It's kind of funny in retrospect that he thought figuring out a way to get shielded from Nightmare would help. Nightmare knows him by now, probably knows him better than anyone else. It doesn't matter that he got someone else's shielding without them knowing that he did, because Nightmare does not need any access to his mind anymore to have a real fucking good guess of how to get to him.
"That she knows? Obviously not. She got a hit contract, that's all. She's taken several of those before." He doesn't have a guarantee but she claimed that she had another esper erase most of the memories of individual hits after each of them so that she'd be able to truthfully claim to not know to have been responsible for a given hit. Obviously that's not sufficient if she ever actually got caught because postcogs exist, but still.
"You're - you're the closest fucking thing I have to a friend, you prick! You're the only human that's anything like me and if you go off to die in a corner like a pathetic little worm where I can't even see -!"
The false Hye-jin in front of him fades away, and the environment starts... shifting. Alarmingly.
Like it wants to trap Jaeha (and also the humans that are with him, but mostly Jaeha) inside.
Jaeha's entire life as an esper, the one thing that has always been his antithesis was Nightmare. He's its ultimate foil, no other esper can negate its powers as thoroughly as he can.
And it considers him a friend.
No. He cannot, he cannot let it win. He cannot let it have anything it wants. He cannot let it have him. He cannot.
And the best way to do that is—
And it's what he wanted, isn't it? He has lost. Everything he worked for, worked towards, for the past six years. Everything, all of it, just gone. Because of that woman. He fought her and she won. She won, and he lost.
He doesn't have a plan. He doesn't have a next step. There's nothing more he can do. There's no more future ahead, for him, now even more than back then. Tae-gun is gone. Tae-gun is gone forever. He will never have Tae-gun back. Even if he removed her somehow, even if she was removed by completely external circumstances, Tae-gun will never take him back.
Jaeha has lost.
There is no Jaeha without Tae-gun. There has never been Jaeha without Tae-gun, and if he can't have Tae-gun, then...
There's a procedure, for when someone comes out of Nightmare actively suicidal.
Hana notices the emotional cocktail responsible, and - is briefly unable to follow the procedure for the backlash-fueled panic that rises in her throat. It's a litany of worst case scenarios and what-ifs, thinking about implications instead of trying to focus on how to deal with the emergency at hand. How the fuck did it get Kang Jaeha, and How long was Nightmare doing something like this, and, selfishly, shit it's going after psychic espers I'm next, all of which are not helpful to saving anyone's life. She does not often use her own powers on herself - the backlash is always, always worse than whatever unwanted emotion she had squashed - but there are a few times when she allows herself to be weak and indulge. This is an emergency, and it's not about her; she needs to be able to follow procedure, and her head is filled with too much screaming to manage it as it is. So she pushes at her own emotions, to a flat and unnatural driven and focused not-exactly-calm that lets her hands stop shaking to input the appropriate alert into the comm system.
The person being marked as such being Kang Fucking Jaeha means that the ensuing alert goes out to, approximately, everyone involved with Nightmare, instead of 'a small team that will handle it delicately.' Which is what usually happens, for rescued victims.
He stands up, calmly, and gets everyone onsite to forget that they got the warning. His teleportation rights are still revoked, of course, since he'll only be allowed to use it once he's been cleared of risk of harm to self or others but if no one else knows that he's a risk at all they won't know to lift the lock, but that's fine. He doesn't need to go home to do what he must do.
What the - why is -? Everyone's acting like everything's fine, but Hana is for some reason terrified and concerned and - and she notes that her emotional state is the firm and unnaturally solid feeling of what it's like to have used her powers on herself.
Like she just suddenly had a time sensitive emergency dropped on her lap and the only way she could possibly handle it according to procedure was to do the one thing that always makes everything worse, even when it seems like it'll make everything better.
"Wait," she says, standing and - stumbling - out of the tent, "wait, don't -"
The perimeter around Nightmare is very, very large, partly because the portal is very, very large, so he's not out yet by the time she walks out of the tent.
He is, however, surprised by her appearance. Did she manage to remember, somehow? But obviously that makes no sense, no esper can actually perceive or resist his power, so she's probably—making some inferences about her own emotional states, goddamnit.
Fine. Shoo those memories, again, and make her think she's still in the tent for the moment, and erase himself from her perception for good measure.
That - doesn't - help - !
Fugimura Hana doesn't understand what's going on, and her emotional state doesn't make any sense, and she's - under some kind of hostile mental attack -
- so she does the only reasonable thing one can do in this situation, which is slam her own powers into projecting her confusion and terror, at, at - the thing she was afraid to face in front of her, which she remembers just being a tent but that doesn't make any sense and if there's anything that Hana knows, it's when and how her backlashed anxiety acts, and it doesn't look like this.
