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a different way to die
skyrim: total nekonversion mod
Permalink Mark Unread

Fucking dreams. Fucking Thalmor. Fucking rebels. Fucking border patrols. Fucking dragons.

She lost her good knife and down she's jogging down the riverside hoping that she doesn't get roasted from above and that the sky is light enough by the time she gets to Town-what's-its-name that the gates will be open. And that it hasn't been burned down. And that no other survivors have beaten her there and rallied the guard to execute her on sight.

So Elerki's day is going great, thanks, how are you?

Permalink Mark Unread

She meets a girl on the way just before she gets to Riverwood, the closest town with anything resembling a wall - she's passed homesteads, all scraggly things whose inhabitants extinguished their hearthfires and fled into the shelter of trees and caves when they heard the roaring and saw the smoke from Helgen, but she's out of sight of the smoke now and out of hearing of anything more than a low rumble - 

The girl does not look as nervous as she should be with animals freaking out and the forest going still, and she in fact is high in a tree when Elerki rounds a corner, peering up at the sky in the rough direction the Fucking Dragon flew.

She twists around just after Elerki spots her though, and looks down. 

- She's weird, probably claimed by Sheogorath going by how Elerki's day's been, with two-tone hair (one half a light lavender, the other a deep purplish red) and large fuzzy cat ears and a very fluffy red-and-purple striped tail, and with large bright amber eyes. She's dressed like a mage, though one who acknowledges any need for armor and knives, with an outfit made of skimpy triangles of pink-or-purple connected by golden chains into a bodice and short skirt and thigh high stockings, with a few assorted ruffles in a dark red fabric like her hair. She has fuzzy arm braces on, clearly meant to mimic her hair/ fur. A few daggers in pink-or-purple sheaths and some similar bags along a golden belt round out the outfit. 

Permalink Mark Unread

(If she weren't so distracted already she would definitely be distracted by that outfit. And maybe a bit embarrassed by her own ill-fitting, unenchanted, torn clothes.)

"It's not coming back, is it?"

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"Not unless it's taking the long way around." She jumps down. "You okay?"

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"A little singed. I'll live."

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"Did you see it up close?"

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"...Yeah. I was at Helgen when it attacked."

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"And you're heading to Riverwood now?"

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"That's the closest town, right?"

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"It is."

"Mind if I go with you?"

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"Long as you're not planning to stab me with one of those fancy knives."

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"Only if you ask nicely."

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Tired huff that's almost a laugh.

"Not where my interests lie."

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"A pity." She steps closer - and pulls a small green potion from her inventory and holds it out. "Here - this'll help with the exhaustion."

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She takes it. "Thanks."

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"No problem." Onwards?

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With newly-renewed stamina, yes.

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And on their way: "Do you know what that thing was?"

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"A dragon."

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"Pretty much, yeah."

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"Are you going to spread the news?"

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"As much as I can. I'd like more bodies to put between me and that thing, if possible."

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"I'll help."

"Many people won't believe you, and - I'm good at arguing for mad ideas."

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"You're dressed for that, at least."

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She laughs. "I'm a bit mad, myself, but all the good people are - and most of the bad, and nearly all of everyone else besides."

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"The populist appeal."

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"I'm a very popular girl."

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"I can imagine."

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"Though not everyone who'd like my attention gets it."

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"Then I'll count myself fortunate that you picked a riverside tree to observe. The first good bit I've had in a week, it seems like."

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"It's my pleasure."

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"You've been a pretty good turn already."

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"You think so?"

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"You survived a dragon, which is no mean feat. And you're heading to warn people rather than hunkering down in a cave - no matter your motives. And," a bit more teasingly, "You're pretty, and will only get prettier with a chance to clean up."

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Is that a blush underneath the dirt? Who can tell...

"Well. Thanks."

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"Another good reason to get you to a city - though actually I might have some spare clothes at least in my inventory, and you could wash in the river though it'd be cold..."

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"Tempting. But I think I'd rather be inside for that."

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"Awww - that's almost sane of you."

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"Is that a compliment?"

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Hum... "Well, insanity's a pretty good thing..."

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"So you say."

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"I'm an expert on the matter."

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"You're definitely favored by the relevant god."

(Elerki has no such markings herself. She is, to all appearances, a human entirely untouched by the favor of any divine being.)

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"A god's favor isn't everything." (That's weird and fascinating. Everyone at least has gods who claim their race, who claimed their parents.)

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"It's something."

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"Sometimes that something's just 'a pain in the ass.'"

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"Then I'm spared that, at least."

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"Boons and curses alike."

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"So it balances out."

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"In the end."

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"That's a comfort."

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"Glad to be the bearer of good news, then."

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"My name's Elerki, by the way."

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"I'm Glint."

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"Good to meet you."

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"The pleasure is mine."

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"Are you the sort that's greedy for that sort of thing, then?"

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"Very much so - you'll have to entice me into sharing it."

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"We'll see if the dragon stays away long enough for me to do that."

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"Well, you've made some notable progress already..."

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"Oh, so quickly?"

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"You're talented, what can I say?"

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"I guess I must be."

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Wink. "Though you'll need to do a bit more convincing to get me all the way there."

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"Good thing we're not quite to town yet."

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"Think you can finish that fast?"

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"I won't know unless I try. You've already managed to handily distract me from imminent death by dragon."

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"Do your best, then."

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"What I like to hear."

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"So what do you when you're not sitting in trees looking for dragons?"

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"Hmm... I've been trying to figure that out, some - but I know I like learning new things, meeting new people."

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"You do a lot of traveling, then?"

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"Yes. All the time."

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"I've come up from Hammerfell over the past few months, myself. Never really moved around a lot before that."

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"Why travel now, then?"

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"I've... been having these dreams. Strange ones. About fire and snow and mountains. I felt like I had to go to Skyrim."

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" - And then a dragon shows up."

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"First the fucking Thalmor, actually. But then a dragon, yeah."

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"Dreams could've been Vaermina fucking with you, if you're unclaimed. - Or Azura if they were actually just prophetic..."

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"Maybe. I'd kind of prefer if they fucked right back off."

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" - Getting bothered by them all the time seems like it'd get annoying fast."

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"This is the first time it's happened."

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"It's weird, right?"

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"Yeah. The Princes aren't inclined to restraint when someone's vulnerable... Sheo might give me a hint of what's up, if you feel like getting his attention ever?"

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"That doesn't so much sound like a good idea, now that you've said the word vulnerable."

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"He likes me, but - that doesn't always count the way you want it to, with a Prince."

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"I haven't had one of those dreams since crossing the border. So I think I'll let it rest for now."

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"Fair enough."

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"Have you been to Riverwood before?"

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"I've passed through. It's a pretty quiet place, though one of the bigger non-capital towns in Skyrim - which means it's got one entire general store."

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"A whole store? Wow."

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She laughs. "No idea how that compares to Hammerfall, though."

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"There aren't really any permanent settlements smaller than an entire city."

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"I'd love to see that. Skyrim's so - tiny, all except Solitude and Windhelm."

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"It probably helps that Skyrim is, like, habitable in the areas outside the cities. More space to spread out."

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"And we honestly might get food problems if we concentrated everyone, most of our food plots are like. Kinda spaced out and low yield? And also they're a pain to defend - most farms overlap with a spawn region for something aggressive, and those are easier to make peace with if you're not dealing with too many people."

She, like nearly everyone in Skyrim, was possibly born into an isolated farming family. 

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"Yeah, in Hammerfell, either it's just desert or things grow very quickly."

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"An interesting change, then."

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"Worth a visit, at least. If you can stand the heat."

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"I'd have to give it a try."

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"Let me know if you need a local guide."

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"If you want to return..."

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"There were fewer dragons, as I recall."

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She laughs. "Though you might need to break back through the Thalmor lines."

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"True... I might prefer the dragon."

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"A dragon at least can only be in one place at a time."

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"There's only one of it."

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"And it's pretty hard to miss."

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"What with the fire and the screaming and all."

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"Though the Thalmor cause all that, too."

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She grimaces. "Yeah."

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"Balgruf's been keeping them out of Whiterun Hold lately, at least."

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"Good to know."

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"Do you plan to get involved in that mess at all?"

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"I'd prefer not to, I think. Which definitely means it's going to sneak up and bite me in the ass."

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"Has a way of doing that, yeah."

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"Oh good, it's not just me."

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Grin. "We're all united in the inconvenience."

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She laughs.

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"In other things too, of course."

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"The common struggle of man."

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"Common pleasures, too."

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"It's been a while since I've had the chance for a common pleasure."

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"And you're making more progress convincing me to share mine..."

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"After I get a bath."

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"Here's to progress."

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Speaking of...

They're nearly at Riverwood.

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And is it open to visitors?

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Seems so - it's not like it has a full gate, anyways, and there's a few people in the streets but no obvious guards, and no one bars their way. No one seems particularly worried either, except one old woman loudly insisting she saw a dragon and being treated like she must be confused. 

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She's right, though. There was a dragon. At Helgen. Burned the village down.

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Alarmed skepticism!

But Glint backs her up and - when she's trying - she's weirdly good at sounding perfectly sane despite the pretty obvious ties to Sheogorath.

Permalink Mark Unread

(Useful talent, that.)

If they want Elerki's opinion, they'll keep a watch on the sky, their bows to hand, and sand buckets at the ready. But she's for the inn and a hot bath to wash off the ashes, rather than argue in the street.

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They can detangle themselves, and Glint already knows where the inn is. 

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...She doesn't happen to be able to loan Elerki some money to pay for the bath, does she?

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"I can even give you some, no strings attached."

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"Very generous of you."

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"I'm the kind of crazy girl who gives nice gifts to pretty girls I just met."

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"That's a madness I can get behind."

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"Considering converting?"

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"Depends how many of your other tenets involve pretty girls."

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"Well, it's a pretty flexible doctrine... I can add all the pretty girls I like."

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"That's convenient."

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"It's a major draw."

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"I'm sure it would be."

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"Helped reel me in, certainly."

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"I think more gods should try that strategy."

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"I know Sanguine does..."

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"Yeah, I'd like just a bit more beyond 'endless drunken orgies'."

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Hum. "There's Dibella..."

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"A potential option, but not one that's ever really called to me."

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"Do any of the gods?"

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"Apart from the dreams? No."

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"I'd support you in being a godless heathen, if you preferred."

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"Thanks. It's been working out so far."

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"It's a good look on you."

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"Does it complement the dirt and shapeless sackcloth?"

(Elerki is, nonetheless, preening about the compliment.)

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"Transcends them."

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"What a sweet talker you are."

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"Having a sweet target helps."

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"Now I'm really looking forward to getting washed up."

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"Do you want to be left alone for that?"

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"Are you offering to help?"

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"I'd like to."

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"I'd like that."

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Glint'll definitely be getting her money's worth out of paying for that bath.

No time to waste in getting a room and a nice-ish metal tub and a pitcher Glint can reheat herself, then. 

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Oh, what luxury.

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Glint enjoys spoiling pretty girls. And she even has some nice, fragrant soaps squirreled away in her inventory, and a better quality comb than what the inn provides... (And a clear experience with female bodies, of course.)

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This is more pampered than Elerki has been in her entire life.

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And yet it's just a start of the pleasures Glint would like to introduce her to.

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So chalk up one success to the seduction campaign?

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A climactic start. 

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Yep, definitely feeling more relaxed now. Almost forget what running for your life from a dragon feels like after a treatment like that.

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If she's only at 'almost,' then Glint needs to try harder. 

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What's needed might be a chance for Elerki to lose herself in actively doing something, rather than just sitting back and having her needs seen to.

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Well, Glint could use a wash of her own... Or there's that lovely bed over there...

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Bed first. Wash after. Elerki will make sure she needs it.

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fascinating proposal...

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It's sure to be a good time.

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Elerki's going to have to prove it. 

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A task she undertakes with enthusiasm.

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And she's very good at what she does. 

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Call it natural talent.

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Suggests more room to improve with experience...

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She'll have to keep practicing.

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Opportunity for which Glint is delighted to provide.

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For both of them! 

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Always nice when desires align that way.

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Makes this go so much more smoothly.

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With rough patches by mutual agreement.

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Of course, of course. 

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Elerki does enjoy inflicting some roughness.

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Even if receiving isn't really her thing? 

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So it goes.

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Maybe Glint can bring her around someday...

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Maybe. Elerki will believe it when she sees it.

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No knowing unless she tries. 

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Maybe after lunch...

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Give some time to get their energy back up. 

...Though they might want to continue to Whiterun soon... 

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...Oh, right.

There'll be more inns, though, and 'after lunch' is a long time...

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True enough... Whiterun's outskirts have a pretty good amount of life. 

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So clean up, lunch, and press on?

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Works for her. (She can tease Elerki with musings about the Benefits of Masochism while they walk, after all!)

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Sounds like pleasant conversation.

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Potentially productive, too... (Glint is also pretty good at framing The Benefits of Masochism temptingly.)

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Very tempting. Potentially worth a test.

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Elerki might have to wait until they have a bed for anything past a quick nibble, though, if she's still not the camping sort...

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She should see the experience in its best light before making a decision.

