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end of the line
You keep going 'til you reach it
Permalink Mark Unread

The desert continues to be cold, and now that Zash and Yvette have broken the ice on the snuggling, she has decided to commandeer him as her snuggle buddy for sleep.

(He hasn't resisted much. He wanted to, but didn't.)

He continues to leak in his sleep, but at least he has no nightmares, and he doesn't get the impression that Yvette catches wind of his... other feelings... so he's mostly been relaxing about that. He has to admit it's nice, sleeping next to someone like that. He hasn't really done it in decades, and he hadn't realised just how much he missed it.

Permalink Mark Unread

"When the two angels are joined and the third angel is born," says the radio, "the hosts of Heaven will descend and we will bask in their glory. Heed the words of Missionary Michael and Father William."

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"Turn it off," demands Morgan from the backseat, crankily. "I've heard enough of this garbage I hate it."

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"It's all that's on any of these fucking channels!!! And sometimes they actually give weather reports, which we might just need."

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"I am being tortured. This is torture. I am back on the table being experimented upon. I would rather die in a sandstorm than this."

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"Fine, fine, but only because you're traumatized and won't stop using it as a gigantic bludgeon to make all of your problems go away."

Radio: off.

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"But in other news, there really is a sandstorm on the way. Next time we find a good place to hole up we should."

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And speaking of places to hole up, they can see a reasonable landmark in the distance, there. The metal skeleton of one of the crashed ships, or pieces of it put together by people decades past. Windmills dominate it, more of them than most villages and towns they pass through have, since usually there's no need for that much power generation with plants around.

A bit closer by, however, is the corpse of a worm—a normal-sized one, only about half again as large as their car—lying on the sand. What's curious about it is that there's no blood.

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"Ughhh I do not want to get eaten by a worm again," sighs Yvette. "How accurate is your bullshit sandstorm sense, can we hole up elsewhere."

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"Eh. Haven't died in a sandstorm yet, and I've mostly been walking this desert like a loon, so. Any. And probably not."

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Yvette gives a loud unhappy sigh. "Fine, fine. Hopefully anyone here's friendly."

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Zash seems—distracted. Not paying so much attention to what they're saying, eyes glued to the outpost in the distance, watching it like a hawk.

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Yvette notices his distraction.

"Mm. Think the worm corpse is worth checking out for butchering?"

And buy time for Zash to finish eyeing the place they're planning to go to.

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"Sure why not, I've probably eaten worse. Look at you, princess! Talking about maybe eating road kill!! We'll make a wastelander out of you yet."

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She pulls up to the worm corpse and stops.

"Is that road kill? It sort of looks like... I dunno, it was hit with something smaller than a vehicle."

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He wordlessly steps out of the car, eyes not leaving the town until he's close enough to the worm to be able to examine it. Then he frowns. "Looks like it was punched to death."

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She also steps out of the car, because now she's curious. Well. Sort of.

"Punched. Uh. Are we sure we want to stop around these people?"

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"What people?" calls Morgan, not getting out of the car. "I'm not seeing any. And no roadkill for you tonight, princess, that thing looks ancient and long picked clean."

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"And yet my heart is not filled with warm fuzzies and glee." She steps next to Zash. "Hey. You okay?"

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He blinks and then turns a smile to her. "Yeah. Peachy. Let's go to the town?"

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Bullshit. She knows that smile. That's the 'I'm unhappy but I'm trying to pretend I'm not' smile.

"... Yeah. Let's."

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"More like a town's skeleton. It looks dead even from here."

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"Mm. Wind power fell out of favor as the duststorms settled down as more water actually entered the atmosphere. Solar or plant based is generally the way to go now, more reliable these days. So... hopefully they just moved to somewhere better. Higher ground, maybe."

This is her attempt to comfort Zash, because you see, she's starting to get an inkling of why he's so distant. He has probably been here before.

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"That sandstorm not hitting here soon, then?"

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"Ehhh. I'd give it by nightfall at the latest, but I've been wrong before."

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"We could get a second opinion from the religion radio."

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Morgan shudders.

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"They've been going a while. The religious people, I mean. A hundred and fifty years at least."

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"Yeah? They just as crazy then as they are now? Or has it evolved and become super crazy?"

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By now, Yvette's started driving them to town. Or what's left of it, anyway. It looks... pretty dead, and like the windmills haven't moved in ages. Which: they probably haven't.

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"Eh, don't know that I'd say the change was up, you know? Sideways crazy. Sometimes more, sometimes less, always weird."

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"Bah. Hey, think they left any electronics? When the sandstorm hits, the windmills might get power, it'd be nice to have, like, amenities."

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".... I wouldn't hold out hope even if they did. Windmills don't get power from sandstorms unless they're really high end, and the early ones weren't."

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"What? Why not? It's like, premium wind time!!"

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"I mean, I'm not an expert in wind power, but as I understand it, that's the problem. Dangerous for the windmills themselves to mill without ripping them apart, unless they're strong enough to take it. So to keep the whole thing from being ground to death and getting sand in all of the little crevices and breaking it forever..."

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"Turn the whole thing off. Ugh."

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"No wonder they've fallen into disuse. I guess that means this part of the desert probably didn't use to have that many sandstorms usually even relatively recently."

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"That I couldn't tell you. We did not go over typical sandstorm paths in class, sorry. All I know is that it's changed a lot, over the time we've been here."

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"Well, I guess there's no use speculating. We'll just stay here one night then move on."

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"At least the buildings will have natural temperature regulation!" she says, brightly.

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As usual Zash takes the vanguard, watching for any danger while they explore. Unlike Jeneora Rock, this town doesn't have anything pretending to be surrounding walls, and there isn't an obvious main gate to walk through, so he elects to go in through the closest gap in the buildings he can find.

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The immediate impression they'll be able to get from this is that this place has been abandoned for quite a while. Several years, maybe even a couple of decades. But the mismatch between the apparent age of the settlement and the amount of sand that's accumulated does lend credence to Zash's theory that this place doesn't see sandstorms very often; if it did, the entire place would be one big pile of sand. As it is, the buildings are all pretty surrounded by it but the streets are still walkable and the amount of digging they'll need to do to access anywhere won't be too terrible.

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"Definitely no locals, then. Shall we be proper explorers, or just pick out a house to hole up in?"

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"That sounds like you're asking 'do you want to dig out a house filled with sand sooner or later.' And the answer is later. We can pick the best and biggest house to dig out if we do some wandering."

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The side street they're in opens to an enormous central "street" that runs the length of the settlement. The metal arches that were presumably once part of a ship that was salvaged for parts meet in the middle, high above their heads, and the occasional massive windmills are spread along this open area. The buildings themselves are arranged close to where the arches meet the dirt, and it's obvious that they were also built out of salvaged metal from the ship, mismatched iron sheets and pipes meeting at the corners to make walls and doors and ladders.

One thing the buildings have in common, though, are these banners made of some kind of thick fabric that are usually hanging next to the doors and windows. Most of them have frayed to almost-nothing over the years, but a handful are intact enough that they can puzzle together their overall shape and design: a long brown-red rectangle with pairs of straight yellow-gold lines running along the edges, a thick red circle in the center surrounded by a thinner one framing a simplified picture of an eye, and straight lines coming from the circle in a design that's reminiscent of drawings of a sun, three pointing up, three down, one to the left, and one to the right.

At least one of the people in their little entourage will be familiar with this symbol.

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"... Even cloth is offensive if it's religious?"

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"Yes. It's a little different from what I'm used to, but I kinda want to use all of these things for fire starter. But probably we should actually salvage the cloth for something. I guess even the scavengers didn't want religious icons or whatever."

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"You could wrap your gun in one and give me back my blanket..."

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"And here I thought you liked me. No, but I will take all of these down and dump them in a pile so I don't have to look at them. Eugh."

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"I think they collectively call themselves the Church of Plants. They see plants as gods or angels or messengers. It's... not very surprising that your cult would be related." He walks over to one of the buildings and looks into it through the window.

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This home looks like it was properly vacated; it's bare, but for furniture that looks like it wasn't worth the trouble of hauling away.

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"Nope, but man is it irritating!"

Morgan will meanwhile be grabbing the religious iconography and dumping them in a great big pile of shame.

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"Weird that they'd leave any cloth behind, honestly. I'd guess that with semi-reliable electricity this could have been a weaving town, but even if you lose your religion, cloth's kind of expensive. Or, well, was, it's less so now. It makes more sense to take it all with you and bleach it."

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"Do you want to take all of the hella-old cloth and try to salvage it. Is that what you're proposing."

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"No, not really. I'm not sure we have room for it, I don't know where I'd sell it, or if it'd really be worth all the trouble. And I bet they smell."

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"You are right about that, princess," she confirms, and tosses another flag with extra prejudice.

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"I think you got the answer you were looking for, then." Zash walks on a little bit more then—

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The wall of this next building has an enormous dent, like some very massive and durable animal came at it at maximum speed and headbutted it. A couple of pipes were destroyed or crushed beyond usability, and the structural integrity of the building is greatly compromised.

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Zash looks down the road to the side and notes that there are other buildings that have been similarly damaged, including a couple that crumbled into heaps of scrap metal from the impact of whatever this was.

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Yvette notices Zash's observation before Morgan does, what with how Morgan is on a crusade.

"..... Huh. That's concerning. Possibly the same thing that got the worm?"

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"Some of this damage looks pretty old. Much older than the worm. I think... whatever did this may still be around."

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"Like it's... what, holed up here and protecting the place, then coming online to punch anything that looks at it funny?"

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"Maybe. But I would have expected us to have been attacked by now, if that were the case." He walks a bit further then looks to the sides at some other side streets. "...seems like it was following a specific path here. Those buildings are intact."

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"Mmm. Probably we should not be causing any kind of fuss and dramatically tearing down signs of the local religion, then."

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Morgan has, by this point, overheard them.

".... Ughhhhhhhh fine I'll put them back up."

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Zash smiles. "I don't think that's necessary. Besides, at this point you've probably ripped more than a few of those and putting them back up will be a chore."

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"It will absolutely be a chore. But I'd rather do a chore than have a fight, you know?"

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His smile widens. "Yeah, ideally we won't."

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"See! I'm being good and respecting the sanctity of life or whatever. So since I'm following your ideals, help me with my dumb chore that came about purely because I indulged in a childish tantrum."

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Yvette snorts, but will in fact help attempt to put everything back the way they found it. (Ugh, they do smell.)

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Sure, they can do that. It'll take longer than Morgan took to pull them down but the power of friendship makes it quicker than it would otherwise be.

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The job they do is better than not having done it at all, but... probably any attempt to look like the town hasn't been disturbed at all is in vain. But they can at least pretend to have been respectful, now.

They pick a little nook of a house far away from the trail of destruction Zash found to dig out and prepare to hole up in.

On the horizon, there's a great brown fog, hinting at what's to come.

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Once they're pretty set, though, Zash will go explore the trail of not-quite-destruction. Does anyone want to come with?

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"I'm terribly curious but I acknowledge that I am delicate and squishy and so probably shouldn't," sighs Yvette.

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"Sure, why not!"

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It seems like what or whoever did this was following a path. There are a couple of areas of more widespread destruction, including some buildings that seem like they were specifically targeted, often on the larger side, but otherwise it looks like they were going somewhere in particular.

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"No plant at all, in this town. Just the windmills."

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"Not a one. This... looks like it was someone with a grudge of some kind. Local who came back and took vengeance or something?"

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"Pretty strong local, if so."

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"And very, very big. Like, I could have done that, probably," she points at an imprint that looks like it was made by a large fist, "but I'm not that tall."

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The trail does, eventually, lead them somewhere: one house, not entirely destroyed but pretty interestingly so. The front wall seems like it crumbled from something or someone trying to get in and being far, far too large and durable to do so. They seem to then have tried to go through some other doors in there, specific ones, which greatly compromised the support of most of the house and brought the ceiling down in some places. But other places are relatively unscathed, so they found whatever they were looking for and then left.

They didn't stop at this building, as there's more destruction on ahead, but this seems like a pretty special place, relative to the rest of the destruction.

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...Zash does not like this. At all. Into the house he goes.

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"Zash, do we really want to poke the nest...?"

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"Yes. If there's something here and poking it makes it violent I'd rather we be the ones to poke it than people less able to defend themselves."

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She gives a heavy sigh, then does in fact unwrap her gun and head in after him.


Permalink Mark Unread

Zash tries to be careful and slow; if whatever caused all this damage is here, he doesn't want to rush and accidentally provoke it/them. He starts examining the room itself for any clues to anything.

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Morgan has a significantly harder time being sneaky, what with her gigantic laser gun, but she does her best. And, if nothing else, she's an extra set of hands to rifle through stuff.

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There's a book, there, a Bible of the Church of Plants.

There's a picture under it which floats down to the floor as she disturbs it. It's an old picture, as old as everything else, the edges fraying, and one of its subjects is much much older than the settlement. Zash's grin is wide and happy and he's holding a baby with a big scar on its face, looking for all the world like a proud parent even though obviously the baby is not his.

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Ah. Well. That does explain his weirdness around here, doesn't it.

It does not, however, bode well that this house with this picture of a person connected to Zash is the source of the probable nest of whatever monster-thing tore through this town.

She pockets the picture, because Zash might want it later. Or, uh, not. She's not sure.

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Zash walks into the next room.

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He bolts out of the room followed by a towering hulk of muscle, some eleven feet tall, metal plates covering much of his skin and a strange mask/helmet covering the entirety of his head and projecting a strange holographic skull-like face onto a glass panel in front. Each of his arms is encased in a frankly insane gun even by Morgan's standards, and even as he chases after Zash and causes rather a lot of destruction he also shoots at a gatling gun pace.

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Morgan carefully gets herself out of the path of destruction, and watches.

"Hey so I think he knows you!" calls Morgan, helpfully.

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"Yeah I got that!"

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"ZASH THE STAMPEDE!" the hulk repeats, his voice distorted and robotic through the mask as he runs after Zash into the distance.

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Man, he is really hung up on Zash in particular, isn't he?

"I'm going to see if he'll pick a target besides you! Yooooohoooo, big guy!"

She rushes out onto the street and aims her gigantic gun. It's not a hard target, he is rather large. For Zash's delicate sensibilities, her lasers are on the lowest setting. They hurt and cause approximately a mild sunburn, but are not mortal without a whole lot of effort. Will painful laser blasts get the big guy to focus his anger on someone else?

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He stops and turns around to look but when Morgan turns out to very definitely not be Zash the Stampede he resumes his chase... and stops again when he can't immediately find Zash.

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(Because he hid behind a box.)

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"Zash... the... Stampede?" says the giant, slowly, as he takes more steps forward to see if Zash will come out.

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"Nope, not here, just me with my gigantic laser gun. You feelin' testy?"

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He looks over his shoulder again and decides to start shooting her, since Zash the Stampede has vanished.

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Fortunately, she was expecting something like this, so she is prepared to dodge. She even manages to avoid getting shot! Good for her.

"Are you really very sure I can't solve this with murder????" she yells, as she escapes behind a building. She already knows the answer, but really Zash.

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"Yes, and furthermore what the fuck are you doing!!!" He's sure she can take being shot at. He's not sure she can take being riddled with bullets. He can.

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And now the chase is back on, as are the machine guns.

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"Testing how angry and distractable he was! And the answers are very, and not very when it comes to you! Which I can work with!!"

Tiny vial of liquid: imbibed. She kind of wishes she had one of those smaller sets of laser guns, because it'd make this whole thing a hell of a lot easier, but she's done precision work with hers before. Since the big guy is so easily tracked and hyperfocused on Zash, it's really not difficult to ambush him from above and take out one of his machine guns. This does involve a bit of leaping down from above to land on his arm and get the right angle, and will predictably get her thrown off or shot or something, but eh. She's good. The machine gun is in fact shut down, which is the important part!

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And it does, in fact, get her thrown clean off and down a whole street with enough force she hits the ground half a dozen times as she rolls before she comes to rest at a wall. Maybe a bit embedded into the wall.

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"Are you fucking crazy—"

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"ZASH THE STAMPEDE!" He had two guns, though, so he keeps shooting with the one he still has and chasing after Zash.

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From the rubble, a voice calls:

"It's called helping, jackass!! I got one of his guns!!"

She drags herself out of the wall she's embedded in with a groan of pain, and then gets back to work. There's another gun to take out.

This one goes better than last time, which is to say, she barely even gets thrown clear. And then the big guy has no guns and has been reduced to being an entirely melee enemy.

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...okay maybe she's more durable than he thought. Maybe he shouldn't be so worried. And she's being helpful, so... he supposes he'll keep leading the guy on a chase?

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He's happy to oblige. Guns or no guns he still packs a mean punch and every single time he turns around a corner he causes some property damage just with his weight.

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"Uhhhh going to see if I can break the helmet and if it'll make him less bonkers!!"

This is too delicate of work for her laser gun, so she will in fact just be handling this by punching it. Well, technically speaking, kicking. Same difference. The big guy's big dumb skull faceplate gets kicked in, and then actually when she's not dragging around her gigantic gun, she's acrobatic enough to leap away before any retaliation happens.

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And they can see his face, then. There's a big scar on it.

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Zash's stride is broken enough that the man—Rollo—manages to put his hands on Zash and immediately slam him against a wall. "Zash! The! Stampede!" he cries as he slams Zash again and again and again with enough force that an unaugmented human would probably have turned to paste on the first hit.

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"Rollo—" he tries, with the wind being smashed out of him every time. "Please, Rollo—do you—remember—you're—"

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Oh, of course it's the kid from the picture. Of course. Why would it be anything else.

