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saturday nights in neon lights
azure blossom knows her world is flat but wasn't expecting to actually fall off it
Permalink Mark Unread

Turns out escaping the fae is not so simple as just talking your way out of captivity. Not that Azure Blossom would say that was simple, exactly, but, y'know. Compared to charting a safe course out of the Wyld... It kind of was. At least then she had basically a defined objective and general plan of attack. The ground wasn't continually jerking itself around out from under her. On purpose, and with malice aforethought. Not that she can prove that, but she knows. She knows.

So! She's going to take a little break from this and have a chat with her new friend the rescued Dynast. Surely she's feeling appropriately grateful to have been saved from a fate worse than death.

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Sure, she's so grateful to trade being the captive of some soul-eating demons to being lost in the Wyld together with a different soul-eating demon.


Probably the sarcasm isn't befitting her station or something, but. This has been a crazy time.

"Do you think we're still in the West?" she asks instead, squinting at the glass their tiny jerryrigged sailboat seems to be sailing on. Which is, at least, less weird than the last thing they sailed over. Or the noodle storm.

...Probably best not to think about the noodle storm too much.

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"We are, technically, still sailing. So the concept of water is still being gestured at. Which means we are not entirely beyond the Pole's influence. So. ...Maybe?"

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"It's been getting colder, though..."

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"Northwest still counts as west."

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"Well, hopefully it counts as leaving."

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"What, you have important business to get back to?"

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"...My normal life. And my responsibilities."

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"I think the Threshold won't mind waiting a little bit longer for whatever imperialist exploitation your responsibilities entail."

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"That's not what I'm doing."

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"Uh huh. What are you doing then, princess?"

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"Judging disputes. Enforcing the law. Helping ensure stability."

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"Making sure everyone's kneeling at the correct height to fasten the yoke around their necks."

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She looks away, scowling. 

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"You're not arguing~ because you know I'm right~!" she singsongs.

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"Just keep telling yourself that."

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"I will. Because it's true."

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"You're cute when you pout, you know."

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- Eep.

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"Should I not have said that out loud?"

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She mumbles something indistinct. 

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"What was that? I couldn't quite hear you?"

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"You're a pest." That doesn't sound like what she was mumbling earlier.

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"I think technically the word is Anathema now."

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"The annoyingness feels more relevant, right now."

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"Good to know." She grins and winks.

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She rolls her eyes, and makes a rather obvious disgusted noise in case Azure Blossom happened to miss the eye roll. 

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"Aww, what's the matter, princess?"

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"Can you be more specific?"

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This is the face of someone who'd really prefer not to. 

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"It's going to be a long trip home, princess, and there's not exactly a brig on this boat I can toss you into."

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"Not to mention how that'd waste the effort you spent freeing me."

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"No, you'd be my prisoner instead of theirs. Not an insignificant difference, I assure you."

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"How so?"

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"Well for one thing... I'd eat you out, instead of just eating you."

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She doesn't miss a beat with: "Well, I'd need proof that'd be a step up."

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"Oh! You wound me, princess."

"But I can give you proof, if that's what you really want..."

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"Buy me flowers, first."

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"You like flowers? What's your favorite?"

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"Try harder, sweetcheeks."

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She taps her chin thoughtfully. "I don't believe I've heard of that variety..."

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"You haven't heard everything, then?"

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"I'm flattered you thought so highly of me, but alas, no."

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"You need to step up your game, then."

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"Nothing less than perfection for you, princess?"

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"You know it."

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"Some people might call that spoiled."

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"More like exacting."

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"Hmm, no, considering your background, I'm gonna stick with what I said."

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"I," she says, "Demand discipline."

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"That's adorable. You trying to be all stern."

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Does Blossom happen to be in kicking range? 

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It's a pretty small boat, so that depends on how much risk of tipping over Moriya is willing to countenance.

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The glass sea looks pretty solid, so, yeah. 

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Blossom wasn't expecting her to actually follow through, and Moriya connects solidly. "Wagh! Hey!"

She gets knocked over, and combined with Moriya's movements, that's enough to disrupt the fragile balance of their little boat and it tips over, spilling them out-

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- And through the glass which shatters like the sound of bells, into a dark void swirling with stars and impossible colors - 

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And into a dusty marketplace, tumbling into an alleyway between two buildings with sides of slightly rusted corrugated metal. 

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What in the shit???

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She tries to push Blossom off her from where they landed tangled. 

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"I'm moving, princess, don't get your panties in a twist-"

This... doesn't feel like the Wyld anymore.

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Not in the slightest! It doesn't look like the Wyld, either, except for the buildings being made out of a weird material - still, wavy metal is less weird than many of the things she's seen. 

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"I don't think we're in the Wyld anymore."

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"I don't recognize this..." It feels hot, though, hot and painfully arid.

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"We should go find someone. See if we can figure out where we are." She pushes herself to her feet, then offers Moriya a hand up.

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She takes it.

"I think I hear voices..." she says, gesturing to one end of the alleyway.

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"That's a good start, then." She drags Moriya in that direction.

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"Careful - "

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"Aw, come on, princess. Live a little. It's gonna be fine."

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"I'm going to haunt you if you get me killed in recklessness."

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"Promise?" She grins back teasingly.

Then- out into the marketplace.

