a little bow.

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"What brings you out here? This isn't exactly a, uh, well loved trading route..."

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"Well, my friend's gone missing, and I intend to find him."

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Ooh another side quest he is not a doe-eyed adventurer anymore and he does not want to jump at every side quest that appears.

"Good luck finding your friend, then."

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"Thanks. I'll likely need it, with how my luck's gone so far. Could I trouble you to walk me out of town so that those odious cretins don't think I'm property going spare? Again?"

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"Oh, sure, why not, we were on our way out anyway."

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"Much appreciated."

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Ivy totally wants to take the sidequest bait but she's being very good and is not going to ask him about his friend or where he's going at ALL, she is SO strong.

"Be careful when looking for him, all right? Goblins are not the worst things you can find around here," she does warn, but, yep this is a grownup who can risk his life as he pleases.

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"Yes, yes. But the odds of being captured by something again are much lower now, since I've already gotten that out of the way!"

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Yeah he's totally going to die, isn't he. Well. Grownup who can risk his life as he pleases.

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"That's just tempting Tymora, you know," he says conversationally once they've walked Barcus out of the village. "I'm sure She could've been willing to go along with it but now that he's said it he's doomed."

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"Yyyyyyep," agrees Ivetrielle. "He is absolutely going to die out there. But we are not his nannies, so." She shrugs. "On to party infiltration and possibly poisoning?"

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"Indeed..." He pauses and looks at Shadowheart. "...are you feeling unwell, dear?"

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She stopped paying attention to them a while ago and has been staring at a broken down statue with a frown on her face. When Astarion calls her attention she starts and then winces and pulls her right hand close to her chest.

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"... Um? Are you hurt?"

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"I'm fine," she says, lowering her hand.

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"No, dear, a glowing hand wound that attacks you when you look at a broken down statue of Selûne does not quite sound like you're fine."

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"I said I'm fine. Let's go."

And she starts to walk, leading the way towards the far exit of the village.

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Well, that's concerning, but. ... Shadowheart seems incredibly unwilling to answer questions about it. Fortunately, Ivetrielle is not Astarion, who is admittedly the nosiest member of their adventuring party. This might mean she can offer aid without seeming like she's barreling head first into someone else's business.

"Let us know if there's anything we can do to help?" she offers, jogging to catch up with the cleric.

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That's about what she was expecting, really. But it's important to have offered, and hopefully Shadowheart appreciates it. She'll leave it be.

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West of the village is another of River Chionthar's tributaries, right in the middle of a canyon; a fall would very likely be deadly. Which makes the wooden bridge that looks like it might fall apart if you sneeze on it all the more curious. Its architectural style is goblinlike—which is to say, it's ugly and dirty and half-rotted and looks like it was made from whatever they had lying around—which suggests it wasn't the bridge the villages used to use to get to the temple before they were all slaughtered by said goblins.

From this side of the bridge the party can finally see the temple, and even some of the goblin fortifications around it. Definitely the smoke suggestive of multiple fires using very inappropriate materials as fuel.

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Ivetrielle inspects the goblin worksmanship critically.

"..... can we find another bridge, because I think this one might fall if sneezed on and kill us all."

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"Do you see another bridge anywhere?"

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"Well, no, I just. Logically there should be another. If... the goblins didn't blow it up. Which they might have." Sigh. "Fiiiiine."

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"Think on the bright side: if we all die there is definitely no chance that any of us will become squidmen!"

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"Joy. Maybe I can even shift fast enough to avoid death by ramshackle engineering."

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"Is there a reason you shouldn't want to shift right now and then unshift on the other side?"

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"I can't do it endlessly, I’m not that good. Yet. It's... tiring?? Sort of a good tiring where I need to practice regularly to get better at it, but. If I shifted now I don't think I'd have enough in me to shift later at the goblin party."

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"How tiring, 'sit down and take a breather tiring' or 'a good night's sleep' tiring or...?"

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“Sit down and take a breather. Though it’s more like I sit and meditate and reconnect with myself and the shape I am and can be, but. In practice it’s a short rest.”

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"Might it be worthwhile for you to wild shape now then take a rest after we deal with the goblins on the other side of the bridge, then? So you have full use of your abilities, especially when we are so likely to need them later?"

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“Mmm. I don’t think it’s worth the time lost.” Also she doesn’t want to hold up the group anymore than she already has. Besides: “I’m not… the term for the type of druid I am is circle of the land? I’m not really a combat shifter. I can, but, it’s, I’m. I’m much better at direct spellcasting? And I haven’t really done any of that. In a real actual fight instead of,” she waves vaguely, “the subterfuge we’ve been doing, I’ll likely stay my own shape. It’s just it’s really useful to turn into a squirrel or something when doing subterfuge.”

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"Of course you'd know best about your abilities. I just wanted to give a suggestion.

"Well, then! Time to see how much that bridge can take! One of us at a time, please, Ivy first and Lae'zel last."

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"Because Ivy is lightest and if the bridge is going to collapse easily I'd rather not be the one to suffer it and you're heaviest and most likely to cause it to collapse regardless."

