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she and her furry friends
the elric sisters meet two girls who look an awful lot like them
Permalink Mark Unread

Their work in both Arda and Amestris alike has been going exceptionally well - better, after the Fuhrer and most of High Command had an exceptionally tragic dragon-related accident (and Brisingr learned not to eat bizarre monstrosities of dubious origins); Grumman's been a lot friendlier to trade, especially with Mustang as his rising second. Bellona and El's studies have taken off, earning them even more worldwide acclaim, and Bellona is pretty sure she's gotten a variant of the interdimensional transit array that can target unknown universes (and can take parameters for where they land, and can pull things back so she can actually test things like 'do potted plants, fish, and human volunteers survive transit') actually functioning.

She goes to find El, draping herself over her sister once a soft mental poke reveals El's at a point in her work where interruptions won't be unwelcome.

"El," Bellona whines, "I'm bored."

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"Hi Bored, I'm El." She shifts Bellona's arm out of the way so she can keep writing. "But I surmise you knew that already."

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She snorts. "You also think you're funny." And she squints at what El's writing. "Is that really more urgent than your most wonderful little sister, El?"

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"It's multitasking, Lion. I find the practice quite helpful in staving off boredom, myself."

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"Witchcraft," she says, mock serious.

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"Oh dear. You had best run and get your stake and kindling, then," El says, voice dry as dust.

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She hums, thoughtfully. "But then who'd entertain me?"

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"Truly a quandary for the ages. Try not to strain yourself while pondering it."

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"Hm... I think I'm fine keeping the witchcraft a secret. I'd probably have to go peel Estel away from his girlfriend, otherwise."

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Pfft. "Yeah, good luck with that."

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"You doubt my charm?"

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"Compared to that boy's particular combination of hormones and drama? Yes."

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She makes a serious face. "Maybe I'll seduce Arwen away, instead."

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"Then you'd have her sighing all over the place. I think she got her dad's broodiness."

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Giggle. "I do like the dark silent types..."

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El shrugs, forcing Bellona to shift around.

"So did you actually have something to ask me about or are you just poking me until I poke back?"

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"Well..." she drawls. "I did have an array project I finished... But if you're not interested..."

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She pokes Bellona in the side. "Next time lead with that. Show me."

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She laughs, pulling out and handing over her notes. "I've been playing with the interdimensional array."

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She starts reading. "Okay, talk me through it."

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"Basic modification is so it can take us to arbitrary universes with set traits, not just one very tightly defined universe per version. There's parameters it'll take, and it'll choose a universe and location within that universe that fits all the parameters at random - getting it to optimize for certain parameters is harder, I haven't figured that out yet. It fails gracefully if no universes fit the parameters, though without much feedback for now. I haven't found any parameters it can't take, as long as I define them sufficiently in the array - 'compatible with our life' is a basic one, obviously, as is 'alchemy works there'. Right now it also tags things I send through it so another array can fetch them back - that's this one - and that second array should be modifiable to pull similarly quasi-random things from other universes to us, though we'd want to be careful experimenting with that..."

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She hums. "Looks right... Have you tested either?"

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"Not on myself, but I've been testing with increasingly complex objects and then life forms - got a human volunteer sent out and brought back yesterday, finished finalizing my notes right before I came to see you."

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"Is this your way of asking for a vacation?"

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"How'd you know?"

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"I have known you since before you were born," she says sagely.

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Giggle. "Well, my utter predictability aside... What do you say we go exploring a bit?"

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Hug! "Awesome - I have so many ideas for places we could look for - "

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"How about you work on deciding about one, and I'll go pack?"

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"Seems fair to me."

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Off El goes to do that. And also write some letters to let people know they'll be gone for a few weeks and not to panic immediately.

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While Bellona creates a set of parameters that should land them in a technologically advanced civilization. One with space travel.

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It takes a while, of course, to triple and quadruple check her math and array placement, but it's not significantly different than the process for moving between Arda and Amestris.

Soon enough -

They have a completed array, awaiting only activation to begin their adventure.

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El has a pack for each of them; clothes, food, some useful books and raw material.


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And she moves with her sister to activate the array.

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The array lights with power - the sense of transit is nearly identical to the base array, perhaps lasting slightly longer -

The brilliant light clears, and they seem to be in an industrial - and empty - warehouse of some kind. There's distant noises of life, and a faint hum of machinery.

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"Well, we're not dead..."

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"Nope! And they're not medieval peasants..."

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"So far, so good."

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"Promising, at least." She stretches. "Hm, which way to investigate first..."

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"Let's try through those doors, how about?"

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"Sure," she says, grinning.

The doors don't seem to have handles or even hinges - and they slide open silently when the girls approach, revealing what's possibly an office type of center beyond. There's a heavier door, with an actual handle, on the opposite wall. There's not a lot of light - no windows, the only artificial lights from low strips.

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"Think that one goes outside?"

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"Hopefully. I'd assume they have an outside... Maybe they're built inside a moon..."

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"You were trying for space travel. Maybe they can do that kind of thing."

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"That'd be fun!"

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"One way to find out!"

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She heads over to the door, turning the handle...

And it's locked.

Bellona sighs, clapping her hands and touching the handle - "The lock on this's weird, I think magnetic... There's wires all through this."

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"Huh. Maybe it does go outside, but outside is space, so they keep it locked."

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"Or they don't want people breaking in..."

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"That's a little bit more boring, don't you think?"

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Nudge. "Okay. I promise to only offer fun exciting hypotheses from here on out."

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Hee. "Are we going to try unlocking it anyway?"

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"What's life without a little risk?"

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But she gets ready to open it anyway.

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The door is rather easily opened via alchemy! And also messing with the lock seems to cause heightened electrical activity around it.

Beyond is: a much larger hallway, at least a hundred feet across, the ceiling arched and maybe fifty feet tall at its highest, made out of what looks like frosted glass. This seems to be a major thoroughfare. It's currently dim out, lights along pathways and tracks providing illumination but nothing in between those. Vehicles whoosh by on occasion, and there's beings about on the paths - a mixture of body plans, most of them wearing clothing. No one right near them.

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"Well. That's- something."

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"Yeah... It's cool. Definitely advanced technology..."

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"I think it's night time."

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Nod. "Fits with that building being deserted."

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"Maybe there's an entertainment district or something."

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"Oooo, fancy space nightlife. Sounds like my jam."

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Shoulder bump. "Let's go for a stroll."

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They seem to be in a manufacturing or industrial district of some kind. The place is large, and densely populated - there's some indications the buildings they're passing are significantly taller than the tunnels' fifty feet. There are plants, at least, all growing in water in planters, and some of the lights illuminate artwork. Outside of the industrial district - probably a housing district, with a lot of shops and restaurants apparently open even at night, their signs illuminated, many showing moving images (presumably advertisements) or scrolling text. There's a brief well of noise a few streets over - deep beats like drums, probably music.

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"Want to check that out? Could be dancing."

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Towards the maybe music!

The streets fade into an increasing number of restaurants open at night, gradually resembling more pubs and bars - and even dance halls, though the silhouettes of scantily clad men, women, and other beings on some advertisements imply slightly less formality than Amestris's dance halls. Some of the buildings are probably also places you can gamble, judging by the imagery. The streets here are busier, and Bellona and El are rather under dressed - or perhaps over dressed, depending on if you're looking at fanciness or coverage.

Bellona, of course, is utterly fascinated and more than a bit delighted.

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El is... maybe a bit out her depth.

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Bellona grabs her hand.

"Want to head back somewhere less crowded?" she asks.

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"Just... quieter, a bit."

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Tug, away from the entertainment district, towards a quieter residential area and then stumbling on a park.

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"Sorry, that was just- more than I was expecting."

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She pulls El down onto a bench, hugging her. "It's okay. Sorry I didn't notice sooner."

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"Mm, it's okay. You're allowed to look at pretty things."

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"I like looking out for you more, though."

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Bump. "Thanks."

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Lean. "You're the best sister, so I gotta try hard and keep up, you know. Keep my title of second best."

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"You're doing all right at that, Lion."

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She squeezes El's hand. "Good." And she leans more fully against her sister, resting her head on El's shoulder. "It's a bit weird, but... This isn't that bad a park. Bet this all looks neat when it's properly lit up."

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"Yeah, it's got... benches, foliage, playground equipment..."

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And a suddenly appearing tiger! Who yelps and falls into a fountain, splashing water everywhere.

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And a cat made of lightning, who falls on top of the tiger!

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"What the fuck," El says softly.

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"What the fuck?" Bellona says, a bit louder.

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"Let me up!" whines the tiger, flailing and trying to dislodge the lightning cat, and mostly managing to splash more water everywhere. (The tiger's voice sounds kind of familiar.)

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"I would if you would- stop splashing!" The cat's is a familiar brand of tetchy.

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She quiets down a bit, grumbling.

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The cat hops into the air, sizzling a bit, and flits out of the fountain.

And notices the two observers. "Well hello there."

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She jumps out. "Hello!" And squints, tilting her head a bit.