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True enough. Though some teasing can make the payoff sweeter...

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An interesting theory.

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One born out by experience. 

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Maybe just a little test, then.

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A taste, even. 

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A tease?

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A nibble. 

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Go on, then.

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Slightly harder bite - and then a kiss, and then she steps back a little bit.

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Considering hum.

"I didn't hate it..."

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Wink! "You're already taking the first steps."

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"Congratulations on your initial success."

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"Your reaction is more than congratulations enough." Kiss! 

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And: onwards?

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Onwards, to see what passes for a Nord city and tell them about the dragon.

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The Nord city is much smaller than most cities in Hammerfell, with farms sprawling out in scraggly patches from it, mostly up the thick lines of the rivers that meet shortly outside the city walls. Still, it's got a full, impressive-looking wall, and it's definitely a city and not an overgrown village, and the fields and roads are dotted with people.

Also, they're stopped at the gate by the guards, who would like to know their business.

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They've got a message for the jarl. A warning.

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"He'll be up in Dragonsreach, top of the hill." And the guards open the gates for them.

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"Thanks." That was... easy.

Dragonsreach must be the castle, then. Time for some climbing exercise.

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"Something confusing?"

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"My... interactions with the city watch aren't usually so, uh, helpfully straightforward?"

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"You might've gotten lucky, though honestly the city watch out here are pretty chill. Though you won't be that lucky anywhere else."

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"Make the most of it, I guess. Hopefully the jarl takes this seriously."

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"I haven't met him, though more people speak well of him than ill."

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"What's, uh, his name?"

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She giggles. "Jarl Balgruf."

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"Balgruf. Right. It'd be kind of bad to walk up to the man and not know his name."

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"A bit disrespectful. Though you can always just call him 'my Jarl' or 'the Jarl of Whiterun.' Hide in the formality."

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"Then I'd have to be all formal, though. Stiff."

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Giggle! "Though, probably we should get you nicer clothes here first..." They'd grabbed something intact in Riverwood but it's honestly about as shapeless as the rags.

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"Yeah, that too. Help with the impression of credibility and all that."

There's got to be at least one clothing store in a city like this, right?

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More than one, even. By which she means two for clothing, one of them really a tailor and the other a general used goods store that includes clothing, and one hunters' inn that sells hunting gear as well as food and drink, and one smith who carries armor and the like, and reportedly a second and very famous smith but he doesn't really work for money. 

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-Elerki, uh, still doesn't have money of her own. So probably the secondhand shop?

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"If you want to travel with me, I can cover armor and such, and do some basic enchantments and cover materials for those." Wink. "Call it an investment."

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"Traveling with you has been more than tolerable so far. I wouldn't mind continuing to do so."

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Bright smile! "I'll invest in some good gear for you, then."

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"Hunters' inn is going to be the most likely place to have the sort of things I'm used to."

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"The Drunken Huntsman it is, then."

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"What an evocative name."

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She laughs. "Pretty descriptive of a lot of their clientele, too."

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"I can only imagine."

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"It's a fun place."

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Then time to go see if it's got suitable accoutrements for Elerki.

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It'll be important to balance form and function. Though just about everything will look good on her... 

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There's no doubt of that.

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Still - what aesthetic is she after? 

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Easy to move in, nothing bulky. Dark colors. She usually prefers sneaking around to charging in.

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"Definitely hunting gear, then."

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"And if they have any decent knives, I need to replace the one I lost."

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"I'll look through their selection - I'm picky about knife quality."

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"I should hope so, since you're carrying so many."

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"Make sure I'm not just hoarding sharp things."

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"Not that there's anything wrong with that. But it should be a good hoard, not just a large one."

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Then to see what the Drunken Huntsman has.

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Looks like...

A good amount of weapons - bows and arrows, one somewhat expensive crossbow, a boar spear, a scattering of fishing supplies, a rack of useful potions - muffling and minor healing and chameleon and night eye, though they look very roughly made, probably a young alchemist's experiments - and assorted similarly useful herbs, and some decent to good quality knives mostly for assorted utility purposes (Glint grabs three), and some lightweight leathers, advertised to take stealth enchantments well, mostly in muted browns and mottled greens and dark greys, with a few in a shiny black, and a selection also of boots and gloves...

Just of the goods, of course. There's also plenty of victuals - wild caught fish and game and a good hearty beer feature pretty centrally, on top of some lightweight foods advertised as good for the trail. 

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Elerki takes a knife, a bow and quiverfull of arrows. Then, perusing the armors- the drabs would be sensible, but the shiny blacks are attractive, and enchantments can make up for a lot... After a glance at Glint, she decides on the shinies, with matching boots and gloves.

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Definitely a way to pay her back for the investment. 

Though Elerki should try them on before buying. Just to see how they shift, you know. 

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Well, if she insists...

Once she dons them, they morph into a short sleeveless jacket that exposes her midriff, with straps and buckles cinching it tight around her curves and metal studs highlighting them. A short skirt (really more of a leather strip) wraps around below her belly button just deep enough to barely cover her underpants. Though the overall amount of skin exposed is fairly low, since her boots come all the way up to her thighs, sleek and with spiked heels. Similarly long gloves, covering her first three fingers up to above the elbow complete the ensemble.

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Appreciative whistle! 

"A very good dom morph," she says. 

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Smug smug smug.

"Why, thank you. Think you'll get your money's worth?"

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"I'll let the proprietor know I'm buying this one."

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"Anything else you want?"

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"Not that we can buy here. I think this'll do for now."

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She'll get it all paid for, then. (The total sure sounds high to Elerki, but Glint pays it without a blink.)

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(She's found herself a rich one, it seems.)

Then, suitably attired, to the jarl? Or enchantments first?

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(Veritable sugar mommy.)

It's up to Elerki - Glint feels comfortable like this. 

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Probably they won't run into anything too terrible on the way there. Let's go get it over with.

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"Possibly I should do the talking again."

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"You do have a knack for it."

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"And I like it!"

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"Then I will leave it in your capable hands. Or mouth, ah, as it were."

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"I have a very capable mouth." Smirk.

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"Oh, I know you do."

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"I can give another demonstration tonight..."

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"I'd like that."

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"Especially since I already promised a more thorough introduction to masochism..."

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"Mmm. Can't wait."

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Quick teasing kiss.

Then: onwards? 

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Jarl Balgruf isn't seated at his throne when they enter, though he moves to it when Glint indicates she wishes to speak with him - his housecarl does indeed seem pretty protective of him, instructing the two women to stand at a certain distance (only allowing them even that close due to the Jarl overriding her paranoia).

He's an old man. Calm, and prone to stopping to ask his circle of advisors questions - though he freely overrides them as well - and he listens seriously to Glint despite one advisor pointing out the clear ties to Sheogorath. ("The laws of Whiterun do not permit guilt by association," is the Jarl's response. "She will be judged on her own actions.") 

And, after a discussion - he stands and gestures for them to follow him. "I hadn't thought it would become relevant... But my court wizard has been looking into dragons of late. He'll have something for you, I believe."

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"A fortuitous coincidence, Jarl Balgruf." And following him to the wizard.

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Who's talking to an odd woman, a dark grey cloak covering her form with the hood pulled far over her face - both fall silent as the Jarl and his guests enter. The wizard starts rambling about expeditions immediately, but she seems to just be watching - 

Especially Elerki.

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Yeah, she gets it. She doesn't have any god-marks. No, not even hiding under her hair. Yeah. No need to fuckin' stare.


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She steps over while Glint and the wizard discuss some old records he wants fetched from an ancient barrow - one without any living family to intercede, and one he's had trouble getting a priest of Arkay to help with, apparently.

"You're the one who saw the dragon first, right?" she asks, voice soft and low. 

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"The one who survived, anyway."

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"No one else did?"

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"Not that I noticed. I saw a lot of people die."

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"And Helgen was no tiny encampment... I haven't seen a dragon in action. You have. I'd like to sit down with you to go over how it fought." She glances at the wizard, frowning a little, then back to Elerki. 

"But we need a way to kill them, reliably, without holding our breath for a hero out of legend."

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"That won't be easy."

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"No. It won't."

"But 'lay down and die' isn't an option I'll accept."

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"The biggest problem is that it can fly, and fast. You'd need a lot of archers to have a chance of hurting it, and while you're trying to line up your shot, it's breathing fire down at you."

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"Might be a question of defensive architecture, though that's slow to change without a lot of alteration mages... Elemental resistance enchantments exist, though, and we might be able to find a cheaper source to outfit archers with, and invest in better quality bows..."

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"And you'll need people who are capable of standing firm. Half the soldiers cut and run before the first pass was finished."

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"A question of training, as much as anything."

"The legions who stood firm against the Gates of Oblivion weren't any braver at heart than the men of Skyrim today."

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"I can't speak to ancient history. But the dragon was loud. You could feel its roar in your bones. Shaking the world."

"It almost felt like a magical fear effect."

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Hum. "Not impossible... And harder to defend against, at least affordably and at any kind of scale..." 

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"Did it speak at all?"

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"I'm- not sure. Not in any language I know."

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"There's - evidence, in the old tombs, that the Ancient Nords used a language they learned from dragons as an upper class or priestly tongue..."

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"I wouldn't know."

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Hum. "Thank you for talking to me."

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"Good luck saving the city, or whatever."

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"You won't stick around to help?"

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"That's not really my strong suit."

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"There's more than one way to contribute - you've done a good bit, already."

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"Bringing the warning."

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"And analyzing how the dragon fought."

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"Such as it was."

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"It's more than what I already had. And you've got a keen eye."

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"I think our wizard has a request, too, for another way you and your friend can help."

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Elerki will go see what Glint's got on that front.

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A fetch quest into a barrow outside Riverwood, actually.

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That would have been handy to know before they left.

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Though barrows can be dangerous - she doesn't object to having had a real chance to stock up first.

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Yeah, fair. Get some enchants on Elerki's new things.

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Make her nice and protected and spiky.

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Looks like the court wizard has an enchanting setup here; could they borrow his equipment?

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She's already gotten that concession - it's a really nice enchanting setup, actually, even if it looks like he doesn't use it for much practical stuff.

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That works.

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What's Elerki in the mood for, then?

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Stealth buffs are what she goes for, usually. Archery and Illusion fortifies after that, and something tricksy for her knife.

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Barrows tend to be pretty easy to treat as discrete zones, combats don't tend to attract a lot of opponents unless you're very dumb - sneaking past the draugr would be very useful...

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That's something she's reasonably good at.

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"You'll have to show me."

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"Now? Or later?"

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"Whichever you prefer. Though I'm on alert now..."

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"That's a 'failed step one' sort of problem. I'll have to wait and ambush you later."

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"Give it your best shot."

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"Oh, I will."

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And enchantments?

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Almost as fun as kissing.

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Which means very fun.

So - enchantments!!!

(Glint is a magic nerd it seems. She knows So Much enchanting theory, and will happily chatter while she works.)

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Elerki will happily soak up all the enchanting theory Glint has to offer. All kinds of magic: very cool.

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How much of a grounding does she have already?

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Just a hobbyist level, honestly.

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They can work her up then.

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Seems she'll be learning a lot from Glint.

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Everything Glint knows, in time.

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She swears.

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Then a kiss to seal the bargain.

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The best kind of contract.

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Certainly Elerki's favorite.

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And no downsides, either. 

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None whatsoever.

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A bit later, Glint finishes up the enchantments on Elerki's things (and a few tweaks to her own, so long as she has the equipment).

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Do they need to buy anything in town before heading out?

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Hmmm... She can make a few healing potions with the ingredients she collected while they walk... Otherwise, most useful stuff would be like a spellbook or something, which she doesn't really have the money for right now.

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They're about ready, then.

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Pretty much, yeah, and they should have enough time to make it back to Riverwood before dark... Possibly all the way through the barrow, even.

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Then there's no time to waste.

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But... They did have plans tonight, which were supposed to be for after lunch, really...

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"Since you are funding the bulk of the expedition, I suppose it's only reasonable you set the timetable."

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"There's good arguments for being well rested when we tackle the barrow, after all."

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"So are we getting a room here?"

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"The Bannered Mare has some pretty nice rooms..."

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"Sounds good."

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There, then - it's just down the hill from Dragonsreach, past the Gildergreen and into the market district.

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Whiterun is a very vertically organized city, isn't it.

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"It's built on a big hill, yeah. Though I've heard there's also a dragon buried under Dragonsreach..."

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"That'd explain the name."

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"Has to have come from somewhere."

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"It's built on a hill and tall besides that, so maybe it was an attempt to lift people high enough to swordfight dragons directly. Put them with reach of a dragon, as it were."

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She laughs. "Dragons can fly over mountains! I'm not sure that'd stop them."

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"Maybe they'd swing down out of curiosity."

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"And if you've got someone able to jump on their backs..."

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"Then the dragon has been reached."

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"It'd require a reckless hero out of legends, but I hear those used to be going spare."

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"Dawn Age was practically built out of them."

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"Maybe that's why the dragons are back. All these sensible every day people are boring the gods."

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"So we're supposed to rise to the occasion or die and make room? That sounds about right for the gods."

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"Definitely their style."

