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it's a piece of chalk, actually
Permalink Mark Unread
Parking on the street at Brenda's is full. It's what he gets for showing up for the 7:30 rush, instead of his usual 6AM. He takes the Volvo around to the back parking lot- the one that's not connected to the road, where you have to drive over the curb. It's... probably a parking lot. It's paved, after all. It's on the coffee shop's property. There's no "employee only" signs, anyway. There is, within reason, room to park a car. Maxwell Wax is sure the management will understand, if they even leave their room long enough to notice.

Hm? Who's this? Some kid in a hoodie, smoking a cigarette behind the building. He's standing right in the way of... what looks more or less like a parking spot, off to the side of some graffiti on the ground. He honks at the kid, who panics and drops his cigarette. Wasn't even lit. Did him a favor, in Max's opinion. He knows firsthand how bad those things can mess you up. He watches the kid round a corner, and pulls into the probably-parking-space. 

He hears a snapping sound as he pulls in. Must've run over the cigarette... do cigarettes go "snap"?

In his rearview mirror, he sees nobody standing on top of the graffiti, and then abruptly sees somebody standing on top of the graffiti. There is no transition between these two states.
Permalink Mark Unread
There is now a shirtless young man in jeans, with dark blue bat wings, where once there was no one.

The newcomer doesn't seem surprised to be there, but he looks at the graffiti, and then grins. "Summoner? Hey? Where are you at?"
Permalink Mark Unread
Max honks his horn, and hurriedly gets out of the car to get a good look at the person. He didn't hear what the sudden person had to say, but his attention is now really extremely engaged.

Largely on account of the wings. Those are not a thing people have.

There is a distressed, vaguely interrogative sound that does not quite constitute a question.
Permalink Mark Unread

"Hey, did you summon me? This looks like a parking lot, I didn't think I'd managed that well - anyway I am the easiest demon to pay off of all time, what do you want, I will make it for you for half an hour with a working phone."

Permalink Mark Unread
None of the words he just said made anything make sense! Max bets that if he repeats some of them back to him with question marks after them, he will have better luck.

"Wha... phone? Demon? Parking lot? Summon... demon? Phone?"
Permalink Mark Unread

"...I am a demon. I seem to have been summoned here, since, here I am, and you're the only person around I see, although the car thing is unorthodox. Did you not intend to get a demon? Do you need an angel or a fairy instead and you just screwed up? That would explain the total lack of binding. Well, partially."
Permalink Mark Unread
"You're a- that's not! You can't- angel? Fairy? Who was- did that kid- I didn't- summon?!"

Max did not just accidentally summon a demon! He feels like he would know if he had summoned a demon! This feeling, despite not being connected to any conscious thought about what it would be like to summon a demon, is enough to ensure the words do not reduce his confusion for the time being.
Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, look, this is easy, relax: who made the last mark in this circle?"

Permalink Mark Unread
Max looks at the circle. It's drawn in chalk, in handwriting that isn't quite legible, and there is...

There is a smear of chalk that reads, where it is legible, "oodyea", on the edge of the circle. Max looks back and forth between the chalk smear and the dusty white spot on one of his Goodyear tires.

Still not progressing past some vaguely accusatory sentence fragments, he points at the oodyea.
Permalink Mark Unread

"...And you were driving, so I think you count as my summoner. But I'm not actually that interested in returning to Hell and I'm unbound so if you would rather I fucked off and you never had to see me again I am completely on board with that plan." He shakes his wings loose from their folded position.

Permalink Mark Unread
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa. No. That is not what is happening right now. He pulls out his cell phone.

"Nnnno! No no no no! What- wait! What's this? What's- summon- what are you- phone! I have a phone! You- where-"

He takes a deep breath. It is time for big boy words now.

"...I want you to explain to me what just happened, and how it is possible. Can you do that?"
Permalink Mark Unread

"...Yeah, sure. Okay, so: magic is real! Surprise. There exist three kinds of 'daeva': demons and angels and fairies. Drawing the right circle summons us. Normally there would be more bindings on the circle than there are on this one to prevent me from rampaging but I don't feel like rampaging so it's okay. The standard deal is that you summon one to do some magic for you. Demons make things, angels change things, fairies move things. You have to work out something the daeva wants - fairies are easy to pay because they can't just make whatever they want at home like that." He snaps his fingers. "I don't know who was summoning an unbound demon if it wasn't you who drew the rest of this circle - actually, come to think of it, they should probably be found and scared out of doing that, unbound daeva are dangerous."

