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he was not at all afraid
esper jida and esper bell
Permalink Mark Unread

The dungeon isn't four-dimensional, but it's very aggressively three-dimensional, a maze of twisty passages laid out like a deranged ant's nest, built out of attractive exotic minerals in swirling blues and teals and ice-whites (which are being aggressively mined closer to the entrance; they'll sell as decorations even if they have no interesting materials-science type properties). The monsters aren't nearly as pretty. Because they're big nasty centipede things with double sets of scary pincers.

The big nasty centipede guarding one particular crevice in which one particular prisoner is waiting goes down to the sound of gunfire.

The associated esper pops into view a moment later. "Hey there! Can you climb out without the centipede in the way or do you need a hand? Water or anything? I'm Traceless, if you haven't heard of me the deal is that the monsters can't see or hear me, but that doesn't extend to you, so on the way out you're gonna want to stay close and behind me and if any get in the way I'll kill 'em, but this lot are not crawling around away from their assigned guard duty too much, so probably we're gonna follow the spraypaint marks I left without running across any live ones, and be out of here in a jiffy."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Some water'd be great!"  Here he comes; hup.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Here ya go." He's got a bunch of little pint water bottles. "We're gonna follow those green X's, green's my spraypaint color for this one and Xs are this route specifically."

Permalink Mark Unread

Chug chug chug.  "Sounds good."

Permalink Mark Unread

Tromp tromp. "You going to want the medics when we get out or are you all good?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm fine."  He has a couple scrapes, but he keeps a minimal first-aid kit in his backpack.  Not that the backpack got eaten into the dungeon with him; it's presumably still at his work.  But once he and it are reuinited he should be able to patch himself up well enough.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Glad to hear it! So what's your name - you don't have to tell me, I'm just very chatty when I'm backlashed -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's Julien."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Lovely to meet you. Steep part here, do you want me to carry you over it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Does he seem like the sort to prefer an honest effort and probably less inconvenience for him or someone knowing their limits and causing him some small certain inconvenience - hm, he seems genuine enough, and it's not like Julien would hate to be carried around.

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you don't mind!  And I expect it's a lot nicer for me to meet you than the reverse, at the moment."

Permalink Mark Unread

Scoop! "Not necessarily! It is true that as yet you are little distinguished from other dungeon kidnappees you could have been but I am similarly little distinguished from other rescue espers I could have been to you, presumably, and I'm the one with a magical psychological problem making me particularly keen to meet people."

Permalink Mark Unread

"....That would get you some more points on this metric, yes.  It still seems hard to beat the possibility of there being no rescue esper, which has been somewhat on my mind whether or not it was very likely."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That sometimes happens but not in a dungeon like this, this is very bog standard. Or, well, sometimes there's no rescue esper because it's the military but they're less sexy so their share of dungeon rescues get talked about less."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That makes sense."  He wants to come off as maximally noninconvenient for a rescuee and also as interesting (positive) as possible within that constraint.  So what does he say.  .......Nothing, if he can't think of anything interesting, positive, and noninconvenient at a given point in the interaction.

Permalink Mark Unread

They are past the steep section and Julien gets set down. "Not yet but closer to the entrance you're gonna want headphones, I brought some for you, they've got jackhammers because they wanna harvest the walls."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's good they're on that.  Do you know whether this stuff is one of the ones with known applications?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, but they're taking it to turn it into status symbol art and, I don't know, countertops or something, as a fallback. They've made off with a dead centipede or two also but my intuition is that the centipedes are nothing and the cave stuff is maybe something."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's really polite of the status symbol people to help fund dungeon mining."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I know, right? The briefer the spells of nothing useful the more intently people can look for the windfalls."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm always wondering how much stuff sitting around as sculptures or countertops would actually be really useful if only we knew what to do with it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, R&D gets first crack but there is certainly no guarantee that they catch everything. Maybe in fifty years they'll run a new test on a scrap of this stuff and then urgently buy all the old countertops to turn into spaceship parts."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Which is still better than the same happening to a bit of centipede."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I bet they occasionally have debates about it - if they find something really really useful, before they find the dungeon core, whether to let it live - I've never been assigned such a dungeon unless this is one, but I bet it gets brought up now and then, especially ones kinda like this that isn't physically injuring anybody and has a lot of the thing. Sure, statistically if you let it come back it'll be meaner next time, but how much meaner, really, and it'll have the same stuff."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I wish it were easier - or, safer, really - to tell whether letting dungeons live affected base rates of them popping up.  Sometimes I think about a future where most dungeons are old tame ones we know are useful because we let them crowd out the new ones, but of course trying to get there might just mean we get a lot more dungeons in total."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have a post about that on my blog!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Really!  Can I get spoilers on any conclusions you came to?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Of course, but the conclusion was that we don't know! All the worst dungeons are the oldest ones, but is that because they were old, or because they were relatively hard to clear back when we didn't know what we were doing? I link like seven different people's takes on it and none of them are satisfying."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I'd love to read it anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Eventualities dot traceless dot com."

Permalink Mark Unread

Julien goes for his pocket, but pauses.  "- Iiiiiii will take that down once we're somewhere less hostile.  And importantly not before then."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If you google me it comes up."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Excellent.  Do you have a favorite post you've written?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hmm, writing-wise no, probably a tie between like six of them for the photography, but in terms of the most original research I've managed to personally pull off probably the long interview with my cat."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...Your cat?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have a monster cat! He does four dimensional dungeon navigation, since he's from a four dimensional dungeon. He can talk but I had to teach him to read."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's so cool!"  Julien doesn't ask whether the cat's in favor of the framing of belonging to Traceless; if he doesn't it won't help anything and if he does it's rude.  "What's his name?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I named him Cricket. He hates almost everybody in the entire world and the people at the agency were just calling him 'cat' because he wouldn't take a name from any of 'em."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hates them - in a monster way or a cat way?  ...Or in a human way."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cat-flavored human way, I guess. He's very judgmental. And impolite."

Permalink Mark Unread

Someone should check in on this cat but it's not going to be him.  Probably it's fine.  "Much more charming on a cat, I imagine."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, he likes me, I wouldn't blame anyone else for preferring not to deal with him."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Makes sense.  Do you know of any other friendlyish monsters floating about?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's a few, but it requires pretty specific conditions - a lot of dungeons never have monsters exit, a lot of escaped monsters die when the dungeon does, Cricket's unusual. And not all of them can talk."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Could he talk before he left?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No - or, he was not recorded doing so and doesn't remember doing it and no other monsters from that dungeon were observed to speak."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh.  Did you say any of the centipedes they took were alive?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"They haven't taken any alive. It's not something they usually try to do unless they have a specific reason to want to. Most monsters don't live without their dungeons even outside it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I didn't know that any did.  It's... do you mean most die upon leaving in the first place, or just when the dungeon collapses?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Second thing. The ones that persist are usually the more - biologically grounded ones. So probably not the centipedes, they're too big for bug anatomy to work. Though they might shrink, Cricket shrank."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do the corpses ever shrink, do you know?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sometimes they kind of dissolve especially if they were, like, water elemental things or something, but I am not aware of biological-esque corpses that shrink! If this interests you do you want to be on my list of people to call on the phone while I'm backlashy? I can't talk to my partner, she has the exact opposite problem from me and I have to pretend she doesn't exist the whole time."

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh wow that's way more networking success than he expected out of this situation, and for way less effort than he thought it would take.  "- Sure!  I've really been wanting to learn more about this sort of stuff recently, but school and work have kind of been kicking my ass."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Both of them at once, yikes! Are you in college, you look about college-age."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Money's got to come from somewhere.  And yeah, Materials Science."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Nice, you going into dungeon mats or is that a completely extracurricular curiosity?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's curricular!  They seem like the fastest way to cooler stuff and safer everything."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Some of the government dungeon-coordination people sneak the victims souvenirs. I don't know if this batch are like that but you can try making sad faces at them!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oooooh.  Thanks for the tip."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Anytime. Ah, we're crossing the purple circle path, almost there. Here's the headphones, though I'd take it as a personal favor if you didn't become incapable of talking till you gotta."

Permalink Mark Unread

He puts them around his neck.  "Sure thing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks. It's basically a tic but I try to cooperate with myself, see."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure.  I might try and learn a sign language in your position, if there's usually loud equipment in dungeons, but maybe not enough people know any to make it worthwhile."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am planning to learn sign language, but not for that reason! This is an unusually loud dungeon situation. It just turns out that learning languages is a good sweet spot for my backlash because I can indulge it without thinking to myself how pointless it is the entire time. I polished my high school French till it was shiny and now I'm working on Tagalog."

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh so he's definitely been thinking about how pointless this conversation is the entire time, that makes sense and is fine.  "Nice!  How long since you switched?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Almost six months. My mother found me a tutor from among her numerous friends, she's actually as social as I act."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is that how you decided what language to go for?"  It's getting kind of loud but an esper owing you just a little bit of a personal favor is worth a just a tiny bit of hearing damage.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yep. I would have gone for Japanese but my family's too assimilated for me to already know anyone who'd teach me - and my partner, who by sheer coincidence is also Japanese, doesn't talk to me. I talk to her brother but he's not interested in teaching me."

Permalink Mark Unread

...Julien caught some of those words.  On go the over-ears.  "Makes sense!" he projects.

Permalink Mark Unread

Haru thumbs-ups weakly and gives up. He escorts Julien out the exit; the sound doesn't carry at all and he holds out his hand for the headphones. "Do you want to give me your number right now or just like, find my email on the blog and follow up that way, or forget about it, which is also fine."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Let's do numbers."  He'll recite his once Traceless is ready.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Again slower? Sorry, this is my brain on backlash -" But then he's got it and he can turn his phone to display his own number to Julien. Then it's back into the dungeon with him and his can of spraypaint for more rescuing.

Permalink Mark Unread

Once he's got the contact for 'Esper Traceless' saved (complete with website), he guesses it's time to go make sad faces at government employees?  And then back to Starbucks with or without new rocks.  At least he got yoinked in the middle of a shift; one of his coworkers has tried to excuse lateness with alleged dungeons twice and Julien wouldn't want to have to navigate a situation involving anything less obvious than 'yeah, he just fuckin' disappeared in front of everyone.'

Permalink Mark Unread

A government employee will sneak him a little chip of dungeon mineral with a smile. Starbucks, like all serious businesses, has staffing procedures that are robust against the possibility that their staff people will fuckin' disappear in front of everyone.

Permalink Mark Unread

He smiles fake-weakly at the chip giver.  Robust in a way where he should stick around or go home, in this case?

Permalink Mark Unread

He is certainly welcome to pick up the rest of his shift if he needs the hours - after all, it has not actually become any less likely that his co-workers will themselves be abducted by a dungeon in twenty minutes and it'd bring their bus number back up - but they have enough people to survive one (1) dungeon abduction from among the staff for the rest of the day.

Permalink Mark Unread

.....Yeah, money is money; he'll finish up.  After he sits for a few minutes and bandages his little scrapes and has a snack from his bag.

Permalink Mark Unread
Hey it's Traceless! Can I call you and tell you about the post I'm working on because I can't write anything down yet?
Permalink Mark Unread

- Money is money but networking is networking!  Actually after sitting down everything is catching up to him and he's going home goodbye sorry see you Thursday.


he sends once he's packed and out the door.

Permalink Mark Unread

Ring ring.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Hi! So I'm trying to put something together on dungeon selectivity - uh, do you mind if I put you on speaker, I have speech to text on so I can go back and pull content out of the conversation later for the writeup when I am capable of writeups -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's fine, sure."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're on speaker, my partner can't hear you but Cricket can. So there's some really obvious factors of dungeon selectivity, like that they do not go for kids as often as there are kids in the population - not never, but it's still notable - but there's subtle stuff too, like - are you particularly put off by centipedes, actually -"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, I actually like bugs.  Hello, Cricket."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If I wanted to talk to you I would call you on the phone."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Be nice, kitty. Anyway, it's really subtle in baby dungeons that haven't gotten away and come back, and yours was one. I'd expect a very slightly elevated rate of disliking centipedes among people it grabbed but easily loseable in statistical noise. But baby dungeons are also less traumatizing so it's easier to get people to complete surveys afterwards - you'll probably get like thirty of them, please fill them out, dungeon researchers love it when you fill out surveys. So we have more data on who the baby dungeons pick, but it's striking enough to notice in the non-baby dungeons. I don't think that one is going to want you back, it will have - I speak loosely and speculatively here - noticed that you like bugs, or at least that you were not alarmed by the centipedes it had on offer."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I was pretty alarmed!  It just, y'know, wasn't about the fact that they were centipedes."  Or maybe it kind of was; there's something to... the way that everyone treats bugs, just because they're so much smaller than them and they can get away with it, and the idea of being the small one, even though he tries to treat bugs well...  "I will fill out any surveys sent to me."  If he has time.  He'll make time, this sort of thing is important.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean, everyone's some baseline amount of alarmed about being kidnapped by a dungeon. Even the baby ones seem great at avoiding people who are like 'sweet, I really didn't want to go to my mother in law's birthday party' or something. That one did not obviously have other sources of alarm going on besides the centipedes, I don't think it was even trying with the pretty walls..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It seems like someone would have to have something pretty specific going on to be afraid of the walls.  I did get a little fragment of them; thanks for the advice."  He's going to make it into a necklace, once the professionals clear it for being probably safe enough to wear against your chest for long periods.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess people could be freaked about by how mazey it is. We'll see when we get surveys back if we can tell what it was going for."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Seems kind of hard to guess before then.  Is it usually, for baby ones, before the surveys?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's not hard to guess, in this case my guess is solidly the centipedes, even with you as a counterexample. But it's impossible to be sure even with masses of data."

Permalink Mark Unread

Does he in fact want to talk about himself here - sure, why not, seems relevant - "I like bugs in a way where it was... kind of notably about the reversal.  Very saliently being the squishable and wanting-to-hide party.  I don't know whether that makes me an exception or if it might have been about that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh, I'll have to see if I can get the surveys amended real quick to account for that, I'm not sure they will have thought of it - there are very dedicated people on the dungeon surveys but there are so many dungeons to design surveys about - so like, you have preexisting... bug sympathies? Because they're squishable and want to hide?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"More the first thing than the second.... It's - people hate bugs just for being weird little guys, going about their business - some of them are dangerous but people act exactly the same way towards ones that aren't, or worse, because at least they in some sense respect dangerous ones.  And it's easy to kill or hurt them, so people just - do - and don't feel bad about it at all, just because they aren't cute.  And so it makes sense, if you're a bug, to want to hide and be in little crevices, because everything's out to get you.  ...And of course there are problems with normal predators, and bugs eating other bugs, and even if people weren't awful on purpose we're just so much bigger; it's hard to avoid hurting all of them.  But the normal human dynamic was, yeah, very salient, and the hidey-hole things were more stemming from that, secondary to it.  To me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. I'm gonna call a survey guy about that real quick before they get it finalized, this has been great, thanks for picking up."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're welcome!"  'See you later' - no, he doesn't want to be presumptuous; 'Have a nice -' a nice what, recovery?  Day??  "Bye."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Bye!" And dead air.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, that conversation only took him like two blocks from work, now, in theory he could go back; he's sure they'd have him gladly enough.  Or he could go home and read Traceless's blog, and chill out a bit after having been yoinked into a dungeon, in case it somehow had more effect on him than it seems to have, and not have to deal with jerking his coworkers around even more.

.....He does the math on how much money he'll make in his remaining hours for today.  He would not pay that much to buy these benefits, so the choice is really obvious, it turns out.  He'll get himself something out of the bakery to make up for it.  He can relax once he's out of school.

Permalink Mark Unread

It takes a week and a half for him to muster the free time to check out the blog.  (That's mostly the fault of the surverys, which he fills out dutifully and detailedly; he's not that overscheduled.  Mostly.)  He's showed off his fragment in class when it seemed topical, and the reports about his dungeon's walls all seem fine, so late one night when he needs to wind down after homework and before trying to sleep he makes his best attempt at wrapping it artfully in wire, and puts Traceless's post on base rates of dungeon appearances on TTS to listen to during.

Permalink Mark Unread

At least one dungeon will appear in almost every city of more than four hundred thousand residents almost every day. Sometimes they show up in smaller ones; they come thicker and faster in larger and denser cities. Here is some quibbling about what part of a broad metropolitan area counts as part of the city. If you make this range of reasonable assumptions it seems to follow this formula, if you make this other range of assumptions it's this more complicated formula, some people prefer the second thing but the first one is more popular because of how the formula is simpler. Almost every dungeon that appears in a given day is going to be a new dungeon, never seen before - records are imperfect but they do have databases going spottily back to the seventies and solidly back to the early eighties noting dungeon features to see if the same ones are reappearing across the globe and they're now very confident that if you destroy the core, it doesn't come back, and the majority of observed dungeons are de novo. Dungeons that get away, come back, refined and nastier. Here are some case studies of when various dungeons including the big names like Volcanic Range and Nightmare come back inside and outside of confluences. Dungeons that get away once usually get away twice because usually they got away in the first place due to being really hard to clear for some reason, but sometimes it was just that the right espers for the situation weren't available in the right area or someone made a tactical mistake. Dungeons that get away twice do not come back as much scarier, but for selection effect reasons you're likely to keep seeing them again till they land in range of a team that is really determined to take them out. Here are your approximate odds of getting eaten by a dungeon per decade depending on how many people live within a mile of your house.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh what a good post.  What a very good post.  He should read the rest of the blog... someday.  When he has any free time.

But he does make a point during a weekend lunch break to at least skim the interview with Cricket in an attempt to try and suss out whether Traceless was accurately representing him.  It's not that Traceless doesn't seem approximately cool, it's just that monsters don't have an established place in society and it seems really easy for people to accidentally abuse them.  A substantial number of completely regular cats owned by basically nice people are being kind of abused already, according to Julien; he wants a better view of the vibes.

Permalink Mark Unread

Some of the interviews, including this one, have the original audio available in the post without any TTS shenanigans. It's illustrated with a Cricket photo in which he's posing vainly in a patch of sun, stretching out one wing.

It establishes the biographical facts of Cricket's life. He began in a dungeon which appeared in York, Toronto. Like most, it was new; this was its first and only appearance. It was four-dimensional and the monsters were assorted larger and meaner and winged versions of various animals. Traceless dug up after-action reports and apparently in addition to the giant winged cat, there were reports of a dog, a gecko, a squirrel, and some kind of frog, but since the dungeon was 4D, a lot of the suspected monsters were never seen in their entirety, they just reached kata or ana and killed people who were trying to hold the entrance from the dungeon end. An esper with a homing power that works across the fourth dimension was hauled in from Manitoba by teleport after the dungeon monsters started escaping and the dungeon's urgency level was escalated accordingly. That esper, Columba, located every identified victim of the dungeon and pulled them out, over the course of a few grueling hours with a lot of guiding breaks, and then homed in on the dungeon core and killed it. Meanwhile, more local teams were trying to deal with the escaped monsters. They killed most of them, but by the time the winged cat - the size of a black bear and venomous - was tracked down, the dungeon was dead, and the cat had shrunk to normal cat size and lost the venom and addressed the SWAT team in English. (He said "what the fuck is your problem".)

There's not a lot of robust policy on benign-ified monsters, but the SWAT team nonlethally arrested the cat and held onto him for a little while before the Maple Esper Agency's in-house research department received custody of him to investigate his properties. There's an X-ray, on the blog, showing how the wings attach, which was taken during this time. Cricket remembers vanishingly little of being a monster with a living dungeon and it's easily possible that every snatch of memory he is able to conjure up is a later confabulation or maybe localized to the few minutes in which the dungeon underwent its death throes. Analysis of his accent and vocabulary gets results like he grew up in York. Eventually MEA offered to get him food he liked more than normal cat food if he would help with a 4D dungeon; he did this, in Rochester NY, proving able to extend into and see across the fourth dimension just fine even in diminished form. However, he still had a very low opinion of everyone at Maple and refused to answer to any name they tried to give him (there's a list, which starts with Fluffy and ends with Cata).

During Traceless's awakening he decided he should get a cat - originally intending to get a completely normal cat - as a failover for backlash compulsive socializing during the inevitable moments when no human picks up the phone. Traceless's mother posted about this on an esper forum frequented by a Maple employee who offered - initially somewhat jokingly - to provide a cat. Traceless, once awakened, went to the office where Cricket lived and offered to teach him to read - he's native-fluent in English but began illiterate. Cricket reports taking an instant liking to this most worthwhile of humans, and went home with him that very day, and accepted the name Cricket, and insists on reporting to him and no one else, even though Traceless can't himself operate in 4D, when dungeon-navigating. Cricket now spends most of his time watching television (it's good for providing conversation topics when his human is backlashed and needs to be purred on and talked to) and gets sashimi four meals a day. He says being in 4D dungeons is nice because his fur can go in all the directions it's supposed to but he doesn't really mind being projected into three dimensions most of the time.

Permalink Mark Unread

Lunches are better for eye-reading than ear-, but having the original audio is importantly good because it means that he can check that Cricket pretty definitely said the things Traceless claims he did.


That's so much.  Cricket's origin is so much.  Dungeons are a moral nightmare, and it's so concerning that entities that're out there killing people wantonly might be able to wake up into suitable companions.  It's - horrifying.  But the thing for him personally to do is the same:  he has to keep his head down and learn as much as he can and contribute to the great project of humans getting cooler stuff and safer everything, until the day when they're cool enough and safe enough to save the monsters too.

At least Cricket's current life seems to be genuinely fine.  Julien wasn't going to do anything about it either way but it's one less thing to worry about.


That curiosity satisfied, he doesn't successfully make time to read more posts for a while.  Though he is subscribed to future ones; he keeps an eye out for the one on dungeon selectivity to see whether he's in it at all.

Permalink Mark Unread

Not by name; Traceless didn't ask for permission to identify him. He refers to "talking to dungeon victims, as is my habit". The post reiterates the basics - usually not kids, though there have been a handful of dungeons that wanted kids specifically for some reason. Basically never people who would rather sit in (that particular) dungeon than do whatever they were otherwise going to do with their next several hours. He posts example surveys - there's the one they pass out after Nightmare that people usually only return months later with the help of their therapists if at all, there's the standard one with fill-in-the-blanks to customize it about the nature of the monsters and the captivity, and it wants the date and time of your kidnapping and some Likert scales and free-answer sections. Here's a relatively well-answered one from a Baltimore dungeon last year; eighty percent response rate, no obvious trolls in the data, and it shows basically what you'd expect (lots of people who were scared of heights in a zero-gravity dungeon floating miserably). Here's one where people didn't answer much - it was a sex-themed dungeon; response rates for those suck and some people just use the survey to scream indignantly about being surveyed. This means they still don't know how those people were chosen and remain pretty confused about sex-themed dungeons compared to the standard kind. The centipede dungeon maybe doing something unexpected wrt fear of centipedes is a minor note in a post he's obviously been working on for a while.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's as much as he expected!  Unless you factor in that he thought it might well not show up at all.  Do the ones that want kids tend to take only kids?

Permalink Mark Unread

They don't seem perfect at it, but sometimes they're imperfect in a way that still results in all-kids kidnappings, like this one that seemed to want kids aged five to ten and got a twelve year old and a three year old in there.

Permalink Mark Unread

Fascinating.  ...Unfortunately it's fascinating in a way that means he still needs to get to cooler stuff and safer everything, and school and work are still kicking his ass, and so it seems kind of unlikely that any time when Traceless is going to want to call him is a time when he's going to be free, at least until like spring break.  (He'll be working more hours then, but with more of them in the morning, so maybe not all of them will be during esper recovery times?).  If Traceless texts him before then he'll relay this, and also leave a comment about his centipede experience on the post, if that seems like the sort of thing other people are doing here.

Permalink Mark Unread

Totally in line with the blog culture to comment on the centipede post.

He gets two more texts - one in the middle of the night ("guess who got called to a code R at two in the morning, obviously don't wake up for this if you aren't already up, I'm going through everybody in my contacts and crossing my fingers") and one at a saner but still inconvenient hour ("this a good time? I have dungeon mats on the brain").

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The first one Julien doesn't respond to except with a reactji the next morning and his comment on the blog; the second gets Traceless the datespan of Julien's spring break.


Unfortunately, two days into that span, things start being - wrong.  Or right, sometimes.  Suspiciously so.  His bus is perfectly on time; that's nothing, his bus sometimes is.  People keep - not staring at him, nothing so overt, but - glancing at him.  Watching him, maybe.  It's hard to say, because if they do they obviously don't want him to catch them at it, and he doesn't want to let them catch him catching them.  At work, Aliya, noted constant grump, asks him how he's doing and whether he's doing anything fun for break, and then tells him - cheerfully, for her - about her own plans to take a trip down to Niagara Falls.  The customers are - they keep - he's not sure, but something seems implacably, dreadfully off about them.

Almost as if - they're actors.  Like all the real customers have been replaced, with the goal of...... what.  Something.  He doesn't know.  But he only gets more confident as the day goes on - as he sees someone walk in, look at the menu for several minutes, then at their phone, and then leave without ordering; as people are chipper to him in obviously fake ways and impatient with him so clearly just to double-mask whatever hatred or malice they feel towards him - that everything around him is a scenario constructed around him.  To get something out of him.

But he still has no idea of what.  He's got to play along.  Until he can find out.


So, yes, here he is, a completely normal barista doing completely normal barista actions.  Breathe normally, chat normally, smile normally.  If you can't smile normally err on the cheerful side instead of the terrified one.  His hands feel off somehow, his arms, his whole body feels - tingly or empty, or something, as if he's not quite real, either.  But that at least might just be the panic.  Or it could mean that he's in a hallucination.  Hard to say, but either way it doesn't actually stop him from punching in orders and making coffees.  Whatever they want out of him they're going to have to work for it.

And they do; it's not four hours before Kian mis-makes a chai latte and offers it to Julien, and he knows, he knows it's poisoned.  Or maybe drugged, it could just be drugged.  Something to drop him back into the complacency he's known his whole life?  Did he just wake up to the true nature of reality, or has he been dropped into a hostile facsimile of something that once was real?  It's impossible to say, but no matter what he must not drink this, and secondarily he must not tip his hand.  He puts on his most casual smile and tells Kian to keep it for himself.  The fucker.  He accepts without much protest and downs it, as if to show off how poisoned it isn't, as if Julien doesn't know that they - whoever's running this - are already controlling everything, that obviously that sort of trick is trivial to them.

There's the water in his water bottle.  That's probably safe.  He'll just have to make it last until he has a better idea of what's going on.

He restarts his phone, as casually as possible, during a lull.  So that his fingerprint won't unlock it until he puts in the pattern again.  It probably won't help anything, but it's as low risk as any of the protective actions available to him, and it might help.  Somehow.  In some of the more optimistic cases, where this is just government action about him instead of a fully constructed minireality.

And he keeps working.  As normally as he can manage.

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"Hi can I get a venti iced caramel macchiato with almond milk and an extra shot of espresso and put the caramel in the actual coffee not on top of the foam and do you know how to do the designs, I want a design on it."

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"Of course!"  It would be convenient if they would just give him easy fucking orders, but that wouldn't be very verisimilitudinous, would it, which is less annoying but more unsettling.  It's a very realistic simulation, he'll give it that, except for all the ways in which it clearly fucking isn't.  Coffee goes to the customer, just as asked for.  It slows down the line a little but the line isn't made of real people so what does it matter.

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The macchiato person doesn't tip. The next person just wants a flat white.

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He doesn't care if they don't tip!  It's not like he's going to get to keep the money anyway!!  Flat white!!!

...Hey Aliya, could you actually be the one to go get more milk from the walk-in instead of him.  Yeah he'll make this order for you, don't worry about it, he's got it.  (The walk-in is a sacred place where people are allowed to scream and cry and fall apart, or at least the real one is, and if he goes there he might do those things.)  Here's the order she was working on!  He's good at Starbucks it's his job!  His normal job which he's performing normally!!  Except that he's cold and doesn't want to go into the walk-in for the rest of the day!

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This guy wants four blueberry muffins for his children who are waiting outside with his wife and the fact that there are only three of them left does not deter him from wanting this.

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"I'm so sorry sir!  Can I interest you in one of our other flavors?  Perhaps chocolate chip or lemon poppy seed?"  What happens if he breaks character.  Probably he gets tortured somehow; he should really really avoid that.  He really needs to walk the line between telling this guy to fuck off and breezing out of here, and not revealing that he knows that nothing about this actually matters.  But erring on the cheerful side, always.

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"No, if they don't all get the same kind they're going to flip, I need four blueberry. Can you check in the back," he says wearily.

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"We have four chocolate chip!"

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"One of them is allergic to chocolate. Look, I told you what I want, very clearly."

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"We do have some batter in the back!  If you're willing to wait between twenty-five and forty minutes, I could bake you a fresh one!"

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"God. Fine. You do that then."

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Muffins!!  Also wow it's been almost six hours; once they're in the oven he's got to take his lunch, otherwise it'll be suspicious illegal!  ............His lunch is probably poisoned even if his water bottle isn't, so he will, walk?  Around?  Outside.  For half an hour.

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"Spare change?"

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"Sorry, I don't carry cash."  Great job Julien that's exactly what you normally say.  You can do this.

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Billboard. Bus. Crying baby. Car horn.

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Car horn near him is scary, he's scared, scared is the thing you're supposed to be when there are sudden loud noises next to you.

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And now he just needs - he just needs to get himself back under control - he's - got to - it was a startle, not something that could start a panic attack -

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"Mister? Are you okay?"

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"Ahahahahaha yes.  Thank you.  It's - finals!"  It could not be less the time for finals. "Midterms.  College.  You know how it is!  I am very tired."

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"Wow, looks rough, good luck on your tests."

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"Thank you!"  Jesus Christ.  He routes towards someplace with less traffic.  That's very normal.  People don't like loud noises and he's people and he's even a specific person who normally likes to walk along quieter streets.  Sometimes.

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Nobody bothers him on the quiet street, though he can spot a person adjusting the blinds in a second story window. And a squirrel.

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Hhhhhhhh fuck.  Fuck.  The fucking squirrels are watching him.  He really wants to put on some music and try to chill out some but he can't do that without unlocking his phone, there's nothing it thinks he might want to resume, and he absolutely cannot do that.  So he doesn't do that, and he doesn't look forlornly at his phone wishing it were safe to unlock, because obviously he just had an update queued, or thought he did, and then hasn't gotten around to unlocking it since then.  He doesn't want to listen to music, actually, it's fine.  He whistles, some.  That helps; having something to do with his breath control is better than just trying to keep it even.  It is a lovely spring day and he's enjoying the weather and he forgot to bring his lunch out to enjoy the weather with.  Yes.


