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we are yet but young in deed
eridani is the tiniest sith apprentice
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Her public persona leans back as the hostess she'd been flirting with walks off to attend to her duties. Palpatine slips a flimsi card into her pocket, and snorts when one of Naboo's senatorial aides elbows her. "You're just jealous," she informs him.

(Her more private persona is less entertained, and isn't lightly tipsy from the alcohol flowing freely at the gala. There's a lot of valuable information to be gathered here. A lot of currents to get used to. Her public persona has been Naboo's ambassador-at-large only a scant two months, and already a new sort of wealth has been flowing to her. So, she drinks, and laughs, and builds friendships and connections, and keeps aware of everything around her. (Like Naboo's senator, Vidar Kim, Palpatine's mentor in politics for the last fifteen years. Like the table he's sitting at, one full of people far more politically powerful than Palpatine. Sidious tries to focus on observing, not on jealousy, but, well. Jealousy is natural.))

He sticks his tongue out at her briefly, and she rolls her eyes with a little smile.

Their laughter - the two of them, several other aides and one other young ambassador - fills the air, before Palpatine senses Senator Kim rising from his table and walking over. He shakes his head with a fond smile, making eye contact with her, and says, "Don't think I didn't see that."

She feigns innocence. It's not very effective, even for her public self. "See what?"

He raises an eyebrow. "How did I end up with a student who leave trails of conquests across the galaxy, and a son who spends his days meditating on the Force with the Jedi?" he asks with an over-dramatic sigh.

"By being a very well-rounded, worldly person," Palpatine teases him. (Sidious takes note of the mention of Ronhar. Kim doesn't often bring up his oldest child, especially lately as tension grows between him and the thought of the Jedi Order, and Plagueis has been encouraging her to find out more about the teenager. Sidious isn't sure there's all that much to find out. Ronhar had been a very boring baby, and from every scrap that's reached Kim, it sounds like he's been a boring child and now young teen. Still, Ronhar's a possible resource to tap for explanations of the light side for a certain other ally of Sidious's...)

"Come and join us at our table," Kim's saying as Palpatine turns her full attention back to him. She stands, nodding, and rises to fall in beside him. He says, then, in a low undertone: "We all know you'll be replacing me at this job. Getting into the thick of things now will benefit you later." Then, with a self-deprecating smile: "And maybe seeing a few hours of what passes for senatorial gossip will deter you from politics altogether."

"I'd hate to have to find a new career field at this point," she says back. "Perhaps I can simply hold my nose."

He tips his head. "Well, if you get bored, my daughter's always quite willing to provide an excuse to go sit outside," he says, wryly. Much of Kim's family - his wife and two younger sons - is currently traveling, and Kim's been causing some amused tittering by bringing his youngest child and only daughter to all of his senatorial business. He claims his wife hates hiring a babysitter. Palpatine's pretty sure Kim just loathes to miss out on any chance to spoil his little princess.

"Maybe I'll take her to walk around in a bit, excuse or not. Get some of that energy out," Palpatine says, with a little shrug.

"Probably why you're her favorite," Kim says, laughing - and they arrive at the table. It's larger than Palpatine's had been, with thirteen beings already seated around it. Kim's daughter, of course; four Senators (from the Gran Protectorate, Eriadu, and then Sullust and Sluis, both sectors Kim has been courting to be friendlier to Naboo's interests - or at least Kim's rather politically conservative version of those interests), each with a single aide; Darknell's ambassador to Malastare, the host of this gala, and her aide; and two members of the Black Sun syndicate, one of their nine vigos and his son. The two definitely-not-crime-lords are guests of the winners of the recent Vinta Harvest Classic podrace (which is the nominal excuse for the gala), and after Palpatine's introduced around the table, talk quickly falls into discussing the politics around podracing, and especially everything springing from the drama between the different circuits.

Palpatine seats herself beside Danni Kim with a little smile at the girl, and listens quietly to the chatter, mentally filing away every mention of Gardulla. (Sidious has a grudge, still, and a curiosity about whether her and Shmi's sabotage two months ago - just before Palpatine's appointment as ambassador, while Sidious was running errands for Plagueis - has had noticeable ripple effects yet.)

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Danni is eight years old, or she will be in six weeks anyway. She smiles brightly at Palpatine, swinging her legs below the table, too short to reach the floor. She doesn't have many thoughts about the politics of podrace teams, but she definitely has opinions about the pilots, their level of technical expertise, and their fashion sense. Maybe Palpatine will be more willing to hear her pontificate (read: babble) than the other beings at the table?

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Sure. (She's avoiding offering any particularly substantive opinions here, anyways, and she can fairly deftly flip between offering polite non-opinions to the politicians and offering actual opinions to the child. And if Danni ends up insulting or complimenting certain people at certain times and volumes... Well, Danni's not quite eight. A loose tongue is to be expected.)

Did Danni enjoy the races?

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She did! Here is what she thought the best parts were, and these are the best crashes according to her objective measure (which she will also explain). (There's some overlap in these categories, but that just means she tells the story twice.)

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Palpatine has some very insightful feedback on tweaking her crash rating system, but mostly seems content to listen with only mild nudges to control Danni's energy levels and volume and topic.

Though, there's something here with how Danni is describing things, what she noticed, that's wiggling in the back of Palpatine's mind...

So, she nudges Danni to higher excitement, more volume, until offering to take Danni to look at the gardens brings clear flashes of relief across the faces of everyone around them.

She stands and holds out her hand to Danni. "Shall we, my lady?"

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Oh we're being dignified now. Danni takes a moment to try to smooth out her face and hops up, only stumbling against the chair a little. She reaches up to take Palpatine's hand. "Let us go," she says gravely, and manages to hold that for almost three full seconds before giggling.

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To the gardens, then! They're very lovely, and rather extensive, and full of littles nooks and crannies, only some of which are private.

Palpatine doesn't take Danni to one of those. She knows where the embassy here sticks their microphones. She instead takes Danni over to some fountains, massive faux waterfalls with 'natural' stone and crystals and hanging plants. They're a popular spot, in full view of much of the gardens and of the ballroom where Danni's father is, but Palpatine can tell whether people are paying attention, so.

"Do you spot things others don't a lot?" she asks.

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"Kinda sometimes? It feels like other people just don't look as hard as they could."

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"They really don't."

She glances around the gardens, and starts asking Danni questions about the guests in their line of sight - ones requiring steadily more intuition. She keeps up a playful tone, throwing in silly questions here and there, makes it a game, and stays with questions relevant to Danni's normal interests. (She knows the answers to her questions, but Danni shouldn't - but the girl's made insightful guesses before.)

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She's got about a seventy percent success rate, once the questions that she wouldn't require any special knowledge to answer are factored out.

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Pretty high.

Palpatine doles out her acknowledgements of Danni's successes carefully; the girl's already spoiled. No need to make it worse.

Then, relaxing some of the shadows around her own self, briefly, just to Danni - a gamble, but - 

"Have you noticed anything about me that no one else has?"

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"You're special," Eridani informs her. "Daddy thinks you're a politician like him, that where you are now is where he used to be, but you're different."

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"You're pretty special too, you know."

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"I know!"

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"Oh, do you?"

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"Mhm! Daddy always says so."

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"Does he say why?"

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"Not really. Or, he has a lot of reasons."

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"They make you more special added all together?"

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"Guess so!"

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"Has he ever told you that you can do things others can't?"

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"I think you can," she shares, tone conspiratorial. 

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Danni's eyes get very wide.


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"Really. All sorts of things."

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"What do you want to do?"

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"Like, when I grow up?"

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"I don't think you need to wait to grow up to start doing things, though some things will take a lot of practice to get good at."

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"I'm good at everything, though."

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"Except humility?"

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"Daddy tells me not to lie to friends!"

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"Oh, so it's honesty you're good at instead, then?"

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Nod nod. "Yeah!"

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"What would you want to become, then, if you could become anything in the galaxy?"

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Danni gives the question serious consideration.


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She gives Danni some space, then opens her mouth to start nudging her thoughts along -

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And the door into the ballroom slams open, and Danni's father comes running out, face pale and clammy. He breathes a sigh when he spots Palpatine and Danni, then hurries over.

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Danni is concerned! "Daddy?"

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He scoops her up in a fierce, desperate hug. "My girl, my baby girl - "

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"What happened?"

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"Everyone - they're dead - your mother, Alar, Tedir - "

He squeezes her tighter, sobbing.

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"No!" Danni starts crying too.

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Palpatine -

Starts trying to get privacy for the grieving family. Arranges for Kim and Danni to be taken back to their hotel, soothes ruffled feathers from Kim's departure, makes sure nothing gets lost in the shuffle -

And then - sits with them, tries to keep them from spiraling too deeply into grief, and wonders if she feels sad.

(She hadn't clicked with Vidar Kim the same way she did with Hego Damask. Hadn't clung to him quite as tightly, quite as desperately - had never tried to make herself his daughter in all but name. But she's known all of Kim's children since before they were born. The family's sheltered her more than once.)

(Wonders if she feels angry, maybe. Arranging the funeral will take a while, keeping the Kims afloat will keep her even busier, keep her from stopping and thinking things through, from doing her own investigations as promptly as she'd like - but, well. That's all very convenient, isn't it?)

Palpatine becomes even more of a fixture than she'd already been in the Kim household, in the days after.

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Danni is very clingy, afterwards. More with Palpatine than her father, when she's around and available. Being with Daddy just makes her more sad because he's sad, a lot of the time.

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If Palpatine's sad, it's the sort of thing no one else will see.

She's pretty around, and somehow more available than Danni's parents were even when both of them were alive (her daddy had been basically glued to her, but - Palpatine feels present, in a way he never actually has. Like she sees Danni, and not a girl in a princess dress). She ends up making all of Danni's meals (Kim's, too, leaving them in the fridge when Kim is withdrawn; she pushes her way into his room if he hasn't eaten in a while. She does the dishes, after). Makes sure Danni's clothes are washed, and her room's clean enough. Gathers her makeup work from her school and tutors, and uses school as a pretty decent distraction from Danni's grief. Takes her for walks when her daddy's mood is sour, and to Palpatine's office on days Palpatine has work (which is nearly all of them; Danni ends up falling asleep there more than once, since Palpatine has to work so late. She always wakes back up in her own bed). She lets Danni cling.

The funeral was enormous and solemn, and Vidar Kim broke down at the cremation of his family - and his depression has only worsened, taking on shades of desperation and a mercurially shifting paranoia.

Palpatine keeps Danni isolated from it, as best she can, but... Danni still hears about a lot of it. There's murmurs of removing Kim from his post, if he doesn't improve by the time his bereavement leave is over. There's talk that Palpatine is basically already Naboo's acting Senator. There's a rumor Kim met with his only surviving son, the one given to the Jedi - that the teen refused to leave the Jedi to rejoin Kim on Naboo - that Kim's been speaking as if Ronhar, his son, is his only heir.

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...That's a little bit not fair of Daddy. Danni's still here.

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"Your father's very scared and sad right now," Palpatine says to her, softly. "Because his entire world changed suddenly, and because you both lost so much, and now he's terrified he'll lose what he has left. He's trying to reunite your family and keep you all safe, as best he can, but..."

"Fear and grief make us into people we aren't, if we let them control us."

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"He shouldn't let it do that, then."

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"He shouldn't," she agrees, plainly. "Most people do, though."

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Hug's always good.

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"You'll get through this," she says, "One way or another."

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She pets Danni's hair. "This hurt will make you stronger, so long as you don't allow it to break you."

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"I won't. I won't let it break me."

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Firm hug.

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"Do you want to stay over with me a bit more?"

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"That'd be good."

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Her apartment's not exactly set up for two people, but - kids don't take up a lot of space, and Palpatine barely sleeps, anyways. (...Okay, rich kids take up a lot of space. But even as Danni spends more and more time over - Palpatine puts her foot down about more than a few items drifting their way over. Essentials and basics. A few sentimental items. Anything educational. Not much more.)