Permalink Mark Unread
Okay, this is good. A nice and straightforward explanation that is completely crazy and can't be true.

"Now- wait- what?! Magic- why didn't- wouldn't I have heard about- why is this a secret?! Where's your shirt!"

That last question wasn't really connected to the previous one, and Max isn't sure why he asked it. It just seemed like the sort of thing that demanded an explanation.
Permalink Mark Unread

"...I have wings. I can put on a shirt if it bothers you, they're just easier to dispense with, because, wings. And you wouldn't have heard about it because somebody murdered me before I could make it generally known. I tried, dude, there are some serious economic incentives to keep it mum though."

Permalink Mark Unread
"What kind of economic-"

He takes a deep breath.

"First thing- you said you wanted a phone, as payment for... something. If I give you this phone, how many answers will that buy? What sort of leverage does... what's with this circle?"
Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't want to keep your phone, I want to call some people. And I don't even really need to do that, because you have no idea how to send me back to Hell, so I can just go find a pay phone if those haven't died out completely and feed it counterfeit quarters, or outright visit them - whether you feel like letting me or not - but you're sort of entertaining. The circle summoned me. If you draw one exactly like it again you will get a near-random, completely loose demon. I really don't recommend that."

Permalink Mark Unread
No leverage. Okay. He'll have to keep being... sort of entertaining.

"So... you... the big question is still 'how is this a secret?' What are these economic incentives that prevent people from talking about... wherever... you came from?"
Permalink Mark Unread

"So, I'm a demon. I can make stuff. If you had summoned me bound properly so I could not just flap off and do whatever I want, and said, 'I will give you half an hour on the phone if you will make me an exact duplicate of the original Mona Lisa', I would have made you an exact duplicate of the Mona Lisa, bam - ideally you'd pick a painting you could actually flip because I think everybody knows the real Mona Lisa is in the Louvre, but, you know - because I don't really care about the stability of the black market in paintings, see? So there are some people who know how to summon demons and angels and fairies, and if nobody else knows they can do that, then they can sell all the Mona Lisas - flawless emeralds, electron microscopes, outright counterfeit cash - that they want. Or if they prefer to work with angels they can get paid to take radioactive waste off people's hands and turn it into grilled cheese sandwiches, or if they want to summon fairies they can power an enormous generator for what it costs to keep the fairy in muffins and trinkets, fairies are cheap. But if everyone knows how to do it, they lose their advantage, so, when I started trying to look into how to go public with 'oh my god, you can summon magical beings', I got shot in the head. And died. And went to Hell, which, not a bad deal, it's pretty nice there."

Permalink Mark Unread
"And... there's no way for you, or an angel, or- you can't just come here on your own, then? If the only way for these... worlds, I guess, to interact at all, is through these summoning circles, and anyone who knows how to make one has incentive to keep it secret..."

Dear god, that makes sense. That, all by itself, suffices to explain why such a major part of the universe could have been kept secret indefinitely. Max breathes.

"So... okay, back to- Hell, there's - not a bad deal? Is it- is it just called Hell, or is there- there's angels, what's... theologically...?"
Permalink Mark Unread

"Transit is indeed live-human-initiated only. It's sort of just called Hell? I mean - there are demons and lakes of fire in it, but there's also a sense in which we're just called demons. And the lakes of fire are for garbage disposal, since we can only make stuff, not get rid of it. I have detected no evidence of a deity orchestrating anything. When I used to talk to angels they never mentioned one either. Demons and angels as groups don't care for each other for stupid racism reasons, it's annoying, makes the interworld mail system all screwy. Demons are the ones with bat wings who make stuff, angels are the ones with bird wings who change stuff, there's not a lot of fancy metaphysics on top of that unless I don't get briefed until I've been a demon for fifty years or something."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And... is all this... which way do the arrows go with how... I assume it's not a coincidence that there's all this mythology about demons and angels and such, but... you said you went to hell when you died, so are... the bat wings and such... somehow reflective of unrelated cultural icons, or did Hell somehow... influence human culture such that... bat wings, I'd imagine it's the first thing, since you couldn't culturally influence the existence of bats..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, I didn't actually have the wings right away when I died. Most demons aren't dead people, they just happen, I have no idea why or how, and those have bat wings. So when dead humans become demons we make ourselves matching wings, since, flying, awesome, and looking like an angel in Hell, not so awesome, and fairy wings don't actually work, they're for decoration, fairies are telekinetic, so that kind of limits our options. I'm pretty sure no real bats have blue wings."

Permalink Mark Unread
"So... you can modify your appearances, then. Likely to be... some kind of cultural phenomenon, not a fundamental part of..."

