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like a tiger defying the laws of gravity
get in loser we're going multiverse hopping
Permalink Mark Unread

Of all the many ways Ellie could have imagined spending her eighteenth birthday, waking up in the back of a moving van with a bag over her head and hands tied behind her back was not one of them. She's not sure what happened, who her captors are, what they want, or even how many of them there are. The last thing she remembers... she was at the store, maybe? Then, abruptly, here.

Well. That part about not knowing what these people want might be a lie. Over the past couple weeks, Ellie's discovered that she can- do things. Sparks, lights, an odd kind of telekinesis- little tricks, but. Not things that should be possible. Her best explanation is that it's some kind of magic. Which means that her kidnappers might be representatives of the masquerade to keep things quiet, or government stooges disappearing her to some dank vault to cut her open and experiment on her.

Neither of those options is really appealing. If she's lucky, she'll get a chance to escape at some point. She'll keep her eyes open for that, as it were.

When they stop, she's hustled out of the van and into some kind of building. Sounds like there's too many people around for her to make a move, all talking in some strange language she's never heard before. She's sat roughly down in a chair. Best she can tell, it's in a small room and her back's to a wall. Most of the footsteps leave. Perfect.

Flexing her wrist just so, claws pop out of her fingers and she begins sawing at the knot keeping her bound.

Permalink Mark Unread


Villanelle really, really hates unplanned pitstops, especially in tiny backwaters that're actively hostile to magic. Earths can pretty much go fuck themselves honestly, she has no idea why they're all like this. 

She's actually not entirely positive which Earth this is - there's so many, and a lot of them aren't even vaguely mapped, and her nav system is just enough on the fritz that it can't figure out where this is from first principles. (She's going to have to manually steer back, probably...)

She's been able to lie low though, parking her ship in some deserted field under a notice-me-not tarp with its stealth mode engaged while she bops around collecting what she needs to repair it. It's had plenty of time to refresh the air envelope at least.

But that means she's had time to acquire local clothes and get a sense of the local rhythms when she sees a crack team ghost through one of the stores and descend on a human teenager. The fight's ignored by everyone else - that's a pretty decent memory fuckery illusion they've got going, really - 

Except Villanelle.

The thing about memory fuckery illusions is if you can catch anyone who isn't an unlucky rando with them you have better tools. Villanelle is very much not an unlucky rando.

She's better at invisibility, too, and illusions in general she decides as she tails them - also known as, starts humming then takes a wide leap up on top of the van and sits there with her hands in her pocket studiously not attacking anyone until she knows where they're going and the potential hostage is definitely not imminently getting shot. 

And then, once she's also identified how they're communicating (sadly requiring the hostage getting out of her line of sight): 

And then she starts kicking some kidnapper ass.

(Okay technically, first she waves her very shiny official proof she's a representative of the Crown of Aitania in front of some mook's face. Then she starts kicking ass.)

Permalink Mark Unread

Villanelle's just about done mopping up the last of the ass when the target of her rescue operation pokes her head out of the room she was being kept in, blood dripping off her fingers.

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She's not quite at invisibility that'll last through ass-kickings, so she's fully visible. She waves a little. (She isn't at all bloody, and in fact most of her downed opponents don't look injured.)

"I'm friendly!" she calls. (With magical translation up, which sounds like a pretty weird double-layered song.) "Are you hurt?"

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"...No, I'm not."

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"Awesome - I was a little bit worried about that, what with the random kidnapping assholes..." Shrug. "Oh - you missing any of your stuff?"

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She frowns and pats her pockets.

"They took my phone."

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"What's it look like?"

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"About so big. Plain black case."

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"No like, what's a phone? - I might be able to use just that word but a mental image will help."

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"-Do magic people not have phones? What the fuck."

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"I've only been on this world a little bit, I might've seen one? The word just isn't translating clearly."

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"Oh, alien magic people, all right then. A phone is- a pocket computer, does telecommunications, internet access. Has a touchscreen and a camera in the back."

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" - Can you draw one?"

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"Don't have anything to draw with. Maybe I can-" She fiddles a bit, then pops out a hovering, slightly transparent image of her phone in midair. "Like that."

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"Neat." She squints at it. "How precisely accurate is that?"

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"It looks like that? I mean. The actual phone is solid and has data on it and stuff."

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"Image's enough." She closes her eyes a little and starts singing - sways a bit - spins around - and says, "That way!"

Then starts walking.

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Maybe there's different kinds of magic? And this one's based on music somehow?

She follows.

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She zeroes in on one of the fancier dressed dudes, riffles through his pockets - 

And comes up with a phone. "This yours?"

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"Looks like. Can I see?" She holds out a hand.

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She hands it over.

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Ellie goes to tap its screen and notices she still has claws. "Ah." She frowns and pulls the pointy bits back in. Then taps the screen.

"Yeah, this is mine."

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She giggles a little. "Not used to your abilities yet?"

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"No, not really. Only found out about them the other week."

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"You're picking it up quickly then - and you just could suddenly do stuff?" 

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"Pretty much."

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"Some kind of spontaneous caster, then."

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"I guess? I'm assuming spontaneous caster is some kind of term of art for you people."

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"Yup - so there's a couple ways of doing magic, and casters use one of them: spells. Spontaneous casters can use spells without like, intentionally preparing them ahead of time every day - you're also innate it sounds like, where you can do magic without training. And I mean I was guessing on the spontaneous thing, but most innate casters are spontaneous too."

" - You might also just have only spell-like supernatural abilities, but given your age I think that's probably unlikely?"

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"No idea."

"So, do you know who these assholes are?"

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"We should poke around, though it'll be risky if backup shows up."

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"All right. Looking for anything in particular?"

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Hum. "Weird objects, symbols, tattoos, if any of the mooks look non-human..."

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"All right." Searching the bodies, then.

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They turn up some stuff - including what seems to be a group insignia - but nothing like a giant list of contact information for evil bosses.

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Yeah, that would have been too easy.

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"Pretty suspiciously so."

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"So what next?"

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"Well... I have resources I can call on to track people like this down, but it might not be quick, and won't be on this planet - I've been hiding out while I fix my ship."

"I can drop you off wherever on this planet you want to go..." Tiny smile. "Or you can come with me when I leave."

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"You're a space traveler?"

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"Space and more."

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"Well. It's not like I've got a lot to stick around here for."

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Interplanetary adventures with a hot magic girl. This is more like an eighteenth birthday she can get behind.

"Where's your ship?"

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"A bit of a hike... Unless you wanna fly."

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"If you tell me you can fly, obviously I want to fly."

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"Gimme a minute to get a tune going," she says with a wink.

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"I don't need to harmonize or anything, right?"