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Marketplace: Is actually pretty crowded! All with people who sure seem to be normal humans, though their clothing is weird (heavily favoring shirt, denim or fake leather pants, denim or fake leather jacket; it's also oddly colorful when it isn't faded or dusty, with a large variety of cheap costume jewelry on display around people's necks and on their ears), and the marketplace is even weirder, with stalls of metal and plastic, hovering vehicles chugging along slowly through the crowds... And an anxious knot of people around a scene where three people in a dark uniform with darker spherical helmets are talking to probably-a-store-owner who's very, very upset right now, and cussing the uniformed people out. 

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Huh. Blossom is probably going to stand out, with her iridescent hair and the white gold woven into it and her blue silk blouse and embroidered leggings.

Looks like a shakedown over there. She drifts in that direction. Well, probably a shakedown, those guards could be taking a statement or something following some kind of robbery- but she doubts it. Something tells her those guardsmen are foreign, and foreigners are never on the locals' side.

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Well, the locals sure seem to think she's a foreigner, going by the stink eye a few give her. Also, this is apparently about taxes the shopowner owes and has been unable to pay, but thinks are ridiculous. 

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Taxes are ridiculous. Thievery that pretends to be legitimate by just hiding the sword off in the distance with some other fellows who wear the same uniform. Blossom pushes through the crowd to confront the guards.

"What's going on here?"

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One of them turns fully to face her, while the other guard splits her attention between the crowd and Blossom, and the third keeps his attention on the shopkeeper, albeit with a heightened awareness of Blossom. All three are holding dark metal cylinders, their hands on clear grips, their fingers near a weird metal bit. They aren't pointing the cylinders at anyone, but they're clearly at the ready. All of the guards also have batons and weird black boxes with little stick-up metal bits and other odd objects on their belts. And the dark uniforms possibly hide or include partly quilted armor? It's got some solid bits.

The one facing her says, his voice hard: "This doesn't concern you. Move along."

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Flamepieces, maybe. Their backer much be rich. "Such a brazen attempt at daylight robbery should be concerning to everyone, I think." She lifts her chin and sets her weight just so. looming much more impressively than a moment ago. "I won't be moving along. Not until you do."

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They stiffen, and the crowd starts to melt away like civilians not very enthusiastic about being near a fight where one side has flamepieces. One shoots the shopkeeper a nasty look. And: "This nonsense isn't something we have time for," their superior snaps. "We'll deal with you later." It seems addressed to both Blossom and the shopkeeper.

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"Any time you're ready, bully boys," she says tauntingly.

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The man who'd initially turned to face her seems somewhere between terrified and furious - but the lead guard snaps at him, "Fall in line," and marches off with both of the other guards trailing behind him, trying to make a show of not being actually intimidated. (It's not a very good show, to Blossom at least.)

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"They're going to retaliate against that man the instant they think you've left," her companion says, softly and barely audibly, from where she's hovering behind Blossom. "You'll need a more permanent solution."

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"Suppose we'd better follow them and track down their base. Drive the message home."

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"You'll risk destabilizing things, especially if they're the local government and not the mob, and if you only use threats."

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"It's kind of cute that you think I care about the stability of a government that acts like that."

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"What do you think will happen if a power vacuum occurs?"

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"The people who live here will have a fair chance to determine their own fate."

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"There'll be violence," she warns. "Far more than you're seeing now."

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"I'm a pirate, princess. I've seen violence. It's healthier than this shit."

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"The only way you can think to solve 'this shit' is with violence? And here I thought you Anathema could charm a dragon out of its scales."

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"When did I say that my only solution was violence?"

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"Threats and intimidation are violence, thug. A sword hidden by silk is still a sword."

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"And you're the one assuming that's what I'm going to keep doing."

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"And what are you going to do?"

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"Depends what their base looks like. Come on, before they get too far ahead."

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She's following. Doesn't mean she isn't mouthing off, though. "'Mysterious' isn't a cute look on you."

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"I'm glad to hear you're keeping track of my cuteness levels, princess."

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"I track many things."

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"How industrious of you."

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"Something you should consider aspiring to, peacock."

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"But then how would you distinguish yourself?"

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"It's a Dynast's honor to lead her allies, no matter how temporary, to greater power."

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Blossom snickers.

"Do they make you memorize that in your schools?"

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"We had a discussion group."

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"That must have been a riot."

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"It occasionally grew heated," she acknowledges. Sometimes literally.

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"Arguments about the relative size of your... family trees?"

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"Not in that group - the Cloister didn't approve of that sort of talk in classrooms, and I was too busy to sit around gossiping outside of class."

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"Holy shit, you were serious? You went to school and had actual indoctrination sessions?"

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"Not indoctrination."

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"'Dynasts are better, blah blah, climb to power on the backs of your underlings, blah blah blah'. That's indoctrination, princess."

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"And not what the Cloister teaches."

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"What is it that they do teach, then?"

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"Wisdom," she begins, "And mastery of yourself. How to recognize what you believe, and what others want you to believe. The laws of the Realm and of the major Threshold states, and some examples of unusual systems we might encounter. How one crafts a law, how the political process works. Languages and cultures of Creation, and their current beliefs. History and natural science - more than is normal for a Dynast education. Oration. Literature, poetry, art."

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"Wow," Blossom says. "That definitely explains some things about why you are the way you are."

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"And what did you learn?"

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"Swashbuckling, knavery. How to hoist a sail and pull an oar. How to tell an honest dockmaster from a bent one, and the best ways to charm the former into the latter. How to read the sea and clear a deck, discipline a sailor and commend a marine. And, lest we forget," she grins, "how to rescue a damsel in distress."