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"... Hi?"

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The cat purrs and rubs up against the tiger.

"Do you think we died and went to heaven, pet?"

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She nuzzles the cat, a deep rumbling laugh building in her chest. "I'd expect more pillows and less clothes for that, darling."

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Bellona scowls. "Leave off. And this isn't an afterlife." Probably; that'd be a bit outside the parameters.

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"That's all right too. I wasn't ready to die just yet."

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Humph. ...Also though. New magic? " - So you weren't intending to appear there?"

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"Not really, no. We were intending to carve our names into the moon. Which this is not."

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"Well, not yours, I'd guess. We haven't figured out yet if this is a moon colony or a space station or an underwater station - we're not local - how are you maintaining a cat shape with electricity?"

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"How are you maintaining a human shape with lumps of meat and sticks of bone?" the cat snickers.

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"Mostly via adhesive protein fibers between cells - and some collagen. Presumably there's pathways of least resistance for your electricity, right, so it's arcing in a consistent pattern - but how are you generating those?"

Her, nerd sniped? Always.

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"Ha! Good answer." The cat nudges the tiger. "In my case, through judicious- which is to say, copious- application of magic."

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Nudge back. "It's even a right answer! And we're absolutely, one hundred percent, made of biologically and probably physically impossible bullshit." She flickers into a smoke and flame tiger briefly.

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"Cool. What's the basic function of your magic?"

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"Making us look like this, as you see. Everything else follows from the basic form."

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"-So, what did you look like before?"

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The tiger wiggles a bit, laughing, and -

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Turns into a very familiar human girl with a dramatic curl of embers and smoke.

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The cat transforms similarly.

"A cookie to you for asking the question."

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"What the fuck?"

" - This has fascinating implications for determinism given that meeting two people with our faces is insanely statistically improbable - I guess unless dad has interdimensional bastards somehow, though a chance meeting's still massively unlikely - "

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"She is a nerd. What're your names?"

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"Bellona and Elizabeth Elric." She gestures to herself then her sister. "What about you guys?"

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"I'm Ellie." she cocks her head to the side. "And this is my girlfriend, Burning Ruby Tiger Decima."

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"Or just Ruby," she says, laughing. "The full title's reserved for formal occasions."

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" - Girlfriend?"

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"Meeting a new you is a formal occasion."

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"Um, what?"

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"Are you not-?"

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"She's my sister."

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"Ah, the other explanation for the name."

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She flinches a bit.

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The El(lie)s hug their respective cat-adjacent person.

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Bellona leans into El pretty heavily, squeezing her hand.

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Ruby snuggles her girlfriend.

" - Sorry about the awkwardness."

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"Not your fault. I think."

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Shrug. "My initial comment was a bit inappropriate. But, uh, yeah. I didn't like orchestrate an interdimensional plot purely to cause awkward moments."

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Bellona's in a bad mood for objectively no good reason. Okay so it's awkward, but, like, life's awkward.

Doesn't stop the sick feeling in her stomach, but, well. Her body's been intermittently stupid since she got it back.

"It's fine," she says, a bit grouchily, pressing her face into El's shoulder.

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She pats the back of Bellona's head.

"So, um. What's your world like?" she offers. "This is the, uh, third one we've visited."

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"Huh. This's our - second, I guess. Our world's not in contact with any others. We have near space travel but not, like, farther than our solar system. Magic's not well known's, a big thing - it's secret from just about everyone, so society just runs on normal technology."

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"The height of transportation in our world is pretty much the steam locomotive. And the other one we visited was still working off feet and maybe horses."

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"Huh! Yeah, we've got flying machines and really expensive space machines."

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"So was getting here an unfortunate train mixup, or...?"

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"Nah," Bellona says. "We've got an interdimensional transit array - took me a while to modify it so it can take us to unknown worlds, but I managed and now we're exploring."

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Pet pet. "She's very clever."

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She grins, snuggling into her sister's side, the sick feeling in her stomach unwinding a bit.

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"Sounds a bit more advanced than steam locomotives."

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"It's alchemy."

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"Like lead into gold?"

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"No, that's impossible. The first rule of alchemy is equivalent exchange. You can only get out what you put in."

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"Nothing can be gained without sacrificing something of equal or greater value," she recites. "I bet you could turn elemental lead into elemental gold with the right array and a deep enough understanding of atoms, but the energy requirements would be astronomical, it'd be dangerous, and, if wide spread, gold would deprecate in value so quickly it'd be pointless."

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"It's a science, subject to the laws of physics, same as everything."

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"Our magic is a lot more... metaphorical."

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Small grin. "It just hasn't been sufficiently investigated and defined, then."

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"Science is a method, not a state of the world. There's nothing that can't be subject to experimentation ever."

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"She's you but extra nerdy," she says to Ruby.

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Ruby laughs. "I never thought I'd be the bimbo version," she teases.

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"You wear it well."

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"Exceptionally! I'll have Doctor Ruby Bimbo written on all my business cards."

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"Paging Dr. Bimbo... Dr. Bimbo to the OR."

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Giggle. "Maybe I can get in that name change before graduation."

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"If we go back for graduation."

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"Maybe I can get an interdimensional medical degree, then."

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"We can... probably get you back."

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"Origin worlds might be a uniquely definable parameter."

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Thoughtful pause. "I definitely don't want to, like, suddenly and inexplicably and permanently vanish on nearly everyone I know? Or on all my stuff, I have so much art in my apartment I'm very attached to... But, like, I don't mind exploring the multiverse some, our world was sometimes boring."

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"It's a whole new world."

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"We can probably summon things too. Or people."

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"Huh. That has some possibilities. Even if you can just send a note, actually, that'll patch things in the short term..."

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"It'll take some tweaking, but it doesn't sound in-principle impossible."

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"Cool. There isn't a huge rush, though, we were on a long vacation..."

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"Ah, good."

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Bellona tucks her feet up under her a bit, leaning more into El. A bit abruptly - "So if you guys aren't sisters - how'd you meet?"

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"First week of college- secondary school. I was sitting by myself at a meet-and-greet and Ruby came over to talk to me. She liked my sass, I guess."

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"...Huh. I would've guessed - childhood friends or something."

"Growing up without El sounds weird."

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"Mm, neither of us had really happy childhoods..."

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...Awkward unhappy shrug.

"The early bit of ours was mostly good. Didn't get bad until I was nine, and that was mostly tolerable for like two years anyways." Being eleven had sucked and being twelve had really sucked and the next few years after that had mostly been a slow jagged recovery, but, well. Happy young childhood. (Her skin is crawling a bit like it sometimes gets when she's reminded of being in the armor. She snuggles into El's side more.)

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Pat pat.

"Better when we were together."

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Nuzzle. "Yeah. Wouldn't trade El for anything."

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"It's good that you have each other, then."

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Small smile. "Yeah. And it's good you guys found each other eventually."

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Ruby grins and squeezes her girlfriend. "Very good."

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"It's been an exciting time, that's for sure."

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Heeeeee. "The best time."

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"Do you two have a place to stay here?"

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"Nah. I don't think we've even been here a whole hour yet."

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"So we're only a bit behind you, huh?"

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She nods. "Dunno yet what they do for currency, but alchemy's been pretty easy to make a profit off of before."

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"Let's go exploring, then."

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She turns to El. "Up for more of that?"

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Nod. "I don't think anything else is going to be as disconcerting as, uh, this," she gestures at their alts, "so my scale is recalibrated a bit."

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Giggle. "They definitely put 'weird' and 'new' in perspective."

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Smile. "So yeah, let's go back out on the scene."

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She keeps hold of El's hand when they stand. To their alts, "We came from that direction when exploring," with a gesture. "It's pretty much residential around here, but there was like an entertainment district, then a worker's residential district, then an industrial district."

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She elbows Ruby. "Feel like going clubbing?"

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"Any excuse to dance with you, darling."

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Quick kiss.

"Okay, let's go. There'll probably be hotels near there, too."

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Bellona nods. (The flirting and - kissing - is so weird.)

She leads the way back toward the entertainment district, still clinging to El's hand. "Figure we should try and blend in with the locals more?" she asks her sister when she spots someone else out late, in the sort of clothes Bellona's starting to recognize as 'futuristic dance clothes.' (Transmuting clothing is, fortunately, pretty easy.)

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"Might be good," El replies, casting about for more examples to copy.

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Some of the materials they might need a sample to actually copy - some of the fabric definitely has weird effects (shifting colors when it moves seems to be pretty common), and more than a few people have glow in the dark patches or small lights outright incorporated. Skin coverage is pretty low, probably partially because it's warm out, but the parts that're actually covered are mostly loose and flowing, and a lot of people's outfits incorporate gossamer cloth (sometimes with sparkling things embedded). The fabric doesn't move exactly like anything El or Bellona have seen before - and the sheen's definitely very different, natural fibers usually aren't that glossy. Lots of people have tattoos the fabric's cut to reveal. Hair accessories are also pretty wild and colorful, lots of unfamiliar materials - some might be plastics derived, though. Color schemes are mostly 'black or dark primary color with bright highlights.' There doesn't seem to be any kind of distinct gender divide in fashion. They could probably pretty easily transmute their own clothes into at least a more subtle version...

