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Isabella has one of the central not-a-portal bits of the hub - the ones that are occupied by a shifting collection of the airport-standard restaurants and gift shops and newsstands - turned into a small apartment-cum-office for Seraphina. The office is unlabeled for the time being - just "Authorized Personnel Only" in ominous letters - but Isabella tells her what the fire and security alarms sound like and suggests that she be a responder to these if they go off. "Mutter your mnemonics under your breath while you do anything magic in public, and people will figure you're a witch," she says. "I'm still thinking about any less irregular jobs I could have you doing, but unless you come out with a more generic set of healing spells than it sounds like you currently have I don't think I can explain installing you as magical first aid." Seraphina gets a modest stipend on top of her room and voucher for the hub restaurants, and a brief tour of Chicago shopping (because there's dozens of cities to choose from but Chicago's the one she's seen before) so she knows how to avoid major cultural pitfalls trying to get a new pair of shoes.

Xiara, when her mana recovers, is directed to teleport to a tucked-away part of a temperate national preserve, told to lie low, given a list of endangered species she is not to eat or disturb, and left to her own devices with a mirror in case she wants to talk about something or needs help with a park ranger or something. Isabella could use an architect, but mostly on the colony, which is not to be known to any mages yet.
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Both mages adjust reasonably well to their new settings. Seraphina stays out of the way and doesn't cause any trouble. She's surprised at the stipend, but is hardly complaining, and saves to buy a travel-sized harp, which she takes to playing at the hub. When she finds out that tips are offered for this sort of thing she uses them to supplement her stipend. Other than occasional musical displays, she attracts no attention and blends in reasonably well.

Surprisingly enough, Xiara manages to do the same. She makes an expansive underground home, hides the entrance, lights the interior, and moves in. Some of the necessities are harder to come by, but Xiara is accustomed to handling it and does so. Her ghosts keep her company, and she lies low. Three years is not a long time to her, she'll grow bored eventually, but for now - she can just get accustomed to the world. It's quite strange and foreign.

Adarin studies American marriage traditions. He knows how marriages in his culture go, but he feels no requirement for keeping to the Kystle traditions. He likes his new home, and if he sees any of their habits he likes, he'll use them. Several Google searches later and he decides that he likes wedding ring traditions. Vern has informed him that Isabella likes having things from him - so he will make that happen. Diamonds seem shiny but kind of boring - they get thrown out as a main gem idea nearly immediately. Adarin goes ring shopping, and finds a lovely platinum engagement ring with an emerald as its centerpiece. He has his own bank account, filled with a percentage of the proceeds from portal capitalism, so he uses that. The ring is bought, and Adarin starts plotting how he's going to propose.

Then, because it seems proper, he picks a Sunday and offers to go fishing with Charlie.
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Charlie seems a little surprised, but acquiesces without quizzing him about his motives.

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On the proper Sunday Adarin shows up via portal jump (to get the mana cost down for distance traveled) and a quick teleportation. He knocks on the Swan residence's door. While he's here, he can find an easy method to spend time with Ranata and do much the same thing he's planning to do with Charlie. If this works out, anyway.

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Charlie answers the door. There's a tackle box and a fishing rod and a spare fishing rod by the door where Kesathi's sitting. "Hullo," he says.

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"Hello," replies Adarin brightly. "I've never gone fishing before in my life so uh - correct me if I mess it up and hook myself."

Vern gives Kesathi a friendly trill. "Hi!" she says.
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"I'll show you how it works," Charlie assures him, and he heaves up the tackle box. Kesathi nods at Vern, then picks up the fishing rods in her mouth and trots after her human to his car. Once everything's packed up and both people are in, Charlie starts it up and off they go.

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Off they go! Adarin will wait a little while before dropping the bomb of 'I am going to ask your daughter to marry me' - bonding time, first. Besides, he might even end up liking fishing.
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It's a bit of a drive. In the backseat Kesathi flumphs across the spare space - the car's built with plenty of room for most non-ridiculous daemons at the driver's feet even with the pedals, but it's still cramped - and noses in vaguely desulatory affection at Vern.

