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death defied
I wanted to read more Than/Zag fluff and then I noticed I had the power to write it myself
Permalink Mark Unread

The river Styx, like most of the Underworld, follows no consistent, constant geography. Instead, it's in a constant state of flow, shifting and changing its banks and course as the realm itself rearranges its structure.

That is only one of the many ways the realm has of keeping its reputation as inescapable, Lord Hades's rulings being the only thing that can grant one permission to leave. This has happened only a handful of times in history, all of them exceptional in one way or another. And as far as the living and the vast majority of the dead are aware, this is an absolute fact of the world, as unchangeable as gravity.

This is not to get into the fact that, unless you were sent to the bowels of Tartarus for punishment, you would have very little reason to want to escape. There was a brief period during which the Asphodel Meadows were flooded with a burning river a few centuries ago, but the Queen of the Underworld has long since dealt with that and the land of the dead is actually a reasonably pleasant place to spend eternity in.

Very few people are aware of the one exception to the rule, taking the form of the Prince of the Underworld, Lord Zagreus. He has been the first and only person to ever escape against his Lord Father's wishes, and although he cannot stay on the surface for very long due to an intrinsic conflict between his godhead and his mortal blood, he has become proficient enough at it that it was made into a job, finding security flaws and other issues that might jeopardize the so-called inescapability of the realm.

Now one of the few fixed structures of the Styx, the small pool of it which ends right in front of the hall at the House of Hades, sees its surface bubbling once more before the god of life's figure emerges from it, blinking some crimson liquid away and cracking his joints to get rid of the phantom pain from his most recent death. The water slides off his body and clothes with preternatural haste as he walks up the steps and past the long line of shades standing before his father's throne and desk to petition for one thing or another.

"Hello once again, my friend," he says, nodding a greeting in the direction of Hypnos, god of sleep and official secretary of the Underworld.

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The god of sleep startles awake with a small yelp, nearly dropping the clipboard he's always holding. "Oh, hello, your highness! Surface mortality get you again?"

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"Yep! Went swimming this time, though."

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"Huh. Sounds wet. Aren't you swimming in the Styx all the time anyway?"

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"Don't you know? I'm unconscious for most of my trips back here."

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"Oh, that makes sense. Well, don't let me stop you from whatever lengths you wanna go to to spend long stretches of time in whatever liquids you want."

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"You couldn't if you tried, buddy."

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Zagreus walks past the entire line of souls, nods a greeting in the direction of his parents, then makes a beeline for his bedroom. At some point in the last few centuries he's had a door installed, so he shuts it after walking in. He also locks it, which he doesn't typically do, since he usually has to return to the bedroom from the outside.

He goes to his bed, spreads his arms to either side, and lets himself fall facefirst onto it. The god lets out a long breath into his pillow and stays there for a few moments, his body still, before rolling onto his back and staring at the ceiling. He rests both feet on the covers (by default made appropriately heat-resistant so they don't burst to flames the moment his burning feet touch them), pointing his knees up, and puts both hands behind his head. His eyelids droop shut and his breath evens out. Ironic that he was just giving a hard time to the god of sleep for the sake of work. He'll only be a minute, he's sure...

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Until, that is, the familiar death knoll sounds...

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Zagreus sits up immediately, crossing his legs and grinning.

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"Hello, Zagreus," says the figure that appears in the middle of his room, floating a few inches off the ground and holding his enormous scythe in his right hand, behind his back. "—you seem to be in bed. That's unexpected."

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"—oh. Yeah, I was just having a shut-eye."

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"A shut-eye, Zagreus?" says the god of death, floating closer to the bed. "When was the last time you had one?"

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He pauses and furrows his eyebrows. "...five years ago? Maybe a decade."

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Thanatos's scythe vanishes in a puff of green smoke, and he sits at the edge of the bed. He pulls the gauntlet off his right hand with his left, and it, too, disappears in a puff of smoke. The hand finds its way to Zagreus's right thigh, and he runs his index finger up and down Zagreus's skin. "That's less than I thought."

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Zagreus shivers at the touch, and stretches that leg along the bed to give Thanatos easier access. 

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The god of death diligently unhooks the god of life's shinguard and carelessly throws it somewhere else, its metal bits clattering loudly on the tile floor. He does the same to the other shinguard, and then resumes caressing Zagreus's leg. "Well?"

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"—hm?" He opens his eyes again, as they had shuddered shut at the touch.

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He chuckles, and starts using light nail. "Pay attention or I'll stop."

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Zagreus lets out a slight whine. "Noooooo! I don't know what you're asking!"

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"I'm asking you to talk to me. What's happening?"

He rotates his body to the right so that he's facing his lover.

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"Who says there's anything happening? Maybe I just wanted a break."

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"...okay, fine, maybe there is something."

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As reward for talking Thanatos's hand starts wandering more, from down Zagreus's calf all the way to the middle of his inner thigh.

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Zagreus makes a small sound at the back of his throat and stretches his other leg. "You're distracting me on purpose."

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He lifts his hand off Zagreus's skin.

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"Keep talking."

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"You're more evil than Megaera."

The way Zagreus starts getting an obvious erection puts the lie to any displeasure he might be expressing, though.

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"I'm sure she can be just as evil in her own ways," the god of death says, smirking. He decides to resume the caresses, and if one of his fingers goes a bit further up to lightly touch Zagreus's balls, well, accidents do happen.

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"I—look, Than, will you please just fuck me already, I can't have a serious conversation while you're doing this!"

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That gives him pause. "Serious?"

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"I—I think so?"

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Thanatos stands up and starts undressing. He removes his belt, first, and the shinguards and wristguards go next. He lowers his hood and undoes the clasp holding his pauldrons together, and each piece of clothing he drops disappears into smoke before touching the floor.

He, too, is sporting an erection from their little interaction.

"You can make an effort," he says, untying his chiton and letting the cloth fall out so that he's completely naked. "Move over, you're in my way."

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Zagreus has been watching all of this with an entranced look, as if it's the most interesting spectacle he has ever seen. At some point his left hand found its way to his hard-on, and he started stroking himself.

Thanatos's words break him out of his reverie, though, and he obligingly scoots farther away from that side of the bed to give Thanatos space to lie down properly.

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He does, lying on his left side and propping his head up on his left elbow while he reaches down between them with his free right hand and displaces Zagreus's to start stroking both of them together.

"Keep talking," he repeats. "I've seen you do it, it's not that hard."

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He smirks and looks down between them. "I beg to differ."

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"Rrrrrrrr alright, you!" He lifts his left leg to wrap it on top of Thanatos's legs and rests his left hand atop Thanatos's hip, readjusting his torso and right arm so that his head is resting on top of the fold of his right elbow. "How long have we been together, Than?"

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"Can't say I've kept track. Four hundred years, at least? Give or take? Maybe five."

He does not stop jerking himself and Zagreus off, his long slender fingers wrapped around both of their shafts. He wiggles his right leg a little bit so it's touching Zag's left heel; if he were a mortal, he'd get a third degree burn from that, but thankfully he is not, so he can just enjoy the warmth.

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"Yeah. Sounds about—ah, fuck—" He shuts his eyes and bites down on his lower lip. "Kiss me," he breathes.

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Thanatos obeys, leaning forward just enough to do that.

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Zagreus holds the kiss for a few seconds before letting go, but keeps his head close enough to Thanatos's so the tip of their noses are touching. "Sounds about right," he finishes. "Since the whole thing with Mother—actually wasn't that six hundred years ago, with the war...?—whatever. When I got my job."

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"Mmhm," Than voices encouragingly, shifting his weight a bit and moving his head to start kissing Zagreus's jaw and down to his neck and shoulder. He releases their cocks to reach behind Zagreus's left shoulder and undo the clasp holding the skulls and the chiton together, there.

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"Ah, shit, okay—I love you, Than—" His chiton is far less ornate than Thanatos's, and after he gets rid of the belt it's easy to wiggle a bit and pull the entire long piece of cloth off.

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Thanatos laughs into Zagreus's skin and says, "Love you too, you idiot." With Zag appropriately undressed, Than can resume his work with their dicks.

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He makes a throaty sound at that for a few seconds, his eyelids fluttering shut, then remember Thanatos's request. "—right. What—what is my domain? What am I the god of?"

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"—life? And blood. Or so we reckon. Right?"

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"Do you think anyone else could escape the Underworld? Now, not when I first tried it. Even with the Olympians' help, not that they still offer any. After everything that's changed—Than you're going to make me cum if you keep at this—"

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"We can bathe together, later. I'm taking a break from work, for now."

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"Oh so that's what the visit was for, you wanted to fuck me."

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He squeezes Zagreus's balls a bit too painfully, causing the god of life to yelp. "No comment."

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Zag laughs. "I love you, Than," he repeats.

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Thanatos grins and bites down on Zag's shoulder, hard enough to leave a mark. He starts stroking Zag again. "I love you, too. And to answer your question, no, I think with all the fortifications we've made you might be literally the only person with the ability to leave without permission, now."

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Then he pauses. "I'd wager even Lord Zeus would fail."

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"—right. I think so, too."

Zag leans forward and starts nibbling on Than's ear. He moves his left hand up to Than's hip again and then down the back of Than's ass, then his fingers find their way to Than's hole, which he starts lightly teasing.

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Than smiles into Zag's skin and kisses it again. "So what you're saying is that—what, escaping the Underworld might be your domain, too? You're the god of leaving places?"

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"...maybe a bit more specific than that, but—but that's, I think I'm—" He squirms a bit and falls silent.

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Than pauses and pulls away so he can look at Zagreus's face. "You're bored. Of your job. Aren't you."

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Squirm squirm. "Kind of. Kiss me."

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He does.

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Zagreus slides his arm around Than for a proper hug and kisses him deeply, pressing their bodies together and holding Thanatos tightly.

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Thanatos reciprocates, then shifts his weight suddenly so he's lying on top of his lover, his legs on either side of Zag and Zag's cock rubbing against his ass. He pulls out of the kiss to lean his chin against the side of Zag's neck and whisper into his ear: "So what now, Zagreus?"

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"Now you get me a bottle of Nectar so I can put my dick in you before you drive me crazy!!!!!!"

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Than laughs and makes a round bottle of honey-coloured liquid appear in his hand. He uncorks it and reaches behind himself to pour some of it onto Zagreus's penis, and then smears his own fingers with it. He leans forward to nibble on the skin on Zagreus's chest while he fingers himself to prepare, planting kisses and bites here and there.

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Zagreus arches his back at all of this, eyes shut with pleasure, and makes small moany sounds at Than's lips on his chest and fingers around his shaft. "Than, ah, Thanatos, I love you so much, Than—!"

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"Honestly, you would think it'd been years. Did Meg decide to forbid you from cumming until I made you, again?—she did, didn't she." He laughs some more and teases Zagreus's cock with his ass and fingers.

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"You are both wicked people!!!!!!"

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"We hadn't played this game in a while. She knows what kinds of presents I enjoy."

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Squirm squirm "Eeeeeeeeeevil!"

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"Be a good boy, then, and I might let you."

