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wish the estate of the world were now undone
Emperor Palpatine's plans to resurrect herself go a bit... Sideways. It's unclear who's less happy about this - her, or the Yeerk Empire.
Permalink Mark Unread

It is not that she has planned to die.


It is that she has planned, and she remembers well the way her own Master treated her, his loyal lapdog, the girl he plucked from her common life and declared his equal. She'd planned then, too, and she'd ripped out his throat the moment she got a chance.

She doesn't think Vader has all that many plans. She ensured that, as Darth Sidious. She broke her apprentice, more thoroughly than Darth Plagueis broke her.

That doesn't mean the Emperor's attack dog can't perceive a bared throat as well as any dog.


The exact moment of Vader's betrayal is... Inconvenient. Enraging, at least, which helps her push through the Sith sorcery she'd prepared for this event.

Rebuilding her Empire will be obnoxious, since she won't be able to work that quickly... But perhaps she can now finally wipe out the last desperate vestiges of chaotic hope in the galaxy...

Permalink Mark Unread

(Unfortunately for her, 'the galaxy' isn't where she wakes in her new body for the first time.)



(Not her galaxy.)

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She finds herself among some half-finished buildings and piles of building materials. They appear to have been abandoned for a while; the metal beams on the ground are starting to rust. The sun has just set, and the stars are beginning to twinkle in the night sky.

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The only other person around is a young woman. Startled by the spontaneously appearing person, she tries to hide behind a concrete pipe.

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She steps back, dizzy suddenly with the shock of a new body - the whirlwind and distant emptiness and chaotic upheaval in the Force -

(That face - )

Her knees buckle, just a little. (They're new. Painfuly so.)

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The spontaneously appearing person saw her, didn't she? The spontaneously appearing person definitely saw her, and even if she didn't, there's only one obvious move. She pokes her head out from behind the pipe.


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She forcibly steadies herself. 


"Who are you."

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"My name is Anna. And yours?"

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(There's a lot of names she could give. That one's not linked to her anywhere her enemies could find - but her handmaidens, if any survived, will recognize it.)

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"That's a nice name."

Alright, time to give the direct approach a try.

"If you don't mind my asking, how did you do that? The whole...appearing out of nowhere thing.

Or if you didn't do it on purpose, do you need help?"

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"Appearing here - wasn't what I intended."

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"What did you intend, then? To appear somewhere else?"

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(She needs a lie... She's unsteady on her feet still, reeling still - but she's been in worse circumstances.)

"Not - like that - I thought I'd be - waking up at home." She lets herself sound unsure.

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"Where's home, then? Do you need a ride, or a place to stay for the night?"

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"...I don't think it's - anywhere nearby." 

"A place to - stay while I get my bearings would be. Good."

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"You can stay at my place! I was on my way home; you can walk with me."

Alita is genuinely happy to help someone in need, even if she's doing it by offering someone else's couch and with the ulterior motive of investigating her Mysterious Appearance.

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(That sounds like a bad idea.)


(But she shouldn't sound too enthusiastic, anyways.)

"How far is it?"

(And it's a chance to investigate that face.)

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"About fifteen minutes' walk from here."

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"Close, then."

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"Yeah. I was," she gestures around at the construction site, "taking a shortcut."

She leads the way out of the construction site and towards her home.

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"Where is this?"

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"Washington, D.C."

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She is not going to admit, even in her facial expression, to not recognizing the name. Nope.


"...What time is it?"

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"Almost 9 PM."

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That doesn't tell her much - 

Except that they don't use Galactic Standard Time. (Plenty of places have their own time system - Coruscant is down to only about a dozen despite her best efforts to the contrary to standardize that chaotic cesspit - but just about everyone also uses Galactic Standard Time, especially with strangers.)

"Alright," is all she says. 

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Alita continues leading the way towards her home.

(As she goes, she can't help but try to put together the pieces of the puzzle she's been given. Not aiming for DC, possibly not for the USA at all..."Lyli", no idea what country that indicates, if indeed she is human and not just choosing to look that way...)