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"Bastards that they are."

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"Real rotten."

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"They should learn how to write fiction instead."

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"Might be what they think they're doing."

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"That would be awkward."

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"Harder to convince them to not, too."

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"Might just have to overthrow them, in that case."

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"A wonderfully mad idea."

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"So glad you approve."

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"I'm in favor of Madness."

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"Suppose that's not a stunning endorsement of the course of action from other perspectives..."

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"It is! More people should be Mad."

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"I detect some bias in your viewpoint."

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"Only some?"

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"It's a conservative estimate."

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"So at least some."

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"How drolly reasonable of you."

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"I figure I'm providing valuable perspective compared to you."

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"Make me challenge my illogic?"

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"If it can't stand a little scrutiny, it wasn't meant to last."

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"True." Kiss! "You help me get better."

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"Helping a beautiful lady is a pleasure and a privilege."

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Heeee. More kisses!

And: to actually acquire a room! So they don't get arrested for public indecency this early in their stay.

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Yeah, being put in separate jail cells would kind of dampen the mood.

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Only if Elerki's ability to pick locks isn't up to the task.

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She hasn't yet had occasion to test Nord security.

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They might need to get her that before getting locked in jail, then.

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That would be preferable.

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They'll have to keep an eye out for opportunity, then.

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In the meantime... here's an opportunity for some other experimentation.

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And Glint's full attention on introducing Elerki to new ways for Glint to worship her body...

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Some of them more squirm-inducing than others. But Elerki certainly enjoys consuming the whole of Glint's regard, for now.

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She'll play around - and zero in on inducing squirms once she's found enough buttons for some variety. 

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Overall, a successful experiment, she thinks.

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She'd say. 

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Worth further exploration at some point.

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Glint will keep the results in mind. 

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They can pick up where they left off later. But do they have time still to change the order of give and take?

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Perfect. She wants to pay Glint back for the experiences she's been initiated into.

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No objections on her part.

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What fun.

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(Staying the night was a great decision.)

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(She'd say. And she's very tired when they're done - definitely means resting up before taking on the barrow was indicated.)

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Cozy snuggle time.

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And lovely dreams in Elerki's arms.

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Elerki's dreams are... more complicated. Fire and ice and a language that is understood more than heard and a shattered glass that falls upwards to reform itself before bursting into nothingness as shards rain down to the floor.

(it's not a glass it's a skeleton all you need to do to change the picture is stop winding the wheel at the proper moment you understand not by what you do but by what you are this is not something to change it is something to use)

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Her nightmare is interrupted by someone calling her name! 

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"Elerki? I think you were having a nightmare..."

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Mrrr. "Think I was..."

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"No problem."

"That dream seemed pretty bad..."

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"More kinda... weird. There was... something unwinding? It was- just the feeling. Something was wrong."

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" - Did it feel - prophetic, I guess?"

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"...Dunno about prophetic. Maybe not normal."

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"Might be worth finding a priest of Azura or something..."

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"If you think so."

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" - Probably?"

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"Where could we find one?"

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"There's some shrines it's work checking, and a lot of dark elf communities still worship her - especially in Stormcloak territory, and there's a big dark elf community in Windhelm."

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"Probably not worth going out of our way for just yet..."

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"Yeah. But if we're over there anyways..."

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"Right. Maybe after the barrow."

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"See where the wind takes us."

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Sleepy snugs!

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Back to sleep

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Until the sun's fully up, at least. 

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That's a better place to start the day from.

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Her logic exactly. 

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Then on their way?

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Back to Riverwood, and then to scout the barrow.

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Sounds like a plan. Hopefully the entrance hasn't caved in or anything like that.

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- Seems like it's instead developed a bandit problem. 

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"Should we clear them out?"

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"I mean, I dunno if they're actively raiding anyone? Didn't hear chatter about recent raids... On the other hand, we didn't exactly stop to talk to anyone."

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"We could go back and ask. Or walk up and see if they try to rob us, I guess."

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"Or I can walk up while you stay back all sneaky. In case there's a fight after all."

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"Will you be all right, getting that close?"

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"I should be. Especially with you watching my back."

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"Then I'll find somewhere with good sightlines to hide. What will the signal be?"

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She hums then gives a few different possibilities. "That or a fight starting."

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"I'll keep my eyes open for any of those."

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"Thanks, darling."

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Quick kiss, then she'll stalk off through the brush to higher ground.

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Thirty minutes and a large number of shenanigans later, a slightly singed Glint leans against a stone puzzle-door and giggles while her flame atronach Pyro does celebratory back flips in the large hall leading up to the door, casting odd flickers of light over the murals, making the ancient scenes seem to dance and move. 

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"Well. I think I gained some valuable experience in quickly aiming at moving targets, if nothing else."

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"And I managed a summons under fire!" With the help of a lot of magicka boost potions. 

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"Master Conjurer Glint," she bows.

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"So I'm guessing our target is past this door?"

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" - Probably. These usually mark like, the deep sanctum type stuff and all? They're harder to get past."

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"I'm guessing no more bandits behind here, then?"

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"If there are, they're long dead."

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"Just those draugr, then?"

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"Probably, yeah. Or other related stuff."

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"Great, I love undead."

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"A pretty odd kink..."

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She sticks her tongue out at Glint.

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Yeah okay kiss.

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"...Now we need to get through this..."

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"Looks like these rings can rotate..." She spins one experimentally.

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It rotates! 

"The same symbols are on each one - they also kinda click when a symbol's lined up with that little notch on the top, do you feel that - ?"

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"So find the right combination then... press the center button?"

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Squint. "Maybe? It's got these weird indents on it, though..."

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"...Wait hang on-" Elerki pulls a three-taloned claw out of her inventory (she saw the golden glitter in the wake of Glint's progress through the barrow with her atronach and picked it up without really looking at it). "I think this might match up to those."

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She holds her hand out. "Can I look at it?"

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She passes the claw over.

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"It's got three of those symbols on the palm here..."

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"Could be a guide as well as a key."

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"Possibly. Or like some kind of ritual resonance thing - but then even if this isn't the exact combination it'll be related..."

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"Let's give it a try, then."

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Start with the pattern on the claw, top to bottom? 

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Spin to win.

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That works! The stone clicks and the door receeds into the ground when they insert the claw and turn. 

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"That was surprisingly straightforward."

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"Bet it wasn't much of a big spooky secret in its time."

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"Yeah. Unless we've failed to disarm the hidden safety switch and we'll be pincushioned by poison darts then lit on fire as soon as we step through the door."

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"I can ask Pyro if she wants to go first, before she dismisses."

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"Might be prudent."

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So - quick atronach test!

Which reveals that the dark area beyond the door contains stairs, which rose upwards into an actually appropriately lit cavern, with no signs of further draugr except a large tomb across the way from them, a deeply engraved wall arcing behind it...

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"Looks like the final room."

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"And what do you wanna bet that tomb is guarding the stone..."

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"Almost certain. Think whatever's in it will be stronger?"

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"A lot, probably, at least individually."

(They'd kind of ended up fighting the entire barrow at once sort of though it didn't really count because they had choke points, traps and rooms full of very flammable sacred oil which probably weren't meant to be traps, and also multiple factions of enemies, ranging from bandits to that weird dude to draugr to some random cave animals.)

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"Might be a good idea to get Pyro back before we go up. Top off health and magicka."

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"I'm a bit low on magicka boosters, and don't recover that fast without restores... Could run my stock all the way down and hit up the jarl for refills, though Pyro's also not the safest teammate when there's only one enemy that might be smart enough to close with the probable summoner - a familiar might be better there..."

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"I think we mostly need something to keep it distracted. We know where it'll be coming from so we can line up our shots in advance."

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"Familiar could help pin it in one place - Pyro's gonna backpedal and try to avoid closing."

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"Familiar sounds like the way to go, then."

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Maybe then - wait for their health and magicka stores to recuperate fully, magicka boost potion for Glint, summon her familiar as soon as her magicka hits full from that, quaff a restore as the familiar triggers the inevitable trap...?

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Yeah. Elerki's still got enough arrows, she can try to get up and around the side, maybe use that wall for cover.

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Glint will stay at midrange while Whiskers keeps the draugr at bay...

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They've got all the angles covered, then.

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And now for the mayhem...

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Hopefully not too much of that.

As Elerki gets into position, she begins to hear something. A drumming sound, pulsing in her head, getting louder as she approaches the wall. Makes it a little hard to concentrate.

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Glint doesn't seem to hear anything at all, though, and there's a big flying draugr mage popping out of that tomb -

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Ah shit. Gotta keep him too busy to cast anything nasty-

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A bit of a tall order! (But at least there's three of them - make that two as Whiskers is forcibly dismissed - kinda three as Glint uses up the last of her restore magicka potions and drops Pyro back in the field, though this exhausts her for a few moments and forces her to fall back on her bow once she's recovered - )

(Elerki gets tossed across the room at one point, landing even nearer the creepy chanting wall.)

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Holy fuck is that distracting.

She makes the last few arrows count, she's going to have to jump in with her knives soon.

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Glint beats her to it, a sharp whirlwind of death - 

And closing with the draugr disrupts its spells and also gets Elerki away from the very distracting wall. 




They do, eventually, kill it. 

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Her attention is drawn, inexorably, to the wall. It's got something written on it, words she can almost hear the sound of...

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Glint is maybe, distantly, trying to call her name. 


(But Elerki can hear the words, the ancient chant, the dedication to the long-dead lord - aaN FUS DO UNSLaaD RahGOL ahRK VULOM - a force of unending rage and darkness - )

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And then pull is broken and the drums are silent and she comes back to herself.

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"Elerki!!" Glint grabs her shoulder. 

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"-I'm back."

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"Are you okay? What happened?"

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"I don't know. Something about that wall, the writing." She gestures at it. "It pulled me in."

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Probably they should step away from it then! 

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"It's not talking any more."

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" - What did it sound like?"

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"Something like-"

"Ahrk aan fus do unslaad-" Her voice isn't quite right, the sound isn't there.

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" - I don't recognize that language, do you?"

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"Reminds me of the voice I heard in my dreams."

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" - I think that makes looking into those dreams a higher priority."

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"Let's get that Dragonstone and get out of here."

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Efficient looting it is! 

Luckily, the obnoxious mage draugr seems to have been carrying the Dragonstone, so they don't have to look far. 

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Looks like there might be a hidden passage out up at the back of the cavern, too.

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It lets out into the wilderness - but in sight of the river, so they're very unlikely to get lost at least, even if they need to step carefully to avoid more fights. 

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Should be doable enough.

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Yeah, just a little tedious. But it helps that Elerki's excellent at sneaking and Glint's decent. 

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Are they heading straight back to Whiterun?

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She'd like to, at this point...

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Works for Elerki.

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Directly on, then. 

Fortunately, they don't run into any further major trouble on their way to Whiterun...

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They might be able to shake down the wizard for potions, too, if they go straight up to the castle.

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A good plan.

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She has good ideas occasionally.

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Often, even. 

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Well. Yeah.

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And on to the end of their little fetch quest. 

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Another happy ending.

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Just have to hand off the stone and get their repayment, and then they'll be good for a happy after as well...

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Glint knows just how to put a bit of pep back in her step after a long day of travel.

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Part of what she's here for. 

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The odd woman is back with the wizard when they arrive in Dragonsreach - and she takes point on initially examining the stone and questioning Elerki about the barrow it was found in while Glint hits up the wizard for potions and ingredients. 

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Bandits, undead, puzzle lock, more undead. Carvings on the tomb walls.

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Hmmm... Does she remember anything about the carvings? 

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They were... representational. Scenes of battle. Men fighting other men. And dragons.

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No writing?

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...Not through most of the tomb. There was one wall with words, in the final room.

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"I might have to make my own expedition out there before the barrow resets... I can interpret most of this on my own but seeing it in its original context might help if I get stuck..."

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"You recognize the script?"

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"Yes. This is the dragon language - Dovrahvun. The Nords in the Merethic Era used it as a sacred as well a courtly language; inscriptions are common in the oldest tombs, especially any with a dragon priest interred in them." Her voice is briefly gutteral on 'dovrahvun,' a harsh noise not at all unlike what Elerki heard whispering from the wall. 

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"Dragon languages and dragon priests. Fuck," she mutters.

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" - Something wrong?"

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"Yeah, too many godsdamned dragons in my life right now, that's what's wrong."

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She opens her mouth to say something - 

And there's a distant, suspiciously roar-like sound from outside, followed very quickly by guards rushing out. 

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"Oh, fuck me."

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"Will you fight a dragon to protect Whiterun?"

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"I'll fight a dragon to keep from being burned alive."

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"Running toward it might put you at higher risk than running away, then."

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"I doubt I'd make it to the gates in time."

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"With any luck, we'll stop it outside the gates."

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"That'd take a lot of luck."

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"We know it's coming - we'll try."

"And it sounds like they're mustering."

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"Then we should go join."

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The emergency has seen Glint get quite a lot of potions from the wizard (in exchange for a hasty promise to tell him about the dragon more), so she's good to go. (Her atronach will hopefully be useful here...)

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More fire may or may not be a good thing.

