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don't mention it
our own scholomance, with blackjack and hookers
Permalink Mark Unread

Peter told Edmund when he first came to the Scholomance that, if Scorpius Lake saved his life, the polite thing to do was not to mention it.

It's been a year and a half. Edmund's life has been saved by Scorpius Lake three times, and every time, he's thanked him politely but not effusively.

Scorpius Lake is not going to save Edmund's life tonight.

Edmund is so tired of this place. He's met everyone and he doesn't know anyone. He misses the sun, the sky, real fresh air. He misses people who aren't clawing for their lives, desperate for the crumbs that he can give them to help them survive. He misses his siblings, who he could talk to at any time but who he hasn't talked to in three months because every time he considers it the voice-that-isn't-a-voice in his head asks if he wants to distract them from what's actually important with his bullshit.

Every night for the past three nights, Edmund has woken from his sleep. He has sat up, robotically, in his bed, and swung his legs out. He has slowly - painfully slowly - walked towards the door.

Every night, he has given up and gone back to sleep.

Tonight, his fingers wrap around the doorknob and he turns it and he steps outside and - as the flapping of wings and the chittering of mandibles grows louder - he feels...


His eyes close.

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Eyes closed are not sufficient to block the flash of light, and although maybe whatever was coming for him would in fact have been the type of thing that could have emitted said flash of light just before killing and eating him, he finds himself remarkably uneaten after the flash is gone.

Then he finds himself forcefully grabbed, dragged back in the direction of his own room, and shoved inside somewhat unceremoniously.

"What the fuck," are Scorpius Lake's first words to him after having saved his life for the fourth time.

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Edmund opens his eyes, blinking away spots. Stares at his savior.


"...you patrol at night?" he asks, stupidly.

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Scorpius turns around, then, now that he has confirmed that Edmund is in fact still possessed of (some of) his wits and has not in fact been literally possessed by anyone or anything else, and shuts the door after casting a couple of spells under his breath. Then he turns back to look at the sophomore.

"Sometimes. When I'm bored. Or can't sleep. I really don't need that much sleep. Your turn to answer."

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He is absolutely unequipped to answer this question. He sits heavily on the floor. "I'm sorry."

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Scorpius runs a hand through his lack of hair and slides onto the floor, more slowly, dropping into a cross-legged seat. "...Edmund, right. Peter and Susan's little brother. Creative writing track."

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He flinches at their names. "...yeah. Creative writing."


"Peter... told me not to thank you when you save my life. He's usually right. So. Sorry."

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A little strangled giggle escapes Scorpius's throat before he rubs that same hand against his face. "He gave me a gift the first time I got something out of his way. And the second. It was vexing." He lowers his hand and looks at Edmund again. "I'm just... trying to think if I should have anticipated this. Usually kids with family here don't... don't. It really does suck in here, doesn't it."

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"It's... very, yeah, not my favorite place in the world. Or out of it."

He doesn't engage with the implicit question. Maybe most kids with family here don't; he did.

"Creative Writing is nice. Just kind of wish I was taking it at Eton or someplace."

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Scorpius runs a hand against his scalp, again. A nervous tic, maybe. "I don't, don't really know how to do this. There's not much point? It's usually more obvious than, than this was, so usually I..." Let them, he doesn't say. "The part of me that was raised by my mother wants to apologize to you but every other part of me wants—" He shakes his head. "Something else."

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"...apologize for saving my life, you mean."

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A corner of his lips twitches. "Yes, I do mean."

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"Well. I... accept your apology... but I think that the rest of you is probably on the right track. I guess it probably wants to pick me up and shake me until all the idiot comes out."

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He giggles again, a little bit less strangled this time. "Almost word-for-word what I was thinking."

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"Would that it were so easy. I've tried half a dozen times to just... forget about it. My affinity's great for utility, but it can't quite manage that."

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"Should I assume your affinity is not water-weaving, then?"

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"Ha. I bet it looks that way, doesn't it? No, I do memory. Write, rewrite, erase. It's saved my life more times than you have, I think."

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He raises both of his eyebrows. "Was there anything specific you wanted to forget?"

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"I was a linguistically inclined child. By the time my parents caught on I had scraps of Spanish, Italian, Japanese... Dad traumatized me out of languages, but my seat was in serious jeopardy until I got my first mana spurt and ripped them out by, heh, the roots."

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"Is my name an infohazard, then?"

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"I've got Latin and Greek. You've got to have something, even for creative."

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He grins for a second but then gets more serious again. "I feel intensely selfish asking this, but... Are you going to try again? Should I just... get out of your way?"

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"This is the first real conversation I've had in three months."

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Scorpius chokes on his spit and has to spend a few seconds recovering his breath. "Three months? You—how about your enclave, your siblings?"

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"My enclave - Nigel's the only one who gives a shit and he doesn't really, even, he gives a shit about me because he knows without me he'd have no one, and Ella and Adrian are a clave within the clave. And. I can't talk to Peter. It's almost the end of term. And he'd, he'd drop what he's doing in a second, he'd let a sword cool brittle if I walked into shop, he'd kill himself to get me out of this funk. I can't talk to Peter. And Susan - Susan's lucky, she's got a million allies, but I know she's working herself to the bone keeping them together because she's Susan and she'd never let herself let go of one. And - it's all more important than me. And if I tried to talk to anyone else it'd be - politics or charity - not real."

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"Do you think they would agree that it's all more important than you?"

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"People's lives are on the line every day here. Me not - not getting enough enrichment - doesn't rate."

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"...I have no idea how to explain how wrong you are, but perhaps more to the point is the fact that 'lack of enrichment' was what put your own life on the line, here," he says, air quoting the expression.

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"Dammit, Edmund Five Minutes Ago."

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Scorpius laughs then starts to say something but immediately jumps to his feet and casts a wordless hum of an incantation to blast the ooze that had just started to leak through the gap between the door and the floor.

"Fucking hell I thought my spell was going to hold for longer than that," he says, and almost as if to punctuate his statement a dome of energy around the two of them buzzes into visibility as a moonflapper drops onto it from above. It starts pecking at the energy barrier and he says something in French that causes a beam of electricity to shoot from his eyes at the creature, overloading its metal carcass and frying it from the inside.

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Edmund squeaks involuntarily, then hops to his feet. "Come on, go, get back to your deranged night patrol - I'll be fine, go -"

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The junior shoots two beams of hyperconcentrated heat at two more maleficaria before they can even hit the dome of energy surrounding them and laughs in a somewhat manic way when he processes Edmund's suggestion.

"I do not think you realise—" There's a loud thump from the door as something slams bodily against it. "Do you even have a good enough shield spell to hold the fort while I try to leave through the hordes amassing outside?" Scorpius asks lightly and, "Glacial," he cries in a French accent, freezing another ooze-like creature that had just jumped from a hiding spot in a shelf up above to try to glomp them. The mals that come from above all seem to slide sort of lamely off the barrier spell like its surface is coated in some slippery substance, and after this fourth one drops onto the floor something punches through Edmund's drain to grab its frozen corpse to eat it. "I'm afraid you're stuck with my charming presence for the night."

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Edmund looks - almost relieved.

"Um. I can shield, but I probably can't shield well enough to hold off an army, you're right. Should I even be participating in this siege - I know you're kind of a demigod, here -"

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"You should not!" he says brightly, sending three targeted fireballs at more stuff dropping from the vent and then one jolt of energy down the drain. "Your job for tonight will be to sit there looking pretty and if you want to call me nice names like 'demigod' you should save it for when you actually want to flirt with me." He whirls around and sends a jet of semi-solid energy in a straight horizontal line along the bottom of the door where a strange purple smoke had started coming from. Said smoke is immediately absorbed by the semi-solid blob of energy and crystallizes it into a thin layer of glassy material on the floor.

Also he's glowing now. That's a thing that's happening. Faintly, mostly concentrated around the eyes, but getting more noticeable the more mals he kills.

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"- you're gaining mana from this?"

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"Sure am!" Blast. "Another way in which the universe wants to incentivize me to kill as many mals as I possibly can." Blast blast the door shakes but doesn't quite get loose from its hinges—yet. "Whatever's on the other side is getting impatient, huh? That's going to be a fun one."

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"Maybe it's an argonet. Are argonets also fun."

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"Ooh haven't found a big one of those in a while, that would be fun!"

Depending on how Edmund feels about demigods, the way Scorpius seems to also be growing increasingly manic may or may not affect that description. At one point he steps outside the energy dome, lays a hand flat on it, and burns, the entire shield surrounded by fire for two solid seconds. When he steps back inside he says, "Gaseous little assholes were trying to get into your fabrics." The fabrics themselves, clothes and bedding, only got lightly singed.

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"Oh. Well, thank you for the fire."

Edmund seems content to watch in starry-eyed awe for quite some time. He does start shifting uncomfortably after a while.

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This is gonna be all night, probably; the Scholomance really, really frowns upon students rooming together. It fucks with the incentives, if it lets people just sleep in shifts. The kids who are too socially incompetent would become even bigger targets, for one, since the others would be bunking in threes and fours, sleeping in shifts and covering each other, and that's not to mention seniors who would want to room with freshmen so they don't have to graduate at the right time.

These types of reasons are why, whenever two or more students decide to spend the night together, the school makes sure to send every monster and creep their way. And the way that deters students, of course, is that they don't survive. You can try it, once, and then you will get overwhelmed and eaten alive or worse, mal after mal led directly to your door, wards weakened on purpose by the school itself. The tales of past students who tried it are usually enough to scare most people off the idea, but every year some stupid soul decides to try it anyway, and the screams echoing down the hall in the night tend to do the rest of the job of scaring every other student straight.

Well, unless Scorpius Lake is one of the students in question, of course. Then he is going to tell you to sit tight and shut up and stay awake all night fighting mals for you and he'll even survive, the bastard, and so will you.

Eventually Edmund's door is blasted off its hinges, but Scorpius seems to have almost presciently expected it, at least given the way he erects another, more solid shield half a second before it happens. The door splits in two on hitting the shield, and as the spell winks out Edmund gets a nice view of a kvenlik, its numerous clawed arms ready to tear its victims apart. But of course what happens instead is that Scorpius steps out of the dome shield, unsheathes a short metal rod that had been hiding under his shirt, and when he shakes it it extends out a blade of pure energy, which he then proceeds to use to dismember the mal. And for a mercy, this gives them a minute or two of reprieve as the other, less dangerous mals drop onto the kvenlik's corpse (all dismembered pieces of it) to eat it right there or drag it away.

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"I should really be internalizing some of this for Maleficaria Studies. Kvenlik: handle with lightsaber."

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Scorpius coughs out a snort and says, "I wouldn't, if I were you. I'm sure there is a proper way to kill those that isn't just dismemberment, but dismemberment works well enough. It's not mobile without its arms, even if it had still been alive after I got all of them the other mals would have just eaten it." He gives the rest of the room another look to make sure they do have that minute or two before turning to face Edmund more fully. "You alright? Anything get past yet?"

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"No, I would've screamed like a little girl about it. Um. Is there an opportunity for me to use the Void, it seems like we're temporarily less under siege."

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"Be quick about it," says Scorpius, chanting a short thing that makes another little shield bubble in a corner against one of the room's walls.

Or rather, lack-of-wall; the Scholomance is suspended in the Void, and while what exactly that entails in theory is the subject of heated scholarly debate, in practice it means that, other than the single door at the graduation hall that has a physical reality somewhere on Earth, everything else in the school lies in a state of semi-existence, disconnected from reality as understood by mundanes. This allows for a number of interesting properties, such as the school not really needing to be architecturally stable or have a fully consistent and constant map, but it also means that every student's dorm room has one wall (or in some cases the ceiling) entirely absent. Instead, there is the Void, which can be used as a toilet, for instance.

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Edmund is quick about it, and returns to the main shield bubble still zipping back up. "Thanks. I could probably have shielded myself but - I'm not going to complain about you putting yourself out for me."

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"I'm swimming in mana, New York can handle it if I wait until morning to deposit whatever I got left over from tonight."

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"...I get the feeling we might be outliers on how much most people like their enclaves."

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He laughs and sends a curving lightning bolt from a hand at a mal that tried to sneak behind Edmund and quietly dig through the shield while blocked from Scorpius's field of vision. Seems like their reprieve is over.

"I like them fine, but having me here got them lazy, I can make ten times as much mana as the whole rest of my cohort put together on my own so they've stopped bothering."

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"...are they under the impression that they can't survive without you so there's no point in trying if you happen to get maw-mouthed or are they just too stupid for it to occur to them they should keep themselves sharp anyway - maybe that's not quite fair -"

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"You are also an enclaver, what do you think?"

Now that the door has been blasted off and there is no longer a kvenlik blocking the way, a more steady stream of small and medium-sized mals starts pouring through, which is great for Scorpius since he can just AoE all of them.

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"Nigel's our powerhouse, he does lightning. If Nigel got eaten by an argonet we'd look for someone bright with a gift for putting out punishment - ideally valedictorian material but realistically we'd take top fifteen - and we'd be able to seduce them because even without Nigel, we're a solid team. If New York lost you - well, first of all everyone would think they were fucking insane for letting you die, but there's those who'd look past it thinking they could protect themselves - but there's no one who'd do that and carry an entire team of people who delegate their homework and their mana production."

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"They did not mean to," Scorpius says, "not at first. Everyone gets told how to generate mana, what to do, what reasonable amounts to give and take are. But then they pull a bit from the sharer and they notice it has more than they expected. And maybe they take a day off and nothing changes. And no one notices." Blast blast oh that one is irritating he's gonna have to lightsaber—no, it's a light whip now—dismember it, probably. "After a year of this," he continues after he's back, "they are all so used to it they don't even notice. Maybe some of them don't even know that everyone else isn't contributing, they still see the amounts of mana in our reservoir grow.

"Then sophomore year they tell our new freshmen about it, and now it's common knowledge. And they still have a lot of mana. And they make faces at me sometimes, when they think I'm not looking, when I give out mana to outsiders a bit too freely, but of course they know they have nothing to complain about."

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"They didn't mean to." Edmund shakes his head in disgust. "If they hadn't told the freshmen about it, I'd accept that. But the freshmen will have to live without you. They could've told the freshmen, Scorpius Lake is an impossible, unthinkable blessing and if you take advantage of his impossible, unthinkable generosity instead of developing your own abilities then you will deserve exactly what happens to you."

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He shrugs. "Unless something catastrophic happens, they will still have enough of my mana in their reservoir leftover to tide them over the transition of... me leaving."

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Edmund struggles with the words. "Nothing is ever enough. There will never be enough of a surplus that some idiot who never even met you can't decide - we've still got the Lake surplus, I can lean a little harder. We've still got the Lake surplus, I don't have to work for it. We've still got the Lake surplus, I'm invincible. They'll take just a bit more, just a bit more, until they realize they don't have the Lake surplus anymore, and they won't know what to do without it."

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"...if their parents outside don't teach them to generate mana for the pool that is almost, in itself, murder."

He carefully does not look at Edmund as he says that, though, and what he doesn't say is how much he agrees.

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"Oh, they can generate mana. But they'll be used to drawing for every little thing. Work is a habit, and a damned easy one to break."

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Tasty mals! So he doesn't have to actually voice his thoughts.

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"...I'm not going to talk to you about - duty. I know it's not really done, between enclaves. But. If it was me. I'd feel like I had to - be harder. Take a firm hand, before it was too late."

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"I cannot be—their leader. I have told them all of this. They will do with it what they will but—" Oh good an opportunity to cut himself off by going after a mal, awesome, he does not want to finish that sentence right now.

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"...you can't be their leader? Why not?"

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He's not going to snap at this boy even though he feels like it, and instead he will kill a mal or two with a bit more prejudice than usual before saying, "I just don't have the skill. I kill things, that is what I'm good at."

And that's a lie, and he usually doesn't feel bad about lying, he lies all the time, but why is this boy opening up so much to him, and why is it so hard this time to quash the desire to open right back up? Honestly, what is it with these Pevensies? Someone should take them to a lab to study them.

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"You are very good at it," Edmund admits.

Does this have anything to do with your mother is not a question he is going to ask Scorpius Lake, because then Scorpius Lake would be entirely justified in setting him on fire.

"...I don't want to make it sound like you're... doing something wrong," he says instead. "I don't think anyone can blame you for - for not spanking your clavemates when they get out of line."

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Scorpius laughs, again, a bit more relaxed again. "I don't make a habit of spanking people without their consent anyway." Innuendo is easier, he can do innuendo, Edmund is even cute.

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Edmund blushes a bit. "Well. That's something to keep in mind."

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"Is it?" he asks lightly in between one spell in Old English and one in German. "I'll keep it in mind that you're keeping it in mind, then."

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"Surely you're aware that you're attractive."

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"It would be unseemly for me to say 'yes' to that."

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But then he frowns, looks up and around, says something in Latin, and suddenly Edmund's vision is swimming and his ears are ringing and—oh there's a psychon right there isn't there, funny how he didn't see it before. Scorpius casts a couple more spells in quick succession and they have no visible effect other than making the psychon flinch and then scream (and become a bit more real in the process) and then he can pummel it with his lightwhip.

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Which buys them another one or two minutes of reprieve as other mals go for the psychic-aspected corpse rather than them for a bit.

"Sorry about that, you can carry on flirting with me now."

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"Aaaagh." Edmund sticks his tongue out and shakes his head vigorously. "You are like the stars in the sky, ow my head."

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"Psychic class mals are the actual worst," he agrees. "I suck at healing spells or I would offer you something for the headache. Want some mana instead?"

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"Uh. Don't think that'd necessarily help my head."

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"No but if you have some better healing than I can offer you could use it for that."

Here's a light tap of mana, which coming from Scorpius Lake is "probably about half what Edmund can carry at all".

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Edmund twitches. He incants something in Latin, then sighs with relief. "That's not usually worth the mana, but - that's kind of an incoherent complaint when you're around, huh."

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"It is! And people get suspicious when I offer stuff for free but something tells me you won't think I poisoned it with malia or am secretly trying to kill you or something."

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"It would seem inefficient," Edmund admits. "Also my brother has told me stories of the faces you made when he tried to pay you back, so I'm ready to interpret it as a personal quirk."

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"Yes, caring about other people as themselves without having ulterior motives or expecting payback. I am a very quirky character."

