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three genderqueers walk into a bar
Permalink Mark Unread
Sadde opens the door to her apartment after an uneventful day out patrolling and...

...that's not her apartment.

A few competing hypotheses run through her mind, and the winner is "some sort of bizarre Shaker power."

So she-
Permalink Mark Unread
-suits up and walks into the bar. They look around at the patrons, who seem to not be freaking out, even if they're not the most normal list of patrons one could hope for. People dressed in various ways, from various time periods or fantasy worlds, with various make up and hairstyles.

This is a weird shaker power.

Glam scoots over to the counter behind which no one seems to be giving anyone any drinks, and watches as one mysteriously appears in front of one of the patrons.

And then a napkin, informing them of the end-of-the-universe-ness of this bar and a few other useful properties it has.

And Glam being Glam, having an excited discussion with the napkins will be the state they'll be found in for the next while.
Permalink Mark Unread
There's a lull in traffic; eventually Glam's the only person in the bar.

A girl in the most artistically applied eyeshadow and reddest fuck-me lipstick ever - and a really expensive-looking dress which doesn't quite fit - walks in, looking over her shoulder, and only turns her head when the door has shut. She looks confused.
Permalink Mark Unread

Glam has barely noticed the lull in traffic, engrossed in conversation, but they do notice it when they realize they can hear the door in spite of the hubbub, which is nonexistent. They look at the girl and blink. "Hello," they call.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hi? Um. Where am I?" she says. Very quietly.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Milliways, the bar at the end of the universe! Except there are, apparently, several more of those than I'd expected, wouldn't you know it, and the bar doesn't know which universe she's at the end of. The bar's sentient, by the way, she talks via napkin."

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"Uh, to which part?"

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"The - more universes. And the sapient bar."

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Shrug. "Some form of meta-physics, and lots and lots of magic."

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"...is it safe in here?"

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"Yeah, the bar makes sure no one suffers non-consensual damage. Also time's paused wherever you came from for as long as you're here."

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"Oh. Well, that's nice. Why was it here?"

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"It seems to hijack arbitrary doors from arbitrary universes at arbitrary points in time so that interesting people will find them." Another shrug.

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"Interesting people?" She looks at herself.

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"Yup! So by whatever unfathomable processes apparently the door thinks you and I both are that. Since it picked me, it's probably at least somewhat well-calibrated, so you must be interesting too. And your first drink's free, by the way, but subsequent ones cost appropriate prices according to wherever you're from."

Permalink Mark Unread
"Okay..." She approaches the bar. "I don't think I'm really interesting though. ...Raspberry bubble liqueur?"

She gets a drink. She sips it and looks surprised.
Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, why don't you tell me about yourself and then I'll try to take a stab at figuring out why it thinks you're interesting?"

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"Uh, my name's Ens. I don't do very much... I go to school and I had my birthday a while ago so now I own some buildings because my family is stupidly rich but I don't really do anything with them because I don't know what I would do... I'm good at makeup, I guess."

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"Yeah, I can tell. I'm—"

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"—Sadde, I'm a superhero, the things I do are school and work and fighting supervillains. Or, well, I will, as soon as I find some to fight."

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"Fighting supervillains?" says Ens.

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"Other people with superpowers whose goals and slash or actions are somewhat less than savory."

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"Are superpowers like magic, or... would you not know, or what."

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"We don't have actual magic where I'm from, except certain kinds of superpowers look a lot like magic. Um, they're basically magic, though. Mine's conjuring things." She demonstrates by making a ping-pong ball appear in her hand.

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"Oh. My boyfriend's a mage. A water mage."

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The ping-pong ball disappears. "I'm not at all sure what that entails!"

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"He can... do magic... to water? One time he redirected some plumbing... he can move it around... he's still starting out, later he'll be able to make it rain. And he has to meditate a lot."

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"He'll be able to make it rain? Wow, that's pretty large-scale."

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"Is it?"