Okay, Max is realizing there were more important questions.

"So- Hell, what- are there different places for- where is Hell, is it... another planet, and I teleported you, or is it a parallel world, or... how does it relate to the universe? Should I be worried about physics?"
Permalink Mark Unread

"Hell is natively infinite vacuum which is not physically contiguous with - this." He waves, generally, at the entire mortal world. "Demons have added things to it; most of the civilization is on a gigantic tacky plane of solid gold. I am not a physicist, so I can't tell you much about whether any laws of physics are being broken apart from our ability to make stuff and be summoned, but when there is a source of gravity water flows downhill and my laptop works and stuff like that."

Permalink Mark Unread
There is half a sigh of relief.

"And... 'making stuff', is that... what does that mean? If you wanted to just 'make' a phone, could you do that, or would you need to... know how phones work, and how to build one? Do you know where the... information content, so to speak, of things you make comes from?"
Permalink Mark Unread

"I can copy things without knowing how they work. Angels have a harder time with the detail work - and they're slower - and they need raw materials, so being a demon is the best deal overall. But I do have to know something about what I'm copying. I can make a book I've never read with title and author, but I can't just guess that there must be a book with such and such an ISBN and produce a copy. Also, I'm pretty sure if I make a phone it will not start out subscribed to Verizon or whatever phone companies are popular these days."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's a... really strange limitation, actually. You can make a book using a title and author, but not if you make up a title and author, or an ISBN... your magic system would have to have some sort of... underlying search capability, so that you can ask for Moby Dick by Herman Melville and the magic does all the work of figuring out what that is and where to find all the words to put inside of it. Is there... does anyone know what does that, or is it-" there's a brief pause, he makes a face- "-an unsolved mystery?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"If there's a solution to it, I don't know about it. There's not really a thriving demonic science community - not that demons don't do science, there's just dramatically less collaboration when you don't need to band together for funding in order to have all the sciencey swag you may want."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And- do fairies and angels run on similar systems? Infinite void, some are people but others just appear, mysterious magic powers... or are they each their own kind of thing?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fairies get Flatland with preexisting air and plants and geography and wildlife, it sounds like it's really pretty there from what I've heard. Angels get infinite glowy cloud-fluff that they tunnel through to make other things. I think both of them work on the mostly spontaneously generated, some dead humans, deal."

Permalink Mark Unread
"And... christ, it's an afterlife? You got killed, and... were you Bad, or- how worried do I need to be about, about being killed, now that I know this stuff?"

He looks around nervously. Whoever that was in the hoodie, earlier... Max doesn't want to tangle with them, considering how much more they must have known.
Permalink Mark Unread

"Not everybody turns into a daeva when they die, I know that much, most people wind up in Limbo, but I don't know how the sorting works. Demon is what I would have picked, but I don't remember making a decision. I don't think I was bad by any conventional definition. And I would be a bit worried about getting killed if I were you."

Permalink Mark Unread
"...Limbo. That's... I mean, I'm worried about getting killed, sure, but not the same kind of worried I'd be if I hadn't just had the existence of an afterlife confirmed."

He frowns.

"Is Limbo... unpleasant?"
Permalink Mark Unread

"Limbo sounds - disappointing. It's a flat place with air in it, like Fairyland, but there isn't any of the stuff - I am informed that Limboites get stuff when they die and appear there, and they'll take presents from demons when we get concordances, but otherwise it's just dirt and sky going on forever. It's not like it's a disaster if they don't have water or food or whatever - they're just as indestructible as daeva, we can get thirsty but not really as far as parched, same with hunger etcetera - it's just. Boring."

Permalink Mark Unread
"It's got people in it, doesn't it? Hard for anywhere to be boring when there's people. Why else would I keep coming h-"


"Wait. Wait. Indestructible?"
Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. I can get hurt, just not very much. If you shot me I'd bleed but not break a rib. Kindly don't try it."

Permalink Mark Unread
"And- indestructible generally, or indestructible as in can't die? Is there..."

Today may be a very good day to cancel his health insurance.
Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, I'm thoroughly immortal, it's pretty great."

Permalink Mark Unread
A grin spreads across his face.

"So... you said you were trying to spread the word on this, right? Before you got shot?"

Max holds out his cell phone. He is very much in favor of secrets being revealed, especially when they are highly convenient secrets that will make his life easier. And if the secrets are not revealed, it seems likely that the current pattern will hold wherein nobody knows what the hell is going on with all this afterlife business.
Permalink Mark Unread
"Yeah. That was the plan. Not my first order of business with the phone, though."