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"Only if you want to."

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"Better to leave it, I think. Singing's not my thing."

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"You can stick to being my adoring audience then."

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"That shouldn't be hard."

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"I am very adorable."

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"You've got magic, you're hot, you came to rescue me... what's not to like?"

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"And I'm a good musician, can't forget that."

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"I'll be sure not to."

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"And I'll provide some very memorable experiences, to help you remember."

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"Sounds fun."

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And she starts to sing - wordlessly, but the song sweeps and soars, rising uplifting crescendos -

Nothing happens immediately, but - something definitely feels magical about this song. 

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She is good at singing.

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And - 

Ellie starts to feel rather literally buoyed. Like she can fly, if she just reaches out - just wants to hard enough -  

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She wants to!

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She rises into the air - and the woman rises alongside her, still singing.

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They're flying!!!

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She laughs through the song, swooping around Ellie, and then takes off towards the horizon. 

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Let's see if Ellie can control this well enough to follow her.

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She can! It's a pretty intuitive power, actually, like Ellie's body is realizing it was born to fly. 

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That's pretty cool.

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Villanelle swoops around her again, teasing her.

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Ellie will try out some swoops of her own.

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(Takes a bit of concentration to do right if she wants to get fancy - but she's a pretty good flier, seems like.)

Villanelle darts in and away again.

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A challenge, then. It's on.

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She'll have to really push to catch up with Villanelle. 

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Like that's going to scare her off.

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Yeah her song definitely sounds like laughter now.

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Ellie does gain on her eventually. 

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Then it's time for some revenge swoops.

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Oh nooooo.

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That's what she gets.

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(Smug Ellie.)

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Extra oh no.

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And the ground falls away under them quickly - until, what feels like far too soon but was probably objectively at least a while, Villanelle is banking and starting to descend.

Her song fades out as they descend - and Ellie starts sinking, too, the magic on her fading slowly - and she calls out: "You're very unfair, you know!"

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She follows her down.

"Sorry. I'm new to all this, you know. Dunno the rules yet."

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Giggle. "Well... Being very pretty while my mouth is occupied singing is a bit rude."

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"Sooo... I should save doing that for when your mouth is occupied with other things?"

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"Depends what exactly it's occupied with."

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"You've got ideas there?"

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"I could think of a few, yeah."

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"Going to make me draw them out of you?"

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"We have only just met, after all."

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"A take it slow kinda girl, then?"

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"Or maybe I just want to savor the experience."

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"It's only brand new once?"

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"I'll be sure to set up a memorable first time, then."

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"Oh good."

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"That's one of my widely acclaimed talents."

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"Widely acclaimed, huh."

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"On more enlightened planes, at least." She winks.

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Giggle. "Fair enough."

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"And you can visit those, now."

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"I can't wait."

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"My ship's nearby," she says, and holds out her hand. 

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She takes it.

"I'm Ellie, by the way. What's your name?"

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"Villanelle. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ellie." She nearly caresses Ellie's name.

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And she tugs Ellie on. "Ship's invisible, so I'll need to key you in - you'll be able to see it when we're inside, too."

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"It is!"

She hums a few bars - and it's like a veil is lifted from Ellie's eyes, revealing a large and very strange ship. It's designed more like a river barge than anything else, and not even much like that - the hull at least resembles a steamboat, and it has a jumble of wood-and-paper rooms above it like a small castle, and brilliant red tiled roofs, green spills of leaves and vines along the many decks, and a tall mast with no apparent sail. It hovers in the air like it's in still water, the bottom about ten feet off the ground, but it's perfectly quiet.

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"...Huh." She pauses a moment to take it all in. "Not sure what I was expecting, but I don't think this was it."

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"It's a pretty normal Spelljammer ship - or as normal as those get."

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"I will adjust my aesthetic expectations accordingly."

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"You know what I need to show you? Elven ships." Wink. "I'll give you a tour, first port we hit."

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"You have elves?"

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"And more."

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"This new world just keeps getting bigger."

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"It's massive."

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"Are there species besides humans and elves?"

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"Plenty," she says, and clicks her nails together -  and a set of tiger ears pop up on her head, and a tiger tail flicks behind her, and her eyes get a bit larger, the irises more golden...

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Toothy grin! (She has fangs, apparently.) "There's tigrans, for one."

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"So you just- turn those on and off at will?"

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"Requires a touch of magic."

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"Seems like everything does."

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"Everything fun. And you've got more than a touch, I'll bet."

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"I hope so. It'd be kind of sad if I only get basically just party tricks."

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"Well... Even if your innate magic is just supernatural traits - basically those are innate magic abilities you can't get better at - you can always learn something else."

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"Is there- a test or something, that would let me tell?"

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"Attempting to learn new spells - also supernatural traits are usually either pretty plain, or are spell-like abilities with pretty strict limits a day, so I can probably guesstimate just from seeing what you can do."

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"Cool, okay."

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"We can work on that once we're in flight - I've got a few repairs to do still, but I can explain things while I do that."

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"Is there anything I can help with?"

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"Handing me tools? There's also some basic stuff you should be able to do... You can probably get gunk out of machinery with your magic just fine, that's one of the tiny tricks."

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"Just point me in the right direction, then."

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"We'll make it part of the lesson."

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Into the ship, then? "Do you need to rest at all first?"

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"No, I'm good to go."

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The inside of the ship continues the paper-and-wood theme, though with smaller, irregular panels of paper - and many of them contain artwork. Sketches, paintings, layers of cut paper (often clustered in stretches with more wood than paper), abstract marble-dyed papers - and many panels instead contain cloths at varying levels of sheerness, with complex weavings or embroidery. The wood is mostly plain, though there's carved sections in areas where it's heavier and around doorways.

Most of the scenes are pretty fantastical: strange objects suspended in space - an enormous tree with roots craddling a blue sphere; more ordinary still lifes and architectural sketches; stranger spaceships - one with tendrils like a jellyfish and one apparently made of spun glass, what are probably planets; an amazing assortment of humanoids sketched going about their lives - a woman with wings like a tropical bird, wearing a skimpy dress with light swirling around her hands, a group of small green woman posing with spears and laughing, a naked man with purple skin and large sweeping antlers and a spade tail playing a guitar; botanical sketches; animals like and unlike any Ellie has seen - dragons, great cats, monsters with far too many eyes, a winged horse...

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"This is- amazing."

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"Awww, thanks!"

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"Did you do the decorations yourself?"

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"Pretty much yeah - some of the panels are gifts or souvenirs."

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"You're very artistic."

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"With an eye for beauty."

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"A keen one."

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"Well refined and discerning."

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"Which parts of the ship need fixing, then?"