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Vernaia trills happily back! She scoots to Kesathi and flops next to her, happy to share the space.

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"Probably won't catch anything worth keeping, first time out," Charlie warns him when they approach the relevant river.

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"I figured. That's all right, hopefully I'll enjoy it anyway."

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"That's the spirit."

There is parking. There is walking. There is setting up, which Charlie explains mostly via demonstration and not talking.
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There are all of those things! Adarin takes the hint that this is not a talky kind of thing. That's fine by him.

He's a quick study and catches on to setting things up. Then - fishing! It proves to be a little boring, but also surprisingly soothing. He's pleasantly surprised.
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Yep, not a talky kind of thing. Charlie seems to be paying at least as much attention to the scenery as he is to the possibility of fish in the water.

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It is some pretty scenery. It's kind of nice to just - not have a huge to-do list that perpetually is added to. Mind you, he loves his huge to-do list and thinks it's great to have, but not having it for a little while is nice, too. He can just think about things. While fishing. If he catches a fish he will be so pleased with himself!

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Nibble nibble on the end of his line.

Charlie notices and walks him through getting it reeled in, but it's about three inches long, so at the end of the process it gets tossed back.
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Adarin's going to be grinning for the next hour. Ha! He caught a fish, he is now pleased with himself because of this fact. He suspects he'll want to come fishing again later. Maybe not every Sunday, but every now and then, certainly. It's nice.

A little while later, with no more nibbles for Adarin's line in sight - he pulls out the box with Isabella's ring in it, and quietly shows Charlie.

(He's a little nervous.)
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Charlie glances at it. Kesathi sits up to pay attention.

"Obvious thing?" he asks.
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"Obvious thing," agrees Adarin. "Haven't asked her yet, but - didn't want to cause problems for when I do."

Vern fluffs up a little, looking nervous.
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"Up to her, isn't it?" says Charlie.

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"It is," he nods, "but I'm checking first, because I respect both you and Ranata and don't want to put any strain on your family."

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Charlie's silent for a bit.

Then Kesathi speaks up. "You and her fit real well."

"She loves you to bits," Charlie says.
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Adarin smiles fondly. "I love her, too. More than I find the words to say."

Vern adds, "It's not just love, too. She and Path are smart and have good goals that match our own and we can work together to help the world."
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"Now where've I heard idealism an' practicality fighting over the same sentence that hard before?"

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He laughs. "It's a mystery, certainly."

Vern trills and nuzzles Kesathi. "We are glad you approve!"
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"Why wouldn't we?" asks Kesathi, giving Vern a sort of one-pawed hug.

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"We're not sure, but we worried about it all the same. You could have had very legitimate grievances that we hadn't thought of," replies Vernaia.

Hug! Vern helps, with a wing.
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"If Isabella's happy we're happy," says Charlie. "She's very happy."

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Adarin grins. "I like seeing her happy."

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"Wouldn't be nearly so pleased about this idea," Charlie gestures at the box, "if it seemed you didn't."

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"I wouldn't blame you in the slightest," he agrees. "Obviously something would be wrong with the relationship if that were the case. But it's not and so I can marry her."

He sounds really pleased with the idea. Also vaguely smug. He gets to marry Isabella and no one else does, ha, he wins at life.
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"You going to talk to Ranata too, sounded like?"

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"Yeah. I didn't have as obvious a way of talking to her, though. You had already invited me to come fishing, I don't know what I could do with her aside from just walking up and telling her."

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"Offer to take her out to lunch," suggests Charlie, "when we get back."

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"That'll work. Thank you. Hopefully she'll react the same," he says, smiling.

This has gone extremely well! Adarin is pleased!
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"Can't imagine why she'd object. She thinks you're cute together."

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"Maybe my sister had been telling her horrible stories about me. I hardly know."

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"There horrible stories to tell?"

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Adarin snorts. "No. Well - some of them might be embarrassing, but that's not exactly horrible."

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"She the sort to tell lies, then?"

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"Nope. Not in this case, anyway - she thinks Isabella and I are cute."

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"Well, then, you do hardly know, don't you?"

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"Fair point," laughs Adarin.

