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Not Invited - Lilia Ramona de Montero
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Long long ago, in a place moderately far away - Korvosa, a port city that broke away from Cheliax during the civil war and has maintained its independence (after a fashion (if you don't count the fact that a Duke of Hell is secretly in power in the Academae)) - a little girl was born.

Her mother was the archmage Myrabelle, one of the most powerful figures in the Inner Sea, a Lawful Evil archmage whose name was rarely spoken in voices not heavy with dread, the one woman Terthune Thrune never dared to cross. Her father was a Chelish count who was quite surprised, though not wholly displeased, to learn that Myrabelle had decided to have him as a lover for precisely as long as it took her to conceive a child and not longer. He met Lilia every few years, when business took him to Korvosa. 

She had a sister, by a different father. Rose. Rose was older; Lilia was stronger. They were vicious to each other; Lilia was better at it. Their mother punished disobedience, destructiveness, but not cruelty. She knew what she was raising them for. 

She would need them to conceal their surface thoughts, to be able to comprehensively fool mindreading. They would need to be able to lie under a truth spell. There was a known song-sorcerer spell that could enable that. That wouldn't be good enough, of course, but it was a starting point. She got them wands of it, at unfathomable cost. She taught them to use them. She made them lie to her. 

She tortured them. They would need to be people who could not break under torture. 

They loved her. They were mind controlled to love her, and also she was their mother, and that might have been enough all by itself. She was not the kind of person to find out.

The thing that was being asked of them was impossible. Rose, eventually, gratefully accepted the opportunity to serve her mother some other way, by bearing children Myrabelle needed for a dark experiment. 

Lilia learned not to think any thought she did not wish to think, and then to think them silently and distantly where no spell could reach them. Lilia learned how a truth spell gripped your mind and how to have nothing in your mind for it to grip. 

Lilia sold her soul to Hell. To a devil under Mephistopheles, particularly. Her mother had compacted for controlling rights. Lilia went to work in Egorian.

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Egorian's court was a deadly one. Lilia's mother did not have two of her; she had made Lilia one clone, one backup for certain kinds of error and failure, but mostly she needed Lilia to succeed, in an environment almost no one succeeded in. Lilia could pass her loyalty tests with flying colors; that wasn't enough. Lilia was very clever; that wasn't enough either. Lilia had a handful of secret spells no one else in the world knew; that was extraordinarily helpful, but wouldn't have been enough by itself either.

Lilia had no wants in the world except obtaining power in Egorian. Such people always rise to the top, in places like Egorian, over people with anything they would not trade for power. 

Lilia's mother 'dies'. Lilia rises. When the moment is right the Paracountess Lilia Ramona de Montero helps the Church assassinate Infrexus Thrune and the new Queen names Lilia her spymaster.

Not very many people know her name but those who do all live in fear of it. She is relentless. The only thing she wants in the world is power, and she has it.

Sometimes at night she falls into a Mindscape, and you would not notice even if you were reading her mind, or watching her with Detect Magic, and she tells all Cheliax's secrets to her mother. She does not know what her mother wants to do with them. It does not matter to her. Whether her mother ought to rule Cheliax is not the kind of question that has ever occurred to her; none of the people in whose company she labors would ever think of it themselves. 

She understands, of course, that her mother will burn her cover eventually, and she will be tortured to death and go to Hell. She takes great pride in the fact that she does not care. Self-preservation is among the most stubborn of the mortal instincts, one of the hardest to glide free of. To know that someone will discard you to eternal torment when they have no further use of you, and serve them anyway - that is the height of Asmodean piety. Lilia does not worship Asmodeus, but she is a very good Asmodean. 

She betrays the Thrunes to her mother for year after year and then one day it's not her mother on the other end of the Mindscape. The orders are to get some books stolen from Dis, to bring them back to the Material. There is absolutely no way to do it without being caught. She does not hesitate. To obediently walk into eternal torment you could escape from because you were commanded to, and have long since shredded all your will to disobey, is to be perfect. That she will be perfect and still be discarded does not give her pause; why should a god not discard perfect things?

The only part of this she is upset about later when her mother fishes her out of Hell is that it wasn't her mother giving the order.

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Lilia Ramona de Montero has sold her soul and is irrevocably damned, but that doesn't bother her. Lilia Ramona de Montero has never since she was a tiny child had anyone treat her with human compassion except when she was impersonating someone else, but that doesn't bother her. Lilia Ramona de Montero can't hear a very wide array of sounds without tensing in anticipation of horrific torture, but that doesn't bother her. 

Lilia Ramona de Montero was tricked by a spawn of Rovagug into betraying her country to someone other than her mother. That bothers her. And Lilia Ramona de Montero has dreams whenever she sleeps, dreams of the spawn of Rovagug, clicking urgently, rifling through her memories to try to find ones to hold up and show to her, and she is compromised, and she will never be useful again. That bothers her.

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At Elie Cotonnet's insistence they take off the mind control after the war. 


It does not change anything. She feels grimly triumphant about that. If the mind control had changed anything, she would be a victim, a slave to the mind control. Since the mind control changed nothing, she is a triumph, a tool sculpted well enough to hold its shape. 

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Lilia Ramona de Montero is the best liar in the world. She is not attending the Chelish Constitutional Convention, but if she was, she wouldn't tell you.