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"There's some stuff with the atmospheric recyclers, they're finicky..." To the guts room! It's full of weird crystal objects, mostly, and a few metal or crystal bowls or pitchers with assorted colorful fluids in them. 

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"Does it work more comprehensibly than just 'magic'?"

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"Yup! It works via weird arcane magic." Wink. "Want a lesson?"

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"I do."

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She explains as she's working then - and in with pointing out where Ellie should apply her own magic - the broad overview of magical items and how they work; what artifacts are and what's the difference; how each is made (magic items: pretty much normal mages doing normal artisanal work; artifacts: gods and myths and the opus magnum of a master crafter); how you can tie multiple magic items together to achieve something at the power level of an artifact; how there's multiple such networks here - the Spelljammer helm which produces the bubble of real space around the ship, and assorted life support systems which keep that bubble habitable; and how they need maintenance (and a more detailed overview of what that maintenance entails, given what they're currently doing).

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Complicated, but it seems simpler than her vague knowledge of how Earth spacecraft work. She's very sure those can't be maintained and repaired by just one person.

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Poor design, that. Though the 'being magic' helps.

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For sure.

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And it gets easier the more experience you get. 

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Handy, that.

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Always nice when it works out like that. 

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"Feel like you're getting a good overview here?"

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"Practical applications help, yeah. I don't know that I'm qualified to judge a 'good' overview when I don't know the full extent of the concept space."

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"We'll have to work on furthering your education, then."

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"No objections here."

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"You're a good teacher."

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Giggle blush! "Thanks."

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"The best compliments are the true ones."

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"So 'you're pretty' is a superb compliment, then?"

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"Only if you allow scaling by truth value."

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"I vote we do."

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"Then you're very pretty."

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"And you're clever."

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"You have fantastic taste."

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"You've got some amazing claws."

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"Your ears and tail look seem incredibly fluffy."

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"They feel incredibly fluffy, too."

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"I'm a bit jealous of them."

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"You want your own?"

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"I wouldn't say no."

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"There's broader shapeshifting magic - some you can learn, some you can get someone else to apply to you, some you can get a magic item for..."

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"Maybe I could sample the texture of yours? Before I decide whether or not to go to that trouble..."

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Pleased tail curl! "Seems prudent."

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Ellie reaches out for a pat.

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She's very soft and exceptionally fluffy. (And purring quietly.)

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Scritch scritch pet.

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Cuuuuute cutecutecutecutecute.

"Cute," she says.

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Villanelle leans into Ellie, purring more.

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A good angle for more scritches. And perhaps... a small kiss??

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Absolutely! Perhaps - a bigger kiss?

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That would be positively received.

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Then a bigger kiss it is.

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Villanelle is apparently also a very good kisser.

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Something else Ellie will be learning from her.

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She's happy to provide a well-rounded education.

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Starting with a few tricks you can do with your tongue...

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Now to see how quickly Ellie can learn.

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Pretty quickly, it turns out.

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She'll need to escalate the lesson's difficulty, then.

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Bring it.

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So much for taking it slow?

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Call it the heat of the moment.

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They'll make a spelljammer out of her yet.

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The life seems agreeable so far.

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Villanelle certainly approves.

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Ellie's glad.

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Perfect way to finish up a maintenance session.

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How many more maintenance sessions until the ship is back in order?

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That was the last big one... 

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"Maybe we could extend it to other sorts of lessons?"

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"If it's an effective teaching strategy."

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"Well, I'm feeling very motivated."

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"An excellent indication."

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Giggle kiss.

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"So what next?"

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"Next I give you a tour."

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"Of the ship?"

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"Unless you'd rather get a more focused tour first..."

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"Of your bedroom?"

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"One option."

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"Maybe it had better be the full tour then, so I'm not artificially limiting myself."

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"Give you an idea of what you want for a more in depth tour later."

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"Sounds like a plan."

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"Let's start with the stuff around here."

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"Maintenance stuff?"

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"And storage, and the Spelljammer helm, and navigation..."

"We can head to another section first instead, though."

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"Starting here works. We can intermix business and pleasure, as it were."

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"Give ourselves regular breaks."

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Off to the first little chunk of business, then?

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That seems indicated.

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The first chunk of business: the magical guts of the ship! 

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"Should I be taking notes?"

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"If you think artificing is cool." Villanelle's excited rambles are implying she thinks it's very cool.

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That's a strong argument in artificing's favor.

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"It's one of the best fields."

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"I can see why you think that, since this ship is built from it."

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"Pretty essential to getting anywhere cool."

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"And so it takes a share from everything else."

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"That is pretty slick."

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"And it's cool separately, of course."

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Nod nod. "Of course, of course."

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"All magic is."

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"It's a bit of a rush, honestly. Doing magic."

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"That rush never goes away."

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"We are."

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Ellie laughs.

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She has such a pretty laugh. Calls for a kiss.

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Mmm Ellie's getting good at this. 

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She's putting the practice time to best use.

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A habit that'll serve her well when learning magic. 

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Then she'll make sure to keep it.

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Villanelle will help.

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It's nice to have a teacher she can count on.

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Giggle blush.

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And the cuteness doesn't hurt either.

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"Charmer - and you're definitely a sorcerer for spell casting."

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"Good to have that nailed down, I guess."

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Giggle. "We'll still want to confirm - but my instincts are pretty keen."

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"All right."

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"Glad you see it my way." Kiss!

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"You don't leave me much choice."

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"Bards like me are also famed for our persuasiveness."

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"I can see why."

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"You haven't seen half of it yet."

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Time to swap back to fun?

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Seems so. 

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And, once they've had fun amd then flopped -

More tour?

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Sure, if there's more ship to see.

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Though they might get a little distracted finding Ellie a bedroom...

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That's something that deserves careful consideration.

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A thorough review of each option. 

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Fully weigh the pros and cons.

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Possibly grade them on what makes them best for different use-cases...

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Build up a comparative database to consult.

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Take detailed notes.

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Mhm, mhm.

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Luckily Villanelle has plenty of notebooks and pens lying around.

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Conveniently enough.

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Might take a bit of coordination to get the notes actually written in a timely fashion, though.

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Well, as long as it happens at some point, that should be good enough.

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They have a good enough memory.

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And if they forget, they'll just have to check again.

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A very robust system.

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Practically foolproof.

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Hardly needed with them.

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Not as the two beautiful, intelligent, conscientious ladies that they are.

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The opposite of fools.

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For sure.

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Giggle kiss!

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"I'm glad I got rescued by you."

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"I'm glad I rescued you!"

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"Gonna show me the universe now that your ship's fixed up, then?"

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"My hero."

