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if anyone wants to dare
anyone who messes with the Dregs is about to regret every life choice they have ever made (or, mosses and heartsbloods in Grishaverse)
Permalink Mark Unread

Sergeant Valeriya Oretsev - or just Val - had tracked Bo Yul-Bayur all the way to the (very frustrating) shootout between Shu and Fjerda that ended in his death and the capture of his daughter, Kuwei Kir-Bo, by Fjerdan witch-hunters.

Val isn't well suited to breaking into Shu research facilities, so if the Darkling wants to get her hands on jurda parem that way, she's going to have to send someone else. 

But she is exceptionally well suited to pursuing the witch-hunters up the coast - 

She isn't fast enough, though, and they get Kuwei Kir-Bo behind the unbroken walls of the Ice Court before she can do more than take down a few witch-hunters. (Assholes.) They didn't get a good look at her face, at least, which means a short run and a quick change of clothes lets her blend into the city, where she tracks down one of Ravka's spies (giving the appropriate code words, and also advice on being less embarrassingly easy to track) and then cools her heels until the Darkling can figure out a way to get a team into the fucking Ice Court. Or until she just calls Val back, but Val's got a hunch that she's not about to let Kuwei slip through her fingers. 

Confirmation of that hunch comes in the form of Sturmhund, legendary pirate - unofficial Ravkan privateer, which is the extent of her identity that Val has clearance for - who's somehow swanned her way into an invitation to Hringkalla, the massive spring festival. Val's swept into her 'entourage' - not the Ravkan diplomatic team, who probably at best will be able to provide extraction backup in case of catastrophic failure to sneak away, with how closely they're being watched - and that somehow gets them all the way to White Island (Val is seriously impressed), where Val quietly scopes out the crowd while Sturmhund draws attention (apparently via vying for an 'audience' with the Crown Princess, which, good luck to her) - 

And then she sees Kaz Brekker, of all people. 

Well, they knew they wouldn't be the only ones after Kuwei - the Dregs' presence just means their competition is actually serious - 

At which point she follows Kaz's gaze to a building ruckus at the center of the court, near the throne - 

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Where Fjerda's Crown Princess is rising from her throne. 


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Kielo Grimjer, the younger of Fjerda's twin princesses, the one who's been sidelined from public view for the last five years stands there confidently, holding the hand of a woman, and she calls out nice and loud for their audience, "Did you miss me, sister?"

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She stares, caught off guard for a critical moment - then she yanks her gaze away, that's Sturmhund's business not hers even if that other woman sure looked a lot like Nina Zenik, who's one of Ravka's grisha - missing, taken by witch-hunters, another one Val failed to save - 

Kaz has vanished, is the next thing she notices. 

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She takes off - as stealthily as she can - 

She doesn't get very far before she gets the sense that it's been too long, things are too quiet, she's lost the trail. ...Fuck.

If Kaz has Kuwei - 

Ketterdam. They'll go to Ketterdam.

Val slinks back to Sturmhund's side - they can't afford for anyone to be unaccounted for when alarms start going off - and tries to evaluate the new (more chaotic) situation. (And possibly warn Sturmhund that they need to either bail or look exceptionally innocent. Ideally bail, though, if they can get out fast enough, but Val does not want to risk being overheard giving that warning.)

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This is definitely more exciting than she understood Fjerdan parties to get.

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Though with the princesses leaving, maybe it's time they retire for the night - ?

(She isn't saying they need to bail. But they really need to bail. Hopefully everyone else just thinks they're being horny.)

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The fun does seem to be moving on, true. Maybe they can find somewhere warmer than an Ice Court...

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There was that one inn, and Sturmhund's own ship does have luxuriously soft and warm beds -

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Well then, shall they see if they can't beat the rush a little?

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- Unfortunately, they don't even make it through the line to the single bridge crossing the inner moat before an alarm sounds and the guards stop letting people through. 

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Well. That's unfortunate.

What're all the other innocent guests doing? Because that's what they are too. Poor unfortunate souls trapped by an unforeseen and unrelated emergency.

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They seem to mostly be gossiping! Some of the gossip might be risky to participate in, depending on how thorough Fjerdan surveillance is, but there's a couple of conversations about the returned princess and her companion, that seem light enough that they shouldn't get scrutinized too much. (The conversations about 'why the shut down?' seem riskier, mostly.)

(There's also a good number complaining about the shut down, often to the guards' faces, but that's probably far too risky to engage in.)

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Sturmhund will definitely gossip about the returned princess! It's kind of like a fairy tale, don't you think, her returning dramatically on Hringkalla and all.

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Very much so! 

There's a few Fjerdan nobles in their same vague gossip blob, one of whom brings up some idle speculation about where the princess went - "Knowing her? Running with the wolves, dear," his wife says with a laugh hidden behind her bejeweled fan. 

"Who was that girl with her, though - ? She didn't look entirely Fjerdan," another, younger woman wonders. "And that name..."

"Perhaps a port girl," the first woman says, dismissively. "Some of them are mixed, you know, even up north. And they grow them wild up there." That sets off some tittering. 

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"It's romantic though, you know?"

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Well, depends on how you mean 'romantic' - it's certainly like an adventure tale, or an old epic poem - 

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Exactly! It's history happening in front of them.

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"I imagine the salons will be quite interesting for the next year," one woman says. (The men seem to be drifting away from this particular gossip circle; the women open up more as their husbands or assorted chaperones slink off.)

"At least!" says another with a laugh. "I can already imagine the stories people might spin - perhaps the princess and our new Hero of Fjerda will grace us with their presence."

One younger woman sighs longingly. "That'd be wonderful. Crown Princess Irina's devotion to her country is an inspiration, of course, but her duties do keep her so busy... It'll be nice to have another princess around, one with a bit more time for the social aspects of court."

"Kielo was always a charming child," one older woman says approvingly. "Had everyone but her parents wrapped around her little finger."

"I've never gotten a chance to meet her," the young woman says. "Do you think they'll have a ball just for her - ? A salon, at least!"

"She never did get a proper introduction to court," the old woman points out. "Surely they'll do something."

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"It's absolutely worthy of celebration. And maybe Princess Irina will find she has more time for society with Kielo back as well."

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They can only hope.

(In the distance, the guards seem to be starting to let people off White Island, though much more slowly and with thorough checks at the gates - where there's now at least one druskelle and wolf.)

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She'll start heading that way when this conversation starts lagging. (Not too eager, not too slow.)

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Seems they aren"t being totally set free, instead shuffled off the island and into the Embassy Sector so they can be held somewhere away from the royal family - foreigners are being prioritized for removal from White Island, which none of the Fjerdan nobles seem particularly surprised by. There's far more guards than earlier, with multiple checkpoints with no blind spots between them as they're crossing over, and there's druskelle and enormous white wolves just about everywhere. (One of the identity checks apparently includes 'get sniffed.')

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They're all the same people they started out as. And haven't done anything wrong.

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Still not leaving the Embassy Sector in a hurry, though, and the gossip there is more speculative - more closely watched - less illuminating. (Some of the Fjerdans appear to be being allowed to leave entirely, but foreign groups are going to have to cool their heels for a while yet.)

They'll probably be let go before it gets too insanely late, after they've been thoroughly searched and checked multiple times and haven't done anything unusually suspicious the entire time, and there's even (mandatory, watched) carriages to take them back to the city (with yet more checkpoints along the route). 

...Though the harbor is also locked down until further notice, and Sturmhund and her crew are escorted straight to their ship, no stops permitted on the way. 

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Good ol' Fjerdan paranoia, gotta love it.

At least she can ensure their security on her own ship.

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After the druskelle and guards escorting her search it, of course. (They seem mostly interested in potential stowaways, so probably minor contraband will fly under the radar.)

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Yeah, no, she knew they were docking in Fjerda. Everything incriminating was safely offloaded beforehand.

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She'll get a pass (reluctantly), and instructions to stay anchored where she is until instructed otherwise by the harbor master. 

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So, what did Val find?

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"Well, it's not great news, but it's also not the worst - I saw a woman named Kaz Brekker right before the... Drama with the princesses. When I looked back, she was gone. Her trail overlapped with Kuwei's - and I lost them both."

"We knew we weren't going to be the only ones making an attempt; I'm very sure her team was the one that succeeded, setting off the alarm that trapped us on White Island in the first place. I've had... Dealings with her crew, the Dregs, once before - they're from Ketterdam. They were hired to kidnap the Sun Summoner a year ago. They decided to flip on that, sold out to us instead, even brought a stolen warhorse they'd tracked down with them as a gesture of good will - and as a foot in the door. ...And then one of her girls, Inej, set a record for number of bounties collected on security flaws. Which she still holds by a large margin. The Darkling was, by the way, very unhappy, since Inej repeatedly snuck past every single security system to deliver said flaw analyses in person."

"They're competent - but they're also reasonable, and if we can catch up with them before they reach whoever hired them, they might sell out again. ...Also I'm not sure stealing from them would be a good idea."

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"They sound interesting."

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"They said they were using the reward money to open a brothel. I've got a standing invitation."

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"An interesting operation, for a gang of thieves. But I guess that's what you get in Ketterdam, the real entrepreneurial sorts."

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"Spreading their business portfolio or something."

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"Spreading something all right," she snickers.

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"It gives Sturmhund a pretty good excuse to be in Ketterdam."

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"I go where the winds take me, everyone knows that."

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"And they're blowing to Ketterdam now?" (They'll need to move fast to make up the head start that the Dregs got, at least once the harbor is unlocked - Val for some reason doubts the Dregs actually were caught out by this.)

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"Soon as that harbor chain gets out of the way, sure."

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Might be a while...

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Not much to be done about that from this position, alas. This isn't exactly her favored grounds. They'll have to find some other way to fill the time.

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She can think of a few ways... (Like kissing.)

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Sturmhund was hoping she'd say that.

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Her nautical prowess isn't the only reason for the legends.

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She'll give Kaz and Inej a run for their money. 

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She doesn't have any plans to sell this service herself, however.

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Far more exclusive. 

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Ohhhh yes.

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Somehow she doesn't think waiting for the lockdown to lift will be too much trouble.

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Might even lift before they're fully satisfied...

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Well, one of the good parts about being the captain is that you don't always have to run around and haul lines during normal sailing.

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True... And hopefully her crew can figure out 'head towards Ketterdam' without too much supervision. 

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It's not like it's an uncharted treasure island.

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At least not until they hit the streets themselves. 

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She wouldn't ask that of her helmsmen. Need a local pilot for that.

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Lucky that they're going to find one, then. 

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Things falling into place like that is how you can tell you're on a good job.

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And between the two of them, they'll keep it up. 

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Elsewhere, and some time later, a small group departs the docks of Ketterdam, having recently arrived on a ship come from Fjerda.

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A tall, gaunt woman, powerfully built though nowhere near as muscular as she once was, keeps right behind Kuwei, slightly to the side, subtly scanning the area. (Even without her powers, she's still a fighter. She still can guard one person.)


(She had a lot of time to think, in between the feverish shakes and the vomiting and the hallucinations. She's had a lot of names - a lot of identities - a lot of selves - a lot of masks over the years. The fever feels like it burned those away, scorching them in the same illness that took her powers. 'Feilan' is the only self left, and the only name she'll carry now.)

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A shadow - invisible to both women, even less perceptible to their enemies - keeps pace with them from the rooftops. 

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Kaz knows there's going to be an attack. They were seen docking and disembarking. The only question is when, and which angle. She knows how she'd do it, if it were her...

