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but where will you find the time
Sad Cam and Aral in Milliways
Permalink Mark Unread

He yawns his way down the stairs, ambles over to Bar, sits, and says, "I have a yearning for maple mead today."

Permalink Mark Unread

Tough. He can have waffles. With maple syrup. And sausages. And orange juice.

Permalink Mark Unread

He sighs. "You are kinder than I deserve, milady," he says, raising his orange juice in an ironic toast.

Permalink Mark Unread

I have managed an excellent track record of not poisoning my patrons whether they ask nicely or not.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I wouldn't want to ruin your spotless record."

He applies himself to the waffles. They are of course delicious.

Permalink Mark Unread

The door opens.

Permalink Mark Unread

Aral glances in that direction.

Permalink Mark Unread

It is a confused young-looking man with wings and a tail.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh. Great.

"New here?" he guesses.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Welcome to Milliways. Where were you expecting to be?"

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"...out in the, uh, garden."

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"Well, now you're at the end of the universe."

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"...Which universe?"

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He shrugs. "All of them?"

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"I... see. No I don't, what's going on."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That door you just came through has the ability to selectively connect itself to any other door anywhere in any world, and once you come inside and close the door, time stops on the other side until you open it again. It's also individualized per patron. If I open it, I'll see my father's house. If you open it, you'll see wherever you were a minute ago."

Permalink Mark Unread


The winged person takes a few steps farther into the bar - observes the stars exploding - "...okay, that's weird. How many worlds are there?"

Permalink Mark Unread

He shrugs. "A very large number, I assume."

Permalink Mark Unread

"All different?"

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"I have yet to find two the same, but I've only been here a week and I haven't been paying close attention."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're sure about the time stopping part -?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Tested it. Threw something out the door, closed it, read a book, opened the door, watched the ice cube hit the ground."

Permalink Mark Unread

...The winged man duplicates this experiment. He doesn't read an entire book, but he seems convinced anyway.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Something urgent going on at home?"

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"Not exactly."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Nothing extremely time sensitive per se is currently going on on the other side of my door but if I stay here long enough to investigate the possibility of solving some problems with otherworldly intervention I would probably be gone long enough for my absence mid-thing-I-was-doing to be inexcusable."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

He approaches the bar - receives a napkin - jumps, winds up in a heap on the floor.

Permalink Mark Unread

"My apologies for forgetting to warn you about Bar. She's very friendly once you get to know her."

Permalink Mark Unread


"All right." He picks himself up. ...He deliberates, then seems to decide that maybe the polite way to communicate with a napkin-dispensing bar is likewise with napkins. That or he just wants privacy. Bar seems happy enough to talk that way. It is not obvious how he is producing the napkins.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Magic?" he wonders idly.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. You have any where you're from?"

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"None that I know of."

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"Oh well."

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"Why, did you need more magic for something?"

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"Yep. Mine has some limitations that are not currently working for me."

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"Well, I wish you the best of luck."

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"Thanks. You just here for the waffles?" he asks, glancing at the plate.

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He sighs.

"No, as exceptional as the waffles are, it's more that I don't have anywhere better to be."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, this place does seem very hospitable."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It is that."

Permalink Mark Unread

Winged man exchanges napkins with Bar quietly.

Permalink Mark Unread

Aral eats his breakfast.

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"Your world distinguished in any way besides the not having magic?" wonders the winged man eventually.

Permalink Mark Unread

"The thing that seems to surprise everyone is the wormholes. Although uterine replicators, of all things, take a close second place."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...wormholes are things where you go in one and pop out another very far away, yes? It's a science fiction thing where I'm from but I've heard the word. What's a uterine replicator?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes. A uterine replicator is an artificial womb."

Permalink Mark Unread



Permalink Mark Unread

"...that's not the normal reaction."

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"Oh - no doubt they're enormously convenient but they'd be a problem back home."

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"...what kind of problem, exactly?"

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"Place is full of people with the same kind of magic I've got, making stuff, and indestructibility. It's pleasantly anarchic when everybody has these properties. We can't make minds; mindless human bodies cannot carry to term; we can make zygotes; I believe it would be less pleasant in its anarchy if people started manufacturing children."