Unfortunately, now that Zash is being used as a bludgeon, he's no longer steering the big guy away from the part of the city all thinking parties would really prefer he avoided. That being where the squishy is. And also structural support. Also that. That's concerning and needs to stop as soon as possible.

"OI. BUCKET HANDS," she yells, and then Rollo gets hit with a bit-above-lowest-setting laser blast. Again, not at lethal levels, but she's got more of a feel for how much punishment this thing can take. Which is a lot. So she doesn't have to be quite so gentle. She needs to get him off Zash so Zash can please get back to steering this gigantic wrecking ball of a man away from their squishy.

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Yeah he's not even looking at her. Just smash smash smash—except he did slow down when he heard his name.

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At that he stops completely, staring at Zash, dumbfounded.

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And now Zash had enough breath to say full sentences, even though he's still being squished against a wall. "I'm sorry... for taking... so long," he says, having trouble drawing in breath but trying his best. "But I'm back. I'm here... to fulfill my promise. I came back..."

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But the town was never that sturdily constructed, and in fact it has taken more punishment than Zash himself.

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Which means an uninvolved someone is in a bit of a pickle.

Let's see, stay in a house that is collapsing, versus not while a massive fight is going on, which one is least likely to result in dying horribly, uh which one which one...

The silence of the fight seals the deal for her and she can make a fucking break for it, thank you!

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The man hears her, though, and turns to look at her as she exits the building.

Then he drops Zash and roars. "DOCTOOOOOOR!"

And he charges.

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She told Zash which way she’d fall. Kid’s gloves come off.

This gun of hers does have much nastier settings than what she’d been using, and she has excellent aim.

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"—no! Rollo!"

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He's dead before he even hits the ground. Given his weight his momentum is still dangerous but it's a lot easier to dodge when he's just moving.

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Yep out of the way she’s terrified but also totally fine!!!!

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“Sorry,” sighs Morgan, who gets to wrapping her gun back up.

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Zash runs after him—

—his brain catches up to him and he stops, halfway, to turn and look at Yvette as he realises what almost happened, all the blood draining from his face. "Y-Yvette?"

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Almost got squished and is fully aware of this! She is wide eyed and terrified and physically unharmed!

“I-I-I’m sorry, the house was, I was worried it was going to collapse and I’d thought the fighting had stopped and, and.”

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“She’s okay,” says Morgan, like someone who’s trying to be gentle but doesn’t… really know how.

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...he needs to hug her. That. That is a thing that will be happening now because holy shit the thought of what just happened is kind of making him have a panic attack and he needs to reassure himself that she's alive.

(Unlike Rollo, who is dead.)

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Yeah okay hug she is so up for being hugged right now!!!!

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He winces, then, in pain, as he belatedly realises he... actually did not escape all of the bullets. Because he was shot at. By Rollo. Who is dead. And who almost killed Yvette.

He's kind of having too many overwhelmingly contradictory feelings, right now.

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“Oh my god you are bleeding everywhere and full of holes,” says Yvette, when she notices. Which admittedly takes a while.

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(Morgan, meanwhile, is prepping another house to use as a shelter. Because: yep that one was structurally unsound.

She also suspects that Zash does not super want to talk to her right now, so.)

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When she lets go of the hug he just collapses. Not as in passes out, as in he falls onto the floor and leans forward to rest his head on his hands and... shiver and hyperventilate.

Rollo's dead. Rollo's dead because of him. Because they came here. Zash couldn't save him. And if they hadn't killed Rollo, he might have killed Yvette. Which is nearly unthinkable except Zash has a century and a half of thinking the unthinkable so he's thinking it. That panic attack is coming right up.

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Oh shit, oh shit, um, okay, um. He doesn't precisely need medical attention because he's immortal, he'll be fine, but probably it'd be more comfortable if he has it. Either way they should probably be getting to some kind of shelter soonish because the wind is already starting to pick up a bit and she suspects they don't have very long before the sandstorm is properly upon them. But the house she was in was structurally unsound, so, probably she should go find another one but he's right there and bleeding and clearly having some kind of a panic attack and. And.

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"C'mon. This way. I've got him," sighs Morgan. Zash can get carried off to the replacement shelter Morgan's made ready in record time.

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"...Rollo..." is what he can say between sharp intakes of breath, turning to look in the direction they came from.

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"I'll bury him just as soon as I've got you two squared away. I was the one who did it, blame me."

And then Zash is deposited inside their new shelter, and Morgan goes back out into the growing storm. To transfer over some of their supplies, actually, not to bury Rollo, but still.

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Yvette, will. Um. Attempt to care for a Zash who is very clearly out of commission. And also still bleeding. She would like to work to make him stop doing that, it's alarming and also getting everywhere.

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He seems to not really want to help her with that, what with how he's now hugging his legs close to his body and how that's kind of making the bleeding worse.

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Her attempt to care for his injuries fails from a mix of an uncooperative subject and the knowledge that he's probably been through worse, so, um. ... Instead she will just hug him, how about. It seems like he needs that more.

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He's kind of failing to completely control his leaking, here, even though he very clearly is trying. She gets glimpses of his emotions and occasionally thoughts, and it seems like he's going in circles. He feels the pain of the bullets, which were because of Rollo (and every mention of Rollo in his feelings is seeped in regret), who is dead now, because he almost killed Yvette (feelings of relief), who is hugging him (feelings of longing), and that makes him hurt, because of the bullets, which...

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Well then she will just gently hold him and pet his hair and, um. Hum him a lullaby? Will that help at all??

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(Morgan has by now moved all of their supplies over, and the sandstorm is properly upon them. She will bury Rollo later, when her skin won't get sandblasted, thank you.

She closes the door and covers all the holes with recently re-salvaged religious iconography to prevent any sand from leaking in, and then sits down in a far off corner and gets to caring for her gun. Which has gotten sand in many places despite the wrapping, mostly on account of the violence.)

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It mostly works, yeah. It tugs at his consciousness and starts fraying the edges of the cycle, which lets him start to break out of it. What happens then is less clear because, being out of the cycle, he realises how much he's leaking and clamps down on his feelings altogether. His eyes refocus on her and he notices that "I bled all over your white clothes."

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"Probably for the best! Doctor asshole wears a lotta white, too, pretty sure it's what caused the freakout!" calls Morgan, from her perch.

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"... It's fine. I don't mind. Um. But would you perhaps like to stop bleeding now."

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Rollo isn't bleeding anymore, because he's dead...

"I don't think I can, while the bullets are still there."

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"Yes, you dork, I wasn't telling you to use your bullshit powers to just literally stop bleeding, I was telling you to please let me help you do that," she sighs. "C'mon. Let me see. There's a pair of tweezers in the basic med kit I've got."

Which she had gotten out and then totally failed to use because Zash was having a meltdown and needed hugs more.

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"Oh," he says, inanely.

So he takes his jacket off—it, too, is covered in blood—and then his shirt, and...

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"Covered in scars" doesn't begin to describe it. There are patches of his skin that have a strange leathery growth, there are metal plates in various places, he's almost patchwork. The edge of his upper bicep, from where his arm was cut off, ends in a clean flat metal disc that he uses to attach his metal arm to, though the arm itself is also now off.

And of course, there are the bullet holes. Blood oozes out, slowly, much more slowly than it would in a human, but of course he's not human.

"Oh. I'm sorry, this is embarrassing..."

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"Oh, hush. None of that. Try to hold still, this'll probably hurt, because I am so incredibly not qualified..."

And then she can start digging them out. She doesn't have any kind of control over the feelings she leaks to him while she does it, because she is not a bullshit human-plant hybrid, but. She feels awful and like this is somehow all her fault and that, furthermore, she wants to hug him and keep him safe forever.

But all she can really do is get the bullets out of him, so. She does that.

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He barely winces when she does that, but it's mostly out of self-control.

There aren't that many bullets. A couple went clean through, and a couple were glancing hits. She only has to fish four out of his torso and one out of his thigh and then he's alright, for some value of "alright" that has to be stretched beyond recognition to cover Zash the Stampede.

"Thank you."

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"Of course."

And then it can be back to hug time. She does not give him time to get his shirt or arm back on, she just. She needs to hug him, okay.

"Is it pointless to try to bandage you, or...?"

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"It... helps the blood not get anywhere new. But..." He gestures.

The holes of the bullets that went clean through aren't bleeding at all, and the ones Yvette was just messing with are doing so only very very slowly.

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"So you will not be escaping from hug time, then," she agrees, almost brightly.

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"I don't want to bleed all over you any more than I already have..." Not that he's, you know. Doing anything to cease hugging.

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"Bleach is cheap. And these clothes are a lost cause anyway."

... Sniffle.

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"Okay. Thanks."

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"Least I could do. Um. ... Sorry. I'm sorry. I. Guess you were probably right about me following you."

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Because that sounded an awful lot like she's saying she's going away and he does not want to contemplate that right now.

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"I-I mean I, am, absolutely just a squishy human and I'm so sorry I got in the way and, caused..."

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At that, Morgan abruptly stands up from where she had been sitting. This new shelter? Way too fucking small for this nonsense. She will take being sandblasted. It is better than this.

"I was the one who shot the guy," she sighs, irritated, searching through her clothes for where she put the picture she found. "Will you two stop falling over yourselves to find every goddamned excuse to play sad martyr and just, just fucking. Ugh. Here."

Picture. Zash-wards. And then she's LEAVING because AUGH.

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Oh. That picture. He'd—forgotten they'd taken that picture. "Thank you," he calls after Morgan but it's too late, she's gone. He looks back down at the picture then at Yvette. "Let's put a moratorium on self-flagellation, for the moment."

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... Sniffle.

"Easier said than done. Um. You knew him, right? Do you want to talk about him?"

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He shrugs a bit, still looking at the picture. "There isn't much. I was here when he was born... It was a windless day and they had no power. I helped his mom deliver him. And then... years later I visited again and found out he had a congenital illness. He said he'd die before he grew old, because of the illness.

"He said that maybe if he believed in God enough he'd have been saved but he didn't."

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Fortunately, she is already hugging him, so she can just hug him some more.

“Oh,” she says, because that’s horrific and awful and sad and almost certainly completely preventable with proper medical technology. Which they didn’t have.

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"There's medicine that could manage his illness... I found some, and I came back, but the people from the town were all gone. I thought... maybe they'd have gone somewhere better. But I guess that was naive of me."

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“… sounds like another ‘doctor’ got there first,” she murmurs.

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"Yeah. Seems like it.

"And I guess Rollo blamed me for it. I... I told him..." He closes his eyes and leans on her. "I told him if God wouldn't protect him, I would."

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Well. There’s nothing that she can really say to that, is there.

She nestles against him and reaches up to pet his hair.

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It's matted with dust and sweat, like most of the rest of him.

"I... kind of wish he'd died young instead. Of this."

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That’s okay, the point is to comfort him.

“It would have been kinder,” she agrees, softly. “Goddamned machine guns for hands, what kind of lunatic does that?”

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"I have to assume that came—after. Whatever it is Dr. Conrad did. Same way Morgan's cult came after."

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“Ugh. And then after being used as someone’s weapon he eventually… Came home.” Leaaaaan, pet pet pet.

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"Yeah." He sighs. "...I hope Morgan's okay."

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“Yeah. Um. We might owe her an apology for being the adults and then shutting down, huh. Or at least a thank you.”

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"That hasn't happened since the time with Tesla. With me. I'm not sure what was up with that. But yeah."

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“I’ve ruined you, you’ve caught the city slicker bug and now you’re going to be terrible in all emergencies for the foreseeable future,” she jokes.

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"I don't know, you seemed pretty competent with the 'Zash is suddenly unexpectedly out of commission' emergency."

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“Debatable,” she sighs. “But yes, yes, fine, no self deprecating humor while we’re both… not okay.”

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"I think I would've been fine if there had been another emergency. Wouldn't have given me enough time to think."

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“Oh no, something else wasn’t going wrong and other people were handling what was happening right then? … fuck, that’s exactly what happened, isn’t it.”

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"Yeah. Guess it is."

Guess he felt safe enough to allow himself to have these thoughts and feelings. Now that's novel.

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What a telling state of affairs that belies how incredibly lonely he is.

She doesn’t say that, in favor of just hugging him, but, well. He is psychic, isn’t he.

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He is but it's rude to comment on people's surface thoughts and feelings so he doesn't. The hugs are nice, though, even if he's feeling kind of bad about all the blood and about being a patchwork creature with constant reminders of all the times he failed spread all over his skin.

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He’s stopped leaking his own emotions, so she doesn’t get the particulars of what he’s feeling. She kind of misses it and wants him back, but, well, that’s not her right to ask, is it. He can keep his own feelings to himself if he really wants to.

She’s not, though. Her heart is open to him and she’s as easy to read as a book, easier than most humans. She wants to comfort him, wants to help him, wants to have his back and defend him where she can. Wants to get out of his way when she can’t. It’s not hard to tell that she’s very irritated by being the squishy non-combatant in a world of violence, but mostly because it means that if something is going wrong she can’t help.

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All of that makes it even more important that he keep his feelings to himself specifically because he wants to open up so much. Therein lies danger. He doesn't want to like her more, and definitely doesn't want her to like him more. Therein lies a lot of danger. He is still planning to figure out a way to ditch her after they take the sand steamer in Terminal and she's back at civilisation. If he doesn't, she might still stick with him, and therein lies far, far too much danger—and not just, or mainly, to him.

...he can let her know a little bit that he's thankful for her worry but he'll be fine. He fully believes he'll be fine, as fine as he ever is, because he always has to be. There's not an alternative; if nothing else, he has forever to become fine, no matter what happens.

"Kinda wish we'd found better shelter than here."

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“Yeah. I think Morgan did just drag us into the most convenient shelter replacement instead of, you know. Shopping around. Couldn’t you have waited until after the sandstorm to go poking around? The first place was pretty nice. Multiple rooms and everything.”

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"Sorry. In my defence, 'that place specifically got turned to rubble' was wildly unlucky." Or maybe just his fault. He had been trying to lead Rollo through the narrow roads between buildings to get some reprieve from being shot at by turning around corners and hiding, but probably he should've just gone into the central open space of the town. He'd have had more holes in him but at least Rollo would still be alive.

...no self-flagellation. Leave that for later.

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She sighs, and now she feels bad for offering criticism while he’s… not okay. Sorry, her very open heart whispers.

“Yeah. It was.” Huuuuuug.

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He's okay. He's gonna be okay.

...does he send this...


He's gonna be okay, sooner than otherwise in large part because he's being hugged by someone he likes and trusts. She's helping.

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Oh, good. Then she’ll keep snuggling him for the foreseeable future.

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The sandstorm continues well into the night, long enough that there's not really any reasonable way for them (mostly Yvette) to just wait it out awake. They chat in subdued tones about other things than what happened today—Yvette talks a bit about details of her research, Zash tells her happier stories about his life because he has, actually, had many happy days in his life—and eventually drift off to sleep.

If Zash had been more in possession of his wits he'd have realised why this is a bad idea.

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"You said you'd protect me," says a child—or a baby—or a large creature with guns for arms. Rollo's shape changes indistinctly, but the scar on his face and his accusatory eyes remain. "You said if God couldn't protect me, you would."

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"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Rollo. I, I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, and I don't ask it. But I wish... things had been different. It's my fault."

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"If wishes were fishes we'd never go hungry," says someone, a man Zash met decades ago, who liked that phrase since he'd read in a book from Old Earth somewhere. He didn't know what fishes were, but they sounded delicious.

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"I'm sorry. We don't know what we're doing. Please, forgive us... Forgive humanity."

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"No," says Nai, before cutting Conrad's head off with a single stroke.

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His head turns into Rem Saverem's head, lying on the ground of the arcology of the ship. "I'll always love you."

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"Rem... please forgive me..."

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"I couldn't stop him. Couldn't save you, couldn't save anyone..."

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"It's about time you leave," says Rosa, holding her bloodied son, his arm missing from where it was crushed by a falling building and had to be cut off.

    "Just leave," agrees Elliott's corpse from where it's being buried nearby.

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[Come to me, Zash. You know where I am. I love you. I've always loved you, and I always will.]

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"Keeping people in cages isn't love, Nai!"

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"And what is?"

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An image of Yvette, hugging him in the middle of a sandstorm.

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And he cuts her head off, too.

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"Yvette!" he screams, sitting bolt upright, gasping for air rapidly and raggedly, a wild look in his eyes and sweat covering his body.

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She'd been partially woken up earlier, confused and a little alarmed at why comfy snuggle time had involved such upsetting emotions bleeding into her during the night. It hadn't been clear if they were hers or not, but as she woke up it became more and more obvious the source was external. She realizes the culprit abruptly, when he awakens screaming.

"Zash," she says softly, reaching out to hold him. "Zash sweetie, it was a nightmare. It's okay. I'm okay."

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He doesn't cry, while he hugs her much harder than is comfortable. Not hard enough to actually meaningfully hurt, but hard enough that she can tell he could in fact hurt her a lot if he wanted to. It helps that he's still one-armed.

He doesn't cry, but his breath is still fast and irregular, his body shaking with dry sobs as he repeats "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry..." over and over and over again.

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"Shhhhh it's okay..."

This is a little bit uncomfortable, but honestly, it's fine. He's not trying to hurt her.

So she can just hold him and, well, the lullaby worked earlier when he was freaking out, she can try that again. Holding and humming and petting his hair and reassuring him that it wasn't real.

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It doesn't take as long as last time for him to calm down and stop shaking, but it takes much longer for him to want to release the hug.