Jaeha hasn't felt anything this strongly in years. Anything, anything at all. Not even his love of Tae-gun—or the fear of losing him—is this strong.
He doesn't know what to do with feeling something this strongly, it's distracting him from everything else, he doesn't remember what he was doing—no, he does, but it's not important right now—where is he—no, he knows that, but it feels like he doesn't—he needs to go, needs to run away, he's not sure where to and his brain is too full, he doesn't know what to do—
And everything that was an illusion falls away in front of Hana. The tent is gone, and she's instead on her knees - on the ground -? and pushing her emotions at the person in front of her, which is horrifying (and he can feel the flavor of horror and self hatred and disgust at this, since she's just projecting her own emotional state at him) but - also. It makes everything make sense.
She was resisting another esper's mental tampering. And - and - she won.
".... help," she says in a small voice, to, to - anyone that is nearby, there are probably some people nearby. She's afraid to let up on her power and afraid to keep going, and feeling awful and hating herself and continuing to push it at Kang Jaeha just so she can - keep - some kind of hold on this situation, let the other normal people without mind powers figure out what the fuck is going on and maybe tell her what the fuck to do.
There are, indeed, procedures for this kind of thing. Nightmare is a psychic dungeon, psychic espers are constantly coming in and out, weird unexplained shit can happen all the time.
(Granted, the procedures were not designed with the level of complete fuckery Kang Jaeha is capable of in mind so if it weren't for Hana's timely intervention they wouldn't have caught him. A fifty-page postmortem incident report detailing everything that went wrong today and what they should've done instead will be landing on someone's desk soon after anyone knows what to write in it.)
When something strange and unexpected happens involving psychic espers and/or dungeons, you send in robots. Drones, to be more precise, as well as some operatives with strong mental shielding making zero decisions on the ground and following step-by-step instructions given remotely by people nowhere near the incident site.
(There are no known espers with the power to affect targets remotely through technology.)
...self-hatred and disgust, that he knows what to do with. That was pretty much what he'd been feeling before, and he's—realising—that the jig is up, that that woman caught him and stopped him despite everything, and of course she did, because he's not good enough at this, he's never been good enough at this, he's been lying to everyone and most of all himself for years and it was bound to catch up to him someday and today is that day, apparently.
That's fine. It's fine. He was already planning to do it. He wanted a more foolproof method but he knows where his carotid artery is and he has a knife on him and if his hands are trembling and he feels like vomiting and his vision is swimming, well, he still has proprioception, so before the friendly men in the full-body armour can do anything he can grab his knife and close his eyes and—
When Hana wakes up, she's in a room on her own. It's not a prison cell, there's a sofa and a table and a chair and an open door leading to a bathroom, but there's something that looks quite a lot like a one-way mirror, a camera, and a locked door, and all of the furniture is bolted to the floor.
To someone as fond of procedure as Hana is, this will be familiar as one of the possible responses to a psychic esper who may have been compromised. It might take her a bit to actually realise this as she's coming to, though, since the effects of the sedative doesn't wear off immediately all at once.
This is not quite Hana's worst nightmare, but. It's definitely up there.
Oh no what has she done, who has she hurt, nononono she should have never been born -
"... can I have my partner," she mumbles incoherently to the ceiling. Maybe someone will hear her, somewhere.
"As soon as we've determined you're safe," says a pleasantly calm and professional voice in Japanese. "I'm sorry for this. We don't think you did anything wrong and in fact as far as we can tell you acted admirably in a stressful situation and should feel proud of yourself. We just need to make sure you are not currently compromised."
"Okay," sniffles Hana, who is kind of unhappy with this particular procedure, even if procedure is usually so incredibly great. "Please let me know if there's anything I can do to assist."
And then she can begin quietly crying, because: she earned it, okay.
(At least someone said she acted admirably and should be proud of herself. They might be lying, but. ... It's nice to hear.)
"Mhmm," she whines. "It's - I don't - it's very confusing? I... can try to explain..."
She does find systematically working through what happened from her perspective somewhat soothing. She is following A Procedure, and Doing All Of The Tasks. This is despite what she's relaying being extremely confusing and more than a little distressing, especially when she gets to the part of trying to explain her - complicated emotional state and what logic she used to justify using her projection powers at someone in a - somewhat hostile fashion.
"So, I, um. ... Trusted myself and. Trusted the people around me to know what to do. I was - really mirroring my own emotional state at him, nothing, um. Complicated. Is - um. There anything else you need to know?" (DID SHE DO A GOOD JOB???)
"No, your description is consistent with our observations. You have made tactically sound decisions that you shouldn't have had to make and our procedures will be updated so that situations like these don't happen again in the future.
"Do you believe you are currently under the influence of any mental effects aside from those inherent to your backlash?"