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"But, wait, no, Than, it's been so long—"

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Deeming himself prepared enough, he grabs Zagreus's dick and, with the practised ease of centuries, slides it in all the way to the base.

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"I guess you have a lot of incentive to be a good boy, then, don't you, Zagreus?" Thanatos purrs, running a black fingernail down Zag's chest and leaning forward to kiss him.

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"Th-Than—oh, please—"

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"Hold your hands above your head," Thanatos orders.

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Okay Zagreus is going to be a good boy and follow this order, yep.

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Than materialises some rope in his hands and ties Zagreus's wrists together and around a piece of his headboard. And if his hips move around with Zagreus's cock in him more than they needed to, only a fool would think this was anything but purposeful.

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Zag squirms under Thanatos's weight, but doesn't resist the ropes, and just looks up at his lover with naked adoration and lust on his face.

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"Well, who would have thought you could be a good boy sometimes." He leans back and starts rocking his hips back and forth, only slowly for now.

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"Ah—Thanatos, my—ah—I love you, Thanatos—!"

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A moan escapes Than's lips at his own movements, and he moves up to kiss Zagreus again. "I know," he says with a playful smile.

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"Than, Thanatos, please, oh—" He moans as Thanatos picks up some speed, his burning toes curling up with pleasure, and he can't help but match Than's movement with his own, to what limited extent he can while thus attached to the bed.

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The god of death shuts his eyes and rests his forehead on Zagreus's chest, his hips still moving back and forth. He moves his right hand between them to start jerking himself off while using his left elbow and forearm to hold himself up. "I would have thought," he says in between grunts and pants, "that something as vanilla as this would get boring over the centuries."

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"Oh, ah, Thanatos, my love—I could never get bored of you, never, I love you, oh fuck, harder—"

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"Ah!" he exclaims at a particularly rough thrust. "N-never, Zagreus? We're both immortal. Never is a while."

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"Never—never—my Thanatos—ah fuck Than—I'm yours for—forever—for as l—ah, please, oh Than—as long as you'll have me—my Than...!"

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"Ah—Zagreus—Zag, that's—that feels so good—" Zagreus's dick slips out, and rather than immediately putting it back in Thanatos reaches back and strokes him. He opens his eyes and looks up. "You feel so good, Zagreus," he purrs, guiding Zag's cock inside once more and sliding all of it in again.

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"Thanatos, oh, oh Thanatos, Thanatos Thanatos Thanatos..." Zagreus squirms in the binds but cannot escape, and all he can do is plead with his voice and his face and his eyes.

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"Yes, my Zagreus?" He looks up and laughs before planting kisses onto the god of life's face and hugging him tightly. "You seem to be straining."

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Squirm squirm "You are just evil."

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"Ah ah, is that what a good boy would say?"

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"That's more like it."

He bites Zagreus's lower lip and resumes jerking himself off in sync with his hips.

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"Ugh Than—Thanatos—I'm—I'm going to—you're gonna make me—"

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Thanatos leans closer to whisper again. "Do it. I want all of you inside me."

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"Fuck I love it when you talk like that—Thanatos—Thanatos—"

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He doesn't respond and just keeps riding Zagreus for all he's worth.

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"Fuck I'm—ah Thanatos—"

And the rest of the sentence is drowned out by moaning as he comes, his eyes squeezed tightly shut and his hips frozen in place as he shoots load after load into his lover.

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Than leans back, arching his back and closing his own eyes to ride this out, feeling Zagreus fill him up, not stopping but slowing down enough to let his lover catch his breath.

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"Thanatos—oh Thanatos—my Thanatos—" He opens his eyes and looks up at the god of death's face before his gaze lowers down to the god of death's cock. "You still haven't—"

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He lowers a hand to shut Zagreus's mouth with his index finger. "No, not yet." He slowly slips away from Zag's penis and inches his hips farther up Zag's chest. "You're going to be a good boy and let me finish."

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Zag licks his lips. "Yes, sir," he says, and once Thanatos is close enough he can lift his head up and curl his neck and upper back up to the extent his restraints allow so that he can take all of Thanatos inside his mouth. Than is long, every feature of his but this one in particular is long, and Zagreus can't wait to take all of it in. He doesn't have the luxury of his hands to help along but his mouth and his tongue are quite up for the task. He knows Than well enough for that.

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Thanatos lets out a soft growl when Zagreus starts working on his cock, and reaches down to pet him and run his hand through the mess of black hair. "You look very attractive with me inside you like that."

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He can't make words, or even noises, really, but he doesn't have to. He opens his eyes to look up at Thanatos and continues to purposely move his head and tongue up and down and around Than's shaft. He does it with a hunger, he needs to have Than's seed fill his mouth and leak down the corners of his lips and down his throat...

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"Ah, shit—I almost forgot how good you are at this, Zagreus—gods—" He squeezes his hand into a fist around Zag's head and helps him pump along, pulling the hair more than necessary but just enough.

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Zag moans, at that, though the sound only comes from his throat. Godly stamina and all, his dick starts getting hard again, but everything now is about Than, he needs Than to feel good, he's here to serve and please Thanatos and he is damn sure going to finish his job.

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"Ah—Zag—Zag, fuck, Zagreus, you're so good—my Zagreus, you're going to make me—"

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Yes he fucking will.

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So Thanatos comes, comes and comes and comes into Zagreus's mouth as he arches his back and shuts his eyes and throws his head back, lost in the throes of ecstasy and Zag keeps going, keeps doing it, keeps pumping until he's spent.

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Zagreus drinks it, drinks it up and though some of it does leak out he doesn't mind, it's Than's and it's perfect and it fits. He needs to look like a mess, he needs to be covered in his and Thanatos's seed and to look used and spent, that is right and correct and the exact state the world needs to occupy.

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Than leans down again to cup Zagreus's head in his hands and kiss him deeply. He slides off Zagreus's body and falls to the right side, never breaking the kiss, not even when he reaches up to lightly tap the ropes and make them disappear.

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Zag's hands free, he can wrap his arms around his lover and reciprocate the kiss in full. His wrists are bruised and even lightly cut at some points from the strain, and that, too, is perfect. He runs his right hand up Thanatos's back to the back of his head and runs his fingers through Thanatos's hair, pressing their lips together and locking their tongues.

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Eventually Than does break the kiss (but not the hug) and rests his forehead on Zagreus's shoulder. "What will I do with you, Zag?"

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"You could always fuck me again. Oh, maybe use your gauntlets, those sharp points feel so great—"

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"That's not what I meant!" he laughs. "...later. When we go to the baths. I'll think about it."

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"You're the best."

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"We were having a conversation before this."

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"I'm not sure 'before' is the correct word, here."

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Huff. "Maybe not." He reaches down between them with his left hand to give Zagreus's—" You're hard again, Zagreus, already?"—a squeeze.

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("How can I help it when the hottest god above or below the earth is naked in my bed?")

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Thanatos ignores that and continues: "So, you're bored of your job. You want to quit? Wouldn't that be even more boring?"

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Zag sighs and closes his eyes. "I—I don't know. It's not like there's anything else I can do. I last as long as I can on the surface, but I have my father's curse and my mother's gift and I burn up, eventually. And there's nothing to do here."

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"You could always take a short vacation. Spend a decade in the fields of Elysium, go sightseeing—or maybe go hunt down some other creatures down in Tartarus, if that's more your speed."

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"Would you take a vacation?"

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"—well, no, but I'm not bored of my job."

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Sigh. "I don't know, Than."

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"How long have you been thinking about it?"

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"Blood and darkness, I don't know, time is fuzzy here. Maybe a decade, maybe five, maybe just a year."

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"...why didn't you tell me?"

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"—hey. Hey, Than, come on, we're past this. I was going to, I swear I was not going to leave or do anything crazy without talking to you first. I didn't want to worry before I even had a good idea what was going on in my head, myself."

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He lets out a breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding. "Right. Sorry, Zag."

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"No, it's fine, I'm the one who should be sorry, you're right, I should have mentioned it before." He hugs Thanatos a bit tighter for a moment. "But I don't know. I didn't know, I still don't, I—I don't know what comes next."

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Sigh. "You know, I figured this, something like this was going to happen. Eventually. The first time, it was just an excuse, right? You did want to find your mother, but—you would have found some reason to leave, one way or another. Right...?"

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"...yeah. Yeah, I would have."

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"So, so this was bound to happen. Either we'd get the Underworld security so tight that not even you could escape or... or only you can escape it now, for reasons we don't know, maybe it is something to do with your godhead. It was bound to happen, even all of the Underworld wasn't going to stay large enough to keep you forever."

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"I don't have anything past that, I don't have any solutions. I knew it was going to happen, I didn't..." Sigh. "...let's go wash ourselves, maybe I'll let you play with my gauntlet, I'm feeling sticky."

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—he laughs, and plants a kiss on Thanatos's forehead. "You gonna take us there, or what?"

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"Haven't you been practising your phasing?"

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"You know no one in the Underworld or out can even hope to match you, there. Though Hermes has tried."

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"The baths should be close enough for you. Aren't they?"

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Grumble grumble "Fiiiiiine." He kisses Thanatos's forehead again then rolls to his feet.

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Thanatos scoots closer to the edge of the bed and extends his arms out to be carried.

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".........what the fuck???? Since when are you allowed to be this cute? You never told me you could be this cute!!!!!!! If I had known you were going to be this cute I'd have offered to phase you all over the Underworld!!!!!!!"

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"Hurry up before I change my mind."

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"Yes, sir!" Zagreus puts both hands under Thanatos's body then his forearms and then hups to bridal-carry him. "Ready?"

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"I have been doing this nearly every day for the past thousands of years. I was literally born ready, Zagreus, if my mother's words are to be believed. Let's just go."

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"Yes, sir." He locks his legs in place, visualises his destination—

—takes a step forward—

—and they're at the baths. There are shades here and there, enjoying themselves, and some of them ogle at the sudden arrival of the gods, but they eventually move along. Zagreus sets Thanatos on his feet and beams up at him.

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"Hmm, seven out of ten for execution."

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"Oh shut up and get in the water with me."

Zagreus steps down into one of the four separate pools in this particular cavern, and the water, though warm, sizzles at the touch of his feet.

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Thanatos follows him in, his cold skin having the opposite effect on the water, some of it turning to frost at his touch.

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Zagreus finds a place to sit and looks up at Thanatos as the god of death does the same, right by him. He stretches his left leg out towards Than's and bumps Than's foot with his own. "It was probably your sisters who got us together."

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"—the Fates? You give them too much credit. I don't think they make anything happen."

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"We're very... aesthetically pleasing."

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"Yes, you've expressed this before. Gods of life and death."

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He bumps Than's foot again. "Hot and cold. Reckless and..."

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"...very bad at actually talking or making decisions or doing things?"

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"Introspective. Careful. Measured."

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Than turns his head to look at Zag more properly. "Caring. Passionate. Driven."

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Zagreus laughs. "Yes, alright. I think it works."

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Than looks down at his feet again and smiles to himself. "It works. It's worked for centuries."