Cam takes the phone and dials and waits.
Permalink Mark Unread

Max opens his car door and retrieves a notepad and pencil from a bag on the floor while Cam makes his call. He peers at the chalk circle and starts copying it down- two halves on separate pages, in case drawing it would actually summon another demon.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Dude, that is not a good circle, it is not safe, I will teach you to do a safe circle later if you want," says Cam, conjuring water to rinse away the chalk. "It's - Dad! Dad don't hang up it's really not a prank I swear to - oh god this is a long story."

Permalink Mark Unread
"HEY! I was-" he sputters, but is swiftly distracted by noticing the water-conjuring. The wings and the sudden appearance had been enough to suspend his disbelief, but the reminder that the demon was telling the truth jars Max somewhat.

Also, he's calling his dad?
Permalink Mark Unread
He appears to be totally calling his dad.

"No, it wasn't - not exactly, but I'm here now - Dad, okay, listen, in case something happens, draw on the garage floor in anything handy, chalk's fine - draw a circle with a gap in the line, big enough to stand in, and around it write legibly these exact words, do you have a pen - okay - I summon the demon, insert my full name, to appear in this circle. And if I don't show up to visit, or if I visit and then I vanish suddenly, draw the gap closed. It's a long long fucking story, I will be there to help with the incredulity thing soon, okay, but do you have those words down? Okay. I need to call Mom, is her phone number the -? Okay. I love you too. I'm so sorry."
Permalink Mark Unread
"First thing you do is call your parents, huh? Number one order of business when you come back to life?"

Max actually thinks that's kind of sweet, he supposes.
Permalink Mark Unread

The demon hangs up. "I died five years ago. I was twenty-two. I've been taking summons since then hoping for a chance to get ahold of them." He dials a different number.

Permalink Mark Unread

While the demon calls- his mom, he assumes- Max checks around the corner where the summoner fled, in case they're still around. There are people in the street, but none in the same outfit- if the summoner is here, they've changed clothes.

Permalink Mark Unread
The demon actually addresses the person who picks up as "Phil". "Hi, Phil, can I talk to Renée? Do I? Huh. Anyway, is she home? It's urgent." And then he says, "Hi Mom."

Renée actually talks loud enough that Max can hear her if he tries. "I - excuse me?"

"This isn't a prank, swear to God, I just called Charlie, too, check with him if you want. Listen, this is such a long, long story but in case something happens - do you have a pen and paper?"

"...I do."

The demon gives her the same instructions about summoning him that he gave to Charlie. "I'm going to find out where I am, I have actually no idea, and see if it's faster to fly to your place or Charlie's, okay? And if I don't show up and I'm not at Charlie's you finish that circle. I'm so sorry about everything, I'm sorry I didn't explain -"

"It's okay, sweetheart - but I don't understand -"

"It's - complicated, but long story short I died and went to Hell but it's okay it's nice there I'm fine I swear and now you know how to get ahold of me if I get sent back before I intend to."

"I - I should call Charlie."

"Yeah, do. And apologize to Phil for me? Thanks."

And thus ends the call to the demon's mom.
Permalink Mark Unread

"So, now what? You said you were working on getting the word out- did you have a plan to do it without getting killed, that... failed, or did that part come as a surprise?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I had, like - some of a plan. It didn't go well, and I'd still rather not be shot even if it's not such a showstopper, so I want to rethink it some, especially since as a daeva myself I can no longer summon anybody myself and would have to enlist a human to do it. Where are we?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We're behind Brend- I mean, we're in... New Jersey, edge of Newark. West ward, I think, might be North but they keep redrawing the borders every election season. Gerrymandering, y'know. Any of that relevant?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"New Jersey was all I needed to know, means I'm closer to her house than his and should start out southward."

Permalink Mark Unread
"Now hold up! You said you'd teach me how to make one of those summoning circles- you can't just trash my only reference and leave! Or-"

Wait, no.

"Or- sorry, you probably didn't mean immediately. How long are you planning to stick around?"
Permalink Mark Unread

"It'll take me at least, ugh, half a day, probably more, to fly to Mom's, so a couple hours won't make a difference if you continue to be entertaining. You want a safe demon circle?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"General principles would be more useful than a schematic, unless it's all just specific diagrams you have to memorize. I... suspect it's not as precise as all that if this one was completed by running over a piece of chalk, though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's not that precise. You need a circle that is more circular than it is anything else, and I recommend completing that part last. And around the circle you write what you want to get and how they're bound, in whatever language, English works fine. The one I described to my parents will work to summon me, specifically, but if you aren't acquainted with a specific daeva -" Cam gestures at Max's notebook. "There, generic standard-binding circles for whichever daeva types. And safety instructions, do not unbind random daeva you do not know, do not make stupid deals with them."