He's back at work with two minutes to spare; he does have to look at his phone in its capacity as a clock.  But that's not suspicious.  Is muffin guy still around or did the oven finish up or did he give up and leave on his own.

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Muffin guy took the kids on a different errand but has returned for the four blueberry muffins.

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Here they are.  He can even have four warm ones instead of the three from the case and one fresh one.

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The kids probably appreciate that. The guy doesn't thank him but his wife leaves a dollar in the tip jar before they go hand out the muffins to the kids.

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Except for how he isn't real, muffin guy probably has his own problems.  The character of muffin guy is raising multiple kids and is maybe taking them on vacation or something and that's hard.  The character of Julien sympathizes with him.  And once again the tip doesn't fucking matter so the character of Julien doesn't really need to form or express any opinions about the character of muffin guy's wife and whether he's insulted by or appreciative of the loonie.  There are other customers to serve!  For another two hours!  And then it's normal to go home so he has to go home.

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Pigeons. Panhandlers. Traffic. Taco stand.

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It's probably safer to eat at a taco stand than at his apartment or getting food from the grocery store but no way no how is it safe.  He'll have to figure out something later.

Hello his apartment hello one of his housemates who's hanging out in the kitchen; he greets you normally.  What can he do, what the fuck can he do to kill the evening, that's normal and that doesn't involve his phone or computer and also doesn't put him at incredibly high risk of slipping up in front of people.  ...Music.  He takes the guitar off its stand in the living room and - normally he would look at chords on his laptop but they have a songbook around somewhere.  He finds it after twenty minutes.  He wants to improve his technique it's normal the book is instructional it has lessons it's normal.  He doesn't lock himself in his room because it doesn't have a lock and that would be weird and he's, instead, normal.

After several hours his fingertips are very sore and he's really, really really incredibly thirsty, and also pretty hungry, but at least he can do the fingerpicking part and not just chords to 'Hey There, Delilah'.

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Car alarm in the distance. Housemate fixing stirfry for dinner. Bird out the window.

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Yes great his captors are successfully piping in 'Toronto Soundscape College Apartment Spring Evening | ASMR To Not Have A Panic Attack To (10 Hours) (Binaural)', good job, them.


Right, books exist also.  He replaces the guitar in the common area and - doesn't really feel like hunching over a textbook for the time being; what else has he got.  Traceless's blog, if he'd somehow known to print it out ahead of time; what's he actually got.  Holmes collection?  Holmes collection.  Holmes collection can keep him at least nominally occupied well into the night, until he wears himself out enough to fall asleep on it.  He doesn't need to unlock his phone for his alarms for tomorrow to still be set, thank fucking god.  Even if he was able to sleep straight through he'd be getting about four hours of sleep, but of course they have to give him nightmares on top of that; aren't they so funny.  They must be having a good laugh at him.

He's at work on time.  8:00 AM sharp, and looking a little more like people tend to for the 4:00 AM shift.  He stands outside for a minute, digging his smiles out of the junk drawer in his torso where they got shoved last night, and then steps inside.  Chipperly.  For another eight and a half hours of yesterday's deal.

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Latte with a pump of cinnamon. Black coffee and make it fucking hot. Peppermint mocha. Tall regular. Guy asking for a "large" daring him to insist that he call it by its Starbucks name.

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Julien will call it a large if that's what the guy wants!  It's not fucking Starbucks doing this to him, is it; he's sucking up to reality and not to company policy.  (....If it is Starbucks doing this to him he's going to get so much money from suing them, but also it's definitely not Starbucks doing this to him.  They're not that powerful and he's not that lucky.)

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Vanilla bean custard danish. "A muffin", like it's obvious which kind. Sandwich. Tea. Seasonal beverage which is not in season.

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Julien can handle all these customers with grace and tact despite his looming headache and dizziness and fixation on the idea of drinking some water, any water, even though it will poison him.  He was right about his water bottle being safe before, he's pretty sure.  Would it be safe now?  - No, that's ridiculous.  It was safe because he filled it up before this started happening.  Now it's solidly in the happening phase and all the water available to him is evil.  That's the only thing that makes sense.

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People usually don't read his nametag and address him by name but this guy is going to before ordering a complicated thing in French.

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"Eugh. Anglophones." He orders the thing again in accented English.

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He's - he can't.  He ran out of him.  There's no more Julien.  He's going to get tortured - okay he is already being pretty tortured but now there are going to be like.  Broken bones, or knives, or the sensation of pain being beamed directly into his mind, like everything else already is.  Should he try and kill himself, first?  It doesn't really seem like it would help.  Getting back in character would help, almost certainly, very definitely, and he -
just -

can't -

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"I have said," complicated order.

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So the thing is that the sane thing to do is recover, even if it takes him an obvious, obvious amount of time; they have to already know he knows.  They're humoring him.  They're humoring him, but every minute they're humoring him is one they're not torturing him.  Actively.

But instead, since there is no more him to recover with, he staggers back away from the POS tablet, eyes darting around and clutching at the strap on his apron.

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"Excuse me! May I get service!" calls the Quebecois guy to his nearest co-worker.

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"I have - to go -" he hisses, and lurches for the door.

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"Julien? It's not your break yet, you jerk!" calls the co-worker who has barely taken two steps toward his section of the counter.

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The thing about the door is that it's really heavy, and Julien is not very - anything - right now.  But maybe he can open it if he kind of drapes himself onto it?  There's a crash bar; it can't be that hard to get out of here, can it?  - Or is he locked in; are they going to start disemboweling him right here on the floor of this Starbucks -

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The door opens.

"Julien!" hollers his co-worker.

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Okay, the street!  He's going to die out on the street and not on the floor of this fucking Starbucks.  He's going to be tortured for hours or days until they get bored with him and hook him up to different mind control, on the sidewalk outside this fucking Starbucks.  Here he is, on the sidewalk.  That's where he is.

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People are definitely looking at him now, but of course this is independent of how he just burst madly out of a Starbucks and looks like he's about to collapse.

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Fuck.  Fuck, fuck, fuck.  There is so little him, there isn't any, but - if anyone comes near him he has to try and make a run for it.  In the opposite direction of them.

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People are mostly going around him, but, like, it's a sidewalk.

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Everyone's coming at him!!  He sprints for about two paces, then kind of stagger-runs for half a block, and then strategically crashes into a garbage can.  It's one of the metal ones, stable enough for him to lean and pant on.

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"Sir! Sir are you all right?"

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"Stay back!"

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"Do you need an ambulance?"

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"Joe, what's going on -"

"Guy's collapsed on a trash can, see -"

"Well, call 911."

"Says he doesn't need it."

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Julien tries to get his feet properly underneath him.  If he has to fight anyone he needs the most stable foundation he can muster.

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"Do you have a ride coming or something?"

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"You tell me, why don't you!"

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"Joe, I think you should just call 911 and have done with it."

Joe pulls out his phone.

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...........If Julien tries to move the best he's going to manage is to get one trash can over, where he will also collapse.  Better to keep his reserves up right here until something happens.

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(Ugh.  Headache.  And the little puddle over there by the curb is looking so good right now.)

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"Hey - there's this guy, I don't know him, he's just acting like - no -" He gives the intersection.

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"God. Fine. I can stay on the line. I'll ask. Guy, what's your name?"

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"Fuck you."

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"He swore at me, I don't really want to ask him any more questions. Yeah-huh. No."

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Who the hell do they think they're fooling.  ...Whatever.

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"Jesus Christ, fifteen minutes? What if he were having a heart attack? What if I were late for something? Come on!"

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- Right, yes, okay, that's what's happening here, is that they're saying fifteen minutes (right in front of him, as if he needs it spoonfed) so he lets his guard down.  And then really they'll be here in like ten, or five, and he'll have sat down to try and get his strength up for the impending fight, and he won't be prepared.  That's what they want.  Well, they can't fool him.  He's going to stand right here, leaning on this trash can, and remain vigilant.

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"No, it was a rhetorical question, I'm not late for anything, but that doesn't - thank you. Yes."

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After about fifteen minutes an ambulance pulls up. Paramedics come out.

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They can try and take him!!  And maybe even succeed, but he's not going down without a fight!

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They just want to talk at first! They want to know how he's feeling! And who his emergency contacts are! And if he is oriented to time place and person!

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"Probably not as bad as I'll feel in an hour!"

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In an hour? What happens in an hour?

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It's not that he wants them to give up on the masquerade and start torturing him, but the fact that that hasn't already happened is really confusing.  "I - because -"  Really annoying that the throat is one of the main water parts as well as talking parts.  "You're -"

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He looks like he is having a bad time and should come to the hospital for real doctors to have a look at, okay?

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"N - o -"  Stupid fucking voice stupid fucking poison water.

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And he looks a little dehydrated, would he like some water.

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He swallows.  "Fuck you!!"  (Yes, desperately.)

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Does he maybe want to work with them enough to demonstrate that he has a solid understanding of what exactly is going on so that they can accept his apparent desire to refuse transport, because if he doesn't seem to understand that they can insist.

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There it is, that's what he expected.  "My emergency contacts are all in the real world."  ...Or, well, he didn't expect them to give him this many chances to go back to playing along.  He - really doesn't want to be tortured, actually -

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...so, psychotic break, looks like.

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"It's -" he's terrified, he's so scared - "March 13th.  Monday.  Is what we're pretending it is.  Right?  I can - I can go back.  To pret -"  His voice breaks; he coughs.  Several times.  "To pretending?"

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Sure but he's gonna pretend it in the hospital. In he gets.

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- No, no nononononono -

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He is not the first potentially violent psychotic guy they have put in an ambulance. (Actually he is the first one for the paramedic on the left but still.)

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"Please - I'm sorry, imsorryimsorryimsorry - please don't - torture me - I can pretend -"

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"We're not gonna hurt you, we just need to get you where the doctors can look you over, okay? You sure about the water, you really look like you could use it -"

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"Sure, yes, okay -"  It's definitely, definitely drugs, but if he doesn't they are going to tor👏ture👏 him👏and anyway he wants it so, so badly.

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Bottle of water.

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Chug chug chug chug it's gone except for the portion of it which is all over his shirt and his stupid fucking fake Starbucks apron.  ....The case where it isn't drugs is the case where it's poison, which means he might have just sprinted down the path to torture instead of delaying it for a little longer.  Fuck.

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They're taking vitals now. Wow his heart rate is yikes.

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He could keep his heart rate kind of normal as a barista but he knew how to be a barista and he does not know how to be a person getting kidnapped by an ambulance under threat of torture and also possibly having already been poisoned.  "Could I please have another?"

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Yes, he can have another water.

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waterDrugs!!  Yaaaaay drugs.  Or poison!  Holy shit it's so good though.  Is there a third in reach.

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...yes but they're getting sort of more concerned about him, when was the last time he had anything to drink?

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They knoooooow thiiiiiiiis why are they bothering.  "This morning!"  That's when he fished the last dregs out of his water bottle with a finger.

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Well, they'll put in his chart that he's weirdly thirsty for a barista who last drank something this morning, sometimes extreme thirst is a symptom of something. Will he also answer other questions like a remotely normal person while he is in this micromood.

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...Actually he has acquired the Sʟᴏsʜʏ status effect and he would like to throw up most of the water he just drank do they have an obvious receptacle for that in the next 2.5 seconds or is it going to be the floor.

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They have a barf bag, here it is.

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- Yes of course!  He loves answering questions.

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Okay, name, emergency contact, insurance information -?

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Julien Doucet.  (It - he - he really doesn't want to give the simulation an excuse to traumatize him on the faces of actual people he knows and cares about.  On the off chance he can ever get out of here.  It's maybe kind of too late on that already; he just gave them his full name, but his mom went back to her maiden name after the divorce and his dad is, y'know, dead, so maybe there's still hope.)  He... doesn't remember... his emergency contact information, and his phone is locked and the fingerprint doesn't work.  His insurance card is back in his wallet in his backpack in his locker at Starbucks but it's OHIP, same as everyone else, here's his - not here's his birthdate, that'll definitely let them find his mom.  He.... doesn't remember his birthday.  It's in December he thinks.  (He's lying they're going to torture him -)

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He doesn't remember his birthday. Uh-huh. Okay. Here's the ER, they're handing him off to this here nurse.

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Okay.  Hello, nurse, he's not lying about his phone, it won't unlock, see?  No matter how enthusiastically he shoves his finger on the reader.  It just won't work.

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She squints at it. "Traceless? You get texts from Traceless, like, the esper?"

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.................................The contact is listed as 'Esper Traceless', yep.  Right there on his lockscreen.  Well, whatever, he's barely met the guy, seems like a fine face to get traumatized on.  "Sometimes!"

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"Okay, you know what, this is probably not an esper awakening but I've got eight other people who are also probably not esper awakenings who I'd really like to check if I can get anyone to come out here, I can never get Epione to come out of her wing to poke people when it would take five minutes - what's his number -"

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"I don't know!"  This one's not a lie, why would he ever memorize anyone's phone number.

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"Ugh. Mitzi!"


"This guy knows Traceless the esper! Can you get his agent on the horn and see if he'll come do a round of poking?"

"Sara, one in fifty thousand people are espers."

"Most people aren't young adults in the emergency room! He's supposed to be really friendly, it's his backlash."

"His backlash is being friendly?"

"That's what I hear. Look, seriously, I know each one is probably not an esper but I really want someone to check Room Nine and you know how Epione is -"

"You owe me big time if this turns out badly."

"Absolutely positively."

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Yayyy this is taking time away from them looking for his mom yippeee.  (Or, plausibly having had time to, rather.  Obviously they can do whatever they want, and there isn't really a his mom to be found per se.)

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They get him into an ER room but the psychiatric consult is delayed for reasons no one elects to explain to him so he has a wait.

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He will do whatever they want him to.  Mostly.  Definitely that thing in particular.  He loves waiting around and, importantly, not being tortured.


If it's for more than twenty minutes he's going to doze off, but if it's for more than forty he'll wake himself back up with a nightmare.

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In an hour, the psychiatrist is still not there, but Traceless is; he arrives with Cricket on his shoulder, takes a selfie with the nurse, and is shown to Julien's room. "Julien?"

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Ughhhhhhhhhhh plot.  "Hello!"

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"They wanted me to poke you to see if you're gonna be an esper, but as you probably already know the odds are -" Poke on the hand.

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Holy shit.

Well, that was longer than he expected for the drugs to kick in.

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"- wow, okay, points to your nurse, I guess."

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He is going to burst into tears about this.

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Oh dear. Does he... want a hug?? That's not weird, right, he carried him for a bit in the dungeon.

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That's fine.  Cling cling cling cling.  Traceless - the thing that looks like Traceless - is going to get a little wet, not just from him crying but also from where he spilled a ton of water on himself; it's not had time to dry all the way.  It's -

- he feels okay, or on his way there, and he had forgotten, already, what that was like - it's like the water, earlier, only the relief is in his soul and he's not going to throw this back up -

(.....at least not as long as things stay within the bounds of the established premise -)


- but the thing is that it's a lie.  Things aren't okay, he's not okay, he's probably never going to be okay again.  Nothing is ever going to be okay again.

But he was already playing along to avoid the people running the show being mean to him, and he's happy to continue doing so while they're being - nice.  Cruelly nice - to him.  So:  cling.

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"Traceless, there were some other people we also wanted checked -"

"Don't you have a healer?" Traceless says.

"She doesn't come out of her wing. It won't take five minutes -"

"Okay, uh, I don't actually know how far down from awakening I can get Julien with only what backlash I have on me right now but let's give it more than thirty seconds before I drop him to go poke more people for you, shall we, I can assure you awakening sucks."

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"No that's fine!"  It's harder to do chipper while actively crying but he's going to try.  "You should get it out of the way."  He doesn't let go more than already having breached his face back into air to talk.

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"...I could carry you? Maybe I'm overgeneralizing from my own awakening, I definitely wouldn't have wanted to be let go of, what exactly is going on with yours."

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"I don't really know."  It's not obvious what his is supposed to be for playing-along purposes.

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"Do you... want to tell the nurse that she can tell me what their guess is?"

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"Sure."  He clonks his head back against Traceless, turned to the side this time so he can continue to talk.

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Traceless picks him up and goes to the nurse and receives the rundown (something in the neighborhood of confusion and/or paranoid delusions!) and he props Julien on his shoulder and goes and pokes the other questionable patients (none of them are espers) and goes back to Julien's room to sit down with him again.

"So this is going to be a week and it's going to suck, we call it hell week for a reason. When'd it start coming on?"

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He also doesn't know what this answer is supposed to be.  "Earlier today, I guess?  I'm not really sure."

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"Okay. Uh, I can't look it up right now and I didn't bring a device Cricket could operate for me, do you have your phone or if I give you mine can you look up what there is to know about finding a compatible esper during awakening -"

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"Mine is locked."

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"...and you... would like it to stay that way?"

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"Oh, I mean, I can't unlock it.  I can't get the fingerprint to work and I don't know the other way."

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"Ah-huh. Well, I have mine." He unlocks it and manages to poke the search bar. "I think my post about it was titled something like 'espers don't make housecalls'."

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Julien is capable of googling!  When provided with a phone that is not his own!

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The article says that it's really hard to get an esper to come poke someone suspected of awakening because they're false alarms more often than not - it's also a completely normal age range in which to have a bog standard mundane psychotic break or bad drug trip or psychosomatic stress symptom or whatever - and that even if someone is discovered to be awakening, they can almost never get anyone compatible found in time to ease Hell Week. However, there is an esper from Singapore who made a a habit of circulating through hospitals and checking every single suspected awakening personally, as a sort of public service. She found her present partner this way and Haru has excerpts from a machine-translated account of her experience. Apparently she brought the newer esper home with her and the symptoms didn't return to full awakening strength if they were apart for just a few minutes, but trying to sleep in separate beds gave it lots of room to pull up to full strength so they didn't do that.

(While he reads this Traceless is murmuring to Cricket about how Cricket could perhaps fly home and tell Ren what's up.)

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It is nice of the showrunners to give him notes on how he can play along in ways that don't get him tortured.  (And also the drugs.)

"Okay, I've read it."

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He takes his phone back. "So, yeah, do you want me to bring you to my house for the week, I wouldn't wish an unnecessary full-strength awakening on anyone and I promise not to be weird about it."

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"Sure!"  (...What does promising not to be weird about it entail.  He is going to worry about that later.  Hell of a chekhov's gun, but Julien's not going to tear it off the wall before its time.)

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"Alrighty. Do you need to call, uh. Starbucks. About being off work for the next week. Or your family or anything."

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"...I should text my manager, but I don't actually know her number.  And I can't get into my phone."

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"You could see if the franchise has a number listed online?" He offers his cell back.

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"I guess, yeah."  Google google google okay.  Answering machine, sure.  "Hi, everyone, it's Julien, I seem to be having an esper awakening and will be back maybe never but definitely not for a week, sorry!  I'm doing pretty okay now but I wasn't earlier, really sorry about that.  Hope you guys are handling it okay.  Miss you," what is he saying "Bye!"  End call.  Phone back to Traceless.

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"And hopefully they know who else to call, or will call me back, or something. Anyone else going to notice you've vanished?"

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"My housemates?"

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"Do you know any of their numbers or should I like, send Cricket to your address to insult all their hairstyles and also incidentally inform them."

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Oh rad the simulation is not making him simulate boring detective work, that's really nice of it he would have hated that.  "That would be great!"

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"Okay, where are they at -" He pulls up the map app; Cricket hops up beside them to look at it. "Kitty, please do hold it down to hairstyle-grade remarks, I don't mean to ask miracles but this might be a stressful eventuality."

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"Maybe their hair is all fine. I won't know till I see them."

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Address type!  It's a shame that interacting with this Cricket tells him nothing about the real one; he was curious.

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Cricket peers at the map. "Them first or Ren first?" he asks. "They are opposite directions."

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"Them first, Ren's probably not even home, I'll text when I can text."

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"Keep him company," Cricket sternly instructs Julien, and he trots out of the hospital on this errand.

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"I will!"  ...Hm.  - He's not going to worry about that in the middle of a hospital.  Even if it's not a real hospital.  Because he's going home with Traceless and that's going to be a much better place setting for - whatever's going to happen to him.  They're not going to make him do anything weird in a hospital, he doesn't think.  Not based on how things have gone so far.

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"Let's see how much of a hassle it is to get you checked out, okay? Also like if anything freaks you out because of your backlash I get it, tell me and we'll troubleshoot, mine dips into delusional stuff sometimes too."

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Hahahaha it's not like they don't already know how to hurt and scare him, so it's not like withholding that would do him any good, but:  he sees you, showrunners.  He sees the upcoming beat where he asks to avoid something scary and then that thing gets done to him extra bad, just for the rug-pull of it.  Well the joke's on them!  He will simply always expect this to go poorly.  "Of course!"  But also there's no way that he's going to get good-placed and go along with lots of really upsetting things just because it would be awkward to not.

Really the scary thing here is that even being this smart and savvy is not actually remotely going to prevent him from getting tortured in the long run.  But - it does seem like he can steer, some.  And if he ever gets out of here, maybe having exercised the agency that he could will be instrumental in being able to eventually recover.

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"How do you feel about flying to my house, it might pull your backlash down a little quicker but I'll be more annoyingly chatty."

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Wow that was fast.  "...With what....... safety equipment?"

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"...well we definitely shouldn't do it if you're at risk of actively trying to fling yourself to the ground, but I don't fly very high or all that fast, and I'm more than strong enough to hold on to a person who isn't actively resisting, I do it all the time in dungeons. The alternative is calling an Uber, my car's at home, and I don't know how you currently feel about being across a backseat from me."

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"I would... definitely be spending the whole time worried that you were going to drop me," (because Traceless would drop him) "so, yeah, Uber seems fine?"

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"I guess that's of a piece, yeah, Uber it is." ....... he stares at his phone for a minute and then pokes it and says, "Call Paula." It calls Paula.

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Sure?  Does he seem to need to participate in this in any way.

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Doesn't look like it. There's two rings and then Paula picks up.

"Paula! Guy I took out of a dungeon the other week is awakening after all, thank you for relaying the call."

"No problem, do you want to make a regular thing of it?"

"Eh, maybe if they pay me, this was a real fluke. Anyway he's pretty compatible, not as much as June but, like, awakening is so much worse than what I left her with."

"Okay, so I should clear your schedule for the week?"

"And a vacation day after, thanks, I can sit with June some on the vacation day but I'll be hanging out at zero while I do it, please apologize to Casey for me so he can tell June in... whatever way they do things. And I need an Uber summoned to TGH to bring me and the guy to my house."

"Sure thing sure thing."

"Thanks, Paula."

"You want me to stay on the line?"

"Should be fine, I've got company and I'm ticking down."

"All right, Uber in two minutes, I'll text you the picture of the car."


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"I know this call was for more than that, but in the future if you want me to do stuff like summon Ubers on your phone, I can do that.  And narrate it."  Mostly this is practical although it sure would be dramatic for a horrific reveal to happen via Traceless talking about him but not to him in front of him, and way less so for a scary piece of information to show up on a phone that he himself was controlling.  ....He thinks.  Anyway it's mostly practical.

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"I don't expect it to come up but I appreciate it. Are you also going to be worried about me dropping you if I carry you to the exit, would you rather walk?"

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"- Only if we take any stairs?"

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"I'll take the elevator then, no worries." He carries Julien out to meet the Uber. They can hold hands in the back but it's not as good as snuggling.

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Technically there's no reason Julien couldn't buckle himself into the middle spot, but also prrrrobably he should exercise at least a little willpower about the drugs, to the extent that he has the ability and excuse to do so.  "I'm - really hungry.  And also still thirsty."  And if he takes his hand off Traceless's to gesticulate about that, he will - flinch, wow, that's incredibly aversive.  Back his hand goes, thank you showrunners message received showrunners.  "I haven't eaten since yesterday morning."

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Traceless releases his hand without resistance and takes it back instantly when it is replaced. "...why haven't you eaten since yesterday morning?"

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"Just a busy person, I guess.  It's college, you know how it is."

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"........okay, uh, do you need to call school, too?"

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"It's spring break!"

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"Well, that's convenient then. We have food at my house, what do you eat?"

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"Y'know, stuff.  I will want to shove some snacks into my face as soon as possible, and then I can look around and see what you've got to cook?"

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"Sure. I haven't practiced cooking in continuous physical contact with another person for a few years but I at least have proof of concept."

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Noooo but he wants the excuse to not be touching him even though he also desperately desperately wants to keep touching him.  "We shall see!  - Do you have a real name?  That I should learn?"  It may or may not match whatever the real Traceless's is but it's just going to be awkward within this context to keep calling him that.

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"I'm Haru. I don't go that hard on the secret identity thing but don't proclaim it from rooftops."

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"I won't."  He is going to stay so far away from all the rooftops.  "Hi, Haru."

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"Hi, Julien. So besides food and water anything you're gonna need?"

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"I can't imagine so!"

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"That's very low maintenance of you. Uh, a thing to know about psychological backlash, it's often a little flexible, not like you can think around it but you can think the same total amount of it into slightly different shapes, did you already know that?"

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"No, I didn't."

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"I have a post about it, it's one of the first ones I wrote after awakening, I've got three flavors and only one of them risks me wanting to kill myself so I have to really stay on top of that."

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"I didn't get a chance to read a lot of your posts yet.  Barely any of them, really."

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"Well, I guess it's both more relevant to your life now and not competing with anything else you'd otherwise been doing, but you can do whatever, obviously."

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"I thought about reading some last night, actually, but I was having the phone-unlocking problem then already.  My laptop too.  So I had to go with a physical book."

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"I have some of those if you like classic literature. I have the taste of a literature professor."

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"Yeah!  Or if there's a spare device or if you have printed copies, I can read your blog."  Does he even really want to read alleged nonfiction?  It's kind of like dreams where he does homework; when he wakes up the homework isn't actually done and he hasn't actually learned anything.  Ehn, probably they're at least mostly copying things from the real world.  And it probably doesn't matter anyway because it's not like they're going to let him back into the real world anyway.

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"Cool. I can't read a book when I'm backlashed, that's a bit of mercy."

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"I guess I haven't tried it yet.  Extensively."

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They reach his house. "Here's the place. I'm not sure how long Cricket'll take to get home. My mother Ren also lives here but she's out most of most days, she's actually as extroverted as I pretend to be on backlash."

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....The real Traceless - Haru?  No, Julien doesn't know whether the name matches - the real Traceless said something very similar to that.  With a key difference, if Julien recalls correctly.

"'Pretend'?  How do you mean?"

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"It makes me lonely. It doesn't make socializing - actually any more rewarding? Actually, uh, psychologically nourishing? It's like drinking diet soda when I'm hungry, there's nothing there but I can't stop and trying wouldn't actually help anything either so I don't. I can and do plan who I talk to about what so that anything I in fact value can come of it, but I still need the same amount of alone time to not have my brain full of bees that I would without the backlash. The reason I asked Paula for a vacation day after you're done awakening is so I can catch up on that after not being alone for much of this coming week."

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He's not really sure what to make of that, with regards to himself.  Maybe it really is just verisimilitude; maybe Traceless would also say approximately this.

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"- Sense!  Where are your cups and also snacks?"

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"Cups over here! Snacks are in the pantry over there -" Is Julien going to react in any particular way if Haru pulls his hand away very slightly, ready to let him keep it instead -

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Julien's body jerks a little, but he doesn't chase after Haru's hand.  And in fact.  He will go.  For the glasses cupboard.

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Haru keeps an eye on him but takes the requisite steps to the pantry. "We can microwave some popcorn, there's those fruit cup things, there's... seaweed snacks, huh... saltines, mixed nuts, Oreos?"

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Water water water water he loves youuuu water.  A reasonable and sane amount ooooof water.  "Nuts and Oreos are I think the densest of those?

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"Yeah." He pulls them out and puts them on the counter and gets back in handholding range.

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Nope, two hands to put Oreos and nuts and water in his face while he has the excuse - and the competing urge for relief - to do so.  It's obvious that the simulation really is doing something that varies based on touch, and not actual drugs, so he'll take the chance to get some of his mental sharpness back while it's here.

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Huh, okay, his call. At least in the direction Haru can feel, they're not compatible at a distance, but he's hardly going to insist that guiding is more important than food and water.

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Eventually Julien swallows and does not immediately fill the empty space in his mouth with more food.  "You don't have to stay with me all week if you don't want.  If you want to sneak in some alone time at a few points."

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"I will probably do that since you seem robust to at least brief periods of being unguided, yeah."

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Yessssss okay that established what if there was handholding again.  ...He's at the point where normally he would want to switch to meal-making, but like, this is all fake.  What does it matter, really, if he just eats two-thirds of a box of oreos by himself.  - No, no, then they'll know he knows it's fake.  But they already do!  They already do, and are being nice to him for mysterious reasons, and - he shouldn't push it.

"What do you have in the way of actual food?"

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"I think the dinner plan tonight was... uh... I will be able to read short things soon but not yet..." He opens the fridge to look inside. "Oh, right, chicken Caesar, does that work?"

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"If you're vegetarian or allergic to gluten or something the salad components can be served separately, or I can make something else?"

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"Vegetarian, yeah.  I could - not be?  For now?"

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"Nah, it's fine, Ren was vegetarian for three months once and we still have the recipes. Chicken on the side and I can open a can of beans to put on your salad or something."

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"That sounds nice.  If you're sure."

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"It's no problem. I didn't even buy extra chicken."

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"Okay."  Yeah, he feels better about this.  Obviously the chicken isn't more real than anything else, and so he kind of wants to try it, but - no, he actually really doesn't.  Even if it weren't an egregious tell that Julien knows what's up, it's - he struggled against the paramedics, sure, but that was in self-defense.  He doesn't want to hurt anyone, or anything, even if they're just constructs.  He doesn't want to be that sort of person.  No chicken.

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Haru's going to throw the chicken in the oven real quick, and retrieve his computer to put on the table beyond the Oreos in case Julien wants to look anything up, and then go back to hovering in range to be handheld. "Probably what makes sense for overnight is to share the guest room, there's a queen size in there and my room only has a full, we can try putting you in the guest room by yourself but you'd get back up to full volume awakening backlash well before you got a full night's sleep."

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Hm.  Hm.  "Sounds good.  Why is that the bed layout?"

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"One use case for the guest room is that we have people over who are a couple? Like Ren's co-worker and her husband get their place renovated and crash here for a few days, that happened once. When we moved into this house I replaced my bed because I'd previously had the same one since I was practically an infant but I didn't think I needed room for overnight company, my partner has can't-stand-to-interact-with-people backlash and is too female besides."