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"Guess it has." He extends his left arm to wrap it around Thanatos. He's the smallest of the gods, and even if for a human he'd be tall and muscular and broad-shouldered, Thanatos is still overall just bigger. He just barely reaches the full-blooded god's other shoulder.

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Thanatos snuggles up closer, and leans his head on Zagreus's shoulder. "Zag, I..."

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Zagreus leans to his left to rest his head atop Than's and reaches for Than's right hand with his own, wrapping his fingers between Than's and lightly running his thumb on Thanatos's skin. He still doesn't love the silences, but he has learnt to cherish them. His Thanatos will say what he needs to say when he knows how.

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He stays silent for a while, but eventually finds his words again: "I'm with you. Okay? Through thick and thin, I'm going to stay with you, whatever you decide to do. So please... count on me. Let me help with, with whatever you need to do. Even if you need to run away again, we're, we're gods, we have forever, right? I'm here, for you."

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Zagreus smiles and closes his eyes. "Thank you, Than. That... means a lot."

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"...and if you even think of disappearing again without telling me I will literally hunt you down and kill you myself."

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He laughs. "I would expect nothing less, lover."

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Thanatos does not have red mortal blood and so he does not blush.

He would if he could, though.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to—this."

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"...us. The way you treat me. It feels..."

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"It's been six hundred years, Thanatos!" Zagreus laughs.

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"Yes, well, call me slow. I can never keep up with you, try as I might."

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"Well, I will always wait for you."

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He pulls his hand away from Zagreus's to hide his face in it. "You keep saying these things so casually."

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Zag turns to kiss the top of Thanatos's head. "They have been true for so long, it seems silly to try to rethink them every time."

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"...Zagreus, you are making me want to jump your bones again. Let's at least get cleaned up before you tempt me more, okay?"

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"Do I get to play with your gauntlet?"

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He unhides his face and lifts his head up to look at Zag. "You could always get one of your own."

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"Sure I could, but it's a lot more fun when it's you."

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"Stop flirting with me and go grab a scrubber."

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"Only if you promise you'll use it on me."

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"Of course I'm going to use it on you, you deadbeat, I took a whole break to have this date with you."

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Zagreus laughs and hops off the water to grab soapstone and a scrubber.

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By the time he returns, the water around Thanatos has grown noticeably colder, and the humidity in the air is condensing into clouds.

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"Let me fix that for you," says Zagreus, plopping down into the water again. It sizzles and bubbles much more, with the cold.

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"I don't actually mind the cold."

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"I know, but you like the heat, " he says, poking Thanatos's calf with his big toe.

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"Hand me that."

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Here he has it.

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So Thanatos grabs the scrubber and chooses the side of Zagreus's chin as his first target.

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Zagreus splutters and laughs and pushes Thanatos away. "What was that for?"

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"Whatever do you mean? I'm just cleaning you up. You seem to have a lot of stuff stuck to your face. What is that anyway?"

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"You know exactly what it is you twerp."

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"Well if you don't like the scrubber then maybe..." Thanatos puts it down at the side and leans closer to Zagreus, their faces nearly touching, and promptly licks the spot on Zag's chin he'd started scrubbing.

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He giggles. "Thanatos—"

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Than holds Zag's head still with both hands. "Stop moving," he says, and resumes the licking. The side of Zag's chin, around his lips, down his jawline and neck...

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...oh, okay, this has changed in tone rather quickly hasn't it. The god of life holds still and closes his eyes, allowing Thanatos to lick him clean and only shivering at the cool touch a little bit.

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"I think you made a mess elsewhere, too," Thanatos whispers into Zagreus's skin. He slides his left hand down Zagreus's body, all the way to his lower abs and pelvic area. The motions he performs there are probably not amazing at cleaning anything quickly, but they're gods, they have forever.

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Okay yes, right, and Zagreus has actually a grand total of zero objections to this development right here.

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What a surprise.

Thanatos grabs the pumice scrubber and lightly scratches the cum from earlier off Zagreus's torso. With his free hand, he pinches one of Zagreus's nipples.

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Zagreus makes an undignified squeak when he's pinched and his dick twitches.

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"You make the most attractive noises and faces when I'm playing with you."

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"Hhhhhhhhhh," is all Zagreus can say to that.

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And now would you look at that it seems Thanatos's gauntlet has found its way back to his right hand.

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"Really, Zagreus? Just the sight of it?"

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"Don't act like this is a new development!!!!!"

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"I suppose not. It still never fails to surprise me, how easy it is to turn you on."

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"Thanatos stop teasing me."

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"Hmm, that didn't sound like something a good boy would say." The gauntlet vanishes.

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Gulp. "I mean, sir, please, will you. Touch me. With that. Please?"

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"That's more like it. But I think I will tease you as much as I like." He puts the pumice away and then immediately grabs Zagreus's erection and gives it a hard squeeze.

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"The most attractive," Thanatos reiterates, leaning forward to kiss Zagreus once again.

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Zagreus's lips part willingly at the pressure of Thanatos's, his tongue meeting Than's and permitting easy access to his mouth.

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And oh what's that sharp thing lightly grazing the side of Zagreus's ribs?

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"Oh, Than, please," he gasps, breaking the kiss and scrunching his eyes shut. "Please—"

He can't really find it in him to come up with more words.

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Thanatos laughs and kisses the corner of Zagreus's mouth. "You want more, Zagriske?"

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"Yes—more—please—all of it—please—"

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Than obliges, pressing the tip of his index finger just a little bit harder.

It's enough to break skin, letting a drop of blood well up and slide down the side of Zagreus's skin until it falls into the water and dissipates. He slides that point a couple further inches down, easily slicing the skin as he goes along.

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Zagreus manages to not violently shudder through sheer force of will. He doesn't want to ruin Thanatos's art piece by getting cut more than his lover wants him to.

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"What a good Zagriske," he whispers, releasing the pressure and making the gauntlet vanish again. He runs his bare finger along the cut, looking into Zagreus's eyes as he lifts it to Zagreus's lips, smeared with his red blood, like a mortal's.

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Zagreus's lips part once more to let Thanatos's finger in, and he licks it clean of blood. He continues to suck on it even so, gazing at his lover with pleading, adoring eyes.

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Thanatos gently strokes Zag's shaft under the water and pulls his finger free of Zag's lips to cup the side of his face. "Is this enough for now, I wonder?"

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"No—please—Than, sir, my Thanatos, I'm—do whatever you will with me—but I would—" Zagreus swallows, his eyes locked into Thanatos's through a force much stronger than his will. "I would have more of your marks on me. Please."

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"What a lovely pet you make, my Zagreus." The gauntlet is back, and a soft slow slice down Zagreus's left cheek is his response. "This is a good place, too, isn't it? So that everyone knows you belong to me."

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In any other situation, Zag would have remarked on the irony of this statement when juxtaposed to how much more hesitant Thanatos used to be about their relationship a few centuries before. But nowadays everyone in and out of the Underworld knows about the two of them, and Thanatos has taken an almost possessive pride in being with Zagreus, which flares up especially strongly when he's in a mood like this one.

He stays entirely still, feeling the sharp pain of the cut to his cheek in full, picturing the scar it will leave (at least until he dies again), wondering whether others will know, whether they will understand that such a precise incision could never have shown by accident.

Megaera will know, of course. She and Zagreus played at this long before Thanatos worked up the nerve to do it (and the taste for doing it). She will tease him with ambiguous words and looks, not quite exposing him in front of the Underworld's servants. Alecto will mock him for it and call him "redblood", and if this used to irritate him, now it will just remind him of where the cut came from.

And when Thanatos runs a second line perpendicular to the first, slightly widening the wound where the lines intersect, that's nearly enough to make him come then and there.

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"Is this too much for you, Zag? I wanted to play for longer," Thanatos says, giving Zagreus's dick another hard squeeze.

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"No—sir—I can take more, you—please use me, I'm all yours—"

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"That's what I thought." Yet another squeeze followed by a soft cold kiss on Zagreus's left cheek. "The X marks the treasure," he murmurs, trailing more kisses down Zagreus's jawline and neck, biting on the skin on his collarbone and nibbling on his pecks until he gets to the nipple.

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Zagreus moans, and he can't help moving and shuddering which just makes his cuts smart and hurt and ache, his blood dropping down his skin leaving trails of fresh red where they pass.

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"Get out of the water," Thanatos orders. "Sit."

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Zagreus is quick to obey, sitting at the edge of the pool so that his thighs and hips are just below Thanatos's eye level.

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And Thanatos finds himself between Zagreus's legs, pushing them open so he has more access to Zagreus's dick. He makes sure to keep looking up at Zagreus's face when he takes Zagreus's shaft into his mouth, wrapping his arms around his lover's hips and pressing his hands and fingers against Zagreus's ass and lower back.

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Zag leans back, propping himself up on his arms and giving Thanatos freer access, leaking some precum into Thanatos's mouth.

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He moves his left hand down again to stroke himself, but his right hand—the one with the gauntlet—is still there.

And he digs his fingers into Zagreus's flesh.

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"Ah FUCK—"

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Thanatos doesn't ease up on the pressure and just keeps sucking Zagreus off, drinking up all of Zagreus's cum as he orgasms from the pain of the punctures.

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"Fuck fuck fuuuuuuck oh Thanatos oh please fuuuuuuuuuck—"

And then he loses all coherency and it's all he can do to keep sitting up and not collapse into a heap.

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As Zagreus's orgasm slows and eventually ends, Thanatos licks the last few drops of his seed off his cock, and finally releases Zagreus's ass. He looks up at his lover's face and starts lightly running the tip of his index finger along Zagreus's lower back, not hard enough to actually cause bleeding but definitely enough to scrape and smart.

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"Than—my Thanatos—oh fuck—I need to—"

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The gauntlet disappears and Than helps Zag turn around to lie on his stomach, being careful not to touch the cuts on his side and back nor the deep wounds on his asscheek and lower back. Once Zagreus is lying down properly, Thanatos slides over to the wounds again and presses gentle kisses on each of them.

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"Oh—ah Than—Thanatos—oh that hurts, keep doing that, I love you so much—"

He shuts his eyes and buries his face in his arms, letting out a hiss when he accidentally presses his bleeding cheek against his arm and readjusting to avoid that.

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"As do I, Zagriske," he responds, cupping his hands to get some of the bath's water to wash Zagreus's blood off.

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Zag hisses again but doesn't flinch, and lets Than take care of him until the pain is reduced to a dull ache.

After that, he just stays there, breathing slowly, and crying a little bit into his arms.

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Thanatos gets out of the water and lies beside Zagreus, resting one hand on his back and using the index finger on the other hand to trace small circles on the back of Zagreus's arm. "I love you, Zagreus," he says, planting kisses on Zag's shoulder and back.

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He mumbles something into his arms that sounds like the appropriate response, but falls quiet once again after that.

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Than keeps petting and nuzzling him, cooing softly and calling Zagreus's name and pet names.

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After a few minutes it becomes clear that Zagreus has actually fallen asleep.

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That's alright. Thanatos is ahead of his work—he always is, when there's nothing particularly pressing happening up on the surface—and he had already planned to take the whole day off. He'll stay here with his lover for as long as Zag'll stay.