"I have a whole lot of feelings and will need to cry on you but I think I am physically unharmed???" she says, leaning into him. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to give you a heart attack. ... Proverbial, yes?" Because if she gave him an ACTUAL HEART ATTACK she will fling herself out of the nearest window.
"Yes, proverbial, girl. I'm so proud of you. You did so well. Did they tell you that? I told them that if they kept you for a minute longer than necessary I was personally getting you out, you were amazing, I know it's procedure but fuck procedure, procedure almost let that bastard walk off to do God knows what—"
He's sobbing, he's lost track of how long he's been sobbing for, he's snotty and disgusting and he can't seem to stop crying. He can't stop. His brain isn't even having any coherent thoughts, anymore, just a repeating loop of the same thing:
It's over.
It's over. It's really, really over. He's free. They're free, they're all free, it's over, that, that thing is gone, it's dead, it'll never touch him again. Never touch Hye-jin again. It's over. It's all over. He doesn't know what all of the feelings he's feeling are, he's sure there's grief there, somewhere, too, but the main one is pure relief.
It's over. It's over. It's really over.
Hye-jin is... well, she's fine, actually? It doesn't feel real, yet, she doesn't fully believe that the danger is gone. She doesn't trust it, which leaves her at square one, really. Which is - not great, but fine. If it's actually over, then: good. If it's not, well. It won't catch her by surprise again. All of her ability to hope that it'll be over has been systematically bled out of her over months.
But she will be holding her boyfriend regardless, and making sure he gets enough calories and liquids into him to offset the crying.
She does, actually, hope that it's over. For both of them.
(But she'll need a while to believe it.)
...I missed, a small and unimportant part of his brain registers. The side of his neck is bandaged, and he must've bled quite a lot, with how weak he's feeling, but—he's alive. He's alive, on a hospital bed, hooked into IV fluids, handcuffed to the bed.
He thought he was suicidal before, but he really had no idea just how badly one could want to die. No idea at all.
The handcuffs are not the only restraint holding him in place, because they wouldn't be enough to make sure he wouldn't try to kill himself. He's properly tied to the bed, he can barely move, he can't pull those bandages off and try to finish the job, let himself bleed the rest of the way out.
He's got an inkling of what the handcuffs are for, though, ivory in colour and texture, cold to the touch. The way it feels like they're pulling something from him, draining him of—something. The way it feels like they're not quite made purely of matter.
When he told Nightmare he was going to want to die if he ever ran out of backlash, his prediction had been completely correct.
They're too late. Too late. If there was ever a time when he could be saved, that time is long gone. He doesn't understand why this, why now, how they have some, some—it must've come from a dungeon, whatever these cuffs are made of. He has no access to his powers, none whatsoever, and all of his backlash is gone, or at least the parts of it that aren't just physical damage.
And this? This is much, much worse than death.
He should've let Nightmare keep him. Should've let it eat him, take him away to wherever it is that the people lost in dungeons go when the dungeons disappear. It was stupid, thinking he could have any measure of control over how he'd go. He should've just gone. He should've just gone, just surrendered to the dungeon, walked off into nowhere until he starved.
Or just killed himself in there. No one would've stopped him. He would've succeeded, if he'd tried. Except maybe Nightmare would've stopped him, would've made him just keep wishing he was dead forever.
At least outside he'll only wish he was dead for at most as long as it takes him to die of old age.
How could he. How could he? How, how dare he do all of this to, to, to Tae-gun.
His Tae-gun—
He can't. He can't call Tae-gun "his". There are many people who can. Min Woo-young can. Kim Hye-jin can. He cannot. He has lost the privilege to do that, if he ever even had it. Min Woo-young was better for Tae-gun than Jaeha could have ever been.
If, if only—
He wishes Min Woo-young had caught him earlier. Had figured it out earlier. That whole year in which he, he, he hurt Tae-gun so much.
The most important person to him. The person he loves the most. But how could he ever claim to love him, after having done all of what he did?
There were so, so many times when he could've chosen something else. Could've done something else. Something that wouldn't hurt Tae-gun, something that wouldn't hurt hapless bystanders—
Can he figure out how to bite his tongue hard enough to bleed out from that? He's heard about this.
Except that with all of his feelings back he's also afraid of the pain.
That's so pathetic. He's a worthless worm, worse than that, he's a disgusting parasite and he can't even do the world a favour and die properly.
Why did they save him? Why did they keep him alive?
"Please," he repeats once more. There must be someone listening, they wouldn't just leave him alone here, would they?
But maybe it's what he deserves. Maybe death is too good for him. Maybe having to live with the monster he is, with the memories of the last nearly eight years is his punishment.
Maybe he should have walked off in Nightmare. Maybe staying there forever having his entire life twisted into the tools of his punishment is what should've happened.