Bellona hums thoughtfully.

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El, after some thought, turns her clothes into a swishy skirt and loose sleeveless blouse, in a dark green.

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"That's alchemy?" Ellie asks interestedly.

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"Yup!" Bellona says. "Alchemy's variously fancy applications of transmutation."

She copies El's lines and color so they're matching, highlighting her dark green with flecks of golden accents, modifying it so her blouse is gossamer over a solid crop top, showing off her stomach and shoulders, her hair piling itself into an aesthetically sloppy bun secured with sparkly metallic hair sticks that used to be her buttons.

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"Pretty," El says.

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Ellie hums. "Could you do that for us?"

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She grins at her sister, shoulder bumping her. "I'm gorgeous. And, sure, alchemy's not costly. Any design requests?"

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Ruby sticks her hands in the pocket of her jacket. "Keeping my collar's mandatory," she says, tilting her head a bit so the blood-red collar's obvious, making the tiger-head bell chime a bit. "And I want to match my Ellie. Other than that, have fun."

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El tilts her head, considering Ellie.

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She grins. "You can probably guess my taste."

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"Well, okay then."

She gives Ellie flared pants with slits up the side, and a filmy lace-up overshirt with an abstract, loopy pattern.

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Bellona copies the base design, modifying the shirt so it falls off Ruby's shoulders, anchored by a barely visible strap, dramatically emphasizing her collar - especially once her hair is swept up into a pony tail. The loopy pattern's in shades of red that complement the collar well, with black gossamer in the negative space. A bit of focus gets Ruby some earrings in the shape of leaping tigers, the material stolen from her zippers and modified to a golden sheen.

...She's not sure she wants to ask about the collar. It's probably healthier for her brain to just aggressively assume it is a weird foreign universe fashion statement. That Ruby considers essential for weird foreign universe reasons. Really.

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Ruby grins and hooks her arm around her girlfriend's waist. "Oh, our alternate selves have taste," she says.

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"They do indeed. Well done."

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She laughs a bit. "We're all around geniuses."

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"Almost too good to be true." She hugs her sister.

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She shifts so her arm's around her sister instead of tangled in her hand, leaning into her. "Pretty, intelligent, funny, sweet... Definitely perfect."

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"Let's make sure everyone knows it, then."

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"Sounds like my kind of time."

"Any of these places speaking to you?" (There's a variety to choose from, as well as a variety of different snatches of music heard every time a door opens - different amounts of interior lighting, different implied levels of sexiness, different crowds, different age distributions...)

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"I like that one," she says, indicating an establishment with music that has a touch more melody audible than typical.

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"Looks good to me. El?" It seems to be more dance focused than 'bounce around looking at scantily clad people' focused, too. No one seems to be showing ID to get in, or paying an entry fee.

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"Sure," she nods.

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Onward, then, still keeping a hold of her sister.

There's apparently a distinct dance floor, well lit (relatively; it's still fairly dim inside) and booths around it, varying levels of private. People are buying multicolored drinks and food at a bar (payment method unclear, apparently contactless or they're outright not using money) and mostly taking them back to tables (claimed ones seem to have a little card raised), though there's also bar seating - people right around the bar seem disproportionately single. It's loud inside, enough they might have to shout if they're not right next to each other. People are dancing, of course, mostly in pairs; there seems to be a popular dance associated with this particular song (or maybe this particular place).

Bellona peers around, interested. "Bet I can charm some drinks off a few people," she says into El's ear, leaning in close.

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"Go try it, then. We'll get a table."

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Squeeze. "I'll be right back." And she detangles herself from El, weaving her way through the crowd up to the bar.

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And the rest of the group can go snag a table with space enough for them all. (Perhaps a generous definition of 'space enough', Ellie and Ruby are certainly squished cozily together.)

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Bellona gets a drink in her, enough extra for the table - she knows El's tastes pretty well, figures that extends to Ellie, and probably her own tastes extend to Ruby - has a lot of fun flirting, gets several people's contact information and even an invitation of somewhere to sleep for the night (which she turns down for now).

Her own and Ruby's drinks are, of course, the most bizarre fruity flavors she could find, and she sets them all down with a flourish, then slides into El, cuddling up nearly as closely as their alts. "I, apparently," she says, voice serious, "Am hot." She's not even buzzed yet, the drink wasn't that alcoholic, but she's got a warm pleasant glow in her chest.

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"Is this news?" Ellie teases, taking a sip of her own drink, something light and refreshing.

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Sip! "I don't get out and flirt a lot!"

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"Poor baby."

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She laughs and leans her head against El's shoulder. "Hanging out with El's more fun."

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"Hey, I'm taking her out now, aren't I?"

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Ellie laughs.

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Giggle. "My keeper's designed my enrichment program well."

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"Keeping a Lion happy's no mean feat."

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Cuddle. "You excel at it, though."

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"I'll stick with my pet tiger."

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Ruby giggles and kisses her Ellie's cheek.

"Oh, if I'm a tiger, and you're a lion... I'm tempted to make a bear joke except you haven't seen that movie..."

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"Eh, bears are lame," she says. "Panthera's where it's at."

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Laugh. "We can expand to Felidae if we meet a house cat us."

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"Hm, I think a house cat us should only be allowed in if they learn to roar. An important trait, that."

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Ellie makes a dismissive noise. "Roaring's overrated."

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"Prefer it when I purr?"

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Nuzzle purr.

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...That is both incredibly awkward to witness and also weirdly cute?

Bellona finishes her drink, perhaps a bit quickly, and squeezes her sister before detangling to go charm a stranger out of another. Definitely not running away, nope.

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"Hey." She catches Bellona's arm. "Do you wanna dance?"

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Pause, and -

Small smile.

"Yeah!" she says. "Sounds fun."

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Up and to the dance floor.

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A new song's on, this one with a simpler version of the dance - one they can pick up from watching other dancers, especially if they stay in a clearer part of the dance floor near the edge. The speed's a good medium pace, not so energetic they might hurt themselves, and Bellona gets into it, holding El and dancing around with her. Improvising a lot, of course - just copying everyone else would be boring.

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This is actually a lot of fun. Bellona's good at dancing.

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She missteps, turns it into a spin, and starts laughing, face lit up under the soft lights. Keeps dancing, of course, even as the song changes and it takes her a second to reorient their pattern. This one's got a bit fancier footwork, and Bellona's hand shifts to the small of El's back for balance at one point, staying at her waist even as they move on.

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-Oh my. El almost misses a step, but covers it well. She does giggle.

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The next song's slower, more of a swaying song, and Bellona leans into El, beaming and holding her close.

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"Aren't they cute," Ellie says, back at the table.

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"Absolutely adorable," Ruby says, watching them.

"Should we tell them...?"

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"Nooo! They have to figure out themselves."

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Giggle. "That might take a while..."

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"What if we arranged for their room to have only one bed?"

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"A classic. I like it!"

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She giggles and kisses her girlfriend.

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And the song Bellona and El are dancing to slows down as it finishes, Bellona drawing El closer, resting her forehead against her sister's (ignoring all the couples around them kissing).

"Up for another few songs?" she asks, voice low, as the music dies down for a moment.

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"Maybe in a bit," she murmurs. "I want to sit for a while."

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She grins, taking El's hand and walking back to the table with her.

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Ellie applauds for them. "Nice moves."

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She bows, grandly. "I need to work on my footwork a bit..." And flashes a grin at her sister. "Clearly we just need more practice."

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She laughs.

"Want another drink while we recover?"

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"That'd be nice."

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Quick hug. "I'll be right back, then." And she slips off.

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She sits down with a bit of a sigh.

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"Had fun?" Ruby asks.

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"Yeah, I did. We haven't really done stuff like this before..."

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"It's a good use of a vacation. Gets you out of your routines."

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"I suppose so."

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She leans into her girlfriend. "And lets you notice things you wouldn't have otherwise... Like dancing being fun."

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"Are you two going to take a spin?"

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She grins at her girlfriend. "I'd like to. Darling...?"

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"We'll show you how it's done."

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She giggles and stands up, letting Ellie lead her to the floor.

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Dancing! Ellie is not shy about getting into Ruby's personal space, or leading on the slower dances.

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Bellona, meanwhile, returns to El with their drinks.

"Those two wander off?"

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"Decided they wanted a turn," she says, nodding to the floor.

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She snuggles into her sister, turning to watch.


(Did she and El look like that?)

"They're good dancers," she says, after a moment.

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"Better than us?"

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"Hm. More practiced, maybe, but we'll win in the end."

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"We always do."

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She laughs and leans her head back onto El's shoulder, sipping at her drink and watching their alts dance.

"...Watching them's kinda weird..." she says, as Ruby and Ellie draw particularly close together at one point.

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"It's like peeking into an alternate universe."

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"Somewhat literally."

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"Mm." She rests her head on Bellona's shoulder.