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"There you are then."

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"Yeah. Thanks. I'll still let her know, though, even if she's not going to react badly or anything."

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The precious, precious little box goes safely back into his jacket, then it's back to fishing. It's nice.

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Charlie eventually nabs one big enough to keep.

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Adarin congratulates him sincerely! They won't be coming back empty handed.

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And soon enough it is time to go back home and put the fish in the freezer.

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"That was fun," says Adarin, on the way to the Swan home. "I don't think I'll come fishing every Sunday, but every now and then I think I would like to."

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"Wouldn't mind having you."

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"Thank you," he says with a smile. "I'd like that."

Look at them! Bonding!

Vern flops next to Kesathi and looks generally pleased. Today is a good day.
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Kesathi noses her.

"You're welcome," says Charlie. "You want to talk to Ranata? Sounds like she's upstairs."

What the upstairs currently sounds like is someone attempting to teach herself the cello.
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Adarin nods. "I do, yeah. Thanks!"

Vernaia gives a little head-bump towards Kesathi, while Adarin heads upstairs to talk to Ranata. Separation is still subtly helpful, even now.
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Ranata is indeed attempting to teach herself the cello. Castarilan is perched on her makeshift music stand peering at the étude she's working on. "Oh, hello, Adarin," she says when he comes in.

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"Hello," he replies brightly. "Would you like to have lunch? I don't know Forks very well and I don't know good places to eat."

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"Ooh, I was just thinking, I'm sort of in the mood for Mexican, do you want to go to the taqueria?"

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His diabolical plan is working. He is befriending his girlfriend's parents! Bwuahahahahahahahahaha!
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"All right then." Castarilan flies into her hair, she puts the cello on the bed, and follows him out. "What brings you here, though?"

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"I went fishing with your husband," informs Adarin. "It was nice, I'll probably do it again."

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"Did you catch anything? Here, hop on -" She has her cloudpine set up.

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Onto the cloudpine! He's quite used to them, by now. "I caught a little tiny fish, and felt quite accomplished - but it wasn't big enough to eat."

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"That's what happened the first time I went too!"

Zoom! To the taqueria they go. It's raining a bit but Ranata doesn't mind.
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Adarin knows a way to protect himself from rain with magic, but doesn't use it because they're still not quite ready for mage reveals. So, he'll just put up with it.

"Maybe one day, I'll catch something bigger."
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"Maybe. I go only every year or two so I haven't had much practice that really stuck, you know?"

Here's the taqueria! Cloud-pines sure are fast.
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"Yeah, makes sense."

That they are! How fortunate!

Vern nuzzles him, while he plots how to let Ranata know about his plans to propose. .... Probably just telling her, honestly. In a bit, when they're safely inside and polite smalltalk is out of the way.
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They get a table! Ranata has apparently earned a string of visits to this taqueria by doing some thing some time in the past. She starts hmmmming at her menu while Castarilan zooms around her head.

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Food! Adarin picks something from the menu he hasn't had before. If he ends up not liking it he can just fix something when he's home.

Vern is on his lap and will get to nibble things if she likes.
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Ranata wants flautas! They come with rice and beans. Everything comes with rice and beans, including Adarin's chile relleno.

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Adarin thinks it's delicious and gives Vern nibbles of it because she is his magic talking bird.

"So, what have you been up to?" he asks, between bites of chile relleno.
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"I borrowed a friend's cello - she's pregnant and finds playing it awkward while she's so huge, so I've got it for a few months to decide if I want my own - and I've been messing around with that. I went to Vancouver last weekend and saw a play but it wasn't very good."

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"That's interesting," says Adarin. "Which play was it? I'll avoid it, though I don't watch many plays anymore. Mostly movies, now."

He likes movies. They're fun.
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She tells him the title, and her opinions of exactly why it wasn't very good and how much nicer it would have been if only they would have replaced this character with a Greek chorus.

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Adarin snickers. "That sounds kind of annoying! I'll avoid it."

Vern noses the pocket with the ring in it, then steals another bite of his food. He snickers. "So - Charlie's mentioned that you think Isabella and I are cute?" he asks, amused.
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"You're adorable, did you have any doubt of it?"