Permalink Mark Unread
Max flips through his notebook, alarmed. As promised, it's been filled out with diagrams and instructions. He'll have to take a closer look at those- but first...

"So- making things, that extends to making graphite or ink on existing paper? You can just- that's not some other kind of magic?"
Permalink Mark Unread

"Same thing, yeah. I mean, I could sort of do it with parlor tricks but it'd be preposterously slow and tedious and shorter range."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...Parlor what now?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"There's extremely tiny, nigh-pointless magic that humans can do besides summoning. It takes a lot of concentration - I didn't even bother trying all the exercises in the books I had until my first summon worked and I had reason to believe there was something to it, because even though it gets easier after practice you have to focus really fucking hard to do really fucking trivial tricks."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What? How tiny are we talking? Does it require... some specific trigger that people aren't likely to stumble upon just by trying really hard, something that people wouldn't... notice, if they didn't have instructions beforehand? I can see people keeping daeva a secret, but why that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't know nearly enough about, like, intensive meditation practices, to know if anybody's likely to have stumbled on it. And the tricks are all so stupid and tiny - would you believe somebody if he cornered you and was like "look, magic" and a blotch slowly appeared on a piece of paper, but he couldn't put it in a specific place if you drew him a target?"

Permalink Mark Unread
"Sure, but... people pick up on all kinds of tiny hidden phenomena that don't seem significant. They become quirks of physics, not magic- ordinary, mundane things. The question is, why would these be different? If anyone can do the blotch thing, why is that a secret magic technique and not... no more special than being able to raise one eyebrow, or break glass with a high pitch?"

He thinks for a second.

"Actually... are there things like that, which people discovered but just treat as normal and ignore because they're useless?"
Permalink Mark Unread

"I think I am not the expert you are looking for on that."

Permalink Mark Unread
"Right, right, okay. I'll want to summon an expert, then. Is that... in here-" he shakes his notepad to indicate it- "-in the notepad, instructions on... a way to summon daeva based on particular criteria, or are your only options summon-by-name and summon-randomly?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, that's it. You have to know who you want or take whoever answers first."

Permalink Mark Unread

Worse comes to worst, he can ask a well-connected enough demon for a demon phone book, or a- well, summoning demons sounds like maybe not the first thing he should... oh, christ, that's racist, isn't it.

"So- god- I just want to be sure- you mentioned demons going on rampages, having to bind them- are demons more dangerous than angels or- um... fairies, in general, is there... is that racist to ask? I... oh, jeez."
Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, let me put it this way. A fairy can kill you. An angel can kill you easily. A demon can destroy the entire planet."

Permalink Mark Unread
Max drops his note- no, he fumbles and catches it.

"Okay, um. That's- that's scary, I took for granted they're all, powerful, but, like, I meant... temperament, like are... mythologically demons are evil, as opposed to... other kinds of... I mean, you're clearly not... uh..."
Permalink Mark Unread

"A daeva that wants to wreak havoc won't kill their summoner," Cam adds. "They'll render the summoner unconscious and put them somewhere safe, so they don't get dismissed. Dead summoner equals instant dismissal, and you have to be conscious to non-instantly dismiss a summon. Tempermentally speaking - I don't think demons are, as a population, meaner than angels or fairies are. But demons are harder to pay. You can get a fairy to rearrange your furniture for a batch of cookies, because the fairy would have to make or buy the cookies back home, and rearranging your furniture is easier than that. You can get an angel to change stuff for you in exchange for anything complicated or that the angel doesn't have the skills to whip up, because angel magic requires doing your own detail work, an angel can't just create a houseplant or a new videogame for themselves like," he snaps his fingers, "that. The things you can produce to interest a demon are few and far between. Most of us don't want to make phone calls. So the demons who are going to bother with summons are the ones that want - let's say 'intangibles'. You are extremely lucky you got me."

Permalink Mark Unread
"So... okay! Nearly... nearly died, there. That would have been a great start to the morning. I take it they're not... psychologically the same as humans, in the... 'killing people and causing harm is taboo' sense."

