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interlude: our carefree lives
were the peak of my heyday
Permalink Mark Unread

Lee Tae-gun. Korea's first and, currently, only S-rank. There are A-rankers who could get the promotion to S-rank, if they wanted to, if they revealed enough of their powers—or, at least, there is one, in Kang Jaeha himself—but this flash in the pan boy was the first one to decide to just go for it and now he's probably learning about how much it sucks to be the center of attention. 

Not that you'd know from just looking at him. He's always gorgeous, stepping out of dungeons, and that's genuinely impressive in itself, but it's even more impressive if Quasar is right that they might be compatible. This implies things about the shape of Lee Tae-gun's backlash, things that suggest he's quite good at self-control, and that he must be holding quite a lot in, to be able to look like that.  So that piques Jaeha's curiosity, and he looks into the boy.

Lee Tae-gun is 21; manifested really late, about a year and a half ago; has had three partners so far, two A-ranks and one B-rank, each lasting a handful of months and ending in the normal way these things do, with two of them finding partners they're more compatible with and one stepping away from dungeoneering. As far as Jaeha can tell, there's nothing particularly out of the ordinary in the boy's history. He's really just very straightforwardly boring. 

And, well, Jaeha is also between partners right now. The story with him is also usually the same: he's never found anyone he had great compatibility with, and they'd all eventually leave, even if they never found someone else. Better alone than with Kang Jaeha. But he doesn't take it personally. He knows they probably want more out of a partnership than he can give. This boy will be no different, they'll spend a while together and help each other survive and eventually the boy will move on and Jaeha won't take it personally either.

So Kang Jaeha is in a meeting room, reading some files and waiting for Lee Tae-gun to arrive so they can figure out whether they'll do business together or not.

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When Lee Tae-gun walks into the room, he has a perfectly placid expression on his face, but when he looks at Kang Jaeha the thing that flashes in his eyes isn't placid. It's a moment of calculation, of quickly analysing Jaeha to determine whether he's a threat. 

It's disconcerting to him that the answer he arrives at is "unclear".

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Jaeha is smiling when Tae-gun does look at him, of course. He's got to give a good first impression, he's charming and nice and friendly and he's feeling... something. Something strange, something—

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guiding? That makes no sense. From this distance?

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"Good morning, Kang Jaeha-nim," he says after the split second of assessment. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

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—right, he has a role to perform. He's on his feet already, smile still on his face, striding confidently towards Lee Tae-gun. "Good morning, Lee Tae-gun-shi, and likewise." He extends his hand for a shake.

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That's what they're here for, isn't it?

He shakes—

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He has the absurd thought, suddenly, that he might actually take it personally when Lee Tae-gun decides to leave him. 

"Wow," he breathes, pulling his hand away. "I was not expecting that."

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Yeah. Him either. 

He's not straightforwardly happy about it, even if he mostly is. Now is not the time for an erection.

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"What's your backlash like, Lee Tae-gun-shi?" He knows it's rude to ask, but now he's desperately curious. What could possibly be this compatible with him? And why would it make Lee Tae-gun make that face?

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That snaps him out of the daze. "—I'm afraid I oughtn't tell you."

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"What, never?" he asks, half-joking. "Did you hate it that much?"

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"N-no, just, until the contract is signed."

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Which is to say, until it is the case that if Jaeha shared it with anyone else it would ruin him. Lee Tae-gun is very guarded, and not stupid, but that stammer there... Whatever it is, he's not only scared of it getting out; he's embarrassed by it. But the kind of embarrassed where he'll be okay sharing it once he's convinced it'll be fine—although that part could just be pragmatism.

"Makes sense. Is there anything you'd like to talk about, then? I usually would have some things but with this much compatibility I kind of want to make sure you won't escape."

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"—I understand where you're coming from but we probably should ascertain we're compatible in more ways than just that," he replies, not smiling even a little bit at Jaeha's joke.

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Jaeha is sure he can be someone Lee Tae-gun is comfortable with, once he's got a better bead on who Tae-gun is as a person. He won't be able to be very creative about how he discerns this, as there is a camera in this room, but he can learn from more than just body language. For example, he didn't miss the way Lee Tae-gun is currently concealing a fairly strong level of physical attraction for Jaeha, and it's occurred to him that it could be related to Lee Tae-gun's backlash, though it could just be that he's a 21 year old who's attracted to men and who has made the obvious observation that Jaeha is both really handsome and really hot. 

"Well, let's sit and chat, then," he says, gesturing at the sofas.

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Sure. He came here prepared for that. He sits.

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Jaeha wonders if he should sit next to Lee Tae-gun. He can't ascertain this empirically but he still considers himself pretty good at reading people.

...Lee Tae-gun would not appreciate this, on net, so he sits on a different sofa. 

"Why don't we start with what's publicly known to everyone and you tell me more about your powers?"

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Oh that's a subject he's perfectly comfortable elaborating on at length.

"The basics are ice conjuration and self reinforcement." He extends his hand out, palm up, and summons a double-sided ice blade floating and slowly rotating above it. "I have full control over the shape of what I conjure, where I conjure it, its density, and the rate of conjured mass per unit time. For as long as the ice I've conjured is within my range I can prevent it from melting, move it in all three spatial directions, control its specific heat, and unconjure it. If it leaves my range and later enters it again, I can regain control over it. It is possible for me to gain control over ice I haven't conjured by conjuring some of my own, having a bit of it melt over the existing ice, then solidifying it again; this is by and large inefficient and I don't do it. I have yet to run into any limitations to any of these aspects of the power, other than backlash accumulation rate. 

"My self-reinforcement powers can range from it being kind of hard to scratch me to me becoming both an immovable object and an unstoppable force." That much is inference, not exactly completely known, because the backlash accrual rates get unmanageable really fast. "They can be leveraged for something like super strength, and include things like temperature changes and electrical charges. They have not been extensively tested against other espers' powers." And that part isn't exactly public but it doesn't really matter, he also expects he's sufficiently resistant to espers' powers that enemies underestimating him works to his advantage.

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It's interesting that Lee Tae-gun got sufficiently excited for that subject that his background lust went away completely while he was talking. "You seem to mostly focus on blades," he observes.

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"They're most useful for directly engaging enemies," he explains, "but dungeon situations do actually often involve me needing to use my power more creatively than that." Should he say it...? Hmm, nah. Maybe once they've signed the contract.

