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wulong may goes to arcadia
Permalink Mark Unread

Ren takes it well.

Actually Ren takes it with five minutes of bewilderment, wants to pull May's antlers, needs to see the witch outfit go on and off a couple times, and passes a hula hoop May didn't even know they owned around May's levitating self, and then takes it well. She's very excited, wants to know if she can be a witch too, hares off to look for the shop entrance and can't find it, and decides to live vicariously through May's witchhood.

Charlie's more complicated to tell: even at 85 miles per hour on her broomstick, up high enough not to be observed should her cloak flap, May would take a whole day - complete with not sleeping - to get there. May winds up experimenting with her picture-entering power and determines that while a print of Starry Night from Amazon won't work, one she personally takes to the copy shop and reproduces does. (She's apparently not the first wulong to choose specifically Starry Night as a transit mechanism; there's a candy wrapper and some property damage in there.) So there's one in May's bedroom on the wall, now, and one rolled up in her luggage for school, and one Fedexed to Charlie, and then he has to be pestered to mount it in her bedroom in his house without understanding why this is so time sensitive, and when he's done it, and tells her so, out she pops. Then he also takes it pretty well, in a way that might be mistaken for shell-shock at a distance. For her "bag of holding" she's using an art class landscape she won third place in the school art show for sophomore year; she gives most of her clothes to Goodwill and drags her emptied dresser into the scene so she has a place to put things that isn't just lying around on the grass.

Arcadia figures something out with her withdrawal from high school, and May tells anyone who might note her absence that she is going to university early. Which is true.

And when her residence is available, she packs up her Starry Night and her clothes (not very many clothes, but she might ever want to wear her remaining civvies or a bathing suit or a bathrobe or a raincoat or something, and it makes it a little easier to keep track of her invisible servitors if she puts them in T-shirts) and her crayon drawings from Ren's hoard and her iPod and a couple knicknacks she picked up during her trip to Goodwill for seeming mana-y, and she stuffs everything in her landscape and her landscape in her pocket and takes the bus to the portal network.

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The portal network path to Arcadia is reasonably well-labeled, but not in a way that inspires confidence that it will be so next week. When she arrives at Arcadia, she emerges out onto a large open quad space with a big sign saying, "WELCOME NEW STUDENTS!"

There are a handful of little stands for housing assignments; May probably wants the one that says "Latin Alphabet: Q-Z"

Permalink Mark Unread

Assuming it's by surname, she sure does!

She is among WITCHES now and DOES NOT HAVE TO WALK!!!!! She drifts over to the Q-Z stand a few inches off the ground.

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"Hi!" says the girl behind the desk, who looks like some kind of fire elemental with a skull. "Name?"

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"Mabel Mariko Swan."

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She rifles through a box beside her and presents her with an ornate golden key with twinkling red stones in the base. "This is your room key! It will open any on-campus door that your student account authorizes you to enter. It should be supernaturally difficult to lose but if you manage it anyway come by the residency office, which is here," she points to a blue circle on a map she pulled out of the box at the same time. "You're in Suite 32 of Claviger Hall." She points to a red circle. There are a variety of other colors of circle, with a key to one side clarifying what all the colors mean. 

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"Thanks! Is this map mine to keep?"

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Then off May goes to her new home! Zoom.

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Claviger Hall is beautiful. 

It looks almost but not quite like a cathedral, from the outside; the architectural style is fully Gothic, except where the stained glass windows are smaller and more numerous than they would be on any cathedral, and some swung wide open, and there are certainly no crosses anywhere. Some architect clearly put a lot of work into the building, and another artist into all the stained glass (which has fully secular geometric designs, once she gets close enough to see), because this is the most charge she's ever gotten off a building. 

Inside, it looks more like a normal college dormitory, but a particularly tasteful one; every public lounge and hallway isn't necessarily decorated in a way that goes with any other, but they're arranged in such a way that you never have to see two things that clash with each other at once. 

Suite 32 is on the second floor. 

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Oh, gorgeous, she loves it already.

She flies up the stairs and lets herself into 32.

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Suite 32 consists of a common area with four individual bedrooms branching off of it. About two-thirds of the common area is taken up by a living room or lounge sort of area, while the remaining third is taken up by a kitchenette separated from the rest by an island countertop. The living room has one big squashy couch, a big squashy chair, and three beanbags in three different colors. 

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Sitting on one of the beanbags is a pale, dark-haired girl with her excessively long canine teeth sunk into a very red apple. She looks up when May enters the room. 

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"Good morning, I'm May!"

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She pulls the apple off her teeth. "Good morning! I'm Ava. You're a wulong, right? I got a book about different witch races before I came here."

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"Yup! I'm afraid I did not get such a book and I don't think whatever you are was one of my options."

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"I'm an Empusa." She opens her mouth wide to gesture at her fangs. "Vampire witch."

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"Huh. Uh, I awakened from a mundane background a few weeks ago and don't know the answers to any questions you may or may not get all the time."

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"I awakened from a mundane background six days ago and haven't had time to get asked them."

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"Oh, how convenient. Do you vant to suck my blahd? I'm told it's now blue, though I trip a lot less now I can float so I haven't seen it yet."

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"Uhhhh...I'm good, thanks," she waves her apple, "Lunabella has magic blood fruit. That they export. Drinking from an actual person sounds kind of, uh, intimate? Honestly? Like an uber-hickey." 

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"Legit, I do not especially want to donate any - wow, magic blood fruit is a very cool concept given that there are vampires - do you also have to eat normal food?"

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"Nope. Biologically, I'm pretty much dead!" 

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"Is that... uncomfortable?"

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"Absolutely not, it's great. Biology is incredibly gross when you actually pay attention to it and now I don't have any, I never once felt as clean before I activated as I have since my first shower since." 

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"Huh, I hadn't really thought about it that way. I guess you're not the rotting kind of undead - I got that option but it was basically the first I struck - so you're just like, not sweating, not shedding skin...?"

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"Not sweating, not shedding skin--technically all my skin's dead but it's not the kind of dead where it sloughs off, so--not using the bathroom, not getting acne, not having my period, not risking infection any time I get a cut, not accumulating tar in my lungs every time I walk past a smoker, not expectorating horrible gunk every cold and flu season. --I mean, a lot of these problems witches have magical solutions to anyway, but I just do not have to think about it anymore. I'm a huge fan."

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"I'm glad it works for you! Especially with the apples, those are seriously clever, yay Lunabellan botanists. Do you have like, sunshine, garlic, silver, etcetera issues?"

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"Not really! I mean, garlic smells worse than it ever did before, but I don't have to breathe except to talk, so it's no biggie. I'm told other types of vampire have it worse."

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"Oh, how many kinds are there?"

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"I dunno, I have a class about vampires but I haven't done a lot of research into that side of the family, so to speak, over the past week, I'm much more excited about witches."

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"Totally legit. Are our other presumable suitemates here yet, and if not which room have you claimed?"

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"Not yet. I have that one," she says, pointing to the one on the right nearer to the hall than the window.

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"Alrighty." May inspects the remaining three rooms for distinguishing features.

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The rooms against the outside wall have windows--clear glass, not stained, and regular sized. The rooms against the hall do not. Aside from that, they are very much alike. 

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May can FLY and will take a windowed room. She pulls out her packed items from her landscape and starts setting up, Starry Night and all.

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While she's doing that, the door to the suite bursts open again, and two unfamiliar voices can be heard from the living room speaking with Ava. 

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May floats out of her room. "Hi there!"

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"Hi! I'm Emily, and this is my sister Edie." 

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"We looked more alike when we were human."

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"I would imagine so! I'm May, it's nice to meet you. Are you recent awakenings too?"

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"Yep. Was yours natural or guided?"

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"Guided, I met a lady called Penelope in her shop a few weeks back."

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"Glad to hear it. Ours were natural, that tends to happen under unfortunate circumstances, we don't really like talking about it." 

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"On a less depressing note, what are you, we didn't really get much in the way of an infodump."

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"I'm a wulong. I recharge off having art around me, one day when I am big and strong I will be able to turn into a ginormous fuckoff dragon. What're you two?"

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"You recharge off art? I am so jealous--I'm a Luxal and she's a Lilin, do I need to unpack those--"

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"Not to me," Ava says placidly. 

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"Ava's apparently read about all of us in a book, but I didn't get either of those options, or the book, so yes please."

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"It's in my bag if you want to borrow it," Ava says, reaching over to rummage in her purple messenger bag.

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"Luxal means I recharge off of ambient expensive metals and rocks, which is, like, fine, but way less cool than art--Luxals have an associated metal and gem--my metal is steel," she pulls back the cuff of her sweater to reveal a sort of round patch of shiny grey on her wrist, "my bones are made of it and I have patches of it on my skin, and my eyes and core are made of my gem, which is opal," her eyes are kind of unnaturally sparkly, dancing flecks of blue and green, "and if I die you take my core out and immerse it in a bath of my metal and I get better. Lilin means we've got a demon ancestor of some kind somewhere. Sort of like a D&D tiefling except those don't go to Hell when they die. Like, not the way a dead human would, you can summon her back." 

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"And the ordinary Lilin way of charging is to break personal taboos but I would instead simply live off of Emily's Kisses if if I did not instead have Charge Swap." 

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"Personal taboos? That's so dreadfully inconvenient, presumably if you're premeditatively doing that all the time you kind of stop having the low-stakes breakable kind after a while... what's your swapped charge?"

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"Resisting things! I'm told it's the Vanir one, and also that I can pass for a Vana if I hide my wings and tail. It's great because it counts, like, resisting authority or social pressure, which means I get mana from speaking truth to power, but also resisting internal urges, which means I get mana from not slapping idiot authority figures!"

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"- gosh. So I guess you're going to get really into local politics or something?"

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"Arcadia seems to have fewer idiot authority figures than I'm used to, I'll probably just read dumbass internet comments without starting any flame wars."

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"I have never heard of a better reason to read dumb internet comments!"

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"Neither have I! It's the only good one I've ever heard at all, although I wouldn't be shocked if there were some other magical reason--oh, there's a thought, I bet some poor Lilin with the baseline charge method could get somewhere egging the idiots on. I know I'd want a long shower if I did that."

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"If I were for some reason stuck charging in a way I couldn't reliably and reasonably do I'd seriously consider, like, working for Alphazon, I bet they pay in Kisses."

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"Yeah that would work less well for me. On account of how everything I know about non-magical capitalism tells me that Alphazon are probably exactly the kind of people I get charge for not telling off."

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"Huh. I haven't read up on them that much yet."

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"They're a big corporation with pretty much a monopoly on doing big corporation things on this side of the Veil. I'll buy that they're less awful than Gilded Age monopoly-trusts but, like...Big Tobacco used to advertising that smoking was good for you until the Surgeon General made them cut it out. Disney got the copyright on Mickey Mouse extended even though there was no actual legal reason to do that. I guess the fact that shareholders can't sue them for putting long-term gains over short-term gains might help, but like--I read somewhere once that people as individuals have free will, but people in aggregate can always be predicted, and in aggregate, corporate management is not your friend." Pause. "Wow, that didn't even pretend to be well-cited. Uh, if you want to ignore everything I just said until I can give you a bibliography, that's totally fair."

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"I am taking eleven classes so no rush but unless I feel like starting a competing business I will probably just coexist peacefully with this one, you know?"

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"--Oh, yeah, that's totally fair. I mean, I wouldn't be getting all this mana off of not picking fights if I endorsed picking the fights, if I endorsed picking the fights I would just pick the fights."

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"I've got a very combative personality but I try not to let it turn me into an actual asshole."

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"Well, I'm glad you managed to get your charge swap, I assume that's difficult if Penelope or equivalent isn't managing things for you."

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"Yeah, it just sort of happened, we're very lucky things didn't turn out much worse." 

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"What kindsa magic did you guys all wind up with? I'm capped at rank three for now because of a complication thingamabob so I'm putting off lots of stuff I want to take, but I'm a Lucasatan warlock and I have a rank or two in like seven things plus my fancy tiara that bypasses the limit, come to me if you break a leg."

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"Aren't...most people capped at rank three?" Ava asks hesitantly. 

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"...are they? Wow, that makes my thing look like a much better deal in retrospect then, I won't be capped at rank three forever, I just have to do my warlock quests for a while first."

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Edie pulls out her phone and looks up some statistics. 

"Rank three is the most common maximum rank; about one in five witches can reach rank four, and then about one in seven of those can reach rank five. But it's not a totally random distribution, apparently, like, if you have rank-five potential, and you have kids with someone with rank-five potential, then your kids will probably mostly have rank-five potential. And then also there's the occasional unfortunate who can't use anything higher than rank zero, apparently."

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"Gosh. I'm going to get to some rank fives, it'll just take me some errand-running."

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"I have rank three psychotics, nothing else that high yet, and haven't yet had time to try to push that particular envelope."

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"I am starting a movement to call it psionics instead because psychotics sounds like we are having breaks with consensus reality. ...in a way other than the way where consensus reality must be maintained in a state of ignorance."

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"There has got to be a better way. But sure, Psionics sounds better, I can use as much not-sounding-like-an-axe-murderer as I can get." She flicks her spade-tipped tail. 

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"Did you take psionics on purpose or did it just happen?"

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"It just happened, but it's pretty neat. I can do this!" 

She teleports over to the kitchenette. 