Max rubs his forehead.
Permalink Mark Unread

"You wouldn't likely have died, you'd have been put in a chemical coma and stashed somewhere," says Cam. "And - even naturally occurring daeva aren't crystalline aliens or anything. Remember, summons are going to be a non-representative sample. Even some humans like killing people and causing harm. And I don't think the number of daeva who are into it is that surprising given how much you can tweak human psychology by making a human totally self-sufficient and magically powerful and immortal and indestructible, putting them in a social situation where nobody they have to live with will find out or care if they cause mayhem in this other place, and then turning them loose." Pause. "Oh, and the daeva generally have it as common knowledge that if they kill people worst case scenario the people go to Limbo. They don't, like, cease to exist, or burn for eternity for their sins, or anything."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So my best bet, if I'm just looking for information, is to work with fairies, then- less dangerous, more easily bought. Anything I should know about them? You mentioned they... 'move things'?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fairies are telekinetic. They can move as much stuff as they can keep track of at whatever speed and in whatever direction they like. You can get them to open doors that are locked on the far side or send things into low Earth orbit or take you flying or, if you really have something they want, sit in front of a generator and spin it for a few hours, but I'd recommend giving them a book if you want to do that last. Some of the really sharp ones can start and stop fires almost without doing anything else detectable, although of course they're really using friction and moving the oxygen away from the fire. Most of them aren't that creative on their own - for them it's utterly trivial and everyday that they can do this, it'd be like a tree going 'wow, human, you can walk, have you ever considered becoming a world class ballet dancer' - like, ballet exists, but most people don't do it."

Permalink Mark Unread
"Right. Okay, that sounds... I can work with that, I think. ...Assuming these instructions are on the level- I can't think of why demons would generally have an incentive to spread misinformation, besides being under binding by summoners."

Max pages through his notepad.

"You said you were going to fly to your mother's house, right? How do you plan to do that without being spotted?"
Permalink Mark Unread

"Earth still does that thing where sometimes it's dark, right?"

Permalink Mark Unread
"...Well, yes, but there are... a lot of lights, and a lot of cameras. You'd need to plot a route that avoids population centers, and even then there's the risk of showing up on satellite imaging. And there's the matter of getting out of the city- you'd be-"

He pauses.

"...and your entire thing is letting the secret get out, right."
Permalink Mark Unread

"I mean, even if it weren't, I don't think a couple of photographs on somebody's conspiracy theory website are going to make or break it. I can go up high. I'll look like a somewhat lower-altitude bat or a kite."

Permalink Mark Unread
"And... until it gets dark, do you have any way of... hiding those? How do daeva usually go around doing things for summoners, if they have to keep it secret?"

He points at the demon's wings.
Permalink Mark Unread

"I could put them under a coat?" shrugs the demon. "When I summoned daeva I did it without any witnesses while I was first setting up. I could also cut them off but that'd be messy and I'd just have to remake them to fly."

Permalink Mark Unread
Max exhales. His brain has stopped producing obvious sorts of questions. It is time to take a moment to deliberately produce non-obvious questions.

What is the major consequence of this new information? Parallel worlds, okay. He has a semantic explanation of summoning- provided Cam is successful in neutralizing the dangers of open investigation, it shouldn't be too much trouble to find a lab with instruments for measuring the underlying mechanics. That goes on the back burner... or...

"Er- you said you got shot- do you know who did it, and how they found out you were summoning daeva? If it's just a matter of not being too overt, that's one thing, but I want to know what kind of safety measures I ought to be using if I'm doing my own investigation."
Permalink Mark Unread

"I have a few suspects. I think one of the daeva told someone - there are so many fairies and angels who take summons that with this few summoners operative you aren't likely to get one that sees regular use by somebody else when you're taking randoms, but I summoned demons too and fewer demons take summons, so it was probably a demon. I haven't run into anybody I met while alive in Hell, though, so I can't confirm."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So, I don't want to go around telling everyone I summon about plans to publicize summoning. But... you don't know, specifically- can you be sure that there isn't some way you could have been spied on regardless of whether you told anyone? The types of magic... there's parlor tricks, summoning, and the native magic of daeva, but none of those seem like natural kinds. Are there... any other types of magic to worry about, or is it well-established that those are the only tools available?"

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"I am not aware of any other kinds. It's not impossible I could be missing something, but I've gotten a lot of reading done in the last five years."

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Right. Hm.

The demon could fly the coop at any minute- with the summoning notes, that's not an enormous setback, since Max could just summon another daeva- but this one is, by his own account, unusually forthcoming, and his price has already been paid. What information could he get from him that he's unlikely to get from the next summoned daeva?

...most of them were never human, is the most obvious. Becoming a daeva is an attractive option, but Max would like to avoid getting stuck in Limbo with no powers at all.