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She can be held for as long as he likes. (How long has it been since someone's held him??) And in the meantime she continues petting him and humming half-remembered lullabies from when she was small.

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Eventually he does calm down enough to pull away a little bit and look at her. "...sorry. For waking you up."

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Yvette scoffs.

"None of that, hush. I'm glad I was here."

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He shakes his head. "I've dealt with nightmares before." They don't usually get this bad and badly jumbled with so many different feelings but it's happened a few dozen times. "I'm used to them."

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"Zash, I know you could have dealt with it alone, just. ... I'm glad I was here. Are you okay? Is there anything else I can do?"

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Aaaand now his feelings are going to completely vanish because he does not want them to leak anymore. He really needs to watch himself or he's going to fall in love with her, hard.

Zash shakes his head again. "I don't think so. Just... takes a bit to get my heart to calm down but then I'm fine."

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"Okay." Being cut off abruptly from the emotional outpouring kind of hurts, actually, but she is going to make a point of not being offended or upset at him about it. She makes an attempt to sit on her own emotions to not dump them on him, but she does not have his practice, so uh. Hopefully it's enough.

(She's sad and she misses him, but it's okay.)

".... Sandstorm's still going, unfortunately. So we can't go and see if Morgan's left us with our squishy feelings forever more, yet."

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Yeah no his feelings are not safe right now, they need to be carefully managed and he can't do that while also using them communicatively.

"Yeah. Let's try to resume our interrupted sleep, then. Promise I won't wake you up again."

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"Don't worry! If it does," she says, amused, "it just means that I'll make you drive. I warn you, it lists endlessly to the left, it's very annoying."

She goes to get resettled, then pauses. "... Um, do you still want to snuggle, or...?"

Would he rather have space?

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WHY is she making him make a DECISION there he was perfectly happy to just not think about it at ALL and now he has to be RESPONSIBLE and THINK about it.

"If you're fine with the risk of another nightmare and still haven't gotten annoyed with the metal everywhere." Because the no self-flagellation rule is still in place and he does want the snuggles.

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"Nope! It's better than freezing. C'mere."

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He comes here. He's kind of touch-starved, which shouldn't be surprising but somehow it is.

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So they snuggle up and see about getting back to sleep. The sound of the howling wind outside makes it seem like they're the only people in all the world.

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It's kind of nice. He almost wishes it were true. It'd make some things a lot simpler, if so.

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"HEY! You alive and decent in there?!" yells a voice from outside, proving the inherent lie.

It's not quite dawn, yet, but the sandstorm has ended. Apparently she slept better than they did, or needs less of it.

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"Oh look she's still around," mumbles Yvette, "yay..."

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Zash looks similarly bleary and yawns. "I'm in my underwear," he calls, "but you've seen that already."

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"Well get your pants on and get ready to get moving, we have a deadline to keep!"

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"Yes, Mum," he whines, but yeah that's a good idea. He's not bleeding at all anymore and his clothes are grimy but what's new. He can get up and ready.

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Yvette can also see about getting ready. Fortunately, she does actually have a change of clothes. Her old set can... go in a little pile of sadness for cleaning when they get to civilization. She'd thought about trying to get the blood out with what little hydrogen peroxide and bleach she has, but that'd also take a lot of water to clean, and a lot of effort, and, eh. It seemed better to wait. And if that means she doesn't have to try to get blood out of white clothes and can instead pay someone else to do it, great.

And then they can go out and face the day. Or, well, early morning.

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"Grave's over there," says Morgan without preamble, lounging on the car like it's furniture and pointing.

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Ah. Yeah.

He does want to visit it. And kneel by it, sitting on his heels and bowing deep.

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It's a simple and unassuming, if rather large, cairn. There is a bit of scavenged metal that is used as a small makeshift marker, containing the name, 'Rollo.'

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"Also since you took forever, we're bringing the cloth. I got bored. Tore it all down again. Guess we can attempt to do that whole clever selling thing our nerd mentioned, or just like, throw it at the first people we see."

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He doesn't respond, and just stays there, head bowed, for a few minutes longer, before getting up again and nodding at her. "Sounds good," he says, a bit distractedly.

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Yvette gives him a hug, but then they can get all of their stuff packed up and head out.

They've still got a long drive ahead of them.

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Morgan... does not seem apologetic, exactly, but she is rather quiet from the backseat.

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Zash notices.

"...I'm not mad at you, or upset. For what that's worth."

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"Are you stupidly blaming yourself instead like a goddamned idiot."

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"Not... in... the sense that I might've been otherwise inclined to blame you?"

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"Well, knock it off, asshole. We tried to help him. We got pretty far. He got to hear an apology from someone he wanted one from before he got popped. That's more than a lot of people get. We cut our losses before trying to help him got someone else hurt. This ain't a good day, but it's not a bad one, either."

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He shakes his head. "...I'm gonna live a lot longer than most people. And I'm gonna get into a lot more situations where what I do matters. There are... things I could've done differently. I could've gone into open space. I could've gone vertically. I could've circled around rather than keep running away. Dealing with a big towering mass of muscle with machine guns for arms isn't something I could've reasonably prepared for, in the specifics... but there are general things I could've done better. Should've done better. Should've known better than to do. I've had more time to learn these things than most people ever will. I want to not... make those mistakes again."

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"Okay, but like. Is that a way to improve going forward, or is that a way to beat yourself up for what happened? 'Cause I saw a guy who had things mostly covered, with room for improvement, then lost his cool when his damage came up. You ain't going to fix that by causing more. You know?"

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"When my damage came up?" he asks archly.

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"You were doing okay before you realized the guy was someone you knew. Then you shut down and just started apologizing while he was wailing on you and let him have all the power. And he broke stuff. That's when the structural issues started happening that led to everything going wrong."

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"That's... fair." He chews on his lip. There's a part of him that wanted Rollo to hurt him, once Zash realised what must've happened. That felt like he deserved to be hurt. But... "You're right."

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"I know I am! So stop it."

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"I'm not sure how," he sighs. "Or... Even if I manage to just act completely unaffected when it counts, I can't really not be damaged. I can't come out of today and not hurt. I cared about him, and he's dead, and there are things I could've done that might have prevented it, and that hurts."

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"Then work on that instead of going over the billion and one ways you could have done better if you were a tactically perfect robot. Instead of just. 'Oh no, I was inefficient because I was hurt, let me hurt myself more because I was inefficient!'"

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"Easier said than done, you know."

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"Yeah! Always is. Words are easy. Actions're harder."

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"Work on what? I don't want to not hurt."

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".... why."

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"...because it's important? Because it's correct to be sad when you lose someone you love? I feel like this can't be the disconnect here."

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"Who died and made you feelings overlord, king of the feelings that are or aren't correct, man."

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He shakes his head. "I'm not... trying to claim anything about everyone, here. But I just feel like... it's the same kind of thing as loving someone. I... I miss my brother more than I can say, I feel his absence like a physical ache in my heart every day, and it's part of what loving him is, for me. It's wanting to see him and wanting him next to me and wanting him to be in my life, and feeling the lack.

"It's the same thing, but more. I'll never see Rollo again, and the world doesn't have his light anymore. If I'd known he'd gone on to live his full life then... I'd miss him still, like I miss everyone I've met, but it would hurt less."

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"... Okay, but feeling sad and feeling like you have to be sad to remember him are different things. Isn't making yourself hurt more just. Making the main effect he and everyone you've ever loved be causing more hurt in the world? How is that fair."

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"I don't think that's... a good description. It's..." His turn to struggle with words. "I don't feel like I have to hurt. I just do hurt and I don't want to stop hurting. And not all hurt is bad. I think I would be... worse at being myself, if I didn't hurt. Feeling this is important to who I am. Both sides, the good and the bad. I don't want to not miss my brother, it's the same thing as not wanting to not love him. I don't want to not hurt for Rollo, it's the same thing as not wanting to not have met him."

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"....... For a guy who doesn't feel like he has to hurt, you sure do fool me, man," she sighs. "With your actions and your, Iunno, reflexive beating yourself up thing. I think what you're saying makes sense, but also is not matching up with what you're doing. And you seem like you feel like you should be an ultra efficient perfect life-saving robot man, and acting like whenever you aren't it's a thing to beat out of yourself, except when anyone pokes it hard enough you'll go on about the sanctity of emotional attachment or whatever."

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"If you want to say that I spend too much time dwelling on my supposed failures and expect much more of myself than is remotely reasonable you'll find no argument from me. That's just not the same as me having to work on not feeling hurt when it happens."

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"I guess, yeah. Do what you want with your own brain."

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"I'm not entirely sure I have one but I'll take the sentiment."

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"I thought we said no self-flagellation, Zash."

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"Talking about biology, here! Who knows what I got in here. Could be marshmallows. Or pollen, maybe pollen, plant and all. ...do you know about original flavour plants?"

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"Flora? Yes, though honestly they sound fake."

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"I don't, what the hell are you talking about? Original recipe plants? Flora???"

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"They're not fake. The ships used to have them. ...there's a place here on Gunsmoke that has them but it's secret and not my secret so I can't actually tell you guys myself."

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".... Can you blindfold me and take me there and let me shake down the residents for their secrets. Please."

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"I'll have to ask my friend who's responsible for the place but I think he'd be thrilled to have a plant engineer there." And maybe Zash could leave her there, it's the safest place in the world and she'd be able to do meaningful contributions to humanity at large from there... Food for thought.

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"Is this the same friend who made your arm. Is there just a secret base of this one guy who has been sitting on a bunch of revolutionary things that could change the entire world? Because he'd better have some damn good reasons or I might punch him."

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"Aww! Look, Zash, she's learning violence!! I'm so proud. Now will one of you explain the not-plant plants to me, here. This is confusing terminology, can I call them flora instead."

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"He does have good reasons," Zash agrees, "and yes you can," to Morgan. "I've heard them called geoplants, too, literally 'plants from Earth'.

"Which is sort of what they are. They're a native life form from Old Earth which takes many forms." He can project some psychic impressions of the ones Zash has seen in the arcologies, grass and trees and flowers. They're not proper mental images, more like afterimages, but good enough to be getting on with. "They absorb sunlight and use that plus water from the ground to grow and generate nutrients. Some of them were edible to humans, and there were animals on Old Earth who could eat the kinds that weren't edible and then humans would eat those animals, too.

"Before humanity discovered plants, geoplants were the main source of nutrition for nearly everything on the planet."

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"Wild. Flora's easier to say, though, I'll go with that."

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"Are you going to explain the good reasons to me, Zash. Or are you just going to say 'He'll tell you' and then watch as I am slowly overcome with curiosity until my head bursts."

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"You know, I was going to tell you, but maybe not telling you would be a lot funnier."

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"Well, that's settled then. I'm selling you off for your bounty, that is clearly the only logical and proportional response to this."

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He laughs and shakes his head. "His reasons are mostly practical. The arm," and he stretches it out and flexes his fingers, "is somewhat based on plant research by..."

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"...uh, by Dr. Conrad. On Tesla." He winces. "I don't think it's very straightforwardly usable by humans, I think, uh, Rollo might be the current state of the art of his research on human cybernetics."

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"Oh. I guess it would make sense to rely on your bullshit biology, wouldn't it, since it's your prosthetic. ... That's very sweet, though, that someone specifically researched how to make a functioning prosthetic for you based on your unique physiology. I mean, the research scales less well for everyone else, but. Very sweet."

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"Yeah. Brad is very cool."

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"As for the geoplants, if you don't already have soil with the right nutrients and the kinds of weather patterns that can support them, they die very easily. If you transplant a sufficiently large area of them somewhere they can make the weather that supports them, but it's extremely expensive and requires a lot of complex infrastructure to set up. —which Brad is doing, to be clear, he's spent the last hundred and fifty years working on scaling that up because in the long term it would be to everyone's benefit if the entire planet were covered in vegetation like Old Earth was, before.

"It was part of the original SEEDS project, to—the verb they use is 'terraform', which literally means 'shape into Earth'—to terraform Gunsmoke so that it could support its own flora. February wanted to do that. But most of it was lost either on the crash or shortly after, and as far as I know Brad's is the only arcology with flora that exists, here. If anything happens to it—well, it'd be possible to use plants to recreate one, eventually, but very expensive. It's a long-term project."

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"All a lot of power held by one guy, are we sure we shouldn't be calling Brad God?"

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Zash grins. "It's not just him, he has a whole team, he's just the team's leader. It was Luida, before, but." (Nai killed her.)

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"Gotcha. I wouldn't have called him God anyway. It just would have been kinda funny."

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"... Zash, have you been quietly planning to take me there and introduce me and see if I'll stop following you around if you give me something meaningful and useful to do?"

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"Not explicitly. Not until five minutes ago."

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"Oh I see. ... Well. I'm definitely curious, and it'd depend on their mechanisms for acquiring and disseminating information, and probably I'll still want to go out into the world and directly help plants and get data, but. Something could maybe be worked out. I am not... entirely against the idea."

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"Gotten sick of being out here in the wastes already?"

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"That's not... I mean, I can't say it's fun living out of a car in a desert of sand and hyper-violence, but it's not really about my comfort? I said I want to improve the world and I meant it. If the best way to do that is to continue being a rogue plant engineer with a car and a dream and heaps of data, marching up to each and every plant that has gone red and helping to save it, then that's what I'll do. But more important than me is the overall field of knowledge itself, and if there's a, a secret arcology of super scientists who are sitting on half of the lost knowledge of the ancients then, uh, yes I would like to knock on their door and get a look at their notes and yell at them if they're being stupid. And help, if I can."

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"Brad's team is responsible for the birds, too," Zash adds. "They're not native to Gunsmoke and didn't exist on Old Earth, they were bioengineered based on native Earth species and then once they were stable and could reproduce and all that they were released so that people would have better access to cheap transport. Old Earth's birds were a whole host of different species, not just the one, and they were mostly smaller and most of them had larger wings that could be used to fly, but they couldn't carry passengers."

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"Are they?" she says, sounding delighted. "I knew they were engineered, but it's always been a point of contention which city was responsible. It'd make sense that it was a, what, secret eighth city that went 'Actually, this would probably be good for everyone,' and then created it."

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"Yeah, geniuses from on high deciding things for the rest of the petty mortals and occasionally deigning to grant them nice things, there's no way that's gone wrong before or anything."

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"There's a difference between geniuses making decisions for people and geniuses offering more options for people to make their own decisions about. The latter is just the development of technology."

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"I guess, but are you their only window to the outside world? Just you? And the rest of them safely tucked away in their little paradise with the ancient not-plants?"

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"No, I wasn't involved with the birds at all. They mostly don't leave because it's risky and also they're in cryosleep most of the time, Brad has only aged about twenty or thirty years over the last hundred and fifty, but I'm not their only let's call it field operative. They are working to scale things as best they can, and I wouldn't be surprised if they had other locations and research I didn't know about for backup and parallel development, but...

"...well they gotta do what they gotta do to continue working while Nai's cadre of crazy people and the corrupt governments of the Seven Cities are still throwing their weight around."

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.... Sigh.

"Secret shadow war going on behind the scenes, huh. Ugh. Fine. I guess it makes sense they wouldn't want to show their hand."

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"Honestly the world has been so much more interesting than I was expecting?" says Yvette, amused. "I wasn't expecting it to be boring or anything, but. I kind of thought I'd just be going out to little nowhere towns, fixing things, and then eventually dying by getting stupidly mugged or something. Instead it's like we're out of a novella, with evil twin plots and secret arcologies and assassin cults."

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"I wouldn't say Nai is evil. Just... I mean okay he does some very evil things but he's not like that bomber guy who's only doing it because he enjoys people's suffering."

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"Okay, fine. Tragic misguided twin that is nonetheless doing a lot of villainy. And that I probably can't just, you know, talk to, because I am human and that makes me the worst and he'd probably kill me where I stood if I got too mouthy. I feel like my point nonetheless stands."

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"Yeah, yeah, it does. ...from the stories I heard about Old Earth—Nai used to like reading them and sharing his mind with me while he did—it was a lot more peaceful there for a long time. Something about people having plenty and not needing to fight to survive. And stories are made of conflict, so it stands to reason that here on this planet where people are always in conflict you'd get a lot of story material."

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"True. And I suppose it's the human condition to sort things into narratives and declare different sides 'the good guys' or 'the bad guys.'"

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...something about this is making Zash make the most interesting faces. "Yeah."

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She takes her eyes off the rocky horizon to look at him.

"... What. You're making a face."

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"Just. Never say that. Around Nai. Ever. Ever ever ever."

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"Zash, I wasn't planning to ever have a conversation with him again on account of the way he might kill me if I say the wrong thing or get even slightly in his way, but. Okay. Noted. ... Because he likes stories, and hates humans, and probably... hates having any human characteristics at all?"

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"Honestly, that just sounds uncomfortable, and I want to give him a hug. ... Not, to be clear, that I literally ever would if I had the chance, because again, I am human and he would probably stab me for that, but. It really must suck hating part of yourself like that."

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Zash smiles a little bit. "Honestly though you're about as close to an acceptable human as he'd find, I think."

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"Hooray for me?"

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"Just, you know. If you're around me for much longer you're bound to run into him again, we trip over each other every half a decade to a decade or so."

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"It seemed like the best way to deal with him was to just get out of his way? Which, um. You'll notice I am in fact capable of doing. ... sometimes."

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"... Wait, you've already met his brother?"

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"Oh. Yes. Briefly. Technically speaking we did speak to each other, but, I mean, I wouldn't really call it a conversation. Is that against the scripture that you hate?"

