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married to the devil
a villain, a serial killer, and a nice girl walk into a bar...
Permalink Mark Unread

The Void is boring in some respects - enormous, and time passes strangely, and once your eyes adjust to the strange paths woven from nebulae through that thick darkness it's almost even monotonous. 

Mygwainor can hear more, though. Has heard snatches from the soft thrum of the song between worlds often enough, between the ending of one repetition of Ea's history and the beginning of the next. She's having fun pointing things out to Luthien - and having fun simply walking along with her wife. 

(She's not in a timeloop. Not bound by the strangling chords of destiny. Eru seems to have been unfortunately already long dead when she escaped, but, well. Her freedom is enough to make her mood soar into an excited, ecstatic joy.)

There's differences in the patchwork of song in the Void, too. Areas with more intensity. Pathways, like the ones they're walking, and hints of where those lead.

Mygwainor hasn't always started the next loop as quickly as she could. She's listened, sometimes, and she's very sure there's some interesting things along these paths - she's glimpsed at least one nexus in the long millennia, where countless paths cross ever so briefly, and she thinks...

There's crossroads in the void. Transitions. Liminal spaces. Mygwainor has sung worlds into being, and at one particularly large crossroad with an almost familiar tangle of song knotted around it, she takes her wife's hand with an excited flutter in her chest - 

And she sings a door into being. 

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"Have you found a new place for us, Mygwainor?"

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"A waypoint, at least." She squeezes her wife's hand. "I'd want to look longer to find a perfect home for you, my Ellin."

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"It would be nice to rest for a while."

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"We deserve it. We've been working a very long time." She inclines her head towards the door. "Onwards, then?"

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She opens the door.

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It opens into - a bar, actually. The wooden floors are smooth with a faint glossy sheen, and the walls are a dark, smokey tone. There's a long bar on the wall across from them, no bartender behind it though its shelves are full of a wide assortment of bottles. The light is warm and friendly, and there's a crackle of a fireplace around a corner somewhere. It's a big room, with several doors and a number of tables and private booths.

And it's currently bustling with a rather ridiculous variety of people. A slender - plant person? Tiny ent? - is picking a tray full of colorful drinks up off the bar. Laughter bursts from a table where a blue-skinned woman with two head-tails emerging from an elaborate headdress, someone with the head of a dog, a skinny human boy, and a bird seem to be playing cards. Most of the other tables have other groups at them, most a bit less mixed - but many with races unlike anything Luthien's seen. A group of elves with silvery hair and skin in varies shades of purple and blue have their heads bent together, there's a fox telling a story to some goblins in one corner, two winged teenagers elbowing each other and arguing as they climb a staircase away from the main room...

It's a lively mess, and a few people near the door look up when Mygwainor and Luthien come in, but none seem very interested, and they turn back to their previous business soon enough. 

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"Quite a change from the silence of the void."

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"Interesting, though," she says, looking around with undisguised fascination. But she squeezes her wife's hand and asks, "Do you want to find a more quiet corner?"

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"Just to begin with, I think."

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They can search out that fireplace then. 

And, in fact, there's two very comfortable looking couches pulled into a triangle with the hearth, around the corner from the main room. They can still hear the murmur of it all, but it's muted here, and no one else is in this part of the bar right now.

"Perfect for cuddles," she says, running her hand over the soft fabric.

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"Just like your house in Valinor."

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"A bit different." She sits with her back towards the fire, legs up on the seat, and tugs Luthien into her lap.

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Mmm, Mygwainor snuggles. Luthien tucks her head into the curve of her wife's shoulder.

"I liked that pile of cushions you had by the hearth. This is cozy like that."

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Hmmmm, snuggle, and... "Yeah, it is. We'll have to remember that as an essential house feature." She kisses the top of Luthien's head.

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"Start a list."

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She giggles, then: "Hmmm... Large windows looking out into a gorgeous flower garden..."

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"Banks of lilac and lavender, and a willow tree above a small pond."

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"Perfect to braid into your lovely hair."

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"And a kitchen, of course, an oven, stovetop, icebox, a rack for your knives..."

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She giggles and kisses her wife again. "And I believe I once promised you a library of at least three hundred thousand books..."

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"A little reading nook to go along with it."

