It is nighttime, but the Lands Between are never dark. Even with sun's light, the world is lit by the Erdtree, the stars, and the moons - her mother's Full Moon, her aunt's Twins, and the Dark Moon that is her own.
Ranni stands on western edge of Moonlight Altar, from where she can see all of the moons. She sits alone, in contemplation. Silently, she asks questions of her moon, and her mother's, though they never answer directly.
"That would be beyond the fog, yes, though I have never heard of someone passing through without knowing their destination, nor appearing so suddenly."
She points to the horizon, where an endless expands of water vanishes into dense fog. "The Sea of Fog surrounds the Lands Between, sometimes pilgrims from distand lands sail in."
"You ask deeper questions than most people care to think about. Let me think... Golden Order is... a set of princples that define how the world is? It is the will of Queen Marika the Eternal, and all of the Lands Between are shaped by its light." She points at...
"The Erdtree is the heart of the Golden Order, giver of life. I suppose that it doesn't help much when I explain it like this, in parts. My father was better at describing it in a way that made it all make sense..." she sighs wistfully, gazing at the Full Moon in the sky.
"You can find a boat and cross the fog, though I don't know how you'd find your home, there are many lands across the fog."
She pauses, looking at the sky.
"I think, there might be a sorcerous way to do it, too. Take the basic structure of a sending gate, finding the destination is still tricky, but should not be impossible..."
"I'm haven't actually heard about anyone who left the Lands Between to go across the fog, and then decided to come back. People leave quite rarely..."
"A mirror? There's mirrors in the manor, but I don't believe they can be... used for communication? They just reflect light."
"I mean a magic mirror? One that can call other... mirrors...? You don't have any here at all? ...when you said I could take a boat you didn't mean that there are ship routes that take passengers, is that right, you meant something more like I could try to buy a canoe and row?"
"I am not sure. The pilgrims would go to the church, but that is less applicable in your situation. Though they'll still help you if you ask, but I doubt they'll be able to get you home. You can go the capital, and ask audience with the Queen. You can come with me to the Caria Manor, and be our guest."
"I can talk to people, which would be more useful if there weren't a translation effect. I can read people's emotions and thoughts, if they want to invite me to do that, because again continent and polite. I can... make people feel a little more awake temporarily. I can do synaesthesia. In principle I can do a lot more things but those are the things I'm really sure I wouldn't mess up."
"Those who study the stars, the fate written in them, and the magic that flows between them. It was astrologers who discovered sorcery, drawing on the stars' power. My family descends from those first sorcerers, and we keep the practices, even if sorcerers today barely know the night sky."
The night is clear and bright with the glow of the Erdtree. The stars are shining, birghter than the ones back home. There is one moon visible, dark and leaden, though full.
The land is covered in low fog, though looking down from cliffs on which the manor is built, vast forests and large structures can be seen - towers, towns, and a large complex rising high above the surroundings, linked by bridges to the cliffs on the far side of the land from her.
It's kind of weird that the stars are so visible when the Erdtree's glowing so bright but that seems like the kind of thing you're not supposed to think about too hard.
Eventually she starts reading a textbook for lack of anything better to do.
She's four chapters in before she realizes that it should really feel like lunch at this point, and being stressed out from the spontaneous teleportation accident explains some delay but not four chapters' worth. Maybe it's one of those times where she'll be abruptly ravenous if she takes one bite.
She'll step into the hall to look for a page.