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"That is neat! Most of the non-teleporting uses looked kind of dubious to me so I didn't nab any even though it's in-affinity."

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"Really? I mean, abusable, sure, and I don't actually plan on being an addiction counselor consensually giving people cigarette-triggered migraines, but the psychic constructs look like a nice non-lethal option if I need to fight something and I'm very in favor of the defensive aspects."

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"Yeah, there are definitely some good reasons to have it and I'll probably grab it eventually, I was trying to optimize for getting things that were more comprehensively useful rather than a couple useful bits in with some things I didn't foresee using. Also I don't need the psychic constructs because my tiara'll let me do hard light objects."

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"Oh neat! Like Green Lantern?"

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"...if Green Lantern does hard light objects, sure? I don't read comics."

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"I don't either--well, not superhero comics, much--it's just, you know, pop culture osmosis. But I think the Green Lantern powerset involves hard light constructs and flying! So."

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"I am absolutely certain that the Green Lantern powerset involves flying, they're like...space cops. Can you, oh, do a skintight forcefield, so it doesn't look like you're shielded, but also if you get bonked on the head with a frisbee you're fine? I vaguely feel like that might be something Green Lanterns can do but I might be getting it mixed up with something else." "

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"Huh, I'm not sure. The hard light objects can be soft and have weird material properties, so I guess I could make an armor layer of it, but I'm not sure that would be comfortable."

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"So probably not worth it as a precaution against ambient frisbees but maybe something to try if you get mugged." 

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"If I get mugged I think starting to glow would tip off the mugger about things not being as consensus reality would have it! I'm not actually sure how I'd handle that situation."

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"I was mostly using that as--metonymy, like, apparently it behooves witches to learn self-defense."

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"If I am mugged by a supernatural being then yeah for sure."

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"Hopefully that shouldn't happen here, though!"

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"That is the hope! It seems like a lovely place where everyone will at least one of already have their own whatever they'd want off me or at least understand that relics aren't very thievable."

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"Obviously I'm not going to mug you, but if I were, I wouldn't be after your relics," Ava suggests. "I mean. I, personally, have these lovely blood apples! But, like, there are in fact some very unethical ways to use other witches as batteries."

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"A good point."

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"But Arcadia does work hard to disincentivize that sort of thing. When I was signing up for extracurriculars I found all kinds of weird kink clubs."

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"Okay now I'm curious."

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"Do you know what vore is?"

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"Who gets mana from vore?"

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"Wow, okay."

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"That one I had as an option but it did not seem to have notable advantages."

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"Not compared to Wulong, no, Wulong's fantastic. If your only other option was Wither...I assume you got offered Wither, you said a rotting kind of dead and I don't know of anything else that fits that description."

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"Yeah, I got offered wither and would have taken lamia instead just for quality of life reasons even if it would be hard to get mana. Or, apparently, kinky to get mana."

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"Some people don't even have Neutral as an option because they were born whatever they are."

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"Well, I assume those people are used to it. Are there big populations of not-necessarily-witch species that - I guess there must at least be a bunch of 'fey' whatever that covers in Alfheimr? -"

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"I don't know much about that, I just know that some people are born things because it was in the foreword of my species book."

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"Well, I'm taking anthropology, sounds like the sort of thing they'd cover."

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"Yeah, probably!"

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"That'll be interesting."

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"What classes are you guys in?"

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"I am in so many art classes. Also some other stuff. I've got a general elementalism seminar and a consortation lab and a chemistry class."

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"I shortlisted a bunch of art - it behooves me to get into art now - but pruned it down to just jewelry when my list was way too long even for a person who doesn't need to sleep anymore."

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"I just really like art! And having my sister around. Hence the consortation." 

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"I'm taking a class in Aethernautics and two in runes and a seminar on the magical perspective on world war two and a class on dreamwalking--that's a Lilin thing--and a double-length class in Psy--uh, Psionics--and one on magical genetics."

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"Ooh, those all sound so cool... this school is awesome. I'm taking a digicasting class even though I don't have any ranks in it yet, and runes and hexes and alchemy, and magical anthropology and econ and civics, and a newly awakened warlocks seminar that I'm hoping will cover any huge gaping ignorances I have, and voice lessons and physics."

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"Nice! I don't have any ranks in Aethernautics either."

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"I'm taking a botany class, for obvious reasons, and a course on Lunabellan history, for related reasons, and classes in alchemy and runes and hexes and necromancy for magic, and then also a literature course and intro to mechanical engineering." 

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"Nice, I wanted a literature but I had to cut stuff."

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"My older sister majored in computer science when she went to college but she made sure every semester to have a literature-related class in there somewhere so that she wouldn't have an excuse not to do self-care."

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"I take it she's not a witch? My mother got all excited and tried to find Penelope's shop but couldn't spot it, she was hoping that it ran strongly enough in the right side of the family..."

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"Oh, no, she's not a witch. I, uh, was also a natural awakening, nobody in my family had any idea magic existed before this, she graduated from college this past June, nobody else in my family has been checked for potential yet."

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"Maybe the magic genetics class will address this."

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"It might not address it in useful specifics, it's only the first 100-level course, but it's not like I can't do more advanced independent research." 

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"And you can ask your teacher questions."

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"I sure can! I wonder how much of a genetics nerd she is compared to Mom, it'll be fun to find out." 

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"Is that what your mom does?"

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"Yep! Mom's a genetics professor, dad's an engineer. What about your parents?"

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"She's a kindergarten teacher and he's a police officer." May produces one of the crayon artworks. "I took all the chargey-est souvenirs from the ones she's brought home."

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"That's great and I love it."

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"Mm-hm! They were mostly presents for her specifically so I'm just borrowing them, I'll gradually swap them out with other stuff as I find things I want as decor or maybe go in as a classroom assistant with her one day and see if I can get any dedicated to me in particular, but they're working for now."

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"I have a bunch of heirloom jewelry and stuff with me for charge purposes."

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"Cool. Maybe we can go in together on metal decorations for our common area?"

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"I love it. --I actually have the ability to generate metal and gemstone stuff from my body, but just my own metal and stone--opal's fine, opulence wise, but martensitic stainless steel isn't exactly a luxury good."

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"We can go to a craft fair or something and find somebody who does metal sculptures and sniff out something manaful."

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"Yeah! And opulence is bolstered by the craftsman's skill--several of my art classes involve metalworking--this is gonna be great."

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"I love being a witch." She spins in the air.

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"I love being a witch!!!"

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"I love being a witch too, even if I don't have you guys's investment in pretty metal things."

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"It's pretty great. Do you guys have any long-term goals yet?" 

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"I have... research avenues? About the masquerade, and what the fuck is up with Hell among other alternate universes."

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"--Well, I sure do agree with you on researching Hell."

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"What she meant though is we're saving up for Arch-Restoratives for our grandparents."

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"- the tiara is a lifeweaving tiara, the thing where it does Green Lantern stuff is kind of secondary. If that, uh, helps."

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"--Does lifeweaving bring back the dead."

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"Needs there to be some meat on the bones but yes."

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"--Cool, I'm texting Dad to see if his parents were embalmed."

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"Grandpa would've had to've been, he had an open-casket funeral, remember?"

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"Right, right. Well, that's--really awesome--are you charging for this service, if so how much--arch-restoratives are really expensive and I haven't actually heard of lifeweaving yet so it's probably not less rare than those, you could charge a lot probably--"

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"Uh, I'll have to start charging if I get swamped but I'm not yet swamped and don't want people to be dead? Some, uh, market-sensitive rate for my time, it'll take a while, and covering the mana cost, that'll do me."

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"That is awesome. Okay, we will pay you those things and, also, you get first dibs on anything I make in my art classes and don't desperately want to keep." 

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"Come to think of it, are there any objects you currently have where your current versions are non-art and it would be preferable to have art versions? I like to keep that kind of thing in the back of my head." 

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"Uh, my iPod is not particularly artistic, my... clothes that aren't my mothergifts, the ones that I still have, those aren't... I don't have all that much stuff, I get the sense that I'm about to be very rich but I wasn't last month."

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"Fair enough. Well, embroidery isn't something I've gotten into yet, but I know anything about digital art and how to print stickers, if you want for your ipod."

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"Ooh, some for the ipod and my laptop would be great."

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"Awesome, I will get on that." 

She pulls her laptop out of her backpack and settles into the squashy chair with it. The top of her laptop is decorated with a thin layer of the same opal as her eyes, shaped to cover the entire flat surface. 

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"She likes to have projects."

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Ava gets up to inspect the laptop cover. 

"Damn, that's nice," she says admiringly. "Do you do phone cases?" 

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"Probably, but not yet. This is glued on." 

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"Well, it looks cool." 

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"Thank you, I have a biologically-gifted aesthetic and I am going to run with it." 

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"--Well, I mean, steel and opal are part of my body now? I think they count as biological even if they don't count as organic."

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"Oh, I see what you mean."

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"I like your color scheme too."

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"Thanks! It is also, to use your term, biologically gifted."

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"It seems more appropriate than 'God-given' under the circumstances."

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"Yeah, I still don't know what to make of the divinity situation and applied theology was one of the things I cut."

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"It's sort of weirder for us, because we're...Jewish." 

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"We weren't, like, super religious before, but that does not make me one bit more inclined to accept what the Watchers have going on."

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"I thought they were doing a pan-Abrahamic thing?"

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"I'm not super impressed by the extent to which it isn't Christianity in an inclusive hat."

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"And I'm not either, and I'm less, uh, fault-seeking, than she is."

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"Huh. Okay. I was an atheist last month so I need to like, find a book on my patron and stuff at minimum."

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"What was your patron's name again?"

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"Lucasta! She is apparently newish and not known to mundanes and her portfolio is altruism and mortal agency."

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"Well, I am way too culturally Jewish to be a warlock, but those sound like neat things to be a god of!"

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"I think so too! She's where I got the lifeweaving tiara, it's a very good bribe."

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"--Ooh. Yes it is."

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"Do you get charge off the tiara as a bonus? It looks pretty arty."

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"Charge is actually based on the meaning of the art to the original creator, not how pretty something is, which is why the crayon drawings work, but yes, apparently whoever put it together - I'm not sure if it was Lucasta herself - was sufficiently invested."

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"Who wouldn't be invested in something like that."

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"If they're mass-produced? I have no reason to think they are but if it was a very convincing plastic toy from Target that happened to have been gloriously enchanted it would probably not count as art. ...I guess maybe glorious enchantments can count as art, I don't know if that's a valid medium for wulong purposes."

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"Oh. I guess if the magic and the construction were totally separate that would make sense. It's not a plastic toy from Target, though, I think I'm getting some opulence-charge off of it."

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"It is very shmancy." Pat pat.

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"It has my totally irrelevant approval."

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"I also got a hydron and some much less pretty sunglass dealies but it's definitely the big ticket bribe."

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"What's a hydron?"

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"This thing!" She appears it. "You can make different potions all at once in it, or combine them."

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"Ooh, fun." 

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"Potions seem very cool." 

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"Yeah, I'm excited to learn 'em."

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"In addition to art, I also like scavenger hunts, so the idea of picking up weird idiosyncratic magic substances whenever it comes up and then having them be useful for potions later is very satisfying." 

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May giggles. "Probably at low levels it's more like grocery shopping - maybe literally - but I bet there's weird stuff - oh, there's a thing on my long term to-do list that involves melting a cosmic pearl to shift an affinity, for squeezing more stuff into one's power, that one didn't sound complicated, just involves the rare pearl -"

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"It would be nice to have an affinity that goes with potions."

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"Yup! You can only have a limited number of affinities at a time so it's probably ideal to finish up buying ranks in one before you switch it to another."

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"I will definitely make sure to buy all the fire elementalism I want before ditching it." 

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"Why fire? I'm planning on air but haven't committed so I'll hear arguments."

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"--Because Lilin are fire affinity."

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"- right, of course. I'll get the hang of all this sooner or later."

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"I'd take wind over fire for sure, if I didn't have an affinity for either. I've been considering Naturalism for my one non-affinity elementalism but I'm gonna do more research before I decide."

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"The plants one?"

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"Yeah! It seems really cool to be able to be able to create arbitrary plant matter on demand. Plus being able to grow plants from seeds to full reproductive maturity in minutes would be fantastic for genetic experiments, or trying to develop new breeds of things..."

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"Would it work on exotics like Ava's apples?"

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"Good question! Things like that are why I need to do research first!"

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"There're so many things to find out about and learn to do! Lucasta should give me some errands already! - or, like, maybe not this week, I just got here, but soon!"

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"I guess she's probably on your research list."

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"Very much so, I'm planning to case the campus soon and then head to the library to check out a book on her. Assuming there is one."

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"I would be deeply, deeply astonished if there wasn't a library."

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"It's the book I'm not sure exists, I know she's up-and-coming but I don't know how recently so."

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"Oh. That makes sense. I mean, probably even if there isn't anything else she'll have, I dunno, if not a whole holy book at least a pamphlet...you know, the Talmud wasn't exactly written in Abraham's lifetime, you could probably get in on the ground floor of shaping her religious tradition if you wanted." 

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"Maybe! I'd want to know if there are other warlocks under her purview and stuff before I start writing scripture but it is not an unappealing notion."