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Zagreus wakes up a bit less than an hour and a half later and lifts his head, blinking off the sleep in confusion. When he sees Thanatos there, lying next to him with his own eyes shut, he smiles and reaches out to run his fingers softly through Thanatos's hair.

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Than's eyes open when Zag touches him, and he offers his lover a crooked smile. "Sleep enough?"

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"For a lifetime. You're still here."

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"I always am."

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Zagreus drags himself a bit to the right so he can touch Thanatos's forehead with his own. "Ow," he says, eloquently.

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"You quite literally asked for it."

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"I did, I did, I'm not complaining, it was great. Just, also, ow."

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"You're very strange, Zagreus."

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"You love me anyway."

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"Yes, I do."

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"This bath was not very successful."

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"Hmm, and whose fault was that?"

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"...yours? I was doing fine until you decided to start licking me."

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Thanatos laughs and pushes himself up to a kneeling position. "Then let's actually get cleaned this time, shall we, Zag?"

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"Yes, sir." Zagreus starts pushing himself up and then winces and drops back down. "Ow."

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"Stop being so dramatic, Zag, I've seen you limp out of a pit of magma with five arrows sticking out of different body parts."

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"But I huuuuurt, won't anyone heeeeeelp meeeeee? Maybe a gorgeous golden-eyed god of death could give me a hand?"

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"Oh, sure, I can."

So he unceremoniously uses his hand to push Zagreus into the pool before floating over to it himself.

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Zagreus splashes loudly and splutters, laughing and gasping for air.

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And Than can be more actively helpful with the cleaning process this time rather than distracting Zag with more sex.

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For which Zag is only mildly thankful.

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"I have taken the whole day off," Than observes when they're about done.

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"Wow! To what do I owe the honour?"

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He looks at Zag a bit more seriously. "You know, I'm not quite an idiot. I noticed how you were feeling, there. I wanted you to tell me—whatever it was."

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"...Than, you really need to be more careful with where you're pointing that mood whiplash, you'll take someone's eye out someday."

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"Well, hard intimate conversations are easier when we're having close intimate moments, are they not?"

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"I think it's emotionally intimate."

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"Oh? And do you not feel particularly emotionally close to me right now?"

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"...you got me there."

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"And, well, I like spending time with you. You should know that by now."

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"I do, I do. I like spending time with you, too."

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"Good. I would feel rather silly if you didn't."

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"Wanna get us out of here?"

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"Already out of juice for your phasing, Zagreus?"

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"Come onnnnnn Thannnnnnn pleeeeeeease?"

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He rolls his eyes but a second later they are both back in Zagreus's bedroom.

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Zag limps over to his bed and then flops there onto his back.

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"You must be more bored than I expected if you're already sitting in bed again," he says, floating over to the bed with his arms folded.

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Zag sits back up, grumbling. "Yes, I am, okay? Look, Than, I... it feels so pointless."

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"The repeated escapes of the realm of the dead, now fortified to the full extent of divine possibility, which only fails to hold you due to an obvious-in-hindsight divine ability that no one else possesses or plausibly will possess? Is that what feels pointless, Zagreus?"

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"Well, when you put it like that." He falls back onto the bed and crosses his fingers over his stomach, looking at the ceiling.

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Thanatos sits on the bed again and rests a hand on Zagreus's thigh.

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"You know, I think your job wouldn't be—I mean, at least it changes, you know? And it means something. You—make a difference."

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"And... you think you don't?"

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"Not anymore. I really don't, actually!" he says, throwing his arms out wide and then covering his eyes with both hands.

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"Well, Zag, what did you do last time you felt like this?"

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"I ran out until I couldn't run anymore and then I kept running. And I... found my mother. Up there."

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"Still don't know what you see, there. It's too bright."

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"Well, my point is... see... last time you did the impossible, right? You did what couldn't be done. You left, and you left again and again and again. You're stronger than Lord Hades, at least in combat—"

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"It was just that mirror," says Zagreus, gesturing towards the wall to his right, which is 80% covered by a large ornate mirror that faintly glows dark. "I'm thankful for your mother's assistance, but—"

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"Quit it. Yes, maybe it helped you the first few times, but all it did was help you figure out what you, yourself, could do. And you know it."

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"Is there a point to this?"

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"Yes, Zagreus. Do the impossible again."

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"What does that mean? Leaving the Underworld is not impossible. Not to me, anyway. Not to you, either, of course, but it's, you know. You."

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"Why are you here and not there?"

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"What do you mean? I mean, for one, you're here—"

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"As you have just pointed out, I, too, can leave whenever I want. I would find you."

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"—right, sure, but for two, even if I wanted to be there I can't, I burn out. I die."

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"And if you didn't? If you could stay, if you could see more of Greece, and meet the mortals, and—"

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"—and that's impossible, is that what you mean?"

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"Yes. Do it anyway, Zag."

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He sits up once more. "How?"

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"I don't know. But if anyone can figure it out, it'd be you. Wouldn't it?"

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"I—yes. Yes, I guess... I guess it would be." He pushes himself forward to wrap his arms around Thanatos in a hug.

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Than laughs in surprise but returns the hug.

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Zagreus throws his weight back towards the bed without letting go of the hug, pulling Thanatos with him.

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The god of death plays along and falls, too, arranging himself so he's not lying awkwardly half on top of Zagreus.

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Zag reaches up to brush a few strands of wet hair off Than's forehead.

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Than closes his eyes to let him, then opens them again and just smiles at his lover.

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"How did I land the hottest god in all of the Underworld or Olympus?" he wonders aloud, running the tips of his fingers in repetitive patterns on Thanatos's skin and hair.

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"Zag, there are many things I could say to this but I think the best one is never let Aphrodite hear you say this ever."

He's clearly amused, though.

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"She can't hear me here," he says, waving his hand vaguely before resuming petting Than.

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"Maybe not, but it's not good to get in the habit. Especially with meaningless flattery like that."

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"It is not meaningless!"

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"You don't need to flirt even more with me, Zag, I'm already yours."

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"That's what I was marvelling at!"

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"It's not very mysterious."

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"Have you ever thought of having anyone else?"

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"We've had this conversation, Zag. Maybe, if I ever met someone else. But I'm pretty busy, you know that, and no one else I know..."

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"You and Meg cosy up when we have fun together."

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"She and I... we're friends, I guess. We've worked together for longer than you've been alive, you know that. We get each other. But other than fooling around with you sometimes I don't really see us going anywhere."

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"She's really hot."

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Than looks amused. "And for all of that, you never really got back together, did you?"

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"Well... there was too much bad blood, back then. I think. And... I don't..."

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"You ask me that, but I can ask you the same thing back, can't I? You have your fun with Meg, sometimes the three of us together, sometimes the Olympians come to visit... But you don't have this with any of them, do you? ...not that it's any of my business."

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"Of course it's your business, I wouldn't just suddenly one day show up with someone else and go 'hey Than make room for this stranger in your life'."

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...that makes him smile, slightly, again. "Well, then. We seem to be on the same boat, so to speak."

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"Yeah. I mean, Aphrodite is really hot and Dionysus is a bro, but..."

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"Not quite your type?"

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"As you said, all evidence points to my type containing exactly one person."

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"Maybe you will meet a mortal you fancy when you figure out how to spend longer on the surface."

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"Then I will have to introduce you."

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"...are you jealous, Thanatos? Of an entirely hypothetical person? I never took you for the type."

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He huffs. "Of course not, Zagreus. We're gods."

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"Well, what, then?"

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He furrows his eyebrows and doesn't immediately reply.

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Then he'll get Zagreus running his hand along the side of his body, drawing more random figures on his skin with the tips of his fingers. And maybe Zag will also wrap his leg around Than's.

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Thanatos shuts his eyes and hums. "I think... there's still a part of me that's... afraid I'm not good enough. To get you to stay. ...No, what I mean is... I know you say you'll never get bored of me, but... This is embarrassing."

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Zagreus pauses, then rests his hand on Thanatos's cheek. "It's just us, here, Than. There's nothing to be embarrassed about."

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"Easy for you to say," he grumbles.

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Zag laughs. "Maybe. Take a leaf from my book, then."

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He just shrugs and smiles, waiting for Than to say what he means to say.

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He sighs and thinks his words through for another moment. "It's not really rational. Mortals, they want to be... everything to each other. Maybe they can, I don't know, but... I know I won't ever be everything to you, and nor do I want to. And... I guess I'm... scared... that you'll want that, too, and I won't be able to give you it."

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"That... sounds miserable, actually, Than, I would never want that."

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"I still remember how I felt when I arrived that day and you weren't there. It... was the first time I felt so angry but I think it's also because I felt so... powerless. Like, like things could just change from under me and I wouldn't know where to step... And like we weren't enough."

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"Ugh, why do you have to make me say it. Us, you and I, we."

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"...well, I didn't really think we had an 'us' then."

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He furrows his eyebrows again and doesn't reply.

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"But, you know, I think in some sense we weren't enough," he adds. "Because... I never realised just how important you were to me until you said 'goodbye', that day. I thought... you showed up and I thought I was going to have to fight you, but then you helped me, and then you... left. I'd never thought... that you were something I could lose, until I almost did, and I never want to feel like that again."

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"Well, then don't."

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"I'm not planning to! Than, even if—when I figure out how to last longer up on the surface, I'm not just going to leave you. You can find me, you can always find me, and I can find you. And I'll come back, probably, every now and then, if nothing else I have friends here, and family, right?"

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"...right. Right, and you're, you're still mending bridges with your father, and your mother always comes back even if she spends half the year on Olympus."

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"And I have you, you really need to stop underestimating how important that is to me."

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"...yeah. Yeah, okay. Consider me reassured."

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"Great, we can stop the mopefest now. Kiss me."

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He does.

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"So, how do you want to spend the rest of your day off?"

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"...you're going to laugh."

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"Promise I won't."

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"I think... I want to sleep."

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"Sleep? Like, actually sleep?"

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"...well, can I sleep with you, then?"

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"I was not expecting this reply."

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"What were you expecting?"

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"I don't know, trying to talk me out of it, or asking why, or, or thinking it's a waste of time...?"

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"When was the last time you actually slept?"

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"I... don't remember. A century ago, maybe."

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"Yeah, well, mr. workaholic, I think sleeping is a fine idea, and I want to spend your day off with you, even if I'm unconscious for a large chunk of it."

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Thanatos scoots forward a bit to bump his forehead against Zagreus.

"Okay. I'd like that. If you're sure."

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"Here, or your chambers?"

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"Here works."

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"Get under the covers, then," Zagreus says, sitting up to pull the covers out from under himself.

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"I don't feel cold."

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"Me neither, but it is snugglier."

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He doesn't have an argument to that so he helps Zagreus out and soon they are both under the cover, snuggling.

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"I'm not big enough to be called a big spoon."

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"I like it like this anyway," says Thanatos, backing up a bit closer to Zagreus and shutting his eyes.

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Zagreus nuzzles the back of Thanatos's neck, his eyelids drooping shut as well, and plants a kiss there.

