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hope is a knife
this is a scientific experiment in whether it's possible to give a force ghost a heart attack
Permalink Mark Unread

The war between the Republic and Empire never really ended with the death of the Emperor, no matter what the history books say. And Vader was never the last of her kind, just the harbinger of new, darker players. Step one foot off the main trade routes, and you'll land in one of a hundred brushfires stoked by the two great furnaces, with some kind of Vader wannabe on the side of the oppressors.

Ellaita is involved in one of those so-called minor conflicts, though how minor it really is when there's an entire sector and multiple fleets of starships in the mix is debatable. She's part of a resistance group, for all the good they're able to do against the enemy's seemingly endless legions of stormtroopers. The troopers' commanders call themselves the First Order, they're lead by a guy with a red laser sword and blah blah blah. That's not important. What is important is that they're looking for a weapon, and she's going to beat them to it.

She doesn't have a fancy laser sword or any mystical powers. What she does have is an X-wing, a keen ability to fly it, and intel that what the First Order is moving on Jakku as the next stop in their hunt. She's going to get to Jakku first, find the weapon, and use it against the First Order.

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Jakku has very few major settlements, and only one place advertising itself as a 'spaceport' - though obviously you can put a ship down elsewhere. No one claims most of the sands. Even the Star Destroyers, fallen decades ago with enough salvage to fund one of the many nations popping up like bubbles in tar, are only half stripped, the actual hulls - too bulky to move easily - still almost entirely intact.

Tiny settlements cluster around oases, along rivers. There's no defined paths between them. Anything would be swallowed. No functioning satellites in orbit, nothing for the cheap navigational aids to work off of - if you want to move across Jakku's surface, you either come extremely well prepared in a nice ship, or you travel at night in the wake of native guides, frog hopping between flecks of water in the desert.

If you want to know who's moving, what's around, what secrets lie buried - 

You talk to the scavengers, or you talk to the guides. Often the same people are both.

There's no guild or organization overseeing the guides and scavengers. Just word of mouth recommending this or that guide. Just a few merchants who act as point people for the salvage operations, collecting everything within a few days' travel into one location, then collecting it again at the planet's only spaceport. 

One name pops up - an elderly hermit, believed by some to be a reclusive mystic come to Jakku to meditate on the sands long ago. He's older than anyone here. He started guiding travelers across the sands a few years after the Empire's first shattering. He knows everything there is to know here - if you can find him, and the other guides are canny, with enough sense of loyalty among themselves to be cautious who they direct where.

Still - it's not impossible for her to navigate.

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She hops from village to village, asking after guides, doing odd jobs to help out, gain some trust. Blasts some predators with her "military surplus" rifle, tows some heavy salvage on her ship's repulsors. Someone will tell her, eventually.

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And they do.

He's out pretty far in the wastes, right now, guiding people along a network of trails that're more dangerous this time of year and that've been having problems lately. No one wants to do those trails even if they weren't so harsh, too, other than the desperate wanderers who have to cut through - night's the only safe time to travel, but strange things happen out there in the dark. Odd lights. Sounds in the wind.

They wish her well and guide her to the settlement on the edge of the old hermit's range, to wait for the next time he cycles by.

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She parks on the outskirts and settles in to wait. Throws some camo netting over the ship and takes to patrolling along the water after dark.

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The strange things don't manifest themselves while she's waiting.

But the old hermit does, a group of four hollow-eyed women trailing in his wake. He gets them settled in the village, gets water into them, and tells them who to follow for their next leg.

And then he goes to find Ellaita, the only traveler who's washed up to this shore. "Greetings, wanderer," he says. His voice is rough and deep, and his skin looks dry and cracked - what little of it's visible under his deep hood.

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"Ellaita Dameron. I hear you know just about everything of interest on this planet."

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He smiles a little. "Not everything. There's much mystery in the galaxy yet, even in places like here."

"What knowledge do you seek then, wanderer?"

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"Something that would bring the First Order here."

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His smile slips away. "Not much here other than the ruins of the past," he says. "What is your interest in the movements of the First Order?"

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"Finding the best way to oppose them."

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He inclines his head a little. "There are things in these sands that do not wish to be unburied," he says, voice low. "What would you do, if you found what the First Order wants before they can?"

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"Use it against them, if I can. Hide it away or destroy it, otherwise."

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"And if it wants simply to be left alone?"

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"...Implying it's a person?"

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"One can have wants without full personhood," he says, sounding amused, then - "But, the First Order, nor any of the many faces of the enemy, have hardly bothered with the ruins here before."

"There is only one thing someone like the First Order's leader would be after, I think."

"Now, tell me, what if they want simply to be left alone?"

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"They may not get the option. I'd like to at least offer an alternative."

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"And what would your alternative be?"

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"Dunno yet. Depends on- what they are."

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He hums. "Reasonable enough."

"Would you walk with me? A short distance only," he says, nodding out to the dark sands around them.

(The village is in a little valley, protected by juts of stone, fed by an underground stream. They're far enough that their words aren't carrying, but - sound travels well, here, and some places have very keen ears.)

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"Lead on."

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He takes her out into the dunes, walking over warm sand as the cold air nips at their exposed skin. The sand's loose, prone to shifting - everywhere, it seems, but the path he leads her over.

They come to a hollow in the dunes, shielded from sight and sound. They shouldn't shout, still, but - no one will overhear them.

The old hermit sits cross-legged on one of the small boulders exposed by the ebbing sand, hands folded in his lap. "It's difficult to say when I first met her," he begins, examining Ellaita. "I felt her presence during the battle over Jakku, at the end of the Liberation War. What we all believed to be a last dying gasp of tyranny."

"It took quite a while before I saw her face, though. She wishes to be seen by few, and yet fewer can know her. She's the reason some believe this stretch of desert is haunted - not an inaccurate summary, in truth."

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He smiles a little. "A human woman." And, with a small chuckle: "One arguably older than me."

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"And she's haunting the desert?"

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"In a matter of speaking," he says, gaze going distant a bit. "'Haunting' implies a ghost with a bit more attachment than she has."

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"...An actual ghost."

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"Or so she claims," he says, agreeably. "She's rather translucent every time I've seen her, though, and I've never observed her interacting physically with the world of the living."

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"Right," she says, voice full of skepticism. The old man's had his brains cooked by the sun. "Can I... meet her?"

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"If she'll show herself," he says. "But if the two of us are traveling alone, and I call out to her - it seems likely to me that she'll at least investigate."

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"All right. Can we leave tonight? Or do you want to wait for tomorrow evening?"

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"We don't have much night left right now - we could get a short distance, perhaps, and return before the heat comes, but my old bones are tired, and the predators in this region are most active in the predawn hours. Tomorrow evening will give us enough time to travel, at least, and there's a cave a night's travel away that she frequents."

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"All right. Tomorrow, then."

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He nods. "I think anything else you should learn from her directly," he says, then yawns. "Now, though, I'd like to get these bones to a cool bed. I quite like this village. They actually build deep enough underground it's not baking inside..."

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"I'll see you later, then." She stands to leave.

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He does as well, leading her back to the village and to the house she's been rooming in. He greets the elderly woman who owns the house in a friendly manner, checking to make sure the women he led in earlier have settled alright into one of her rooms. She checks if Ellaita needs anything, then turns to the hermit, making sure he's fed and settling into teasing him about having to stay in her room today.

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Eugh, old people flirting. She disappears into her room as quickly as possible.

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The old hermit has a twinkle in his eye as she goes.

The rooms here are more pleasant than many she's been in during her wanderings - still fairly plain, of course, but the old widow apparently entertains herself with handicrafts, and her artwork decorates the walls, light quilts made from leftover fabric scraps or destroyed clothes on the beds. More importantly, the houses are deeper into the rock than most people bother with, only covered entry ports and some equipment shed entrances and exits and a few gardens or greenhouse tops protruding above ground, and there's vents descending from them deeper into the earth. It's actually cool down here, even in the heat of the day, and it doesn't even get freezing at night like some places do. The trade off is there's no sun light inside, just old lamps, but the locals have adapted. The rock muffles the sound of the machinery that keeps the village alive, though a deep rumble from the pumps still sometimes lurks at the edge of hearing. The food's actually food, not reconstituted powders and bars the villages closer to the towns exchange scrap for, and Ellaita doesn't even have to share a house with the livestock.

It's a good place to get a nice sleep while Jakku's day boils the ground above.

Which means waking up to a frantic siren is more unpleasant than it'd be elsewhere.

It doesn't sound like the gentler sandstorm or predator alarms. It's loud, pitch warbling and pulsing, impossible to sleep through.

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She's up and out of bed, rifle in hands with the practiced efficiency of living on military bases since she was fifteen years old. Seeing nothing in her room that needs shooting, she pauses very briefly to get a blast vest on before heading out, bag over her shoulders and checking her corners before proceeding.

She may be a pilot, but everyone in the resistance needs infantry training.

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The old woman and hermit have also responded pretty readily, though the women who came in last night aren't in the halls yet - the old woman has what looks like a pretty powerful if old rifle in her hands, and she's already swung herself up into the entry port, peering out at a flashing signal light.

"Air raid," she shouts down. "Ships're unidentified, a few minutes out." To the hermit: "Taeol, the passes - "

He nods, firmly. "I can lead." To Ellaita: "There's a hidden pass into the caves. We'll evacuate into those - people will gather here."

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"I have a ship parked on the outskirts. I can get into the air, buy some time."

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He nods and turns to jog into the house's common area, and the woman squints out - "It'll be faster overland than tunnels, but it's damn hot." Still, she moves aside if Ellaita wants to climb up. "We need two minutes from alarm start to get all entrances sealed proper, five for most kids, ten for everyone out and traps up, twenty for full evac of supplies and livestock."

(It sounds like the women are leaving their room, some kids already arriving at a run from elsewhere in the network.)

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"See what I can do. What's your comm frequency?" She flips her hood up and sends the command to start up to her X-wing.

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She relays it. "Comms don't work too well in the caves, but I'll be last out."

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"All right." And she heads out onto the surface, making her way to her ship.

She pulls the camo netting off and hops in, firing up the engines and lifting off, scanning for the enemy approach vector.

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They're spread out a bit, staying high initially but swooping in - not a bombing run, looks like they're trying to land troops -

Ellaita's ship's sensors are better than the local ones. Those are First Order type TIE fighters - too new to be salvage by a different power. There's possibly another type of ship following them at a short distance, but the air quality's crap between the intense heat and the fierce winds blowing sand laden with materials that interfere with most scanners every which way.

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She'll try to hit the troopship on her first pass, then peel off the TIEs so they don't just bomb the caves-

S-foils to attack position. Here she goes.

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The TIEs don't seem to have been expecting resistance from her, and it seems they didn't spot her ship until she was already in the air - it gives her a tiny sliver of an advantage.

They're still obnoxiously agile, though the troopship is cumbersome - shielded but easy to hit, and there's plenty of weak spots someone daring with a keen eye can at least graze -

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What's life without a bit of challenge? She lights the dropship up with her cannons then drops a torpedo on it-

-peels off sharply to dodge the TIEs, and then it's a dogfight. They're more maneuverable than she is, but she has the heavier weapons and only needs one good shot on each of them while they need to get her shields down first. TIEs are practically her specialty at this point.

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She can get a good number down, get the dropship floundering, its maneuver jets pouring smoke - slow the entire group down -

Before her X-Wing alerts her the ship in the rear is in sensor range - which is currently shorter than torpedo range -

It's the sort of ship their leader's said to favor. Well armed, well armored, maneuverable for its size, immediately launching several torpedos at her ship.

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She dumps some chaff, drops into a snap-roll and twist, trying to shake the missile lock.

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They fly past her, slamming into the sand outside the village - an eerily accurate bolt from the larger ship's laser cannons clips her wing - and the TIEs are beginning to regroup.

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"I'm breaking off to try to shake the fighters," she sends over the comm. "Dropship incoming."

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"Got it. We're making good time here."

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She slams a turn, screaming out over the open desert.

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Several of the TIEs - and the larger ship - turn to harry her. Her shields are dropping pretty rapidly - the larger ship's torpedoes don't always land, their laser cannons hit her effectively every shot they get off - 

A torpedo comes screaming through her shields, at her wing - 

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A hit, and she's going down!

Glance to the side, that entire wing's gone, no recovery-

She ejects.

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The TIEs break off, back toward the village.

The large ship - likely the personal ship of an officer - zeroes in to follow her toward her landing point.

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Well, that's why she has a blaster. They won't take her without a fight.

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They land a bit away, out of easy blaster range, and the ramp begins to lower - 

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And a man in a black suit, black mask and cape, light saber in his hand but not yet ignited, descends, two red-armored guards following him, postures stiff.

There are quite a lot of Vader wannabes among the assorted dark side cults. Most of them have very particular ways of distinguishing themselves, though, and this one looks a lot like the briefings she's seen on Lord Inkil, leader of the First Order.

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She takes cover behind her crash seat and opens fire.

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He in an entirely unnecessary move raises his hand and freezes the bolts mid-air - and the air around her's tight, her limbs locking - 

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Gr. She attempts to struggle free, pushing-

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She can wrest free, the bolts jumping toward the poser - he just deflects them, tilting his head, and keeps approaching her at a steady pace.

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She starts shooting again.

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He ignites his light saber - red, of course - and deflects the bolts.

He keeps advancing.

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She shifts her aim to his feet, trying to slow him down.

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His light saber is significantly less well designed for blocking things aimed at his feet. It slows him down a small amount, though not entirely, and while his face is obviously obscured and his body posture is hard to read he now seems extremely annoyed.

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Bring it, bitch.

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He gets within calmly enraged voice range - "I did not expect cockroaches out here, I must admit."

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"And I didn't ask for stinkrats, so it looks like no one's getting what they want today."

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"You think you can stop me?"

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"Maybe. Maybe not. But someone will."

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"It will be too late for you."

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"Big talk, scary boy. Whatever."

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He raises his hand again - and this time a band feels like it closes around her throat.

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She raises into the air, the pressure around her throat not yet quite enough to knock her out, and Lord Inkil approaches until he's nearly within saber-reach.

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She struggles, fingers scrabbling against the unseen force constricting her neck.

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And he drops her at his feet.

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Gasping for breath, she tries to sweep his legs out from under him.

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He steps over her leg. "What have you come here for?"

There's a pressure on her mind. An urge to tell him.

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"Fuck off."

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Pressing harder - "You seek the same ghost I do."

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"Everyone knows ghosts aren't real."

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Voice amused: "You know little of the Force. Its greatest wielders need not be confined to this thin flesh."

"What did the old hermit tell you?"

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"Didn't tell me shit. His brain's been cooked by the sun."

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He tilts his head. "Nothing at all? I'd expect him to have more opinions about the ghost of a Sith in his area."

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"Sorry but out here in the real world, we have other things than fairy tales to worry about."

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"Darth Vader is hardly a fairytale."

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"Vader ain't coming back, dumbass. No matter how often you dress up like her."

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"She is already back."

"But I see you lot remain as ignorant as ever."

"I doubt that will ever change."

He raises his hand again, an invisible fist around her throat - aiming to knock her unconscious this time.

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Cheating... bullshit...

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She passes out.

It's hard to say how long she's unconscious. She wakes up in a painfully bright room, strapped tightly to a hard chair or table. She can't see much, can't turn her head, but she also can't hear anyone else in the room with her. There's a low hum of an active ship.

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She blinks into consciousness. What can she see?

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A very bright light immediately above her! Vaguely, at the edges of that, a smooth white ceiling.

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Ugh. She closes her eyes again.

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A door hisses open after a while.

"Enjoying your stay?"

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"Didn't your mother ever teach you to buy a girl dinner before you tie her up?"

She doesn't open her eyes.

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"I do apologize for the poor hospitality," he says. It's almost hard to tell that he's being sarcastic.

His footsteps come next to hers -

And she feels rather like she's being stabbed in the head.

"How's Jaina doing?" he asks, voice casual.

(Memories of the Dawn Resistance's diplomatic liason from the New Republic - one of their main intelligence officers - start trying to bubble up.)

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Owowow purple nerfs purple nerf purple nerfs.

"The fuck is Jaina?"

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Harder, her head's peeling itself apart, steel wool scraping over the inside of her skull...

"Who sent you?"

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"Aah! I'm- ah - on shore leave."

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"To Jakku?"

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"Thought you'd stay away in case the sand scratched up all your nice shiny armor."

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He hums.

Keeps pushing - keeps asking a littany of questions, repeating some - it isn't just her head, the rest of her body is starting to feel like it's being torn apart -

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She'll be damned before she gives these bastards an inch. They'll have to kill her.

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He leaves her after a time of her refusing to bend.

A loud, rippling static noise fills the air after the door hisses shut behind him. The light brightens. The room begins to chill rapidly.

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Here we fucking go...

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It's not long, at least, before the door hisses open again.

(Far too long, perhaps, for how much Ellaita's head hurts.)

The static cuts out immediately, the light dims, and the room begins to warm. The boots that enter are heavier than Inkil's. A stormtrooper's, likely.

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"W-who's there?" She shivers, and cracks open her eyes.

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"Don't make any sudden moves." The voice is mechanical, entirely indistinct from a stormtrooper's. "You are being transported."