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Hmmmm!  Scary.  Okay.  Well, he doesn't have to interact with that till after food, and he can spend the food time psyching himself up about it.  "Oh, that makes perfect sense, yeah."

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Handholding. Eventually Haru's backlash ticks low enough that he links elbows so he can have both hands to type a blog post.

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"Do you want me to put on a blindfold?"

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"Not necessary for this, it'll be public when I publish it anyway, and if I need more privacy for something like if I'm redacting an interview we can sit back to back on the couch or something."

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"Oh, I don't like it when people can see me type at all.  At least for anything substantial, not like google searches or whatever."

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"Understandable but not a specific problem I have." The post is about "the" "standard" dungeon and what variations away from "it" are the most common.

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Julien doesn't notice this because he keeps his eyes closed anyway.  He doesn't fall all the way asleep but he does melt more and more onto Haru as the minutes go by.

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That's cute and fine. Haru texts Ren, finishes his blog post, picks up where he left off in Paradise Lost.

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"How much longer on the salad?" he whispers, after a while.

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"Ren'll be home in five minutes, chicken'll be done around the same time, she'll put stuff together - not the chicken for yours - and we'll be eating in fifteen."

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"Ooooookay."  With an enormous application of will he peels himself off of Haru and blinks his eyes open.  "Where's your restroom?"

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Point. "On the left."

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Cool.  Bathroom, handwashing -

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- eyes.




Wow, eyes.

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Wow, eyes.  It - makes sense, doesn't it.  That if they're pretending he's an esper, they would do this to him; this - already isn't his body, probably.  He's pretty sure.  But it's still kind of disturbing.

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He emerges.

"My eyes are the wrong color!"

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"Huh, that's fast. I guess my eye change might have been as fast, they're navy blue now but you can't really see it in most light and nobody was checking for it on my first day of awakening. Do you like it?"

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"Not really!  It could be worse..."

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"If you don't like it it's probably not done, people pretty reliably like their color shifts."

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"Huh.  Do you think they might be going for purple?  I guess they're already lighter than my favorite range of those, though.  I don't know, it's kind of freaky..."  Oh what if he were back right up next to Haru.  Doesn't do to let himself obviously panic about this, so yes thank you he'll happily take the complacency drugs this time.

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Arm around the shoulders. "Could be purple. My hair didn't change but my partner's got indigo streaks."

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Cricket enters the house with a pigeon feather sticking out of his teeth.

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Ren's in a minute later. "Hi, Haru! And you must be Julien, I hear you're a vegetarian, I'll pick up some tofu tomorrow."

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"Hi Mom."

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"Hello!  Thank you!"

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"No problem. Cricket, you've got something in your teeth."

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"Well, why don't your thumbs make themselves useful, then."

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Ren snorts, removes the feather, discards it, washes her hands, and sets about salad assembly.

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Julien will continue to droop on Haru, then.  Did he really think it would be fine to have a blindfold on, just a few minutes ago?  The thought of giving up that much situational awareness is pretty scary, now.  Admittedly there wasn't anyone else in the house, then, but he knew they were coming....  And now he's still keeping his eyes closed.  But he could open them at any time, and that's important.

- Oh, right, it's probably the complacency drugs.  Duh.  He makes a mental note to check in a few minutes whether it still sounds scary, but then instead Haru's arm on him puts him - still not all the way to sleep, but definitely more than the 'just resting his eyes' level he was at before.  Someone's going to have to rouse him for dinner; he's not getting up on his own.

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"Hey. Salad for espers time."

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"Hmmmmmooookay."  Hup?  Hep.  ...Yeah, he'd totally put on a blindfold now, if it felt like the thing to do, socially.  The world is bright.  Blinkblink.

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"Caesar dressing has anchovies, we have ranch and vinaigrette if you'd rather," Ren says, putting a bowl of leaves and croutons and chickpeas in front of him.

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"I don't think I knew that!"  But he wants it - no, no, ranch, he guesses.  Ranch is fine.

It's a good salad even with ranch, in that it's food that's in front of him that is probably not poisoned because they're doing the esper thing instead, and he's extremely hungry.

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He can have seconds if he wants!

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Yes thank you thank you.

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And Ren handles the dishes because Haru has important awakener-cuddling to do.

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Cricket had sashimi on a probably custom-made plate that he could carry around himself, to chase down the pigeon; as the dinner things are cleared away he gets his laptop playing The Wire.

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The existence of Cricket as an ambient being is delightful.  It's a nice little treat that gives him the strength he needs for what has to happen next.

"Guest room?"

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"If you're tired already. I can lend you some pajamas and get a fresh toothbrush out of the closet and stuff."

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"I'm pretty worn out, yeah.  That would be great."  Oh, he should take off his apron.  Could have done that ages ago, really.

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Off Haru goes to get those objects. "I did a dungeon today, so I'm going to hit the shower real quick before bed, but I can be out in five, all right?"

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"Sure!  - Or, um, actually -"  He lowers his voice a bit.  "I didn't want to say in front of your mom, but I was, uh - do you want to have sex?  Is what I mean."

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"I promised I was not going to be weird about this. You have psychological backlash and I don't think you're leveling with me about it. Try again in a week."

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It is CRUEL that the showrunners are NOT ONLY making him ask for this and NOT ONLY making him be chipper about it BUT ALSO making him do actual acting.  Fine.  He will do actual acting.  And can; he was Kenickie in Grease senior year.

"It's not that big a deal for me?" false "It's not my first time having sex" true "or my first time with a guy I'm not dating," true "or anything like that" unrateable.  "And like, you've saved me twice," half true "and you're really hot" true "and I want to be sane," true "and... this seems by far the best way of getting that" extremely false.

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"I don't think I can get you all the way to sane even if we do, awakening backlash is a lot and keeps pulling itself back up to the level it's trying to hold steady at as though you were constantly using powers - optimistically maybe you could spend, like, ten fifteen minutes at, like, sssssixty percent of what you're carrying right now if if went flying for as long as I could stand first. - what's your blood type?"

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"I don't know."  He has a donor app on his phone with a digital card but even if he could check that right now he wouldn't.

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"Tomorrow we can go back to the hospital and check and if I can donate you blood that works almost as well if they've got the quick transfusion machine working. If you can give it back there's theoretically no reason not to sit there for kind of a long time circulating blood back and forth if you need more time with the marginal additional sanity."

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"But I want to have sex with you.  It's - you only get one shot at awakening sex, ever - or, most people don't get the shot, most espers don't get the shot, not with someone compatible - I have to do it, unless you really don't want to.  For -"  Don't say 'for the meme', that's not convincing.  "Or else I'll regret it forever."

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"There is nothing stopping you from racking up stupid amounts of backlash next week!"

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"You're right, I haven't been leveling with you.  My backlash is... that I'm really horny.  Or - it's definitely not just that, but -"  What did the nurse say he should have?  Confusion and paranoia?  "I feel kind of in love, with everyone - not - not romantically, exclusively.  But I just feel like I should trust everyone and like they're each the greatest person in the world, and I - have been trying really hard to counterbalance that.  And I don't know who to trust, or even what to trust, but - you saved me, and I kind of know you but not in the weird, unsettling way like how it is with people I'm actually close to - I don't even know how to describe that part, it's the worst bit of all of this - but, you seem really admirable, and I like your blog, at least what I've had the time to read, and - I was hoping - that I could just kind of throw myself at you and, and - come out okay on the other side.  But I am going kind of insane will you please fuck me."

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"Julien, I said next week. You are among other things jeopardizing my willingness to sleep in the same bed as you."

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Well what if he starts crying again!  Not actingly!  He can't help it!

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He will get a hug. A platonic hug.

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Well, it's not Haru deciding to torture him with instruments sharp and blunt.  He'll take that.  ....At least then he wouldn't have to deal with just having done - that, though.


Sob, shake, cling, et cetera.  "I'm sorry - I'm really sorry -"

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"Awakenings are fucked up. You can tell me what the heck that was about in a week. Or not, it's your business. In the meantime are we going to have ongoing problems about taking no for an answer?"

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"No.  I just - I don't understand what - you want me to do -"  Is the existence of any tissues obvious from Inside The Hug.  "What I'm supposed to be doing.  I thought - it was that?"  Sob.  "There were so many hints.  But I guess I, I just can't tell.  Please don't torture me I'll do what you want if I know what it is -"

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There's a box of tissues on the bathroom counter. "I'm not going to hurt you but I'm also not going to take it personally if you can't believe me. You're supposed to survive the week and as what is very much a stretch goal minimize the extent to which you are miserable now and embarrassed later. I don't know exactly how what you are going through sucks but I do have an idea of how much, okay, I'm - trying to help you, not trying to -" Shrug.

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That's so far away and they might as well not exist.  Do things he can't see even exist?  What's the draw distance on this simulation.  Probably father than to the bathroom; he's pretty sure that would just be inefficient.

"I - just - 
"Please, can I have some notes?  I didn't know what I'm supposed to be doing, I don't know at all what my actual backlash is supposed to be, I thought making one up would help because I don't get this one - I don't get how to make it work with what's happened - please don't torture me I'll stop being meta in a minute -"

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Well at this point Haru's pajama shirt is getting a little soggy so he is going to take it off and shuffle Julien over to the tissue box and grab him a tissue. "The hospital said paranoid delusions, but they didn't seem sure and it doesn't necessarily have to follow a pattern of a nonmagical condition. You don't have to tell me anything more about it because I can tell just by having touched you that you've got some kind of backlash, and a lot of it, and that's what I need to know to want to help you given that I'm compatible enough to do it. I guess unless you decide that it's intolerable that I talk in my sleep and decide to stab me about it, I'd send you back to the hospital then."

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Okay well Julien is going to need more than one tissue but he can do that with his eyes closed, except for the locating-the-trash part.


"Were you going to take a shower?  I can go to bed."  (Cling.)

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"I was going to do that, yes." And under the circumstances does not intend to invite company. "Five minutes, okay?"

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"Thank you five minutes," he murmurs rotely, and takes the box of tissues with him as he navigates out of the bathroom with his eyes closed.  Once he's out, he - could open them?  He doesn't really want to.  ...But it would be irresponsible; he'd trip and break something.  Or himself.  It doesn't do to give them more excuses to hurt him.


Five minutes later he's, yeah, in bed, weeping actively again.

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A damp Haru in pajama pants and no shirt gets in next to him and puts an arm over him.

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"...Don't you want a shirt?" he sniffles.

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"Do you want me to put one on? More skin is more guiding."

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"I - don't care either way."

What if he curls up facing away from Haru, with his hands to himself in front of his chest, and then - pulls the hem of his own shirt up.  So that his midsection is all bare skin.  (Except for how it's under blankets.)

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Then he'll get a Haru big spoon around him and a lot of Torso Guidance.

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Well, it's not that he doesn't want to go into a big guilt spiral about this late into the night, but what if instead he passed the fuck out and stayed that way for a solid almost-seven hours.

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And then he jerks awake.


And lies there, for a moment, thoughts racing.

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"Perambulator," Haru mumbles into his hair.

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What.  Right, he said something about that, maybe - "Haru - Haru wake up -"  Julien sits up and shakes him by the shoulders.

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"Zzbwuh? - Julien?"

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"Sorry.  Hi.  I don't know how much time I have - it's - the thing you said, I think, about how sometimes it's different shapes, the backlash?  I spent all of yesterday and also the day before thinking that nothing was real, that I was trapped in a fake world, run by malicious people who were going to torture me if I didn't play along - even though I kept not being tortured except for what I did to myself, you must hate me, god, I'm such an idiot - my phone password is 753159882246, can you remember that?  I'll go unlock it for you and then you can just do what you want with it, the fingerprint should work after that as long as you don't let me restart it again -"

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"...I definitely can't remember that? Is it important for some reason to have your phone unlocked?"

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"You can use it to find out all the stuff that I'll try and hide from you.  I give you permission - hereby - to look through it, to - in case it helps stop me from doing anything fucking stupid - you don't have to remember it, I'll do it and then the fingerprint will work unless you let me restart it.  There's not an actual problem with the reader; it just doesn't let you in after a restart as a security measure.  And it says so on the screen when you try, who did I think I was fooling - argh -"

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"Is there in fact something important hidden on your phone? I wasn't really planning to go through your phone even," yawn, "if it was unlocked."

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"I don't know.  My contacts?  My mom, I have to tell my mom - I didn't want to see her because I thought she wasn't real and it would probably be way more traumatizing to have her torture me -"  Hyperventilation?  Hyperventilation.

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"Oh, yeah, sucks real bad to not think your mom's real -" He's got a notebook on his nightstand. "You don't know her number? Does Starbucks?"

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"It's in my phone -"  He crawls over Haru and out of bed; where is it.  Still in his pants pocket?  Yeah, okay, 753159882246 - texting app, where's the conversation there we go - mom I'm having an esper awakening with paranoia love you - send.  Back into bed.

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"Do you want to tell her where you are or do you want to - not do that because she might insist on visiting and that could be bad with your symptoms -"

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"I don't care about my symptoms - I guess it might be upsetting for her?  What's the address."

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Haru recites it.

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Type type.  Send.  Cuddle?  It's so much more important now that he knows it's the thing getting him sane instead of the reverse.

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Yeah, they can cuddle. "- maybe tell her my number so she has a way to get ahold of me short of coming to the house."

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"Good idea.  What is it."

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"Hm, is this... work related... yeah let's call it work related..." Number.

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Type.  And then his shirt should come off, for better guiding, so he doesn't turn back into that guy.


"I'm - really sorry for trying to sexually assault you..."

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"Awakening sucks incredibly bad and I'm not gonna be weird about it."

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"Okay.  Thank you."  What if he was lying back down.

...Phone actions phone actions.  "O-positive.  Is my blood type."

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"Drat, I'm A-positive."

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"Alas. Well, we don't have to put on shirts, and this level seems - workable? At least in whatever shape you've currently got it in?"

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"I guess.  It's -"  There's a noise outside and he jumps.  It's still fucking early in the morning, why would there be a car out - "I didn't want to be guided, before.  I just thought I had to, to stay in character, and also it felt nice and I didn't have very much willpower.  But now it seems like the most important thing to strategize."

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"I'm not sure there's that much strategizing to do? Blood won't work, I don't think the hospital will do any of the grosser options if you're not in obvious medical danger, we've already covered the sex angle and it's not happening - I could use my powers more, rack up backlash to pull on yours harder, except with paranoia it could possibly be bad if I were going around invisible to you a lot and you weren't keen to fly."

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"...Do you have, like, a harness, for flying people around with."

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"No, I just carry them in my arms. Espers are stronger than regular people."

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"...That's still really scary.  You could go without me?  And lock me up in the meantime, if it seems warranted."

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"I can go for a flight with Cricket - doing it alone stops being workable fast, flying is more expensive than being invisible for me so I get too lonely - but I'm not actually sure the interruption in guiding is worth it going faster once I land again? I guess it's worth a try in case the answer is definitively yes."

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"I bow to your expertise.  You -" ughhhhhhhh.  "I do not kink on this:  what's the state of the art on espers spitting into each other's mouths."

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"Uh, any time that would make sense people usually just kiss instead, it's less overtly gross and also works better because fluid efficacy drops off fast the more time it spends out of the donor body, but it probably works fine. - I can just hover around the house, I guess." He lifts off a centimeter from the bed and his skin becomes more delectably touchable.

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"I don't want to kiss you."  Hhhhhhh skin.

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"Yeah, I figured, just, that's why I haven't looked into it specifically."

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"Mm.  ....Should we try and go back to sleep?  I'm sorry I woke you up so early."  Not in a way where he wouldn't do the same thing again, but he regrets the necessity.

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"I'm gonna go to the bathroom and then yeah." He escapes the blanket and flies to the bathroom and comes back and snuggles right up.

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Being deprived of separated from Haru's skin is so much worse now.  But he doesn't freak out about it or anything.  Snuggle.

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It's kind of impossible to get back to sleep, what with how there keep being cars, and house noises that are not the house noises he's used to, and everything's real which means that anything could hurt him, or Haru, and he can't prevent any of it just by fawning at reality.  But he actually is really safe, is the thing.  Safer than normal.  Haru's house is nicer than his and probably less likely to catch on fire because of people in the other apartments getting high and doing some late-night cooking.  Or whatever.  And Haru's an esper and will be advantaged in saving him if something does happen, and will probably want to try.

So really the only danger is himself.  The only real danger.

So he lies there and soaks up the guiding, and tries to rest even though he cannot sleep.

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Haru says random nouns, some of them in French, for about an hour and a half, and then wakes up again and stretches.

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"Good morning."

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"Morning. How're you doing?"

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"Uh... bad, in - a good way, I think."

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"That is how it is sometimes. Let's go figure out breakfast?"

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"Yeah."  It's important to fuel your body, so you can be the minimal amount of insane.  And not think everything is fucking poisoned.

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"Do you want to try the making-omelettes-together-in-the-kitchen dance or just have cereal?" Haru asks, maneuvering out of the bed without breaking contact.

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"Omelettes sound good."  He should save the lower-effort options for when he really needs them.

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They have frozen spinach. Haru is going to also put a slice of deli turkey in his omelet but Julien doesn't need to partake. Cricket's asleep under his folded wings, in his window-seat cat bed.

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"- Did I do something wrong?  Do you think I'm being too chipper again?  You look - annoyed.  Or suspicious.  Do you think I'm about to go back to being wrong about everything?"

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"No, no, you're fine, I just make faces on autopilot and was thinking about stuff. - it is not remotely going to solve this problem if I turn invisible, is it."

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"...Noo.  But you have my permission to guide me imperceptibly if I go back to being wrong about everything."

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"I don't actually know if I can conceal the feeling of guiding! I might not be able to do that."

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"You have my permission to try, now, if you want to, and to do the rest even if you can't hide the feeling of guiding itself.  Really you can do anything to make me more convenient, or - manageable.  I don't mind."

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"I guess I'm curious and this is a fine time for me to do powers testing -" Pause. "- no, I don't think I can conceal that I'm guiding you, would've backlashed me if I could. I've done otherwise-imperceptible guiding when my partner ran herself into a really bad hole and couldn't make it to her silo but I never tried to hide that I was doing it, just make it less uncomfortable for her that I was a person."

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"Well, you're allowed according to me."

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"I'm not sure it will be helpful for your paranoia if we decide that I'm allowed to sneak up on you, but I guess it might not also be helpful if we don't decide that and I retain the ability to do it anyway, so, sure, noted."

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"Mm."  Omelette?  Perhaps two of them?

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Sure, they can make him a second omelette.

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Haru gets a text while Julien's eating it.

Hello, this is Solène-Luce Gagné, mother of Julien Doucet.  He gave me this number and claims he's having an esper awakening?  Who is this?

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Haru is still hovering constantly to pull closer to Julien's level so he's going to try calling her immediately!

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"Hello! This is Traceless! You texted me but I am impaired at reading for backlash reasons right now so I don't actually know what you said."

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"My son gave me your number?"

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"Aha, then you're probably Julien's mother! Hello!"

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"I am.  Is he alright?"

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"He's awakening, which is very unpleasant but I do not expect it to be life-threatening and it'll all be over in a week. The hospital staff noticed from his phone that I'd sent him a text and asked me through my agent to come check if his episode was magical in nature or not, and it turned out it was."

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"- You'd sent him a text?"

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"I pulled him out of a dungeon the other week and because I'm very talkative while backlashed we spoke and exchanged numbers, I like having a lot of people's numbers so I'm not concentrating all the talkativeness on any small number of people who might feel obliged."

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"...Sounds like he's been up to a lot."

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"Sorry, I have no idea where it's best to start catching you up, please feel free to ask questions, I can also put him on the phone. Anyway, he's at my house, it turns out we're compatible and I am doing my best to make this, uh, still probably the worst week of his life but by a less enormous margin."

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"Thank you kindly.  We haven't spoken in a while; I know he's been rather busy, although I had no idea it was... in this sort of way."

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"He's a couple of days in, I think, I don't have an exact timeline."

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"What if it were on speaker."

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"Sure, can do -" Speakerphone. "You're on speaker!"

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"Hi mom."

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"Hi, honey.  Hanging in there?"

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"I have both been and might shortly be worse."

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"I don't think there is any acute imminent problem on the horizon, he has what seems like probably paranoia as a backlash presentation, but it does make sense to be careful."

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"Yeah, I could have died of dehydration because I went like, a day and a half with barely any water and no food because I thought it was all poisoned, but now I'm with someone who knows to force me if I get delusional again.  - You will force me, right?  Please?"

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"I will not let you die of dehydration and my plan A is to accomplish this here rather than by returning you to the hospital whence you came, but either way you will not be permitted to dehydrate yourself to death."

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"It probably won't happen that way again, anyway, I decided guiding was already drugs and stopped caring.  And before that I - drank water with the paramedics anyway."

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"That's good then."

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"Do you want me to come by?"

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Julien looks to Haru.

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"I'm not averse if you two would like to see each other but I don't think it's medically necessary or anything."

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"Yeah, maybe for a bit.  Don't skip work about it, though."

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"Well, if that's what you want I'll have to go and get ready soon.  Tonight?"

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"Fine by me."

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"Should we expect you for dinner? I think my mother's planning something with tofu but I don't know exactly what."

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"If you'd like!  That sounds lovely."

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"Okay, I'll let her know. Allergies or anything?"

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"Not a one!"

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"Great, dinner usually hits the table at around six-thirty."

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"I'll be there!  Now, Julien, you be as well as you can, you hear?"

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"I'll do my best.  Love you."

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"Love you more, always."  And she hangs up.

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"She seems nice!" Haru says when there has been too much silence for his hovering backlashed self.

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"She's really great."  Probably she hates him for not telling her about stuff.  Maybe she's going to stop helping pay for his college expenses about it.

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"Can you text Ren for me, she won't answer the phone during school hours," says Haru, passing his phone to Julien. "Just to tell her about your mother coming for dinner."

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"Sure."  Oh god what if he says it in a wrong way.  How does Haru talk.  What if he does too good a job at impersonating him and - this is stupid.  "What phrasing?"

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"Uh, 'invited Julien's mom for dinner, she'll eat whatever'."

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Type type send.

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"Thanks." He sits crosslegged in the air and adjusts the guiding position he's in accordingly.

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"That's really cool."

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"Flying? I like it! I wish it were less expensive, I basically only do it tactically. Do you know what powers you want? They'll be somehow sort of opposite to your backlash if you squint but sometimes you have to squint pretty hard."

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"Something that... makes me trustworthy?  Somehow?  That would be nice.  Or is that twice opposite instead of once.  And how would it even work."

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"That's a little bit twice opposite but not so weird that I'd urgently fact-check it if I ran into it on Wikipedia. It'd be a psychic type power, like my partner's, she makes monsters chase her and ignore everybody else."

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"I wouldn't want to make people believe incorrectly that I was trustworthy!"  Cling!  "How often do people hate their powers -"

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"Some powers are just objectively kind of disappointing especially after a hell week? I think it's pretty unusual to just hate your power even in principle but it's not unheard of."

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"But psychics are really rare to begin with..."  But wouldn't it be just his luck.

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"Psychic isn't a bright line natural category, like, me you could argue either way, I'm not invisible to cameras, only to senses that belong to a person or a monster or I guess an animal."

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"...............What is your deal, actually?"  How embarrassing, how stupid, to have not at any point actually looked this up.  That kind of carelessness is going to get him killed.

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"Selectively imperceptible, psychic dungeon and monster effects bounce off me, plus flying - when I'm trying to explain how that one ties in conceptually I land on 'if I really don't want a dungeon to touch me, even with the floor, it doesn't' but obviously I can still fly in other situations."

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"Huh."  Heeeeee's going to get something awful.  Or something fine that pairs really poorly with paranoia.  And he won't be able to be careful enough forever and he'll hurt so many people.

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"The likeliest way I go down in the field is if I compulsively introduce myself to a monster, probably."

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"Oh no..."  But so much better to go down yourself out of friendliness than to hurt a bunch of people out of misplaced mistrust.  Really so much better.  "I think you should stop hovering.  I have - really a lot of reading I have to do if I want to understand - anything.  My classes really haven't gone into much at all about how dungeons and espers work.  Yet; I think there's a required class on it that I just haven't taken."

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Haru lands. "They require classes on it? - why is it you want me to stop hovering, if it's just that you're not going to be able to talk to me while you read I can get Cricket."

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"It's just that.  I don't know if I'll be able to read if there's conversation happening at all, though."

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"Legit, in that case I should at least come down to the point I can get by on reading blog comments and texting."

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"Thank you."

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"No thanks are necessary, I actually just love being sane from a purely selfish perspective."

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"Well then thank you for making yourself insane for me."  Wow he is going to owe SO much to Haru after this.  Also already?  Aaaaaaa what if Haru gets fed up with him and then takes him back to the hospital and he gets so much crazier without guiding and they don't know how to handle him and he does something really horrible.  Previously he wasn't really thinking about the hospitality aspect because when everything was fake - when he THOUGHT everything was fake, that's such an important distinction - when he THOUGHT everything was fake, then obviously they were using the same amount of stuff to make his environment pretty much no matter what.  Everything was already, he thought, for his benefit.  - Not for his benefit?  For his malefit? -  Against his benefit.  And now that he knows that things are real, it probably makes sense to try and at all keep track of how much debt, social and costwise, he's racking up.

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"Eh, I do it all the time professionally, don't worry about it."

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"I realistically am going to worry about it a lot."

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"In that case worry about it a lot, it'll displace other things and I'm relatively well positioned to clear it up after you're done awakening."

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"After I'm done I want to try and find a way to pay you back."  Which will be so hard when it turns out his power is deeply immoral to use and he can't earn any money with it.

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"You don't have to do that but also I totally did that so I guess I'm a hypocrite."

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"Are you basically automatically set, if you're an esper, or are there any poor ones?  ...Poor - money-savvy ones, not - because of making bad decisions."

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"Uh... I don't know any poor ones but there's no law of economics preventing it if you hate all your options. If my power were awful I would probably have asked June - my partner - for a stipend, and it'd be worth it to her because she can't operate without guiding, I think there are a fair number of arrangements like that. I've got a secondary in British Columbia who's done, like, commercials, but I think that probably only works because he's also done the occasional dungeon and being an esper is not otherwise a great entrez into screen work if you are not otherwise suited to the profession."

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"I guess I can just.  Continue college."  And continue to be in debt foreeever, to a person as well as to an institution.  Probably the point at which he'll actually start making money is far enough away that it won't really weigh much on Haru's decision-making about whether to keep him.  He'll just have to try and make it up to him as much as he can during this w - NO, that is a DANGEROUS line of thought, do not do not let yourself travel down roads which lead to trying to offer unwanted sexual favors!!  Cling.  Make it up to him by not being a creep!

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"Yeah, you can. I probably would have gone to college if my powers sucked, even if I also wound up making a living off guiding June."

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"Do you think it might make sense for me to continue even if they're good?  - Probably, no, specialization is probably the way to go here.  Even though espers and dungeon mats both.  Have to do with dungeons."

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"Might make sense to go part time or something, it'll depend on how much of a schedule you can pull on the dungeons - they're kind of grueling."

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"So I'll probably want to try and do my homework..."  Technically he could do it next week but he'll either be busy learning how to be an esper or he'll go back to working at Starbucks and be busy there.  Doesn't make sense not to make use of his downtime.

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"Any professor with a soul will give you an extension but I guess some of them might be demonic entities from dungeon 4055902."

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"I mean, I think I can do it fine.  I taught myself how to fingerpick a song on guitar the first night, and I'd never done that before.  I can still - do stuff, I'm just scared about it.  People can do things while scared."

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"And it'll be really impressive and everyone will think I'm really cool."  (A braggart and a tryhard.)  "As long as I do it right; I'll have to like, check, afterwards."

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"I have received competing accounts of your timeline but it sounded like maybe you showed up to work while awakening, that's already pretty impressive."

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"I did an entire shift.  And some of a second one, I don't know how much.  I wasn't paying attention to the time.  It sucked really bad.  I made a guy muffins."

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"Yeah, I basically didn't leave our apartment at all and made Charlie - my dad - fly here from British Columbia to help deal with me, so, you're already above par, but of course it sucked, awakening sucks."

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Haru is not impressed with him and thinks he's a braggart and a tryhard!!  He knew this would happen and yet he said things anyway.  Maybe he should just stop trying to say anything - no, Haru needs him to keep saying things and will be upset if he doesn't.

.....................But that doesn't mean he can think of anything to say in response to this.  Fuck.

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"Do you need to ask your mom to swing by your place for your homework or anything else like that?"

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"That's a great idea, I should do that!"  Text text?  Oh god he's back to being chipper.  You can't be doing this shit, Julien, that's the path to madness.  No smiling, it distorts the face.  There.  "I should also let my housemates know properly, but maybe once you're less backlashed."

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"Oh, Cricket told them, but I guess this could have failed in some way - hey, Cricket, you home?" he calls.

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"I'll be out in a minute," calls Cricket's voice from the bathroom. He emerges presently.

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"What'd you wind up saying to Julien's housemates?"

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"I rang the buzzer for his apartment till someone answered and then said 'Julien is awakening and Traceless is guiding him and you can call his agent'."

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"I meant a different thing by 'properly' than that.  I have messages from some of them.  Which I should respond to.  In a bit."

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"Yeah, probably, especially if whoever Cricket spoke to might not have told everyone."

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"They probably did.  Maybe.  - Do you have a guitar?"

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"No, I'm not very musical. So maybe ask your mom to get that too."

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"Yeah.  In case I can do things that are mechanically difficult but not - thinky."

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"Like how I learn languages, yeah."

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"I guess.  I wouldn't have really thought of that as not thinky but it makes sense."

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"Oh, I just mean in terms of relationship to backlash, I don't need 'not thinky' I need 'yes socializing' so I've squeezed what I can into that niche."

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"Mhm.  I could practice French with you, if you'd like, but I'm probably way worse than you.  I'm passable in text, I have online friends who I speak to in it - or, I do when I'm less busy - but I'm.  A lot worse out loud.  It's really bad.  Sometimes."

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"I'm fluent in French now but it actually works fine no matter which party in the conversation is the one learning the language, if you want to brush up."

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"D'accord," he switches.  "That was... actually the thing that made me freak completely out.  Externally.  Is that a man... ordered in French.  It was complicated.  I should have been able to handle it.  But... he surprised me.  I wasn't ready.  And he said my name, before that.  It's, I have a.... a name on my chest.  But, I was afraid."

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"Like you couldn't put together that he read your nametag, or you could but it didn't make it seem less threatening?"

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"The first and then the second.  I think."

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"Hard to remember?"

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"Hard to.... decant... my memory, into a story.  It was fast and I was afraid."