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To the navigation cabin, then!

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There to jam some spells, Ellie assumes.

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Wild giggling!

Not directly how it works - though pretty close for a bard.

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She'll just relax and enjoy the music, then.

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"You don't want to learn how?"

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"I'm not so much musically talented. I don't want to mess up your harmony."

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"It's any magic, not just music."

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"Oh, well, in that case..."

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"Interested now?"

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"Uh huh."

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"So how's this work, then?"

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So: the Spelljammer helm is flat out a minor artifact. You can jerry rig one by stringing together several ordinary magical items, but that's not really safe or effective - instead, they have a central artifact supported by magical items... It requires users attune to it - which is a process of syncing your magical aura with an item's. With the more powerful magic items, that gives you a kind of telepathic input into them. Spelljammer helms, unlike most artifacts, can have more than one person attuned to them at a time, and as a class they're not choosy about who attunes - though individual helms will get pickier about their navigators over time, with earlier navigators and experiences shaping later preferences. Hers is pretty old, named Serenity, and might not let Ellie attune to it.

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She'll try to make a good impression.

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Kiss! "You'll do fine. Serenity has excellent taste."

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"I'm probably not too far off, if they like you."

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"I'll put in a good recommendation."

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"Happy to help."

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"So you just put it on to start?"

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Her expression goes briefly blank and kind of confused, then - 

She giggles. "Ship helm, like what you use to steer it, not like a hat."

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"Yeah, I guess that makes sense. I was thinking some kind of magic hat that telepathically controls the ship."

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"Probably anyone's ever built something like that? Elves are weirdly fond of thrones, dwarves like these incredibly complicated things they insist aren't puzzle boxes even though they totally are, there was a big human group really into spinny wheels for a while - so you do get these aesthetic trends. But, yeah, a helm is just anything used to control where a ship goes."

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"Yeah, I just didn't put that together. In my defense, this doesn't look much like the ships I'm familiar with."

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Giggle. "Fair enough."

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"So show me what this non-hat helm looks like, then."

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"Your wish is my command."

To the navigation room! It's massive, and shaped like the inside of a paper lantern. They emerge into it through a tight spiral staircase into a circular platform in the lower part of a cynlinder that runs through the sphere's middle, where the light might normally go. The edges between panels are thick and papery, but each panel seems to be a screen of sorts. A band of them show the area outside the ship in three hundred and sixty degrees, and a cluster above that has some kind of - data readout? There's panels showing far away scenes too, some with diagrams or guides Ellie can't make heads or tails of, and a few that seem currently inert.

And hovering just above the platform's center, at the absolute center of the paper sphere - 

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A gyroscope with golden threads between the hoops and a complicated golden sphere in the center. The golden parts glow and flicker softly like fire, and the rings turn lazily as if the threads aren't there.

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There's a warm pulse in the light. It feels pleased, somehow.

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Well, it is almost a person, based on what Villanelle said. Best to be polite.

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It doesn't seem to have any kind of external speakers, but it does keep pulsing.

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Villanelle elbows her. "I think it likes you."

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"That's a good start, right? Should I say hello?"

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"You can."

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"Hello," she says in the general direction of the sphere.

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Soft pulse. 

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"My name's Ellie. I'm going to be traveling with Villanelle."

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A more continual glow. 

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"That means it's okay to reach out for it with your magic."

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Ellie will try to- do that, then.

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It's not entirely obvious how to do that at first - but if she reaches out her intent to do things, the same way she does when using her little tricks to change objects, she gets - resistance, almost? There's definitely something bright and intensely magical right over here.

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Hello magic, Ellie is also magic, look, see how magic she is.

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It takes a push and pull, a few cycles almost like waves -

And then something clicks.


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"Villanelle thinks you're pretty. You do have interesting magic."

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"Oh, thank you."

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"Beauty speaks for itself."

"Do you wish to travel with me?"

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"I would."

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"Then you may, for now."

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"Thank you."

"I will- try to maintain the standards of beauty."

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Warm pulse.

"Villanelle has good tastes."

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"She really does."

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"Gossiping about me?"

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"You're one of the most interesting things to talk about, of course."

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"I'm trying."

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"You're very good at it."

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"Well, it helps you've so many good qualities."

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"Your innate cleverness certainly can't hurt."

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"It's like we were made to fit together."

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Kiss! "I make my own destiny, darling."

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"You did an excellent job crafting me, then."

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"Finding you, if nothing else."

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"That counts."

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"So... Navigation?"

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"Oh yeah, we were going to go somewhere."

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"Anywhere at all?"

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"You pick, since I'm so new to the wider world. No idea what my options are."

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Giggle! "Somewhere you can get an initial sampling it is, then."

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"Sounds good to me."

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"And somewhere very pretty, of course."

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"Any vista would be improved by our inclusion."

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"But it doesn't hurt to start with a lovely backdrop."

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"It wouldn't."

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Kiss! "I'll find somewhere that complements your beauty very well."

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"I know you will."

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"Already trust my aesthetic sense that much?"

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"You've given some compelling arguments."

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"That was an important part of law school."

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"Magic space law school?"

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"Got it in one."

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"I'm going to assume that's at least three times as impressive as boring Earth law school."

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"Several times more than that, if you're calling it boring."

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"All right, then."

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"Convinced already?"

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"It's easy to believe the words of a pretty girl, spoken with sincerity."

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"That'll get you in trouble, some day."

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"As long as it's not today."

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"Not just yet."

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So. Navigation?

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First they have to decide where they're going, then enter the coordinates - Villanelle has a massive index of coordinates for destinations she's been before and for overall common destinations, as well as ones she's heard of. Coordinates have to be entered by type of plane (kind of like a universe), then precise plane, then regions within that... Villanelle gives Ellie a location name to look up and walks her through through all this. 

Then, syncing with Serenity - multiple double checks - then pouring power into the system.

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Here goes.

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Magic surges around her, and Serenity blazes brightly, the lights picked up in the paper walls - the panels all change, showing the world around them as the ship lifts away from the Earth and into the dark of space, unbelievably rapidly especially for how smooth the rise is.

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"Good job," she murmurs, and has Ellie pause just beyond the orbit of the moon to double check the air envelope and vacuum-systems before they jump (and to admire the view, if she wants).

(Even that first push is exhausting.)

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Yeah. She could use the break, if nothing else.

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"Might be best for me to handle getting us into and through the Astral Sea - it's a lot more tiring, and things can go wrong quickly."

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"Mm. Wouldn't want to get shipwrecked on my first voyage."

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"We'll work you up to it." Kiss!

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"I think I did all right for a first try."

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"You did excellently."

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Kiss. "The truth is no problem."