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Shouldn't hurt if it's aimed up. 

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Elerki will need more arrows, hopefully she can get some from the guards...

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Looks like there's a stash, they're throwing the armory open to anyone who knows how to use a bow - the more experienced adventurers and guards are going to confront the dragon, while anyone who can shoot a bow, heal, or at least follow directions is being summoned to man the castle battlements and city walls, while everyone else flees into the castle's well-protected basements.

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"Do we count as experienced?"

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She glances at everyone else mustering. "Sadly, I think so..."

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"Better than dying in a basement, anyway."

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"That's the spirit."

"And, hey, I'm blessed in mad endeavors."

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"Spare some for me, please."

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"Of course. You're my favorite, after all."

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Then a kiss for luck.

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And favor! 

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Well, Elerki feels ready to take on a dragon now.

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Then onwards to fire and madness.

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To look fate in the eye and dare it to blink.

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- And it does.

The dragon dies, cast to the ground outside one of the watch towers, never reaching the town. They have injuries, but few fatalities, mostly gotten after their arrows tore apart the dragon's wings and forced him to land -

He falls to Glint's daggers in the back of his neck, and he sees Elerki, and he says in a startled despairing scream - 'Dohvahkiin?'

And then his body burns, and so does the world around Elerki.

But it doesn't hurt, somehow.

Rather the opposite.

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It's like-

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-opening one's eyes to the dawning morning, the rush of water falling away as your head breaches the surface and the sound of the seabirds fills yours ears again, the sunkissed wind caressing your face to lead the way to the next road.

A vista of possibility, the towering cliff of experience. She teeters on the edge.

From the sea the infinite, she plucks a concept. And, commanding (as it commands her)-

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" - What - " Glint yelps, stumbling a bit from where she was trying very hard to check on Elerki through the swirling chaos. 

Fus, apparently, means force. 

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Elerki is not any less confused or surprised by this!

"What- shit, sorry-"

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"It's okay - are you okay?"

She seems to ask that a lot.

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"Yeah. I feel- pretty good, actually."

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"What happened?"

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"I think I figured out what that writing on the wall in the barrow means."

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Tiny smile. 

" - It looked like a soul trap. From outside. But... With you as the soul gem."

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"I absorbed something from the dragon, I think. Its- knowledge."

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" - Like, its power?"

(The others who accompanied them are still staying at a distance and they probably can't hear Glint but there's a rising murmur among them.)

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"Something like that, yeah."

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Very, very quietly: "That sounds like you're Dragonborn."

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"-Like Talos?"

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"He was one, yes. There's been others, though."

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"The Septims, right?"

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" - Honestly I don't know if they were real Dragonborns? That's not genetic. It's a blessing of Akatosh - mortals who can take the power of the dragons as their own."

"But Talos is I think the most recent known Dragonborn. Most of them were from, y'know, the ages of actual dragons being about."

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"Akatosh is a sneaky bastard, then."

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"We can do a thorough check for god-marks once we have some privacy..."

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"Sounds good to me."

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"Though if you don't want rumors spreading we'll need to go make some excuses to our onlookers..."

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"Yeah. Try to exert a little control over what the rumors will be, at least."

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"Or make them harder to take seriously."

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Laugh. "That sounds like something you'd suggest."

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"It's how you know I haven't been replaced by an imposter."

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"I'll be sure to test that from time to time."

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"I doubt I'll avoid proving my identity for any very long stretches..."

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"You do kinda wear it on your sleeve."

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"I am who I am, and I like seeing me."

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"I like seeing you too, sweetheart."

Then to talk to people?

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To work Glint's special kind of magic. 

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So what baseline rumors are they working from?

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- Yep 'Dragonborn.' This is Skyrim so that means 'chosen of Akatosh,' but. 

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If Akatosh has chosen her, that's news to Elerki.

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Glint at least can spin some fast bullshit about magic spells and a soul trap attempt that went a little off. (It helps that they're the only real mages here. Magic is rare in Skyrim.)

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(Maybe she should see about learning a soul trap.)

Elerki can contribute some helpfully obfuscatory jargon.

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And Glint can even more helpfully bait the guard captain into snapping something about recklessness! 

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Tracks: covered. No problem.

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They're so good at this. 

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Professional dragonslayers?

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Could look into that... Sounds like the reward for saving the town will be pretty massive. 

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She does like lucrative...

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Mercenaries, reckless magic students, wannabe dragon slayers, actual dragon slayers.......

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They won't be bored, anyway.

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Perish the thought. 

(And, by the time they get back to Whiterun's gates, they can have a wildly different story spinning in the head of just about every person present.)

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Glint is very talented at that.

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And then, as they enter the gates of Whiterun -

The sky darkens, and the world shakes, and a chorus of voices like thunder boom out -


(Elerki feels a tug in her chest.)

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Oh fuck.

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- The Greybeards, is the murmur that immediately springs up. 

And the Jarl's housecarl turns to Elerki and says: "You need to see the jarl. Now."

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"Uh. Yeah. That sounds right."

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"We'll follow you."

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Up to Dragonsreach. To see the Jarl.

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He's waiting for them!

"Are you the one the Greybeards called for?" he asks Elerki when his housecarl sweeps them all into his war room.

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"...It seems so."

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"So the old legends are true..." he muses.

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"I don't know about old legends. Just what we saw. And heard."

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"What did you see and hear?"

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She describes the death of the dragon in brief, precise terms.

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Thoughtful frown. "The Dragonborn indeed, then - there's texts describing what it feels like."

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"I'd like to see these texts, if you have them."

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Hum. "The Greybeards will want to see you sooner rather than later... But it is wise to consider what you are getting into, and I can send you with copies as well."

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"Thank you, Jarl Balgruuf."

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"You have done Whiterun a great service. My thanks are owed to you."

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"There are some supplies I could use before setting out..."

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"They are yours."

"As is the position as a Thane of my Hold, if you so wish."

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"Ah... what responsibilities does that position entail?"

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"To defend Whiterun - you would not need to stay in the hold, but if you are present you would be asked to contribute to the defense. To take part in major votes - primarily that is a privilege, and most councils do not require attendance. But the election of a new heir, or the decision to go to war, all do."

"And to represent Whiterun well when acting as the thane - you do not need to identify yourself as such, but as a thane you have limited diplomatic protection in other holds, and if you call on that we do expect you to do so only when you've actually behaved in a manner befitting your station."

"In exchange, you will have a favored position with the legal system, and we will defend you against external enemies, and you will have our help in legal matters. You will be able to purchase property in the hold, and to name a housecarl, and to vote in the matters of council. You will also be able to call upon the resources of Whiterun and its soldiers - within reason."

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"Then- I accept."

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He inclines his head gravely. "Welcome then, Thane Elerki."

"Additionally... There are those among my guards who would wish to travel more of Skyrim, if you wish to choose a housecarl from among them."

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"I can speak to some of them."

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Perhaps tomorrow, then.

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Yeah. They'll be spending the night in the city, at least.

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Do they have a place to stay?

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Just the inn.

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He can offer them rooms here for the night; it'll allow them to avoid the overly curious better.

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That would be appreciated.

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It's the least he can do.

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Then to their rooms with her and Glint?

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Sounds good to her. 

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She believes she was promised an examination?

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Hmm, yes, and there's this nice suite to do it in...

First, of course, they'll need to take off all of Elerki's clothes. 

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She'll be sure to do so slowly and with graceful movements, so that Glint has plenty of time to evaluate as she goes.

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Of course, of course, have to avoid overwhelming her analysis... And it's just as important that she explore Elerki manually, in case anything isn't fully visible to the naked eye. 

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A full tactile mapping.

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Inch by precious inch. 

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And, when she finally gets to delicately combing through Elerki's hair - 

"I believe I found something, darling."

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"What is it?"

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She combs aside Elerki's hair and runs her finger over something that sends tingles down Elerki's spine - 

"Horns! They're adorable."

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Ooooh, that's a sensation.

"Like dragon horns? I need a mirror."

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There's one on the vanity... She'll fetch it. 

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She does have dragon horns! Lil' tiny ones, that hide under her hair unless it gets brushed back like Glint was doing.

"God-marked, I guess."

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"Though pretty subtly..."

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"Maybe they'll keep growing now?"

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"Maybe! And people sometimes get bonus marks..."

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"You'll have to do a check on me regularly to make sure."

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"No hardship at all."

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"Wonderful." Kiss!

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Giggle kiss!

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"You should do the scratching thing again," she murmurs.

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Happy shiver!

"That is very much a feeling."

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More scritches! "I think they're even more sensitive than my ears..."

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Did Glint want to find out how to make Elerki wiggle? This is how she can do that.

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Oh she definitely wants all the tricks to make Elerki wiggle.

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Further experimentation is required.

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On multiple occasions...

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See how well the results replicate. Vary the starting conditions.

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In an assortment of broader environments. 

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A suite at the castle will do for now.

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And the various rooms therein.

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And - mix nibbling in with scritches?

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Fully approved.

"Nn. Harder."

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Chomp!!! And she squeezes Elerki's horns. 

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Oh, that is a lot. She flails a little.

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Giggle! And she eases off a little. "Too much, love?"

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Deep breath. "For- for all at once, yeah."

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Soft kiss, and she backs off more, gently petting her darling. 

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Pets are good.

"Try working up to that level more slowly."

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"I will."

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"Thank you, darling." Kiss.

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A pleasant way to pass the night.

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And a good note to start the next morning on. 

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She will be pleasantly relaxed when it comes time to interview whoever might want to be her housecarl.

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Does she want Glint's help with that, too?

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Only fair, since they're traveling together. Got to ensure interpersonal compatibility in that direction.

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Of course, of course. Can't have her companions disliking each other. 

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Too much interpersonal conflict will distract from dragon-killing.

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And other things of great import.

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Such as kisses.

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Many kisses!

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Such as this one! Mwah!

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Adoring kiss!

It's almost unfortunate they have appointments today...

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No rest for the wicked. And if they take too long, those Greybeards might shout down the sky again.

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They can't get to High Hrothgar immediately either way...

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"Quite the temptress, you are."

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"It's my calling."

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"I suppose we could spare another hour, then..."

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"Though then those poor girls will be left high and dry..."

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"A little waiting will be good for them. Character building."

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"Sort out who's really devoted and who's not."

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"Call it the first-pass selection criterion."

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"An excellent excuse."

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Here's to distraction.

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At least one hour of it. 

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And then, pleasantly relaxed, to meet some new people.

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There's an awful lot of unimpressive but ambitious girls, many of them martially trained and itching to see the world, but not particularly obedient nor patient. There's some who are obedient and patient, but... Meek. Fading. 

There's one girl, though, who waits graciously and firmly, her back straight and steel in her gaze, and who bows to them in a wholly Redguard style (though she looks pretty clearly Nordic, with pale skin and red hair pulled into a crown roll over a loose spill, and soft red bear ears at attention) and says, "Good morning, my Thane."

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"Good morning. Your name?"

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"Gyða, my Thane, a foundling of Dragonsreach."

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"A pleasure to meet you, Gytha. My name is Elerki. Which god's blessing do you carry?"

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"I am blessed by Tsun, Shield-Thane of Lord Shor. He is the master of trials, who calls upon us to set ourselves versus the testing gods, and to prove our bravery and honor there."

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"A rare gift."

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Smug blush. "I have been told I am a rare person, my Thane."

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"Indeed. What sort of skills could you employ in my service, Gytha?"

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"I am trained as a frontline combatant, my Thane. I have heard that you and your honorable companion favor ranged or magic options; I would be able to hold enemies in place and to draw their attacks towards me. I am very strong, and I can carry a lot beyond my armor and weapons. I am trained in the management and defense of a noble estate, and in the laws and customs of Skyrim's holds, and in those laws and customs relevant to trade or defense of our closest neighbors. I am trained as a bodyguard, and as a leader of soldiers, and I have served in the honorable Guard of Whiterun Hold."

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"That all sounds like extremely useful experience. One more question. Do you always speak so formally?"

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"...I can attempt to speak less formally if it is your wish, my Thane? But you are - exalted, and hopefully to be the one I owe homage to. It is proper to show my respect."

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"Oh, I like this one."

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"I do too."

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Blush! "Thank you, my Thane."

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"Then I think I've made my decision."

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"I am honored, my Thane."

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"Welcome to my service, Housecarl Gytha."

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"Thank you for allowing me to serve you, Thane Elerki."

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"Are there any more formal ceremonies to go through?"

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"You should inform the Jarl of your choice, my Thane, but - unless your culture demands it, no formal swearing ceremony is required. Though, if you want one..."

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"You would be more than eager to oblige me?"

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"I would, my Thane."

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"Then kneel, housecarl, and swear to me your homage."

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She does so, eagerly. 

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Elerki liiiiiiiikes.

Then to see the Jarl.

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"Gyða is a good choice," he says, approvingly. "May she serve you well."

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"I trust that she will. Thank you for your hospitality, Jarl Balgruuf."

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"The honor has been mine, Thane Elerki."

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And time to go?

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At least back to their suite to get ready. 

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Right. And Gytha should get her things too.

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She will meet them at their suite within the hour. 