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"How about your powers?"

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"I can completely shield someone's mind from external influence, and erase any that exists in its entirety. I can also project fully immersive illusions, and not even monsters are immune to those. Or, at least, there exist some monsters that aren't, I can't rule out the possibility that some are."

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Tae-gun has heard that Kang Jaeha is one of the few people who can definitely eliminate the influence of Nightmare from someone, and he's the only esper known to be able to prevent it from marking someone again at least until they leave the dungeon. That's fairly impressive on its own, but also, "I've heard you can also reflect psychic dungeons' attacks somehow...?"

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"Hmm, it's a bit more complicated than that." Lee Tae-gun clearly enjoys talking shop, so they can talk shop. "When we talk about psychic dungeons, there are two separate kinds of phenomena we're referring to: dungeons whose monsters have psychic effects, and those that generate those effects themselves. They often come together, but not always, as Nightmare most famously demonstrates." Lee Tae-gun looks like the kind of person who would've looked into Nightmare in detail, and his understanding nod confirms this. "Psychic monsters are actually not always immune to the effects they themselves cause, and it's possible for me to bounce their attacks back at them in those cases. Even for the monsters that aren't straightforwardly immune to that, that's not necessarily useful, though, since they may have emotional or intellectual makeups that make them not relevantly hindered by those attacks."

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"I see. And there are no direct offensive capabilities? Are your illusions fully mental, or do they also involve some matter generation?"

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"No offense, and yes fully mental," he replies with some amusement in his voice. This is all a matter of public record, but the detailed interrogation might've been taken by some as threatening. Jaeha is certain Tae-gun doesn't mean it that way, and has an inkling that he might be thinking in terms of to what if any extent their abilities could complement each other and how they could work together.

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He nods, humming thoughtfully.

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But he's still really curious and doesn't want to just talk shop so actually, "And what does Lee Tae-gun do when he's not actively saving the world one dungeon at a time?"

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...that's really weird phrasing. Isn't it? Tae-gun thinks it's weird. He guesses he doesn't know for sure, it's not his forte.

"I... practise and work out?" he tries.

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"Oh? No movies or books or games, going out with friends...?"

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"Oh. Those. Yeah."

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"—I like reading books. And occasionally going places with people, like... bars and such?"

He feels like he's being made fun of.

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Only a little.

"You know, you didn't strike me as the type to go to bars."

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"...yeah. It's—I guess mostly because I'm dragged to them by friends."

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"It doesn't seem like you hate them, though."

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"...I hate the crowds. Too many people and noise. But..."

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"I don't know. It can be fun, a bit? With people I like?"

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"It can," he agrees.

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"W-well, how about you, then?" He's meant to ask these things, too, right?

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"Oh, I'm way more of a homebody." Because he's boring. "And I have fewer friends than you, from the sounds of it. But I don't mind the crowds in se, except for how they make it harder to hold a conversation."

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That's probably how Tae-gun would be if it weren't for him being dragged places by his partners, honestly.

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"What's your work routine like?" That is also theoretically something they're meant to be checking compatibility for.

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"How do you mean?"

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"When do you usually prefer to wake up, how many dungeons do you do in a day, what do you like to do to prepare for them, what do you like to do for guiding afterwards..."

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He's certain now that Kang Jaeha is trying to imply things.

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"It's important to know! We ought to know if we're compatible in ways other than just the powers but that's one of them, isn't it? If it turns out you really love watching horror movies with your partner that might be a problem, I'm terrified of them."

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...right. Kang Jaeha is correct, of course, but, uh, he. His mind just.

........but also it's important.

"Not... necessarily horror... But probably spending time in, um, close physical contact would be good and, um, movies are a good idea?"

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...okay now he'll lean forward on his seat and reach over for the hand of Tae-gun's that's clenched in his lap.

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He freezes in place but doesn't pull away, and instead slowly looks up at Kang Jaeha's face.

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Jaeha slowly, slowly brings Tae-gun's hand up to his lips, not breaking eye contact, telegraphing his movements so that Tae-gun can pull away if he wants to, and then he softly kisses Tae-gun's knuckles. "I, too, appreciate close physical contact."

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He shudders at the kiss, his eyes fluttering shut and his breath hitching in his throat, and when he opens his eyes again his face is definitely flushed and he is absolutely sure Kang Jaeha knows why but that's. That's fine, right? They should know if they're compatible partners and, and the fact that Kang Jaeha is—fine with this, even though Tae-gun is a man—is probably, well, it's, it's a better way to deal with backlash than just snuggling and watching movies together, right, if they can, if, if—

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Jaeha lowers his hand again but keeps hold of Tae-gun's.

"There were other parts to my question, though."

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...oh my God Lee Tae-gun you came off like such a pervert right now, focusing exactly on that

And Kang Jaeha is still holding his hand—

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Holding his hand and lightly caressing his knuckles with his thumb.

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Thaaaaat's noooooot heeeelpiiiiingggggggg!!!!!

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Okay, hang on, he can do this, he can regain some control even though Kang Jaeha is totally into him and, and he's so hot and, and Tae-gun hasn't been guided in a while and, and what would it feel like to kiss him and, and he's big, not as big as Lee Juheon but he's broad-shouldered and it looks like he's strong and Tae-gun bets being held by him would feel really nice—

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Pull yourself together, Lee Tae-gun.

From the top.

"I... usually wake up around seven, and I do between two and six dungeons a day depending—"

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Okay that's enough to break his stride. "Six?"

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"...only if they're small..."

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"Lee Tae-gun-shi, I will not be able to keep up with that, fair warning."

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"...no, it's fine, I know I'm... a bit of a workaholic..."

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"'A bit of a workaholic' doesn't cover six dungeons a day, Lee Tae-gun-shi!"

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"...most days it's just three or four," he offers.

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"That's a more reasonable number," compared to six. "I usually do one or two, very occasionally three, though, ah, my prior partners weren't—we weren't as compatible as it seems you and I are so I had to substantially manage the amount of backlash I got per day."

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"Oh. That makes sense." He wasn't as compatible with his three other partners as he is with Kang Jaeha but it seems like the difference isn't as extreme as it is for Jaeha.

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"Anyway, sorry to interrupt, please continue, Lee Tae-gun-shi."