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"A quiet and peaceful one, with a view of lovely things."

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"So to summarize: a sprawling garden, cozy little house behind it, enormous library building behind that."

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"Maybe some less tamed forest, too."

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"A healthy curtain of privacy to insulate us from the neighbors."

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"And room for any... Ill-advised gifts."

(Like the dinosaur Orome got them as a wedding gift that one loop.)

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"I sincerely hope a dinosaur won't be a problem I have to solve again."

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"She was an excellent gate guard, though."

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"Eventually. After much trial."

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"She never bit anyone important."

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"I think you got nipped a time or two, dearheart." She nibbles Mygwainor's ear.

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Giggle! "But, my Ellin, I like being bit," she whispers, tone conspiratorial. 

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"But you are important, sweet Mygwainor."

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"Suppose I should say she never harmed anyone important."

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Kiss. "That would be a more accurate wording."

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Very kiss! "A little teeth will never hurt me, after all..."

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"You know we're not alone, Mygwainor..."

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"There's no one in sight...

There's some tables in their line of sight, but the only one that'd had people had been heading out as they were heading in. 

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"I know you that's not the same thing."

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"Not into the idea that anyone could round that corner?"

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"Anyone is quite a lot of people. Some things are just for you and I."

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"Fair enough, my Ellin." Kiss!

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It is about at this point a new couple rounds the corner to enter the view of Luthien and Mygwainor. One is a tall woman, pale-skinned and dark hair, wearing simple black robes.

"It appears this alcove is already claimed, dear Bella," she says to her companion.

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"Awww, but none of the others look cozy..." she whines, playfully. 

She's pale too, though not nearly as much as her companion, with blonde hair and a set of cat ears and a tail, all in black silky fur. She doesn't have a stitch of real clothing on her, just an odd holster on one thigh - and there's an intricate tattoo visible on the other thigh, the main design a snake circling a housecat and a tiger. There's another complicated tattoo around her lips, an X of tiny symbols clustered like chain links. 

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Mygwainor freezes, her gaze fixed on the first woman's face. 

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Luthien turns to look.

She doesn't recognize either of them.

"Who are you?"

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"I'm Bella," she says. "Your girlfriend got a problem with pretty women?"

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"Not usually."

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"...Sorry," she croaks. Then, to her wife, over osanwe, 'She looks like - Sauron. My Sauron. My Elrien.'

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"Uh huh."

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"You- look like someone she used to know."

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"Oh? Interesting."

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She reaches out to the tangles of Song around the other two women, almost on reflex now that her mind is recovering from its initial shock. 

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The Song around her is... odd. The strains blend and weave, and buzz out into nonexistence. She is a void that moves in the Song and around the Song, but she is not of the Song. Her melody has been excised. But the shape of it, the way she changes the parts near her- that is recognizable as her Ellin and her Elrien.

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The other woman's familiar, too. She's muffled a bit, like she could vanish very trivially if she wanted, but, well. She's showing off quite a lot right now. 

It's a different kind of familiar. 

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Almost a mirror.

Sigh, and a deep breath - "I apologize for being rude. My wife and I were - just in a difficult situation, and we haven't had much time to unwind."

Then her lips quirk. "I hardly have a problem with pretty people, unless my wife objects to me looking."

And she sends the information on their templates to her wife through osanwe.

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Stretch! "Well, appreciate being looked at." She winks at Luthien.

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"I surmised as much from your lack of attire. Humans usually wear more, even in this place from what I have seen."

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"Why should I hide away my beautiful self?"

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"You have fewer reasons than most. The tail is a nice touch."

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Pleased tail-flick. "You have impeccable taste, then."

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"Well, according to my beautiful wife, you and she are of the same- spirit, is perhaps the best word for it. A similar person from different circumstances. I can hardly do other than admire the likeness."

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" - Huh. How do you figure a thing like that?"

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"It's in the song of the world. The warp and weft than makes up the fabric of existence."

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"The same actor," she says, softly, "Placed into different stories and handed different scripts of their lives."

"The same response to the entire concept of a scripted life."

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"Well, you're good at cold reading people if nothing else," she teases. 

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Tiny smile. "My actual social skills are basically nonexistent. I just cheat."

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"What does your song say about me, I wonder."