He extends one hand outside their shield and places it on the floor, palm down, then electrifies it and this causes one of Edmund's chairs (one that definitely had not been there earlier this night) to shrivel up with a shriek. He then grabs said chair, mutters something in French, and now his hands are magma-hot, and now so is the ex-chair, and now it's dead.

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Edmund raises his eyebrows. "You can care about people without looking at a poison detection charm like a dead rat because someone wants to thank you with it."

He really should've noticed that mimic. Good thing Lake is a killing machine.

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"I did not," he protests between spells, "and anyway it is terrible for my image if people start thinking I'm doing this for some sort of, of reward or something."

Yes. His image. That is absolutely the reason he objected to Peter's thank-you-for-saving-my-life gifts. Mmhm.

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"Your image. You know what would help your image? Nothing, people think you're the fucking Second Coming of Christ. A bodhisattva of violence."

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"Yes but they'll start doubting I can walk on water if they get the idea that I'm not doing this for free after all, and where would we be then?"

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"A little better off, I think. Your halo makes it a little hard to see your face."

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"Maybe I'm so pretty it's better if people don't see my face."

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"Once again: noted."

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"What is it with you Pevensies, it's like you've made it your personal project to get a degree in how to get under Scorpius Lake's skin."

It's not entirely clear whether he thinks that's a good or bad thing. Not even to himself.

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"It's a popular track, but there can only be one valedictorian."

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"One per year," he corrects after a small pause to set a wall of living flame by the door, "and you all seem evenly spaced for that, don't you!"

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"That's right, you wouldn't know about Lu. She'll be in next year, but I doubt she'll major in Lake Studies. After me it's all downhill."

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"At last, some peace. I'm really not that interesting, you know."

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"You don't hide something no one would want."

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"And what's that supposed to mean?" he protests, perhaps a bit too much, but it's surely better than if he'd said "I'm not hiding anything!" since there is not a single person in this school who could have said that sentence truthfully.

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Edmund does not give this the dignity of a response.

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So Scorpius Lake sticks his tongue out at him and resumes his bloodbath—the school really really does not want kids together past curfew, he knew about it already but seeing firsthand just how many mals it manages to dig up just to harass them for it is kind of incredible.

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The silence (broken up by the blasting of spells and the shrieking of mals) feels almost companionable. They might be able to stay like this for a while.

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Curfew ends at 6AM sharp and Scorpius suspects that is exactly how long this parade is going to go on for.

"You should catch some sleep, no reason for both of us to stay awake all night," he says during another short lull in the onslaught, after having spent a while recasting the dome shield which had been about to wink out.

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"For the record, you're suggesting that I put up a silencing circle around my bed and ignore you slaughtering maleficaria by the dozens not five feet away?"

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"Just making sure."

Edmund climbs into bed, fully dressed (when he was a freshman he slept naked, but it took exactly one instance of waking up to the feeling of a scorpion-shaped mal crawling along his bare thigh to cure him of that habit), and mutters a quick bit of Latin. He closes his eyes and mutters some more, and soon enough he's asleep.

In his sleep, he smiles.

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When it's about time for the seniors to get up, Scorpius pokes Edmund awake. His room is... still clearly a battlefield, but at least most of the actual physical remains of the maleficaria are gone, destroyed by spells or just eaten by other, more opportunistic mals. His door is in two pieces, though, and the place smells of all sorts of different things. It's almost the smell-equivalent of white noise, almost ignorable in its pungent multitude, but not quite.

Scorpius himself is no longer glowing, but he's covered in grime and his skin has the sheen of sweat of a whole night of strenuous exercise and his clothes are stained by all sorts of things. He doesn't seem put out by it, though, even sporting a light smile on his lips. Probably used to the carnage.

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Edmund awakens feeling unaccountably good. Bright. He feels - hopeful. His eyes open and he sees Scorpius, and he remembers why.

"I should really save you sometime," he says. "Fair's fair."

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He rolls his eyes and says, "Save me from this smell, then, I want a quick shower before breakfast and even though I could go alone there's no reason for me to do that."

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"Yes, quite right. I could probably use one too."

He hops out of bed, grabs a potion bottle out of his bedside table, and - beholds his broken door.

"There is going to be absolutely no way to hide that something incredibly fucked-up just happened," he observes.

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"People are going to unreasonably assume we somehow fucked, because why else would two people stay together overnight otherwise, no matter how terrible an idea that would be."

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"Lake, I don't mean to be rude, but if I were going to fuck you it would be during the day. I cannot imagine being horny enough to justify last night."

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"That's my point, but now I wish you to look me in the eye and tell me you don't think people are going to assume it anyway."

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"I said nothing of the sort. I've learned never to overestimate gossips."

Edmund starts down the hall, potion bottle and water jug in hand. "I suppose we could have gotten the activity out of the way before curfew and just got caught out in the afterglow. Which is also insulting, but at least doesn't imply unlikely things about your ability to maintain an erection in the presence of burning mal corpses."

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Scorpius purses his lips and very communicatively does not say anything.

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"Good lord, really? I'll take it as a compliment."

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"You're pretty and fighting things gets the blood flowing, sue me."

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"I've never personally gotten my rocks off fighting for my life, but I am very pretty, so I'll accept the thesis."

His room is close enough to the bathrooms to be convenient without being close enough to the stairs to be inconvenient. They fetch up there before too long, and few enough others are awake that it's empty. "Take turns with one on watch, or does Scorpius Lake not care for such petty dangers?"

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"Scorpius Lake does indeed not, as Scorpius Lake has never been jumped by a mal however much he wanted to be. I would have a very boring time here if I didn't go chasing stuff, it's very disappointing."

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"Never? Not even - groglers, lyeflies, the idiot monsters that just move and eat and spawn? Even amphisbaena know you by reputation?"

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"Reputation, or they can smell it, or something. Last night was the first time I've ever had them come to me rather than me chase them." He turns a faucet's handle to demonstrate and only water comes out and absolutely nothing starts making a ruckus in the pipes even as he takes his time washing his face.

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In lieu of saying anything to that, Edmund turns on the neighboring faucet, half-fills his jug, then adds a drop of the potion. The water turns to a silky liquid soap. He moves as if to take off his shirt, then looks at Scorpius hesitantly. "Mind if I wash my clothes? I'll help with yours too if you want, the potion's brilliant."

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"—sure, that'd be grand."

Easier than going back to his room for a new set anyway, so he starts stripping.

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Edmund does the same, as unselfconscious as any Scholomance student. "Ella made the soap potion," he comments as he scrubs the cloth in the sink. "The product'll take stains out of or off of just about anything and the reactant can convert up to a pint per drop. Ella's a genius, just wish she were also a human person with feelings regarding anyone other than Adrian."

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"I feel like I should not be getting this info for free," he says even though he is dying for any form of non-transactional human connection.

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"If you get to give people things I get to give you things," Edmund says absently. "Besides, free's what you make of it, what if you take this free information back to Chloe and she orders a hogshead of the stuff from Ella? Everybody benefits."

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"Meant more the part about Adrian."

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"Oh. That's because I like you and you aren't actually going to tell anyone and I don't care very much if you do."

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"You'd said five words to me before last night!" There's a giggle and Scorpius whirls in its direction and sees a couple of kids quickly walking away from the bathrooms, letting the door shut behind them. "...well."

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Edmund shrugs. "We are standing naked in the loo together. After you spent the night in my room fighting off maleficaria. The assumption is not, at this point, unreasonable."

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He laughs, shaking his head, and makes his way to the showers to have said actual shower before the junior queue's up at the cafeteria. "Not yet true, unfortunately," he calls from the stall.

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Edmund finishes washing their clothes, dries them off magically, and hangs them on the hook between Scorpius' stall and the one he's going to be using. He showers efficiently, using up the rest of his soap, then rinses out the jug and fills it with water and filters out the tiny transparent barely-perceptible mals. 

He walks out of the shower and dries himself off and has the thought if I walk to breakfast with Scorpius instead of my enclave, there is not a person in the school who will not believe we are fucking.

The thought of talking to his clavemates right now makes him want to bite himself. And - it's a lost cause anyway, isn't it. Scorpius said so himself. 

"Lake," he says, shrugging his shirt on, "you still there? Want an escort to the cafeteria?"

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He's already put most of his clothes back on. "Sure," he says, and Edmund can hear the amusement in his voice.

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"It's a valuable service, you know. No one should have to walk the halls alone."

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"We are in agreement, then. So hurry up, I'm a junior not a sophomore, I don't get as much time as you to waste around having a grand old time in the shower."

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"I didn't have any kind of grand old time! I had to wash your clothes and mine beforehand, that takes time even with magic soap."

He dresses as he talks, though, and he's decent soon enough.

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So out they can go, then, to the cafeteria, to feed the rumor mill more gossip than it can handle.

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Someone near Lex is saying something about Scorpius Lake. Lex doesn't care about Scorpius Lake. He is determined not to care about Scorpius Lake. The extent to which he wants to know anything about Scorpius bloody Lake, especially his storied sex life, is sub-nil.

"-all night with Pevensie, and invited him to breakfast with New York."

"Peter? He's a senior, though!"

"Edmund. - younger. Sophomore."

"He goes for that?"

"He goes for anything. But he hasn't spent the night with someone before - or at least I don't think so, who can keep track of everything he gets up to - I heard he and -"

Lex slams his thermos on the table. It's metal, and the table is metal, and he's strong, and the resulting sound is substantial. "Will you people shut up about Lake's antics before I puke," he says, quietly, without turning around. "Please."

There's a lengthy pause, and the gossip turns to whispers. That'll have to do.

Lex returns to his absolutely tragic lunch, his mood almost as thoroughly soured as his stomach. Someday he thinks he'll kill Scorpius Lake. (Someday maybe he'll kill everyone in the world.)

He gives it up as a bad job. "Rest is free," he says aloud, and stands, taking his thermos and his bag and heading for his room. To study. Without thinking at all about stupid gossip.

No one is going to take his lunch. They'll probably think it's poisoned. He's the kind of person who'd poison someone for no reason, apparently.

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Or maybe he hid a mal in it or something. They actually inch away from his lunch when he leaves, as if they hadn't already been giving him a wide berth.

Yi Liu, with her nearly-floor-length straight black hair and her jet black fingernails and her eyes that sometimes look like they were fully white before you convince yourself it was just a trick of the light, was one of the people sitting nearby, and not participating in the conversation, just existing around other people for safety. She throws him an anxious look—walking places alone is not safe here, he's going to—she doesn't need to care, she's sure he'd yell at her if she cared, so she doesn't, and instead returns to picking at her food with almost no enthusiasm.

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(And someone else is watching him walk away like that, too. Metal on metal is loud, and Scorpius Lake is always watching his surroundings with more attention than most New York enclavers, so this is not surprising.)

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Lex is not devoured on his way back to his room. This may be a minor miracle, but it's the kind that he makes for himself; his eyes are sharp, watching the corners and the ceiling and the floor ahead of him. He may be in a foul mood, but he's not an idiot. He's survived this long, at least.

Constant vigilance has a meditative effect. By the time he's back at his room, he feels much more human. He sits down at his desk, and takes out a block of wood and a small knife, and starts whittling. He is unutterably shit at whittling.

He's got a mana crystal by his left hand. He's got a thermos of lukewarm tea by his right hand.

He's got a soul eater seeping through his door, barely visible but for a faint purple haze.

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And now what he also has is a quickly melting doorknob, then a hole on his door where it used to be, and then he has the school hero blasting through said door, hands ablaze, grabbing the ooze with his hands and causing it to screech and melt into an increasingly dead puddle.

When the soul-eater has been entirely killed he stops to catch his breath, leaning down on his own thighs as his hands return to a less glowing-hot state. By the way he has a thin sheen of sweat on his forehead, he'd probably been running this way.

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Lex reacts appropriately. Which is to say he swivels around in his chair, beholds this, and pinches the bridge of his nose like he is feeling extremely put-upon.


"What the fuck," he asks, "are you doing."

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Scorpius points at the puddle of dead ooze spreading itself all over Lex's room's floor, but given the way the putrescent smell hits Lex's nose right then that would not have been necessary, probably.

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"Yes, I see that you have melted a perfectly good soul eater. Maybe I was imprecise. Why did you feel the need to sail into my room and save my dark and curséd life? Why were you even here, there's ten minutes left of lunch."

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Scorpius looks up at Lex, eyebrows raising slowly, but out of all the things he could have picked to say to that he goes for, "'Curséd'?"

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"Oh, fuck you too. I was channeling public opinion."

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"Do you do that a lot?" he asks, sounding genuinely curious. He straightens up and gives the putrefying ooze a look, wrinkling his nose.

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"No. The public can lick my arse. Do you care to explain why you decided to follow me home like a lost puppy?"

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"Had a hunch," he says, shrugging. "They're usually right. My hunches."

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"Sadly, your hunch was wrong. Not only did you melt my doorknob, probably splinter half the frame, and fill my room with noxious slime, you did it for no damned reason."

Lex cracks open a nearby spellbook to a silken bookmark. "For the Unraveling of Souls. Incantation - let's skip that bit. Gesture: crook and twirl finger forty-five degrees. For ideal results - I'm not doing that. Mana cost, irrelevant. Effects on humans, obvious and devastating. Effect on a soul eater: peels the bloody thing like an onion, leaving behind a wisp core."

He closes the book, stroking its spine gently for a moment before replacing it with its fellows. Turns back to Scorpius. Raises an eyebrow. "Do you know what Sophie Hara could do with a wisp core?" Before Scorpius can answer, he answers himself: "Neither do I. Nor will I. Ta."

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"—why the hell do you have that spell?"

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"Picked it up at fucking Waterstones, what do you think? The school gave it to me!"

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"No fucking shit it did, what were you pulling for to get that?"

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"My blanket was coming apart and I wanted to get as much out of it as I could for the next. My wording was... imprecise."

(His blanket, Scorpius may notice, is clearly hand-knit; he's not very good at it, but there are no significant gaps. It's just uneven and raggedy.)

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Scorpius does, in fact, glance at Lex's blanket, then at Lex's face, then at the other books he has there, then at Lex's face again.

He starts to work out the implications of this in his head.

And what he asks is, "What happened to Jack Westing?"

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Lex - laughs. If you can call it that. It's not a happy sound.

"Not going to ask what happened to Luisa?"

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"Westing happened to Luisa."

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"I happened to Westing."

He's not proud. He's not sorry, either. He just - isn't.

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"Good job." It's genuine. "Why didn't you tell anyone?"

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"People liked Westing. People don't like me. I don't think it's tribunal material, but I wouldn't get a medal."

This is not the reason. This is absolutely not the reason. This could not be farther from the reason.

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Scorpius feels... like he maybe knows what the reason is.

"...well. Sorry about your door. Do you, ah, want help fixing it?" Then he is reminded of the smell as a particularly large bubble on the oozing fluid bursts and wafts its aroma in their direction and adds, "And maybe cleaning this? I suck at cleaning spells but I can spot you the mana." He eyes the books then amends that with, "If you've got any good spells for that, yourself."

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Lex sighs. "Oh, guess."

He heads over to the void wall. Inhales deeply - coughs violently. Inhales deeply through his mouth. "I would like a spell to clean the remains of a soul eater off my floor. Please."

The book that is spat out onto his bed is leather-bound, and the ink is red. It opens to a page.

"Organic matter disintegration," he diagnoses. "Expensive, but thorough."

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He offers Lex a hand, looking up expectantly at him.

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Lex looks startled. "- I was joking. Or - no. I wasn't joking. It's expensive. I was going to try again."

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"I pull from the mals I kill. Not even malia, just straightforward mana."

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"What the fuck."

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Scorpius shrugs, and looks down at his hand then back at Lex again. "If you use this matter disintegration spell on an actual person I will be forced to hunt you down and disintegrate you but..." He glances at Lex's headboard, in perfect condition with zero holes from having pulled malia from it, which virtually everyone else does.

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Lex caught that glance.

"Damn, you've caught me."

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"Take my mana or pull for another spell, the offer's here either way."

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Lex touches Scorpius' hand.

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And here is an amount of mana that... for anyone with regular mana capacity would be Rather A Lot, but Scorpius does take note of how this is definitively not the case with this boy.

Curiouser and curiouser.

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It's not enough to sting, but it's enough to widen his eyes. He shakes his head minutely.

"Alright. This is going to be in Coptic."

And, after a polite moment in case Scorpius wants to cover his ears, he begins to incant. The puddle of slime is consumed by smokeless fire within seconds.

Lex attempts to surreptitiously touch a perfectly transparent crystal on a pendant around his neck. It having been thus brought to his attention, Scorpius might recognize the make.

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"...ah," is what he says, because he does recognize the make. "It all begins to make sense."

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"The Radiant Mind crystal around your neck. Which you somehow have despite not being from any enclave or famous family or anything. Which is not unheard of, of course, Gwen Higgins gives those out whenever she thinks they are going to be put to good use. Doesn't she?"

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"...she can do whatever she wants."

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"Mmhm. Well, I believe I have intruded enough, so I should probably get going..."

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"Yeah. Thanks for the mana. And for breaking my door. You realize I'll have to go to workshop to get enough raw material to make-and-mend the handle? If you really wanted to help out you could walk me down and kill the argonet that's presumably waiting for me to poke my head in. Unless that's too much for the conquering hero."

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Scorpius covers his lips with a hand to hide his grin. "I suppose I could come with you after dinner. I am told if you try to take anything from the workshop before then it'll try to eat you."

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"Shockingly, I knew that, not having gotten myself killed in the past three years. I suppose you wouldn't have cause to know if it's common knowledge, since if the workshop tried eating you it'd give itself indigestion."

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"It's more a case of never having had need for it. And if I try to get it from the New York stash Magnus might try to eat my head and it would be terrible for my image if I had to stop him."

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"Ah, yes, the stash. ...I've never heard of it before but in retrospect it's the least surprising thing I've learned since 'Americans invented sliced bread'."

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"All enclaves that have been around for long enough will eventually start building a stash of useful things for themselves. Mana included," he adds, tapping a little watch-like device attached to his wrist, its clock-like face on the inner rather than outer part of his wrist.

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"Yes. But we'll just ignore that for the moment, because in this bright and shining point in time I don't actually want to yell at you about things that aren't your fault. Not until you've gotten me to the workshop and back, at least."

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"And here I thought we were having so much fun with the yelling. Well, I'll stop inflicting my presence on you, then."

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"Cheers. I'll find you at supper, unless your bodyguards are inclined to shoot on sight."

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"I'm the one guarding, remember?" he says, raising an eyebrow, but he offers a two-finger salute and runs along.