Maybe he can convince someone to let him do that. If they're doing this so he can suffer, that might get somewhere.
No, he doesn't think he can do that. Selfish until the very end, is Kang Jaeha. He thinks he can, actually, muster up the courage to bite off his own tongue. In the worst case, someone will have to find him and then he'll be able to beg more effectively.
He opens his mouth.
Does it count as cruel and unusual punishment, to keep him here against his will without any human contact while he finds every second of existence excruciating and worse than death? He supposes not; institutions exist, after all, so even if it is cruel it's not really unusual. He's even been in one, when he manifested and had to experience the full brunt of his backlash for several days.
But this is still worse. Back then, he just couldn't feel anything as strongly. Right now, this is agony. This is the definition of hell, is being forced to look at and live with everything he's done, especially everything he's done to the love of his life. Being unable to escape, unable to think of anything else, his mind drawn inexorably to all of the ways he's been horrible, to the memories of how Tae-gun's been worsening and worsening over the years because of him. It's sickening, and it's sickening that he ever thought he'd be able to live with himself at the end of it all. It's insane that he failed to understand what it meant to not feel backlash, what it would turn him into, until the very end. He's disgusted with himself, disgusted with how the emotion he felt when he saw a person healing Tae-gun was anger and hatred. Kim Hye-jin is everything he isn't, is better for Tae-gun than he could ever be, and instead of being happy for him Jaeha was jealous and possessive and wanted to get rid of her.
And he can't even convince himself that the person he was while backlashed isn't him. He knows what he's like, what he was like, when fully guided. That person was still there, under all of the backlash. Someone else with his backlash wouldn't have done everything he's done. Tae-gun wouldn't have done everything he's done. The only difference between him now and him yesterday (or however long ago that was) is that now he is aware of how wrong it all was.
Please let him die. Please. Please, please, please. What does he have to do, how can he make it happen, trying to think of ways to end it all is the only way he can distract himself from the rest of his thoughts and it's not any more pleasant but at least it's unpleasant in a different way.
He hates himself. He loathes himself. He's a mistake, he's a blight on this world, he should have never been. Tae-gun should've found Kim Hye-jin first, should've known the happiness he's currently experiencing years ago, should never have been touched by Jaeha. There is no Jaeha without Tae-gun, and Jaeha should never have touched Tae-gun, never have sullied Tae-gun with his existence, and therefore Jaeha should never have existed.
He shouldn't exist.
He shouldn't exist.
He shouldn't exist.
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Eun-ji has been having a very exciting confluence. It's a good thing this isn't her first, because then she thinks she'd quit out of despair that every single one might be like this. As it is, she's - well. Coping.
And the guy (probably) responsible for giving her such a massive fucking headache is, at the very least, in custody. That helps. Means the headache is almost over. Probably.
"Oh, oppaaaaaa~" calls Eun-ji, poking her head into her cousin's office. The secretary let her past, obviously. "Hello, this is your regular wellness check from your very favorite cousin, how big's your headache?"
"Aw, I can't just actually come to check on you?" She pouts, briefly, then smiles and shrugs. "Fine, you're right, it's nothing like me. Your fancy secret project! The handcuff one, not any other secret projects you may or may not be doing in the background. Someone sent me a message saying it was doing something against backlash? What are the specifics there, because it'd be great if it were a miracle but, like, I doubt it's that simple because weird dungeon tech's never that simple."
"Pretty much. The antlers, specifically; Tae-gun couldn't cut them off because they were turning the ice blades he'd been using to try to do that into, well, just regular ice. And a material that negates esper powers was not easy to manipulate, let me tell you that.
"Anyway, they suspend the effects of all supernatural phenomena touching them and start slowly absorbing them, and also if they happen to form a closed circle around something supernatural they completely suppress those effects. If Kang Jaeha-shi takes them off then his powers and his backlash will be back, but if he keeps them on they will actually drain his backlash completely over time." He sounds kind of excited about this. "They don't do anything about the physical symptoms, though. Those need actual guiding."
"... Huh! So this is actually a helpful backlash mitigation method, along with being - you know, rogue esper shutdown. But it's - suppression, not elimination, yeah? So if it gets marketed out to everyone you get a brand new set of wannabe Tae-guns, all breaking themselves because they don't feel their own backlash screwing them over."
Eun-ji: already thinking of how this can be leveraged for the good of espers everywhere. Obviously.
"There's also, you know, a finite number of them." Some people over the years have discussed the possibility of keeping a dungeon that produces good materials open to farm them but unfortunately dungeons will just in fact eventually seal themselves and then reappear years later much deadlier if you do that so it's not worth it. "And they get filled up, sort of like batteries. It seems like if they're not actively absorbing anything though they get slowly drained over time? But it's not certain and if it happens it happens very slowly."