Her bonds loosen and then retract.

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Groan. She slides gracelessly down the table, almost not catching herself.

"Transported... where?"

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Gaunleted hands steady her. "Lord Inkil has demanded your presence," she says, loud and clearly, and, voice so low it won't be heard by any guards outside the room, by any monitoring systems - "I'm getting you out of here," she murmurs. "Play along."

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...She tries to fight, but weakly. "Fuck off."

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"Objection noted."

She pulls Ellaita into a standing position, steadies her until her head stops swimming, then gently pulls her arms behind her back, attaching cuffs.

"There's an emergency unlock here," she murmurs, moving one of Ellaita's fingers to it. "Don't use it unless you have to."

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"Where are we really going," she mutters.

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"Off this ship, eventually. We need to make a stop first."

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"Well that's just great."

Never heard of a stormtrooper defector. First time for everything, maybe.

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"Start walking," she says more loudly, drawing her blaster and pointing it not quite at Ellaita, nodding toward the door. 

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"All right, all right, I'm going."

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Onward, through well lit halls, past other stormtroopers - some of whom nod very slightly at the one escorting Ellaita. Their uniforms aren't marked, but there's serial numbers on them.

Ellaita's rescuer's number is FA-11326. Most of the others she seems friendly with are also FAs.

Her rescuer takes them into a side room in a deserted hall, at a gap between monitoring cameras. It seems to be a break room of some kind, a small, spartan room with uncomfortable couches, bunks clearly visible along one wall. There's another stormtrooper there - FA-76470 - who nods to Ellaita's.

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-  And Ellaita's stormtrooper undos her cuffs and lets go of her, before reaching up to take her own helmet off. She's pretty. Looks about Ellaita's age, maybe a bit younger. 

"We all set, Rocket?" she asks, voice far warmer and more melodic without the helmet's filters in the way. 

"Sure," the other stormtrooper says, removing her own helmet - her face is identical to Ellaita's stormtrooper's except for a thin scar on her cheek, though her voice is rougher, like she's breathed in more smoke than is healthy. "Couldn't get extra armor, but extra blacks are easy, and no one will question too much if they see me walking to the armory with an annoyed look on my face." She turns to Ellaita - "You guessed her size right, huh."

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"First Order's really just doing galactic history's greatest evil hits, huh? Are you all clones?"

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"Rank and file are, but we're not all the same line - they make some noise about specialties, but it also gives them a way to do collective punishment without relying on us making friends in our units," Ellaita's stormtrooper says, shrugging. "And that dick Inkil doesn't have an original thought in his head."

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"Great." She rubs her wrists. "So am I an officer now, or are you stuffing me in one of those walking tin cans?"

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She grins. "Tin can. Sadly, we need to hide your face."

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Sigh. "Figures."

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She laughs. "There's a small fresher through there," pointing to a tiny door, "And you'll want to wear the standard blacks under it. There's a set..." She looks at Rocket. 

"In the fresher already," Rocket says.

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"Thanks." She goes to clean up and get changed.

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The fresher is tiny but functional, and the uniform isn't at all complicated. 

The stormtroopers are talking in low voices when she emerges. Rocket has stripped out of her armor, which is in a tidy pile. They stop their conversation, looking over at her, and Ellaita's stormtrooper smiles. 

"Excellent. The armor can be kind of annoying your first few times in it, so I can help you get it on."

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"Right. What's your name, anyway?"

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"I'm Anathema Jedi," she says. "What's yours?"

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Okay that's a name.

"Ellaita Dameron." She starts putting on the stormtrooper armor. "What's the next step?"

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She helps with the trickier latches. 

"We head toward the main bay. I've got a set of orders for me and Rocket to go on a routine patrol, and we can use that to get you into a TIE, get it undocked - and while you're kicking up the engines and checking everything I'll give the signal for our little defectors' party."

"Stuff will get pretty chaotic after that, hopefully - ideally me and you both get on something with more range than a TIE, but if not I'll join you, we can grab a better ship planetside or lay low a bit, and if that doesn't work we'll have to split up. Don't worry about flying off without me in whatever ship you can grab. I can make my own way."

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"Am I going to get shot at, in all this chaos?"

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"Hope not, but it's fairly likely."

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"Do I at least get a blaster?"

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"Of course."

She hands one over.

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She checks the safety and charge level before clipping it to her belt.

"Ready to go?"

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"As I'll ever be." She picks up her helmet, sliding it back on - "I'll lead the way."

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Helmet on.

"After you."

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To the bay, then. There's an increasing level of tension in the halls - more stormtroopers with FA numbers - but their orders are accepted by the officer overseeing the launch deck, and Anathema leads Ellaita to one of the TIEs closest to the exit, gets her in, checks she can fly it, and - "Ready?"

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She starts punching through the preflight checks.

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And she steps out.

Ellaita's gotten the ship undocked and just about ready to fly - waiting for a go ahead that her path out is clear - when there's a weapon's discharge - another few - from near the officer's deck - 

Looks like the revolution is starting. There's a general rush to the other ships - the possibly loyal stormtroopers trying to shoot the rebels - a dull explosion, another, from elsewhere in the ship - 

And probably Anathema comes running straight for the TIE. Looks like there's not a clear path to a ship with a better range, right now.

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Hopefully it is Anathema and not one of the others. She's taken her own helmet off, the visibility with it on is shit. She jams the hatch open and hovers just a bit off the ground.

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Anathema rips her helmet off - looks like her, or else another of her clones with the same weathering and hair styling - and she jumps into the hatch, says, "It's Anathema, let's go," and moves to the gunner's seat.

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Hatch closed, she guns the engines, rocketing around the hangar lineup and out into space.

"You any good on those guns?"

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She shoots down one of the enemy TIEs - there's no identification codes being exchanged at this point, it's a huge mess, but she seems to know exactly which ones contain enemies, and their allied TIEs are coordinating bizarrely well - 

"Yes," she says, tightly. 

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"Great. I prefer not getting glassed from orbit, so let's take out the turbolasers before we leave." She flips around to skim the tight to the hull of the carrier.

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The ship's struggling to get point defense toward them - it's not a very coordinated response just yet - and there's a massive number of ships pouring out of assorted hangars - 

Anathema times all her shots apparently perfectly, so long as Ellaita can line them up, and they get covering fire from several other TIEs as enemies try to get on their tails. A few TIEs peel off to go after the turbolasers farther from them.

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"Are you talking to them? I don't hear any chatter."

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"Telepathic," she says, voice a bit tight, gaze darting around. "This's a bit more than I've done before."

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"Shit, is everyone in this uniform superstitious? First you come to Jakku on a ghost hunt, now you're using telepathy."

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She snorts. "Once we're clear I'll have some of my friends fly funny patterns for you," she says, cheerfully. Then a squint, and a cluster of allied TIEs breaks apart in a complicated maneuver, taking down several enemies that had been approaching them.

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"You have got to be kidding me- I'm suddenly a lot more reluctant to go back to Jakku if Vader's ghost actually is hanging around down there."

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"Oh, so that's who Lord Dumbass was after?"

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"All he would talk about, really- Incoming at two-ten!"

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She flips her guns over, shoots it down - "So were you trying - " another blast from her guns - "To beat us to her?"

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"Beat you to whatever, really. Resistance didn't have much intel, just a location." She spins the TIE to line up another shot.

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She fires again, and again - the other TIEs keep moving in their complicated patterns, assisting, and they're just about winning, have nearly entirely destroyed the ship's ability to trivially pursue them - 

"So I guess - " fire " - you wanna get that info back to them?"

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"That'd be ideal. Also that, y'know, they're using clones."

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"Mind if I come with?" she asks, sending off another quick burst of shots.

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"I don't see why not. You're a fair shot."

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"Been told I'm a good navigator, too." They have a clear stretch now, approaching the last turbolaser. 

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"Think you can plot us a course down to that planet there?"

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There's another wave of enemy ships - the response seems to be getting coordinated - Anathema shoots another ship, then: "I'll try."

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"I can make it down on my own if you're busy..." She flips them out of the way of incoming fire.

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"A bit."

The enemy ships seem to have somehow concluded they need to shoot down Ellaita and Anathema in particular. It's very obnoxious.

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Just a bit.

But she has always wanted to put one of these things through their paces from the other side of the fight.

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They get clear of the ship, winding toward the planet - Anathema seems to be focusing now on outright disabling the First Order's Star Destroyer, any ability to strike at Jakku, any ability to send pursuit after the fleeing stormtroopers - the two of them aren't the only ones who'll have to land and seek passage out, after all.

Explosions ripple along the Star Destroyer - Anathema flinches a few times, face drawn and unhappy, but she keeps shooting down any enemy TIEs with an almost nonchalant efficiency - their allied TIEs are breaking off with them, keeping near enough to defend, the handful of allied ships capable of jumping to hyperspace split between doing so and turning to join the TIEs in their descent (determined by how full they are, it'll be best if they can just regroup the TIE pilots - )

(Rocket dies, still on the Star Destroyer - she hadn't planned to leave, and a massive explosion tears out from the armory, from her body - )

Anathema flinches hard and misses her next shot.

Their enemy doesn't.

The bolt collides with their TIE - another, right at the weak points. Hull integrity isn't compromised, not yet, but steering to a graceful landing will be nearly impossible, and they need a few more seconds before it's safe to eject -

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"Going down!" she snaps. "Helmets!" She grabs hers and jams it on. A second with her hands off the yoke isn't going to matter at this point.

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She's gasping, shaking - her focus disrupts at several other points, she's scrambling to keep her people together, still coordinated, to keep the last dregs of rebellion on the ship alive as long as possible - doing as much damage as possible, they're going to die and they know it but she promised to make it worth it -

It almost doesn't occur to her that she needs to keep her usual body alive, too. Ellaita's words register in her brain shallowly - but just enough, and Anathema shoves her helmet on purely through muscle memory.

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The altimeter dings, almost lost amid the general uproar as she attempts to wrestles the TIE onto a course that gives them the best of "soft" and "close to shelter" known as "survivable".

"Punch out!" she calls. "Punch out, punch out!"

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It takes her a moment -

She reorients herself, gives a warning and then withdraws her mind from all but the most essential -

She punches out, feeling like she's in a dream.

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Ellaita- discovers her seat is jammed. "Fuck fuck fuck." She grabs for her blaster, shoots out the canopy, feels along the back of the seat for the chute- which is integrated, damn.

Okay, explosive bolts should be... here and here, oh fuck this is going to suck-

Two rapid shots later, she's spinning through the air, away from the crashing ship.

It's two heart-pounding moments before the parachute deploys.

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Elsewhere, Anathema hits sand.

It's mid-morning. The region's already scorching hot, and it's only going to get worse over the next few hours. Enough to overwhelm even the armor's climate control.

Her mind jars loose. She stumbles away from her eject seat, falls to her hands and knees, and tries not to vomit.

She'd been -

Leading a revolution.

She can't grab anyone now. Her head's pounding. It feels turned inside out. Scraped raw.

She was -

With Ellaita Dameron. Pretty, possibly Anathema's ticket into the Dawn Resistance - into punching Lord Asshat in the face, she doubts he had enough courtesy to go down with his ship. Important, Anathema had known that as soon as Lord Dickwad brought her on board. A key to her plans, maybe - Anathema's always getting gut feelings like that -

She didn't eject with Anathema. She's not in sight.

It's Anathema's fault they got shot down.

Anathema stumbles to her feet, head spinning, and tries to orient enough to say -

Where is she.

She always finds her way. Her head's killing her, every attempt to ask, to focus, sends her mind spinning dizzily -

No matter. She'll have to look the old fashioned way.

She pulls a map with her projected location off the eject seat's tiny computer. Orients herself to north, marks distance to the nearest village, nearest lookout point, nearest survivable shelter... Mentally reorients where they'd been when she ejected, where the ship had been going -

And she starts walking. Away from the village. She doesn't think Ellaita went that way.

The armor can keep her alive a hell of a lot longer than a human body can last alone out here, and Anathema's breathing steady - she's always been good at working through discomfort, pain, thirst -

She has to force herself to go curl up in a sand-croc's hole when the worst heat sweeps in shortly after noon, making her armor's monitoring systems start screaming at her about heat stroke. She keeps her blaster ready in case the beast comes back. Her head's fuzzy, her mouth's dry.

She waits just long enough her suit stops beeping at her, that the temperature drops to 'technically survivable' -

She keeps looking -


She doesn't find Ellaita Dameron. She does find a village near where several of her girls' TIEs landed - safely, thank fuck - and they're so glad to see her, they want to know what to do now.

Anathema's exhausted. Her mind feels turned inside out.

"We go to the Dawn Resistance," she says, voice distant from herself. "We have important information for them."

She leaves Jakku before the next morning.

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Ellaita wakes up somewhere cool and not even particularly dry. It's kinda dark, but there's a soft breeze, and the fan responsible isn't obnoxiously loud. There's a goop of some kind on her shoulder, what feels like bandages wrapped around it.

There's also a soft sound of things rustling. Metal against metal. Something sliding against cloth.

And then a girl's voice, a bit soft: "You awake?"

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"Mrm. Think so."

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"Your shoulder's fucked," she says, "And I'm not allowed to try Force-healing people anymore. But I think it'll heal on its own if you keep it still. Got some stuff on it, though it's not as good as bacta. So you probably shouldn't thrash around a bunch or anything."

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"Yeah, well, if you don't try to torture me I won't thrash around, how about that? Had enough of that for a while..."

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"I won't."

"You'll be safe here, whatever you're running from. No one finds us who I don't lead over."

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"Great." She groans. Shoulder does ache.

"You didn't see anyone else in the area?"

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"Some ships flying overhead. No one landed near us, though."

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She slumps a little.

"All right."

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"Looking for someone?"

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"There was another person in the ship. Hope she got out."

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"My Master's really good at finding people. We can ask her to check around."

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"That'd be good. But if she survived and didn't find the wreck, she's probably gone."

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"Oh. She wouldn't have kept looking?"

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"We only met about an hour before the crash. She had other things going on too."

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She nods. "Well, my Master can probably at least figure out if she's alive."

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"...Didn't think there were slaves on Jakku."

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"...Oh. I'm not a slave. She's my Master like - master of the craft, or headmaster of a school. But it's just us here, not a full school."

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"Studying out here? What, desertcraft?"

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"The Force! She's really good at it, even if she's a weird hermit. She says spaces without a lot of sapients around are a good place to learn to listen to yourself."

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"I'd say there was something in the water if there wasn't such a distinct lack of it around here..." she mutters.

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"What's so weird about it?"

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"Of the last five people I've met on or around this planet, four have had some kind of tale to tell me about what the rest of the galaxy considers a mystical superstition."

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She giggles.

...And several packages start floating in front of Ellaita's face.

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"Can you put those down please."

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"Sure. I don't drop things, though, even when doing silly obstacle courses."

Still, she floats the packages back to their resting places. They do little pirouettes on the way.

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"No problem."

She pauses then, looking up and making a curious noise.

"Oh, my Master's coming back already."

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"How can you tell?"

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Smirk. "The Force."

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"That's not an answer."

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"Maybe my Master will take you as a padawan too, then. Answer all your questions."

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"I don't think I'll be sticking around that long."

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Shrug. "Suit yourself."

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And then the hairs on the back of Ellaita's neck raise, like something's watching her...

And a blue, glowing, translucent woman manifests in the middle of the room - looks at Ellaita, her eyes go wide, her expression shocked - it's not so much in her face, but she seems pained -

She vanishes.

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"...Huh. Normally she doesn't pop right back out."

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"What the hell was that!"

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"My Master. She's a Force ghost."

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...Fucking Vader.

She slumps back with a groan.

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"You okay?"

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"Yeah. I've, uh heard about your teacher. When she was alive."

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"She's not Vader anymore. She really regrets having ever been that person."

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"Great, that makes me feel a whole lot better."

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"...I can tell her you're not comfortable with her coming back, though, and get you to a village myself."

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"-The other thing is, I sort of came to this planet in the first place to find her. Before I knew she was... who I was looking for."

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"So maybe you'll be okay talking to her if she doesn't surprise you, then?"

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"Let's go with yes."

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"You can tell me when you're ready to talk to her - she might not be ready right away though... She seemed really surprised even though I warned her you were here. Possibly your Force signature reminded her of someone, last time she really freaked out like that was when she met me..."

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"Do you have anything to drink?"

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"Yeah. Water, juice, tea..."

"And I guess I can actually properly explain stuff that's going on."

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"Juice would be good, thanks."

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Juice! In a bottle with a sipper tip. It's at least cool.

The girl also gets up and turns up some lamps so there's more light in the room as she gets Ellaita her juice. "So, uh, you asked how I knew she was coming earlier - I can actually explain that if you want to hear the answer? Or I could talk about my Master some, but... I don't know there's much to say that isn't private."

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"How about the former?"

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She nods and starts making herself tea while she talks. "So the Force isn't this weird mystical thing. We don't know a ton about it, but there's a lot of stuff about the universe we don't know yet. That just means we need to keep studying."

"It's hard to build machines that can sense it, though, and really hard to make anything inorganic interact with it, so that also keeps it from being really - in the common consciousness? Except as a religion thing. Like, humans can't sense electromagnetic fields either, but everyone can use magnets, so anyone with an education knows how magnets work."