"So- you don't know how the sorting works, humans becoming daeva when they die? Do you have any theories, or... do you know, say, how often people end up in Hell versus Limbo or whatever?"
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"I don't have great numbers on that. It's pretty hard to get accurate census data. One thing I do notice is that daeva don't look quite like humans - they don't cluster ethnically the same way. You get blue eyes and brown skin and red hair on the same daeva just about as often as you get a trifecta of brown, where in humans you need exciting ancestry for that. So, if I assume that a representative population of daeva live in the city where I live and that this phenomenon is real and not a matter of deliberate cosmetic choices, I think I may well have never seen another ex-human in Hell in person, not enough to be sure that they weren't just normal-looking by happenstance - that there's thousands of natural daeva for every one that died. And the post office folks say if you want to talk to someone who's probably dead you just send their mail to Limbo, so if there's much like me going on it's not enough to affect the postal system."

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That they're human-looking at all... probably the same thing that's responsible for the bat thing. But...

"Hm... so, a random distribution of physical traits... makes me suspect that the existence of daeva is intentional on someone's behalf. Genes aren't discretely packaged and identified such that a simple magic effect could pick from a List of Random Human Appearance Parts. It'd have to have been done on purpose... and..."

He snaps his fingers.

"Experiment. I've got a prediction, here- would you say that daeva- or demons, at least- generally look... aesthetically pleasing? Pretty? Or, at least, about as attractive as the mean in human populations? Or are they usually, for lack of a better word, ugly, or uncanny in some way?"
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"Well, some of them make alterations that I don't find that appealing. The ones who as far as I can tell just plain look that way - no fangs or spines or tattoos or pointed ears or anything you'd get kicked out of a piercing shop for asking about - they look fine on average, I guess? I don't stand out except for being part of an ethnic cluster, and that happens often enough by chance and I don't think demons automatically notice it anyway. We don't get acne or need braces or anything, which probably helps."

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"Hmmmm. Right. That matches my prediction- if you really built a human face by... randomly selecting traits independent of one another, from across the entire gene pool... most of the time, it'd come out looking wrong, an uncanny valley effect. Unless... I mean, unless the way you process those things changed when you became a demon... on average, human brains recognize pretty faces by how close they approximate the average features of their population. If all traits seem uncorrelated, and they still look 'fine' in general, that implies there's a more complicated selection going on behind the scenes. Whatever it is that makes daeva faces wants them to look okay, on top of looking human."

Max's grin indicates that he believes himself to have stumbled onto an important conspiracy.
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"I mean, if they don't like how they look, they can fill their systems with morphine and reconstruct the hell out of their faces, we do not have the same limitations as humans on cosmetic changes and I have never seen a brand new daeva appear. I didn't want to change anything except adding the wings, although I might decide to get a tail one day, but if somebody appeared and was weirdly asymmetrical or something they could just fix it."

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Max frowns. The feeling of a complicated chain of logic coming undone thanks to a single inconvenient fact... was never his favorite feeling.

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"Sorry about your creationism theory."

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"Well, I'm not done with creationism quite yet. Not ten minutes ago I was informed of the existence of Hell, so... the possibility space has widened considerably."

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"There are demons but no sign of a Lucifer, angels but nowhere to leave a message for God, and fairies but no evidence of a Titania - well, that's not technically true, fairies form political units and some of those probably have queens and I can't guarantee you that Titania wasn't named after one, but anyway."

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"Sure, not as such, but... demons? Fairies? Angels? All with their own special magic powers, in their own special worlds, without... without any plausible evolutionary mechanism to account for them? It's all so... storybook. And all I've got to explain storybooks, for now, is storytellers. If there are demon natural historians with other explanations, I'd love to meet them."

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"The ones I've heard of don't take summons. And they tend to come off more like philosophers than anything, and they're damn shaky on mortal science in most cases... I remind you that there is significantly a sense in which demons are just what we are called."

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"You are immortal people with bat wings and magic powers that you summon with magic circles. You mentioned angels literally live on fluffy clouds. I'm going to call that close enough to raise suspicion."

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"They live in the fluffy clouds. In sort of caves in the clouds. Since the fluff goes on forever in all directions. Are you familiar with how long humans have had written language? And the ability to draw circles? It's been longer than the lifespan of any religions with which you are familiar."

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"Oh, no, did you think- I didn't mean... lord, not at all, I didn't mean God, that'd be- that'd be- I'm not- I meant, it seems likely that these things exist as a product of... some sort of deliberate engineering or manipulation by someone, at some point in history, not... did it sound like I was implying that the whole time?"