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"There...probably are? If, like, anyone other than you has heard of her, you're probably not the first? I'm guessing? But I don't actually know enough about warlocks to speak from authority I suppose."

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"Yeah. I had lots of options, it's plausible she's made a hundred offers and I'm the only one who took it - I considered Hekate."

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"That's...the Greek cthonic goddess of magic, right? Does she do the whole Maiden-Mother-Crone thing or am I getting her mixed up with someone else."

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"If she does it didn't come up in my consideration but quite possibly. Goddess of magic, less ethically aligned but it would have been steadier more predictable questing."

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"Well, Greek god, those aren't the most ethical folks even if you ignore Ovid."

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"I think the female ones did less randomly raping mortals but yes. I'm satisfied with my pick and my bribe."

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"I dunno, you hear about it less but there's Selene and Endymion...plus I don't know for sure that Aenas's dad consented to Aphrodite's advances unimpaired. But that is a fucking excellent bribe, yeah."

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"I should figure out how much a Kiss is so I can tell you how much mana I'll need for the ritual..." She starts minting one.

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"Good call." 

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"You know, they act like regular metal in most ways, but I can't eat them." 

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"You eat metal? I guess that's of a piece. Maybe they evaporate when used and eating them is too much like taking their mana out or something."

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"Luxal saliva renders metal soft and pliant! Which is actually very useful for artistic purposes, I can just lick one edge of a penny and smoosh it together with all the other licked-coin-edges to get some neat copper scaling."

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"Oh, fun, does it retain this property outside of your mouth? It could be an art supply."

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"It doesn't retain this property after it dries up and I wouldn't be surprised if some people were weird about handling someone else's spit but, also, I wouldn't be surprised to see bottles of the stuff on the shelves of whatever craft stores there are around here. Or maybe people who want to use the stuff tend to make arrangements directly with a source! Finding out will be an adventure, I'm sure."

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"Speaking of what's around here, do you three wanna join me in casing the campus? I'm not planning to venture to the town today unless campus is smaller than I expect, that I'm intending to save for the weekend, but still."

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"Fuck yeah!" Ava exclaims, leaping up. 

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"I'm in. Maybe you and I can do aerial reconnaissance while the groundpounders take the footpaths." 

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"I can take a passenger on my broom." She produces her wand and broomifies it. "- as long as they're not much more than twice as heavy as me, and I'm surprisingly light now."

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"I will have to pass on account of my bones being iron. Well, steel, which is mostly iron and doesn't weigh a ton less."

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"I'd be happy to accept a broom ride but I kind of don't want to leave Emily as the only one on the ground."

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"Alrighty." May re-wands her broom and sleeves it and sets about checking if she can open her window to fly out of it.

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The window swings open easily! There is a latch to one side of it and once that's undone it is triviality itself to get it pushed open. 

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"See you guys at the exit!" And out she hops. Without a passenger or the need to go real fast, flying sans broom is plenty good enough.

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Edie cackles and dives out after her, her wings snapping out to catch her and redirect her momentum after she's fallen about a meter. 

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Emily snorts and heads for the stairs. 

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"Is it nice having wings? I am mostly indifferent to my antlers," May says to Edie, pulling off her hat and letting it disappear to display them, "but I turn out to really like having a tail."

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"I love having wings! Flying without them would be, like, fine, but--man, I haven't had them long and I'd already rather lose my legs, if I had to give up a set of limbs. The tail's nice, I like the tail, it's expressive, but the wings are awesome."

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And if May goes up high, what is there to see around here?

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There is SO MUCH to see. 

For one thing, calling the campus "sprawling" would be an understatement. Most of the buildings are taller than you would expect to find on a cozy liberal arts campus of the sort Arcadia so fervently emulates, and they're still spread out over an absolutely massive area. 

There are literally dozens of gardens, at least three different styles of outdoor swimming pool, open quads in several different styles of terrain and, surrounding the campus, the town. 

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Oh what fun. She loosely plots a walkable route among all the everything and then dives to join the non-flying party members.

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Edie swooped down to land next to her sister pretty much as soon as Emily and Ava had walked through the front door. She is currently cheerfully describing some of the flower gardens she saw from the air. 

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"Oooooh. I'm going to have to use some of those flowers as models sometime. I like big blooms and I cannot lie."

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"Ooh, silver and gold flowers with patina copper foliage?" suggests May.

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Emily faux-swoons. "You're speaking my language!"

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Giggle. "There's a pool this way - I'm assuming the pools are not all strictly swimming pools, probably one of them is an aquatic student dormitory and one of them is intended for water magic practice but probably at least one of them is just for swimming in, we should check them all."

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"Hm, I'd more expect a visible pool area to be, like, the lawn of an aquatic student dormitory? I assume mermaids and whatever also like privacy."

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"Technically mermaid is not the name of any witch type."

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"Naiads can turn into mermaids and back. I mean, they have scales even when they have legs, but they're called Naiads, not mermaids. ...It suddenly occurs to me that we should double-check that mundane words for mythical critters that match up with people who call themselves something else aren't...slurs." 

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"--That is a really excellent thought."

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"It seems like it might be a little awkward to find out, especially if your book didn't happen to mention. Anyway, the pools could have underwater tunnels to more elaborate 'indoor' pool structures for all we know."

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"Yeah, that's sorta what I meant by lawn? If it's, like, the outdoor area connected to their living space." 

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"Yeah. I guess maybe if your lawn was a pool it'd be fine for people to use it for random swimming purposes like I wouldn't mind if people did yoga on our lawn."

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"I'm probably going to have to learn to swim all over again, what with the iron bones."

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"Huh, is it even possible to be able to swim safely with iron bones? I don't know what kind of overall density change that implies."

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"Well, when I was a little kid who couldn't really swim yet, I used to paddle around in a life jacket and water wings. I figure if I wear enough floaty stuff I can get my average density back up to something workable."

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"Oh, that makes sense. I'm apparently going to be impaired in diving, specifically, and will have a hard time sinking if I want to, so I guess if I want to scuba at some point I will carry heavy stuff. Or we could hold hands and do incredibly weird synchronized swimming behaviors."

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Snort. "I have no idea how that would work but it would be worth finding out if it isn't too awkward. I wouldn't put it as that high a priority, though, I've never been so into swimming that it competes that well with, uh, being a witch."

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What does this first pool say?

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The first pool has a placard announcing itself as the Eva Townsend Recreational Swimming Pool. It's shaped like a sort of fat, roundish rectangle, with a deep end with metal ladders and a shallow end with plateau steps gradually deepening the pool until it gets halfway through the shallow end, at which point the depth is level until it hits the halfway point of the pool, at which point it starts sloping downwards. 

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"Looks like this one is the swimming pool swimming pool. Anybody mind if I try out my floatiness, I haven't actually gotten around to it yet."

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"Sounds fine to me. Did you bring a swimsuit out here? I can try to dry you off with wind magic after."

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"I have rank two in Witchery, my stuff'll all dry off in a couple seconds." In she jumps.

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Emily decides that if May isn't going to give her an excuse to try using her magic as a hairdryer she can make one her own damn self. Swimming is... fraught... but wading ought to be fine. 

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Edie sits down by the side of the pool and skims the lower edge of one wing through the water. 

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May floats like a pool noodle. It's hard to maneuver with her shoes still on, though, so she levitates out after a little splashing around and sits by Edie, where she dries off.

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"It feels different from dipping my fingers in the water, but it's... it's easier to, like, feel the correspondences between wing-fingers and regular fingers and between fingers and toes."

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"Huh! What's the dexterity like?"

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She raises the wing and flexes it. 

"It...hm. It's easier to, like, wrap the digits around something than to hold them there to pick the thing up, does that make sense? The wing isn't designed to exert force in that way."

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"Interesting. Did your parents take your awakening okay?"

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"They...took the magic part fine! The, uh, traumatic circumstances surrounding it not so much."

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"We almost died. They freaked the hell out over that. But, like, in a supportive way."

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"I wonder if anyone, like, does die, in the process of the awakening, and then is awakened enough to just come back."

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"Oh. Shit, I'm sorry."

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"I'm not offended but I think I am done talking about it for now. Is floating fun?"

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"Yes, but I would have enjoyed it more when I was five."

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"Oh, lots of things are more fun when you're five. Best to do as many of them as possible to enjoy the memories later."

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"I wonder if any of the witch types that get stuck looking like kids find everything as fun as kids of the relevant age."

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"Well, that would be a much-needed consolation. I'd be fine being something that grew up slowly, to have more childhood, but too much is too much."

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"I might've been pleased to never experience the sea change of adolescence if I'd awakened as an elementary schooler into some such thing."

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"I see your point. Does everyone who gets stuck like that awaken as a child in the first place?"

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"I'd be surprised - Ava, do you know?"

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"I guess it's not totally incompatible with what I specifically remember of that chapter of the book, but, uh, no."

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"Yeah, not going through puberty has some appeal but going through puberty and back again has less than none."

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"Agreed. Is there any - systematic attempt at doing guided awakenings, so people get options and warning and stuff - or is it just, people who get lucky and people who get unlucky, with a big missing middle propping up the masquerade with their ignorance -"

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"That was not in my book."

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"I'll put it on the list of things to look up at some point." She does this.

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"The person who awakened you didn't have anything to say about it?"

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"I didn't think to ask at the time but a candidate way to find out is to email her, I did get her email."

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"Oh, cool. I don't think Emily got the contact information of the guy, who, uh, told us how to get to Arcadia." 

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"I did not. His name was Dan, that's all I know."

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"Some guy named Dan just... showed up and told you how to find a portal network outlet?"

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"Nnnnno, there was...stuff." 

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"But I'm done talking about that stuff for now!"

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"Ah, okay, sorry, I don't have enough sense of your timeline to know what stuff is the stuff as opposed to different stuff."

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"Yeah, it's fine, I'm putting the warning signs at least a meter away from the hole in the ground, you have not stumbled in." 

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"Oh good."

Once everyone is done with the pool, onward to the next cluster of buildings!

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The next building they encounter appears to be a class building, with rooms recognizable as lecture halls and labs even though some of the labs have implements totally unlike any used in a mundane science laboratory. 

"I'm guessing this one is for consortation," Emily muses of a room with no lab benches and several elaborate pentagrams sketched on the floor. 

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"Presumably. I wonder if all the setup is necessary, it seems to me that it'd really obviate the convenience benefits of summoning demons to do stuff for you if you couldn't do it from the comfort of your dorm. Though I mostly imagine I'd want to summon 'em for interviewing, I have Maid Hand for household tasks."

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"I think there's room to draw a few of these in our suite."

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"Yeah, but maybe there are additional enchantments in place here... I guess we'll find out. Or, Emily will."

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"To be fair my primary intended use case is less dangerous than most."

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"Quite! I need to make some art of myself, or commission it, before I'm that thoroughly death-proofed."

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"--Oh. Well. What are the necessary parameters, exactly?"

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"Well, strictly speaking I am already covered because I have bled a little bit on a thrift store painting I liked the look of, but if something happened to the painting and all other such paintings and sculptures that would be that, so actually my longer term plan is that I am going to make a three-d digital model of myself and have it distributed among anyone who might want to resurrect me via three-d printer, because the criteria for managing this without my having made specific arrangements with blood and a painting are that I have to be accurately reproduced by someone sufficiently interested in doing it, and I'd sooner not gate that on technical skill at art."

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"Well, that's a little disappointing to my artist's ego, but I still like the way you think."

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"Your ego will have to be satisfied by my charge method and not my resurrection method."

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"My ego will just have to get over it. I wonder if one painting can be bonded to multiple wulongs..."

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"Huh, I guess maybe? The ritual doesn't strictly seem to preclude it. I don't know why you'd do it that way, though."

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"--Well, what I'm thinking is, you want your bonded paintings to not have anything happen to them, and the best-guarded paintings are the famous ones in big museums, but there's a limited supply of those."

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"I think if I went and bled on the original Starry Night we'd have issues! Besides, those are also targets for theft, and I think I can bleed on multiple paintings no problem."

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"Fair enough. --Aaaaaaand it might be a masquerade breach if you emerged from the painting while the museum was open."

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"That too. But maybe I will ask at the Art Appreciation For Wulongs club if there is a less famous well-guarded collectively bled-on painting somewhere I can get in on."

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"Yeah, that makes sense."

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Onward! Is that the gym there past that garden? Oh what a nice garden.

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That is a gym! It is definitely not the only gym. 

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"Oh, fuck, that is a flying obstacle course. --Emily do you think you can entertain Ava for a bit while we--"

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Snort. "Have fun."

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May hops onto her broomstick and goes ZOOM.

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Edie does somewhat less ZOOM and more FLAP FWIP SWOOSH but this does NOT stop her from having a MARVELOUS time. 

She does however have to start the course over more often on account of a wingtip clipping some obstacle. 

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When May has gotten through the obstacle course at a moderate (not top-speed) clip once she alights back by Emily and Ava. "I'm definitely joining the aerialist club," she giggles.

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"Someday I'm going to be able to fly," she sighs enviously. 

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"It's so worth it!"

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"Is flying on a broom very different from flying without it?"