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"Well, no," he laughs. "But I was trying to segue into something else."

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He smiles, then says, "I have been thinking about asking Isabella to marry me."

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The high-pitched high-volume squeal this elicits is enough to turn several heads.

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That makes Adarin laugh. "I see you're supportive of the idea."

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"Of course! It will be lovely, I'm sure she'll say yes, she loves you so very much."

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"I love her, too. Very, very much. I've bought a ring - would you like to see it?"

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"Oooh, yes."

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Out comes the box, and Ranata-ward it goes. The ring is pretty.

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"Oh, this is beautiful. You picked it yourself?"

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"I did," he says, smiling. "A little expensive, but Isabella and I are planning to get absurdly rich and we're well on our way there. So, I can justify it."

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"It's gorgeous. Not a diamond, you got a bit more creative."

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"A diamond wouldn't have fit the color scheme unless I got an ice-blue one. Which I was tempted to do, but emeralds are pretty, anyway."

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"The emerald's perfect."

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"Thanks. I thought so, too."

Permanent smile. Just - this is his face now. It's stuck this way, forever.
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Ranata is pretty happy too! She orders a flan when the waiter comes by and recommends the tres leches to Adarin.

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Sure, he'll have that. Tres leches, coming on up.

(The box goes back in his pocket. He'll ask Isabella when it seems appropriate.)
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Dessert is delicious!

Ranata asks him if he wants a ride back to Seattle, when they're done. Castarilan, on the other hand, zooms straight home.
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It is! Delicious dessert.

"That'd be great! If it's not too out of your way, that is."
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"It's no trouble. My fingers don't hold up to cello-ing that well yet, I'll need to develop the right callusses, so I'm done for the day on that."

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"Makes sense. It's very kind of you, thank you."

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"You're welcome."

It's not such a long trip by cloud-pine.
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It's really not! Ranata is very kind to take him.

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And she hugs him when they've reached the Seattle portal. "I will be so happy to have you as a son-in-law," she tells him. "You'd better ask her quick, she'll be annoyed if she finds out I knew for long before she did!"

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Hug. Adarin laughs. "I'm pretty sure she already suspects it."

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"All the more reason to be quick, then. You do not have a patient girlfriend."

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"Yes, ma'am," snickers Adarin.

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"Now you go home and tell her I said hello."

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"Of course," he agrees. "Thank you for everything, Ranata."

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"You're welcome."

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"Bye," he says, and he waves.

Off he goes, to the portal, and to home. It's convenient like that, though the crowds are annoying. If fantastic because it means he and Isabella are making absurd amounts of money. He head off to find Isabella.
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Here she is, on the phone with the insurance company, something about figuring out the value of a policy on property that's witch-warded. Path flutters up to nuzzle Vern when she and Adarin come in.

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Vern nuzzles Path, and says softly, "We had fun fishing."

Adarin will hang back and wait.
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"Catch anything?" asks Path.

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"A little tiny fish. Not worth bringing back, but Adarin caught it."

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"My Isabella didn't even get that the time she went," laughs Path.

Isabella hangs up the phone.
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Vernaia giggles. "It's okay. Adarin loves her anyway." Nuzzle, nuzzle.

Adarin smiles at Isabella. "Hey."
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"Hi! Did fishing bore you to tears? Do I need to comfort you?"

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He snickers. "No, I actually enjoyed it. I wouldn't go every Sunday, but every now and then, it would be fun. But feel free to comfort me anyway."

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"C'mere," laughs Isabella, holding out her arms.

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Cuddles! "I love you," he tells her, affectionately. "Have I mentioned it lately?"

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"Nooooo, that doesn't sound familiar."

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"Not even a little? What a pity. Would it help if I gave you something to remind you?"

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"Hmmm. Should I make sure the reminder does something helpful... Or just remind you? Because I am magic, you realize."

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"You are pretty magic!"

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"If you want the reminder now I can just get it for you, but if you want it to do a fancy thing I will need time."

Subtlety? What's that? He doesn't know the meaning of the word.
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"You have something in mind, don't you."