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"You're a silence in it," she says, "An unraveling, moving through the tapestry."

"But you have to touch to be touched, and - there's a shape in the places you aren't." She's quiet. "I don't think you'd want me spilling out every little thing I can glean, but..."

"You don't just look like - someone I lost. You're shaped like her, in many ways. And... I knew her Song better than I knew my own, sometimes. I knew the paths it could take, through all the long Ages and possibilities of eternity, whereas I only know the one shape of me. So I'd be cheating a little in reading you."

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"My wife has the same shape in the Song," she says, arms briefly tightening around Luthien. "Though I don't know how much of it you can sense."

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"None of it, more or less."

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"It's a rare skill, even in our world."

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"Interesting. Might we join you?"

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She smiles and glances at her wife. 'I'd be happy with that,' she sends. 'Is it okay with you?"

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"You are welcome to," she says to the newcomers.

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"There's plenty of couch."

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"Cool." She goes to sprawl out on the other couch, rubbing her cheek against the fabric a bit.

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She scoots Bella out of the way temporarily to claim her own spot, administering headscritches as payment for the inconvenience.

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Scritches and a lap to flop in are sufficient repayment. Barely. 

She nuzzles into her darling's hand, purring.

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"Where are you from?"

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"Don't know the country name will mean anything to you... But England, the magical part of it."

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"We're from a world called Arda."

"What sort of magic do you do?

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"The magic of wand and word and will." She twirls her fingers, a thin, pale stick appearing briefly before disappearing again.

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"What can you do with it?"

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"Many things. Conjuration, illusions, transfigurations. Spells that heal, spells that hurt, enchantments to expand an object's capabilities. I can speak with snakes, and turn into one. My Bella here can turn fully into a cat."

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"And those are - discrete abilities?"

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"That depends on the definition of 'discrete' one uses. A spell is learned on its own, and you can ignore entire branches if you wish, but the capability to use magic at all is innate. Either one can or one cannot."

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"I was asking about the first - the second hadn't even occurred to me."

"For us... Many people are bad at manipulating Song, especially on purpose, but all of Creation is the Song, and if you exist within it, you affect it."

"There's also no... Discrete or specific songs, though some might have a favorite they've developed for a certain task, especially if they aren't very good at the Song or interested in improving." That is a very bizarre concept to her but she knows anyone does it. "Items of course aren't usually exceptionally flexible in how one would use them - a sword is a sword, and it might be turned to other tasks, but often not very well. But that seems... Different, to me. And most magic is... Just interacting with the world."

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"An interesting system. More flexible than our magic at a lower level, it sounds, but more difficult to master."

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"How long does yours take to master?"

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"Mastery is an elusive goal. I have been practicing magic for fifty years and am beginning to feel I approach an acceptable level, but seven years of schooling suffices to bring the average person to the general competence required to participate in magical society."

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...Hum. "Mastery is more complex a question for us, I think, since you need to both know what you're doing and how to focus your will and imbue it in your actions. Schooling is... How you'd produce people who are vaguely passable, but who will struggle to be great - a strong will isn't something you can teach in a classroom, and that structure would hamper it for many."

"My first mastery was in war, and I had no training in the Song - but I had a fierce desire and a burning in my heart, and I was able to overcome the greatest threats of our world in single combat by thirty five... But it took me centuries for even basic proficiency in raising crude mountains."

"Typical timelines are also complicated because the races that consciously draw on the Song the most are much longer lived and slower to mature - a human will die of old age before an elf reaches full adulthood. Thirty five year old elves are very incompetent at the Song."

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"Babies," Luthien says fondly.

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"Tiny babies, who try very hard." Then, turning to Luthien - "You were a pretty competent baby, though, the third time at least."

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"Practice makes perfect."

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"Third time?"

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"The history of our world was repeating, for a very, very long time. I was - the only one who remembered, ever, but I - accidentally brought Luthien into the loops when I married her."

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"So simply?"

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"I suppose a true marriage never ends, and you can't be married if you don't remember the act."

"I hadn't - anticipated that effect, though."

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"Marriage for elves is more than a ceremony, it's a bonding of souls."

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"Awww. It's nice when true love overcomes all challenges." She kisses her own true love. 