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".... I dunno about against, but it was like. 'God is very murder murder, kill kill, all humans are unworthy, death death death death.' I would not expect conversations to... happen. So uh, good job?? My ex-boss would want to have an interview with you and maybe, I dunno, call you an apostle or whatever."

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"I am going to guess Nai probably finds this guy extremely distasteful if he's aware he exists at all, which he might not be."

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"...string of plant thefts..."

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Wait what. Zash turns the volume of the radio up.

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"...that it might be related to the wanted fugitive Zash the Stampede and his associates. While he has not been sighted on the scene of the last two incidents, reports suggest methods very similar to those employed in Jeneora Rock weeks ago."

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"Well, damn. And we're heading to a singular plant? That's nice and easily stealable?"

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"... Compared to the cities or really entrenched outposts, yeah. Though it's also mobile, and its location is kept relatively secret, I only know where it'll be because they wanted to hire me."

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"Cool, cool. Just checking. Heh, I guess I get to say I might get to meet God! Hey Zash, think my big laser gun will do anything to God himself?" (Giggle.)

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Zash... doesn't answer, and keeps frowning at the radio.

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"...here with Joan McBride, a policymaker from May who specialises in resource management. Good afternoon, Joan."

    "Afternoon, Mark."

"So, what do you reckon the damage of these thefts will be?"

    "Very hard to calculate. The incidents themselves were very bloody, and my heart goes out to the families of the victims, but I fear this may only be a hint of what's to come. As the targets were mainly smaller towns, they've entirely lost their means of staying afloat, and many do not have any reasonable way to move to one of the Cities..."

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Yvette winces. Even if they could manage to get to one of the Cities, those Cities have a habit of being very picky about who they let in to use their limited resources. Not precisely, 'you must have certification to enter,' though her home city of December is in fact actually that strict, but even the more lax cities will just sort of. Charge people for everything and let them starve if they can't pay for it. With various levels of ripping them off first, depending on how seedy the city itself is. She suspects that anyone trying to find relief by moving will.... probably not find it. Especially not with there being a whole string of plant thefts. Cities will occasionally absorb dying towns and are accustomed to a gradual influx of people immigrating from the outside, but that many? That... is not going to be good. Lots of people are going to starve, or die of dehydration, or exposure.

And there's not really anything she can do about it.

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"—sorry, you asked, uh—no, I don't think the laser gun will do much unless it's very very powerful. I've tried a lot of things to kill myself and none worked.

"Why is Nai doing this, there can't have been that many red plants, can there? They're not that frequent."

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"No. Unless I'm really badly informed, the numbers have actually gotten better over the past few decades, though a lot of that's just the small towns drying up and not getting replaced."

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"Well, do you think you're badly informed?"

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"I have spent the better part of a decade studying plants in red state and gathering data collected from various cities of nearby settlements and the plant engineers dispatched to them. ... No, I really don't."

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"Right. So. Something's changed."

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    "...and while Zash the Stampede has been active for years, the past six months have seen more action than the five previous years, so one can only speculate what his goals could be."

"And there have been no signs of these plants in the black market?"

    "None whatsoever, at least not that May's government is aware of. If he's planning to resell them, he might want to create a lot more demand beforehand."

"I can't imagine anyone would want to associate with such a criminal..."

    "You would be surprised what people do when they're desperate."

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"Six months? That's before Jeneora."

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"Does he... have the infrastructure set up to properly care for them now?? Can now scale up because he can take care of them? Because that's the only thing I could imagine changing, he. Certainly isn't planning to sell or use them."

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"I'd be surprised if there was anyone on the planet with better infrastructure than his. Maybe Brad's team. I can't imagine that's changed."

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"Then... I don't know. More ability to steal them? ... A better transport system, maybe?? Because if the thefts have continued since Jeneora he has covered a lot of ground."

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"Uh, can we pause the dissection of his motives and whatever for a bit and focus on practicals? Because it sounds like Zashy-kins over there is going to get even more of a price on his head, and your plot to poke a plant will be taking him pretty damned close to actual civilization. That screams 'massive risk' to me and like he's just going to get arrested."

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".... That... is a good point."

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Zash closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

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Then, slowly, his hair starts to change colour, length, shape, and texture. It gets longer, and the undercut starts to fill out so it's more even. The colour goes to a more natural-looking brown, starting at the root and spreading out. All of the spikiness and floof is smoothed out, and eventually it all reaches his shoulders.

And after that, he starts working on his skin, darkening it and changing his own complexion. The changes there are less drastic, but they start to add up: a minor bit to the tip of his nose, the angle of his cheekbones, the width of his jaw, the curve of his lips, the corners of his eyes. Those go much more slowly, and seem to require more concentration, but the effect starts to get pretty stark.

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"Okay, neat trick, but you're going to need different clothes, too. You run around in a bright red jacket and you have a teal prosthetic, man, just hair and skin color ain't going to be enough. ... Heh. But then I did go grab all of that spare cloth, didn't I."

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"Can you sew? Because I can't sew."

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"Man they don't let you learn anything practical in cities, do they, of course I can fucking sew."

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He grins, and it's kind of uncanny to see the same grin on a different face. "You're the best."

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"You're right, I am," she agrees, smugly. "I'm thinking we go with wrapping both of your arms, maybe give yourself some obvious scarring elsewhere to make it look like that's why?"

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"I can just lose the arm. Or, you know, store it somewhere, more like."

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"Ehhh. Except with not-God on the loose the plant might get attacked. And then you'd be without an arm. Do you want to be without an arm in a combat situation, Zash?"

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"I don't mean leaving my arm behind, it was a gift. I meant just for boarding."

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"Uh, that won't work. Just for boarding isn't good enough, security would notice if you suddenly gained an arm you didn't have when you got on. You'd get uncomfortable questions," pipes up Yvette, delighted to at least get to contribute.

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"Hmm. I could keep it in a backpack and only put it back on if necessary? I can do that very quickly."

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"... Iiiii do not think my credentials will get you out of a bag search. Sorry."

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".... What about my gun though??????"

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"You'll officially be my hired protection, you being absurdly armed will be fine. They might want you to put your gun up but they will consider it your property and not try to take it away from you."

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"Oh. Phew. Okay."

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"I could always try to do some plant bullshit for it I guess. But maybe just wrapping it will work best."

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"I... think wrapping it will be fine. It might help if you could get it more of a junky metal color? Or black? And pretended it wasn't as articulated as it is, a machine gun arm would be an odd choice but not precisely notable."

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"I... can't alter the appearance of the arm like I can mine. It's not as much a part of me, I think."

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"Okay, so no freaky plant superpowers with that one. But it's perfectly amenable to paint, yeah?"

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His (teal) arm is painted black from a mixture comprised of goop scraped from hunted worms (shot by Zash) and some carbonized gunk from the car's inner mechanics. The resulting paste has an awful acrid smell, but it sticks pretty well, and dries fine. Around the joints the paint's quick to chip off, but those can get wrapped with bits of scrap cloth. It's even plausibly a way to keep it from getting gummed up with sand, if anyone asks about it. Most of Zash's clothes are a perfectly nondescript black, it's really just the bright red jacket that gives him away. Morgan spends her remaining time on the way there patiently sewing a(n also smelly) replacement for it, so he'll have some actual pockets. It's... not exactly the work of a quality tailor, but it's sturdy and nondescript, exactly the sort of thing a wasteland drifter would wear.

The resulting disguise, on top of Zash's cosmetic changes, is as effective as it is uncomfortable, which is: very. It's really pretty good for something scraped together in a couple of days on the way to their destination. He very much looks like someone who has spent his whole life far away from any city nonsense.

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"Do you uh, have an opinion on the name we call you by?" wonders Yvette, as the mining city of Terminal comes into view on the horizon.

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Honestly this isn't that bad—or rather, he's had much worse. Gunk and smelly clothes really don't hold a candle to bullets and blood. And he can help with the sewing; again, all the bullets certainly make his clothes need the occasional stitching (even though his clothes also do have a little bit of plant bullshit going on and eventually regenerate).

(Why does he still have scars, then? Stop asking questions that make him sad.)

When Yvette asks him what he wants to be called he spends a long time in silence and then says, "Vernon."

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She softens.

"Aw. Yeah. Last name Evanson. And you can be my guide in our very silly cover story."

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"And be the sneaky one in the group," he says, tapping the side of his nose.

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This elicits a little snort from Yvette, and she taps her own nose in response. "Yes. Very sneaky."

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The town of Terminal is... well, it's doing better than Jeneora was when they arrived. While plants could create everything that humanity could need, it's inefficient when minerals are often just lying around in the ground, waiting to be dug up. This town's specialty is copper, torn from the earth by great drilling machines and painstakingly processed by a hundred hands that have no better options for earning their meal ticket. It's utterly reliant on trade, though there are some nutrient vats converting energy and various (locally sourced) chemicals and minerals to something a human body can digest. Their buildings are not quite as makeshift as the previous locations the inhabitants have been to, and there's more of a feeling of a bustling town than a hovel that survivors huddle in and try to survive. Nonetheless, it's a grim place, cloaked in an eternal fog of rock dust and diluted whiffs of the nastier chemicals necessary to make raw ore into something usable.

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The "sand steamer" is a steel monstrosity. There are no oceans on this dust bin of a planet, of course, so it does have wheels, but its shape—at least the shape of its lower half, where passengers stay for the trip—is very reminiscent of that of an upside-down cruise ship, the base wider than the top, with three rows of small windows peering out of the individual cabins inside. Its upper half, however, supports an enormous laser cannon as long as the ship itself, nominally meant to clear obstacles and to serve as a defence against the larger and more aggressive kinds of worms, who often hunt in packs out in the middle of the uninhabited desert this contraption travels through, aptly named the "Great Sand Ocean". The port they'll be embarking from has three long metal bridges extending towards it for passengers to board, leading onto the deck; below, large crates of cargo are being loaded and unloaded.

This ship isn't exactly a cruise liner, but it's not exactly not one. Its outside is as dusty and ugly as everywhere else, but inside one can find a measure of comfort and even luxury, as the main patrons are rich people wishing to travel between the Seven Cities without having to brave the dangers inherent in using baser forms of transport such as cars or birds. That said, there are slightly less exorbitant tickets that give you access to a cot in a communal room shared by dozens of others. The competition for these tickets is fierce, and it's mostly people who want to escape their little nowhere towns to make a living in the city and who have gotten some unexpected windfall—or who have been saving for a long time—who actually get those.

But most interestingly, these ships are powered by plants, and the ports it stops at between the Cities often don't have their own plants, so the arrival of a steamer can often mean a large influx of goods that these towns would otherwise not have any access to. It goes without saying that powering an enormous vehicle and providing people with plant resources is hell on the plants; this specific ship has gone through two of them already since it's started operations and this third is likely to get into red state soon.

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Which is approximately why Yvette didn't originally want anything to do with it. Ugh. This feels very much like crawling back to a bad boss when one's plan for going independent fell through. Probably because, in essence, it is. She needed Jeneora Rock to work, and now it's a pile of misery and rubble. On top she's going to have an uphill battle proving that she's who she is. They are going to think her certifications are false, because that's honestly the only reasonable thing to think when a plant engineer shows up out of a little nothing mining town with a car and a lot of nerve. She will have to painstakingly prove that she is not a grifter here to con safe passage, which will be long and arduous and painful, for the privilege of accepting a job offer that she turned down. For significantly less money than she could have gotten if these negotiations had happened in December instead of in Terminal.

She is about to have an unpleasant time. In fact, she's vaguely wondering if instead she could fling herself into the nearest worm for immediate digestion. Maybe that big one that tried to eat her had her best interests at heart. Terrible.

But she can at the very least make an entrance.

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Her car pulls up to the port, absolutely in the way of approximately everyone. Out steps a brilliant and gorgeous redhead in sparkling white clothes, looking down her nose at every single one of the dirty people from this dirty town. The keys to her car are handed off to her 'help' (that being Zash), with the austere and vague instruction to, "Park it somewhere a bit less dirty than the rest of this place."

And then she marches right up to the available guards like she owns the place, certification and credit chit out, and announces that she would like to book passage on their ship. There is no realistic way a credit chit can be verified out here. Nonetheless, it'll help her sell the character she's playing.

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... okay, cool. Maybe this will actually work. Uh, as her bodyguard that means Morgan will be following her. Bye, 'the help,' see you in a bit, she guesses.

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...he stares at her for a couple of seconds after the sudden complete shift in demeanour and tries not to think "that was kind of hot" and only vaguely succeeds but then yeah, sure, he'll, uh, do the thing, uh, over there, and. Stuff. Right. Yes.

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Unfortunately his job being the help means that he doesn't get to see all of Yvette negotiating passage for the three of them on this gigantic ship that many people spend their lifetimes trying to get aboard. But it happens, and: yes, it is extremely painful. She hates this ship, and furthermore everyone on it, and especially herself. Fortunately, this makes the convincing condescension necessary for literally anyone to believe she is who she says she is much easier to pull off. She is terribly inconvenienced by the horrific tragedy of Jeneora Rock losing its entire basis for existence. Real human emotions like empathy and compassion are for poor people. She's just annoyed that her job fell through and she had to make a road trip across the desert in a shitty car.

After quite a lot of verifying of her certifications by various means, reading over the job offer she has, and then actually radioing the people who offered her the job to have them physically come down and recognize her, she does actually manage to negotiate passage and payment. They will pay her to be aboard this dirty dusty ship, fixing their plant and saving them hundreds of thousands of double dollars, thank you very much. Yes, yes, not as much money as they would have if she'd accepted in December, fine, but everyone here can benefit from the horrible misfortune of others and turn this into a victory, yes? Good. They will all be given excellent accommodations aboard this vessel, and she will in fact look at its plant and is contractually obligated to extract this percentage of improved resource output from it, and if she happens to feel dead inside by the end of it all, oh well.

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Welcome to the club, he guesses.

(He started hearing the plant since before they got to the town. She's not... as badly off as a red plant, in most ways, but she was so incredibly lonely and in an inordinate amount of stress. And she knows she's going to die soon, but she's proud of the work she's done. She's helped so many people. Zash's heart is breaking several times over while he listens to her chattering about all the people she's helped. She's not expecting to really make it to Julai, which is the final destination of the current trip of this ship, but that's okay. Zash thinks it's really, really not, but he'll be with her. Soon he'll actually be with her, in the plant room, and she's even more delighted by that.)

He doesn't tell Yvette about this immediately, because they are in public, but next time they're near each other he can send her a minor pulse of emotion. Not... really enough to communicate much, but... a bit. He's worried, and he's sad, but he's hopeful. He didn't tell the plant that last bit, didn't want to give her hope if it might be in vain. Still.

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Yeah. Yeah, she knows. She gives him a little sad smile, and then it's back to being an insufferable spoiled bitch.

There is paperwork, because of course there is. Why wouldn't there be. Her car will be coming along, in the cargo hold of the ship, and that needs its own forms signed and an inspection done. And the work contract itself, and this waiver and acceptance of a penalty payment if her quotas aren't met, and...

"Our suite's on level 5, number... 528," she says, sliding over a passkey to Morgan and Zash. "You might as well go and get settled." Implication also being they get to handle the luggage, but honestly, between paperwork and luggage she'd much rather take the luggage. It's just she is the only one that can do the paperwork, so. Yay for her.

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Yeah unfortunately he's just the help. On the bright side between him and Morgan they could haul the whole car if they needed to. Probably either of them would be enough, actually, but the upside is that they will most certainly not have any trouble with the luggage.

The suite is nice. More than nice, actually, it's big and fancy and has enough space for five even though they're only three. It's clean, which Zash most certainly isn't, and it's, it's...


...man he's really uncomfortable in here. He's not a luxury guy. He's a dust and bullet holes guy.

He wants to go talk to the plant. Well, he's talking to the plant right now, in the back of his mind, but he wants to go visit her. See her. Share a bit more of his mind with her.

If he's honest, which honestly he never is, he's also kind of lonely.

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Morgan has literally never seen anything this luxurious in her life.

".... Dibs on the shower," she says, after a long pause to take in the rooms.

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"Am I allowed to shower? Won't that ruin my smelly disguise?"

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"Oh I packed extra gunk for reapplication, you're good. ... But yeah you might not be allowed to shower. Dunno. Maybe we can get, like, actual paint here?? Who knows." She wanders around, and picks up a little complimentary paper situated next to the intercom.

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"We have fucking room service???"

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He sidles up to her and looks at the paper. "Huh. So we do. I should probably stay out of the way if you get any, though, the disguise is good but there's no need to push our luck."

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"Tempting, but mmm. Not right now. It's probably on boss-lady's dime or rich person trapped or something. And I am a good and loyal bodyguard who is not going to blow all of her money eating expensive food when my rich person guide is absent."

There's a couch over there!! She can just lounge on it. So soft and luxurious.

"Do you think they do laundry? I bet they do, I don't know how to get in on that action. Why did they have to steal our nerd for paperwork, now I'm totally lost."

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"We'll have several weeks here, you'll have plenty of time to get used to the luxury."

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"True!" Flop. "Man I'm going to be sooooo bored."

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He grins and shrugs, walking over to a wall. Leaning against it. Folding his arms.

"So. What's your endgame, here?"

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"Hm? For what? Because my end game for being on the fancy ship is get nice stuff."

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"Being with us at all. Hanging out, following us, helping us out. What's your angle?"

Despite his words, he doesn't sound... mad or irritated or anything. Curious, mostly, the kind of interested one can be when one might be poking something dangerous but one is exceptional amounts of immortal. There's no edge to his voice.

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"Oh! Oh, I want to make my old boss dead. And, like, I dunno, have fun in the time I've got. My thing about the healing coming from lifespan was sorta poetic, but also not inaccurate, so."