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(She's putting together her own pieces. The world feels strange, still in the Force but not suppressed. And there are minds here, plenty of them, but - not as she's known.)

She's fairly obviously examining the world as they pass by, though her exact emotional responses are suppressed into an inoffensive curiosity. 

(Her resurrection ritual is a work of art, but, necessarily, an untested one. There's very many ways it could have failed, and the ultimate backup was always going to be her own determination to win.)

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Alita stops walking in front of a red brick building, three stories tall, with a nice little garden out front. She opens the door and motions for Lyli to follow her in.

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She keeps track of where they are, of course, noting the writing system on the signs, the strange technologies, and building up the beginnings of a mental map. 

She follows Alita in. 

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Alita leads her up the stairs.

"My place is up in the attic."

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...Hum. "It's a nice neighborhood," she ventures.

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"Yeah! You'll be safe here."

Specifically, she will be unlikely to come to the attention of any of Alita's colleagues in the Yeerk Empire, because they think Alita has the area covered.

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"Is crime a problem in the rest of the city?" (She caught that there's something the strange girl didn't say, and notes it for poking, now and later.)

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"Oh, same as any other big city, there's good parts and bad parts. But I'm glad my neighbors here are chill."

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"That's always nice."

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Alita reaches the top of the stairs, unlocks her door, and enters the apartment. She motions for Lyli to follow her in.

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She steps in and looks around, noting with a feeling of continued unease the bright and eclectic decorations - the style is familiar, down to the half finished paintings leaning against one wall. 

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Alita relaxes her hold on her host's muscles...continues not poking at any thoughts not directed at her...keeps her attention focused on her raw sensory input.

<I don't think we should tell her quite yet...it would be bad if we didn't warn her and she got caught by the Vissers, but it would also be bad if we told her and she decided the Vissers sound great actually and brought her unprecedented capabilities right to them. I know it's a rare sort of human who would do the latter, but it costs us little to wait and feel her out a bit longer.>

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She takes over the body smoothly.

<And there's something - weird about her. She reacted oddly to seeing us, and...>

Anna's not sure, not yet. But her job in this team is reading people, and she's good at it. 

<She's hard to get a good read on. I don't like that.>

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- The odd woman is now squinting very suspiciously at them. 

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<I don't like it either. Hard to be worse than the Empire, though.>

Alita doesn't bother to self-censor that thought. She doesn't see a course of action that doesn't involve committing treason, at this point; either Unprecedented Capabilities Woman will be inclined to oppose the Empire (and help Alita break away and survive), or she'll be inclined to support it (and Alita will have to try to stop her, even at risk to herself).

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<I think a lot of humans could manage, with the Empire's resources.>

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She sends the mental impression of a sigh. <I know. I just see something unexpected and...hope things are going to be different. Let's find out what we can about her, anyway.>

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"So, Lyli..." she says to the strange woman, feeling far more awkward than Alita had while fronting. 

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"I'm guessing you have questions?"

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Awkward nod.

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"Ask away."

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"Well, first: where were you, before you - appeared, I guess - and what were you doing?"

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She thinks that over. (This girl... She's encountered theories about reincarnation. Awakening her memories in a - potentially far future - version of her had been a fallback if resurrection failed. It's likely Vader died, so... Has it been long enough, then, for a new Anakin to be born - ?)

After a pause: "I was in my office. I was trying to escape a dangerous situation that sprung up."

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This is her skeptical face! "What kind of dangerous situation?"

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Yeah, this is an Anakin. "Assassins," she says after another moment of thought, which is close enough to the truth anyways. "Politically motivated, I think."

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Probably that would hit the news, if it happened on Earth. 

"...Where are you from, again?"

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"Far away, I said. I'm not sure you'd recognize the city's name."

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To Alita: <I'm thinking of just point blank asking her if she's from another planet. That alone won't reveal too much...>

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<Yeah, I think that's worth the risk.>

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To Lyli: "Are you from Earth?"

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"...I'm from Coruscant. Which, if you're calling this planet 'Earth' instead of something recognized in the wider galaxy, I'm guessing this planet is uncontacted."