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"Love you, Zag."

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"I love you, too." Kiss kiss. "Now sleep, you have a lot of it to catch up on."

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"Wanting me to shut up so soon?"

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Zag reaches around to cover Than's mouth with his hand. "Yes, and no more banter. Good night. Or... not-night. You know what I mean."

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Than mumbles something into Zag's hand but doesn't protest any further.

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Good good so Zag can focus on snuggling and sleeping.


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Despite everything, Thanatos wakes up first. It's been... seven hours and thirty-seven minutes, by his estimates. That was much longer than he'd expected, but spying Zagreus lying there, snoring quietly, one of his arms lazily draped over Thanatos, he can't bring himself to regret it. He feels... he's not sure how he feels. It's one of the good kinds, though, he's managed to learn to tell that much.

He carefully turns around so he can look at his lover more properly without waking him up, and other than a small grumble Zag seems undisturbed. Thanatos reaches down to run his fingers along the side of Zagreus's ribs, trying to find the spot where he cut him, and it's easy enough to feel the different texture of the scabs.

It's his name's initial. He's sure Zagreus didn't notice, at the time; he probably thought Thanatos had just sliced once or something. Next time he looks at himself in the mirror, though, he'll see it.

It's... slightly embarrassing, Than admits to himself, but also makes him feel a warm fuzzy feeling that he doesn't quite dislike. He'll keep it.

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Zagreus stays fast asleep for nearly another full hour. When he stirs, his first instinct is to tighten his grip on Thanatos and pull him closer.

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He opens his eyes and blinks blearily. When he notices Thanatos there, he smiles. "Hey, Than."

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It's such a tiny thing, this smile, and it's been six hundred years, but it still sends his heart aflutter to cause it, every time. In lieu of responding, he leans over to kiss Zag.

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Oh good, that's a pretty great thing to wake up.

Except: "Ow."

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He shifts his weight a little bit so that it's more evenly distributed around his back and legs and more specifically less focused on his butt. "I'm feeling last night.  ...yesterday."

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"I don't know if I should have been gentler or rougher."

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"Than, are you trying to get me riled up again? Because I have this morning wood and I am into it."

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"So what you're saying is that you want to be covered in marks next time anyone sees you."

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"Wouldn't be the first time, now, would it? And it's not like people are not used to seeing me beat up."

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This seems to amuse Than for some reason.

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"...what is it?"

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"Nothing you won't like, I hope."

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"Alright... but is that a yes or a no on the beating me up front?"

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"Isn't Meg better at beating you up than I am?"

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"...well, yes, okay, how about we rephrase that to 'use that wonderful gauntlet on me some more until there's no part of me you haven't cut'?"

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"So the answer to my earlier question was 'rougher'."

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"I very emphatically want you to use me like a stress relief toy."

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"I don't think I feel particularly stressed."

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"Thannnnnn come onnnnnnn just fuck me uuuuuuuup," he whines, turning around (and wincing when he rests his weight on the wounds on one of his buttocks) so he can wrap one leg over Thanatos and poke him with his dick.

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Well, he'll find he's not the only one who's excited, here.

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"—you're just teasing me!" he accuses.

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"Of course I am, Zagreus, and honestly I think the only way you failed to notice it was wilful idiocy!"

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"Fuck me uuuuuuuuup," he whines again.

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"Your plan for getting me in the mood seems to have some flaws."

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"You're already in the mood!" Poke poke. "I can feel it."

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"Maybe I'm in the mood for you to... as you put it, 'fuck me up'."

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"—oh. Yeah, okay, I can do that, do you want to do that?"

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"Read the room, Zagriske."

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It's like flicking a switch.

Zagreus flips over to lie on top of Thanatos, pinning his hands to either side and sitting heavily enough on Than's midsection that he couldn't leave if he tried (nevermind the pain on Zag's backside, it's getting dull again anyway).

"Better now, Than?"

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"Six out of ten for effort."

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"So encouraging," he says, dryly, before slowly sliding Than's wrists closer to his neck. "You know, I have been practising phasing," he says, casually, and a flash of red-black "light" later makes a collar appear around Than's throat, attached to which are two wristcuffs pinning Than's arms in that position.

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"—oh," he breathes, caught a bit by surprise.

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Zag hooks a finger behind Thanatos's choker and then steps around him and off the bed, tugging slightly. "Get on your feet."

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Thanatos nods a little bit and pulls himself up to the extent of his ability.

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"I think," he says, raising one finger to tap on his cheek while keeping hold of Than's collar, "that I am going to borrow one of Meg's rooms. I'm sure she won't mind."

And before Than can actually process what that means, Zag has locked his legs and an instant later they are both in something that could well be described as a "dungeon".

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"...Zag, I—"

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"Nuh uh, I don't think so," he says, one finger to Than's lips to silence him. "On your knees."

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Thanatos slowly gets on his knees, lowering his gaze and trembling a little bit.

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Zag did not fail to notice the twitch of Than's dick when he gave the order, though. He smiles to himself and walks over to a table with many neatly ordered peculiar objects. After considering his array of options, he goes with a little something that looks like an egg made of red and orange glass, like flames. It also has a little thin cylinder attached to the wider end, and a flat disc attached to the other end of said cylinder. "Bend over, lovely."

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Than doesn't have his hands, but it's not like he needs to—he can fly. Still, he does bend over, using his elbows to prop himself up and sticking his butt in the air.

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Zag finds another bottle of Nectar—so many uses!—and pours copious amount of it on the little egg-like toy. Then he walks over to where Than is and gets on his knees himself, pouring more of the nectar over his own fingers. With his left hand he reaches for Than's dick from the side, and with his right he starts lightly caressing Than's hole.

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Thanatos makes an involuntary noise at the touch, like electricity going through his body, and sticks his ass out further so Zag can have better access.

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"You say I make attractive faces and noises, but have you ever looked at yourself? Someone ought to make a painting of you like this. Maybe someday I'll commission one, hang it in my bedroom so I can remember it and jerk off to it."

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He makes another noise at that. "Zag—"

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Zag inserts one finger into Than's asshole at that. "Yes, lovely?"

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He moans at that, scrunching his eyes shut and squeezing his ass around Zagreus's finger. "You wouldn't dare."

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"Wouldn't I?" he muses, massaging Thanatos's insides while teasing the tip and head of his cock. "But when I put that little toy," he continues, gesturing with his head in the direction of where he left it, "inside you and it lights up, you are going to be such a work of art. Your faces, the way your body will move..."

Second finger.

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Thanatos grunts as the finger sends another jolt along his body. "What—Zag, what are you, nnngh, what are you going to put inside me?"

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"You'll see. Or feel. I'm sure."

He pumps into and out of Thanatos's hole, mostly teasing and prepping for now, massaging Than's prostate and loosening him up (not that he needs much loosening, but Zag likes to be thorough).

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Than whimpers then tries to clamp down on his mouth with his hands, but the collar is too awkwardly-positioned for that so he just bites down on his lower lip.

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Thiiiiird finger?

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He gives Than's dick a squeeze. "You're very beautiful."

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Than cannot blush but he can look away from Zag.

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So Zag can pull out of Than's ass and slap it. "Stay here," he singsongs.

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"Yes, sir," he murmurs.

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Then he returns, butt plug in hand. "Relax, lovely."

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He does his best.

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So Zagreus starts pushing the thinner end of the plug in until it's gone allll the way.

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Than focuses on relaxing, but the plug feels like it's going to fill him up.

Until eventually it stops, and almost clicks into place.

At first, it doesn't feel particularly special, other than bigger than usual for these things. But then he understands—it starts getting warm. Warmer, warmer, hot. He whimpers, but it keeps getting hotter, and hotter, and at one point he realises he's started moaning loudly. He also notices that Zag's hand is still stroking him, and actually that he's leaking rather a lot of precum. This feels mostly abstract, though, as his awareness is almost entirely concentrated in the burning plug in his ass.

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"Oh, lovely, you look stunning," Zagreus sighs, enchanted. "So now I think we can get started," he continues, getting to his feet and pulling on Than's wrists and torso to help him get up, as well.

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Than almost misses those words, but they manage to make their way to his awareness enough for him to look at Zagreus with—he's not even sure what expression he's making, right now, probably something between abject terror and unbounded lust. "Get started?" he manages to say.

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"Mmhm. I still have some things I want to do to you."

Zag walks Than over to a wall that has rather suspiciously-positioned hooks. He fiddles with Thanatos's collar and the wrist cuffs come detached, and he attaches them to the appropriate places at the wall, stretched to both sides and up. And at some point he seems to have attached ankle cuffs to Than, too, which he also hooks to the wall, so that Than is entirely hanging from them.

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Thanatos's conscience manages to expand outwards from the burning plug around the time the first ankle cuff is being attached to that wall. He feels like he must have come at some point in this process, there's no way he's been feeling like that continuously for this long and not had a single orgasm, but a scan of the floor shows no evidence of it.

"Zag, this—this is—" Too much? Perfect? Not enough? He's not sure what he needs here but his mind is overwhelmed and whenever he can spare a thought to anything other than his direct senses he thinks only of Zagreus.

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"I know, I know. I love you."

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"I love you, too, Zagreus," he says, looking up at the god of life with—again, he's not sure what with, but it can't be bad, not when the love of his—existence—is right htere in front of him.

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Zag walks up to Than, holding his chin between a thumb and index finger, and he lifts Than's head up to kiss him.

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Than drinks up the kiss like a parched man in the desert, and this time he's aware enough to feel Zag's hand start fiddling with his nipple.

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Zag gives Than's nipple one final pinch before pulling away.

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Than lets out a downright undignified whine when Zag pulls away, and it speaks of how far gone he is at the moment that he doesn't even mind it that much.

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Zag laughs but doesn't reply, and is nevertheless back in only a couple of seconds with a thin paddle.

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Thanatos eyes it, then looks up at Zag again with pleading eyes. "Zag..."

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...man. If Zag's erection was flagging that look brings it right back up. "It's so distracting to see you like that. I want you to keep looking at me like that, I want to hear you call my name more and moan while you do it."

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"Zagreus," he whines again.

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So Zag gets real close to Than, looking him right in the eyes. He rests one hand on Than's cheek... and hits him across the ribs with the paddle.

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"Ngh!" Than moans, caught by surprise and leaning his face against Zag's shoulder.

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"Such delightful noises," Zag whispers. "Maybe I should just keep you locked up down here forever for my pleasure."

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Thanatos doesn't respond; he just stays there, hanging from his wrists and ankles, face pressed against Zag's skin, breathing heavily.

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And so Zag steps away to have more space and hits him again, from the other direction.

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"Ah!" Than yelps. His skin bruises a dark colour, not the red and purple of human blood, but rather something closer to blue and black.

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"It's like I'm painting you. You're my canvas, my work of art." He hits Than three more times in succession, once going for the ribs again and the other times targetting either side of his lower torso.

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The god of death moans and groans and cries out with each hit, and though his movement is limited each jolt of his body or clenching of his muscles reminds him of the plug in his ass, like a fire inside him that burns but doesn't consume.