Danni's father has periods of stability, over the next two years. Fewer and fewer, though, and he seems to sink ever deeper into depression. The few times he stirs - paranoia, only, and he becomes increasingly convinced his family was killed by enemies of his.

(...Force sensitivity can run in families a bit, Sidious knows. Not always strongly, but...)

(Sidious takes the time she has Danni to start exploring the girl's Force sensitivity. Using the dark side is immensely dangerous, so Sidious doesn't want to push her into it - but she nudges Danni into the sort of exercises that'll prepare her mind. Meditation. Self awareness, and self control. Focus. Hesitantly - she needs to teach Danni tolerance for pain. Deprivation. Suffering.)

(She wouldn't with Shmi, not confidently. She can't, here.)

(She signs Danni up for martial arts. Seems... More useful, anyways. She tells Danni 'no' over things like large purchases, not food and water and warmth. Practices walking away, rather than raising her hand or voice. Tries for pointing out reality to Danni, without tearing her down. It's the hardest thing she's ever done, and she doesn't always succeed, and she's not even sure which failure of a father figure she learned all her complete inability to parent from. (She has a breakdown at Shmi, and then starts figuring out how to apologize. She hates Shmi, sometimes, even when the woman - who's been flying through her schoolwork - is being incredibly useful.))

Two years pass, and Danni's father becomes more and more detached from the reality everyone else lives in. (Sidious stays busy, but not always with Sith business - she turns down several of Plagueis's effectively-bribes for interesting places to visit. They'll take too much time, and arranging someone to care for a child without letting anyone know where you're going is apparently hard, actually. She mostly keeps up with Plagueis's errands.)

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Two years pass, and Sidious has a meeting with Plagueis -

Plagueis said nothing for a long moment, then continued: "The circumstances will be different for you. You won't have the satisfaction of seeing your opponent die in person, because we want to ensure your deniability. A public assassination on Coruscant would be best for sending a message."

"Senator Pax Teem," Sidious said in a raspy voice, tinged with residual anger.

Plagueis shook his head. "Teem may yet prove useful. I'm referring to Senator Vidar Kim. His sentiments have made him a liability. More important, his death will allow us to position you where you've long yearned to be."

"And a chance," Plagueis said after a short pause, "To rid ourselves of unnecessary baggage."

(It's strange, isn't it, that Sidious can hide even the worst, most all consuming rage from a Sith Lord, but sometimes screams at a child over minor annoyances?)

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It's Darth Sidious that contacts a mercenary to arrange a staged kidnapping -

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And somebody else who makes the actual arrangements.

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"So let me get this straight," the mercenary says, face hidden behind a stylized helmet in the ancient Mandalorian style. "You want the kid alive- but the Senator dead. You do understand how a ransom ploy typically works, right?"

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"Sure I do."

"We want," she says, "Nobody outside of us to know the kid is alive."

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"...Twenty percent surcharge. Weirdness fee."

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"Deal." Not like it's her money she's spending.

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"Right. I'll need three weeks for recon. We can move at any time after that."

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"You have my comm frequency. When the payment transfers, I'll start."

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She nods.

There's some further details to clarify, but - 

The payment goes through with no problems, after.

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Then Fett will start work. She gets a feel for the Senator's routine, his security, weaknesses therein...

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And Sidious has Danni come sit beside her one night after dinner. "I have something important to tell you," she says.

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"What is it?"

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...She should - disassemble. Just get Danni to obey her instructions. 

Should just have planned the entire thing around Danni being unaware, honestly, but.

"There's a very powerful person who wants to harm you," she says, evenly.

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"Because he doesn't care." (Except, sometimes, Sidious is terrified Plagueis cares about her.) "Not about you. He's decided your father is a liability, and - "

Deep breath. "He dislikes that I'm focusing on you, and not on working for him," she says, voice tight. "I'm - sorry."

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"Oh." Palpatine seems like she needs a hug. Danni gives her a hug.

"What do we do?"

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"We're going to fake your death."

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That seems kinda cool.


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Soft smile. "You can't stay with me, after, but I've arranged for someone to watch you for a while. She's going to teach you to protect yourself."

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"Is she nice?"

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"Yes. She's stern, but the way Mister Zin is." (That being Danni's usual martial arts instructor.) "So you'll learn a lot from her, and she'll keep you safe. You might need to work on your charm to get very many extra desserts out of her, though."

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She laughs. 

Then: "Pulling this off is going to be complicated, though, and you need to listen to me very carefully, and do exactly what I tell you, okay?"

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Nod nod. "I can do that."

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She explains, then, what she wants Danni to do. 

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Danni carefully commits everything to memory. She won't let Palpatine down.

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She's a good kid.

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She's doing her best. And her best is pretty good.

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It is.

"It'll be a few years before I can see you again, once we do this."

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"I'll miss you."

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"I'm going to miss you, too." Squeeze.

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She'd better stock up on hugs, then.

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Yeah. (Hug.)

And - they can't let on that anything's more off than it should be, but they can get away with a few visits to Danni's favorite places. Use up some of her vacation days.

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Yay! Can they go to the water park?

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Danni, for one, has a grand time.

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Palpatine does too, actually. (And she even joins Danni properly this time, rather than sitting outside of the splash zone with a data pad like she usually does.)

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And, three weeks later, Vidar Kim and his young daughter are kidnapped and held for ransom, taken from the safety of their apartment on Coruscant while Danni visits her father - a media storm builds up fast - Naboo doesn't negotiate with terrorists, and security forces have been caught off guard - 

And a group of vigilantes who think they're doing the right thing try to rescue the two.

The ensuing firefight leaves some scraps. Enough for Coruscant's better forensic teams to identify at least somewhat of who was on scene, but the ships are effectively slag, and one of them burst apart while trying to jump to hyperspace, and they can't reconstruct more than that. And the Jedi's best for psychometry get only jumbles - Vidar and Danni Kim were on the ship at some point - 

Nothing else. There's a moody cloud over the wrecks, a storm of fear and anger in the Force. 

Palpatine is appointed Senator in a rush, sent into a Senate quaking in its seats. The funeral for the Kims is well attended, despite Vidar Kim's many enemies, and the sensationalist coverage - which, some tabloid reporter or another figures out Palpatine was Danni's guardian - creates uncertainty that can be easily taken advantage of.

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Neither Danni nor Fett are on the ship when it's destroyed, of course. 

Starkiller rendezvous with them shortly after the last time Fett needs to confirm the Kims are still alive. The schedule's tight - 

But they're professionals, or close enough, and Danni has her script.

Vidar Kim is left on board with a clouded mind and a ship full of very, very carefully placed explosives, and Starkiller never sets foot on the condemned ship. She's in the airlock between the two, though, and welcomes Danni and Fett to her ship.

Palpatine had shown Danni a holo of her. She looks and feels - different, in person. Sturdier. Quieter.

She doesn't feel dangerous, not really. (Not imminently, at least.)

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"Hi, miss Starkiller," Danni says quietly.

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"Hi, miss Danni." She holds her hand out. "Let's get you strapped in."

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"Kay." She takes Starkiller's hand.

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And she takes her into the cockpit. Starkiller and Fett will be in the pilots' seats, but there's a seat near the door, out of the way, where she'll still be able to watch what's going on. 

"Don't look back," Starkiller advises her, softly, and starts the process of separating from the condemned ship.

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She doesn't look back. She still knows when the explosives go off, when her father dies.

She's not sure what to feel about that.

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Once they're free - 

Starkiller will be available at least some of the time, if Danni wants to talk. About this, or other things. 

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"...I don't have any family left."

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"By blood?"

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"Are there other kinds of family?"

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Danni squints suspiciously.

"-You're doing the ask questions to make me realize I know the answer thing."

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"I guess... friends are kind of like family?"

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"Depends on what part of it matters most to you."

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"The- being there. Loving each other."

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"Being there is hard, sometimes, for friends or family. And love isn't always enough, and sharing blood doesn't guarantee love will exist. And sometimes we're wrong about who we love, or who loves us."

"But you do have someone risking a lot to keep you safe, right now. That's not a guarantee either, of course, especially not in the galaxy we live in, but..."

She pauses, gathering her thoughts.

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"Things are hard."

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"They are."

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Small girl, big sigh.

"'M gonna miss everyone."

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"I know."

"They'll miss you, too."

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Is Starkiller available for snuggles?

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Snuggles always help Danni feel better.

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They're good for that.

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There's a decently long trip to the safe house - but, they're putting Danni near enough to where Starkiller usually works that she can stop by without major issues.

They've prepared it with some things, but - is there anything Danni wants Starkiller to try to bring next time she visits?

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She thinks she'll be okay for now. Maybe next time she'll have discovered she wants something.

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"See you later, then?"

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"See you."

And she takes her leave.

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"Well kid," Fett says, stepping up to Danni and putting a hand on her shoulder, "let's get started, huh?"

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She smiles up at the armored mercenary.

"Looking forward to it."

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It's six years until she sees Palpatine again. A decent amount of news reaches Danni - Palpatine wants her to stay abreast of current events and politics - but not much of Palpatine's personal life. Danni knows she was appointed Senator after Vidar Kim's death. Knows from brief asides from Starkiller that Palpatine has befriended Ronhar Kim, Danni's Jedi brother, and that she's found her way back into Plagueis's good graces.

(Danni knows much more about who Plagueis is, now.)

Palpatine arrives on a quiet day not very long after Danni turns sixteen, in a small, fast ship that looks like it should belong to a smuggler, not a politician. She's dressed to match, and would look unremarkable if Danni didn't know better.

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Danni's grown about four inches since Palpatine saw her last and has switched to wearing her hair braided back, out of the way. She wears a synthleather vest over a cream tube top, loose pants tucked into sturdy boots, and is currently beating the hell out of a training dummy with a pair of tonfa.

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She stops at the edge of the training grounds to watch.

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It doesn't take Danni long to notice her.

"You're back!!" she shouts, bounding over with a big grin.

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"I am," she says, with her own soft smile. "Sorry it's taken me this long."

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"I haven't been wasting my time, but I've missed you." Hug?

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Hug! "Same."

"What've you been up to?"

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"Lots of training. Kayra says that if I'm on the run from a Sith Lord, I should know how to fight one, just in case."

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"Well, then."

"Up for a spar?"

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"Show me what you've got."

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And then she flips Danni, pinning her to the mat.

She's very, very fast. 

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Hah. "Nice."

She responds with a complicated twist and scissor that ends with Danni free back on her feet several yards away.

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She waves a hand, almost idly, and a wave of force slams into Danni, trying to throw her back, as Sidious's lightsaber jumps into her hand. 

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She rolls with it scooping up her (wooden) tonfa.

"Playing dangerous?"

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"It has a practice setting." She flicks it onto that; it'll scald, but not burn. (Plagueis never taught her how to make a training saber. Figuring it out herself had been... Interesting, to say the least.) She takes a wide stance then, apparently content to let Danni come to her this round. 

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Danni spins her tonfa around a couple times, then closes. She's light on her feet, darting from side to side then lashing out quickly.

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Sidious defends herself with as little effort as possible at each strike, lightsaber flicking to block - and then she twists instead of blocking, aiming to create an opening in Danni's guard she can push into. 

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She flips her grip and pushes the blade aside with a crossing sweep, jabbing with the other weapon.

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She catches it with the Force, like a cheating cheater who cheats, and brings her lightsaber back in - flicking it off and then back on to avoid Danni's next block. 

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Dodge! And dip down to sweep the leg.

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She jumps higher than should be possible, sweeping down at Danni's head.

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Right hand to block high, left to threaten Palpatine's landing.

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She twists to land behind Danni.

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She rolls forward and regains her footing.

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Sidious isn't giving her much time for that, pressing her attack fairly aggressively. 

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Danni's pretty good. Better than most people, even. She puts up a fight.