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Small, reluctant smile. "We each learned skills useful for the lives we were leading, then."

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"Funny how things work out sometimes."

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"Though it remains to be seen which skills are most useful here."

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"Well, if all else fails, I'm sure you can lull them into a stupor with a blisteringly dull recitation of exactly who fucked who going up the past seven hundred and sixty years of all the various side branches of your family tree."

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"Tragically," she says, tone immensely dry, "I doubt I'd succeed. That wasn't my interest. Though I suppose you can list your pirate ancestors to the thirtieth generation, with how much you care about people's ancestries to the seeming exclusion of all else...?"

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"Ha! No. Mother was born of the sea, and that's all she'll tell me."

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"That's an impressive level of bastardry. Was your father a storm?"

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"I would not put it past the woman."

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"She normally has good taste?"

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"Eccentric, shall we say."

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"Like mother, like daughter?"

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"Oh, she's much worse than I am. And I still have some soft, happy edges. Hers have all been scoured away."

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"Try to hold onto those soft edges, then."

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"You like a girl with a bit of padding to her?"

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"I'm sometimes a silk and goose down kind of girl."

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"Ooh, decadent."

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"Except on special occasions."

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"What do you prefer for those? Leather straps and metal chains?"

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"With the right company."

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"How interesting," she purrs. "You have hidden depths, princess."

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"Pleasantly so."

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She laughs. (It's the first time Blossom has gotten more than a reluctant smile out of her.)

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It's a nice laugh. Blossom will definitely have to try for more.

Have they gotten close to anything like a base yet for the goons they were tailing?

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Seems so! There's a big official building overlooking much of the city, and they go into a squat well defended building nearby it. This involves doors that open themselves. 

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Fancy. Very fancy. This place... seems to have more technical know-how than most others she's been to.

"Looks like a barracks and town hall."

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"...More complicated than that, I think..." she says, squinting at them. 

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"What do your discerning bureaucratic eyes tell you?"

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Squint... "This is a democracy, though perhaps in name only," she says, watching the people who ebb in and out. "That isn't a town hall - they might not have a physical version of that - nor a place of legislation. It's a bureaucratic center, perhaps a courthouse? And that's not a barracks - I'd guess a guardhouse for law enforcement, probably including a small jail for those waiting trial. But I don't think anyone is habitually sleeping there, and I don't think they consider it militarized nor exceptionally well defended, and it's a place normal civilians can enter..."

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"You really know your stuff, princess."

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"More wondering what someone of your obvious talent was doing out at the ass-end of nowhere to get snatched up by those fae."

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She tries not to preen too visibly. She's really bad at hiding her reactions, though. "I've been told I'm indiscreet and need more experience."

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"Their loss is my gain."

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"You haven't recruited me yet, pirate."

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"Yet," she smirks.

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"I suggest trying much harder."

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"Your invitation is noted."

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"So, how hard are you going to try at changing this town?"

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"Enough to glow, maybe. Haven't done that yet, I've heard it's supposed to be pretty fun."

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She really shouldn't be smiling. But. She is. "I haven't seen that before."

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"First time for everything, right?"

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"I suppose so."

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"So," Blossom says thoughtfully, tapping her lips. "If that place is courthouse, we could go inside and ask the person in charge to please stop prosecuting tax evasion."

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"Something that might get the judge simply recalled and replaced..."

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"It'd buy time, at least. If the administrators are rich enough or skimming enough, maybe they could make up the shortfall out of their own pockets."

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"They won't," she says, "Especially if they're corrupt. They'll cling to every last grain of wealth."

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"Well, yeah. But maybe all they need is incentive. Or... They call Luna's chosen the face-stealers, don't they?"

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"...Yes," she says, like she doesn't like where this is going. 

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"So, if they really don't want to cooperate... Then I take their authority and use it for myself."

"I'm just spitballing here. I'm open to suggestions, princess."

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"What happens when you leave?"

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"Maybe I can institute a weapons redistribution program before I go."

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"You court worse chaos and destruction, with no guarantee this is the will of those affected by your choices."

"If you can perfectly mimic anyone - why not pick a successor? Why not work your way to the top, and declare the law is such, and establish an enduring system?"

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"Because that sounds like it would take a long time and also boring."

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"Then you shouldn't start endeavors you won't see through."

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"Where's the fun in that?"

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"The satisfaction of a job done well?"

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"Hey wait- you've got bureaucracy experience, I could make you my successor. Or just get you to design the enduring system or whatever."

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"This is your idea. Your project. Not mine."

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"So cold and compassionless, princess. You'll just have to suffer through my clumsy fumbles then."

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"So you're unable to take advice into account, without someone else doing the work for you?"

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"Able, but unwilling."

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"Lazy, then?"

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"Sounds about right."

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"Not a particularly attractive trait."

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"We all have some of those. I wouldn't want to lie and hide it from you, princess."

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"Any other traits I should know about, then?"

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"Dozens uncounted, at least. I am a complex being."

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"I'll work hard to draw them out, then."

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"A project to keep you entertained?"

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"An enjoyable one."

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"As long as you're having fun, I guess."

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"It's not the most important thing in the world, but..."

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"Don't discount it, princess. That's what makes life worth living."

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"An interesting philosophy."

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Wink. "I am all about interesting."

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"I'm beginning to notice."

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"Then if you're really unwilling to step in and be sensible, I'm going to court a little chaos."

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"And I'll be hanging back to say, 'I told you so.'"