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"My partner started awakening on stage, it was very bad for her. - it's not a secret, it was very public."

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"Oh no."  (Does 'Ah, non' actually mean the same thing as 'Oh no'.  Oh well.)

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"Yeah. I don't know her very well but what I know about her is pretty cool, she could have put the powers down and gone back to her music career but she's in dungeons as often as she can get guided for them."

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"What sort of stage performance does she do?"

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"She doesn't, any more. At the time she was a backup singer for... I've forgotten who the main act was."

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"And she... the amount of guiding she can have is small?"

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"Right. The usual thing is that she turtles up under a blanket with headphones on so she can't hear me and sticks out her feet, and I sit on the other side of the couch and put my feet on her feet. She's saving all her ability to be around people for other people. I mostly interface with her brother, who I think also talks to her agent for her."

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"Perhaps you can - fly, without moving - for her.  Later.  For guiding.  And then meet with me."

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"Hover. I'll catch up with her when you're done awakening."

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"Hover.  And I said later.  In the future, continuing.  Regularly."

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"Oh. Usually we just arrange to be in dungeons at the same time and then guide off the backlash from that, but I could probably do dungeons more often if I had a secondary. Still, we should probably talk about that when you are done awakening."

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"It was only an idea."

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"I know, I'm not mad, I'm reminding myself more than you that this is not a good time to make plans."

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"You had an air of being mad.  According to me."

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"Well, I apologize for whatever actual contribution I made to that impression." Sigh.

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"I'm sorry for... - the opposite."

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"I get it. I'm not going to hold your backlash against you."

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"Nobody who knows how espers work will. - I mean, if you make bad tradeoffs once you've got powers to trade off with then people will judge you about that, but you're awakening now, it's not much under your control."

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"I think... that I am mostly happy for this.  But that there are some things I want to be held against me if they happen.  If only before I'm finished in awakening.  And there are other things...... It's good that you're nice, but - I can still choose some things.  When that is true, I want to choose not to be annoying.  Unless that means choosing being stupid.  I thought maybe not saying that could be for me to choose being stupid.  Dangerous.  In the future."

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"I'm not sure I follow you."

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"When I'm afraid of everything, I want to - perform.  To be a person who isn't afraid of everything.  And I think that's wrong.  It's maybe dangerous, to let myself perform as a person who isn't afraid of things, because it's part..... of - the wallpaper, of being afraid of everything.  So I want to tell you when I'm afraid.  Or... I think it's stupid not to, although I don't want to.  Although it's annoying and normally it would't bother me that I was afraid of it.  It would be my problem."

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"Huh. It doesn't bother me if you want to report on the things that are scaring you, if you think it's wise."

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"Thank you."

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"No problem. - I can probably check email and stuff nowabouts if you want to go get set up back to back on the couch."

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"Okay."  Seating shuffle.  He'll scroll through Haru's blog looking for posts that seem relevant.

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Photography posts! Dungeon case studies! Sex Themed Dungeons: What The Fuck (that's the literal title). Public-information compatibility map of every esper partnership every esper with available data has ever had in their entire careers (this one's a link, Haru didn't do it all himself). Book review of a history of the early reception of espers and dungeons. Interview with Columba. Interview with Sparkler. Interview with the founder of the Maple agency. Interview with a mundane dungeon squad leader. Interview with an author who's got a book on tour about recovering from being kidnapped by dungeons.

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Normally he might comment on the title of the sex dungeon one being funny but under the circumstances he absolutely will not.  Compatibility map?

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It's a big sprawling flowchart with lines between all espers who have ever partnered, or checked for compatibility and found it but not partnered. The default sort of line means that there is public information to the effect that these espers are usefully compatible; these different lines are used when there is positive data to the effect that it's asymmetrical, or very weak, or strong enough to detect at greater than touch range, but any of these things could also be true when the default line is present. No line means no public data, it does not mean incompatible. The graph is not planar and it's got thousands of espers on it. Traceless's link finds him on the graph, between June Yamanaka (strong-compatibility line) and Sparkler (normal line).

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Woah.  He could click around on this for A While.



But he won't.  He should be catching up on all the important things he doesn't know.  Mundane dungeon squad interview?

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They go in someplace - someplace that a sensor has cased, so they know if they need gas masks, lights, special ammo, or any other nonstandard gear. They go in and they kill monsters and throw those and anything not nailed down out the portal as convenient. They find victims and cover their retreat out the portal. This guy got to kill a boss monster dragon one time, sitting on the dungeon core which was concealed under a pile of gold coins and gigantic jewels, and he says it was incredible and compares it favorably to the births of his children. They got some of the treasure out before they killed the dungeon but not that much of it because the monsters were torturing people and they really didn't want the dungeon to get anyone else, so they just got what was easy to tote out of the hoard before they found the core and got it to the entrance for the final sweep.

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Did the gold and jewels turn out to be made of actually-that-stuff or were they weird somehow?

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A footnote clarifies: They were actually made out of that stuff. It affected the gold market. But it was less remunerative than novel dungeon materials, just really cool.

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He would be sad for the people who cared about gold being valuable if gold were less useful, and he thinks people mmmostly care less about jewels being valuable.  Except diamonds maybe but diamonds are also useful.

Was killing the boss monster incredible in just like an accomplishment way or like as a rush or as something more magical?

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Guy just seems really jazzed about having LITERALLY killed a REAL dragon that was ACTUALLY on a HOARD OF TREASURE.

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Yeah that's really valid, to be honest.  Except to the extent that it would be much, much cooler to befriend a dragon and become its rider than to kill one, but.  Practicalities.  Tragic practicalities.

What next.  Actually - "Is there any material written for an audience of new espers?"  (He's back to English.  It's the language he's been reading in and he forgot they were practicing until it was too late to change course.  Probably Haru will judge him for this and then also speak to him in surprise French and Julien will have a panic attack and spiral into doing and being something horrible.  So he should simply Not Be Surprised when there is French.)

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Haru switches to English too. "Some, yes. On my link sidebar if you go to 'Extrasensory' and then search the site for 'newbie' then there's a halfway decent link roundup."

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"What?  - Got it, nevermind."  Well, not entirely, but hopefully the important bits.  Ctrlf extrasensory.

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There it is in the blogroll. Searching "newbie" leads to the promised link roundup masterpost, including:

- Use It Or Lose It: Espers are super-healthy and fit but can still benefit from exercise, here's links to recommended regimens for dungeon-readiness or just plain aging gracefully because espers do still age.
- Getting an Esper Passport
- Codename conflict checker
- Attempts to quantify what forms of guiding are the most effective, in clinical yet considerable detail
- Links to regular esper mixers and meetups
- Powers testing advice
- How to update civilian ID with new hair and eye colors
- Miscarriage coping resources
- Therapists with special interests in psychological backlash
- How to tell your doctor about your physical backlash and find a new doctor if they can't cope
- Steering psychological backlash into various shapes: thirty case studies
- Finding an agent
- Form letter for sending to school/work/etcetera apologizing that you did not show up because you were awakening
- Some twenty different esper FAQs
- Non-Dungeoneering Esper Careers
- Esper Partnerships For Fun And Profit

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Thirty case studies!

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This person has depression with visual disturbances (the world literally loses color and definition for her as she gets sadder). For her the thing she needs to lean away from is hopelessness and to a lesser extent self-worth issues, and it's relatively safe and self-limiting to just be unmotivated and want to flop in her silo with her partner and not do anything while said partner (hyperactivity and mania) gives her a massage and kisses her till the colors come back. Sometimes this means she quits a dungeon even before red (the last color to go) is gone, but better to quit early than to hold out too late and commit suicide by monster.

This one has what at first looked like paralysis but turned out to be that thing where you form the delusion that a limb doesn't belong to you and has been attached to you by some sort of mistake. If he tries really hard he can believe that the limbs have been loaned to him or are cyborg prosthetics and are thus still usable, though this stops working at high levels of backlash and makes him pretty clumsy. Sometimes he can disbelieve in his non-dominant arm really hard and keep his legs and other arm reporting for duty as normal.

This guy has binge eating compulsions and sometimes manages to drink a lot of water and eat raw low-calorie vegetables instead of chowing down on whatever's around. He also manages what's around to some extent but his partner has loss of appetite and they have to have emergency highly palatable things around in the silo.

This woman has nymphomania and has managed with years of effort to have it manifest reliably as specifically a kink for being guided.

This guy's backlash of clinical lycanthropy became a lot more manageable when he managed to believe he was turning into a dog instead of a wolf. He has almost entirely stopped biting people.

This person becomes a hoarder and still has a lot of hoarding problems - she gets so upset with herself, and with her partner for letting her which is a more serious problem because it interferes with guiding, when she realizes she's thrown stuff out between backlash episodes; so she's trying not to rely on it for anything that isn't a clear health hazard. But she's had some luck with becoming more of a digital packrat.

There are totally thirty of these.

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The first couple is really really cute.  Who does the nymphomaniac usually get guided by, does it say?

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She's anonymous and presumably based on the description has a partner but they're anonymous even by way of gender.

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Seems rough if they have a sex repulsion backlash or something but he supposes it's none of his business.  The lycanthropy one is so much; he rereads that a few times to absorb it.

Time to eat all the FAQs, he guesses.

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If he was not previously fully informed about the difference between acute and chronic backlash, what guiding is and does and if it's inherently sexual, whether awakening has automatically conscripted him into the skeleton war dungeoneering profession, what the difference is between an agency and a guild, or the medical advisability of doing powers testing before you find someone compatible and willing to guide you, the FAQs are here for him.

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What is the difference between an agency and a guild, precisely?

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Mostly it's that agencies are the done thing in the West (with a few guilds trying to make it work) and vice versa in Asia. They're structurally distinct, though. There's a lot of things that need to line up for an esper to do their best work - they need to find (a) partner(s), they need training and gear and recon and not to trip over each other, the way that dungeon materials and taxpayer dollars turn into these resources depends on whether they're represented by an agency or working for a guild. The guilds are businesses that employ espers, with pay, benefits, perks, and resources laid out for them to do their jobs; many of the things espers need, a guild does in-house. The agencies are services hired by espers, to coordinate with governments, R&D departments, private bounty and insurance interests, would-be gig employers for civilian-side work, partners, and any other services the esper wants to hire. Agencies are buffets and guilds are prix fixe. Some agencies are drifting toward a more guild-shaped thing and some guilds sort of devolve into an agency-like thing.

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Huh.  Really good to know.

He's going to message his mom about the guitar and also could she bring him a bunch of clothes, please, he loves her thanks.


"I think I ought to be safe to take a quick shower.  And - should?"

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"Sure, uh, how quick do you expect to be and after how long should I assume you're having a crisis in there and break in?"

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"Uh, ten minutes or fewer and...... forty?  Respectively?  Really I expect to be quick enough that it won't be a problem."

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"Sure. I'll set a timer. The clock in there is a little slow."

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"Thanks."  He - leans forward to break skin contact, with an incredible force of will, and heads for the bathroom.

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- And then immediately returns.  "Sorry, uh, which towel should I use?"

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"The ones in the cupboard above the toilet are clean, take one of those."

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Okay.  Shower time.  The mechanism for turning it on is not one he's familiar with, but he already just asked a question about the incredibly simple process of how to take a shower, and - he should ask over having a panic attack, obviously, that's the only safe thing, but also he doesn't.  Need.  To have a panic attack.  He can just poke around until the correct temperature of water comes out and everything is draining properly and it will be fine.  Nothing bad is going to happen if he tries various things.  (Unless something is broken, and Haru didn't tell him because he's so used to it that he didn't think of it.  If that's true it might be something that's convenient to fix because Haru's done it half a dozen times, but also what if it isn't.  ....Then he will just have to deal with that.  And it will be horrible, but it will be what he does.)  - There.  Water, hopefully coming to temperature.

He takes a moment to congratulate himself, entirely without joy, for successfully taking the steps to prevent himself from panicking about the fact that he's become really gross, and the spiral of Haru-might-hate-him that might lead to.  And also for doing it alone.  Even suggesting the idea of doing otherwise would be sexual harassment.  ....Maybe they could do it in swim trunks.  He can raise the idea and then text his mom to bring his too, but later.  It's too late for this one.

The water's warm on his hand, and warm again a few seconds later, and again a few seconds later, and probably isn't suddenly going to get scalding.  Julien - he - Julien gets in.


It doesn't really compare to guiding.  But it's nice in its own way.

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It's - hard to be alone like this.  But he can do it for a few minutes, and he can make sure the shower only lasts that long.  He'll skip shampoo under the circumstances; conditioner:  on.  Scrunch scrunch.  This isn't so bad, see?  If something goes really horrible Haru will bust in and - do something horrible to him.  But appropriate.  And also it'll be sexual harassment on Julien's part.  But he's not going to die alone in his room of dehydration.  Haru will - force him.  Hold him down, esper-strong and selectively intangible, and pour water down his throat, and......

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Oh god.  What was he thinking.  What the fuck was he thinking, asking for that.

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Well, he can sob very quietly, or try, because he has to, because otherwise Haru will hear him and come in and do terrible horrible things to him for having the audacity to have a bad time.  And he has twenty minutes to get himself under control, othewise et cetera.

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He manages it in ten, finishes up and dries off, and gets back into the sweated-in pajama pants Haru lent him.

And emerges.  Here he is.

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"Hey. - I should've gotten you a change of pants, my bad, one sec." He brushes past him in the hall on his way to the stairs.

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It's brief enough that it's not obvious whether the flinch is about the touch or the leaving.

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Haru speeds up, which depending on one's perspective might imply either interpretation on his part. Comes back with cargo pants. "Honestly if these fit you keep them, they're too short on me."

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"Thank you."  He'll go back into the bathroom to put them on.  At a reasonable speed.  And come back.

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Haru has returned to the couch and holds out an arm invitingly.

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..........Julien hovers (non-literally) over by the door.

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"You want to kill me."

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"No, I don't want to kill you, which I guess is what a murderer would say, if they somehow needed to convince you of that and weren't very creative. C'mere."

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"Not - him."  He gestures to the left of himself.  "Me."  Then to his chest.  "The backlash."

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"I really don't recommend anthropomorphizing it, that can't possibly be healthy."

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"Too late."

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"Well, fuck. Uh. ...man it's like the opposite of that warning sign that got passed around the internet once upon a time where it says 'not only will this kill you it will hurt the whole time you're dying' or something. If you insist on the anthropomorphization then, sure, fine, I guess you can describe the situation as me wanting to kill you, but also it will feel amazing the entire time?"

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He wipes at his eyes.  "You'll make me?  Because he asked you to?"

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"I'd rather not have to? - look, if you're the backlash, you are the awakening backlash. Awakening backlash goes away on its own. You have less than a week to live guiding or no guiding. If you would prefer to exist any longer than that you have to leave him with memories of you being possible to work with literally at all."

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He's crying more freely now.  But... he comes over and cuddles up.

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Oh thank god.

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"I don't care if you want to make this go faster but I don't want to talk to you if you do."

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"...okay, suit yourself." He turns a page in Les Misérables.

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And does he start hovering or anything?

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"Look, it's miserable existing like this.  I - want it to be over with as soon as possible.  If you can get by with talking to someone else I'd prefer that.  Especially if I can borrow headphones."

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"- oh, okay, sure, that was really not clear from talking about how you think of it as being killed but okay. Cricket!" he calls, closing the book.

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Cricket appears from the top of the stairs and glides down them. "Is he -"

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"Kitty I try not to be too stifling of your expressive freedom but he is not as free to get up and leave the room in response to rude remarks as most people usually are. Can you get my headphones, they should be in my nightstand."

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"...fine." Up the stairs again he trots.

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It's not that he wants to be killed but given that it's inevitable it seems cruel to protract the process.  He doesn't tell his murderer this; the practicalities are taken care of now and there's no reason to make buddy-buddy with him beyond that.  He doesn't owe him any vulnerability.  (...It's a shame that there's no word with the same kind of accusation built in as 'murderer', but for someone who.... forcibly drugs people into comas?  It's not that he thinks he's going to die forever, and that's important, but - Haru wants him dead and probably would kill him if he could.  He just doesn't have the ability.)

The guiding feels nice except for how if he thinks enough about how nice it feels he will die comatize stop existing.  Which means he can't enjoy it.  The flinch reaction is simply too much.  What if his existence isn't tied to the level of backlash at all but the level of guiding?  He feels like if he can just distract himself enough, he'll -
- he'll fall away, and the other one will come back.  And it's not that he wants that, he wants to live, but.  Yeah.  If he's not allowed to live then he wants this over with as soon as possible.

Maybe things will be better next time.  Haru's right about one thing; he has to be willing to cooperate with the other one.  He doesn't want to, because the other one started it and the bar is in the fucking floor for being more cooperative than him, but getting back at people doesn't actually get you anywhere.  He knows that.  (He's not sure the other one does, though.)  So.... compliance, pretty much perfect compliance with what the other one wants, is the name of the game.


Thus far the crying has pretty politely been sticking to tears qua tears, but the idea of Cricket, a monster and a cat who by all rights should have a better understanding of what it's like to be something that - people hate or don't think is valuable or don't respect or don't think of as an autonomous person with intrinsic value - than regular people, wanting to insult him... it's rather upsetting.  And he doesn't even have the dignity of a shirt to wipe his face with.

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"I'm getting tissues."  He stands up.  "I'm getting tissues and I'm washing my hands and I'm not resisting, so don't come after me."

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Cricket comes down with headphones in his mouth and deposits them in the area of the couch ?Julien? vacated and climbs into Haru's lap to be petted.

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He blows his nose a bunch and washes his hands and brings the tissues over.  Headphones.

.....Nothing feels right to listen to right now.  He spends a good ten minutes trying to pick something out of his library, then goes for the Les Mis soundtrack, but that's not right and he switches to 80s pop a minute later.  Which also is not right, but - is less obtrusive.  Phantom?  Phantom is pretty good drama and melodrama and big feelings and - a guy who everyone is mean to for no reason.  Until he does things that warrant being mean to him about, which he's going to avoid.  But redemption, ultimately.  And it has bangers, that's important.


Yeah, this is a fine thing to die.... go away.... to.  He does the melting-into-Haru thing again, over the next twenty or so minutes.

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Haru spends those twenty minutes being treated to an explanation of who everybody in season two of the Wire is and what shenanigans they are up to. Cricket approves of Beadie, if Julien's paying attention.

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He really isn't.

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Until he sits up and looks at Haru.  And deheadphoneses.  Then he's paying attention to the extent that he's listening for a break in the conversation so that he can say something.

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Haru, hovering and cuddling (right arm) and petting Cricket (left hand), says, "I wonder if Charlie would know anything about - yes, Julien?"

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"I'm back."

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"...welcome back. Is there like, a bright line, or six transitional identities, or a fuzzy median state...?"

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"I don't know.  I had to distract myself, to get out of it, so I was.  Distracted.  From the experience of being me.  Or him, or whatever.  I guess I can rule out the six one."

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"You're still going with the anthropomorphizing angle from this - vantage point?"

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"I don't know?  I - really kind of want to, just from how embarrassing it is...  But maybe I shouldn't."

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"I sometimes talk about backlashed me and regular me like separate people but just as a linguistic convenience to emphasize that it's not like a nonmagical mood I get into."

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"Hm.  .....Next time either of us needs a shower do you want to put on swim trunks and do it together?"

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"Sure. Are yours coming with the rest of your care package?"

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"They will be once I text my mom about it."  He should do that; he does that.



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Purrrrrrring on Haru. "What."

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"What were you going to ask about me earlier?"

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"It doesn't matter."

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"Okay."  He's soooooo curious but okay.  Probably it was something really awful, if he doesn't want to say it now.  Awful in a way that reflects on Julien personally.

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Cricket resumes explaining the Wire.

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And Julien missed too much of the beginning to have any hope of understanding what's going on, so back to Phantom for him, apparently.

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Eventually Cricket breaks for lunch. He can collect chicken livers and raw tuna from the fridge himself.

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Haru - stops hovering. "What do you want for lunch?"

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Blinkblinkblink.  "Uh... what do you have, again?"

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"I'm leaning ramen but we have sandwich stuff... admittedly it's not mostly vegetarian sandwich stuff unless you want just, like, sprouts and cheese and maybe hummus if it's still in date... I think I remember how to make chickpea salad, there's always KD..."

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"Is the ramen vegetarian?"

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"We have a variety pack, I'm sure some of it is." Pantry rummaging. "Even the chicken flavor might be fake actually."

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"Sounds good if so."

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The chicken flavor is fake. Haru goes with the spicy sesame for himself.

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Sure, yeah, chicken.


"I'm really sorry about..." him "that."

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"I'll be fine, Cricket can talk to me when you're not up for it. That's like, his day job, because June doesn't talk to me either."

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"That's... not the part I was apologizing for.  Or, not the main one."

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"...I guess it was also confusing to be told you - he? - didn't care if I guided faster and then promptly hear a care about that but not in a way where I think it called for an apology."

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"I think - he thought that you would have a strong enough opinion that saying that he didn't would be enough to get you to do the thing."

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"I think it is medically indicated to guide you a lot but if I'm consulting my own selfish preferences I really like being able to read. And by visible indicators 'curled up with me on the couch making a stressed facial expression' isn't an emergency." The microwave completes Julien's ramen and he sticks his own in. "I can approach things differently but you seem to be a variety pack of backlash flavors and some of them are liars so I'm guessing a lot."

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"I also am guessing a lot.  It's... it's also rough being the liars.  Not that - I don't mean - ....I don't know."

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"I get it. I know you're having a rough time and it's not about me basically at all. Just trying to explain."

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"Thank you.  I think I just mean - I also don't have a flowchart of what you should do about me being various ways.  And I'm sorry for that.  If I were in your place that would be the worst part for me, not knowing what to do."

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"I'll cope, but also both of us have a few days to pick up practical experience," Haru shrugs. "I found practice mattered a fair amount managing mine."

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"For you do you think you do more - arranging your head or arranging your circumstances?"

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"Both. But also like - the intersection between the two? I don't think of my backlash as a separate guy but I sometimes think of arranging circumstances to be comfortable and to indulge the compulsive social urges as 'cooperating' with 'him'."

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"Mine is pretty... cooperative, though. In the forms of it that I lean on."

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"Mine kind of was."

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"Arguably yes."

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"He certainly thought he was, and... I remember that, from the inside...  But it's hard to pick it apart into what's actually true."

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"He didn't put up a fight, at least, and maybe insofar as I convinced him he'll... stay convinced?"

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"That would be nice."

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"Yeah, it would. I guess we'll see."

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"He didn't - identify especially with the version of me who was wrong about everything.  As much as I might have expected.  I think he was more thinking of himself as new in that moment."

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"...huh. I guess given the givens it'd be more convenient if he has - continuity with himself across discontinuities in time, so you're not trying to negotiate with a series of 'em none of whom expect to ever 'return', but that doesn't necessarily require that he identify with any other backlash flavors."

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"He expected to be back someday.  I don't know whether he's, y'know, right."

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".......In case there's any doubt I think you didn't do anything wrong.  Even if he doesn't."

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"I appreciate that. I usually have, uh, slightly higher standards for myself than not doing anything wrong, but I'll take it."

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"Sometimes it's the best you can do."

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Ramen ramen ramen. When they're both done they can deal with the dishes and go back to the couch.

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Cricket's already done eating and assumes his position on Haru's lap and his duties as The Wire Explainer.

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Julien will..... attempt to do some of his textbook reading?  Sure.


.....Nooo.  Absolutely not, actually.  Not on his phone.  Maybe when his mom brings him his laptop, except for actually how he's so stupid right now and he's not going to be able to get through the material and his professors are definitely not going to give him any extensions and then he'll fail out of college and also his power will be evil and he will have noooo life plan.  And he doesn't even know what the hell is going on in The Wire, so clearly he's not only useless but also destined to be miserable forever.

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The Wire is really complicated. Occasionally Cricket patiently spells characters' names for Haru based on how they are rendered in the subtitles so that Haru can look them up and see what they look like.

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It's pretty obvious even if you have no idea what's going on in The Wire that Haru and Cricket are very fond of one another even if you factor out all the purring.

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That's both very morally comforting and very cute.  It doesn't really make him any less miserable, at the moment.  What about podcasts.  He can podcast for a while, probably.  The Rose Buddies reboot is pretty brainless.  He can manage that.  It's surreal to be this stressed listening to something about The Bachelorette, but worrying over whether Aiden is like, okay, or just kind of a goober who's fine actually - is probably one of, if not the, most harmless things he could be panicking about right now.

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Eventually Ren comes home with a bag of groceries. "Tofu!" she announces, brandishing a package thereof.

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"Thank you."  He wipes his eyes and sits up.

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"No, no need to move, I've got it. How are you doing - Haru, they're out of the fruit gem things, sorry -"

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"That's fine, thanks anyway."

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...If she insists.




- Taptaptap on Haru's arm.

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"- mm?"

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"I am going to need to borrow a shirt.  For when my mom's here."

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"Does she not - get - yeah, sure, let's go get shirts." Up the stairs.

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Up the stairs.  "It would just be kind of weird?  She's my mom."

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"Yeah. It's your tradeoff to make. I have plain t-shirts, more plain t-shirts, plain long-sleeved t-shirts, a blood drive one, one Tim Horton's gave me for agreeing to be photographed with my morning coffee, and exactly one buttondown, take your pick." The relevant dresser drawers are open for Julien's inspection.

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"Thank you."  Plain purple shortsleeve.

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Haru grabs a gray one for himself but does not put it on immediately, presuming Julien's mother will knock or something.

Back down they go. Ren's got garlic and green onions in the frying pan and is pressing the tofu.

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She actually texts Julien that she's outside instead, but yeah, there's warning.


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"Hi! Dinner will be ready in just a few minutes, sit anywhere you like - I'm Ren Swan, Haru over there a.k.a. Traceless is my son -" Ren waves distractedly and runs back to stir the tofu in the pan.

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"Thank you kindly."

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"Your eyes are lighter already," she notes.  "Have you been taking pictures?"

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"You should, you'll want them later."

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"Yeah."  This has actually occurred to him once already, but he was crying at the time.  And then he forgot.  "I know."  He unhugs and hands her his phone.

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She leads him over to a spot with good light, fixes his hair, and snaps a round of shots.  And a few on her phone for good measure.

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...Haru notes the clock time but does not overtly object to non-guiding time elapsing. He pets Cricket. He's low enough backlash to Read The Comments instead of talking constantly and goes through what's been said on his blog.

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No, no, Julien comes right back next to him afterwards.  Though he doesn't initiate contact; he puts his hand kind of up and vaguely towards Haru and then leaves it there.

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Haru links arms and clasps hands.

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That's fine, then.

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"Where'd I set down your bags... - there they are.  Guitar's still in the car, I'll go and get it."

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"Thank you."

He gets more lean-y on Haru after she steps out.

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"Do I need to be watching the, uh, level of contact or whatever around her, is she touchy?"

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"I don't knooooow.  She doesn't - " want to know things about his sex life (and - this situation aspirationally has absolutely nothing to do with his sex life) but also in the context of that conversation, a few years ago, that was probably code for 'she doesn't want to be presented with solid evidence that he's definitely gay' because then she would have to - hate him?  Beat him?  Disown him?  ...He didn't think those things were likely a week ago but he thinks them now.  That means they're almost certainly false but it makes it hard to guess what actually will happen.  She will..... have to stop imagining him getting married to a nice girl and settling down and having a bunch of kids.  She will..... be awkward in some way.  Haru might be better at guessing but he doesn't know her and also he can't mention this to Haru because this situation has nothing to do with his sex life but mentioning this concern would make that not true.  But ALSO what if this whole line of thought is his brain trying to get him guided less so that other fucking guy can come back.  Or a new one.  AaaaaaaaAAAA.  "I'm more the uncomfortable one.  I think."

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"Okay, well, for your comfort, what should I be doing guidingwise."

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"I don't know," he despairs.  "- I guess the arm and hand level was pretty fine."  Unlean back to that.

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"Got it. I can eat left handed if you need your right."

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"Thank you.  ...'Roll up a pant sleeve, keep lower legs touching' also seems workable if that's easier."

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(Guitar!  She leans it against the wall over there.)

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"Thanks for toting over his stuff, Ms. Gagné."

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"It's really the least I can do.  I hope you'll let me know if there's anything more I should help with."

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"I think we're otherwise basically set to weather it here."

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"It's awfully kind of you."

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"The reason you can't get most suspected awakenings checked by an esper is because they're usually false alarms and because most espers aren't compatible enough to help anyway, but we've all been there and know how much it sucks, I wasn't going to turn around and leave him in the hospital."

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"What happened, exactly?  You mentioned some of it on the phone, but..."

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"The other week he was in a dungeon. Not one of the bad ones, he was mostly just hanging out with a monster standing guard over him. I came in and escorted him out of there and kept him talking the entire time because my backlash makes me lonely. He was interesting to talk to so I swapped numbers with him, I go for that with the like top percentile of conversationalists I pull out of dungeons so no specific person is ever under any pressure to keep me company while I'm casting around for somebody to call on the phone. His nurse, when he was in the hospital with his awakening, noticed my codename on his phone and figured it'd be a good way to get him and a few other people she was worried about checked for whether they were espers or just having normal medical problems; she looked me up and called my agent and my agent called me and I went over to check it out."

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"Mmhm...  Hm."

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"That's basically what happened from my perspective, too.  Except the part where I started awakening, which was just like, I continued to work at Starbucks except that I thought it was all fake and if I did anything wrong I would get tortured.  .....And I almost tried to fight the paramedics but I didn't really, because it turns out that even though I was already what I thought was the maximum amount of scared of being tortured, I was in fact more scared of it when - physically threatened.  Conveniently."

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".......Do you mean to say they physically threatened you, or did you just think -"

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"- No, no, I just.  Yeah, I just thought it.  I mean, they put me in the ambulance even though I was resisting, but not.  We don't need to sue them.  They were helping."  Even though that was one of the worst moments of this.  ...So far.

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"They probably didn't have a strong reason to think it was an awakening but any of the other things it could've been would've also been dangerous, either to him or to bystanders. Though I'm glad to hear they don't need suing."

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"It's awfully convenient that it's not any of the other things.  Do you have any guesses on what your power might look like?"

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"I didn't come up with anything plausible earlier.  But Haru might have a better idea than," I?  I is correct but also incredibly pretentious.  His only options for finishing this sentence risk sounding hateable or dumb; there's no good one - "me."

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"I did a quick check to see if anyone else is public with paranoia backlash but didn't find anything - a lot of people don't publicize their backlashes for various reasons and a lot of the people who might aren't posting in languages I can read. At a wild guess maybe some kind of shielding or warding power, so you wind up with 'being safe' opposite 'feeling unsafe'."