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At supper, Lex clears his throat. "Liu, mind if I sit?"

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"—sure." She's not exactly alone, but she's in a corner of a table of mostly Mandarin-speakers, the outcast corner. "I saw your door earlier," she adds, the question implicit.

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"The work of the astonishing Scorpius Lake! The boy is a menace. But I bullied him into taking me down to workshop after dinner so I can pick up some scrap for make-and-mend. Unfortunately he prevented me from singlehandedly killing a soul eater by killing it before I could. Utter bastard."

This is certainly the most cheerful Liu has ever seen Lex. It's not a high bar to clear, but he's doing some serious gymnastics to get this far over it.

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...she is really not sure what fraction of that she believes!

"I'm happy for you," is what she goes with, sounding uncertain.

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"...thanks," he says, sounding mildly surprised. "How, um, was your day."

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Wait no she didn't mean to sound friendly abort abort.

"Went fine," she says, vaguely enough, and doesn't elaborate.

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Okay, back to normal. Liu's good people. She doesn't hate him, she's just a normal sensible person who doesn't want to get involved with whatever bullshit high he's on.

He nods and turns to his (awful) food. He feels sick again, but he can't skip two meals in a day. God, what is this. Alfredo? Why is the Scholomance trying to produce alfredo. Are those peas or mal eggs -

he really can't afford to skip another meal -

he stands up and slings his bag over his shoulder and picks up his tray and strides over to the trash and dumps it in. Takes the tray over to the conveyor.

Heads towards New York, hunger gnawing at his gut and completely irrational frustration grinding his teeth together.

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New York is actually so collectively shocked he even dared to approach (plus terrified of his constant aura of doom) that they don't manage to collect their collective wits in time to do anything about it.

Except for Lake, who is sporting a somewhat confused grin as he watches the dark sorcerer-to-be come over.

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Lex smirks at the horrified looks on their faces. It's almost kind of satisfying.

"Lake," he says, inclining his head. "I know I'm early for an after-dinner run, but I didn't have much of an appetite. You up for it, or should I take a seat and wait for you to finish?"

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    "Two of them now?" is the first words anyone says, then—a boy, another junior like them, sitting three seats away from Scorpius himself. "Going for some kind of record, Lake?"

"Magnus, you wound me; two is definitely not my record," Scorpius replies, grinning more widely. People giggle and Magnus blushes and stammers at that—they are teenagers—but Scorpius is still focusing on Lex. "Sure, give me a minute and I'll join you."

From everyone's confusion it seems like Scorpius didn't tell anyone about his little stunt in Lex's room, either.

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"Oh, I heard about that actually - did you murder his door too, while you were staying the night?"

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"No, that honor fell to a kvenlik." Scorpius finishes cleaning his plate up, grabs an apple, and starts getting up.

    "Wait, you're actually going?" asks a girl that had been sitting next to him, looking alarmed. "Why? You know he's a—"

"He's not a maleficer," replies Scorpius immediately, before softening. "I'll be fine, Chloe. I'm just paying a debt."

        "A debt?" asks Magnus, looking outraged.

"Yeah." And without further elaboration, he starts leading the way out.

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Lex falls into step. "I like that. Very confident. You're aware I could just prefer the taste of mice to chewing on my headboard?"

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"No blackened nails or eyes that flash white or any of the other telltale signs, if you want to know the objective criteria I am basing my intuitions on, here." He doesn't turn around to look at Lex but he does look at him from the sides of his eyes. "But maybe I'm just reckless."

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"Maybe, he says." Lex shrugs. "So, I heard about what you did with your new boytoy in gruesome detail, but I didn't hear anything about him otherwise. What catches Scorpius Lake's eye? The most I heard was that he's a year younger, someone wondered if that appealed and someone else said everything appeals to you, which I have to say doesn't sound implausible in the general case but somehow I think they were wrong in this one."

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"The only way in which they could be wrong in this one case is if you misunderstand what it means for everything to appeal to me."

Scorpius barely watches where he's walking. He doesn't even have his hands free; they're holding each other behind his back, and for all his casualness he could be going on a merry walk in the park. Definitely nothing in his demeanor to indicate that what he's doing instead is walking down the hallways of this not-quite-geometrically-consistent death trap of a school at night, just before curfew, with every mal and mal-to-be surely just waiting in the corners to attack one or two unsuspecting juniors for an easy meal.

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"Ah, of course. There could be no subtext to the statement that you get off on hooking up with a sophomore, such as that you want a lover who looks up to you rather than one who thinks of you as a person, or that you want someone who knows less than you so you can show off, or that you want someone who isn't as strong as you so you can - well. Impress him."

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"...Lex, everyone is important. Everyone is special. Everyone has a reason why they deserve to be loved and cherished and wanted and desired and protected. And I'm not going to go ahead now and say something callous like 'even you'. Yes, you, of course, because you're a person, curséd though your existence may be." He does look over his shoulder at Lex, now—the madman, absolutely ignorant of whatever he's walking towards and acting like that's not begging for something to jump them. "I could tell you all about the things that make Edmund special, at least the things I think he would be okay with me telling you about. And I could do the same about everyone else I know, everyone else I know well enough at least. I could tell you about the things that make you special.

"That's what it means for everything—for everyone—to appeal to me."

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"That is adorable. You're like an American cartoon about friendship except it's about fucking people and developing inappropriate attachments and getting yourself killed."

And fuck you for claiming to care about me! 

"Anyway, maybe everyone appeals but I was right to say that asshole was wrong anyway, it's not about him being younger than you at all. Nyeh."

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Scorpius laughs and turns his gaze forward once more. "And you don't eat mice," he adds. "And when Jack Westing, all smiles and blondness and blue eyes and all-American charm, decided to drain Luisa of her life, you killed him for it, before I could get to him. And you didn't take a single drop of his malia."

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"It'd ruin my figure."

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"You know what will also ruin your figure?" He extends a hand and—no, he's holding out an apple, he'd been holding it since they left the cafeteria. "Skipping two meals in a row."

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Lex stares at it.

"I'm not fucking you for a Red Delicious," he says acidly. "And if you're going to do me a favor, it should be looking where you're walking."

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"I have never been jumped by a mal on my own in my life," he says, the apple still in offer, although he is actually looking where he's walking, if still too casually for comfort, "and when I'm with other people they tend to go out of their way to avoid me. We'll be fine. And I'm not trying to bribe you or—look, Lex, I meant every word I said, okay? So just take the damn apple to have literally any sugar in your blood, and if you want me to give you a selfish reason to do it, it will be better for both of us walking down these stairs if I don't have to worry about you fainting from lack of calories."

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Lex takes the damn apple. He eats the entire thing, core included, over the course of a blessedly silent minute.

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He—smiles, a bit, to himself, and does not fill the minute with any sounds other than their steps.

At the end of the minute, though, he says a short sentence in French and his left hand starts glowing to make up for the increasingly dark hallways with their increasingly dim oil lamps. It's enough to cover them all the way to the workshop, whose door is standing slightly ajar. Just enough to show its oppressive darkness which is surely holding something that wants to jump them and eat them and—

—and Scorpius pushes the door open without even checking for a digester or anything worse and walks in.

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...Lex follows him in. Maybe the inevitable lurking horror will be another soul eater.

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No inevitable lurking horrors spring at them. Scorpius tries turning the lights up, with no luck, then shrugs and sighs, making his way around the far-too-cramped space with far too many chairs to go to one of the supply chests. "Anything in particular you want?"

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"...scrap. If your aura of inevitable success makes there be titanium rods and diamond dust instead, I'll take it and trade some to Sophie for her scrap."

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He makes a beeline for the scrap bins and opens one of them—with his actual hands, no matter that they're bare other than the glow that wasn't even hot enough to feel warm around—and grabs a few big flat pieces. After shaking them rather violently and beating them against the side of the nearest table with the put-upon airs of someone who's only doing this for someone else's peace of mind he asks, "Anything else? No titanium rods and diamond dust in the bin that I could see."

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"...pliers. Are you also going to open the tool chest with your bare hands."

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"Yup!" he says brightly, doing exactly that to show off several neat rows of hammers, screwdrivers, spanners, hacksaws, many pliers for Lex to choose from and... an honest-to-God drill, the kind of thing the school just basically never offers like that. Certainly no one in their junior hall has one.

And not a single one of the tools jumps at Scorpius or tries to bite his fingers off of hurt him in any way.

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"Holy shit. ...I'm going to assume this happens to you alternate Tuesdays, but we're taking that fucking drill home with me. And a pair of pliers, and, I don't know, hacksaw's nothing and hammers I've got main force but let's pick up a screwdriver for funsies."

He takes the sheet metal so Scorpius can pick out the tools. "I assume you know how to check for bad tools," he mentions, "if that's another thing that doesn't happen to you I can pick them out."

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In lieu of replying, or even grabbing the things Lex asked for, he instead gets a hammer—a large, hefty one—and in one smooth motion steps over to Lex and smashes it down over his shoulder, slamming the forehead of something one of the dull metal chairs behind him had turned into. A mimic, its mouth full of jagged silver teeth opening along the seam where the seat met the back.

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"Fuck! You're rubbing off on -"

He looks over his shoulder.

"- oh. Oh that's not good."

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Four other chairs seem to be collecting their own legs in to charge at them, so "not good" is something of an understatement. Scorpius starts chanting a metal-forging spell, and the nearest mimic, the one that was just currently recovering from the hammer blow Scorpius dealt it, starts glowing red-hot. He hits it with the hammer again, which at this stage of melting gives it a neat hole and makes it shriek as it falls over dead.

The others, though, seem intent on going for Lex, so Scorpius drops down to his knees and yells, "Jump!"—

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- and Lex has dropped the sheet metal and he's muttering and waving one hand with the other clutching his crystal and there's a rending-tearing-screeching metal sound and the mals scream in agony as they crumple and implode.

Lex falls to one knee. "Mana," he grits out. "Please."

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—okay seems like Lex has this well in hand then, no need for him to electrocute them all.

He doesn't want to do it without touching, he's not great at mana control and if he tries to cross the air between them he will absolutely send too much, so instead he quickly scurries over to Lex to put a hand on his shoulder and yep there we go that's mana.

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That sure fucking is mana. Lex stands up and brushes himself off. He pats his crystal gently, pushing in a little more than he drew out with a whispered apology. Walks over and picks up the smooth, shiny orb of compressed aluminum.

"If I wanted a doorknob made out of mal," he muses, "this would be great."

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That was really hot, Scorpius absolutely does not say, except maybe with his eyes for a second or two.

"So," he says instead, not quite reaching conversational as he turns back around to go back to the tool chest, "that one is usually meant to be used on people, isn't it?" Pliers, drill, screwdrivers, he can check them for maleficaria but they all seem kosher.

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"How'd you guess. For extra fun, if the target's made of flesh, it leaves it alive." He picks up the sheet metal and puts the aluminum in his pocket - he's sure somebody'll pay for, heh, maluminum. "Well. 'Alive.'"

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He pauses and looks at the crumpled mal then back at Lex and says, "H-how d—no, actually, you know what, I do not need to know what you mean by alive there, this is something I will never have reason to need to know I am sure." He bumps the tool chest shut with an elbow and walks back over to Lex.

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"The heart beats," Lex says unnecessarily. "On top, like a rosette on a Christmas gift."

He makes for the exit. Thanks God he has a good belt, he can feel the metal sphere in his pocket trying to pull his trousers down.

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And Scorpius carries everything else and follows along, focusing very strongly on how much Lex does not want to fuck him, thank you very much.

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"I'm curious about something," Lex says abruptly to disrupt the companionable silence. "You're not in charge of New York."

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"—what, of the enclavers in here? Very much not, thank you."

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"How does your mother feel about that?"

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"Can't say I rightly know, I made a point of burning every note she sent me via freshmen," he replies brightly.

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"Clever! But I think you do know - I'm not asking what she says about it. Do you have a plan for when you get out and have to live under her thumb again? Planning to make your escape and live the independent life? Run away with one of your favorites?"

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"Well, you see," he replies neutrally, almost casually, "maleficaria aren't endemic to the Scholomance. There are in fact a fair number of them out there, the whole reason we're sent in here as kids is to have a higher survival rate from them than we would outside." Which obviously Lex knows, but Scorpius isn't stating the obvious just to be obnoxious. "New York will be fine, they can deal with any mals that come their way. There are lots of other people who won't be fine, though, independents and kids and whatnot, and I am so very good at killing mals."

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"A hunter. Or perhaps a guardian angel. Saving the world, one life at a time."

Dripping with venom.

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"Going to try to be a bit more efficient than that. Go after the big ones." He side-eyes Lex again and adds, "I bet someone who can lay waste to multitudes could do even better than me, though."

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Lex grits his teeth until he can feel it in his eardrums.

"Probably could. Unfortunately, unlike you I am a human being, which means I don't want to spend the rest of my life, what, driving the Mystery Inc van and vaporizing argonets? Fun as a hole in the head."

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His gaze snaps back ahead, but he's still smiling. "And what do you want to spend the rest of your life doing, then?" Fair's fair.

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"Your mother."

Then he hisses out a breath and points a finger at a lurking ooze and mutters something that lowers the temperature around him by a couple of degrees and makes the mal no longer exist.

"I want to live, alright? I want to survive and live in the fucking lap of luxury, eating real food and drinking wine from the bottle and never having to think about where I'm from or especially where I'm going. I want to be the kind of bastard who gets called in when the other bastards got eaten, because then you get called in less and they pay you more when they do, and says three words in French and the problem's solved. And I don't want anything from you."

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"Sounds fair enough to me," he says, somehow not buying it for a second. "I'm afraid if I see more situations in which I feel like my intervention is necessary to ensure that you do get to live to fulfil your dreams I will feel compelled to act, but I probably understand the tools at your disposal well enough by now to have a better idea of when that is."

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"You're Goddamn right. I can do anything."

His body picks this time to brown out his vision, because he has not eaten in twelve hours except for an apple. His ankle turns as he's getting onto the bottom step, and he almost (but doesn't) fall over.


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And just as you'd expect, the school hero is absolutely there holding him steady. He doesn't say anything, and just stays there for a second to check on Lex.

Another advantage of being Scorpius Lake is getting the luxury to ever stop walking in the middle of a Scholomance hallway.

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Lex looks... bad.

His clothes hang off him in the way a lot of people's do here, but moreso. His belt is on an extra notch drilled in three down from where its notches are supposed to end. His cheeks aren't quite hollow, but they're flat. His trousers end an inch up from ankles that look truly disturbing.

He shoves Scorpius away and doesn't wobble about it. "Fuck off, so I tripped." He starts back up the stairs.

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Scorpius lingers for a second before following, eyes on the steps rather than on Lex. "If you're going to die," he murmurs, somewhat subdued, "at least die to a decent mal. Don't just be a dick to yourself until you get picked off by a scratcher or something like that."

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Lex's hands are shaking in white-knuckled fists. He hisses in a breath through his nose.

"There are worse ways to die," he says in a quiet, dangerous voice.

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Scorpius barks a bitter laugh with not a drop of humour. "I know. I've witnessed some of them."

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Lex doesn't talk the rest of the way back to his room.

Once they get to his poor abused door, he slaps one metal sheet on either side of the hole and sticks them in place with a few quick words. Then he picks up the knobs from each side - they didn't melt completely, just melted off the door itself and picked up some finger-shaped dents - and presses them to the metal.

He says his make-and-mend in Welsh, knocking on the metal and the wood with irritable precision, and the excess sheet metal slurps into the hole with a disturbingly organic noise. He tests the knob. It works, though it's clicky.

"We're square," Lex says without looking Lake in the eye. "Tools?"

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He offers them to Lex wordlessly, but he does—sort of seek Lex's gaze. Out of excessive zeal, perhaps, as he's pretty sure Lex will be okay, to the extent this is possible, but still.

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Lex catches his eye inadvertently and looks very irritated about it.

"Was there something you wanted," he bites out.

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...pretty much that, yeah. He'll be fine.

"No, nothing. Sorry, uh, again, about your door." He hikes a thumb in the direction of his room. "I'm gonna go. Good night, Lex."

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"Night, Lake."

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So off he goes back to his room, finally having some time to chew through—through this whole day.

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Edmund has had quite a day.

Breakfast with Scorpius was - nice, actually. New York was mostly superficially polite, presumably on the assumption that he was a boytoy to be dropped inside of the week but that was no reason to piss off London. (Magnus asked "so, you're the catch of the day, huh?" Edmund had turned to Scorpius and asked, brightly, "Oh, are you promiscuous? Am I not your first and only love? Am I only a fleeting fancy?" until Magnus had made a disgusted noise and turned back to his food.)

Lunch was with his own enclave. Nigel hissed "are you familiar with the concept of notifying your mates before you spend the night with some flash bastard from New York?" and he made the least sincere apology that had ever come out of his mouth; it wasn't as if that was his intent, anyway.

Peter had come to lunch for once. Sat down with a little plate of cupcakes and offered one to him. "What's this for," Edmund had asked, and Peter said "oh, am I not supposed to know?" And Edmund made a face and said "I'd really feel better if you didn't, yeah." And everyone had snickered, and he'd taken the cupcake anyway because you just don't turn down a cupcake.

And at dinner, Scorpius... and Lex... left early. For a supply run.

What the fuck.

"Flighty bastard, isn't he," Nigel grunted. "Soz, Ed."

"I'm less concerned about that than the fact he's fucking around with maleficers," Edmund replied.

But - he couldn't exactly say anything to Scorpius, without following him and probably getting maleficed himself. So he left dinner at an appropriate time, and now he's back in his room, where the maintenance request he put in that morning has been filled. His door's back on its hinges, or maybe another door is, he can't tell. The air is filled with a faint smell of lavender, rather than that of monster mélange.

Edmund sits at his desk and wonders what the fuck is happening in his life.

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Scorpius sleeps like the dead. He hadn't been lying when he told Edmund he doesn't usually need that much of it, but he did spent the previous night up fighting off maleficaria and then ran the whole day pretending it was fine because, well, he does in fact think some of his image is important. Something something if everyone believes he's invincible that can only help him actually be invincible something.

But by the time he gets back to his room after the late night supply room with their local doomsbringer he's been running on fumes, and he finally lets out an enormous yawn he's been holding back all day. Suddenly not having anything to do or anyone to save means his exhaustion is catching up to him painfully quickly, and his bed sings an irresistible siren song to him. He sets his usual shields up, gets into his bed and is off like a light not one minute later.