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Awww. Kiss!

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Kisses: an excellent way to entertain themselves while Serenity does its own diagnostics.

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They'll have their own checks to do, which Villanelle can explain to Ellie... But, that can be later.

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Time for a small celebration?

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They can check out a new room while they're at it - maybe the observation decks?

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That seems appropriate. (Maybe they'll even make some time to admire the view outside.)

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Especially if Ellie stands between Villanelle and the vista.

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Maybe she wants to see Earth from space too, you know.

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Villanelle can pose, then.

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Yeah, that's pretty good.

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Beautiful stars, beautiful girl.

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Villanelle hums and the normal cloth parts of her outfit all recolor to match the sky.

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"I am."

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Giggle kiss!

Then: is Ellie ready to learn about diagnostics?

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She's feeling refreshed and refocused.

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They can start with the air envelope then...

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Ellie pays careful attention.

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Checking everything is a bit more complicated than it looks, but not rocket science - there's mostly a lot of muscle memory to get down. Villanelle also explains the beginnings of why they have each system and how they function, and what problems might look like. 

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Rocket magic, rather than rocket science. Mostly seems more intuitive.

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And just hard enough to stay interesting. 

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Plus it's actual magic. Which is just great.

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True, true. 

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And soon enough, they'll be done with the checks.

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Ready for Villanelle to take them to sea? 

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Ellie is.

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Back to the navigation room, then - though Ellie can stay on the observation deck if she wants the best view. 

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Choosing between watching Villanelle work, and the stars... That's a tough one.

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"We can come back out here once we're in the Astral Sea..."

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"Best of both worlds, then."

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"The breakthrough flash is its own kind of pretty, but yeah overall."

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"Then lead the way."

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Onward! "Do you want a seat?"

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"Is that recommended?"

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"The transition can get really bumpy, yeah."

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"Then I'll take a seat."

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She moves a cozy armchair out of one of the side rooms.

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"Thanks." She takes a seat.

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And she takes the helm.

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And Serenity glows a brilliant pinkish purple, flecks of light spreading through the globe like glittering motes that in a rush concentrate into rays - and the screens showing the outside begin to show streamers like an aurora moving around the ship, especially to the rear - 

And the ship hums, deep enough Ellie can feel it in her bones, and jolts -

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The aurora is rapidly overwhelmed by light, and something shatters around the ship, and the air buzzes. The hair on Ellie's arms stands on end, and a shiver runs up her spine - there's a crackle like lightning in her chest, rising in her throat, echoing into her fingertips.

The globe is awash with bright light, though it isn't painful somehow - but it's enough that Villanelle is briefly a thin shadow to Ellie's sight - and then the flash fades, and the view outside resolves.

The Astral Sea is liquid light, an ocean of possibility. Billowing cliffs of stars and glowing clouds of dust flank their ship, and a dark portal - its jagged edges already collapsing inward - yawns behind them. The passageway is narrow and winding, and Ellie can't see very far ahead. The cliffs aren't entirely opaque, though, and strange shapes move in their depths.

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Villanelle takes some deep breaths and leans against the helm.

Then, after a moment: "You hanging in there okay?"

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"I am."

"That was- incredible."

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"It is!"

"And we should be good to head to the deck now."

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"All right."

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Villanelle gallantly offers Ellie her hand.

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She takes it graciously.

"Why, thank you."

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"You're welcome, my fair lady." And hup!

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And up onto the deck! 

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The colors are even more vivid from up here. Deep purples and blues and glowing pinks dominate their current view, the stars white dots within the clouds. What had looked like black swirls through the clouds from inside have multiple layered dark colors when viewed directly, an entire world of movement contained in their swirling depths.

So, too, is the hum of the stars louder here - and there's a thrum that catches and builds upon the beat of Ellie's heart in her chest, a push-pull like waves crashing through her. 

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That's really the only word for it.

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She squeezes Ellie's hand, watching her with a soppy expression. 

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Soft kiss. "I'm glad I can show you this."

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"I was about to say the same thing."

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"About you showing me your beautiful face?"

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"My 'this' would be that," she gestures outside.

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"I'm pretty sure that's what my this was..."

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"Then we're on the same page."

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"Excellent when that happens."

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She wraps an arm around Ellie's waist. "Wanna find a bench, or watch from the railing?"

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"Railing, please."

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To the railing, then! 

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And Ellie can lean on both it and Villanelle, admiring the view.

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Convenient, that!

It's a cozy way to watch the Astral Sea flow by - and a convenient perch for Villanelle to point things out from - and she nudges Ellie out of a makeout session when she anticipates they're close to a scenery change.

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Where are they getting to?

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It seems like - 

A break in the cliffs, a stretch of open light beyond them - the ship speeds up as it hits some strange current - 

And then they burst through into eternity. The starry cliffs fall away behind them, and the wide Sea spreads before them. Their pink and purple stream washes into tides of blue and green, and shadows and glowing creatures pass by deep underneath - and above and in the distance - a whale breaches in the distance, teal light falling from it in glitters, and then keeps rising through the sky, trailing liquid light behind it - a school of black pinpricks swarm overhead and then juke to the side and dive in a whirlwind into the sea, leaving a gaping hole behind them that rapidly collapses in their wake as clouds of rainbow-hued steam billow out - 

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"There's things that live out here?"

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"Yup! A lot - and some that don't need a spelljammer helm to travel through it."

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She starts pointing out - and explaining - things she recognizes.

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She's so smart.

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No, Ellie's cute.

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Both things can be true at the same time!

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Seems so. 

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"Got any more information about our destination for me?"

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"Some! Though I don't know if you'd rather be surprised."

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"I'd rather go in prepared."

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"Fair enough."

"We're headed to the Thorn Port - formally, the City-State of the Yellow Roses, but the big distinct thing about it is the giant brambles it's built into. Isn't a sphere or anything like that, not like your planet - it's along an astral stream, at easiest point to jump to the Astral Sea in its plane, so it sees a lot of traffic. And a lot of attempted piracy, but they have a good enough navy that the problem doesn't build up too fast."

"The ruling class are wood elves, though there's no majority race or culture or anything right now. Pretty chaotic and diverse place."

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"Sounds like it should be interesting."

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"Yeah, it's definitely that."

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"How much longer til we get there?"

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"Not too much - there's a range of possible numbers, but we're probably looking at a few days to a week."

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"Are there ship things that need tending to during flight?"

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"A few, but fortunately not as many at a time as when we getting going at first."

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"So we'll have some free time."

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"Magic practice?"

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What are they waiting for, then? 

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Let's get to it.

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See what Ellie can really do.

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Well. Hopefully not to the extent of damaging the ship.