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"No, I get that you're leaning Creationist, I just think you have the causality backwards, I don't think anybody invented angels because they thought having angels around would be peachy keen, I think someone met an angel and that concept leaked."

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"And the concept leaked... to bats? To people in general? If the visual similarities... well, I suppose that'd be a history thing, you could ask a daeva if they looked like humans before humans existed."

Max spaces out for a moment.

"And, and, and the book-making thing, there's definitely an intelligence there, if not a creator intelligence- there's..."

He looks up.

"...I don't suppose you give a damn?"
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"How many ways to have wings do you think there are? Also, just to totally confound you forever, demons and possibly really patient angels can make animals. They come out really stupid if they're more complicated than, like, snails, but we can still do it. I'd be fascinated if I thought there was a non-negligible chance that the creator you're postulating could be prevailed upon to do anything useful or was going to mess up my life in some way, but... no sign of such inclinations."

Permalink Mark Unread
"Oh, come ON! They can make- you can make- that's not! That's completely going to mess up...! That's not fair! How is that allowed? Goddamn... bats are probably..."

Max sits down on the trunk of his car and buries his face in his hands.
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Cam appears a butterfly on Max's knee. It opens and closes its wings.

"Are we done here?" Cam wonders.
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"...Yeah. Yeah, we're... I guess, could I get some gold, or something? And then... you go... change the world, or whatever."

Max flips through his notepad again, skimming the instructions. They look real enough, demon's probably not lying. Demon's probably not lying. But they're just called demons, right? But... that's what a demon would say, if it wanted you to trust it.

...egh. If it's a trap, he's hardly going to ignore it and walk away.
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"Sure, just make sure you sell it before the market collapses. How much you want and shaped how?"

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"It would do that, yeah. Uh... want to pay rent for a while, probably... a couple gallons of wedding bands would probably be easy enough to hock. Just, uh... drop 'em in the backseat there, maybe?"

This almost feels like an irresponsible use of demon-summoning. Max isn't sure what a responsible use of demon-summoning would be, but it isn't that.
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"Sure. Plain, not engraved Lisa heart Trevor or stamped with designs or anything?"

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"Uh, plain, thanks."

Max stares incredulously.

"...it's like ordering a burger. This is a drive-thru demon summoning. Would I like fries with that, yes, thank you very much. Will that be cash or credit or your immortal soul?"
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"I can't actually take your soul. But consider not spreading that fact around. The only time it would be relevant would be if I were dickish enough to get a kick out of demanding it and my summoner were desperate enough to take a deal like that."

Two gallons of wedding bands are now in the backseat of Max's car. And Cam presents him with a small order of piping hot French fries as a flourish.
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Max takes the french fries and stares at them for a moment. He waits for the situation to sink in, feeling that there ought to be something significant about this moment in his life. And all that sinks in is 'boy, these smell delicious'.

He takes a bite. It is very tasty. He sighs in disbelief.

"I'm lovin' it."

And then- "Wait- when did you die, again? You might not- the joke is- McDonalds got a slogan a while ago, it's..."
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"I died five years ago, but I can conjure up newspapers. Those are not, however, McDonald's fries."

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"Clearly. They don't taste anything like shoelaces."

There's a brief silence. He looks around.

"So... what now?" he asks the demon, and also himself, and the universe in general.
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"If you're done quizzing me, I fly to Florida. And hope that whoever drew most of this circle isn't going to try again and get somebody less friendly next time."

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"...Disneyworld rides less fun in comparison to the flying thing, d'you think? And... yeah, I'm going to want to wait around for that whoever-they-were, stop them from... summoning someone who can... I assume demons are more dangerous than the other kinds because... you can make nukes, or antimatter, or something?"

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"There's nothing like really, properly flying. We can't do antimatter straight up, although we can make all the equipment you'd use to generate the stuff the long way around. Nuke's easy. An angel could do a nuke too, but they'd have to actually know how they're put together."

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He gets up and opens the car door. Bunch of gold rings, check.

"So I guess... you can do your thing, and I'll... try to summon some fairy scientists, I guess. Thanks for..."

He gestures at his notebook and the gold rings, then taps his head.

"...for all the... stuff."
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"Sure, you're welcome."

Cam unfurls his wings.

And takes off, gaining altitude until he's plausibly a bat who's drunk too much coffee.
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Max gets in his car and tells his GPS to search for a craft supply store. He's going to go through a considerable amount of butcher paper and chalk, in a little bit.