When his alarm wakes him up, he stays in bed for a bit, staring at his ceiling and wondering why he thinks going upstairs to the sophomores' level would be a great idea right now. He never did promise Edmund anything, they never even kissed, and he has as many fleeting friendships as there are people, here. Flighty bastard indeed, but it's still as genuine as it's cultivated. He cares about every single person here, and he helps them however he can, and most of the time it's just killing mals but sometimes it's giving them a shoulder to cry on or smacking them up the head about how actually lack of social simulation can be as deadly as a digester or telling them to actually eat some damn food for Pete's sake.

And yet...

And yet.

He's still feeling emotionally buzzed after yesterday. Lex was... he was a ride. Scorpius wants to go on that ride again, but he's sure Lex himself won't appreciate the company, not this morning.

Edmund probably will, though, and for some damn reason that makes him feel giddy. Fucking Pevensies, man, but whatever, he can try to rationalize it in his head or psychoanalyze himself as much as he wants but he has to recognize that in the end of the day he always just does whatever he feels like doing. And what he feels like doing is knocking on Edmund's door with two breakfast trays balanced precariously on his arms and a grin on his face.

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Edmund opens his door, yawning a bit, and - stares at Scorpius for a long moment.

His mouth opens a couple of times, but he doesn't quite say anything.

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"Hi! Wanna go on a breakfast date with me? Fine if not but fair warning I'm going to eat all of this by myself if you don't, I'm still a teenage boy in need of calories."

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Edmund squints a little harder, then smiles, still nonzero confused but able at least to start flirting. "Um. I don't know, date to where? I'm not easily impressed, you know, and you took your other boyfriend on a supply run."

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—Scorpius has to watch his trays to not drop them while he cackles. "I think you got it wrong, he was the one who dragged me on a supply run. Also if you call him my boyfriend in his presence he might come personally kill me for giving people ideas even though it is entirely his fault. As for your question, library reading room is fairly cozy at this time in the morning."

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"I'll take it, give me a second to freshen up. Do you... need help... with the maleficer who you are apparently not dating and in fact might kill you."

Edmund heads back into his room and gets another potion off his bedside table (it's chock-a-block with bottles), and droppers a tiny amount on his tongue. Then he goes back out, ready for... a library date?

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"He's not a maleficer," Scorpius says with a small shrug, "and that was a joke. If it looks like he killed me I give you 80/20 odds that it was actually someone else trying to get rid of me and incriminate him in one fell swoop."

Librarywards! Which is all the way to the top floor so he's gonna have to be careful with the trays.

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Edmund takes his own tray, entertaining though it might be to watch Lake learn to juggle.

"...if he's not a maleficer why's he... like that? Always glaring at people, not even eating half the time - I know lack of appetite's a symptom of maleficing - and I've seen him do magic that made my skin crawl... never at people, but - who pulls a spell that flays something, even if they're only going to use it on a suckerworm?"

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"...I am not sure I should say, he seems to prefer not to be looked at. I guess what I can say is that he is strict mana and has as far as I can tell always been."

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Edmund looks so dubious.

"...I can't... dispute that... because I have never actually seen him draw mana. But - I don't know. Maybe I'm paranoid."

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"Everyone is, around him. It's tragic, I'm pretty sure he has not had a real conversation with anyone ever in his life because of how everyone wants to stay away from his aura of doom." Headshake. "Let's not talk about other boys right now, how about. How are you doing?"

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"Um. Surprisingly well considering, like, where we are. I slept better last night than the night previous for obvious reasons and that always wipes me out a bit. Peter gave me a celebratory cupcake yesterday and I very nearly hit him over it. ...I should call a family meeting sometime before graduation, I've been trying to avoid the thought but... it's coming, isn't it."

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"Family meeting, is that a thing?" he wonders. "What was Peter celebrating?"

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"The supposed loss of my bloody virginity, thanks ever so by the way."

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Scorpius has to once again watch his balance lest he drop his tray due to the cackling. Here's the library, fewer stairs now. "I think you should only thank me once it's actually true. Wouldn't want to jinx it."

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"But on that occasion I will not receive an incredibly embarrassing cupcake. Unless it's from Susan, who probably would work it out, damn her to hell."

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He shudders a bit as he finds an empty sofa for them. The library isn't completely empty right now but it is in fact very nearly so. He places his own tray on the little centerpiece table in front of the sofa and leans back to grin at Edmund. "She absolutely would, I swear we have had a million conversations just by exchanging looks without either of us saying even a word."

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"You never had to live with her. I stole an earring out of her jewelry box when I was six and she was seven and on a trip outside the enclave, and inside half an hour of getting back she'd identified the culprit and practically called a tribunal over it."

Edmund starts in on breakfast. "I cannot believe you found fried mushrooms," he says. "Apparently even this blessed place can't fuck up an English breakfast."

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"I did have to convince a senior or two to grab me the stuff," he admits. "But I got some goodwill stored up." Scorpius, too, starts on breakfast, as even though this is a "date" they still do in fact have their classes to get to in an hourish so they shouldn't waste more time than necessary.

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"I hope one of them wasn't my brother. He's confused enough without you suddenly accepting people's goodwill."

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"It's fine if it's, you know, a little bit of the collective amalgamate of goodwill from all persons," he says, long-sufferingly.

...he should not ask what he wants to ask. He shouldn't, right? He should not. Getting attached is a stupid idea and he has always managed to be fine and not ask anyone any personal questions and they don't ask him any personal questions and their attachment is ephemeral and goes away after a fling or two.

He is, perhaps, staring a bit at Edmund right now, looking at him like he's somewhere between delicious cake and a very tricky but interesting puzzle.

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"I don't actually read minds, you know. Despite the occasional hint my wall has dropped me."

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He chews on his bottom lip for a couple more seconds and says, "Just ruminating on life, is all. Wouldn't want to dump all of my trauma on you on our first date."

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"Because I, of course, have been perfectly stoic and revealed none of my trauma to you on our actual first date."

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"Stop being so charming," he snaps with no heat. "You're making it really hard to resist you."

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"I do like being irresistible. Seriously, Lake, come on. I'll tell you my secrets too, if you'd like. Reception year in primary school we had to talk about our life ambitions, and I said I was going to marry my big brother because he was the best nicest boy in the world, and the teacher gave me a note to take home to my parents."

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Scorpius sporfles and coughs, having to grab some orange juice to recover from that. "You know, when I flirted with your brother he said I was not his type, but he would not tell me what his type is."

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"Not a clue, he's never had eyes for anyone that I heard about. Spoiled for choice, too, obviously, you've seen him."

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"Looks are nice but they are not the reason I was ever interested in him or your sister or you." He shakes his head and leans back against the back of the sofa, again, letting his eyes flit shut for a moment or two. "Last chance for you to run away from the incoming session of oversharing."

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"No, I told you about my disturbing infant crush on my older brother because I had no interest in your feelings."

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"The only real friend I've ever had in my life got torn to pieces before my eyes because I consciously chose not to save him," he says, eyes still closed. The levity on his face is still there, but now it's—frozen, he's trying not to move and trying to pretend it doesn't still haunt his nightmares and failing.

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Edmund shifts over on the couch and hugs him. Words are not going to be the thing here.

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He twitches, under the hug—he almost thought they were under attack—and he's still not—sure what—to do?

This is somewhat new. Um.

He'll hug back.

Oh shit no he is not going to cry that is so lame come on pull yourself together Scorpius, sharing your feelings in a manly fashion is fine but hey is this kind of internalized racism, is he playing into racist stereotypes of Black hypermasculinity, he's not sure, maybe it's just regular masculinity and everything every fucking person who has ever met him expects of him and okay he got too distracted from trying not to cry so now he's crying.

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"...I haven't had anyone die on me," Edmund says eventually. "Not - not really - because I never got that way with anyone. But. It was because I was scared. You know? I don't - I don't know if it's really that I couldn't find anyone who I could really be friends with, or if I was just afraid that if I did they'd - go - and so I wasn't looking."

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"Sometimes I wonder if that's easier. ...most of the time. And it's what I went with, isn't it? It is easier when everyone... doesn't really see me like a person. I don't need to be a person for them." He shrugs a bit and, okay, his tears have stopped, not because he was trying to make them—okay maybe he was—ugh he is going to stop psychoanalyzing himself right now, it's all Edmund's fault. "Except your brother. And your sister. And you. And Lex fucking Higgins wait shit."

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"...Lex H- setting that aside. I don't want you to - to feel like you have to open yourself up to me. But. It can't be good for you to have no one who you can open up to."

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He laughs, bitterly, and pulls away from the hug. "Please don't tell other people about Lex's name, I don't think he'd appreciate it." He wipes some of the tears from his face with the back of his hand and leans forward to his breakfast tray to pick at the rest of his food that he really should finish eating before their hour is up. "And, well, you know, it's not like I did have anyone to open up to before here. Thibaut was the first, and then he died, so I think you can probably understand why I feel a bit wary about doing it again. I don't think I'm cursing you or anything if I become your friend, but if you're just some cute guy I hook up with a couple of times then if I fail to save you I only grieve you a reasonable amount rather than an unreasonable amount.

"So, you were wondering what was going through my mind that you wanted to read, earlier, this is what."

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"...well, apologies for disrupting your tidy system. If it helps any, I had no intention of letting go of you after a few hook-ups. I'm on the Lake Studies track long-term."

Edmund returns to his own breakfast. "Fried bread tastes better after crying," he decides. "Have some, I'll steal that bit of melon."

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Scorpius laughs again, more sincerely this time, and accepts the trade. "...what I meant to ask, earlier, was why. Why are you interested in me, like that?"

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"When you'd just gotten me back into my room. You said - the part of you that your mother raised wanted to apologize for saving me, and the rest wanted to shake me until all the idiot came out. You didn't say anything about - my reasons. You didn't say, you have so much to live for. You didn't say, that's the selfish way, the coward's way. You respected my decision but wanted me to know it was a stupid one. And - that kind of started me thinking, what is it that's really going on in his head?"

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"Yeah? Reached any insights on that one?"

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Mentally, Edmund performs a warding-off-evil gesture.

"...it's not that you don't actually want to help people as much as they think you do, because you do. It's not that you aren't perfect, because - in the ways that matter, you are. But you wish you weren't."

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"Fucking Pevensies, man," he half-laughs half-hiccups.

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"Sorry, mate, doesn't really turn off." Further hugs?

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Sure fine hugs. "Fine, guess we're friends now, you happy?"

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Edmund thinks about it.

"For now? Yeah."

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"Do we at least get to be the kind of friends that kiss sometimes or is that not allowed."

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"Wouldn't say no."

Edmund turns his head for a kiss. The nice thing about food in the Scholomance - perhaps the only nice thing - is that there's practically no aftertaste to it, so Scorpius just tastes like... well, Scorpius.

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...wait he wasn't actually expecting this, nice!

He leans down to press their lips together—they're already hugging, so he can just lift his hand up Edmund's back and run his fingers through Edmund's hair. It's... nice. He is feeling kind of a whole mess of emotions right now including very desperate for this bizarrely perceptive boy but Edmund had said—lost his virginity—Scorpius does not want to rush things with him. They can take their time.

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Edmund makes an absolutely pathetic little noise when Scorpius touches his hair. His eyes flutter closed and -

he breaks off the kiss and opens his eyes again. "Um. We shouldn't be doing this here. It's very nice, but. Terrible idea. And we should be getting to class."

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"—yes. Right. Class," Scorpius says, blinking in a daze a bit and seriously considering skipping, but—no, the Scholomance would be put out, and it's been so nice to them so far this morning, no mals at all on their little date.

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Edmund consolidates their trays. (His plate mysteriously still has a little puddle of baked beans, but has otherwise been picked clean.) "I'll bus these. Go on. And - we can get back to it later."

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"You're insane if you think I'm letting you walk to the cafeteria alone right now. Call me paranoid but I'm coming with. I have alchemy lab downstairs anyway."

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"Well. I'm not turning you down."

(Mostly he just wanted to hear him say it.)

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Scorpius notices that.

"Pevensie, you're such an ass," he says, hopping to his feet and offering Edmund a hand up.

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He takes Scorpius' hand and hauls himself to his feet.

He doesn't seem inclined to let go.

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Scorpius notices this also! "Guess the rumors are nearly true now, huh?" he says, squeezing.

Off they go, then.

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"Well, not the cupcake-inducing ones, but we do seem to be on our merry way."

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Lake isn't at breakfast today. Lex has a line all ready to go about the hypocrisy of criticizing other people's eating habits and then immediately skipping a meal, when - he comes in with bloody Pevensie.

Fortunately, Lex already ate as much as he could stomach today, and he only got as much as he could stomach in the first place, so at least he's not wasting food, the horror.

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Oh there Lex is, and he looks like he's even eaten! Scorpius considers this a success, and a resounding one at that.

He gives Edmund a quick peck on the lips before making his way to Lex.

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Oh absolutely fucking not.

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Absolutely fucking yes. "Hey, Lex. Want company walking to the labs?" he says, probably not oblivious to the death glare. And of course now the whole school has even more fuel for its gossip mill.

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Lex strongly considers making some kind of anatomically implausible threat. But, ultimately, they're in the cafeteria, and threatening Scorpius Lake in public is the kind of shit that gets Ibrahim or someone on a vigilante kick.

Also, he has absolutely no excuse to be this pissed off, and he's exactly self-aware to know that. He doesn't have some kind of claim on Lake. Even if he did, Pevensie was by all accounts there first. But more to the point, he doesn't, because he would set his own dick on fire before touching Lake's perfectly formed arse. And Lake clearly knows that. Because instead of playing some stupid will-they-won't-they game with Lex, who doesn't want him, he's back to fucking around with Pevensie.

"I would love nothing more," he says in a tone that most would use for the kind of anatomically implausible threat he was just considering.

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Scorpius purses his lips to prevent himself from saying what he wants to say. He tries to think of something else, and eventually goes for, "I think that whatever is going through your head right now is probably not true. Not that I'm claiming to know, exactly, what it is. But I'm not gonna stop liking you just because I also like other people, you're gonna have to work for me to stop liking you."

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"I've been working at nothing else for the past twenty-four hours."

But Lex drags himself to his feet.

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"You're doing shit at it."

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"I repeatedly insulted you for trying to save my life, confessed to premeditated murder, pissed off all of your friends, implied you were a paedophile, stated outright you were trying to pay me for sex with an apple, and stopped barely short of calling your mother a whore. And threatened your life. I'm doing the best I can, Lake."

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"Then I guess I'm just going to have to keep liking you, aren't I?"

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"Christ in Hell. You're a conversational juggernaut."

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"That sounded like it was trying to be an insult but I think I feel flattered instead."

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"Making plans to use that against me in the future somehow? Looking forward to it."

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"Ignore enough of my pins and eventually one of them will be poison."

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"Sounds hot."

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Lex is startled into laughter. "God. You're inhuman."

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"That, conversely, sounds like flirting."

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"I knew that. If a bear tried to maul you you'd think it was flirting."

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"I try to keep only to human beings. Also, people who aren't flirting are usually pretty swift in saying so when it might look that way, in my experience." Unsaid: Lex did not do this.

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"Fuck you." Unsaid: fuck you twice.

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"I really should have poked you out of your shell earlier, you are a lot of fun."

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"You know, I've never had much of a thick skin, myself, but you bring it to a whole new level. Mithridates, he died old... and all that shit."

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He blinks twice, slowly. "Who?"

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"Oh. Uh. Old poem about - well it's the story of Mithridates, this ancient king who took controlled doses of poison to develop an immunity, and he recognized the taste so any time somebody tried to poison him he had them executed. But it's really about - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger? I think? Honestly it just popped into my head."

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"Who's the one poisoning whom, here, because I could see a case for either."

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"I assumed I was poisoning you since I mentioned poisoning you earlier, but now I'm kind of curious how you're poisoning me."

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"That's the straightforward reading, yeah, but I'm the one prodding at your weaknesses and making you angry and making you too distracted to notice that on s'est fait brûler," which with a closed fist pointed just above Lex's head sets the crawler that had tried to sneak up on him on fire, "so yeah."

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"Goddammit. It's a good thing you can't count or this would be very embarrassing."

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"I can, I just don't."

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"I know you don't count, isn't that your whole thing? People should stay safe but you don't count. People should live but you don't count. People can't be perfect - but you don't count."

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"You read me like a book," he says, though he's reeling a bit. "And if you read me so well you know how perfect—or not—I am."

Here's alchemy lab, half their classmates already there. They look up at the noise, and many of them perk up at seeing Scorpius there and try to scuttle to give him space and look invitingly. Scorpius is so seldom alone when he comes to class!

(Of course Lex doesn't count. Scorpius wouldn't sit with Lex, that would be preposterous.)

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"Shove off, we're having a perfectly lovely conversation," Lex says to the assorted hangers-on. "Lake, usually I'd be sensible but I'm guessing you want to sit under a vent, smile winningly if I have you to rights."

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"I just want to sit with you, so if under a vent is where you want to be then that's where I'll go."

He has enough ranged spells he can probably deal with whatever comes out of any vents any time.

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"Don't want to per se but I do not observe better seating that isn't infested with cheering fans."

Lex prods a nearby chair and checks over its environs. Satisfied of the absence of mals, he takes a seat.

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"Don't be mean," he says, taking the seat next to Lex.

Then frowning, standing up, climbing on top of his seat, and sending a gust of frigid air up the vent. Satisfied that that has dealt with whatever was there, he lowers back down to his seat.

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"If I can't be mean what in the living breathing fuck do you want from me," Lex mutters, snatching his assignment slip out of the air. He scans it distractedly, making noises of disgust with increasing frequency. 

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"Be mean to me instead!" he says brightly, standing up again when he notices he actually sat on his assignment slip. "What horrors has the school bestowed upon you this time?"

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"Take a look."

In lieu of the standard lead-to-gold potion, a concoction that will convert a human being injected to a golden statue. An alchemical accelerant which burns through flesh and leaves a perfectly bleached skeleton behind. A potion which, flung like a grenade, emits fumes in a fifty-foot radius that cause horrific, bone-snapping convulsions.

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He wrinkles his nose. "Does that first one only work on humans? And what does the second one do to mals?"

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"The first one looks rather human-specific, and the second one I imagine would do to mals exactly what it does to humans, namely incinerate the fleshy or gooey bits and leave potentially useful bones behind, which means -" he circles it "- that it will be this week's project."