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"Enjoy the show."

Now, head up, shoulders back, and walk into the place like she owns it. Which she soon will.

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She very easily sways nearly everyone she talks to to her side, and the holdouts can be convinced to not get in her way. She's glowing softly with Luna's argent light, and they're looking at her in fear and rapture and wonder. 

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As it should be. Now, she has some opinions about how this town should be governed, in terms of laws and taxes and so forth...

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Laws flow from her mouth to their hands almost as if by magic. 

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Always a pleasure to work with an eager crew. She'll have this port shipshape in no time.

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Almost eerie, how well it's going. 

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Only natural, with how great she is. And Luna's gift, of course.

Still, she's not here to rule this town forever. After a short while, she'll start investigating ways to leave.

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There's ships - flying ships, enormous things of metal and glass. This port doesn't get many, and they're leery of officials and leerier of changing laws, but there's enough turnover she can probably find something. 

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She's never seen an airship, but these seem to be much more sophisticated. This place, wherever it actually is, really is astonishing.

Blossom doesn't want a ship that's too big- too many records. Nor too small to take passengers. Something reasonably sized, preferably on the greyer side of legal.

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Those, at least, seem to be a dime a dozen...

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Though the girl in a flowing, chaotic dress that seems to consist of multiple silk scarves sewn together isn't a dime a dozen. She has a hood on and a very volumnous scarf hiding her face, but she's also pretty clearly staring at Blossom and Moriya with her head tilted like a strange bird. 

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Nice dress.

"Something you need?"

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"Thanks," she says, brushing a hand over her skirt. "I made it." And: "You're looking for something, aren't you? For somewhere."

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...She didn't say that out loud, did she?

"What makes you think that?"

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"You're looking to leave. So you're looking for something."

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"An astute observation."

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"I'm an astute girl."

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"Do you have a ship, astute girl?"

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"One with a fair captain and space for more passengers, if they're paying."

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"We've got two, and we can pay."

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"We'll have to ask the Captain, but she'll say yes."

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"You know that already?"

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"I know her."

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"Suppose you ought to introduce us, then."

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Moriya nods, reservedly.

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"Kay! The ship's this way..." And she leads the way to a very battered-looking ship, one clearly modeled after some kind of animal or another, though it's a rough sort of styling. 

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What a piece of junk. Blossom of course knows better than to voice this thought aloud- the condition of the ship is either a bad sign (in poor repair) or a good one (function over form). And in either case, the captain is likely to be touchy about criticism.

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"She's protected us through a lot," she says. "And she's a Firefly class ship - those're old enough that still being around means they were very well built."

"And, also, no one tries to steal her."

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"-Okay, I know I didn't say anything that time."

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Giggle! "Whoops! It's hard to tell."

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"You're reading my mind?"

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"You're very loud! Not like her. She's quiet." She nods to Moriya.

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Who is staring at her intently.

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"Seems like an unfair advantage."

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"But you can do unfair things too, can't you?"

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"Unfair is a word here meaning 'something I can't do'."

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"The same observation applies."

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"I can't read minds."

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"You're not the only person in the 'Verse."

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"But I'm the one that matters most to me, so that's where I judge fairness."

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"So you don't think things can be unfair to others?"

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"Sure, but they can do their own complaining about it."

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"The things you can do are unfair to others. That's what words mean."

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"Words will mean what I tell them to mean, if they know what's good for them."

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Giggle! "Words might be stronger than you."

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"Yeah, well, I'll deal with that when it comes up."

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"Lots of stuff might be stronger than you. You've drawn attention."

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"And whose mind did you pull that from?"

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"It's a whisper in the void. No one I get close to."

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"Oh, that's comforting."

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"As comforting as the cold touch of outer space?"

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"Yeah, that sounds about right."

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She laughs. 

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"So, introduce us to the captain?"

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The Captain: is findable! And more than a little wary. "Where are you going?" is the first thing she asks.

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"Away from here. Not too picky on the direction."

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"Anyone after you?"

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"Not yet. We are, shall we say, beating the rush."

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"Who's likely to be after you?"

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"Good question! Military types, at a guess. Representatives of the official larger governmental body, what's it called, the Alliance?"

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"There's an extra charge for passengers who have Alliance bounties, arrest warrants, or general animosity, or who are targeted to be disappeared, or anything of that ilk."

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"Of course, captain. A wise policy."

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"Any other complications?"

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"...How good's your drainage?"

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"Good enough for what you're thinking of."

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"River," she says, exasperated.

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"No other complications, then."

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"If anything you're not mentioning endangers this crew, if you're lucky I'll wait until the next port to drop you off."

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"No, I gave you the big one."

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"I think she likes you two," River stage whispers. "Normally she wouldn't mention the port option."

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"Just as you predicted, right?"

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"I'm usually right."

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"Handy, that."

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She sighs. "Are you going to want two cabins or one?"

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"What do you think?" she asks Moriya.

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"Two. We have the money."

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"Spoilsport. Two, if you have them, please."

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"We do, though one's small."

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"That's fine, I'll take that one."

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"Not going to demand the larger one?"

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"I'm trying to get on your good side, princess."

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"You'd need more than bribes."

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"I'm working on it."

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"Not very quickly."

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"Are you implying I should hurry up?"

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"You're the one who said it."

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"That's a yes."

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She smiles despite herself. 

Permalink Mark Unread

And that's a victory.

"Permission to board, captain?"

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Sigh. "Granted."

Permalink Mark Unread

Smile! And on!