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Acceptable. They will see her there.

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And off with her. 

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"I think," she says to Glint, "that I have landed myself a catch, darling."

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"And I suspect that was rather on purpose... She was last on the docket, and the Jarl seemed very pleased when you picked her."

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"If it works out, I won't complain."

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"He's doing a good job repaying us. Very appropriately lordly of him."

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"He's pretty all right, for a noble."

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"Not as good as you, though."

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"You'll have to try a lot harder to find someone better than me, sweetheart."

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"Downright impossible, I'd say."

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Smug smug kiss.

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Giggle kiss! "And you're a proper lady now, with retainers and everything."

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"One retainer, anyway."

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"Bet you Gyða is worth at least five retainers."

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"Depends how many duties she's willing to take on."

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"We'll have to test her, thoroughly."

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"Does that mean I can count on your aid in so doing?"

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"I do follow one of the 'testing gods.'"

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"You're well prepared, then."

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"It's downright my calling."

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"Fortunate for me." Kiss!

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Oh no, are they about to get distracted from packing?

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They can be strong. Probably. Maybe. 

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They do have a whole hour. And if Gytha shows up earlier... that can be her first test.

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Getting them moving, or joining them? 

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Either option would be revealing of her character.

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True enough. 

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Then shall they risk a little distraction?

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She'd say so. 

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Elerki's not trying to draw this out the full hour... but she's not in any hurry, either.

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Either way...

They're not done when there's a polite knock on the door to their suite. 

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"-Come in," she calls, a little breathless.

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She opens the door - 

And gasps, softly. 

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"Here to join us, Gytha?"

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"Were you ah, intending to pack my Thane?" she asks, voice a little bit wobly.

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"Intending..." She tightens her grip in Glint's hair. "-Yes, we were intending to do so. Before we got... distracted."

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!!! (Blush!)

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She blushes very prettily, and hasn't run away yet, so...

"It's rude to stare, housecarl. Either pack up our things for us, or... start helping Glint."

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Such blush!

"I will pack your things first, my Thane."

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"Mmmmm. So be it."

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Tiny smile.

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Cute smile.

Elerki lets her gaze follow Gytha around the room.

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...Yeah that's sending shivers down her spine.

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Good, good.

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She's glad her Thane is pleased. 

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How dutiful.

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Happy blush!

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"You're very cute when you do that, you know."

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"Thank you, my Thane. I hadn't known."

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"Learning things already. Aren't I good at this."

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"I would say you are, my Thane."

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Clean pack tidy - 

Pretty quickly, she starts running out of tasks to perform. 

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"All finished over there, housecarl?"

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"Yes, my Thane."

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"I could find some more work for you to do over here," she traces a finger lazily up her body, "if you're interested."

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"I am, my Thane."

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"Fortunately, we have a little more time..."

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"I am yours to command, my Thane."

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"Come sit beside me, Gytha."

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She does so, barely restraining herself from wiggling. 

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Elerki wraps her free arm around Gytha and runs a hand down her back. "Is kissing part of your skillset, housecarl?"

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"I haven't practiced as extensively, my Thane..."

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"Show me what you know."

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(Definitely amateurish next to Glint, but there's an enthusiasm to learn balancing it out.)

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Elerki is basically just having the time of her life here.

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Of course, extricating herself is now going to be a bit of a tricky proposition...

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Hmmm... They might need to bodily pull Glint away...

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Perhaps her strong new housecarl can assist with that? She'll be able to get a better angle.

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She'll need some leverage as well...

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A length of rope, perhaps?

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Especially if Glint remains so distracted that Gyða can secure it properly...

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Elerki can see to that.

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A good trait in a commander.

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Gytha should see that she capitalizes on the opportunity. (Elerki suggests that neck; it's a weak spot.)

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A fine idea. 

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"Time to get moving, miss kitty."

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Squirrrrmmm! And she tries to shove her head back between Elerki's legs, pouting.

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Nope. They're moving. (Yank.)

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Elerki laughs and rolls over to stand up on the other side of Glint.

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Such pouty squirm.

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"Should I release her now, my Thane?"

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"That may have to wait until we make it out of the castle..." She reaches over to pat Glint on the head.

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Annoyed whine!

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"Or not. I'll be trusting you to behave, though."

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She relaxes the rope.

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Dramatic sigh as she frees her neck. "Fine..."

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"Thank you, darling. I appreciate it."

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"You're very welcome, darling." Tiny smile. "Just try to remember next time that I'm not a sub, okay?"

"And like, being hauled back was hot, but Gyða should've let go immediately once you were free, if I wasn't still actively fighting back."

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"I will remember. You got that, Gytha?"

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"Yes, ma'am." Glint not being a sub but dating her Thane anyways is very confusing but also she is a Sheogorath worshipper and Gyða isn't going to say anything.

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"Excellent." She claps her hands. "Let's get going."

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"Alright, alright..."

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And out of the castle down to the gates.

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"Do we want to go straight for High Hrothgar from here?"

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"I think so? We were talking about a shrine of Azura, dunno if that's still worthwhile after yesterday..."

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Hum... "Maybe, maybe not. And it'd be kinda out of our way - the path to Windhelm and all splits about halfway to High Hrothgar, and I think the actual shrine to Azura I know about is both abandoned and a good bit north of Windhelm."

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"Straight to the mountain, then."

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"Or as straight as we can when we have to go around the mountain first..."

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"What, like you've never walked up a vertical cliff face just for the hell of it?"

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"Is that a challenge?"

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"Would you like it to be?"

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"Sounds mad, so... Yes!"

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"Then consider yourself so challenged Glint, Cat of Sheogorath."

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Giggle! "You're on."

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"We'll need to find a cliff, first."

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"There's plenty; the Throat of the World is tall."

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"I'm looking forward to it."

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Across the river, then...

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Through the outlying farms and watchposts.

"Is that it?" Elerki asks, pointing to a lumbering mass rising to the southeast.

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"Yep." The mountain range dominates the entire skyline to the east, rising sharply as it juts south until the final peaks soar above the clouds - and then the range tumbles down quickly to meet the highlands of Skyrim's south. "The best road's around to the north, past old Valtheim - we can also cut back by Helgen but that road's more dangerous. Or," sharp grin, "We can go straight up the side."

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"Not Helgen."

"But I wanna see you try climbing."

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"I already said I would, didn't I?"

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"Let's go straight up the side."

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Running straight up a cliff face is no mean feat - if there's too long of a gap between when you leave the last tiny ledge and when you slide to the next you'll stop indexing your position to the ground you're trying to stand on and instead fall - it's honestly more luck than skill, since a keen eye and quick steps only go so far.

Luckily, mad luck's rather Glint's thing.


Unluckily, Sheogorath is the god of mad endeavors, not successful endeavors.

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Well, y'know, Elerki and Gytha would have had to follow her up after that. So maybe it's for the best.

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...And at least she's got healing magic and did not get so high up she immediately went splat.



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"Are you okay??"

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"Yeah. Just embarrassed." And low on magicka but that'll regenerate. 

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"Need me to kiss it better?"

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"I think that would help."

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Then she shall do so.

"It was very brave and cool of you to try, even if you didn't make it."

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Wiggle! "I'll need to try again later, then."

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"Maybe a shorter one, though."

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"Once I'm a bit tougher."

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"Sounds like a plan." Kiss!

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And in the distance, there is a thunder of hoofbeats.

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She pulls away slightly, craning her head for a glance of whichever madman is riding their horse like that out here. 

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The horse is pure black and much larger than the typical breed one sees in Skyrim. It moves at a full gallop, in a straight line across the countryside, heedless of both the road and dips and bumps in the landscape. As it comes up behind the party, it leaps halfway up the cliffside Glint attempted to climb, taking one- two steps over their heads, perfectly balanced on practically nothing at all before jumping the rest of the way up to the top and continuing to run.

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And they get the barest glimpse of a small woman clinging to its back, nearly buried amid its flowing black mane - especially given the dark leathers she wears and her own long black hair - 

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- What the fuck???

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Good question! Good fucking question!!

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Sadly, horse and rider are now both much too far ahead to hear said very good question, even were either inclined to answer. 

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And, some time before: 

The road from Cheydinhal has been long and difficult, getting briefly worse as she passed the fighting around Bruma and then much worse during her trek through the Jerall Mountains - she needed to avoid the military checkpoints after a few... Unfortunate incidents... And there's not much else in the way of usable passes. 

Skyrim is cold, too, especially the highlands above Falkreath. She tries to push it out of her mind, instead focusing on the warmth of the spiced mead she acquired from the very entertainingly named Dead Man's Drink. (She has no idea how much of a fixture the local Sanctuary members let themselves be in the town; still, she'll like it if they have an excuse to drink there. It's charming.)

The Sanctuaries aren't supposed to know about each other's locations, for security reasons - but Maellys was recruited directly by the last of the Black Hand, and there's things a Keeper must know.

And so, she arrives to the doorway to Falkreath's Sanctuary one cold and misty morning. She gently rests the handles of the cart she's pulling down, picks up her earthenware drinking vessel and takes a warming sip, and approaches the rather dramatic skull embossed on the shadowed door. 

'What is the music of life?' it hisses in her mind, a dark rasp.

Sip, and she grins and murmurs, 'Silence, my brother.'


And the door opens before her. 

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The door opens to a rough-hewn rocky corridor descending underground. There's a pitter-patter of bare feet on stone and a voice calls up from the bottom "Is that you, Emi? Back already?"

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"No," she calls, her voice clear and carrying as she steps into the entrance. "I am Maellys, and I wish to speak to the leader of your Sanctuary."

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The owner of the voice pauses at the bottom of the steps and flicks a ball of Light to adhere to the ceiling halfway between the two.

Ah shit she's hot.

"Are you... from another sanctuary?"

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"Yes. Cheydinhal."

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"All the way from Cyrodiil, huh? Might as well come in, then. I'll get Ástríðr."

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She nods, and turns to pick up her cart to pull it in behind her. 

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She trots off to get someone to let Ástríðr know she's needed, then hurries back to further pester interrogate their new guest in the briefing room at the bottom of the stairs.

"Sooo. Maellys. My name's Danella. What's in the cart?"

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Smile. "It's good to meet you, Danella."

"And that's something I'd hoped to reveal only once your leader had arrived..."

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"Ooh, a secret. Spooky." Her fuzzy cat ears twitch excitedly. "Did you bring it all the way with you?"

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Her own ears are irridescent black feathery tufts, fading and mixing into the black spill of her hair. They don't show much emotion, at least far less than her face. 

"Yes," she says. "And this is the reason I have traveled here."

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"Must be important. Did you see much of the war? Any battles?"

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"A small slice, and a few battles only... They were more inconvenient than exciting, however."

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"Did you have to fight your way through them?"

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"That wouldn't be very assassin-like of me, would it?"

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"No, but it'd be pretty hot."

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She laughs. "Something I can't argue with."

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"Because it's just true."

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"Perhaps so."

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Tragically, their cute moment is interrupted by the arrival of Astridr.

"Danella," she says. "Is this the woman who wanted to see me?"

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"Yes, Astridr. This is Maellys. From Cheydinhal."

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"I'd heard that Sanctuary was destroyed, with everyone in it."

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"Except me."

"Your Sanctuary appears to be the last one standing."

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"What, everywhere?"

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"Everywhere," she confirms. "Even the Corinthe Sanctuary has been rooted out."

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"We didn't hear anything about that."

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"We haven't heard anything at all from them, though."

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"Welllll. No news is good news, and that. But uh. Not this time, I guess."

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"It leaves us in a... Tenuous position. Though we've been in one for a long while, now."

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"We've still got you, at least."

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Smile. "And a new sister, it seems."

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"A new sister with a present."

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"And what has she brought us?"

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"A secret, apparently."

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"One I was waiting for your presence."

"I was appointed Keeper of the Night Mother by the last of the Speakers; I was blessed to escape Cheydinhal with her."

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"...I see," is all Astrid says.

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"So what's a Keeper do?"

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"I care for the Night Mother's body - I keep her from deteriorating, and I keep her safe from threats."

"It's an ancient position that had fallen out of favor with the rise of the Listener, who according to tradition sustains the Night Mother with their own life force. But... We haven't had a Listener in twelve years, just about."

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"Oh. Huh."

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"It seems much of the old lore isn't widely known, here..."

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"We kill people and there's a creepy door. That's mostly it."

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She raises an eyebrow. 

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"Danella exaggerates," she says, tersely. "But the old ways haven't had much relevance to the daily lives of recruits, as of late."

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"That will be changing, then." Slight pause. "With the Night Mother here."

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"You do not lead this Sanctuary, Keeper. I do."

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She inclines her head. "You do. But it might be... Relevant, now."

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Danella is sensing a Political Power Struggle. Exciting! She will fade into the background a bit.

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"We will see."

"But I will not gainsay any who wish to listen to your... Explanations of the old ways. If they see their own value in it."

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"You are most gracious, leader." And, to Danella: "Would you wish to hear my stories?"

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Whoop we're talking to her now okay.

"Sure, I like stories."

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Tiny smile. "Though perhaps stories about epic battles more than sneaky assassinations?"