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<Alita, does 'Coruscant' ring a bell?>

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<No. It's definitely not one of the Empire's worlds. Not even a language I recognize.>

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To Lyli: "So... We know of a couple worlds, but Coruscant isn't one of them."

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"Huh. An entire uncontacted corner of the galaxy, then."

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"By you guys, at least." 

<How much should I tell her about the Empire and - everything?>

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<I think we should tell her everything. Even if she decides to run away, that denies the Vissers her abilities, and that's worth it already.>

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<You might be better at answering questions than I am?>

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<Fair enough.>

Alita takes back her hold on the body.

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"Have you heard of Yeerks? Or Andalites?"

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She thinks for a moment - there's a lot of planets in her Empire and around the edges, after all, with even more languages between them. They don't ring a bell, though. "Not by those names," she says. "Though I might recognize a description."

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"Andalites are blue or purple, quadrupedal, four-eyed, herbivorous, and have bladed tails. They have a technology that allows them to touch another creature and, thereafter, be able to turn into it for a time. Yeerks are greenish, aquatic, photosynthetic, small enough to fit in, um, my palm here...they're without limbs or eyes, and can act outside the water only by wrapping around another creature's brain and sharing or controlling its body.

I—the person talking to you right now—am a Yeerk. There are other Yeerks on this planet in secret. They are dangerous. I realize this probably sounds unbelievable if you haven't encountered my kind before; I can at least demonstrate my existence by leaving my host and reentering."

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"Neither sounds familiar."

"And - I believe you, but I'd like to speak to Anna without you influencing her."

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"I understand. Let me get a glass of water to wait in."

She starts walking toward the sink.

"What I'm about to do is super illegal under Yeerk law. Warning you about the presence of Yeerks on this planet was, itself, super illegal under Yeerk law. I've forfeited my life."

She reaches the sink and pours herself a glass of water.

"But...you spontaneously appeared in front of me. You look human and speak English, despite being from such a far corner of the galaxy that you haven't heard the word 'Andalite'. This suggests there are capabilities at play unknown to the Yeerk government—to Visser Three, the current Yeerk commander on this planet—and if anything is worth the risk to my life it's denying those capabilities to him."

She holds the glass of water up to her ear—Anna's ear—and crawls out.

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She holds on carefully as control is transferred over to her, putting Alita in her glass down on the counter. (She feels... Weird. Empty. (Alone.)) She looks at Lyli, wondering which of them will have to speak first. 

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Lyli gives her a long, searching look (and pays attention to the eddies in the Force). "Does that truly remove all influence?"

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"Yeah - except like normal social stuff I guess."

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"Not what I'm concerned about."

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"Alita's on the up and up. The yeerks are dangerous, and she's working with me instead of them. And I like having her in my brain."

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...Yeah, that sounds like Anakin. (She hadn't liked having Sidious in her brain, but she showed no general discomfort with mental contact, and used battle meditation far more ably than most ever could bring themselves to.)

"Very well.  If you wish, I won't object to you returning her to your brain."

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She nods and holds the glass of water up to her ear. 

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Alita crawls in.

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"Thank you.

All Yeerks are under the jurisdiction of the Yeerk Empire. They're attempting an invasion in secret on this planet, and rule openly on several others. Their leadership are...strongly inclined to violence and treachery, because those are the qualities that allow one to climb their ladder. It's a fairly characteristic story of the upper leadership that one of Visser Three's inspections of our settlement here resulted in him eating a manager he blamed for delays in construction.

They take hosts by force and fraud. Not all hosts—almost all Taxxons are voluntary, and some humans—but more than half of the hosts under the Empire are slaves. They control the average foot soldier, like me, by restricting access to the sun lamps we need to photosynthesize.

If you want to run away, I would not blame you. I could bring up a star chart and point out which systems are controlled by the Yeerks or the Andalites—they also have a species-wide government, and it's at war with the Yeerk Empire—so you can avoid them. If you want to stay and help—I suspect Earth could benefit greatly from your abilities."