The slip vanishes, replaced by a stack of yellowing parchment. "Oh, and fuck you too, madame Schol," he says, reaching out to start leafing carefully through the sheaf.

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Scorpius grins and shakes his head, patting Lex's thigh as he circles his own choice: a molotov cocktail potion of sorts, except instead of 'set on fire and explode' it's 'imbue with mana, choose a damage type, and then explode'.

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"Don't you have enough ways to - oh, the hypocrisy would kill me," Lex mutters, perusing the ingredient list. "It looks like once again I will be bleeding for my art, though this one only wants seven drams."

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"—once again? And you skip meals???" Scorpius practically hisses. "Higgins what the fuck," he says, although he does make sure to say it in a low enough volume that no one else heard it. This was a situation that called for a last name.

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"Eat when hungry," Lex says. "Shockingly, my appetite increases when I have been bled. The system maintains itself."

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He narrows his eyes at Lex for a second or two before shaking his head and starting on his own assignment. "Whatever you say."

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"Not going to force your blood on me like some kind of deranged reverse-vampire? I'm disappointed, they'll decanonize you."

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"No, I am instead going to take this excuse to sit with you at lunch and make sure you're good on your word," he says, primly.

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Ingredients ingredients ingredients. "Ugh, it wants aconite. You'd think someone would have a hydroponics lab for it at the rate it's called for..."

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"...gonna let you try to guess how often it's called for in other kids' projects, given that I just said this."

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"Shit, really? Ugh. I should've been trading for it this whole time. Maybe I should have you look over the whole list."

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He offers his right hand, using the left one to stir and keeping an eye on his own project. He's at a bit of a sensitive part on his assignment.

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Lex hands it over once he's determined that the sensitive part is over, thank you very much.

"You may be a killing machine but I'm reasonably sure you're still capable of losing a hand in a lab accident," he observes. "I don't care that you're a god among men, you don't stir one-handed."

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"Aww, you care about my wellbeing, I'm touched," he says, and even though it's kind of a mocking sentence all over he still sounds... genuine? "Anyway, this one's playing all the way into my affinity, Lex. Surely you also have your instincts kicking in when you get all of those tools of mass destruction?"

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"I suppose. Anyway, go ahead and look over my recipe of mass destruction and I'll... twiddle my thumbs, I suppose, I so rarely get a chance to actually twiddle my thumbs."

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This boy is extremely cute and he is feeling like kissing him an unreasonable amount.

He will read the recipe instead.

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The Flaym of Purgeing

Whenn ye Plage fyrst strukk ye publick, I myself had liwed hardely three and tenn Yearf...

"I don't know why alchemists always think you want to know their life story," Lex observes. "I could not possibly care less about this asshole. Ingredients start on the fourth page."

1 (One) Skull of childe

2 (Two) pynch saltes of Sulphurick Acid and Bitter Lye

3 (Three) Aconite bloomes, powdered

4 (Four) graines Burnt Lime

5 (Five) scruples good Wine

6 (Six) pyntes purest Water

7 (Seven) drachm Vyrgin's Blodd

"The child skull thing is another bit I'm assuming isn't widespread. I've got one from a veal calf that works fine."

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"Sulfur and lye see uses, mostly for stuff with fire and explosives, everything else seems mostly normal, except obviously for the blood. And I could definitely not offer my blood, here," and he looks at Lex for a split second from the corner of his eyes before saying, "and maybe I'll manage to get your blood to stop counting before the end of term."

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"You know as well as I do that virgin's blood is chemically identical to nonvirgin, that he meant a female virgin above the age of mense anyway, and that I will shove my steel-toed boot straight up your arse if you don't shut up."

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"If that's what rocks your boat," he says, sliding the slip of parchment back over, "although I can think of better things for you to shove up my ass than your boot."

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Lex looks like he is very close to biting Lake's nose off. He snatches the paper and stomps towards the supply closet.

On the way over he inhales deeply and manages to say something very polite to...

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...a mousy-looking East Asian girl, who smiles at him and asks something of her lab partner, who reluctantly comes up with a small jar of powder.

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Lex looks - very surprised by this. He removes something from his pocket and hands it to the girl, who facilitates the exchange.

When he gets to the supply closet, he's careful, but still comes away with the materials he needs. He comes back to the table and nods at Scorpius.

"It'll still have to wait for me to get the skull for mixing the reactant, but - apparently Sophie's lab partner did have some powdered aconite. And he only wanted a couple of snack tokens for it, he'd been trying to offload it for ages."

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"Well, lucky for you, then. I bet I could have grabbed some off New York if push came to shove but I don't think it would have, that would've taken a lot of time and the Scholomance wouldn't just give you an assignment you could not actually complete in time, like that."

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"My freshman year it asked four liters of blood for a potion. I had to get a dose of liquid expander from a senior, traded him ten Radiant Mind crystals for it, and bled myself dry for a week. It doesn't just give you assignments you can't complete, but it will absolutely fuck you over."

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"...well you did complete it, didn't you? Sorry, I'm not trying to be a bitch. I just have the impression the school... won't literally try to kill you. Not like that. Even if it will force you to trade away your crystals and bleed a lot."

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"...felt like it was. But I guess maybe it was just trying to make me feel like it was."

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"Not gonna go as far as saying it's tough love, it's a school not a person, but it is trying to prepare us for survival. One way or another. All wise-gifted children..."

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"Sanctuary and protection. I've always thought you shouldn't promise things you can't give."

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"It's a numbers game. It does the best anyone has ever been able to figure out how to do." He smiles. "I've been fed the party line for long enough, you could say."

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"He tried his best would be the world's most popular epitaph if it meant anything."

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"Maybe, but it's a magical construct. It can do nothing but its best."

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"What a miserable way to be."

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"We can hope for its sake it's less sentient than most mals around. It did never decide to just eat us all instead of carrying on, for a blessing."

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"Well. A blessing if you think we matter more than the good people of Patience and Fortitude."

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"...I suppose that is a trade I hadn't thought of. Four thousand kids die swiftly, so that however many those two have been torturing for decades finally get their release."

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"It's not pleasant to think about, I'm not exactly surprised you haven't. You only get a few thoughts each day that aren't 'how do I kill that, again?'; it makes sense you'd ration them."

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"I think it's more about prioritising them than rationing them," he says, side-eyeing Lex for a second again.

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"Prioritize, he says." Lex leans back in his chair. "Your priorities, Lake, are fucked. You've spent a solid eighteen hours being insulted nonstop because you get off on it."

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"Not quite how I would put it."

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"Isn't it? Amaze me, then, with your interpretation."

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"I spent eighteen hours being insulted because words are wind and behind that prickly persona you are a fun and interesting person with unusual insights who could use a friend." And, hell, he's on an emotional honesty binge anyway. "And honestly so could I, having people who aren't reflexively kissing my ass everywhere I go is very refreshing."

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Lex's eyes are not a little bit shiny at all when he says "I'm glad I entertain you, then, as long as the novelty hasn't worn off."

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"Novelty's fun and all," he says, not lifting his gaze from this work, "but like I said, I could use a friend."

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"You've got a friend in Pevensie, don't you?"

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He laughs. "I could use two friends, then. Call me greedy."

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"Not what I'd call you."

Class begins to end. Lex stands and stretches. "Remind me never to forget to bring the skull to alchemy ever again, I need it every time I leave it in my room and I'll bore myself to tears if I keep having to talk to you instead of making hideous poisons."

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"You seem a talented boy, I'm sure you can multitask. What's your next class?"

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"Something or other to do with creative writing. I'm debating whether to keep trying to avoid the word despair or just shoot the villanelle I'm working on in the head and start something about cleansing flame, which I might be able to actually keep on track."

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"I have language hall, so that's at least close enough to yours that I can keep cramping your style almost all the way there."

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"Relentlessly. Well, might as well get going."

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Upstairswards, then, and the other kids in class who might normally have walked with Scorpius didn't because Lex was there and they were very sure something was going wrong there even if they didn't quite know what. Just as well, Scorpius was kind of not really feeling playing up the dashing hero today for some reason.

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"...seems more like I'm cramping your style than you mine," Lex observes eventually. "The strong tailwind of popularity apparently can't quite compete with my malefic doldrum."

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"Sucks to be them, I guess." Pause. "I don't actually mean that. I'm a bit tired, is all."

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Lex cackles. "I'm corrupting you! I'm corrupting you! I can't believe it!"

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Scorpius shoots him a half-amused half-exasperated look. "Not quite yet, I don't think. You'd probably have an easier time corrupting me if you actually used one of the ghastly mind-control things I'm sure the artificing workshop offers you every now and then. For now all you've done is..." Shrug. "Spoil me."

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"I'll take it. You don't know shit about my artificing assignments, though... actually hold on what track are you again."

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He doesn't ask Lex about his. He knows pretty much every junior's track.

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"Damn you to hell. What would you ask if I wanted help with a split-specialty artifice project? School has me working on an artifact that'll store blood but I need an alchemist and an artificer helping out, I'll be chanting the whole time and I need somebody to help mix up the glass and somebody to blow it into shape. I think I can convince Sophie to work the bellows, she mostly does fabric but she's versatile, but you can't find an alchemist in this place who'd help me out for love nor money."

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Scorpius slowly raises an eyebrow then says, "Say something nice about a single person in our year. Is what I'm asking for it."

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"You can't be serious."

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"Serious as a knife wound."

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"Sophie Hara is the second-nicest person I have ever met, after my bitch of a mother. The fact that she's not already dead is a testament to the fact that even this fucking place cannot destroy every good thing that it touches. I will still have to get her something very nice for helping with this project, but she's willing to do it, which is really fucking saying something. If you tell her I said any of this I swear to God I'll rip your entrails out and feed them to the pigs, and no I don't know where I'll find pigs in this place, it was a statement of general intent."

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Scorpius cackles, at that. "Tit for tat, you corrupt me and I corrupt you. I'll help with your assignment."

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"Thank you. I feel like I need to wash myself."

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"Invite me next time you do, we can watch each other. I mean, watch out for each other."

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"I am going to hit you with a rolled-up newspaper."

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"Bark bark bark," he says in a deadpan.

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Lex enters his creative writing classroom and slams the door behind him.

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When Scorpius gets to his language lab, he may notice that he shares it with someone he hasn't had much reason to take notice of before.

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Scorpius thinks people existing is exactly enough reason for him to take notice of them, thank you very much. He left alchemy before her—before everyone else, really—so he watches for her arrival and then shows up next to her, all smiles. "Hey Sophie? Can we walk to lunch after this class together?"

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Sophie smiles tightly at him. "Certainly. If - no, it can wait until we're actually talking." She trots rapidly over to one of the better booths, though not one of the best.

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He gives her a two-finger salute then walks into a soundproofed booth, himself. Despite what he told Lex earlier, he does actually go for the worst, most dangerous one. He's basically a stopper, clogging up the endless hose of mals wherever he goes, it's only kind.

Today he's doing Latin, which means there's a nice worksheet for a billion declination rules while a disembodied voice tells him, also in Latin, all about how he is now destined to have to fight hordes of maleficaria to keep his newfound friends safe, and whether this tale ends in victory or failure will depend on his wit and courage and strength and yadda yadda even the fucking school kisses his ass it's a nightmare.

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And, when he's done, Sophie awaits.

She looks grim, but as he approaches her face goes carefully neutral again. "Shall we?"

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He ducks his head and leads the way, which is basically almost a guarantee that they won't face any mals.

"So, Lex," is what he starts with when they are sufficiently far from the group of hopefuls that were not quite quick enough to insert themselves into their little duo on the way to the cafeteria.

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"I know you're very important and you've saved my life and everyone thinks the sun shines out of your arse but I swear to God if you lay a finger on that boy I'll fill your room with the deadliest bloody spiders I can find," is what Sophie says to that, coming out all in a rush. "He's not a maleficer, I know he'll bite your nose off if you come too close but he's never done a damn thing to me, not even in freshman year when there wasn't a person in the school cared a whit for me, and if you're so desperate to save people then go strap a pipe bomb to yourself and take a running jump into Patience."

She's breathing heavily, after that, and her cheeks are flushed pink. "Sorry," she says, apparently on reflex. "You were saying."

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He nearly trips laughing and starts with, "Is that a threat or a promise?" then stops and goes, "No, flirting later. Of course he's not a maleficer, Jack Westing was a maleficer and good riddance."

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She stares at him. "What does Jack Westing have to do with - oh. Oh did he - that idiot. Do you need a, a weregild or some - no you said good riddance - I'm beginning to think I've misread this situation."

In through nose, out through mouth. "Let's start from the beginning. 'So, Lex' what."

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"He seems to really like you and maybe consider you the closest thing he has to a friend, here, and I kind of want to figure out what's going on in his head."

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"God, does he? I knew that already and it's still sad. Um. I don't think I can tell you so much without betraying his trust - a lot of his secrets are the kind where knowing it's a secret is the secret, you know? And it's not like he ever chose to tell me but I'm the nosiest witch in this place, there's not a chance I wouldn't learn them, but knowing's one thing and telling's another."

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"Of course, I'm not asking you to betray his confidence." He hums thoughtfully. "If you're the nosiest witch in this place I don't want to tell you either about the few things I know that maybe qualify as secrets."

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"- I'm not a gossip. I'm just... curious. Too curious. Howell always said, before he graduated, that I kept tripping into people's secrets. Nothing is safe from you. If I were to court a girl who lived on an iceberg in the middle of the ocean, sooner or later - probably sooner - I'd look up to see you swooping overhead on a broomstick. By now I'd be disappointed in you if I didn't."

(She recites this in a slight, unconscious Welsh accent.)

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"...boyfriend of yours?" he asks, lightly. "Wait, Howell... Jenkins, graduated last year?" Assuming he survived.

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"Howell Jenkins, yes. Boyfriend, I suppose. We met at my induction, I had a letter for him and he complimented my hat and tried to flirt and I said he might as well get a hat of his own instead of spending all his alchemy labs making himself conditioner. Which he did, at the time, until I started making it for him instead - I'm better at alchemy than he ever was." She sighs. "He did survive, I think, he had a good alliance and he was very well equipped, but we'll see if I get a letter come induction."

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"Rooting for you," he says, grinning. "...mmm, let's see, family situation, fuel for magic, and what kinds of books he has in his room. Those are vague enough, right? Those are the only things I can think of that would be secrets."

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She nods. "Family situation is a good one. I got that one because she sent him a letter last induction, pages and pages, and she told the freshman to be quiet about it and gave her a physical description instead but the poor kid did have to confirm and I overheard the dreaded full name. Fuel, I worked that one out because he's always working on his mana, even when he's dead on his feet. And the books... well, I haven't been in his room but I've seen the shite he gets for projects, I'm hardly shocked the Void isn't any better."

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"Don't tell me any other secrets, naturally. But. Yeah. I'm actually glad he, uh, pardon me for assuming, but he has you to lean on at least a little bit? I saw that earlier today in alchemy lab. It was... nice of you, nicer than I would have expected most people to be to anyone not in their enclave or alliance."

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"Lord knows I try. He won't take the hint that I'd make him clothes that actually fit him in exchange for a snack token or an unsharpened pencil or a rock he found on the ground."

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"...want to give me the clothes, I bet I could force him to accept them."

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"God, would you? It's shame on my bloody ancestors to watch him walking around like that. Walk me to my room along the way and I'll get them, I'm 196A."

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"Sure, can do. Perk of my little golden boy rep is he's not even going to think it's cursed. Is it alright if I tell him it was you or should I just vaguely hint that I have loads and loads of clothes and just want to see him looking prettier?"

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"I've no idea what he'd do if he knew I'd resorted to gifting him clothes through a proxy. Probably drive himself mad trying to pay me back for every stitch."

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Scorpius sighs. "Yeah, probably."

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"It's utterly depressing that people think he's bad. It's worse that he does too. It scares the shit out of me he - what, killed Westing? Because..." She struggles to phrase something.

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"He didn't take a drop of malia from Westing. If that helps. And Westing deserved it, the bastard killed Luisa, if Lex hadn't I might have."

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"That is not what I mean and you damn well know it. He's taking people's sins on himself. He's thinking 'if somebody has to kill him it might as well be me, I'm bad anyway.' It scares the shit out of me and it should you too, if you care at all."

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Scorpius covers his face with a hand, letting out a bitter laugh. "It would be hypocritical of me to say anything about that but maybe if you do it too he'll listen."

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"I can't. He thinks I'm a sensible professional, who'd drop him if it weren't in my best interest to have an in with someone desperate. If I said I cared about him he'd combust."

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"Well, I think I have a solid in now on 'it is possible for people to care about you at all even though you are trying to test that to its limits', although he might think that's just me being me." Scorpius smiles and looks away. "And he's good. He's been given the world's shittest hand, he could burst out of this school draining us out of our lives and be more terrifying to the enclaves out there than if Patience ate Fortitude," which are just guesses but he's pretty sure whatever affinity Lex has it's at least as heavy duty as Scorpius's, "and here he is not draining a drop of malia from his headboard and wearing threadbare rags and trying to convince himself it's out of spite."

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Sophie gives him an odd look.

"This is my room," she says abruptly. "Give me a moment?"

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"Sure, take your time."

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She goes in and retrieves a bundle of clothing - two outfits' worth, plus a pair of boots identical to Lex's current pair but clean and new. She presses the lot into Scorpius' arms.

"It's cotton. It'll fit him well but not suspiciously well. The enchantments are all inside the seams, so he shouldn't notice anything except that they're a bit more durable than they have a right to be and stains won't stick to them. I'm still hoping I can get him to accept a hat but you don't actually wear hats, no one wears hats anymore but me, so it'd be suspicious."

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"He would clock you immediately," nods Scorpius in full seriousness, before cracking a smile again. "Thank you for this. I realize I never offered anything back, but..."

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"You're doing me a service. ...if you're desperate to pay me back, buy a hat."

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"Am I going to have to wear it, too? I like my hair," or lack thereof.

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"A hat doesn't have to cover your whole head. I could see you in a boater. No - not straw, that would be idiotic, but maybe something in silk. It'd still show off enough of your scalp to keep you recognizable, but it'd give you a roguish charm."

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"I'll buy a hat, and you'll have to convince me to wear it. Not now, though, or we will be late for lunch."

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"Then I shouldn't drag you into my room and use you as a mannequin. At least not yet."

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"Not yet," he laughs, "but I'm willing."