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"No, no, both are good. But probably I should make sure Birgitta has a chance to get in on the sneaky stories."

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"I'll always welcome more learners."

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"You can help our new sister get settled then, Danella."

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"Yes, Astridr." She makes a quick bow.

"Follow me," she says to Maellys.

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She does so, bringing the cart with her (with a judicious use of Alteration magic to levitate it when she needs to avoid bumps).

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"There's some unused dorms, or you could share with someone if you wanted. Um, I'm guessing you probably don't want to put that coffin in a storage room..."

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"No. The Night Mother deserves a shrine."

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"There's some, like, empty rooms overlooking the main chamber that I don't really know the point of. You could take one of those for it, I bet."

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"Thank you - let's look for a suitable one, first..."

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"Okay. The Sanctuary's like a loop with spokes sticking out, kind of. So we have the big main room and the Word Wall in the corner over there, then up that way is some stairs leading to storage space and out the other side is the eating area with the kitchen, then futher on is the alchemy lab and the practice dummies, then the dorms, then some unused spaces, then it links back up to the storage rooms."

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" - The Word Wall?"

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"A stone wall from the Dawn Era carved with an inscriptiion iin the dragon language. They're all over Skyrim, mostly in the old barrows."

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"Was this a barrow once, then?"

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"I'm not sure. It was a long, long time ago if it ever was."

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"A history of death, either way."

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"It's fitting, right?"

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"Very much so."

"A window overlooking the word wall would be delightful."

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"There is one of those available!"

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"Show me it."

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"Right this way, ma'am."

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Such a good girl. 

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Wiggle wiggle.

And here's the room! It's got a little raised alcove in the back by the overlook, just a bit dusty.

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"It's perfect."

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"Glad you like it. Do you need help setting up?"

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"I could use some, yes. And I can explain the history of what we do while we work - you mentioned another sister who might want to listen in?"

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"Birgitta, yeah. She might be asleep right now, she got in late."

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"We can proceed without her, then..."

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"Proceed without me to do what?"

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Grin! "Set up the shrine to the Night Mother's body and speak of the old ways," she says. 

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Her long ears flick interestedly. "Ah."

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"I would welcome more help."

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"Okay. What can I do?"

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She starts giving instructions - far more clear ones than most people manage. 

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That's a useful skill to have.

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Especially if it's matched by skilled in obeying. Though she can train that...

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Birgitta's pretty good at it, actually. Better than Danella.

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very solid foundation.

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"D'you have to do a lot of training?"

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"With most people, yes."

"You could use training, of course. Everyone can. But you're already a step ahead of most."

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"You think so?"

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"I do. Though of course you'll have to show off more for me to be fully certain..."

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"If you're sticking around, I could."

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"I will be."

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"That's good news."

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"Is that so?"

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"Yeah. I don't really get to meet a lot of new people. Not ones who stick around, anyway."

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"You don't go out on missions and talk to people there?"

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"Sometimes? But usually not. And I try not to let anyone see me twice."

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Hum. "That's certainly a legitimate way to be an assassin. But it can dampen your ability to maneuver in a full range of circumstances, if you don't have experience with the world outside of us."

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"Astridr tends to tailor who she sends on which missions."

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"Does she do rotations or cross training?"

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"Not really?"

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"I'm not here to control how your leader assigns missions, and as Keeper I can't take any of my own regardless..." She sounds - sad, about that. 

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"You could do- downtime training, though."

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"I could." Grin. "I'd enjoy that. And it'd be a way to contribute directly to the young generation."

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"Make your old bones useful?"

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"Keeping the Night Mother intact is hardly a useless job."

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"Well. Besides that."

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Her smile fades. 

"I will admit... I miss my missions. Going out in the world. Seeing the direct evidence of my power..."

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"I don't kknow that I could ever give it up."

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"It was an - adjustment, when the Speakers named me."

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"Do you know why they picked you?"

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"...I have a few guesses."

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"Are they secret?"

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"No. Not now that everyone who would have cared is dead."

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"Oh. Sorry."

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She smiles a little. "I don't mourn most of them."

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"That's... still kinda sad."

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"I suppose... And the decline of the Brotherhood is a tragedy beyond any individual death."

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"I don't think the Skyrim chapter is going anywhere as long as Astridr has anything to say aboout it."

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"And that makes her the most critical link here." Sigh. "Your chapter has done well to survive, though, when no others have. It reflects well on her."

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"She does care about all of us."

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"I'll pass on any suggestions for improvements I notice, at least."

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"That'll help."

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"Happy to be of service."

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She ducks her head and blushes.

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"You like hearing that?"

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"It's... not usually something I hear."

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"Is that not Skyrim's custom?" The cut of her leathers pretty clearly identifies her as a dom, and she's not acting subby...

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"...More like it's something I'd want to say..."

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"They'd be pretty words on your lips."

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"You think so?"

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"I do."

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Eeeee blush!!


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"Do you blush this much for everyone, or am I special?"

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"You're definitely special."

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"It's good to have external confirmation..."

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"Always double check your sources, right?"

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"And continually update your knowledge about the world."

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"I bet we could teach you just as much as you can teach us."

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"A benefit of training the younger generation."

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"We are... happy to be of service."

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"Good girl."

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Such blush!!

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Smug smug smug.

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Oh they're so cute together. She's definitely gotta set them up. Which probably just means getting them some alone time honestly, but that would be less fun...

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Maellys doesn't give any external signs she's suspicious of what Danella's thinking. She does guide them through finishing up with the room setup, though. "Now... I believe next was somewhere for me to sleep?"

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"Yeah, I think it pretty much comes down to if you want to room by yourself or not."

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"That would depend on the roommate..."

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"Birgitta's got a bed free in her room..."

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"Would you like to share your nights, Birgitta?"

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"Um. Yyeees. Yes."

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"Birgitta's room sounds wonderful," she tells Danella.

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"Then it's official! I'll let Astridr know if you want to show Maellys the way," Danella says to Birgitta.

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"I can do that."

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"My thanks."

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"Ah... just this way, then."

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She follows.

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Birgitta's room isn't that large, but it does have two single beds on opposite sides, wiith spaces carved into the walls for storage. Not many signs of personalization, she keeps all her gear neatly stacked, with a mission-ready bag by the head of her bed in case of an urgent departure.

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It's cozy enough, still, even if smaller than the rooms she's used to. 

She has some personal mementos, some of which she sets up on the shelves. Items from her travels, trophies from past missions...

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Birgitta is politely curious about the trophies' significance.

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She'll tell a few stories, though it'd take a while to cover every trophy - Maellys has been in the Brotherhood a long time.

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Older than she looks.

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"You flatter me."

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"Oh good, it's working."

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"All according to plan so far?"

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"If I don't have a plan, is the answer to that yes, or no?"

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"Not even a short term one?"

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"More like... loose goals."

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"A dynamically evolving plan, then."

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"That, yeah."

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"And you progress towards your goals?"

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"I think so."

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Her tail flicks back and forth happily, long and dark and silky.

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"Not many are blessed with horse ears," she comments idly, stepping closer.

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"I've had them since birth."

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"Did your parents carry them, too?"

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"No. Just me."

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"Marked from birth, then."

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" - Is even that lore drifting out of knowledge?"


"The marks of Sithis's favor are the raven, the black cat, the snake, the spider, and the black horse - the five children of the Night Mother."

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"...I didn't know. I thought- Zenithar, or Mara..."

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Smile. "You're a child of Sithis, my sister."

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"That's... good to know." Smile.

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"And good to see." She raises her hand to touch one of Birgitta's soft ears. 

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It twitches, and she leans her head into Maellys's hand.

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Good!! Very good!

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She thinks the 'very good' here might be Birgitta... And good girls get ear rubs.

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Then she'll just have to be the good girl all night long.

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No break for sleep? 

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Sleep is optional when you're doing something important.

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An old woman like Maellys might not be able to keep up with her young stamina though...

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Unfortunate, that.

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She might need to step it up to tire out Birgitta first...

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Surely she's picked up a trick or two somewhere.

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More than two... But she'll leave some for later reveals. Still, what she has to start...

Hair pets, then her hand trailing firmly down Birgitta's spine...

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And wrapping around her waist? 

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Positive development!

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She lifts her other hand to wrap firmly around the back of Birgitta's neck. Not applying pressure, not yet, but...

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"Are we reviewing grappling now?"

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"Not precisely..."

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"But you are planning to maneuver me."

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"Perhaps..." She pulls Birgitta's face towards hers. 

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Maneuvered into kiss??

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very good girl. 

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She quite appreciates the compliment.

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And the rewards good girls get. 

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Mmmm tasty girl...

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Maellys can probably do a pretty good job of tiring Birgitta out like this.

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All according to plan. 

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Mm. Good plan.

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And after, once Birgitta is properly tired out: snuggles? 

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And sleep. 

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Relaxing and refreshing.

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At least, that is, until she starts to dream. This one has a different character than any she's experienced before, and the setting is unfamiliar. A dark plain, the quiet ripple of water, and a dark sky with a single, baleful red star.

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There's a music, perhaps, except for how there's a silence, more profound than any she's heard before. Deep, and ringing in her chest like the tolling of a bell.

There's a direction the tolling is coming from, perhaps. A summons for her.

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She has to answer. She can't not. She obeys the summons, her pace and breath and heartbeat matching the toll.

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It pulls her down, into the rippling water below her -

But this isn't water -

It's blood.

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She's bathed in blood ever since she joined the Brotherhood.

Doing it this literally is new, though.

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It sinks into her, echoing through her body like the ocean of blood is but an extension of her, twisting and burning -

And she begins to hear whispers, though she can't quite make them out -

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Then she needs to go deeper.

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As she sinks - 

She feels a hand on her neck, in her hair, and one whisper is a bit more intense than the others...

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Oh! She remembers this...

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And she starts to hear her name amid the whispers. 

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"Who's there?"

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'Birgitta wake up.'

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Wake up? But she's not asleep... Is she?

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Wake up now.'

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She drags herself back up through the blood, the cloying layer of sleep

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There's a firm, soothing hand stroking her neck. "There, good girl..."

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What is going on. Why does she have so many legs. Why does she not fit in the bed.

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Maellys appears to be petting her calmingly. Then - 

"Do you often turn into a horse when you sleep?"

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Wait shit that's not what she wanted.

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She grins and kisses Birgitta's head near her ears. "You're a very cute horse, regardless."

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Uhhhh maybe if she thinks really hard Maellys will hear it.

'This is the first time I've ever turned into a horse!!'

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" - Interesting..." She murmurs. "And I heard that, my clever girl."

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'Oh good. I don't know how to turn back and I don't know how to get up and I don't think I really fit in this bed anymore.'

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"You will turn back because I wish it, my good girl," she says, and an odd sense of command echoes through Birgitta's soul. 

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Oh that's freaky.

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Smug grin. 

"The Night Mother has given you a wondrous gift."

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"What was that? I had a dream- I fell through a pool of blood-"

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"The Void, possibly. A side effect of something greater than any of us calling us to them."

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"The Night Mother? Or... Sithis himself?"

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"The Night Mother, most likely. It's said speaking directly to Sithis is... Damaging to the mind."

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"Yeah. That makes sense."

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She pulls Birgitta in close. "I've heard rumors of it - Shadowmere, a form the Night Mother gifts to her most loyal servant..."

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"Why me?"

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"We can't know for sure until she chooses a Listener, but... You're loyal, and obedient, and skilled, and clever, and interested in the history and traditions of the Brotherhood."

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"Maybe it's because you picked me."

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"A nice thought... Though Shadowmere is often called to serve a field agent as a steed, and I'm bound to the Sanctuary."

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"Could be she's going to pick a Listener, too. Now that you're back to a Sanctuary."

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"...That would be good. For many reasons."

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"It'd be fun to go out with you."

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Hug! "I'd love that."

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"We can hope it happens."

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"Pray to the Night Mother."

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"You can teach me how to do that properly."

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"Of course, my dear."

There are many important elements in a full prayer, sacrifice of blood and pain among them...

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Things to be approached with care and reverence.

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A delicate, loving hand wielding the blade.

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Mmmmm. Yes.

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The best girl. 

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The beloved girl.

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Forever and always. 

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Moving a bit fast on that one, isn't she? But Birgitta has heard that some women are really into horses...

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If she's a brat, maybe she needs correction...

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Proper training. 

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She's ready to learn.

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And Maellys is ready to teach. 

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No more sleep tonight, huh?

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Is Birgitta unable to keep up? 

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Try her.

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Oh, she will. 

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Elsewhere, some other people are also not sleeping. But maybe having slightly less fun about it. Danella kinda feels like she should make Astridr is, uh, coping okay. With developments.

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She's standing in the shrine room, staring at the Night Mother's coffin with a distant look on her face when Danella finds her.

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"Danella," she says, quietly. "Aren't you normally asleep, now?"

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"Most nights. Dunno. Just some excess energy, I guess."

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"You didn't - hear anything?"

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"Nothing I, uh, wasn't expecting. Why?"

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"I heard whispers as I tried to sleep. They led me here."

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"Sounds... mystically spooky."

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Smile. "Mystic is perhaps right..."