Permalink Mark Unread

To their quarters first, or does Blossom want a tour? 

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They don't have much in the way of luggage to drop off, so... tour?

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Can River give the tour? 

Permalink Mark Unread

...Sure, why not.

Permalink Mark Unread

Should be fun.

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She'll make sure of it!!!

Permalink Mark Unread

What wonders await in this ship of stars?

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A small mess hall! An open area/ landing bay! A storage area! A medbay! Two shuttles! Rules about no open flames on board!

...Not much, really. It's a small ship.

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All enclosed, too. Not having a top deck really makes a difference.

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"That's something you're used to?"

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"My experience is with ships of the ocean. Sailing ships."

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"Those are pretty much just a thing for rich people being weird."

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"That's a shame. I'll have to look into becoming rich."

Permalink Mark Unread

Giggle! "That's hard to do. And transporting your ship between planets would mean you'd have to be even richer."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Every girl needs a hobby, right?"

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"I suppose."

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"Don't you have one?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Just a few."

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"Anything juicy?"

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"Depends on your definition."

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"Can't you just pluck the definition I'm thinking of out of my mind?"

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"Well now you're thinking more about juicy things."

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"Natural instinct, sorry."

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"The intended effect, more like."

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"Could be!"

Permalink Mark Unread

She giggles. 

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Making a pretty girl laugh is a reward of its own.

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Permalink Mark Unread

"What do you do for fun around here?"

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"Play card or board games. Tell stories. Engage in personal hobbies."

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"Mostly group activities, then."

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"Good number of those."

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"Are passengers permitted to participate?"

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"In some."

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"I guess that's better than none."

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"If we're in the mess hall, you're good."

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"You'll need invites most other places."

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"Like private cabins?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Pretty much."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Good to know."

Permalink Mark Unread

What else do they want to see right now? Not that there's much...

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Seems like they've covered all the public locations.

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She'll show them their rooms next, then. 

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Hopefully they're cozy enough to satisfy Moriya's discerning tastes.

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She's dealt with worse. 

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Glowing praise from the princess.

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"She's not really a princess."

Permalink Mark Unread

"She's pretty close."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe where you're from."

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"Plus she made interesting expressions when I started calling her princess, so I didn't stop."

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"The best reason."

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She rolls her eyes. 

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"See," Blossom says to Moriya, "she agrees with me that's a good reason to do it."

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"You're ridiculous."

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"Why, thank you!" she grins.

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"Don't be so dour all the time, princess. We're about to go sailing in the stars! And we're even getting out of town before trouble catches up."

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"Trouble moves faster than light."

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"Does that mean it's already here?"

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"So does the ship."

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"Good to know."

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"Though some physicists might disagree on the technicalities."

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"And until I learn enough physics to argue with them, they're free to do so."

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"It's a fascinating subject."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you know a lot about it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm not a specialist - but I know a lot."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe you could give us lessons some time."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That'd be fun!"

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"We've been just sort of picking things up piecemeal as we go."

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"A single curriculum will help straighten things out."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes, sensei."

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Permalink Mark Unread

Blossom grins back at her.

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And an older man in a cassock pokes his head in. "Ah, excuse me, ladies..."

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" - I gotta go," River says to Blossom and Moriya. "Are you guys good to settle in?"

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"I think we can handle it."

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"See you around, then."

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"They seem pleasant," Book says as they leave.

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Small considering nod. "They're out of this 'Verse."

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"...Interesting turn of phrase."

Permalink Mark Unread

Giggle! "Don't they look otherworldly to you?"

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"Not like the locals, to be sure."

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"They're a lot less local than normal."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"They're not the only thing you came to ask me about, though."

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"We've picked up another potential passenger. One who reminds me of old friends, in some respects." From back when he used to kill people for a living.

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" - I can't hear anyone new."

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"Vindicates my suspicions, I suppose."

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"Some people are very quiet... Might hear better when I'm closer."

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"We'll see." And over to get closer to where she's being interviewed.

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River stays out of the line of site of whoever's inside - but there's a place in the vents where she can hear pretty well, and sometimes see shadows of movement without being exposed, and she can move so quietly that even Book struggles to hear her. 

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The girl has an abundance of talent, there's no denying that. Book will play his small part as a distraction, now that the task of fetching River is accomplished.

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It's hard to tell whether the woman notices anything. "Back already?" is all she says. 

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"It would be poor manners to leave a young lady unescorted too long."

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"And you're quite the gentleman."

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"When one reaches a certain age, one finds they must make the best use of the tools which yet remain to them."

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"I suspect you have more than manners in your kit."

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"I won't deny the implication, if you'll allow an old man his ego."

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"Depends on the size of that ego."

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"The seminary encouraged me to travel light in that regard. Alas, I was not always a diligent student."

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"A big ego looks good on you, so I won't judge."

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"It is very kind of you to flatter me so."

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"I can be a good girl when it suits me."

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"And how often is that?"

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"On special occasions only."

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"So this is one of those?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It could be."

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"Why are you traveling?"

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Light shrug. "To see somewhere new."

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"Anywhere in particular?"

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"I don't know yet."

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"A more popular destination than you might expect. Though in such cases, the captain prefers to know if any tagalongs may be expected to attempt to join our voyage along the way."

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"I'll consider if anyone might be after me."

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"Ideally we'd like to know before offering you a cabin."

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"There's no one I can think of off the top of my head."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Are uninvited guests a common problem?"