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Lex sits with Liu again at lunch. Usually he doesn't like to spend too much time with one person, in case his miasma offends them more on extended contact, but Liu's good people.

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Liu's fine with it, and it's not like people want to be around her much more than they want to be around Lex. She may have no aura of doom but she still looks... off.

Which Scorpius of course clocked when he talked about the telltale signs. Lex would have been able to know, the way his affinity goes, that she's a maleficer even without the appearance changes, but they're still minor enough no one brings it up. Not a great idea, in general, to piss a maleficer off, even one that looks as harmless as she does. Relatively speaking.

She's one of the good ones, though. Not like Westing, not going up and out in a blaze of inglory. Like some people are reputed to be, in her family, she's one of the careful ones. Probably used up all of her weight allowance on a bag of hamsters or something and has been slowly draining malia from them over time, building her power base. Her family is on the cusp of building their own enclave, and Lex knows she's got two cousins coming next year, so the power she's getting is for them, too. Then once she's out she can spend ten years doing no more magic and her anima might recover by enough to completely cleanse her of the effects of malia, for a nice thought.

But for now it still adds up to most people not wanting to be around her.

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And Scorpius plops down next to them like he belongs, which of course he thinks he does. The various hopefuls who are wondering if he's gonna sit with them today look disappointed, but there's always another day, it's not like Scorpius really sits with anyone in particular too many times in a row anyway.

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(Liu does not nearly jump out of her skin when he shows up unannounced like that but only because she is a Scholomance junior and if you still jump at unexpected harmless things here you will have a very short life.)

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"Lake. Here to nanny me?"

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"Yep," he says, placing an apple on Lex's tray... and another on Liu's. And he has an apple of his own, too.

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"You and your damned apples."

But he takes it, and bites into it, and makes only a slight face. "Do you ever wonder if there were better cultivars even back in Sir Alfred's heyday? I've never met anyone who cared for Red Delicious or Granny Smith, but they're the only ones that seem to crop up in this pit."

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"Isn't that New York's fault...?" asks Liu before she thinks better of it, and then she starts stuffing her face.

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"Yeah it is," says Scorpius, shrugging. "Chloe's... grandfather, I think? Back when New York took over from London after the war. They used to eat pure nutrient sludge in the Scholomance, before, but New York got their best artificers and alchemists to build something that can transmute the nutrient sludge into something that looks like food. So they were the ones who picked it, seventy years ago."

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"I've wondered occasionally if I might not like the sludge better. Sludge doesn't compete with anything. It's sludge. It feels like the imitation of real food is just insult to injury."

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"I hear it tasted absolutely disgusting but of course that would be the party line I'd be fed, in New York."

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Liu pauses in her chewing to look at Scorpius with a curious expression on her face.

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"New York, New York, it's a hell of a town, they lie to their children to keep the victuals down." Food in food hole because he's a good lad. 

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"Got a gift for you later, by the way," he tells Lex.

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"Oh, what? This is the absolute edge of enough. I'm already eating for you."

He picks up a forkful of mashed potato and lets it fall to the plate, as punctuation.

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Scorpius wrinkles his nose. "Fine, next time I won't tell you about it until you're done eating."

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...on the one hand Liu feels like the gay boys need some time for themselves here, but on the other this is such GREAT goss. A gift? Gosh!

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"- Liu," Lex says as a thought occurs to him, "what kind of assignments do you get, like, in shop and alc? I was going to ask earlier but then the conquering hero decided to pretend he was my mother."

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"—um?" she says, surprised to be addressed. "Uh... n-normal things? Uh." She looks down at her plate. "My affinity's animals. I often get... stuff for familiars and, and all that."

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"...huh. I don't think I knew that, about your affinity."

Thoughtful face. Potatoes.

"That does sound kind of neat, though. Collars in artifice, tick powder in alchemy. No infernal napalm mixed in a skull."

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She startles, at that. "Infernal...?"

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"Um. It's a cow skull, for the record."

Why does he keep talking to Liu like he's a person instead of remembering she's not insane.

"If you need to burn anything very thoroughly, I'll have a supply soon," he says vaguely.

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"I'll... keep that in mind," says the girl who is very definitely actually a maleficer and very definitely still kinda scared of him. But it's not like she can really leave, now, is it?

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Scorpius is in trooooubleeeeee lalalalala~

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Potat- the potatoes are all gone. Actually he appears to have eaten everything on his plate. Was he... hungry? That seems fake. 

"I - sorry," he says, inanely, since he can't just put more food in his face. "Um. In my defense Lake has been decreasing my ability to remember how normal people talk to each other, because he reacts completely inappropriately to normal conversational stimuli like insults and threats."

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"Guilty as charged."

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"It's fine," Liu says automatically. Then she looks at Scorpius, tries to think of something to say, and returns to her food when she fails.

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"You're good people, Liu. Uh. Lake, when did you want to work on the project? Since you already exacted your pound of flesh."

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Liu grimaces at the expression. She's familiar with many expressions in English about trading and payments and the like, she's been taking classes almost exclusively in English since induction and making sure to talk to people from this language group, but it's still one of the weirdest ones.

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"I suppose whenever you and Sophie are free. All juniors have a personal work slot right now after lunch, right?"

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"Right - if now works with you I can check with Sophie, I didn't have anything slotted but yoga."

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"Sure, works for me."

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And Liu will then say bye to them and go only half-advertently spread the new bit of gossip around the mill. Mostly to the Mandarin-speakers but it'll sure get around.

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"Oh - are you going to make me receive my gift before we go to the shop? I half expect a wedding ring," he says as she leaves. 

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"Better after, actually, it's not that portable."

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"Oh the anticipation."

Lex finds Sophie in the cafeteria - she's sitting with some of her respectable-but-not-too-respectable indie acquaintances. "Oi, Hara," he says. "You up for some shop work? I'll give you a spell that controls spiders, I know it's not as handy in here but when you get out it's money in the bank. Think of the silk. And it's in Latin, I know you've got Latin."

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"She doesn't -" says one of the respectable indies, before observing his companion and stopping midsentence. 

Sophie smiles at Lex and Scorpius both. "That does sound like a good trade, provided the project isn't a killer. And I'm just about done here. Samantha, could you bus my tray and tell Ameerah I won't be by? Something has come up, obviously."

Another girl gets the hint. "Course, Sophie."

"Thanks." She stands and nods to Scorpius. "Good to see you again."

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Once they're out of earshot, Lex mumbles, "...didn't mean to make you cancel on an appointment. We can-"

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"Lex, please don't try to manage my schedule for me. I assure you I have more practice."

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...man she gives off real strong "don't flirt with me" vibes but he kinda wants to.

He can sit on his feeling and ask, "So what exactly was your thing meant to do?"

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"- right. It's a blood orb. The way it works - you don't need all of it but I do so I'll go over it anyway - it hooks into void storage and lets you pull the blood out of a nonliving source - puddle, vial, um, corpse, et cetera, and keeps it fresh and clean for later use. The glass needs to be mixed precisely and kept at blowing temperature, there's an incantation I'll be handling, and it needs to be blown evenly - Hara, your job's probably easiest but you're the one who knows how to work glass. Questions? Concerns? Complaints?"

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"Only nonliving sources?" asks Scorpius with some surprise.

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"...modified the recipe a bit. It's still in-affinity."

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"Cool," he says, in that weirdly genuine way teenage boys sometimes do.

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"Sophie, any questions?"

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Shrug. "My part seems straightforward. Go ahead."

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Thank god, Sophie doesn't think he's evil or if she does it's drowned out by profit motive.

"Alright." And walk walk walk to the workshop.

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A group of three including Scorpius Lake is bound to not be attacked by anything, so indeed they are not. The way is much more well lit than it was when Scorpius and Lex went there, at night, and shorter, too. They make it there in short order.

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Lex heads over towards the locker in which he's collated the relevant ingredients, then hesitates and hands the key to Scorpius instead. "I'm terribly frightened," he deadpans, "would you be a big strong man for me?"

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(Sophie rolls her eyes.)

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Scorpius accepts the key with a grin and opens the locker to reveal—you guessed it—exactly the ingredients Lex left there and zero jumping mals. "I'm always happy to help," he says, starting to grab stuff to be spread out wherever it needs to be for assembly.

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"It's remarkable," Sophie mutters as she starts the burner for the glass. "Some would say it's his most memorable character trait."

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Lex collects the other reagents. "Don't want to see you stirring one-handed this time, Lake, if you try to tell me this job's in affinity I'll have some hard questions for you."

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"Yes, sir, I'll be a good boy."

Sophie is a good bean Scorpius is happy Lex has her.

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"Terrible," Lex says primly.

The ingredients and tools are carefully arrayed, and everyone gets a chance to look at the recipe. The whole affair will be timed pretty tightly. If anything goes wrong, the glass will cool into a fused, lumpy mess, or the orb will come out bubbly, or any number of other things, and they'll have to start entirely from scratch.

"Everyone ready?" Lex asks. 

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"I haven't picked up any new questions," Sophie confirms.

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Scorpius cracks his knuckles and nods. "Ready."

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Lex begins chanting over the sizable crucible of fine white sand, powdered aconite, and cobalt dust (along with half a dozen trace ingredients), then signals for Scorpius to put it on the flame and start mixing and pouring in mana. (There's a Radiant Mind crystal with a precisely portioned amount of energy on the table next to him.)

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Precisely portioned is good, Scorpius appreciates that. He can get to his part, and do it competently enough. He's alchemy track but clearly not due to his affinity, so he's not a genius by any means, but he has had enough practice over the years to manage just fine.

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The aconite bursts into flame first, producing a cloud of mildly poisonous smoke (which Lex feeds back into the flame) and a trace of residue essential to the process. The cobalt melts and trickles through the mixture as the sand heats to a glow and begins to dissolve, like sugar on a stove. Stir, stir, stir - Lex signals to Sophie to begin the glassblowing.

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She takes up the hollow pipe and scoops up the glass from the crucible and begins spinning it, gently, using tongs to pull it out a bit, measuring it precisely. Anyone watching would have no idea this was out-of-affinity for her. Scorpius just needs to keep up the barest trickle of mana, keeping the material mystically labile while she handles making the precise changes to its physical structure and Lex scaffolds the magic itself.

There's a faint tinkling sound behind her, as of windchimes.

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"Motherfucker," sighs Scorpius, grabbing the nearest object capable of blunt trauma—a hammer, hammers are good, he likes hammers.

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Lex doesn't pause his chanting. In fact he gets faster - the chant comes to a crescendo, and then he switches midflow into a different language, Latin from the Coptic of the main incantation, and there's a rush of energy, and the pair of sirenspiders that had been descending from the ceiling to devour Sophie stop their singing. They twitch once, twice, and then trot over to Lex and kneel before him.

He gestures impatiently at Scorpius.

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He can easily imbue the hammer with a spell and go to town, then, and soon enough the pair of sirenspiders have been neatly torn to pieces. Lex's spider control spell is good.

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Sophie acts for all intents and purposes like she does not notice this happening. Spin, blow, pull, spin some more.

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And once the spiders are very definitely dead, Lex resumes the main chant, starting as fast as he left it and slowing back down until he finally wraps it up, as the sphere cools and shivers into being.

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Sophie deposits the sphere on the table.

"You did not need to pause the chant to show off," she says coolly. "Scorpius was right here."

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"Thank you, Lex, for saving my life. No problem, Sophie! I love to help."

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"From a practical perspective I unfortunately have to agree with Sophie."

From a somewhat less practical perspective that was so hot.

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"What is wrong with you people," he mutters.

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"If you had been marginally less stupidly good at what you do, the sphere would have been ruined, we would have wasted what must have been a month's supply runs - which I notice you did not feel the need to notify me you were making, so that I could recommend you someone to go with - and the school would have likely failed you, since this was your end-of-term project and you've been complaining for months about how many projects you've messed up. No wonder, if you've been stopping in the middle to deal with nonthreats." She folds her arms across her chest. "The spell, please."

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Lex hands over a sheet of vellum and cringes slightly.

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"I'm -"

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"I can't cast this! It took me one look to know that even if it was in-affinity for me I'd need half of your crystals to run it for half an hour!"

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...he feels like he should be running some kind of interference here but he's still a little bit distracted by how hot Lex is.

—wait, Sophie's thing is clothes, isn't it, and they just... "Give me a moment, the two of you," he says, diving into the corpses of the spiders and— "Aha. Here, how's this?" he says, offering Sophie...

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"...the silk glands. Are you insane. You killed it, you could - you could hang onto those and auction the silk when you graduate, let alone what you could get for it in here! I - I can't even - imagine - I worked with it once and - oh my God. If you give me that you can forget about paying me for a hat, I'm making you the best damn hat you can imagine and if you try to object I will tell Chloe about this entire incident."

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Scorpius cackles and says, "Well what can Chloe even do about it, anyway," but of course Sophie's right. Sirenspiders are a big deal, especially ones this big, which are super rare anywhere but—you guessed it—in the Scholomance's graduation hall. By this time in their growth cycle the majority of them are in fact down there, weaving their webs and preying on smaller, weaker mals while waiting for the feeding frenzy of graduation day itself. To most people, encountering sirenspiders this large (two of them, even) is almost certain death as they sing you to petrification and drain you of all your lifeforce for a nice little growth burst, a molting, and maybe even an egg or two.

And yet, Scorpius wiggles his hands, eyebrows raised. Come on, Sophie, you know you want theeeem~

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She snatches the silk glands and shoves them into her handbag after incanting a basic organic preservation spell. Then she bounces on her heels. "Lex, you are forgiven for your absolute perfidy for the sole reason that your boyfriend is completely insane. Scorpius, you're coming to my room and I am making you express hat preferences."

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"Not my boyfriend," Lex says, but his heart really isn't in it.

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Scorpius shakes his head. "Sorry Sophie but I'll have to take a raincheck, I promised my not-yet-boyfriend I was going to give him a gift after this." Then before Lex can respond to that he leans closer to him and whispers, "And for what it's worth I thought it was really cool."

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"That makes me feel so much better, because my entire moral universe revolves around you, you inveterate prick."

It clearly does make him feel a little bit better.

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"Fine. But if you don't report to my room sometime in the next week I will be making this hat without your aesthetic input, so help me God."

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"Yes, ma'am," he says, saluting, and then he puts an arm around Lex's shoulder to push him along.

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Sophie follows them until she runs into a small cloud of her other friends, then makes her excuses and joins them.

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As she leaves, Lex's face falls again.

"...I hate - that I couldn't really pay her. I'd give her a crystal but she's already got so many of mine from - other times I've needed her help - and she hasn't said anything but I know she can't even use the amount I've given her before graduation."

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"...Lex, you blind nincompoop, she cares about you."

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"...she cared about me. When we were dumb freshmen. Then she got better, and I got worse, and she thinks I'm still worth it for some reason but - no one should have to care about me. Not anymore."

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He takes a step back to stop and glare at Lex, arms folded. And of course, Scorpius Lake can just stop walking in the middle of a hallway and nothing will jump him. "Okay, one, I can guarantee you one hundred percent she is putting on an act around you with the whole trade persona and she does in fact still care about you. If you never believe anything else I tell you, believe that. And two—" He looks around, and they're far enough away from crowds and towards their dorm hall that they're not gonna be heard. "And two," he continues, "stop with that crap, Higgins, you got dealt a shit hand and by all accounts you have been doing amazing with it, and if you had not killed Jack Westing I would have because that little creepy sociopathic piece of shit was not going to stop with Luisa, not after he got a taste of the power he could get like that, and, and you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself all the time because you're a good person. I don't care how many times you insult my mother or call me a pedophile or hiss at other people, you're a good person and you care about the people around here even while they insist on making your life endlessly miserable."

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"Did I request thee, Maker, from my clay to mould me man? Did I solicit thee from darkness to promote me?" Lex's eyes are dull. "Let's just go, before I have to start in on Dante."

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He sighs and pushes Lex's shoulder ahead lightly, and lets his touch linger for a second before just walking on.

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Lex follows along, clearly ruminating.

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Nothing attacks them, and when they get to Scorpius's room he unlocks his door and disables his wards before stepping inside, leaving the door wide open as he does.

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Lex steps inside reluctantly and looks around.

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It's... nice. Not decorated, doesn't have much of a personality, and goes for a very minimalistic-maybe-Spartan vibe, but everything is well-maintained, as you would perhaps expect of a New York enclaver. The bed is tidily made, his assignments are in a neat pile on his desk, his books are ordered alphabetically, and it absolutely has enough shadowy nooks and crannies that it must be to deliberately bait mals, but of course by the way Scorpius casually moves around in there without knocking at anything or checking any corners it must be entirely mal-free.

Lex's "gift" is on Scorpius's bed, the way Sophie left it. He grabs it and turns around to give it to Lex.

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"Huh. I was expecting - murals, beanbag chairs, maybe a hot -"

Lex looks at the clothing in the way another man might look at a dead rat. (Not in the way Lex would look at a dead rat.)


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"I was gonna say 'take it or leave it' but I'm making you take it anyway, Higgins, your clothes look like they're going to fall to pieces the moment someone gives you a stiff look."

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Lex takes the clothes, shockingly without argument. He turns and begins to strip, being very careful with his existing rags. (His ribs are... distressing. His spine is worse.)

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...good God.

He is not going to comment, because he actually doesn't want to just mother Lex around, however much he's playacting it. He wants Lex to be okay and he'll tease him about eating and... hopefully that plus being his friend will be enough but.

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He pulls the clothes on. Stretches a couple of times; swings his arms experimentally.

Finally, he says, "I can't believe she thought I wouldn't notice."

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That makes him crack a smile. "I didn't say it, you said it. I didn't tell, I promised I wouldn't so I didnt."

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"There's more mana in this shirt than in dresses she's been wearing for two years. She must have been talking to it like she was trying to teach it to talk back."

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"She said you would drive yourself nuts wanting to pay her back if I told you it had been hers."

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"...I want to. But - if - if she really didn't - stop -"

He swallows. "I've already got too much to make up to her. What's a shirt on top of it?"

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"Atta boy, that's the spirit, now I just have another three thousand nine hundred and ninety-seven students to convince to not be asses to each other just because they can."

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"Good luck with that. It only took, what, twenty-eight hours? Maybe you'll get somewhere."

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"Maybe! I do think you are a tougher nut to crack than most, though. Anyway, let's get the rest of these to your room."