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"Yeah. I actually have three independent ways to fly, though they can kind of all cooperate. Wulongs can do it, and it's kind of tiring to do it all that way, like trying to go uphill in a wheelchair or swim really fast, but in a way that's more satisfying sometimes? Levitating's effortless, I can just hang in the air, I often sleep like that now especially when it's warm, and that's sort of like flying in dreams, if your flying dreams are like mine, stuff gets closer or farther away but there's not as much sense of movement. And the broom is like being in a convertible with the top down on the highway except in addition to having the top down the climate control and windshield are still doing their jobs."

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"Ooh. Interesting. I can get a broom at some point, and I might be able to learn Levitation, but of course I can't turn into a Wulong...at least, I certainly don't think I can. And I'm not sure I'd want to even if I could, being a Luxal is very nice. But I might want to learn to turn into something with wings."

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"I can see you in a magical ornithopter harness."

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"Ornithopter sounds vaguely like some mildly avian dinosaur but I don't actually recognize the word."

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"Uh, like a mechanical wing contraption."

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"--Oh. Okay. I definitely like the way you think."

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"Oh good. Mind, I have no particular clue how you'd enchant one but I bet we're in the right place to find out."

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"I bet we are!!! I'm going to bring this up in my intro engineering class."

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"Solid plan."

There's the student health center! There's the cafeteria, which is apparently open twenty-four hours a day! Ooh, look, a gigantic stadium-style structure for student theater and sports and rallies and stuff!

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The student health center advertises free contraception charms. Emily considers this sign thoughtfully. 

"I wonder if it's like the pill in that it affects menstruation." 

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"Huh, not a clue."

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"Why do you even care, Luxals don't menstruate," Ava snorts. 

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"--Wait, we don't?"

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"...Ah. Didn't come up?"

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"And I haven't been one long enough to notice!"

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"I still do but not this week so I don't feel a need to stop in and inquire."

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"I should get one anyway at some point. Not that I expect it to be immediately relevant, but I wouldn't like to be surprised, you know?"

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"Super legit, I should probably do the same thing on general principle. There are almost no boys here but that's less of a guarantee than it would be at Bryn Mawr or something."

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"It's not a guarantee at Bryn Mawr either, but there are probably more male witches here than there are trans girls there."

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"Plus even if they're not trans, magic does all kinds of things, some of them very inconvenient!"

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"--Sorry, are you talking about the thing where awakening forcibly transitions people, or something else."

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"For all I know there's a complication that causes people to have, I don't know, viable pollen! Like, there probably isn't because I made that up, but not having read even a description of all the species let alone all the other variations..."

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"...Viable pollen. Okay, yeah, that--probably doesn't exist--but I for one am going to go get contracepted right now. Because yikes."

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"Well, if you're going I guess I might as well too." In they go.

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The dryad behind the desk is happy to assure them all that viable pollen is absolutely not a thing, but also temporary potions or hexes to acquire a dick recreationally are absolutely a thing, and taking precautions sooner rather than later is very responsible of them. 

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"We're very responsible," agrees May, taking her free charm. How does one install/wear/deploy this.

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Most of the charms are on little pendants to wear as necklaces but there are also bracelet and sticker versions. There is a sign saying that piercing and finger-ring versions are available at a low price. 

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Any of them jazzy enough to charge off? If they're not she'll take the necklace.

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A few of the friendship bracelet ones give a very mild charge!

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It's better than nothing, if she's going to wear it around indefinitely. Friendship bracelet it is.

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Emily snags a bracelet one too because it hides under her sleeve relatively well. 

"I will definitely make you something better than that to put it on."

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"Thank you. Though apparently whoever made this was at least a little bit invested."

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Ava takes a sticker. "I'm not exactly going to sweat it off."

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"Can you even get pregnant, given how dead you are?"

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"I don't think so, but why chance it when we're here anyway and it's free?"

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"I guess empusa had to get into your bloodline somehow."

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"That's not my area of expertise," the dryad admits, "or I'd have more to say about it. But you could probably find something in the library."

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"Onward!" says May, and she floats out of the health center to proceed through dorms and classroom buildings and the campus store and the mailroom and the faculty offices and the next garden and the next pool, seeking the library.

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The library, it turns out, is the largest building on campus even from the outside, and there's some kind of spatial warping going on because it's bigger on the inside. 

There are so. Many. BOOKS!!!

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"Ohhh... books..." sighs May, spinning in the air and then zipping up to the organizational system explanation on the wall. Dewey did not account for these subjects.

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The library is organized into numbered wings by general topic area, and then into numbered sub-sections of those wings by specific topic; for example, that wing is for ranked magic and divided into various differently-sized rooms based on which ranked magic it is (in general, the rooms for academic-friendly subjects are bigger). 


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That's quite reasonable but May is a warlock. She wants to find a book on Lucasta! Where's the deities at?

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This room over here, Theology, Celestial Code, Lucasta. There aren't a lot of books about her but there are a few, plus a few more that mention her somewhere. 

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May collects up all two of the books that are about her, and a more comprehensive encyclopedia of genuine bonafide deities and their witchy religious practices, and then floats back out to see if there's a limit to how many books she can take.

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Limit of fifty books at a time. 

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Wow, that's plenty. She stuffs her chosen books in her pockets, freed from gravity, and looks for stuff on:

- the masquerade
- Hell, and other planes
- wulongs, including but not limited to Chinese ones
- lifeweaving
- introductory potion recipes
- one biography of a randomly selected interesting witch, for a sort of cross-section of what might be needful to know about

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There are books on avoiding masquerade violations while living on Earth and books on what is known of the metaphysical necessity of the masquerade and books on the magical theory behind the Veil and various anthropological analyses of the masquerade. 

There are books on planar theory, overlapping with but not wholly a subset of Aethernautics; there are anthropological surveys of summoned demons; there's an advice book for people considering taking Consortation Rank Five, there are books (a plurality of which seem to have been written by Watchers) about Hell itself. 

There is a cultural survey of wulongs in various parts of Asia (they're most common in East Asia, but not unheard of as far west as Egypt and as far north as parts of Russia, and slightly less uncommon in India, modern global migration notwithstanding) and how wulongs tend to organize themselves in said countries; there is a yearly periodical on the inter-clan politics of Chinese wulongs; there is a history of Chinese wulong clans; there is a book on Japanese witches with a chapter on wulongs; there are books about wulong biology; there is a book of chapter-biographies of significant wulongs; there are individual book-biographies of wulongs both in that book and not. 

Lifeweaving has a small room in the ranked-magic wing. 

The (very large) alchemy room has a substantial section for recipe books, organized by skill level; there are several shelves in the introductory section, depending on what kind of potions she's interested in. 

She ends up with a book with a pair of hands on the cover cupping a bright red apple, about the Lunabellan witch who first invented Blood Apples. 

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May gets a metaphysical necessity book, a Veil theory book, and an anthropology of the masquerade book. She gets an anthropological survey of demons and two books about Hell, one by a Watcher and one by someone who at least doesn't advertise that on the cover. She gets the Japanese witches book and the Chinese clan history and a wulong biology book. She gets a lifeweaving book, the closest thing she can find to "so you heard of lifeweaving last month and can now do it at rank five". She gets Household And Beyond: Alchemy Foundations and also A Witch's Medicine Cupboard, and the biography about blood apple lady. And then she hauls them all over weightlessly to the checkout desk.

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Emily has books from several different sections about things magic can do with metal, as well as a survey on various ways art and magic relate to each other, a couple of books on elementalism-in-general, and a book about Luxals. 

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Edie has seven books about Hell and one about Naturalism and one about Lilin specifically. 

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Ava has a different potion recipe book, a book on runes, and a book about vampires. 

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While they're checking out May asks the librarian, "Do you know when we'll get our class schedules and syllabi with textbook assignments and stuff?"

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"They should be emailed out in just a few days."

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"That is enough time to make a serious dent in these books," says May, stuffing some of them in her landscape to make carrying them around less unwieldy.

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Emily pulls back her sleeve and, concentrating hard, manages to produce from her arm in a rapid fashion a sort of stainless steel little red wagon, but without the red part. Her and Edie's books can go on that. 

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"Wow, that is more volume per time than I was imagining, neat!"

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"My main limit is that I have to eat metal in order to secrete metal. Like, in terms of mass. Even though it doesn't have to be the same element."

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"Is it tasty?" May wonders as they depart the library.

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"Yeah! It's sort of weird, it tastes exactly the same as it did before--not that I had a habit of sucking on pennies, before, but you know how sometimes there's a smell when you hold onto coins for too long--but the valence is completely different. Like how something can taste better when you're hungry for that thing specifically."

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"Interesting! Are you going to eat this wagon when we get back to our dorm?"

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"Well, I'll wash the parts that have touched the ground first."

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"Naturally. It just sounds like it'll be fun to watch at least the first couple times."

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"Feel free."

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"Do you still have to eat regular food too?"

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Shrug. "I suppose my book on Luxals will tell me. I haven't had any reason to test it, I like real food. Even if there aren't any elemental metals that are treif."

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"--Treif is the opposite of kosher. If a food is not kosher, it is treif. But the list is in blacklist form, not whitelist form, and since the ancient Hebrews wandering in the desert were all, as far as I know, human, nobody ever told them not to eat metals."

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"That's good or they'd have problems with supplements. Ooh, I wonder if you can brew potions that are, like, sauces but complementing the flavors metals have..."

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"--I know I keep saying this, but I like the way you think."

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"It's nice to be appreciated."

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"You are very cool and we appreciate that about you."

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May cackles witchily.

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"Oh, that's very good, have you been practicing?"

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"A little bit!"

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"Hey, if I covered myself in gold dust, d'you think I'd look more witchy? Like the nurse back at the health center?"

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"Huh. I'm not aware of a 'covered in gold dust' witch archetype?"

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"...No, uh, 'cause my skin is blue and blue plus yellow is green."

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"Oh. I'm not sure gold dust would actually get you green, it might be too sparkly to blend? You'd look like lapis lazuli, which would also be awesome, but not green. You could make a potion about it if you wanna be green."

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"It was mostly a joke but now that you mention it looking like lapis lazuli would be cool."

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"Your skin is way too pale to actually look like lapis lazuli."

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"Will you suntan if you hang out outdoors? Darken to a nice cobalt?"

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"No idea. Maybe the lilin book I got from the library will tell me." 

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"Maybe! I'm probably going to potion up a stain for my hands before I next go home to Canada."

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"Hmm. You know, sleeve tattoos are a thing, scribble on those a bit with a body art marker and they'd be very plausible tattoos."

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"Oh, hm, maybe I can be precise enough with my left hand if I prestidigitate on a design before filling it in. Or maybe it's simple enough for one of the maid constructs. And I'd want to paint my nails."

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"I wonder if there are magic body art markers. I was going to say 'that do the drawing for you' but now I'm just intrigued in full generality."

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"I bet there are potion inks in all kinds of applications but I don't know about doing the drawing for you."

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"Well, it could be an enchantment on the body of the marker, in runes, not alchemy on the ink."

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"Do runes do that? Isn't animating objects a hex?"

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"I...may not know what I'm talking about very well yet."

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"Fair enough, neither do I!"

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"Anyway, worst comes to worst I can draw, which sounds less expensive than a literal magic marker."

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"True. I might just concentrate my visits to Canada in the wintertime and wear gloves, though, rather than draw artistic attention."

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"Fair enough. And there are thinner gloves you can wear when it's not winter, if you want."

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"There are, they just also draw attention."

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"Not that much attention, surely?"

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"I'm not protected by the Veil, so I gotta watch out, at least until I know more about what's even up with the masquerade. I wasn't super paranoid about this, people just figured I was in cosplay, but little risks add up."

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"Do they? Into what?"

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"Patterns that constitute bigger risks? I don't actually know how bad the masquerade situation is, but until I find out I want to be pretty conservative, if I trip over someone and they notice that my horns aren't a headband or something maybe there is a multiverse-scale problem! - I trip a lot when I'm trying to walk without magic."

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"I feel like if things were that dire they wouldn't be so blasé about us telling our parents but I guess I don't know."

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"I am sort of assuming that if any of our parents were going to immediately bring video evidence to a large audience there is some kind of task force that handles that, and I don't want to bring such a thing down on someone whose crime is owning a smartphone."

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"Oh, I see, I wasn't thinking of recording anything when you said notice."

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"I think some people upon noticing would attempt to acquire evidence! But yeah, I doubt very much it's the end of the world if I'm not more convincingly magical than a grainy Bigfoot video."

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"It probably makes sense to do the research before making any kind of plans."

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"Thus the books." She pats her landscape of holding.

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"Fair enough. --It is so cool that you can do that."

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"It was startlingly cheap, too! I'm terribly fortunate."

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"The wulong chapter of my species book said that digicasting is partially based on that ability."

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"This is among the reasons I'm taking a class in it, to see if there's neat synergies. I wonder how new kinds of magic are developed..."

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"I don't know but I bet it's really fun."

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"I bet. The only ones I'm aware of having been invented by an identifiable person or team are witchery and digicasting, I wonder if they were all invented if you go back far enough or if some are naturally occurring. Sorcery and elementalism are pretty good candidates for naturally occurring magic, I bet."

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"Hmm. Maybe. It's also possible that warlocks were the first class and witches were invented by some would-be patron."

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"Maybe, if patrons preceded witches! But if gods can be new I reckon some of them might be ascended witches, and maybe all of 'em."

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"Hmm. Possible. Although, man, if that's the case I am probably going to get in serious trouble trying to find out who the guy claiming to be my God is."