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"It's reassuring, I think? That even if we weren't sisters, we would've found our way to each other no matter what..." She squeezes El's hand. "But being your sister's better than any alternative. I'm glad that's the universe I'm in."

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"You're the best sister a girl could ask for."

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Her chest feels so warm and glowy, it's great.

"Love you."

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"Love you too."

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She sighs, happy, and sips at her drink a bit more. She's building up a pleasant buzz - this one's more alcoholic than the last, probably, and she's never actually really drunk more than a bit of celebratory wine before...

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Eventually, the other two return, arm in arm.

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Bellona hums, nuzzling El - her head's getting a bit fuzzy by now. Very pleasantly so, and her sister's so very warm and cozy...

"Hey," she says to her and her sister's alts, grinning.

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Ruby eyes her. "...Okay, you need to stop drinking stuff that isn't water," she says, sounding highly entertained as she sits with Ellie. 

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"That's a good idea," El says, pulling Bellona's drink over in front of her. She concentrates for a moment before clapping her hands. A small puff of fire burns off the top of the cup.

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"I'm not drunk," Bellona whines.

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"Lion, you're drunk," El says, passing her glass of fruity water back to her.

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She harrumphs, but takes the fruity water and drinks some obediently enough. "You're being a meanie head."

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"There, there dear." Pat pat.

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Nuzzle. "But I love you even when you're a meanie head. Bestest El."

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"Yep, that's me."

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El doesn't look super happy like she definitely should, which Bellona clearly needs to fix right now, so Bellona leans up, steadying herself on El's shoulder, and kisses her cheek. A bit clumsily, but, well. "You're my favorite El. Prettier and smarter than any other El."

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"Pfft- Lion!"

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"El!" she responds, cheerfully.

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"They're so cute!" she whispers in Ruby's ear.

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"I want to pat them on the head," she whispers back, as Bellona snuggles into El. "Though Bellona's probably going to fall asleep soon, if she's at all like me..."

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"No more dancing for her, I guess."

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"At least not until tomorrow night."

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"Maybe she'll pace herself better."

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"Spending more time with El should be enough of a motive. Or avoiding another hangover."

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"Live and learn, as they say."

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She grins.

And, to their alts: "Feeling like finding somewhere to crash yet?"

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Bellona grumbles. "Wanna dance with El more..."

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"I think you'll just fall over yourself, Lion. We can dance tomorrow."

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Nuzzle and yawn. "Wanna dance with you always..."

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Aw. "How about I carry you out, then?"

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Heeee!!! "That sounds great. Best strongest El."

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"Okay, up we get." She slips under Bellona's arm to steady her.

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She stands, a bit woozy, and leans heavily into her El, humming a cheery tune.

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Off they go.

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Bellona is no help at all! But she does keep her arms around El's neck, nuzzling her.

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"Finding somewhere to stay might be a small challenge..." Ruby says as they leave. "I bet it won't take me much to break into their financial system, though a cheap place might look askance at us less..."

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"Let's go cheap for the night; it's late."

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She spins up a quick precog of smoke - enough to figure out what they're doing for finances, and hotels fitting 'cheap' and 'nice enough' in the area. Creating a debit account with money is a bit more fiddly, but the magic's adaptable, and she's old hat at this in her own world.

Soon enough, she's leading the group to a small hotel a few streets from the center of the entertainment district. It isn't the fanciest place, but she gets them two adjacent rooms - with a door between them that can be unlocked, since they're a party. Each has a small bathroom, some basic appliances, and a single large bed. No good views, but there's no bed bugs, so it's good enough to crash in.

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El gently deposits Bellona into their bed.

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Cling!!! (El should definitely join her.)

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She'll just tug off their shoes first...

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She successfully gets her hair sticks out after one pokes her in the skull, too, then wraps herself around El like a limpet and buries her face in her neck.

"You're warm..."

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"And you're clingy." She squirms a bit to a more comfortable position.

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She squirms, too, so El's draped over her a bit - helps when she doesn't have any heavy blankets. Then yawn and snuggle, eyelashes fluttering as she starts to drift.

"Night, El..."

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"Good night, Lion."

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And Bellona drifts off to sleep.

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- And to dreams -

- Echoes, of the time when the Ring had El, when El was being -

Except they're adults like now, Bellona's in her body, El isn't obsessed with the ring - she's turning away from Bellona anyways, though, avoiding her, and it's the same pattern, what did Bellona do to make her sister mad -

- The dream scenes don't make much sense, shattered and stitched together and weirdly warped, but Bellona knows, in the way she knows things in dreams, that El's looking at - someone else - like how Ellie looks at Ruby - and Bellona's armor emerges from under her skin and traps her again -

Her actual sleeping body freezes, at that point, limbs unnaturally stiff, face twisting.

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"Mrph." Lion? "Lion?"

Poke poke.

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She jerks awake, eyes wide, shaking.


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"'re you 'kay?"

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Her head hurts and she's gotten not much sleep and her heart's racing and she's still really drunk and nauseous and thirsty and dizzy and also now she's inexplicably scared and crying apparently???

She hugs El tightly, whining. "Nightmare..."

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"Shh, shh, I'm here, it's okay..."

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Whine and nuzzle. She shakes a bit, crying, but eventually El can get her back to sleep. (Even as confused thoughts spin through her head...)

She doesn't have a second nightmare at least - actually dreams she and El are in a desert palace and everyone's acting like Bellona is a tamed lion even though she's human shaped, and El keeps petting her - and wakes up groggy and nauseous and still kinda drunk and very hungover.

Also still remembering both dreams rather vividly. Seriously brain. The palace one was so much nicer...

She clings to El until El wakes up on her own.

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"G'mornin..." she mumbles sleepily.

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"Morning, sleepy head," she says, nuzzling her face into El's shoulder. Actually maybe that was a bad move, now the bed's spinning.

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Vague unidentifiable waking up noises.

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Vague unidentifiable dizzy nausea noises!

She's going to hunker down and not move. El's probably gonna have to get her own coffee.

...If Bellona lets go of her.

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Firmer nudge.

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She whines.

...But lets El out of her grasp. A bit reluctantly, but.

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Tough. El's got things that need seeing to before she will admit to facing the day.

But maybe she can try for a hangover cure while she's up. What's that need, water and electrolytes and something to convince Lion to drink it...

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El can find the ingredients for those pretty easily - there's cups and tap water, and also Ruby seems to have snuck in and left a gift basket on the counter at some point in the night. It has things that are probably fruit, for one, and a powdered sports drink mix with bonus electrolytes, for two, and coffee and a coffee machine with instructions for how to operate it, for three and four. There's also a closed insulated box with some ice in it.

Bellona also actually seems willing to drink just about anything El puts in her hands. (She's feeling weird and anxious on top of all the hungover, and desperately wants to cling to El more...)

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Very considerate set of alts they have.

Respective morning drinks acquired, El is willing to sit and cuddle. (She figures she owes it to Bellona at the least, to make up for lost time.)

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Bellona's very snuggly, though kind of miserable.

"I'm never getting that drunk again..." she mutters.

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"Good to know you're a two-drink maximum."

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"Or drinks here are really alcoholic but lie by adding sugar."

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"Deceived by the sugary spectre, alas."

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Soft giggle.

"It was terrible."

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"You seemed to enjoy it at the time, at least."

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"Yeah. Dancing with you was the nicest part, though..." Gentle nuzzle, so her head doesn't start spinning again. "Was nice until that nightmare..."

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"It looked pretty bad."

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"Yeah... Feel like it - shouldn't have been - it's silly it hit me that bad - "

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Pat pat.

"You are a silly drunk."

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Unhappy noise.

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"Hey, hey now. It's okay. I'm right here."

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"Dreamed you weren't."

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"I'm not going anywhere."

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She's still kind of drunk and really anxious so her thoughts don't make a lot of sense even to her, though - "But what if you met someone you really liked like Ellie likes Ruby and - stopped spending time with me - "

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"But the one Ellie likes is Ruby, and Ruby is you, so if I end up liking someone it'd be you, and I've already met you, so I wouldn't be going off to spend time with someone else who isn't you."

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"...There could be a me alt who was - single - though..."

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"Lion," El says. "That sounds like a lot of extra work."

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Nuzzle. "Love you."

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"Love you too."

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She grins, snuggling El. "Sorry I'm silly..."

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Snuggle. "It's okay."

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Happy hum.

...Eventually the fact that she has a body reasserts itself, meaning she can't actually stay in bed all day cuddling. Tragic. She sighs.


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"Sounds good. We can see if the others are up."

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She gets up, yawning, and blinks down at her kind of rumpled clothes.

A quick clap (and finding her discarded hair sticks) gets them back to their normal condition.

Luckily they don't have to go out in the hallway to check on Ruby and Ellie - the door between their suites is unlocked. Bellona knocks.

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An electric cat answers the door.

She blinks slowly.

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Bellona blinks back.

"Uh, hey, we were wondering about breakfast?"

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"It is about that time of day, isn't it. A moment, then."

