Guy who is doing his best, which is still very bad
To Our Wise and Good Queen:
Here I present several proposals on how the gladiatorial games may be reintroduced without undue Evil. The games were always a great boon to our city, and it is certainly possible to bring them back without those elements that were the work of Asmodeus.
Firstly, prisoners could be given the chance to participate in the games, and the victor could be set free. I have heard that the Good gods are pleased by mercy, and if a man is to be condemned to death regardless, it is far more merciful to give him the chance to earn a pardon. The victors could even be put to work as adventurers and thereby allowed to redeem themselves by protecting your subjects from monsters and bandits.
Secondly, for those prisoners whom you do not wish to condemn to death, they might still fight in the games without this being Evil. For if the prisoners are denied weapons and commanded to fight each other with their fists, and a cleric watches from the sidelines while preparing to heal anyone who needs it, it is very unlikely that anyone will die, but we will still be entertained.
Thirdly, one could seek out the services of a great wizard, such as the Archmage Kotonet, and request that they give the wild beast the form of a man. (It is possible the Archhealer Naime's blessing of Reincarnation would be sufficient, but I am uncertain whether it works on all beasts.) If this beast is compelled to fight a lion, it will appear as if a man is fighting a lion, but in truth no people shall be harmed. If beasts given the form of men prove insufficient to the task, one might perform the same transformation on an orc, or a kobold, or any other creature that is neither fully human nor fully beast.
In your humble service,
Fabià Ivorra