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"So you decided to start hanging out with the biggest pacifist you found who is against killing even people who are actively trying to kill him and his loved ones, as your means to the goal of killing your old boss?"

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"Well I wasn't going to make you kill him because I'm not an asshole but, uh, yeah, you see a lot of people hitting in our weight class?"

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"Way, way more than I wish I did, honestly," he sighs.

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"You do live a weird life and run headfirst at top speed at anything strange. But how many of them are, you know. Communicative. Reasonable. Capable of rational thought and cooperation. That sorta thing?"

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"Not... very many," he agrees. "So, what, you want to hang out in hopes that we'll run into your old boss due to my luck and/or reckless tendencies and then you'll be able to kill him when we do?"

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"And also you're cool and I like you! But, yeah, pretty much."

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"And you ran into us entirely by coincidence."

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"... no??? You drove by to pick me up??? Is your head working right, bud."

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"You were within visual distance of the way we were going when we were going there entirely by coincidence. Which is generally a lot more plausible than otherwise but you are a good enough tracker to track people who don't leave tracks in the desert."

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"In.... a car that moves faster than me... from a completely different direction than I was coming from...? How would that...? No, man, I wasn't tracking you. Kinda flattered that you think I could? But it's not literal magic. Are you worried that I'm here to assassinate you or whatever, because I don't think I could."

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He cracks a smile. "Who knows what Conrad has managed to cook up. But no I didn't particularly think it was likely, just..." Shrug. "Trying to be paranoid."

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"Yeah. I get it. It's cool. But no, when I said I'm not your enemy, I meant it. Also man I do not want to be. I'd really hate to see what you'd be like pissed off, you are a scary motherfucker." Then she snorts. "Or I guess not, I'm not allowed to call her mom, am I."

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He splutters. "We are not fucking."

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"Whatever you say, man. I'm going to take that shower, if they charge me for it then I guess I owe your not-girlfriend an apology."

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"Enjoy your shower."

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"Yep! Thanks."


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...yes he did know that was a thing that assassin's cult was skimping hard huh?

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"There might have been hot showers for doctor asshole, but yeah, no. It was, like, cell for the experiment when I wasn't being used, with a bucket and a faucet, or out in the field doing the murders, so."

There's a bed available! Not even the biggest bed available, which looks like it's probably for their nerd princess. She flops onto it.

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That's about when there's a ding and a very tired looking nerd princess shows up.

"Uuuuuughhhhhhhh," she enunciates, eloquently, making her way to the nearest flat and soft surface and flopping onto it face first.

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Zash would pet her but he's still grimy and disgusting. Instead he sends her a psychic wave of the relevant feeling.

...he can't do it from here so he does walk up to her to do that. There. She can feel emotionally petted.

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"Thanks," she mumbles, muffled by the couch's cushions. "Ugh. I mean it went better than I was expecting? Granted my soul has been stolen from me via careful application of signed forms but. I might actually make money off of this travesty, somehow. Which just makes me feel like a piece of shit, really."

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"Hey piece of shit, can I order room service??"

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"No, it's a ripoff, they will bleed us dry with it if we give them any kind of opening. I'll... get you a stipend, how about, and an account, and just let you sort yourself out."

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"I get to be paid to guard you? Score!"

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She snorts, but doesn't say anything, instead remaining faceplanted onto the couch. She hates it here. She hates it here so much. There is a reason she turned down this job and it's not just because it's awful and horrible to its plant.

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Yeah. Psychic headpats. "I feel like we did not think this 'look grimy and disgusting as your disguise' plan through very well."

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She turns her head to look at him and give him a smile. "No, I suppose we didn't, did we. Now we're stuck with the consequences of our decisions."

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"Or maybe not! Can we buy paint without being drained dry by parasites? Vernon here wants to repaint his arm because for some reason he didn't like my paintjob."

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"Uh.... probably, but they'd be custom making it right out of the plant like a bunch of jackasses, so don't. I'd check town before here, anyway, we'll be in Terminal for a few days yet."

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"Oh! We can just. Get off at any time??"

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".... yes?? At least while we're docked."

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See he'd have been fine with her paintjob if it weren't getting in the way of, uh, what again. Why is it suddenly so bothersome that he stinks, actually?

...oh. It does seem like the thing he wants here is to hug Yvette, doesn't it. That's. That's the driving consideration that's making him want to not smell, is hugging her.

Goddamnit, Stampede, you should not be doing this, and most importantly you should not be letting your subconscious mind give you the runaround like this, get a grip.

"It's not that bad, I've been through lots worse for lots longer."

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"Oh, stop that, now that you're being all stoic and long-suffering about it I'm absolutely buying you a better paint job whether you like it or not. Don't you 'not that bad' me, mister, I know what you're like."

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"Starting to regret all those heart-to-hearts and sharing of tragic backstories, here, I can usually get away with a lot more when I don't do those."

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"Oh no, the consequences of your actions!!"

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"Can I get, like, money upfront that I can then go spend in normal people land where I know how all of the rules work? Is that a thing I can get from you?"

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"Yes, of course. We can get together a proper shopping list for before the steamer sets out."

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Nooooo Morgan don't leave him alone with Yvette here, he might say or do things he will REGRET and that he DOES NOT WANT TO SAY OR DO because Yvette is nice to him or smiles or does something incredibly good like absolutely fucking killing the act of the ice queen bitch who gets everything she wants which she was only doing for good reasons that make her a great person he did not know he had that kink. He doesn't even have a sexuality, he turned that off over a century ago, but STILL.

"Add clothes that aren't going to fray to pieces if they spend five minutes in hot water to the list," he suggests in lieu of letting literally any of that show because no.

(...the plant is laughing at him. Why is the plant laughing at him. Go away plant he is not talking to you no don't actually he was just being immature he doesn't want you to go away.)

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"Is that a crack about my sewing job? I'll have you know that my stitches will hold together better than any of the rest of that getup!"

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"I think that proves his point more than anything else. Proper list, then we send, uh, probably Morgan out? I'll want to have a look at the plant sooner rather than later and shopping would kind of put a damper on that."

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"She's been listening in to this conversation, for what it's worth. ...all conversations, they've got amazing attentional capacity, but, you know, she's paying special attention here since I can respond. She likes you."

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"Aw! Does she. Well, good, I like her too. I will be yelling at very many people on her behalf. Hm. I'll want to see if somewhere in town can do laundry, probably we should have our supplies refilled from here as much as possible for wherever we go next after the sand steamer, uh..."

She's absolutely going to get distracted by list making and figuring out what things they'll need. This is probably the best way to cheer her up, actually.

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Zash is not, actually, very good at, uh... noticing things that make him uncomfortable. Most of the time. Or at keeping track of comforts of any kind. So he is not great at making a list. What he can do is figure out which parts of his current getup sound most objectionable for the purpose of hugs and then see if they can get those fixed.

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Fortunately for him, Yvette is very good at making lists! And will advocate for him having nice things. A tidy list is made in record time, and Morgan and a stack of double dollars are sent off into town to distribute wealth to the general population.

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("Where were you even keeping those???" asks Morgan, when the double dollars appear.

  "Now why would I tell you that?"

"Ha! Fair.")

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And then, predictably, horror of horrors:

Zash is left alone with Yvette.

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Yep. Uh, yep.

Shut up plant.

(No, no, he—when he says that he doesn't mean it it's just a reference to a certain character archetype—)

He can spend a while paying attention to this conversation with the plant rather than the fact that he's in a room alone with Yvette and that hadn't been a problem before and it only became a problem because he made it be one in his head ughhhhhhhhhh.

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"How's she doing?" wonders Yvette, softly, after she's had her very own shower and changed into a (complimentary to incentivize the laundry service!) robe.

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"Not, uh, amazing, but a lot better now that we're here? She was so lonely, she's been telling me everything about everyone. Even considering how lonely she was she is very chatty. And she's also trying to distract herself from how much strain they're putting on her by focusing more on the conversation so I'm trying to stay entertaining.

"She wants you to know her name."

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"!!! I want to know her name too, yes please! Hi precious plant I'm Yvette I'm going to try my very very best to help you out??"

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He offers her his non-robot hand for her to hold. "I don't think I can convey her name at a distance, but just a little bit of skin contact should be enough." He is gunk incarnate.

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His non-robot hand is a bit of a strange color right now, on account of his cosmetic changes (that still kind of weird her out a bit), but is comparatively pretty clean! She holds his hand happily.

Also, since she's aware that she can be heard, she will think ALL ABOUT how plants are SO COOL and AWESOME and DO THE NEATEST THINGS and how they are SO IMPORTANT and SAVING SO MANY PEOPLE and she loves them SO and has devoted her LIFE to helping them!

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And he can try to convey the name.

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In some works of fiction involving psychic powers, some creatures have names like "a sea breeze" or "the feeling of sunlight at dusk" or whatever.

That's not what's going on here.

"Yvette" comes from a word in an Old Earth language for "yew" but it doesn't mean "yew" and it doesn't refer to "yew". Gunsmoke doesn't even have yew. It is, now, a collection of letters and sounds that society associates with this here redhead. "Zash" is even more like that, it does not (at least as far as Zash himself knows) have any meaning other than this here brightly-coloured independent plant.

That's more like what that plant's name is. It's a collection of mental impressions, of building pieces that maybe you could rearrange into something that has a referent or a meaning, but which here is just an undefined intellectual and emotional sense that happens to refer to the ship's plant.

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"I don't have a good way to convey our conversation even like this," Zash says, sounding apologetic. "She can hear you just fine but plants mostly don't organise their communicative streams linearly at all, especially given the extra attentional capacity. I can ask her to slow down or focus on some simpler concepts but when I said that she wanted you to know her name what I actually meant was more that she had some feelings and hypotheticals related to names and the thought-streams related to that that crossed with the thoughts referring to you had positive feelings attached. And then when I actually formed the intention to tell you about it she focused on it and sent me positive reinforcement to confirm."

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"I'm glad just to be able to hear her at all," she says, sincerely. "She has a pretty name and the way she thinks is beautiful and..."

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... And she's now so scared for the plant and wants her to be okay and she's not... sure she can make that happen long term, but she's going to try and honestly maybe Nai should show up and fucking steal her, actually, if this is how they treat her.


"Shit. Well I love her and am very sorry to get my complicated human emotions all over her now, when this should just, be, a good thing."

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"Tell me if you want me to try to put her thoughts to words but," and he can try to convey a bit more of the complex thought-stream thing, filteredly.

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She loves Yvette right back! Yvette is so good. A good human (all humans are good) (this one is extra good) (all humans are extra good) (yes but they are extra good in different ways and the way in which this human is extra good is unlike the extra good ways all other humans are extra good)

(no disagreement there)

who is trying her best and she loves Yvette (this here human) (likes her) for it (the human is so curious and devoted) (like this other human she saw once, they should be friends!) (that one would probably not be good friends with her though) (but that's okay, not everyone needs to be friends) and is very thankful (if she can live longer she can help even more people!).

(Does she like Zash? Zash likes her. Zash likes everyone, because everyone should be liked, but he extra likes her.)

She extra likes Zash, too! Zash is so good (kind) (patient) (dutiful) (forgiving) in a way that is unlike the way humans are good because Zash isn't human (not exactly a plant either) (yes a plant but one that can walk) (same species, different genus?) (that is not how the word "genus" works) but he is good, she likes him.

She's never met Nai! She's heard of him (a myriad thoughts from her sisters and from Zash all building up a fractal of who Nai is, the good and the bad and the ugly and the beautiful) (she loves him) and she'd like to meet him

(not be kidnapped, though) (unless he helps other people with them?) (she wants to help)

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Even as information-dense as these thought packets are, Yvette might get a sense of the thing Zash meant a while ago when he said that it's not entirely clear if plants are all here. She seems to have exceptional memory for some things and absolutely garbage memory for others, she can do a lot of parallel reasoning but almost no serial reasoning and any chain of thuses and therefores more than three steps long has a big chance of being lost somewhere. She lives very intensely in her senses and emotions, and not very much in any abstracts; all of her thoughts are comparisons to things and people she's seen, she doesn't form any concepts from scratch but rather draws from fifteen different analogous situations and shows them all at once earnestly and goes "like this!!! see???" about them. There's something childlike in all of it, even while the whole thing is a bit too alien to properly liken to how humans do it.

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It's a bit hard to follow but also so incredibly cute and she is so charmed. She does see what Zash means, though. This is very charming and adorable and she loves plants so much especially this one but wow they are so easy to take advantage of.

(Like now. By this ship. That she is technically working for. Which feels BAD and WRONG and she DISLIKES IT but it is to help this precious precious plant so she will in fact tolerate it even though BAD.)

"I kind of want to now immediately run off to the plant room and get to work," says Yvette wryly. "She's so cute."

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"I suppose I'll have to accompany you. It wouldn't do for you to go anywhere without 'the help' here on this ship, would it."

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"Actually, no. Usually plant engineers are extremely proprietary about knowledge and don't want anyone else figuring out how to do any part of their job. It will be very confusing for me to let anyone in at all, at a shitty dead-end job like this, but I will pretend to be such a spoiled brat that I do in fact need my serving boy around at all times."

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"Your serving boy," he repeats, and then he offers her the associations the plant has immediately made with previous times she's seen someone saying something like that. Some of them are innocuous, some are extremely not.

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This causes her to burst out laughing.

"Yes. Congratulations. You are no longer my husband, you are my serving boy."

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"I am a plant, after all; I live to serve. And how may I serve milady today?"

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"Please take a shower," she snorts. "And I'll go handle the plant on my own and lay groundwork for wanting to have a serving boy along and you wait until Morgan gets back with new clothes and repaint your arm. Because you really do stink."

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"I shall do as milady instructs," he says, bowing deeply.

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"You dork." Eyeroll. "Okay. I'm going to go tackle the gigantic mess they've left me in the plant room. Ugh. I'm going to be doing such boring scut work." She sighs, then looks down at herself. Will going in the robe help her ice queen role? Probably, and it'll almost certainly make some people question or affirm their sexualities, which makes it easier for her to get what she wants, so she's fucking doing it.

She grabs her credentials, identification, and room key, and gets going.

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It is about what she expected. Which is to say: a fucking travesty.

The basics of the setup are not... completely stupid. Clearly an actual engineer was the one to arrange it. It's just they haven't had one around since. In theory, that'd be fine, if they weren't fucking stupid about it. Unfortunately, they are being fucking stupid about it. Since that engineer left, all of the requests for stuff getting made are just this... awful inefficient jumble. While the automatic system has done its very best to neaten things up a bit, it's woefully insufficient for this horror. Especially without anyone to categorize anything it didn't already know about, which for some of these requests: yeah, no.

The real problem is making all of these... different things. Without any rhyme or reason or overarching plan. Make these polymers, follow these weird guidelines for it that don't apply elsewhere, now make this obscure type of fucking candy, then water, then those polymers again, and on and on and on. This sort of thing is exhausting for plants. Discrete tasks are the way to go, reliably making things at their simplest and then having the rest be done by (comparatively) much cheaper human people putting the pieces together. Having a plant go and make an obscure type of candy is just, it might not literally be the most wasteful thing she's ever seen (she did meet that bomber) but holy shit. Intellectually, she understands why it happened, because she bets that the managers of the vessel made quite an absurd amount of money from actually doing that for whichever rich person paid for it, but holy shit.

She is, in fact, stuck doing boring scut work. That is: grouping together like things and having these stupid things they want go in packages of like objects, and plan out matter creation patterns better than the computer can do it because she has forward thinking, and fucking hell can she throw some of these requests entirely out. She bets she can, if she's bitchy enough and has a graph about it and talks about saving percentages in double dollars. But that'll be her long term attack plan, right now she is just going to sort all of this garbage that wasn't properly fucking categorized and get things slightly! More! Efficiently! Made!!!!

This sort of thing was always kind of offensive to her, it's one of the reasons why she has this job, but god damn. Now that she understands the inefficiency comes at the cost of the pure and sweet and adorable plant??? Well she's going to do her job, and she's going to do it well, and if she does not sleep tonight because she's still got more work to do, then that is fine by her.

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Morgan returns before Yvette! With new (black) paint and new (black) clothes and laundry deposited, but not retrieved, because that takes actual time she'll pick them up the day after tomorrow, and all the rest of the things she was sent off for.

She verifies where their nerd is, shrugs at the answer, and then goes to bed. Because she's clean, and fed (she ate in Terminal, like a sensible person), and tired, and in a safer space than she's used to, so clearly that means it is sleep time.

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His shower is again methodical and efficient. Get rid of those "clothes", unstick the gunk, stop smelling so much, make sure to clean the dirt and dust and blood and sweat from under the various metal plates keeping bits of his flesh from getting ripped apart (that's happened a handful of times, it was very inconvenient). Thankfully he does not have any organs that produce biological waste (he could, if he wanted, but he really doesn't) so that little source of discomfort is absent.

His black shirts and pants go in the laundry because they are inconspicuous but the same cannot be said about his bright red jacket. That one he also washes in the shower and then hangs to dry, so that he can later stitch the bullet holes and other bits of damage it's suffered.

He hopes this ship's piping is up to the obscene amounts of stuff that it's now having to deal with from this one suite. It would be a chore to have to get a plumber.

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He doesn't pace, and instead just sits down and chats to the plant. She has absolutely no idea what Yvette is doing, there. Not even just the technical jargon—though that doesn't help—but also the very concepts. What is "efficiency"? What are "graphs"? She just makes the things the people on the ship ask of her, and sometimes those are more tiring than normal or even hurt a little bit.