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Oh god he could have just said 'than I do'.  He's so dumb and he still would have been if he had said plain 'I'.

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"That would be nice, wouldn't it?  You'd like that."  She gives his non-Haru shoulder a quick rub.

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"Yeah."  What are the chances it's that, though, instead of something awful.

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"It could be something not remotely obvious, though. Like, I have a just-so story for why flying makes me lonely but it's a stretch."

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"Distance from things, is that it?"

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"No, not distance from - stuff can't perceive me or interact with me if I don't want it to, and that includes the ground. If most people don't want the ground to touch them this has no magical force, if I don't want the ground to touch me I fly."

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"Hm!  Did you have any interesting guesses for yourself, when you were awakening?"

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"It's kind of a blur."

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"You thought maybe you'd have a monster-repelling field or be able to banish dungeon victims back to the overworld."

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"I guess those would have made sense, sure."

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"I guess we'll just have to wait and see."

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A frying pan full of tofu and a pot of rice hit the table. "Help yourselves! So - Haru said Ms. Gagné? - what do you do?"

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Food!  "I'm a school secretary."

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"Oh! What school? I teach kindergarten at Sunrise Park."

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"Peabody Central.  It's a ways out in the sticks, I'm not sure you'd have heard of it."

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"I haven't, no, but there was a chance. It's always nice to meet more people in the field though. Elementary or secondary?"

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"I'm in the secondary wing."

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"I've always been very firmly kindergarten -" She gestures at the crayon drawings on the fridge. "I've subbed for older grades a couple of times but I'm something at a loss once they think they're too grown-up for dinosaurs, you know?"

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"Oh, but eventually they become grown-up enough for dinosaurs again.  And in the meantime they're into so many fascinating things."

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Ren will happily fill any silences that accumulate during dinner with education-related shop talk. She bought cupcakes for dessert, after they've all had all the stirfry they want.

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How's Haru doing on the southpaw eating?  Do they need to switch to leg-based guiding at any point?

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Espers are not more ambidextrous than genpop but Haru has broken his right arm before, albeit years ago, and is doing fine at stabbing tofu and putting it in his mouth left-handed. The cupcake is even easier, though his mother gives it to him with the wrapper already removed so maybe that's cheating.

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Okay, good.  Cupcakes.  - Is it gay to eat cupcakes???  While holding another man's hand??  What flavor are they.

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Ren got chocolate ones with vanilla frosting and rainbow sprinkles.

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Okay.  Okay, he is too full for cupcakes, if anyone asks.  Delicious dinner thank you Ms. Swan.

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"Please, call me Ren, everyone who calls me Ms. Swan is five years old."

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"Thank you, Ren."

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"Yes, exquisite.  Julien, do you want me to stick around any longer or should I head back home?"

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"You - came out all this way."

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"It's not that far."

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"You know, I think I'd better start the drive before it gets too much later.  Should I come back for another visit at any particular time?"

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"Feel free to work that out with Haru, I'm out more often than I'm in." Dishes dishes.

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"No specific time presently looms on the calendar."

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"Maybe in a few days.  We don't need to plan it now."

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"Alright.  Like I said, you be as well as you can."  Hug?

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Hug.  "Yeah.  Love you."

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"Love you more."  Squeeze, unhug.  "Thank you both for having me over, and for taking care of my boy.  I'm sure you don't need to hear that it means a lot to me."

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"I'll do my best."

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"Thank you.  See you in a few days!"  And she's off.

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Shirt off as soon as she's gone.

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Hm?  Right yes shirt.

.........And a cupcake.

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Was he not eating cupcakes because of his mom - none of Haru's business.

Couch once the cupcake is eaten? And blog comments till he can resume Les Mis.

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Yeah, couch.  And podcast, for him, except that there's only ten minutes left in the episode and he doesn't feel like starting another one.  Maybe back to music.  What does he feel like....  Kelly Clarkson, sure.


Half an hour later Haru's shoulder's getting wet again.

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"...anything I can help with over there?"

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Sniffle.  Headphones off.


"Do you think my mom got in a car crash?"

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"...no, I doubt it very much."

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"There's deer and stuff.  She has really bad luck with deer, I think it's something about her car."

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"I can't guarantee otherwise but I don't think the odds are any higher today than they would be if you weren't scared. You can text her asking for a confirmation that she's home safe when she gets there."

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"I thought about that but I don't want to distract her with a notification because what if that makes her crash and otherwise she would have been fine and it's all my fault."

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"Yeah, fair enough. Does her phone alert to emails?"

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"I don't know.  Maybe.  If they don't I don't know whether she'll see it tonight."

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"Okay. You could set a timer for when you'd expect her to get home, add like half an hour in case she stops for errands, and then text her when it goes off, if that would help."

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"Okay."  Maps app, how long do think it takes to get from this part of town to back home.  And it's been, what, maybe half an hour since she left?  Timer.

And then there's really nothing to do but re-headphones and go back to vividly imaging antlers through windshields.  And dwelling on the fact that he sent her off with barely an 'I love you', after spending a long time being wildly and, to be frank, baselessly mistrustful of her.  And before that failing to talk to her for a really long time.  Would he be able to cope, not only with the death of his mother, but with having that as their last conversation?  He barely said anything, and pretty much everything he did was about him.  It doesn't really help that he's listening to the music she used to put on for him when he was little, but it also maybe wouldn't help to not do that.


With forty minutes left on his timer, she sends a "Home safe!" of her own accord.  Maybe he will sob harder into Haru's shoulder about this.

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"...what is it now?"

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Phone?  Phone.  Haru look at his phone.  ...Also he should respond in some way.  Purple heart react.

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...pat pat. "So, that's good then, right?"

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......pat pat. Haru's pretty quiet when he's not backlashy and he's not, now, he doesn't need to be to provide a maintenance dose of guiding.

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"This sucks."

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"Yep. Backlash sucks."

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"Maybe I should just get wasted.  It doesn't feel like it could hurt at this point but maybe that's - not true."

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"So, uh, drugs including alcohol will still affect you, but they will not... make you less backlashed. Backlash will just ignore all the biochemical stuff going on in your body. If you think alcohol would improve a coping mechanism you are finding success with or optimistic about, we can go buy you some; if you think it would just directly relax you I expect that is not the case at all."

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"It might - make me less able to think about things.  Which might be good, or not."

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"It could be - yeah, either way. I think I recommend experimenting with this after you're done, and you can vary the level of backlash at lower less awful levels and see how it interacts there, but if you want to try it, I'll go with you to the store."

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"I'll think about it."

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Haru nods, and wipes tears off his shoulder with one of the tissues they have handy, and returns to his book.

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Aaaaaaaa.  Well, back to podcasting now that he has a little bit more brain to work with.  Not much; he keeps losing track of the conversation.  But probably the best thing for Haru's convenience and therefore for not getting kicked back to the hospital is for him to fall asleep, so he's allowed to drift a little bit if he can.  And in the meantime what if he holds very still and does not get any more tears on Haru.

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Well, eventually they should go to actual bed, but Haru can carry him there if he's dozy by then.

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Well, he is, but that wakes him right up.

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"You fell asleep, I figured we could go to bed."

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"As long as you're awake we can also brush our teeth and stuff." Detour to the bathroom.

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Julien is Not Clinging.  He's not, because his arms aren't even around Haru, and also they aren't on the stairs so it's really not necessary.

Teeth.  Dental health.  Yes.  It doesn't do to give himself any cavities just because he's awakening.  ...Unless awakening fixes that, actually.  But Haru still brushes his so at least being an esper can't fix it that well.

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Teethbrushing. Other nighttime ablutions which involve only very brief necessary detours from constant maintenance guiding. And bed. And, if Haru falls asleep first, nouns.

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Not unless he's quite quick with it.  After about a minute in darkness, very quietly:  "Haru?"

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"If there was a fire, what would we do to be safe?"

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"My window screen swings open for Cricket, I'd fly you out that way if we couldn't take the stairs."

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"What about your mom?"

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"She can and has gone out her window without flying at all, the bricks stick out and she was into bouldering for a while."

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"What if there was an earthquake?"

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"If it was bad enough to make it both necessary and hard to get out of the house, I'd go get my hydraulic rescue stuff out of the garage and get you all out with that. If it was less bad than that but you were hurt I'd just call you an ambulance."

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"What if there was a freak snowstorm and the power went out, would we wake up before we froze?"

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"Yes, it would take a while for the house to lose that much heat even if we managed to sleep through it till our normal wakeup time."

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If Haru keeps humoring him, Julien is going to go through another dozen scenarios of varying plausibility, starting with floods and ending with robbers, and his questions getting farther apart and more mumbled, until he falls asleep.

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Yeah, Haru'll put up with that many and then fall asleep himself.

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Julien wakes up a few times in the night, but only barely.  The fear is still present, but apparently it at least sometimes can manifest as that of a child hiding from pretend monsters:  'Everything outside is very scary, but the bed is safe.  Under the covers is safe.'  Haru is much more physically competent than him right now and is looking out for him.  (None of his questions were about dungeons; he already knows the approximate protocols there.)  He goes back to sleep pretty quickly every time, and enough times that Haru's up before him.

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Haru sneaks out for the bathroom and his book and then if Julien's still asleep will sneak back in.

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Julien's face is kind of scrunched up and at one point he makes something between a hum and a whimper, but no, he doesn't actually seem to be awake.

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Backlash nightmares suck. Haru snuggles him and reads Les Mis.

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"Ggnm?  - Hi..."

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"Yeah.  ...I assume..."

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"Well, my clock says it's morning, anyway."

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...Clock?  Clock.  There it is.  "Yeah."

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"....Yeah."  Up.  "Ughhhhh I want coffee but also really should not have coffee.  Unless drugs also don't touch backlash from the other side."

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"Eeeeh they kind of don't but the backlash won't back off to compensate either."

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"I guess if... last night I wanted to think less, so I should just take what grogginess comes to me naturally?"

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"Sounds worth trying."

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Hum-sigh.  He will lean into the brain state of being kind of out of it, of not tracking his environment because he's outsourcing that to Haru, and also lean literally into Haru.  It's - kind of miserable, in a way that actively caring about things isn't; he feels..... dread-ful, more than scared.  Something bad is going to happen to him, and he doesn't know what it is, and for now he's pretty resigned to it.  Fine.

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"Pop tarts sound good?"

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Pop tarts go in the toaster.

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Cricket gets his grocery delivery from the porch and needs Haru to open the package of roe.

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Ren decides she's having popcorn for breakfast and sticks it in the microwave.

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This is all fine?  Or if it isn't he doesn't care.  None of this really affects the looming Bad Thing which is going to wreck everything about his life at some unspecified point, so none of it matters.

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The pop tarts pop and Haru plates them.

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Ren realizes she forgot to brush her hair and runs upstairs.

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The popcorn pops faster and slows down again and the microwave keeps going.

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What flavor are the pop tarts.  Doesn't matter; nutrition, go in his body.  He's not flinching at the popcorn noises; that's a normal sound.  (He did flinch pretty sharply at the toaster being done, though, that was right next to him and there was only one of it.)  Munch munch.

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The popcorn smell is replaced by a smoky smell. The smoke alarm starts beeping.

"Oh for fuck's sake." Haru dives for the button and hits Cancel and doesn't open the appliance, first of all.

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- Okay now he's very awake and everything matters very much, actually.  He - is not touching Haru anymore, he - should be ready to grab onto him and cling very tightly so they can go out the window, is what he said last night, approximately, but - he doesn't want to get in the way of preventing the fire from getting worse - he'll just - be very still over here out of the way, under the smoke detector with his ears getting hurt, ready to cling when it seems like they've gotten to that stage of the proceedings.  Ow.  Fuck.  Aaaaaaaaaaaaa.

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Haru opens the kitchen window but this one has a screen so it would seem unlikely he plans to leave that way. He floats up to the ceiling to tell the smoke detector to shut up. Then he lands beside Julien again and wraps his arms around him. "Nothing's on fire. We're okay. Ren just burned her popcorn."

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Cling!  With his legs up around Haru's waist!

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Okay, sure, they can be in that position, that's fine.

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Ren comes charging down the stairs still holding her hairbrush. "I am SO sorry, oh my god - do you two want to step out while I get this out of the microwave -"

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"Yes."  He doesn't seem to think this calls for de-koalaing.

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Haru carries the koala into the back yard.

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Into his shoulder, muffled:  "Thank you."

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"You're welcome. Sorry I wasn't paying attention to the popcorn."

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'It's okay' would be - lying even though it might be true.  "...I don't think I can go back to trying to be groggy right now."

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"Figures. Sorry."

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"It's okay."  Dammit.  ...No, maybe this is actually okay.  In a sense.  "I'm not sure, I think that one might have become bad for me, if I leaned into it too hard for long enough."

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"How so?"

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"I don't know.  I just had a bad feeling.  ...I mean, I had a literal bad feeling at the time, that something would happen that I didn't have any ability to stop, but.... I think - being that passive, is... it could be opening the door.  For someone else to move in.  Or for going back to being wrong about everything."

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"Huh. I guess I can't rule that out, but it'd be mildly odd? Nothing says you can't be mildly odd though."

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"I already feel a lot more than mildly odd..."

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"I mean for an esper. There's no standard esper sort of like there's no standard dungeon but there's ways it's normal to vary and parameters you kind of expect 'em to stay within most of the time."

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"I don't understand how this would be weirder than anything else I've been doing.  I already had both of those things happen once, and only one of them was because I started awakening, so the other one was probably at least partially because of my mental state, don't you think?"  What if he unclung just a little.  His limbs are getting tired.

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"It wouldn't be that weird but flavors of backlash leading directly into each other instead of just all being states you can be in with whatever mental gymnastics to get there is not how I usually expect it to be. Could easily be that way anyhow though."

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"Popcorn is dealt with! I'm having Cheerios!" Ren calls out the window.

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"... Well, now I'm this instead, anyways."

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"Which one is 'this'?"

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"Just very acutely scared for my physical safely.  When we go back in I might read up on emergency preparedness."

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"Okay. You ready to go back in now?"

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In they go to finish their pop tarts.

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What flavor are they really, now that he cares about anything that's happening to him instead of actively trying to suppress that.

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Cool.  Munch.

And when he's done he can drag Haru over while he rifles through his luggage looking for his laptop.  There it is.  Couch?

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He is going to learn so much about fire prevention and what to do in a fire and what objects you can own to make fires less likely / less bad / etc.

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Haru is going to get significantly farther in Les Misérables.

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Julien makes a list!  Several lists, actually, of safety products he wants to buy at various priorities with various levels of income.  Once his powers come in and he knows at all what his life is going to look like.  Also where is/are the fire extinguisher(s) in this house.

Once he's gone through fire stuff he moves on to some of the other emergencies he asked about last night.  How recently does water need to have been boiled for it to be safe?  What's the best chemical purifying option?  What are the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning and how often can people identify them from the inside?  How exactly do various detectors work?  He types lots of notes on all these things.

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Haru can take him on a fire extinguisher tour of the house (one under the kitchen sink, one in the linen closet upstairs) if he wants.

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"Thanks."  He types descriptions of their locations and also takes pictures of them and adds them to his notes doc.  And then texts his mom that she should make sure she knows where hers are.  (She thumbs-up reacts him.)

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This is sure a way to occupy oneself but it seems harmless.

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By lunch his document is like 6k words, though large sections of it are pasted passages.  He'll sort through it and pare it down later.

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Haru turns on the oven and gets a cheese pizza out of the freezer. "Anything you want me to put on your half?"

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"No thank you."

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It goes in naked. Haru sets a timer. Cricket eats escolar.

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That sounds like more time which Julien could use to learn about tsunamis.  He does that.

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The Great Lakes don't really do those but maybe an asteroid flock will strike Huron, Ontario, and Erie simultaneously and Julien will be the only person who knows what to do and then he'll feel this was time well spent, Haru supposes.

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Well, a few of the many images getting pasted into his notes are incidence maps (locations of earthquakes that caused them and locations of ones that caused casualties or property damage, are the ones Haru catches glimpses of), so presumably Julien is also aware of the actual risk level here.

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There's aware of and there's aware of, but no comment.

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Reading reading pasting typing.

And then a diversion back to Haru's blog; does anything come up if he types 'travel' into the search bar?

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Teleporters and the logistics of esper deployment! Are tourists at elevated dungeon-kidnapping risk, looks like maybe a little bit! Case study: dungeon that appeared in the Baltimore-Washington International Airport!

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First one!

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Teleporters are a thing. They all work slightly differently. Only some of them are capable of doing logistics to get specialized espers to unusual or urgent dungeons across meaningful distances; they're triaged pretty ruthlessly for that reason. Better for fifteen people to wait six hours in cells for an esper to get there in a car or a helicopter than for thirty people to wait even two hours in a twice-returned torture dungeon. Here's a list of teleporters who do meaningful logistics work all over the world and the thresholds for their involvement and which people they teleport most often.

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Okay, so it's not out of the question that he could get sent out to the coast sometimes if he gets something really important.  It probably won't happen but it won't not probably happen that much less than all this other stuff.  Though maybe he should try and switch to homework after pizza, because the chance of him failing out of school is way higher than any of this and he can probably make it feel almost as urgent.  That's assuming that his notes are coherent.  He thinks they are, but then he would, wouldn't he, otherwise he would have written them differently.

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Pizza comes out of the oven. It doesn't set off the smoke alarm. Haru slices it up with kitchen scissors and plates a couple slices for Julien and a couple for himself.

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"Thank you."  He'll close his laptop to eat; it's polite.

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Haru doesn't close Les Mis to eat.

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Then it will take Julien the duration of both slices to work up the ability to say:  "Um?"

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"When are you going to want to shower?  Now that I have swim trunks."

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"Before bed tonight?"

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"Okay."  Another slice.

...And then yeah, back to his laptop.  What's his homework looking like oh right that.

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Haru puts the dishes in the dishwasher when they're done with the pizza. His phone reminds him to brush Cricket, who enthusiastically purrs through having absolutely ludicrous amounts of fluff combed from his coat.

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That's cute.  Chemistry chemistry math math math.

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Season Three of the Wire punctuated by naps.

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Les Mis is a loooong book.

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Julien's homework is not as long as Les Mis and his focus is worse than Haru's.  For that, at least.  How much first aid can he learn online.  Quite a lot, it turns out!  And it's much better at keeping his attention.

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Haru glances over now and then and - this is probably Julien's equivalent of brushing up on French and learning Tagalog, okay.

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The fact that once he finds and starts drilling anki decks on emergency preparedness he gets better at them is pretty decent evidence that any work he does like this is not completely useless.  He'll switch back and forth between this and brief attempts at homework at least until Ren gets home.

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Ren comes home after work and lesson prep and her book club and sets about making black bean chili for dinner.

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Nice.  And she's still not going to let him do anything to help?

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"No, dear, you sit with Haru, I've got it."

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"Okay.  Thank you, Ren."

He's being ruuuuude and now he can't concentrate on his deck let alone his homework.  Of course, maybe he's also being rude by insulting their hospitality, when he keeps trying to do things they don't want him to.  That seems maybe more applicable to the level of guest who's there for a single meal than to putting him up (and putting up with him being crazy) for a week, to him.  But he could be wrong.  This is just another case where all of his options - no.  This is another case where all of his options feel bad, because he's crazy.  But how does he disentangle which one is actually correct...

Four minutes later and very quietly:  "Haru?  Does she really not want me to help?"

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Thank goodness for esper ears. "...I think she'd accept help if you were here for practically any other reason but under this circumstance she wants you on the couch with me."

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"If you're sure."  And then there's nothing to do but wait.  He closes his laptop; might as well give up the pretense of being able to accomplish anything right now.

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"If you're bored in a way that I can help with you should be aware that you cannot possibly be higher maintenance than I was during my awakening and that's the thing I'm comparing to in my head all the time."

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But in that case the people he was imposing on were his parents, and he didn't have anyone to guide him, and in any case bored is not really the thing that Julien is.  "Thanks."

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"You're welcome." But if that's all Julien has to say on that topic he'll turn the page.

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He doesn't.  It's kind of like being on the bus when he's tired; it feels like he should be able to want to be distracted, at least, but in reality the view out the window and the irregular motion are enough to keep him completely occupied.  The worrying keeps him busy.  (...Although he does spend a lot of thought-time on wishing this bit were over, which isn't entirely unlike being bored.)

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Eventually dinner is served. It's very mild for chili; Ren puts extra hotsauce in her own portion. There's cheese to put on it, and sour cream.

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Julien will put all three of those on.  Yum.  (- Is he being a worse guest by taking more ingredi - NO.)

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Haru holds his hand and eats chili left-handed and reads Les Misérables. He's gotten most of the way through by now.

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...Maybe he can be a good guest to Ren by chattering with her??  How Was Her Day.

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Ren's students are working on their scissors skills - it's an important fine motor indicator in addition to letting them make more precise collages - she has brought home this particular collage that little Noah gave her, isn't it cute, but you can really see how he needs practice to be able to cut out a really circular circle even if he traces a jar first to have a line to follow -

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Being able to use scissors to get results you want sure is useful and important.  Maybe Julien in particular should not be allowed at any, which makes him worse than a kindergartener no.  (Or, maybe he should not in fact be allowed at scissors right now.)  Cutting curves is hard.  That rectangle is pretty nice, though; the longer set of lines are really pretty parallel.

And so on throughout the meal.  Is he at least allowed to help with the dishes???

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He can clear his plate to the dishwasher, as long as he does it in tandem with Haru.

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That's fine.  Preferable, even.  He doesn't want to create more inconvenience in the form of a slightly-more-insane him while trying to create less of it.

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That's the idea.

They can hang out on the couch for a while longer and then Haru can note the time, stop between chapters of Les Mis, and say, "Shower?"

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"Shower."  He found his trunks while looking for his computer and left them near the top; here they are.

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They can separate long enough to get into those and then reunite in: the shower. Haru manages the faucet for them - "How hot do you tend to like it?"

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"...I don't really have much basis for comparison to what other people like.  My mirror is usually fogged up afterwards unless I have a window open?"

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"Say when." He cranks it up by degrees.

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He turns out to like it pretty hot.  "When."

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Then there the temperature will stay. It's kind of awkward and Haru eventually winds up aiming for more of a "standing close enough together that they bump into each other often enough" situation rather than trying to maintain any specific form of contact.

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The thing is that this is not actually much more of a show than being shirtless already is, and shorts are, like, normal.  They're normal and swim trunks are really exactly the same as shorts and he's the one making this weird by treating it like they're not.  But also if he opens his eyes longer than the amount of time it takes to find the soap then he will Die, so as a practical matter there will be really plenty of bumping into each other.

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Haru's not so much awkward about the level of clothedness as he is about the way one generally moves around in the shower. He's going to actually turn invisible a couple of times, he might as well.

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Ohhhh he was being insane.  Insane was the thing he was being.  And he knew that at the time, even, it's just that knowing it didn't make him able to act any differently.  But now he can.

Sometimes Julien can avoid Haru the correct amount just by seeing where the shower spray fails to fall, but he does kind of punch him in trying to put the conditioner away.

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"Whoops, my bad." He takes the conditioner; it disappears when he has it and reappears when he sets it down.

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......Julien could feel really bad about this but what if instead there was a hug??

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Sure, there can be an invisible shower hug.

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Okay.  Good.  Aaaa.  "Sorry."  Back to showering.

Aaaaand rinse rinse rinse he's done.  This is fine.  At some point he's going to become really viscerally uncomfortable with the idea of Haru being able to be invisible, but it hasn't happened yet!  So it's fine.  They can dry off and reseparate and rereunite and brush teeth and go to bed?

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Yup. Haru is visible again now.

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.....Does Haru want to hear about all the things he learned about first aid today?  Actually how much first aid does he already know.  Probably dungeoneers are supposed to know some.

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"I've taken a class but it mostly focused on how to move people safely, because it's almost always going to make more sense to rush them to the portal and hand them off than try to do something about it in a dungeon."

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"What did you learn?"

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...sure, Haru can turn his memories of his moving-people-who-are-variously-injured class into a bedtime story if this will be soothing. You check if they're dead, first of all, and if they're broken/bleeding/dehydrated/known diabetic/whatever that affects this that and the other thing...

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It is the best bedtime story.  (Or at least the best one available to him.)  He asks for elaborations on various things until he doesn't.


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And then Haru can sleep too.

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Julien once again has several brief wake-ups that don't pose much issue.

Until sometime between five and six, when he doesn't immediately fall back asleep, and decides to extract himself and go to the bathroom.

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....Eyes.  The thing is that his eyes are so eyes, now.  He really wants to know how they're going to turn out, but apparently he'll almost certainly like them so there's not much point in worrying.

Still, they're interesting to look at.  And he hasn't really come to terms with them being different, yet.  He'd spent time thinking about them before, sure, but he didn't think anything was real then, let alone that in particular.  It was... evidence of a violation to him.  One which he already felt certain was true.  He should probably take a moment to process his feelings about this.

He liked his eyes before.  They were deep, bottomless, et cetera; sometimes boys said nice things about them.  Not much to see at a distance, only betraying any texture when one really got up close or when the light was just right.  Which felt like something he could identify with.  Like a good metaphor for him in general.  Maybe it wasn't; maybe everyone feels like they're kind of unassuming at first blush and only really interesting once you get to know them.  It's a comforting enough narrative.  Probably lots of people latch onto it.

And now they're very obvious, and probably on their way to becoming more so.


It's interesting how different they look, in the pre-dawn lighting, with no sun coming in through the window.  Your eye color is something you should be pretty used to, at his age, and he's not going to get the chance to become familiar with this one, because it's going to get replaced with something he likes better.  And in some sense this is better, objectively strictly better, to not be stuck very long with something he doesn't like.  And yet... there's something violating in the brevity of the transition.  Though less than in the transition itself.

He wishes he'd brought his phone with him instead of leaving it on the bedside table.  He wants more pictures.  But then he'd probably wake Haru up and he wants to not do that.

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Of course, there's also a risk of that in going back to bed at all.

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Not that that stopped him the first morning.  But, that was a much more time sensitive situation.  It mattered, unlike this, or at least he really thought it did.  It's - less clear, now, since it's been a while and he still hasn't gone back to being wrong about everything in that particular way.  Maybe it would have been fine to not.

And wasn't it its own form of insane panic, that he was so quick to throw himself under the bus.  He was wrong, yes, but plenty of people are wrong and he hadn't actually caused anything horrible to happen.  (........He was probably, almost certainly wrong.  At some point he should try and actually evaluate the probability that he's in a simulation instead of running his assumption that he's not on embarrassment - but it probably, genuinely, should not be while he's backlashed, and until then embarrassment will certainly do.  If he doesn't feel better in a few days then that will be very suspicious and he can revisit this then.)  But fundamentally, people don't deserve to have horrible things happen to them just because they're wrong about things.

He knows that; he believes that.  It's just hard to feel it, sometimes, when the person is...

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Fuck.  Goddammit.


Well, now that he's here, what does he want to do.  What does he want to do about it.  He - he could go back, and crawl into bed with Haru, immediately; into bed and out of existence.  He doesn't want to.  He cooperated as best he could, last time, and what did it get him.  Julien still spilled all of his secrets that he found it convenient to.  Julien still told Haru that he didn't do anything wrong, even if he never came back - well, here he is, and he's disinclined to go away quite so easily this time.

(Haru can turn invisible, Haru can't hide the sensation of guiding but he can still hold him down and prevent him from getting away while he does it; Haru has every advantage and is very correct that in a few days Julien will indeed be back no matter what -)

He really cannot afford to burn even one of his bridges.  But by god he deserves to have nice things, too, even though he's himself.  So, fuck it, he's taking a bath.  If there's any bath bombs or bubble liquid in the cupboards he's using that.  ~Julien~ can buy the Swans a replacement later, if he wants to.


He sings softly to himself, every now and again.

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Ren keeps all her bubble bath in the ensuite.

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Haru will if undisturbed sleep till about eight.

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That's fine.  He'll experiment with trying to get things frothy with just the available soap.  And do variously-partial drains and refills to keep the temperature tolerable.

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"Julien?" calls Haru's voice, once he's awake.

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"Occupied!" comes the reply from the bathroom.  Ha.

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"...'kay, what d'you want for breakfast?"

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"French toast!  ...Or ice cream."

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"I'll see what I can do!"

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"- Thank you!"

And fine, yeah, this round's getting cold again anyways.  He'll rinse off and dry himself and put his pajama pants back on and then dig through his luggage for a fresh outfit for the day.  WITH a SHIRT.  He's cold.

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By the time he makes it into the kitchen Haru's got a few slices of French toast going. "I don't know if this will turn out amazing, the bread we had on hand is full of various seeds that may or may not tolerate an introduction to maple syrup gracefully, but we do also have ice cream if the toast's inedible," he says. He holds out his hand. "There's vanilla and Half Baked and Cherry Garcia."

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"...Thank you," he repeats.  He doesn't take the hand.  "If you would only do that for Julien, you should know that I'm... not - him.  Again."

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"Ah. I mean, you can still have French toast, it's whatever. What time did you get out of bed, it seems I guessed incorrectly."

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"Like 5:30."

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"...can you tell if you're still ticking up or if you're plateaued at standard unguided awakening level?"

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"...I think stable?  Why do you ask."

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"Wanted to know if I should expect you to be - worsening, or not." He flips the toasts. "Though also it's, you know, not a thing that gets studied a lot, if you've gotten from where I was stabilizing you overnight to standard awakening in three hours or less that's data."

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"I don't know.  I wasn't really thinking closely about it, before.  To compare against."

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"Fair enough." He peeks under a toast and plates it, peeks under another and leaves it lie. Holds out the plate.

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"Thanks."  How fare the seeds?

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There's caraway and pumpkin and poppy and sesame and a few more kinds in there. It's a very seedy bread.

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That's pretty nice.


....You know what, no:

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Julien's the one who decided not to smile all week.  He'll do whatever the fuck he wants.  It's his brief life and he'll enjoy what he can of it.

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"Turned out okay?"

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"Yeah."  Munch munch.  "What was your guess about when I got up?"

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"I figured you were probably just up to pee and couldn't have been gone more than ten minutes at the outside."

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"It was supposed to be that but he got distracted."  ...Ooh, he could be having this French toast à la mode.  With the Half Baked.  To the freezer!

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There is indeed a pint of Half Baked in there. More than Half of it, even.

"What by?" Haru asks. "Do you want a second slice of this?"

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"My eyes again, and yes please."  Wow, having Haru behind him is so much scarier than him being where he can see him; he checks over his shoulder like six times in the course of obtaining the ice cream.