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(Not from this alley. Next? Nope.)

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The attack, when it comes, is from a direction none of them expected - 

First, a powerful blast of air rushes down the street. 

Second, something - bright and gold even in the darkness - dives like a falcon right for 'Kuwei.'

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- Fucker - 

She isn't some helpless child - she's druskelle, princess, wolf

Her blade snaps up to meet the falcon before it can make contact, as she shoves 'Kuwei' towards the ground, imposing herself above her charge. 

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Yeah, no. 

Her blade skates off golden skin, and an inhuman face looks at her only briefly before a powerful wing bats her out of the way like she's little more than a gnat.

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She ducks - grabs the wing near its roots - tries to throw the bastard, uses his momentum against him a little too get 'Kuwei' out of immediate grabbing range, but she can't do much and the other wing is still in play as are the rest of the assholes limbs and whatever souped up Squaller they've got - 

She's lasted longer in this fight than anyone in her condition has any right to, just by not going down with the first blow. She won't last through a second. 

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And that's about when three hundred pounds of snarling angry wolf interrupts.

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As good as his armored skin is - and as powerful as his wings are ‐ he still does not weigh three hundred pounds, and not even a wingéd supersoldier is immune to physics. 

Trassel's momentum knocks him clear of Feilan and Kuwei, especially with Feilan's help. 

He doesn't stay down for long, though. 

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She lets go of him before he can be ripped away from her - then grabs 'Kuwei' and starts pulling her under cover. 

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Cover sounds good, she'd love to meet some.

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Flying goddamn freaks were not in the contract!! She's no Jesper, but she'll still shoot it.

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The bullets stagger him, but they then skirt off the layer of metal under his skin with metallic pings, and it doesn't keep him down for long - 

And the woman who lands in front of Kaz, metal wings flaring, doesn't even have to contend with the wolf currently holding her partner at bay - 

Neither does the woman who swoops in behind her cover, going again for Kuwei, silver netting in her hands. 

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She gets a weighted line around the woman's neck - staggers her - 

But even that isn't enough. 

Feilan goes down, cursing and kicking, and the woman lunges for Kuwei, arms spread wide with the net stretched between them.

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Lever up and kick her in the face?

Yeah. Didn't think so.

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She feels the kick! (And so does Kuwei's foot.) It just doesn't do much to stop her from getting her net around Kuwei, and proceeding to drag her back out of cover. 

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This is why she carries a pocketknife. Can she saw fast enough, is the question.

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The net is metal - a strange metal, light and flexible - Fabrikator make, except it's finer than anything she's seen before. 

Her pocketknife doesn't make a dent. 

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Hells. Struggle it is. (Who are these people?)

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People fully capable of taking flight while carrying a full grown human, apparently! 

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Feilan's enraged - horrified - scream follows her into the dark sky. 

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Yeah. This won't be good for her. Or Ketterdam, probably.

Getting out now only to splat on the cobbles in front of her won't help either, so she'll save her strength and try to prepare for when they land.

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It takes a while - by the sounds, they're flying out over the water to a ship anchored well away from the city. She's deposited on an unlit deck relatively gently, though the net remains wrapped around her. All three winged soldiers land around her. 

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Mmmm don't like that. Ship means they might leave, which makes getting back to Feilan a lot harder.

"So do you people talk, still? Or did they take that away?"

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Her winged captors don't say anything! 

But the woman - dressed sharply in an officer's uniform, a Shu Han officer's uniform in fact - who steps out of the shadows does. She speaks in Shu, saying: "Kuwei Kir-Bo. You and your father have given us some trouble."

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Maybe they've never met before. Or never spoken at least. She trusts her disguise, but her impression is not as good. Not enough time, and the girl was too traumatized to engage much.

"You gave us trouble first," she says in Shu, mimicking the original's accent as closely as she can.

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Thin lipped smile. "I'd heard about your intransigence from your father. It seems he understated matters." She steps closer, golden eyes scanning Kuwei's face for every detail. "You speak very disrespectfully, given where we rescued you from."

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She rattles a fistful of chain net. "Some rescue."

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"I do apologize." She does not sound apologetic. "Prototypes can be quite rough, you know." She tilts her head. "Will you behave, if we remove that particular bond?"

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"Yes." Easy to say, easy to do. And might lead to more information about these... 'prototypes'.

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She gestures, and the net is removed. "I imagine you want to rest," she says, blandly. "I will have your new bodyguards escort you to your quarters. In the morning, we will have questions about your time in Fjerda. But, first: does the group we rescued you from possess any capacity to threaten this ship?"

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"...Not unless you dock."

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Sharp nod, and she gestures to the three winged soldiers. "There will be food and water in your room. I will speak with you in the morning."

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And in the meantime, she'll be listening.

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Feilan curses, stumbling to her feet, as those fucking bastards take away what's hers - she doesn't scream Nina's name, even though she wants to - 

Her body already hurt, was already on the edge of exhaustion. She's shaking now. 

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Trassel is here. She can lean on her wolf.

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Hug! She buries her face into Trassel's shoulders, hands gripping her fur tight. 

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"We can't stay out in the open," Kaz says. "We need to keep moving."

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Inej drops down from the heights. "I got a heading," she says. "Once we're secure - we'll get her back."

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Shaky breath out, and then she stands. "I'm going to fucking destroy them."

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"Get her back first."

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" - You're right. She's more important." She closes her eyes briefly before opening them again. "And Kaz's right. Let's go."

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Onwards, cautious but quick. They don't have as much screening this time, but maybe the tighter group will be a deterrent.

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Unfortunately, they don't get more than a few more streets before a string of Dime Lions, two deep, moves to block their path. One of Pekka's enforcers stands front and center. "Where are fine folk like you going this time of night?" he calls, jeering.

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"What's it to you, limp dick?"

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His eyes flick to the growling wolf, and a few of the thugs in the back row shift uneasily. He keeps his composure, though. "Heard you've got an important package coming in," he says, lightly. "We're to escort you. Make sure it gets where it's supposed to be going."

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"The day I need the likes of you to help me navigate my own damn city, the only place I'll be going is the crematorium." She hefts her cane. "Anyone who doesn't want their teeth decorating the street can feel free to leave. I won't be responsible for what the wolf does if you don't, either."

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There might be slightly fewer thugs in that back row now. It's more of a one and a half deep string. Still, the main enforcer just shrugs and says, "Well, boss didn't say we need you." 

That seems to be the cue to start the fight. 

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Trassel leaps in, fang and claw flashing.

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Feilan isn't far behind. (She needs someone to hit.)

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Inej darts in and out of the fight wherever she sees an opening. 

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...Yeah, even tired and injured, they're on a whole other level than these wanna-be street toughs. Kaz might need to hurry if she wants to get any blows of her own in. 

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Right now she's more interested in making sure they get through this scrap in good order than in working out any anger issues she might have. Nothing says this'll be the last ambush they face tonight.

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A pretty good instinct, which means she might even notice the woman who walks up the street behind her as her team is putting down the last of the Dime Lions, stopping a solid distance away. She's flanked by two shadowy figures. 

"Well, I do suppose you get what you pay for, and a 'Dime Lion' is hardly expensive," she says, lightly. Her voice is accented, possibly Shu. "But Van Eck paid you quite a bit more than a dime, Kaz Brekker. So where is Bo Yul-Bayur?"

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Fucking... this night just gets better and better.

"Safe," she snaps. "And Van Eck will get his money worth at the rendezvous, as agreed. Not standing in the middle of the street, talking to some secretary."

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"Forgive me, but your team doesn't have the best reputation for seeing contracts like this through." She sounds like she's sharing some private joke with Kaz. "I'm sure you aren't planning to sell out - just as I'm sure you didn't sell out when you failed to bring back a similarly important package from Ravka. So you shouldn't mind a bit of a guarantee on our part, hm? Insurance, you might say."

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"That wasn't part of the deal."

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"Bring Bo Yul-Bayur to the rendezvous, and there won't be any issues." She shrugs. "You'll get your money and our insurance back, and we'll get our package. Unless you don't have what we paid for - ?"

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"I don't hand my people over to anyone."

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"Oh, I wasn't asking." She raises one hand idly. "Grab the girl." A protective wind curls around her, as a misty figure lunges through a wall and a Squaller swoops down from above - 

Right at Inej.

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She curses, tries to stab them both - tries to throw herself for the edge of the roof she'd thought she'd been hidden on, they must have a Heartrender or something who spotted her - 

Her knives go right through the misty figure, and a powerful gust knocks them out of her hands as she's grabbed. She kicks still, struggles - 

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Kaz used up all her bullets on the flying freaks. She lunges at the woman, cane raised-

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She'll have to force her way through a storm like nothing she's ever felt, the wind coming like a solid blow to her entire front. The woman spreads her arms and lifts easily into the sky, her strangely fastened cloak billowing around her like wings. 

"Bring Bo Yul-Bayur to the rendezvous within a week. If you do not, we'll dock your pay by a million for each further day you're late - and we'll start giving our insurance back one piece at a time." Her light voice has gone cold, merciless, and she gazes down at Kaz with all the haughty arrogance wealth and power can muster. 

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"Go - hhf - fuck yourself," she wheezes. "Cheating mercher bastard."

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"We'll start with the less valuable pieces - perhaps an earlobe. But, if you delay long enough... How valuable will your little spider be without fingers? Without eyes?" She sneers - and then with another powerful gust of air, she's lifted away, along with Inej and the attackers she brought with her. 

The wind dies down enough Kaz can hear the pained groans of the injured Dime Lions behind her. 

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She is going to burn Van Eck and all his holdings to ground. As soon as she gets her breath back.

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...Should Trassel be ripping out throats here, or are they letting this meat go to waste?

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She lowers her hand from where it'd been stretched out uselessly, her power failing with a sickening lurch to rise to her command, to save Inej and slaughter the bastards that took her - 

But she doesn't need witchcraft to turn back to the downed thugs, open hatred in her eyes. "Don't rip out their throats yet, Trassel," she says out loud, for the benefit of those who can't understand her partner with the same ease she does. "They might have information. Though, if they don't..."

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"Gutter trash like this? They don't know shit."

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"Then no need for them to keep breathing?"

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"Not unless any of them care to speak up and prove me wrong."

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Is she serious - what - casual murder is well beyond the norms of ordinary dealings in the Barrel, even when torture and kidnapping threats are in the air - 

The gutter trash seem a bit slow on the uptake. 

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She leans over the so-called leader with an expression as cold as the unforgiving ice. "Van Eck has declared war on us, and your pissant little boss has thrown his hat in with our enemy. I don't know how scum do war here, and I don't fucking care - it isn't war until the canals choke with the bodies of the dead."

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Some of them do, in fact, have information. On Van Eck (rare, only the enforcer, who knows where Pekka Rollins was meeting him), on Rollins (more common, some of it only scraps), on any little backroom deal or scandal -

Not all of them, and some of them even want to be cute about not talking. 

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Then they'll be the first to water the streets with their blood. 

Feilan signals Trassel to kill any who refuse to talk - any who are too slow - any who try to run - any whose information doesn't meet Kaz's judgment of worthwhile. 

To the survivors, as few as they are: "Van Eck will die. The only choice your boss has in this is whether we tear out his throat first."

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"Think more carefully about what jobs you want to take next time. And for who."

They should really get moving though. This is not a scene they want to get caught at right now.

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She'll follow where Kaz leads. 

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Let's see if they can get all the way back to the Rookery this time.

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Is she sure going to a known haunting ground is a good idea right now? 