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Lex takes the rest of it and shoves it in his bag, and spends a minute getting into the new boots. "...need to break these in," he notes. "Um. Could you bring me by the toilets on the way over, it's been a bit since I had a proper shower with someone standing watch and if you're going to continue obsessing over me I might as well take gratuitous advantage."

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"Sure thing. Also in normal person parlance it's called a 'crush' not an obsession."

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"I've never spoken like a normal person before and I don't intend to start now."

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Lex is between him and the door, so he gestures out. Not even Scorpius Lake gets more space given by the Scholomance. Or, well, a little bit, from the dying kids over the years, but not meaningfully so. Still cramped.

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Lex exits, gesturing magnanimously.

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Onwards to Lex's.

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Lex follows along, and puts his new clothes away when they get there, then heads towards the toilets with Scorpius.

He's got something on his mind, clearly, but he isn't saying it.

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Scorpius is going to wait, because he can be patient. Honest! For now, at least.

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"- I don't - want -" he says eventually. "Rgh. I don't - want things to be - different. I know how to deal with - how things are. I know how to handle - Sophie thinks I'm useful and you've got some kind of bug up your arse about me and everyone else thinks I'm scum. I don't know what it would even mean if - if Sophie likes me and you have a crush on me and, and everything's going to be okay."

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"...brother, stuff is either true or it ain't. Either Sophie likes you or she doesn't, either I have a crush on you or I don't, and as far as I can tell both of those are a 'yes' and you gotta deal with it. And you can deal with it by hiding from it but it's not gonna be any less true."

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"Yes, because you would never hide behind a comforting illusion."

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"...what's that even supposed to mean? What am I meant to be hiding behind, here?"

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"Your perfect-conquering-hero thing? Maybe it's not for your comfort, but you hide in it just the same."

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"I'm not... It's..." He runs a hand against his scalp, that nervous tic he gets sometimes. "Whatever else I am I'm still human, alright, and not letting people in is a very basic human thing to do in this place where at any moment anyone can just, just, just be torn to pieces in front of my face because I chose to save the group of five instead of him, no matter that if the seniors who were around had deigned to help they could have all survived—" He cuts himself off and sighs. "Yeah, I'm hiding a ton behind the persona and you're even wrong, actually, a lot of it is for my comfort. Or... maybe not comfort, but you get it, alright. I still know that I'm risking a lot and I still know that weapon of mass destruction or no I might still lose you so at least I'm facing that bit heads-on, alright?"

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Lex sighs heavily.

"If I ever see you deciding whether to save me or five people, I'll slap you into next week and hopefully by then you'll have learned to multitask. If something's going to kill me, yell at me about it and save who you have to, and I'll handle it. And, moreover -"

Lex shoves Scorpius into the nearest wall and kisses him. "Fuck you," he says when he comes up for air. "Once more for good measure."

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Okay that's permission, right? If he pulls Lex against his body and leans down to kiss him again and runs one hand through Lex's hair and one under Lex's shirt that's fine?

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Lex will permit this, briefly! Then he withdraws and says "I'm enough of an exhibitionist to fuck you in the showers, but I'm not enough of an exhibitionist to fuck you in the middle of the bloody hallway. Come on."

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...that's such a terrible idea. SUCH a terrible idea. Why is he following Lex anyway. Who knows. Brain empty only barkbarkbarkbark available.

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Lex hooks a finger through his front belt loop and pulls him along when he's going too slow. In this fashion they reach the toilets very quickly, and it still being technically during classtime, they're mostly empty. The showers are even more so.

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And Scorpius is multitasking, he is multitasking getting rid of his clothes and casting a spell into a showerhead that sends four waves of different kinds of magical energy up and through the piping, and by the way they hear a clang clang clang from the inside he did hit something, who knows what, he doesn't care.

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(explicit content starts here; skip)

Lex will strip too, then. He still looks like someone used all of his raw material to stretch him out, like he should be four inches shorter and forty pounds heavier than he is.

As soon as his clothes are off (and semi-folded) outside the stall, he starts kissing Scorpius again, and grinding against him like he has entirely forgotten the purpose of this visit.

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Scorpius would like to disagree! He would like to disagree very much! This is exactly the purpose of this visit. He'll even turn the hot water on and— "Wait are we gonna do anal and if so do you wanna top or bottom, or decide later, I have a potion—"

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"I'll do you first, why not, sounds like fun, give me that - did you really take alchemy track just for that you absolute slut - how do I use it -"

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"No, I'm the one who takes it, gets rid of any, um, undesirable detritus and also relaxes the muscles and has a lubricant effect too—" He pulls away to grab a little plastic case with four pinky finger-sized vials from his knapsack and downs one—shivers a bit—okay that was long enough not kissing Lex can they resume that?

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Yes they can!

And Lex spends a few seconds on a general cleaning spell for himself, he traded someone a mortal flame incantation for it back in freshman year - the running water makes the spell stronger, he feels the grime coming off of him. His skin is so pallid it's practically glowing but at least it's clean.

He grinds on Scorpius some more. "How long does it take to get you ready, or does it just -"

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"It does just," Scorpius breathes, and he kisses Lex once more while he reaches down between them to give him a stroke or two.

Then he turns around, hand still around Lex, and leans forward a bit, resting his other forearm against the stall wall and his forehead against his forearm. He arches his back and perks his butt up, guiding Lex with his hand and—

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Wow, that feels good.

Lex was using what might be called "misdirection", earlier when he said that virgin's blood didn't matter so Scorpius couldn't make any predictions about his sex life from the recipes he got. Scorpius could perhaps make predictions about his sex life from the general state of his social life, which is approximately nil. Which is to say: wow, that feels good and is an entirely novel sensation.

He pants into Scorpius' neck. "This - this is - nice," he says inanely.

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"Yeah?" Scorpius breathes, equally inanely, and he guides Lex all the way into himself—yeah that is a very good potion at what it does, actually—moaning as he does, eyes squeezed firmly shut. "Take me," he says once Lex is all the way in. "Use me, do me, do whatever you want with me, God, Lex—"

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Lex pauses for a moment, hilted in Scorpius.

"You - you want me to - be mean to you now?"

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"Yes," he says very vehemently, then stops himself. "—sorry, I, uh, get it's your first time. We can, uh, take it slower if you want? I just, I wantyou."

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"Um. Yeah, slow is - slow is good."

Slowly, he withdraws, then pushes back in. "Does that - feel good for you too -"

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He lets out a long soft hiss of a moan, eyes fluttering shut again. "Yes," he breathes. "Want—you, whatever you want to give me," he adds in a low rumble. His hands are curled into fists, and Lex can feel Scorpius's muscles resisting him now that he's the one pulling and pushing—clearly the potion doesn't, ahem, loosen him up completely, but all signs point to Scorpius finding this a pro not a con.

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"Happy to provide," Lex says. He thrusts in again, and sucks on the side of Scorpius' neck, gently, just enough to leave a mark.

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"Oh, yes, please—" Scorpius whines, tilting his head out to give Lex more access to the skin of his neck. He presses his back out, a bit, trying to get as much skin contact between his body and Lex's as he can.

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Lex keeps sucking and nibbling and maintaining skin contact and - he feels like he's bursting with life and light and other things, is this really what it's supposed to feel like when you're not angrily yanking at yourself in a tiny miserable cell or trying to have one off in the woods so your mum doesn't know about it while mosquitos are biting you in places that shouldn't be bitten -

- he doesn't last very long. He lets out the happiest noise he's probably ever made and hugs Scorpius close as he releases.

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Scorpius hasn't come in days and he's been intensely horny and then he feels Lex's release inside and he's not sure whether it's that or the hug but he's soon having his own release directly at the wall, hands free, but he forces his mouth against the back of his hand because he's just heard a trio of voices walk into the bathroom and he does not want to come loudly to an unsuspecting audience like that. Probably. It's a muffled moan rather than a loud one.

With his free hand he does reach behind himself to just... run the tips of his fingers and fingernails against Lex's side, lightly, just expressing random affection as he spurts his last shots and calms his breathing down.

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Lex strokes Scorpius' skin in turn and hums vaguely.

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He carefully guides Lex out so he can turn around and properly hug him, because he is a cuddler and he is filled with affection for this stupid sad boy right now.

The three kids seem to just be brushing their teeth and refilling their water jugs, so they should be gone pretty soon.

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Once they're gone, Lex mumbles into Scorpius' shoulder, "I'm... not sure where we go from here."

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"Well, we should probably finish showering, but I had no other plans for work period other than help you. Could go mal hunting, I guess."

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"You can't really - you can. Jesus. I'm talking about our - whatever we have. Sudden-onset pitched rivalry, now with added sex. I don't feel like insulting you right now but it might come back with further exposure and should I or should I swallow it, should I compliment you in public, should I tell Liu we're stepping out, what's happening here."

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"—oh. Uh. I don't... No, that's a lie, I do care when you insult me but in the way where it's kind of really refreshing? Uh..." He runs a finger absentmindedly along Lex's spine as he thinks about it. "Don't really know. I just play things by ear. —oh, I should maybe tell Pevensie about this? He and I don't have anything official going on or anything, we just kissed, but most people feel more strongly about this kind of thing than I do. ...and on that note I'm fine if you wanna be with anyone else, too."

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"Right, I won't cancel on the throngs of admirers hungering for my affection, you fucking twit - ah, there it is again. And of course you should tell Pevensie about it. He's obviously completely gone over you."

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"Is he?" Scorpius says, and startles himself by how—hopeful—he sounds. Which then brings his attention back to the local situation. "And how... are you? I—it's—I—" He tries to find his words, again, then says, "I don't want this to be all it is," all at once in a single breath and he's glad he's hiding his face a bit on Lex's shoulder because he's not sure he has enough control of it right now to get it to say only what he wants to it to say. Doesn't help that he's not sure what he wants to say.

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"Do you really think I know? I've been told that sex makes you stupid and I've got nothing but evidence for it, I want to skip off with you into the fucking sunset but I've got no idea if that'll last ten minutes! You want to know if I'm in love with you or something? Ask me in a month and I'll have any idea!"

Lex hugs him closer.

"I don't know a Goddamn thing about what I'm feeling. I just know - this was good, and you're too damn good for me but apparently no one else is giving you what you need so it's my job to make sure you stay a person. So I'm not going to stop."

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He laughs into Lex's skin and plants a small kiss there, his hand still going on its repetitive motion of finding places on Lex's skin to run by. "Sex does make me a bit stupid but I gotta say this is a very different kind of stupid than I've had before, and... I like it and want more of it. " He laughs again and shakes his head then pulls away a bit to look at Lex's face properly. "I don't want to be your job, but I do want to, uh... keep... hanging out. So, I guess we could do that and figure it out. As we go along."

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"I don't take jobs I don't want."

He incants his cleaning spell again, this time at Scorpius, then turns the water off once it's run its course. "Come on, Lake, let's go... I don't know. Study in the library, or something, like we're people."

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"Alright, sounds good, why not."

Scorpius sticks his head out of the stall just to make sure they're actually alone—exhibitionist or no he doesn't feel like being caught in the act again this year—and once they're clear and both out he casts a weaker version of one of his fire spells to just send a strong hot breeze against their bodies and get them dry.

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Lex gets dressed alongside him and accompanies him to the library. He's not skipping, but he's suspiciously light on his feet.

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...is it okay if Scorpius plants a kiss on his cheek in the hallway while no one's around to see? Because Lex is ADORABLE.

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"Hey! I've got a reputation to uphold!"

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"Notice how I waited until no one was around," Scorpius says, amused. "Unless this is one of the things where you want me to claim my territory while everyone else's watching," he adds in a musing tone.

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"Oh, did you want to plant your flag as well?" Lex smirks gratuitously.

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"Absolutely," he says without a drop of shame in his body.

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"Maybe I'll make you beg for it. Later, though."

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"You know just how to make a boy feel special," and he somehow manages to make that sound genuine rather than sarcastic.

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The library isn't so far away, at least in the mood they're in. Lex enters and gestures grandly. "Books!"

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"Books!" says Scorpius casually, even as he scans the whole place for tactical considerations as he always does. "I don't really know what—" then he stops when his eyes land on a small group of sophomores. "—uh, give me a few minutes?"

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Lex follows his gaze. "-sure."

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He really wants to kiss Lex right now but that would give everyone else the wrong idea altogether so instead he squeezes Lex's shoulder and then goes to the space of the reading room usually reserved for London.

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Edmund sits in an armchair, slightly too big for him - he's fairly tall for his age, but it's built for seniors. Other sophomores with free period now have swarmed around hoping to curry favor or just sit in safety; he's reluctantly permitted it, because refusing would give nothing but wrong ideas.

He's going through a Latin text. Occasionally he jots down a note. 

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"Hey, Ed?" Wait is he even okay with being called Ed, Scorpius never asked, but they kissed and since when did Scorpius second-guess himself like that anyway? "Got time for a chat?"

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Edmund looks up, startled. "Um! Oh, Lake - sure! Let me just -"

He hops out of the chair, folds the book around a scrap of paper, and follows Scorpius wherever he needs to go.

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Just a corner here still in view of everyone else except Edmund has enough leeway to hide in the stacks if he for any reason wants to and this is the normal amount of tactics he imbues into every one of his decisions so why does it feel so much more loaded now. "Um," he starts, and seriously, Scorpius, get your stuff together. "So I want to preface this with I still very much like you and want to kiss you more and probably not just kiss and more importantly get to know you as a person and see where this absurd thing here is going but also I fucked Lex just now and I want approximately the same things with him and if I have my way I'll get both. Um."

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"Oh thank God."

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"Scorpius, you looked like you were being chased by a grue. Actually, no, you'd be excited about that. Regardless, you fucking Lex is not deserving of the face you had on. And, if you want me to be perfectly honest, I'm glad to not be the only thing you've got going? We don't even know if we're - compatible that way. I want to be your friend and I'm happy to kiss you but I don't want to singlehandedly keep you human unless I have to, and as much of a tool as Lex is, he clearly makes you happy. So you can keep being friends with me and kissing me and possibly initiating me into deeper mysteries if we want that, and you can keep getting whatever it is you get out of Lex out of Lex, and maybe I'll have to make friends with him too but if that's the worst that happens it'll be a small price to pay."

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"—good! Great! Yes I don't want anyone to singlehandedly keep me human either and—you know, other people have led me to believe people who aren't me have a lot more trouble with, uh, jealousy stuff than the two of you seem to be... at all... demonstrating."

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"I just think... you're going to be sharing me with my family, and my other friends if I ever make any, and I don't see why I should get picky about whether I'm sharing you with someone too."

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"That is eminently sensible and I want to kiss you over it except maybe what I mean is that I just want to kiss you in general."

And also, damnit Scorpius you just got your dick wet why do those dark stacks over there look so enticing to you?

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"I think that sounds eminently sensible as well." Edmund pecks him on the lips. "Maybe after dinner. I wouldn't want to spoil your appetite. Or your date."

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"I am not sure I am exactly on a date but honestly not sure I'm not either this is kinda new to me."

And another peck on Edmund's forehead before he heads back to Lex.

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Edmund returns to his reading. He refuses point-blank to field any questions about what he was talking to Scorpius Lake about, but maybe the little smile on his face says it anyway.

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"How was the little prince?" Lex asks when Lake approaches. (He hasn't found a seat, obviously.)

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"Just fine," he says, and leans down to kiss Lex on the lips, practically humming the song that's clearly in his heart.

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Lex will allow this.

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Scorpius narrows his eyes at him. "I'm not sure you're allowed to be this adorable," he says, in mock suspicion. "There must be some rule somewhere."

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"You are in very rare company, Lake. The last person to call me adorable was my mother, almost a decade ago, and I pitched an absolute fit about it."

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"You can feel free to pitch a fit at me about it, there is plenty of unphysical space between the stacks in here for us, although that would defeat some of the point of library."

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"I'm not a child, Lake. I take revenge now."

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"That sounds even better."

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"Damn it. I was going to say something nice to you to throw you off balance but I'm out of practice."

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"You can just kiss me some more instead," Scorpius suggests. "...and then after that maybe we should do homework or something, as per your 'normal people' suggestion."

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"The moment's passed," Lex demurs. "Homework it is."

He pulls an unpleasant-looking tome from his bag. "Where shall we sit?"

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"New York corner is gonna get people pestering you, I'm half-welcome everywhere else but they might pester you even more, we could just sit on the floor or maybe go hunting for one of those mysterious desks amidst the stacks I've heard about. An adventure!"

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"don't care if people pester me. Do you care if I bite them for it?"

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"No, it would be funny."

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"Then let's see if your other boy has a seat free."

Lex walks over to the London corner and clears his throat. "Oi, Pevensie. Mind if we intrude?"

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Edmund looks at him as someone might look at a coyote which has, in lieu of eating them, demanded to be scritched behind the ears. "...sure, if you're up for it. Um, there's a couple of chairs free yet."

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"Great. Oi!" he says to the two girls on the couch, who are staring at him. "You heard him, there's chairs free, we're taking the couch - up, Pevensie, we're taking the couch."

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Edmund is poised to object, but the girls are already moving. "Um," he says instead. 

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"Lake, come on, center cushion." Lex begins bullying Scorpius into place. 

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...um indeed but if he gets to sit between both of his boys he's. That's. He's not complaining honestly??? Yeah he's. The opposite of complaining.

(His boys, that was what Lex said of Pevensie, "his other boy", he wants to hug that sentence to his chest and never let go.)

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Edmund sits on his left, after a bit more cajoling.

"This is very nice," he admits, hugging Scorpius' arm.

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"Your shock is heartening," Lex says, hugging the other arm. "I have reliably great ideas."

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"I feel like if I make a squeaky happy noise right now that will absolutely ruin my image but I would like to register the desire."

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"Nonsense. Squeak immediately." Lex pokes him in the side.

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"I'm forced to agree. We can't evaluate its impact on your reputation without concrete evidence."

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He jumps a bit at the poke but doesn't squeak. "Nope! Moment's gone. No squeaking. You'll have to take me by surprise later."

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"You would not believe how tempted I am to tickle you."

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"The only drawback is that everyone would rightfully kill you for being disgustingly cute in public."

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"Sad but true."

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"Oh, the gossip mill in this school will not survive the two of you," Scorpius sighs, and he is not complaining with a single cell in his body this is perfect.

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Edmund does in fact have homework he was doing, so eventually he lets go of Scorpius' arm to delve back into the text.

While leaning on him slightly more than is entirely necessary.