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Rather hard, that.

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Plenty of slack, then. Good.

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Room to go wild.

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So where on this fine ship are the practice rooms located?

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At several places - one of the wide decks is actually Villanelle's favorites, but there's also a lightly warded music room, and a sparring room...

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Wide deck sounds good.

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And they don't have to walk as far first.

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Means Ellie will be fresh.

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"Magical energy's a bit different than physical for most people, though..."

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"It's the principle of the thing."

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"So you don't want to tire yourself out in other ways if you'll also be doing magic?"

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"Maybe not til I've got a better idea of my baseline."

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"How very sensible of you."

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"Sense is one of my good qualities."

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"One of many."

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Giggle kiss!

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Then off to practice?

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Off to practice. 

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And Ellie gets a feel for what spells she can do. The class of tricks Villanelle identifies as 'Prestidigitation' comes naturally, and things involving lightning or electricity- creating floating balls to shed light, mildly injurious jolts, a hovering disk to block attacks. She can also do an Unseen Servant and make her hands become claws, as seen earlier.

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"You've got a pretty tight theme - not weird for sorcerers though, they're all different but usually consistent with themselves..."

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"So I should- just try to expand based on what I have?"

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Hum. "Magic grows the more you use it. There's complications on that - like, I have to intentionally sit down and learn or create new performances to grow my magic. But supposedly sorcerers are a lot more straightforward there - I've heard a lot of them say that their magic develops towards their needs."

"Fight something more powerful than you, get stronger lightning. Fight something immune to lightning, get magic floating swords. Need to nonlethally hold someone, get harmless bindings. A lot slower than just that, though - it's pretty much if that need comes up a lot."

"I think the theme thing is mostly like, what your magic will try to come in as if you just generically need more oomph, or just what's easiest to get, or if you don't need something explicitly not themed - but my aesthetic sense is that'll be like, harmless bindings that look like they contain lightning?"

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"Huh. Interesting."

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"Magic is. And it's big and complicated, too."

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"Too bad there's no user manuals."

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"Some types of mages manage that. Lucky bastards like me, pretty much."

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She sticks her tongue out at Villanelle.

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"But maybe some of my luck will rub off on you."

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"Will Thorn Port have libraries?"

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"Absolutely. It doesn't have the biggest anywhere, but, they've got a couple smaller ones."

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"Maybe I'll be able to dig something up."

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"We can do a little tour. And in the meantime, I have books..."

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"Wanna see?"

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"I do."

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Library, then!

Where it turns out Villanelle has at least several thousand books, probably a few hundred scrolls, a dizzying assortment of weird crystal things she says also store data, possibly around a thousand comic books (a handful of of these are definitely from her trips to Earth, but most aren't), and an entire separate library dedicated to sheet music and recordings.

"There's also a lot kind of lying around in various rooms I'm in a lot, and some older stuff in storage..."

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"This seems like more than enough to start with."

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"Might entertain you for a few trips."

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"It could!"

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"We'll just have to get more, if not."

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"Depends how long we travel."

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Hum. "At least a week between ports is pretty standard."

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"Then I think there's a few trips worth of material here. I won't be spending the whole time reading."

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"Fair enough. And I can provide additional entertainment if you get bored."

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"I'll be sure to take you up on that."

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"I'd be disappointed if you didn't."

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Hm, Villanelle should demonstrate more of her own magic at some point...

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That sounds like fun.

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Very much so.

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What's she got, then?

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How about a love song? Which makes Villanelle ethereally, nearly overwhelmingly beautiful -

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Here is an Ellie who is visibly entranced.

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Her song fades out - as Villanelle steps forward and softly kisses Ellie.

She's no longer quite so overwhelmingly fascinating at least.

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Doesn't make her less kissable.


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"Enjoy being enchanted?"

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"I prefer being able to consciously appreciate your beauty."

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Heeeee. Kiss!

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"You're prettier when you're thinking, anyways," she murmurs.

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"Glad you think so."

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"It's just objective truth. Your mind's very beautiful."

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Kiss! Right on Ellie's red cheek.

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"You're very cute, you know."

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"Oh, am I?"

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"Remarkably so."

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"Hence your remark, I suppose."

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Giggle. "I like pointing out the obvious, from time to time."

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"Keeps everyone on their toes."

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"Keeps my image more approachable."

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"I guessed that Earth wasn't ready for the whole you, but the same holds true for the wider world?"

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"For everywhere in the multiverse."

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"Makes sense."

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"They might need a gentle introduction to you, too."

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"I can keep my claws hidden."

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"Oh, those you can advertise."

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"You'll have to be my guidance, then."

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"Happy to."

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And - onwards, across the Astral Sea.

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The wide vistas of eternity, their ports and grand cities and strange islands, are as marvelous as promised. Serenity carries them through the Sea faithfully over the next month, and then sits idle for a few weeks while Villanelle gets caught up with work and gets Ellie acquainted with her normal stomping grounds.

This is, of course, pretty boring to a sapient ship already familiar with that slice of the multiverse, so once they all leave, as it travels through the Astral Sea -

Serenity tracks a lot of information about the swirls of worlds it passes, and they're swinging pretty far out this time - and there's an eddy, a hint of a new and strange world...

Old artifacts get better at acting on their own over time, and Serenity is very old.

So, it drops them from the sea and onto the shores of the odd world with a prim flare of magical power.

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"Uh." Ellie says. "Was this a... scheduled stop?"

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"No. I sensed something interesting."

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"Well. Where are we, then?" Ellie will take a look at this new world.

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"I am unsure. The magic is very different, however."

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The world appears to be a sphere, much like Earth - pretty unusual of those they've visited. Significant swaths seem heavily damaged, landscape torn and strange, and the only major center of inhabitation appears to be one large continent. The eastern half is heavily forested, though the patterns of biomes tracing across the continent are odd, too - there's a sharp and pretty inexplicable break from the forest west into what seems to be a river-heavy marshland into barren, sandy desert on its other side. There's a handful of cities visible from the air, too.

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"It does look pretty weird," Ellie agrees. "Any magical hotspots stand out?"

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"A handful. I am mostly interested in the architecture, however."

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"Want to take a closer look?"

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"And we can get a look at the magic in the meantime." Villanelle seems mostly amused by the unscheduled stop.

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"Are there any intersections of magic and architecture?"

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"The entire world is magical, including inanimate materials. Some concentrations of odd magic are near interesting architecture, however."

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"Yeah, that's what I meant."

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"I can guide us there, then, though it will be easiest if you provide the power." Serenity has somewhat drained itself.

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"Me or you?" she asks Villanelle.

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"You, how about."

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"All right."