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"Trouble with who, him? The Watchers? Why would this be more the case if he usedta be a witch?"

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"If they didn't used to be a witch then I don't have any obvious avenues of investigation. And if I manage to actually get anywhere, I bet they'll want me to not get any farther."

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"Perhaps! Man, I'm going to have to like... read my books in... an order. Truly witching has brought me so far in so many ways, yet I cannot read two books at once."

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"Yet, growth mindset."

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"Oh, do you know of a rank I can take that will let me read ten books at a time?"

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"Not yet." 

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"Maybe if I invent a magic of my own it will be something to do with information absorption and organization."

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"Oooooh. The librarians will love you."

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"They better!"

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"If I were to invent a whole new kind of magic...I don't know, it's hard to say without knowing very well what bases the existing ones cover. But probably something based off of dream-walking, that seems like a reasonable comparative advantage."

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"What's the deal with dreamwalking?"

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"I can go into people's dreams and sort of wake them up into lucid dreaming and stuff."

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"Huh. I think digicasting is also a little like that but I'm basing this off having glanced at it before deciding I couldn't afford it while I was doing my build."

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"Huh. Maybe digicasting is based on both wulong and lilin stuff, then. See, this is why I felt like not knowing so much stuff made it harder to say what I'd invent."

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"We should go read our books and have more basis for our ambitions."

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"Yeah! --Admittedly my books are mostly about Hell."

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"It's a reasonable first priority for you! And presumably makes it sting slightly less that you must read one at a time."

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"Yeah I never had that problem with Holocaust books either." 

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"I... meant more that if they're mostly on one topic you aren't torn on which topic to learn about first, but that too, I suppose."

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"--Oh yeah that would be the obvious read, sorry." 

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"Trauma!" Emily says brightly with bonus jazzhands. 

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May wryly jazzes her hands right back.

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"Fortunately, the guy who found Emily after the accident knew some Consortation. Anyway! Books are cool."

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"They sure are."

May goes back in to her dorm through her window and starts on the first book she grabs out of her landscape to avoid having to pick. It's a Lucasta book.

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Once upon a time there was a human girl named Lucy Walton. Then she had a natural awakening during the course of getting caught up in an Outsider-related incident severe enough that the Veil didn't protect her! This had Predictable Bad Consequences, namely, a siren witch named Lucy Walton who was now severely Outsider-tainted. She proceeded to climb through the magical ranks of, among other things, Monstrosity, until she hit rank five of that and the goddess Lucasta ensued. This would have been Very Bad, except that then the Celestial Code happened. 

Lucy Walton is now most often seen dealing with Outsider-related incidents, on account of being immune to Outsider influence now (here is a prayer to say to Lucasta if something Outsider-related happens and you don't have any better options than prayer), and checking in with warlocks of Lucasta, of whom there are a number. Several but not all of them have elected to form and participate in a formal church structure, which has yet to determine a permanent formal name for itself, but which is referred to by various people and groups by various titles, the three most prominent of which are "Lucastanism," "The Starfish-Throwers," and "The Temple of Obstinate Beneficence." 

The primary tenets of Lucasta's faith are "people suffering is bad," "yes even if they are bad people," "I REALLY REALLY MEAN IT," "doing good things for other people is really important but, also, don't eat your seed corn," and "doing good effectively is important but even curing obscure diseases in charismatic puppies is a positive amount of good." 

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Welp. Looks like May is going to need at least a first-line plan for dealing with Outsider shit, ideally one that is superior to "prayer", though she does note the prayer to have it on hand. Is there a formal church structure on the Arcadia grounds that this author knows about?

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If the author knows of one they don't think to put it in the book. It does mention the location of (so far) Lucasta's main temple, in a city on a parallel Earth called "Sunspot" in a geographic area roughly equivalent to Alsace. 

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Gosh, parallel Earths.

Where does the Lucy Walton... fork...? live now, does it say?

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She spends a lot of time traveling around doing things; she is known to crash sometimes at the temple and speculated to crash sometimes in Lucasta's afterlife. Her mailing address is at the temple but probably someone filters her mail for her. 

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Huh. May will put writing her a letter on the to-do list but it is lower priority than reading the next book. Masquerade!

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The Masquerade book contains: 

-Hyperplanar math about how being at the center of the hypersphere works aethernautically and speculation on how the monomyth relates to this structurally.

-A study of anecdata collected from gods and other powerful critters about the masquerade and the monomyth and what kind of wiggle room exists (random people getting curious about body art being out of character for her is probably not a serious risk). 

-A study of divinations from variously powerful witches regarding various prospective masquerade-related actions. 

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What do the divinations say about what actions?

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-If a lot more people started going around unveiled, and this started a fad for weird costumes among mortals, this would pretty much be fine. 

-Using magic to make money (in the ways that are already known to be fine) and then donating lots of money to mortal charities is fine. 

-Starting a supposedly-mortal charity and keeping all the chains of command complicated enough that nobody can tell that the reason they don't know who's in charge of Thing is because Thing is being done by magic instead of using donated money is fine, and actually that big vaccination push that wiped out malaria a few years back was one of those. 

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Ooh, that was witches? Awesome. May will relax some about masquerading.

How does the monomyth connect to the structural integrity of the multiverse?

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The author is not totally clear on this in the same concrete mathematical way as they are sure about how the planar hypersphere is structured. They can however correlate a lot of upsets in the magical world--natural disasters on other planes, spikes in violence and accidental injury and death--with periods of upheaval in mortal epistemics, such as the Industrial Revolution, the Conquistadores, and the Communist Revolution (separate but overlapping bumps for the rise of the Communist Party in Russia and China), the Protestant Reformation, the rise of some but not all major world religions (things that take a long time to spread have either less effect or at least less specifically isolatable effect). 

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How do they know it tracks belief and not, like, sharp changes in material conditions?

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The author does not comment on this specifically. 

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Maybe the other masquerade book will say...

...after dinner, May has just read two books in one sitting floating and it is time to eat. She will poke her head out of her room to see if her suitemates want to join her but if they're not in evidence she will just zoom to the dining hall on her own.

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The twins will join her but Ava is good with her blood apples. 

"How'd your reading go?"

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"Apparently it was witches who put malaria in the ground!"

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"Oh, that's cool!"

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"Shame cancer's not tractable in the same way infectious diseases are. I mean, there are upsides, you're never going to get a cancer epidemic, but still." 

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"Hmm, I bet you could do it if you had the right technobabble."

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"I'm sure cancer can be eliminated somehow, but if you cure all the cancer in the world now without doing anything else, this will not prevent all future cancer from occurring, so the research doesn't--parallelize as neatly." 

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"Actually, just curing all of a disease in humans doesn't necessarily wipe it out--the witches must have done something about, I dunno what species, anything that was a malarial reservoir."

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"Do all diseases have reservoir animals?" 

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"Probably not all? I dunno. ...I guess an STD had better not."

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"Some of them do, though they probably at least sometimes, uh, jump the species barrier in other ways, most STDs aren't magically incapable of getting from point A to point B in any other way and it's just how they usually do. - anyway! Also Lucasta seems cool, and used to be a witch and is now somehow simultaneously a witch and a god, I might write witch-her a letter."

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"Well, that's neat. Did it say anything about how she got that way?"

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"Natural awakening involving Outsider contamination, she got more powerful and turned into a god, a contaminated god would be bad but then the thing that decontaminated her happened, now there are two of her, I'm not sure exactly why this caused there to be two of her."

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"...Huh. Good question."

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"That sounds...awkward...but potentially workable."

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"What, having two of you? The book did not leave me with the impression it was common but yeah I would get along with myself if it befell me somehow."

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"I mean, the thing I think specifically would be awkward isn't having two of me, it's going evil-crazy and then when you snap out of it then there are two of me. And one of me has an obvious advantage over the other in like...hugging my family about the inevitable trauma."

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"That is legit."

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"I'm sure there are pleasanter ways to fork. ...I wonder if that's a thing magic can do, in general, like, not that I necessarily want to, but..."

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"I don't especially want to either but it would be interesting to see what else in that vicinity might exist, if it's a thing."

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"Yeah, exactly!"

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"Transhumanism is fun!"

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And here is the dining hall! What is for dinner?

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The dining hall is arranged in a series of concentric rings, the outermost ring being outdoor seating, the next ring being indoor seating, and then the two inmost rings being buffet-style food service. The innermost ring is for normal human food--for highly multicultural definitions of "normal"--and the outer ring is divided into slices for various kinds of specialized diet. 

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Huh. As far as May knows wulongs don't eat anything weird, but do any of the weird things look appetizing?

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Weird things include such mundane diets as vegan, kosher, and halal, and the vegan station has an extremely tempting coconut-milk chocolate cake, but she is unlikely to be interested in any of: 

-The station with bars of various colors of shiny metal, which Emily swoops upon,
-The station with various colors and consistencies of ink,
-The booze station,
-The insects station (unless she wants to try chocolate-covered ants),
-The extremely discreet station for live prey. 

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She does not want to try chocolate covered ants today, though coconut chocolate cake does sound pretty cool and if the normal food section doesn't have anything competitive she will grab some on her way to the tables after collecting some chicken dumplings and a stirfry noodle thing.

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Desserts available in the normal human food section include brownies, soft-serve ice cream in more flavors than usually get made soft-serve, mochi, little fried dough balls labeled "gulab jamun," a sponge cake labeled "malva pudding," and turkish delight. 

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May dispenses pistachio ice cream onto a brownie and floats over to wherever the twins are at.

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The twins have secured one corner of an indoor table. Edie has a vegetarian gyro with extra tzatziki sauce and gulab jamun; Emily has a beef stirfry, a slice of the coconut chocolate cake, and several bars of various metal alloys, one of which she is currently sucking on the corner of like a chocolate bar. 

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"Hello again!" She plops herself into a seat and sets in on her noodles.

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"Hi! This place is impressive."

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Nom nom. "Yeah, the food is good, I'm probably not going to need my magical picnic anytime soon."

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"Fried dough is a sort of specific thing to have a favorite kind of, let alone to have your favorite kind supplanted, but I am not complaining."

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"Is that sticky thing fried under all the goop?"

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"Well, congratulations on discerning your new favorite fried dough thing."

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Emily finishes her current bar of metal, pulls a pair of lacquered chopsticks out of her bag, and starts in on her stir-fry. 

"Personally before shifting any favorites I'm going to see how this place does the old favorite."

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"Yeah, I'm not being very adventurous yet. Enough new things to adjust to without trying chocolate covered ants. Who eats those, I wonder."

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"Frog people?"

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"Huh! Are there frog people witches?"

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"Heck if I know. But it wouldn't surprise me."

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"If there are lizard people they've got to be as sick of conspiracy theorists as I am."

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"Yeah, there isn't a lizard conspiracy, just a witch one. Totally different."

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"And it isn't doing any of the things conspiracy theorists think that quote lizard people close quote are doing." 

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"As far as we know! We're very junior inductees."

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"If any conspiracy theorist has ever accused lizard people of curing malaria I'll eat one of Emily's snacks."

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She snorts and kicks her sister in the ankle. "You'll try." 

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"I wonder how many ranks in metallurgy that would take."

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"Swallowing pieces of metal doesn't take magic! Farmers feed their cows magnets to do damage control on the cows doing it by accident!"

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"Huh, really? How does that help?"

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"I'm...not actually sure? But I think the idea is that sharp edges that are sticking to the magnet aren't doing things to the cow's tissues."

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"I guess that makes sense! Ren told me once that she can't have any strong magnets in her kindergarten classroom because if a kid swallows two of them that's really dangerous but maybe cows are just different."

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"Possibly it isn't different but kindergarteners are less likely to swallow nails so the risk assessment is different."

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"Also a magnet is cheaper than surgery and people, uh, kill and eat, cows."

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"There is that."

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"Sometimes I think it would be simpler to just go vegetarian. I usually like milk better than meat anyways." 

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"I wonder if you can make a potion that makes tofu actually taste like meat."

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"...Huh. That seems...probably? If that exists I want to talk to a witch rabbi about whether it would be kosher." 

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"I will let you know if I stumble across a recipe for it."

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"It seems valuable even if it isn't." 

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"--Huh. Actually, if Lunabella can do fruits with a good enough human blood substitute for vampires, it seems like they could probably do meat plants."

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"Ooh." May's plate is empty. "- I'm gonna go read a potions book. Bus that for me," she adds to an unseen servant she spins up for the purpose.

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--OH that was directed at--some kind of magic thingy okay. That makes sense. 

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The invisible magic thingy buses May's plate. May zooms home to read about POTIONS.

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Before she can crack open a book, there's a sort of sensation like when she was awakening, except all her other senses work and there's only one star. 

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"Oh hello," says May, pausing in midair over the aethernautics building's planetarium. Poke?

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The star is totally an errand! Lucasta would like to offer her a power point to read this set of recipes for medical potions, and brew some to have on hand in case of an emergency. 

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Awesome, can do. Are those recipes in the books she has already or does this mean another stop at the library?

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They are recipes in books she already has! 

Three of them are specifically designed for compliance with the masquerade while still being useful to mundane humans: one is intended to be huffed by a witch before beginning rescue breathing, at which point the potion is transferred as fumes to the lungs of the patient, where it works to repair and open alveoli. The second results in a powder that looks and tastes like salt, intended to be stirred into chicken soup (or vegetarian equivalent) whereafter it works to heal respiratory symptoms at a plausible rate and specifically prevent worsening of symptoms. The third is brightly colored and slightly artificial tasting and very, very hydrating. 