"Yeah. But good for the mental backlashes that mess with cognitive function. To be researched, very experimental, don't get excited, I know the drill. What's our explanation for, uh, handcuffs in particular? We were going for backlash reduction bracelets and then, whoops, we saw a potential niche when the power suppression hit?"
"No, I think we're going for a more holistic approach, we weren't aiming for anything in particular but we saw the vague nebulous potential of power and backlash suppression and it's been such a problem over the years that there are certain espers we can't safely contain in humane ways so we've had to do distasteful things and so on so forth. ...but it was Kang Jaeha-shi in particular that I poured that R&D money into this for. Eun-ji you have no idea how happy I am that creature is contained."
"Haah..." he sighs, dropping his head onto his desk with a loud and painful-sounding clunk. "...ow. The dramatic effect was not worth this." He doesn't lift his head up, though. "And on yet another bright side, Kang Jaeha-shi is not my problem. Lucid's going to have a very tough time and we're going to look prescient. I'm just worried about what this whole thing will do to the public perception of psychic espers—" He cuts himself off and looks at her again. "Actually, have there been any leaks about his powers yet? I know nothing official has come out but..."
"No. I've been keeping an eye on it. It's, like - so all of the people that experienced it were Nightmare people, who had worked with him for years at this point? All professionals who do this as their job, not civilians with phones. And they and the public seem to be glossing it as 'Nightmare caused him to have a breakdown,' over, you know," she wiggles her fingers ominously. "Anything else that might have been happening. So, pretty leak free, with a lot of speculation about Nightmare growing scary new abilities."
"...honestly, that's fucking me up, too, pardon my French. How did Nightmare get to him? Was he... refusing to shield himself for some reason? It can't be a coincidence that he broke down like that right after leaving Nightmare, but... it feels like there's still stuff I don't understand and I don't like having stuff I don't understand about that guy."
He hugs her right back. "Nightmare got him. Our fucking luck with Kim Hye-jin's powers being as bullshit as hunny gunny's got him. His own goddamn obsession with hunny gunny got him. I sealed the deal but he dug his own fucking grave, for nearly six fucking years.
"...but thank you, Eun-ji."
Si-yeon wipes his eyes with the back of his hand. "Look at me go, breaking down because of this when Tae-gun had to endure it for years." He slaps his face a few times. "No. We'll figure this out. We're getting this guy behind bars come hell or high water. He's in custody right now, that's, like, half the battle already."
Jaeha was eventually informed that he'd been left alone to guarantee that he was not still under any hostile effects and not because they wanted him to suffer for his sins. He is not as far as he's aware under any hostile effects other than the compulsion not to bite his own tongue off, and once he's no longer being IV fed most of the restraints come off except for the cuffs tying him to the bed. Since he understands incentives and any other suicide attempt would not only fail but also get him restrained again, he doesn't try to do anything crazy anymore.
There's a TV, and he has access to some books, but not to the internet or the news, so in addition to acutely miserable he's also bored.
He is visited soon enough by a woman in a pencil skirt and professional blouse.
"Kang Jaeha-nim? I'm Kim Su-bin, I'm here to help advocate for you on behalf of Lucid. First of all, I'd like to apologize for your treatment so far. It was largely out of our hands and we've made numerous complaints already. You should have been treated with kindness and respect instead of suspicion, instead of used as a test subject for a rival guild's pet project, and certainly not given solitary confinement for such an abominably long time. I hope these amenities have helped put you at ease. Is there anything I can do to make your stay more comfortable?"
Kill me.
He doesn't say that, because he, again, understands incentives. He'll leave it for later. "I feel very honoured to have been used as a test subject for said project and my only regret is that this wasn't available as an option seven years ago. My life would be much different nowadays if I had had it.
"Under the circumstances it is unfortunately impossible to make me any more comfortable without sacrificing some other things I believe Lucid to care about, though."
"Well, first, I would like to stress to you that I am not a lawyer, and this conversation is being recorded, so you should not be taking this or treating this as legal counsel. Second - we at Lucid feel that the situation after your latest foray into Nightmare is extremely extenuating circumstances, and you were almost certainly not in your right mind at the time, and cannot be held accountable for what was obviously a hostile attack on you by Nightmare itself."
"I think Kim Insoo would prefer not to see me right this minute." He's going to ignore the painful pang of conscience he gets whenever he thinks about how horribly he's treated Insoo. "What you could speed up is me getting out of here, of course, but I assume I'm stuck here until Lucid has determined that I'm safe?" That might be illegal but he doesn't actually know what comes next instead.