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Zagreus keeps at it for a while, petting his lover and complimenting him, calling his name and calling him beautiful. He pauses every now and then to kiss Thanatos, to run calloused fingers along Thanatos's skin, to appreciate his handiwork.

It's gorgeous.

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Thanatos doesn't get numb, but he does get tired. At some point he feels like every part of him aches and hurts, and hits breath comes in ragged and broken. He's nearly overwhelmed by it, by sensations from his whole body begging him to stop and the knowledge that he is at Zag's mercy for that.

When it does stop, he doesn't quite notice it immediately. The pause between sweet hits and soft words stretches, and is then broken by the sound of clinking coming from the cuffs. He sags, when they're all undone, and he notices he's being carried to a bed.

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"So beautiful," Zag murmurs. "My lovely. Please relax." He turns Than around and reaches for the plug then starts pulling it.

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The renewed pain from the plug being pulled away brings him back to the present, and he belatedly registers Zag's words and relaxes his muscles to make the job easier for his lover. Once it's all out, he almost misses it, misses the sensations coming from everywhere and pressing into him from all directions.

"Zag," he breathes, "Zagreus, please..." He's not entirely sure what he's asking for, but Zagreus is, because next thing he knows he can feel the tip of Zag's dick pressing against his hole and it's all he can do to relax again and let him in rather than try to press back or tell Zag to hurry up and fuck him.

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Compared to the violence from earlier, this is almost gentle. Zagreus hugs Thanatos from behind and goes all the way in, Than's asshole more than ready to receive him after all of that. He starts rocking his hips back and forth, reaching around to jerk Than off at the same time and kissing Than's neck and shoulder while he does it.

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Than knows it's insane to feel like he's never wanted something so badly his whole existence but he feels it anyway, like he needs Zagreus inside him more than anything else, he needs Zagreus to come insider him and he needs to come from that as well. Zag's hands are quite unnecessary; his prostate feels like it would vibrate at a light touch, and Zag's dick is not light at all, and he's being played like a lyre. He's once again lost to sensation and he's moaning Zagreus's name amongst wordless cries and contentless pleading.

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Zag speeds up and up, his thrusts growing more forceful with time, and his kisses become bites as he feels he's about to climax. The hand he's not using to masturbate his lover is playing with Than's nipple, rubbing it and pinching it and feeling it, and it's more for himself than for Than's sake, but he can't stop.

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Than feels like he should give warning but he gets none of his own, and when he comes he does it suddenly and messily and it just keeps going. He cries a long moan, and he shoots load after load onto who knows whose bed. He reaches behind himself desperately and grabs Zag's buttock, squeezing Zag closer against his skin as he feels the shocks of his orgasm subside.

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And the squeeze is what sends Zag over the edge himself, reminding him of the holes Than left in his flesh earlier in the most visceral way possible. He, too, grips Than closer, and he stops pumping so he can come inside his lover, biting down hard enough at that moment to break the skin on Than's shoulder. His moan is muffled but no less long, and he stays in that locked position for what feels like forever as he keeps filling Thanatos up.

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When Zag's iron grip finally relaxes some Than allows himself to relax, and he feels himself nearly crumble. He just woke up from nearly eight hours of sleep before this but he's exhausted enough he feels like he could do another four hours. He keeps his eyes closed and tries to keep his breathing even, but it's really really hard when every bit of movement causes pain everywhere. He feels Zag pulling out, and feels Zag's seed inside him, and suddenly feels overwhelmed by the need to kiss him right now immediately.

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When Than turns around he finds that Zag had the exact same idea. They kiss, for a long time, who knows how long. Zag runs his hands through Than's hair, the fuzzy shaved areas around and behind as well as the soft longer hair growing from above, and they stay that way for what feels like yet another eternity, drinking and breathing each other as if there's nothing else in the world.

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But all things come to an end, and this kiss is no exception. Thanatos pulls away slowly, turning around to better face Zagreus, but then looks up and around at the room they're in. "One of Meg's dungeons?"

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"Of the more fun kinds, yeah."

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"The kind of torture that must happen here does have a certain flavour."

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"I am told mortals often don't actually like... any of this, actually."

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"It makes sense. Pain to them too often precedes death, and they are afraid of me."

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"I still think we should make a better effort to tell them what the Underworld is actually like."

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"Lord Hades is against this plan, as you well know. You have had this same discussion with him dozens of times."

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"He's budged on lots of things since Mother came back, it could just be a matter of more persistence."

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"You know what, Zag, I am going to temporarily ban your family from pillow talk topics."

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He laughs. "Alright, Than, sure."

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Than looks down at his body then back up at Zagreus. "You left quite a few marks on me, this time, though."

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"I diiiiiiid. They look gorgeous."

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"We should really find you a mirror."

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"Why? I know I'm gorgeous, too."

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"The marks I left on you are nice, too."

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"What, the cuts? ...wait, are they not just lines, did you draw something or...?"

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"Get a mirror, Zag, I want you to see for yourself."

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"Hmm." He can phase once more back to his bedroom—

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—and go look at himself in the huge mirror there. "ΘΖ?" He turns around. "You wrote our initials on me. What in my father's name, who gave you permission to be this sappy and adorable?" he says, dashing back to his bedroom to snuggle Thanatos some more.

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"Ow," he repeats once squeezed.

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Zag giggles and unsqueezes a bit. "Sorry. I love you, Than."

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"That's not news, Zag."

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"Alright, you. Feeling rested, much?"

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"I was, but then a certain tireless someone decided to change that."

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"Uh huh, go blaming me, why don't you."

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"I am."

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"Alright, alright, get up, let's go grab something to eat at the lounge, since we seem to be doing things we haven't done in far too long today. Tonight. One of those."

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"Zagreus, I am not going to the lounge dripping your seed. I would not do that to poor Dusa."

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"Yeah, okay, but wow now I just thought about the poor souls that have to clean up after Uncle Zeus."

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"We are still lying down, this is still pillow talk, no family!"

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Zag laughs. "Right, right. Then let's first get cleaned up and then go to the lounge, yes?"

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"A better order of operations, yes."

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They can get themselves cleaned up, then, and Zagreus manages to mostly keep his hands off Thanatos and they successfully avoid being "distracted" once again.

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And Thanatos can make his clothes, scythe, shin guards, and gauntlet reappear on him easily enough.

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"Aww, that covers half of my art."

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"I'm sure people will not have trouble guessing there's more of it from seeing the half they can see, Zagreus."

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"You don't cover art just because people can guess there is more of it!"

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"If you want to go to the lounge naked and show off my handiwork, Zag, you can be my guest," Than says, promptly making himself float a few inches off the ground as usual.

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He fold one arm over his chest, holding his elbow, and scratches his chin with the other hand, looking pensive.

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"Seriously, Zagreus...?"

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"It's not like the whole Underworld isn't already aware that you and I are an item, Than, it's been centuries."

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Than sighs. "Do whatever you will," he says, shaking his head and turning around to float out of the room.

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Zag laughs and follows Thanatos out.

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At the lounge, one of the tables is occupied by a tall blue woman with a rather long ponytail, golden jewellery adorning her head, neck, shoulders, and arms, and a single bat wing sticking out of her blue-and-gold chiton.

When Thanatos and Zagreus enter the room, she looks up from her glass of golden liquid... and raises an eyebrow at the both of them. "Thanatos, I believe your pet is missing its leash," she drawls.

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"He's well-trained, he won't run off," says Than, pulling a chair to sit.

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Zagreus grins at her and takes another chair. "Hey, Meg."

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And from this angle she can see the cuts. If her eyebrow was raised before now it's decidedly trying to escape her face. "I suppose even if he did run off, whoever found him would at least be able to return him to his owner," she says, turning to give Than a measuring look. "I never took you for such displays of sentimentality. Zagreus, sure, but not you."

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If Thanatos's complexion just got a little bit bluer, well, it's probably the light. "Maybe I just like marking what's mine."

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"Guys, I'm naked, are you sure you want to have this conversation right here and now?"

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"Maybe if we neuter you it won't be a problem."

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"Is that a threat or a promise?"

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Thanatos leans forward and buries his face in his hands. "Starting to rethink this idea of taking a day off."

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"A whole day, Thanatos? Is work exceptionally boring or exceptionally stressful, right now?"

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"It's on the boring side, but that's not why."

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She turns to look at Zagreus again and furrows her eyebrows. "No, it isn't, is it."

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"I think talking about me without words counts as 'talking behind my back', you know?"

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"We had a talk," Thanatos says, raising his head from his hands again.

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"Hey how about before we have our 'people-who-fuck-Zagreus-on-the-regular' heart-to-heart we get you something to eat?" He looks at Megaera. "And before you ask, it's just because I am trying to get him to enjoy his whole day off by doing other things he does not do very often. Like eating."

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"Hmm. And what meal would you be having?" She eyes Zagreus up and down. "I'm guessing breakfast from the getup."

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"Right in one!"

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"Well, Zagreus, go fetch us some food, then. And that's not a request."

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He dips his head. "Right away, ma'am," he says, and gets up to go to the counter and find something the cook's made for the shades milling about.

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Megaera turns to look at Thanatos once again, and this time he's the one that gets the once-over and the raised eyebrow.

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"We... may have gotten carried away."

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"That must have been a productive conversation, then," she says, grabbing her glass and taking a sip from it.

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"Well, we weren't likely to talk about anything of import if it was just whenever I happened to run into him, right?"

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"No, I suppose not. It took less than a day, though."

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"It did! It did, yeah. Better than last time."

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"Last time...? Is Zagreus planning something again, something dumber than 'run away from the Underworld'?"

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"I... maybe. Although I'm not sure we're at the stage we could call it a 'plan'."

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"At least he had the decency to tell you this time."

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"Yeah. I don't... know what's going to happen next, though."

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"I don't really know what you see in him. You're death incarnate, and he's just..." She turns around to look over her shoulder at where Zagreus is waiting patiently for whatever food he's getting.

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Thanatos looks, too, then looks down at his hands, twiddling his thumbs on the table. "Life."

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She turns to look at Thanatos again, both eyebrows raised in surprise. "Fitting, I suppose."

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"Look, Meg, you know I'm not any good with words but I think... it should be clear by now. Zag, he's..."

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"As long as you're happy, Than, my opinion doesn't matter. We don't need to have the same taste in men."

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"Well... we do."

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"To play with, sure. But as you said, the two of you, it's not just play."

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Zagreus returns, placing a silver tray loaded with breads, milk, honey, sliced pomegranates, and such onto the table.

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"Took you long enough."

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"I was giving you guys time to talk behind my back more eloquently."

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Thanatos quietly grabs a piece of bread and spreads honey on it.

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"Don't fuck this up, Zag."

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"Come again?" he asks, face stuffed already.

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"You and Than. You got a good thing going on, there. Keep it going."

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He swallows and drinks some milk to help it down, then looks at Meg with a raised eyebrow. "Why did everyone decide to get all serious today all of a sudden?"

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Om nom he is not here don't mind him.

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"That's just how it is, sometimes."