She has been growing recently. Let's see if this has gotten easier.

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Seems - 

It has, actually. 

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Oh, nice. Power away, Serenity.

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Zooooom. (And cloaking, of course - rather more of a drain than simple movement, but Ellie can handle it.)

Serenity comes to rest outside of a massive and partly overgrown complex of monumental ruins, a broken wall ringing an ancient town.

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"Want to go exploring?"

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Then they can collect their supplies and head out.

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The ruins are pretty cool, Villanelle has to admit - she doesn't recognize the artistic motifs at all, and the language is equally unfamiliar (though a quick song takes care of that for both her and Ellie).

Of course, they are here to find odd magic. "This's a pretty good chance for you to practice sensing magic," she says. 

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"Run me through it again?"

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So she explains the nitty-gritty of magical auras - which Ellie can sense decently reliably - and how to interpret them - which is a lot harder.

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This'll be good for practice, then.

Into the ruins?

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Into the ruins!

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There's a steep cliff, here, and the odd jagged thrust of an unnatural mountain. There's a fortress not carved but formed in and around it, protecting and protected. There's multiple rings of walls in varying states of decay. There's an inner ring of newer ruins, less damaged and better maintained, protecting a shrinking population. 

There's a fortified city to keep the clan and their vassals safe, before the march of progress removed any safety walls could provide, before the mind became the last faltering bastion.

There's a central meeting hall, long and grand. There's deep carvings on the walls, images of battle and glory and grief. There's rubble on the ground and plants growing up the columns. There's a jagged hole in the ceiling, letting strong light pour in. 

There's recent char on the stone. There's torn fabric, and a smell of burning in the air. 

There's someone curled up on the seat of the throne, holding her head. 

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She looks... like she didn't want to win the fight she just fought.


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She glances over, face drawn and unhappy, but doesn't respond.

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"Do you- need help? With, uh, anything?"

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Choked laugh.

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Villanelle nudges Ellie. And, softly: "She's under mind-altering magic."

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"Can you break it?"

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"I can't allow you."

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She hums a bit, the tone questioning but mostly flat -

(Villanelle's pretty good at hiding her spells. She cast one even before telling Ellie what the magic was - that first one makes her pretty, charming, alluring - needed, given she loaned her headband to Ellie a while back.)

The girl's going to have just short of a minute of a free mind now, but, well. Villanelle can work quickly. 

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She cries out, nearly tumbling from the throne.

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"It'll come back. Fight it."

And she starts to sing in earnest, and to dance a moment later, a mesmerizing whirlwind.

(That last spell gave the girl clarity and a bolder heart. These new ones give luck, strength, and insight, and then her dance challenges whatever compulsion lays on the woman, encouraging her to fight back, lending her Villanelle's strength.)

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She keens - and her mind slips off the chains of kotoamatsukami once, but - it feels like destiny is twisting around her, building her resolve, and the hum of magic from the woman makes her feel powerful - the even temporary clarity gives her a vicious hope she hasn't felt in years -

Half a minute after Villanelle lifted those chains from her mind enough she could stand - most of which went to building the strength now coursing through her mind - Uchiha Hisame shatters the bonds on her once and for all.

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And Villanelle's dance winds into a graceful bow - a gesture of invitation.

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She laughs, nearly hysterically, and pushes herself up to stand.

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Ellie applauds.

(Villanelle is so talented and good.)

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"How did you do that?"

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"Villanelle is a bard. Inspiring people, raising them up, is basically what she does."

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"You're not using chakra."

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"That'd be your local magic? No. We're, uh, not from around here. Where 'here' means this universe."

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Long pause.

Then: "How does leaving work? - Going somewhere else."

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"We have a spaceship."

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"How much for passage?"

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"I'd have to check with the captain." She turns to Villanelle. "Captain?"

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"I think you're experienced enough to figure this out, First Mate."

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"Aye, captain." Back to the girl. "Probably we should start with introductions. She's Villanelle, a bard, like I said. My name's Ellie and I'm a sorcerer. What's your name?"

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"...I don't have one I like."

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Yikes okay.

"I hope you can find a new one, sometime. One you like."

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"I'm a shinobi, by career." She also doesn't like that, really. 

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If that word's translating correctly- isn't she kind of young for that?

"Tell us something about magic here and we'll take you away. Anywhere you want."

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So, she explains the basics of chakra taught to Academy children.

(She is in fact very young. Mid-teens at the absolute most, though she's short and skinny and there's a wary light in her eyes that make her age hard to place.)

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"That works for me."

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"Same," she says, and then, with all the fascination of a career academic in a field where academia often involves fighting dragons (technically she's a lawyer, though the dragon thing stands): "I can set you up with some of our money and teach you some of what we do and about the wider multiverse, if there's other things you know..."

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She laughs a little. "I'll see how good my initial accommodations are."

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"Serenity's a good ship. I don't think you'll be disappointed."

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"We'll see."

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"We parked just outside."

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"Let's go, then."

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Out to the ship.

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"It's strange..."

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"You get used to it pretty quick."

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"I didn't say bad. It's pretty, too."

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"Shall I give you the tour?"

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"Please do."

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Fortunately, Ellie's own tour of the ship is still fresh in her mind.

"I only joined the ship a little while ago myself," she confides.

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"Had interesting knowledge of your own to trade for passage?"

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"Villanelle saved me from a kidnapping."

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"She has a habit of rescuing pretty girls, then?"

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"Two for two, so far."

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"One more and it'll be a trend."

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"We'll see what we can find."

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Tiny smile.

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"Until then... you can more or less have your pick of rooms. We're probably going to stick around this world a while longer, do some sightseeing."

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"I wouldn't recommend it. This world is dangerous."

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"Well, if power scales at all coherently across worlds, whoever set that geas on you could've kicked my ass several times over. Though, there's people who can do that sort of thing even in relatively safe worlds I've been to."

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"He was unusual, but not - entirely out of scope. And I've inherited enemies in his power bracket."

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"Maybe not, then." To Villanelle, "I'll let you break the news to Serenity."

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"It can run scans pretty quickly, at least..."

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"There is that."

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"I'll let it know to finish up."

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This requires spacing out for a bit.

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"Do you need anything?" she asks the new girl.

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" - Just, a private room. Of my own."

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Sure. She can have her pick. Ellie indicates which cabins are in use already.

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She picks one pretty far from Ellie and Villanelle, with a lot of little nooks of its own. (And a lot of artwork on the walls, and fairly extensive shelving.)

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Fair enough.

"Come find one of us if you need anything," Ellie says.

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"...I will."

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Ellie nods, and takes her leave.

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And she finds a very small, very protected corner to curl up and have a long-delayed meltdown in.