But she is, in the end, not quite at Palpatine's level.

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She gets a painful scald across her side as Sidious's lightsaber finally gets through her guard - 

And that ends the spar.

Sidious turns her lightsaber off, and: "Good fight."

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"It was. You're really good."

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"I've practiced. A lot."

Hand up?

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She takes it.

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"Fett says you've been improving quickly." Small smile. "I can see why."

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"It's not just because of my pretty face."

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"I'd be very disappointed in her if your pretty face affected Fett's evaluation of your skills."

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"Nah, she's a real hardass. Plus, you're paying her too much to lie."

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"Many people will lie more often for money. But I hired her because she's honest with her employers, as well as competent."

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"I think she's worth it."

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"You're satisfied with her, then?"

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"Yeah, it's been good."

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"Then she's been worth it."

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"Good that you think so."

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"So- why're you here?"

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"I wanted to see you again," she says, "And I was able to make an opportunity."

"And Fett has reported you're likely ready to begin training to use the Force."

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"-Train me to what."

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"Did she not pass that on to you, then?"

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"Uh. No."

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"Well, let me be the one to give you the good news, then - you're Force sensitive."

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Grin. "It is, and it's a powerful destiny. One I'm going to prepare you to seize."

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"Sounds like fun."

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"If you think incredibly hard work is fun, sure."

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"You'll be teaching me, though. So I'll get through it."

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"...I'll try to be - "

Not worthy. That's - the wrong thought here.

"The teacher you need."

(But maybe she does mean worthy of Danni's trust. How the fuck are you supposed to teach children the world will kill them if it can, without killing them yourself?)

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"...It's really good to see you again."

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"I'm - sorry it's been so long."

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"Some hunts you need to prepare the ground for."

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"True. And this is one I don't want to make mistakes in."

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Serious nod.

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"Everything's going to be harder and more dangerous from here on out, for a very, very long time."

"But you'll improve faster, now, if you dedicate yourself. You'll be one of the powerful, and not one of the weak."

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"I want that."

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"Then I'll show you the path to it."

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"I know you will."

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"I have some more tests for you first, though."

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"What kind of tests?"

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"I want to see if you're ready to start training in full. So - tests of concentration, memory, reactions, endurance, and the like."

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"Makes sense."

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"The Dark Side of the Force is immensely dangerous, far more so than any weapon you've wielded before now, and even more so than any weapon I know of. It will twist you. It will try to sweep you away in its currents, and it will try to break you until you're nothing more than a vessel for it."

"Plagueis would tell you to surrender to this. To embrace your breaking, and let it reshape you into its embodiment. I believed that, for a very long time. I was a fool."

"I'm telling you now to not let it, to hold on to who you are until the bitter end - and that is galaxies more difficult than releasing your grip."

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Slow nod.

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"I don't want you experimenting without a spotter, not yet. Eventually you'll be better able to supervise yourself, but, well - "

"I'm sure you've already experienced what can go wrong with pushing yourself too hard even just physically without someone there to catch you."

"I don't mean to hold you back, and I want you to grow powerful as quickly as sustainably possible. I want to be there to patch you up if you fall."

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"Force is dangerous, got it."

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Soft smile. "Starkiller's method is safer for some people, though not entirely risk free, and I think the Dark Side will suit you much better."

"And I want you as my apprentice, not hers. I can get a bit possessive, you know."

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"I've noticed that about you."

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"Obvious even when you were a child?"

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"More in retrospect."

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"Fair enough."

"Hindsight has a way of revealing things to us."

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Giggle. "Yeah."

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Smile. "Anything else interesting it's shown you?" she asks, tone almost teasing.

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"Feel like sharing?"

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"Not just yet."

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"So are we starting now?"

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"What we can."

"Have you kept up with your meditations?"

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"Yeah. Kayra has me do it too."

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"Good." She asks a few more increasingly in depth questions about what Danni has been learning or doing.

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Lots of physical training. Running, lifting, martial arts unarmed and with a weapon. A lot of miscellaneous technical and survival skills. Piloting, camping, tracking, slicing, electronics repair. Her book learning is mostly through the materials Starkiller brings when she visits. (Danni hasn't been slacking on that, exactly, but she's overall less enthusiastic about it.)

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She transitions fairly smoothly into quizzing Danni, looking for her understanding of material and her ability to think about it, rather than her recall. 

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She understands pretty well, though she doesn't always know she does.

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Sidious draws that out, too, fairly relentlessly. 

This might count as an endurance test all on its own. Sidious lets her get food and water, but doesn't stop making her think.

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It's surprisingly hard work.

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And it's something she'll need to get better at.

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Which is what she has a teacher for.

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Good point.

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"You're already doing far better than most."

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"Most sixteen year olds would have hit a mental wall about an hour ago."

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"You're doing well. And you've improved pretty dramatically over the last six years."

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She ruffles Danni's hair. "Now, you need to keep it up."

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"I'll do my best."

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"Time for a break," she decides. "Let's see what else you can do physically."

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"Sounds good to me."

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To a more familiar sort of exhaustive testing, then. 

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Danni's gonna do so good.

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She does.

Sidious responds by pushing her harder and harder, until she collapses in a panting heap. (Or asks to stop, but, well. Sidious clearly expects her to go to her limits.)

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Danni collapses before she gives up.

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She at least clearly knows how to handle overexertion, bringing the stuff Danni typically uses after an intense workout over. 

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Ahh, delicious fortified sports drink.

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She sits next to Danni while she recovers. 

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Eventually she recovers enough breath to talk.

"Haven't had a day like that in a couple weeks."

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"It's not going to be every day, but..."

"This sort of day is going to get more common."

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"I can take it."

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"I know you can."

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"Your faith is reassuring."

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"I have a very discerning eye for these things."

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"Now... I'm not always going to want you to push yourself, either. You need to learn to go to your limits, and you need to learn how to not go there - the point of collapse is a dangerous place to live."

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"Recovery is important," nod nod.

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"And getting out of a threatening situation before you're in over your head."

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"Like I said. It'll be hard work."

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Bump. "I'm good for it."

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And - off to dinner with them. They're done for the day. 

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It has been a long day. But fun, too.

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And, over dinner: "You're ready to begin training in the Force."

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"Does that mean I get to leave with you?"

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"Yes. Though you won't always stay with me, and sometimes you'll be with Fett or Starkiller, or even on your own - your survival is still secret."

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"Will I be able to come out ever?"

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"Not until Plagueis is dead. After that..."

"I don't know."

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"Do you have a plan to kill him?"

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"...Not a specific one."

"He's stronger than me, and he's often delusional, but he's also smart and entrenched. He has extensive political connections, and enough wealth to grease whatever wheels he wants. I'm building up networks I think he doesn't know about, which... Might allow me to arrange an opportunity, especially through people he would tend to overlook."

"I might also be able to take advantage of opportunities someone else creates - he has very many enemies - but I need to be somewhat cautious with those."

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"Let me know what I can do to help."

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"I will."

"That'll be much of your life when you're away from me - I'll have missions for you, and goals to work toward."

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"Love a good goal."

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"Then your life will contain plenty of things you love, in with the getting repeatedly run into the ground."

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"There's a bit of a ceremony around formally becoming my apprentice," she says. Then, with a soft smile: "And I expect Fett will want to mark your passage from her tuition."

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"A vigil, I bet."

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She nods. "I'll ask you to swear yourself as my apprentice - to heed me as your teacher and not work against my goals so long as you remain under my tutelage. I'll swear to guide and support you for the same duration."

It's a far cry from what she swore to Plagueis - to forever bind her will to him and to his Order - and he had sworn nothing in turn to her.

Sidious has been thinking, lately, about her desire to have an apprentice who won't stab her in the back. How to actually create that relationship, and not merely demand it. 

(She's been thinking about what she'd first hoped Plagueis would give her. What he'd denied her, and how he'd turned her from an ardent supporter to his deepest enemy. (She thinks, sometimes, that if he hadn't tried to force her to kill Danni, she'd still be his in some ways. Thinking about killing him from time to time, but - not actually working toward it. But there'd been cracks even before that, and an apprentice who'll impulsively try to kill her if given a good enough opening is in her mind worse than one steadily planning it.))

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"That doesn't sound so bad."

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"Not what you were expecting?"

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"No blood rituals or dancing around naked under a midnight sky, so."

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"...You have a very active imagination."

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"There's kind of a lot of old Sith legends floating around the galaxy. You know, if you look for them."

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Snort. "I've looked."

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"And I kind of," she waves a hand vaguely. "Filled in some gaps."

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"Did you now?"

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"Not sure I want all the details."

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"Suit yourself."

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Heh. "You think the details are worth hearing, then?"

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"Seeing," Danni says. "I drew pictures."

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"You've kept up with art, then?"

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"Yeah. It's fun. And a good way to discreetly and quickly convey complicated information."

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"I'd like to see some of your work, then."

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"I can show you after dinner."

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To finish that, then.

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And then Danni fetches her datapad and scrolls through until she finds... cough- an appropriate gallery of her work.

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She keeps a perfectly straight face, commenting only on such important parts as composition, symbolism, and anatomical accuracy.

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Danni's definitely got an eye for how to evoke a particular emotion.

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Shows quite a bit of potential. Maybe Sidious should make her Minister of Propaganda, once herself as Palpatine gets a stronger say in the government. 

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"And by 'stronger say' you mean total control, right?"

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"Well, I'll still take my advisors' input into consideration."

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"An enlightened despot."

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"One who will be adored by her every subject."

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"Dunno how anyone couldn't."

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Preen. "Even my enemies will love me."

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"Them most of all."

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"Oh? You don't think those directly under me will adore me most?"

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"You can make it a competition. Have a public holiday for demonstrations."

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"And the winner gets my close and personal attention for the day."

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"Of course, some people wouldn't even need to participate for that prize."

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"Apprentice people?"

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"Of course. They've already beaten out all the competition in the galaxy."

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"Advisors, too, though the adoration requirements won't be as strict there."

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"I guess an advisor might need to at least pretend objectivity sometimes."

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"Every now and then."

"I also do actually want Starkiller as an advisor, and I think she might find the idea of her adoring people offensive."

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"Yeah. She can be a bit... spiky."

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"She's terrible for my self esteem and excellent for my reality testing."

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"Good qualities to have in an advisor."

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"You might have to stay my apprentice, then," she teases. 

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"Play to my strengths."

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"Spend eternity growing ever more impressive."

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"As long as you can keep teaching me."

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"I want you to be able to stand beside me as an equal. So - as long as we have things to learn from one another."

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Smile. "Cool."

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"Though actually standing is optional," she teases. 

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"Time for bed?"

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"Must be."

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"I'll let you sleep, then."

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"Kay. G'night."

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Once Danni's to bed, she goes to find Fett.

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A pause, then - "Danni's progressed well."

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"She's got a lot of raw talent. Just needs- direction, mostly."

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"You've done a good job of that, then."

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"You taking her back, now?"

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"For a time. She can't always stay with me - so, I'll ask you to accompany her on missions now and again."

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"As long as you're willing to keep me on retainer."

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"I am."

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"Then I'll run your missions."

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"There's a... rite. That the Mando'ade undergo at the end of their training. I'd like to put Danni through it."

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"What does it involve?"

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"We send them alone into the wilderness, with only a knife. If they're still alive at the end of a week, they're allowed to find their way back. The older cohort arranges attacks and challenges, if the planet's not hostile enough by itself."

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"Not an unfamiliar concept. Alright."

"Would it be out of line with the normal rite if I joined in arranging challenges?"

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"They need to be subtle. Natural."

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Hum. "I can manage that."

And it then would have less resemblance to most of the training she did under Plagueis, which is probably good for her sanity.


"Do you have a location in mind already?"

She might have to bail on 'naked in a barren wasteland cold enough to kill normal humans, and also it's a blizzard.' Just for her own comfort. Probably they're not picking anything automatically lethal to normal people. They still have a culture, and aren't just dragging new apprentices out of other people's cultures like the Sith.