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"Well, look, Meg, it's been a while, you know? I'm not that kid anymore, you know that."

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"Yes, I know. I'm just telling you to keep it up."

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"Than is the most important thing in my life. I am not going to threaten that, ever."

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cough cough yes milk okay um what

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"Good. I like that attitude."

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Zag extends his right hand over the table in Than's direction.

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Than looks at it then at Zag then down at it again, and decides to hold it, turning slightly bluer again. "It's like you've taken today to embarrass me, Zagreus."

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He squeezes Than's hand. "We are having lots of heart-to-hearts here and serious adult conversations about our relationships, it's only fair some of them would be uncomfortable. But I'm never going to be embarrassed of being with you."

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"That's—that's not what I meant—"

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"I know, I'm not saying it is, Than, I just mean that... I really am yours. Forever. And I'm proud of that, and everyone should know it because it's amazing."

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"Please, Zagreus, some of us are trying to have a drink here, not drown in honey."

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"You started it, suck it up."

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She downs her drink and slams the glass on the table, getting up from her chair. "Maybe later. For now I have some souls to torture."

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"A whole realm of workaholics, I swear. See you around, Meg."

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"Until later, Megaera."

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"Bye Zag, bye Than." She nods at both of them and disappears in a slightly wing-shaped puff of smoke.

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Zag squeezes Than's hand again.

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Than squeezes it back, looking down intently at his food. "This is a lot more public than we usually are about... us."

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"We had sex in the baths a few hours ago. Like I get what you mean, I think, but we very much did have sex in the baths just a few hours ago, I'm sure a lot of shades have committed the entire sequence of events to memory."

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"Well... that's different."

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"Anyone can fuck, but holding hands and having your lover's and your initials carved into your flesh is special?"

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"...yes. Something like that."

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"I'm just glad you're rolling with it rather than be embarrassed and try to stop me."

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"After all these years, and you still have so little understanding of what impulses to act upon and which to hold in check."

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Zagreus laughs. "Well, Than, the Fates willing I am about to turn our lives upside down yet again. It seems right that I do whatever I can to make it very clear that I'm not leaving you, no matter what."

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"I'm still not quite sure how to feel about that, but I can appreciate the more immediate consequences."

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"It was your suggestion!"

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"Well, Zag, I want you to be happy."

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"Even at the potential cost of your own happiness?"

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"I love you, Thanatos." He lifts Than's hand to his lips to plant a soft kiss on his knuckles.

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There's a high-pitched squealy sound from somewhere up in the rafters.

"You might have scandalised Dusa."

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"The horrors of a kiss on the hand."

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"The House of Hades is not very used to such public displays of affection."

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"Then I guess it better had."

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Om nom food if he's eating he doesn't have to think about something to say in response.

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"So when is your day off until?"

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"Getting tired of spending time with me already?"

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"Fuck no! More like trying not to hoard the minutes like some... minute-hoarding... person."

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"I don't have an exact time, it's not like there's anyone strictly supervising me."

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"Someday we should figure out how to get you away from your job without deaths actually... stopping."

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Uncomfortable munching.

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"Than, come on, I don't want to try to guess what's going on in your head."

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He sighs. "Look, Zag, I don't always have enough... shape... to these things to put them in words. I guess if I tried I'd say that I don't like change, but that's not quite it."

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"Well, I suppose that's better than you getting tired of spending time with me."

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"Zag, why would you even think that?"

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"I know I can be a bit much. I'm sure you relish taking breaks from me from time to time. It's okay."

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"Ugh, maybe—I'm having a lot of thoughts and feelings again."

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"Don't be. I promised I wouldn't—leave, like I used to, when that happened, anymore. But it'll still happen, I don't..."

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"I appreciate it. It's okay, you can figure it out in your own time. I know you'll tell me when you have it."

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...he reaches for Zag's hand again and squeezes it.

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Zag squeezes it back.

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"I... would you be very cross if I said I think I should get back to work now?"

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"Only if you don't kiss me before you leave."

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"Seriously, Zagreus...?"

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"Dead serious, Thanatos. Give me a proper kiss before you disappear again for who knows how long and I promise I won't be too upset about it."

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"A proper kiss."

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So Zag hops to his feet, keeping hold of Than's hand and pulling him up as well.

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And then he pulls Than closer for said proper kiss, which only starts with a chaste peck but Zag quickly presses his advantage to bend Than back for a proper Hollywood kiss.

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Thanatos gasps a bit but he has FloatingTM on his side and so he does not lose his balance.

(Though he's sure Zagreus would've caught him if he had. Which makes him feel far too many things right now.)

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And after Zagreus feels has been an appropriate amount of time to spend snogging his lover he pulls Than back up straight and beams at him.

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Thanatos floats upright and raises an eyebrow. "Quite done with the proper kiss, then?" he says, a bit too much on the toneless side for anyone who knows him well enough.

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Zagreus knows him well enough. He really enjoys causing these secret reactions on Thanatos, and beams even wider. "Yes, Than, we are. Now shoo, go have your work time and stuff. I will see you later."

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That sounded almost like an order or something. This is far too many feelings and anyone who says his cheeks turn bluer at that is LYING. "Yes."

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"I love you, Thanatos."

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UGH why must he do this. "I love you too, Zagreus." Okay this is good enough he can disappear now right? Right. Poof.

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Zag laughs and shakes his head.

Okay, he should... look for Nyx, actually. He wants to ask her a question.

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Nyx is quite predictable in her chosen floating locations, so she's not particularly hard to find. She makes no comment on Zagreus's state of dress, nor his state of being marked. While she almost certainly notices, it's hardly like Nyx to display much of a reaction. All she says is a perfectly ordinary:

"Hello, child."

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"Nyx! I was looking for you. I have a kind of... difficult question and I figured you were the most likely to know how to get an answer."

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"Ask, and I will offer whatever answer I can."

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"So, I cannot stay up on the surface for very long, right? I burn up, I can sleep and eat to last days but it's never longer than that. But other gods can. Like Than himself."

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"Yes. Your binding on pain of death to this realm is, if anything, a peculiarity. One only truly matched, I think, by your father. Though as you'll have noticed, while Thanatos is often on the surface, his home has ever been here. So I will not say there is no binding for other gods of the Underworld at all."

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"But Father was once an Olympian, right? So what I'm getting at is... how do I get around that? I, I don't want to leave or run away or anything, not anymore at least, but I do want to..." And here, words fail him, at least momentarily.

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"I understand, child," she says, gently. As Thanatos's mother, and probably therefore extremely accustomed to people feeling things but not being able to put them to words, this is certainly probable. "Hades was an Olympian, and took up his mantle later. With it, he took up his binding. I do not think he could return to being what he was even if he tried, now. But you are not him."

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"That sounds promising..."

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"Perhaps. But it is not a thing that has been done, before, and I do not know how to accomplish it. Your binding and your mantle as Son of Hades and Prince of the Underworld are, if not one and the same, at least inextricably tied. I do not expect you could put down one without also putting down the other. And then there is the question of if you could reclaim them after."

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"I... think I see? I would have to... abdicate? What even is there to abdicate? If being Prince of the Underworld has any perks I don't think anyone's mentioned them to me."

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"More than abdicate, child. It is not a mere title that binds you here. It is your bloodline, your history, many of the things that make you yourself. That you are your father's son, even though you are not, and will never be, his heir."

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"...this sounds like you are saying it's impossible except not...?"

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"I do not know if it is possible or not. What I do know is that if there is any god that could dissolve or subvert the ties of blood that bind you, even when it seems impossible, it would be you."

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He opens his mouth but closes it in silence and furrows his eyebrows. "Damnit," he says after a couple of seconds.

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"It is not an easy thing, that you ask. But that does not mean it is not worth doing."

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"Do you think so? I was... kind of worried it was too selfish." Which he didn't mention to Than because he knows exactly what his lover would've said to that.

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"Oh, child. Is selfishness not what brought your family back together, returned the Underworld its Queen? Its absence is not necessarily a virtue. Whether it is too much or not is debatable and, I think, for you to decide."

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"Come on, Nyx, surely you can just tell me that it's fine so I never worry about it again!"

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“No, child.”

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"Oh well. I tried. Guess I am going to have to be mature about it and think through the consequences of my actions to figure this out, right."

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"You will. I have confidence in you and your abilities. You have grown very much, in the time I've known you."

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"You mean since I was born, died for real as an infant, and then was brought back to life by you?"

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"Yes," says Nyx, and it's kind of hard to tell, but she sounds just a little amused.

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That's probably where Than got it from.

"Well, thank you, Nyx. I... think I have a lot to think about. And, I guess, figure out? In terms of... godly powers? I don't suppose there's some instruction manual on this, like, 'So you turn out to have a godly domain after all, how to figure out what to do with it'?"

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"Would that there were, but no. Yours is a journey like one many gods have taken, each unique, and with different conclusions. But, tell me, would you prefer to be told what you are and what you can do, or would you rather find out yourself?"

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He opens his mouth then closes it again, again. "Damnit," he repeats.

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"I wish you well in your journey, child."

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"Thank you, Nyx."

He should probably... you know what, do his job, thinking on his feet works way better for him.

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Thinking on his feet works way better for him. He stops by his room to get dressed and, more relevantly, get some form of instrument of death. The sword, this time, just because it's his favourite.

He slices through the hordes of dead in Tartarus, the Asphodel Meadows (like only 5% as deadly as they used to be now that all the lava's gone but at least all the other security measures installed since then more than make up for its lack), and the Fields of Elysium. Zagreus did meet other Elysian heroes than Theseus and Astorius, eventually, although Theseus continues to be his most common encounter up in the coliseum. He also continues to vehemently deny that Zagreus might be anything other than a stain on the earth even though it has been known that he is Queen Persephone's firstborn and legitimate Prince of the Underworld for literal centuries, now, by every shade everywhere in the afterlives. The satyr rat problem has been much reduced in the Temple of Styx, and it has been agreed by all parties that Cerberus is a good enough deterrent to anyone who is not Zagreus anyway so they just skip that part. Then Zag sees his father again (the fields are not icy since Persephone is currently up in Olympus) and kills him.

There's something about bringing thoughts and feelings to words that just makes them way more real.

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He's bored. He's so bored. Not on a moment-to-moment basis, if the security measures around were so easy to deal with that he actually got bored while dealing with them that would be a pretty large problem, but on a deeper, more meaningful level? This is beyond tedious. This is meaningless, he can feel it now that he's paying attention, and he does a dozen more consecutive escapes just to make sure he's not imagining it. It's almost like precognition, he knows what to do and how to do it, he knows where to go and whom to kill, he knows which kicks to dodge and which to parry and which to tank. He doesn't need Olympian help, anymore, because his bloodstone can wipe out an entire roomful of skeletons and his sword strikes can literally create craters on the ground and the only way to contain his phasing through walls is by making this actually a poor tactical choice.

He's bored, because he's the god of escaping the Underworld. He's the god of getting the hell out of the most secure place in the world. He's the god of dying and not staying dead, ever. He's the god of always coming back, coming through, coming out. He's the god of...

He's the god of...

He's the god of life, and of blood, but also he's the god of...