She's used to it.

When Morgan arrives he starts reapplying his disguise, once again careful and methodical and efficient, and eventually he's a less gunky more presentable version of himself. He likes his shades, so he's keeping those, and he misses his face, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Morgan is long asleep by the time he's done.

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After several hours there's a knock on the door.

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...that mind is unfamiliar. It's... human, almost certainly, and they feel anxious and exhausted for some reason? Not a threat, probably. He opens the door. "How can I help you?"

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The man has a reaction many people often do to him, which is slowly raise their eyes all the way up and boggle at just how tall he is (easily some six foot four). Then he shakes himself and recovers. "Is this, uh, Yvette Marlowe's suite?"

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He lifts an eyebrow. "Yes."

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"I, um, we..." The professional façade breaks and he takes on a pleading tone. "Can someone come fetch her, please? Or, or do something? She's yelling at anyone who enters the plant room, she's in a bath robe and had us fetch her stuff and she's been in there for seven hours and. Help?"

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Zash has to cover his lips and look away to hide his grin. "That sounds like Dr. Marlowe alright." Then he looks at the man again. "Give me a minute then I'll be ready for you to take me to the plant room."

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"Thank you, Mr., ah..."

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"Evanson. Vernon Evanson."

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He shuts the door and twiddles his thumbs for a minute because being immediately ready to go would've been minorly suspicious and it's out of a series of minorly suspicious things that suspicion arises so one should minimise those. Then he opens the door again and nods to the man and is escorted to the plant room even though he very much doesn't need to be, once again to prevent suspicion.

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The man is much more relaxed now that someone competent and possessed of relevant context and expertise (in managing bitchy haughty spoiled plant engineers) is in charge. When they get to the wide hallway that leads to the plant room there are three other people there looking anxious.

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...Zash tsks. "This won't do. All of you, out."

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"Did I stutter? I said out. If Dr. Marlowe finds a crowd of anxious people at the door when she decides to leave she will be most put off. Shoo, go away, I'll come find someone if I need them."

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...yeah okay they're very good at obeying orders and very used to rich people's demandingness so they can scoot. Someone will manage this so they don't need to think about it.

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Good, good. And then into the room he goes.

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Yvette is indeed looking very unhappy, and also like she hasn’t gotten up from this console for anything but angry pacing for seven hours.

What is it now, go away leave me alone! I’m trying to do my job, do I barge into your work and start telling you how to do it —“ she begins, this clearly being the welcome she gives anyone doesn’t know. Because, of course, she doesn’t recognize Zash right now. He’s got a different face.

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Then her brain catches up with her and she connects the dots. “Oh. Z-Vernon, hi.”

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"Hello, Dr. Marlowe. I wouldn't dream of telling you how to do your job, but I did in fact tell them," thumb hiked towards the door, "how to do their job, which is to say stop hovering around the door like anxious bees around a particularly succulent flower.

"How is it going, my dear?"

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In lieu of using words, she makes a sound. It goes: “Auuuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhhhhh.”

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"Mmhm. The plant hasn't been able to properly translate exactly what you've been thinking and feeling but I got the gist of it," he says, crossing the distance between them.

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“I can’t tell if the last engineer they had just didn’t leave them instructions or if they ignored them entirely or or or what, it’s, I am absolutely doing the worst scut work, I hate it here take me back to the desert and find me a plant that has been at least left alone to its own devices because that would have been better than this atrocity!!!!

She looks a bit like she’s about to cry, actually.

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...yeah, it's hug time. He is no longer smelly goo so he can hug her. Maybe without using the painted arm.

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Oh. Right. Hugs are a thing, aren’t they. Yes. Okay. Sure.

She’s just going to burst into tears on him, then.

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He can send some psychic reassurance from both himself and the plant. She doesn't need to worry so much, doesn't need to work so hard, they'll have many days on the ship and the plant really is very happy that they're here to chat to, and she really likes her job. This is a good thing! She should be happy, not sad.

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“That makes it worse, they’re wasting her and just, just, treating her like an infinite expensive novelty dispenser and the percentage of stuff here that was fast lined by someone with a lot of money and not a lot of sense is, is,” she wails, sobbing.

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The plant is really confused by why Yvette is less reassured and not more! Zash isn't, and can try to translate it to her, though it's not likely to go incredibly well. And as for Yvette, Zash can continue to hug her and pet her and just be there for her. She'll be okay. They'll be okay. It'll be okay. Maybe it wouldn't have been before but now Yvette and Zash are both here and it will be fine.

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“I don’t, though! Think it will be fine. I-I-I at best I can get her another five years, maybe, if I’m very optimistic and everyone listens to what I’m saying which they won’t because this place has been made to extract commercial value at the expense of all else and and and.”

The poor sweet little plant who is just doing her best and wants to help everyone is going to get driven to red state, and then from there have everything left wrung out of her in a Last Run, and then they’ll use all of the money they’ve earned to just buy another one and do it all again.

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"Dr. Marlowe," Zash says, gently. "I think you need some food and rest, maybe to sleep a bit, you haven't slept since before we boarded. She'll still be here in the morning."

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“Technically speaking I don’t have a doctorate I have several certifications in plant engineering which is admittedly equivalent but also not the same thing, and. … yeah probably that’s why all of my ability to not be a wailing bitchy mess has gone out of the window. Shit. … But there’s still so much left to do!”

That last sentence comes out rather like a child who knows it’s bedtime but doesn’t want to go, even though she’s very tired.

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"This is a—does this saying even still exist, 'this is a marathon not a race'? Anyway, you need to pace yourself, not run yourself ragged on day zero and then be unable to help later. She will still be here, you're doing amazing, you need to take care of yourself, too."

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“But she’s hurting now and I can help and and and yes fine I even put out all of the flaming emergencies burning up her life on stupid shit hours ago and, nothing new will have any room to get into her queue for another 19 hours, and.” Sniffle. “Okay, I guess.”

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He reaches his (non-mechanical) thumb up to wipe a tear off her face. "Let it out, then wash your face, make yourself presentable, become the bitchy ice queen of your dreams, and let's get some food in you and then put you to bed."

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“Honestly I could probably work with being the crazy and bitchy ice queen, but yeah okay we can save that card for later if we think it’ll be tactically significant,” she sniffles, then: she can get waterworks under control. She is a real grownup who doesn’t ever need to cry because she has her whole entire life sorted out already and is never ever overwhelmed or overly emotional, ever. Yes.

She is good enough for escorting out of here soon enough.

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And then Zash can once again become The Help and trail after her looking cool and stoic and background menacing and very competent.

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She thus retreats to her suite without incident, and, uh, food. She should food. She should food from a source other than room service, because that is a rip off and she’d rather use her money more responsibly. But then she would need to find the cafeteria and handle interpersonal interaction which sounds impossible and awful and she’s not doing it you can’t make her.

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No, but Zash can do that. Zash is perfectly up for social interaction, right now; it would even play up the "spoiled queen can't do anything but plant engineering on her own" image.

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Oh. Okay. Yes, sure, please get her something to eat. And she’ll, um. Drink some water out of the faucet, probably. Or something. Like a clever human being who can take care of her physical needs.

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Their suite is very nice and has tables and chairs so they can sit at the table to eat. Zash got food for three but he doesn't need any so Yvette and Morgan can share his.

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Morgan stirs from her slumber at the smell of food. One would think she would have stirred earlier, being a human experiment who was once a member of an assassin cult, but no. (She would have if anyone got too close to her, but general people sounds of people doing things nearby? Super normal.)

OM NOM NOM NOM Zash’s portion is really her portion no she is not negotiating on this she has bullshit superpowers to fuel!!!

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Yvette is fine with this. She will get all food of her portion into her face, mechanically and efficiently, and then: yeah okay her turn to sleep.


Can Zash cuddle her even though the temperature regulation is fine in here??

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Yeah. Yeah, he can.

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Then the bitchy ice queen will nestle happily in his arms and be lulled to sleep.

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He, too, will sleep eventually. And wake up before her, again, because he still doesn't trust his own emotional output while he's asleep and he doesn't want her to get any while she's conscious enough to be able to process it.

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Her new job proceeds.

The first week is approximately nothing but annoying scut work cleaning up the massive messes that have been left before her. She vaguely feels like they should change her title to plant janitorial staff. Just this done has her contractually obligated profit margins secured, though she would have trouble finding work in anything but horrible dead-end jobs like this one if she left it at that. Gigs like this are where plant engineers go to die. Or maybe where they go to want to die, because she's having just a smidgen of that on the side. All of the nice amenities in the world don't dull the pain of feeling like you're assisting in the systematic murder of something beautiful and pure and precious.

After that, she does actually get onto some problems that are more interesting, though not necessarily less soul crushing. Essentially, it's sorted into two categories of problem.

The first is the one she's most accustomed to and best at, even though in theory it's significantly harder. Essentially, it's what she was doing at Jeneora, supporting and mending the plant herself by having a mapped and graphed understanding of what's going on across the divide. This job is both much easier than Jeneora, and also much harder. It's easier because, well, the damage to this plant is all pretty recent, this isn't a long term chronic problem that has worn away at her for years. It's a bunch of recent trauma inflicted upon her, and while that's not necessarily simple, it is simpler to diagnose and respond to.

The second is the one she actually finds most difficult. The people in charge do not particularly want to listen to her, do not care about the long term health of the plant, and will in fact countermand her and force through something even worse than their dumb, dumb ideas if she gainsays them too much on their damn profit margins. So, really, part of her job is convincing them to please knock their shit off and stop causing trauma to her patient. She... is less good at this part of the job. She's not terrible at it, exactly, and the hypercompetent ice queen persona who has singlehandedly tripled (at least) the time their plant will stay blue state is helping, but. ... There's only so much she can do.

Her life becomes one of a doctor or nurse who tends to the injuries continually inflicted upon her patient. Soften the blow, no don't aim there just yet, it's still healing, wait a couple of days and then you can without disturbing her too much. Her percentages are amazing, and she's probably doing a better job at this than literally anyone else in her field could manage, from a mix of specializing in this kind of healing and sheer personal investment. It's not enough. She can see the trend in this data, and the trend is that this poor plant is dying and will continue to die despite all of Yvette's cleverness and best efforts. All of the graphs and yelling at the people who pay her will not change any of that, at all. Only make their profit margins prettier.

She hates it all and she kind of wants to burn it all to the ground.

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Zash turns out to revert to his normal appearance overnight whenever he goes to sleep, so he has to spend a while in the morning reapplying the changes. Which isn't so bad except for how he has to remember to look the same every time and he didn't really keep notes or pictures of the first day so he has to improvise on day two.

He continues to be able to provide help from the other side of things, rapid feedback as well as the plant's memory of what everything felt like. It continues to be heartbreaking how the one thing she focuses on the most is how much more she'll be able to help these people if she lasts longer.

This time he can be more helpful than in Jeneora, though. He's doing zero pretending to be human, he can give Yvette direct feedback, but most importantly, he can do a... thing. It's hard to describe the thing. He can't even really explain the thing. The first time the thing happens is probably rather shocking to her, because it goes like this.

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He walks up to the glass tank, staring at the plant. He makes sure there's no one outside or nearby, because it'll be rather hard to explain it, and then he touches the glass with both hands and with his forehead. His skin adopts a faint glow, and the same blue markings Nai's skin has go up his neck to his face. His appearance subconsciously reverts to default, then, except for the skin, and he goes unresponsive.

The measurements go kind of crazy. No alarms actually go off because this is actually built into the systems as a thing that can happen, because Zash himself made sure every single fucking pod on this dustbin planet would allow him to do this, a hundred and fifty years ago. The measurements go crazy, but the system recognises what's happening, and it doesn't raise any alarms.

And the plant... unfurls.

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There's a body, there. The big bulb that makes up its upper half untwists like petals, and the humanoid inside is revealed. The petals are like a skirt, or wings, and her skin has the same white and blue colour and markings. Her arms are long and thin, her fingers ending in round nubs. Her eyes are enormous, not proportional to her face, and a pure glowing clear blue. There's no way someone seeing this could confuse her for a machine without some very motivated reasoning.

She slowly floats down to be eye level with Zash, and places her own hands and forehead against the glass, matching his. They glow where they touch, and Zash's do, too.

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Zash's best guess is that he's sharing his gate, helping her stabilise hers. He can't open his gate on his own, but he learned how to do this long before Nai cut his arm off, and it's a much more primitive action, to him. And she... heals. He heals her. Yvette will see, in real time, some of the strange but positive behaviour she'd seen on her graphs and which had been unexplained, until now. A miracle occurs, and the plant feels better.

It's not a perfect fix, it doesn't restore her to perfect health, it doesn't even do a lot of long-term helping on its own. But it buys peace, and time, and stability, and for a short time everything works better. Anything that requires her to be a bit stronger, a bit healthier, can happen while he does this.

He's not an academic, not a proper plant engineer, but this... explains all of the remaining unexplained bits about how he's succeeded over the decades despite that.

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Yvette doesn't, really, believe in miracles. But for a little while, she forgets. It's one of the most beautiful things she's ever seen. She doesn't even quite want to peer too closely at how it all works, because it'd be like ruining the magic.

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Zash can't do this for very long, though, or very often. It's exhausting, both in terms of energy and emotionally, it leaves him extremely distracted and vulnerable, and he can't come off it very quickly so if anyone walks in on them it'll be game over.

So he pulls away and so does the plant, and the glow on his face slowly retreats down and the plant curls back up, and then he has to spend a while fixing his face once more.

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Okay, yes, but first she's going to hug him, because. ... Because.

"Is, is being unfurled uncomfortable for her, because if not why don't they just do that more often so the humans will be less... less."

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"It's not uncomfortable, but... it's like the difference between lying down and standing up. Not much of one, but if you're constantly doing the equivalent of racing around at top speed you want to do the best you can to conserve your energy otherwise."

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"But if she showed herself to humans she wouldn't have to race around at top speed!" The realization then hits; she's been listening to enough of how plants think to guess what the answer is.

"... But that's not what she wants, is it. She wants to be as efficiently helpful as possible."

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"Yeah." She's a smart girl, he knew she was going to get it.

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"Fuck," she mutters, and then leans into him. "Fuck. God damn it. Okay. And I suppose you've already tried talking them around and persuading them to be briefly inefficient for a greater efficiency later and this. Hasn't worked out. Because they don't do serial thinking."

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He hugs her closer. "Yeah. They don't really do... strategy. They see the here and now, the people needing them this moment, and do what they can."

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Huff. "Right. Okay. Probably there's... some way of making it seem the most helpful to everyone right then to unfurl and be pretty and human shaped, but. Not here, not with these monsters, and not now, because." Sigh. "Right now I need my brain for raging against the dying of the light instead of. Plotting how to manipulate plants into fucking taking care of themselves at all. I guess."

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"I don't know, I'd think by now you'd have a lot of experience wrangling plants into taking care of themselves."

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She snorts.

"Okay, smartass. Put your face back on. I'm going to run diagnostics on what you just did and see if I can reverse engineer any of it to figure out more ways to help her."

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"Yes, ma'am." And he begins the tedious process of not looking like Zash the Stampede anymore.

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Yvette gets back to work, her job made just a teensy bit easier by having the plant-human hybrid helping her cheat the system.

(But not enough to save this beautiful plant. Not on this trajectory.)

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That's not the last time Zash does it, and there's definitely a cumulative effect this healing causes on the plant. This is going to add a measurable amount of extra lifetime for her!

...but given the way Zash looks for a while afterwards, the healing may be stealing those resources from somewhere it was being otherwise used. At least Zash's own source of energy seems inexhaustible, because despite the toll it obviously has on him he does bounce back after a few days.

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Yeah. She didn't expect it'd be without cost. That's just not how the world tends to work.

He cared for her when she was self destructing a little on day zero, she can care for him, too. Mostly by touching him and holding him, he doesn't have dumb human needs like she does, but he definitely is... sad and lonely. That is something she can help with. They can comfort each other as they systematically shred pieces of themselves to try to buy just a little more time for the most innocent and well meaning being on this entire ship.

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The plant's communication methods continue not to be the most human-friendly ones, but despite this one can get somewhat used to them. A lot of it involves zooming out of the specific things they're talking about to the overall patterns and concepts exemplified by them. Humour is various different humans making jokes, laughing at things, self-deprecatingly and mockingly and good-naturedly; friendship is humans making promises to each other, sticking with each other through thick and thin, occasionally stabbing each other in the back; family is parents and children and siblings and cousins, it's the people you come back home to and the people you find who go with you wherever you go; red is blood, apple, Zash's jacket; gun is Zash's pistol, the guards' rifles, gangs' machine guns, Morgan's enormous cross; and so on.

Learning to understand plants is learning to extract meaning from those snapshots of human life, and the emotional attachments to them, and the connections being drawn. It's kind of exhausting, but it's the kind of thing that improves with practice, and little by little Zash starts interpreting less and less and letting the plant talk to Yvette directly, serving only as a physical medium for the communication.

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It’s really quite fascinating, and she enjoys it. It’s a nice window into a happier and simpler state of being, and she needs that kind of gentle comfort during... … This. This job she is doing because she didn’t have any better ideas and this seemed like the best one to give her any leverage to help fix something, somewhere.

(Except for how she doesn’t feel like she’s fixing anything, like this.)

So she and Zash can spend a lot of downtime, with her holding him and him letting her talk to the plant and all of them together working to feel a little less sad and lonely.