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"Right. Um. I like to study dungeons the day before I go into them, and review them just before going out."

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"The pre-dungeon briefing doesn't cover that?"

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"Oh, I—mostly solo dungeons."

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...okay, Jaeha is starting to revise his estimates about the reasoning for Lee Tae-gun's S-rank assignment. With this kind of work ethic it would be impossible to classify as anything but even if he tried to hide the extent of his powers.


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"I need a team for S-ranks and some A-ranks, especially ones that involve rescuing people. My powers aren't as good at rescuing."

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Some A-ranks. This means that he solos the other A-ranks.

What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck this guy is on a whole different league holy shit.

"So I imagine the lower bound of two dungeons on a single day is when you go into more difficult ones like that."

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"How often do you take breaks?"

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"Like, days I don't do any dungeons? Once or twice a week, barring emergencies." And only because the guild president forces him to, though he has to admit that taking breaks like that is probably "good" ""for"" """his""" """"health"""" or something, and if he's unhealthy he'll do fewer dungeons in the long run, so.

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At last! Some aspect of this man's work schedule that isn't completely inhuman!

"I see. For me it's two or three a day, threes might be more common if we partner given how compatible we are," and actually he hasn't teased Lee Tae-gun enough so he'll just casually kiss Lee Tae-gun's knuckles again as an afterthought—

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(Oh but this is so going on the pros column of partnering with Lee Tae-gun.)

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—"and I usually rely on pre-dungeon briefings more since my power doesn't lend itself to soloing dungeons at all. I do like to study up beforehand too, though, so companionable studying of dungeon details is another good guiding activity, and my schedule is similar to yours, though when I have to take dungeons abroad that can get messed with, especially when it's Nightmare. You go to dungeons abroad, too, right?"

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"O-oh. Y-yeah, um, s-sometimes."

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Jaeha cannot resist this man, honestly. He thinks he can shoot his shot, now.

"Well, to the extent that we can determine by just chatting, I think that we're probably," he leans forward and lifts a hand to cup Lee Tae-gun's cheek, "very compatible." And he slowly closes his eyes and continues to lean even closer so that their lips can touch...

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Tae-gun stands up abruptly.

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And Jaeha's reaction time is good enough that he doesn't look up at Tae-gun's face on instinct, and instead keeps his eyes level with—well, with the part of Tae-gun's body that he's now at eye level with. "I suppose if you insist," he says, close enough that even the cut of Tae-gun's slacks isn't enough to disguise the physiological reactions he's having.

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What is he saying what is he doing why is he looking there why is Tae-gun not moving he meant to walk away but now he's just looking at Jaeha's face—

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He's once again slow and deliberate in the way he leans forward and just places a soft kiss on Tae-gun, through the fabric of his trousers.

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Then he lifts his gaze up, an impish smile on his lips. "Here might not be the best place, though."

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...cameras. There are cameras. There are cameras and he was just recorded, the cameras could see Jaeha doing, doing what he just did, and now Tae-gun is absolutely going to flee.

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But he stops at the door and says, "I look forward to working with you, Kang Jaeha-nim," bowing deeply.

And then he's fleeing.

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Oh, but that boy is actually a lot of fun. To toy with, if nothing else, though Jaeha is curious about what happens when their backlashes clash.

He's also looking forward to working with you, Lee Tae-gun.

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"So... you'll be joining Quasar?" Tae-gun asks while they're waiting for the paperwork to get finalised. He hasn't seen Kang Jaeha in person since the day they met for the first time, and Kang Jaeha left an impression which Tae-gun is doing his level best to put out of his mind. At least until they've both signed their papers and are Officially Partners and are somewhere, um. Else. Somewhere other than someone's office in HQ. "What's wrong with Guild Juno?"

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"Wrong? Nothing. I just... didn't want to jerk you around. Juno dealt with me fairly, we had a productive partnership, but it really is a lot easier to have a partner in the same guild and there's no way Quasar would let you go."

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"If I wanted to leave they'd let me leave," Tae-gun says, frowning. "They wouldn't need to let me go."

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"—of course."

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Tae-gun peers at him.

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Some honesty won't hurt.

"I mean, you gotta see it's a bit implausible, isn't it? Korea's only S-rank, a rising star—"

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"They wouldn't," he insists. "I don't know how it was at Juno but it's... different here."

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Okay that's... definitely not the most amazing foot to start on. Turns out some honesty does hurt. Cameras or no, this is minor enough that he can just smush over these past couple of seconds and say, "Probably Juno was different. They were very sad to see me go. ...not that I'm anything like you, but, you know, I'm a bit jaded, is all."

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...yeah. He has heard that Quasar is a lot better than other Korean guilds can be, and this tracks.

"Well. I hope you'll like it here. I do, people have been very welcoming." Okay that sounded like some TV ad or something. "...you'll see what it's like."

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"I suppose I will. And, really, they have such an irresistible compensation package."

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"...compensation package?"

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Jaeha looks at Tae-gun, holding his gaze for a second, before lowering it to Tae-gun's lips and licking his own.

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Tae-gun looks over his shoulder at the door the lawyer left through before looking back at Jaeha and, and, how does this man do these things in public, what if people see!!!!

(...he's gotta say he does appreciate being so clearly, obviously wanted, though. That's tingly in more ways than just the obvious.)

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Jaeha laughs. "Lee Tae-gun, I suspect we'll have a great time together as partners."

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"Y-yeah. R-right."

He was doing so well at not thinking, aughhhhhh!!!!!

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"Ah, apologies for the delay," says the lawyer, coming back into the room with the papers. "We're doing a big migration to a new system on the backend and it's a bit of a mess." She sits down in front of both of them and offers them three copies of the contract. "This is the same version of the contract you've already read and accepted, but you can feel free to go over it again to confirm it. Once you're satisfied, sign all three of them; we'll keep one copy, and each of you will keep another."

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Oh good a distraction.

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Toying with him is fun.

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Not looking at Kang Jaeha, lalalalala, reading the contract, lalalalala, not thinking about Kang Jaeha, lalalalalala~

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You can hide as much as you want, little bunny, but you can't escape.

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"Everything seems in order," he says, eventually, signing the documents.

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Jaeha also signs it.

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"Wonderful! And if I understand correctly you've arranged a temporary silo together while the main one is set up for you?"