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Not to stay. But Kaz needs to pull some emergency measures together. Send a message to Jesper's group.

The wolf should stay out of sight.

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That'll be hard in this city. Not undoable in the emptier streets like this, but - it'll get worse as foot traffic picks up. 

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One of the old abandoned cemetery islands, then.

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...Neither Feilan nor Trassel know where those are. Unless Kaz can give directions - ?

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They can find a gondola on the way and buy the gondolier's silence.

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"Do you want me with you, or should I stay with Trassel?"

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"Stay with the wolf. I'll come get you when there's someone new to kill."

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"Don't take long. We have two different groups of bastards to track down and kill."

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"I know."

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Another shaky breath. What was that thing the Dregs always say to reach other - ?

"No mourners."

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"No funerals."

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"So that's Ketterdam," she says as the city hoves into view over the water. She's having to squint a bit past the bright sun on the waves, so it's more of a dark blob, but it's definitely the biggest city she's ever seen, just from how it stretches across the horizon. 

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"That's Ketterdam," Sturmhund agrees. "Jewel of the True Sea. Or festering boil, one of those. Depends how much money you have, I guess. And your attitude towards making more."

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"Don't have much, and don't care about more... I'll have to see it a bit closer to see if I think it's a Jewel or not, though."

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"We'll be docking soon enough."

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True. And, speaking of: 

There's more harbors than she would've expected... Though, hm, looking at the map... Fifth Harbor seems like a pretty likely place if you're trying to sneak into the city, doesn't it? 

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Good eye. It was dredged out pretty recently, and there's lots of little corners.

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It's right near at the top of what her street map labels 'East Stave', too, which lines up with Kaz's directions to the Crow Club... If they cut across the 'lid' and then head down the West Stave canal, the Crow Club's off to the left - a good bit down, not prime real estate, but not difficult to reach either.  

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Ah, right in the tourist areas.

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Kaz said something about plucking pigeons who fly in. 

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Let's hope she didn't mean them.

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Well, if they're planning to spend money at her establishments... They probably count.

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Though she might not mind getting plucked by Kaz...

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If it's all in good fun. And she doesn't lose the ship.

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Stay away from the gambling tables, then. 

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That's the key to a happy visit to Ketterdam.

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"You've been here before?"

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"A few times, yeah. Good place to stop for rumors. The port sees a lot of trade."

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"Any good contacts here, other than mine in the Dregs?"

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"One or two bartenders down by First Harbor. And I know some people in Little Ravka."

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"They won't be centrally involved, but..." Thoughtful hum. "They'll be off the radar of anyone else following the Dregs. Might have heard things, or might be useful in outflanking our competition." 

"Though we should still get to the Crow Club first. I've got... A feeling things are about to move fast."

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"I've been told your feelings are pretty reliable."

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"You haven't seen the half of it yet."

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"I'll look forward to it."

Right after she sees them into port.

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Val's ready to disembark as soon as she is. 

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Then they can go exploring beautiful, squalid, expansive, cramped Ketterdam. And visit a brothel!

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Luckily the gondels can take them all the way - it turns out fastest to head down East Stave, then cut across one of the side canals crossing the main body of the Barrel. The Crow Club is right where a major artery connects the two Staves, actually - a good balance for a blended brothel and gambling hall.

There's a nervous energy in the guards (most of them posted discretely, but not discreetly enough to avoid Val's gaze) who stand in black livery around the enormous entrance. The giant oxidized silver crows and black and red color scheme of the building aren't exactly subtle. 

"In through the front?" Val asks, gaze sweeping over the building and picking out the many potential bolt holes and quick escapes.

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"I always take the bold approach."

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"After you - I'll watch your back."

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Always a great feeling having a pretty girl watch your back.

So is this place open for business?

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Seems to be! It's not quite crowded - 'just before midday' isn't a popular time for gambling - and there's more watchful eyes about than there perhaps should be. But there's still people about, some at the bar even at this time of day, some at the tables, some heading deeper into the building. 

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Hm hm hm. If she were Kaz, where would she be...? Nah, tracking like that's Val's job. Sturmhund will grab a drink and make some friends with the staff.

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She has a sneaking suspicion that just asking for Kaz won't work, not with things as tense as they are. But, with Sturmhund drawing attention by being her charming self...

Well. It's easy enough for Val to slip away, to listen, to avoid any gazes (to worry that Inej hasn't already caught her at this) - to go find Kaz herself, or at least the next clue to where she's gone. 

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Upstairs, past the private rooms with their closed doors, tucked away in a back corner, there's an office. Door's closed, but someone's inside.

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...Chances Kaz tries to shoot her if she opens that door suddenly? Probably pretty high. Chances people could overhear her announce herself? ...Annoyingly high, especially if she announces anything loud enough to be clearly heard through that door. Also it's technically possible that isn't Kaz.

She'll... Lightly knock? 

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After a brief delay, the door opens.


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"-the hell are you doing here?"

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" - Can I come in?"

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"Fuck it, sure." She lets Val enter her office, taking her seat at the desk again.

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She closes the door behind her, tilts her head to make sure she doesn't hear anyone close enough to listen in - 

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"So... You didn't spot me on White Island."

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"I was a little busy on White Island."

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"Definitely beat me out."

"And, speaking of..." Shrug. "What's your price this time?"

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"The contract price or what you'll give me to flip?"

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"Flip. Or at least find a solution my boss won't make too many frowny faces about - for that, I'd take 'things don't get worse for us, and I can brightly say I tried.'"

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She sighs heavily and runs a gloved hand through her hair. "I need your help tracking two of my people down. As for 'things don't get worse'- Bol-Yatur is dead. The Fjerdans killed him trying to take him in and I don't think anybody but us and the Fjerdans know. Maybe the Shu. His daughter's alive but won't or can't replicate his work."

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...She doesn't object to the Darkling, mostly because Svetka likes her and Val's moral compass points towards the nearest hot girl, but, yeah, honestly she doesn't really object to no one having a shortcut to parem. ...Even if it'll probably get developed again. 

Though - "Fuck, is that why Inej hasn't put a knife to my throat for sneaking in here?"

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...Eh, the Darkling can go fuck herself. 

"Inej's my friend. You don't need to pay me for help rescuing her."

"Who's the other?"

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"Nina Zenik. You know, the lost Fjerdan princess's sweetheart."

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She pulls up short. "Nina's here - ?" A complicated expression passes over her face, then: "I failed to save her once. I won't fail her again."

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"Van Eck, one of the merchers, has Inej. Don't know who took Nina, but they have soldiers that can fly. With wings."

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"But it won't stop me from tracking them, not this time."

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"And... The Darkling'll probably still want Bol-Yatur's daughter - if she won't replicate her father's work, but could, then maybe she'll agree to work on counter measures or something. And if nothing else, the Darkling will want to keep her out of others' hands." Plus the Darkling generally thinks she can be persuasive. "But that's not a priority for me - and rescuing Inej and Nina is not payment for her." 

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"If she wants to leave, you can take her. Girl's ten pounds of issues in a five pound sack, and I don't think Ketterdam will be good for her."

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"No payment?"

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"People aren't property."

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"You're nicer than you act."

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"In some ways. But if your boss has a spare thirty million kruge, I'll cut you in on a percentage to keep that side of me to yourself."

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She laughs. "You'll have to talk to someone else for exactly how large our war chest is, sadly. Though Sturmhund might be able to tell you how much she was hired for, to help me with this mission... Could give a ballpark, at least."

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"Sturmhund, the pirate princess?"

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"Yep - Fjerda tragically doesn't trust Ravkan delegations half as far as they can throw them. I got into White Island with Sturmhund's crew, and she's the one who sailed me here. She's downstairs right now - probably still trying to charm your bartender, though she'll figure out where the brothel is soon enough."

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"I've heard she's not cheap. Might be your boss doesn't have much left over."

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" - I think you might be underestimating Ravka's military budget. Sturmhund might have an idea of what's left in the discretionary fund, though. 's probably important information when negotiating jobs."

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"If you say so. I don't work in government."

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"It's worth talking to her. And maybe she'll just give you part of her own cut, since her job was to bring in Yul-Bayur or next best thing..."

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"Could be. Not the top of my priority list right now."

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Nod. "Yeah; let's get Inej and Nina back first."

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Kaz has a map of the city, with both ambush locations marked as well as what she knows about Van Eck's holdings.

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She hums. For Van Eck... "You're missing a lot of holdings, I think, none of those are really where Van Eck could take someone quickly without being observed, and..." 

Ugh, she doesn't know a lot about mystery winged people, but... "If they were otherwise obeying physics, the winged people probably would've had to get out to sea to go any distance - and even then, I don't think they could've gotten far. The best thermals are gonna be near the coast. So you're probably looking for a ship, maybe a drop off on the coast itself outside of the city..." Does Kaz have a prevailing winds map - ? Though Val was close-ish to Ketterdam last night, so maybe... She draws out an arc of probability for range; detailed information on prevailing winds will let her narrow it down, especially since it would've made more sense to have the drop off decided ahead of time based on probable best distance. - Prevailing currents would help too, and getting Sturmhund in here - she should know good places for smugglers ships to anchor for a time. 

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Kaz has to dig a bit to find any sea charts, and they're from before the Fifth Harbor was reopened. She's not having Sturmhund in her office. They can move to one of the private rooms and have whoever the pirate's currently flirting with bring her up to them.

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Works for Val.

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She makes it happen.

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"Oh hello. Are we doing the special service?"

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"Not this week. Business before pleasure."

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"Ooh, coldly firm. Heard that about you. So what are we looking at?"

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" - So Nina's part of Kaz's crew, apparently - she returned to Ketterdam with Kaz, but she was grabbed by unidentified hostiles on their way in. Flying hostiles. I've narrowed the probable distances they could've flown with her down, and we're trying to figure out if those guesses are reasonable - and if there's any likely places for people-smugglers to be operating in these arcs."

" - Also, have you heard anything about weird winged people?"

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She's not supposed to talk about her intelligence briefings.

"That... sounds like something the Shu would have been experimenting with."

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"But why would they grab Nina - ?"

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"Because she's wearing Kuwei's face."

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Blink. " - That might not fool them for long." Which means they might have an even shorter ticking clock than initially thought.

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"She's a good actress. But we were expecting she'd be with Van Eck, yeah."

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"What else do we have to work with - ?" (This is directed at both Kaz and Sturmhund.)

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She can try to tug on some connections more aggressively, but it'll take time.

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Kaz has the Dregs gathering information. And a rendezvous with the other half of her team from White Island later.

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" - That team happen to include the long lost Fjerdan princess?"

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"That's an interesting theory that I won't be explicitly confirming to a Ravkan soldier for what I hope are understandable reasons, no matter how loose her interpretation of orders are."

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Snort. "Fair enough - and as much as I'd like to, I can't promise that what happens in Ketterdam will stay in Ketterdam. There's too many other players on the board."

"And either way, I don't want to try rescuing Nina just via 'sic the Fjerdans on the Shu' - that'll get messy, and royal favor or not, I'm not abandoning her to them."

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Kaz will let Nina make her case on her own time.

"Yeah, outright war's in no one's interest."

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"None of ours, at least."

Hmmm... "Sturmhund and I also won't be the last ones coming here looking for Kuwei - we're just the first. I'm not sure how the Shu beat us here, but we'll want to move fast before they can get backup... And we'll want to move fast to track down Inej, too. A week isn't much time, and we don't want to risk Van Eck getting spooked by all the attention turning here."