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Above deck, someone is smoking a cigarette. She’s been, you know, around. Learning how this side of the coin of humanity lives, what’s going on. A little bit about how to be a real human person instead of just… Something to be used. There’s lots of things she could say about her traveling companions and their inability to notice their feelings, take care of themselves, or see things that happen outside of that plant room of theirs, but they’ve never, ever wanted to use her. It’s very sweet, actually. When she said she liked them, she meant it.

Which is sort of why she has to do this, isn’t it.

Morgan tosses her cigarette overboard and watches it hit the sands below, then gets a different thing to put to her lips. She has a very tiny whistle that someone from Old Earth might recognize as akin to a dog whistle, but which of course is a bit different. There’s a pause for internal confirmation, does she really want to do this, is she sure, because she can’t take it back, then. Silent to most types of ears, she blows.

Then she waits.

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Zazi the Beast has mastered dramatic entrances, clouds of worms glowing in the night and coalescing in a grand crescendo until they appear from there.

But that is not the only way Zazi can make an entrance.

They walk around the corner from some unseen bit of the ship and walk over to Morgan, hands in their pockets, looking for all the world like a human kid. "Well, we have to say we're curious. We thought everything was going according to plan, was it not?"

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She glances down at the kid, and rolls her eyes.

“Yeaaaaah, I’m sick of this. I’m calling it. This boat might be going in the right direction but damn if it isn’t depressing.”

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They pull themself up onto the railing and take a seat next to her, bouncing their legs back and forth. "You'll need to be a bit clearer, Punisher. What do you want us to do, exactly?"

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“Don’t call me that, it’s a stupid as fuck nickname and I don’t want to play by the doctor’s or our fucking missionary’s games,” she snaps, irritated. “What do you think I’m asking. Have whoever’s been waiting in the wings for dramatic swooping to hurry their asses up.”

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"Why? The timetable's looking so neat, right now... We'll have Stampede back in no time~"

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“Poke poke poke poke poke, that’s all you ever do, huh? Because they’re miserable, that’s why. And this thing’s slower than you are, so what kind of timetable are we talking about, here?”

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They gasp enormously. "Could it be? Are our little antennae misunderstanding? Is Morgan the Punisher going soft for the humans?"

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“Oooo, mockery! Except it still needs work. But keep at it, bug, one day you’ll figure out how to make any of those barbs land. I’m the same as I’ve always been.”

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They grin. "Waoooo... Zash the Stampede is a charmer but we're surprised the human also wormed her way into your heart. ...get it? Wormed."

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“Yep. I get it. Well done. We’re all impressed. Will her resemblance to worms get you to make sure she doesn’t get squished?”

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"No promises! ...oh, fine, some promises. We'll do our best to help your friends. Toodles~"

They lean forward and let themselves fall and fall and fall but before they can hit the ground they disperse into a myriad flying bugs.

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She rolls her eyes again, and stalks below deck.

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She might want to steer clear of their room, though. Zash and Yvette are being disgustingly sweet at each other, Zash lying on Yvette's lap being petted while he serves as a medium for a conversation with the plant.

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(Morgan has, for the most part, been steering clear of their room, yeah.)

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Yvette is currently asking the plant about her favorite subsets of people on board the ship! Does she know about families? She met a plant that thought of another plant as her little sister, it was super cute!

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Sister... like these people? Wait, no, these people? Maybe these? Oh these people call each other sister but they're not like the others... not related! Are sisters sometimes not related?

She doesn't have favourites! All humans are good! But if she did have favourites these people would be them. Oh, or maybe these. Or those over there? Those are so good! There were also those—oh, never mind, those are from a past journey, they're not here right now.

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She wasn't expecting the plant to be able to manage to pick favorites, but it's cute to watch her attempt to. More relevantly, it gives some hints at the underlying preferences. Everyone's good and also her favorite, but it's very telling which good ones and favorites come up first, and she's starting to get a feel for the pattern of it.

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Yvette may be over-pattern matching it because eventually the plant gets to her FAVOURITEST EVER and that is YVETTE AND ZASH. They are the best. Everyone else is also the best but Yvette and Zash are the best. Here is a fractal of memories of Zash being Zash, her own plus the filtered memories of her sisters that she's met before and also everyone on this ship that's met Zash, including Yvette herself. The fractal of memories she has of Yvette is less thorough but also beautiful! Look, Zash and Yvette are both beautiful!

There was a little part of the plant's processing power that was still worrying over what sisters are and how families work but when that bit reconnects to the thoughts about Yvette and Zash a new pattern emerges: a fractal of couples, of parents, of lovers, of brothers and sisters—no, not those—friends—enhhh—promises of undying love, engagements and marriages and a life together, all in one big packet of information which then gets bundled with the Yvette-fractal and the Zash-fractal and a simple, pure, unconfusing feeling:


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Zash hasn't been paying enough attention. If he had been, he'd have noticed this intention and been able to redirect it, or recover, or, or something. As it is, by the time he understands what exactly it is that the plant is asking she's already asked it and he's suddenly shut down all communication and rolled over and away from Yvette in a sudden panic. He manages not to fall on his face but it's a near thing, and he quickly scoots away and doesn't look back at her, because wow Stampede you really outdid yourself there. Might as well have handed her a signed confession.

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"... Um," says Yvette, who has gone from comfy snuggle talking time to Zash is over there and almost falling on his face. "... Are you okay?"

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"I can definitely tell how okay you are. It's very obvious."

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He pulls his knees into his chest and hugs them.






"I can still hear your feelings, you know."

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She looks down at her lap.

"Oh," she says. She hadn't realized that his distance for empathy for her had expanded like that, that the feeling of her wistful sorrow was so easy for him to pick out.

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He hugs himself more tightly. "I don't suppose we could forget the last thirty seconds happened."

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The pang of agony from her is definitely not difficult for him to feel.


".......... we can, if you'd rather."

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He shuts his eyes for a second, and then he turns around to look at her, a wild, pleading look on his eyes, his face rapidly reverting to normal. "Can't, can't you say no instead? Can't you be selfish? God, Yvette, I'm sorry, I—"

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"... I suppose this would be much easier if I were, wouldn't it."

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"...no. I mean, yes. But no. I don't. You're. You're you."

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"Ha. How comforting that must be to you, hm?" she says softly. "... I'm sorry, I know, I. Um. Words are hard, can you just. Come back, please?"

She holds out her hand to him.

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...yeah. Yeah he can do that. And he can take her hand... though he doesn't project at her. At first. Because he's a coward, that's why.

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She already knows he loves her.

And also she knows that this is approximately the worst thing she could possibly do to him, because she'll die. And he won't. And, really, that's all that matters in the end, more than such trivialities as 'she loves him back' or 'they are pretty good together, actually.' He's dealt with loss so, so, so many times, and. He shouldn't have to deal with more. She didn't mean... didn't want to... love isn't supposed to hurt like this and she hates that it feels like she's consigned him to a horrible fate. She wasn't trying to, it just. It happened. She's sorry. She didn't want to hurt him. And. Now he's going to be hurt no matter what she does, and he's the last person she'd want to hurt in the world.

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"Yvette, you, you, you stupid person, what the fuck are those feelings, you're—! You're the one who's meant to rub off on me not, not, not vice-versa," because of course he loves her, the feelings come flooding as he gives the fuck up on trying to pretend and on trying to block it out and carefully dance around it, of fucking course he loves her, how could he not? He's been trying so, so hard to not be in love with her, he's been lying to everyone and to himself, it was obvious even to Vernon months ago. "What, do you think my life would've been better somehow. Yeah, I'm gonna be hurt no matter what, but how, how are you making this, how are you managing to feel like this is your fault somehow, that's my line!!!!"

He is, perhaps, falling apart a little bit here.

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"I have been stealing those a lot, haven't I," she giggles, a little hysterically. "It's so much more awful to see it in someone else, huh?"

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"Well, well stop that." He squeezes his eyes shut again, and leans his head against her lap and gives up on words because words fucking suck. And he doesn't need words to communicate that she's, she's the dumbest human he's ever met, when he gets into this sort of trouble he knows he'll survive but she won't and she does it anyway and he loves her so much for it. He loves her so much. He has been in love with her from the beginning, he was already in love with her in Jeneora, when before she even knew about plants she was already so, so herself[Do you see it? Do you see why?] he asks, wordlessly, and he offers his own fractal of memories of her, all of them, all of the reasons he loves her, her heart and her competence and her temper and her devotion and her honesty and her bravery and her fierceness and her fire and just, just, her. All that she is, here, all that he sees in her. [How could I not love you? I hate it, I hate it so much, I love you and I don't want to and I couldn't stop and I don't want to stop either. This is so, so stupidly human, isn't it?]

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"Yeah. It's, so, so stupidly human. It sucks." Sniffle. "But I love you too. Sorry."

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"Zash, that is such a stupid question. Yeah, I wonder, how the fuck could I love a man who has, seen all of the worst parts of humanity, had their stupidity burned into his skin and shot with lead through his heart and had children stolen from his arms and turned into war machines and who knows what else and still. You still love them, you still fight for them, you're. You're ridiculous and stupid and sweet and I'm a fucking plant engineer you dork of course I love you!!!"

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He can't look up at her, his eyes are still firmly shut, he's not sure he'd be able to stop himself crying if he saw her.

"Stop that," he says, and his heart isn't in it. "I can't, you, you deserve so much more. I can't be home for you. I can't be home for anyone. I'll never be home for anyone. I'm Zash the Stampede, I'm the Human Typhoon." And if you're caught by a typhoon you die. That's what happens. You die. "You deserve so much more than I can give you, Yvette, you deserve to love someone who can give you happiness, who can, who isn't risking your life just by being in your presence."

He does have to look up at her, then, into her eyes, so that he can say, [You deserve someone who can be home, for you. But you're home, for me.]

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"Well, what if I don't want a comfortable and safe little life in a gilded box, what if I enjoyed sleeping out of a fucking car in the middle of a desert beset by raiders and bio-engineered monsters and fucking sapient worms and, and, fuck, what the hell does 'deserve better' even mean when it's laid down on high by someone else, huh?!"

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"It means you get to stay alive," he replies, miserably.

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"Would I be the idiot you fell in love with if I wanted to stay alive more than I wanted to live?"

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"No. So you see what my problem is, don't you. Apparently my type is absolutely crazy people, isn't it."

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"Well, well fine, while we're being dumb and dramatic and tragically bemoaning how we can't ever be together can I kiss you?"

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"Zash you are a literal mindreader why did you even ask such a stupid question!"

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"Because I love hearing your answers," he says, and instead of doing anything a sane person would do like leaning further up to kiss her he stands all the way up so that he can pull her to her feet with him and then kiss her.

It's probably just her impression that his feelings get more intensely felt while he's kissing her, but it's one he himself is indulging in.

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No no she's in full agreement kissing definitely intensifies all feelings involved ever. She wants him so badly and she loves him so much and they are so doomed and she should care but she doesn't except for how she does and and and. Many feelings. All at once.

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Being a mind reader and psychic projector means they don't need to stop having a conversation while kissing.

[I love you, I love you so much, Yvette, I love you—]

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She loves him too, so so much, why weren't they doing this awful terrible idea earlier, it's not like everyone and their mother weren't absolutely certain that the two of them were fucking, even with the damn ice queen thing she's pretty sure the entire crew suspected there was some sort of reason he kept wanting alone time with her in the plant room and then ending up exhausted afterwards...

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He doesn't laugh with his mouth because his mouth is for kissing right now but he does laugh with his mind. [I don't have the equipment, haven't had it for over a century, but I'd get it back for you. I've never missed having a sexuality as much as I do right now.]

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[It takes a second—]

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An alarm starts blaring all over the ship.

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"Oh come the fuck on!"

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"Son of a fucking-!" she agrees, loudly.

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Does the plant know—

"Shit. There's someone attacking Morgan and they're having a full on fucking fight on deck—" Worst timing. Worst goddamn fucking timing where's his gun.

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"Yes, yes, fine, go already!"

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There's a brief shy pause, then:

".... with my love."

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He steps up to her, wraps one arm around her waist, dips her low Hollywood-style so he can kiss her like that for a few seconds.

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Then he straightens up and yeah he's gone.

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"Damn it, Zazi, this is not what I had in mind,” grumbles Morgan, ducking behind an entrance hatch to avoid the latest spray of bullets. Then she raises her voice and yells: "LEGATO YOU MASSIVE PRICK IF YOU CAN HEAR ME I WILL SKIN YOU ALIVE AND TURN YOU INTO A PAIR OF BOOTS FOR THIS!!!!"

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The person who's attacking her is a tall, thin man with shoulder-length white hair in a ponytail wearing a suit and about a quarter of a skull-shaped mask that covers only his left eye and cheekbone. He's carrying two gun-crosses, but they're much much smaller than Morgan's, about as large as a suitcase each, and they shoot at machine gun pace.

He's not saying anything, he's just unloading a frankly absurd number of bullets at her.

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And Zash comes from above like the fist of God and hits the man with two feet, sending him flying off. "Friend of yours?" he calls to Morgan.

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“More like my 'it’s complicated' brothe—holy shit dude what are you doing looking like that!! Go fix your face before you get us all arrested I’m fine!!!

This is, of course, when she gets shot, which really undercuts the whole ‘fine’ thing.

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"Can't!" he calls as he shoots some bullets out of the air and then jumps between the man and Morgan to stop the others with his metal arm.

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(One of the bullets he shot out of the air just happened to ricochet into a flying bug far above, killing it instantly.

"Aw, man, we lost the eye.")

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“Why not, it’s kinda important, man!!! The brainwashed brother will keep!!!”

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"'Cause it takes forever and requires a certain state of mind and I don't think I can do it right now—"

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Change of plans, the man will now start dealing with this pest that is in the way of his actual target.

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The main difference being that he is now trying to actively hurt Zash so it's harder for him to not get hurt. Yike.

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Fortunately, he has Morgan to assist him, even if she kind of wants to also kill him. The two of them can in fact take on a single combatant, however crazy and super powered. They’re handicapped, because he wants to kill them and they don't want to return the favor, but two versus one is enough to make up for it.

Just, uh, also there are these other human people around that might take issue with Zash the Stampede being out and about and fighting a guy on their ship.

"Look just go take the time to put your fucking face on I'll be fine!!"

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Zash spends a couple seconds too long thinking about it and then half a score of guards show up, so that choice's been made for him.

    "Drop your weapons!" one of them calls, holding a megaphone, while the rest point machine guns at the trio.

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The white-haired man looks at them.

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"Oh no you don't," he says, switching the grip on his gun (because he'd been holding it like a blunt weapon rather than a ranged one) and then shooting at all the guards.

...at their guns. His bullets hit hard enough and accurately enough that all of their guns are variously incapacitated or dropped.

"Run away you idiots."

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Shooting dude decides to use this moment to try to get an opportunity hit on Zash.

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"Fucking hell you just couldn't listen could you!!" yells Morgan, who swoops in to block the gunshots from hitting him with her own gigantic gun. Is this good for the gun's long term life? Eh, not really, but she's done it before and it works pretty well. This thing is quite sturdy. And it gives her an opening to talk to shooting dude, who has a name, actually.

"Livio c'mon man overcome the brain cybernetics I really need to have all of my allies pointed in the same fucking direction right about now!!!"

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Yeah he's not listening. Instead, he's decided that Zash is his target for now, because he can't test his main target if he keeps being interrupted.

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...welp. Time to run.

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"Damn it no stop that, Livio c'mon LOOK AT ME."

Since he's not paying attention to her, she can reach forward and force his head to turn to look at her and maybe see if he's still in there somewhere.

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...he might be. There's a pause, a flicker of something that could be recognition in his eyes...

...then he headbutts her, kicks her with unreasonable force, and gives chase to Zash.

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("That won't do," someone sighs. "He's interfering too much, Double Fang is letting himself get led astray. Punisher's going to take advantage of the opening to wriggle out of her test. Can we perhaps distract him?")

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"Augh, fuck, ow," she says as she recovers, but as soon as she does she dashes after Livio herself. That seemed like it was working.

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("Distract him... I think I have an idea.")

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"Get away!" Zash calls to the guards as they shoot at him while he flees. "Run! You can't hurt him!"

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Livio the Double Fang appears from behind a corner and now the guards start shooting him.

He doesn't dodge. Barely even registers it. The bullets hit him and go straight through his body or get lodged in it—but not for long. He slowly turns to face the increasingly terrified guards as his wounds heal and the bullets that didn't go through his body start clinking to the floor one by one.

"M-monster," says one of the guards.

Livio aims.

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"NO!" says Morgan, and this time it's her turn for some fancy gun shooting. Of his guns, with her gun. This will probably leave her open to being shot by someone, but whatever, she's been shot before. "C'mon buddy stop running it's me!"

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Livio points one gun at her.

Then looks over his shoulder and points the other at Zash, who had been trying to sneak up to him.

Then he shoots at both simultaneously.

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Damnit damnit damnit okay well he can at minimum shoot the guns off the guards' hands so they run away do they have zero sense of self-preservation yes yes he knows it's hypocritical of him but he is immortal. Pfah.

(Also he is feeling a certain way about Morgan stopping Livio from killing those guards so vehemently.)

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"We are currently assessing the situation," says a polite and calm female voice coming out of the ship's announcement system. "Please follow the attendants' instructions. Emergency deployment is in progress. Please do not go abovedeck, as we cannot guarantee your safety if you do."

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Morgan does in fact get shot. She cannot dodge a bullet point blank. Ow. She even needs to pause a minute to drink a tiny liquid, because yep, that requires extra super healing please and thank you.

"Augh ow, fuck, c'mon we don't have time to fuck around!! They've pumped you full of drugs that are killing you and they'd put damn wires in your head to control you but you're in there I saw you stop running I need you to fight!"