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"That is correct."

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"Then I believe that will be all for today!" She stands up and shakes both of their hands. "I hope your partnership will be fruitful for you and for the good of Korea. And welcome to Quasar, Kang Jaeha-nim!"

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"It's wonderful to be here."

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"Now, what do you say we go check out our new shared silo together?" he asks Lee Tae-gun once the lawyer's gone.

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They're making out a second after they've walked into the temporary silo. Jaeha is enjoying the desperate whimpers and moans he's getting out of Tae-gun tremendously, but the real reason why he particularly enjoys fucking his partners is just that the sex gets progressively better in real time, as the guiding slowly dissolves the anhedonia and intensifies the pleasure he's capable of feeling. It's always a thrill, and it's hard not to get addicted to the feeling. The fact that he's more compatible with Lee Tae-gun than he's ever been with anyone and that Tae-gun is melting under his touch makes it all the better. He remembers a time, before he manifested, when he took great joy in making boys moan his name; it's a throwback, really, to that time.

But they're wearing far too many clothes, right now, and Jaeha is of a mind to fix that immediately.

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Tae-gun isn't sure if it's just the esper compatibility, but he's guessing it's probably not; Jaeha is several years his senior, has had multiple partners, and so probably has a lot of experience. Experience he's applying to great effect, Tae-gun doesn't think he's ever been kissed so well, he's never been touched like this before and it's driving him wild. And he's got some accumulated backlash, obviously, both of them do, even with meds and just hanging around other espers you do actually need to have your own partner to properly deal with it, and it's all coming in at once and he can't breathe.

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He's adorable. Jaeha is absolutely certain this has something to do with Tae-gun's backlash, though he missed his timing of actually asking with the making out. Once Tae-gun is topless and shoeless he decides he's too impatient so he'll lift Tae-gun up by wrapping Tae-gun's legs around his waist and holding him under his thighs.

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A position that requires him to also wraps his arms around Jaeha's neck. The movement of being carried by Jaeha like that is incredibly stimulating and it doesn't even occur to Tae-gun that he could use his power to get them to the bed faster because he's already kissing Jaeha again.

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It's just an apartment, it doesn't take him very long to reach the bed and drop Tae-gun onto his back on it. He immediately climbs on top and then moves to kissing down Tae-gun's torso until he can make good on the implied promise from the day they met.

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"W-wait, h-hold on, not d-down th-there, it's dirty—!"

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"Lee Tae-gun you are going to need to do better than that if you want to convince me not to put your cock in my mouth."

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...wow he just went and said that, huh. Tae-gun is kind of at a loss for words.

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That means he won't get to object to Jaeha pulling his trousers and underwear down.

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"I am probably going to need to practise to take all of you in, I've never had to deep throat this deeply."

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".....stop saying embarrassing things!!!!!"

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"Then stop squirming so adorably whenever I do."

No day like today for him to start practising, though.

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...well that was fast. He licks his lips and grins at Tae-gun. "Now I am sure I'm not as skilled as all that."

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Nope, he's covering his face and far, far too embarrassed to say anything.

...but he's not going into refraction, either.

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Yeah, almost certainly backlash-related.

"From the top," he says, and it's back to practising.

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The sex is mind-blowing.

Guided sex is always good, of course, but this knocks everything he's ever experienced out of the park. Lee Tae-gun actually outpaces him in stamina, has no refractory period, and is hotter for Jaeha than anyone has ever been with. They go at it for hours, he even bottoms sometimes when he's refracting and Tae-gun is still up, he's too sensitive then but that's good and it feels good. He rails Tae-gun and he rides Tae-gun and he kisses Tae-gun and he sucks Tae-gun and he's sucked by Tae-gun and by the end of it they're both exhausted and shooting blanks and Jaeha hasn't felt this much pleasure in a long time. He had no idea sex could be this good.

He wants to keep Lee Tae-gun.

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Lee Tae-gun is currently kind of a horny lump in the shower, still sporting a semi and completely content with letting Kang Jaeha wash his hair. He thinks he should be having some thoughts, but he is doing something else that is not that.

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He's adorable is what he is.

"Looks like someone had fun."

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"Are you backlashing right now?"

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"Did you get no guiding whatsoever since your last partner?" That was a couple of months ago, right?

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"...a little..."

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"'A little'."

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"Not this much. Not... like this."

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What, not even once? He's been running dry, not fucking anyone, for months, when he's—like this? "Why not?"

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This talk is sobering him up real fast. He covers his face. "It's embarrassing for people to see me like this. And if it gets out..." Jaeha signed the contract. Jaeha will not only go bankrupt but never work with any guilds in Korea again if he leaks it. They are now partners. This is fine. They're fine. "If it gets out that I get—like this—when I'm backlashing—"

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...yeah, he can see that. The Korean public may objectify and sexualise them but it's one thing to write porn where espers get horny and submissive and pliant when they're backlashing, it's a whole 'nother for it to be true. "Do you always get like this?"

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"...less. Usually. Just... it's been a while. I'm..."

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"Extremely pent up and blue balled."

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He covers his face again. "Stooooooop saying embarrassing thiiiiiiiiings." Honestly Tae-gun himself is being embarrassing, right now. His backlash is still mostly horny but he's getting into some of the other things and talking too much, again, and when he gets the horny-chatty combo he says such ridiculous things augh.

It's fine. This is fine. Jaeha signed a contract. It's fine. That's what a partnership is for. They may barely know each other, maybe Jaeha is awful somehow (even though he's been so nice, and his teasing gives Tae-gun butterflies, and the sex was amazing), but even if he is, the worst that'll happen is that they'll break it off, he'll eat the penalty clauses, and try to find someone else. It won't get out. He can be a little bit embarrassing. They're in isolation, it's what siloing is for, it's what partners are for, everyone in this industry knows how this works. It's fine. He's fine.

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"Am I wrong?"

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He laughs. "You're really very cute."

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"It's a good thing," Jaeha says, pulling Tae-gun's head under the water to rinse the shampoo off. "I like it."

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He laughs again.

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Awful awful awful awful.

(But also: butterflies.)

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They've dealt with their backlashes well enough that they don't need to stay in isolation. On the other hand, Jaeha is unaccountably feeling like he wants to stay a little while longer. "Want me to make you dinner?"

