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we called it fate (to live, to let us die another day)
timeloop AU arda gets interrupted by a visitor
Permalink Mark Unread

The sea-mists common to Hithlum lie heavily over Dor-lómin today, though the strong sunlight finds its way through them all the same. Still, the world has a hazy feel, and sounds don't travel as far as they otherwise might.

It's a fine late summer's day, and the mists will likely get stronger as autumn turns the corner. For now, though, there's rich fields watered by the mist as much as the rain or river, and there's a bountiful harvest on the horizon, and a general sense of hope in the air. There's a field lying fallow, here, sheltered from the winds that sometimes race off the mountains by strong lines of orchard trees bearing their first crop of fruit.

(It's the summer of the four hundred and fifty fifth year of the First Age of Middle Earth, and the world lies on a precipice.)

It's quiet today, though - or at least the morning is.

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Kalryi turned the corner in the palace, and came across a mysterious door. It looked like a perfectly normal door, like the ones all over the place leading to various storerooms. It was mysterious because she has never seen it before, and a large part of her literal job was knowing the palace layout. 

She shrugged, frowned, and opened the door. It appeared to lead to an empty storeroom. Maybe she was misremembering something? She stepped inside, and-


Suddently, she was outside, in a field. What. She immediately reached for her dagger - perhaps it had been part of a kidnapping attempt, or assassination? She had been recently favored by her grandmother, but she thought she’d been careful about making enemies. Seeing no immediate danger, she relaxes slightly and looks around for any people or buildings.

Permalink Mark Unread

There's a shape that might be a farmhouse or an outbuilding of a homestead over thataway. It's hard to make out details through the fog and the trees and assorted crops, though, and she currently doesn't see any people out and about.

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She hesitates for a moment before shrugging and walking briskly in that direction. She can probable get directions back to civilization, if nothing else - she really needs to get back to the palace, and figure out this situation. She takes a look at the plants while she walks, to see if she recognizes them. Is that wheat, maybe? They don’t grow it in Erutyi, but maybe in Beroir?

Permalink Mark Unread

It's probably wheat, tall and strong and healthy.

She does in fact seem to be approaching a farm - buildings emerge from the mist, a barn and storage shed and little cabin - and a dog starts to bark enthusiastically at her, sending up a small commotion among some chickens - and an old woman in rough clothes steps out onto the cabin's porch and calls, sharply - "Who goes there?"

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“Kalryi Terivesi. I appear to be very lost - could you point me towards the nearest town or outpost?”

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She looks so suspicious.


"Follow the road there south, until it meets the greater road, and follow that south and east, and you'll see a town soon enough," she says.

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Kalryi nods, glances at the sun for a moment, and starts walking. “Thank you!” she calls back.

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"Safe travels," the woman calls after a moment.

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Well, this will be a long walk, especially since she doesn’t exactly carry traveling supplies in the palace. If she has known it was a teleportation effect, she could have packed, and gotten guards, but no.

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It is, indeed, a very long walk, and the heavy mists continue clinging to the world.

She reaches the major road without too much trouble, though, and while the road's initially empty -

She hears the clip-clack of horses and the creak of wagon wheels after about half an hour. They're at a leisurely walk, likely coming up behind her.

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She’ll move to the side of the road to make room. Normally she’d expect them to move around her, but it’s not like they’d have a way of recognizing her symbol, assuming she’s as far away as she appears to be. She’ll also see if they look important, or if they’re farmers.

Permalink Mark Unread

They look important!

There's a large party on tall, powerful-looking warhorses - each of the warhorses is lightly armored, and each of the riders wears full plate armor and carries weapons. One of the riders in front carries a banner with a complicated heraldic device in a style Kalryi hasn't seen (it seems to be a diamond with a stylized sun within it). Their gear is incredibly well made, and the riders themselves are beautiful. The mist still swallows most of their line, but there seems to be a forward guard, and then a cluster around a woman with a fine blue tabard over her armor and a complicated silver circlet on her brow, and then a light supply train.

It's a broad road, fortunately, and she can get pretty far from the path the others are taking, but the forward guards do still call out - "Make way for the Prince!"

Permalink Mark Unread

Well. That’s potentially very lucky, but she doesn’t recognize the symbol at all - she must be very far away. 

She bows deeply at the side of the road, but doesn’t kneel - she is nobility, even if she’s foreign, and she’s technically a representative of her grandmother. A balance must be struck. She will create her own symbol - two interlocking rings - in fire above her. Interrupting would potentially be very rude, but she does want to point out that she’s a noble.

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The riders all reign in their horses, and seem subtly alarmed, going tense.

The Prince rides forward despite this worsening her guards' tension, calling out in an even tone that carries remarkably well: "Friend or foe?"

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“Friend, hopefully. I have no quarrel with you, as far as I am aware.”

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"What manner of being are you?"

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She blinks. “A mage? As I assume you are? You have a crest, after all.”

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"...I'm no mage."

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She frowns, and a very confused expression can be seen on her face before she smooths it away.

"...Is another term used in these lands? I must be farther than I expected."

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"Several, depending on why and how you can do that."