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She nods, stepping back and letting the door close.

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And shortly they are met out in the hallway by their (entirely human) counterparts.

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Ruby looks very satisfied with herself. Not at all rumpled, though.

"Have a good night?"

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Bellona shrugs. "Some weird dreams and a headache..."

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"That's getting off relatively lightly."

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"Well, we've decided my limit's two drinks from here on out."

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"Likely wise. So, breakfast?"

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"Yeah." Stretch. "I'm in a mood to be surprised with cool future food... Maybe somewhere quiet..." (Her head does still hurt like hell.)

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"Sounds good to me. Can you do that divination trick again to find a place?"

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"Sure," Ruby says, spinning up some smoke. She gets directions, then dismisses her divination and leads the way to a quiet diner with decent coffee and an excellent selection of odd breakfast foods.

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By silent communication, El and Ellie coordinate their orders and efficiently trade a quarter of their respective portions.

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That's cute.

Bellona mostly seems determined to fill herself with iced tea, but she also gets horrendously sweet crepes and conspires to keep stealing some of Ruby's omelet (which Ruby permits, somehow stealing back an equal amount of crepe without Bellona ever catching her). Her arm brushes against El's, and she's a bit unusually quiet - mostly because her own voice is kinda loud right now...

"This is nice," she says, softly, when they're mostly done with food.

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"Morning-after breakfast usually is, if you're not sneaking out. Ruby used to get me pancakes from this place down the street..."

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"I'll miss them... Maybe we can arrange interdimensional takeout..." She grins at her girlfriend.

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"Oh, huh, you guys go out dancing and drinking and stuff a lot?"

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"...More often we stay in."

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" - Then what's the morning after, well, after, if you're just hanging out..."

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"-You're too cute," she manages to get out between giggles.

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She is so very confused right now. Admittedly partially because thinking hurts, but, well...

"El, your alt's weird..." she whines.

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"Sex, Lion."

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She makes a face and also turns beet red.

"Ah, no, none of that - happened..."

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Ellie is straight up laughing now.

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Bellona sticks out her tongue at Ellie.

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"Stop teasing, she's delicate."

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"You're both jerks..."

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"Oh, I dunno, it's kind of fun when they're mean, don't you think?" Ruby is holding in her laughter a bit better.

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She blushes more and buries her head in her arms.

"I'm revising that statement. You're all jerks."

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That sets Ruby off into laughter.

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Pat the poor baby.

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She sighs dramatically and straightens up just so she can flop on her sister.

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One last snicker.

"So what do we feel like doing today?"

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Bellona shrugs. "I dunno what space people do for entertainment. Other than dance, I guess."

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"They probably have some form of movies..." Ruby says. "Public performances of stories is, like, universal."

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"A movie might be nice."

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"Sounds like a date, then."

She pays for breakfast, tips nicely, and then they're ready to head to the theater (location courtesy of another scry).

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Bellona's blush resurges a bit at 'date.' She sticks close to El.

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(El is maybe blushing a little bit too, courtesy of a saucy wink from Ellie.)

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Today's movies appear to be... A historical drama they have no context for, a war movie involving - okay actually that looks a lot like the aesthetics of magical girls and monsters from Ruby and Ellie's magic system, a romantic comedy about two girls who pretend to be dating, a revenge thriller involving time travel, a comedy about a serial killer and a teacher's pet college student swapping bodies, a couple kids' movies, a weird art film with an unclear plot that seems to involve talking animals...


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The war movie could be interesting.

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Or maybe the revenge thriller.

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The serial killer comedy sounds fun...

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Ruby's feeling the romantic comedy.

Flip some coins, then?

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That'd be... one coin, two times. Heads-heads, war movie. Tails-heads, thriller. Tails-tails, serial killer. Heads-tails, romcom.

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Kind of weird they all picked different things.

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"I guess our tastes are sometimes different." Nudge. 

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"Nurture winning out over nature, or maybe just stochastic flux."

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"We need a larger sample size to really make even an educated guess, there."

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"Watch more movies or find more alts?

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"I was thinking more alts, but movie tastes are relatively easy to test."

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"As we're doing right now, even. Who's got a coin?"

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"I do," Bellona says, pulling one out and flipping it - heads, first, then tails.

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"Hah!" Ruby says, grinning. "Romcom it is." And she didn't even have to cheat for it.

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"Congratulations on getting your way."

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Nudge. "You can have your way later."

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"Oh, I'll hold you to that."

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"Looking forward to it, darling."

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"Okay!" Bellona says, brightly. "Let's go get tickets." And stop flirting in ways that make her feel very weird.

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"Sure. Tickets are good."

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(Her alt's adorable.)

Tickets! And popcorn, and drinks, and candy, and other snacks... Apparently early morning theater isn't astonishingly popular, so they have the theater almost to themselves.

Ruby, of course, will be sitting beside Ellie.

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Then perhaps El and Bellona can sit behind them.

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"Sounds great." It'll keep Ruby from stealing her chocolate covered mystery berries, if nothing else.

The theater has a long, narrow table in between each row, rather than the rows all crammed together, so Bellona puts her drink and snacks there and settles in as the pre-show starts (mostly various vaguely related shorts).

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Very convenient. El helps herself to some of Bellona's chocolate covered mystery berries.

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She'll share with her sister, of course. Even if they're the best candy.

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No use sharing anything less than that.

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Of course. Only the best for El.

(The opening credits of the movie appear.)

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And what do they seem to be in for? (This one was, to put it lightly, near the bottom of El's personal ranking.)

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Two college girls, best friends since early childhood, who decide to pretend to be engaged for some kind of legal benefit. They're very insistent it's not romantic, except it totally is.

Bellona, at least, seems to think the movie's funny. She figures out how to raise up the arm between their seats so she can snuggle into El's side as she giggles at the assorted jokes.

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El is Suspicious of why Ruby picked this one, but it is agreeably amusing and Bellona is cozy, so it's fine.

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Ruby actually seems to be getting a bit distracted, kissing her girlfriend.

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That is, um, somewhat distracting, yes.

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Bellona is Not Looking at their alts. Fortunately, the screen is large enough she can mostly get away with this.

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Ellie wasn't that interested in the movie anyway.

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Bellona mostly manages to ignore them, leaning into El and laughing more towards the film's end - when the protagonists, of course, get together with a dramatic kiss.

The credits roll soon after.

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Happy ending's always nice.

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"This was fun." She stands, holding El's hand as they get their trash disposed of and head out.

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"Yeah, it was. We should introduce these movies at home."

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"And their music and dances!"

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"Maybe slow-roll the drinks, though."

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"Seems pretty reasonable." She squeezes El's hand. "Want to go find other entertainments we should totally import?"

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"Hmmm... We've danced - and I'd like to do that again tonight too - and watched a film... I bet there's a lot of entertainment categories I'm not even thinking of, but - botanical gardens, museum, zoo..."

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"I," Ellie says, "would like to see a zoo."

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"They might not bother on a space station..." Ruby says, shrugging. "Sounds good to me, though."

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"If they do not bother with zoos on space stations, their technology is insufficiently advanced, and I will determine who to see about a refund on our trip here."

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She giggles. "Fair enough."

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"High standards."

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"But this way I get satisfaction when they're met, and righteous indignation when they aren't. Win-win."

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Ruby kisses her girlfriend. "And Ellie deserves the best."

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Smug smug.

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"Good with a zoo trip, El?" she asks, starting up a scry.

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"Seems a bit farther than the others... We might have to brave public transportation."

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"It's just one adventure after another."

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"I think we're up for the challenge, though."

Public transportation, ho! (Appears to be mostly subways which Ruby tricks the ticket collection systems of.) A bit crowded, even at this time of day, but the girls can find two seats with standing room beside them.

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They could save space by going two to a seat.

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Perfect, in Ruby's book. Ellie is very comfortable to sit on.

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Small blush, but - "Sure." (Why does this feel awkward, Bellona used to sit in El's lap all the time when they were kids.)

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This is very cozy, even if it makes Bellona's face warm. She snuggles in El's lap, leaning her head on her sister's shoulder as the subway car starts to move.

...Bellona is very not used to bracing for turns!

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She sprawls a bit more into El, then regains her balance - fortunately not actually falling off her lap.

She braces a bit better, for the next turn.

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Let it never be said the Elric sisters are incapable of learning from experience.

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One of the things they're best at.

Bellona snugs quite cozily in El's lap until they reach their stop.

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Ah, the wonders of public transportation.

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Not the worst imaginable.

Still, Bellona's happy to be back on ground that isn't (perceptibly) moving.

The zoo's still a bit of a walk from here, but not too far - and instead of an open air affair, it appears to be built into one of the larger building complexes, with more plants growing around it than most other parts of the city. It's a bit quieter, too - there's people here, mostly families, but not a lot. They need tickets, but nothing Ruby can't get around.

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Very useful, this Ruby person.

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There are some advantages to a variety of magic systems...