"Feeling things in the Force and doing things with it isn't weird mystic mumbo-jumbo, either, though some people like to dress it up or are making things up because they don't really understand what they're doing. It's pretty much an energy field, though none of the books I have or that Master Anakin's ever read had mathematical models for it. It's really diffuse, and it's everywhere, even in a vacuum - some writers talk about it being stronger in some places, but I don't know if that's exactly the thing. There's definitely different qualities it can have, which can make it hard to feel sometimes."

"Some people can sense the Force, though usually only really weakly, and some people can manipulate it. Like those species that can see and interact with electromagnetic fields. Or like us - lots of species can't hear things. Sensing the Force isn't usually a species thing, though, or - almost all species have some ability to sense it, and how much you can feel it varies between individuals. And training can make you better at using the abilities you have, and can maybe also increase them."

"I'm one of the people who can affect things with the Force, and so's Master Anakin. People feel a certain way in the Force, like how they look and sound a certain way, and it's possible to recognize individuals - and some people resemble each other. Usually family members do a bit. Sometimes I guess you get weird coincidences? Like I feel almost exactly like someone Master Anakin used to know, minus the types of things that change over your life, even though we don't think I'm genetically related to him. It's possible how you feel in the Force is related to your personality or how you tend to think, but we're not sure of that. But because of the Force signatures, I can tell where Master Anakin is, roughly, especially if she's close or I'm focusing on her."

"And because the Force isn't limited to line of sight or anything, one of the things you can do if you can manipulate it is send messages to people. It's harder to send messages to just one person, but you don't have to actually interact with the conventional space between two points in the Force if you know what you're doing. So if you're careful, you can change the Force just around one person, and you can make a sort of resonance between two people - called a bond - which makes keeping an eye on and talking to each other easier."

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"...A more coherent explanation than I was expecting."

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"When we decide it's time to leave Jakku I'm going to join a university or something as a Force physicist. Or whatever we decide the correct term is for someone doing science to it."

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"That'll turn some heads."

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She laughs. "Might help me get funding. Or I might have to face down the ridicule of my colleagues with the power of a firm faith in the scientific method."

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"Most likely that last, I have to be honest with you."

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"I'll win them over eventually. Or just show them up."

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"Bet you will."

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She giggles a little. "Do you wanna know anything else?"

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"How long have you been learning about this?"

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"About a decade. So probably since I was like three or four? Though we're not sure how old I was when Master Anakin found me."

"But 'cause I was a kid for most of that I haven't been learning very efficiently. Had to learn to read and stuff before I could study the texts Master Anakin found, and I'm studying everything, not just the Force - only a really tiny handful of my books are about it, though that's also because Master Anakin had trouble finding a lot of the ones she's ever read..."

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"Jakku isn't exactly a center of learning."

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"Yeah. It's sometimes easier to feel small things in the Force when you're not around a lot of people - even people who aren't very Force sensitive can make, like, noise in it. But it'd be nice to be somewhere quiet with a big library."

"Master Anakin says we're not ready to leave just yet, though, so I'm also learning about patience."

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She drinks the rest of her juice.

"...Think I'm ready to see her again."

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She nods. "I'll let her know."

And then her gaze goes distant a bit, her expression focused like she's listening to something very faint and far away.

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And the Force ghost manifests again - farther away from Ellaita this time, posture still wary and unsure.

"...Good morning," she says.

Her voice doesn't sound a lot like what you'd expect Darth Vader to sound like. Smoother, more pleasant, more quiet.

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"Is it morning? I'm a bit disconnected from the local diurnal rhythm."

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"More or less, though we'll tip over into the afternoon soon enough."

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"Good morning to you, then."

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She nods, slowly. "What's your name?"

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"Ellaita Dameron."

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"I'm Anakin Skywalker."

She glances at her apprentice, and - "This is Lily."

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"...Nice to meet you."

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She nods.

"It's - nice to meet you, too."

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"The First Order is looking for you. They think you're a weapon."

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"...I'm not. And I never will be again."

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"You should go tell your cosplaying fanboy that, then."

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"My grandson isn't inclined to listen to me."

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"Your gr- Oh this week just gets better and better."

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"They do that."

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"Fucking hell."

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"Did he hurt you?"

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"It was only a couple hours of trying to scoop my brain out through my ears with his mind. No big deal."

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"I'm sorry."

"There's ways you can keep him even farther out, if you want to learn."

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"How could you teach me, I don't have your Force talent or whatever."

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"It's very rare for humans to have no Force talent at all - sapients who entirely lack an ability to connect to the Force are also usually significantly harder to mentally affect with it. And a lot of keeping someone out would just involve mental exercises - organizing, refining, and strengthening your will."

"Also... I think you're capable of far more, especially with some training. Not just explicitly sensing things in the Force, but even manipulating it."

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If skepticism had a face, it would be Ellaita's.

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"You don't believe me?"

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"Not really, no."

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"Why not?"

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"Because I have never before had cause to think that I had such power?"

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"Some people process it only subconsciously, or only after they think to start looking, or only after significant effort, or when they're in great distress."

"Our minds are constantly gathering and analyzing information that doesn't come into our knowing focus, except as a gut feeling if a pattern seems to be emerging. This goes for all senses, of which feeling the Force is just one. And even just a mild sense of the Force can help boost that tremendously. Better reflexes, a concept of those around you, where they are, what they feel... More intuition for things you can't consciously perceive. Good instincts. Good guesses."

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"So luck is Force sensitivity?"

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"Depends on what you mean by luck. Some lucky things are other people making their own decisions, or are the result of complex processes you don't have enough information to predict. Some are your own ability to spot opportunities or how the world shifts - and Force sensitivity is one of many things that helps that."

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"Uh-huh. Well, I don't have ten years to sit around and listen to animals breathing, so it's a moot question anyway. I need to find a way offplanet, or at least get a message out."

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"I can help, then. And..." She glances at Lily. "I think it might be time for us to make our own way off planet."

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"Wicked! Finally."

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"Where are you planning on going?"

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"I'm not entirely sure, yet. It depends on what's going on in the wider galaxy."

"But Jacen - Lord Inkil, I think he's calling himself - can't be allowed to carry on like this."

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"The resistance can use whatever information you have about him."

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She nods. "It - might not be much. I died before he was born, and I've been leery of trying to spy on him."

"I know far more about anything that happened during my life, but - that does include some of the powers and artifacts he's grasping for."

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"That would help, if we can get a step ahead of him."

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She nods. (She doesn't seem very happy.)

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Plausibly the only thing worse than having to work with the actual ghost of the most infamous mass murderer in recent galactic history is having to be the actual ghost of the most infamous mass murderer in recent galactic history, so like, fair enough.

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"Is it alright if we accompany you back?"

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"To the resistance?"

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"Yes. Wherever you're going."

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"...Sure, I guess." Half her original mission done, anyway. Get to the weapon before the First Order.

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"Thank you."

"I can encourage your shoulder to heal at least a little with the Force, and we can brace it regardless. I can go now and get us a ship capable of hyperspace travel and bring it here, if you trust my judgement on which and don't mind theft, or we can wait until nightfall to travel."

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"If I'm going to be flying a ship, I want to see it first."

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Small smile. "Very reasonably so - we have a speeder, so we can cover the distance better than on foot, at least, but it's not climate controlled."

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"Oh good."

"If you can scout unobtrusively, it'd be a good idea to do that."

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"I can, though it's a bit harder if there's anyone around who's trained in the Force."

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"The person I'm most concerned about is apparently trained in the Force, so."

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"He never bothers to hide himself, and - I'm very familiar with him. I can avoid anywhere he's at."

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"Just finding out if he's around or not would be enough."

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She hums, gaze going distant, and - "He's not in this solar system, though I think some of his officers still are."

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"That's some range."

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"Force powers can act at a distance. The main barrier to making that a nearly arbitrary distance is mental."

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"That sounds like some serious bullshit."

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She definitely looks amused.

"The Force isn't the only thing in the universe that can produce information and effects regardless of distance, though at least we have decent mathematical models for the other things that do - mostly admittedly 'entangled particles.'"

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"You can't use other effects just by thinking about them."

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"Using the Force is an action, not very different from moving limbs to press a button - they're exactly the same to me, nowadays."

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"Still no external apparatus."

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"It's part of the universe we exist in. That means things within the universe influence it - including living beings, directly and intentionally so if their biology supports it."

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"Okay? That doesn't really change my point. You could scan a system with a hyperwave pulse or whatever, but you'd have to have a broadcaster and a receiver and a computer to analyze the signal. That's not just built into the way people are."

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Nod. "We don't know yet what part of biology actually allows us to interface with the Force - or why I can exist and have internal experiences despite being probably only composed of whatever makes up the Force. Lily has some conjectures, but - they're directions to research in. Nothing conclusive."

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Then a wince for her injured shoulder.

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She gives Ellaita a moderately concerned look. "Is it alright if I heal your shoulder with the Force?"

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"Go for it."

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She steps closer, hand drifting to hover over Ellaita's hurt shoulder. "This might feel a bit strange," she says, and -

Closes her eyes, focusing. Breathing deeply, though it's extremely unlikely she actually needs oxygen.

Ellaita feels -

Warm. Seen. Appreciated. (There's something reserved, tightly leashed behind that - )

It's a really nice, cozy feeling, and her shoulder doesn't hurt at all, even though it's clearly still injured. Then -

It's not. The wound knits together and smooths over. Ellaita feels excellent, all her exhaustion gone, all her lingering physical discomfort lifted - sores, bruises, scraps that hadn't really kept her from functioning but sure had been unpleasant. The persistent headache that's been threatening since Inkil invaded her mind is removed with barely a whisper - the assorted mental side effects, too, though her memories are entirely untouched. Just... No echoes of what happened. She isn't thirsty anymore, or suffering from lingering heat exhaustion, or even hungry.

It's better than having just woken up after a good night's sleep and a lovely vacation. It's like the best energetic high she's ever gotten from a dogfight, minus the weird things adrenaline can do to her body.

And then Anakin withdraws from her. Some of the warmth dissipates. The emotional bits, at least. Ellaita still feels better than she ever has.

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"Shit, if you could bottle that, you'd make millions."

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"Maybe make that a stretch goal," she says with a broad smile. 

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She peels off the bandage to take a look.

"That feels... really good, wow."

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There's still some crusted gunk and dried blood, which itches a little when she moves and which mostly peels away with the bandage. The skin under is whole - not even shiny and new. Just healthy. 

"I'm glad."

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She prods at the skin.

"Very slick."

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Skin feels normal and has normal sensation. 

"It's possible to do that for yourself, too."

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"If one is Force sensitive."

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"Some of the basics should be learnable at least."

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"I guess we're waiting for nightfall anyway."

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She nods. "There's not even opportunity costs."

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Sigh. "Fine."

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"Do you know how to meditate?"

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She shakes her head.

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"That's the first step then."

She sets Lily to working on her centering exercises again, then walks Ellaita through instructions on how to meditate. The basics at first, of course. Correct posture. Leveled breathing. Awareness and then relaxation of your muscles. Quieting the jumbled noise in your mind. Existing as yourself, right now, firmly in your body. 

(She explains the angles for approaching it she knows Elesse favored, even though that hurts.)

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Ellaita seems to be having trouble with the quieting her mind part. Elesse's approaches aren't helping.

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That... Helps a bizarre amount. Helps Anakin feel less like she's dissociating while talking to a ghost.


Anakin is a ghost.

Actual ghost Elesse would be - more straightforward. More devastating.

Ellaita thinking differently from Elesse helps Anakin stop feeling like she's hallucinating.

She pauses the teaching very early, as soon as she can tell Ellaita's struggling. "Do you like being active?" she asks. "I was - using the method I was taught, but there's other ways. Working with machines. Fighting. Exercising. Focusing on - any task at all. Examining something and filling your mind with that, rather than with just yourself."

"...I always did best while I was fighting or flying. The important thing is - focus. Clarity."

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"...I guess my head always feels clearest when I'm flying."

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"Does anything else get you close? - I might be able to keep you comfortable for a bit on the speeder, even in the heat..."

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"That works too, usually, but it's literally the hottest part of the day right now."

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"Fair. One thing I don't miss about being made of flesh and blood."

She hums. "Flying's out until we have the ship, then, and that might not be the safest time to start experimenting anyways... What part of flying helps you focus?"

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"Dunno. The whole thing?"

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"I can explain some things to pay attention to next time we get you in a pilot's seat... But for now - some other things we can try are you sparring hand to hand or with a weapon against Lily, you sparring with a weapon with me, practing shooting on a range... We could work on a project - there's some minor things that could use fixing. Or..."

"An option that's usually very fast is directly guided meditation. It'd involve mental communication. I could show you my mind, if you don't want me more than brushing against yours, to demonstrate the ideal mindset. I could monitor the broad shape of your mind and try to tell which parts you're having trouble on. That wouldn't give me access to any memories or thoughts."

"Or I could guide your mind directly, though fewer people are comfortable with that."

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"Let's try some of the first options."

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"Do you already know any martial arts?"

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"No, but I'm pretty good with a blaster."

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"I can try to teach you to use a staff or a knife, if you want more options in a fight, or we can work with meditative aiming."

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"Don't think I want to get all the way into that today, so just aiming."

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She nods. "Since you already know how to focus while aiming... Why don't we see if you can shoot me with your eyes closed."

"...Perhaps in a different room, though."

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"Good idea." She gets up.

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She tells Lily to call if she needs anything, then leads Ellaita into a long open room - by the shielded weapon racks on the walls and assortment of old targets set up at one end, it seems to be a training room. Albeit a fairly low-tech one.

"Choose whichever blaster you're most comfortable with and stand in the middle of the room," Anakin says.

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She grabs one of the familiar older models and goes to the center of the room.

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"A good choice," she murmurs, and - "You won't be able to hurt me, even if you hit me."

"Close your eyes and then take aim. Try to use your other senses."

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She shuts her eyes and fires in the direction the ghost's voice came from.

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"Hit," she says, "You have good spatial memory."

And then her voice is coming from behind and to the right of Ellaita. A bit farther away. "But I won't always,"

To her left, slightly ahead, "Stay in one place."

There's no sound of her moving.

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She pauses a moment, then fires in a random direction.

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"Close," comes the ghost's voice from near where she fired. "Try to anticipate where - "

And her voice moves, "I'll be next."

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'Anticipate where I'm going to be next' yeah that's both helpful advice and totally possible.

She takes a guess based on how the voice has been moving.

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"Close, but not quite."

The hairs on the back of Ellaita's neck stand on end. 

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She whips around and fires a shot.

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And it's almost like the final pop on the 't' is coming from a little bit to Ellaita's left -

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There's - probably not a sound of air displacing, Anakin's a ghost - a bit behind and to Ellaita's left, a bit far from her -

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She might be getting the hang of this.

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And -

Not quite so many clues, next, but Ellaita's focused, and - this is almost like feeling the flow of a dogfight around her, Vader's ghost starts dodging her shots but -

She's about to be over there - there's no evidence just the flow of her motions -

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She starts to lose herself in the rhythm of spin-shoot-hit.

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The difficulty slowly escalates, keeping up just barely ahead of Ellaita's current instincts - Ellaita usually gets a few hits before the difficulty escalates again. (She gets into 'ridiculous' levels when she starts giving Ellaita a dual sensation, someone in both locations at once - then Anakin after that has the same pair of sensations and her own signature muffled - )

Anakin seems content to do this as long as Ellaita wants.

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She starts getting a bit tired after an hour or two.

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She winds the session to a halt then. "You did very well."

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"Thanks." She puts the borrowed blaster back.

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"Do you have a sense of what I meant earlier?"

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"...Maybe a bit."

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"Those same instincts can be worked on. Expanded. Just that is enough for many people, though as you push at and develop your senses you'll be able to manipulate things as well."

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"It's also significantly easier if you already believe you can."

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Small smile.

"We can talk about something else for a while, though, or I can leave you be - there's still several hours left until nightfall."

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"Might try to catch a little sleep."

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She nods. "Lily shouldn't mind if you sleep in her bedroom, if you'd like some quiet."

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"I'm used to a barracks."

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"It's up to you, then."

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She goes to the main room and sits back in a corner.

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And Anakin goes to sit with Lily, quietly talking her through what sounds like a continuation of a lesson on disguising herself in the Force. The practical on this ends up being Lily telling Anakin a story, 'becoming' different speakers or characters in the story and trying to alter her Force signature to match. (It sounds like Anakin's also probing her mind a few times to see if her surface thoughts match the characters.)

The effect is somewhat eerie to an external observer - it's easier to believe that Lily is a middle aged man from Corellia than it really should be. (From Anakin's occasional correction on this or that part of the story, it's possible this is also doubling as a review on places, histories, and cultures from the wider galaxy.)

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She drowses.

Strange dreams, a ghost with a Corellian accent that doesn't match its face is chasing her while she's dressed like a stormtrooper but she loses herself in a crowd of other white-armored soldiers and can't find which one is her.

She pulls back awakes as night falls.

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Lily's the only one in the room. She seems to be going through final checks on packing.