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"You think it's her calling you?" She nods at the Night Mother's coffin.

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"...Possible, I suppose."

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"Maellys is only the Keeper. It's the Listener that's really in charge of the Brotherhood. Maybe she was brought to you on purpose."

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"We should - test it, regardless."

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"Wanna make an offering?"

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"An interesting idea..."

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"It can't hurt, right? And it's better than just standing around waiting for whispers."

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"Are you volunteering?"

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"I could be. If you require it of me."

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"As your leader... Yes, I do."

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"As you require, Mistress." Danella kneels in front of her.

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Good girl...

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She has a feeling the Night Mother will be pleased.

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Seems so, from the more intense whispers Astridr hears.

"I," she whispers into Danella's bloody skin, "Have a mission for you, and perhaps for our newest recruit..."

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"At your command."

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"Very good girl..."

"The Night Mother has whispered to me the location of a contractor, far from where our networks would usually hear."

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"You're the Listener, then."

It worked!

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It did!

"Confirming this contract will be the real proof, though."

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"We'll have to get on that."

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"You will."

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"Might need a healing potion first..."

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She laughs and lays glowing hands on Danella's body, knitting her wounds together.

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Mmm that feels almost as good as the inverse did.

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Better than a healing potion, certainly.

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"Should I go get Maellys?"

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"Yes, do."

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Off she hops to do so, pausing carefully outside Birgitta's door to make her presence known before barging in.

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She doesn't bother disentangling unless Birgitta seems like she wants to.

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Meh, sounds like Danella. It'll be fine.

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"Come on in."

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She enters.

"You two are getting along well, huh?"

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"Exceptionally so - Birgitta is lovely. Thank you for introducing us."

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"It was my pleasure."

"If you're not still too... busy," eyebrow waggle, "Astridr wants to see you."

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"We can take a break."

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"Oh good. We'll, uh, be by the shrine when you're ready."

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"See you there."

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"Don't keep us waiting too long." Wink!

And then she'll let Maellys get ready.

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"I wonder what she wants to talk about..." Maellys muses as she gets up and finds her change of clothes for the day. 

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"Dunno," says Birgitta, watching Maellys move about. "She doesn't usually have meetings this time of day."

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"The shrine seems like an odd place, too."

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"Well, it didn't so much exist before yesterday..."

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"We'll see what she wants then."

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"Did you want me to go with you?"

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"I'd rather have this conversation alone, I believe..."

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"Okay. I'll wait for you."

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"Good girl." And she heads out. 

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Hopefully it goes well.

Birgitta snuggles into the warm spot on the bed to wait for Maellys to return.

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It's a bit over an hour, but she's smiling brightly when she returns. 

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Birgitta has dozed off again.

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She smiles softly and curls around her precious girl. 

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"Mm... Maellys?"

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"I've received good news, lovely girl," she murmurs. 

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"What's that?"

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"Astrid has been chosen as Listener, and she has a mission for me."

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Oh! "Congratulations!!"

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"And she agreed with my wisdom that you should accompany me."

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"I'd love to."

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"Good." Kiss! "We'll be seeking out a client who's apparently gone to great lengths to prevent rumors of his entreaties from spreading..."

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"Lucky for him there's a Listener now, then."

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"Fortune all around."

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"I'd like the chance to, um, stretch my legs."

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"We've got a long way to go."

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"You'll need a strong horse."

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"One with a lot of stamina."

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"I've got that."

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"We'll test you to your limits."

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Quick kiss. 

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Are they heading straight out?

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After some time to prepare. 

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Birgitta keeps a bag ready to go. She can customize it, if Maellys has any more information about what they're likely to get into...

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A little - the location is mountainous... "Volunruud, apparently a barrow in the general vicinity of Whiterun."

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"I'll get my fire daggers then, in case the draugr wake."

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"That's useful against them?"

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She nods. "Dried-out corpses burn pretty easily."

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Hum. "I have fire weapons as well, and we can stock up on magicka potions before we leave..."

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"Hopefully we won't need it. Draugr are pretty easy to sneak past, as long as they're still asleep. Can't count on that with someone in the tomb already, though."

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"Do you think they'll have woken the draugr?"

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Shrug. "Could go either way, really. A native wouldn't, but a native probably wouldn't have picked a barrow to hide in in the first place."

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"It's an odd tradition..."

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"What is?"

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"The draugr, and everything around them."

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"If you're not used to it, I guess."

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Small smile. "It's a fascinating system. Something I want to learn more about."

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"Maybe I could tell you some stories, then."

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"I'd enjoy that."

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"I'll try to think of some good ones."

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"I'll wait eagerly."

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And to getting their things together?

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Yes; they can work pretty efficiently, including the stop by the alchemy lab, and an early check if Danella will be accompanying them. 

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Not right away. She's got some other leads to check out first.

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"We'll update you after, then."

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"Have fun~!"

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"I intend to."

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"How're you planning on getting there?"

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"Aw, now I'm really curious!"

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"Perhaps it isn't my secret to tell."

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"A mystery, then. I shall have to hunt for clues."

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"I wish you luck."

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Her quest is perhaps aided by Birgitta's appearance, fully armored. (For a definition of fully that includes 'wearing a skimpy leather harness that resembles horse tack and a bit gag'.)

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"...Huh. That's. Uh. New."

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"A rather powerful armor," she comments, eyeing the harness with clear delight. "Where did you find it?"

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"This is my normal one. It. Just does this now."

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"Another gift then," she says, as she steps closer and runs her fingers over the elements that mark the harness as clearly the Dark Brotherhood's - from the dull red leather framed by black strips, to the red panel with the Brotherhood's hand stitched into it that's currently arranged over her sternum where the tack connects, to the thick black panel on her lower back that resembles a saddle, and the red cloth flowing out from its sides, the black hand emblazoned on either side... And then up to where what would be a cowl on Maellys cradles Birgitta's head with strong strips of leather, reins currently tied to her shoulder pads, and back down to the heavy gloves with their palms hard and metallic, eyeing though not yet touching the boots which when Birgitta isn't making a point of walking silently strike the stone floor with a sound rather like horse shoes. 

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"...Are you a real horse girl now?"

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"A horse girl well dressed for training, at least..."

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"Try to remember you're on a job, at least..."

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"I'll rein her in if needed."

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"Oh, I bet you will."

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She tugs on Birgitta's reins demonstratively, before investigating where they're tied. Just in case she'd rather hold them herself, of course. 

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It's very easy for Maellys to take them up.

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Only appropriate. 

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Entirely natural.

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And respectful of the roles their god has seen fit to place each of them in...

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Properly obedient.

Time to go?

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Seems so.

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Outside, and they can see about a proper horsegirl.

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"Transform, lovely."

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She obeys.

Dark mist swirls around her, cloaking her human form and parting to reveal a tall black horse, rearing up on its hind legs.

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"Wondrous," she murmurs, awe-struck, and touches Shadowmere's neck.

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She nuzzles in.

'Being a horse is much better when there's enough room for me to stretch out.'

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"You're even more beautiful with that room, too."

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She essays a little prance.

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She sets out to examine Shadowmere fully, murmuring words of praise for her perfect form.

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Mmm. That's good.

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As expected, given Shadowmere is such a good horse. 

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So does Maellys want to go for a ride?

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She'd love to. 

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Shadowmere is at her service.

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She swings herself into Shadowmere's saddle.

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And off they go!

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She laughs in delight as the world falls away under them, steering Shadowmere to a barrow carved into the mountains north of Whiterun.

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Horsegirl go zoooooom.

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Best horse girl!!!

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She's definitely going to set some kind of record for travel time between Falkreath and Whiterun.

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As expected. 

Maellys unfortunately doesn't know this area, so doesn't know precisely where to look for the barrow's entrance. 

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Barrow entrances are usually stone, dome-shaped. Might be standing stones to mark the path.

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If the paths were ever paved or wide enough they might still be used as game trails, too.

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Then they have an idea of how to start looking.

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It takes them a bit - and more than a few false leads - but eventually Maellys spots a likely entrance. 

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Horses and underground don't usually mix so well...

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Then Shadowmere shall transform back to human. 

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Perfect. Time for infiltration.

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Best not to wake the dead, after all. 

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That would be ideal.

There may be puzzle locks they'll have to get by too, depending on where their contact has holed themselves up. Usually these are fairly straightforward, just meant to stop the draugr from wandering out or between areas they shouldn't rather than serious defenses.

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Might any require resources from outside the tomb?

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Some doors need keys, but those ones are usually nearer to a settlement where the keyholder would live or used to live.

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They can backtrack and go looking if they run into one they can't get past, then. 

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Sounds like a plan.

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And: onwards into the barrow.

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Into the barrow. Looks like nothing's awake at the moment, at least...

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They'll move quietly, hopefully keep it that way. 

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There's some sign of recent human activity not too far into the tomb, before any locked doors or guardians. Disturbed dust, soot from a torch on the wall, that sort of thing. The trail seems to be pointing towards a side room.

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Birgitta shouldn't enter at the same time as Maellys, she believes, so they don't run as high a risk of both getting caught in the same trap. 

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She'll guard the entrance, then.

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An excellent division of labor. 

And Maellys will slip into the target room. 

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"Well shit. I was beginning to think you wouldn't show."

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"Did you doubt the Night Mother?"

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"Your... organization hasn't been the most reliable."

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She inclines her head; the truth is undeniable. "In recent years, yes. That is changing, and a new era of the night is beginning."

"Now, what does the leader of her own new era want of the Dark Brotherhood?"

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"I want you to kill a Thalmor emissary."

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"And your own forces aren't up to the task?"

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"Not this one. Too much of a pain in the ass for a straight fight."

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She'd like information on name and the intelligence Àshildr has. 

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No name, just a title: the Golden Champion. Favors heavy armor and a two-handed sword called 'Penitent', the pretentious fuck. They've been tracking his movements as best they can, here's what they know.

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Very helpful... They'll add their own reconnaissance of course. 

And this assassination won't come cheap. 

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Shit like this never does. That's what the war chest is for.

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Fair. What's Áshildr's timeline?

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The sooner the better. Within a month would be ideal.

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And any special requests other than 'dead'?

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Make sure it's messy.

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Can do. 

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Is that everything they need, then?

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All that's left is the formal contract. 

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Right. That.

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A quick process, now that the terms are decided. 

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She'll sign.

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"Pleasure doing business with you."

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"Yeah. Hope you'll forgive me if I wait for results before saying likewise."

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"You get that a lot?"

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"From people who aren't fanatics or frightened of us, yes."

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"Yeah, neither of those is me."

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"A confident woman."

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"I've spent too damn long fighting to worry about second-guessing myself."

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"You do well."

"We will find you when the contract is complete."

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"I'll be going back to Windhelm. Try not to kill any of my guards."

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"Of course."

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She'll let the assassin leave first.

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She does so, signaling Birgitta to fall in with her. 

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Back outside. She waits until they're out of earshot before asking how things went.

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"Well," she says, then summarizes the conversation and their mission.

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"Ah. One of the political ones."

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"Always fun."

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"Hope it doesn't get too complicated."

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"It probably will."

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"Yeah. We should check in with Astrid, she usually wants to be kept ahead of this kind of mission."

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"She'll likely have more information and resources for us, too."

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"We'll need it, going after the Thalmor."

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"Especially someone high ranked, where the Stormcloaks haven't gotten much about her past..."

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She nods.

"Any stops you want to make on the way?"

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"A few... I want to do our own reconnaissance, too, and a good place to start will be recruiting our own agents - I have connections in the Thieves' Guild, though they've been fragmenting into separate cells lately... But they're usually a good source for informants, at least."

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"Thieves're strongest in Riften, of Skyrim cities."

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"Then we'll go there."

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"At your command."

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"Good girl."

And: "Transform."

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She mounts Shadowmere with delight. 

And onwards to Riften.

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At top speed, naturally.

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Oh, this is wonderful. 

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She endeavors to provide only the best service.

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Maellys would say she gets a bit past 'endeavor.'

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It's Maellys's leadership getting her that far.

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A leader matters little without a follower.

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That's a role she can fill with pride.

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It's the combination that's powerful.

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Some time earlier, in Riften...

A certain young (read: up and coming) thief is loitering in the marketplace, supposedly looking for marks but really keeping her eyes and ears open for information; her floppy canid ears blend easily into her hair and don't give away much of her emotions, let alone where her attention currently is. (Though her long tail is a bit more prone to betraying her; currently, though, it's relaxed and swaying lightly.) She's wearing pretty plain leathers, though they hug her figure well, with a simple crop top showing off her defined arms and toned stomach, and shorts highlighting her muscular thighs rather nicely. Her boots come up to mid-calf, and have a very slight heel, enhancing the effect. She has a visible sheath for a dagger on one of those thighs, and a strappy belt that wraps around her waist a few times.

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Most experienced travelers know to guard their purses in Riften market. It would take a bold thief to go after Fu Bai's purse, with her armor and sword and confident way her exotic scaly tail swishes behind her. Still, she has not lived this long and come so far by being incautious, so she takes note of the way the young woman is watching passersby and leaves no openings for her to exploit.