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Kiss. "Is that you saying you want to get married, Bella?"

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"I do already belong to you."

"Though being Fay's sister-wife has a certain appeal all on its own..."

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"We can see what she thinks of the idea."

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"I wonder what's taking her, speaking of..."

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"Who is Fay?"

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"Me," says a pretty girl who just rounded the corner. She has a tray of drinks and food floating behind her. Then, to her darling: "Making friends?"

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"These two are apparently alternate universe versions of Bella and I."

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She... looks like her Mygwainor, when she was just Melkor.

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"...So are you," she says. "Of - me."

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"Explains something Bar said." She sets the tray down on the coffee table and flops on top of Bella.

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"The bar said?"

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"Turns out the Bar is magic and also sapient! She communicates by writing on napkins. She's pretty cool." 

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'The young version of your Melkor raiment is quite attractive,' she sends to her wife. 'As are all your other faces, of course.'

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She waves a drink over to her. "And what did she have to say?"

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She blushes, nudging her wife some. 'I can still take that raiment, if you want...'

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She raises her eyebrow a little at Mygwainor and Luthien. "That this is Milliways, the bar at the end of the universe. The front door sometimes steals doors from other universes. Time's usually paused where you came from while you're here, though if you seem unlikely to ever go back that doesn't always apply."

"Also people repeat across universes and sometimes inside of them."

"Oh, and she can take any kind of currency, and she sells more than just food and drink."

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"Good information. An excellent job of reconnaissance, dear Fay." She raise her glass in toast.

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She giggles and kisses her darling.

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"The paused time shouldn't apply to us, but it sounds very convenient for most cases."

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"Makes this a good place to take a break. Assuming the door cooperates."

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"Bar said it's irregular how often people get doors here - if everyone in your group leaves and you close the door, it'll stop going to Milliways, and you can't prop the door open except by having someone hold it."

"Why wouldn't the paused time apply to you guys, though?"

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"We didn't come here from a world."

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"Huh! Neat." She glances up at her darling, makes eye contact, and gently prods for what else has been covered already in the conversation. 

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She sends the memories. And some of the lap-Bella sensations, as a little bonus.

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Then: "What happened to the other version of her?" she asks, nodding to Luthien.

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(She doesn't mind if Luthien talks about it, but.)

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Snuggles. "Before we got married, my wife was going through the loops alone. She was- she could direct them, in a limited way. Pick which templates had which script to read from. I- the other me, was her lieutenant in the first loop she remembers, before she started assigning people."

"And that me was most of the reason she kept going, working to break the cycle."

"But to get here, she had to move me. Create a completely alien context. And it worked, and we met and fell in love and got married and broke free, but. That original me is gone."

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"...My darlings and I have some power over death. We'll help, as best we can."

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She tightens her arms around Luthien. "She's not technically dead, but... Perhaps."

"I preserved her memories from each loop, or - I think I did. I should have the power to create a soul and give it her memories, but - there's uncertainties there."

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"I possess an artifact which calls forth shades of those departed, and my Fay bears a wand that has power over death. With a properly constructed ritual, they may assist in that endeavor."

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She nods. "Some way to evaluate the best path on integrating her memories would be helpful, too. I... Can't just - pick a version of her - but there were. A lot. Of loops."

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She tilts her head. "Fay, will the bar sell us a pensieve?"

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"Let me go check..." She detangles herself from Bella some and stands, stretching, then kisses both her darlings and heads off.

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"What's a pensieve?"

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"A magical device for storing, sorting, and reviewing memories."

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"...That sounds like it'd help. Does it have - an upper limit?"

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"Not in ordinary use by wizards, but I am not aware of anyone whose has attempted to use one to sort thousands of years of memories. The potential problems I foresee have mainly to do with distinguishing between memories finely enough."

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"...It's actually high millions. I'm expecting that - similar memories probably will and possibly should be blurred together."

"Perhaps Bar can recommend one with a high enough capacity..."

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"Volume limitations may be the driving factor, at that order of magnitude. While extracted memories are not strictly physical, a certain quantity of water is required to create the proper solution."

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She nods. "I could run some smaller scale tests with other memories, possibly."

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"That would be wise, I think."

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She nods.

"Thank you for this."