"Hey," she says, as soon as Ellaita's mostly awake. "Want something to eat or drink before we head out?"

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"Yeah, that'd be nice," she says. "Thanks."

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She gets a plain meal together, then. Mostly reconstituted from powders, though there's a small fruit with a thick rind as a side.

"Master Anakin thinks we probably won't come back here, at least not for a long time, so we've packed up everything we wanna keep..." she says, a bit awkwardly. "Speeder's ready."

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She eats with practiced speed and efficiency, tucking the fruit away for later.

"Great. Shall we, then?"

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"Yeah. Lemme just get these." She cleans up - and packs - their plates and cups and the last of their food and water, then floats her bags behind her and leads Ellaita out into the gathering dark. It's still warm out, but not quite so brutally hot, and there's a cool wind starting up. The speeder has room for two, some cases already strapped to it. Lily gets her bags secured, and - "Do you want to drive?"

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"If that's all right."

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She nods. "I'm alright with it."

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And Anakin manifests nearby. "I've got coordinates for the nearest town with likely ships," she says, "Though navigating on Jakku can be a bit of an exercise in creativity."

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"I've noticed that, yeah. Any notable hazards in our path here?"

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"The best path takes us through a canyon. It's sometimes tricky to navigate, with a possibility of sandslides. There's not a lot of predators that'll go after a speeder - most of them prefer hiding under the sand and waiting for something to step on them - but there's some around the canyons and rocky areas that get ambitious."

"There's also some sand flats - after the canyon - that are unstable to land on, since they're above a cave system with frequent sink holes and often only a thin crust above a void. Sometimes the way the sand shifts there can throw off the speeder's height sensors, and that stretch is prone to extremely high winds. Worst at dawn and dusk, though, and we should be passing through after the dusk winds have died down some."

"There's also a settlement an hour past that we'll need to give a wide berth - they've crouched on a nice wellspring and are now aggressive about their territory."

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She nods, already running through evasive maneuvers in her head.

"Best make a start, then." She gets into the driver's seat.

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Lily climbs into the seat behind her, setting up a riffle beside her. Just in case some predator gets ideas.

(The speeder is, at least, fairly obvious on 'how to drive this thing.')

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"I'll keep pace with you," Anakin says, "Though I'll be concealing my presence."

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And off they go.

She swings the speeder about a bit to get a feel for its responses before they get to the tricky bits.

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It's a good quality speeder, despite its weathered appearance and clear age. It's clearly been worked on and improved fairly extensively - it runs quietly and cleanly, handles beautifully. It's fast, too, especially for a local speeder, and maneuverable even at higher speeds, with a tight turning radius.

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"How long have you been working on this?"

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She grins. "Pretty long. Master Anakin used to tinker with podracers when she was a kid, so she's been teaching me stuff since I could hold tools. And - I like it a lot. This isn't really properly tricked out for real racing, though it can get really fast. This one we've only had, like... Six years? After I crashed the last one." She perks up a little. "Maybe once we're off planet I can get the parts for an actual racer. That'd be awesome - most of the parts in this are salvage, or stuff Master Anakin reshaped out of salvage."

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"You've done a pretty good job with it. Ever do any actual flying?"

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"Not a ton. We've been trying to avoid drawing attention, which a ship would out here... But I found a TIE in one of the crashed Star Destroyers once that no one'd salvaged yet. Got it working long enough for a spin somewhere really deserted, though it shook apart when I tried to get too high... Master Anakin had to float me back down."

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"TIEs are probably most similar to a podracer, in terms of how they handle. Tiny little cockpit, huge amounts of thrust."

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"Yeah. It was really fun."

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"I'd still rather have an X-wing in a fight, though."

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"How do X-wings handle?"

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"The power's spread out over four engines at the back corners so you've got a better balance. TIE'll turn sharper but the X-wing's less likely to spin out on you. Plus it's got heavier cannons and a rack of torpedos for the standard loadout. And the shields, which means you don't immediately die if you fuck up once."

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"Less of a racer and more of a fighter, then - though I bet TIEs do pretty well if the field's crowded with stuff, or if there's a lot of them..."

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"Strongest in swarms, yeah. Something the size of an ImpStar carries at least six squadrons, and they don't usually deploy from anything much smaller."

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"Is fighting them cool?"

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"It's a pretty good rush, yeah."

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She grins. "Master Anakin doesn't talk much about the, like, non-sucky parts of the wars she's been in... - I don't wanna say it sounds fun, but."

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"It's excitement you can't really get in other places."

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"I don't really get to like. Compete against other people much, either."

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"Might want to ease into that, though."

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"Probably. Master Anakin would get upset if I got shot at a bunch, anyways."

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"Best part about a starfighter, you've got the guns to shoot back."

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Grin. "Yeah!"

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"Usually need to be a little taller to be an official pilot."

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Shrug. "Master Anakin stole a whole big ship and flew it to another planet by herself when she was younger than me with the Force. Though I've got a lot to learn still..."

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"Official, key word. You can steal and fly anything you want if you can get away with it."

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She laughs. "Master Anakin would catch me and make me go back and return it or pay, I guess unless I was stealing from slavers."

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"You'll need to try harder than average, then."

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"To steal or to get allowed to be an official pilot?"

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"Problem with stealing is - I'm really not supposed to do it, 'cause it can really hurt people, especially out here - people can die if you take even something small from them, 'cause a lot of people are really surviving only marginally."

"Master Anakin says sometimes stealing is okay, but as long as I don't really have to to stay safe or keep someone else safe I shouldn't, and if I've gotten to where stealing's my only option I probably did something wrong earlier. And she still wants me to prove that I really understand when I shouldn't steal and who doesn't deserve it before she's okay with me trying to steal from people who deserve it."

"And she's really not sure about that 'cause I just really recently figured out how not to steal stuff just, impulsively? Used to just - take things or hurt people as soon as it crossed my mind to, and we've been working on not doing that."

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"You should probably listen to her, then."

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"Yeah. She's really smart. And - she gets it? About why it's sometimes hard to not hurt people."

"Though I've been good at doing compensation payments on my own lately, longer than I've been decent at not doing impulsive stuff... Master Anakin hasn't had to really make me apologize in, like, six years I think? She just reminds me to, or for a bit I'd ask her for help..."

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"That's good."

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"We're gonna buy whatever ship we're getting now. There's a guy in the town we're going to who owes us credit - he fixes ships, and sometimes gets ones that people think're just junk that he fixes up to sell, and I've helped him with that a lot. He pays me, but... There's not always that much of an economy to pay people in, y'know? So we talked to him about paying any extra in like shares toward a ship or just favors. And Master Anakin thinks maybe he has a good ship for us or can help us get one."

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They pull close to town soon enough. It's past midnight and pretty cold. Anakin manifests, her blue glow suppressed, and has Ellaita stop on the outskirts of town - 

And then develops a look of concentration, and she fades more into reality. She looks alive... Mostly. There's something intensely unsettling about her, at least to Ellaita. She moves to perch next to Lily, and gives Ellaita directions to the repair yard Lily had mentioned. 

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That explains how she interacts with normal people, then.

Hopefully the man they're seeing is in.

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He is. He does in fact seem pretty familiar with both - he calls Anakin 'Miss Vendar,' teases Lily some, expresses he's sad to see them go but wishes them well...

And shows them his ships. There's a small, incredibly eclectic collection. Many of them are in fact currently junk - some likely to be just salvaged for parts - but there's a few in good condition, some of them that'll be in even better condition with minor work. 

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Pass on the rusty YT-1300, pass on the Skipray, pass on the... TIE cockpit welded to a pair of Y-wing engines? Yeah, definite pass.

This Kuati VT-49, though... Looks like exactly what they need.

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It's one of the better valued ships there.

...And then a bizarre awkward reverse negotiation begins, because the proprietor is insisting he won't be able to sell it for what it's worth anyways, and the girls clearly need it, and Miss Vendar and her daughter student have done so much for their community, and Anakin keeps trying to pay him what she values it at.

He eventually accepts a good bit of their local supplies - they'd kept at least a month of food and water at any time, and will need some but not that much on the ship - and information on the stash they've built of salvaged parts Lily had been squirreling away, and Lily's tricked out speeder ("It's very specialized to Jakku's conditions, and we'd like to know it's in good hands."), and when he notices Anakin had floated some currency to the counter behind him he makes an exasperated face but doesn't try to give it back.

And then they have a fully fueled ship, some spare parts for it, the best diagrams the proprietor could make of its current modifications, and - 

Presumably a destination.

(It's up to Ellaita if she wants Anakin or Lily helping her pilot.)

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It'd be more helpful if they can check that the hyperdrive and weapon systems are fully functional, at least for the first bit of their journey.

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Anakin (back to being ghost colored) is fully on board with that - and comments it'll be a good chance to get Lily really familiarized with the systems in actual operation. 

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Nothing like field experience.

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The best teacher.

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She starts running through preflights.

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And Anakin leads a very bouncy and excited Lily off to go poke at the ship's innards. 

Anakin does a preliminary report back soon enough that everything looks good at first pass, but Anakin's of course doing more thorough investigations - she's planning on doing those first, then running through them a second time with Lily, for thoroughness and to not slow down their actual initial checks. (The deeper sweeps also reveal nothing wrong, though Anakin identifies some subtle weak points that might turn wrong with enough stressors - like you might get from a dogfight - and suggestions on how to reinforce those.) (The reports are actually fairly military standard - what efficient communication looks like hasn't changed dramatically in the last seventy years - and do show a strong comfort with the technical details here.)

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As slightly unnerving as associating formerly-Vader with anything military is... good. That's enough to get them offplanet, at least.

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A good start, though depending on how far they need to go they might need to stop to refuel...

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More than likely. Ellaita knows a place; there's a resistance contact she can tap for a secure line to call in, too.

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Alright. They'll need to be cautious, of course, but it sounds like a fairly solid bet.

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Assuming they make it there in one piece...

Here goes nothing.

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Anakin helps monitor the ship's systems during the jump to hyperspace, in case there's something wrong with the internal sensors. It goes well, though, and the transition is fairly smooth. Looks like they should make it to the refueling stop, at least. 

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Assuming they don't hit any unplotted planets or the First Order hasn't recommissioned any of the old Imperial interdictors.

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Anakin's not confident of their path forward - the future is always in motion, after all - but she suspects the dangers ahead of them are of a different sort. 

Still, it doesn't hurt to be cautious.

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Nothing they can do now but wait out the trip, anyway.

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Ellaita's contact is on a hot, humid world. Fortunately, this part of it's more 'tons of vegetation along rivers and lakes' rather than the 'hellhole swamp' part. There's enough traffic they won't automatically stand out, though they'll want to avoid drawing attention - this place isn't a hotbed of crime that everyone's monitoring, but enough people of interest sometimes drift through that powers in the area mostly have contacts here.

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In other words, they still need to keep a low profile. No ghost stuff, no levitating random objects. Try not to mention Jakku.

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Lily knows how to be sneaky!

She's Lily Vendar, traveling with her mom. She was born on a spaceship, and they've just traveled their whole lives. They're trading for passage with Ellaita, and wanted to stop here a little bit - the ship needed fuel anyways, and there's an old small temple a bit outside the main city. She has no idea where they're going next really, mom makes those decisions, grownup conversations are boring. Maybe if there's nearby stuff that's cool she can ask mom to go there, though. (She also knows to not go out of her way to need to tell the Story, though, but Master Anakin is kinda bad at lying so Lily should probably answer more questions than her if questions have to be answered.)

(...Wow this is extremely an innocent seeming young teenager who definitely is a weirdly socialized curious ship brat and not a weirdly socialized feral desert brat.)

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Anakin thoroughly understands the concept of keeping a low profile and that she should mostly just not talk if she doesn't have to.

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Sounds like everyone's on the same page then, great.

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They'll follow Ellaita's lead, too - she knows the area and who they're talking to.

So, onward to land and go find fuel and contacts?

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Fuel's easy enough, but for the contacts, they'll have to haunt the cantina for a while.

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Lily is extremely excited when they get off the ship, though she's doing a good job of tamping it down into general excitability. (It's wet here! And green! And there's a ton of water everywhere!) (She's seen other planets in Master Anakin's memories, but never with her own eyes.)

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There are also a lot of people. More than even the busiest settlements on Jakku, and all out and about in the bright light of day. All kinds of bright colors and styles are on display, beings from across the sector and beyond.

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Lily is trying really hard not to stare too much. Jakku gets a little diversity, but... People who're run down and running away. Nothing like this.

She's keeping near her Master Anakin, though, keeping her interest to short glances around.

(...She wants to try a drink here. She knows nothing alcoholic, buuuut some of those drinks look pretty cool...)

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Ellaita can spot her some creds.

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She doesn't chatter too much as she goes looking at what's to order. Still, she's friendly and curious and approaching good at getting people to chatter to her without spilling anything herself... (She'll probably start goading people into telling her stories soon if Ellaita's contact doesn't show up and provide a distraction.)

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The bartender is wrinkly little orange alien, very small, with enormously thick goggles.

"Hello, dearie. Haven't seen you through here before. The name's Maz. What can I get you?"

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"Hi! I haven't been through here before. I'm Lily! I'd like something interesting. Maybe sweet?" Pause and hum. "Or if there's any like house specials? That don't have alcohol, mom doesn't want me drinking no matter what local rules are."

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She grins, exposing numerous needle-like teeth.

"One T'mp L'Sheer, then." She busies herself making it. "Named after the child holodrama star, you know. Galactic Nights. She couldn't drink with the rest of the cast, so they invented this to serve to her at season premieres and such." She sets a bubbly dark red drink on the bar. "Here you are."

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"Thanks!" She picks up the drink. "Haven't seen Galactic Nights, is it any good?" She takes a sip and makes an appreciative noise.

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Maz chuckles. "It ended almost a hundred years ago, dearie. But yes, while it lasted, it was very good. What brings you through today?"

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"We had to stop for fuel and here was convenient and not somewhere we've been and looked cool. Mom says there's supposedly some neat old ruins out in the forest."

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She peers at Lily through her goggles. "Not many remember those. What was your mother's name again?"

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"She's Anakin Vendar. She knows lots of stuff."

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Maz hums. "Is that so? Well, I imagine she must."

"Perhaps the time has come, then..." she says, mostly to herself.

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"Come for what?"

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"Oh, well, when you live as long as I have, you tend to meet quite a few people. I knew your- let us say great-grandfather?- rather well, and through him, your grandmother. She never did get around to introducing your mother and I, but I still heard things." She nods. "Yes indeed, I heard things."

She takes her goggles off and looks at Lily with solemn (and extremely small without the lens' magnification) eyes.

"I have what might be an heirloom of your lineage. I had thought the connection broken... But perhaps it was only waiting for you."

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"We didn't think anyone remembered - my grandmother."

This doesn't sound quite like a time to panic? Lily's not sure if she should go off with the weird bartender lady. But... If Maz has something that used to belong to - she must mean Elesse...

Lily wants to see it, and she knows talking about Elesse hurts Master Anakin, and... Lily feels like Maz is safe, even if this place isn't really safe (or will be unsafe at some point? The Force is weird). (She knows people can lie in the Force, she does, but - )

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"It's in the basement. The door is over in that corner. Meet me there."

Maz slips her goggles back on and turns from Lily. She slaps the bar with a loud crack and shouts down at the Wookie at the other end. "Char! I'm taking my break. You're in charge. If you have to rip anyone's arm off, do it on the tile so we can mop up the blood!"

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She finishes her drink and then slides off her chair, heading for the door.

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Maz meets her there within a couple minutes, opening the door to reveal a narrow spiral staircase of smooth stones steps.

The basement is crowded with the accumulated detritus of what looks like centuries, furniture and clothes and droid parts and miscellaneous knickknacks.

"Bear with me just a moment, I know it's here somewhere..." Maz begins rooting through the piles.

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There's so much cool salvage in here. Lily starts poking through the piles, too, fascinated (especially anything mechanical), unless Maz tells her to stop.

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Maz does not tell her to stop and in fact seems to have been swallowed entire by one of the piles.

She emerges some minutes later with a noise of triumph, holding aloft a small rectangular box made of some odd kind of metal. "Here we are! Over here, dearie."

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She gently sets down the droid part she'd been examining, heading over. "What is it?"

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"A relic of times now gone by." Maz hands the box to her. It's about eight inches wide and a little longer than Lily's forearm, not very heavy. There's a catch on one of the long sides. "Go ahead and open it."

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She sits down cross-legged so she can balance it on her knees while opening it, just in case it's fragile and shouldn't be dropped.

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Inside, nestled in plush velvet-

-a silver cylinder, slightly flared toward one end with decorative scrollwork adorning the last quarter, and a small flange rimming the other end, a small enclosure for a switch just below, faint indentations that looked to be sized for fingers.

It seems to hum softly in the Force.

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"Was this Elesse's?" she asks, almost reverently picking it up.

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"It was, yes. Now it is yours."

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She angles it so it's not pointing at anyone, thumbing the switch.

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A brilliant amber blade spears out, lighting up the room.

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She flicks it off, turning it over in her hands. She doesn't get visions like Master Anakin does, but...

She wants to see Elesse, feel her, across all these decades, even if Lily's emotions always feel complicated after hearing about her. Maybe...