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"There's a spot about a hundred klicks northwest. Forest, some caves, a lake."

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She tries not to let the mild flicker of relief show. It's a dumb flicker, anyways. Danni should be able to survive much worse than 'temperate with fresh water,' and will have to as Sidious's apprentice. 

"Acceptable," is all she says. 

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"Take her out in the morning?"

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She nods. "I'll delay her formally becoming my apprentice until after the rite."

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"Thank you."

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"...You're welcome."

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Time to discuss some of the plans for how to make sure Danni earns her passage?

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Between the two of them, they can probably come up with some fairly convincing disasters.

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Sidious has a decent idea of 'convincing,' though her idea of 'appropriately dangerous' is a bit... Skewed... Even when she's clearly trying up tamp down on that. 

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Kayra has a very finely honed sense danger levels, and what Danni can reasonably be expected to survive.

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She defers to Fett's judgement, there. 

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They can have the airspeeder prepped and Danni coaxed into it by dawn.

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(Does Danni question what's going on at all?)

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She's still pretty sleepy.

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Eventually she'll learn to wake up quickly and thoroughly, especially when her Master seems amused by something. 

But, for now...

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She wakes up quick enough when Fett shoves her out of the hovering airspeeder, shouts something in Mando'a, and drops a sheathed knife on her head.

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She laughs a little. 

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Danni pouts at her as the speeder zooms away.

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Yeah, she'll be fine. 

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Sidious does actually have fun harassing Danni, here (though she has to step out for two days in the middle of it to work on her alibi). 

Still, she makes very sure she's back on planet by the time Danni's week is up. 

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Then she arrives in time to see Danni's (only slightly staggering) return to the compound.

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"Have fun?"

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"Fun. Yeah that's one word for it."

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Suspicious squint.

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"You're getting off easy, twerp." She ruffles Danni's hair. "My Master dropped me naked in the middle of a blizzard and then sat on top of a steep cliff and taunted me about this. And I didn't even have all your shiny survival training yet."

This's definitely an amusing 'well back in my day' anecdote and not something she's still low key traumatized about years later.

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"That sounds, uh. A lot worse."

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...Awkward shrug.

"I survived, and I grew more powerful."

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"Guess you did."

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Soft smile. "You'll be able to survive events that extreme and worse, but I'll work you up a bit more gently toward it."

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"How was this one?"

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"It was pretty tough."

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"What was the hardest challenge?"

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"The mudslide, probably."

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Then: "I think Fett wants to talk to you, too."

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"Probably, yeah. See you after?"

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"See you."

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And off Danni goes in search of Kayra.

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The end of the initiation rite is some traditional words, a bottle of liquor to be shared between the attendees-

-and a block of beskar, Mandalorian iron, for Danni to forge into whatever suits her best.

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Danni, definitely drunk by this point, hugs Kayra.

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Kayra, slightly drunk herself, allows it.

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She's gotta go show Palpatine...

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"What've you got there?"

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"Besssykarrrr! Best kar. Mmmando mmmetal. All for meee!"

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"Oh, nice."

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"Beskar can turn aside lightsabers, you know."

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"I do know! Yes. I knew that."

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"It'll be useful when you're making your own lightsaber."

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Danni's eyes get very big and she gasps dramatically, then chokes on her own spit a little bit.

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She laughs. "Something wrong?"

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Cough cough hack.

"Nope. No. I'm good. All good."

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"I'm guessing you haven't thought about having a lightsaber yet."

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"Nnnnnot really."

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"Perhaps you should, now."

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"Want to look at designs?"

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She came prepared, luckily, with a pretty extensive set of holos about different lightsaber designs.

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There's a lot of different ones! Danni thinks they're all cool.

...Possibly she should not make this decision while drank. Drunk.

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"Do you want to stop being drunk?"

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"D'you think I sssshould?"

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"If you're enjoying yourself, it's not necessary. We can talk about lightsabers tomorrow."

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"Tooomorrow sounds gooood."

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"Tomorrow it is, then."

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Hair ruffle.

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Danni would purr if she knew how.

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She is criminally adorable.

...Hair scritch?

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Danni melts a little. It's a good thing they're sitting down.

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It is, yeah.

She lets Danni melt into her, dolling out further scritches.

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Very good, yes. Just what she needed.

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She keeps petting Danni until the girl moves or falls asleep. 

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She falls asleep first. Doesn't take very long.

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She sits there for a time, still petting Danni and watching her with a distant expression.

Then she picks up the girl and carries her to bed. Tucks her in, like she would years ago, and leaves Danni to her sleep.

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Zzzzz sleepy baby.

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She's up before Danni the next morning, waiting in the kitchen with a data pad propped up in front of her.

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Danni stumbles in later, bleary-eyed and groaning.

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"Does your head hurt?"

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"I'll try to avoid any very loud parties, then."

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Highly entertained grin.

"Do you remember anything we talked about last night?"

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"...Sabers?" she tries.

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"Yes, sabers."

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Her head really hurts. Maybe she can try that concoction Kayra drinks? She starts mixing ingredients.

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"There's Force tricks for healing, you know, and preventing hangovers."

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"That'd be. Useful."

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"Can you meditate?"

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"Probably not safe to experiment, then."

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"Hard t' concentrate with my head like this..."

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"With your hangover?"

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"Since you've asked nicely..."

She cups Danni's face with one hand... And a tingling burn - painful, but differently than the hangover - washes through Danni's body, leaving relief in its wake. Not just of the headache, too, but all her soreness. (From the alcohol, at least. She still has the bruises she picked up in the last week, which are now a little tingly.)

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"Ffft." She shakes her head.


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"You're welcome."

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"So." She looks at the collection of ingredients she managed to gather in her hazy state, discards about half of them, and sets about making an actual breakfast.


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"Sure." She has some holos loaded on the pad already. "You'll be constructing your own. I can help you source the rarer materials, but this is your project, not mine."

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"Can I see the designs again?"

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She pushes them over.

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Danni peruses them.

"Hm. Never really liked straight blades... Could I do something like my tonfa?"

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"Yeah, there's designs..."

She pulls up and then shows Danni some images of guard shoto. "These are closest to what you already wield."

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"Oh, yeah, I like those."

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"They're designed for defense, too, especially against other lightsabers - a hilt incorporating beskar will go farther with this design."

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"Yeah, that's a good idea. It'll help against other sabers, too."

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"Much of the way they wield is very different from tonfa, though - but you can make a training saber as practice, and we can begin drills immediately."

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Grin. "It is."

Lightsaber construction lesson, next, relayed as a sprawling ramble throughout breakfast, as if Sidious has somehow regressed to a thirteen year old covered in engine grease and excitedly chattering about racer designs at anyone who'd sit still long enough.

(Which had mostly been the Kims, at that age. The thought isn't as painful as it once was, at least.)

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It's fun to listen to.

Though Danni is maybe going to need some parts repeated, later. When it comes time to actually build one.

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She's willing to repeat herself, and provide reading materials - much of it notes she took while studying and experimenting with this herself. With appropriate digressions into and expanded background on related topics, of course, as relevant. 

(She'd needed to dig fairly deeply into what texts Plagueis would give her, and then experiment far more, and search for more texts and a holocron and then examples to reverse engineer on her own time - Plagueis isn't particularly mechanically minded, and his lightsaber and the instructions he gave her are simple things. Every lightsaber or other Force artifact or even just simple machine she's ever built has been an exercise in restraining herself from messing with it too much.)

(Making a dark-friendly lightsaber have a training mode had been fun. Especially since Starkiller somehow got her a set of Jedi texts on lightsaber construction and a Jedi-style training saber for her Name Day two years ago. That woman is terrifying, sometimes. It'd mostly provided a very interesting rabbit hole to go down, though the inspiration there for Sidious's own finished product had ultimately been tangential at best.)

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...Danni begins to suspect that Palpatine is a secret nerd.

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Whatever gives her that impression? 

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Just, you know. The vibes. The general aura. The irrepressible infodumping.

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Hair ruffle. "You're a brat. And lightsabers are cool."

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"They are! But you're still a nerd."

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"Guilty as charged, I suppose."

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"Super guilty. Life sentence to always wanting to be in the workshop tinkering."

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"I'm already serving that."

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"Good, because you clearly show no desire for reformation."

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"None at all."

"Of course, even if you want a mechanically simple lightsaber - the focus is actually critical to get right." Pause, then, ruefully: "I got distracted from talking about focuses, didn't I."

She'd started explaining the concept of a focus for the lightsaber - the part that produces an actual blade - and had then gotten into a tangent about how you can have multiple focuses, which led to multiple blades, which then veered wildly off course into multi-bladed designs.

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"Yeah. So it's a crystal that focuses the beam? And the kind of crystal determines the color?"

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"Crystalline structures are common, because their properties are more predictable and controllable, and they're easier to create or obtain, but they're not the only thing you can use as a focus. An immense number of factors go into a lightsaber's color - whether it is attuned primarily to the dark or light side is considered the largest factor, and that's only somewhat influenced by the type of focus. Still, many properties of the focus - including its history - can alter the hue. However, not all of the influences on a lightsaber's exact color are known yet."

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"What do you use for a focus?"

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"This one," she shows Danni her current lightsaber's hilt, "Uses a crystal I created specifically for it - which is best for very fine control of the blade and how it behaves, which is especially important with the Dark Side."

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"That's pretty cool."

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Grin. "Multiple settings on the same blade is an advanced technique, too."

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"It'd be handy in a fight, that's for sure. As long as you're used to it enough that you don't mess yourself up worse than your opponent."

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"Yeah - it's advanced in use, not just construction."

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"Fits you, I guess."

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Preen! "I'm rather skilled, yes."

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"My training's in good hands."

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That gets a softer smile out of her. "Listen carefully to me, then."

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"I will."

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"Already ahead of the pack."

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"I'm an early adopter."

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"With a keen eye for future success."

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"As I mentioned earlier - lightsaber focuses, and indeed most artifacts requiring the Force to use properly, are usually attuned to either the light or dark side. They then behave much better with the side they're made for, but are in exchange harder and more dangerous to use with the other side. So, a typical Jedi who tried to turn on my lightsaber would fail - if they were lucky. Lightsaber focuses are, however, strange in that most can be re-attuned after their creation, or have their attunement removed, though that's a trickier process if you aren't the original user."

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"What makes them different?"

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"The sides from each other?"

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"That, but also focuses and other artifacts."

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"The differences between the dark and light side of the Force are myriad - though, honestly, focuses from other artifacts is in some ways more complicated, since there's more kinds of artifact than sides of the Force."

"The dark side of the Force is what I and all Sith draw on. It is what I will be training you in. The light side is what the Jedi use, and what Starkiller uses."

"The Force surrounds, permeates, and makes up everything in existence. Its exact nature is hard to describe in the way I could describe how gravity functions, but - the basic concept that it's everywhere is enough for now. Everything the Force can be is held within every point it touches. So, you have both the light and dark side of the Force in you at once."

"The sides are... Ways the Force behaves, effectively. That's the only thing we can really prove. There's theories past that - Plagueis and I think Baniite Sith tradition in general holds that they're two distinct wills, and that the dark side pours into us when we open ourselves to it, and it directs us. That doesn't square with my own experiences, not entirely - only with a small subset of them."

"The dark side behaves violently. It surges, and it moves in sudden and immense wells of power. It tries to do everything you intend with it at once, damn the consequences. It hides itself, too, almost paradoxically - the dark side is immensely difficult to detect when it isn't bursting forth. I think this creates the effect Plagueis has noticed - that, usually, the dark side is barely noticeable, and it only reveals itself if you make yourself into an outlet for its surge. With mastery, you can direct that surge and hold onto it for longer times - which makes it feel like you're becoming a vessel for its will, constantly."