Permalink Mark Unread



"...yes," he says, after a moment of stunned silence, "I can see how that could turn out badly."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. I'll avoid publicizing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So in a world where no one can be hurt and everyone has access to all they could possibly desire, what do you want more magic for?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well," he says, "I'm not there at the moment."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"And some people are dead, and some of them are cyborgs and I can bring those back and I'm working on it, but some of them were magical immaterial god things who were not backed up to chip."

Permalink Mark Unread



Permalink Mark Unread



Permalink Mark Unread

"My condolences. Were they friends of yours?"

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Should I not ask?"

Permalink Mark Unread



"It's my fault and I would like to fix it."

Permalink Mark Unread


He goes still.


Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

He stays still for a few more seconds, overcome by some nameless emotion.

Then -

"I've been there," he says. "More times than I'd like. It does not get any easier. I'm sorry."

He stares moodily into his orange juice.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll probably feel a little better once the cyborg Elves are all okay again, maybe unless by that time they've started organizing protests or something."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well. Good luck. I'm sorry I can't be more help."

That is evidently the saddest cup of orange juice in the whole multiverse.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Delicious sausages. The orange juice of woe.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have to admit I was expecting more recriminations or at least demands that I justify myself when I confessed to mass murder, not that this is an unpleasant surprise."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, 'it's my fault' doesn't necessarily equate to mass murder," he says. "The incident that left me with a multiplanetary reputation for mass murder was arguably my fault, and certainly my responsibility, but I didn't kill two hundred civilian prisoners whose lives I had sworn to spare, I just failed to stop one of my subordinates from doing it on his own initiative. Surprising how little that seems to help."

Permalink Mark Unread

Sigh. "I am without such extenuating subordinates."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, don't feel that you need to justify yourself to me. 'It's my fault and I would like to fix it' was enough."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Oh look. The orange juice of woe is all gone.

"Is it too soon to ask again about the maple mead?" he inquires of Bar.

Permalink Mark Unread

He can have a milkshake with a maraschino cherry and whipped cream and a crazy straw.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Did she cut you off?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"In a manner of speaking."

He tries the milkshake. It's obnoxiously delicious. He sighs.

"I have been here for a week now ordering nothing but alcohol and she keeps insisting on feeding me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, that's... nice, I suppose. Would I be doing something very irresponsible if I offered you the mead she's withholding."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Only moderately irresponsible."

Permalink Mark Unread

"D'you want to override her, then?"

Permalink Mark Unread


He sighs.

"If I wanted a drink that badly I could just step outside."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fair enough."

Permalink Mark Unread

"But thank you for the offer."

This is a really unfairly good milkshake.

Permalink Mark Unread

You can't tell because she doesn't have a face but Bar is very smug about that.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, he can tell.

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're welcome."

He accepts a drink recommendation, sips it, looks pleasantly surprised.

Permalink Mark Unread

At that, he actually smiles.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam conveys his thanks to Bar aloud rather than in napkin form.

Permalink Mark Unread

"She's very good at what she does."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm very impressed." Sip.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can see that."

Permalink Mark Unread


"I'm Cam, by the way, don't think I said."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Nice to meet you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Likewise, I suppose."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How come you've been here for a week, are you waiting for extradimensional magic solutions too?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think there is an extradimensional magic solution to the problem I have."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...what is the problem you have?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, it's trite compared to yours. Military officer falls in love with captured enemy combatant, awkwardly proposes marriage, she says she'll think about it, war ends, they go their separate ways and that is that. Strictly speaking I am able to visit her planet and ask after her, but I would not be well received there. She is in practical terms more capable of the reverse, but she hasn't."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...is proposing to captured enemy combatants customary where you're from?"

Permalink Mark Unread

He gives a short laugh. "No."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Have to visit the planet to say 'how about that uncustomary proposal', can't send her a message?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We didn't actually exchange contact information, and I'm certain that anything I sent her would be read and possibly altered by both our governments."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh. Inconvenient."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"One of the dead people had faster than light communication but it was almost certainly magic and he didn't use it for anything besides certain specialty purposes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Specialty purposes?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Backing up the cyborg Elves in case anything happened to their chips."

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"Ah. Useful, I suppose."

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"After a fashion."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Less useful than it seems?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"He was not an ideal custodian of the dead, not that I'm in a particularly good position to assert that..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You seem to be doing all right with them from what I've gathered."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I did also kill them all in the first place and even the cyborg Elves I can't do anything to bring back fetuses in a certain midrange window of development."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"But thanks."