Lily finds herself hoping that past Elesse could've known her padawan would be okay eventually. That she'd have Lily. 

She doesn't know how to make sure that happened, but -

She'll just have to look after Master Anakin, she guesses.

"Thank you," she tells Maz, sincerely.

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Maz smiles warmly. "You are most welcome, dearie."

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- And then there's a muffled noise from upstairs. Must be rather loud to be heard down here.

It's almost like an explosion.

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Then the sirens start.

"Oh dear," sighs Maz. "A raid."

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" - I need to find Master Anakin - " she says, jumping to her feet, a panicked foreboding falling over her. 

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"Go on, go on! But tuck that away first, you don't want anyone seeing it just yet."

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She nods, slipping it into an inner pocket in her jacket. "Thank you," she says again, before turning to run for the stairs up. 

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Upstairs is largely chaos. Patrons and staff running every which way, hunting for exits, hunting for weapons, hunting for unattended booze to make off with...

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She wants to find Ellaita, her Master Anakin -

She ducks around people, looking for either. 

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Over there, fighting towards the door.

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Anakin's already by the entrance, clearly scanning the room for Lily.

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Lily waves and starts trying to make her way over. She's pretty good at darting past people, at least.

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Anakin shakes her head, and, a bare whisper into Lily's mind - 'Get Ellaita and hide. Something's wrong.'

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She stops.

And starts making her way over to Ellaita instead, cutting across the chaotic room to grab her sleeve.

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"We have to get to the ship-"

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"Something's wrong, mom told me we gotta hide."

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"Hide where, this is a bar, not a base."

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"There's a basement..."

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"So we can get trapped under the rubble? No thanks. Outside. We can get into the forest, if nothing else."

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"...Okay. Let's hide there."

She can get Ellaita toward the entrance a lot faster than Ellaita could get on her own, at least. She has a really good sense of how to dodge people, and isn't above subtly shoving people out of the way with the Force.

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Anakin's not at the entrance anymore.

She's in the courtyard outside, staring at spreading ranks of stormtroopers - at bombers - as they prepare to attack everyone caught outside, the building itself -

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Lily skids to a stop and instinctively ducks behind a pillar as she exits.

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Oh fuck, now what?

Ellaita does the same.

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The bomber freezes mid-flight, clearly fighting against some kind of tether - the bomb it had been trying to drop starts peeling apart - every blaster bolt stops mid-air, and the troopers' blasters begin crushing in their hands, their armor warping and locking. Rubble pulls off anyone pinned, injuries healing.

"Jacen," Anakin says, voice carrying, intense. "This isn't their fight."

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"Then I must ask whose fight it is, grandmother."

Lord Inkil's voice is as smooth, menacing as ever. He - appears, almost, between a few stormtroopers, striding out into the courtyard. "I've been looking for you."

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"You haven't been the only one."

"I'm done with empires and dark lords. Fuck off."

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"Not even willing to chat?" He ignites his crimson blade. The stone around them begins to shake. The tether on the bomber weakens.

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And everything he's doing stills. "Go back to your children. Raise them, like I couldn't raise mine. And stop chasing the ghosts of what should've been left to rest - before you make me kill you."

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He throws his lightsaber, still lit -

On a path tracking toward Ellaita's hiding place.

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Oh fuck time to move-

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It freezes, blade wavering, and flies toward Anakin - who's turned partly toward Ellaita, attention-wise and in her physical manifestation -

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And Lord Inkil takes - something, it's not quite visible - out of a pocket, thumbing a catch on it -

A strange, discordant humming fills the air.

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Anakin's form snaps back to blue, flickering. Inkil's lightsaber falls to the ground -

She throws a hand out to him - the bomber ship peels apart nearly entirely, just enough mechanisms left to force it to land - all the First Order's present weapons except the lightsaber begin destroying themselves - she tries to throw Inkil back -

She vanishes.

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Lily's - head -

There's a screaming, a tearing echoing through her mind -

She's halfway across the courtyard, Elesse's lightsaber ignited, before she processes what she's doing.

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He recalls his lightsaber to his hand, blade raised.

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The amber blade slams into his block with enough force to push it back.

Lily's never held a lightsaber before. Doesn't stop her from almost seeing the flow of her next strike - blade slipping off Inkil's, slash for his stomach while twisting to the side -

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Inkil blocks her again, tilting his head.

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Ellaita starts shooting.

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He's a significantly better duelist than an angry preteen holding a lightsaber for the first time, but Ellaita's bolts combined with a reluctance to kill Lily until he knows what's going on is - not quite giving them an edge, but stopping him from getting one, at least.

Still, his stormtroopers are recovering, trying to salvage what's left of their own backup weapons and advance on Ellaita and anyone else trying to shoot Inkil. They have vibroblades, if nothing else.

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Well, they're fucked. Again.

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There's a distant whistling - like approaching X-wings -

Before the stormtroopers even have time to about face, they're being fired on.

Whoever the hell's flying, they're damn good.

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Nothing like a bit of close air support.

...She's never going to laugh at the groundpounders bitching about the noise again, though.

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More X-wings follow, coordinating closely with the one on point.

The stormtroopers start trying to return fire. They're not very successful, especially since they'd been preparing for a ground assault with suppressing fire as backup - that Anakin Skywalker peeled apart like an onion.

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Lord Inkil throws Lily across the courtyard and turns, cape snapping around him, apparently retreating toward a ship.

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Lily tumbles. She doesn't seem very badly injured, though it's hard to tell over how upset she is.

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Okay, well.

She'll check on the kid, firing as necessary to keep troopers off her.

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Lily's shaking and trying to get back to her feet. "He can't get away," she gasps.

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"With luck someone will blast his ship, but we seem to be at about the limit."

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"No, you don't - "

"He has Anakin. She's not - gone - he trapped her."

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"I don't know how, but he's - he's kidnapped her - "

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"Well fuck."

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"We need to catch him..."

(His ship's already taking off.)

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She straightens. "Can you tell the pilots that he definitely can't get away? Would that - help - "

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She tries to raise the X-wings on her comm, cycling through resistance frequencies.

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She gets someone -

The voice sounds like Anathema's, actually, as she quickly identifies herself.

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She identifies Inkil's ship. "Priority target, disable or destroy."

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The X-wings start making Inkil's day very horrible. They get a few hits, but -

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He's getting hits back, and shots are veering wildly off course while his are eerily accurate, and he's flying like he knows what the pilots will do before they do it, and his ship's fast and maneuverable -

He gets away.

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Still stormtroopers to mop up down here.

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Lily's no help, other than keeping anyone from shooting at Ellaita. She seems really, really miserable.

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The X-wings are more helpful. Soon enough, the remaining stormtroopers are dead or surrendered.

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Are they going to meet with their mysterious rescuers now?

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Seems so; someone needs to process the surrendered troopers, if nothing else.

Several of the X-wings turn out to contain -

Clones of Anathema. One of them's striding rapidly over to Ellaita. It's hard to tell them apart, some, but - the way she styles her hair, the subtle wear on her face...

Looks like Anathema herself.

"Ellaita!" she calls, confirming this is probably actually Anathema.

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"Yeah!" She gets up to Ellaita. "Are you alright? I was worried..."

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"I survived. Mostly intact, even. Looks like you did the same."

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"Yeah. I looked for you for a bit, but - "

"My girls needed me. So we went to the resistance with information on Vader and the First Order and all. And then I had a really strong feeling I needed to be here, so - we got some X-wings no one needed urgently and came out to see what was up."

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"Good call."

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"Glad we could help."

"What was up?"

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"Found the ghost, we were working out way back to the resistance when Lord Dumbass showed up. Turns out he can kidnap ghosts."

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"Oh shit."

"...Wait, the ghost was just accompanying you?"

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"Yeah. It's a bit complicated."

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"Master Anakin's not like she used to be. She's nice."

She's shaking, tears still streaking down her face.

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"People change after dying. Apparently."

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She takes a deep breath, and -

Stares at Anathema, something about her Force signature registering -

Lily's had too long a day for this. 

"We gotta get her back."

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"Sure, though... I dunno it'll be easy."

"You okay otherwise, kid?"

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Almost automatically: "'M not a kid."

Pause. "And my head really hurts. But I think it's a Force thing. Not a concussion. I didn't hit it."

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"You got transports coming?"

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She nods. "Should be here soon."

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"Great. We need to get some kind of rescue attempt together."

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"...I'll help. And my girls can, too. We won't mind striking another blow at that dick."

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"I wanna be involved."

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"You're now the resident expert on mystic spooky shit, so."

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"...Yeah. Guess I am."

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"We should check in, first. See if we can't scrounge up more backup. Do you know where he would be going?"

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"Not precisely sure, but there's a couple of major possibilities, and some avenues for narrowing them down."

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"Need to start on that too, then. Can you leave someone else in charge here?"

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"Yeah. I'll hand off."

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"All right. Do that and grab your X-wing. We've got a ship, we'll get that and head back to base."

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"Got it; see you there, Ellaita."

She turns, jogging off to another clone who seems to be second in command.

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"Let's go, Lily."

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She nods. 

"...I wanna say goodbye to Maz. Ask if she knows anything."

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"...All right. Do it quick; I'll be at the ship."

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She makes sure her lightsaber is tucked away securely, and jogs off to find Maz.

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Maz is supervising a formerly-bartending droid that is now patching up some light injuries.

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Lily waves to get her attention, and, not too loudly - "I gotta go. My mom needs rescuing. But - I wanted to thank you again. I wanna bring my mom back here so she can meet you, when stuff's - safer."

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"Go with you then, child. And may the Force be with you."

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"May the Force be with you," she returns, solemnly, and goes to find Ellaita and their ship.

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She's just about got the ship ready for takeoff.

"All set?"

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"Yeah. Let's go."

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And liftoff.

She pings Anathema.

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"Heading out now. You with us?"

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"Yeah." She takes off, her X-wing falling in behind them.

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Hopefully there's no lingering First Order presence in orbit.

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Anathema's clones seem to have done a really good job of mopping up everyone who didn't escape, at least. Their flight path's clear.

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Should be a smooth flight home, then.

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Seems so; nothing goes wrong while they're in hyperspace, or even when they arrive. 

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She transmits her clearance codes and heads for the landing zone.

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Anathema does the same, landing nearby. 

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Lily's been meditating as best she can during the flight. Her shaking and crying has settled, turning into an intense, still focus. 

She stands once the ship's settled. 

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Ellaita puts the ship on standby, not powering down completely. The techs'll probably want to take their own look at it.

Then out.

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Lily follows her out, walking... Well, not quite reluctantly. But she's rarely been around this many people -

And she's still sad and scared at the edges, even though she's working to center her mind.

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And Jaina Organa-Solo - officially just their liaison with the New Republic - is striding toward them.

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At least they won't have to gradually work their way up the chain.

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"Ellaita," she says, glancing at Lily searchingly. "And - friend? Come inside. It sounds like you've had an interesting time of it."

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"Lily," she introduces. "This is Jaina Organa-Solo. And yeah. I've got a bit of a story."

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Lily nods, slowly. (She doesn't have to fight the urge to hide behind Ellaita but the thought crosses her mind.) "Hey," she says. 

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"Hello." Her gaze cuts over to Anathema, and she waves the woman over as well. "This way."

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Anathema finishes jogging over, falling into step with Ellaita.

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"So you've met Anathema, and I presume she's told you her story."

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She nods. "She has, though I'd like to hear your side as well."

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Ellaita begins to fill her in, starting from her arrival on Jakku.

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She asks questions throughout, but - she doesn't seemed very surprised by the 'ghost of Darth Vader' part, nor by any of Vader's described abilities. She does seem a little surprised that Vader had a student, especially one like Lily.

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"Why do I get the feeling you knew more than you said in the briefing before you sent me out on this snipe hunt?"

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"There's a lot I keep close or don't bother going into detail on. It's almost never actually relevant to missions, and I'm sorry you got caught off guard here."

"Lord Inkil's birth name is being kept as quiet as possible, to reduce unnecessary backlash against his family."

"I know Force ghosts are possible, though I've never met one. I hadn't known that Inkil was after a ghost, nor that Vader survived as one, but I suspected he'd be more likely to pursue some artifact of Vader's than anything else, especially with this intensity. Still, that was a vague hunch based on what I know of him, not actionable intelligence."

Pause. "I suppose it's inaccurate to say I had no idea Vader might be a ghost - Luke Skywalker reported feeling her presence occasionally and saw her once in the three years after her death, but she faded from his senses, and every other known Force ghost has either faded or lost coherency before a decade or two, or was tightly and apparently permanently anchored to a specific place... And even then they're usually not conversationalists. Just - an area of lingering emotion. Vader's situation is as far as I know unprecedented, though we might just have lost records of past cases."

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"Unprecedented. Right."

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"I'm unsure how Inkil found out."

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"Well, he did, and now we have a rescue mission to plan."

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She nods. "We can't leave Vader with him - depending on how much this escalates... If Vader's involved, both the Empire and New Republic will turn their gazes fully here. If we're lucky, they'll stick to grinding this sector into the mud and won't turn their own war hot."

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"Anathema said she had some intel about First Order bases he might have gone to."

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"A list of all the ones my clone line's worked on or near, to start - though if he's at all competent he'll know those are compromised. The best intel is the ones he might think aren't compromised - ones we've overheard, but also while we were preparing to run I paid a lot of attention to logistics and all, and I think I can guess at where the others are, or give you enough to guess, and I know what sorts of things they do on secure bases."

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"He's unfortunately often competent."

"But that's a huge windfall - even just better information about how far each ship can go before needing to stop for fuel would help us narrow some things down..."

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"I figured."

"I want to help Ellaita in this on my own accord, but - a lot of my girls don't want to be soldiers anymore. Some of them want to work against the First Order in other ways, but a lot of us want to retire, or retrain entirely into other fields. If you want everything I know - I want guarantees they'll get the help they need."

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"As long as the ones who want to retire aren't attached to this sector, I can definitely do that, and I can probably pull even local settlement."

"If any others are Force sensitive - I can get them training, too. You as well, though if you want to be active in the fight the logistics might get complicated."

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"Figure I can tell Vader she owes me a favor and I'm calling it in for training, if nothing else."

"I'll let my girls know about any offers."

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"Master Anakin would teach you," Lily says, quietly. "She's really good."

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"Anakin, huh? She prefers that?"

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She nods. "She usually goes by Anakin Vendar to other people, though she sometimes uses Anakin Skywalker."

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"I'll ask Anakin for training, then."

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She ducks her head a little.

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"Might try to give it to you even if you don't ask," Ellaita mutters.

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"That'll make arranging it easier, then."

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"Guess it would."

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"...I can explain some stuff in the meantime, too, if you teach me how to fight with a sword."

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"She found a lightsaber."

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"Oh, cool. Yeah, we didn't have cortosis blades to play with or anything but I've been trained on most weapons and can check the memories of anyone who's seen Inkil fighting if there's differences with a lightsaber."

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"...Lightsabers are easy to injure yourself with. I'd prefer if I was there for the first few sessions, and I actually do know some lightsaber quirks."

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"Just full of surprises, aren't you."

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"Okay so I'm pretty sure 'my uncle is Luke Skywalker' isn't too many layers deep of searching on the HoloNet once you have my last name; 'I know what a lightsaber is' doesn't actually count as a secret."

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"Knowing enough to teach does."

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"We all got training. I decided not to be a Jedi. That doesn't mean I was unable."

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She goes over the initial information on likely base defenses with Anathema (extensive) and on any knowledge about Force ghosts Lily has (very little).

"I'd like to get more information... Scouting, if nothing else. The problem here is that we don't want to advertise 'we need massive resources to throw at this because Vader,' but I can still get a lot just under 'investigating a weapon' and 'capitalizing on fresh information.'"

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"My girls can do a lot of the scouting - especially since I can communicate with them through the Force, which won't be picked up on normal scanners. Though I'm unsure if Lord Poser could notice."

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"Depends on how tightly it's targeted and if you're hiding it," Lily says, quietly. "And it's a lot easier to tell someone's talking than get who they're talking to, what they're saying, or where the communication's going."

"I can teach you how to hide people and all entirely, though. People who're trained and paying attention can get around it, but - it's kinda a competition, then. Their senses versus your hiding."

"I might be able to figure out where Master Anakin is, too, but - I can't feel her in my head and that's never happened before. So it'd take a lot of meditating."

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"Well, sounds like we have a base to get more information from, at least."

"Ellaita, you're in the middle of this and more familiar with our capabilities - any thoughts?"

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"Small team might be better for the actual extraction operation. We still don't have the resources to face the First Order head on, even if some of their stormtroopers are defecting. It'd be a good idea to see if we can spread that revolution, actually..."

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"Most of my line's skipped out or will soon, but we were a minority of troopers - kinda specialized - and most aren't even following me this far... I can probably tap even the ones who aren't loyal to me for information on who else we can free."

"But, yeah, small teams can hit deeper - and if I'm along I can coordinate any distraction groups that include one of my girls."

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"If we can get a confirmed location without giving ourselves away, we could coordinate multiple raids so they think we're just fishing."

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She nods. "Lily, can you sense better when you're close? And do you know if you can sense through other people?"