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Plop goes a second slice on a plate for him. Haru puts the third slice onto a new plate for himself, turns the stove off, slaps a pat of butter on top of his toast, and sits down to eat - after a bit of dithering he goes with the chair across from Julien('s backlash).

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"Thanks again," he says through a mouthful of (delicious, indulgent) breakfast.  "....I'll come back over to you in a while, willingly.  For the record.  I just think I deserve to have more than zero positive experiences before I stop existing again."

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"If French toast and ice cream are what you want out of life that is easily accomplished."

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".....Hm.  I think - I also want.... a name."

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"...are you asking me to name you or just thinking out loud?"

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"The latter.  I'll mull on it."

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Haru dishwashers his plate and goes to sit on the couch.

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This entire tub of ice cream is going to disappear.  Julien can buy the Swans a replacement later if he wants to!

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No comment. Haru keeps an eye on him between paragraphs of Les Mis.

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One of the page turns warrants a really quite violent flinch, apparently, but mostly he's just hanging out in the kitchen, doing nothing of particular note.

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"- you okay?" about the flinch.

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"...I mean, I am still very afraid about the fact that you want me dead, but I'm mostly trying not to let it bother me?"

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"I meant because you twitched when I turned the page, did I somehow turn the page in a startling way or was that a coincidence."

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"I mean, I - thought you were trying to come closer to me.  For a second."

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"Nope. You came over of your own accord last time and said you were gonna this time. I'm not in a hurry."

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"Yeah.  Yeah, thank you.  You're - very reasonable for someone who wants me dead."

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"I'll put that on my business cards, shall I."

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...yeah he's not sure why he thought that'd go over. He shrugs and returns to his book.

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"...I don't know, I'm sorry.  You're better than him, anyway.  Than Julien."

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"You don't actually have to frame it as a head to head comparison to give somebody a compliment."

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"But you're the only two people I know, really.  Or have interacted with.  Kind of."

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"Well, I could introduce you to Cricket but I'm not sure he's a great choice for this."

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"I guess I did also meet Cricket although not really interact with him per se.  Julien really wants to know what he was going to say about me.  ...I shouldn't have said that.  I'm sorry that I did.  I don't actually think it's a secret to Julien and instead it's just that he didn't want to get pushy, but I got really mad about the fact that he didn't keep all my secrets, so I shouldn't have said it.  Because I'm trying to be better than him."

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"...I could guess but I doubt Cricket even remembers. Last Thursday he told Ren that she should install a clock in her skull so her brain cell would have company because she was late coming home with the rabbit hearts to replace the ones that came in a damaged package."

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"Huh.  I guess I don't want to hear it if it's that mean but I do kind of want to hear your guess if it's less mean than that."

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"My guess is that he was going to tell you off for not talking to me while I was backlashed. Only, you know, colorfully."

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"It's why I wanted a cat to begin with, humans have more of their own stuff going on. Cricket has stuff going on compared to other cats but takes his being a cat in this way role pretty seriously. And I've got all those phone numbers," Haru shrugs, "so don't worry about it."

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"I wasn't."  ...He slowly approaches from the kitchen to sit down on the floor across from the couch while he says the next bit.  "I think I was right not to want to talk to you at that time, but now you've made me breakfast.  And... I was thinking - at the time - about how I didn't owe you any vulnerability, and I kind of still don't, right, but you're kind of the only available person, and it's kind of more sad not to be able to talk to anyone than it is to talk to the person who wants you dead.  If that person is also willing to make you a nice breakfast."

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"...can't say I really follow the logic there."

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"...At first, I didn't want to talk to you because you not only wanted me dead but were very plausibly going to force me out of existence if I didn't cooperate.  Because, I don't know, generously you maybe thought I was way more dangerous than I knew that I am.  But now I've already gone through the really distressing cooperation attempt, and maybe you don't think I'm as dangerous as all that anymore, and you've caused me to have a nice breakfast and you aren't currently trying to force me out of existence.  So given that I kind of want to talk to someone I'm more okay with it being you."

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"Huh. What do you want to talk about?"

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"I don't know.  Julien, I guess.  I... don't hate him, actually, and I definitely don't want bad things to happen to him - except insofar as this is necessary in order to give myself any experiences that aren't extremely negative - but.... he's just kind of the worst in some ways and I wish he weren't.  If he were less the worst I don't think I would need to exist."

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"Need to exist?"

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"Because - there are a bunch of factors here.  He hates himself.  He thinks that because he's himself, it's fine for him to be tortured, even though he doesn't think that about anyone else.  And... he - wants - he's prioritizing his future self - the interests of his future self - the one that's most the way he wants to be, and every other person, over the version of him that actually exists.  And he's not even doing it effectively!  He was so scared of anyone thinking he was still delusional that he asked you to force us to drink.  Like he went straight there; he didn't ask you to, convince us, or lie to us, or - go about it in any way other than immediately jumping to the most distressing thing.  Which is not very nice to you either!  I don't think that would have been fun for you, and, he said, that if he were in your place the most stressful part would be deciding what to do, but he didn't give you any idea of what options would be better than holding us down and making us drink!  Which would be torture!  And you don't seem like you'd enjoy that either in the moment or as something you'd done!

"...And that's why I have to exist, is, if you have both the really sharp division between states of yourself, because you let your embarrassment dictate whether you identify with them, and you also have - a disregard for whether anything that happens to you when you're not your very best self matters, then - maybe someone else is going to step in to represent the interests of those other parties, once you realize that some sort of consciousness would have to be around to experience all the horrible things you wanted, and you don't just get to skip to the part where you've already been tortured for everyone's minimal convenience."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I was actually interpreting the request to force water as, like, it's available as an emergency directive but not a first resort. I have emergency directives. If anybody who's got access to my file notices I'm backlashed enough that I think everyone's imaginary they're authorized to get me to June's silo whether I like it or not, and if I'm making that difficult they're authorized to do it by buying a teleport with my money. But nobody ever takes that to mean that I'm inviting them to go straight for it if it doesn't look like it's literally a matter of life and death."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...............It does also seem operative that I'm magically afraid of things.  We're.  Magically afraid of things.  Like I don't think normally I would ever become multiple people, but - the personality is also relevant; most espers don't fracture like this.  That I know of."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They don't, you're right."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And... I think there was a lot of internal stuff that's more important to what I said than stuff you were able to see.  Like - the emergency directive angle is not something I'm entirely against, it was - thinking about it as.....something broader than that.  Something deserved, instead of something practical."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, I didn't register it on that level at all. The only sense in which you or he would deserve to be forced to drink water is in the sense that you deserve to survive hell week. Uh, biologically speaking, whatever your sense of personal identity is up to."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's part of it too, is the - there's an attitude that as long as we survive and don't hurt anyone else, nothing about what happens this week matters at all.  He hasn't suggested the idea of just tying us up and leaving us in a padded room and occasionally putting nutrients and wet things into our body to anyone, but - pretty much only because he doesn't think anyone would go for it, I think.  And because people don't seem to want to, which sounds the same but is separate.  And he doesn't even realize that if that happened we probably wouldn't come out of this week being very okay."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Some people do need to be restrained or sedated their whole awakening but you obviously don't. And, uh, being traumatized about one's awakening isn't even rare, I think most of us try therapy about it at some point though I found it wasn't for me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's not - I expect us to be somewhat traumatized about this already.  Depending on how restraining us went I think we could have very well ended up never being okay."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod. "Uh, do you want me to get Paula to find you... two... a therapist? I wasn't going to ask till after but as long as it's already come up."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I think you should ask Julien, because he's going to be the one who has to deal with it.  Just by virtue of being around a lot more than I am."  He curls up a little, scritches the back of his head thoughtfully.  "But if it helps to start looking earlier I don't think that would hurt."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sometimes they're booked out for a while, it can't hurt." He texts Paula.

Permalink Mark Unread

- Most of the way through that, he lets out a single amused snort.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"I thought of a name!  For myself.  It's really perfect.  Julien might hate me for it but only if it would force him to confront some things that he'd rather not but really should."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...okay, what's your name?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread


"Because you're... scared of being squished?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, because of the way he thinks about me."  He - Bug - stands up.  "He'll know what I mean."  He pulls the shirt off over his head, trembling a little through the smile.

Permalink Mark Unread

...Haru holds out an arm.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes here he is.


"I think we do better when there's actually something to be afraid of.  Like this."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The disaster preparedness angle looked constructive."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah.  Until something else scares us and that feels much more urgent and we can't concentrate on it anymore."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe it'll be helpful for dungeoneering."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Disaster prep? I guess it could be helpful for dungeon prep, not sure about if you wind up with a power that's best deployed actually in a dungeon. But there's people who come up with approaches for dungeons that they just made up and post them on, like, Reddit, and then sometimes if an oddball dungeon comes up which is like one of those scenarios their recommendations get adopted, maybe you could get into that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I more meant the doing better when there's actually something to be afraid of."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, yeah, possibly. I can't imagine you forgetting to check your six."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah.  Your thing also seems potentially good though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The reddit I know about for it is r/slayscores, I assume it's a pun."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Slayscores," he repeats to himself.  "Slay scores.  Or slays cores?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"But it's not that the slash is part of it?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, no, that's just a standard reddit URL convention."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I knoooow but slaying can sometimes involve slashing.  And I didn't really get the other one.  Unless they keep score for, what, for the ones that end up actually getting used?  Or do they just mean karma.  If it's just karma that's a lame joke and I don't think it's funny."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think they rate each other's dungeon assay plans out of ten or something."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Acceptable, then."

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Just mildly amusing that you're passing judgment on the name of a subreddit."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I wouldn't care if you hadn't said it was a pun.  But then I didn't get it, and I thought you maybe just had bad taste in whether puns are funny."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I didn't say it was an amazing pun."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's acceptable!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I accept it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's kind of funny - "  Huh wow that's another secret that Bug shouldn't say, actually. He shouldn't mention how hypocritical Julien is, how he found himself unacceptably people-pleasing and then went so far in the other direction that he ended up in exactly the same spot.  He just thought that the thing that would please the people was keeping a perfect neutral-to-negative demeanor.  So they'd know he's taking hating himself seriously.  Whereas Bug is a normal person capable of both enjoying and hating things for reasons that respond to reality literally at all.  And has sufficient footing on the high ground to not even say this out loud.  "Do you think they added scores just to make the joke work, or did they come up with the name to suit reality."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know, seems like a historical question. Maybe they started on another part of the site scoring system and all and then named their own carveout accordingly, maybe the hobby was invented for the subreddit."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hm!"  A series of quick connected thoughts - "Is there going to be a blog post about me?  And by me I mean us."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not if you don't want there to be."

Permalink Mark Unread

"....Singular or plural you?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Plural, if you don't come to a clear agreement pro-blog-post then no blog post."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mhm.  ...Do you know of any other espers who fractured about awakening?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I've heard of one where multiplicity is the main symptom."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Tell me about it."  Do not append a 'stud' to the end of that just because you thought about Grease one (1) time in the past few days.  That's not even a social anxiety thing it would just be weird.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I haven't met this person, I just read a journalist's writeup of the situation that was titled something stupid like 'What One Esper's Backlash Can Tell Us About Ourselves' or whatever and I wouldn't be sure how to find it again. But it sounded like they have hundreds of different folks who show up at various levels of backlash and they're usually less oriented to the situation than you are, like they'll be actively confused about why they aren't the sex or age or species they expect to be, one of them only speaks Polish, they switch faster and less controllably at higher levels of backlash, and the esper in question retired because it turned out a couple of them were, like, evil."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Did the unbacklashed one speak Polish??"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Presumably? Their power was personal invulnerability, so they can't have been doing it by magic."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I could imagine it being - fake Polish.  Presumably the description would have made its way to you in a way that would have caused you to describe it differently, though, if it were that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Depends how good the journalist was at their job."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah.  What were the evil ones like?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"According to the article one of them nearly knifed a dungeon victim before a different one took over."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Again whether that's true depends on how good the journalist was at their job."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah.  ...Do you think I'm evil?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You don't seem to be."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, I don't think so either.  Maybe I would think that anyway, but I think I'm more stable than Julien and like, he didn't want to eat chicken even when he thought it was a hallucination so I think we're pretty safe.  - Thank you for being - something - enough that we didn't feel pressured to eat chicken even when we thought the universe was pressuring us into sex; we would have felt really bad about that one."  ...Possibly worse about that than the sex, if both had happened??  He's not sure; hard to say.  But easy enough not to say out loud, because that would be awkward.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, you're welcome, you're not the only vegetarian in the world and I wouldn't want to make any of 'em eat chicken."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hopefully that was the most difficult situation of that kind you'll ever have to navigate."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Probably will be but you never know."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mhm.  ...He asked for the guitar even though he expected to be sitting right next to you all week and practicing stuff like that at our level sounds like torture for both parties."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I own headphones."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't really have a sense of how good sound canceling has gotten for people who can afford headphones that cost more than ten dollars."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's pretty good."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Would it bother Cricket?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...in the sense that he'd complain about it if I didn't ask him not to, probably, but he's a sound sleeper?"

Permalink Mark Unread



He goes and unbuckles the guitar from its case and starts tuning up.

Permalink Mark Unread

...it's probably fine if he does that all the way over there as long as Haru's keeping an eye on him.

Permalink Mark Unread

Every - Acid - Dealer - Gets - Buuusted - Eventuallyyy.

And when he's done has Haru already retrove the headphones?

Permalink Mark Unread

They never went back upstairs after Cricket fetched them; he's got them hooked up to his phone.

Permalink Mark Unread

Sure.  Bug re-pouches the tuning gadget and comes back over to cuddle up.  On the opposite side from before so Haru and the neck aren't getting in each other's way.  And - actually he should haul this side table over so he has a surface for his laptop to exist on?  Does Haru look like he's going to complain in some way if Bug makes to do that.

Permalink Mark Unread

No, that seems fine.

Permalink Mark Unread

Then he's going to practice 'Hey There, Delilah' until he gets tired of it and, hm, browse browse browse browse - 'Stand By Me' until lunch.

Even through the extended period of guiding, he - the person next to Haru - doesn't interrupt their separate activities to announce Julien's return.

Permalink Mark Unread

Haru finishes Les Misérables and then does some blog stuff instead.

Permalink Mark Unread


Tap tap tap tap.  "I have a desperate craving for broccoli cheese soup."

Permalink Mark Unread

Headphones off. "Say again?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have a desperate craving for broccoli cheese soup."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, do you have a recipe you like for that? What should I text Ren to get?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I do but not with me.  I can ask my mom for it.  ...But it sounds like that would make it happen for dinner, and I don't know if I'll still be around then.  And Julien doesn't really care what he eats this week."  He wants to say a thing but it's secrets.  - No, actually, it's extremely practical to mention.  It's not even like Julien thought about wanting Bug keeping his secrets, it's just that Bug is trying to be better than him.  Julien is all about spilling his guts in the name of practicality because he believes he's inherently untrustworthy.  "He's really worried about you deciding to kick him out because he's too inconvenient, and also very convinced that he's going to get a useless or evil power that means he can't pay you back.  But I don't think either of those will happen, and even if they do, we'll still be able to pay you back for a couple meals ordered out."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I'm not going to do that, and I know perfectly well that that his power might be useless - I don't think a power can be evil inherently but I guess one could be difficult to use ethically? - and am not remotely worried about the price of broccoli. He can give money to the Against Malaria Foundation same as I do if he wants to symbolically square up with fewer steps. You want delivery broccoli soup right now? They take a while to get an order to an address even if you pay for priority, are you going to be around in thirty minutes?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Gosh, I hope so.  I mean, I've lasted a few hours, so, I think so?  Especially if I'm actively trying to stick around for soup reasons.  I think there's - I can try and explain in a bit; you should get the order in.  Thank you."

Permalink Mark Unread

Haru orders broccoli cheddar soup. And garlic bread, as long as he's in there.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yessssss.  They aren't using animal stock in here secretly are they, no, good.  Hell yeah.  "I had a thought last time that whether I go away might be more related to the rate of guiding than the level of backlash per se.  And now I also think that it's a lot to do with - my mental state generally.  Last time I was trying to disappear as fast as possible, to show you I could cooperate.  And also because I was so miserable."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You seem remarkably cheery for an awakening person, though I'm trying not to assume that's necessarily genuine, I get smiley when I'm backlashed as a kind of fawn-response thing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's not - wholly ingenuine, at least.  Like I said, I think we do better when there's something to be scared of.  And currently I'm really afraid that since you've been nice to me I - won't - need to exist, like I said that I did earlier, and maybe Julien will grow as a person and I'll never come back because I'm not afraid enough.  And like, he's not going to stay this backlashed forever, but what else is there, for me?  I didn't exist before his awakening, so who's to say that I will afterwards.

"But, I dunno, guiding's nice, food's nice, I don't have to work at fucking Starbucks and I don't feel like doing his homework even though I'm probably better at it at least until he stops awakening, I don't seem at risk of slipping away on accident; life is pretty okay.  I - will probably get a lot less chill if I decide to actively try and disappear.  Or... he reset from the delusions after a night of guided sleeping, so.  That idea is pretty scary.  But I'm like, I have to do my best to enjoy what's in front of me while I can, because it might be my only chance."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess all things considered that seems like a pretty constructive attitude."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks.  I don't even know that - I would - think of my death.... as a particularly great tragedy.  As long as he'd learned the important thing from me.  But - it's still really scary to think about..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"The important thing?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That like, he's not allowed to think anyone deserves torture just because that person is him and also crazy.  Ish.  That thing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...yes, that does seem important."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm just right!  And I'm better than him.  But if he improves enough to meet me, then... I don't know.  I still - really want to exist..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"To - meet you? You think you could both be around at the same time?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...To meet my level of being better than him."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah, okay, to be, like, your moral equivalent, shall we say."

Permalink Mark Unread

"- I'm being flippant on purpose and that sounds well-defined enough that I'm not sure I want to agree with it.  'If he grew to agree with me about this particular thing,' maybe."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Moral equivalent is a little bit of a double meaning, actually, but okay."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think the double meaning was a part I definitely didn't like about it but maybe I'm wrong about what the other half is??"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Eh, it's not important."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I am going to worry about it forever if you don't tell me except for how I might not do that and also maybe it doesn't rate next to everything else."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Moral equivalence sometimes gets used loosely to talk about equivalences that are not moral in nature, like... what's the last time I heard this... how emailing something to yourself is the moral equivalent of... I forget, some guy in a dungeon was very agitated about how there are still use cases for emailing things to yourself but I don't remember what he thought was an appropriate comparison."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh.  I still don't know what that means but it's not the thing I thought it meant and didn't like, which is the important thing.  Which was like, I don't think he's less worthy of moral consideration or having nice things or getting to exist just because he was wrong in a slightly evil way while being magically scared of everything."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, no, me either."

Permalink Mark Unread

"....I don't think I really thought that you thought that, but I thought there was a chance you were - being flippant in your own way to make me think you were on my side more than his, to manipulate me.  Or just being condescending or something, I'm not sure."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Man, to want to manipulate you I'd need a much more coherent model of how you and he and your backlash work and also a goal more important than not being a manipulative jerk that could be best served that way."

Permalink Mark Unread

There are a couple ways he could respond to this...  "I am magically suspicious of people wanting to harm meeeeeee."  Snuggle.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, fair enough, should I stop trying to defend my character against the magical aspersions?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't really know."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Then I will continue to make random guesses as it comes up."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay.  ...I was doing really well at being very scared but also having positive experiences and I'm not really sure how to go back to that."  And now he's going to have a bad time during the second and final time he's ever existed and he'll never get another chance.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Soup's supposed to be here in ten."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe that will help."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I believe that was the idea."

Permalink Mark Unread

It really, really feels like he broke the spell and got bent out of shape and will never be happy (or its approximation) again, and also, if he's not in the shape that he was how does he even know whether he's the same person he was five minutes ago?  It felt clear then but now everything seems arbitrary.  How do you even tell what is and isn't a person, once you abandon the clear and obvious framework of one per body?  What if there really are six intermediate identities, and what if this is one of them?  Don't they all deserve to live as much as Bug does?  This is a moral atr -

...Also he is being magically forced to believe things are worse than they are.  Hm.


"I think I want not to be guided any more until it arrives."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...okay." Haru collects his arm back into his personal space.

Permalink Mark Unread

That - feels worse, and now he's worried that Haru is going to be on edge and think he's going to pull something dangerous, or touch him without warning and not let him go.  Which is really the most Bug way it's possible to feel; it's very relieving.  In its own way.

He will resume guitaring until there is soup.

Permalink Mark Unread

Haru goes and gets the soup (and garlic bread) when they arrive and brings them to the table. Om nom garlic bread.

Permalink Mark Unread

Does he move to touch Bug in the course of that?

Permalink Mark Unread

Nope. Keeping an eye on him from the sort of distance you normally keep from somebody you are having lunch with.

Permalink Mark Unread

In that case om nom nom the comfort foods!  Yummm.

Permalink Mark Unread

Bug can have some of the garlic bread but Haru wants most of it, he ordered it on his own recognizance. He supplements with deli roast beef rolled up with pepperjack slices once it's gone.

Permalink Mark Unread

Bug does not externally panic about any of this.  "So, how was the Brick?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It was good but I think I liked Hunchback more."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I've only seen the musicals of both.  And read some fanfiction.  Of Les Mis."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't read much fanfiction because relatively little of it is written by dead people but I hear some of it is good."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is that your actual criteria??  I thought you were using it to mean, like, old stuff that's stood the test of time."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, I am, but the fanfiction that qualifies by that metric is, like. Dante. I do occasionally read modern things though, I'm just being a bit flip."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hmm."  Soup.  "What's the biggest thing in there that the musical skips?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know what's in the musical."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You don't know what's in the musical!  We should watch it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess we can do that, sure."

Permalink Mark Unread

"After lunch.  I have a digital version on some account or other, if you don't."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I do not already have the movie of Les Mis lined up somewhere, no. Cricket might want to join us."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you want to log in on our TV or cast from your device or just get cozy at a small screen?"

Permalink Mark Unread

He doesn't flinch!  At the mention of getting cozy.  "I think casting's good.  Lemme check what service I have it on, actually..."  He does.  "Yeah, should be fine."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cool. I am not enormously technical in nature so I don't know how much I'll be able to help if it's complicated, fair warning."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I will give it an honest go."

Permalink Mark Unread

While he is doing that Haru will dispose of takeout packaging and get himself a cookie.

Permalink Mark Unread

Settings settings fiddle fiddle remote.  "- Are the cookies public domain?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Looks like the Milano is a registered trademark of Pepperidge Farm but if you mean can you have one, sure."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's what I meant, yes."  Okay, the movie is queued up so here he goes to sit on the couch.

Permalink Mark Unread

"You still want space?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"....I want... to have space.  To retreat to if I want."  He wiggles over to the center of the couch.

Permalink Mark Unread

"As you like." Haru takes a couchcorner but continues to not be wearing a shirt.

Permalink Mark Unread

Bug gets the movie going and leans into Haru during the ♫ ba-BUM (da! da-da) ♫s.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

He's a pretty quiet movie watcher.  At least under these circumstances.

Permalink Mark Unread

Suits Haru fine, he's not backlashed.

Permalink Mark Unread

Bug doesn't cry at any point although he does eat all available Milanos that Haru doesn't get first.

Permalink Mark Unread

The bag was mostly full and Haru only wants a few so that's a lot of Milanos but who among us.

Permalink Mark Unread

Aaaaand credits.  "What'd you think?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, obviously they had to cut down a lot, but I like how they condensed Hugo rhapsodizing about Bishop Myriel for an eternity into one really poignant scene. Better Christianity apologism right there than anything C.S. Lewis ever pulled out."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I... Julien hasn't revisited Lewis since he became an atheist.  Liked him well enough at the time."

Permalink Mark Unread

"He can write - though I didn't really care for the Space Trilogy - but I don't find the apologism convincing," shrugs Haru.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I spent a lot of the time wondering whether trying to watch a horror movie this week would be a good idea or a bad one."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. Did you come to a conclusion?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not on whether it's for me.  I think it would be bad for Julien because he'd fixate on the things in it happening to him in real life instead of maybe being able to be afraid on behalf of the characters."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cricket," he's been on the back of the couch with his head resting on the Haru-shoulder opposite Bug, watching the movie, "what was that one horror movie you liked again? The weirdly pretty one?"

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Permalink Mark Unread

"Worth a shot.  But maybe not right away."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I also liked Cabin in the Woods."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, I've seen that one.  And thought it was good, too, but.  Not ideal for channeling my worry into being about what's going to happen."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I could stalk you through the house."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"- wait, is that seriously a worthwhile suggestion."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think it could get dangerous very quickly, currently, but, I don't know, maybe sometime later when Julien's less but not zero backlashed he should try out laser tag or something."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Dangerous like you'd hurt Cricket or like you'd freak out too badly and that would have unpredictable consequences?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"The latter might lead to the former?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. Kitty, you are not as big as once you were." Scritch scritch.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"I also wouldn't want to get scratched up if I got too freaked and put you in a position where you justly needed to defend yourself."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cricket displays a pawful of sharps. "I'm really more of a biting person."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That either."

Permalink Mark Unread

purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr "under my left wing pleasethankyou" purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRrrrrrrr

Permalink Mark Unread

This does not seem like an interaction that would benefit, or indeed not malefit, from Bug's interruption.  Thought it does give him an idea for something later.

Permalink Mark Unread

Eventually Cricket wants Haru to carry him to his cat bed, which Haru does, and there Cricket falls asleep.

Permalink Mark Unread

It's nice to have a moment to himself.

Permalink Mark Unread

Haru returns to the couch once Cricket is emplaced but he does not presume about guiding.

Permalink Mark Unread

...Sometimes a later is not actually very long.  He - watches Haru's reaction, and aborts if at any point he seems unhappy with this, but otherwise - takes his forearm in hand, and moves it, and positions it so that Haru's hand is in his hair.

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This is fine with Haru, if slightly puzzling. "Guiding doesn't work through hair."

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"It is nice, though."

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"As you like. Shall I just scritch you like you're a cat or what?"

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"Seems better than like I'm a bug.  Lowercase."

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"I tend not to have a scritching relationship with bugs, lowercase." Scritch scritch.

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Pretty soon it stops mattering that guiding doesn't work through hair, because all of Bug's bones gradually dissolve until he's draped entirely over Haru.  "Hmmnmmn."

(It's very conscious, the way he's doing this - he takes a moment to spiral about whether this is a bad sort of deception - but no, this is how he would be acting if he didn't feel nearly so bad, and he deserves to have nice things, and he can have the nice things associated with doing this even if it doesn't make the bad, the massive, looming bad, go away.  ...Though once the guiding starts, pretending gets substantially easier.)

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He is cute. Haru is Not Being Weird About It unless scritching him at all counts as being weird about it but he thinks it's probably on the right side of the line.

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"I'm kind of worried," Bug mumbles without growing a skeleton, "well, I'm kind of worried about everything, but, I have a concern about.... I'm kind of ignoring all of my brain screeching about whether things are okay, and just deciding to be selfish and do what I want, and I think... the things I want are mostly just, finnne actually, but if I do something, genuinely inappropriate.... that's why.  And I'm sorry.  In, y'know, advance.  ...I would have stolen your bubble bath this morning if there was any.  But there wasn't."

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"I don't think that would have really been stealing any more than it's stealing to eat the Milanos. You are a guest in my house. Unless you mean you were planning to sneak it out and fence it."

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"I asked if I could eat the Milanos, though.  What's fencing?  Throwing it over a fence?  When it's not sword fighting..."

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"Sell stolen goods to a person who is also called a 'fence', who specializes in getting them to the end user."

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"I have never heard of this."

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"A likely story."

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"It is, yeah."

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Scritch scritch.

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"You should go more over here, now."  He grabs Haru's hand and moves it where he wants it.  "And the same spot on the other side."

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Haru snorts but complies.

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Mmmm.  He could almost fall asleep like this, except for how he definitely, absolutely is not at all at risk of doing that, because if he does that he will die, and it's so scary that he would really have to try for probably a very long time even if he did want to.  But externally he's not doing much except occasionally repositioning Haru's hand on his scalp.

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They can hang out like that basically as long as Bug wants, though Haru will switch which hand is scritching and which one is holding his phone now and then.

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That's fine, yeah.

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He really hasn't been sleeping well, though, so he eventually notices his thoughts wandering in a way where he can't remember what he was thinking about thirty seconds ago and sits right up about it, heart lightly pounding.  Which is still a form of being not at all at risk of falling asleep, in a way.

"Okay.  Thanks for that."

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"...if you say so. What startled you this time?"

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"Started falling asleep.  Which might kill me."

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"Are you sure 'kill' is the word you want? You came right back the once."

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"No, I'm not.  ...But I think so?  I said 'might'; I think it's very likely to make me go away and kind of plausible that I never come back again once I do?  For reasons mentioned earlier.  ...I don't really want to talk about this.  I want to - continue being capable of having positive experiences."

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"Okay, have you got a, shall we say bucket list?"

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"- That's sweet of you but I think talking about that would also be bad.  I have to - be able to hold onto the character who's not.  As precarious as I am.  Even if I'm thinking about that."  What else, what else should he be talking about instead - he was going to say earlier - "You might try doing that with Julien.  The playing with our hair.  He won't ask for it because he'll probably think it would be sexually harassing you to, even though we've literally done that with like, some lesbian friends, but - if you want him to fall asleep faster than with the 'Goodnight, Moon' version of emergency prep.  It'll probably help.  And I don't think anything but the asking would be scary enough to make it not worth it."  He is being SO nice to Julien.  He's not only better he's also good.

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"I can roll with a few more nights of Good Night Carbon Monoxide Detector but I'll ask him."

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"I think that will still probably be necessary, it just might go faster this way."  Does... he doesn't want to talk about this but he doesn't think it'll go disastrously and he wants it out of the way.  "I think I should either plan to - invite Julien back - before it's time for bed, or I should sleep away from you."

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"...I'm not thrilled about the second option, that'd get the backlash all the way up to full standard awakening levels and y'all'd be by yourself while I was unconscious for it."

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He was fine this morning with that but - "Sure.  I can just maybe..."  It's manipulative and wrong and not accomplishing his goals to say 'die' here.  "Do the first one."

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"Is the concern with just falling asleep while still Bug that you'd... panic about dying in your sleep, or..."

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"Yes, and so I don't think I would be able to."

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"Legit. The conditions are regrettable but, yeah, full awakening levels of paranoia backlash unsupervised for eight plus hours while I'm unconscious, not my favorite plan."

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"Okay.  Earlier, then.  Should - how's Ren, do you think?  Should I meet her."

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"I... have not actually mentioned to her that you've got the dissociated identity thing going on, but I guess you can if you're still here when she gets home."