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When Persephone, Queen of the Underworld, returns to her realm for the season and is reunited with her husband, she is very soon accosted by her son.

"Zagreus! It's good to see you, my son."

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"Mother! How was your stay with the Olympians?"

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"Oh, same as always. Bright, loud, vibrant, utterly exhausting. It's good to be back."

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"It's always good to have you back. You make this place better with your presence."

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"Such a flatterer. Did you learn that from your cousins?"

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"Of course not, it's just in my nature."

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She laughs. "In the blood, is it?"

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"It's still my favourite song of theirs, I confess."

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She leans forward to whisper conspiratorially, "Mine, too."

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He shakes his head. "Anyway, there was something I had to talk to you about..."

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"Yes, I thought there might be. You had an air about you. Is everything alright?"

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"Yes, it's fine, but..."

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The next time Thanatos phases into Zagreus's bedchambers, he finds the Prince lying on the bed once more, staring at the ceiling. "Zag?"

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"Death approaches," Zagreus intones, sitting up to grin at him. "Hi Than. I've missed you."

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Thanatos floats over to beside Zagreus's bed. "It's only been, what, two weeks?"

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"You know full well I miss you every time you're gone."

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"Maybe I just like to hear you say it."

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"That's good, because I like saying it."

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Thanatos's scythe disappears, and he takes his familiar place on the bed.

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"So," he starts without any more preamble, "remember that chat we had a couple of months ago?"

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"We're going there already?"

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"Unless you don't want to? I'll wait if you want me to, I'm in no hurry. We can just have some time together instead."

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"No, it's... it's fine. I think we can talk."

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"Did you... think about what you were feeling, back then?"

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He nods then turns to face Zagreus, crossing his legs in a mirror of Zag's position.

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So Zag just smiles and waits, rocking back and forth slightly. He stretches one of his legs out a bit to poke Than's shinguard with a toe.

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So Than phases the shinguards and gauntlets away. "You mentioned trying to figure out a way to have deaths happen without me."

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"I said I don't like change, which is true as far as it goes. But I also feel that... if we can do that, then who am I? What—what am I for?"

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"I think it's... even if we figure that out, I think it's metaphysically impossible for death to exist without you. It didn't before you, did it?"

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"No, and mortals didn't sleep either."

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"Hypnos, right, you're twins."

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"...I guess before I was old enough to fetch them myself, Hermes and Charon worked together. They never really stopped."

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"But I still feel like... doing it myself is important. To who I am."

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"You don't think the Styx could take a little break?"

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"Maybe it could. I don't want to bend time that much, though. It feels... irresponsible."

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"That makes sense. I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable. If you'd rather not take very long breaks like that, it's fine. I just really like spending time with you, and I really never feel like our outings are enough."

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"I... feel the same way. And I think I can use one problem to solve another."

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"I don't... want you to feel like I don't love you. I do. You're... my most important thing. More than, than my job."

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"—wow holy shit Than," he says in surprise before pushing himself forward so he can kiss Thanatos.

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That was... not unexpected, honestly. And saying it out loud actually felt really nice, if he's truthful to himself, as does this kiss.

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Zagreus pulls away after a bit. "Sorry, I interrupted you."

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"Don't worry about it, Zag. I... liked it. I like it. I like you, I like it when you do these things."

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"Yeah, I mean, it was just... coming from you... I think that's the most romantic thing you've ever said to me."

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"Well I couldn't very well not reciprocate after last time, could I? I mean—it's true. And you should know it is."

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He nods. "Yeah and—yeah. Okay. Sorry. I love you."

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"I love you, too." He looks down at his legs. "So the next part is... you were right. Last time. I do... sometimes... need a break. Or—want a break—you're wonderful, I, ugh, this is hard to say—"

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Zagreus reaches over to put one hand on one of Thanatos's calves. "You don't need to explain it, Than. Really. I mean it. It's fine. You can take breaks from me, as many as you like. I know you will always find me again."

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You know what, since they're being sappy anyway, he'll just go all out. He stretches his legs out to the side of the bed and then pulls himself out so that he's "lying" on air, most of his body floating unsupported, except he positions himself so that he has his head on Zagreus's lap.

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Zagreus will not squeal at all at how adorable Thanatos is being, and will instead content himself with petting his lover, running fingers through his hair.

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Thanatos shuts his eyes and smiles. "In that case I think... I think that was all."

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"My turn, then!"

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"Oh no."

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"Oh shut up."

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"And here I thought we were having a conversation."

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"What gave you that impression? I am going to monologue at you and you will be my pretty prize."

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"Oh? And what exactly is it you think you did to earn this prize?"

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"Showered you with lavish gifts by way of apology for my thoughtless actions, confessed my feelings for you, and then gave you my heart forever."

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He flips around in the air so he is lying face down and, more relevantly, so he can hide his face in Zag's lap. "Very well, carry on," he says, muffled.

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Zag grins, though Than cannot see it, but then turns a bit more serious as he remembers the topic of conversation and sighs. "I think I figured out what else I am the god of."

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Than makes a muffled questioning noise.

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"Rebirth. Of... of not staying dead. Not staying in the Underworld. Of being reborn."

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Thanatos pushes himself up a bit so he can look up at Zagreus. "Zag?"

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"I spoke to Nyx about it. And to my mother. I think... I think I know what I will have to do."

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"...Zagreus, can you please stop beating around the bush and say it, I don't like any of the inferences I'm making."

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"I am bound to the Underworld through my connection to my father. My blood ties to him. My seat as Prince of the Underworld and son of Hades. The only way I can stay... the only way I could be released from Father's binding contract..."

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"...would be for you to abdicate your godhead and be born as a mortal," Thanatos completes the thought, closing his eyes and dropping his head back onto his lover's lap. "Zagreus..."

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"Not just my godhead. My—all of my ties to the Underworld. My memories, too."

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He pushes himself up and stands up in the air again. "Your what?"

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"I would have to be born as a mortal, build a life as a mortal, grow up and live as a mortal..."

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"Suffer as a mortal, from illness and hunger and cold and, and, and you'd die one day and would you even get it back if you died? When you died?"

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"I... don't know, Than. I truly don't."

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"So... the answer is you're not going to do it."

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"Why? What would the point even be, living a mortal life, less than a single century, and be as fragile and weak and, and alone as a mortal, and be afraid of, of—"

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"I don't think I would ever be afraid of you, my love. Even without any memories."

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"You still wouldn't even remember, and—I couldn't follow you there, I'm a chthonic god, too, I—there are limits to what I—"

He lands onto his feet and starts pacing, left and right, looking visibly distressed.

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"It's less than a century, like you said—"

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"—and would it even be you, what does it even mean to be reborn if you wouldn't remember anything, wouldn't have your divinity, wouldn't—"

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"Than, calm down! Please!"

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He stops pacing and looks directly at Zagreus, something wild running in his eyes before he shuts them and takes a deep calming breath.

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"C'mere," he says, stretching his arms out for a hug.

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He doesn't open his eyes again, but he floats back onto the bed and accepts the hug.

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That's better. He wraps his arms around his loved and rests his chin on Thanatos's shoulder. "If I do this, it's not going to be right now, or tomorrow or anything. I'm not going to disappear on you. I am going to give you all the time you need. And we can figure out exactly how it's going to go, and I will not do it by surprise, and you'll be there with me every step of the way."

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Thanatos inhales deeply once again, then exhales slowly. "Right. Right, you—we have time. You—you said you'd wait, and—and I still don't understand why."

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"I think I can make it so after my mortal self dies I retain the ability to be up there on the surface. I think... I'm not sure, but Nyx said if anyone could figure out how to manipulate the ties of blood it would be me and I think she's right."

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"But then... why would you need to even become a mortal in the first place?"

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"It's... hard to explain. I think I need to... teach myself how to sever that connection so I can manipulate it. If that makes any sense. If I want to mess with them I first need to rebuild them from the ground. I think."

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"I... think I see."

He still sounds hella unhappy about this, though.

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"So the other part is that I need to ask you for a favour."

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"Really, Zagreus?"

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"I think... if I become a mortal and then just die, I will not be able to regain my godhead. I think there's something I'll need to do as a mortal to ensure I do."

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"I don't know, yet. I haven't figured that part out. But when I do... I want you to be the one to tell me. You can't, can't tell me who I am, if I regain my memories too early then it will be all for nothing, but you will tell me what it is I must do. If you're okay with that, that is."

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"I—Zag, we, we both know I'm going to say yes even if I'm feeling conflicted about it right now, but I would like to make it known that I'm feeling conflicted about it right now."

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Zag raises a hand up along Than's back to run his fingers through Than's hair. "Yeah. Yeah, I know. I'm sorry."

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"Ugh, don't be, you hardheaded idiot, of course I want to be the one to do it. I just—ugh, nothing is ever easy with you, is it?"

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"Sorry," he repeats, but he has a smile on his face and in his voice. "I don't think I know how to be an easy person."

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"Give me time. Okay? I need to—get used to the idea. Of you not being around, for that long."

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"Of course, Than. As long as you need."

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He sighs, but doesn't say anything.

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Pet pet pet.

"So, how long is your break this time?"

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"Well, I guess it's... however long I want. And then I'll get back when I should and it should be... fine."

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"Oh! Does that mean you can fuck me up today?"

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Thanatos pulls away from the hug to give Zagreus a look. "Zag, have you seriously been—I don't know why I'm even asking, of course you have."

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"Of course I have!"

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"Hmm, maybe we should see if Meg's free to join in on the fun, then."

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Zagreus shivers. "Meg's mean."

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"As if you don't like that."

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"She's gonna make me spend a long time without coming again!"

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"Or worse. Maybe we could do worse."

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"—you're mean, too!"

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"At this point I'm not even sure if you said that just to put the idea in my mind."

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"...I confess to nothing."

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"You are so predictable sometimes." He kisses Zagreus. "So maybe what we should do is exactly not that."

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"—what! No, wait, that's even meaner, fuck me up and order me around, don't let me come for a year, come on, Than—!"

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"You are adorable when you're acting all submissive like that. Maybe we should put a leash on you, Meg and I."

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"That is way more the spirit."

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"But on the other hand," says Thanatos, suddenly turning to fully face Zagreus and push him onto the bed, "it makes me want to just take you here and now." He wraps both hands around Zag's neck, his legs to either side of Zag's hips. He rests most of his weight on Zag, now, no longer floating, and continues: "Mark my territory. Even if Meg and I have some fun with you afterwards, right here and right now you're mine and no one else's."

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Zag squirms under Thanatos's grip but Than is bigger and taller and stronger than him.

It's really fucking hot.

"Please? Mark me again? That was the hottest thing that's ever happened to me—"

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"Was it, Zag, really? I feel flattered. Maybe I should make it bigger, this time." He pushes Zagreus's head to the left, and runs one of his hands on the right side of his neck. "Maybe here. Then anyone who looked at your face would see it, crimson against white. So beautiful..."

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"Please, please, please," he whimpers, squirming a bit more. "Please, mark me, make me yours, use me, Thanatosplease—"

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He obliges.