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"Sensing stuff is easier if I'm close, but I can't hop through other people."

Arguably not entirely true - Lily, if she was tied into whatever network Anathema's clones have, could probably peer through them. But Anathema's Force signature feels a lot like Master Anakin's and Lily kind of. Does not want to.

"If I'm in some of the scouting ships I can hide them better, though, and then I could look."

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"Can you teach Anathema the hiding trick?"

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"Probably? It's - really complicated, but if she already knows some of it..."

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"I can make people less likely to pay attention to me."

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"Yeah, that's pretty much the first step..."

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"It'd be extremely useful for the recon."

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"I can explain it to you, too, if you wanna try to learn?"

That'd make teaching Anathema feel less - bizarrely awkward and surreal.

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"Suppose it can't hurt to try."

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"It's really unlikely to."

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Sigh. "Yeah."

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"Do we need to decide anything else?"

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"Not for now, I think."

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Jaina nods. "Right now it's just exchanging information in full, and scouting more or less concurrently with that. It'll probably take a little bit - I'm not sure how long - before we're actually ready for the assault."

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Lily nods, slowly. (She's really not happy to have any delay. But... Master Anakin's talked with her a lot about the importance of patience, and normally Lily's really good at it...)

"Okay," is all she says, glancing at Ellaita.

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"Ellaita, can you help Lily get settled in the base while I talk to Anathema? Get her somewhere to sleep, show her where the cafeteria is - probably the commander's going to want paperwork for her..."

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"Come on, kid. Time to see what living around other people is really like."

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"Okay." She steps closer to Ellaita, following her out.

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The cafeteria is on the way to the main office, so they can get that noted.

Does Lily actually want to join up with the resistance or should they make up some other story?

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"...I don't know what Master Anakin's gonna want, and I'll follow her. But - it sounded like she wanted to help you guys."

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"...Just something temporary, then."

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"I guess so, yeah."

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Off to the desk. Ellaita bullies the paperwork officers into marking Lily down as a resident freelance contractor assigned to Ellaita's unit, getting her a billet number and meal pass.

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She hesitates a bit over some of the fields - her name the longest, before writing down 'Lily Vendar', with 'Anakin Vendar' as next of kin.

"What's a billet?"

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"Bunk to sleep in while you're here."

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She nods.

"Okay. Is it around other people?"

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"Three to a room, usually."

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"Oh. I've never slept around other people... Master Anakin's there a lot, but - she doesn't make any noise if she doesn't want to, and I can feel her no matter where she is..."

A quiet pause.

"...Or. Used to."

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"It's a useful skill to have. Sleeping around other people."

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She nods. "I'll try to get used to it."

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"There's always the ship. If it gets too bad."

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"I'll try tonight, but - thanks."

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Smile. "You've been really helpful."

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"You did save me from a painful death by exposure."

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"I guess... People shouldn't be left out there, though, and... Lots of off-worlders wouldn't have helped back."

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"Never claimed to be like most people."

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She grins. "I didn't think you were. You're cool. And Master Anakin doesn't usually pay that much attention to people, if nothing else..."

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"Yeah, that part's still kind of weird."

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"We can ask her about it when we rescue her."

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Small smile. "So right now we're waiting on knowing which systems to scout?"

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"That, plus some limited planning for aspects of the op that won't depend on very specific details."

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She nods. "I also want to meditate some... Get my brain settled, but also see if I can't figure something out from here... I'm not very good at visions right now but I can get intuitions, and if I push I might be able to see things from far off..."

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"Okay. Want to check out the barracks for that?"

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"Somewhere like a garden or park might work better? Meditating around people is harder."

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"Back of the airfield's probably your best bet, then."

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"Okay. Where's that?"

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"This way." Out past the parked ships, the fields fade off into a bit of foresty area.

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So much greenery remains pretty cool. Lily thinks this should work? And then she's still close if anyone needs her. 

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Sure. Should be pretty safe here.

Ellaita will let Lilly know if anyone needs her before dinner.

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"When's dinner?"

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She glances at the sun.

"Few hours."

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"'Kay. I'll be there."

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"All right." Ellaita will leave her to it, then.

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She meditates for a few hours, until her stomach and the sinking sun are informing her it's dinner.

She... Doesn't feel a lot better. But her brain's more sorted, less 'antsy forced focus.' She realizes the mistakes she made when Master Anakin was kidnapped - like angrily revealing herself to that dick Inkil. (She knows how to draw on the dark side. Master Anakin taught her every way of reaching for the Force she knows, with attendant warnings about the pitfalls of each. But 'bursting into tears and trying to blindly murder the person who upset her' is not, actually, how you're supposed to use the dark side. And it didn't even work.)

(Lily doesn't know if she can draw on the light, here - she loves Master Anakin, and since she's not actually good at inner peace, that's usually the path she reaches for the light through, but also everything sucks and her love's currently channeling through protective anger and a weird sort of seething, determined calm. But the dark'll be better for hiding them from Master Anakin's asshole grandson, and better for tricking him, so. She doesn't think it's worth trying to yank her brain towards the light right now, and she's constantly hiding her Force signature anyways so hopefully Jaina won't notice Lily's dark side use.)

She doesn't know for sure where Master Anakin is, but... She's found an echo of their bond in her head. It's muffled, not gone - which means she should be able to wedge it back open. It might take time, but this's a path she can use to identify systems Master Anakin might be in, at least.

She heads to dinner, glancing around for Ellaita.

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She's sitting at a table with Anathema and a couple other pilots.

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She gets herself food and heads over to join them.

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"Hey. Had a good afternoon?"

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"Mostly... I think I made some progress with the meditation - at least enough to be more accurate with sensing later..."

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"Sounds like a good thing."

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"Yeah. Should help."

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"Don't think you've met Jass and Dax yet," she gestures to the other two pilots, who say hello.

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"I haven't. Hey - I'm Lily."

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"We were just talking podracers, as it happens."

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Lily has opinions on this! Her podracer knowledge seems a weird mix of 'extremely out of date,' 'the result of being taught by an extremely creative mechanic,' and 'largely focused on backwater desert planet considerations.'

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A valuable perspective. The others at the table focus more on standard and underworld practice.

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Lily knows a lot about modifying salvage which might dovetail well with some underworld knowledge - can have the same basic problem of mismatched parts not intended for this specific use...

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That is useful information to swap for.

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She wants to get into the guts of a racer or speeder again soon, since she had to leave her speeder behind...

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There's always plenty of maintenance to do on the fighters and other ships.

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Yeah. Fixing something up for someone else isn't the same as having free reign on your own project, but it's its own kind of fun - and Lily wants to be useful. 

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Something to do in between all the teaching and scouting and planning, then.

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Yeah, they're already pretty busy, aren't they...

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It does seem that way.

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Hopefully keeping busy means they can move quickly. 

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Will there be stuff for her to do there soon? Or is it just focusing on training for now? 

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Focus on training for now, until Anathema's information is first-pass verified.

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She nods.

When's good for Ellaita and Anathema?

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Tomorrow morning?

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Works for Anathema.

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Sounds like a plan, then.

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Lily isn't ready for bed when dinner ends, so asks to be shown where good places to practice fighting stuff are, but after that she's pretty sure she can just entertain herself.

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There's some firing ranges and drill halls that'll work.

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She sets to getting used to the lightsaber a bit in the drill hall when it's empty, so she's familiar with it, and tires herself out practicing that and various combat-relevant Force powers until she's ready to sleep.

She sleeps very, very poorly, and she's up early the next day, returning to the drill hall to practice with a single-minded focus until Ellaita and Anathema seem ready for training.

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"...Did you even eat breakfast?"

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"You gonna be okay with that?"

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"Think so. I'm not hungry. And we can stop for lunch."

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"All right."

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"...So. Sword fighting. I have a lightsaber so some of it will be different from like a cortosis sword? Since the blade doesn't have a distinct edge. But probably a lot still applies?"

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"They're shaped basically the same, still."

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She nods. "How do I start?"

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Ellaita looks to Anathema.

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She steps up. "Well, first, I'd like you to get used to the motions with something less dangerous. A practice blade, ideally, but even a sharp cortosis blade is safer than a lightsaber."

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To Ellaita: "Do you guys have practice blades?"

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"Let's check the armory." Conveniently located not too far off.

Turns out they do, buried under a bunch of other stuff, covered in dust, and looking about a hundred years old.

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Works well enough for them. 

Anathema gets Lily started on some practice motions, soliciting some information on Force techniques while she does so.

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She explains the bits of hiding yourself in the Force, first. She's aware there's multiple ways of doing this - Master Anakin used to frame it like being a trickster spirit when she was a kid, so she'd be here or there unpredictably like the wind, but nowadays she doesn't need a metaphor to get her brain to interact with the Force like that, so she just intends to be hidden. 

Lily mostly thinks of it like - the Force connects things, and because it's a way of transmitting information across distances like sound or sight, people viewing you in the Force are - observing you, like they would if they saw you, which means you can lie. It's more like changing your voice and bearing than like changing your appearance. You can act like someone not worthy of notice if you're in a crowd, or you can be very quiet and small and move slowly if you don't want to be seen at all - but that can make suspicious patterns in the flow of the Force if you're somewhere crowded. And you can change what your voice sounds like, and even pretend to be other people if you have a super good ear, so even if you're interacting with someone you can trick them.

Someone who has really good senses and pays attention might notice someone hiding even against just the landscape background, so if you have good senses you can try to blend into that background. Treat it like a crowd. Camouflage yourself. 

(She works through the initial sword exercises as she talks.)

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Hopefully that makes sense to Anathema.

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It... Kind of does? But she thinks she'll need to play with it more...

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Ellaita will grab a sword herself and try to think things through too.

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Lily spends a bit practicing, getting the movements down until her muscles tire, then has an idea.

They could try hiding and finding each other? With the Force, sure, but with all their senses.

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In turns, or all at once?

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Hm... Depends on how they want to play? If someone's just looking for someone, probably in turns, but if they're trying to ambush each other, all at once.

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All at once, then. Ellaita's always preferred jumping in feet first.

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She laughs.

Okay. Hide-and-ambush it is. Any limits on where they can go?

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Stay on base? ...And out of the admin section.

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She nods; it works for her.

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Same for Anathema, though they should probably give themselves some lead time to split up and hide.

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Five minute countdown?

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Sounds just right.

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Three... two... one... mark.

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Lily jogs out through the northernmost exit.

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And Anathema gives Ellaita a little wave and heads in the opposite direction from Lily.

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She gives it a count of five before heading out the east exit, trying to get into the mindset of a dogfight, obscuring her own moves and predicting the opponent's.

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...She gets a feeling a lot like someone's looped out of her sight but is definitely going to be looping behind her at one point -

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Use a passing pair of Ithorians to cover ducking into the gap between two buildings across the way, stay quiet-

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Whatever's following her stays on her tail, though - it's possible she's on the edge of losing them.

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She'll have to keep going, can't spin but she can confuse her trail.

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- She shakes her pursuer eventually.

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One challenge down...

Next, she should find a target of her own.

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- She gets a very brief flash of alarm.

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She swerves, not thinking too hard about it-

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Anathema pounces at her!

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"Got me."

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"I did."

"Since I got you, you've got to help me find Lily now."

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"Think she was on my tail earlier, but I shook her off."

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"I haven't found her at all..."

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"Guess we'll have to hunt."

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"Seems likely."

Off, then?

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If they're sticking together.

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Seems the best way to make sure Lily can't corner them. They'll watch each other's sixes.

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(Anathema does have a pretty nice six, she will say.)

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Watching Ellaita's six is certainly no burden.

Though they'll have to be careful not to get distracted.

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Lily should be out here somewhere.

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She's harder to find than a thirteen year old new to the base should be.


They think they get a glimpse of her, through that alley...

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If they go around that building, they could cut her off.

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Might be a reason to split up... Cut off the paths she could take.

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Ellaita will go ahead, then.

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Anathema falls back.

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Lily doesn't seem to have noticed her yet.

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Well, and why should she? Ellaita is not looking for her in particular. In fact Ellaita is not even here but the person who is here is on a mission for the admin secretary, no time to be noticed or distracted...

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Lily passes by her...

(Something's... Off?)

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Her hand passes through Lily.

And a hand taps her on the back. "Got you!"

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"I am."

"You had Anathema with you, right?"

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She looks around. "Did I?"

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She snickers. "You're gonna have to get her and me to win."

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"That's true..."

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"It'll be easier to get her with my help."

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"You do seem to have the most skill at this."

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Anathema quietly eases out of an alley behind Lily.

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"You do have more training though, so I guess that's only natural."

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"You'll catch up someday."

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Sneak sneak sneak, almost in tapping distance...

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She presents her hand to shake on it. "All right then."

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She takes Ellaita's hand.

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Sudden push backward.

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Little shriek!

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And Anathema pounces, catching Lily about the waist and swinging her around.

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Lily flails!

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"Unfortunately, I was with Anathema earlier. She found me first."

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"I think this counts as us both tagging her," Anathema says cheerfully, not putting Lily down.

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She reaches out to smack Anathema on the shoulder.

"Two winners, then."

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She laughs and lets Lily down. "Fair enough."

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Lily tackles Anathema around the waist, hard enough to knock her over.

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Ellaita laughs. "Careful there."

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Anathema laughs. "Maybe three winners, then."

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"I think this was a useful exercise."

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"Yeah! You two both did really well. You actually tricked me," she tells Ellaita.

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"I wasn't sure I had."

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"You did. It was neat."

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"I should probably practice more sword stuff next... Maybe you and Anathema can hide from each other, though, so you're not just watching me."

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"Will you be all right on your own?"

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"I think so."

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"All right. Let's eat first, then we can split up."

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...Oh, yeah, she hasn't eaten all day. 

"Sounds good."

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To the cafeteria, then.

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Lily discovers she's starving once food is in front of her, so she eats a good amount before heading back off to the drill room.

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"We should check on her in a while, I think."

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"She seems kinda stressed."

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"She hasn't been away from- Anakin in a long time. Since she can remember clearly, I think."

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"Huh. Yeah, I can see that - I've always been around the other clones, and it'd be... Weird, if there weren't any, and if I couldn't feel them anywhere."

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"Hopefully it'll get better when we start making solid progress."

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"Give her something to feel like she has control over what's happening."

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Sigh. "I'll be happier once we're making clear progress, too, honestly."

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"Yeah. Getting tired of being reactive."

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"The best fight is one you start."

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"That's a neat way to put it."

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"So, Force practice?"

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"Suppose so."

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Force practice it is!

Anathema doesn't have formal training, but has been aware she has the sort of power the Jedi do for a long while, and has experimented with the frantic energy of someone who'll be dead or worse if she's caught, who needs the results to achieve her goals. It helps, and has given her a good sense for how to figure out new abilities - and a good sense for what Inkil's own abilities and limits are.

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Ellaita is very new to consciously acknowledging this an ability she has! She has a lot to learn, and a lot of bad habits to try to break.

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Well, Anathema can maybe help with the habits a little.

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It's going to be more than a day's work, at least.

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That sort of thing always is. Still, they can start.

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And its not as if spending time with Anathema is unpleasant.

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The Force is an excellent excuse, really.

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Yes, surely they could not contrive to be together otherwise.

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There's so many lesser demands on their time.

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They'd just have to... prioritize.

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Find some way to shuffle time with each other to the top of the pile. 

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They could do dinner, maybe.

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Sounds lovely.

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"So, Miss Anathema Jedi, would you like to get dinner with me?"

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"I'd love to."

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"Cafeteria, or are there fine dining options I haven't been told about?"

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"Not on the base. We could make a trip into town..."

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"A trip into town sounds very lovely."

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She laughs. "I'll sign out a speeder."

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"Excellent. I'm free as far as time goes..."

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"Tonight, then?"

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Ellaita smiles.

"...We should check on Lily."

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"Yeah, we should."

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Off to do that, then?

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Lily's practicing still. She doesn't look like she's been crying, or particularly unhappy, but... She's very likely been pushing herself farther than is healthy.

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"You okay?"

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"Want to talk about it?"

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"Okay. -You can, if you want to. But you don't have to."

"Anathema and I are going into town tonight. Don't forget to eat dinner and go to bed at a reasonable time."

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"I'll behave."

"Are you guys going on a date?"

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She giggles a little. "Have fun."

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"That's the plan."

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"Ellaita's very talented at being fun."

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"Aw, thanks."

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"It's true."

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"I'll try not to crash into any deserts tonight."

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"I'd appreciate that."

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"I'll rescue you if you do, though that probably wouldn't be very romantic."

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"I appreciate the offer, but yes. Best not to need it."

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"If we want an adventure we'll figure out something that doesn't involve crashing."

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"I'm sure we'll work it out somehow."

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"We're talented."

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"That we are."

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"Only thing we need to do is pick a place."

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"I've got it all planned out, don't worry."

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"Are you two planning to train or just flirt?"

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Ellaita coughs.

"I guess we've got a bit of time still."

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"We can train and flirt," Anathema says cheerfully, "Though it'd be rude of me to get distracted while I'm helping you. So, where are you with the exercises?"

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Lily rolls her eyes and sets to showing Anathema. 

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Ellaita grabs a practice sword of her own and starts to work.