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Cool! She has never made a potion before so she isn't going to make all three at once even though her hydron enables that; she will start with whichever one looks mediumest in complexity and then maybe do the other two simultaneously.

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The Magic Gatorade is the easiest, the soup salt is the middlest, and the mouth-to-mouth resuscitator is the most complicated. 

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Soup salt first then!

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The recipe involves several kinds of actual salt, some seasonings, and the last sip of water in a glass you've drunk the rest of, poured into the cauldron at various points and stirred in specific ways. All told it takes about ten minutes to put it together and then it wants to sit until it dries, which takes about another twenty minutes. 

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Huh. While it's drying can she use the hydron features to get started on the next two?

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She can definitely do that. 

Ingredients for Magic Gatorade include regular gatorade (or substitute in alternate Sports Drink, which should fit the following parameters unless you care to take a risk) and rehydration powder; the resuscitation vapor's ingredients include "something carbonated," cornstarch, water that has either had bubbles blown through it or been poured in a thin stream from one container to another for a certain length of time, the ashes of an aromatic herb, and someone's breath. 

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She does not have a sports drink! She will zip out to the school store to see if they have the ingredients she needs; she actually already had a few spices since not packing clothes and having infinite space in her landscape meant she didn't need to pack light, and sometimes she'll bring home restaurant leftovers and they will include steamed broccoli even though that's the worst thing you could possibly do to broccoli and she puts garlic salt on it. Gatorade, cornstarch, a straw for bubbles, an aromatic herb, she has perfectly good breath, a soda or a sparkling water or something.

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There is not exactly a school store as such but the town area has lots of stores, some of which will a) take cash, and b) mention this online. 

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Well, anything sufficiently like a Couche-Tard will do the trick.

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There are relatively few of those, but one relatively nearby. 

(When she gets there, she may intuit that it was put together and run more by an enthusiastic muggleboo than by anyone who actually had experience of mundane convenience stores, but she can acquire her potion ingredients just fine).

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...what are their weird selection options? She does also need containers to store her potions in.

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In terms of containers they have less in the way of plastic gladware and more in the way of ornate glass bottles and decorated metal boxes and a slightly perplexing amount of cling wrap. 

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Well, she likes ornate glass bottles and decorated metal boxes, especially if she can charge off them but probably these were churned out in large batches.

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They were churned out in large batches but even a factory glassblower takes some pride in their work. 

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She takes the pridefulest handful, and the ingredients, and a couple kitchen timers to track her potioning, and pays out of her spending money and flies back home to make the potions!

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And when her potions are brewed, she gets a point of Favor from Lucasta, which can be exchanged for a power point at any time. 

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Yaaaaay. She thinks she will hold onto it for the time being, learn more about all the things she has options for, maybe save up for a large purchase if she doesn't pop out of her digicasting class going "omg I need a rank in that right now".

She reads more of her potions book, armed with recent practical experience.

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The book is more of a recipe book than a theory book but there are a lot of recipes in it, ranging from cures for obscure medical ailments to flavorings that work better than normal flavorings--completely overwriting the underlying flavor instead of adding to it--to a minor working memory enhancer. 

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Ooh, a working memory enhancer!! Do the flavor ones do the meat flavor for tofu thing she was wondering about?

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There's one that does, but requires a scrap of the meat in question as an ingredient; the rest are all flavor-specific and not for that flavor specifically. 

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Well, you could get the ultra humane stuff and chop it up real small to spread it around on lots of foods but it is presumably not kosher if you do it that way.

What would she need for the memory one?

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The memory potion wants several sprigs of fresh rosemary, a fish bone, a small drawing of an elephant (it can be done on anything, but the potion will take a lot longer to brew if it's on something like stone or metal instead of something that will dissolve without too much fuss like paper) three different colors of dyed sugar, and water. Tap water is fine, river water is fine, salt water works but then you have to add these three extra steps to compensate for the salt. Also you're supposed to say something that you have at some point forgotten and then remembered again while you stir it. 

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Did the convenience store have fish bones? And colorful sugar? And rosemary? Or does she need a full on grocery/potion supply store for this one?

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The convenience store had rosemary and the kind of colorful sugar you sprinkle on cakes but not fish bones. 

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She flies back to the cafeteria, looks for anyone eating fish that looks like it may not have been thoroughly deboned.

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There is a nervous-looking wulong girl with part of a fish skeleton on her plate, eating something with a lot of rice. 

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May floats up to her. "Hello, quick question?"

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She startles slightly, then forcibly relaxes. "Yes?"

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"Sorry to bother you! I just want to make a potion that calls for fish bones and you have the most conspicuous fish bones in the cafeteria. Do you need them?"

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"Oh--no, help yourself." 

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"Thanks!" Yoink. "I'm May, will I see you at the art appreciation thing?"

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"Mo Xuanyu. Yes, I like mana." 

She flushes and ducks her head, realizing that that sounded stupid as soon as she'd said it. 

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"I like mana too!" giggles May. "See you there!" She drops the fish skeleton in her pocket artwork and zooms off to the store for her sugar and rosemary.

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The store has fresh rosemary in little packets and decorative sugar in brightly-colored plastic bottles. 

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Yoink. She will be rolling in Kisses soon enough for tiara reasons and does not feel the need to be very conservative about this.

Potion! She will make a small test batch and then a bigger batch if it's awesome.

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The uptick in working memory and attentional capacity is fairly small, but noticeable, and it doesn't have any annoying side effects. 

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Cool. Great big hydrondful of it so she can take it for reading complicated books and exams and stuff.

While that's cooking, what's the next book in her stack?

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The next book in her stack is the lifeweaving book. 

Lifeweaving isn't something just anyone can learn; in order to learn it, you have to consume the petals of a Flower of Life, which is a very magical lotus. They grow Somewhere, but the location is a secret to anyone who knows it; the author is not one of these people. 

The author does not, herself, practice lifeweaving, but has studied it from a third-person perspective in cooperation with a number of people who do practice lifeweaving, of whom a few very old members are regular lifeweavers who acquired and consumed a Flower, and the rest had magic talismans for it. (There is a minor note that a plurality of those were warlocks of Lucasta, and it seems like Lucasta has a source on Lifeweaving Magic Talismans specifically, but investigating that is not within the purview of this book). 

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Huh, Flowers of Life. May wonders if those are necessary to create a talisman too. Any cool non-obvious applications of her tiara?

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Distilled light is a really really good potion ingredient. Using lifeweaving light offensively is extra-effective against demons and the undead, so she should be careful practicing that around her roommates. Rank 5 lifeweaving can reverse mind control. 

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Oh dang, kickass mind-control reversal. What potions call for distilled light?

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There aren't a whole lot of potion recipes in general circulation that require distilled light, because it is very, very rare and expensive, but if you put a tiny sliver of it in a big batch of just about any healing potion it will grossly improve its quality, and developing recipes that rely on it as an ingredient isn't very hard once you've got a basic grounding in alchemy. 

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Cool. She will ask her teacher about it when she takes her alchemy class.

When she is through with that book she will pick up the next one!

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The next book is on Wulong clan history in China. 

There are lots of different clans of varying levels of power; most of them claim territory of some kind, but they also, especially the big ones, have little pocket dimensions they live in for reasons of defensibility. Wulong clans vary in how much they bother dealing with non-wulong witches in their territory; some of them don't care, and some of them don't dare; they tend to puff themselves up as being the most important, so if you can't smack down your neighbors if they annoy you, pretending they're beneath your notice saves face. 

To what extent wulong hybrids count as wulongs for clan purposes also varies by a number of factors including what saves face; if a hybrid gets strong enough that claiming them will be impressive, one generally does that, and if one gets strong enough to get away with snubbing you and does so, pretending you never wanted them is a safe fallback. 

Wulong clan members tend to marry other wulongs, generally either members of their own clan far enough removed, members of other clans they want to make an alliance with, or non-clan-affiliated individuals. The wulong clans tend to have high enough levels of prestige and luxury that most such marriages are actively sought out by those who marry in, but there have been historical cases of coercion. Marrying non-wulongs is unusual, but not frowned upon as such, so long as all one's children choose to be wulongs on Awakening. Marrying another wulong and having dalliances with non-wulongs is not unusual; sometimes the non-wulongs are brought in as concubines and their children expected to assume wulong status; sometimes they are simply abandoned on the outside. Rates of the former as opposed to the latter have gone up temporarily on at least three different historical occasions when wulong hybrids left outside have achieved remarkable things after being abandoned by their wulong parents and subsequently snubbed them. The three definitely confirmed examples in question are Li Suona, daughter of a Wen clan member and an orc, who married into the Jiang clan and publicly refused to acknowledge any connection between her children and the Wen clan, Mo Ran, daughter of a Nangong clan member and a daeva, who turned out way more powerful than her Nangong parent or her not-even-a-witch daeva mother, winning acclaim under the monicker Dàzǐlóng (大紫龙) and marrying someone just as powerful and disinterested in all the dragon clans as she was, resulting in one possibly apocryphal anecdote where her wife chased off a messenger from the Nangong clan with a whip, and Zhao Mingguang, daughter of a Jin clan member and an elf, who ran off to Alfheimr, became a winter court duchess, and has publicly expressed the opinion on multiple occasions that the wulong clans are horribly backwards and not worth bothering to send ambassadors to. 

A handful of small wulong clans ran off to Taiwan when the Communist Revolution happened; there's a lot more tension between them and the native witches than there tends to be on the mainland between wulongs and non-wulongs and they don't have anywhere near the ability to pretend to be special that the mainland ones have retained. 

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Gosh, how interesting. She's glad she doesn't live in China. Are there are lot of non-witch wulongs? Which powers do such folks have?

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The book does not comment on this specifically. 

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Maybe the next will!

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Wulongs have a higher ratio of witches to non-witches than most magical species do, because wulongs are an extremely convenient thing to be, so people opt into it a lot more often than they opt out of it; this correlation generalizes across pretty much all races except humans, for obvious reasons. Non-witch wulongs can't fly and none of them can go into art, but they all age slowly and stop at maturity, and they all can be resurrected in the same way. 

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Well, that explains why they live in pocket dimensions instead of art. Does the Veil cover nonhuman nonwitches?

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This book doesn't say anything about that, would she like to try another book or the Witch Internet?

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She has that book about the Veil, right?

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Non-witch non-humans are covered by the Veil, but aside from the ones that would be easy to mistake for a human anyway if you didn't know what you were looking for, like Daeva and elves and some Empusas, they tend to prefer to live outside of human society anyway, because having everyone else see something different when they look at you than what you see in the mirror can be difficult actually. 

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Reasonable! Where do they tend to live, more pocket dimensions? Alternate worlds like Alfheim? (Is there a technical distinction between those really?)

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Most of them live in alternate dimensions like Alfheimr but there are substantial populations in pocket dimensions. 

This book doesn't have any commentary on the difference between alternate dimensions and pocket dimensions, but the metaphysics book she read earlier did; a fully-fledged dimension, like Earth or Alfheimr, can be described as a location within the hypersphere with a set of coordinates that vary depending on what system you're using, and spatially speaking, they go on pretty much indefinitely. A pocket dimension is a finite volume of space that has to be anchored to a regular dimension in order to exist. 

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Wow, indefinite full-fledged dimensions. Intimidating and cool.

What's next?

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She's a few pages into the book on Japanese witches when Edie knocks on her door. 


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"- yes, that's probably a good idea. Thank you for retrieving me out of my book hole."

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"If I hadn't done it Emily would've. We've had loads of practice on each other."

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May sets her book down and floats out of her room. "Do you guys all have to sleep?"

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"I still do--for now--but Emily doesn't. I don't know about Ava actually."

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"I shall ask her next time I see her then." To the cafeteria!

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To the cafeteria!

Edie picks up a croissant and a handful of breakfast dishes she doesn't recognize and isn't sure how to pronounce. 

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May grabs an omelette and a muffin and an OJ. "I think I'm hungrier than I used to be. Possibly staying up all night does it even though I'm also physically exerting myself less because I fly everywhere now."

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"I'm okay with that! Magic just has so many ways to make food, I am so in favor."

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"Yeah, I don't mind it particularly. My mom was jealous. Oh, by the way, there is a potion that makes stuff taste like meat but it has meat in it, no joy on kosher cheeseburgers."

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"Oh well, I'll just have to make do with cheese on veggie burgers." 

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"Sorry to disappoint." Om nom nomelette.

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"Enh, probably other people who aren't me will be more disappointed. Also, people who aren't eating in this cafeteria, because damn, eating things with no meat in them here is no chore."

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"It's remarkably good cafeteria food, I'm tempted to start doing the taking a picture of your plate thing."

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"I don't feel especially tempted to do that but I have been writing down particularly excellent things to revisit later."

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"There's an idea." Muffin becomes nuffin.

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She munches her croissant. "It also lets me note the spelling so I can look up how to pronounce things later."

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"You know, I haven't actually been reading any of the labels so I barely noticed that they had them, I was just looking at the food."

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"Huh, I don't know how I would go about not reading the labels."