"This powers bleed over into what it's easy to get it to do. It's very easy to cloak yourself in the dark side, and it's annoyingly hard to use the dark side for any sort of reliable far viewing. It's easy to use in sudden explosive bursts - which means it's trivial to use for violence. It dislikes doing small, careful things."

"Some places and items can feel strong in the dark side consistently, though that's in truth only a small subset of things attuned to the dark side. Those are like the site of continual volcanic eruptions, making them constantly in a state of extreme turmoil. Most things attuned to the dark side are instead like a well under a thin crust, nearly undetectable until you disturb it and cause its eruption."

"The light side isn't much like that. I can't touch it, not directly, but - Starkiller's been able to describe some of what it feels like to her. She struggles to get it to do anything but small, careful things, and it's rather insistent about revealing itself and everything around it. She's annoyingly prescient because of that. And, with constant effort to hide herself - and my help cloaking her actions - she's viciously effective at slow sabotage."

"How you reach for the Force determines which side responds to your call, and the more you use one side, the more that becomes... Engraved in you, in a way. The ways most people reach for them also reinforce their basic nature."

"At least nowadays, most initially reach for the dark side through a sudden burst of overwhelming emotion, coupled to vicious whims. Anger and fear are the easiest paths for this - especially for humans and near-humans, I think - though many other emotions suffice just fine. As you gain mastery, it becomes easier to reach through pure intent, so long as your focus stays sharp and your control iron. Turbulent emotions and losing personal control make it easier for the dark side to well up within you - and are immensely dangerous for you. The dark side doesn't care if it destroys you as it vents through your body."

"The light side, on the other hand, is reached through calm focus and serenity. Starkiller's told me that the first time she felt it was while she was standing in one place and watching those around her, keeping her mind placid and letting it fill with observations. Strong emotions and sudden whims disrupt her hold on it, apparently, as does self-deceit. She's never known it to be painful or dangerous to use, though she's exceptional in many ways - a major one is that she taught herself, which very few manage."

"You can use either side in ways it isn't specialized towards, of course, though it'll likely be a struggle when you're first learning."

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"...Think the dark side's probably a better fit for me."

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"You don't seem the serene kind, no."

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"Or the patient kind."

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"More prone to sudden bursts of insight than constant observation."

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"That's a much more flattering way to put it."

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"I'd have to insult myself to say dark siders are unobservant."

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"You're definitely not that."

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"I've worked hard for my wisdom."

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"Of course."

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Hair ruffle. "Getting you to draw fully on the dark side the first time might be hard - and we'll want to not be around anything we want to keep intact at the time."

"After that... It'll be a race for control."

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"Are there any control things I can practice in advance?"

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"There's meditations I'll guide you in. Increased self awareness will help, as will self control and sharp focus even during extremes of sensation - emotions and physical sensations both work, there."

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Nod nod.

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"That's something we can start on today - and proving you can wield the dark side is something I want you to do before formalizing your apprenticeship and giving you the right to call yourself Sith."

"I'll still teach you before that, of course, but - that's one bit of tradition I'm keeping to, here."

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"Makes sense. Can't really be a Sith if I can't touch the Force."

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"It'd be very irregular." 

"We can start you on the relevant exercises once breakfast is cleaned up, though."

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Danni will start on cleanup, then.

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She watches with a small smile, then leads Danni over to one of the more spartan training rooms, reviewing what Danni's background in meditation is as they walk. 

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She's been sporadically keeping up with the basic exercises Palpatine had given before they faked her death, and done more with Mandalorian-style trancing, both before combat and during it.

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"The first time you pull on the dark side..." Hum. "The easiest will be if you have anything you've been holding yourself back from doing - any urge that's been boiling under your skin, desperate to get out. Anything you've been suppressing, or refusing to face, especially."

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"Sounds... psychologically healthy."

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"A lot of Force users are fucked up people. Possibly all of us, really."

"And that first time the dark side properly flows through you - it's exhilarating. You won't be able to stop yourself from acting once the gates are open, and I wouldn't recommend trying. You will lose control, and at that point it's better to relinquish yourself than have it torn forcefully from you."

"No matter what you're doing - no matter how horrendous or offensive to you - you'll enjoy it. No boundary or care or moral code will hold you back. Your hands will shake, and your heart will race, and the world will feel like it belongs to you. Like you're all powerful, and any thought of weakness or hindrance is a mere brief fantasy. You'll escalate with every moment until there's nowhere left to go, and then if your energy isn't already burnt out, you'll tear yourself apart with what's left."

"It's a high worse than any drug, and the crash will be hard, no matter what happened. Breaking your own moral code makes that worse - blame and withdrawal are a nasty combination. Satisfaction makes it gentler, at least mentally."

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"It's more pleasant than not, once you start getting used to it, and once you get a handle on directing when you draw on it, even if you can't yet reliably hold yourself back while it surges through you."

"That's one of the most dangerous points. The dark side isn't kind."

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"Seems like you just need to pick your environment carefully, then."

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"It isn't always that simple. The first time - if you can pick your environment carefully, that might help."

"Future times..."

"When you're at that early point, the memory of drawing on the dark side lingers with you. You'll want to pull on it, every chance you get. You'll want to grow angry. To lose control."

"That's the point I described earlier as 'a race for control.' Either you master it, or it masters you."

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"At that point you'd be my master, so I think the dark side would have some competition."

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"It'd be wasteful if you got torn apart in that competition, though."

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"Teach me well so that doesn't happen, then."

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"I will."

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She'll walk Danni through the control meditations first, then. 

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She'll do her best.

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Her best is pretty good - enough that by the time Danni's packed and they've gotten to the point Sidious is going to start her real training, Sidious is comfortable with her going ahead. 

That point is actually a ship Sidious has them transfer to at one of her hideaways, moved into orbit of one of the galaxy's thousands of smuggling holes. A large enough population, turbulent enough Plagueis - or any Jedi - will have trouble pinpointing the source of any flares in the Force, if they happen to feel it through Sidious's efforts to hide Danni. They're pretty far in the Outer Rim, too, away from Hutt space or the Republic's long arm or anywhere Plagueis has connections and interests. (That Sidious knows of, at least.)

"If you don't succeed here," she says, "We'll move somewhere it'll be easier to put you under the right stress - but that'll be harder to hide."

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"And collateral damage here isn't worth worrying about."

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"Try not to blow up the ship, but - yes."

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"Right. So."

"I need to do something emotionally resonant?"

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"Yup. Something that'll drive you to act, spontaneously and strongly."

"I'm going to bring the ship in to land - if you can't think of anything you want that way on planet, I'll start getting creative."

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And she gets them down onto the surface, somewhere more or less deserted.

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And before Sidious can get up from the pilot's chair or Danni can talk herself out of it, she plops herself down in Sidious's lap and kisses her.

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Her hands go to Danni's waist -

(And excitement wells in Danni, a thin layer under her skin, though it's not really distinguishable from normal arousal, not yet - )

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And she kisses back fiercely, biting Danni's lip, and then lifts her into the air - without using her hands, and there's now a heady rush threatening to build in Danni - Danni can't breathe, though it's a bit unclear if that's Sidious or her own mind -

Sidious pushes her roughly to the floor, pins her with the Force and straddles her. Her thighs are barely brushing against Danni's waist, and her weight isn't quite resting on Danni.

She smirks. "Is this what you want?"

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"Nnm. Yes. Yes." Danni tries to lift her head to catch Sidious again.

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"How much do you want it?"

Danni can't move, not without a lot more effort put into it. She feels like she's been tied to the floor.

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"Lots." She strains, reaching. "I want it," rrgh, "lots."

She can do this. She's got the power, she can feel it. She wants Sidious. Just need to- grab it-

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Her bonds snap like twigs before a flood - like they were the only thing holding back that flood -

Sidious meets her halfway as she surges, kissing her.

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Oh, she's not stopping there. Not by a long shot.

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She bites Danni's lips, hard and sharp - drawing a well of blood - she's definitely gripping Danni hard enough to bruise, and she's now resting far more of her weight on the girl.

She provides a little resistance whenever Danni pushes farther - fights back, but yields once Danni escalates enough through whatever pain or inconvenience -

There doesn't seem to be a limit to how far she'll yield, and she'll take over the pushing if Danni hesitates.

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Danni's not going to stop pushing. She has the power now, it's hers and nothing can stop her.

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Well, it's fortunate they have other clothes on the ship, isn't it. These ones are going to get a little destroyed.

Sidious lets Danni flip their positions once she's insisting hard enough, retaliating with a vice around Danni's throat, with her teeth in Danni's shoulder, her nails on Danni's back. 

A wind rises to batter them, an electric hum builds in the air - and Sidious throws Danni off her and across the room, pouncing even as Danni gains her feet, shoving her up against the wall. Sidious's relative height is exceptionally obvious like this, and she looms over Danni with a smirk - she's effectively topless by now, and Danni has a very good view right in front of her eyes - but before she can do anything about that excellent view, Sidious lifts her and pins her to the wall, kissing her intensely.

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Yes, that's very good- but has Sidious considered that Danni wants to be the one doing the pinning for a bit now?

She pushes them off the wall to slam against the far side of the compartment.

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She laughs and fights back just enough to be exciting.

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Then Danni will keep having things to do with all this power flowing through her.

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The room - and the hallway Sidious gets thrown down at one point, and everything in the blast radius of that - is going to get a little banged up. 

(Danni and Sidious too, but that was a given.)

Sidious isn't, however, channeling a geyser of dark side energy, and she therefore gets wrung out before Danni does, sinking into a melted puddle of bliss. She lets Danni keep going, though, egging her on - entertaining her - but her own intense drive has been satisfied thoroughly and repeatedly. 

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Danni feels like she can keep going, so she does. There's a vague feeling that she should, too, some kind of memory of Sidious saying it's better to burn through everything than crash early, but she's not really consciously thinking about that. Too occupied with their bodies and her new power and the astonishing, wonderful, delightful feelings she can coax out.

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She gets a bit hazier, a bit slower to respond, the longer Danni goes. She tries to nudge a little so she's mostly touching rather than being touched - which extends her stamina some - but she produces some very lovely noises when overstimulated and wrung out, so that might be a losing battle.

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Definitely a losing battle.

But eventually Danni will have mercy. Mostly because she collapses herself, but still.

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She pulls Danni in for cuddles once she does finally collapse.

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Mmm cuddles.

"Did I do good?" she asks.

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"You did wonderfully." Soft kiss.

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"Yay," she giggles.

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"You're beautiful," kiss, "And lovely, and that was very fun."

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"I'm glad."

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"Enjoyed yourself?"

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"Yeah. Lots."

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Kiss. "A good thing to reach for."

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Heee! Happy Danni.

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Adorable Danni.

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That too.

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"...I should make sure the ship isn't too badly damaged..."

She doesn't seem in any hurry to get up, though. 

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"Probably need to get up for that..."

The thought drifts across Danni's mind that if the ship is damaged, Sidious might have to punish her for it. She shivers pleasantly.

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She raises an eyebrow.

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"Are y'gonna punish me if I broke it too much?"

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"Depends on how much."

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"Stay here until I've evaluated it," she murmurs, pressing down on Danni's shoulder a little. 

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"Yes ma'am."

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"Good girl." And she stands.

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Danni has to stop herself from moving after Sidious.

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Knowing smirk.

She makes a little show of examining the damage to the ship, lingering over every dent, every sparking bit of electronics.

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She stops in front of the pilot's chair - the one she'd been in the first time Danni kissed her - with her hands clasped behind her back.

Then: "Rise, and come to me."

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Danni stands, nervously, and goes to Sidious, copying her formal pose a bit.

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"Kneel, and swear yourself to me as my apprentice."

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She does so.

"I swear to follow you as a teacher, to heed your instruction and not work against your goals for so long as I follow you."

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"I, Darth Sidious, swear to guide you well as my student, to support your growth in power for so long as you follow me."