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"At least compared to the things most people can do where I'm from! Well, I suppose it depends, if he can only make it rain inside a tiny room in Arizona it wouldn't be."

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"I don't know what Arizona is, but I meant from the sky..."

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"How fast would he be able to do it? How much finesse would he have? Can he freeze water? Is he completely telekinetic with it or is his magic subtler?"

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"I don't know. I think freezing yes? Probably? Eventually?"

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"Yeah, that's really cool. Oh, also, I forgot to mention, I can do one other thing than conjuring stuff up."

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"I think life mages can sometimes do... things like that."

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"What kinds of magic does your world have?"

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"I might forget one or two, but there's water and life... and motion, and energy, and air, and perception, and object, and substance, and pure mana... emotion... I'm sure I'm forgetting one."

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"...do you terribly object if I quiz you on all of that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"And this is better, not a boy day, definitely."

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Fidget. "I don't really know much about magic, it doesn't run in my family even enough that it was worth testing me."

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"Oh, it's genetic? Interesting. But well, I have all kinds of other questions, starting with, 'are you alright?'"

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"I'm - fine? Why?"

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"Dunno, you look a bit nervous."

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"If you say so. Anyway, what's your place like? Are you from an Earth? You said you didn't know what an Arizona was."

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"I don't know what an Earth is either."

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"It's a planet," says a voice from nearer to the door.

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"Oh," says Ens. "Uh, well, my planet isn't named that."

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"Hello," Sadde greets the new person. "Are you from an Earth?"

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"I am!"

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"Well then come join the little gang of the-only-people-currently-in-Milliways, is this your first time, should I give you the introduction?"

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"Sure, let's hear it."

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"This is Milliways, the bar at the end of the universe, anyone's guess which. The bar's sapient and if you talk to her she'll use napkins to reply. Your first drink's free and subsequent ones cost prices appropriate to wherever you're from. The door appears at random places to pick up random ineffably interesting people, and while you're here time will be paused wherever you're from. Oh, also, Ens, I forgot, there's translation magic going on here, we probably don't actually speak the same language. I probably forgot something but yeah."

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"I still don't think I'm that interesting," says Ens. "Even if I was, I don't know, here to do your makeup, I don't have my kit with me."

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"Well, given that it's just us at the moment here," she says, gesturing around, "maybe the door wanted us to meet?"

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"Dunno." She doesn't comment on the thing she and Ens have in common, she's more tactful than that. Marginally.

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"So, does one introduce oneself to strangers one meets in a magical interdimensional bar?"

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"Um, we did."

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"I'm Sadde, she's Ens."

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"Elizabeth. Pleased to meet you both."

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"So what's your story? I have superpowers, she has incredible make up skills and is from a world with a bunch of different weird magic and her boyfriend has the water version of it, what about you?"

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"Oh, I also have superpowers," she says. "What do yours do?"

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"I can conjure things," she says, and once again is holding a ping-pong ball. "Pretty arbitrary things, they don't even need to actually exist or be all that physically possible."

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"That sounds useful."

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"It really is! And in my world people go out in costume to fight supervillains with superpowers. So, what are yours?"

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"I'm the Vampire Slayer. Costumes not traditional."

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"...that doesn't really mean anything to me. What's the Vampire Slayer?"

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"One who slays vampires." She smiles. "Sorry. It's... a little difficult to explain."

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"What's a vampire?"

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"Where I'm from, they're fictional, and what most of them have in common is needing blood to survive, having a negative relationship with the sun, being immortal unless killed, and being severely allergic to stakes to the heart."

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"Mostly accurate," she says. "But they aren't at all fictional where I'm from. So at some point, someone decided that they needed a powerful champion to kill vampires and protect humanity, and for some reason they decided the champion should be a teenage girl, so now every time the previous Slayer dies a new teenage girl gets the superstrength and super combat skill and super upsetting prophetic dreams."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's... that's weird."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's really weird. There's only one at any given time? Always a teenage girl? Just how many vampires are there?"