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"Well, should I try not to be before then."

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"Is there a particular reason you can't stay for dinner if you're not planning to be here overnight, how does this work."

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"I can stay for dinner; I just thought it might be awkward.  ...Then again, I might not - be inclined to tell my mom, if she were around, and just interact with her like normal.  And she knows me better than your mom does, obviously."

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"Your call. She'll be chill about it, she's chill about things being weird."

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"Then I guess I will stay around for dinner."

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"Cool. Last I heard her plan was potato soup."

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"With no meat stock."

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"I'll make sure she doesn't forget that part." Text text.

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"If you specifically want to take a Bug-nap I could like, extract myself once you fell asleep on the couch maybe?"

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"It might wind up being conspicuous but you managed to get up that one time without waking me so maybe not."

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"We could try it."

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"Iiiiii am - not entirely scritched out by any means but maybe stick to the gentler ones.  Y'know, more like petting than scratching."  He rolls over onto - hm, maybe not onto Haru's lap because then how will Haru escape.  Well, that's what pants are for, and also guiding doesn't work through hair.  But what if Haru wants to escape - "How should I exist?"

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"That's such a question. How about I sit on the edge of the sofa and you lie down kinda behind me and then I can see if you're still awake and get up when you're not."

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"Mmhm."  Bug flops back out of the way for the shuffle and then curls up around Haru.

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Pet pet.

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Bugs don't purr but they do apparently sigh happily from time to time.

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- And from time to time flinch at varying levels of violence, before very deliberately relaxing again.  Which don't generally seem to match up with anything in particular that Haru's doing.

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Probably can't be helped. Pet pet pet.

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Indeed not.


But they do stop eventually.

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Haru leaves him on the couch asleep once he's sure and hangs out at the kitchen table instead, blogging.

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That doesn't wake him.

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But he's up after more than an hour and less than two.

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By then Ren's slipped in and is peeling potatoes.

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Haru's still at the table, frowning at his computer.

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Bug pads over to take his hand.

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"Hello again. - I think you're gonna have blue eyes maybe."

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"What?"  He scrambles to get his phone out of his pocket and at the selfie camera.  "Huh, yeah..."

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"Could still go purple or green but I think we can rule out warm colors."

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"Huh."  Picture picture picture picture.  "I meant - Julien meant to get more pictures this morning, but the phone was in your room and then I forgot.  They looked really different from before and now, y'know," he yawns, "that's even more true."

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"I didn't get progress pictures at all, I wasn't even aware mine'd changed for a couple weeks. Do you think you want your hair to recolor or nah?"

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"Not really, but I also didn't want the eyes very much..."

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"Huh. I was sorta torn about hair, all the colors I would've liked aesthetically would've been too dark to really do the obvious-esper-look thing. Ultimately you don't pick though."

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"We are not very big on the obvious-esper-look thing but maybe we'll chill out about it later.  ...Julien's not big on it.  I haven't bothered figuring out a separate opinion."

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"I guess I'm not really - imagining myself needing to interact with people very much.  And that's most of what he minds."

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"Minds being visibly an esper to people?"

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"Yeah?  It sounds kind of awful."

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"Huh. Why?"

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"It's... like when we met in the dungeon."  (Is this secrets?  No, this is just the correct way to act.)  "Julien tried to take up as little of your time and attention, until it came out that you wanted conversation, and then he tried to be as convenient as possible in a different way, because - other people mostly don't do that, I think.  Maybe I'm wrong but it kind of seems like being an esper is like doing customer service, except that instead of physical objects and politeness and sometimes subservience, the thing everyone wants from you is - well, it's that people want things from you, all the time.  I was going to say, 'to be your friend', and I think that's also probably true a lot but it's maybe less the thing that everyone wants from you."

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"In a dungeon the thing they want is mostly to be rescued, which is why I go in there in the first place."

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"Right, but if you have the obvious esper look then you have to take steps to not have this happen everywhere."

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"That's true. I'm not sure I'd mind it but at any rate I can go stealth."

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"Yeah, you're also, uh, advantaged.  Backlashily."

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"For this?"

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"I don't... go out and run errands, backlashed? I run dungeons while it goes up and I sit with June while it goes down. Sometimes there is an awkward interstitial period where the dungeon's over with or I need to quit and June's not available yet and then I hang around talking to reporters and calling everybody I know while I wait for her. But it doesn't strictly speaking advantage me, it just disadvantages me way more at some things than at other things."

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"Hmm yeah.  ...My nurse only called you because she knew yours was that, though.  But maybe that's not an advantage."

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"I mean, I'm glad she called me, but Paula screens out most random people who are calling me."

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"Maybe this is a useless line of conversation.  I'm not going to figure out how I feel about this until I know whether I'll ever have to deal with it," or if he'll die first "and Julien also probably won't have any very productive relevant introspection until he's saner."

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"Howww was your not-a-nap?"

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"Queued a blog post on dungeon response in Egypt, guy finally got back to me about it the other day."

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"Nice.  Spoilers?"

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"They have really strict gun control and they don't like compromising on it for dungeoneers. They're an exceptionally urbanized country because of how they concentrate along the Nile and they seem to be enjoying decent luck with dungeon sirens."

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"Ooh.  Do they sub out explosives for guns or just use magic or what."

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"They have guns but there's a special agency that handles them, somebody can't just have a shitload of munitions in their garage like I do."

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"- Oh!  I wish I didn't know that.  They're like, really locked up and not going to affect my life at all, right?"

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"Sorry. They are super locked up and will not affect your life."

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"That's good."

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"I only pull them out when I'm going to a dungeon and I'm not doing those this week."

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"I believe you!  ...I don't, I'm sorry, I'm made up of pretending but mostly in a way that's not really false, but that one.  Was.  It just slipped out.  But uh, I think probably they won't actually affect my life except for how it's another thing to fixate on, even if I don't have the, the experience of believing you.  Or, it doesn't matter whether I think they'll affect my life as long as they, y'know, don't.  I'm rambling."  He shuts up, with great intention.

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"Do you want me to go into more detail about how they're locked up or do you want to not talk about the contents of the garage any more."

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"The latter."

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"Okay. Mom, how long till dinner?"

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"Maybe twenty minutes."

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"Thank you!"

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"No problem. Haru, I got bacon bits for ours."

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The soup is pretty good when it's ready, with or without bacon bits, and then it's back to the couch for the espers.

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You know what; he'll have a go at some of Julien's homework.  And check over the existing progress, which looks good to him.  And then - what does he want to spend what might be his last few hours on....  More ice cream, actually, more ice cream and - what's the most indulgent thing he can think of.  Not music and not a brainless podcast - maybe an audiobook?  No, poetry.  He has an ebook of a Les Fleurs du Mal with side-by-side-by-side text in French and literal English and rhyming English.

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More than an hour and less than two before bedtime, he reads:

Ah, when thou shalt slumber, my darkling love,
Beneath a black marble-made statuette,
And when thou'lt have nought for thy house or alcove,
But a cavernous den and a damp oubliette.

When the tomb-stone, oppressing thy timorous breast,
And thy hips drooping sweetly with listless decay,
The pulse and desires of mine heart shall arrest,
And thy feet from pursuing their adventurous way,

Then the grave, that dark friend of my limitless dreams
(For the grave ever readeth the poet aright),
Amid those long nights, which no slumber redeems

'Twill query—"What use to thee, incomplete spright
That thou ne'er hast unfathomed the tears of the dead"?—
Then the worms will gnaw deep at thy body, like Dread.

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Well, that's enough of that, maybe.  And he wants to give Julien some time to process things before he tries to sleep.  Mostly for Haru's sake.

Taptap, and waiting for his attention, and - "I'm ready.  If you want to... hover again or something.  I'm not really sure if it'll work while I'm talking but I think it makes sense to try."

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"Yeah, okay. Do you maybe want to pre-decide a conversation topic or two?"

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"Seems smart and I will think about it.  ...Do you think it will be a tragedy if I never come back?"

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"In the, like, narrative genre sense?"

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"No.  Just as like, is it sad.  Would you be sad about it."

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"I would be a little sad about it."

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"I guess that's all I can ask for."

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"I assume that wasn't a conversation topic proposal."

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"No, I'm still thinking.  I don't know whether to go for - no, I guess we should keep it pretty light.  There's always a lot of oneself, in any discussion of something weighty or philosophical, isn't there."

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"Kinda, yeah."

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"What music do you like; what... I don't know, other basic icebreakers like that.  Favorite food, best esper stories?  .....Or.  Hm.  If you wanted to take me flying it would be very scary but it might - work.  Faster than anything else.  And we could get a lot of distance out of talking about the flying, probably."

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"Julien's been pretty consistent about not wanting to go flying so it might be a pretty rude... I'm not sure if surprise is the right word."

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"He would do it if there was a harness.  You know, willingly."

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"Right, but I still don't have one of those and I would trust something jury-rigged way less than my arms."

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"I feel like there have to be internet tutorials that would satisfy both of us - me and him - and then also you do whatever you normally would with your arms.  ...Unless you don't have climbing rope to hand; I've been vaguely assuming you do for dungeon reasons?"

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"...no, I can fly."

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"........I didn't think you were using it for climbing but I guess I don't know what I thought you were using it for instead."

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"I've probably been in situations where rope would have been handy but I don't have a Bag of Holding, everything trades off carrying capacity or if I'm demanding it on the spot it costs teleport capacity. I can and do carry a lot but in the rope department I have like, paracord."

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Conveniently the anxiety of pressing on an idea someone else thinks is bad is only exactly as loud as all of the other anxiety.  "If you flew me around the apartment I think I could get - scared enough that either it'll do the thing I hoped it would or it'll show that that probably doesn't work.  Without... being mean to Julien in extra ways not already included in making myself scared."

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"...being mean to him is not exactly the thing I'm worried about, I would like him to - be rationally able to rely on me, whenever he's capable of availing himself of rationality?"

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"Hm.  Mmhm.  I just - don't know whether talking will work, and - I still really really want this part to take the least possible amount of time even though I'm less bitter about it now.  It's not exactly scarier than everything else in a felt way, but there's... there's being anxious about fire safety and then there's trying to put your hand on a hot stove, right?  The actual knowledge of real impending damage is a lot.  So... if there's a way I could cause the switch to happen without really having to think about it so much, I would.  Really really prefer that."

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"I can hover and wave my hand through solid objects a couple times, that's even more expensive than flying."

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"But that's not scary.  ...Maybe unless I'm the solid object.  I want to - overload the Bug flavor of fear with the Julien flavor of fear.  Because - ......I think that'll involve the least total misery."

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"I usually am not intangible to people, because it is legit dangerous."

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"Yeah. Sorry. - I'd explain in more detail but perhaps I hadn't better."

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"I have an imagination.  It might not be correct, but I have one."  He expected this to be in-reality safe, but it's not hard to come up with reasons it wouldn't be; that's why he thought he'd be able to scare himself with it at all.

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"I could stalk you through the house."

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"...Are you confident I won't be able to hurt you and that you won't need to really hurt me to prevent that?"

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"If the point of this exercise is to simultaneously scare you and cause me to rack up backlash, yes, though I might need to call a halt partway through, and will also need to be on a call with Cricket the whole time - and I don't work on electronics so you'll be able to hear me talking to him about television through his computer the whole time, which I suppose might ruin the effect."

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"...Headphones," he suggests, almost absentmindedly.  "I - don't want to make you two do this... but maybe this isn't the part of that I thought was bad."

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"It doesn't sound particularly unpleasant for me, let alone Cricket for whom this is basically his job anyway, I'm just making sure I have the logistics angles covered. Like I'm imagining from my end I'm just sort of wandering around discussing The Wire, occasionally moving a chair in your peripheral vision or something till I'm backlashed enough that I need to, shall we say 'pounce', and then I do that."

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"I think I was imagining something more hide-and-seeky, but fundamentally that doesn't not work."  His body language is already becoming tenser, though he keeps his tone of voice relatively light.

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"Shall I go alert Cricket and then not reappear for a concerning amount of time?"

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...Are the headphones within reach yes they are.  He can feel his heartbeat.  "Sure."  Does he have any approximate potential last words.... "Thanks for being, really pretty not awful."  Well.  That will have to do.

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"You're welcome."

He vanishes, noiselessly and instantly.

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He jumps, a split-second later than if it had been a truly uncontrollable reaction.  He's made up of pretending; he should start now, even if it feels a little silly.  And even if before he really starts getting in character he's going to sling on the headphones and try to look up - yes, excellent, thank you ASMR people, 'Spooky Scary Ambience | Spine Chilling Ghost Mansion Mix 4 Hours | Music & SFX' sounds perfect.

And then he'll, what, hyperventilate on purpose?  Yeah, that seems like the thing to do.

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"- so do you remember I was telling you about when McNulty was pretending to be British on the phone, I found out that actually his actor is British."

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"Oh, that's a fun meta-gag, I bet the writers were very pleased with themselves," says Haru's voice, but only from Cricket's computer.

A light flickers in the kitchen.

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Okay, right, he can only sort of hear that through the headphones so he could ignore it, but clearly the narrative here is that Haru is away and just calling in, and a separate entity is stalking him who's like, a ghost or a demon or something.  And Cricket is in the role of the person in the horror movie who won't believe that something's up, except he's also maybe already been replaced with some sort of nefarious being so Bug he can't go to him for help.

Yeah, okay, his character (whose name is maybe, coincidentally, Julien) is not so scared yet, but ~strange things have been happening~ and flickering lights is one of them.  This place is fucking haunted and his character knows it (but in that way where he doesn't actually believe believe it yet).  He stops hyperventilating on purpose but his breath is still kind of heavy.  He darts his eyes around, looking for anything that could have caused the lights.

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A drawer in the kitchen sliiiiides open, then closed again.

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That happens pretty close to a door creak in his soundtrack, which for a moment is legitimately frightening because it's behind him and he doesn't think that Haru can do two things that far apart at once.  But when he whips around it moves with him, and he realizes what's up.  He'll take his heartrate spikes where he can get them, though.  (This would be such a time to also discover a real haunting, although that won't happen because:  ghosts aren't real.  Robbers and things are, he supposes; that could happen.)

What if he.... his character might grab something to protect himself but he absolutely should not.  He'll - he takes a few (thoughtless for his character, very intentional for him) steps backward.  At an angle away from both the drawer and where he first heard the door.

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Something's tugging on the back of his shirt a little bit. No hint of guiding, though.

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Aaaaa.  Wow yeah that's scary.  He's going to run (carefully!  It will not at all help either him or his character to take it in the teeth) to the guest bedroom.

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Once he's in there the door starts slooooowly closing.

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Yep, yep, sure, fine.  He's fine.  He's going to go - he won't fit under the bed he doesn't think - into the closet (har har har har) and close the door before anything else can get in here with him.  (Or at least, so that it will be extremely scary when something does.)  He curls up in the corner and covers the bottom of his face with a hand and tries to be completely silent, which currently means trying not to breathe, and after a moment means trying to breathe very little.

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The door slooooowly opens.

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He is holding so still.  Back to no breathing.

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Tug tug at his pant leg.

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That's fine, it's fine, hold still.  He - doesn't think he can get out of here, not past whatever that is ((or Haru)), so he'll wait until it's done and then.  Pull his leg in toward himself, make himself as small as he c -

His soundtrack has been building up for a while, and it comes in shrieking with the legally-distinct Psycho stings - he jumps, violently, and scrambles, ineffectively trying to get up -

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He is free to make a break for the bedroom door! The lights cut out in the process though.

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He hits the door with his shoulder and tries to open it - probably it's not actually locked but he's not at his most coordinated and it doesn't feel like the doorknob moves very much on his first try - he doesn't (he's pretending) have time - time to find out whether he can fit under the bed.

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He can fit under the bed.

The bed creeaaaaaaks above him.

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Squishing him??

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No, just making ominous noises.

There's a screechy scraping sound against the window.

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Under the bed is clearly the safest spot available to him right now.  Back to the freeze response tactic.


Until - the soundtrack has the MIDI violins chill out into something more sustained and ominous, and puts the sound of someone breathing behind him, starting far away and getting - right - in his ear - and he extracts himself as quickly as he can without really bonking his head and with hitting his forearm hard enough to probably bruise tomorrow - the headphones fall off in the scramble - and it doesn't matter that it didn't work last time; he'll try the doorknob again - it opens; he shoots down the hallway -

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- he is pounced upon. Tacklehug, stopping just short of hitting the floor before letting the hover go and dropping down the last half-inch.

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So, an issue is that this is kind of hot.  It was already kind of hot before, though not in a way where he had actually noticed that it was, but now he's caught and it feels - he was already very physically excited.  He was literally running away, and he got jumped, and now is being made to feel very good.  He'll figure out how to spin this for his character in a minute but he needs to take a second to figure it out for himself - he'll start struggling, in the meantime, nothing that'll actually get him free but pretty darn thrashy.  He... Julien would be extremely upset about this, so that's the way he needs to feel (which is dumb, incidentally) - but how to respond from that frame without actually making this stop, because then he'll have to start all over.....

He has an idea for the character, nearly at the same time, on a parallel track of thought.  It's totally a thing, from Jeff the Killer in ancient creepypastas to sirens in ancient-er myths, that sometimes horror villains will be in some way enticing, or make you go to sleep - he's getting his references a little confused, maybe, but it's totally a thing, for a horror villain to have a chasing segment and then a getting-you segment that doesn't necessarily have to feel bad for the victim, because they're still dead at the end, and that's its own kind of horror, that it feels good instead of bad.


In any case, there's a set of actions he can take that covers both of these non-Bug perspectives.  He squirms and writhes and -

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"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry - please - aaaa!  I'm sorry -"

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"- what?"

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Ah, fuck.  Can he get away with just keeping going - no, this is worth risking the break in his momentum; he stills, makes eye contact with his head squished to one side.  "I'mincharacter."  Resume.  "Please, I don't know what I did I'm sorry -"

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He has to do improv now? He was not aware this was going to call for improv. "Well, how can you be sorry if you don't even know what you did?" he asks menacingly.

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Wow this is the worst.  He - lets his struggling get weaker; he is in fact already getting kind of worn out.  He hasn't really been feeling up to much, lately.  And the guiding feels really nice.  "I don't knooooow...."  He does, though, is the thing.  And it's actually kind of bad...

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"Then I think you're not really sorry enough." WHY IS THERE IMPROV. He scoops him up in a moment of flight to set himself on his feet without letting his prey's touch the ground.

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Wow he has no idea whether the fact that he starts crying makes him a really good actor or if he wouldn't have been able to prevent it if he wanted to.  Who can say.  It felt kind of volitional but it also feels pretty real.  Maybe it doesn't matter; maybe the point is that it doesn't matter.  Maybe the fact that it doesn't matter means he's winning.

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The advantage of having tacklehugged Bug and/or Julien and/or a transitional identity from behind is that he can avoid having his face in view pretty easily and does not have to continually figure out how to make menacing facial expressions while fighting his own fawn response. "What do you think happens to somebody who's done what you've done, and isn't even sorry?" he asks, taking a step.

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In a completely different tone of voice:  "- You have to stop, I'm sorry, I'm getting really turned on.  - Safeword.  I'm sorry.  I'm back."  Do NOT compulsively apologize MORE when that was extremely relevant to THE THING WORTH APOLOGIZING ABOUT.

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- Haru puts him down and lets him go. "Sorry, I didn't see that coming at all."

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"I didn't either, otherwise - I definitely wouldn't have done it and I don't think he would have either -"  No no they should still be hugging!  That seems important.

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Oh absolutely they can again be hugging, just, seemed better to err on the side of not hugging when you get safeworded, not that this has ever happened to Haru before. "I should probably have explicitly set up a safeword in advance but fortunately the concept had made its way to me."

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"And to me."  Because he's a FREAK and a PERVERT who had to RUIN their perfectly innocent magical identity-switching terror roleplay.  ...Well, 'ruin'; it got the job done.  Just, at what cost.  Whether or not this bout of crying started volitionally it is absolutely continuing regardless of what Julien wants.

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Can Haru maneuver this hug over into the guest room where he can quickly get the toothy slotted spoon pasta server out of the way so they can sit together and he can grab Julien a tissue.

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Yeah, totally.  That would be great, actually.  Dab dab.  "I - hi.  How are you?"

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"Backlashed but basically fine. Wasn't expecting to have to do improv but stranger things have happened."

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"S -"  Okay he's just not allowed to apologize for, what, something like the next half hour.  That seems reasonable.  "Stranger things have, yeah."  Isn't there a thing about how if you can't apologize you should thank the person?  "Thanks for - going along with that."

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"I don't think I was very good at it but apparently it worked."

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It really did.  "Yeah."  Sniffle.  "So, you like books?  - By which I mean, what do you want to talk about.  It doesn't have to be this.  I mean it could be it just doesn't have to."

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"Yeah, I like books. I could compare the Les Mis book to the musical more if this would be interesting."

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"If this would be boring and you would not be questioning and commenting throughout it doesn't work."

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"No, it would be, I'm" sorry "just..." keeping a perfect neutral-to-negative demeanor, like Bug thought.  Man, Bug was right about really a lot of things and Julien will probably have a Lot of emotions about this once he runs out of emotions about the one thing he did really wrong.  "Tired.  I really like the musical; I've listened to it a lot.  And I've seen some stuff online about what the book is like; I know there are.... digressions?  On sewers?  And some stuff about some of the barricade boys, the red one and the green one, Enjolras and something with an R?  And I know there's a doctor one and a nonbinary poet one and one that has a smackdown with Marius about being free."  Also he's read some Valvert but let's not go there, eh.

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"If you're tired we can have this conversation while brushing our teeth and stuff like that. The one with the R you might be thinking of Grantaire. It's a pun, sounds like grand-R -" And he can go from there.

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Julien is kind of wired, actually, and is going to need quite a bit to wind down, but brushing their teeth and getting cozy in pajama pants seems like a great idea even if they then spend a long time in bed talking about nuns and hostage situations in which Valjean ??shoves a hot fire-poker into his own arm to assert dominance?? and non-hostage situations in which Valjean gets buried alive in a coffin on purpose and also the fact that he carries multiple wigs in his coat.  Wow, Jean Valjean is just kind of fucking insane, apparently, who knew.  (Probably lots of people who aren't solely focused on gay shipping.)

How's Haru doing on backlash by the time Julien starts to actually get tired?  He doesn't want to leave him in the lurch, after that.

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Snuggling is almost a social activity. With a compatible person. Haru managed to sleep while he had his own awakening and he can sleep now.

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Julien is actually absolutely not going to be able to sleep without Haru singing the sweet lullaby of safety protocols to him, but also, even though he can tell it's a very bad idea, because it's critically important that Julien be as well as he can so that he doesn't cause horrible problems - he does not actually seem capable of asking for this, once Haru beds down.  He tries, well past the point where Haru's definitely all the way asleep, and then he gives up.  Nothing to do but lie here and cry a little and feel bad about himself and also his other self.  For hours.

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At 1:17 in the morning Haru's phone howls.

Haru sits bolt upright and vaults out of bed to silence it. "Julien?"

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Yes he's still awake.  "Yeah?"

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"Emergency dungeon." He's peering at his phone now. "It must be really bad if the night shift dispatcher overrode my vacation status - and they're springing for a teleport -" He starts changing out of his pajamas.

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That's so bad.  What does he say.  "That's so bad."  - Oh he has to close his eyes right now.  Aaaa.

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"Yeah." He scrolls through his texts a bit and starts pulling on socks. "They're going to teleport me to Cleveland, and back...

"I shouldn't be gone for more than two, maybe three hours.

"I may be very backlashed by the time I bail out. If they need me all the way in Cleveland at one in the morning I will be really pushing it. I do my best to avoid the really dangerous versions of my backlash but I have made mistakes before and if that happens someone else will be the one deciding to send me away, and they will need to already know where I should land.

"I can wake up Ren to ask her to keep an eye on you, and have the dispatcher wake June up so she can be waiting in her silo for me.

"But if you are absolutely sure that you can sit tight and guide me down I can tell them to teleport me back here instead."

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"I - I - don't think I should be the one to judge this but I think so?  Leaving here hasn't felt safer than staying, at any point.  - Except when the fire alarm went off, I'm sorry, I forgot that, I felt safer leaving then."

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"If you do have some kind of panic such that I will not be instantly able to find you upon teleporting home, you need to make sure Ren wakes up in the process, I'm leaving her a text in case you can't explain in full. She can't guide me but she got me through my awakening alive and can drag me to June's if she has to."

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"Okay."  Heeeee's going to mess this up and Haru is going to DIE(?).  "Should you - if you call me right before you port back will that work, and if I don't pick up or if I'm crazy then you can do something else?"

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"That will probably work but if I am very badly off I will not believe you exist and will accordingly not call you."

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"Can you tell the dispatcher?  I - don't want to kill you -"

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"- yeah, I can give them your number." Tap tap tap. "The thing is that June's certainly asleep and would need notice to get up and get situated in her silo, and I don't know exactly when I'll be through with the dungeon, so there will be a point of no return where if enough things go a particular way, all of which are individually unlikely but not impossible, it's here with you or I'm in trouble. It's possible I should just have her woken up anyway -"

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He does NOT want to be abandoned (in a way where his brain apparently counts other guiding for that but not really the dungeon itself) but it is MORE IMPORTANT that Haru doesn't DIE.  Oh great, more crying.  "Maybe, yeah," he chokes.

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"I wish I had, like, any idea literally at all, how much she'd mind that." Tap tap. "Dispatcher'll says he'll wake June up in half an hour if you're not answering texts reassuringly, I won't be done in half an hour unless I need a hospital more than I need a guide."

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Nod nod nod nod nod.  "Sounds," good fine "smart."

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"Dispatcher should be sending you a text now. I'm not taking any guns out because my usual guy won't be able to put them away for me if I can't when I'm operating in another city, but I'm going to go get some other gear on in the garage, and then disappear. See you in a few." He pats Julien's shoulder and heads out.

This is Great Lakes night dispatcher Matthew Chandler, please confirm this text has not gone astray
says Julien's phone.
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Julien Doucet confirming.

Where did the tissues get to.  Right, there.  Great.

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The dispatcher sends a checkmark.

If Julien listens closely he can hear a little bustle en route to and in the garage.

Then silence.

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He - was already planning to spend tonight feeling bad, and - that's different, without a source of magic making him feel less bad, and a person that he could in theory wake up if something terrible happened.  ....He still has a person he can (and must) wake up if something goes terribly.

This calls for a checklist.  That's what you use when you can't trust your brain, even if it's just because it can't hold all the things you need it to.  Okay, laptop, new notes document, ☐ Optional: Wake up Ren.  What else could go wrong, what else would really fuck everything up and be awful and horrible.  ☐ Charge phone.  It doesn't really need it, not on the scale of three hours, but it would be SO bad if Julien was fine actually but no one knew it because his phone was dead.  Similarly, ☐ Do not restart phone (unless there is some sort of horrible glitch?  Decide whether to restart phone before 01:45.).  🗹 Charge laptop.  ☐ Develop strategy (Bug?  Guitar?  Movie?  Other?)  (Hoping is not a strategy!).  ☐ Cricket?

If there is a natural disaster of some sort he's already just fucked, but at least unless there's something really astonishingly horrible in the coincidence department, Haru will correctly abandon him and be fine.

☐ Set up nest in obvious location (couch?).  ☐ Arrange reality to not have to leave nest from 01:45-06:00.  Sublist: ☐ Bathroom ☐ Water ☐ Snacks ☐ Blanket ☐ Devices ☐ Guitar? ☐ Remote ☐ Tissues ☐ Wastebasket.

There are guns in the garage.  There are guns in the garage and Haru isn't here.  They're locked up, though.  It doesn't seem like it would help anything to type about them.  He digs his phone charger out of his luggage, plugs it in next to his laptop, and checks the relevant tickybox.

Sublist under strategy: ☐ Decide whether to think about sel[f/ves] or to ~Definitely Not Do That~.  🗹 Make lots of list.  (It's always nice to give yourself a couple of really easy items that you've already done, on a list like this; it's good motivation.)

Entertainment header.  ☐ More eye pictures.  ☐ Homework.  ...Everything else on here is maybe covered under strategy.  Time to start moving objects around.  He collects all the objects from the nest sublist and checks them off one at a time, then - wow, time goes by pretty fast in situations like this; he slips to the bathroom and washes his hands with his eyes closed so he doesn't get distracted by the mirror and is back to the couch at 1:43.  Two minutes isn't time enough for anything, so anything he doesn't have here now he does not have.  He will not move from this spot for the next several hours.  He checks off the one about not restarting his phone.

Hoping is really, really not a strategy, so he should make an actual one, but he really, really does not want to miss the dispatcher text when it comes in, so he's going to spend the next however-long-that-takes swapping between an easy-mode puzzle game and his texting app, in case his notifications decide not to work at this moment for some reason.

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At 1:50:

Report is he's holding steady. Are you?
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he types, and then fixes the capitalization and adds a

So far,

at the front.  Send.

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.....And then he'll spend another five minutes by the clock staring at that to see whether he gets a checkmark from the dispatcher.  Apparently not, which means it's strategy time.

- Okay, well he will give himself an already-tickyboxed 🗹 Respond to half-hour dispatcher text.  He deserves a checkmark for that, but sometimes you have to be the one to give yourself the things you deserve.  ☐ Respond to all other incoming dispatcher texts.  Sublist: ☐ Come up with a strategy for not missing them.

Alarms?  Alarms seem like a good thing for this.  What's the absolute longest he would want to wait before responding to one of these?  Definitely not more than five minutes, but also having an alarm every five minutes seems like a lot... ☐ Turn on notification dings.  ☐ Conceive of way to test whether text notifications currently work.  ☐ Test whether text notifications currently work.  Okay, easy enough to change his volume settings.  What's his dingtone currently set to, he has no idea, his phone is never on more than vibrate.  Huh, interesting.  ...Can he set the noise for specific contacts to be different noises?  Yes, great, okay, he'll save a contact for Dispatcher Matthew Chandler and set it to the alarm-blaringest option available.  Maybe that will make his phone understand that this is important and he definitely wants to know about it.  And - he googles ways to send yourself texts; no, he doesn't want to send it from his phone because then he'll presumably have his phone open and he won't know if that works as a notification for other things; he'll just see it come in directly.  Apparently there's an email-to-text setup, though, and that will do nicely (unless it's weird in some way - but if it doesn't work then that will be informative; he'll at least start with it -).