"Rise, Darth Salacis, and take your place among the Sith."

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"Yes, master."

She stands slowly.

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She cups Salacis's face. "Good girl."

"Now, for matters of your punishment, Apprentice..."

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"Whatever my master deems appropriate."

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"Very good."

She isn't smirking... But there's definitely a sense that she's smirking internally. "You haven't earned torture, Apprentice." Hum, then, casually: "Not yet at least." (She's watching Salacis quite intently, behind the veneer of casual sadism.)

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Tiny twitch of disappointment.

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"There'll be plenty of torment in your future, Apprentice." She brushes a thumb over Salacis's cheek. "The anticipation will be good for you."

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"Yes, master."

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"Good girl."

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Wiggling's probably inappropriate for a Sith.

Salacis wiggles anyway.

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Her Master grins rather than punishing her, so.

Of course, then: "But for what you have earned..." Smirk. "A period of servitude, until you've paid me back for the inconvenience."

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"Doing what, master?"

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"Whatever I wish, of course."

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"Of course. But, in particular, at this moment...?"

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"Fetch me new clothes from my bunk, and the mechanic's tools from the closet by the engine room."

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Aw, clothes again. Buuut she wasn't told to get clothes for Salacis, so, partial score.

"Yes, master. Right away." Off to do that!

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She's started taking panels apart - getting ready to run diagnostics and do repairs - by the time Salacis returns. 

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Clothes and tools for Master Sidious, special delivery.

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"Thank you," she says, setting out the tools then standing to stretch and get dressed. Then, with a little glance at Salacis - "Help me do my hair, Apprentice."

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Salacis can do that!

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Braids, then, close to her skull and out of the way (and requiring a good bit of time).

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She'll try not to get in the way of Sidious fixing the ship while she works.

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Much appreciated. 

Sidious uses the Force judiciously to help, keeping up a running explanation as she does of what she's doing, how she's focusing.

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Useful information. And keeping her hands busy helps her concentrate.

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Something to keep in mind for future lessons. 

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Salacis will rebraid her hair every day if that's what it takes. Like that's going to be a hardship.

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A pity Sidious can't easily bring her into the Senate - the traditional garb for a Nabooian woman holding a high office like hers involves a lot of morning pampering.

(Sidious has loose plans to slip Danni in as a handmaiden, but, well. That took several years of work to do smoothly with Shmi, and Plagueis pays more attention to her handmaidens than she would like.)

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Salacis would need the time to get her skills really up to snuff, anyway.

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Fair enough. 

Starkiller can train her as a handmaiden, whenever Salacis is in her care.

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Sounds like a plan.

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"You'll be a wonderful handmaiden."

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"I hope to be."

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Quick kiss. "You'll bring something very valuable to the group."

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"My charming smile and delightful laugh?"

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"Your abundant energy..."

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"And irrepressible creativity."

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"And you'd benefit in turn - the other handmaidens could easily help me wear you out."

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"Well, I dunno about easily..."

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"Might take all of their contributions, but I have faith in them."

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"If they work for you, I suppose there must be some competence there."

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"They're excellent women, and absolutely all exceptionally competent." Smug glow. "And beautiful, and loyal... I've expanded my network a lot, the last six years."

Mostly through Shmi, honestly.

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"You deserve it."

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"I do. Every one of them."

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She pats the last braid into place with a giggle.

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"Thank you, Apprentice."

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"You're welcome, master."

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She pulls Salacis in for a soft kiss. 

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Can she persuade Sidious to escalate this kiss?

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Not very far, it seems. 

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Nose boop. "Not all of us are horny teenagers, Apprentice."

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"Though... You could put on a little show for me."

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"If that's what you want."

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"I do." Smirk. "Some background entertainment while I work."

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"Any particular flavor you have in mind?"

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"Something audible," she says. "I'll need to look at what I'm working on, after all."

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"As you wish, master."

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"Good girl."

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She'll just get herself ready to make some entertaining noises, then. Sexy ones.

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She observes Salacis's preparations - and with a smirk suggests she fetch a certain bag from Sidious's bunk - then sets to work on finishing her repairs. 

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A certain bag sounds promisingly helpful. And a suggestion from her master is practically an order.

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She's learning quickly. 

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So she'll retrieve the bag and then see about producing some noises.

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Sidious quite enjoys her background 'music,' lingering on the last few repairs before very slowly packing away her tools. 

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Salacis can try for an encore of a few of her better sounds.

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She turns to watch her apprentice for the finale, admiring her. 

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She'll make sure it's extra good.

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She claps once Salacis finishes, then comes over to sit by her and give her a long, lingering kiss. "You're exceptionally beautiful," she murmurs. 

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Hair pets. "And very skilled and obedient..."

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"The better to serve you, master."

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Kiss! "I'm very pleased with your service so far."

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"When do I get my first lesson in Force stuff?"

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"Once we're in hyperspace."

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"Does hyperspace hide us?"

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"It can make things extremely difficult to pinpoint, at least. But my main concern for your training being sensed was that initial burst - I'd still suggest not making a habit of following Plagueis or any Jedi around, but we should be in the clear now."

"I do want to avoid tarrying here, though."

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"Is there anything left that needs fixing up?"

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"Not with the ship, no."

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"Then we're heading out soon?"

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"Yeah." Kiss. "I'll do a last round of checks, then we'll get out of here."

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"Sounds good."

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Once last kiss, then up to go get them off this rock. 

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Yes, now that she has very thoroughly gotten off on this rock.

Salacis will clean herself up while Sidious is seeing to that.

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She sneaks a few glances with a little smile.

Then, once they jump into hyperspace: "I'll be starting you on resistance training, first. Holding back damage, keeping yourself going longer, even healing yourself..."

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"Seems like a good spot to start with. A foundation for building off of."

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"It is. And it's the easiest place to start building control."

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Nod nod. "Cool."

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"And it's a field I suspect you'll do very well in."

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"I've got motivation!"

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"And natural talent... An inclination to practice on your own..."

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"All the ingredients in a recipe for success."

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"You're forgetting the amazing teacher."

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"That one's just a given, between us."

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"Of course." Kiss. 

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She laughs. "Of course, best not to get distracted from your lessons..."

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"Oh, is it lesson time now?"

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"Well, we're in hyperspace..."

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"Good time for it, then."

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She has Salacis start meditating then, while Sidious comes to stand behind her. 

"Maintain your focus, Apprentice," she commands. 

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Well. Okay. But has Sidious considered that's harder when she's standing right there.

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"That's rather the point, Apprentice."

"Now. Eyes ahead. Do not let your focus waver. Do not let your gaze wander, nor your body move. Do not let a sound past your lips."

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Right, right. She can do this.

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Her fingers graze the back of Salacis's neck, as she starts gathering and combing her hair. 

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Nope no she's gotta focus. Focus. Meditation, that's what she's focusing on.

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She crouches behind Salacis, her breath ghosting over the back of her apprentice's neck as she combs and braids Salacis's hair up and out of the way. 

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Breaths. Yeah. Breathing. She's breathing. In, hold, out, hold, in, hold...

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Her fingers touch Salacis a really incredible amount while she's gathering up the last few stray hairs. 

And then she stands and steps away. 

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She's actually managed to gather a bit of real focus and doesn't react.

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Does she react to a sudden loud crack behind her and a line of pain across her back?

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"Focus," she warns her apprentice, voice low and intense. 

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Right, focus focus focus...

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Another crack, and another line of pain - intersecting slightly with the first. 

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She flinches less this time, keeping her breathing steady.

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The blows come heavier and faster - but just that, until her teacher is satisfied she's focusing through it. 

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She manages to keep ahead of the curve, if just barely at points.

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The blows stop - and a pressure builds around her, centered on her throat in a tight band. She can't breathe, not really, and increasingly less. 

Sidious starts moving around behind her again, probably getting things out of containers.

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-Hasn't been told to stop focusing. Will keep doing that.

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Sidious's hands return to her shoulders - and the pressure on her throat doesn't let up. Her master kneels behind her again, and then her hands withdraw - then return after a moment with something covering them, some kind of oil that feels warm and tingly and wonderful -

Until it gets into Salacis's broken skin. Then it hurts, horrifically so. 

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Eeeee focus officially broken!

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She kisses the back of her neck. 

"Regain your center, Apprentice."

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Kinda hard to do that when she can't actually breathe!!

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The vice around her neck relaxes most of the way. The hands on her back - the pleasure and pain - don't let up, though. 

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Okay, breathing, in out etcetera, she's got this.

Takes her longer to get over the hands than the hits.

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The lack of air starts back up - very slowly - right as she starts regaining her focus. 

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It's just like surfing a cresting wave. Salacis has got this. Definitely got this.

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The hands move to her front. 

Sidious's nails have gotten awfully sharp at some point, enough to make new wounds for the oil to sink into. 

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In terms of the wave metaphor, she's slipped off the surfboard and is now doggypaddling desperately to keep her head above water.

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She backs off only a little. 

But, at this point... Seems possible she's just drawing out the drowning process. 

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Salacis will do her best to cling to life.

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Her master appreciates every moment - and is there to catch her when she finally slips under. 

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Oh good, because she's falling.

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She pulls her lovely apprentice into her, kissing her - saying, "You did so well, lovely."

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"Thank you, master."

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"We'll keep working on your focus even more, apprentice." Kiss. "I'm sure you'll appreciate that."

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"If the next lessons are like this, I definitely will."

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"Oh, they'll vary some, here and there..."

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"Can't let things get stale," she giggles.

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"Have to constantly push your limits up."

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"Make sure I don't get too used to anything."

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"Offer new challenges at every turn."

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"Looking forward to it."

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"Good." Kiss. "Now, for strategies to do better next time..."

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Nod nod.

Salacis listens attentively, and even has a few suggestions of her own.

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Good. Sidious wants her to be deeply involved in improving herself - she'll have to do a lot of this on her own, sooner or later. 

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Yep. Not too soon, though.

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"...Sooner than I'd like, for short stretches at least."

"My handmaidens can cover for my absence some, but not infinitely, and it's not yet time for you to join me on Coruscant or Naboo."

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"It won't be forever, though."

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"No. It won't."

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"So we'll make the most of it."

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Kiss. "Sounds like a wonderful plan."

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"All my plans are wonderful."

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Nose boop. "Don't get too arrogant, Apprentice."

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Heee. "Now that's a challenge."

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"Well, so long as you ensure your abilities keep up with your claims..."

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"I'll rely on you to ground me from time to time."

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"Give you reality checks."

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Little hug.

Then: "We're going to be liaising with Starkiller soon - not immediately, we'll have time for a few more lessons, but I need her updates on assorted projects. It'll be a good time to get you read in on the initial handful of those you'll be participating in, too."

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"I'm looking forward to being helpful."

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"Good." Hair pets.

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Yay hair pets! A just reward for a lesson well learned.

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Very much so.

(Her apprentice: extremely easy to motivate. This teaching thing's easier than she'd feared it might be.)

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She's always been a helpful child.

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"You were a really good kid, yeah." Hair ruffle. "Even when I was being a disaster at raising you."

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"I don't think you did too badly."

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"Thanks." Hug.

"I wish - I'd been able to do it longer, though. You were really good for me."

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"Yeah, but your hand was forced. And now I'm back, so."

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"And still very good for me, it seems."

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"It does seem!"

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Kiss. "You're excellent like that."

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She brushes a stray bit of hair behind Salacis's ear with a fond look. Then: "Let's take a break to eat, then I'll get you set up with your readings for today."

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"Sounds good to me."

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To that, then.

Sidious keeps Salacis busy one way or another, the rest of their journey. She does push endurance a lot, in terms of Force powers, but starts teaching Salacis to hide herself in the Force, too.

They reach the liaison point after not much longer, though - one of the smaller safe houses Starkiller mostly uses, in a decently sized city.

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Salacis is excited to see her again. It's been a while.