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She is not picking her marks based on hotness but she does get a very brief temptation to wolf whistle. Provide the full Riften market experience and all that.

She does, however, idly work her way closer to the strange woman.

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She stops to buy a pair of apples at one stand, then wanders over to a slightly more deserted corner. When her tail approaches, she tosses one of the fruits at her.

"Something I can help you with, young lady?" she asks, arching a long, golden brow.

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She catches the apple deftly and takes a bite. "I was curious about you, ma'am."

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"Curious, is it? Curious about the contents of my pockets, I think."

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"There are easier and wealthier marks here, if what I wanted to know was just what's in your pockets."

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"True enough. What is it, then?"

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"To start: what should I call you?"

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"Fu Bai, of the Companions. And you are?"

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"Lily the Swift, at your service." She sketches a rather impudent bow.

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"Are you, now."

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"Do you doubt my word?"

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"It is a bold claim, girl."

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"Most would call it 'traditional,'" she says, with an exceptionally innocent expression on her face, "Though I do think 'bold' suits me better."

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"What need do you think I might have for the service of a thief?"

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"Most people do, sooner or later - even if they're stubbornly on the side of the law. Someone to whisper information in their ear... Someone to carry messages or make deliveries discreetly... Someone to check their building for opportunities enterprising burglar could use and help patch the holes..." 

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"Most people are not a Companion of Ysgramor."

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Fascinated smile, and her ears perk up a little. "You are, though?"

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"Yes, I am."

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"What's that like?"

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"What do you do?"

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"Hone our skills. Honor the gods. Assist with problems that can be solved by hitting them with a sword."

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She snorts. "That makes up a surprising percent of problems."

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"We do stay busy."

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"I can imagine."

"Did business bring you here?" Or pleasure?

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"Business, this time."

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"What sort?"

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"You know, I'm not sure I should tell you. Thieflike as you are."

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"I can restrain myself."

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"Do I have your word, Lily the Swift?"

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"You have my word that I won't cause trouble for you or your client based on what you tell me here."

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Fu Bai considers her for a long moment.

"The retrieval of an heirloom sword from a Dwemeri ruin."

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"A good challenge for 'fix things by hitting them.'"

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"It was good exercise."

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"You're returning with it?"

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"Aye, I am. Disappointed?"

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"Seeing you in action might have been interesting."

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"I'm sure it would have been. A centurion is a challenge even for a Companion."

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"You fought one?" She sounds impressed. 

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"And lived to tell about it."

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"Very serious talent."

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"Thank you."

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"Just the truth."

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"I have some time before meeting with my client," he says, "if you'd like to get a drink."

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"I'd love to." She can recommend a good hole in the wall, too.

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Fu Bai's happy to follow her recommendation.

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That nets her a seat in a dark, cozy bar, with good sight lines but where their neighbors probably can't hear them talk.

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A fine choice of locale.

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It's one of her favorites.

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Are her drink recommendations as good?

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She'd hope so. (It seems so - and she offers both an alcoholic and non-alcoholic suggestion.)

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She'll try the alcoholic one. Celebrate a little.

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A fine choice. (She chooses a non-alcoholic drink.)

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Perhaps Lily would like to hear the tale of her adventure through the ruins?

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She'd love to.

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Fu Bai makes a rather good story out of it. She has a real knack for bringing the twists and turns of the darkened labyrinth and the slash and parry of combat back to life.

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Almost enough to make her consider adventuring.

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What sorts of things does Lily fill her time with?

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A pretty wide variety of things - reading, walking the streets of Riften, helping beggars - just talking to people, too. She likes people. 

(And, of course, there's some thievery in there, but she at least claims she only steals from the wealthiest around.)

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Sounds like she's already halfway to an adventurer here in the city.

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But not with the same breadth of experience. 

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Breadth isn't everything, so long as the foundation is firm.

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"So I'm off to a solid start?"

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"I'd say so."

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"And where would you say I should go next?"

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"That depends what sort of real adventure you're looking for."

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Hum. "A complicated question."

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"You think so?"

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"You don't?"

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"If you take too long to think about it, you'll miss your chance. You don't find adventure waiting for the perfect circumstances."

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"A question can be complicated to answer, without being slow to act on."

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"You would know yourself best."

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"What sort of adventure do you look for?"

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"The sort with honor."

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"And how do you define 'honor'?"

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"Honor... Honor's straightforward, true. Helping good people, not hurting them. Protecting your friends and allies and bringing swift justice to enemies." She takes a drink. "An honorable adventure is the sort of adventure I can sleep soundly after."

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"A fine set of values."

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"I'm glad you approve."

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"I'd be interested in seeing your kind of adventure..."

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"It is within my remit as a Companion to arrange training trips for prospective members."

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"When do we start?"

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"Tomorrow, let's say. I still have to return the sword I retrieved."

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"I'll let my friends know I'll be out of town."

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"Where can I find you?"

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How about this same bar? 

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Works for her.

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They just need a time, then. 

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Early morning would be best.

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She can do that. 

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That'll be a good first step.

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Getting up early?

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Shows dedication and commitment.

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Good thing she already does that.

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A solid foundation, like she said.

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And what comes next?

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That would spoil the surprise.

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Fu Bai can keep her secrets for the moment, then.

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How kind of the young rascal to indulge an old dog.

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That's Lily - polite and respectful to her elders.

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Fu Bai is certainly finding her so.

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Just the image she was intending to present?

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Best foot forward, eh?

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Her intent. 

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Here's to her intent, then. Fu Bai lifts her mug in a toast.

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She raises hers to match.

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Clink! And drain the glasses.

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A good way to finish up. 

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It is.

And now it's getting to about the time of her prior appointment.

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Is Lily invited along? 

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If she wants to be.

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She does. 

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Then they should get moving. The meeting is at the Bee and Barb.

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She'll follow. 

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Mjoll the Lioness is waiting for Fu Bai in a quiet corner. 

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"Mjoll," she greets her. "The mission was successful."

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"So you have my blade?"

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She pulls it out and sets it on the table.

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She picks it up, examining it with a distant expression. 

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"Any problems?"

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Her lion ears twitch. "...No. Just. Memories."

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"Good memories?"

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"Bittersweet, let's say."

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"I see."

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"You've done well."

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"To help an upstanding person like yourself is a privilege."

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"She lured me in."

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"Is that so?" She smiles, despite the way she's eyeing Lily like she knows her from somewhere.

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"Bringing out a person's better nature is a sacred calling."

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"For you, or for all Companions?"

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"For all of us. Though the degree to which that is honored can vary."

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"A good philosophy, and a better one than 'be good at fighting.'" Which is what most people seem to think the essential Companions philosophy is. 

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"Mastery of the body can aid in mastery of the soul. But I take your meaning."

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"I was a swordswoman in my own time, Master Fu Bai."

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"Of course. My apologies."

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"I might still be a challenge for you, even."

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"Are you looking for a practice dummy now that you have a sword again?"

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"I wouldn't call you a dummy."

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"Sparring partner, then."

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"That sounds acceptable."

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"If your old bones are up for it."

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"Oh, they are."

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"Let's find a spot, then."

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"Of course. You don't mind an audience, I hope?"

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"Not a select one."

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"Just young Lily here."

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Then they can go find a place for a duel.

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And give it their all. (Mjoll isn't as out of practice as one might expect from her injuries and then subsequent near-pacifism.)

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She has to work for it, then.

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Makes for a better show, too.

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Their audience is certainly appreciative. 

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Nice to know the young generation still has taste.

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Lily isn't sure about others her age - and isn't too interested in sharing - but she'd agree she has impeccable taste.

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That's what counts, at the moment.

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And hopefully for the next little bit. 

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She's not planning on picking up any other young hopefuls, so yes.

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Excellent. Lily would hate to compete with other young hopefuls. It'd be very unfair to them.

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Of course, of course.

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It's good Fu Bai sees things her way. 

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Something tells her Lily is used to that.

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Usually takes a little more persuasion. Fu Bai is unusually wise. 

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Unusually something, anyway.

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Unusually several things! Including wise. 

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This old dog is feeling very flattered.

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As she should.

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A sly young pup, this one.

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Tail wag!

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"You'd best get some rest before tomorrow, though."

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"Do you have a good place to stay, speaking of?"

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"I have a room."

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"A good one?" she teases.

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"It has a bed and I didn't find any fleas last time."

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"So solidly workable."

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"Better than some places I've slept."

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"I've slept some terrible places. Doesn't mean I don't like a bit of luxury when I can get it."

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"I prefer to keep luxuries for when I'm awake to enjoy them."

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"There's plenty you can do with a nice room and a comfortable bed while awake."

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"Fewer when traveling alone."

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"You won't be traveling alone now."

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"Starting tomorrow."

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"Patience is a virtue."

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"I'm plenty virtuous."

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"I'm sure you are."

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"Another way you're perceptive."

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"It would seem so, yes."

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"A good trait."

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"Thank you."

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"Only the truth."

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"You wield it like a weapon."

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"Thank you."

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"Until tomorrow then, Lily."

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"I'll see you." And off? 

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Off to bed, to rest up for the morning.

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Lily's up and ready to go bright and early. Advantages of being an eager young pup.

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A feat old dogs can replicate with training and discipline.

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She very much admires the extent of Fu Bai's training and discipline. 

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She can tell Lily is fully appreciating all her extents.

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Every single one. 

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Most excellent.

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And - onwards down the road?

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Onwards to an honorable adventure.

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Elsewhere... Someone else is having a distinctly unhonorable adventure. Downright unvirtuous, even. Possibly outright scandalous. 

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Though a certain tiny vampire doesn't seem to sense the excellent opportunity for scandal present. That, or she doesn't really care. Hard to tell with Émilienne; she's very good at acting like she takes her job very seriously.

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What's the point of being the best if you can't use your extra slack to have fun, though?

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"You're going to get us caught."

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"Have I ever gotten us caught?"

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This is a very skeptical tiny vampire.

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"That's right, I haven't. Are you just grumpy because you're hungry? I can save you one to drink..."

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A smile cracks through her imposing visage. "I'm not one to take someone else's leftovers."

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"Just complaining to complain, then?"

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Sniff. "My every complaint is perfectly reasonable, I'll have you know."

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Uh huh, uh huh.

"So what then, you've got a hot date lined up back home? Want to get this job over with so you're not late?"

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"None of your beeswax!" she sing-songs.

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"But am I on the right track?"

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She just sticks her tongue out in response.

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That means yes.

"Well, if you want tips, big sis Danella has you covered."

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"I'll keep that in mind."

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"So that means you won't mind me practicing to keep my skills sharp in case you have need of them?"

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Siiigh. "Fine. Go have your fun."

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Victory! Time for celebration.

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Émilienne heads out on business of her own.

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To each her own.

(Danella will make sure the locals have better things to talk about than anything Emi might be up to.)

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Easy enough, honestly. 

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She draws plenty of attention, and as the night grows late and the full ruddy moons rise over Skyrim -

She notices a pretty girl - Nord probably, by the wavy blonde hair and the rugged hunter's cut of her clothes and the plain utilitarian dagger at her waist, and by the large wolf ears perked up as she looks at Danella with an interested glimmer in her eyes. A matching tail sweeps lazily behind her from where she's leaning against the wall of the tavern Danella is drawing attention in. For all that she's not particularly pretentious in her dress -

There's something powerful, threatening about her. About the tilt of her head, the idle way she stands, like a lounging predator. Something about the cut of the simple leather, a skimpy bikini that's little more than interwoven strips of varied colors of skin and hide and leather, with carved bone beads dangling on little ribbons of deerskin and antler clasps holding together the straps at certain key points. Something about the shine of light across her tightly coiled muscles. Something about the hungry, insatiable look in her eyes. 

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Can't leave someone like that to languish unattended.

Danella creates a little space to act in, temporarily diverting the locals' attentions onto each other, pairs she's got a good feeling about, and saunters over to the huntress. "Hellllooo there," she purrs. "Thirsty?"

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"Hungry," she says with a sharp toothy grin. 

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"I think we can solve that too."

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"Really now?"

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"There're lots of options on the menu."

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"Mmm... I'm in the mood for a private dining experience."

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"We can find a quiet spot."

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"A preliminary hunt." She straightens.

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Danella has some ideas where to begin...

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Between the two of them, it's a nearly trivial task. 

And, as soon as they're alone, Danella's new friend grabs her - slams her against the wall, a forearm pining her in place by the throat with a strength like iron -

And she leans in and murmurs -

"What are you up to now, Sanguine?"

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She'll steal a kiss in lieu of answering that right away.

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Bold enough that she'll allow it. Once. 

"Et'Ada I never would have expected it of are walking the mortal realm again - even ones who signed the treaties of non-interference and took it seriously. They walk the mortal realm without even knowing, playing out ancient stories. Even I did not remember my true nature immediately. And yet you... You walk as you always have, and the world still warps around you."

"So, Sanguine, I ask again: what are you up to?"

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"You know me, Huntress. I'm always a sucker for a good love story."

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Hircine's arm thunks forward into the wall through the shower of rose petals that abruptly replace the one she was pinning.

"You'll have to keep reading to find out how this one ends, though," a voice says, a saucy wink in its tone.