"The council calls to session the second round of the meeting to figure out what the fuck to do about Kang Jaeha! All present are invited to Lee Tae-gun a.k.a. one of Korea's two S-ranks a.k.a. heartthrob of the nation's living room for further discussion. Snacks and drinks will be provided as needed."
"Very well. Now we focus on control security: how to make sure Kang Jaeha can't affect us, or that he's caught if he does. We've already got a few ideas, plus all of the reactive location security-increasing measures are also control security-increasing measures." He adds them to his fake blackboard: body cams (↑ control, = location, reactive) plus their footage being reviewed in real time (↑↑ control, ↓ location, proactive, with a side note that it's uncomfortable), civilian onlookers (↑ control, ↓ location, neutral) using instagram (↑↑ control, ↓↓ location, neutral), media (↑↑ control, ↓↓ location, proactive), media being told to not broadcast stuff live (↓ control, ↑↑ location, proactive), guild-controlled cameras onsite (↑↑ control, ↓ location, proactive), going into dungeons (↑↑ control, = location, proactive + reactive) unless Kang Jaeha manages to get into the dungeon anyway (↓↓↓ control, ↓↓↓ location).
"What else do we have?"
"Right, but the backlash cost gets really high; if I know literally nothing about where someone currently is and they turn out to be on the other side of the globe that might kill me on the spot. Add it to the list anyway, though, it's good to have as an option, you're right."
"First, there's always the problem of image. Since he's a public figure, if we spread this around he can sue us if we don't have hard proof due to the damage to his image.
"Then there's the problem that if he knows we're onto him he can work even harder to cover his tracks, or he can become more dangerous; I can dodge bullets and Juheon can tank them but the three of you aren't immune and we want to avoid that risk if we can.
"And there's also the part where knowledge of Kang Jaeha's powers is secret, which even beyond the NDA makes it harder for us to prove wrongdoing. It's a very convenient excuse, to say that his power means that he needs to be placed in solitary confinement and communicate only via video, isn't it? People would definitely be suspicious."
"Yeah. His power isn't really creating anything fake, exactly? When he makes you see a visual illusion, your actual visual nerves are actually being physically affected the same way they would if actual light had hit them. A better way to think of them might be imagining that he's causing a personalised hologram to appear, one that really is out there, so the fakeness isn't really in people's minds, so to speak."
"A psychic esper who was watching multiple people at the same time could maybe notice that what one person was perceiving wasn't the same thing someone else next to them was?" Hyun-jae suggests. "For a more proactive idea of how psychic espers can help, even if they can't prevent the effect in the first place."
"It doesn't need to be just when they go in. They turn the signal on when they go in but it keeps sending pings to you? And then they turn off just before they walk out? You should never receive the signal at all because it should only be active while they're inside, so if you do that means that either they think they got in but didn't or they think they didn't get out but did."
"Does it need to be Woo-young specifically? Couldn't we set something up with their systems directly, give the comms blanket permission to teleport them and then there's an external system that should itself be checking automatically for this signal and will teleport them if it ever receives it. Artificial Woo-young."
"This method won't work directly for those but we could set something up specially for them? Automatically teleport the two as soon as they step out of such dungeons without waiting for any signals at all. ...that one might actually need to be me, I think the system as it currently is has some very tight security measures preventing you from teleporting anyone you want."
"...oh, like a captcha but with encryption keys? I like it, that's a way they could verify that anything in particular is trustworthy. Actually, that's genius, Juheon, just make it so whenever they receive certain kinds of comms they have to validate a key they receive and if it gets successfully validated they're teleported somewhere secure, so they know that if they didn't get teleported the comms are being faked..."
"Is there a way for him to make Tae-gun think Hye-jin left of her own volition? Presumably if she just vanished and wrote him a letter he wouldn't believe it... She'd need to still exist out there in the world, doing dungeons and everything, for him to believe it's real."
"It's categorically impossible for him to do this for as long as I'm alive and even if I'm not there's no way the entirety of Korea and many other places besides wouldn't go on a manhunt to find Tae-gun. And Kang Jaeha may not be fully in touch with reality but I don't think he's so insane as to not consider that."