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"Of course I do."

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"What cool thing will my reminder do?"

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"A mirror spell, miniaturized. So we don't have to worry about mirrors shattering."

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"Ooh. But the reminder is not, itself, a mirror?"

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"Nope. Easily wearable."

But the emerald's reflective. He can use that.
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"Am I supposed to guess?"

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"Do you want it to be a surprise or do you just want it now?" he asks, amused.

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"I don't know! How am I supposed to decide when I don't know what it is?"

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"Well, you can have it now, but I will need to borrow it to put a spell on it, or you can wait a little while and get it later and it will already be enchanted."

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"But how long is a little while? I need full information to make good choices."

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Adarin rolls his eyes and laughs. "You know what, love? You're a smart woman, I am fairly certain that you already know what it is."

He kisses her cheek, then kneels in front of her. "So," he says, retrieving the box, "I'm just going to ask it." He opens it and shows the ring. "Isabella. Will you marry me?"
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"Yes." She kisses him and then holds out her hand for the ring.

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Kiss! Onto her finger it goes. Adarin grins, then kisses her again. At this point in time, he's the happiest man in the world. Kiss.

"So - guessing the second sentence you figured out I was planning to propose?" he teases.
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"It's not like it would be out of character for you to have another sort of present for me..."

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"True," he laughs, cuddling her. "But I thought I was being incredibly obvious about the whole affair."

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"Just a little bit. Charlie didn't threaten to shoot you when you brought it up or anything, I imagine, or you wouldn't be so sanguine, you'd be all brooding about whether you've somehow been deficient or been giving off bad signals."

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"He was quite supportive, actually. It was nice. Ranata was, too, she made an 'eeeee' sound."

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"I can see her doing that."

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Adarin giggles. "Charlie asked a few questions, thought about it for a little while, and then was completely fine with it and wished us the best."

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"Good old Charlie." Kiss! "So now we are engaged. Do you wanna just sort of bask in that for a while or make plans now?"

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Kiss! "Whichever one you prefer, my dear. Either way I am currently on the moon with happiness."

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"Over the moon, love. Over it." Snuggle. "Well, I have approximately no wedding ideas, which speaks either in favor of putting it off until some materialize or in favor of getting on the plans now in case none ever do."

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"I was close, it counts," he insists, laughing. Snuggle. "We'll put it off, then. I'll think of something eventually. Probably." Kiss.

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All of the kissing.

"I love you," he whispers.
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"I love you too," she murmurs back.

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Then it's back to kissing.

Vern is currently glued to Path.
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Yay, bird gluing! Path is making soft happy noises and participating in the gluing happily.

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Preen, preen, soft happy bird noises. "We hope she likes the ring."

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"She loves the ring. She thinks it's gorgeous," he assures her.

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"Eeee!" says Vern, and then Path gets extra snuggled. Preen, preen, soft bird noises.

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Preen preen snuggle snuggle bird noises! Also various human activities.

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So many snuggles. And various human activities.

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The humans sure are fond of those activities. And each other.

How convenient that the progress of world takeover is mostly limited by Adarin's mana, which will automatically restore itself over time even if he is not paying attention to anything but his fiancée.
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Very convenient! Adarin will therefore be giving his fiancée a lot of attention.

A few days after he proposed, Adarin finishes another portal, has a long talk with Vern, and then goes and finds Isabella to snuggle. This wouldn't be particularly noteworthy - except soon after, Vern mysteriously finds her way into Isabella's lap.
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Isabella holds very still.

"Hi, Vern," she murmurs.
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"Hi," she replies, snuggling on her lap. Her location is not an accident. "We think it should be okay."

Adarin is still cuddling her, leaning his head on her shoulder and otherwise not interfering.
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"You're sure?"

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"Yes," says Vern.

Adarin kisses Isabella's cheek. "Thank you for being careful, though. You don't have to if you're concerned about it."
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"Just checking."

And she strokes a fingertip along the length of Vern's wing.

(Path fluffs up and hops onto Adarin's lap.)
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Neither of them pull away. Vernaia leans into Isabella, making a little trilling sound. Adarin closes his eyes and shivers, curling up on his fiancée and sort of melting into her. He's not capable of speaking, right now, but it's very obviously not painful.