Inside, there's a map of the zoo - it looks like they don't have many animals that need a lot of space to roam, but there's a bird house and a bat house and a reptile house and an aquarium, and there's smaller animals with less space needs, organized by biome. Lots of burrowing animals, sounds like, and small cats, and monkeys, and the like. Large animals mostly seem to be more lethargic species - bears, giant sloths. Instead of set enclosures for most species, there's animal trails throughout the zoo, so animals can move around and at least see each other (though ones that might prey on each other or fight aren't able to interact).

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Open concept zoo, huh. She's heard of that for offices.

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The animals seem less stressed, at least... Though it's hard to tell with the weird alien animals, there's some that are basically Earth animals but there's also 'weird toothed tentacle thing' and 'medium-small dragonish thing that moves like a dog' and 'who the hell thought cats and ferrets should be crossed' and 'six winged snake thing'. (The ferret cat seems very interested in them.)

It's a pretty big place, even with restrictions on what sorts of creatures they have - Ruby discovers a flying insect house and completely and utterly fails to stand still long enough for the weird alien butterflies to land on her, Bellona and Ruby both agree on the prettiness of the snakes (there's one that's over thirty feet long and has really lovely iridescent scales), there's some very cute super round and fluffy reddish purple bears... Easy enough to spend lunch and a significant part of the afternoon in. (The restaurants are, of course, biome themed.)

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The dragonish thing is cool, though the insect house is... not her favorite.

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Bellona can sit outside with El, then, while Ruby harasses the butterflies. (...Also she wants a pet dragon dog.)

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The catferret mightn't be bad either, though she's always thought were already a snake-cat hybrid...

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"We'll have to filter for 'gets along with cats,' of course..."

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"Putting up with you is a reasonable proxy."

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She headbutts El. Gently. "True. I'm the best cat."

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Pet pet.

"Most certainly."

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Nuzzle, and a very crude imitation of purring.

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"Good kitty."

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She meows and rubs her cheek against El's shoulder.

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"Should have called you Housecat."

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"Lions can purr and meow! And I've got myself a pretty good roar."

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"Still on the small side, though."

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Nuzzle. "The better to cuddle you. If I was full sized I'd have trouble fitting in your lap, after all, and laps are a very important place for kitties."

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"Something tells me Ruby is a lap kitty even as a full-size tiger, and I don't think you'd significantly differ from her in this regard."

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Giggle. "Fair."

"...I bet alchemy could turn me into a lion..."

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"Not until after you've worked out the array to turn you back. And tested it."

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She laughs. "Maybe some cat ears in the meantime?"

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"I promise I'll let you check my math before doing alchemical surgery on myself."

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Pat pat.

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"I'd be a very pretty kitty..."

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"You already are."

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Nuzzle!!! She leans her head on El's shoulder, looking up at her. "Your pretty kitty."

...Wow she is very noticing her sister's face. It's an exceptionally good face, but Bellona's maybe kind of staring? She's not really sure why other than El being generally very nice to look at.

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Forehead kiss.

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Heee!!! (Purr!!!)

She is very content to snuggle and smile up at her sister until their alts are ready to move on. Maybe even after that, though the zoo's fun... And they maybe shouldn't get separated, even if Bellona's cozy...

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Sadly El is not quite up to carrying Bellona around by herself.

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Dramatic sigh. "I'll walk... And we can cuddle more later?"

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"Of course, Lion."

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She grins more broadly, keeping hold of El's hand through the rest of the zoo. (...There's stores that sell weird alien stuffed animals. Of course there are. Bellona wants one.)

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Maybe just a small one until they have a more permanent place to put stuff.

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She pulls El into the shop, looking through all the excellent tourist traps. There's an entire row of small stuffed animals! Including cat ferrets and dragon dogs...

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Maybe Ruby would like a butterfly plush?

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She giggles, wrapping an arm around Ellie's waist. "One that won't fly away from me."

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Kiss. "Or die in a week."

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Kiss! "A major advantage."

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Bellona, meanwhile, is dithering still over dragon dog or cat ferret. Dragon dog or cat ferret... Cat ferret or dragon dog...

An employee notices her and El hovering, apparently, and walks over with a Customer Service Smile that doesn't even look very slasher-ish. "Anything I can help you with?" he asks, cheerfully. "If you're looking for a gift for your girlfriend..." he directs, more to El, "We have quite a few good options."

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"-Um," she says eloquently.

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"Go for the fuzzy one," Ellie advises from the depths of the butterfly bin.

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Bellona turns bright red.

She snatches up a cat ferret and says, brightly (and totally not like she would like to sink into the ground), "I like this one!"

The employee Smilesᵀᴹ. "We also have some that're holding hearts..."

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"Perhaps... next time?"

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The employee nods, still smiling, and says, "We'll be glad to see you both and your sisters again," and wanders off to bother some other unlucky couple.

Bellona covers her still very red face with her hands.

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Ellie grins as she walks past, bumping her hip into El. "Yeah, sister. We can bring them back here again."

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Ruby is definitely not helping by patting Bellona on the head.

"It has been a fun date."

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El's brain still hasn't quite rebooted.

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Bellona makes an embarrassed noise. 

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Ruby giggles.

"C'mon, let's get checked out - so you two can have your gay panic in a bit more privacy."

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"-Right. Okay."

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Ruby handles paying, being the one with local currency. She also cheerfully takes charge of steering Bellona out of the shop, and - "Back to the hotel, or just sit in a little nook for a bit until your brains reboot?"

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"A nook, I think," Ellie judges. "We can stand guard."

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"Simpler than braving public transportation, too," she says. Luckily, the zoo is replete with tranquil little side paths and seating nooks, where the only witnesses will be thoroughly disinterested zoo animals. She pushes Bellona into one such sheltered nook, with a long bench running by a hidden view port into one of the enclosures - not visible from the other paths. 

"Have fun, you two," Ruby says, whistling and going to just out of easy ear shot (pretty close, given all the greenery; she can still stand guard effectively). 

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"Um," Bellona says, staring at her feet.

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"Uh," El agrees.

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It had somehow never occurred to her that someone might assume she and El were dating!!! Despite that probably being not an unreasonable conclusion watching them next to Ruby and Ellie...

She hugs the stuffed cat ferret.


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"I... don't think you need to apologize?"

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Shrug. "For. Uh. Awkwardness?"

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"Still not your fault."

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Small smile. "Though I didn't - contradict him..."

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"That's. Um. ...Maybe not a problem?"

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Still looking at her feet: "Yeah, I - don't think I mind too much, if people assume we're dating... If - you don't mind." It actually gives her a weird almost glowing feeling in her chest, that probably everyone in this world's looked at them and thought girlfriends.

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"I don't. Um. Think I would start dating anyone. But. You're already here? So that's... better."

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This is so hard to say coherently, but - "I don't - want to date - other people? Because they wouldn't be - as good as you - but. I don't - want to make things awkward? Because - want to be your sister, more than anything else..."

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"That's never going to stop. No matter what else we do."

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She smiles, the tension melting out of her shoulders. "Good. I - don't know everything I want, other than 'always being with you...'" A bit mischievously, glancing up, "Which is what experiments are for, I suppose."

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"This is true."

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"Do you - know what you want? To - add on, or change..."

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"I want... you to be happy, more than anything else."

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Giggle. "I want you to be happy, more than anything else."

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"Suppose you'd better express some other preferences, then. I'm the older sister and I get to say where the recursion stops recursing."

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" - I want to kiss you. And I... Think I also don't really know a lot of what else we could be doing - like, what's even there for me to have preferences about... We could maybe ask our alts for ideas, but Ruby might take than as an invitation to make me blush..."

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"You could ask Ellie. And I could ask Ruby."

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She grins. "Sounds like that'd work well, yeah."

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"In the meantime..." Fidget.

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"...Kiss me?"

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Let's try!

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Bellona leans forward, giving El a light kiss on the lips, then giggles a bit.

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Hee. Again!

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Kiss!!! A bit more firmly, the hand not holding her cat ferret moving to cup El's face and then slide back into her hair.

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Oh, hands are a good idea. Shoulder and... lower back?

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Received positively, going by Bellona's small wiggle. She wraps her other arm around El's waist, still kissing her.

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Eventually they should probably stop to breathe.

Bellona rests her forehead on El's, grinning so much her cheeks hurt and giggling a bit still.

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"Experiment the first: success."

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"Resoundingly so! Kissing is a definite yes."

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"We should make a list."

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"Comprehensive notes are the key to all good experiments."

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"As well as, mmm, replication..." Kiss!

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"We need enough data points for meaningfully low uncertainty, after all - "

Another kiss.

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This is important after all, which means they need to be thorough.

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...Probably eventually they should go be thorough somewhere that isn't 'standing in a random zoo nook while their alts very knowingly guard them'...

Maybe after a few more minutes.

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Just a little longer.

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"I'd love to stand here kissing you forever..." she says. "You're just - so good - but I also wanna take you out dancing, and kiss you on the dance floor, and kiss you when we're cuddling, and when you're doing cute stuff, and when we're alone and when we're in public, and just..." Happy noise, and another quick kiss.