"I can see you're likely still in the middle of some post Nightmare processing and potentially backlash recovery. I'll request that your partner come visit you. In the meantime I'm... going to go... send some emails. There - should be a buzzer available for you to press if you want anything? Please do if you need to."
And then she flees, because it is absolutely not her job to risk Lucid for this one guy, A-rank unparalleled mental esper that he is, and what the fuck.
"I'm a horrible person, Insoo. I have been obsessed with Lee Tae-gun for almost a decade. When we were together, I systematically used my powers to isolate him from his support network and trap him with me because of that obsession. When he finally managed to break free from me I devised a plan to get him back while my backlash was getting steadily worse. I manipulated you and used you, I kept you exactly as close to me as was necessary for you to never leave me but not so close that it would be surprising if I did—"
He continues, relentless. "I kept obsessive track of everything Lee Tae-gun was doing. I diverted potential partners away from him. I tried to make sure he would get more and more backlashed over the years until he eventually had to choose between me and dying in hopes that he'd choose me—"
"I didn't want anyone other than him to guide me. I felt disgusted every time you touched me. I used my power on you constantly to manage you and make sure you only saw what I wanted to show you. I lied to you. I manipulated you. All because of a deranged belief that if I did this for long enough I would be able to get Lee Tae-gun back."
His voice cracks. "Because I cannot bear to keep hurting you this much, Insoo. You didn't deserve this. You didn't deserve me. Didn't deserve the awful ways I've treated you, didn't deserve this, you're—you're such a good person, Insoo, such a bright and, and, and beautiful—you didn't deserve any of this. You didn't deserve any of this. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Insoo, I'm so, so sorry—"
"I'm sorry, Insoo. I'm sorry. Please hate me, please don't, don't think it was your fault. All of the little ways—the insecurities, the way you felt like you were never enough—I did this. It was me. I made you feel this way, I made you feel like you're not enough, but you are, you are enough, you've always been enough—"
"All Nightmare did was shown me in detail that there is no way for me to get Lee Tae-gun back." The tears are flowing freely, now, and he's staring at the ceiling, because he can't bear to look at Insoo's face, he's a coward and he's selfish and he can't even face the man whose life and self-esteem he ruined almost on a whim while he finishes crushing that man. He just can't. He's too weak, he keeps saying he'll face the punishment but even wanting to die is just wanting to run away, because he can't actually face any of it. "And so I wanted to die, because if I couldn't have him then life wasn't worth living. Everything else was—an accident. I was caught before I could act on it, and I got here, and they happened to have this—humane esper containment procedure—" Because he also got the email and it doesn't take a genius to put two and two together. "I'm sorry, Insoo."
He's managed to calm down some over the past half hour and he was allowed to go to the bathroom and wash his face but he still kind of looks like shit.
"I would in fact like an attorney, if possible, yes." Not because he doesn't want to confess; rather, he wants to figure out how to, in the process of confessing, get all of his money and assets into better hands so that he can at least make any sorts of amends at all ever. He's filthy rich, surely he can use that to bring some good in the world, even if it doesn't offset all the harm he's wrought.
Damnation. It would have been so straightforward to just get a confession immediately, and if what he said earlier was true, the public outcry would be enough to get it fastlined through court. But yes, yes, fine. This will probably go over better legally, anyway. He's well aware that Lucid would absolutely be up his entire asshole about taking advantage of an esper in an altered state of mind if he actually managed this.
"It's absolutely possible. Would you rather leave hiring one to your guild, hire one personally, or have one appointed by the Korean government or someone you trust?"
Yes, he would, with again the caveat that he wants literally any good to come out of it and "his father gets all of Jaeha's shit back" would not count and he's not totally entirely sure what happens if he gets sentenced to life in prison or (even better) capital punishment. Like, can he donate his assets, how does he do that without fucking Kang Jaehyuk claiming he was too mentally unwell et cetera.
.... wow.
Everyone is very impressed with the intelligence and efficiency with which he is systematically destroying his own life.
They're sure not going to stop him, though. Not even Lucid. He has successfully communicated to his guild that they can't protect him without going down themselves, and that he doesn't want them to try.
So they won't.
No. No. He's fine. He's safe. He's safe. It's not just because the world doesn't make sense that he's, that he's—
—but this makes no sense. This makes no sense. Why is this happening? What is he trying to accomplish? How sure are they that their sense-data reflect reality they're safe.
"... Should we go - ask - someone questions or. Go hide in my silo until the world maybe makes sense again????"
He might notice that she's started trembling. No no no no no damn it she didn't want to be right she didn't want to be right why isn't it over what's he DOING!!!
"Prez said... very sure?" The article also explains a lot more details about Kang Jaeha's powers, details that had been confidential, so apparently Kang Jaeha confessed to those too, which means that people must trust the suppression at least enough that even while they're aware of his powers they're still... interacting... with him...?