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Okay now he's sure honesty wouldn't hurt.

"I am unaccountably feeling like I want to spend some more time with you," he says, echoing his thoughts, "so I'm wondering if you'd like to stay. You don't have any more assignments today, do you?"

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"I don't. Um. That's. Fine. I think."

Is he getting a crush on a man he barely knows. It's probably the backlash.

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"'Fine I think'! I shall treasure this praise forever."

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Really cute.

He gets to making dinner.

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"Do you... usually like... men?" Tae-gun asks from where he's hiding his shame by resting his forehead on the table.

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"Oh I'm a hundred percent gay."

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So Tae-gun isn't a compatibility exception. That... makes sense. Especially of the things Jaeha did in that meeting room augh.

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"...I like both."

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"Huh. So your past partners all being men...?"

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He shrugs. "Just a coincidence."

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"You did fuck all of them, though."

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argh argh argh argh Lee Tae-gun you need to stop being Like This.

"Yeah. It's, uh. Good for backlash."

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"How compatible were you with them?"

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"Not... as compatible as I am with you."

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"I'd honestly have been surprised if you had been! I don't know about you but I was seeing stars."

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"...um. What's your backlash, then?" It's okay to ask, right? Especially since he already talked about his. ...well, part of his. Good enough to get going. They'll have plenty of opportunities to share more in the future.

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"Anhedonia," he reflexively lies. He's never told any of his partners the full story, and he doesn't see a reason to start now.

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"Oh." That... makes sense? He supposes? Though it's weird if they're this compatible over just that.

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"It gets worse at the more extreme ends," he clarifies. "Loss of motivation and apathy and the like."

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"Oh," he repeats. Yeah, that does make more sense of it.

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"I haven't had opportunity to test it that far, of course, but I expect it could get to the point where I wouldn't find myself motivated to move."

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"Ah. Yeah." That'd be pretty dangerous.

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"Is it just the horniness, for you?" Lee Tae-gun's surprise suggests not.

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Oh okay they're talking about it now. He supposes it's obvious for Jaeha to be as confused as he was.

"It's... do you speak English?"

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"I'm still learning but they have an expression that's—kind of a pun, I guess? I 'lose my cool', it means—"

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"To be very angry?"

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"Right, but it's more general than that for me. I lose control and I feel—hot emotions, I guess. Um. There's the, what, the, the way I was like before, but there's also... I get angry, or, or impulsive, or I talk a lot and have no filter. I usually also get a bit physically hot but it's mostly the, um, the emotional thing."

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"Ah. Yeah, that'd explain why we get on like a house on fire. ...compatibility-wise, I mean."

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"At least some of it, yeah."

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"There's the, you know, personality bit? —I know the evidential base for that particular effect is a lot shakier but looking at the data it seems plausibly true? That there's something there, you know?" He probably wouldn't have let himself get swept off his feet this easily if it weren't for that, for the expectation that probably he and Kang Jaeha are at least a little bit the kind of people who would get along even without powers involved.

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"You looked at the data?"

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"Some? Um." People are usually judgmental when he gets too into this kind of stuff.

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"What's the data even like?" he wonders. "How would you measure something like this?" He's never been curious about it before, it sounded like balderdash given his own experience, but it's clearly something that interests Lee Tae-gun so he's interested, too.

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"It's hard, yeah, but you get stuff like—divorce rates of partners who get married, for example, and compare them to the background population, and you'd need a pretty strong external effect of pressure on partners to stay together from a professional perspective to also explain it? And things that are a bit more subjective like sentiment analysis or searching for keywords on Instagram—that one's easier in the West where espers don't have their whole image managed by guilds like they do here—I don't know. Someone should do a meta-analysis at some point but it seems to me like there is something there."

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"Were you pretty compatible, like that, personality-wise, with your previous partners?"

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"...I think so? We still hang out, sometimes. We're not as close as we were—and we weren't as compatible to begin with—but I think so. ...weren't you?"

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"I think less than it seems like you were," he hedges. "And—I kind of have to confess, I'm a little difficult."

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"...difficult how?"

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"It's kind of hard to deal with a partner who gets the way I do when I'm backlashed? Especially if the guiding compatibility isn't this amazing to begin with, the amount of it we'd need to get to a point where I'm, ah, fun to hang out with gets out of hand. So even if we were personality-compatible in theory, I don't have that much of a personality when I'm very backlashed."

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"Oh." He seemed plenty fun to hang out with even before they broke the bedframes having sex—it's always mortifying when that happens, especially in a shared guild silo like this—but maybe he hasn't been that backlashed to begin with.

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"I hope this works out between us? But no hard feelings if it doesn't, I'm kind of used to it."

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...wow that's. A bit sad, actually?

Tae-gun will stand up and walk over to Kang Jaeha and hug him from behind.

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He jumps a bit. "Careful, there, I'm gonna burn the food if you startle me like that."

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"Thank you for, um. Telling me that, I guess? I, I mean, uh. I'll. We'll do our best?"

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"If us doing our best involves me getting occasionally surprise-hugged from behind by you naked I'll absolutely take it."

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Jaeha laughs when he notices Tae-gun's cock getting hard again. He also notes that Tae-gun hasn't unhugged. "All of those hours not enough for you, huh?"

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He buries his face in Jaeha's back. "It's my backlash," he mumbles.

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"I don't think I can top you any more tonight but if you want to pull my clothes off and rail me while I finish this I can't say I'll be complaining."

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That'd be really hot! But also aaaaaaahhhh!!!!

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"Maybe I'll make a habit of not wearing clothes around you, either, and if you feel like fucking me you could just do it whenever you want. Free-use Jaeha. In fact, I will start doing this right now," he says, turning the hob off and stripping naked.

...and then he'll put an apron on. And nothing more.

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"Make sure to lube me up, though, I don't think I can take you raw yet even after earlier today." He shakes his ass a bit. "But other than that, go to town."

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There's a meetup of the Quasar LGBTQ+ group (also known as Queer Quasar, or QQ) that Saturday evening, and Tae-gun skipped the last two and would feel bad about skipping this one, too, so he shows up at the designated bar that night, after some deliberation. Tae-gun did also invite Kang Jaeha but he said that he ought to get more acquainted with everyone and used to Quasar culture before attending something like this, which makes perfect sense to Tae-gun.