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"Solving an interesting challenge with a pretty girl is never a hardship."

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She laughs. "That's downright one of my favorite things."

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"What a fortunate coincidence."

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"Well, good taste is very consistent across roles a template could be in."

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"Of course."

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And Fay returns.

"Bar thinks we'll need a large, fancy pensieve. She can rent us a room upstairs with one in it already, along with a pretty big list of other stuff we might need."

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"How helpful of her. I hope the rates were reasonable?"

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"Well within our budget." Kiss!

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"Do you want to begin soon, then?" she asks Mygwainor.

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"Yes," she says. "At least - working towards it." She tightens her arms around her wife, leaning her head against Luthien and taking a deep breath. 

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She sends her love and encouragement to her wife over their bond.

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She reflects her love and appreciation back. 

"Let's head up."

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Then if her Fay will lead the way...?

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"Right this way, ma'am." Up, then, to an enormous suite with a pensieve the size of a swimming pool in one work room. "Bar says that time sometimes desyncs between the upstairs and downstairs, but staying in communication counteracts that, by the way - which might be convenient if you guys need some alone time?"

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"If it goes in a helpful direction, yeah..."

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Nuzzle. "She'll want to know everything. And you have some lost time to make up for."

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Smile and kiss. "And we'll need time to introduce you two."

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"Reassure her that I'm worthy of you."

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"Get my two favorite girls thoroughly acquainted."

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"I'm looking forward to it."

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"So am I, love." Kiss!

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She laughs. 

Then, to the others: "Let's get started."

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To work. The memories are the first step. She guides Mygwainor through the extraction process and use of the pensieve. Then with Fay, there are details of the binding ritual to work through...

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A long process. 

But Mygwainor picks up on her part quickly, and she's done rather extensive memory work before - and this isn't the first soul she's created.

The selves of Ainur aren't inherently bound to a physical form, they simply are, but it'll be easiest here to repurpose Sauron Ellie's work with designing the One Ring (which Mygwainor has lingered in Arda to observe dozens of times), and provide an initial physical anchor that Mygwainor can help Sauron detangle herself from over time...

She believes it'll be best in - several ways - for her to be alone with Sauron when she does the final ties and her darling awakens.

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"We'll wait downstairs. I'll check in occasionally."

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"Thank you, love." Soft kiss.

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And away with most of them?

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Back downstairs, yeah, where Bella's very interested in trading life stories...

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And Mygwainor finishes weaving together her Sauron's soul.

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And she blinks herself awake.

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"My Elrien," she says, voice choked with emotion, kneeling beside her. 

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"My love. You-" The sheer span of memories begins to register.

"What has happened?"

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"I was in a time loop," she says, voice thick. "I - I saved your memories at the end of each loop, but I - I couldn't bring you in with me."

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Elrien embraces her Melkor, kisses her fiercely.

"You've saved me now."

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Desperate kisses! 

"I'm so sorry for all the times I had to leave you - for ever letting you think I was gone."

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"The years I have been without you, the years you spent without all of me- We will avenge them."

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She laughs. "You haven't changed." Kiss! "Sadly, anyone we could've blamed for the loops is long dead..." Another kiss. "And I'll never begrudge getting to have you in the first place."

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Kiss. "Then we take our vengeance on time, by spending it here and now, with you and I."

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"A more than agreeable deal." Kiss!

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She uses her teeth for this kiss.

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"Though, mmmmm, there's things I want to tell you, about the years we didn't share - "

But talking interferes with kissing. Tragic.

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"Speak, then, and I will explore the rest of this lovely new face you've found." She moves her attentions to her love's neck.

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"Ah, my first life with you wasn't, mmmm, my zeroth loop - oh - I was mortal the first life I lived, and I didn't know you - nnnnnn - and it's whoever's acting as Melkor that remembers the loops, and the Melkor of my zeroth life - nnf - put me in that role." Moan. "And gave me you, to make me desperate to end the loops, to keep me from just - mmm - handing off the role of Melkor."

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"I am not sure whether I should be praising this being or cursing them."

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"I ended up liking him eventually, but I stuck him as Maedhros those first few dozen loops... He was very cruel to me as Melkor, and I wasn't impressed with the trap that kept me from handing off."

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"A just punishment." Light nip. "My love is wise."