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"Ground search won't do much good if the Shu are keeping Nina on a ship. I can have my crew check the water and follow up with what's going on at the embassy, if you want to focus on Inej."

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...She wants to save Nina - 

- But she has to trust her allies. 

"Alright." Deep breath. To Kaz: "I might be able to track them from where she was taken, but a more thorough list of his holdings will help."

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"I'll get it."

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"How long will that take?"

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"Maybe a day. His accountant will have the full books, we can get them."

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"I'll see what I can find in the streets in the meantime, then."

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"Meet back here when we've got something?"

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"Will that be safe?" She looks at Kaz.

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"Might not be. I've got a fallback set up on Black Veil island. Gondolier'll take you, if you tip well."

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"We'll meet there, then."

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"Sounds like a plan."

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Anything else, before Val and Sturmhund head out? 

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"Thanks," Kaz says. "For helping."

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"Inej is my friend, and Nina's - she's one of mine. Thanks for letting me help."

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Yeah all right. Work to do now.

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And Sturmhund should probably reassure Tamar and Aliya that Kaz hasn't eaten her. 

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That'd be for the best. They do get antsy sometimes.

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Sturmhund can direct their energies to rescuing Nina and Inej, instead. 

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She's sure they'll love that.

Off to find them.

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Tamar is downstairs at the bar where Sturmhund left her, idly watching the entrances and exits.

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While her sister does slow laps of the room. Aliya returns when she sees Sturmhund come back down.

"Have fun?" she asks drily.

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"Oh yeah. I'm feeling inspired."

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"Refreshed and ready to go."

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"So where to next?"

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"We'll swing by the ship first and make a plan."

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Val will split off on the way - unless Sturmhund wants to lend her a twin? 

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Might be better if no one goes alone, yeah.

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Which one does Tamar want?

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"I'll stick with Sturmhund."

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"Running dog of the military it is."

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"Think you can keep up with me?"

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"I think I'm good."

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"We'll see."

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"Let's go, then."

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She sets off to where Inej was grabbed.

...Though investigating the actual area is somewhat complicated by all the stadwatch, what with the numerous bloody gang murders the night before. Val's sneaky, though. 

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Aliya is... less sneaky. She gets by, though.

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Val can compensate for both of them - it helps that she knows who's observing them when. Aliya can watch her back while she examines the area for physical traces. 

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Neat trick. She's got Val's back.

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It's appreciated. 


She does, actually, find a few things. A shoe-print where the woman had stood, traces of soil... A bloodied scrap of cloth, fallen to the ground in Inej's struggle with the Squallers who took her... She can't exactly track by scent, but she takes it carefully, trying to avoid further contaminating it with her own scent. (If Kaz does have a lost Fjerdan princess on call... Maybe she has one of their infamous wolves, too.) She gets a sense of the lay of the area, too - where they could've gone without being seen, how quickly they could've possibly deployed on hearing about the Dregs' arrival in the city, what that implies for where they started from... Who might've heard or seen something of worth, who might take a few kruge to jog their memory... 

It's all together a fairly astonishing haul of information, especially for someone who first stepped foot in the city a scant few hours before. 

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Not something Aliya could have done. She sees why Val's got so much freedom of action.

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More a hunting dog than a running dog. 

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Fair enough.

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Though they should go ahead and get this information back to Sturmhund.

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To the ship, then?

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"So is this what you do all time? Pull meaningful shit out of thin air?"

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"When I'm not tracking legends or hunting down witch hunters."

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"Surely you've heard of a certain lovely Sun Summoner's amplifiers?"

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"Thought that was some propaganda bullshit."

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"Nope! One hundred percent real."

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"Must have been some hunt."

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The full retelling can wait for the ship.

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It is a good story, then.

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She'd say so! 

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Then back to the ship they go.

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She'll turn her gathered information over to Sturmhund first. 

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Quick work. She's sure it'll be helpful.

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"I'll relay it to Kaz at the rendezvous, too. She might be able to do more with it."

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"Sounds good. We're checking some of the outer coves for Shu ships."

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They've got a bit of time before the rendezvous window opens. Val can spend that time helping Sturmhund scout for ships, or at least narrow down places to look (and regale Aliya with tales of her literally legendary hunts during down time). 

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That works. Narrowing is best for now, if she can...

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She'll do what she can. (Which is a lot.)

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It's appreciated.

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Yeah, yeah. How about those stories?

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She can tell those in the relative privacy of the cabin... 

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They'd better be good.

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Aliya will have to judge for herself. (Though Val's an excellent storyteller, if she does say so herself.)

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Not bad, overall.

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A pleasant way to pass the time, and to get better acquainted with each other.

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Careful with those eyes, Oretsev. Buy a girl dinner first.

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She's heard there's some fine establishments in Ketterdam...

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Shame not to see the city, if they've time to spare.

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Rendezvous isn't until nightfall, so they've got a pretty good chunk. 

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Fair enough. She's sure Tamar can sit on Sturmhund a while longer.

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Sturmhund has work to do while there's still light, what with scouting coves and all.

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Then let's go.

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She's got a couple of ideas on where to start...

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Feilan, meanwhile, paces Black Veil like a caged animal - like a soldier memorizing the lay of the land - starting from when the gondel drops her off (with a few breaks to eat or drink or lay down and shake or try to sleep, mostly if Trassel nudges her into it) and all the way until she hears the next quiet splash of a boat in the fog. 

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That boat is a small, nondescript boat - not a gondel, but a simple thing for hauling cargo or passengers short distances. It's steered by a Dreg, Minke - one fewer risk of leaks.

"Helvar? What happened - ?" Jana asks as soon as they disembark, looking at Feilan with her brow furrowed. 

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"Van Eck took Inej. And - Nina - " She chokes up, then takes a deep breath. "Some winged bastards grabbed her. I've never seen anything like it - their skin was like something made by a Fabrikator, but wrong - " She shakes her head, sharply, then to Kuwei: "Do you know anything about that?!"

(The easiest way to imagine a Tailor - a true Tailor, someone straddling the boundary of Corporalnik and Materialnik, not a self taught Healer like her - twisting a person that much is with jurda parem, and only one nation has had the drug long enough to properly experiment with making use of it.)

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"I know that those in power in Shu Han were willing to experiment with parem. That is why we fled, my father and I. And there were stores we left behind."

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"They've been giving it to Fabrikators, Tailors, maybe Healers. Those things - those can't possibly be the only ones produced."

They're being more coordinated,  less stupid about it than Fjerda, and worlds better than the Kerch, who seem to think that grisha dosed with parem are to be used as particularly scary bruisers and thugs.

Feilan hates a competent enemy. 

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"That is unfortunate. I do not wish to see them with that power."

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"We'll rescue Nina first - then we can see about taking it from them." 

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"Nina's not the only problem. Van Eck took Inej."

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"...I know."

Shaky breath. "Do you have a lead on either?"

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"Working on it. Jes, you remember Val, from the Os Alta job? By some insane coincidence, she was at the Ice Court too, tracking Kuwei for Ravka. Saw me and figured we'd have her by the time the dust settled so she came to Ketterdam. Working with Sturmhund for some fucking reason, but they're both gathering information for us."

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" - The current Sturmhund's Ravkan, at minimum a privateer, though some of our - Fjerda's - sources indicated she might be more directly employed than that."

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"Half a mystery solved, then."

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"And, yeah, I remember Val. If she tracked Morozova's Stag..." He runs a hand through his hair. "Those weren't my bedtime stories, but - I feel better with her on the trail."

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"Yeah. So," she turns to Jana. "Anything you've been saving on Van Eck, now's the time."

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"...He's shut me out of his business for a decade. I really don't know much about that. He hasn't publicly disowned me yet, though, so - I asked around for gossip. His wife, Alys, is pregnant, he's been acting antsy lately..." There's a few other details on recent movements and rumors. 

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They can find a way to use all that.

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" - It isn't Alys's fault her parents married her to my father. Just - don't hurt her? Too much?"

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"I'll be proportionate."

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...Best she can ask for, especially with Inej taken. 

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Down to planning.

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Inej fights when they take her. She can't not. She gets a solid blow on one of the Squallers, sends her opponent - and herself - tumbling out of the sky. 

Then the second Squaller catches her. 

Then pain.

Then - 


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She wakes up tightly bound, hands behind her back with a rigid bar between them so she can't even get her hands together, ankles hobbled, blindfold around her eyes. 

She gets the blindfold off by rubbing her face on the cold, smooth floor. It doesn't help much - the small room is lightless, though she can make out the crack below the door as a faint contrast of black on black. (When they come, they tie the blindfold tighter. She avoids disabusing them of the notion that that'll work.) But she can't do much about her ordinary bindings, a mixture of rope and metal, not with the awkward position and the limited time before her captors check on her. 

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A Suli boy a few years older than her - an indenture, a music teacher for Van Eck's wife - is the main face of her captivity at first. He asks her questions lightly, chides her for being stubborn - 

He tries to spoon feed her. She nearly takes his fingers off. 

He doesn't get in biting range of her again. Van Eck decides to let hunger do its job, if kindness won't work. 

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A Shu woman comes next. She speaks familiarly - probibingly - about Kuwei.

Inej ignores her questions. She says: "The Merchant Council doesn't look kindly on interfering with indentures," as testingly as the woman speaks of Kuwei. She's forced to kneel by the way her ankles are tied. (She tells herself: The next time she stands, she will take the eyes of any who saw her kneel. It seems only fair.)

The woman laughs. "Two fifty thousand. That's what you're worth - or what Brekker bought you for at least. She could maybe argue in court that you're worth more, if a court would even let her bring it. The highest damages your boss could demand would be four times your worth, if we return you to her in thirty pieces. That seems an appropriate price for insurance on a deal this large, don't you think? And, besides - who will listen to a whore like you, and the Barrel scum that owns her?)

(She will cut out this one's tongue, too. Perhaps after thanking her for the secrets she inadvertently let slip to Inej's careful ears.)

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It's difficult to measure time in this place, especially as hunger starts to cloud the edges of her thoughts. The questions grow more pointed, the threats more overt - 

They stop asking about Yul-Bayur and his daughter. They start asking about safehouses Kaz might use. 

Inej has made a game (a calling) of ferreting out every secret in this city, especially those of her own allies.

She opens her mouth only to bite any hands placed incautiously near her face. 

(It hasn't been seven days yet. Van Eck must be getting desperate. What's going on out there - ?)

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She's taken from her cell only a few days into her captivity. She's marched - dragged - to an old stage (this place must be a decommissioned theater, there's only so many - ), the props set up for The Madman and the Doctor, a short play in the Komedie Brute - 

Except for one table, which isn't decorated with props at all, the comically large mallets and ludicrous dull saws replaced by real tools - for surgery, for the dismemberment of bodies. 

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They had to unbind her feet, shift her arms, to move her. She shows them how much of a mistake that was, dropping into a wide sweep that takes out both her guards - tumbling past the surgical table, palming scapels and cutting her ropes - 

The gutted theater is full of guards, shouting, trying to grab her - she goes up, grabs a cord dangling from the heights - 

She's halfway up when the line is cut from above. She absorbs the fall, turns it into a roll - 

But she doesn't escape fast enough to avoid getting grabbed, being pinned, dragged to the table and tied - 

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“Really, Miss Ghafa,” Van Eck chides, stepping in from the rear of the theatsr. “We’re well aware of your gifts. Did you think I wouldn’t take precautions?” He does not wait for an answer, instead walking foolishly close to the stage. “You are not going to find your way out of this without my help or Miss Brekker’s. As she does not seem to be making an appearance, perhaps you should consider a change in alliance.”