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Eventually it gets close enough to dinner to justify ducking out. 

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Then they should go wash up quickly, and Ellaita will meet Anathema at the vehicle lot.

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"See you there."

She gets ready with a soldier's efficiency. Her clothes when she arrives at the vehicle lot aren't particularly fancy - she hasn't been fitted for a dress uniform yet - but she's found a clean pair of regulation blacks, and the way she carries herself makes them look rather sharp. 

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Ellaita actually has civilian clothes that are reasonably fashionable.

"You look good."

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"You look excellent."

"Once my first paycheck manifests, we should go shopping." Grin. "Get me proper date clothes."

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"That might be fun."

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"Play a bit of dress up."

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"Maybe a bit of dress off later." She waggles her eyebrows at Anathema.

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Wink. "We'd have to select clothes that are easily donned and removed. It's very important to be able to change in a hurry."

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"The clothes do have to fit their purpose." She gestures to the speeder. "Shall we?"

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"Let's." She follows Ellaita on.

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Into town. Ellaita shows off a bit on the deserted stretches of road, but tightens up when they get to the parts that are actually trafficked.

Her first pick is a Rylothi restaurant, if Anathema is all right with both meat and spicy? Otherwise there's an Ithorian bistro that does a pretty good veggie panini...

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Spicy sounds worth trying - she's only had bland food so far, it's horrible - though she thinks she leans 'no meat' for now until she's had time to think her diet over some.

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They can do Ithorian, then, and Anathema can get extra zodel peppers.

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The bistro is staffed by two of the hammerhead aliens, bellowing at each other through the mouths on the sides of their necks in between taking orders. Ellaita puts their order in, grabs a pair of drinks, and then they can find a table.

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Anathema is incredibly and perhaps a bit rudely (though at least quietly) fascinated by all the diversity shown in the restaurant. Still, she's easily distracted from staring around by staring at Ellaita, and she likes her drink.

(She picks a corner table, sits with her back to the wall, of course.)

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Only natural.

"Shouldn't be long."

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"I don't mind taking my time. Enjoy the entertainment." She grins at Ellaita.

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"I suppose this is your first time out and relaxing."

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"Pretty much."

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"Hope it measures up to all your hopes and dreams."

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"It is so far."

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They can chat about the town until the food arrives, maybe. What entertainment options there are.

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Sadly not a hugely expansive selection. Though there is a dance club that is worth checking out some night.

When the food arrives, it is as delectable as promised. (The peppers on Anathema's sandwich are indeed very spicy. The bread and cream dipping sauce that came on the side is good for soothing that.)

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Anathema has a lot of fun testing out the flavors and spiciness of the peppers. 

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Watching her react to the food is surprisingly entertaining.

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Anathema's happy to provide.

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Does Ellaita like her own food?

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She does, though not nearly so expressively as Anathema.

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That's good.

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It is pretty good.

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Does Ellaita want to do anything else after dinner? 

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There's a park they could stroll in a little ways down.

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Sounds very lovely.

Anathema doesn't quite want the night to end just yet.

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Fortunately, it doesn't have to.

Shall they hold hands as they walk beneath the trees and the stars?

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Of course, though Anathema might get distracted from the lovely scenery by her lovely companion. 

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That's fair. There are lots of trees and stars, but only one Ellaita.

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The best view in the galaxy. 

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Shoulder bump.

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She bumps back. 

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"I'd really like to kiss you," Ellaita informs her.

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"Convenient, since I'd really like you to kiss me."

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Then a kiss is definitely called for!

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Very called for. (Kiss!)

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Possibly they should find a darker nook...

(Anathema is a very inexperienced and very enthusiastic kisser.)

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Ellaita is very capable of remedying that lack of experience. And gracefully chivvying them to a shaded bench off the main path.

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Oh good. It's important to have skilled teachers. 

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Of course.

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How much does Ellaita have planned for this lesson? 

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She's more or less making this up as she goes.

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Fair, fair... Anathema's learning a lot all the same. (Wandering hands mixed in with kisses, perhaps?)

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An excellent technique.

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Oh, good. Innovation is an important part of learning. 

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Very important.

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Of course, it doesn't hurt to give Anathema more ideas...

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Well, continuing with the hands theme... there's lots of places to explore, and if you're feeling bold- you can pinch or tickle.

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Pinches are a wigglesome hit, but Anathema is apparently extremely and debilitatingly ticklish.

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That is just perfect.

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Giggle shriek!

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"Try to keep it down just a little," she murmurs. "We are still technically in public..."

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"Being quiet might be hard if you keep doing that..."

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She laughs. "So I guess I should stop?"

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Wiggle. "But it's fun."

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"I suppose I'll just have to make sure to be kissing you very thoroughly at the same time."

So she does.

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A rather excellent solution! Some noises escape all the same, but not too many.

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This seems like a good way to use up all the time they have left before they have to go back to base.

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Anathema quite agrees.

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Sadly they can't stay out all night, as Ellie's alarm kindly reminds them.

"This was fun," she says as they make their way back to the speeder and then back to the base.

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"It was." Quick kiss. "All of it. We should definitely do that again."

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"Yeah. I don't know that we'll be able to get out every night or even very often, but- yeah."

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"Even just occasionally will be very nice."

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"And it's not like we'll never see each other otherwise."

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"There are very many moments ripe for stealing, true," she says with a grin, "And I like working with you. Especially fighting alongside you."

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"We do make a pretty good team."

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"The best one."

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Sadly, they do need sleep...

Even if Anathema's reluctant to say goodnight.

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Two to a bunk would be a little cramped...

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Possibly get a bit warm, especially if they slept on top of each other...

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It could be practice for survival tactics if they crashed on a frozen planet.

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Something they definitely want to be prepared for.

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Then Ellaita's or Anathema's?

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Hm... It's up to Ellaita, honestly, but Anathema's impression's been that the clones are currently a bit more crowded than normal.

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They'll do Ellaita's, then.

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Lead the way.

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And so she does.

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It's a very small bed indeed... The real question here is who sleeps on top.

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Seems like that should be the wigglier one.

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Anathema's usually very still in her sleep. Unless Ellaita plans to make her wiggle?

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That does sound tempting... but they wouldn't want to disturb the other sleepers.

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Of course not. Anathema has a lot of trouble not making noises, after all. 

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Ellaita will take the top, then, and try not to provoke Anathema too much.

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(She does hold still unless provoked, really.)

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They can share a cozy little night, then.

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Puts them in a good position for an active day tomorrow.

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Relaxed and completely refreshed.

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They might need it... Everything's getting busy fast.

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Not that that's a bad thing. Means they're getting closer to the strike.

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She gets Lily set up with the scouting rotations - gets herself more trained -

And it doesn't, actually, take them long to find the base in question. Lily has a sense, apparently, an itch of which way's the right way.

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This Force stuff is pretty handy, it seems.

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It's honestly pretty lucky that apparently the only classically trained Force user left is on their side. Everyone else is a few steps shy of self taught.

(Or, well, is Vader's ghost, who is hopefully on their side.)

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As of the last time they had contact, she was.

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Yeah. Seems likely to last, at least.

She's probably pissed at Lord Stuck-Up, if nothing else.

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They'll see when they get her back.

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She nods.

Now it's just planning the actual assault.

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And the associated diversions.

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Anathema's got a lot of the diversions down - though she sometimes needs Ellaita's help interfacing with the rest of the resistance - and she relays as much as she knows about the layout of First Order bases like this. Lord Dickwad will probably be keeping whatever containment he has set up for Anakin nearby him...

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Which means their odds of having to face him directly are high. Not ideal.

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Something they should prepare for... A larger strike team wouldn't help against him, though - probably their best bet is releasing Vader first, but that's not something they can count on.

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No, but they might want to consider delaying tactics that could enable some to break off and achieve that.

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Lily might be their best bet to break Vader out. She might have more of a sense of where her teacher even is, anyways, and she knows. Like. Anything about the Force.

Also that leaves the preteen not fighting the murderous asshole.

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Solid plan all around, then.

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They should use the stealth techniques they've been working on for the actual infiltration - probably all three of them working together, so there's less of a chance Lily will get distracted or something.

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That'll limit the total size of the team, even with them all working together.

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Though they were considering a small team anyways.

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Right, so not too much of a downside.

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All they need now is to decide on any other team members - and pick a ship or ships to approach in.

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The one she and Lily took from Jakku is surprisingly good and won't be on any of the First Order's registries yet, and has space for two or three more.

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That works pretty well, yeah - and keeping in one ship makes it easier to hide themselves in the Force.

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Most of the people Ellaita knows best here are pilots, and won't really be maximally useful. Would any of Anathema's girls be willing to join?

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"I think so. We've got a good spread of abilities, too, and our clone line's usually slotted for special operations like this."

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"Makes things easier."

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"Yeah. Especially for hiding them; I'm already pretty practiced at roping them into Force stuff I'm doing."

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"Right. So if you can find a couple volunteers, we should be ready."

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She heads off to do that, then, eventually filtering down to two of her girls - Sharp and Charge, both veterans with a good record and knowledge of bases on this design. 

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Then with the full team assembled, they can have a quick briefing to make sure everyone's on the same page before coordinating their departure with the other strikes.

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Lily's jittery at the briefing, but she focuses well enough.

And they're off.

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The base wouldn't have been easy to find at all without the Force. The system isn't used for much, at the end of a tiny spindle of a hyperspace route that branches off from a larger one running by a popular smuggler's port. The planet is inhabitable technically, with a dense and hot rainforest covering all but it's poles and a few thin bands around the planet where rain is rarer. The atmosphere is thick, prone to violent winds, and toxic to most species, though, and it's home to large predators and larger, angrier herbivores.

The base is built entirely underground, deep enough under deposits that can foul up sensors to make problems even if you know where to look. The only exits are near the bottom of narrow chasms that criss-cross much of the main continent, above the usual river lines but often outright submerged during storms.

It'll be really, really inconvenient, getting in, but... There's a possibility, one they can afford to take their time investigating a little as Lily and Anathema's efforts to hide them appear to stay strong. One of the exits appears to be abandoned, the keen eyes of one of Anathema's girls spotting where the heavy doors have been damaged and can no longer close. The path inside is likely sealed off, of course, but it gives Lily a good feeling. There's a clearing they can hide their ship in on the other side of the gorge, and currently the entrance isn't submerged - though that might change if the rain clouds they can see turn against them.

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There'll be other ways out once they're inside.

Ellaita deftly skims under the radar to land them in the clearing.

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"Should we do anything extra to hide the ship?"

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"There's some camo netting in the cargo hold," she says, flipping switches to shut the ship down. "I'm turning all the power off."

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She goes to get that and helps Charge cover the ship, while Anathema and Sharp scout toward the doors - Sharp wants to see them directly, apparently.

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Ellaita finishes up, then goes to help.

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Anathema checks for anything that might be a camera turned on this area - she doesn't think there's anything functioning - then heads back to Lily.

"Can you levitate people down and across the ravine and into the door?" she asks. "Our best bet otherwise is figuring out how to cross over up here, then rappelling down..."

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"I can, yeah."

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"You sure?"

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"I'm sure."

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"Start this invasion off right."

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She snickers. "Hopefully we won't get too much more ridiculousness happening."

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"Let's get going, then."

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Who wants to be first across?

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"I'll go."

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Okay, so, stand where she can see the doors, focus...

And Ellaita floats up, hovers for a few moments while Lily checks her mental grip is secure...

Then Ellaita drifts smoothly and quickly over and down into the ravine, the odd bouyancy only fading when she's inside the doors, feet on the ground. 

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Yeah, that's a bit trippy.

She checks to make sure the entrance is secure.

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"Everything okay?" Lily calls down.

(The entrance looks secure, as far as she can tell.)

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"Seems like," she calls back.

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"Okay! I'll send down someone else, back up a bit!"

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She does so.

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And she floats Anathema, Sharp, and Charge over one by one.

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One more to go.

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Lily jumps off the edge of the ravine, somehow angling herself so she lands in a crouch on the lip of the door.

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"Nicely done. Let's go."

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She nods.

There only seems to be one path in, long and partially damaged - with clear indications of past flooding - and ending at stairs up.

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At least they don't have to decide about splitting up yet.

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Important, that. 

Charge takes over checking the door - there's a side bay likely once for small craft like TIEs, but it's empty, and she confirms there's no other exits. She doesn't think the door at the top of the stairs is alarmed, but it seems physically barred, not electronically...

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"...Hey, let me up," Lily says, ducking past the clones -

Then igniting her lightsaber and carving a hole in the door. She catches the door with the Force, gently floating it to settle quietly in the bay. 

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Useful tool to have. Beyond the door?

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A hallway ending in an intersection. The ceiling lights are all off, and the camera at the end is inert. 

"Think the power to this section is out," Lily says. 

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"But any other cameras could be a problem. Depends on how much attention the guard in charge of watching them is paying..."

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"If we find an interface before a working one, we can try to slice the system. But if the terminal's online, so would any nearby cameras."

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"Force stuff can work over video," she says, "As long as you can conceptualize who you're aiming at and where they are in the Force. Though that means it's harder to do targeted things if you can't see the person on the other end, unless you're good at identifying whose attention is on you... But the hiding thing we're doing isn't directed at specific people, just everyone who isn't us."

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"...So does that make it more or less likely to work on a camera?"

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"...I think about as likely as it is to work on like an in-person guard."

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"That's not nothing, I guess."

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"I'll make sure I'm paying attention to try and catch cameras more strongly, too, though..."

Move onward, then?

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They come, not too long later, to a door with power to it - also locked, but electronically, and Sharp successfully slices it.

There's working cameras in the halls beyond - but no alarm seems to be raised as the party creeps on. This area of the base seems mostly not actively used so far, pretty much just spider habitats labeled 'Storage.'

Lily leads them as surely as she can, hesitating at some intersections, whispering to Sharp - it sounds like Sharp's pretty sure there won't be a complete map, especially not accessible outside the central command. The First Order has learned its lesson already about putting useful information where infiltrators can trivially reach. 

Still, they do seem to be winding their way towards the nicer quarters. 

Which means an increase in patrols Lily can't just lead them entirely around. 

She whispers a warning to the others at one point, flattening herself into a doorway, as the sound of boots - mix of trooper and officer, maybe - comes from around the next corner. 

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They're not here, they're not here, they're not here...

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An officer, flanked by two stormtroopers -

Her eyes don't so much as skim over them, and neither trooper turns to look. 

The three pass and turn another corner at the end of the hall. 

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Close one.

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They're likely to have closer... But it's good their hiding is working. 

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Onward, then? 

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There's more troopers especially as they continue, a scattering of more officers. Lily starts moving more hesitantly, more uncertainly.

They get to a room with very many alarms on the door and cameras monitoring it, full of odd artifacts - 

Including the one containing Anakin, Lily thinks. 

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Guess they've got no choice but to go in, then.

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Anathema and her girls get through it - slowly, but they do, without any of the patrols past noticing. 

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And Lily darts in to start scanning over the items. 

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Ellaita covers the door.

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It's far too short a time before boots approach. Slow. Measured. Heavier than an officer's tread, lighter than a stormtrooper's, a familiar hiss of breath...

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"He's coming. Have you found her?"

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"I think - "

The canister thing doesn't respond to Lily tugging on it with the Force. It's on a high shelf - much higher than her reach - and she starts cursing as she looks for a box. 

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"Out of the way."

She nudges Lily aside, then her two girls get on either side of her,  helping her climb onto their shoulders so Anathema can start pulling the - annoyingly heavy - thing to her. It's a cylinder in a frame, and - "How do I get this open - "

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"I don't know, I need to look at it - "

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And Lord Inkil rounds the corner.

His lightsaber is still on his belt, at least.

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Her blaster's in her hand.

She starts firing as she pulls a grenade loose and rolls it towards him.

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His lightsaber jumps to his hand, igniting in time for him to deflect the bolts, and he throws out his other hand - sending the grenade rocketing back toward their party.

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It goes off when the internal gyroscope sense the abrupt change in direction. Not close enough to really damage either party.

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Anathema curses really loudly and starts trying to pull the cylinder off the shelf, while her girls use the hands not supporting her to fire more blaster bolts at Lord Dickwad. The barrage at least slows him down a little. 

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Many of the other artifacts in this room are not immune to Force manipulation.

Most of them won't let her grab them as easily with the light side. Fine. Master Anakin taught her to use the dark without losing herself, to flit between them as needed. (To find happiness wherever you can, her Master had said, and I will never hold you back - )

She's not really going for finesse here. She has no idea what any of it does. 

She can launch them very accurately at very high speeds and she bets not all of them are smart to hit with a lightsaber. That this asshole who doesn't deserve to be related to her Master might not want them damaged. 

(So you must be your own control.)

Her mind wraps around every one at least a little. Testing. Rage, honed to a fine, cold point...

(Deep breath, Lily. Remember who you are.)

She also pulls down a ceiling panel on his head as the artifacts launch themselves at the waste of space with loud cracks, aimed at several possibilities of where he will be. No sense making it easy. 

(Each tool is fit to a different task. We must be careful to keep our goals in mind, and to not let our instruments dictate our actions. What do you want to accomplish, Lily?)

She's snarling, screaming, but her mind is calm within the storm. 