A little tablet is set up in his cell, and after some fumbling:
Here is Kim Hye-jin. Even in video, she holds herself differently than Nightmare did when it was pretending to be her. It was always casual and languid and sort of catlike - the woman shown on the screen is stock straight, completely humorless, and looks like she is terrified and deals with this terror by killing all of the things that scare her personally. It's pretty clear that if she could incinerate him through the screen, she'd be tempted.
"... Hi," she says, lamely, staring at him like she's waiting for him to turn into a viper and rush through the screen to bite her.
Well, she's half-Korean and half-Japanese, even if he can't properly grovel he can rest his forehead on the table so that the video camera is showing the crown of his head. That's what matters, anyway. "I am so, so sorry, Kim Hye-jin-nim. I—" But he has no idea what to even say.
He does have to look up now, since she didn't make a noise, and he winces when he sees her expression and lowers his eyes again. "So, I—regained what tiny shreds of empathy I possess and realised I have spent the last seven years being scum and I wanted to—do whatever I could. In the other direction."
There's a pause, then:
"How many people know where I live. How many of my neighbors did you fuck with the heads of. Are you going to pay for some of the truly phenomenal expenses for the silo I had to have made when I realized my home was under threat from a mind esper."
"I am the only one who knows your personal address, specifically, beyond anyone you may have told, yourself. I... did not keep track of all of the neighbours of yours I used my power on, but I would be able to recognise them. And yes, I will, if it is within my power." He is really happy he kept the ability to use money for this kind of shit!!!!
Conversation done. Handcuffs do backlash suppression too, or something.
I might want to yell at Quasar's president for not giving us a heads up about that tbh.
Having more things overwhelming his senses helps, yeah, but the hug helps most. He leans on her and closes his eyes and sobs.
(Why now? Why? Why couldn't they have found this before? It's been years—)
(He loves her. He loves Kim Hye-jin. He's, he's moved on from Jaeha. But it still hurts so, so much.)
This crisis doesn't last very long, relatively speaking. About fifteen minutes later his breathing is mostly normal and he's not sobbing at all. And he's sufficiently recovered that, after clearing his throat to make sure his voice works, he asks, "How... did it go?"
"I hope so." But doesn't believe it. Still. "... The confluence looks like it's finally winding down, too, there aren't even any A-ranks they're hiding from us for our own good or something. I checked." She did admittedly want to burn some things, but objectively this is better for the world.
"I don't either," she sighs. "... I guess practically speaking I'll probably sell my house? It's pretty ruined for me now. Even the prospect of him being in prison doesn't... un-sour it for me, so. I think that's probably it for it." Which is really depressing and upsetting, actually.
" you really want to? I, I mean, it's your house, I just mean..." What... does he mean, exactly? "I think that, if, if it were me that might be the kind of thing I'd convince myself of that, um, might not really be true." Because, as Woo-young might put it, he's a drama queen.
"Mmm. So the - joy in putting it together is gone? When I'm there I don't feel hopeful or safe, I mostly just feel sad. Or angry, or at risk, but. Mostly sad. I had a lot of plans that I wanted to do that got dropped, and I've essentially raided it for all of the stuff I liked in it for moving into your house or my underwater silo, so. It's just this. Sad empty husk that I don't even feel potential possibility in."
Hug. "Juheon seems pretty cool. I guess you didn't date him, but. I like him," she snorts. Echoing silence on Si-yeo, though he's, fine even if she doesn't like him personally. "And I don't think you had shit taste in men, exactly, just. ... Man. He, the person beneath the backlash, made so many incredibly stupid and selfish choices so systematically that I don't know if there was a way this wasn't going to explode horribly."
"Right. There were lots of - ways he could have prevented it. But his backlash impairs his ability to care to. And he didn't... You didn't have a panic button to press if you thought he was getting out of control, yes? Because no one did. It was reliant solely on him not fucking up, on doing everything right, all by himself."
💤Zzzzgirl: is that why he hadn't had a partner for so long????
💤Zzzzgirl: because his last one sucked????
💤Zzzzgirl: poor hunny gunny!!!!
🍵Tconnoisseur: and tried to kill the one partner he did accept
🍵Tconnoisseur: like out of a bad manhwa
ChoiBokBok: hey quick question
ChoiBokBok: why did we let him RUN RAMPANT FOR HALF A DECADE
🧋youngwoo: a combination of an NDA that would get Quasar to go bankrupt, prez keeping close and constant track of that dude's actions to make sure he wasn't doing anything weird, and tae-gun specifically asking us to not do anything
🧋youngwoo: mostly that last one, clearly we're no good at figuring out that he's up to shit
🧋youngwoo: but you guys must've realised something had happened
🧋youngwoo: at least the ones of you who were around back then
🚫do-not-jin: i'll give everyone a pass once because this really is a lot but no more violently wishing for someone's death in this chat please no matter how much you feel it may or may not be justified
🚫do-not-jin: if you want to discuss bloody murder do it somewhere you won't be recorded
🚫do-not-jin: why do i feel like we've had this conversation before...