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Giggle squirm! 

"I was Turin my first life, if you want an initial idea of how pissed I was at him."

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"Mmm." Slow lick. "Is that why you were always so soft on the boy?"

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Moan. "Yes, mmm, and the Melkor before me was mean."

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She rakes her nails down her love's sides. "Go on, then."

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"I wanted nothing more than to break the loops - nnf - I really was getting desperate - mmm - and I thought - ah - maybe if I put stress on the timeline in the right place, the right amount - I could force it to contradict itself without shattering and ending the loop early - mmmmmm - but I didn't have good control over the most tightly scripted parts - "

She squirms, pressing into her Elrien.

"After the last loop you remember, I moved you - your template - into a new role. You don't have those memories, because she's a different you - "

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"Are you hiding the best parts from me, love?"

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"There's no one best part." She leans her forehead against Elrien's and sighs. "And I don't want to - hide anything."

"I put your template into the role of Luthien for - the last few loops before I figured out how to break destiny once and for all - and I wore a hame of Beren's fate for the - relevant parts of those."

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"And those memories are not mine because- she lives yet?"

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"And because - even if she'd died, I would have brought her back separately. You're - reflections of the same person, but I love you in different ways."

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Hum. Then a kiss. "I am glad that a version of me was at your side for your success. Even if I would have wished to have that experience for myself."

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Soft kiss.

"I had to truly die as a mortal and pass through the Halls of Mandos to leave the bonds of our world - I don't think she relished the experience." And another kiss - "But she sings beautifully, and could tell you the tale in full."

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"I will be sure to ask her."

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"I did marry her the way elves do, too, which was - "

She's quiet for a half moment, then: "Which let her remember the loops after."

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"A shame we did not think to try that earlier."

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"I don't regret knowing and loving Luthien, at all, but - I would have liked to have you with me, too."

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Hugs. "You have me now. And I have you."

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Tight hug. "Got everything I wanted, eventually."

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"No less than you deserve."

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Giggle kiss. "Mmm, what do you want right now?" Her wiggling says she has a pretty good idea of what she hopes is the answer.

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Elrien is more than willing to indulge her love's hopes.

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Mmmmmm best Elrien.

Mygwainor has several thousand years of catching up to do. She intends to get quite a bit of that in here. 

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Meanwhile in the main room of the bar, Luthien settles back down on the couch opposite the wizards. She's made a brief detour to Bar to request food and drink of her own.

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"I'm pretty in every world, apparently," Bella says, cheerfully. 

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"For a sample of two. But every guise of my wife's that I have seen would tend to support that assertion."

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"I'm just an inherently pretty person."

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"That may be so," she laughs.

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"And so are you."

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"Why, thank you, Bellatrix."

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"Your wife's very lucky to have two of you."

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"We'll see. This is uncharted territory."

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"It'll work out."

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Smile. "I hope so."

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"I bet Mygwainor would very much enjoy watching you two kiss."

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"As much, I expect, as your girlfriend enjoys watching you and Fay."

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"How do you think I know it's sexy?"

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"You might be extrapolating from other experiences."

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"I've only ever belonged to my Lady," she says, smugly.

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"I'm much more of a slut," she says, winking, "And I've found it's even hotter if the two making out share a face."

Of course, she and Bella have used polyjuice for that before, but there's just something about identical twins... Or extrauniversal versions of her girlfriend with the same face, she suspects. 

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"So noted. My Mygwainor sometimes wears a face much like yours, incidentally."

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Interested noise. 

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"Perhaps we might come to a reciprocity arrangement for alt kisses."

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"That seems to leave some of us out of the running."

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"I could keep you company," Bella teases.

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"I wouldn't be opposed to that."

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Shiver. "Though you'd need my Lady's permission, of course."

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A hum as she rakes her fingers through Bella's hair.

"I suppose you have been a reasonably good girl of late, dear Bella."

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Shiver! "Thank you, ma'am."

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And a flick of her eyes sends a thought to Fay that she might scout out the territory before the kitten is released to play.

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She giggles and rises to walk over to Luthien and perch on the arm of the couch beside her. "Of course," she says with a little purr, "Bella dear is a sensitive girl..."

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"Going to make sure I'm safe to approach?"