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He turns to face her directly, then points both guns at her.

He doesn't shoot. Yet.

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"Yes! Good. Keep looking, you're doing great. It's me, Morgan. Little asshole from the cell next door. Big sister you never had and probably never wanted, but too late for both of us, right. There's an outside. Please, I need you to hold still so I can drag you out here."

Will he let her take a step closer so she can maybe get that fucking tech off of him?

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His fingers twitch.

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But there's someone here who can read intentions, isn't there?

Zash is there in a flash, gun held to Livio's temple. "Stop this."

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...also no.

Just as quick as Zash is, Livio dodges the gun and goes melee with him.

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Oh come on that's his strat, what is it with people here and stealing his stuff.

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(And from the distance, numerous sand sails piloted by people in glowing full-body suits and the letters BL in neon attached to the boats start becoming visible in the distance and approaching rapidly.)

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Someone is kind of too busy to notice, or care.

"Fuck okay, not that way, fine, I'll figure it out hold on I need to think how to get around it fuck fuck fuck. Zash he's like me but the tech's feeding him his drugs on need so every time he heals he's using up lifespan! I'm going to need you to pacifist the everliving shit out of him!!!"

Okay, okay, some way to get past the tech and to him. Can't be too clever because the fucking doctor asshole is always thinking from that direction. Gotta be something primal, there's an animal called a person under that tech and she wants him back thank you.

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Well that's fine actually, Zash has a lot less trouble not hurting people in melee range. Livio still tries to occasionally shoot them but Zash has no trouble dodging out of the way and/or redirecting his shots. He wrestles with Livio some then kicks his feet out from under him so they can wrestle on the floor and Zash can try to knock him out with a gun to the temple.

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More guards appear, some twenty of them this time, and then another ten from another side. "Drop your weapons right now!"

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Augh!! Damn it, stop interrupting her she's trying to think this is fucking hard enough already!!!

She can use her gigantic gun as a mostly covering shield for the three of them, faced towards the side with the twenty guards. For the other side, she'll move to try and free up Zash a bit with Livio so he can handle the other side. This involves putting Livio in a chokehold. Love comes in all kinds of forms, okay.

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Zash's signature move of knocking guns out of hands is the kind that eventually gets old, when people realise that he's definitely not hurting them and so they hold onto their guns more fiercely. And the problem with that is that he can still knock the guns out of their hands but in ways that tend to break fingers. Of course, that may not be a problem here when he really, really wants them to be out of action for a while, but it's still a bit more violence than he likes.

So he'll do something else.

There are crates over there. Those crates can be used. The way they can relevantly be used is by Zash shooting a tiny but powerful grappling hook from his mechanical wrist and then pulling.

He gets shot at, even hit a couple of times, but the guards don't actually have that much time before the enormous metal crate is coming at them at somewhat terrifying speeds.

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And Morgan has an idea.


That’s how she’ll get past these fucking cybernetics and at the human inside.

“Zash! Grab a cigarette, we need, to light it,” she grits out, still barely keeping hold of Livio, both of her arms kind of busy with that chokehold. She’s also been shot, a couple of times, but who even cares at this point, right?

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Except... here are several grappling hooks with poles attached, BL in neon colours, coming from the various sand boats approaching the steamer.

"All that glitters is ours!" decry dozens of voices amplified by megaphones. "The most gorgeous and terrifying bandits you'll ever see!"

And they begin to climb, one after another, in their gaudy, glowing neon suits.

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Fuck that's the Bad Lads gang. "You!" Zash calls to the guards. "Protect the civilians! Barricade! Close the doors! Don't let these guys get in!"

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"Who do you think you are to order us like—"

    "That's Zash the Stampede, you moron," says another guard. "How do you think they've been beating us up so much? This is way above our pay grade."

"...Zash the... Stampede..."

        "Let's retreat and barricade. Sound the alarm. We can't deal with the Human Typhoon but we can deal with a gang of bandits."

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Oh thank fuck.

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Bang bang, goes Livio.

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Morgan winces like she's the one who's been shot. Sorry, Zash. Without a cigarette to try getting around the cybernetics gracefully, she's busy trying to implement, uh, she's on, like Plan C, right? Plan C. Which is break the cyborg mask thing and see if that helps. It's riskier than Plan B but man are they running out of time.

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The guards do in fact retreat and just as they do the deck starts swarming with gang members.

Zash starts swearing a lot, loudly, and using his robot arm to block Livio's bullets. "Really wishing people were more scared of Zash the Stampede right now."

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Livio barely seems to register the gang, and turns his attention to Morgan now.

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Ka-click goes the mask thing, and part of it snaps off. It looks like it might be important. Hopefully that wasn't the part of it that was supplying him with the healing serum, because they are all about to probably need to do some healing right about now.

"C'mon let that be enough," she grunts, as Livio finally gets around to throwing her off. She can use the opening to have her own healing serum, which is not applied through a cybernetic whatsit, thank you, but is probably better for that because look at who the fuck controls those things.

And then she needs to retrieve her gun before anything else because yeah um she's about to need it.

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It's not enough. Livio still seems very aggressive.

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Now, see, it's a lot easier to not kill regular unaugmented humans, paradoxically enough. He knows exactly how much to hold back. "Keep Livio occupied," Zash says, and then he jumps into the fray with a gang of desert raiders that is entirely unprepared for the Human Typhoon.

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"'Kay!!" she agrees.

Livio actually seems to be more aggressive, now. Which is good. Probably. Aggressive is different than the puppet-like, stilted movements he'd been doing earlier, which implies maybe she's getting somewhere at all. Could be wishful thinking, but eh, she'll call it optimism.

Can she successfully keep him occupied without him shooting anyone that can't heal from it? And maybe grab a cigarette and her lighter and try to light the damn thing and see if she can try Plan B again? Let's find out!

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The problem with this plan is that, with Zash occupied, Livio can completely focus on Morgan, so she'll have to get her cigarette and light it while being relentlessly pursued and shot at by him.

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.... Yeah, okay. She'll get shot a few times, but.

Actually, she can work in these conditions.

In the process she takes several bullets, nearly losing her lighter when one of those hits her arm and almost causes her to drop it. But she does not, and her mission is accomplished. Cigarette: lit. And then she can waft the fucking thing in his face. C'mon does something in you remember this??

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His eyes widen as he stares at her. His breath starts coming in ragged, which this entire fight hadn't done, and his lips part as he drops his arms down to his side.

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“Yes! There we go. C’mon, Liv. I know you can live up to that name—”

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...he cracks a smile. A small one, though, and it doesn't reach his eyes. He's still staring.

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(One of the gang members manages to get past Zash and tries to sneak past Livio and Morgan too, except no they don't.)

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Livio doesn't notice, or doesn't acknowledge it. He just... stares.

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"Best baby brother I've ever had. I'll get that crap off you, hold on..."

Okay yes excellent this is a good opening to dismantle this crap SENSIBLY and SAFELY and then once he is free she will hunt down Legato and TURN HIM INTO BOOTS.

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No no no no this is all wrong.

He takes a step back away from her, then another. "Morgan."

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Oh that doesn't look good that looks like he's about to run no, she can save you!

"I'm here, please hold on, Liv," she whispers, desperately.

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"No." He points both guns at her. "NO!" No no no no no he takes some more steps back and looks around in a panic. This is Morgan but he is meant to kill Morgan but he loves her but it's his holy mission, he is a holy warrior of God... "No..."

And he points one gun at his own temple.

"No," he whispers, one last time.


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That wasn't. That wasn't supposed to happen.

Wait, that.

Wait, but.

But. But.

There's probably still an entire rest of the world out there around her, but right now it can go burn for all she cares.

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("Useless," growls someone, frustrated. "A useless vessel for such a righteous cause. The test is ruined, the perfect weapon of God is yet untempered. Fine. I'll find another way.")

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...heard the gunshot.

It sounded different from the previous ones. More final, somehow.

It was... just a single gunshot.

Oh. Oh no. Oh no.

He can't... hear Livio anymore.

Oh no.

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He knocks out one more bandit and shoots two others on the arm (away from any major arteries) and three on the shoulder and then he turns around and runs towards Morgan.

"Morgan?" he asks, looking at where Livo had been, before... before... "What... did... he...?"

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She's just standing there, hand still reaching out towards. A someone that is no longer there anymore. His body fell over the edge, but he was already gone.

"What do you think," she says, sounding almost as dead.

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Zash... wants to hug her... but she doesn't want to be hugged. She's not... even all there, right now. She's with him. With Livio. Her mind and her heart are there.

"I'm... I'm so sorry."

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She doesn't reply. Just closes her eyes, and just... stands there.

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Until there is a mysterious creak of the gun above them.

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Morgan snaps into reality like a woman possessed, and she's moving before she's really back. She has her gun and it was not clear that she could run that fast but she is right now.

"He's here. He's fucking here, where—" she mutters, gun on its highest setting and scanning the fucking horizon where are you you coward she will kill you slowly.

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He looks up at the ion gun.

Two more bandits try to get the jump on him.

Zash points his gun at them before he turns around to look at them. "How do you still not get it? I'm Zash the Stampede. I am going to go through each and every one of you and I am going to grind you to paste if you don't fucking leave and stop bothering me." And to prove this point he shoots six bullets that perfectly clip the side of the masks of six of them without drawing a single drop of blood. "If I wanted you all dead you would all be dead. I can dodge all of your fucking bullets and I can heal the bullet holes you fill me with. I'm not human, I've never been human, and I am running out of patience." He takes his shades off and shows them the glow of his eyes. "Go. The fuck. Away. Before I decide I want you dead. Are we fucking clear you sad, pathetic excuses for humans?"

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One of the bandits wets his pants.

The others decide that actually they haven't even managed to get inside the ship yet and they had better fucking leave.

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"If I find even a single one of you on this ship I will send the rest of you their body parts by mail piece by piece," he calls after them, before he runs towards Morgan to see what she's looking for.

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On the other side of the deck getting a good angle for her shot because she's pretty sure that tiny vehicle in the distance is his and she is going to blow it to fucking pieces.

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"Who's that? And why is the ship's cannon moving?"

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"Remember that guy I wanted to kill. Him."

She has really good aim and a really big gun and if she can use these to make that bastard dead that would be dand

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Her gun moves without her, just at the moment of firing.

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Pointing up and up and "FUCKING DAMN IT!"

Her laser clips the gigantic, stupid gun above. That. Is probably bad.

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He looks up at it and then at Morgan. "Why the fuck did you—?"

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"ALSO HIM!!! Fucker saw me and fucking..!!! God damn it this is going to be a massive shitshow." She turns on her heel to point at Zash. "He wants the plant. I know you're going to say no but please just let him have it he is going to turn this ship into a bloodbath."

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"...I don't know that I'm going to say no. Is it going to not be a bloodbath if we just give him the plant?"

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"It.... could go either way," she hedges, wincing. "I don't know, but better odds."

C'mon Morgan focus you know how to do this tell him what he needs to know. "Knives's telekinesis thing. Legato," and she points at the little vehicle in the distance. "has it. Like, like little fucking strings he puppets stuff by. Except also fucking Zazi thinks it's fun to let him look around to extend his reach."

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He gives Morgan a look. A second of a look, which somehow manages to communicate both "we are going to have a conversation about this" and "sigh. I kind of knew it but also sigh."

Well, Nai's telekinesis has a range limit, so maybe if he shoots the wheels of the car that's following the ship...

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Yeah yeah, she knows.

"He's going to be watching for," she begins, and then her gun moves again of its own volition. Not to shoot at anything, just as a gigantic thing to crash into Zash with, Morgan dragged along with it.

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He was not expecting that, ow. Fighting someone he can't read intentions off of is going to be a lot more dangerous. He gets up from where he ended up nearly across the deck from Morgan and then he dashes towards the railing again to fucking shoot.

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The railing in front of him bends and attempts to clothesline him.

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...no? Fuck off?

He doesn't manage to dodge, because being clotheslined by railing was also not something he had expected, actually, what the genuine fuck, but he can let the momentum of the railing push him far enough back that he can roll with it and then jump to his feet.

Okay, environmental dangers, that's what he needs to watch for, what the fuck is this guy planning to do with the ion cannon anyway...

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"Zash! Stop!! I want him dead more than anyone in the world but he's toying with us!! It's not worth it when the ship's about to—"

From above, there is another crunch.

And then the ion cannon starts slooooooowly falling towards the deck.

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...no, what. What!!!!!

"That's bullshit. This is bullshit." Shit he doesn't have a way to stop that with bullets and grappling hooks, how slow exactly are we talking...?

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"You see why I want him dead," agrees Morgan, faintly.

It seems like it's falling, but a lot of the supports holding it up aren't broken yet, and that's slowing it down the whole thing. A bit. But not much.

"Uh, cut the barrel of the gun off and, get it away somehow...?"

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He looks at the cannon again. Then at Morgan. Morgan's gun, to be precise. Then up at the four enormous cranes that the ship uses to grab boxes of cargo. Then at Morgan again. "You cut the cannon's barrel with your gun once that's safe," he says, and without explaining anything further he dashes away.

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"Yeah. And shoot any bugs you see!" she calls after him, though that probably won't be enough.

The problem with her gun on full blast, and why she even needed to set up to shoot at Legato in the first place, is that there is a hell of a kickback. It's also what probably caused the whole slicing problem that led to this mess. So. She needs to get set up at a place she can shoot through the entire barrel, without getting thrown somewhere or messing up the long beam cut. And preferably where there aren't any fucking bugs that could see her and throw off her damn aim.

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You know what? It will be fucking enough. Once Zash realises what Morgan means he systematically exterminates every bug within a radius of about half a mile around this damn ship.

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("Aw, maaaaaaan!")

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And then he gets into the cabin that controls the cranes, which is abovedeck and is consequently vacant, and gets to work.

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The bodies of four cranes start stretching up to their full heights at the same time as the rope that connects their claws to their tips starts slowly unspooling. Once those cables have unspooled enough, the cranes start swinging, and swinging, and swinging, acquiring enough momentum that they can then be swung in the direction of the barrel of the gun and fully wrap around it a couple of times each before finally being launched back and down onto the sand. Effectively, there is now a huge source of pressure pulling the cannon away from the direction the ship is going in, which does start to arrest its momentum but if Morgan can deal with cutting the cannon off soon the ship should still be able to move forward fast enough that the severed barrel will be able to fall harmlessly onto the sand rather than down onto the ship itself, crushing the innocent passengers inside.

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She sees her moment, and takes it.

It's a little bit of a bitch to steer, but she's a small candle burning twice as bright. She can pull it off, and then does. Even more amazingly, somebody doesn't fucking sabotage her! That's probably courtesy of Zash, actually. Thank you, Zash.

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The great barrel of the gun is sliced from its base, and the entire thing goes sliding off into the sand, while the ship itself continues to move forward.

Except.... there's a deep crunch, from below the deck, then the whole ship starts to list back towards where the gun's barrel is being left. And the cabin Zash is in starts to slide ever so gently into the sand after the barrel.

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...what now.

Alright time to skedaddle from this cabin and run back to the deck to assess. "Starting to get why you hate your old boss so much," he calls to Morgan.

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"You see why I wanted backup!!!" she yells back.

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As he runs, part of the floor gives way, and then...

Something catches on his foot and it is dragging him away from the ship, onto the sands below.

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The fuck!

Grappling hook, go, he can try to attach himself to the thick sturdy body of one of the cranes he was just using.

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He is briefly caught in a tug of war, awkwardly hanging in mid air.

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"Hang on, I'll—"

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That crane his grappling hook is attached to? That loses its supports. He is, rather unfortunately, now still pulling it after him.

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What no no no no this guy is planning something bad and if he wants to distract Zash this much that must mean it's really really bad—

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Too late! Squish.

(Someone in a car is laughing softly, grinning widely and looking like he's just had the time of his life. "A thrilling contest, Fallen One, but it's apparent that divinity is still out of your reach.")

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Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck he needs to get out he needs to get up ugh why does he have bones and internal organs they suck he's like 50% sure he just broke all of his ribs and probably at least one arm one leg a collarbone and maybe even a hipbone it hurts so much it hurts like hell and yet somehow he manages to not immediately pass out from the pain because he has one overriding priority that he needs to take care of:


If this man ever touches a single hair on her head Zash will break his rule. Zash will make him hurt. He refuses, he refuses to be buried here under a fucking crane while the sand steamer rides away from him he needs to get up needs to go needs to save them—

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Unfortunately, with all of the things of his that are now broken, he will probably find it a bit difficult to get out from under this mess.

He can still sense some things, from under it, even if his view of it isn't particularly good. There is a great wrenching sound of metal, a loud crash, and then there is silence. Faintly, in the distance, he can hear gunshots, followed by more silence. He can feel the ship's plant pulled from the ship's core, and... headed right towards him. Then it stops.

There's a faint sound of footsteps crunching onto sand, at a leisurely pace.

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"Legato, I assume," because he is not gonna get such pedestrian things as "a punctured lung or two" stop him from talking. Even if he then has to cough a lot of blood out.

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There's a faint laugh, and the figure comes into view.

"My reputation precedes me, I see! I am flattered to be known by the blood of God himself. I am but a humble servant, carrying out His work."

Then he leans down.

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His hair is a similar shade of blue as Morgan, and his eyes the same gold.

"But you are fortunate that I am not worthy to judge you, for I would have found you wanting."

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"What do you want you absurd nutjob."

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"What any good holy man wants. Peace for all the world, and redemption for its sinners. Good fortune in your quest for divinity, Fallen. You certainly need it."

And that is when something heavy crunches into his skull.