Inej says nothing, and Van Eck climbs the short set of stairs, coming to a rest at what he probably thinks is a safe distance. He tucks his hands behind his back. “The city is awash in rumors of parem. Today a Fjerdan delegation has arrived in the embassy sector. I originally gave Brekker seven days to broker a trade for your safety, but they are all looking for Bo Yul-Bayur, and it is imperative that I get him out of the city before they find him. I have informed her that I am moving the timeline up, but, well. I still do not have Bo Yul-Bayur."

'He's out of time,' she thinks, 'And he doesn't even know what game he's playing.'

"I will give you one last opportunity to come to an arrangement peacefully, Miss Ghafa," that smug asshole says. “You are the Wraith, Miss Ghafa, legend of the Barrel. You’ve gathered the secrets of judges, councilmen, thieves, and killers alike. I doubt there is anything in this city you do not know. So: you will tell me the locations of Miss Brekker’s safe houses. Now.”

She bares her teeth at him in a parody of a smile. "Kaz has secrets even from me. She isn't stupid enough to use a safehouse I'm aware of."

Van Eck just sighs. “Remember that I have tried to treat you with civility. Perhaps you will instead do for a reminder to Brekker that I do not tolerate games like this, and her deadline is coming up." He steps forward and touches Inej's right ankle. Her skin jumps as she reflexively tries - and fails - to jerk away. His fingers are like ice on her bare skin. "This foot," he says, and a sharp-nosed man - too wiry to be a guard, perhaps a medik - takes up a heavy saw. He doesn't even look at her face as he examines her ankle - 

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My feet -

There are plenty of body parts Inej cares not one whit for, and plenty she'd readily trade for freedom, for Kaz.  There are several she can learn to do without. 

(Her mind feels involuntarily with the sense-memory of her soles melting off her shoes; Nina, Feilan, and Jesper laboring to ensure she'd walk as easily as ever.)

My feet - 

She could learn to compensate without one of her hands. But what use is spider with only one leg - ?

The medik places the saw against her ankle, begins to press - 

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"She'll never trade if you break me!"

It rips its way out of her throat, from somewhere deep, from where she keeps her hungriest, angriest secrets. 

"I'll be no use to her anymore," she adds numbly into the silence. The medik pauses. (That part isn't true. But the first - )

She can tell Van Eck believes her, by how he shifts and tilts his head. "You make an interesting argument," he says. 

- And she knows he only believed it because he felt the truth in her exclamation, and his mind elided over the awkward explanations. 

(The truth is that if Van Eck sends her Inej's foot in a box - the right, a perfect match to the right leg Kaz broke so long ago - Kaz will set fire to everything Van Eck has ever touched, and Inej doesn't know if she'll hold off long enough to rescue Inej first. (She doesn't want to know.))


"But there are less important parts," he says. "And I intend to get every scrap of information that can be wrung from your body." He seems to savor her fear before saying, "I have some time. I'll give you until dawn to think this through. Perhaps then... You'll be more willing to talk. 

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She's taken back to her cell, bound - aware she needs to escape now, but she still doesn't have a way -

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Some indeterminate amount of time later, there's a soft click and the door swings open. "Inej!" a familiar voice says, as steps cross the room and gloved hands start undoing her bindings.

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She gets the blindfold off as soon as she can move her hands, looking at the two women who accompanied her - she recognizes Val (??? it's only been a few days, right?) but not the other. 

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"I'm not seeing any limiting injuries," the stranger says. "Minor bruising, but the bigger issue will be dehydration and low blood sugar - I can ease your symptoms, make it easier to get out of here, but you will need to follow medical advice once we're safe, even if you feel fine." 

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She doesn't like that, but - 


She helps Kaz get the last of the bindings off. 

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The woman touches her head briefly for focus - and her headache, her weakness, her shakiness, even her dry mouth all evaporate. 

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"Van Eck isn't here now, we don't think. Still going to burn the place down on our way out." She holds out a pack of matches for Inej.

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She takes them. "So long as Van Eck's people burn with it." 

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"They will."

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"Then let's do this."

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Kaz has a route planned out. With some space for deviation if Inej needs.

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- The auditorium. She wants to see the stage go up in flames. And it'll be a good place to get a bigger fire going, anyways.

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(She refuses to flinch, to look away.)

(She takes down the guards before even Tamar can, and once they've dispensed with stealth - she doesn't kill them, or even knock them out. She leaves them able to only crawl away as they burn.)

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And once the fight begins for real -

Feilan meets them at the once grand doors into the theater. Even as the panicked staff try to shoot at them while escaping - she doesn't have her powers, but she's vicious all the same, and she knows just fine how to use a gun. 

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Jesper is in his element.

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As is Tamar - she positions herself to protect Kaz and Inej, as little as they might need it. 

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Val's no slouch, either.

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And then - a guard aims for Inej, who might not get out of the way in time -

Feilan snarls, and a body rises between him and his target, takes the bullet - then lunges, pulls the screaming guard to the ground - 

Rage crashes through her, followed closely by exhilaration - by life - she's been sick and hollowed out ever since the parem, her power not just gone but actively betraying her, sickening her - she's never felt so alive -

Bodies rise everywhere she looks. 

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"Helvar!" Kaz shouts. "What the fuck are you doing?"

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"Winning," she growls, as their opponents try in vain to kill what's already dead. The bullets have an effect - they can still blast the corpses apart if fired from close enough - but that doesn't actually matter, and bone shards ricochet and become bullets of her own.

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She grins viciously. "Drag them to hell."

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(She doesn't, actually, know how she's doing this, not entirely. But she knows how combat-trained Durasts fight, and even if the corpses' movements are clumsy, uncoordinated, stumbling - )

She nods, and the corpses start grabbing onto any living enemy, dragging them into the depths of the burning building. 

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Fuck it, fine. This might as well happen.

"No survivors," she orders, and sees about doing her part to make that happen.

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Tamar can verify the lack of heartbeats once they're done. 

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And Helvar can put her damn corpses in the fire too. Then they should get moving. Don't want to get spotted here.

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She tidies everything away. 

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Val looks out across the water. "Your fire service response time is utter shit," she says, keeping watch as the others get on the small boat out. She's last one on. 

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"Island's not a high priority. All this natural firebreak."

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"Doubt Van Eck got fire insurance for it, anyways." She doesn't clench her fists. She wants to, though. 

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Heavy sigh. "Y'know in Ravka, the fire service is free, prompt, and effective, even if you're rural. It's near immediate in Os Alta."

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"Guess we've found something Ravka is good at."

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"The number of grisha might help."

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"Cheating always does."

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Hum. "Ketterdam isn't the only place that cheats, I suppose." (The boat pulls up near the ship.)

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Kaz will check on Inej once they're safely aboard.

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She very quickly retreats into the most private, out of the way spot she can find - she'll eat and drink what Tamar pressed into her hands, but she's avoiding the rest of the crew. 

She lets Kaz find her, though. 

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She takes her gloves off and offers them to Inej. "...In case your hands get cold."

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Shaky breath - and she slips them on, then rubs her right ankle compulsively before jerking her hand away. 

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"I fucked up. I'm sorry."

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" - You came for me. That's what matters."

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"I will always come for you."

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She rubs her ankle again. In a small voice: "Even if - even if I'm broken?"

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"I will get you. And then we will burn the bastards."

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She feels - insane. (Needy. Pathetic.) (She clenches her hand around her ankle hard enough to hurt.)

"Even if I'm not of any worth anymore?"

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"Anyone ever says that about you, I'll spit in their face and call them a liar."

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She relaxes a fraction, her grip on her ankle loosening. Softly: "They said the value of my indenture - what you could argue it was actually worth - was what made me good insurance."

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"They don't know shit about me. You-"

"Your indenture has nothing to do with it."

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"I - "


"I don't want to be indentured anymore."

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"Yeah. Soon as I can get to the papers to sign them."

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"Even though I can't pay it off yet?"

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"Money's just for keeping score. And I don't want to do that, between us."

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She relaxes, letting go of her ankle. "I don't either."

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Deep breath, and she reaches out to grab Inej's hands briefly.

"I'm glad to have you back, Inej."

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She's rewarded with an incredibly bright smile. "I'm glad to be back, Kaz."

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She smiles as she takes her hands back.

"There's a lot to catch up on, when you're ready."

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" - I'm ready."

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"We should meet with the others."

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She unfolds from where she'd tucked herself. "Lead the way."

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Elsewhere, a different prisoner is not being rescued. Though on the other hand, she currently faces slightly fewer imminent threats to life and limb.

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In fact, her captors seem to have no idea whether she should be considered a prisoner or an honored guest, and have settled for 'honored guest who isn't allowed to leave.' She's fed at routine intervals, given pen and paper if she requests it, and no interrogation manifests itself. She can overhear a good amount, too, though not all of it has any context - the khergud (the 'prototypes' who kidnapped her) don't speak; there's other kidnapped grisha here; there's a significant amount of drama happening in the Shu Han line of succession (which might be why she's being ignored) and the current queen is ailing...

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And then another ship pulls up alongside theirs, and someone comes over to much ceremony and scrambling - by the muted voices approaching her position, the newcomer is the Princess Aidana Kir-Taban, she's asking pointed questions about the khergud, and she's demanding to see Kuwei. 

Shortly after her arrival, the door to the cell opens, and the same woman she saw upon being brought on board tells her, "Come with me."

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Ah, good. Royalty. She really wishes she had a perspective not on this damn ship for everything that's going on. The city must be going crazy with everything.

It sounds like her captors might be in a little trouble here. Hopefully she can flip this somehow. "Fine."

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The khergud escort her to a large room, with multiple guards around the perimeter and a single woman seated at a table in the center. The ship's captain announces the woman as, "Her Imperial Highness, Princess Aidana Kir-Taban, Daughter of Heaven, most Ethereal of the Taban Line," before being (politely) dismissed by the princess. 

There's an unoccupied chair across from the princess. She sighs once the ship's captain leaves and gestures at it. "Have a seat, Kuwei. Are you doing alright?" (Her inflection is far more familiar than might be expected for a princess and a lowly inventor's daughter.)

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She's got a bad feeling about this.

"As well as could be expected," she says, sitting.

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Her brow furrows slightly. 

"What happened?"

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"Do you mean the first, second, or third time I was kidnapped?"

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"All of them, I suppose."

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"The first was worst, I think. That was the Fjerdans. The second got me away from there, so that was all right. The third..." she gestures at the ship around them. "I am getting tired of living in a box."

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"Who, exactly, are you?"

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Bad feeling verified. Okay, what's the play... Going loud is worse for her, they're still out to sea. Kir-Taban seems to have some disagreements with the people already here. Authority to overrule them, too. Cares about Kuwei as a person, not for her connection to parem. Sorry Kaz, but she's going to make this up as she goes.

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"A distraction. My name is Nina. I was with the team that broke your- friend out of the Ice Court. We anticipated trouble on the return to the city and thought to preempt. Didn't expect the khergud."

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"And I suppose Kuwei has been disguised as well."

"Where is she?"

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"In the city, probably at a safehouse. We split up getting in and I've, ah, been out of contact."

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"And how many grisha on parem does your team have, other than the Tailor that disguised you and Kuwei?"

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"None. And she's off the parem now. Didn't take it by choice. We were just doing the best with what we had."

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"She survived going off it?"

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"...It's an ongoing process. I hope she's still okay."