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"Or the right sort of unsafe."

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"I may be able to fit those requirements."

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"You see... Only our Lady and I are permitted to touch Bella kindly."

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"She doesn't at all mind others hurting her, especially for our Lady's pleasure... But kissing, sex... Those are for us only."

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"I will remember that." She tilts her head. "Though most of my experience hurting people is either in battle, or directly involving having sex with my Mygwainor."

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"A good reason to test your adaptability."

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"That sounds like fun."

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"Bar should be able to rent us a good private room..."

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"Would you mind an audience for your experimentation?"

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"Not an appreciative one."

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"I'd love an audience."

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Then they can go rent a room together.

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Luthien sends a quick mental ping to her wife.

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She gets back a warm flush of love and a 'Have fun.'

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She walks with a spring in her step to the room they're renting.

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It has a lovely little arena in the main sitting room, with very comfortable benches for spectators and two bedrooms off of it. Fay has a spring in her own step, and:  "Where do you want me?"

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She pulls her Bella down to sit with her one one of the benches.

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"In the center, I think to start with- Though first I want to ask what your limits are."

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She steps into the center.

"No humiliation. No destroying any of my things. No permanent injury or scarring - but there's a guaranteed sufficient medical center downstairs, and we have good healing magic ourselves."

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"Understood. If at any point you wish me to stop, please say so, or if it is easier for you, think it very hard in my general direction."

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'Yes ma'am,' comes Fay's rather distinct voice in Luthien's mind - far more sharply pressing than anyone can usually manage with osanwe.

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"I suppose that will do."

"Now then. I'll start with a song, I suppose..." She takes a breath and begins singing, her voice lilting and sweet, flowing over Fay like honey until the music completely envelops her. The tune changes then, quick staccato notes one after another, each accompanied by a jolt like Fay has been pricked deeply by an ice-cold knife. Beneath that, the melody grows hotter and more concentrated, pooling into smaller areas until Fay feels like hot coals are burning through her skin, her hands, the soft underside of her jaw, a line across her back.

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She moans, stiffening, running her hands over the hot spots.

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Very nice.

She layers that melody deeper, dotting Fay with those burning sensations from head to toe then back up again until she is entirely covered. As she builds to a crescendo, the coals begin flaring with radiating shocks like stars twinkling in the night sky.

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She kneels before that, goes to her hands and knees so she can shake and scream and moan without falling over. 

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The song peaks, and all the coals explode at once. Luthien maintains that high point for a minute, then begins stepping things down, the sensations fading one spot at a time as the song slows.

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She's well into the land of bliss, floating mentally and smiling dreamily.

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She applauds politely as Luthien's song finishes.

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Luthien smiles and takes a bow.

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She slips off her Lady's lap to go give Fay plenty of kisses and nuzzles and pets.

"A good show," she tells Luthien. 

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"Thank you. I was mostly improvising."

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"You're a natural, then."

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"Do you have any tips for improving my performance?"

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A few! Which she can go over in exhaustive detail, and even demonstrate...

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Her song is more convincing if Luthien knows the feeling intimately.

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That is a very exciting idea, and they should definitely get Fay nudged awake enough to help.

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Luthien can sing a song to help with that, if she wants.

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The sooner they can start...

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Then music for recovery, wakefulness, stimulation.

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She drifts back to full awareness. 

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"Welcome back, Fay."

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"Glad to be back." 

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"Bellatrix has suggested that you and she might be able to demonstrate a few new methods for me to incorporate to future songs."

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"On each other?"

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"On me would be the most efficient way for me to learn."

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She grins. "I'd be delighted."

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"I thought you might be."

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"It's almost like you've met a me."

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Giggle. "Once or twice."

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"Well, I'll never turn down a chance to show a pretty girl a bad time."

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"Where do you want me?" she asks flirtily.

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"It won't matter," Bella says as she draws her wand and casts a levitation spell on Luthien.

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"Fancy," she says, as she floats into the air. "If you wreck my clothes, you have to get me new ones. And no permanent damage."

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"Any other limits or preferences?"

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"Ramp me up and down slowly, please."

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"Can do."

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"Thank you." She wiggles a bit, trying to control her mid-air position. "When you're ready, then."