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"Around the fringes, it's much better to be prepared than not."

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"Better to be prepared in general."

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"A hard lesson to learn, sometimes."

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"But a valuable one."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Very much so."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It sounds like you've got some stories."

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"It's hard to live as long as I have without collecting one or two."

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"I'd like to hear them sometime."

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"Perhaps. Not all are pleasant."

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"Good stories rarely are."

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"That depends on one's taste."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I like truth."

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"A rare preference, these days."

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"Is it one you share?"

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"I've grown to appreciate it over time."

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"You didn't used to?"

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"That was before I had properly been introduced to the truth."

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"And once you had a taste, you could never go back?"

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"Something like that."

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"Must have been a pretty good truth."

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"Would you share it, someday?"

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"Are you asking me to evangelize at you?"

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"I think it'd be interesting to hear."

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"Well, if you're sure..."

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"I am."

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Then he will begin talking about matters of faith.

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She listens with apparent fascination. 

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Always nice to have an appreciative audience.

(And maybe the distraction will lower her guard...)

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(Not as far as he can tell, at least.)

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Well, he'll keep the conversation going until River and the captain make their decision one way or the other.

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The decision seems to involve River coming into the room first, staring at their would-be passenger. 

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She stares right back. 

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"Hello, River. This is Miss Lily Serra, Lily, this is River."

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Squint. "Hi." Then, suddenly: "I think you're okay."

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"High praise."

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"Is that so?"

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"Oh yes. It could be much worse."

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"I can get really vicious."

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"Then I'm thankful to have been spared that."

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"And that means we'll be happy to offer you passage."

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"Something I'm even more grateful for."

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"Let me show you to your cabin."

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"Lead the way."

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And a brief tour of the ship, on their way.

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"It's a solidly built ship."

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"She serves well."

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"How long have you been one of her crew?"

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"A few months now."

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"Not long, then."

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"In an absolute sense, yes. Though it sometimes feels much longer."

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"Not a sentiment I hear very often from those your age."

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"I try to remember to pay attention as time passes."

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"Make sure you don't miss any exciting opportunities?"

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"And enjoy the events that pass my way."

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"Anything interesting pass your way here?"

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"Oh, that's a whole other set of stories."

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"Ones I'm interested in."

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"I had a feeling you might say that."

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"I like hearing you talk."

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"So you've said."

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"Will you keep indulging me, then?"

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"If you don't want any time to settle in..."

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"I'm alright."

Permalink Mark Unread

Then it must be storytime.

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Sounds good to her. 

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(He still censors the stories a little. Nothing that would get the crew in serious trouble. Even if River says she's okay... They don't know each other that well yet.)

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By her sly smile, she's picking up on some of the censoring - but she doesn't say anything about it, or press Book for details on what he leaves out.

Permalink Mark Unread

Very slick.

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"You're good at stories."

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"I've had practice."

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"You apply it well."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You hand out praise very freely."

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"Not normally."

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"Oh, so you are trying to flirt with me."

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"Only trying?"

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"As far as you know."

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"Playing hard to get, then?"

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"I'm not quite ready to jump into things quickly."

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"I can slow down the flirting, if you'd rather."

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"I don't know if that's necessary. I do find it... enjoyable, at the least."

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"I'll keep it up, then," she says with a wink. 

Permalink Mark Unread

"You warm an old man's heart."

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"Picked up a few new passengers, hm?" Ellie asks her sister.

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"Some interesting people. Maybe even as interesting as me."

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Giggle. "Definitely not as cute."

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"Any problems, do you think?"

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"Probably. But more opportunities."

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"Tell me about them?"

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"First two are Blossom and Moriya... They're from - another universe, I think? Physics works really differently in their memories."

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"That's a first."

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"An interesting first! But they also haven't been very subtle - I bet the Alliance knows about them, and they pissed off the governors here."

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"Ah, back to familiar territory. That's comforting."

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Giggle! "The third passenger is I think also tied to the Alliance - though I think she isn't loyal to them."

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"Not after the first two, then."

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"I think she was sent here, but I'm unsure for what - she's quiet, and very hard to read."

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"Captain's past starting to catch up with her again, maybe?"

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"Or Book's. She was very interested in him. Though possibly just in climbing him like a tree."

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"Thank you, River, I'm not sure I needed that mental image."

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Dramatic sigh.

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"Want me to give you better mental images?"

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"If you can, little imp that you are."

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Hmmm... "Somebody climbing me like a tree."

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"Somebody? So anyone will do?"

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"A very pretty girl."

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"Narrows the selection pool considerably."

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"Small enough you can narrow down who you'd like to see climbing me?"

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"I can't deny that I will always have a favored candidate in mind."

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"Because you have very good taste," says River, in the tone of a girl who's definitely reading her sister's mind. 

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"I do like it when you agree with me," she hums, making sure that her mind is full of plenty of things that will entertain her sister.

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Ellie likes it when River squirms, too, and can think of plenty more reasons for her to be doing so.

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Like kisses? 

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Among other things. There's a great deal more than kisses involved in the activity of climbing, after all.

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Well, kisses will be where River starts if Ellie keeps thinking like that...

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Maybe next time she'll have to do a little prep work. Put River in a position where she has to stop and listen to Ellie think before acting.

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That'd be very rude of her. (River does not sound unenthused about Ellie's train of thought, though, especially with how intense her kisses are getting.)

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Only repaying her sister's occasional brattiness in kind, then.

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River will have to get her own payback after, then. 