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Starkiller's in the safe house when they arrive, and she smiles when she lets them in.

"Congrats," she tells Salacis. Then: "Enjoying your apprenticeship?"

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"So far!"

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She raises an eyebrow and glances between Salacis and Sidious. Still, she doesn't immediately say what she's thinking there.

"Have you taken a new name?"

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"Darth Salacis."

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"A good name."

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"Yeah. I like it. Not quite as metal as 'Starkiller', though."

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"My normal name is very unassuming. So it's good to mix things up."

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"Guess so. But I don't think Danni's much better."

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"Danni's a cute name," Sidious says. "Starkiller's more everyday name is Shmi, which - yeah, unassuming."

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"Huh. That is a lot more notice-me-not."

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"She's sneaky like that - she almost fooled me with how well she was hiding herself when we met."

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"Like that's hard?"

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"No mocking me in front of my apprentice."

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"Yes, please leave my illusions of her superior perfection intact for at least another week."

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"I'll make a note of it on my calendar."

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"But after that definitely feel free to break out all the embarrassing stories."

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"Oh, I will."

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Long-suffering sigh.

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She snorts, then. "You're both brats."

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"You say that like it's a bad thing."

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"It has its pleasures."

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She grins like someone who knows exactly what pleasures are to be had.

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"Perhaps when the week long honeymoon period is up, I can share more than just the embarrassing stories," she teases Salacis. 

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"That sounds like a treat."

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"It will be."

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"Luckily, we'll probably be able to see each other in a week, too..."

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"Like it was planned on purpose."

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"Might have been."

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"Wouldn't put it past the two of you."

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"You're the one who proposed a week long honeymoon period."

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Sage nod.

"Subtle manipulators indeed."

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"Sidious must have you wrapped around her fingers then."

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"Well, now that you mention it..."

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She laughs. "And what skilled fingers they are."

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Happy sigh. "Very..."

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"Comes with being a puppet master, I suspect."

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Salacis dissolves into giggles.

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Sidious loses the fight not to giggle soon after. "Introducing you two was either the best or worst idea possible."

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"Maybe both, at the same time."

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"Best for some things, worst for others?"

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"Yeah, like that."

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"Definitely seems worst for my dignity."

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"I'm sure that's recoverable. Eventually."

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"Well, so long as you're bowing to me..."

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Soft kiss. 

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Being a Sith apprentice: very good.

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She touches Salacis's cheek gently, expression suddenly pensive. 

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"What is it?"

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"...I'm - very glad this is. Something good for you."

She hadn't expected that, not really. 

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"So'm I."

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Soft kiss.

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She smiles a little.

"Let's get you settled in - and then if you're good, we can go explore the city a little."

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"Sounds good to me."

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Quick kiss. 

Fortunately, they've been traveling light, so settling in doesn't take long. 

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She's learned to live without as much stuff over the past few years. Just enough sentimental items to line a shelf, that fit easily in a bag.

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Then they can head out sooner rather than later. 

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To the city! It's been a while since she's been to a city.

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It's a big one, too. Easy to disappear into, buzzing with life. 

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Ooh, crowds. Lots of people to watch.

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They can find somewhere to lurk and watch, then. 

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Look at them all. All these nobodies, just going about their lives, living their own stories... None of them are ever gonna be as important as her.

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None at all. 

But that's why they exist. To be the important ones, the ones who determine the course of the future - who lead the masses out of their squalor.

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Well put.

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"It'll take work to get that high, of course."

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"Everything takes work. I'm used to it at this point."

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"Good. You'll go far, then."

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"I know I will."

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Lovely girl. 

She starts quietly coaching Salacis on hiding herself, on perceiving the flow of attention of those in the crowd and slipping under it. Of making herself seem unexceptional. 

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Practical and fun.

Not exactly the same as slipping through a forest, but- she can see some similarities.

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Her master can elaborate on the differences, too - it's something she's good at, and the only Force trick she started doing entirely without training. 

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Maybe Salacis can pick it up quickly too.

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She's not a very subtle or hard to miss person... But she's talented. Sidious is sure it will balance out.

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That is definitely how it works.

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She might just have to practice a bit more. 

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And she's never shied away from practicing more. Times from before they faked Danni's death don't count.

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She won't mention them. 

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She's a different, much better, sexier person now.

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"You were pretty awesome as a kid, too," she teases. "Though I'll give you 'sexier.'"

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"I'd hope so."

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"You're about the same amount of cute, though."

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"Only that?"

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"Only improvement gets praise."

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"You'll have to work on your cuteness, then."

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"I'll put it on the list."

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"Enough to keep you busy?"

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"For a while, anyway."

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"I'll be sure to keep you entertained, then."

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"Thank you, master."

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Grin. "It's one of my responsibilities, as your teacher, to keep you stimulated."

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"You're very stimulating," she says, wiggling.

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"Sadly... Stimulating you in public is a bit illegal here."

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"Sounds like a good opportunity to practice that hiding technique."

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"An excellent idea, Apprentice."

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"Find us a suitable location," she murmurs. 

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"As you wish, master."

Let's see... not super obvious, but not completely hidden either... Salacis relaxes into a half-meditative state and lets the Force guide her steps.

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Well, there's a small park over there. 'Bench only mostly hidden by bushes' is a classic. There's also some alleyways, and that balcony over there looks like the apartment it's attached to is uninhabited.

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Salacis thinks the bench is the best option.

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Sidious quite agrees. Clean, pretty, only sometimes observed - but sometimes in full view of someone who might catch them - and perfect for spreading her apprentice out on. 

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"Now, this will get harder if you're loud..." She murmurs to her apprentice. 

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"It usually does."

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"You have experience hiding this sort of activity, then?"

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"Kayra has ears like a hawkbat. Also hidden microphones, I'm pretty sure."

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She laughs. "I wouldn't be surprised."

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"I'll try to stay quiet, master."

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"Good girl."

She'll challenge that, of course. 

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Salacis is up to it.

She manages to keep the stealth up while there are people nearby, at least.

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A good first step. 

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Clearly they'll have to have more practice sessions.

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A great burden. But they'll manage, somehow. 

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They're tough like that.


Salacis would suggest Sidious could delegate the lesson to Starkiller while she's away but Starkiller is kind of intimidating, actually.

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She gets distracted from kissing her apprentice by wild giggles. 

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Noooo they're supposed to be hiding!!

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Sorry, sorry. (She tamps down the giggles.)

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Much appreciated.

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"Shmi isn't that scary. Practically a tooka-cat, really."

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"I'll take your word for it."

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"You'll get to know her better, too. She'll feel less intimidating then."

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"As long as she doesn't take offense to my answers to her philosophical questions and decide to eat my liver."

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Muffled giggles. 

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"I feel like you're laughing at me."

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"Why do you think that?"

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She smack Sidious on the shoulder. "Stoppit."

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Nuzzle. "Okay."

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Cuddle. "Want to practice some more?"

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Now, this is going to last longest if Salacis is very still...

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Oh, a challenge. She will try her best.

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Good girl. 

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The goodest.

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The absolute best apprentice in the galaxy. 

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Definitely the most talented at Force stealth.

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Now, technically, Sidious is an apprentice too right now... Salacis has a ways to go before she surpasses her master.

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Eeehhh, do they really have to count that...?

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Well, if they're going by 'best in the galaxy'... And 'best of Sidious's apprentices' wouldn't be sufficiently challenging. 

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"I have faith in you, lovely."

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"I won't let you down, master."

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Soft kiss.

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Back to practice?

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Sure, for a time. 

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She makes it so. 

They have to do other things eventually, of course - but today's been very productive. 

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And pleasurable.

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An excellent combination. 

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Best way to teach.

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Perfect for Salacis's sensibilities. Sidious is very clever to have hit upon it.

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She's the best master, clearly. 

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A self-evident statement. Derivable from first principles.

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Pat pat.

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"Ready to head back to the apartment?"

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Back there, then. 

Palpatine doesn't need to leave too often over the next week - but she does often have a small mountain of work. Even with the Senate not in session, there's proposals to review and draft, data summaries to read and then follow up on, reports from her handmaidens, messages from other representatives or from Naboo... Appearances to plan, political meetings to schedule, diplomatic or public outreach activities to coordinate...

(Sith-oriented activities, too, and there's a decent but not total overlap. Lots of her senatorial work advances the 'great plan' at best incidentally.)

Salacis is going to get left to her own devices a lot, even with Palpatine giving her readings (on a massive range of topics, not just modern politics - history features pretty heavily) or handing her assignments to do to ease the workload.

(There's a pretty stark difference in behavior between her Darth Sidious mask and her Palpatine mask - and she calls them that, almost idly. Roles she's inhabiting, not someone she is.)

(She does take time each day to teach her apprentice directly Force-related skills, too, and to spend more casual time with her - but it seems most of the purpose of this stop was actually that Palpatine needed to do paperwork, and she figured Salacis could complete some of the quieter lessons in the meantime.)

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It's still more attention than she's gotten for the past couple years from her, so, score.

But if both Palpatine and Sidious are masks- who is she actually?

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...She doesn't actually know how to answer that. 

Or what sort of answer Salacis is looking for, really. 

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Salacis doesn't know what sort of answer she's looking for either, really. It just seems... Everyone's gotta be someone. The Force is a really long lever but if you don't have a solid place to stand you'll get moved just as much.

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She thinks...


Plagueis thinks she should let the Force move her. Naboo thinks she should let 'political reality' move her, or that she should let tradition move her, or public opinion...

It's difficult to consciously define a center when you can't risk others knowing there's something under the mask. When those others are aware you have some masks, but are mistaken about which ones are true. When they're older and more powerful and more experienced and more dangerous than you.

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"Just- don't get lost, okay?"

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"...I don't know what'd that'd look like, either..."

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"Me neither." Hug?

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"...Whoever I am at my center - I care about you. That's something that's beyond and outside of any of my ambitions, or the bonds placed on me."

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"I care about you too."

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Bright grin! 

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"Make sure to hold on to that."

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"I will," she says. "Even if I forget everything else."

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"Then we'll always find each other, even if we get lost."

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"We will, yeah. I'll turn towards you."

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Soft kiss.

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Hm yes good.

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Hair pets.

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Hair pets!!

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Snuggling while working sounds like a great way to pass the time. 

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Definitely. Super efficient, very motivational.

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And, a week after their arrival on planet - 

Shmi pulls Salacis aside, while her master's elsewhere. 

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"What is it?"

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"You said a week ago to give you a week of your honeymoon period before I started bursting your conviction that your master's perfect," she says, voice somewhere between 'lightly teasing' and 'serious.'

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"Does that mean it's time for stories?"

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"Kay. What have you got?"

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"You want sexy, embarrassing, or concerning first?"

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"Hmm... doing them in that order sounds good, actually."

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She giggles.

Well, then... Stories about Palpatine's handmaidens seem likely to do multiple duties - plenty of opportunities for mentioning sexy shenanigans, give Salacis an idea of who she'll be working with eventually, give her ideas on what Palpatine likes...

(Shmi recruited many of Palpatine's current handmaidens, out of a wider base than most high ranked women of Naboo draw from - Palpatine's favored very traditional clothing for her handmaidens and her senatorial persona, including very elaborate masks, so that plus Palpatine's insistence on only recruiting women with no known family or ties of loyalty whose identities from before swearing themselves to her are sealed (also very traditional) has given Shmi an opportunity to pull on more diverse backgrounds than 'Nabooian noble human women of Palpatine's approximate height.' Shmi's clearly fond of all of the women, and also is apparently one of Palpatine's handmaidens herself - and they all get up to quite a bit behind closed doors. (Which is also only traditional, of course.))

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An entire harem! Vast new vistas are opening right before Danni's eyes.

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A harem she'll be joining, sooner or later.

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What wondrous possibilities.

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Of course, they'll have their own lessons to give...

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How exciting.

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She giggles.