He sends himself seven texts with it, and the first five work but the last two don't, which is panic-inducing.  Okay, okay, breathe.  Hyperventilating will not help, here.  What to do - he switches strategies to setting an alarm every two minutes for the next hour, to start with, he'll add more if he gets closer to that time.  It takes over fifteen minutes to do this, especially since every two minutes he gets chimed at and he has to go stare at his text history with Dispatcher Matthew Chandler, wishing there was a more obvious interface for making sure it had refreshed.  (He has the alarms-specifically volume pretty low; hopefully it won't bother Ren or Cricket.  ....Although it would be good to have some way to wake them up, even if he can't.  The text from Dispatcher Matthew Chandler might do it, whether or not he's capable of responding to it.)

Okay, now, why didn't those emails go through?  He opens the texts and finds they sent fine, which means that in fact something about his notifications isn't working.  But he has the alarms.  He has the alarms.  ...He's shaking.  A lot of that is probably the stress, but also, wow, he's so cold.  He didn't put a shirt on and he's been sitting here doing nothing in the middle of the night when the heat is probably set lower.  And he doesn't wear socks to bed, either.  (- Alarm.  Check for texts.  Close texting app, all the way, check texts again, in case that forces a refresh that wouldn't otherwise come through.)  But there's a blanket on the back of the couch already; he didn't end up needing to grab one in order to check off the item.  ........It's full of holes.  Intentional holes, mind you; it's one of those ones that's made somehow of string, or yarn, or something; it's probably handmade.  And it doesn't feel thick enough to warm him up despite that.

But in fact being in a slightly cool house won't kill him.  He starts two bulleted lists, of under what circumstances he is or isn't allowed to leave the couch.  Is: fire, not the fire alarm but a real fire; isn't: feeling kind of chilly.  He wraps the blanket around his top half in a way that attempts to but does not really succeed at also covering his feet.  Good enough.  Time to send more emailtexts to himself.  The next three ding him, but the one after that doesn't.  (Another check for one from Matt.)  - Is it because he's not opening them???  He's an idiot.  He tests that to the tune of another few alarms and, yeah, that seems to be it.  They alert fine as long as he doesn't send a bunch in a row without checking them; it's probably to prevent spam from bothering people.


Great, now he's spent almost half an hour here and he still hasn't come up with a strategy that isn't hoping which isn't one.  In theory emailtexts could be weird in some way but he has alarms.  He's just going to check it manually every two minutes and it's going to be fine.  Unless he experiences alarm fatigue which he Must Not.  Each of these is equally important and he will treat them as such.

So...... Bug.

Does he want to be Bug right now.  The thing is that - he should be doing this as a list, because otherwise if he gets less sane he might not be able to remember what he thought.

  • Bug is just better than me in many ways.
  • He was fine unguided for approximately this long this morning.  I (Julien) am not proven to be stable for that long.
  • He might leave the couch for reasons of comfort instead of emergency.
    • I must not leave the couch.
  • He might also fall asleep or fail to check alarms, which must not (sleeping) and must (alarms) happen.
  • I don't know whether trying to turn into him will definitely get him, or might get me a less stable personality or make me (Julien) less stable.
  • But thinking about him too much might turn me into him.

He searches for the hexcode of the background color of his notes app's darkmode and turns that bit of text that color.  Just in case looking at it later will make him go crazy.

Good to have decided that, but that's still not a real strategy; it's just ruling one out.  And there have been several more alarms since then (which is kind of interesting as an experience that anchors him to the flow of time).  Guitar?  Guitar isn't terrible, as long as he plays quietly enough to not accidentally wake up the other members of the household.

- The body of the guitar is so cold, and his body temperature would warm it up eventually but not enough to actually make him warmer, and it would be miserable to have the freezing wood right there on his bare stomach until then, and he's not going to make himself miserable on purpose.  That would be idiotic.

So what else.  Shiver.  He's still really worried about the guns, which maybe Haru accidentally unlocked while he was getting his other stuff.  He could try and learn about gun safety - but what if he gets crazier and decides he has to go out to the garage about it??  ☐ Do NOT study gun safety.  But, the idea in general isn't bad; he just needs to pick something less actionable.  Under strategy, in bold: ☐ Study emergency safety prep until ineffective, then watch movie.

He opens an Anki deck, on his laptop so that his phone is free for alarms and text-checking, and tries to lose himself in it to the extent that he can while getting interrupted every other minute and also absolutely not leaving the couch even though he's very cold and also keeping in mind that in a little bit he'll need to set more alarms.

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At 2:35:

Estimate another 20-40 minutes in there. OK?
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Okay.  Cool.  He did that.  Now he just has to not go insane for the next probably-less-than-an-hour.  ......He will set a few more alarms about this, because another text might still happen, and.  Go back to studying, he guesses.  He can do this; it's only another ten to maybe thirty alarms.  He just has to sit here, and not go anywhere, and freeze, and everything will be fine.  He's allowed to be cold.  It's okay to be a little crazy about being cold as long as it's not in a way that causes him to leave the couch.

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Julien gets a call!

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Okay, he forgot to expect that instead of texts, so the ring is kind of startling, but - "Hello!!"

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"Hiiii I still believe people exist so I will be fine. They're wrapping up my arm, one of the victims bit me, and then I will come home, you doing okay?"

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"Yes.  I'm on the couch."

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"Okay my plan is to stop off in the garage, drop all my gear on the floor to deal with sometime tomorrow because fortunately none of it's guns, and come scoop you up, in like, a minute - two, she says - also I'm making them pay you what they would've paid June for a midnight emergency wakeup, remind me about that when I can comprehend things like bank apps and account numbers."

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What.  "Understood.  In one minute I will walk to the garage door and wait outside it.  - The human door in the house, not the big up-and-down one."

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"I'm not going to be able to let go of you so if you have to pee do that first. I can talk to the nurse if you don't wanna put the phone on speaker during such an excursion but I wouldn't judge, I do that all the time, my poor agent."

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He didn't actually end up touching the water after he brought it to the side table.  "I'm fine."

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"Arm looks wrapped up, thank you nurse, and the teleporter'll be with me in a - no, no, pretend I didn't say anything, go ahead, take your guiding break, I can hold out - if you say so - I don't know if the address is correct because I can't read, if you can just - yes, that's right. Okay. Julien, the call's gonna drop, phones hate teleportation, but I'll be right there."

The call drops. There is a garage clatter.

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He gets up and walks to the garage door as soon as that seems like the thing to do!

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Haru bursts through the door and hugs him. "Hello, I hope that didn't suck too much, I'm very glad to see you!"

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"It went pretty okay."  Hug!!  Wherrrre is skin - back of Haru's neck?  Cool.

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"Oh that's better. I took off my shoes on autopilot but you're not June at all, hm -" How can he get out of this shirt without ever being totally out of skin contact.

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Probably like this.  Warrrrrm.  Also guidinnnnnng.  "I'm not, yeah."

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"Yeah, I should ideally have been doing what I'd have done if I were going to meet up with Sparkler, only that would have different problems as a pattern to fall into." Shirt: off. Snuggle: snugged. "Did you get any sleep, I can actually sleep like this eventually."

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Alarm; dismiss.  "Then I wouldn't have been able to respond to texts?"

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"Yeah, sorry, that was a stupid question." What if his face was on Julien's shoulder. "Okay. Bedtime. You want to walk or should I carry you."

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"Either is fine."

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"Okay, scoop time, stairs sound awkward while trying to hug and walk around on four total legs." Scoop. Stairs. "Sorry about the emergency dungeon alert, that has to have scared you out of your skin, even I nearly have a heart attack whenever I get one of those."

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"- Aa the stairs the stairs!  Stop!  - You should fly up them instead of.  Balancing."

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Haru stops at the foot of the stairs. "Uh, the object of this exercise is for me to decrease in backlash load. I can always fly rather than hit the ground if I do lose my balance but I don't do that very often post-awakening, it cured my dyspraxia which I had before."

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".........I prefer we walk up the stairs, then."  With holding hands and maybe some arm bumping as the amount of contact.  Once they're clear of the top he gets in position to get picked back up, though.

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"Okay." He scoops Julien once they're at the top and carries him into the guest room and flops the both of them into bed. "Maybe I should get some kind of harness thing. Not for right now obviously, it just keeps coming up. I'm imagining, like, what skydiving instructors use or something, they must have some kind of attaching-a-person-to-them rig which probably doesn't strictly require a parachute to work at the attaching process."

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"That sounds great.  I would really like that."  Maybe he can be the one to buy it, though.  "...The dungeon alert wasn't really that scary.  Itself."  Now that he's under a blanket again his body decides it's time to resume shivering.

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Haru snuggles him very much. "Itself?"

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"I was really afraid that I would go crazy in a way that caused me to be untrustworthy when the thing you were trusting me with was your life."  Snuggle.  "But I also didn't want you to go be with your partner instead."

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"It would have been an inferior solution in several ways. She's technically more compatible but the guiding winds up a lot slower anyway - even when she's not backlashed and only I am, she does this thing where she avoids interacting with me qua person. And you'd have been alone, so that'd - well, I'm projecting, but I assume it would be worse."

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"It would be so bad."

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Snuggle snuggle. "I'm supposed to go get my arm looked at after I wake up in the morning, or, just as plausibly, when I wake up in the afternoon, but I can probably bring you along if you prefer that to being here by yourself for like an hour?"

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"Yes.  ....I think I can't sleep unless you Good Night Carbon Monoxide Detec -"  Alarm.  Ughhh digging his phone out of his pocket while lying down - dismiss.  He's going to have to delete the rest of the pending ones soon.  "Unless you Good Night Carbon Monoxide Detector me."

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"Yeah - shit, did you also not get any sleep before the dungeon alert -"

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"No.  It did make it less scary.  Probably."

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"I am so sorry please don't be mad at me. - that is a thing I sometimes say excessively when backlashed, we don't necessarily have to do an entire thing about it."

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- Okay, he laughs at that, after a beat.

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"Eheh. - anyway, uh, good night carbon monoxide detector, sure, where do you want to start on that."

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"Umm, I should, I have alarms set every two minutes for the next while, I should get rid of those."  Phone phone phone.

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"Wow that's a lot of alarms."

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"I was worried the notification wouldn't work and I would miss one of the important texts.  Since they were time-sensitive."  Delete deleeeete.

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"Well, it worked, and whether it was overkill who can say, I suppose."

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"Yeah.  I tried a test to see whether they were working and some of them didn't.  I think I figured out that it was for a reason that wouldn't apply but I had already set them.  And it wasn't really that bad to check that often.  It's not like I was going to be able to get anything else meaningful done."  Okay he's done, back to proper snuggling.

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The snuggling is so proper and Haru is not weird about it at all. "- so like I said I didn't take any guns out, all the stuff I dumped on the garage floor for Tomorrow Haru to deal with is like, first aid and the rescue tool stuff and the paracord and admittedly there is a knife but it's in its sheath and not going anywhere. Any other carbon monoxide detectors you wanna cover?"

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"You could tell me about the emergency dungeon and anything you know about how espers get assigned to dungeons, and, what protocols you have about how to act in these situations?  Or gun safety, that would also work."

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"Yeah absolutely, I have so many gun safety facts memorized - should I pet your hair also -"

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....The thing is that Bug kind of trapped Julien in a corner here, where if he's weird about this he'll, well, be the one making it weird.  Which was not exactly good of Bug, like he thought, but also..... yeah it is in fact extremely nice as a sensation and Julien just has to not make it weird.  "Sure."

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Hairpetting and gun safety facts.

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Honk shoo mimimi.  Within a really small number of minutes.

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Snuggling is a Social Activity, Haru's Backlash, so shut up.

Sleep time.

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Julien sleeeeeps innnnnn.

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Haru too. Though not by quite as much. He gets up to hit the bathroom and grab his laptop for snuggly computing; he makes a clinic appointment even though the arm bite doesn't feel that bad.

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"Morning. We - unless you'd rather stay behind - are expected at the urgent care for my arm bite in about an hour, should be enough time to get a shower where I spend the entire time keeping my left arm out of the water and a breakfast first."

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"That sounds great."  Though he doesn't make any move to get out of bed and in fact snuggles up a bit more.

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Haru will wait for a couple minutes, but then: "I did run around in a dungeon in the middle of the night, I could really use the shower. - also it's the cleaning lady's day to come by, she might already be downstairs, don't be spooked about that."

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"Thank you, I would have been."

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"You want to change into trunks in the bathroom or here, I'll take whichever room you don't."

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"Doesn't matter to me."  Ughhhhhhh fine he will up.  He has to head to the bathroom anyway since that's where the trunks were drying; he - starts that way.  After breaking contact with Haru.

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Haru's trunks were also hung up in the bathroom; he follows, snags them, and ducks into his own room to change.

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And then shower.  Down one arm and one pair of eyes, mostly.

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When they emerge and get dressed and go downstairs Maya the cleaning lady is indeed already there; she and Haru converse in Tagalog.

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That's pretty cool.  ....Maybe Julien can springboard off of any potential baggage he has from Starbucks into having learning French be important enough to his brain that he can study it along with emergency prep stuff.  Also, separately, maybe he should practice more with Haru later.

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"Cheerios?" Haru asks Julien, when Maya has moved on.

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"Sounds good."

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Cheerios occur.

"And now I want to get all my crap off the garage floor and then I think we'll probably still have enough time to walk to the clinic, it'd be a little difficult to guide while driving my truck."

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"I - okay."

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"- something the matter?"

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"...There are guns in there."

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"Yes, they're all locked up. I can go put my stuff away without you and then we can go out the other door to walk there, if you'd rather?"

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"Okay. Five maybe ten minutes." He squeezes Julien's hand and goes into the garage.

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Julien can wait that long.  And not even be that miserable about it.

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Haru comes back. Calls something in Tagalog to Maya and shows Julien out the door, hand in hand.

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Good.  "So, how bad is your arm, under there?"

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"Guy chomped me hard enough to break the skin but I got it disinfected pretty promptly and it doesn't feel like it got worse overnight, they'll probably just change the dressing and tell me to take ibuprofen."

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"It was a psychic dungeon?"

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"Yeah. I assume the biter guy would never have done it if he'd been in his right mind, but they don't call me across international borders for dungeons where people get to be in their right minds."

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"What was the theme?"

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"It was like, an evil merry go round, or rather several different Venn-Diagram-ing merry go rounds, it was pretty big - they think it escaped in India a few years ago and wasn't new then, it might have originated somewhere we don't hear much from like central Africa or Indonesia. I actually wound up riding one of the carousel horses for a while, it was going my way and it was cheaper to make it not notice me than to fly over the traps all over the floor. And everybody was dizzy out of their minds, couldn't walk, and - berserk."

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"Mm.  ...Anything exciting mats-wise?"  Look, he's so capable of looking on the bright side and caring about the things he would have a week ago.

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"Some of the carousel horses are unicorns and most of their pieces are useless, just wood and paint, but the horns are decent batteries for a sensor in Florida, so she's getting a new batch. The music box mechanisms keep working perpetual motion machine style outside the dungeon but they move very slowly and aren't hard to stop, especially if you try to make it quit playing the annoying music, so it's mostly a novelty. There's mirrors, and they're apparently in high demand for laser-related industries."

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"Do they move more slowly than a regular music box?"

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"Yeah, the little note picking thingies are really densely packed and the music being any good was evidently not a design criterion."

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"...Note picking thingies like on a player piano, you mean?"

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"The bits of the barrel that stick out. I'm not sure if that's how player pianos work."

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"Huh, okay.  ...Was the music being bad a design criterion, so you think?"

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"I think it's not that far off from what you'd get if you placed the same number of teeth on the barrels at random, separately per instance and there's like thirty of them and they're pretty loud so they overlap. It sounds awful but not like an auditory Langford basilisk, and I didn't get more backlash standing near a music box than I did when relatively farther away."

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"I wish we understood them better."  He leans on Haru a little, even though they're shirted.  "...I should really not become paranoid about dungeon welfare right now; that seems really unpleasant and also not helpful.  Uh.  - How did you sleep?"  What a stupid dumb question.

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"I slept fine. I have learned to thrive on emotional whiplash. But yeah, I also wish we understood them better. I would've wanted to catch a carousel horse if only we were going to be able to kill the dungeon, but they hadn't found the core when I needed to bail, and it never works to catch a monster from a dungeon that's going to get away."

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".......In the future when I say, 'I should really not become paranoid about something right now', it probably will mean that I want to switch topics immediately.  If that's helpful to say.  I'm sorry."

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"Oh, sorry, my bad. Uh, I can't remember hardly anything I dreamed about but I think maybe there was something about palm trees in there, you?"

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"I haven't really been able to remember any of my dreams for a few months.  I think it's college stress; it happened last year too.  But I slept really well.  Once I started."

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"That's good then. Let's see... this way." He checks his phone for map directions and they turn right. "I haven't actually been to this place before, I think it opened or moved or something recently."

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"How often do you get hurt?  Is it mostly from dungeons?"

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"I get hurt so much less often than I did before I awakened, actually, I had this balance problem awakening fixed right up and before that I had to be hypervigilant on stairs, I had a literal wheelchair mostly for use in the winter or if I'd wrecked my ankle recently or something. But yes, when I do get hurt it is mostly from dungeons."

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"Do you know whether you get hurt more or less than most espers?"

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"Well, a lot of espers don't dungeoneer at all, I get hurt more often than those. Per dungeon I think I get hurt way less, because I'm stealthing the whole time, and I've got my holdout power if something blunders into me."

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"Is 'holdout power' a term of art?"

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"Not really, I'm analogizing from 'holdout weapon' - I don't usually advertise it."

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"I don't know what that is either."

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"Oh, it's if you expect your weapons to be noticed or confiscated and aren't about not having one on you so you conceal, like, a tiny pistol or something."

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"Ohhh.  And you mean - I still don't know which part of your power you mean."

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"Going through stuff. It's expensive and threatening and risky to use."

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"Yeah.  Sense.  ...Were you not fast enough with the guy who bit you or - was it a choice, to let him."

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"I'm selective in terms of what things, not in terms of parts of things, so if I'd tried to stop him that way he would have fallen right through my arms onto the floor. Instead I didn't drop him but I had to squeeze him pretty tight to keep him from doing it again."

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"Oh."  Leeeean.  (It was Haru's left arm and Julien's very definitely on his right, right?  Right.)

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Right. Haru is perfectly happy to have him lean.

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"Do you think I'm going to freak out in public and mess this up for you?"

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"No, not especially. You seem very good at acting normal through backlash when that's what you're trying to do and I trust you to be trying to do it."

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"Oh."  ...Walking at this much of an angle is pretty hard when his body feels as bad, generically, as it currently does.  He straightens up.  "It's a lot easier with you around.  Except for - I think I could have gone all week, at Starbucks.  If I hadn't decided everything was poisoned."

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"Yeah, that seems like a pretty inconvenient belief to settle on, anything that directly interferes with managing your needs is."

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".......I decided last night that I wasn't allowed to leave the couch, which worked out pretty well but.  Was kind of one of those.  But I really didn't want to miss anything from you or the dispatcher."

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"...maybe I came on too strong with the 'have to be able to find you instantly' thing. In ninety nine out of a hundred cases I would have been completely fine if you'd been in the bathroom and in the last one case I could have run into a problem between teleporting into the garage and entering the house."

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...There are guns in there.  "Yeah."  And knives and shit, probably, or they were already on Haru's person.  "I dunno, it worked out.  I just got a little cold.  It felt way scarier that you were asking me to make judgements about myself."

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Oh, no.  "- It worked out fine.  And I think it would have even if you had been a lot worse and taken a lot longer, because I was scared of it."  Walk walk.  "I mean, given - it would be better if I were a sane amount of scared.  But."

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"Is this a carbon monoxide detector situation where it would help to know exactly what problems I am courting at high backlash, or no?"

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"I think yes but maybe not while we're on the street."

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"Sure, you say when."

Map check, another turn, and there they are at the clinic to get Haru's arm un-dressed and looked at and re-dressed, and if anyone is concerned about why Haru needs an emotional support handhold they don't ask about it aloud.

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It's probably already obvious to them anyway.  Because of his eyes.  ...Probably there simply do exist regular people with his skin and eye color combination.  Or at least what it was however many hours ago when he last looked.  Maybe he should tell them.  But he doesn't want to distract anyone from giving Haru medical care, or Haru from receiving it...  How is the bite?  Is it bad?  Can he look at it?

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He can look at it. There are pretty clear teeth marks and a couple of the canines made serious puncture wounds but the urgent care guy thinks that it was cleaned quick enough and doesn't look like it's infected, yay for esper immune systems, thank you for your service, here is more goop and bandages on the bite and instructions for re-dressing at home.

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Julien pays such close attention.  Maybe he can help with it and maybe that will be good for his backlash, except maybe it's too important for him to be playing doctor with and he'll mess it up and Haru's arm will get so fucked up.  But on the other hand maybe it's not that serious and later he will encounter something serious and he'll mess that up because he missed out on practice.  He'll make Haru decide for him, which is kind of a dick move but it's better than having something horrible happen.

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And then they can walk back to Haru's house.

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Julien feels pretty physically tired by the end and wants Haru to slow down a bit.  Obviously he can't ask him to carry him because arm.

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Is he sure about that, Haru carried him a bit last night!

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Seems pretty obvious.  Haru's wounded??  And Julien's very tired.

"I think I'm going to want a nap when we get back home."  - Wait.  Aaaa.  "I mean inside.  ...Home is relative.  I meant it... relatively."

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"With me or without me?"

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"...I'm not Bug?  - But it seems up to you."

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"I know you're not, just, calls for different logistics so I checked. I'll want to get some lunch put together and grab a new book and whatnot if I'm going to be underpinning a nap."

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"....I think I do feel markedly worse than after we've been more-than-holding-hands for a bit."  And better than when there isn't any guiding at all.  Obviously.  It's obvious, it goes without saying.

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"Okay. I can be snuggly. Good thing my hobby is reading, it's very portable."

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"I could hang onto someone who was into running or something but it would probably be a lot worse for both of us."

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"Yeah, I think it would work poorly."

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Maybe Julien should try smiling ever if he wants his bad dumb not-quite-jokes to go over, but also, he doesn't feel like it.  It's not even that he's worried about a little bit of happiness turning into fawning at reality, now that it's been a few days and that hasn't really seemed likely to re-emerge as a problem - at least not while he's being guided - but.  He just doesn't feel up to it.  Maybe after the nap.  Walk walk.

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And back to Haru's house, where he makes himself a couple sandwiches and grabs a bag of chips and a glass of water to put by the couch, and hits the bathroom, and then comes back with a copy of Candide, to be a nap surface.

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Julien would maybe prefer the bed but then Haru wouldn't be able to eat chips so he's definitely not going to say anything.  He does change back into pajama pants, though.

He does a lot of half waking up and stirring a bit, but it's about two hours before he sits all the way up and stretches out.

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By that time Haru's lunch is gone and he's a ways into Candide. "Hey, sleepyhead."

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"Yeahh.  ...What day is it?  Is it still - we came back from the clinic??"

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"It's only been a couple hours, it's still the same day."

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"Oookay."  If Haru's lunch is gone then presumably Julien will have room to lie back down, roll over, and hug Haru around the waist.  And maybe kind of curl up around him.

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Sure. Snuggle snuggle.

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......He opens his eyes.

"Is this sexually harassing you?"

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"Oh.  Good."  Snuggle.  "You would tell me if I was, right?"

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"...if you want to be told specifically if I think the thing going on is sexual harassment I guess I can do that if it comes up instead of just arranging for whatever it was to not be happening any more without specifically saying why?"

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What.  "Has that been happening?"

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"Not besides the one obvious case?"

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"......When I was still delusional?"

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"That's the one."

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"I am sorry for that."

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"Don't sweat it."

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"You're not my real dad."  .............Is that sexual harassment.  "I mean, I'm gonna.  Realistically."

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"Okay, well, know that you are not doing so for my benefit."

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"Okay."  Mmmm.  "How's the book?"

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"It's funny if you like comedy about people relentlessly suffering!"

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"...I think I don't, currently.  Suffering how?"

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"Lots of variety. The title character was recently conscripted into an army that is bent on invading his homeland."

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"Yeah, that sucks.  Maybe tell me more about it at the end of the week."

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"Sure, remind me."

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"I might forget.  - Wow I am so hungry."

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"Well, it'll be dinnertime in like three hours so let's get you lunch. KD? Microwave dumplings? Cheese sandwich?"

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"Dumplings sound great!"

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"Cool, we have some veggie ones I'm pretty sure." Dig dig dig. "Here they are." Dumplings go in microwave.

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While they're spinning:  "Do you like Bug better than me?"

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"...I don't know either of you well enough to have a stable opinion on how much I like you."

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"Oh."  That makes sense.  "He kind of seems like he might be better than me."

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"He seems to think so but in most situations there's not a clear linear ordering of person-goodness and I have no reason to think this is a situation where instead there is."

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"Well, but, maybe he should be the one who gets to be around."

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"I mean, you can invite him if you want, but in the long run, he can't take over for you. You can't maintain backlash indefinitely, it builds up, flips to chronic, and eventually gives you a heart attack or something."

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"I don't want that to happen."  (Aaaa.)  "But maybe for tomorrow.  ...I don't want to try it today if he can't sleep, it doesn't seem worth it for only a few hours."

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"Okay. What time of day do you expect to be coming out of awakening?"

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"I guess the morning?  On Sunday.  Pretty early.  ....What day is it; I've completely lost track."  He goes for his phone.

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"It's Friday."

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"Wow."  It feels like his awakening has simultaneously been flying by and taken forever.  "So it's got to be tomorrow if it's anything...  But I don't know whether it's - mean or nice to him.  To bring him back."

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"...well, if you don't know I certainly don't, you're the one who can remember what his opinion would've been."

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"Yeah..."  On the one hand, Julien remembers that Bug was like, 'fuck', when he realized he'd shown up, and also he hated trying to switch and might resent doing that again.  But also he was so afraid of dying permanently, so bringing him back should be good.  But also it's still not known whether he'll be able to exist the day after tomorrow, so the fear of ceasing existence will still be there, and maybe it's cruel to make him experience that a second time.  But he liked existing....

His dumplings are done.  He extracts them from the microwave and tucks in.


...Hm.  "Can you comprehend banks now?"

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"- yes, I can, thanks for reminding me, where should I have 'em send it?"

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He resumes getting out his phone and pokes at it until he has the relevant bank numbers.  Even though this is kind of scary.

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Haru passes these on to Paula, who replies with a thumbs up emoji.

Fifteen minutes later Julien has a biiiig chunk of money.

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Ughhhhh he feels kind of sick.  "...This is so much.  I was already going to do that."

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"It's what they would have paid June. There's an argument they should pay you less because you were already around and already had backlash suitable to pull down mine but there's also an argument they should pay you more because you are not, in fact, an active esper who they normally hire for things let alone have on call for emergencies, so I figured it was a wash."

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"Well.  Do you think a set of harnesses suitable for flying are the sort of thing one can buy online with overnight shipping?"

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"...I have no idea."

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"Probably ones for rock climbing are more the thing than the ones for stage flying...  Do you think?"

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"My idea was skydiving ones, but I have no information on how these compare basically at all."

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"Right, right."  Hey the internet, whatcha got?

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The internet has a normal and realistic array of harness options with an unremarkable array of options for getting them delivered to Toronto addresses.

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Numbers are so scary when they're this big and also accompanied by a dollar sign for what is effectively an impulse purchase, but also, Bug should get to come back, maybe, and also Julien really really doesn't want either of them to have to sexually harass Haru for the handoff back to Julien to occur.  He's trying really hard not to feel too bad about the last one, or to blame Bug for it, but.  Obviously he should set things up so it doesn't happen again.  Even if it means spending more than ten dollars without thinking really hard about it first.  Really a fair bit more than ten dollars.

He has Haru spot-check the weight rating and - the sizing looks super clear for the amount of adjustability it claims to have and the reviews support, but maybe they should take measurements anyway?  But once he's very confident in the size and model and shipping option and colors of one for each of them, he sends the order through.

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Haru can dig up a tape measure from Ren's room when it's called for.

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And they can both do it for themselves, obviously.  Because as well acquainted as they've gotten with each other's torsos, the same does not need to be true of thighs.

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Is he sure soon! Maybe!

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And then Julien can go back and finish his remaining two dumplings from before he got distracted about this.  He doesn't bother to reheat them.

"...Is your partner going to be mad that I've kind of taken money from her?"

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"I have no idea, because she does not talk to me."

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"Oh no."

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"In all likelihood it will never come to her attention that I did an emergency dungeon this week at all."

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"Okay."  Snuggle?  "Maybe I should," don't say 'send it to her'; you'll sound insane and Haru will - say something, about it - "send her some of the money?"

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"She gets paid for being on call whether she is called or not, and she was not called, so the amount she is paid to not be called is the market rate. There is no rational model under which you owe her a cent for her not being woken up in the middle of the night - to, not even sleep through the guiding, we can't do that, we both have to spend the entire time awake."

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Oh no Haru said something anyway.  "If you say so."

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"- you okay?"

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"...................I am awakening," is ultimately what he lands on.

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"...yeah. Fair enough. Almost done though."

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"Almost done," he echoes.  "...I'm very glad I have you to sanity-check things for me, I just... it's still unpleasant to learn that I'm yet again being insane in some way."

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"I'm really glad I was able to get you out of the hospital."

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"That would have been so much worse.  If I had stayed there."

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Nod nod.

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"What if we were back on a soft, comfortable" cuddleable-on "surface."

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"Can do." They can! Behold!

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Cuddle!  He wraps Haru in a hug and puts an ear on his chest and listens to his heartbeat.  "Do you think I would have been okay ever again if I'd stayed in the hospital?  I don't really know what they actually do in those cases..."

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Snuggle snuggle. "I don't know what exactly your standards for 'okay ever again' are or what their exact protocol for suspected awakening psychotic breaks are. I think it would've been worse, how much worse depends on things like how much you were able to break out of the delusional episode under those conditions and what doctors you got and stuff."

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"I don't think they really thought I was awakening.  She might have just called you because you were available through me and really mostly wanted to check on someone else.  ...But I guess I have eyes.  That changed color."

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"They might even have noticed that, yeah."

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Pat pat.

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...Caaaaaan he get his phone into view while mostly remaining in this position.  Yes.  Okay, time for emergency prep flashcards with a bonus soundtrack of Haru's heartbeat.

It's very relaxing, actually.  Hopefully Haru can hold a book like this because it would be very sad to have to move.

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Looks like he can, yes. He resumes reading about the comical torments of Candide et al.

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It's not too long before Julien wants to switch positions, because as generally comfortable as this is, it's still not great for facilitating blood flow to his phone-holding arm, but they can probably do this approximate thing until Ren comes home.

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Ren comes home with paint on her cheek and sets about making spaghetti with fake Italian sausage.