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And that will be fun in its own way.

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For River, at least. 

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Ellie trusts that River will continue to keep her sister's interests in mind.

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Certainly in mind. 

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Permalink Mark Unread

No meaner than Ellie.

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Well. She'd be the one to know.

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Permalink Mark Unread

Think about it more later, though. Ellie wants kisses now.

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Sounds good to River. 

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Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

Best sister.

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And don't forget it. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Elsewhere, someone is experiencing the emotion of 'ugh, passengers, why can't they stick to smuggling inamate objects like sensible outlaws' again. Well, look on the bright side- maybe one of them will do something that means she gets to kick their ass.

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The less shiny one is certainly doing a lot of inconvenient lurking in the kitchen. 

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"Hey. You. What are you doing in here?"

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"Thinking about cooking something."

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"Are you going to figure it out any time soon?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"What say you about dinner?"

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"You're asking for my opinion?"

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"If you have one."

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"Well shit, if you're gonna make food for me that's a whole different story."

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Wry smile. "A quick way to your heart?"

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"Not like I get a cut of the fares. Captain doesn't pay me enough to be nice to deadweights that don't do shit for me."

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"Well, I'm certainly not a deadweight."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Good to know."

"Bacon's my favorite."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll see what I can do."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Appreciate it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What time do you guys normally eat dinner?"

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"Hour or two after we break orbit."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll get working soon, then."

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"Nothing to stop you from starting now, if you wanted."

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"At least finishing my inventory."

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"Finish your plan of attack?"

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"Something like that."

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"What do you have so far?"

Permalink Mark Unread

She'll go over what she's found - and what she and Blossom brought with them (which is some very, very fancy stuff, including a pretty significant outlay of the type of things rare on ships).

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"Damn. Y'all don't flinch from spending money, huh."

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"Getting more isn't particularly challenging for us."

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"That's a neat trick to manage."

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"It has perks."

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"Yeah, 'perks'. I bet."

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"Just a few."

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"What's the secret, then?"

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"Just a bit of magic."

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"What, you're street hustlers? Pickpocketing's not usually that lucrative."

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She smirks and gestures, and water leaps from a pot to a cup and then begins to spin and leap among multiple containers - and her skin flickers with blue light like she's standing in an aquarium tunnel or underwater, and her clothing floats as if she's submerged. "A more literal magic - though the money-making requires more subtlety."

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She whistles. "Damn. Nice trick."

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"It's not my only one, though it's the showiest I can do here."

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"Not at your best in a confined space?"

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"I like some room to move about. Ideally somewhere not flammable."

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"Well hell. Now I'm interested."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll show off next suitable port."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Looking forward to it."

Permalink Mark Unread

She laughs a little and turns to work on dinner. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Fuck yes.

Jayne will stick around. Not like she's got anything better to do, and she wants the first serving.

Permalink Mark Unread

She'll ask questions about the 'verse as she works, if Jayne seems amenable. 

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If she can stand the ground-level, lowbrow, overly cynical perspective.

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It's a useful one, and not one she often gets. 

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More of a shit than most rich fuckers give.

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Curiosity was her job, to a certain extent. 

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Rich people don't have real jobs.

Permalink Mark Unread

What counts as a real job? 

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Putting in the work to earn it.

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And the rich don't work? 

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Not enough to keep them out of trouble.

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Sometimes work is trouble.

Permalink Mark Unread

Not the way these people do it.

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Moriya has gotten into more than her share of trouble while working. Perhaps it is a difference of cultures. 

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Jayne doesn't know a whole lot of other people with literal magic powers, so yeah.

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Magic powers come with pretty significant expectations, where she's from. Though a lot of those expectations are shaped like 'join the military.'

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Permalink Mark Unread

It's... Complicated. 

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'Complicated' is what you say when you know it's fucked but don't want to admit it.

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There's a lot that's fucked up about it. That doesn't really make the situation entirely black and white - especially since so much of the pressure is social. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Fuck that noise.

Permalink Mark Unread

"You think it's straightforward?"

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"I don't know shit about your society or whatever, but I do know that if I don't like what someone's telling me to do, I tell them to fuck off and walk away."

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Hum. "The right to exit is important, in a lot of cases - but, hm. So a strong man has a stronger responsibility to refrain from violence than a weak child, which is a negative responsibility. A rich man has a stronger responsibility of charity than a poor child, which is a positive responsibility. Positive responsibilities are... More controversial, let's say, than negative ones. I would say they absolutely apply if you wish to not simply walk away - a rich man who remains in his community should provide for it. However, a rich man who wishes to fuck off to an uninhabited island in the uttermost West has only the universal negative responsibility of refraining from unprovoked violence."

(She didn't become a monk on leaving the Cloister, but... That was not due to a lack of moral conviction. (In some ways, the opposite.)

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"What's that got to do with it?"

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"Military service is a positive responsibility like giving charitably - to the extent the actions of the military benefit the community. And - I wanted to stay in my community."

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"If military service is a positive responsibility, that's a shit society."

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"The world's violent," she says, quietly. "There's very few places currently free from war, and none for long."

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"Yeah? And how many fewer'd you guys start with compulsory service?"

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She leans back, thinking. "It's hard to say, since the current system started hundreds of years ago in the aftermath of - what can best be called the end of the world. A plague wiped out ninety percent of the population - and that was before we were invaded from outside our world. And once that threat was turned back, a massive series of wars broke out over resources and over the power vacuum. And even before that... The world had been in a constant state of war between petty warlords. And before that, the world had been ruled by tyrants of nearly unimaginable power, though we cast them down in the end."