(I want you safe and happy.)

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(One, a little droid, quiescent, does not let itself be flung.)

(A red indicator light blinks to life on its side. A camera unshutters, and it looks out at the room.)

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Lord Inkil is not happy with this! He dives to the side, throwing the panel away, trying to catch the artifacts with the Force - slowing them, he doesn't want to throw the potentially delicate ones into walls, but Lily's strong in the dark side, shockingly so, and her will is swamping his -

He's rather distracted from something as minor as blaster bolts.

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Then they can't let up the attack.

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 - They hit him, bolts slamming into his armor, cracking it - possibly not directly injuring him, it's hard to tell, but his mobility might be limited now, and they're definitely a solid threat, one he's struggling to overcome.

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Anathema successfully tugs the cylinder over to her... And yelps as it unbalances over the edge, too heavy for her to carry, plummeting to the ground as Sharp and Charge scatter back to avoid any of them being hit. It slams into the floor with a loud bang, and Anathema tumbles off her girls' shoulders, bringing her own blaster to bear on their enemy and shouting - "Lily you're gonna have to open that now - "

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She shoves against the asshole, disrupting his concentration a bit in the Force, then turns, cursing under her breath as she goes to kneel over the completely arcane artifact that the Force is utterly failing to help her press the right buttons on -

(It doesn't look damaged from its fall, though.)

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Lord Inkil recovers his momentum now that Lily's attention is turned away, deflecting several bolts back at the party, catching the artifacts and lowering them to the ground behind him - ready to advance again -

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And the droid rolls out from its storage unit on a bottom shelf.

"Master," it says to Lily, voice flat, "That unit is in my archives. What function do you want to activate?"

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...What the kriff.

...Following random droid directions might not be any more likely to cause an explosion than hitting buttons at random -

- It called her Master, she's never seen it, why -


It's in a room of dark artifacts collected by a Vader wanna-be.

There's a sinking feeling in her gut.

"Tell me how to release the trapped spirit," she says, voice imperious, dark side still wrapped around her (KRIFF), showing none of her inner turmoil.

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 - He startles.

Probably a bit too long, it loses him the momentum he'd gained -

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This droid can relay instructions very quickly and very efficiently, unfortunately for him.

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And Lily can't get a sense of the artifact but she can almost anticipate everything the droid says, fingers working quickly -

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The cylinder clicks. Beeps. And begins to hiss a little. An odd, heavy feeling builds in the air.

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He launches himself forward, entirely heedless of the threats presented by anyone else, moving nearly impossibly fast, lightsaber raised, aiming unerringly at Lily's back -

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Ellaita fires at his feet, letting herself move instinctually-

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Anathema snarls and opens her mind, the way she would to coordinate her girls - grabs at him and rips.

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- He stumbles, and Ellaita's shots impact his legs where he is, not where logic should have dictated he would be, and he keeps his feet and keeps pushing but his momentum's lost by just enough -

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A blue woman manifests between him and Lily.

She doesn't even make a pretense of moving.

Her idiot of a grandson just lifts off his feet and goes flying back, slamming into the wall at the other end of the hallway.

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He doesn't have time to get up before he's rising into the air, suspended by absolutely nothing. His armor strips away, peeling off him like it's made of paper, exposing the man underneath.

"I'm not going to kill you," she says, voice cold and even, Force signature tightly controlled, expression somehow - not actually at all angry, yet all the more terrifying for its equanimity. "I suggest you take this opportunity to do some soul searching. To wonder if peace is truly insufficient for you."

"But if you ever threaten my apprentice again, you will not have the time to wonder whether that was smart."

And -

There's something massive in the air. Bigger than 'light' or 'dark.' Bigger than Lily, than Jacen, than any Force user Ellaita has ever brushed against.

(She once told a little worm of a man that the Death Star was nothing before the Force. That proved true when a single pilot struck its shatterpoint with devastating accuracy - )

(But it's true in other ways, too.)

There's a soft - crunch, almost, above their heads. A sound almost like pebbles tumbling, or rock sliding against rock -

Jacen hasn't had the opportunity to do anything other than try and clutch for his throat before the ceiling disintegrates over their heads, letting sunlight pour into the facility, revealing how the landscape itself is peeling apart, weapons turning to dust, troopers stripped of their armor (a mind passing over each, gently, and the unwilling soldiers are lifted and moved to the handful of ships she's leaving intact, you are free whispered in their core). The First Order's loyalists are deposited just as carefully on a slope outside of the excavated base, and the floor under their group's feet remains intact, floating, even as everything below them crumbles.

The floor lifts them above the fray, and Jacen floats to join his terrified followers.

And the landscape reassembles below them, what stone had been removed for the base soaring from a nearby dumping ground, the planet smoothing over like the First Order never came. The jungle that had capped it is replanted smoothly, confused animals clinging to the trees and birds in a tizzy around - nudged from flying into what will soon be solid rock again, and it becomes suddenly obvious that none of the rivers spilled out of their courses even when Anakin excavated past them.

Anakin leaves Jacen and his loyalists a single short range comm. They can call for help when their reinforcements come looking. Not before. She leaves them food, medical supplies, and emergency tents. She leaves them nothing else, and the troopers she's freed are already scrambling onto their ships, fleeing the planet.

She sets her group down by Ellaita's ship, and the floor they'd been on disintegrates too. (Numerous artifacts are still floating around Anakin, including most of the ones Lily failed to grab. Several are on shelves that are floating around her. Some might have disintegrated in the wave of destruction, some might have been buried, but it's hard to say. The very idea of them is blurred, let alone memories of particulars.)

The heavy feeling fades, and Anakin looks -

Small. Tired. Old, even.

"Let's go," she says, voice quiet.

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That was... terrifying, actually.

She goes to start the ship up.

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She sets the artifacts she took somewhere not immediately in the way and turns to Lily. "Are you alright?" she asks, quietly. 

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She pauses, closing her eyes and steadying her breath into a slow, even pattern. Then: "Yeah. I need to meditate and talk stuff through, but I'm stable right now. You should make sure that stuff's safe."

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"Okay." A light breeze - felt by no one else - tussles Lily's hair. "Thank you for coming for me."

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Her demeanor lightens some. "Of course I did."

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She smiles, expression soft, and starts securing everything she grabbed. 

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The droid does not particularly want to be grabbed! It rolls away from the arrangement of items, a vaguely grouchy air about it, and over to Lily. "I do not need to be stored," it says, voice as flat as ever. "I am fully charged."

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Lily scrunches up her face at Anakin.

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Who raises an eyebrow. "Alright," she concedes, letting the droid separate itself out and finishing her task. 

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Anathema goes to help Ellaita while her girls settle between the cockpit and the two Jedi (?), eyeing Anakin and Lily warily.

Once the two seem done talking, she calls back, "I have so many questions, and it's a long flight."

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She very distinctly does not sigh. "I hopefully have answers, then, and questions of my own."

She gets herself and Lily settled, gives Ellaita a long, hard to decipher look. 

(Almost sad.)

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If she has something to say, then she can say it. Ellaita's got flying to do.

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Everyone else kind of retreats into the rest of the ship. Anathema helps Ellaita get them in the air, punch in the hyperspace coordinates, and get them jumped to hyperspace.

Technically, they now no longer have an excuse to hide in the cockpit.

Anathema sends Ellaita a vaguely uncertain look. "Do you - want to avoid her?" she asks, slowly. 

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"Mm. More that I don't know I want to seek her out."

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"It's not a big ship... Do you mind sitting with me while I ask questions? - I also wouldn't mind asking why she was acting weird around you but I can just not."

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"All right."

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Small smile. "Thanks." She stands and stretches. "Ready to face the most awkward inquisition?"

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Heh. "Let's do it."

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Out into the common area, then, to find their ghost. 

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She's sitting with Lily on the floor in front of the couch, both of their eyes closed, posture relaxed. Her eyes slide open when the two enter. She seems friendlier now, less unsure. 

"Hello," she says. "You had questions?"

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"Yup." She glances at Sharp and Charge - currently playing a strategy game - who nod at her, get up, and retreat to their bunk. Anathema perches on one of the couches. 

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Lily rouses from her meditation and sits opposite her, next to where Anakin is resettling. She looks somewhat uncomfortable.

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Small sigh. "So - I don't have much context yet for what happened while I was captured, but... What do you want to know?"

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Ellaita takes a seat next to Anathema, on the far side from Anakin.

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"Okay so..." She stops to gather her thoughts. "I mean I guess first - if you could always do that," she waves her hand vaguely, "How did you even get captured?"

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That's not a happy look on her face. 

"I wanted to deescalate," she says, voice quiet and small. "I was trying to keep it from being obvious I'm anything more than an unusually competent Force user. Special, maybe, but ultimately lost in a galaxy tumbling into chaos. Not worth much effort."

She closes her eyes. No one asked, but, like she's anticipating Anathema's obvious next question: 

"This war is - minor, ultimately. A tiny corner of the galaxy set on fire and fueled by interests larger than it, but - one of many such fires."

"There are two behemoths in this galaxy, right now. Two monsters. They aren't striking directly at each other. They're just funneling weapons, funding, training to all the little fires they've set that might chip away at each other's edges."

"This war is small, but the two eldest children of the Republic's First Senator are involved. The first student of Luke Skywalker, the traitor of the Jedi, is involved. It's being watched."

"What do you think will happen, if those two behemoths learn I still exist?"

"I'm powerful, sure. Terrifyingly so."

"Do you really think they won't try to control me? The Empire might try to recruit me, at least."

"The Republic might decide keeping me out of the Empire's hands is worth their war going hot. Won't trust I'm anything other than a monster under the bed. Than the death of them, if allowed to run free."

"And when you're two behemoths, armed with planet-killers your engineers assure you have none of the weaknesses of the original Death Stars, do you wait for the other to escalate first?"

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"So now that you did what you did..."

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"I'm... Unsure."

"Jacen, despite all appearances to the contrary, isn't that dumb. He doesn't want the Empire sticking its nose in, even ignoring the risk of escalation. He'll do his best to suppress rumors. He'll cloud memories."

"But - "

"It's only a matter of time, if this war keeps burning." She looks weary. "I did that to press on him - he's bitten off more than he can chew. That there's options for the powerful other than mass murder - I gave him no ultimatum other than leaving my apprentice alone." Pause, and glance at Lily. "My daughter. He's a parent himself. He won't take that protectiveness the same way he'd take a demand about what he does in this war."

"I... Might go talk to him, once my mind is centered enough."

"We need peace." And a bit ruefully, "No matter my conflicted feelings about my blood descendents."

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"Going to talk to him doesn't seem very wise."

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She sighs. "I know. But I'm hoping he can't easily trap me like that again, especially if I take him by surprise."

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"Hope isn't reliable."

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"It isn't. Ideally, I'll be able to take additional precautions. But - "

"Sometimes gambling is all you have left. Talking to him... Is something to keep in mind, at least. I haven't made any decisions yet, and I won't until I have more information."

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Small fidget.

"So... Topic change, but, why did that droid call Lily its 'master'?"

She glances over at the droid, currently sitting in a corner, no signs of life to it except its red indicator lights and unshuttered camera. 

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Lily bites her lip.

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She hums. "Lily didn't make it, and she's never interacted with it before. But there's a thing in the feel of someone in the Force usually called a 'signature.' It's held to be unique to each individual, the imprint of their mind, like a fingerprint in humans. Not even identical twins have the same one, and shapeshifters can almost never mimic them - except Force signatures are supposed to be universal and utterly impossible to mimic. A good way to identify someone."

"The droid's creator made it to respond only to his Force signature, like a fingerprint scanner on a pad. It turns out the conventional wisdom about Force signatures isn't wholly accurate, though - people can resemble each other fairly closely, for one, though that's rare. But most relevant here is that Lily's is unusually flexible, and she can change her signature outright. Something like that has never been documented before, but seemingly unique Force abilities are actually relatively common as a class, so it's not shocking."

"But when Lily was throwing things at Jacen, she molded her Force signature to one that the artifacts wouldn't react poorly to, and that apparently mimicked the droid's creator's enough to activate it."

"We've confirmed with it that she isn't actually the same person as its creator, who is long dead. As far as it's concerned, though, 'has the same fingerprint' is close enough, so it's chosen to work for Lily now."

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"As long as it's not going to go berserk and murder the rest of us in our beds."

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"It doesn't have any ability to do that," she says, smiling a little. "It's an archival droid."

"But I'll keep an eye on it."

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"All right."

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" - Quick thing, 'it'? Uh. Just - "

She scrunches up her face.

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"Gender is an organic invention," the droid intones from its corner. "It has artistic potential, but the implementation is messy and inelegant. There is no suitably aesthetic pronoun within my database, nor a single pronoun of inorganic origin except in Binary, so I will simply note an objection to the system." It tilts its head. "Including a concept that inorganic pronouns are lesser."

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"Sorry," she says. "I don't know many droids, so I was unsure what's - polite."

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"Apology noted."

It goes back on standby.

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Anathema blinks at it, shrugs, and then, to Anakin: "So... I guess other thing is why you're weird sometimes around Ellaita?" She glances at Ellaita with a quiet apology. "...Though that's maybe not my place to ask."

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"Does need to be asked, though."

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"...Oh. Uh. Sorry."

She looks incredibly socially awkward about this.

"It's nothing - you did. You just resemble someone I knew once, not - precisely the same, but enough that if I'm tired or not paying attention, my mind... Catches, for a bit, before I realize."

"I'm working on being less awkward about this, but - seeing Jacen threatening Lily was. The angriest I've ever been, which meant I needed to - turn inward, to control myself. And I was focusing enough on that and what I was doing that it - took me until we landed to actually look at you in the Force and remind myself you're - not her."

"Now that we're out of immediate danger I should get used to it, though, without much more time."

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"Hmm. Okay."

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Somewhat awkward - but friendly - smile. "It's not an - unpleasant resemblance, at least."

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Her expression softens.

"I'd had other questions, but - I think actually most importantly right now... I understand that you're ill at ease with me. I fully understand and accept why that might be the case." She pauses a little bit, looking thoughtful. 

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"I want to keep working with you, if you're willing. You're - smart, adaptable, knowledgable. Brave, but not foolish. Skeptical when needed. You have a level head. And you took care of Lily when I couldn't."

"But peace requires trust. I trust you, as much as I can so far - so what do you need, in actions or information, to trust me to work beside you?"

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"What you did today... I don't get this Force shit. I'd- need to know how to protect myself, or how to stop you."

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She nods.

"That's reasonable."

"I'm willing to teach you, and I'm willing to help you find ways to protect yourself that take less time to learn to use. Most of the ways I can think of - aren't straightforward, unfortunately, though - "

She looks - uncomfortable. "...Though it's likely I could reconstruct what Jacen used to trap me, and that it'd be easy to use. Or, at least, easier than - beating me at my own game."

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"Not a great solution."

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"It was unpleasant. But - "

"I don't intend to ever need to be stopped. I'll listen to you, if you think I'm doing something wrong, though I can't promise I'll ultimately agree. I'll listen to Lily, too, and she's more experienced at arguing with me."

"But being trapped there would be - significantly better than the failure modes if I lose control of myself."

"I'd want - perhaps a bit more certainty that you wouldn't - abuse it, like Jacen did. But - it's something I'd be very willing to let Lily have, and... It's not something I'm opposed to someone other than her having."

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(Lily makes a small, unhappy noise.)

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"Let's keep that on the back burner."

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She nods - and turns to Lily, floating a blanket from one of the bunk rooms to wrap around the girl, ruffling her hair with the Force. "I love you, dear heart," she says, softly, voice pitched so Anathema and Ellaita can barely hear. "I try to be worthy of your trust, but none of us can truthfully say we'll never do something we regret."

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"I know," she mumbles, leaning a bit toward her teacher. Then, to Ellaita: "Can you trust that Master Anakin will be her own control? At least - until you're stronger yourself?" She glances at her teacher. "She's not a bad person. At all. She's done bad things, but - she really doesn't want to do them again."

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"For now."

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"Thank you," she says, softly.

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"My other questions can wait," she says. "They're mostly more in depth about the political landscape here."

She glances, fondly, at Lily. "And I think my apprentice needs a nap."

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Lily sticks her tongue out at Anakin.

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"All right. It's been a stressful day for everyone, I think."

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"Yeah." She rubs at her face. "Goodnight, I guess?"

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Pat. "Night."

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Lily stands. "Night, yeah."

Off to bed with everyone, then? 

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She curls her Force presence around her teacher's, sending a wave of fondness over their bond, and then goes to lay down. (She is, actually, tired...)

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Anakin smiles and returns the same fondness.

She doesn't need to sleep, so she heads to the cockpit and settles in to watch the flow of hyperspace, meditating. On herself, on her apprentice, on the galaxy Luke and Leia and Leia's children have made - on Anathema and Ellaita, and all the things that have led up to now, and all the myriad paths leading from this point.

The galaxy's shrouded, still, a cloak of pain and unease pulled around it. Most of the paths forward are ones she would wish on no one.


Maybe it's foolish, an unreliable feeling. But she has hope, nonetheless, a firm certainty in her chest, a burning answer to the galaxy's despairing pulse.

And Anakin's hope is a thing with teeth.