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Hum. (But she looks like she approves of the sentiment.) "What was your team's plan with Kuwei? Who hired you?"

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"A mercher named Van Eck. Thought he was getting the father. My boss doesn't believe in the slave trade, we took the job so no one else would get it."

"I was going to offer her passage to Ravka. She's... not in the best state of mind."

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"...I want her to be happy, not - exploited by the Darkling instead."

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"Ketterdam wouldn't be better. We didn't think she'd want to go back to Shu Han."

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"I'll speak to her about what she wants."

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"If you know her, that would help."

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"I do."

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"So, care to share what brings you all this way?"

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"That's classified," she says, somewhat teasingly. "Though Kuwei is why I'm in this city specifically right now."

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"Aw. And here I thought we were building a rapport."

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"You're going to have to try harder than that, especially for anything not directly relevant to helping Kuwei."

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"Anything not classified about the city you can tell me, then? Like I said, I've been out of touch and it's making me a little anxious."

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"No one's found Kuwei, most of the gossipers barely know what's going on, just that something valuable's afoot, and half the rest don't even know her father's dead. Sturmhund's ship came in, I'm betting just about on your team's tail, followed by a Fjerdan ship. There's definitely a group of drüskelle, and rumor has it a princess is aboard. A small island with some abandoned buildings caught fire the night the Fjerdans came in. I've heard Van Eck's name in connection to the island."

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"Hm. Somehow I'm not less worried. This sounds like a war in the making."

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"...It might be."

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"I don't suppose I could convince you to let me go, could I?"

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"You're my best lead on Kuwei right now," she points out. "I'm not releasing you on your own to vanish into the city."

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"What about with an escort?"

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"Your team would accept that?"

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"Not if it was more of those khergud," Nina allows. "But if it was, say, you and me..."

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"And the Tavgharad." She gestures at the guards. 

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"Harder sell. But if you can trust them with Kuwei then we can come to some kind of compromise."

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"They're absolutely loyal, even unto death. Only the queen's orders would make them disobey me, and she's said nothing to them of Kuwei."

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"Is the uniform mandatory or can they be a little more discreet?"

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"They can be discreet."

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"Oh, good."

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"So, I get you out of here, and you help me find Kuwei?"

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"And you refrain from taking me back, or killing everyone."

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Nod. "I won't start hostilities, and I'll try to deescalate if hostilities manage to start anyways."

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"That works."

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"Oh, and - don't tell anyone else who you are, not yet. I'll tell the Captain that I'm taking Kuwei Kir-Bo off her hands."

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"Hadn't been planning on it."

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Anything else before Aidana steps out? 

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Nothing springs to mind.

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She'll be back shortly, then. (She leaves several guards behind to watch Nina.)

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This is the leap of faith.

In the meantime, how about these guards? Royal guards, so they're probably the sort of professional that doesn't chat on duty, right?

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She might be wrong about that, actually, because one of them says to her, "You're Ravkan, aren't you?"

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"Was it the part where I suggested Kuwei could go to them that gave me away? Or the accent, Shu's not my best, I try but there a couple little burrs my mouth doesn't want to clip."

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"Before that. You're a properly trained spy, but you're not Shu."

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"Which makes you one of the Darkling's."

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"It can't just be raw natural talent?"

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"Skill requires training."

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"I suppose I won't deny all the hard work I've done."

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"You shouldn't."

"Which order are you?"

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Aidana Kir-Taban returns before they can get any further. "Come with me."

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She gets up to do so.

Hopefully to the city, and not a summary execution.

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To her ship, first, where she arranges inconspicuous changes of clothes for Nina, herself, and her Tavgharad - actually inconspicuous and appropriate for Ketterdam in this season, which is generally considered unusual for royals. They'll appear as roughly working class, not a particularly exceptional sight most places in the city, and it sounds like the Tavgharad will be splitting up and fanning out, only a few of them directly with Aidana and Nina - some taking the sorts of routes Inej favors (they've already begun scouting the city, apparently), a few ahead of, behind, or in parallel streets. (The Tavgharad that had spoken to Nina on board the ship is the only one openly posted with their group, though Nina will be constantly in the line of site of at least one other - and they want her walking in front of their little group, of course.)

"Where to first?"

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(Damn, she wants a support network like that. Must be nice.)

"The Crow Club, in the Barrel. They won't be there, but seeing the place will tell me something."

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She looks at her Tavgharad. 

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"Reports of gang violence are limited in that area, but there are rumors of forthcoming stadwatch activity. Sturmhund was seen entering the Crow Club the day of her arrival. She stayed for several hours; our informants lost track of her movements that night. Two drüskelle with isenvulf companions were sighted along West Stave last night, but did not enter any establishments."

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"I'd still like to confirm who's on duty and who's visible."

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She gives Nina a quick 'of course' look. "It is safe to proceed."

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"Then let's head out."

The ship is small, registered as a merchant apparently. They'll be docking in Fifth Harbor - with bribes paid to ease their movement into the city, of course. (Nina might note that one of the harbor workers is possibly routinely taking Shu bribes and trading information to them; which, given Kaz nominally controls much of Fifth Harbor, might be of note to her most recent employer.)

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It'd be more surprising if no one was on the take, honestly. Kaz runs a pretty tight ship, so anyone this far out probably doesn't know anything that isn't either wanted to get out or leaked from elsewhere. Still, it's something else to show for her time besides what she picked up on the ship. Might make up for bringing a Shu princess to drop in unexpectedly. (No, it won't. Kaz will still be pissed.)

Nina leads the way into the Barrel, moving with the confidence of familiarity.

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There's a sense of worry on the streets, one that might be invisible to most outsiders - more tensions, especially around Pekka Rollins' establishments and as they approach Dregs' territory. Rumors of a gang war between the Dime Lions and the Dregs lurk just at the edge of hearing. The Crow Club is still in business, though, even if there are far more guards about than normal - and far more interlopers from other gangs trying to poke their noses in. She doesn't see anyone who was involved in the Fjerda mission as they approach. 

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It hasn't been firebombed and the Dregs are still in control. Good.

So cross-referencing what she knows about Kaz's safehouses and who Nina knows know about the different ones- She can narrow down where they should bother checking. Maybe one in four that anyone they're looking is at a safehouse... But their demolitionist has a workshop that should be safe still. That's likelier to be in use; start there.

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The workshop looks deserted at first - 

And then Jana emerges from a tucked away access into the upper level, followed closely by Minke. "Nina!!!"

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"Hi, Jana."

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"How'd you get away?" Her gaze cuts to Aidana.

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"Technically I didn't. I'm, ah, on parole, as it were."

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"What happened?"

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"I was grabbed by the Shu instead of Van Eck. I don't think the officer in charge was really prepared to have Kuwei suddenly dumped on her, so they just kept me ambiguously a prisoner while trying soft interrogation. Then, uh. A Shu princess showed up." She tilts her head at Aidana. "Who has a personal interest in getting the real Kuwei back and not as a parem factory. Letting Kuwei go with her will solve at least one of our problems, so we're looking for the group."

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" - I'll talk to Kaz." She'll need to know that either Nina doesn't need rescuing anymore or the rescue parameters have changed, for one. "Can you, uh... Stay here in the meanwhile?"

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"That is acceptable."

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"Let Feilan know I'm okay too?"

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"And I have a letter for Kuwei."

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"I can bring news, yeah."

"And - everyone else is okay right now. Inej got captured by Van Eck pretty soon after you got taken, but we rescued her last night. A couple people needed grisha healing, but - we managed."

"Stuff's kinda heating up, though. It'll be really good to have you back."

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"I'm here to help."

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There's not much time to waste - it'll take her a bit to reach Kaz, though she's vague on how long - so she'll secure her lab then take Aidana' and Nina's messages, then head out via a back door along with Minke.

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Seems they have some time to kill.

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They could speak more?

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That would probably get them in the least trouble!

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Does Nina have ideas involving trouble? 

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With the Tavgharad right there? Certainly not. She is definitely being the carefulest with their princess.

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They likely appreciate Nina making their job easier. Keeping Aidana out of trouble gives them quite the headache, as she understands it. 

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She can sympathize a little. Personal security isn't her primary skillset, but she knows the basics. Though it must help Aidana has so many of them.

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- She doesn't really tend to think of her entourage as large, honestly. 

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She had what, at least eight with her on the ship? That's a decent size for a full-time professional bodyguard, but there are enough extra that they've been scouting the city already. At least a dozen total, Nina would guess, depending on how many extracurricular duties they handle on a regular basis. In Ketterdam terms, that's positively extravagant already. Anyone who went around with a dozen enforcers would be assumed to either be starting or in the midst of a gang war.

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"They are a royal guard. Do Ketterdam's rulers really skimp on their security that much?"

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"Different threat profile. And everyone's doing security out of their own pocket, not a national treasury."

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"Explains why they're so easy to spy on," she mutters under her breath, then shakes her head. 

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"Works out for you, doesn't it?"

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Snort. "True enough. And Ravka does get away with a smaller number of grisha as guards; small security details isn't the main way the Kerch are lax with security."

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"The nadir of quantity and quality."

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"An interesting place to work for people like us, though."

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"It's like an easy practice scenario."

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"Hardly a challenge."

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"Sometimes that's nice."

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"Almost like a vacation."

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Apart from everything else that brought her to Ketterdam.

"Yeah, maybe."

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"Only almost, though. Work's never a true break."

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"I don't think I'd know what to do with myself on a real vacation."

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"They're pretty hard to arrange when there's so much to do."

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"The world never stops spinning."

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Hopefully they've got enough idle chitchat to stay occupied until Jana comes back.

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She can come up with a few things.

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And Jana's back after a while. 

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Any news?

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They'll meet at Black Veil Island - Jana can lead if Nina isn't familiar with it. (Luckily, it's already getting close to sunset.)

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She wouldn't trust her ability to find it quickly, no.

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Cool, follow her then. 

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Away they go.

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Black Veil Island is nearer to the bottom of the Barrel, lurking in the middle of one of the canals, nearly constantly shrouded in mist. It's a graveyard, apparently abandoned. 

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Jana leads them to a specific mausoleum. 

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Where a specific gang leader and her gang are waiting.

"Nina. And... friends."

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"I am Aidana Kir-Taban, and the others are my - bodyguards."

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"Kaz Brekker." She jerks her head towards the inside of the mausoleum. "Might as well come in, then."

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She follows. 

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Yes yes, humans, you're all very strong and suspicious and no one had better mess with you. However, Trassel has a greeting to make to second-best human, so make way. Second-best also must be herded over to Feilan, she needs her.

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"Yieshu!!" She immediately steps forward to begin checking Kuwei for any signs of injury, and, in Shu - "Are you - okay?"

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(She definitely needs her Nina, but there are strangers here, so she might need a wolfy shove before wrapping her girl in a death-grip hug.)

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"I am- not as well as I have ever been. But why are you here?"

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She switches into Classical Shu - which she's pretty sure even the Ravkan spy is unlikely to know - and says, "I was... In the area on business." Probably best not to specify until she's sure they won't be understood. "Sarangerel has an operative posted here, and she sent word that she'd captured who she thought was you. My agents intercepted the message, and I came at once. The person she actually had was Nina; I agreed to free Nina if she would lead me to you."

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It takes Kuwei a moment to formulate her response in the same language. "You came... for me? Even though I- ran?"

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"Yieshu - I will always come for you."

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She abruptly hugs Aidana, burying her face in her shoulder to hide her tears.

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Tight hug! 