"There's less warfare now than there used to be, though. Actual room for trade and advancement, and the vast majority of people serve out their term and return home peacefully."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm never taking a vacation to where you live."

Permalink Mark Unread

She laughs. "I wouldn't recommend it, unless you're really into exotic food and fancy architecture."

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"Not worth it."

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"This world has been - very interesting, though."

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"It's kind of a shithole too, being honest."

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"A very different shithole."

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"I guess variety's worth something."

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"At least for a time."

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"Got a plan for getting home?"

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"Not yet."

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"Think you'll be able to?"

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"With time and effort."

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"Good luck."

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"And that, too."

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"You'll need it."

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"I'm just saying, no one's left the 'verse in a long time."

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"Has anyone arrived recently, other than us?"

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"No one's done that either."

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"Several firsts, then."

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"An achievement."

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"I'm prone to those."

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"Sounds like you've had your own share of achievements, though."

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"Been around the block a couple times, yeah."

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The food still has a bit to go, if Jayne has more stories...

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There's a couple fights she's not mentioned.

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She'd like to hear more about the local weapons, in fact. 

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Well shit, she can talk guns for even longer.

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Even through the meal? 

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Long as the captain doesn't put a stop to it.

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River interrupts them first, drawn by the smell of food. 

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"Hey Spooky," Jayne says.

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"Hey Grumpy," she says, making a beeline for the table. "There's bacon, right?"

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She guards her plate protectively. "Get your own."

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"Awww, but you always grab the best pieces..."

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"And that's on purpose. Get your own."

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Nope. Jayne is immune. River can save that shit for her sister.

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"Awww, you don't think I'm cute?"

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"Not my type."

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Her gaze flicks to Moriya with a knowing smirk.

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Ugh. No. Stay out of this, Spooky.

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Fine, fine, she'll take her very overloaded plate (and a bonus plate for Ellie) and skedaddle.

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Nosy brat.

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"Is she always like that?"

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"More or less. She has bad days when she's less talkative, sometimes."

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"...Most people do."

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"I guess."

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"Has her life been hard?"

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"...It's not really my story to tell."

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"Fair enough."

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Anyway. They were talking about shotguns.

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And Moriya can contribute some about the weapons of her world, too - she's actually developing her own fighting style...

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Not easy to do.

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Not even for someone with her skills - it's been a long road. 

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Is she close?

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She's gotten to 'making an existing style thoroughly her own,' but there's a lot of kinks to be worked out - and a lot of fights to be had - before she can truly declare it separate. 

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Maybe she could add that to the demonstration.

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If Jayne insists. 

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"Insists on what, princess?"

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"Wait and see."

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"Tease." She'll steal some of Moriya's food in recompense.

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She guards her plate. 

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Blossom feints left, right- then brings her other hand up from below in a blur of silver.

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Nope! Even if she's cheating, this is Moriya's breakfast. 

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Oh well, she'll have to serve herself from the pan.

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The food in the pan is still really good. 

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As always. It only lacks the spice of victory.

"My compliments to the chef."

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Smug Moriya.

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"So you've been making friends, princess?"

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"Have you?"

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"I," Blossom says, "have been speaking with the captain. One mariner to another, you know."

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That is a very suspicious look on her face. 

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"What, are you jealous?"

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"I," she says, loftily, "Have significantly better entertainment."

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She turns to Jayne, slowly and obviously running her eyes up and down.

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"Man, fuck off with that shit."

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"Ooh, angry."

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"Whatever." She stands and jerks a brief nod at Moriya. "Later." Then she's gone.

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"Leave her out of this, Blossom," Moriya says, voice cold and threatening like Blossom hasn't heard since they escaped the fey courts. 

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"After that, I certainly will."

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"Leave other people out of this in general."

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"What a... considerate condition."

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"I don't use people."

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"Setting you well apart from your Dynastic fellows."

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"And from you."

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"I only play with people who deserve it, or want to play. Your friend is neither, so I backed off."

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"And how do you judge who deserves it? Most dynasts would say much the same."

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"The other key difference is that I'm not perpetuating an exploitative imperialist power that treats its territories like cattle."

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"Who stands behind you doesn't change the morality of how you treat people."

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"You know, that's a very interesting point you just made. I agree with it, so I'm going to just let it sit in the air for a while for you to think through it."

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"I've never said that cruel governors are not cruel, nor that horrible means in pursuit of a good goal become good. Many Dynasts are assholes - as are many people, including many other Exalts."

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"Right. So, I am not, in fact, an asshole."

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"You very often are."

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"I like to think it's not a fundamental personality trait."

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She rolls her eyes. "Fundamental or not, you act like one a lot."

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"To be fair to me, the time we've known each other has been mostly around the fae, desperately bored in a tiny little boat, or subverting a despotic local government. All of which I would argue count as extenuating circumstances."

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"Extenuating circumstances are when integrity matters the most."

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"It's not an issue of 'maybe.'"

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"Yeah, well, I'm still new to this whole 'godlike power' thing. My fuckups don't usually have this much potential for repercussion. Also! Usually! I haven't fallen off the edge of the world!"

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"Then start learning."

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"Fuck me..." she mutters.

"I'm trying, princess."

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That softens her hard gaze, the steely and stubborn line of her shoulders. Not too much, but enough to be noticeable.

"Good," she says, quietly.