"...not right after. Maybe eventually. It just—it—no matter how I think about it, the backlash was making it worse but he wasn't backlashed when he was with me. He wasn't backlashed when he—apparently—lied about being able to shield himself from Nightmare.
"And, and whenever I thought about this, I kept going back to that. Why? Why did he do that? I liked him so much, Woo-young. I loved him with everything I had. I wasn't going to leave him, I never even thought about it, I, I kept having these silly dreams of, of us going to the West somewhere and getting married there. And we worked so well together, we—fit—"
"He ruined it. He ruined it. He ruined us. There, there were things we could've done better—could've kept him away from dungeons until he learned how to reliably not use his power on innocent people, could've invented better ways to make sure he was okay and guided and treated than just relying on his self-control, could've gotten him his own friends, his own life outside me—" All things Tae-gun thought of over the years, but didn't at the time. Things that occurred to him, and that he immediately forgot about because thinking about them was too painful. Things he... can think about, again. "But it's not my fault, Woo-young. It's not. There wasn't anything I—should have done better. Could've, yes, but... it shouldn't have needed it. I shouldn't have needed to be heroic about it. I shouldn't have needed to, to, to figure stuff out for the first time on my own as a twenty-one-year-old kid. I shouldn't have needed to find the right answer to not get abused.
"He could just have made good choices instead of bad ones."
"It's true! He could've trusted me! He could've asked! He could've talked to someone else, he could've—not made bad choices. It wasn't just one of them. It was choosing to do that over and over and over again, to keep doing it. He kept choosing it. And it's not my fault.
"And so I'm sad but... now that he's in prison, I'm..."
"I'm pissed off with him. That's what I'm feeling." He starts pacing—they're in his kitchen, because for some reason that's where Tae-gun always goes for this kind of stuff, and so he's pacing back and forth in the kitchen. "I'm fucking pissed off that that guy fucked me up for no good reason. That that guy destroyed our relationship for no good reason. That he tried to kill my girlfriend. I'm pissed off that he thought I'd have forgiven him. I'm pissed off that I would have, before.
"Six years of my life, Woo-young. Six years of my life of being constantly affected by that fucking guy. Six fucking years that I'm never getting back.
"I'm angry with him, Woo-young."
"It's so fucking ridiculous that it took me this long to get angry. That it took all of this. That I was so goddamn terrified of that jackass, and that I refused to look at everything he did. That I was still in love with him. That I'm—" He stops pacing and covers his face with a hand. "I don't know if I'm still in love with him. He tried to have my girlfriend killed. And you know what? I am in love with her."
"No. I'm not. I'm never going to talk to him again. I'm never going to see him again. I, I'll probably think about him again, he was such a—huge part—of my life—but. Was. Past tense.
"I don't care. Or—I do care, but it doesn't matter, why he did what he did. He did it. There isn't any coming back. I'm not going to get any closure from getting the answer. It doesn't matter. It's over. We're over. He fucked it up beyond repair."
He's free.
That's it. He's free.
It's really over. He's never going to have to think about Kang Jaeha again. And if he does, he's not going to hiccup over Kang Jaeha's name anymore. Because it's over, and he's free. He can go have a life again, he can have a girlfriend, he can have friends, he can go to Queer Quasar meetups at bars, he can, can invite people over, he doesn't need to hide the location of his house like a state secret, he's...
After Kim Hye-jin video called him, there was a part of him that hoped that Tae-gun would do the same. Or maybe, even, visited him. He hated himself for wishing it, but he still did.
But Tae-gun hasn't visited yet, or called him. And Jaeha thinks that he probably never will.
Or, at least, not anytime soon. Jaeha would've said that that meant "never" because he wanted to die, but... he's selfish. He's so, so selfish. Now that the sharp sting of the pain is gone and he's getting used to having done the things he's done, he... isn't so sure. Not anymore. He's not sure he was wrong to, back then, he's not sure his life is worth living, but he's scared again. He's scared of dying, and he's scared of living. He doesn't know what comes next.
He doesn't know what he wants to come next. There's nothing, for him. Not anymore.
People are taking pictures. Mostly from afar, but a couple of them walked up to him and asked him to take pictures with them. He did, because, because, because no one's asked to take a picture with him in years. And now they can. And it feels good to be sitting here in a park, in a warm coat under the cold January sun, waiting for his girlfriend to show up for a date. He feels human again, at least a little bit. Like a real person who gets to have nice things.