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"Tae-gun, the man of the hour!" calls Lee Juheon. "Come here, come over, I reserved a seat for you."

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"Why am I the man of the hour?"

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"The office is abuzz with the news! You snagged Kang Jaeha-nim as your partner, didn't you? Everyone's super curious."

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"Is he going to come?" asks his partner Baek Hyun-jae.

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"I don't think so. Not tonight, anyway."

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"Shame, I wanted to meet him. Also, hey, Tae-gun!"

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"Good evening, sunbaenim."

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"Ugh, there you go with your 'sunbaenim' again."

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His partner, sitting next to him, pats his shoulder reassuringly.

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"By the way, Tae-gun! Have you met the new guy?"

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The new guy is a bespectacled green-haired brown-eyed esper who looks a couple of years Tae-gun's junior and who already has a bit of a flush to his face. "We haven't been officially acquainted. I'm Min Woo-young; it's a pleasure to meet you, sunbaenim."

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"Likewise, hoobaenim."

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"What'd I tell you? When he turns the dazzle on he's—well, dazzling."

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"Aw, don't be like that, Tae-gun, I'm just calling you pretty!"

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"You think everyone's pretty, hyung."

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"I will not respond to that."

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"Si-yeon is over there at the other table," says Juheon, gesturing in the direction of another table with various other Quasar employees including Ha Si-yeon and Kim Chun-hee. Most of the other Queer Quasar girls are there, too. "If you wanna say hi."

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Ugh but he just sat down.

Sigh. Fine. He'll go say hi to Si-yeon-hyung and Chun-hee and everyone else. There, everyone happy?

This is far too many people. He needs a drink.

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"How come you'd never met Tae-gun?" Hyun-jae asks Woo-young.

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"We've bumped into each other but I don't think we ever got, you know, properly introduced. And this is my first time here, too, so..."

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"You're the new teleporter, right? I've read up on what you can do and it seems incredibly versatile."

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! Sunbae noticed him!!

"Yeah! Though I've only been an esper for a few months now so I don't know yet all I can do."

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"Do you want help with that? —there's a Quasar team for that."

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"I'd take Tae-gun up on it, though," he stage-whispers. "This man's scary smart."

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"Not as smart as the professionals dedicated to it."

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"I think I might still like that."

Having a puppy crush? Min Woo-young? Nooooo.......

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"Well, if you want."

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"Okay but guys! Guys! I have an announcement to make! Actually." He gets up and gets the attention of the people at the other table. "Everyone! Important announcement!"

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He places both hands on Choi Seungjoo's shoulders. "Seungjoo and I are now officially dating!"

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"Blink twice if you need rescuing," Hyun-jae stage-whispers to Seungjoo after everyone is quiet for a second.

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"Oh, we're just joking, Yoo-min. Congrats! And good job on finally getting him to pay attention to you."

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"He'd been paying attention all along! He's been messing with me for months!!!!"

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"And you liked it," Tae-gun observes serenely.

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"Hell yeah I liked it, whipped doesn't even begin to cover it, I'm head over heels for this man."

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Sooooooo corny.

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He sits back down and kisses Seungjoo on the cheek.

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"Awwww you look happy together."

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"Thanks," says Seungjoo, scratching his cheek a bit.

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"I'm going to make him the happiest man alive, just you wait."

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"Okay you can tone down on the sappiness."

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"I heard Yun Minseo-sunbae and Baek Ji-woo-sunbae have also started dating."

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Gasp. "Tae-gun, are you... ahead of the gossip mill??"

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"...I just ran a dungeon with Yun Minseo-sunbae the other day and she mentioned it."

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"Oh but this needs confirmation, BRB," he says, getting up again to walk over to the other table.

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"You guys are pretty lively," Min Woo-young observes.

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"We're Quasar and we're gay, that's a terrible combo."

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"You didn't sound too gay last night when I was—"

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"Let's not discuss our sex life in public, noona?"

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She grins shamelessly.

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"Did you only just come out...?" Seungjoo asks Woo-young.

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"...something like that? I'm not sure, myself. I thought I was straight and then I became an esper and was suddenly surrounded by so many handsome men and I am now on a journey of self-discovery."

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"I'll drink to that!" says Hyun-jae, lifting her glass for a cheer.

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"What are we cheering, what are we cheering?" wonders Yoo-min, coming back to his chair and dragging Si-yeon with him.

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"Min Woo-young's journey of self-discovery around handsome men."

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"I'll drink to that," says Si-yeon, filling a glass so he can join in. "Cheers!"

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"So, is Kang Jaeha-nim gay?" asks...

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...someone. Tae-gun is kind of too drunk to know who. He's at the other table again, resting his forehead on his forearms, ignoring the two girls making out to his left and the two boys making out to his right. He's being very ungently reminded of why he hates these. 

"Yes?" he tries.

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"Aw man," she(?) sighs.

    "Tae-gun just partnered, I don't think they're at the sharing stage even if Kang Jaeha-nim were bi."

"Have you seen those shoulders, though? Dreamy..."

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"He looks better naked," Tae-gun mumbles.

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"Okay I, like, believe you, but also I'm now having vivid fantasies. So the two of you did—"

    "Unnie, he's too drunk to really consent to answering that question."

"...yeah, okay."

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"Am not."

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"You heard him—"


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"...I should probably go home."

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"Want me to call you a taxi?"

    "You can't call a taxi for Lee Tae-gun, it'll be all over the news tomorrow."

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"Do you know where he lives? I can probably get there."

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"Yoo-min might know?"

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"I know my address," he protests before reciting it.

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"Well, you heard him."

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"You leaving already, Woo-young?"

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"Yeah, 'm kinda too drunk, myself."

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"Woo-young... the teleporter, right."

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"Yeah. Good night guys, tonight was fun!"

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"Good night! It was great having you here."

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Why are there so many voices? —⁠oh, right, he's out with people. Man he really hates going out. He hopes he didn't do or say anything embarrassing.

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"Ready to go, sunbaenim?"

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"...go where? Oh. Home? Yeah."

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They vanish.

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Whooooooa trippy. Did he walk home already? 

—wait. "Min Woo-young, right?"

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"Yeah. Is this your place?"

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"Yeah." To prove it he types in the keycode for the door. ...it takes him three tries to get it right but he does.