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There's advantages Fay's magic has that Luthien's doesn't... Like shaping the body, or summoning bonds or ice or fire or water... Greater sensitivity, or the loss of senses...

Healing, too. The feeling of your body knitting back together. 

Fay's skilled and experienced with this; she pays attention not just to what of Luthien's mind is visible to legilimency, but to her body and voice, the contortions of her face...

She guides Bella, too, who is very creative but tends to have a lot less self-control.

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Luthien is getting many new ideas. And enjoying the experience for its own sake.

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Two very important components of this. 

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Very. The floating throughout it all adds another fun dimension.

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The weightlessness is a very unique sensation.

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It'll take her some thought to replicate.

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"I'm excited to see what you come up with."

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"You can be the first I show."

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"I'm doubly excited, then."

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Hee. She's cute.

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Elsewhere in one of the many rooms of Milliways, another session of fun is wrapping up.

"I love you, Mygwainor." Such a delightful nickname her alt invented. Fiery kitten indeed.

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"I love you too, my dear Elrien."

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"I believe I am ready to meet my alternate. And the otherworldly version of us."

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Soft kiss. "I can ask Luthien to come here, if you want to meet her separately first..."

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"Hmm. Yes. We may need some time with just the two of us."

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So she reaches out through osanwe. 'Love,' she sends, 'We're caught up, and my Elrien is eager to meet you.'

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'Good timing. Alone, or should I bring our new friends?'

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She sends back an acknowledgement.

"My wife and my alt want to see me," she tells her present companions.

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"Have fun."

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"I think we will. Can I contact one of you by osanwe when we're ready to meet up again?"

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"Go right ahead."

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"Then I'll catch up with you all later."

And off she goes to find her wife, and her alt.

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Mygwainor meets her at the door, giving her a kiss and then pulling her inside. "Luthien, dear, this is Elrien."

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"It's good to meet you."

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"Likewise. We have much to discuss, I think."

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"I suppose we do."

She gives her wife a quick hug. "Do you mind giving us some time alone?"

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Hug! "Not at all, loves. Just osanwe me when you're done."

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Kiss. "Okay. See you soon."

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"See you." She gives her Elrien a kiss, too, then steps out to find somewhere quiet to wait to be called back. 

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It's about forty minutes before they do call her back.

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"Talk go alright?"

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"Well enough-"

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"-we think."

Then each kisses Mygwainor on the cheek.

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She giggles and pulls them both in for kisses.

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Kisses are very good.

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Double the Ellies, double the fun.

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A nearly overwhelming amount of fun, with kissing both her Ellies as an unlocked action, but still only one mouth to kiss with. 

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Then they can take turns kissing.

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And the other will keep her mouth occupied elsewhere on Mygwainor's body.

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They might need to carry Mygwainor to a bed - or just lower her to the floor.

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That's well within their combined capability.

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"Bringing us both back was really one of your cleverer ideas, Mygwainor my love."

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"Not even clever, my dear. Just essential."

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"How else are we to keep up with the appetites of an Ainur?"

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Kiss. "Clearly, I need both of you to function."

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"Then I'll expect great improvements in your performance, Mygwainor."

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"Yes, ma'am."

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"There's a good girl," Elrien purrs.

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The wiggles are very good.

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Mygwainor is, fortunately, very happy to provide her loves with excellent wiggles.

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And that makes everyone happy.

Though at some point they may want to exit the spiral and see if their new friends are still around.

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When they do get around to poking, it seems not as much time has passed for their friends- enough for Bella to figure out Bar will sell her books and get absorbed in one of those, but it's been a human-sensible amount of time and not an 'immortals with no internal clock or real physical needs' amount of time. 

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'Hello, Bellatrix.' Her mental voice is slightly giggly. 'I think we're ready to meet everyone, if you three are not too busy. Best we do this is in a private room though, I think.'

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'We'll be waiting in the room from earlier.'

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Ellin informs her two, and shows the way back there.

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"Did you have fun with them earlier?"

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"Lots, yes." She gives Elrien and Mygwainor the osanwe summary.

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"Mmm, wish I'd seen that."

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"I'm sure we could arrange a reprise."

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"We absolutely should."

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"I'm sure there will be several configurations to explore."

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"What are we waiting for, then?"