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"Joy," sighs Ivetrielle, but yes, all right. She's also probably the one most likely to survive the whole thing collapsing, so it makes sense for her to go first. Time to carefully walk across the bridge, ready to spring into some kind of action if the whole thing falls apart.

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The bridge groans and creaks but doesn't actually break. It doesn't even get any new cracks, despite the numerous already present ones. The four of them can cross without issues.

"Well that was anticlimactic," says Astarion on the other side. "I suppose all of the wooden planks that were going to break have already broken so only the stronger ones have survived."

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"And now it's going to fall apart somehow between you saying that and all of us needing to cross back over again," snorts Ivy, who has read an adventure book or two in her time.

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"If my lady Tymora wills it so then far be it from me to question Her judgment. I was just speculating on the causality."

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“Ahuh. Just so long as you don’t start going on about how you plan to retire tomorrow and can’t wait to see your wife and kids again. That’d be truly pushing it.”

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"Me? A wife and kids? I am frankly offended that you would think I'd stoop so low."

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"Let's move. We are wasting time again."

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"...this time I must agree with our beautiful githyanki companion. Let's go."

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"Talking and walking are still not mutually exclusive, you know," she says, as she does in fact get to walking.

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"They should be," she says, starting to walk, too. It's clear which of the two she'd rather do.

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"That sounds like a very dull world. Would it be true of other things and walking? No humming? No reading? What about looking at stuff?"

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She is going to lead by example and not answer.

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See, now she wants to be contrary just to be a little shit. Possibly Astarion's rubbing off on her, but really, she was like this before, too.

"My father and I would play a game that would be quite boring if we couldn't walk and talk at the same time. Think of how I would have grown up if we didn't compete to find and name nearby herbs! I might not even be a druid. It'd be terrible."

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Nope, no talking. It's a matter of pride now.

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Astarion on the other hand is delighted. "For some reason I thought you parents were altogether not in the picture. That sounds very cute."

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"Oh, no, they just don't want to live in the woods with a bunch of druids. Dad has a whole speech about the comforts of civilization and the efficiency of division of labor and specialization. They live in Wyrm's Crossing, I visit every year or so. It's one of those things I get a bit looked down on for, traipsing back to civilization regularly."

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"...Wyrm's Crossing. Is your dad the elf?"

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"'The' elf, he says, like there aren't a number of them. He's the alchemist elf that's been there for ages, yes, if that's what you mean."

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"I meant out of your parents, the one who is an elf," he clarifies. "And I believe I've met him. What a small world."

...he's having some kind of emotion about this and he's not certain what it is. Best to ignore it.

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"Oh, I see. Well, he has been there for several hundred years, with elven lifespans it does seem like it'd just be a matter of time, if you live in the area."

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"Besides, even if there are 'a number' of us, that number is low. Two elves in the same city will just run into each other unless they are shut-ins."

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"He insists very strongly that he is not and will never run his shop in Baldur's Gate proper, thank you."

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"A healthy attitude. Baldur's Gate has a tendency to burn to the ground a bit too often."

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"That is almost exactly his reasoning, too, you really have met him!"

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"Unfortunately I personally like living in the big city too much to settle elsewhere."

Liar liar pants on fire aaaahahahahahah.

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"Really! I find it kind of nice to visit, but don't think I'd want to live there? It's so crowded and loud and busy. What appeals about living in it versus visiting for the nice stuff and then leaving?"

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"Having a bath every day is very nice, comfortable clothes are very nice, convenient stores nearby are very nice, high concentration of people is actually part of what's very nice."

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"The bath and clothes I can see, convenient stores I can sort of see, but how is a high concentration of people you don't know and might never see again nice??"

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Shrug. "I like people. I like meeting people, I like getting to know them. I like being around people, knowing they're alive and living their own stories. I have never forgotten a name."

Which is a little bit of a curse, in his specific situation, but he can't actually bring himself to regret this.

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"Hm. I think I'd just find it overwhelming. But I do see the appeal of, you know. Meeting new people. Having a social circle that is larger than, say, a druid circle."

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"Oh I would simply perish if I were limited to a druid circle."

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(Shadowheart quietly rolls her eyes.)

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(His hearing is very good, though.)

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"Really? You'd perish? Just burst into flames at the thought?? Or is it just falling over dead, of boredom and loneliness?"

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"You know, I would have thought it'd be the second one, but now that you mention it perhaps bursting into flames would be the more likely end. Fortunately I will never have to find out."

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"Bursting into flames is more dramatic, much more appropriate for you," she agrees.

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Up ahead, there seems to be something like a goblin checkpoint. No ambush to speak of, they are just openly guarding a makeshift gate and looking very unhappy about it. Strangely organized goblins, indeed.

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"Finally, blood to spill."

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"I think someone was less thrilled with our conversation than she'd been letting on," Astarion says to Ivy.

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"She was very clear about how much she didn't like it."

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"No, no, I think she was understating it even then."

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"Oi!" calls a goblin, who is clearly both bored out of his mind and desperately trying to act like his job is very important, no really, no matter how fun it isn't. "Who goes there!"

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"Oh, no one, just some entirely harmless travellers who are not looking for any trouble."