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"Do you... need anyone to take care of you?"

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"'M fine," he says, proceeding to faceplant onto the floor. "Ow."

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🧋youngwoo: Kang Jaeha-nim? This is Min Woo-young. Are you still awake?
🧋youngwoo: I'm not sure if you have this kind of relationship with Lee Tae-gun-nim but he's quite drunk and I worry about leaving him here in this state.

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...ow. His head hurts.

What... time is it? Morning, probably...? He doesn't want to open his eyes, though. Why does his head hurt so much?

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"Good morning, sunshine."

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His eyes fly open and he sits up straight.

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He's in his bed, at his place, wearing the same clothes as last night. Kang Jaeha is sitting in Tae-gun's reading chair in a corner of the room, one leg crossed over the other, cradling a mug of coffee in his hands. Completely naked, too, as promised. "Have fun last night?"

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He reviews what he remembers from last night... he drank a lot, got quiet and withdrawn, didn't do or say any particular embarrassing things—wait. Yes he did. He said Kang Jaeha looks good naked, to strangers. 

......not strangers. Kim Hae-yoon-sunbae and Jeong Soohee-sunbae.

............okay out of all possible embarrassing things to say that wasn't the worst but ahhhh.

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He lifts his eyebrows. "That kind of fun, huh? Should I feel jealous?"

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"—no! I just. Said some embarrassing things."

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"I told some sunbaes that you look good naked."

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"Well, I do. Why is that embarrassing?"

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Aaaaaaah he thinks that if Kang Jaeha doesn't instinctively understand the answer to that question he has no way to possibly explain it.

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"...um. Sorry for, uh, getting you dragged out here in the middle of the night, Kang Jaeha-shi. I don't usually get wasted like that."

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"Don't worry about that. And you can just call me hyung instead."

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"...a-ah. Right..."

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"Don't worry about that. And don't you think that 'shi' is a bit much for someone who's had you flat on your back every day for the past four days?"

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...okay he has a point but does he have to put it like that!!!!

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"Should I just call you sunbaenim instead?" he muses, switching to a more formal register. "You're my sunbae in Quasar, after all."

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That just sounds wrong.

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"No dice? You come up with something, then. I have a suggestion but I'm not sure we're there yet."

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"If you're... okay with it... probably just... your name...?"

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"That sounds good to me. For now, at least."

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How does he manage to make that sound so lewd!!!

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"If you want me to tease you less you need to make it less easy to do."

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"I'm gonna go take a shower!" he says, jumping off the bed.

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"Want company?"

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"No!" he replies, not-quite-slamming the door behind himself.

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Then he opens it again and mumbles a "Yes."

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Both Jaeha and Tae-gun had assignments today, but unlike Tae-gun, Jaeha is not insane, and only had one of them. He and Tae-gun will probably be assigned to some dungeons together eventually but their abilities don't really dovetail all that well, with their main area of overlap being any dungeons that have threats both psychic and physical—but not just any of those: Jaeha's a heavy hitter in the former department while Tae-gun is a heavy hitter in the latter, and dungeons that require heavy hitters of both kinds are pretty rare. This means that they won't be able to do a ton of passive guiding while at work, and furthermore that Jaeha will be coming back to their (now-finished) silo and just sort of hanging out there, waiting for Tae-gun, not doing anything in particular.

That last part is his backlash, of course. He doesn't want to do anything in particular, because nothing appeals. This level of apathy will eventually fade to a more manageable one on its own, but hopefully Tae-gun's help will help much more directly and thoroughly.

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He doesn't have to wait very long for Tae-gun, to be fair; he may have lots of assignments, but he does still have breaks between them, and he's going to spend those in isolation with Jaeha.

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Even though he doesn't particularly feel the drive to do this right now, he did tell Tae-gun that he was going to be "free-use Jaeha" in their silo, so he's stark naked when Tae-gun arrives after his first dungeon, having a smoke and doomscrolling on Twitter.

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He can really get used to this. Leaving a mission, arriving at a shared silo, and having an attractive man waiting for him to fuck his brains out? That's the life. Even Kang Jaeha's backlash feeds into the fantasy, the way he gets progressively into Tae-gun over the duration of their sessions. It feeds into some primal part of him, riding someone's cock until he breaks through their apathy and gets them excited. Like he's just that irresistible.

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Well. He is.

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See, that's flattering, too. Kang Jaeha's pretty, pretty words always give him butterflies.

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The bulk of Jaeha's most recently acquired backlash is dealt with on Tae-gun's first break, so he's a lot more excited to be free-use Jaeha on Tae-gun's second break, and he is once again wearing just an apron and cooking dinner when Tae-gun arrives after his third and final dungeon of the day.

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...is Tae-gun ever going to get used to that sight? He sure hopes not. It's just an amazing way to end the day, to get to their silo, leave his shoes by the door, and make a beeline for his partner to go to town on him.

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Jaeha made sure to pick something he can stop in the middle of cooking to enjoy himself. "Ah, someone's impatient today," he says around a moan, resting his weight on the sink counter while arching his back to give Tae-gun better access.

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...is he impatient? He supposes this last dungeon was trickier than expected and he might have gotten more backlashed than usual, and that might be affecting his judgment about how impatient he is. He doesn't feel particularly impatient. In any case his tongue is far too busy right now for him to want to give Kang Jaeha a proper answer with words. They can figure words out once he feels satisfied his partner has been sufficiently prepped.

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See, Tae-gun, when one has one's tongue in one's partner within ten seconds of arriving in one's silo and is not even willing to stop what they're doing to respond to said partner, that is impatience.

Again, though, he is not complaining. Anhedonia, goodbye, it's so great to feel things again, even if what he's feeling may be slightly overstimulating. Beats the alternative, by far, and it's also really great to be desired so badly, regardless of whether said desire comes from backlash. Quite the opposite, actually: Jaeha's backlash makes him less himself, so it stands to reason that Tae-gun's would make him more, with this level of compatibility, and Tae-gun-but-more wants Jaeha. Who could possibly object to this?

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Yeah okay this is enough. He pulls away and gets back to his feet. "Bend over."

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That sends a chill down his spine. "Yes, sir."

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He did manage to eventually finish making dinner—both of them actually thought the idea of Jaeha trying to do it while constantly distracted was incredibly hot—and then they ate together next to each other, Tae-gun one-handed.