After a little while Vern nudges him, and he opens an eye and holds out a hand to Path.
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Path snuggles up under the hand while Isabella strokes Vern's feathers again.

The completed circuit is a little different.

Isabella makes a whimpery sort of noise.
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Adarin mumbles something incoherent and nuzzles Isabella, incapable of doing much else besides being a puddle of Adarin on her.

Best idea.
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Yaaaaaaaaaay. Isabella is reasonably boneless-with-happiness herself, for all that she's more used to the sensation than Adarin is. Snuggle. Pet, pet, pet.

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Snuggle, nuzzle. Adarin pets Path's soft, soft feathers, and continues to be a puddle. Speech is a little beyond him, right now, but he can snuggle her just fine. With occasional nuzzles and some incoherent mumbles that sound vaguely similar to 'I love you.'

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"Loooooove you." Nuzzle.

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Nuzzle, nuzzle.

Now that the message has made it to her, he can just stop thinking and enjoy this.
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It's very enjoyable!

...It's not clear how they're going to decide they're done!
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It really isn't. That's okay. Adarin's really not going to worry about it, they will figure it out if it seems like they should be done. Maybe if they get hungry or something.

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Right now Isabella is not hungry. She just wants to pet Vern and melt against Adarin and make soft sighing noises.

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Adarin isn't, either. He wants to pet Path and be a very nuzzly puddle. Food is extremely low priority, right now, puddlehood.

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This could take hours.

Pleasant dozy snuggly intimate hours.
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Yes. Yes it could.

That is completely fine with Adarin and Vern. Supported by, even.
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Hours later, Isabella's stomach rumbles and Path starts shifting under Adarin's hand.
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Adarin opens an eye, takes a little bit to string together reasoning for why he should not be a puddle, and then starts working on trying to remove his hand from Path's feathers. Motor function is one of the first things to go, for him.

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Path helps disentangle himself. Isabella slides her hand off Vern's feathers and does not pet her again.

"Nnnff," Isabella opines.
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It will take a little while for Adarin to regain conscious thought, even after the daemon touching has been concluded.

"That," mumbles Adarin, "was the best idea."
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"Mm-hm." Nuzzle.

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Nuzzle. He'll just be here for a little while, snuggling his fiancée, while he sorts his head back to normal functionality.

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"I'm starving," she mumbles into his shoulder, collecting her owl to put him on her shoulder.

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"Me, too," he says, catching himself by surprise with the revelation. He didn't know he was hungry. "... Want me to make dinner? Or whatever - meal is appropriate at this time? I have no idea how long we were - busy."

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"Mmm -" Isabella checks the time on her phone. "Four and a half hours, ish, I'm not sure exactly when we started, damn. So yes, it would certainly be dinner, maybe past time for it, what can you make that's fast?"

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"Four and a half hours? I can't tell if that feels like far too long or far too short. Um. Sandwiches?"

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"Goddesses yes, I would love sandwiches, make me sandwiches, I love you."

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"I love you, too," Adarin laughs. He kisses her, then extracts himself and goes to make sandwiches. He makes four, because he's extremely hungry and is pretty certain Isabella's the same. Sandwiches are brought to Isabella, and Adarin flops down next to her to eat his own.

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Isabella devours her first sandwich in about a minute and then is a bit slower about the other. "So apparently we probably shouldn't both be petting each other's birds unless we have an entire afternoon to kill, but when we do have afternoons to spare it was so nice," she sighs.

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Adarin eats his sandwiches a bit more sedately than Isabella, at a steady pace. "So very, very nice. I don't think I'd want to do that all the time, because my head is still not completely sorted out even now, but I would like to do it again."

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"Yeah. Very much a downtime thing. I wonder if we could fall asleep like that?"

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"Maybe. It was incredibly soothing, so I imagine that if it's possible I can manage it."

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"And we are generally already not doing much when it is time to fall asleep, so that seems worth trying, best of all worlds."

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"Agreed." He scoots closer, and then snuggles a little.

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