And, softly: "I'm only sorry I couldn't come sooner."

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"I was- so scared," she sobs. "I thought- I thought I would never see you again."

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Hair pats. "I know. I'm sorry."

"I hadn't - I hadn't realized how much you mean to me, not until I thought I'd lost you. Learning you were still alive, but in captivity..." Shaky breath. "I've been working to free you ever since."

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"I didn't think you would."

"I'm sorry."

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"Yieshu. You have nothing to apologize for."

"I should have protected you sooner, even before you had to run. And I shouldn't have had to waste your time playing catch up before I could mount a serious rescue attempt - I should have already been in position. I will be in position to protect you, from here on out."

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This prompts a renewed bout of crying.

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- Yeah, she's crying too.

She finds a convenient bench and nudges Kuwei to sit down with her. 

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Okay. That's a good idea.

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"If you return with me to Shu Han - I will do everything in my power to protect you."

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"Will that be- enough?"

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...Suspicious sideways glance at Nina and the younger Fjerdan princess. Does either of them seem at all like they understand this conversation - ?

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They're busy enough with their own drama. You're good, Shu human.

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Close enough. 

To Kuwei: "It - depends."

"Since I lost you... I've realized that what is best for Shu Han - what is best for you - is if neither of my sisters takes the throne. And the Queen has not yet named her heir."

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"Haoshu..." Hiccupgiggle. "That's probably the worst reason for becoming queen I've ever heard."

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"It's for you. What better reason is there?"

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Oh no her stomach is doing a funny flipflop thing now. She groans and tucks her face back into Aidana's shoulder.

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Pat pat. (She'll wait for Kuwei to recover a bit.)

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"I'm too busy to help you run a country. Just so you know."

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"Even with your nine heads?" (It's an old joke between them, and the origin of her nickname for Kuwei - the legendary nine-headed bird Yieshu.)

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Huff. "All busy already. Sorry." (The traditional response.)

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A bit more seriously: "I'm not going to ask you to work on parem, or - any of the other projects Sarangerel had you on. Not unless you want to. And I'll provide you with all the assistants you want."

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"...What would you be doing with Sarangerel?"

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"...Do you mean in terms of managing the succession, or in terms of whether she continues her current projects?"

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"The latter."

"I don't want to- be near her."

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"That's... Me successfully attaining the throne might make 'what she's working on' a moot point, one way or another. Politically, I can't allow her influence over the military like she has right now. Morally, I can't allow her current projects to continue."

"I'm hoping that she'll be amenable to retiring to a university somewhere, marrying her secret boyfriend who she still thinks I don't know she has, and working on... I don't know, civil engineering or physics or something else that's - useful but doesn't involve human experimentation. Nowhere near any position with power."

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"No matter what, you won't have to be near her, ever again."

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Hug. "Thank you."

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So many hugs! And hair pats.

She glances over at the team who brought her Kuwei as they snuggle. 

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Is she ready to talk to other people now?

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She is. 

"Thank you for rescuing Kuwei," she says in Kerch (her accent sounds like a native speaker's, albeit an upper class one).

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"Didn't do it for your thanks. Though if you're financially grateful, that would be nice. And I might want to talk damages for kidnapping one of my people."

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"Then why did you do it?"

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"Because I hate the slave trade."

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Serious nod.

"We can talk damages. The easiest ways for me to express gratitude concretely would be in favors owed, promises of future employment, or tokens from my personal wardrobe." Also known as her bribery budget. "There are - very few things I can provide short of full royal favor that equal the worth of Kuwei."

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"Let's not go that far. I can work with jewelry."

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"Royal favor could be worth a lot," Feilan mutters to her, "Including for things no amount of money could buy."

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"Which is exactly why I don't fucking want it. Shit comes with more strings than an indenture, and they run both ways."

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She has her eyes narrowed a bit at Feilan, too. "You can count 'not declaring war on Fjerda' as my favor to you, then, Princess Kielo," she says, voice remarkably dry.

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"...Fair enough," she says, to both of them. 

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Fucking Helvar. As usual.

"I don't want anything from you because you're a princess. I'm not interested in running that kind of game."

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"It's not a game to me. I want to reward you, because you've - rescued someone precious to me. If rewarding you means jewels, then I will provide you with jewels. If it means a writ of passage - which would exempt you and your enterprises from border controls, among other things - then I will provide that. If it means an understanding that I will return the favor if needed, because my honor demands it, then - that is what I will do."

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"I'll take the tangibles. No offense, but you have two older sisters you haven't shoved out of the way yet. I'm not going to hitch to your wagon like that."

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Nod. "Sensible, in a way." 

"I'll need to send back to my ship for the actual jewelry, though."

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"That's fine. The transfer can wait until things in the city are a little more settled."

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"Do you need anything else right now - ?"

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"Not unless you want to participate in criminal enterprise."

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"Depends a little on what it is - and how many faces my guards make at me about the danger levels."

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"Forgery, arson, murder. Maybe a little kidnapping and extortion. Some blackmail."

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"Too risky for direct participation, your Highness." The guard sounds a bit long-suffering about this. "Providing intelligence, however, would be acceptable from a standpoint of physical risk. I cannot evaluate political nor moral risks."

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"Then I suppose it depends on why. And assisting in forgery shouldn't be physically dangerous."

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"As you say, your Highness."

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"The why is sending a message. And getting paid for our troubles."

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"I can provide assistance with the 'getting paid' part."

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"That's not to be underestimated."

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"Do you have a plan already?"

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"Yep." She smirks. "I'm going to sell the council the Goedmedbridge."

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Time to get down to business, then. 

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And in the meantime, maybe other people can go catch up somewhere else?

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Hug. "Are you okay?"

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Tight hug. "I've got you back, and..."

"I feel better than ever - more alive." She looks different, too, from how Nina last saw her - she'd been wan, her body already drained and whip-thin from her time in Hellgate. The parem had destroyed her, ruining her appetite, wracking her body with fevers and shakes and sweats. She'd been worringly pale, beginning to waste away, what little fat she had sliding off and the parem instead burning her muscles from the inside out in a desperate quest for fuel. Nina'd barely been able to heal her, her reserves were run down so far. She'd been sick, far worse than even grisha who never use their power get, her mind alternating wildly between desperate cravings and crushing despondence.


Now her color's back, and she hasn't put the weight back on yet but her eyes are bright and it's like she's lit by an eternal glow, like a grisha at the height of their power. 

"Nina... Something - changed. In me." She tucks her face into Nina's shoulder. " - I should show you."

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"Okay," she says. "I'm here for you."

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Deep breath - 

And she tugs Nina out of the (mostly unused) catacomb the team has been using as a hideout, past the Shu princess's guards, into another catacomb - white like marble, like ice, with patterns of trees and swirling wind carved in relief, fish darting around the roots. 

This catacomb, unlike the other, is actually in use, with bodies buried in the dirt beneath their feet, in caskets lining the walls. One back chamber - deep and partially hidden - contains only two caskets, far nicer than any others they've passed. Feilan's carefully removed the lids, even made an attempt to clean them. 

She takes a deep breath, closes her eyes -

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And bones rise from each casket.

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She doesn't pull away.

"That's... different."

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Quietly, the bones assemble into their respective skeletons, standing there relaxed, as if they're living, merely devoid of flesh. 

"It's unnatural. True witchcraft - not something like Healers, or Tidemakers, or Durasts, where they're useful. It's not something anyone could accept, Fjerdan or not."

"It's an insult to Djel, everything I swore to protect my people from."

The skeletons move, then, like they're coming to life - and begin to dance with each other, incongrously, an old-fashioned waltz like was popular in Kerch's ballrooms the last time this island was in use, like they may have danced with each other in life. (The inscriptions on the caskets announce them as spouses, each beloved, dead only a single day apart.)

"And it's mine!" she exclaims, and looks at Nina, her cheeks rosy, her eyes full of sparkling life. Rapidly, the words tumbling out of her mouth: "I earned it. And isn't it appropriate, if I've passed through Hell thrice, through the very throes of death, that I should have this power, unnatural or not? This protected Inej, took vengeance for her." The light in her eyes is almost manic.

"I can't Tailor anymore. It makes me shake and vomit, crave parem like I'm dying again - I'm not who I was." 

"I'm a Deathwitch. And I've never been more alive."

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"Feilan, I-"

"Well. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little disturbed. But you look better. Sound better. I'm really, really happy about that."

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"I feel better."

"It disturbs the others, too - not Inej, she's been giving me ideas for practice, and not Trassel, but there's a reason I'm practicing all the way over here."

"I don't... Get it."

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"Which part? The change, or the reactions?"

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"The reactions. It's not like any of them are all that religious."

" - Oh, there was a pirate crew, Sturmhund's, that helped us out. The two heartrenders working for Sturmhund weren't bothered, but they're not... Us. There was also this one Ravkan friend of Inej's who insisted it's merzost until proven otherwise, and probably fundamentally evil and unnatural, so the Darkling would definitely want a Deathwitch of her own... But everyone else - Sturmhund, her crew, Kuwei, and the rest of our crew are just..."

"I don't get it."

"The change is a mystery but it's the kind I can do research and practice at, though I think that actually was the main thing alarming Kuwei? That there's something more going on with parem."

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"I can try to explain, if you want. But- it may make more sense after a nap?"

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But she couldn't really sleep - not properly - while withdrawing, and she's been too wired to sleep since rescuing Inej...


Nina has a point. 

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The skeletons lay back down in their coffins.

"Will you hold me?"

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She's got a good, secluded place to sleep set up already, fortunately. 

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They can repair thence.

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Trassel will stand the watch. Have a nice nap.

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She falls asleep quickly, curled into her Nina.

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Nina softly pets her.

She's got a lot to think about, but honestly... She might doze off as well. It's been a long few- weeks, actually.

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Nobody bothers them before they wake up naturally. 

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Which Nina does slightly before Feilan. Nothing immediate seems to have changed, Trassel is still on guard, so... she settles back down to wait.

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She sleeps a unusually long time, and wakes up slowly, nuzzling more into her Nina.

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Pet pet.

"Hey there."

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The best part about waking up is remembering she has Nina back. "Hey there yourself." Light kiss? 

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"Feeling okay?"

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"More - steady, I guess."

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"That's good."

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Nuzzle. "...A nap was a good idea."

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"I have those sometimes."

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"Pretty often, actually."

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"Aww, thanks."

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Snuggle kiss.

"I missed you."

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"I'll try not to get kidnapped unexpectedly again."

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"...I'll protect you better, next time."

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Snugs. "Wasn't your fault."

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"Felt like it."

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"I promise you it wasn't, Feilan."

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"I couldn't - "

"I couldn't do anything."

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Hug. "None of us could. We all tried."

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"I need to be stronger."

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"Not by yourself."

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Snuggle. "Together, then."

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"Yeah. Together."

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Time to go find the others? 

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If Felian's ready.

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...She's unlikely to get more ready, at least.

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Then they'll go see what's what.

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There's no Tavgharad lurking around, for one. For another - Inej meets them only part of the way there - 

And wraps Nina in a hug.

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Oop okay.

"Hi, Inej."

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"Hey, Nina." Light squeeze, then she lets go and steps back awkwardly. 

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"Are you doing okay?"

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"I was going to ask you that." Her? Deflecting? Never. 

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"Much the better for a nap, thank you."

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"...It's really good to have you back."

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"Heard you burned down an island while I was gone."

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"Van Eck - " She pauses and takes a deep breath. "He captured me."

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That was supposed to be Nina-

"I'm sorry."