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"I did see some of them, they just didn't catch my eye. Get me a bowl of fruit salad," she tells a maid-hand. "- I wonder if there is some customary gesture or something to make it sound less like I am ordering people around instead of my nonsapient constructs.'

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"Looking in their direction helped this time, I think." 

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"I should get around to actually sticking them in T-shirts."

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"--Ooh, yeah, that'd probably help--or you could drape them in embroidered shawls or something else manaful like that--"

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"Good idea once I have acquired some embroidered shawls!"

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"--I wonder if I can use metallurgy to embroider things."

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"Ooooh. Is it that high-precision, my sense of the elementalism is benchmarked on all the stuff about how it operates at big combat scales."

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"I suspect that depends on skill level! It seems like a good source of sorceress practice, at any rate."

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"Are you both sorceresses?"

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"I am; Edie's not." 

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"I'm an Academic."

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"I would probably have been an academic if it weren't for the fantastic bribery."

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"I did not actually get to pick, and I suppose if I missed out on any bribery as fantastic as you got that's a pity, but really, I'm just glad I came out of it as well as I did! I haven't found anything yet that makes me go, 'hm, couldn't be me.'"

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"Let me know if there are very cool theoretical underpinnings to read up on."

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"I will absolutely do so! Probably you need some theoretical underpinnings to invent a whole new discipline."

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"It does seem like the sort of thing that might help!"

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"Ooh, hang on--" Emily gets out her phone and starts typing something. "I'm adding people or groups who are known to have invented disciplines in the past to my research list--I know digicasting was developed here at Arcadia but not by whom--"

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"Yeah, and witchery was invented by our mutual ancestress, but I haven't heard of anything being definitely between the two in age..."

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"I'm not sure I'd know how to confidently identify someone as being in-between--I mean if they're in the last couple millenia sure but aside from that. But I hadn't heard of anyone else who'd done it at all so that doesn't super matter." 

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"Well, we don't even know Witch Mom's name, so presumably we don't know much about how she pioneered the field, either, but anything more recent than that like digicasting will presumably be better able to provide references to build on."

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"Hm. Do we not know? I mean, you and I don't, but..." to the Alphazon search engine. After a few minutes she makes a face. "It would seem we do not." 

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"I figured if it was known people would call her it. I guess now that I think of it it could have been unpronounceable." Fruit salad appears before her. Nom nom nom.

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"It wouldn't be that weird to me if people tended to call her by a title instead of a name even if the name were available...anyway, I suppose you'd have a firmer foundation to place expectations on, if the person who awakened you mentioned her."

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"She did and there was no associated name. For Witch Mom. The awakener was called Penelope."

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"I assumed your awakener had a name! I did not admittedly assume it was Penelope." 

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"I guess if a powerful witch wanted to eccentrically refuse to have a name that would be something she could achieve probably but I don't think any of us were going to guess it."

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"Maybe she just liked the idea of being a blank slate for everybody to project mommish feelings onto."

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"See, personally, if I were going to do that, I'd be like, 'my name is Mom,' not, 'I have no name.'"

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"What if that led people to transliterate and not translate it?"

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"Enh, that wouldn't be so bad? If I had that concern I suppose I'd probably go with 'Mama' instead of 'Mom,' that's more universal I think..." 

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"Huh, is it? Neat."

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"Well, it's one of the first things a baby can say, I think, and I know that in Mandarin mother is also Mama, although I don't, off the top of my head, remember the tone. --It's one character repated, that I do remember."

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"It's not in Japanese. I guess maybe really little babies say it but it's not as far as I know one of the words for mother. It's maman in French but French is related, the Chinese one is more suggestive of universality."

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"Yeah, if it were only Indo-European languages I would just assume a common root and call it a day." 

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May finishes her fruit salad and tells her maid hand to bus her tray and then to go put on the Maple Leafs t-shirt and put the other Maid Hands in the summer camp shirt and the Red Cross shirt.

Then it is time to dive back into the BOOK HOLE.

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Wulong biology is pretty weird. There isn't, actually, any wholly physical reason for Wulong blood to be weird colors; it consistently contains hemoglobin and not hemocyanin or anything like that. Reflecting other colors of light instead of red light seems to be a magical effect, but they haven't wholly cracked what the active ingredients of the magic are. Wulong scales are also magical; there's serious debate over whether wulong blood should be considered a potion and wulong scales runes/relics or whether it makes more sense to categorize magical body parts as a separate thing. Wulong antlers are pretty ordinary bone structures; her spine does, in fact, run all the way out to the end of her tail, and this did in fact give her more vertebrae instead of elongating the ones she already has. 

Hell is...an afterlife. Not, generally, a very nice one. It has an unknown but large number of layers with different balances of power; there are powerful demons that rule multiple layers and powerful demons who rule fractions of a single layer and powerful demons who don't rule anything at all. It has been speculated but not confirmed that all of Hell answers to a single power greater than any single known demon. It is known that at least some demons are ex-mortals; it is not known whether all demons are, or if demons reproducing with other demons in Hell results in a baby demon, or if they just sort of spawn sometimes. The two authors don't disagree on any substantial details, although the Watcher author approaches the topic from a deontological perspective and the non-Watcher from a consequentialist one; the two books have substantial areas of non-overlap on details, and the Watcher author lends substantially more credence to the "Hell has a single big bad boss" hypothesis and assumes it to be basically the Christian idea of Satan.

Demons who answer the summons of consortationists tend to care about A) whatever "sin" they, personally, are themed around, and B) not being in Hell. Aside from that they are pretty much just people, although disproportionately traumatized people who have been normalized to concerning levels of bad things happening to people. 

Historically speaking, the most common species of witch in Japan has been Neutrals, with Hannya a close second. Kekubi, Oreads, Dryads, and Mimis also have substantial populations. Japanese Wulongs make up a fairly small chunk of the Japanese witch population but a relatively large chunk of the worldwide Wulong population. They have a slightly lower per-hatpoint population than China, on about the same level as Korea, and higher than anywhere else. 

The lady who invented blood apples is a Neutral witch from Lunabella, a sorceress who specializes in Naturalism, which is absolutely what was used to invent blood apples. She has invented dozens of other magical plant species but blood apples are the only one that have caught on to the point where a supermajority of witches will have heard of them. She's still alive, still on Lunabella, still messing around with plants, has three husbands, a wife, and a grey tabby cat familiar. 

Over the course of the next days until classes start, she gets a mission for one Favor to take this set of directions through the portal network to find a witch who had an accident that didn't injure her badly enough that it will take a high-rank spell to heal her, but since it's a head injury she's pretty out of it and vulnerable, and heal her. 

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Huh, what kind of magical are her scales, can she make cool potions with 'em?


May can bop through the portals to go Lifeweave the witch. She's doing a lot of passive mana recharging and minting Kisses is annoying so she's good for it.

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Her scales aren't very magical, but their physical properties don't totally line up with their composite materials; they're approximately just made of keratin but much tougher than her fingernails or toenails would be at that thickness with no serious structural differences to explain it. They can absolutely be used in potions. 

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Cool. She will ask her alchemy teacher when she has an alchemy class what potions they're suitable for.

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Arcadia offers a lot of flexibility about when to attend classes - you can basically slosh around between sections as much as you want even mid-cycle, if you aren't trying to meet a specific classmate and it isn't a one on one lesson like her voice lessons are. May arranges her alchemy class to come first, since she has already started working on potions, shortly before her voice lesson slot, and zips there a few minutes early for the slot in question.

The lab is spacious but still manages an aesthetic of cozy-cute; lots of big windows propped open, herbs and dried flowers dangling from the ceiling, hand-labeled glass and clay jars in charming mismatched colors on shelves and tackleboxes full of ingredients under all the lab benches, recipe books piled up on the teacher's desk and along the windowsills. The teacher has a hydron of her own (or maybe she's borrowing it), up at the front of the classroom, and has added more of her cute colorful-bordered stickers of the kind that all the jars have, stuck to some hydron mouths to mark what they've been used for. One is SECTION 4 SPARKLE SPLASH REDUCE UNTIL 3:00 and two are marked SECTION 2 DEMO STIMCURATIVE COMBO with the first having "stim" underlined and the second "curative". One is marked THAMINA'S COFFEE DO NOT STEAL!!

May has joined this teacher's section 1, and walks in and chooses a seat in one of the high barstools at the front left bench. The blackboard says If you do not have your own preferred way to heat potions, take a hot plate! If you do not have your own cauldron, borrow one out of the cupboard in the back! and she grabs one of the hotplates on her way to her bench and sits down, summoning her hydron into place.

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"Ooh, you have your own hydron? Nice." 

The girl who sits down beside her has a solid pewter cauldron with hanzi carved into the outside and has also grabbed a hot plate. 

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"It was part of my warlock bribery package, it's neat. Yours is super pretty though."

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"Thanks! My mom got it for me as an Awakening present. I went Sorceress but my firecalling isn't good enough yet to heat potions all by myself."

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"Ooh, it makes perfect sense that there would be awakening presents but it hadn't occurred to me, I just ran across a magic shop while I was out and about and the lady in it was like, good news."

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"Oh, yeah, my mom and her mom and so on have been witches for, like, ever."

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"The gender skew puzzles me."

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"I can't say I know what's up with it. I mean, I have a brother, he's still a brother and not a sister, if you're not willing to pay the points to stay the same body type you could just take a pretty androgynous figure and bind, you'd think..."

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"I do not know from personal experience but I think they are likely to be pretty attached to anatomy that doesn't include. Wow, what a sentence to say before introducing oneself, I'm May."

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"Lǐ Lánhuā. I won't be mad if you can't get the tones right."

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"Oh good, I'm Japanese-Canadian and haven't a prayer."

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"Fair enough. I'm Taiwanese-Taiwanese, at least for now. Might go somewhere else after Arcadia."

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"I have been warned I shouldn't go to China and its immediate environs for wulong clans being weirdos reasons, is it nice there?"

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"Pretty nice! We have a couple of wulong clans hanging around but they have been informed quite emphatically that nobody is going to let them get too big for their britches like they do on the mainland. --I guess I don't know for sure that that would hold up on interfering with another wulong. I sort of expect that to depend on whether any locals who are not wulongs have gotten to the point of caring enough about what happens to you to make a fuss."

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"I will consult my Rolodex before making vacation plans."

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"Sorry people suck. It's a good thing the system didn't end up extending to Japan."

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"I've never been there either but am, yeah, more likely to go for several reasons! Is this your first cycle at Arcadia?"

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"Second! I like it here, there's people from all over."

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"I got here a few days ago and immediately fell into a pit of library books."

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"That's so valid, there are so many books here...and I imagine you'd have loads of research to do, coming from the other side of the veil."

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"Yup. Needed to find out about my species and about all the surprise politics and about magic magic magic. I did find time to make some potions though, got a quest for it."

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"Oh, neat! Who's your patron?"

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"Lucasta, goddess of mortal agency and altruism."

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"--Wow, neat portfolio."

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"I know, right? I considered Hecate but I'm happy with my selection."

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"Hekate...Hekate...rings a bell but I can't recall off the top of my head."

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"Goddess of magic, in general. More risk of iffy quests and the bribes weren't as good."

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"What else've you got besides the hydron?" 

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She taps her tiara. "This lovely beastie. Gets me all five ranks of Lifeweaving."

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"--That's a Lifeweaving Magic Talisman???"

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"It is! I love it very much."

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"Holy shit, you got the good bribes."

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"I did. I am delighted."

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"I didn't get offered anything nearly that good or I'd've picked warlock."

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"Sorceress is legit too, I'm a touch peeved about being limited in how many elementalisms I can grab."

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"Yeah I do like not having any restrictions I didn't get points for."

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"I took the curse restriction just because, like, who learns magic is real and is like 'kickass, I can use this to hurt people, not with a plausibly deniable utility magic but with purpose-built curses, yay'."

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Snort. "People with calamitous potential who want to perma-kill people? The curse of immortality can also strip immortality from people, including the respawning type."

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The teacher strides into the room, and sets her bag down on the front desk with an audible thump. 

"Hello, class!" 

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"Hi!" says May, swishing her tail.

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The rest of the class raggedly choruses the greeting. The alchemy teacher gets down to business fairly quickly, soliciting suggestions for a potion to brew in-class. 

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May does not have a strong opinion on this!

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Several other people do make suggestions, which the teacher writes down on the board quickly, then calls for a swift vote which she leaves open for less than a minute.

The winner is a hair dye potion that can apply non-solid-color effects to hair. The teacher writes out the recipe on the board, with a section in the middle taken out and elaborated upon for what kinds of non-solid-color effects you can get with what variations in the recipe and why. 

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That's a cute idea, May likes her hair color fine but maybe Emily will want some or something. Can she get gold and silver ombre?

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She can! The teacher points her towards the ombre version of the relevant section of recipe, and then towards a cupboard full of various powdered metals. 

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Then she will attempt to make hair dye that would suit Emily.

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Once everyone has gotten started, the teacher starts circulating around the room, giving advice to students who are having trouble or about to make mistakes, and occasionally commenting loudly for the whole room on a point of theory. 

When she gets to May, she takes one look at her brewing setup and says, "Ooh, you know, there's a way to get even more complex effects by using a hydron to combine different iterations of the potion, if you're interested." 

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"Ooh, yes, please!"