Permalink Mark Unread

He should probably not be so annoyed by the quality of this milkshake, but here we are.

Permalink Mark Unread

Pensive napkin exchange.

Permalink Mark Unread

Pensive milkshake consumption.

Permalink Mark Unread



The front door opens and someone comes in - a tall woman wearing a dark jacket over a tan shirt and trousers with a vaguely uniform look. Her hair is tucked up under a round blue hat, but the few wisps that escape it are red. She has soft black slippers on her feet and looks to be in a hurry, glancing over her shoulder as she passes the threshold.

When she comes fully into the room and turns forward again, and therefore catches sight of Aral and Cam, her hands fly to her mouth and she swallows a hoarse shriek into a faint high peeping noise like an alarmed baby bird.

Permalink Mark Unread

...well, she is not an Elf and Maiar seem unlikely to dress like that so it's probably not Cam who has startled her. Unless she just objects to the extremities but it's kind of short notice to do anything about them.

Permalink Mark Unread


After a few seconds, and a glance around to verify that she and the two at the bar are the only people in the room, she lowers her hands and finds her voice.

"Aral?!" she hisses incredulously. "What are you doing here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

...he looks up from his milkshake and turns around.

"I'm - not here - or rather, you're not there - we've encountered some kind of temporospatial anomaly which I'm sure you'll find fascinating—"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Just tell me I can use it to escape my therapist and I don't care if we've encountered the place wormholes go when they want a drink."

Permalink Mark Unread

He shakes his head and laughs softly. "Yes, you certainly can do that, at least if you find my father's house on Barrayar an acceptable alternative."

Permalink Mark Unread

"As it happens, that's exactly where I was headed, so thank you for saving me the trip. I was about to land some innocent cargo pilot in a bit of trouble."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"...And why are you in the process of doing to Beta Colony what you did to the General Vorkraft?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, no, I was much nicer when I escaped the General Vorkraft," she says.

Permalink Mark Unread

He blinks, absorbing this comparison.

"Have you killed anyone...?"

Permalink Mark Unread


"No," she says, eventually.

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I'm sorry."

Permalink Mark Unread

She drags the hat off her head and shakes out her hair with a weary little laugh. "Anyway, enough of Beta Colony, I'm thoroughly done with the place. I take it your offer is still open?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It is."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Then I happily accept."

She pauses.

"...Who's this, anyway?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh. This is Cam. Cam, this is Cordelia Naismith, my... former prisoner."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh, charmed."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Pleased to meet you," says Cordelia. "I suppose you're not actually a wormhole. And if Aral called me his 'former prisoner' as though that qualified as an explanation, you must have been talking a while."

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"Not that long but he did mention you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How did I manage to come up so fast?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"He was explaining why he's been here for a week and has kept asking the bar for maple mead."

Permalink Mark Unread

...She looks at Aral.

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I haven't been doing so well," he admits.

Permalink Mark Unread

"And yet that doesn't look much like a vehicle for ethanol intoxication," she says, nodding at Aral's milkshake.

Permalink Mark Unread

"The bar is concerned for my health. She reminds me a little of you, actually."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh! Have I been ignoring a participant in this conversation all this time?"

Permalink Mark Unread

It's quite all right.

Permalink Mark Unread

She comes closer to read the napkin, and smiles.

"Well, I apologize anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

No need. Can I interest you in a beverage? First one's free.

Permalink Mark Unread

"What's the selection?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Anything whatever. I can provide a recommendation if you prefer.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Take the recommendation," Aral advises.

Permalink Mark Unread

"All right then."

Permalink Mark Unread

Whatever it is, it's orange.

Permalink Mark Unread

Today is a day of adventure. She drinks the orange thing.

Permalink Mark Unread

It is... probably some kind of vegetable juice...? It is definitely some kind of amazing.

Permalink Mark Unread


"I feel blessed," she says, lowering the glass.

Permalink Mark Unread

You're too kind.

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you've been here for a week, Aral, can I conclude from that that this is the sort of establishment that rents out rooms?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That, ah, is the case, yes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And, moreover, that you have one. Shall we go there?"

Permalink Mark Unread

...it's possible that Aral may be blushing.

"Yes, all right."

Permalink Mark Unread

She finishes her drink and tows her future husband upstairs.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam resumes interrogating Bar about the multiverse.