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El takes Lion's hand. "Let's go out and do that stuff, then."

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She squeezes her sister's hand. "Let's."

And out to face their alts.

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Ellie waggles her eyebrows at them. "Looks like things went well."

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Bellona giggles, blushing a bit. "We don't know if we want to do anything other than kiss, but..." She kisses El's cheek, demonstratively. "El is a very good kisser."

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"Awwwww," Ruby says. "You guys are so cute." Also it's been, like, a decade since Ruby was in her 'unsure of sexuality' phase, it's very adorable seeing a her who managed to hold onto that.

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"So young and innocent."

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Bellona sticks her tongue out at their alts.

"...We might want - advice? Ideas? At some point..."

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"We can oblige, I'm sure."

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"I am a font of excellent ideas, well tested wisdom, and general knowledge."

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"Maybe when we get to somewhere more private."

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"Of course," Ruby says, winking.

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"Are we done with the zoo, then?"

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"I think so? We've already seen all the interesting things..."

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"What next?"

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"We may want to sort out tonight's sleeping situation before the last second."

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"Possibly with a nicer hotel than the last one... I can book us for multiple nights, especially if we're pretty sure we'll stay a few days, though."

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"Depends what else this station has to do. Though these two could probably spend a day or two just in their room..."

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Bellona giggles, blushing a bit.

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Ruby hums. "I saw some signs for museums, and we could investigate why that one war movie seemed to have magical girls and monsters..."

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"So plausibly two days more, which is enough for me to spend money that's not mine on a nice bed."

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"And then we can move on, yeah, wherever we feel like."

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"Sounds like a plan." Kiss.

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And then they can make their way back toward the hotel room.

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Bellona sits in El's lap again on the subway ride back.

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How squirmy can she make Bellona without other people realizing what she's doing?

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The answer seems to be 'very,' at least until Bellona starts making actual noises (mostly loud giggles). The brief glances they get are definitely more in the genre of 'oh young love how sweet' or 'well, teenagers' than anything significant, though.

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A decade and a half of experience in sisterly teasing is bearing a different sort of fruit now.

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Bellona kisses her as the car's pulling up to their stop.

"You're mean," she teases.

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"Why, thank you."

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Helpless giggle.

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Ruby snickers and stands. "C'mon, lovebirds. Unless you want to keep circling the station?"

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"Not particularly, actually." Hup!

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She keeps hold of El's hand, of course, as Ruby leads them towards a much nicer hotel, with indoor plants and fancy shiny fixtures and a restaurant and bar and coffee shop and gym, and a very nice suite with two bedrooms and a living room and kitchen.

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Two bedrooms, how fancy.

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Seems to be only one bed per bedroom, still...

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That's more of a feature, no?

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She bumps her sister's shoulder.

"Absolutely. An empty bed'd be a waste of floor space."

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"Shockingly inefficient."

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"A tragic situation."

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"Fortunately, it has been preemptively remedied."

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Kiss. "Good. I hate having to spend extra energy on fixing things."

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"There are better outlets for your energy."

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"Like..." Kiss!

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"Just so."

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She nuzzles her sister. "I'm not quite in the mood to go to bed yet, though, even if the arrangement is sensible..." she says. (It's still pretty early, after all.) "Guess we could go dancing, or go bother our alts?"

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"Dancing could be fun."

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"So much so. Wanna just - hold you."

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She kisses El again, and offers her an arm. "Shall we then, my lady?"

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"Let us go forth, dearest Lion."

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(Are their alts accompanying them?)

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Yep. Two pairs of dating twins is too good to break up the set.

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She laughs - still a bit embarrassed, but... 


"I think Ruby and I must've been separated at birth," she teases. "Our hometown wouldn't have survived otherwise."

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"That's what they call too much of a good thing."

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She giggles.

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And Ruby kisses Ellie.

"C'mon, let's try a new dance place. Though we should make sure they have plenty of slow dances still."

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"Of course."

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Bellona grins, holding on to El the whole way there.

"I think I'm gonna avoid drinking this time..." she says to her sister. "At least, anything alcoholic."

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"Possibly a good idea. You'll get more dances, anyway."

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"Wanna be at my best for you."

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Kiss. "That's sweet."

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Kiss! "You're sweet."

And onward to dances - hopefully for longer, this time. Bellona stays more in El's space, stares at her more openly, kisses her when the music slows down...

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This is more fun than last night was.

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So much so!!!

They're dating and Bellona can act as sickeningly in love as she feels and El's so pretty in these lights, and Bellona can kiss her about it every time her chest starts feeling like it'll burst from how happy she is -

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Best kiss early and often, then. Repairing a burst chest is tricky.

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One of the many reasons why El's the best. (Kiss.)

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She loops her arms around El, content to dance until their feet hurt and it's a horrific hour of the night.

It's so, so nice, and not even getting so tired she starts yawning can burst Bellona's bubble.

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They should go back and make use of that lovely bed, though.

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Oh, that's an excellent thought. (Higher pitched yawn, making her wrinkle her nose.)

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El kisses the tip of her wrinkled nose.

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She giggles and takes El's hand. "To bed it is, then."

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She keeps stealing little kisses on the walk back to the hotel, kicking off her shoes and transmuting her dance clothes into pajamas (with little lions on them, of course) once they're in their room.

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El shucks everything down to her underthings; the way she prefers to sleep.

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...Bellona is so much more aware of that than she usually is!!! She blushes and decides to kiss El's cheek instead of being awkward about this.

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To bed, then?

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Yeah. To bed.

She snuggles up next to El, of course.

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Her Lion does like to sleep cozy.

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Mmmm. Every cat knows their person is the best place to sleep. (Small yawn.)

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Gentle hug.

Until the morning, then.

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And Bellona drifts off to sleep.

She has pleasant dreams that night. El is in all of them, petting her, kissing her, praising her... (Bellona is part cat a significant portion of the time.)

She wakes up happy and glowing and almost unable to believe how wonderful the day before was, and stares at El for a while, dopey, before gently untangling herself so she can have coffee ready for El when she's ready to face the day. Maybe also some breakfast in bed, the hotel has room service if only Bellona can figure this ordering system out...

(She can. And the breakfast lady can even source a 'lap table' so Bellona can surprise her 'girlfriend' (eeeeeee) with a proper breakfast in bed.)

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Of ways to wake up (which she prefers to do as little as possible of), this is certainly one of the better ones.

"I'll have to become your girlfriend more often if it means I get service like this."

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"It's my pleasure." Kiss. "I think I like serving you."

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"...Maybe that's why Ruby has that collar."

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She giggles, a bit - almost embarrassed, but not really...

"I guess we'll have to ask."

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"After breakfast."

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"Give them a chance to wake up, too." Kiss. "And a bit longer for me to have you all to myself."

And: breakfast. Bellona had a pretty good guess of what El would like, even among weird future alien foods. (She got an omelet loaded with cool peppers and creamy green stuff and soft cheese for herself.) She snuggles up beside El the entire time they're eating, sipping her tea and grinning ear to ear. Mostly at her sister.

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Her sister is worth grinning at.

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Very much so. Best view in the multiverse.

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Eventually there are wakesome noises from the other room.

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Well, they can go stare at each other in the living room, then, in case their alts ever emerge. Or knock?

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It's not much longer before Ellie emerges, beelining for the coffee machine in the kitchen (which El has already set on the drip).

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Ruby follows after her, grinning when she sees El and Bellona cuddling on the couch. "Have a good night?"

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"Tolerable," El allows.

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Bellona leans her head on El's shoulder, grinning. "Room for improvement."

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"That should be illegal this early," Ellie grumbles over her coffee.

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"That'd be rather tragic! I'd have to become an outlaw. Leave all my cats behind."

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She giggles (softly) and leans on El more, sipping her tea in conciliatory silence.

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A cup of coffee later, Ellie is looking much more civilized.

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" - Oh, wanted to say thanks, for - pushing us together, yesterday."

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"Ah. You're welcome. I'm happy it worked out."

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She grins, leaning into her sister. "Yeah. We probably have some questions today, but it can wait for everyone to wake up and eat breakfast..."

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"I don't suppose you ordered anything for us?"

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"Wasn't sure when you'd be getting up, but there's some stuff that doesn't need to be reheated on the counter, and some juices and milk in the fridge... And room service is pretty quick." The stuff on the counter's mostly things like 'fruit' and 'baked goods' and 'spreads to put on baked goods'.

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That will do.

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Ruby tends to like light breakfasts, anyways... She does swipe some of Bellona's tea bags, though. Good cup of tea's important.

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Ellie sticks to the bean juice.

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More tea for the pantheras, then. (She leans against Ellie a bit while they breakfast.)

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Pat pat.

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Mmmm head pats good.

(She is much better at faux purring than Bellona.)

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And Ellie does so appreciate this quality of hers.

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As long as it gets Ruby petted more...

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Bellona's - recontextualizing a lot of her desire to be pet by El, actually... (And also nuzzling her sister a bit.)

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What a pair they make.

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A wonderful pair.