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Ellie will fill some time attending to ship tasks.

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She emerges eventually and finds Ellie. "Where do I get food and water?"

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"In the galley. This way."

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She follows.

"Food here's different, too..."

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"Cuisines from across the multiverse."

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Tiny smile. "Can you tell me about it? The multiverse."

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Ellie will share some of her stories from the Thorn Port, things Villanelle has told her about, stuff she's read...

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She listens attentively. 

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(Ellie can see why Villanelle likes having an audience.)

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It certainly has its pleasures.

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Then maybe she can tell Ellie more about what chakra can be used for? Not as an exchange, just because she's insatiably curious.

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If she promises to be a suitably attentive audience.

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That shouldn't be a problem at all.

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Then Ellie can have a bit of a lecture on chakra use. As a treat.

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She is highly appreciative.

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(...It does feel nice.)

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Ellie will reciprocate by talking more about her magic system.

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That draws more out of Hisame, cracking a tiny bit of her shell.

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A small bit of progress, anyway.

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(She's still reserved emotionally, still pretty skittish and inclined to hiding, but... Yeah, Ellie can distract her at least a little with magic nerdery.)

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Only as much as she's comfortable with.

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...Distractions are nice, right now.

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Distractions it is, then.

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Enough to carry her through a little while.

Though she gets - restless, after not very long. She wants to move her body, somewhere larger than the confines of a ship.

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They've been underway a few days. Ellie can see if there's any convenient points to stop nearby.

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"...I would appreciate that."

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Off she goes to do that, then.

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"What's up?"

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"Our passenger would like to request a stop. She's feeling a bit cooped up, I think."

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"Does she want to stretch her legs, or get off entirely?"

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"The former, I'm pretty sure. Don't think she's quite that bored yet."

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"Cool, I'll find somewhere close and big enough to run around in."

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She'll just give the updated heading needs to Serenity, how about...

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Sounds like a plan.

Ellie will let their guest know the expected time to port, once she has that.

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"...That was - fast." She seems a bit restless, maybe.

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"You've been a very polite guest. It's only courteous to return the favor when you have a request."

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Tiny smile.

"You've been - polite hosts."

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"We aim to satisfy."

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"Enjoy showing girls a good time?"

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"I find it rewarding."

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"Even without direct rewards?"

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"A smile's good enough."

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"Some smiles are exceptionally beautiful."

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"Oh yes."

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"Like that one."

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"You flatter me."

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"Speaking the truth is easy when it's so obvious."

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"A refreshing perspective."

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"That's the idea."

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Tiny, more sincere smile.

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"It seems like- you deserve to have things go your way for a while."

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"D'you want a hug?"

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"...No. Not - right now."

(She might stop being able to pretend.)

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"Okay." Ellie is Not Pushing. "If you change your mind, just ask."

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Then... More stories?

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Sounds good.

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And, shortly thereafter - 

A shudder runs through the ship as they exit the Astral Sea, breaking into the sky of a new world. 

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And Villanelle's voice echoes through the halls - "We're here! The crows nest's the best place to watch approach from."

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Already, huh.

"Lead the way?" she asks Ellie.

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"Of course." Up to the crow's nest, to spy this new land.

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The planet is round, green and blue against the inky stellar backdrop. There are two large continents almost on opposite sides of the world stretching roughly parallel from north to south. The wide band of ocean between is dotted with island and archipelagos of varying sizes. There are quite a few mountain ranges zigzagging across the land, and several enormous trees scattered about that are visible from space.

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"It's pretty," she says, softly. "But it looks so small from up here..."

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"All planets do, I've found."

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"It might be a bit alarming if they didn't."

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"A sign of something strange, definitely."

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"Worth investigating."

Then: "How long does landing usually take?"

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"Not that long, as long as we can find a good site."

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She activates her sharingan before creating an enlarged illusion of the world in front of them, and then gestures at one of the two larger continents. "To the north here... This seems interesting."

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"Hmm... Terrain looks favorable, some flat grassy areas, forests and hills for cover, convenient for a seaside getaway."

"Looks like there's at least a couple cities, too. Hope they have libraries."

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"They might not still be inhabited... But this looks like active farmland." She points to some green splotches that are slightly different from the other green splotches. "But I'd rather initially set down away from a city, all other things being equal."

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"Fair enough. Near these cliffs should be good on that front, and scenic too." She indicates an area by the shore.

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"Works well for me."

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"I'll let the helm know, so we're not abruptly overruled." She goes to activate the intercom.

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"Enjoying the view?"

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"We are. Think we've spotted a good landing zone, too." She relays the coordinates.

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A moment, then: "Looks good to me, and Serenity's not opposed." And so the ship brgins to descend rapidly - hidden in its usual cloak, though it's entirely possible some of the magic users here can perceive at least the passage of something. 

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"Thanks, sweetheart."

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"No problem at all, lovely."

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Nothing from the surface, magical or otherwise, opposes their descent.

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And she leaps off as soon as they're within a few miles of the surface, plummeting faster than gravity would suggest she should and landing in a crouch a few seconds later, a powerful and visible shroud of chakra snapping around her in a controlled swirl to prevent any sonic booms or friction problems. 

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That's... one way to get down. Guess she really was feeling claustrophobic.

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She lands in a clearing. The grass is about knee high, with pockets of wildflowers dotting bright colors to relieve the greenery. The trees around it are mostly broadleaves, normal-sized to people who didn't grow up in Hashirama tree country.

A rabbit pokes its head up to see her landing, and promptly scurries away.

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(She'd very politely broken her fall in the last moment, so there isn't even a crater under her.)

She spreads her arms and laughs - and then jumps to the top of the highest tree. (Even if it's a little tiny baby tree.)

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She can see the ocean to the north, glittering in the sunlight. Mountains to the east, rising steep and high. To the southwest- a winged creature circling. Probably not a bird.

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She watches the world for a time, reveling in it.

(It's beautiful.)

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And Serenity lands after a far more sane descent, about a minute later.

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"Are you okay?" Ellie calls up once she gets out of the ship.

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"Been a while since I was better."

She's completely uninjured, of course.

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"That's. Uh. Good."

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She's had a lot of time to think since the genjutsu on her was broken.

"I'm staying," she says quietly. "In this world."

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"Didn't quite catch that, sorry."

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She jumps down.

"I don't want to get back on the ship. I'm staying."

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"...Oh. Okay."

"If that's what you want."

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"You've been a good guest," she says. "Thanks for traveling with us."

"Do you mind if we hang out for a bit, and maybe visit again someday?"

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She hesitates, then: "I'd - like that."

"You've been good hosts."

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"I hope you can find some happiness here."

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"So do I."