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Lex does the same with his grimoire and Scorpius' other shoulder. 

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Scorpius probably also has homework but on the other hand he has done nothing but coast by for three years here so what he will instead do is put his arms around both of his boys and just snuggle there with a faintly smug look on his face.

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After a while of this, a prodigiously tiny young man approaches their cluster.

"Pevensie, you'll be late for Prosody of Latin Incantation. Stop - whatever the fuck this is, begging your pardon New York - and get moving."

Edmund groans. "Damn it. I do actually have to go to class, don't I. Thanks, Nigel."

Nigel snorts. "Yes, Pevensie, you have to go to class. If you want to lay about on perfumed silks all day you'll have to wait until you're your own man."

"I'm going, I'm going."

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"Hartford's right, you need an education or some such," says Scorpius easily. He places a kiss on Edmund's right temple and unwraps that arm from around him.

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Nigel looks slightly askance at Scorpius. "I was not aware you knew my name."

"He knows everybody, he's ridiculous," Lex contributes.

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"Not everybody, haven't had time to memorize all of the freshmen's names yet."

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"Case in point."

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Edmund finishes packing and kisses Scorpius briefly before heading off with Nigel.

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Scorpius watches the sophomores go with a dumb lovey look in his face, but then he turns that same look to Lex to say, "Maybe we should actually go to New York, now, this is technically still London territory and that first work period of theirs is over."

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"Wouldn't say no." Lex disentangles himself.

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Lex gets a kiss on the temple, too, and then up they get and—

—the New York enclave kids seem to have been watching them. Maybe not intently and constantly, but definitely throwing glances at them, somewhat dirty ones even.

    "Well look who's decided to grace us with his presence," says the one Lex might recognize as Magnus. "Now that your British best pals are gone you deign to join us?"

"Magnus, quit being an ass," sighs Scorpius. "You know exactly how I feel about these little who sits with who games."

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"Actually his British best pal is right here. One of them, anyway, we're sharing. Are you familiar with the concept? Or - hmm, does New York have a bit of a problem with some concepts? Generosity, diligence, good manners... just some of the basics."

Lex has been looking forward to this.

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Scorpius places a hand on his face, half-pained, half-amused.

    "Paying a debt, he said," says Magnus, in mocking imitation of Scorpius's voice. "What debt are you paying now, Lake?"

"No debt, Tebow, that was just the supply run," says Scorpius, lowering his hand again. "Now I'm enjoying myself."

    "With him? And how long will that one go for, two boytoys for half as long?"

"Actually we might be dating."

        "You what?" squeals the girl from earlier—Chloe Rasmussen.

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"Might be, he says, the three of us spend an hour cuddling and he might be dating us. Have you ever seen a man so foreign to his own emotions. - thanks, by the way, you lot have helped immensely with that, I'm sure."

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    "Lake. Scorpius. You can't be serious," says Chloe. "Are you—did London—"

"My plans for graduation continue to be indeterminate, but no, London has not tried to poach me."

        "Matter of time," mutters Magnus.

"I'm not an artifice!" Scorpius protests. "I can't be stolen!"

    "...you can be mind-controlled—"

"I'll let you run a divination through my head later if you wanna check," sighs Scorpius.

This little thing has taken long enough that a few of the NY enclaver freshmen who have the second half of the afternoon as work period show up in a small group. The junior hangers-on—a handful of them, none of them officially part of the New York enclave so none of them really feeling like they can contribute to this "conversation"—get up from their seats, because obviously actual enclavers are higher up in the pecking order even if they're just freshmen.

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"Honestly, Rasmussen, you might be the one I hate least," Lex contributes idly. "'sides Lake, of course. Tebow obviously takes the gold. Why do you lot tolerate him, by the way? By this point I'd have bred a chayena in my room if I had to eat with him every day."

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Chloe squeaks again when Lex directly addresses her like that.

"I promise he's nicer when he's not feeling threatened," Scorpius tells Lex.

    "I am not—"

"Spare me, Tebow, and give me some space to do homework with my boyfriend here while you guys figure out how to make nice." Chloe visibly winces when he says "boyfriend".

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"Threatened," Lex mutters, mostly to himself. "Flagrant mischaracterization. Righteously pissed is more like."

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Scorpius arranges the two of them seats in a sofa, and the other kids around look pretty resigned to this happening, now.

    "You're serious about the divination," asks Chloe.

"Yes! He's not a maleficer and I'm not under mind control and if that will give you some peace of mind I'll lie down for an hour under a score of crystals getting all of the bad juju scoured out of me."

    She flushes and brings the book she was reading closer to her chest, but she does say, "Thank you."

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Lex sits next to him and opens the awful grimoire across his lap. He's too keyed-up to actually read it, but he can pretend.

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Scorpius reaches a hand up behind Lex's head and neck to scritch him, barely thinking about it, and decides he does want to do any homework so with his free hand he rummages into his knapsack and eventually finds the book he needs to finish (or start) a paper summary on. The kids around them remain tense at first but when Lex does... literally nothing bad whatsoever... they slowly start to relax.

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Apart from making an involuntary happy noise when scritched, yes, Lex does not do much of anything at all, let alone anything evil.

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Scorpius eventually can't really excuse only reading and should really start writing his paper, so he apologetically stops petting his boyfriend to use both hands for this task. He's keeping his leg firmly pressed against Lex's, though.

(Also Chloe is intensely mortified by how—happy and cute Lex looks? This is not a way he should look, it's breaking literally every preconception she has.)

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Once the petting ceases, Lex has (not coincidentally) relaxed enough to start actually reading.

He rolls his eyes after a few minutes. "I had such high hopes, too," he mutters, and snaps the book closed. 

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Scorpius looks at him, then, humming a question in his direction, and even the other kids look at him with some curiosity.

(Not Magnus. Magnus is resolutely pretending Lex does not exist. Or trying to, but clearly failing, unless the constipated look on his face is completely unrelated.)

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"Oh - remember the, uh, cleaning spell my wall gave me? I was hoping it'd have some more decent utility, but, well."

He flips through. "For the removal and preparation of skin. Bone shaping. Blood siphon - which actually wouldn't have been totally useless two hours ago. Marrow to hot lead." He makes a face. "It's not even well-organized! Who puts agonizing death after corpse preparation?"

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    Magnus, despite his pretense, nearly chokes on his spit. "What was that about not being a maleficer, Lake?"

"You're doing this on purpose," Scorpius half-admonishes Lex. "Maleficers are people who draw most or all of their power from living things, Magnus."

    "Are you really going to argue about definitions now?"

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"I'm sorry, do you use every bloody spell the Void gives you? I was complaining I don't want these."

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"Why is the Void giving you these!"

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"Are you under the impression I understand the whims of the Scholomance? It gives people spells. Lake it gives spells to make things explode. You, I assume it's trying to give you something to make your hair look less stupid. I get..." Gesture. "If having loads of nasty spells that kill things makes me a maleficer I have terrible news about your friend mister Lake."

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Scorpius needs to pet Lex for that. Here, pet pet pet.

Also, unfortunately for Magnus, Lex's argument does make sense, so he just grumbles and returns to his languages assignment, unable to think of a real comeback to that.

    "Is your affinity like Scorpius's, then?" asks one of the NY freshmen that arrived after they sat there, a boy by the name of Terry.

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He shrugs. "Seems to be. Though I don't get his little vampire bonus, more's the pity."

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    "Vampire bo—oh! Draining mana from mals, you mean?"

"He does mean," nods Scorpius. "Does the blood siphoning work on mals? That would be useful to have, if you'd share that." And what he didn't say was that he was trading for it—which he normally would have, except... he's maybe flexing a bit. To whom is unclear, but the meaning will not be missed: you don't give gifts in the Scholomance, people kinda give Scorpius a pass on most things given how he has saved everyone's lives one time or another but even for him just asking for a free gift is a bigger declaration of romantic intent than anything else.

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"It's in Coptic... but maybe I can get a translation out for my Creative Writing class instead of torturing that poor villanelle any more? Hmm. It'd be in-affinity, that's something... Let me try something."

He lays a sheet of paper out on the table and closes his eyes. He mutters to himself and starts freewriting.

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    "Wait, you can just do that?" asks Chloe, but Scorpius lifts a finger to his lips and just watches. No reason to distract him.

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He opens his eyes after a few minutes. Looks down at the page. "...it'd be barely functional in this state, this is too literal, but give me... three days, any longer and I'll procrastinate about it. - I forgot to ask if you wanted it English or Latin, right now it's Latin because that way the accent difference can't trip you up."

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"Latin's fine, I can't speak it but I can read it and cast in it."

Also: what the fuck. Sure, creative writing is the way you get new spells as opposed to old ones, but most people need to work at it for multiple days, sometimes weeks, to get anything barely functional. Yet here Lex is, freewriting a new spell like it's nothing. To him, it probably is nothing.

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"- not often I get to do that," Lex notes. "Kind of nice."

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"Kind of nice, he says, after coming up with an entire new translation of a spell just like that," Scorpius says, fixing a bit of Lex's hair that got a bit too ruffled by his own ministrations. "You're kinda bullshit, you know that?"

    "Seriously, Lake, do you have to do that shit here?" moans Magnus.

"I'm infatuated, sue me," he says, though Magnus does have a point and if they're going to be hogging the library seats they might as well actually do work.

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Eeeee. Lex starts diagramming synonyms and word substitutions for the blood siphon.

A translation has to hew pretty close to the original meaning, but still sound like poetry. Really, you want it not only to sound like poetry, but to sound to your audience like the original would sound to a native speaker. This occasionally presents problems when, for example, you're translating between Coptic and Classical Latin, and there haven't been native speakers of either in thousands of years. Fortunately, prosody remains prosody, and it's not like he has to make it sound naturalistic, just real. And having his affinity in play means everything comes naturally. At one point he writes down a word and has to think for almost a full minute about where he heard it, only to remember that he read it in a blood-boiling hex two years ago and had to work it out from context.

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Scorpius's history paper is on some... medieval conflict between enclaves, he keeps forgetting why they were fighting (at least ostensibly, the reason is always "I want more stuff for myself"), and it's really boring so he's not making a lot of headway. Slowly, trudgingly, and thankfully this is the last paper of the term so all he has to do is not fail horribly. He does not want to be the first person to find out if you can fail out of the Scholomance altogether.

They can spend their time in companionable mostly-silence. Other than Magnus's obvious displeasure generating an aura of doom strong enough to rival whatever Lex has got going on, people seem to be mostly fine with Lex's presence, and return to the normal small whispered exchange of notes and conversation in between doing actual work. No one else wants to find out if you can fail out of the Scholomance, either, and when the reward for studying is often "more and better tools for survival" people can get actually pretty interested in their homework.

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What is "homework for other classes"? Lex has a special interest. Lex is going to do a special interest. (It is blood.)

He does think to ask "You carry a knife, right? And you'd be alright with a - no, hmm - would you be alright with needing to use a drop or so of blood to catalyze the spell? It'd make my life easier but some people don't have a enough practice with bloodletting to let out just a drop or so."

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Scorpius raises a finger in Magnus's direction before he has a chance to work up the conniption he's about to have and says, "I've been cut enough times to know how to do it myself, yeah. And I do have a blade, although she would be very mad at me if I called her a knife, she feels very offended by being placed in the same category as kitchen utensils."

Which is not strictly true but not exactly false, either. Anything in this place—anything around wizards at all, really—is just dying to become a mal. Sure, wizards have come up with names for the most common types that often reproduce, but those are a tiny fraction of everything that exists, each new failed spell or artifice or concoction itching to make things come to life to hunt everyone. But intent helps, with magic, and he pampers his blade like crazy and makes sure it knows it's loved and cherished. He sharpens it almost every day, and polishes it every other day, and he has a special holster for it that he also cleans and oils regularly. It is a very spoiled blade.

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"Naturally. Sorry, you carry an athame, like any sensible person. Thanks."

Back to writing writing writing and then startling, fifteen minutes later, at the bell.

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It's just the end-of-class bell rather than the dinner bell, but this is usually the time when the library gets busiest and also one of the times many people take to go use the bathrooms, freshen up, do homework that they haven't gotten to during work period, etc.

Scorpius looks at Lex inquisitively and very clearly will follow him wherever he wants to go, if he does turn out to want to get up from here and go do something else.

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Indeed, Lex seems a bit irritated by the rush. "-d'you want to head over to Pevensie's and surprise him before supper? Since it doesn't seem like we'll get any work done here."

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"Absolutely," he says, and aah? He had expected he'd need to sort of get them used to each other through exposure or something and instead Lex is doing This, whatever This is, and he's kind of overwhelmed by happy feelings?

He puts his stuff away, hops to his feet, and gives a two-finger wave to the rest of the NY enclavers and hangers-on. "Later, gang." Magnus continues to ignore them but most of the others give at least a wave or a "Bye," Chloe included.

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This is called winning at polyamory, Lake, try to keep up.

Lex follows him out. "...I don't know where Pevensie's room is but I assume you do, since you spent the night there. Still not over that, by the way."

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"That's his story to tell, not mine," Scorpius says primly. "It was less fun than you're probably imagining."

And yes Scorpius certainly does know where the room is.

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"I wasn't actually assuming you'd been cavorting with maleficaria, just that you managed to get distracted... but if you say it wasn't fun, I suppose I'll believe you."

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"His blood still works for your potion, unfortunately."

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"...huh. Also, virgin's blood still has no unique chemical or arcane properties, and you damn well know it."

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"But it's a charming way to phrase it."

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"Well. I can't argue with that."

Edmund's door, once they reach it, betrays its recent repair. "Did you help fix his door as well?"

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"Nope, he's an enclaver, he can just put in a maintenance request and get it actually filled."

Knock knock.

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"...ah. Somehow I always forget."

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Edmund opens his door. "You! Both of you for some reason! Hello!"

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"Hey, Ed! I don't know the reason either, Lex is the one who dragged me here, I think he wants to prove something. Not that I'm complaining I love it."

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"Trying to prove something?" Edmund glances at Lex. "...ah."

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"What? Lake likes you, I thought I'd better get a head start on liking you too."

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"The effort is appreciated?"

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"I honestly thought I was going to have to slowly get the two of you together in controlled environments for exposure but I'm a fan of this alternative."

And okay that is long enough without kissing Edmund can he kiss Edmund a bit? It's just a 'hi hello I like your face' kiss but.

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Eeeee kiss.

Edmund glances at Lex. "Do you two want to come in until juniors' supper? I'm not well set up to host, but we could at least sit."

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"Fine by me."

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"Sounds good to me."

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Edmund shows them in. His room, as Scorpius knows, is - not homey per se, but at least more personalized than Scorpius' cell. It still smells a little bit like lavender. There's a bookshelf with novels in addition to spellbooks.

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Scorpius drops his knapsack by the door and takes a seat on the floor, looking up at his boyfriends with a slightly goofy grin.

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"I meant you could sit on the bed."

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"But doesn't he look adorable there?" Lex asks, distracted from staring enviously at the bookshelf.

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"I do look adorable! And I don't trust myself with both of you on the bed. Too tempting."

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"Ah, yes, the unbearable temptation of being next to two scrawny teenagers on a squeaky cot."

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"Two scrawny teenagers I am very hot for, thank you very much, and I can attest to the sturdiness of the average Scholomance squeaky cot when it comes to three people on it."

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Blush. "Well. We don't have time for any of that anyway, it's what, half an hour to your supper? Hardly long enough for - activities."

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"Pevensie, can you say fuck for me, just so I know you can?"

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"Fuck," Edmund sighs. "Satisfied?"

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"Surprisingly, yes."

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"We could absolutely cram in a quickie in half an hour but I feel like a threesome right now would be a bit too much for at least one person here and I would very much prefer to take the two of you at your own paces and not force anything, my crass jokes notwithstanding. We have time, no need to rush into anything."

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"Very kind of you. I think I'd rather my first time be a bit less... workmanlike... than the phrase half-hour quickie implies."

He considers. "Though I wouldn't actually have much problem with the extra participant. Sounds kind of nice, actually."

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"You just want to be able to brag about losing your virginity to two men at once."

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"Crucify me, then, I like having stories."

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"It'd be hot," Scorpius laughs, "but again, not wanting to force anything on you two, we have time and we can take it." And because he can, because he's sitting on the floor and the other two are still standing, he leans over to rest his head on Lex's leg, a little bit like a puppy rubbing its face on him.

He hums, though, then, to himself, as a question occurs to him. "And is it men? I mean, only men, that the two of you like?"

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"No," Lex says. "I'm not picky."

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"I am," Edmund says cheerfully. "No girls allowed."

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Scorpius giggles and, after planting a kiss on Lex's calf, gets up, dusts himself, and sits on the bed after all. Right in the middle, with space for a boy to each side.

"Lex is translating me a spell," Scorpius tells Edmund. "One of his books got him something pretty nasty that I'm sure I can get my affinity to count for more mal slaughter."

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"Oh, you can translate too?" Edmund asks Lex, sitting down and appearing genuinely fascinated. "I thought that was more inventive than linguistics got."

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"Well - when it's in-affinity," Lex says cautiously. "Mine's, uh, strong."

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"...show me your notes?" Edmund asks. "I'll bet I can help out a bit."

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Lex sits down, flips open his notebook, and starts showing Edmund his brainstorming.

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Scorpius thinks this is a huge success. He's not sure what he's succeeding at but he is absolutely doing it.

As Edmund said, they don't really have a lot of time before dinner, and should get going pretty soon. And of course the school was already aware that Scorpius Lake had just spent a chunk of his work period cozied up to Edmund Pevensie and Lex Whatever-his-last-name-is and then the latter chunk with just Lex, and the school had seen Pevensie and Lake arrive at the cafeteria together at the end of breakfast earlier today, and they still somehow manage to be surprised by the three of them walking together from Pevensie's room to the cafeteria.

Outside of enclave tables, mixed-year tables aren't that common, other than the occasional loser kids hanging out around older loser kids for the extra safety. Being of the opinion that what's done or isn't done does not matter and he should be able to sit wherever he wants, Scorpius wants both of his boyfriends with him.

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Yi Liu doesn't think to actually join their table until Lake himself waves her over, and then she does so, looking kind of uncertain. A trio of South African losers who sometimes share a table with Lex—two girls named Nkoyo and Cora and a boy called Jowani—also join, and soon enough this becomes Loser Table plus Scorpius Lake and Edmund Pevensie.

It's weird. But nice. At least Liu thinks it's nice.