And that segues very nicely into some of the more embarrassing stories - it really takes a while for Palpatine to relax enough around anyone to be genuinely embarrassing...

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She can be kinda uptight, yeah.

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"...That's part of what I wanted to talk about, actually, with - concerning stories."

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"Hm. Okay..."

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Then: "Your master is fundamentally fucked up as a person, in a lot of ways. It's not just that she's 'kinda uptight.'"

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She runs a hand through her hair, looking more - perturbed, than Danni's usually seen her.

"While you were doing that week long wilderness graduation thing - she had some senatorial work, and she pulled me aside during part of that. I'm more thoroughly read into the Sith stuff than the other handmaidens, so - she was going through me for this."

"So... It's normal among the Baniite Sith for apprentices to kill their masters sooner or later, if they don't die trying first. She wanted to make sure that I - and anyone whose actions I can influence - wouldn't retaliate against you if at some unspecified point in the future you killed her. She was anxious - that really didn't need to be brought up even before you started lessons - but... Also pretty firmly convinced that she'd somehow eventually cause you to hate her or just see her death as convenient."

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"I don't want to do that. Or- want to want to do that."

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"I - thought you wouldn't."

"But... I actually agree with her that she's really bad at stopping herself from seriously harming people, even those she cares about. And..."

"She's never outright said this, but - I think she doesn't care all that much about her own survival, so long as her goals are achieved, and I think..."

"She doesn't want a galaxy where she starts harming you and then never stops."

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"We'll cut it off before she gets there, then."

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Smile. "It'll be a hard, long work."

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"But worth the effort."

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"That as well."

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"You'll help, right?"

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"I will, as much as I can."

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She smiles back. "I'm glad she has you."

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"So'm I."

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Hum, then: "It might help a bit if you can get her to talk to you about her relationship with her own master... There's some things I've guessed, but - not a lot I'm sure on, and I think it'd be helpful for her to face her own thoughts, there."

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"Thanks for being - mature about this."

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"Whining about the world won't fix it or change it."

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"No. It won't."

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"So we just gotta move forward with what we can do."

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"And improve our capabilities as we go."

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"We'll get through it."

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"Thanks. For telling me."

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"You're welcome."

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...Does Shmi want a hug?

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Surprisingly nice hugs for such a scary lady.

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She's a very talented hugger.

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Maybe even one of the greats.

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Absolutely one of the greats, though she understands if Danni hasn't done any broad surveys yet. 

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Yeah Kayra wasn't much for it and she didn't, uh, see many other people during those years. And before that she was a baby.

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They'll have to find opportunities to broaden her horizons, then.

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Joining the harem seems like a good start.

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A great way to meet very many excellent huggers.

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Oh good.

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"Palpatine still needs some training in giving hugs, though."

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"I can help with that."

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"Teach her as she teaches you."

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"Something you'll do very well at."

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"Initial tests have been promising."

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"So I've heard."

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Giggle. "Has Sidious been gossiping?"

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"She's let a few things slip."

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"I'm just too great to keep quiet about, I guess."

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"A walking information security hazard."

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"It's okay, anyone who learns about me will succumb to my charms as well."

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"An info hazard as well, then."

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"But in the good way."

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"A way helpful to us, at least."

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"Same thing."

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She laughs. "True enough."

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Smug grin.

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"You're very cute, you know."

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"I do know!"

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She laughs. 

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"Have you asked your master yet if you're allowed to kiss others?"

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"Perhaps you should, at some point."

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"Oooor I could ask forgiveness instead of permission."

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"I'm not sure she'd be very impressed with that."

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"Maybe not."

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"...I would suggest actually talking it out. Communicating with her is going to be important."

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"You're a good kid, but - don't start hiding stuff from her over something like this."

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Head pat.

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Not unreasonable substitute.

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She giggles. 

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Awkwardness crisis: averted.

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A better outcome all around.

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Does Danni want more stories?

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Stories would be good.

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She'll mix things up a bit, going forward. Keep Danni on her toes.

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Sounds like good practice.

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Hopefully so.

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Shmi has a few more stories - though eventually Salacis is going to need to return to her master's side.

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As soon as she gets back.

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Which she does, after the evening has slid into night.

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Here's an apprentice for her!


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"Hey. Did you and Shmi get along alright?"

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"Yeah. She told me stories."

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"Still think she's intimidating?"

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"Yeah. But maybe not in a scary way?"

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"More in a way that uh. Kinda reminds me of you."

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She smirks.

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"Uh, somewhat related to that. Um. What are your feelings about me kissing other people?"

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She hums, giving it some thought. "Positive," she says after a few moments.

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"Oh good."

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Smile. "Just be cautious, alright?"

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"I will."

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"Good." Kiss!

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Excellent girl.

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"Shmi told me stories about your harem," she says.

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She grins. "You mean my handmaidens?"

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"Isn't that what I said?"

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She laughs. "They serve very many roles."

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"That's what it sounded like."

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"Eager to join, then?"

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"We can make that a priority."

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"It's a good priority."

Hmm she wants to bring the other thing up but it doesn't seem like a good time...

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Her master nods.

"Speaking of... I'll be going back to Coruscant soon - it's not safe for you to join me yet, but we'll be focusing more intensely on your training until then."

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"...I wanted to ask about your early training."

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"...What about it."

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"What it. What it was like. To help you do it different, this time."

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"Just - the events, or - ?"

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She chews her bottom lip. "I think the whole picture is probably gonna be important."

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She thinks for a few moments, then - "I met Plagueis when I was about your age. I didn't know who he truly was yet, and I wouldn't for some time. He presented himself as his - everyday identity, Hego Damask. The banking clans were interested in seeing Naboo opened to galactic trade more, so he was putting his support behind Tapalo. My family was supporting Tapalo's opponent."

"I was angry at my father and I supported Tapalo, so I leaked some embarrassing information, which caused a pretty big shift in public opinion towards Tapalo. I thought I'd covered my tracks, but - Damask Holdings found me out, and Magister Damask approached me. I was busy with classes, but - he convinced me to set aside everything I was working on and give him a tour of Theed. He spoke to me at length - flattered me a bit, gave me a gift - "

She shrugs. "And he convinced me he didn't want anything - that I didn't know about. He asked me to spy for Damask Holdings on my father and the campaign, and convinced me doing so was in Naboo's best interests. I agreed. And we continued meeting even outside of - business like that. Just - casually. We spoke about - everything except the truth about him. He got me to trust him, and nudged me into confiding in him - convinced me he understood me."

"I... Didn't have any kind of direct political ambitions at the time; I had opinions on government, but so do street sweepers, and I would've been content to put someone competent in charge. I'd found the Youth Legislature boring, and that it took up time I could've spent on furthering my studies. He encouraged me to go into politics, to - see myself as the 'someone competent.' He nudged me a lot - influenced what I studied, how I was spending my free time. I knew he was doing it, and that he was manipulating me, but - he'd convinced me I was getting something out of it, too. That because I could see some of the manipulation, I could see all of it, and therefore he was being honest and I could - rely on him, in a way I couldn't rely on my family. I benefited from our arrangement, too - in material gifts, in favors, in attention... So it seemed - all reasonable. And I wasn't used to that much positive attention focused on me - even your father tended to be... Busy when he was with me."

"My father, of course, objected to me developing a friendship with an alien. With someone who supported his political opponents, who made him feel as small and worthless as he actually was. He tried to separate us, and - Magister Damask provoked him until he pulled me out of my school with the intent of sending me to some family friends on a remote colony. My father had guards force me onto a ship with him, and took off, not letting me - have any say."

"Magister Damask had been - stoking my anger even as he stoked my ambition. He'd been nudging me into seeing my family as a chain, one that would last for an eternity if I didn't cast it off. I was a young idiot, and I - believed that. That some minor setback during my adolescence would trap me forever. That I didn't have any other options than reaching for my freedom in a violent burst."

"I reached for the dark side properly for the first time in my life. I killed my parents, and my siblings, and all their guards - everyone on the ship - and then as the rush faded I called Magister Damask. I was - panicked, and also angry, and something in me felt - both nauseous and exhilarated. I knew he'd manipulated me towards that point. He denied it, said it was all my doing - then switched, that he'd acted to bring out my potential - "

"He does that a lot. The - subtly switching what he's saying, even in the middle of a conversation. It's disorienting even when I'm on the lookout for it."

"He told me what to do to hide the crime, and then while I was still in the aftermath, he revealed the existence of the Sith to me, that what I had drawn on was the dark side, and then he had me swear myself to him. He didn't swear anything to me in turn."

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...Danni think Palpatine needs a hug about this.

So she gives her one.

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...She's a bit confused about the hug but accepts it.

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"I think you're already doing better than Plagueis, in a lot of ways. When my father had to die, you didn't manipulate me into doing it, you told me what was going to happen and then kept me safe. And before that you were genuinely taking care of me as a kid, not just- bribing your way into my favor. And... you're teaching me now because it's what I need, not what you need."

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"...I think - Plagueis has convinced himself, especially since taking me on as his apprentice, that - he cares about me, and he's acting for my own good. That he's making me stronger."

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"Yeah, but what do you think? Do you agree with him?"

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"...I - usually disagree with him when I'm away from him. I think he - genuinely believes that, and cares for me in - some fucked up way - but I think even if he's made me stronger, he hasn't done it well."

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"But I don't feel that way about you."

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Slow nod.

"...I don't want you to be held back."

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"If I start feeling like that, I'll tell you."

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Soft smile. "Thank you."

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And then her smile fades.

"...What I told you was - not sufficient to make me even dislike him, let alone want him dead. Even my early apprenticeship was - tough, but not - bad in every way."

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"How did it get worse?"

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"In - how he broke me down, so I could - let go of my ego, and become a vessel for the dark side. So I could shatter and be rebuilt stronger."

"I mentioned after your graduation that my own master left me in a blizzard, naked, and taunted me - that honestly wasn't even the most arduous thing he's put me through. But... Many of the challenges I've faced have taught me, haven't been something I've resented."

"But that was the first thing he did in my training. It felt like a betrayal at the time."

"I hated him in that moment, but... Even my resentment over that didn't last very long - "

"There was... A stream of small things like that. Indignities were the things I resented the most. Being sent to do things below my skills and station, or being forced to be polite to people who don't deserve my attention, or to tolerate insult, or just... Being humiliated. He demands I obey and submit to him, even in - inconsequential matters - even though I wouldn't mind that if he felt - more like he knows what he's doing. And he'll refuse to give me what I need to advance or keep myself safe, or just... Keep me in the dark on his plans, never explain himself sufficiently. Also - he'll destroy or remove things I care about, in myself or in the world around me. There've been - challenges to my moral code, too, a steady eroding of my boundaries on things I wouldn't do, but I didn't mind that."

"...Until he told me to kill you. That was - the thing that convinced me to actively seek his death, not just to wait for an opportunity."

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Definitely needs another hug.

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(...Danni hugs are nice, still.)

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(If they're ever not, that's a sure sign of a problem.)

"I'll be sure to tell you if I feel like you're wasting my potential. Or if you're trying to break me just to break me."

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"Thank you."

Tighter hug. 

"Sometimes I... Don't know any ways to interact with people other than - the ways I've been taught."

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"It's not too late to learn new ones."

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"I suppose I'm not quite that old yet."

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"Not as long as I'm here to keep you flexible."

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She giggles. "You're very good at that."

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Cute girl. (Kiss.)

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"...Did you - hear what you needed?"

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"Mm. I think so."

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"I can go into more detail, including on specific instances, if it ever seems like it'd help..."

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"I'll let you know."

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"Thank you."

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"I'm really glad you're my teacher."

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"Good, because I'm really glad you're my student."

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She cups her apprentice's face. "We'll pull through, together." Then, with a smirk: "And I'll make your apprenticeship the fun kind of memorable."

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Salacis wiggles excitedly.

"You're doing good with that so far."

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"We'll see what else I come up with, then..."