When everyone's finished breakfast: "Do we wanna spend the morning playing tourist? Or - is everyone up for, like, me and El asking awkward relationship questions..."

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"Seems only fair, after we set you up."

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Grin. "It'd be awful rude to shove us at each other then leave us floundering."

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"Ask away, then."

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She glances at El. "...Do we wanna split up and ask questions separately? Or - just, all together?"

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"...Separate might be better."

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Squeeze. To their alts: "We were thinking El could ask Ruby things and I could ask Ellie things... At first at least?"

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"Makes sense to me."

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She (slightly reluctantly) untangles from her sister and stands. "Splitting into different bedrooms works best, probably."

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"After you, then."

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She gives her sister a smile then heads into her and El's bedroom, perching a bit nervously on the bed.

"...I am actually unsure where to start..."

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"Well," Ellie says, leaning against the wall, "are you thinking about perspective, or, ah, technicalities?"

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"Kind of both? I'm - okay so El and I got into this recursive loop of 'I just want you to be happy,' and El's decided as the older sister she gets to demand I have preferences first, except... I'm... Not actually sure what things there are to have preferences about... I'm aware of reproductive anatomy details, it's not like I don't know what sex is, but I'm unsure biology knowledge is very applicable here... And I - don't know what I want enough to articulate preferences cold? And basically the only thing we've settled on is we like kissing because that's the only preference I could think of..."

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"Hmmm... Well. You've noticed Ruby's collar, right?"

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"Yeah. I have some? Guesses what that's about..."

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"Back when we were starting out. Ruby was, mm, not sure about committing to just one person, and I- wanted that. Or something like it. So... We talked it out, and found a compromise. Ruby discovered she likes it when I take charge, playing a pet for me. She can do whatever she wants with other people, but that part of her is just for me. I got her that collar to remind us both of that. I don't think you and El are going to need the same sort of thing, with your particular situation, but you might think about you being her pet. On your knees, responsive to her whim..."

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She - freezes.

It's maybe not a good sort of freeze.

She's actually not sure but her brain sure did just go offline and plausibly have a brief flashback except she's not sure because she's disconnected from her body and wow it's been like a whole year since the last time this happened - and her thoughts are maybe looping a little bit -

She takes a deep breath. Tries to take more. Having a panic attack here would be silly. So she won't. Easy.

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"Or not, perhaps. Bellona? Are you all right?"

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"Fine," she makes her mouth say. Probably. Hopefully. It is her mouth, right? "I'm being silly. Should be over it." Maybe that doesn't make sense and she normally just Does Not Talk About It because if she never talks about it she won't have panic attacks and this is clearly excellent logic. But that means she actually has no idea how to explain it to anyone in short words that don't alarm people or make them think something that's a big deal happened. Because it didn't.

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"No, I don't think that's how it works. Do you want a hug, or do you want me to get El? Or Ruby?"

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"Not El," she says, quickly, with a vehemence that surprises her. "I - hug?"

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Firm hug.

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That makes her feel more like she actually exists in her body. It helps. A lot. Her thoughts feel less - spilling swirling.

"...Sorry," she mumbles. "I... Haven't done that in a year... Wasn't expecting it..."

Why is she having the urge to tell Ellie what happened. That's - she doesn't talk about it -

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"Shh." Ellie pats her back. "Clearly I stepped in something."

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"...Yeah kinda."

"It was - years ago anyways, and not El's fault, so it - shouldn't be a big deal still - "

She clings a bit more to Ellie.

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"Hey. Not thinking about something doesn't make it not have happened."

"If you want to explain, I'll listen. Or not, that's okay too, but I feel like this is going to happen again."

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She nods a little bit.

"So - when I was nine, we... Tried to resurrect someone with alchemy, and - succeeded, but my body got basically disintegrated in the backlash even though the actual thing was more complicated, and El reacted fast enough to bind my soul to some armor - I was still alive but I couldn't feel anything - that's not actually relevant, it just sucked kinda differently, I - "

She takes a deep breath. "Like - two years later we got. Thrown into another world. And we didn't have the interdimensional array yet, so we couldn't get back, so we made the best of it - they had like medieval technology, so we introduced ours and got really rich doing that, and - "

"We were there for a bit. And it was fine, we were worried about the people we'd left behind but - not too much, and we were together. But - there was - El found something. It was - an evil piece of magic jewelry and it mind controlled her and made her obsessed with it, and I didn't know she'd found it or what it was or what was going on, but it made her mad at me so she pushed me away - and that hurt but it wasn't that bad, I just got really depressed - and it wasn't like she was beating me or anything, she only shoved me a couple times - "

"But then she - changed what she was doing, and - said she was sorry about pushing me away, and wanted to still be sisters, but - she still had the ring - and she started. Acting weird. And - pushing me to be obedient and - stuff - and being sometimes really nice and sometimes really mean, and - "

"Eventually I figured out something was wrong and I found the ring and figured it was magic - it couldn't catch me with mind control, so I took it to a friend who recognized it and told me how to destroy it, I couldn't with alchemy so I had to - go into this land controlled by the guy we were at war with, and sneak past his lines and throw it in a volcano, and that shouldn't have sucked so much, it wasn't like I could get tired, but it - was - "


"And when I got out El was really sorry, and some of the powerful magic people on our side gave us what we needed to trade for our full bodies back, because they didn't need their magic items anymore. So I had a body again and El wasn't hurting me anymore and we had the interdimensional array and it was fine."

"...It should've been fine."

Voice really small: "...I still don't know how much it was mind controlling her."

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"That's terrible and I'm very sorry it happened to you."

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She starts crying.

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Many, many hug.

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After a little bit: "I wanna give her everything she wants, but - "

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"I think with that history, she doesn't want what Ruby and I have, either. You- The last thing she wants is for you to be hurt, I promise you that."

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Shiver. "I don't want it to hurt..."

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"But it does. And that's not your fault."

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"...I think I'd maybe like to talk about fun stuff..." she mumbles.

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Then they can talk about fun stuff that El probably likes and what Ellie's noticed Ruby likes, staying carefully away from the dom/sub aspect.

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The pain stuff is - weirdly intriguing???

The sex stuff is embarrassing, but - not in a bad way -

...Bellona thinks she might not actually mind being - El's pet, as long as she's the type of cat who definitely does not do what it's told ever, because cats... Just, playfulness is - fun.

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The important thing, really, is communication. Make sure they're talking to each other.

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She nods.

"And - if we try something, and one of us doesn't like it, we can - probably just stop doing it - "

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"It's a good idea to set up safewords, yeah. If someone says their safeword, then you stop. Ruby and I use traffic lights: green for go, yellow for slow, and red for stop."

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She nods.


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"It is my pleasure."

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Grin. "Guess we should go see if Ruby and El finished talking?"

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"Suppose so."

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She takes a few deep breaths - tries to make sure it isn't obvious she was crying - thanks Ellie again, and steps out into the living room.

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The other two seem to be done!

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"Had fun?" Ruby asks, teasingly. (She and El have been done for a little while.)

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"-More or less."

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"Got some good ideas." Hesitantly - abruptly, not looking at El's face - "I'm not - doing the submission thing - "

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She goes over to snuggle El. Because she's had enough of serious emotions for today: "Being your very independently minded cat sounds fun, though."

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Snuggles are good.

"Not a tame Lion, then."

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"Maybe a little bit domesticated. Just enough to not bite you."

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"That would be nice."

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Nuzzle. "I love you."

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"Love you too, Lion."

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She hums. "I think I'm in the mood to stay in the hotel room today..." she says. "Let Ruby and Ellie have a date to themselves." She feels - wrung out, and like she wants to experiment with El, and also like she absolutely does not want to exist around other people.

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"That sounds good to me."

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She glances over at their alts. "Thanks for - everything."

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"No problem." She grins, teasingly. "We'll make sure to knock before opening any doors when we get back."

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"Don't break too much furniture."

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Bellona blushes and buries her face in El's shoulder.

"...It's not like I don't know how to fix things, I'm an alchemist," she grumps, because there's being incredibly embarrassed at teasing and then there's professional pride.

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Ellie laughs as they leave.

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Hug. "So."

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"A lot of the things they're doing sound - worth trying... Being your cat - though we're kinda doing that sometimes - and. Uh. Sex stuff. And maybe pain stuff? I think - sensations are good? Or - interesting."

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"Yeah that could be- fun. But you have to tell me if it isn't."

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She nods, seriously. "I will. And I think we should go slow with pain stuff - even if I really like it, I'm not as tough as Ruby..."

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"It sounded like they got... pretty intense."

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"Yeah. It sounds - interesting - but. I think Ruby's a lot more reckless than me, for one..."

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"We're going to do our own thing anyway. We don't have to copy them perfectly."

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Nuzzle. "Yeah. Even if a recipe book's useful when you're a beginner... We're pretty smart."

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"And creative."

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Kiss. "I'd like a bit of proof of this creativity."

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"I'll see what I can do, then..."

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Excellent idea.

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This is the best experiment ever.

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It is very... informative.

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Certainly worth replicating.