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"Excellent, how complicated do you want to go? The theory can be demonstrated perfectly fine with only one combination, but you can get more elaborate with more and you don't seem to be brewing anything else right now... admittedly there is apparently such a thing as too much."

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"I'm not brewing anything else right now. I'm doing a metallic ombre for my suitemate, I've got it going gold and silver now but could add copper and rose gold if that's a thing?"

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"That works! Copper, rose gold, gold, silver, I'm guessing?"

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"I was thinking rose gold then copper then gold, sort of a partial rainbow, then the silver."

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"Okay, that works fine--what you'll want to do then is start a second copy of the same recipe in a second mouth, with rose gold in place of the gold and copper in place of the silver, in the original recipe, and then once they're both brewed I'll show you how to combine them." 

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"Awesome, thanks." She turns the hydron a little bit to access a different mouth.

Once her potion is mostly ready to be left to its own devices for a while she asks the teacher to tell her about using Lifeweaving light in things and also the alchemical applications of her scales and such.

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The teacher combs through the class, offering people pointers; May isn't the only one present with a hydron, and some of those get offered tips on complicating their hair dyes. She approximately ignores one girl with a hydron who, glancing at her hair, one might infer that she doesn't need the help; it's in a glittery rainbow pattern that one might infer did not get that way naturally. 

The teacher comes back when waved for, and her eyes light up at the mention of Lifeweaving. "Ooh. Well, the simplest thing is to use liquid light in place of the active ingredient of a healing potion--I have a formula for how to do that--but there are also, yes, recipes that specifically call for it--I'll put some of those together for you--and of course there's designing your own--do you have any background in alchemical theory yet, where should I start--"

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"I have... read a book... but awakened a few weeks ago and would not describe myself as being as far as 'having background' in much of anything."

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"Fair enough! Okay, I don't want to neglect anyone else in class--" she glances around to double-check that nobody's cauldron is on an amount of fire it shouldn't be, or spitting alarming fumes "--but I have office hours, when are you free?"

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"Uh -" May looks at her schedule. "- five this afternoon?"

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"Okay, great, my office is--" she names a room in the same building, "--if you want to drop by then."

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"Will do." May writes this down.

At the end of class she bottles up Emily's hair dye and heads for her voice lesson.

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The vocal teacher is a siren, and so are three girls and the one boy in the class. The teacher starts them on a set of warm-up exercises, testing people's ranges and their ability to stay on-key. 

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May is a rank amateur but not an untalented one!

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The voice teacher assigns her into a group with a couple of other ~mezzo-sopranos without a lot of vocal training, one human and one girl who looks like a centaur except instead of horse substitute a very large sheep. 

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Must... not.... pet..... wool.......

May introduces herself and sings along with the exercises.

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The human's name is Daria and the sheep-girl's name is Sophie. Daria's range is just a smidge higher than May's and Sophie's is just a smidge broader. Sophie's wool is thick and soft-looking and shiny and white, and the hair on her head looks to be made of the same stuff. 

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After some warmups May's range is a little less constrained but she doesn't sound good out past the edges.

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Once everybody is organized into groups the teacher passes out some sheet music of something May doesn't remotely recognize and starts leading the whole class in bits of it, sometimes singling out one group or section of groups to go over a chunk of it, sometimes having the whole class go until someone does something she feels the need to correct. 

The students with more background training don't get less correction, but they do get more specific correction. 

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Seems like a good way to do it! May has only public school amounts of sheet music ability but that's not literally nothing if you're a good student.

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If she peers at anyone else's sheet music she may see that not everybody has the same notation. 

At the end of class the teacher advertises an extracurricular seminar for musical literacy. 

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Maybe she will try that.

Next is lunch, and after that, magical economics!

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The syllabus is passed out. Their first unit is on barter, favor-trading, and Kisses; the second unit is on the interaction of local economies on the scale of a large faction; the third unit is on inter-large-faction economies; the fourth unit is on Alphazon. 

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Cool! Alphazon gets its whole entire unit, huh? Does the econ teacher have any advice, if she asks after class, about monetizing her lifeweaving tiara in a way that leaves her time to have a life and also causes people not to be dead?

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The econ teacher has as many as several advices depending on how heavily she wants to monetize it, how much she cares about which persons cease to be dead, and as many as several other things she may care about regarding her future lifestyle. For example, she could work for Alphazon, who would definitely resurrect people and definitely pay her lots of money but, also, would probably want a high level of control over who got resurrected, and probably also some ethically sketchy shit. 

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She mostly wants a large number of people who have living people missing them or who would be doing cool stuff to stop being dead and is willing to order potential resurrectees within this set according to ability for someone to pay for them. She doesn't want to do ethically sketchy shit, though she'd consider taking specific commissions on a freelance basis from Alphazon?

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"Taking commissions from Alphazon is probably safe. Not interacting with Alphazon at all isn't really worth it, most of the time, even if you don't like them, which a lot of people don't." 

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"I haven't yet formed an opinion but have gotten plenty of warning that one might coalesce very fast as soon as I've met them!"

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"It's not about meeting them, it's--you're from the other side of the Veil, right?"

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"Yes. I meant 'meet' in a broader sense."

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"Right, so, the main thing you need to know is that there was a library, and it got nuked."

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"- whose library got nuked by whom?"

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"Our library, they nuked it. Because the library refused to compromise on its principles of collecting as much information as possible and disseminating it freely, even when the information in question was really nasty old grimoires."

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"I... guess as reasons to nuke a library go... that one still doesn't explain the use of nukes in specific but..."

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"That I haven't looked into. Anyway, lots of witches are still really mad about it." 

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"So you should be aware of that. Anyway, there are advice forums online about setting up a business to distribute rare magical services on a more-than-local scale that are more thorough than I'm going to be able to be in ten minutes." 

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"Can you email me a link or something?"

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"That I can definitely do." 

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On to Hexes!

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The hexes classroom is laid out in more of a lecture hall style than the enlarged music room of her vocals class or the lab setup of alchemy, although the desks do have large sturdy drawers attached, with a number of kinds of material inside. 

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May will pick a seat on the aisle in the second row and plunk herself into it.

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If she cares to check, the drawer in her desk contains a big tub of wood chips, some rocks, two jars of tiny white crystals, and a handful of empty bowls in a mixture of clay and glass, all shaped exactly the same but made out of different kinds of their materials

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Huh. Makes sense that there'd be materials for this one.

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The teacher comes in a short while later, while other students are still settling into their seats, calls for everyone's attention, and starts passing out syllabi (magically) and explaining what the coursework is going to be like. 

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Is it mostly practical or what?

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It is mostly practical; there's a fair amount of theory, but less of the kind Academics need to gain power and more of the kind used to determine whether an unfamiliar transformation would be one rank or another. There is also an optional additional textbook, with accompanying optional worksheets and quizzes, for Academics and also nerds who just think this stuff is fun (where they don't overlap). 

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She will take some for playing with in her copious spare time. What are they hexing today?

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Today they're hexing three of the traditional rank one transformations; stone to mud, clay to glass, and sugar to salt (and vice versa). The wood chips are the "medium" for a rank one hex. The teacher encourages them to work on details--try turning a stone into mud, and then the mud into a completely different stone, for example; the more specific, the better. 

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Ooh. Stone into mud into.... jade? Stone into mud into... salt?

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Stone into mud into jade works, stone into mud into salt does not; she can get a rock that contains mineral salt, but not just salt.

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Huh! Stone into mud into... ice? Stone into mud into... opal?

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Ice no. Opal is tricky, the spell would rather produce a matrix stone which contains opal, but she can get it if she concentrates. 

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Oooh this is the fun kind of tricky. Opal thaaaat switches through various opal colors?

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Actually slightly easier than one-color opal on the relevant axis of trickiness, but she separately has to keep the color gradient fixed firmly in her mind. 

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She will check to see if it helps to take notes and loosely sketch the design of rock she wants.

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It helps in the sense that it is easier to keep something fixed in your mind while staring at a representation of it; the magic does not seem to naively consult the paper for information on the end product. 

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Fair enough.

Sugar to salty-rock to mud to rock?

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Sugar to salt really really really does not want to produce anything other than pure salt! She can get different kinds of salt mixed together if she tries hard and believes in herself. 

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Bummer. The pink-and-white-salt thing is pretty though. What about mud to salty-rock to sugar?

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She can turn all the salt in a salty rock into sugar, but the rest of the rock won't go. 

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Figures. Clay to glass is a little harder to figure out how to jazz up but - oh can she go from wet clay to fired or vice-versa?

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She can! Also some of the clays of the bowls she's starting with are noticeably different clay, including some rough, dark stuff and a fine white porcelain, and the bowls...are probably harder to detect in their differences, but a couple of them are colors. 

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She will happily fuck around with these hexes for the rest of the class, squishing the wet clay before glassing and re-claying it.

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For homework the teacher wants them to do "something creative" with hexes and be willing to share with the class next session. 

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With these three or with any they can do?

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They are encouraged to do more but they should be prepared to talk about one (or more!) of the three, to make sure everyone understands. 

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Cool. She writes that down in her homework list.

It's her last class of the day, so she will float home to her room, phone Ren, phone Charlie, and do READING.

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A little while before dinner there's a knock on her door. 

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Open sesame!, by which she means Maid Hand. "Sup?"

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She waves a shiny sheet. "Got the first iteration of iphone sticker done." 

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"Ooh!" May grabs her phone and floats over. "I have a thing for you too."

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The sticker is of a sort of chibi (if the word chibi can be applied to non-bipeds) dragon with scales the same pale blue as May's hands, curled up around a large pearl. 

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"Oh, it's cute!" She sticks it to her phone and pulls out the hair dye. "We were doing hair dye in alchemy and I have no desire to dye my hair..."

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"Huh, I can't say I've been specifically moved to, but I'm not opposed...what color is it?" 

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"Metallic ombre!"

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"I thought you'd like that!"

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"I do! Any special instructions for using it...?" 

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"I think it's self-striping! Probably don't drink it!"

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She laughs. "I won't drink it. Thanks!" 

When she comes round later to invite May to dinner her hair is a glorious ombre.

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"Oh cool, that came out awesome!"

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"It did! Good job!"

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May takes a midair bow.

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"Just don't forget it's hair and try to eat it," Edie giggles. 

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She snorts and lightly punches her in the shoulder. "Not going to happen." 

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"Presumably the taste would give it away."

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"The texture would before the taste had a chance," she snorts. "I'd pinch a little in my fingers and go, 'wow, human hair doesn't feel like metal wires at all.'"

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"Would it if the wires were very thin?"

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"Yeah...you could maybe texture wires so they felt like hair, I guess I can't swear that that's impossible, but like, fibers feel different from each other."

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"All right. I am satisfied that you will not eat your hair."

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"Oh good." And they can go to dinner. Delicious dinner. "Man, I get that Ava likes not being an organism, but she's missing out." 

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"Maybe the apples are unfathomably delicious."

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"I...guess...but even if being a vampire makes blood taste amazing, it's still, like, only one thing?"

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"True. I do not envy her but I'm glad she's enjoying it."

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"Nobody can have all the nice things. I, for example, am not learning to play the glass armonica." 

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"Poor thing."

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"I don't think Ava is learning to play the glass armonica either! Maybe we should encourage her to fix that, since she can't have cafeteria food." 

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Snort. "Let's let her pick her own nice things. Save it to suggest if she wants suggestions." 

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"What is an armonica? Is it like a harmonica?"

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"You know that thing where people make music by filling glasses with water and then rubbing the rims?"

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"Well, with a glass armonica, you take all the bowls and you put them on a central rod, and you can play more than two at once. It sounds awesome." She fiddles with her phone. "This is what it looks like." She fiddles with it again. "And this is what it sounds like." 

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"There are so many weird instruments in the world," snorts May.

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"Benjamin Franklin invented this one!"

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"Really? Busy guy."

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"I know. Total polymath. Definitely my favorite Founding Father even though they left him out of the musical." 

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"He was in 1776, I saw it because it had that guy from Star Trek in it."

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"Haven't actually seen that one but fair enough." 

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"I've read...two different webcomics with Benjamin Franklin in the modern day. No. Three." 

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"What does he get up to in them, do they have similar interpretations?"

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"Hmmm...it's a little hard to say, because they're in such different circumstances? In one of them he's a ghost, in one of them he's a time-travelling superhero, and in one of them he's been diligently cheating death for the past couple hundred years. I'd say compatible interpretations?"

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"His legacy is strong."


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May continues to have great fun with Arcadia. There is an anthropology field trip to Alfheim. There is a guest lecturer from Hawthorne. She drops physics during the add-drop. She attends four meetings of the aerialist club and then decides it's more fun to fly on her own, she's not as focused and jockish as some of these witches. Art Appreciation is fun, though, they hit up museums to figure out what's so appreciable about Rothkos and practice entering the correct state of mind to get a manaful result out of doodling or (for example) her jewelry class. (Luxal spit is an art supply. She wears gloves but uses it liberally to make herself hornaments and suchlike.) She does quests, healing the wounded and comforting the afflicted. She replaces all the Starry Nights when Charlie expresses the very reasonable concern that any wulong with a mind to do so could just pop out into his house; now they're all more prints of her Landscape of Holding, so it's like her closet just happens to lead to her parents' houses and not to any other wulongs' houses.

And one day she gets a quest that is just to - go to a particular spot of campus? That's unusual. Roger wilco, Lucasta.