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"I - "

"I'm uninjured, and one of our old contacts called in a favor or - something, I didn't really get all the details - to get Sturmhund to help rescue me, and apparently she has at least one Healer on board. So I'm okay now, just - having to eat a lot, I guess."

"...There's been a lot of. Drama."

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"I guess we weren't expecting this to be easy."

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Faint smile. "I think we were expecting a few more things to go at least a little as planned."

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"Let that be a lesson to us, huh?"

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"...We got lucky in a couple ways, too."

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"We did."

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Nod. "Sturmhund apparently was right on our heels. Ravka'd hired her to kidnap Kuwei from the Fjerdans - and a contact from the last time we did a job in Ravka, Valeriya Oretsev, was on board. Val insisted on helping rescue me - and you. Apparently she was on the team sent to try to rescue you the first time the Fjerdans captured you?" Tiny smile. "She wants to see for herself that you're safe, by the way."

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"Oh yeah? Don't think we ever met..."

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Hum. "I wasn't there when she joined up - but she's said you're one of hers. Patriotism, maybe - I know she's close to both the Sun Summoner and the Darkling. Plus, she's the type to follow through on her promises, and to not accept failure lightly."

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"Hope she doesn't come over all disappointed when I don't go back with her."

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"You'll need to have that conversation yourself."

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"Suppose so."

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Onward to meet with the others, then?

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Guess they should.

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She takes them straight to Kaz.

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"Have a nice nap?"

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"Nice enough."

"What's happened since?"

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"Kuwei's gone with the Shu. That princess is going to pitch in on stoking the market. We need to start planting documents and getting the rumors flowing."

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"Don't know how much help I'll be for that."

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"Yeah, not really a muscle job. Might be needing some heads cracked quietly later, if the other gangs are starting to wonder if I'm gone for good."

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"There were some sniffers around the Crow Club," Nina offers. "But it didn't seem like a serious move was gearing up yet."

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"And there's drüskelle, which complicates things." She doesn't know if she wants to risk talking to them. 

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"Write them a letter, maybe."

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"What could I even say? Or risk revealing?"

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"Ask them to tell your sister you're still alive? And to not start a war looking for you?"

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...Slow nod.

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Quick hug.

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She leans into the hug a bit.

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"Yeah. So, let us know when you figure that out."

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"I will."

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Great. Kaz wants to pick Nina's brain a little more about the city, since she was roaming unhunted more recently.

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Feilan will just... Sit awkwardly in the corner. 

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She can hug Trassel. Since the wolf isn't debriefing either.

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Best fluffy girl. (Ear scritches!)

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"A little to the left..."

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She scritches to the left. "In my defense," she says to Kaz, smugly, "You left me unsupervised. While high!"

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"So you gave the wolf the ability to talk?"

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"Trassel was always smart. It was mostly work on the vocal cords and mouth muscles."

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"Fucking... Helvar."

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"You say that a lot."

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"You keep pulling shit that makes me say it!"

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"Don't think you can keep up, Brekker?"

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"As if."

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"So I'm providing enrichment."

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"Providing a pain in my ass."

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"Two words for the same thing."

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Kaz shakes her head. "Fucking Helvar."

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She laughs, possibly for the first time since being dosed with parem.

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Trassel headbutts Feilan affectionately.

(The grumpy human does care about her people, even if she doesn't always show it straightforwardly. Good trait in a pack leader.)

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All right, well. Kaz has things to do tonight. She'll let Oretsev know about Nina, they'll probably sneak over tomorrow.

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Nod. "I'll keep an eye out."

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Then she'll be off.

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Not much to do but wait (and practice her new powers), she supposes.

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Nina would like to see what she's capable of now.

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Alright. Back to the earlier crypt?

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That works.

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There's the dance trick... Moving things around, pretty much, though she's thinking about learning to distinguish bones - or other deceased tissue - from one another without looking. She's also figured out that her power applies to dead plants, too, but very poorly so far. 

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Can she do anything other than animation? Transformation or other, uh, Corporalki-flavored things?

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"I haven't really tried, yet, but the dead feel... Solid? In a way the living never did. But..." She frowns. "I could try... Reconstructing bones, or something? That might be easier to start with."

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"I think it's worth trying a variety of things to start off with. See where the new limits are."

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She grins and nods. "And where the areas for improvement are."

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She'll follow Nina's ideas to start. 

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The experiments should be productive.

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At least for what she can start practicing on - she currently has all the skill of a very prodigious and motivated amateur, which is far less than where she was with Corporalki skills even before meeting Nina.

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She'll get back up there in no time.

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Especially with Nina's guidance. 

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She might be a little less direct help this time around.

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Still a pretty big help. 

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One does one's best.

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Yet Nina continues exceeding all expectations.

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Maybe Feilan should consider recalibrating, in that case.

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Make her expectations infinite?

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It would give Nina something to aim for.

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A very important part of life. 

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Always keep moving.

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Yeah. (Kiss.)

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Some time later, Val goes to find Sturmhund.

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"So. Things are getting interesting, huh?"

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"We've got Nina back at least, without a fight even." Though she'd been gearing herself up for one, and she's restless with that - she also hasn't checked for herself yet that Nina is alright. 

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"One less chance to start a war. I'm told that's usually a good thing."

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"It is." Frustrated sigh. "Don't even know why I'm so worked up."

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"Could go see her. That might help."

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"Might help to work off a bit of energy first."

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"That Fjerdan of hers might object if you tackled her straight off, I suppose."

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"Might alarm them both if I come on too strong."

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"I'm more than happy to oblige if you need some help relaxing."

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"Could use some, yeah."

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Can do! She's gotten to know Val's tastes pretty well by now, she thinks.

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Which include a very pushy kiss to start things off. 

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Gonna push her all the way back to her bunk? That'd be fun.

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Seems to be the way tonight's going! 

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And Val can make it nicer. 

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She wouldn't be opposed to a little meanness.

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Pleasantly mean, then? 

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Yes please!

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Very good stress relief. 

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Oh, good.

Off to see Nina afterwards?

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Sounds good to her. 

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Sturmhund gets them a sneaky boat over to the creepy graveyard island.

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She heads unerringly towards the crypt Nina and the not-so-secret Fjerdan princess have moved into. 

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"Yeah. Nina?"

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"That's me." She essays a smile.

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"...Are you doing okay?"

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"On balance... yeah. I am, actually."

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"...I know you don't know me, but... As soon as we heard you'd been taken, the Darkling set me to tracking you. To try to save you. You're - "

"...You were the first time I got sent after the witch-hunters. I've been successful every time since, at least in getting revenge, but I'd still been looking for you, pretty much up until the Darkling put me on the trail of parem's maker instead."

Huff. "Guess I was looking in the wrong country."

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"Yeah. Uh, sorry about that."

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"I don't think you need to apologize for being safe - though we would've appreciated a heads up that you'd gotten free."

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"Ah. Yeah."

"...Wasn't sure I'd be coming back, at the time."

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"Are you sure now?"

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"Mm." She nods.

"I won't be."

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Knowing nod. "I can handle relaying your resignation, if you don't want to hand it in in person. Though - if you want a formal discharge with honors and all that stuff, or just want to say goodbye, I can also escort you to Os Alta and back."

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Nina glances at Feilan to see what she thinks.

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She's been hanging back and conspicuously Not Involved In This Conversation. She twitches a bit when Nina looks at her. 

"...Whatever you think is best. Just - once all this is settled." (Will this ever be settled?) "...I'll stay here. Probably."

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"I guess I'm still a little worried about not being able to come back if I go."

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" - She listens to me. If I say it's better for you to be here - or wherever you feel like - for you, for our interests abroad, whatever, then she'll listen."

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"Thank you," she says sincerely.

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"...It's - you don't need to thank me."

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"You're doing me a big favor. It's only polite."

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"I mean, it's kinda my job. And I bug her anyways whenever I report or drop in to see Svetka."

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"Not everyone is so casual about the Darkling."

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"If you think I'm casual, ask Kaz what Jesper's first words were when he met the Darkling the first time." Teasing smile.

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"Having met Jesper, I think I can imagine."

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"He's quite the character."

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"All of Kaz's people are, really."

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"Not a bad crew for you to have fallen in with."

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"I did get lucky there."

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"Talent might've had something to do with it, too."

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"She is very charming."

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"Women with good taste, you mean."

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"If you prefer!"

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"I think it's a more accurate description."

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"Going to put that in your report on me?"

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"I just might."

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"Not the worst thing the Second Army could have on record."

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"Make sure we're getting the full picture."

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"Call it cultural exchange."

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"That's the spirit."

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"Anyways - I'm up for helping out with other issues, so long as I'm here. Make sure you get out of this clean, and all."

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"Ah, yeah. Kaz has a scheme going. I'm sure she'll have something you can do."

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"A scheme? Sounds fun."

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"It will be at least mildly criminal, but I assume you don't care very much for Kerch law."

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"Don't care much for law in general. Svetka might make frowny faces at me if I cause an international incident, but I bet I can avoid getting caught."

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"Not getting caught is usually a goal, yeah."

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"Only usually."

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"Fair, yes. They should be returning at some point, if you want to talk."

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She nods. "I'll need to speak to Sturmhund, too, for anything likely to keep me here longer."

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"Make sure your ride doesn't leave you high and dry?"

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"Or so she isn't waiting up for me."

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"Wouldn't want that."

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"She might want to join in the fun, too, though I can't make any promises for her."

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"We'll see."

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"It's worth checking - though I'll want to know what we're in for first."

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"I just got an outline. Kaz has all the information."

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"Yeah, I'll talk to her. I've got time before Sturmhund's expecting me back."

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"Sounds good."

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Anything else in the meantime? 

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Not reall-

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Trassel is here. Pet Trassel. Wolf head very good place for pets, no problems ever with hand on wolf head.

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She looks like a very good girl who definitely deserves pets, sure. (Is wolf head in fact a no problems place for hands?)

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For the true of heart. Which Trassel has judged Valeriya to be.

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Then pats!

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Good, gooooood.

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And ear rubs.

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This is a good human.

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And a very good pupper!

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Heh heh heh.

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Kaz does, at some point, make it back.

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She'll probably find Val still with her hands buried in the floof.

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Yeah. That is... not her problem.

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Though Val looking at her and chirping, "Hey Kaz!" might be. 

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"Val. Fancy seeing you here."

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"Thought I'd see if that offer of hospitality was still good."

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"Haven't quite got the service up to standard at this location."

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"Guess I'll have to stick around for a little bit, then."

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"You planning on getting more involved?"

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"I'd like to help."

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"Just you, not Ravka?"

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"I'm not acting officially, here. Though, if you want help beyond just me..."

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She shakes her head. "This is personal."

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"Then so is my help."

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"Fair enough. Welcome aboard, then."

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"So what's the plan?"

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The short of it is, Kaz is running a con on the Merchant Council to get the money her crew was promised. This might have the side effect of making them more leery of investing in jurda. Van Eck's being set up to take the fall and at the end of it, he'll be committing 'suicide' out of shame.

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Sounds good to her. 

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Excellent. Then, as to specifics...

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Val's pretty flexible as a operative here - and if Kaz wants, she can check if Sturmhund feels like helping out, too?

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What the hell. The more, the merrier.

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"I'll let you know what she says - unless you want to talk to her yourself?"

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"I'm busy enough right now. Sound her out, and if she's interested, then we'll talk."

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"Will do."

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"Anything else?"

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Not really. 

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Cool. She's gonna go take a nap.