(It's really, really great to be wanted this badly.)

Now they're in bed, snuggling and no longer actively fucking, and in the past Jaeha's partners would probably have begged off to go back home by this point.

(Another benefit of being partnered to Tae-gun: his backlash makes him mostly not notice or mind the way Jaeha is poor company when he's backlashed, and most of their sober interactions involve a version of Jaeha who doesn't feel at best "meh" about literally everything.)

He's not really sure what to think about the fact that neither of them is going back home, though. It's not that he's raring to go, either—again, he has very little experience with sticking around this long, himself—but that probably implies some things? Or at least it maybe does? Jaeha is not used to having to figure out what he's feeling, since the answer is typically "nothing", and he's also not sure if the desire to do it is a stable personality trait of his that he lost over the years or if it's just the novelty or, or what. He never really considered himself an introspective person, even prior to his manifestation, but he didn't know the alternative, back then.

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...Jaeha pets him.

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Lee Tae-gun is so cute, and no one knows this. That boggles the mind, actually, that Lee Tae-gun, the shooting star who can clear A-ranks solo, who never looks anything short of perfect in public, is this cute and no one knows. No one but Tae-gun's last partners and now Jaeha, that is, and they're just rounding errors.

People absolutely would buy the version of Lee Tae-gun who told Jaeha to bend over, though. Jaeha is suddenly very curious about how people will write their porn about the two of them. He hasn't ever read those, but he bets they'd be entertaining, now.

(It's great to be able to feel entertained.)

Actually he can just look those up. He summons a commscreen and opens the browser. "Lee Tae-gun."

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"Do you know what platform people typically use to write those stories about other people? Like, fictional ones, but about real people?"

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"...I'm not sure I know what you mean?"

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"Hmm." Google to the rescue. "...RPF? Real person fiction? Or... fanfiction?"

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It does seem like a name that could refer to—wait.

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Some more googling takes him to a cute website called "Archive Of Our Own". Ooh, they can look for stories by relationship tags! Promising!

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Lee Tae-gun/Kang Jaeha

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"Kang Jaeha?"

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"...oh, we've only been partnered for a week now and there are already twenty-three stories about us?"

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"Kang Jaeha?????"

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"A couple of these are pre-partnership hypothetical ones but the rest..." He starts scrolling through the descriptions and stops at one of them.

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"Well well well, what have we here?" Kang Jaeha wonders aloud, a peculiar smirk spreading on his lips. "My, my, Lee Tae-gun-shi, I didn't know this side of you."

Lee Tae-gun can't show his face. Can't, can't let Kang Jaeha see him like this. "Please go away, I need—I need some time—"

"What you need is guiding," Kang Jaeha argues, turning the light on and loosening his tie.

"Don't turn the light on—!" Tae-gun pants, but it's too late, and he's now exposed in all of his glory, the layers of clothes he wears in public gone to reveal a body sculpted by years of effort and training.

"But then how will I see you?" Kang Jaeha counters in something that could almost be a purr if it didn't sound so hungry. You're mine, now, he thinks to himself.


Kang Jaeha is about to discover that his new partner Lee Tae-gun's backlash makes him submissive and breedable.

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If Kang Jaeha were looking at this on his phone, Tae-gun would be trying to steal it away from him. As is, the best he can do is try to cover the screen with his hands. "Don't read that!!!!"

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It's easy enough for him to move the screen away from Tae-gun's reach. "Why not? It could give us inspiration for things to try in the future." He clicks through to the author's page. "...wow, they're really prolific about their esper pairing stories, huh?"

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"Kang Jaeha—!"

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"Yes, Tae-gun?"

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"...stoooooooop," he whines, covering his face.

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Jaeha grins and waves the screen away, turning his body to more properly face Tae-gun. "You're so very lovely like this," he says, reaching under the bed covers to run the tips of his fingernails against Tae-gun's inner thigh, feather-light and slow. "We could read these together, play them out... Would you hate to see me in a suit while you're naked and pleading? I wouldn't hate that."

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He lowers his hands from his face.

Then he twists around and pushes Jaeha onto his back, straddling his hips with his legs and pinning his wrists with his hands. "No."

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"You're going to need to stop me."

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"I will."

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"I'm not totally sure why you're B-rank," Tae-gun says, humming thoughtfully after discussing Min Woo-young's power with him and seeing it in action.

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It's really nice, the way Lee Tae-gun says this kind of thing. The sentence sounds like it's almost meant to be a compliment but Lee Tae-gun says it matter-of-factly, like he's analysing facts and reaching a logical conclusion and it's not a matter of opinion. It is, if anything, more flattering than a compliment.

"It's my backlash. I get really, really impaired by it, and the accrual rate is pretty bad."

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"Loss of motor control?" he recalls. He didn't ask, but Min Woo-young shared it, so.

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"Loss of motor ability. I just can't move, and it starts with my legs, so in a dungeon setting I can't even walk out if necessary."

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"Ah, yeah, I can see how that'd be a pretty big issue. But you do have a partner right now?"

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"Yeahhhh but we're not that compatible." Still more than Woo-young is with Lee Tae-gun, though, which is a shame. Not that he can compete with Kang Jaeha, of course, but, sue him, he's a bit start struck and has got a little puppy crush. It's fine if he can recognise the feelings inside him, right? He's not indulging in anything other than some longing looks.

(How did he ever think he was 100% heterosexual? Maybe it's because he hadn't ever been this close to Lee Tae-gun, not that he's ever going to tell the man himself that when he said it was "being around handsome men" that made him question it what he meant was specifically "having been in the same room as Lee Tae-gun a couple of times". It's not kosher to tell someone you barely know that they personally made you realise things about your sexuality.)

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"It's really lucky that the guild managed to find a battery for your powers so quickly, anyway, so you don't need to go into dungeons that much."

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"Oh they actually already had one!"

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"Huh. Really? That's lucky."

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"Yeah. I mean, they do keep these weird dungeon materials around, right, and the researchers said... Okay I confess I don't understand what they said, exactly, but they knew roughly what kinds of affinities that material had and when I manifested and went through the initial battery of government tests the researcher that was working with me suspected that I might be a match and followed up on it and it turned out that I was. That's actually how I got into Quasar—I could've just sold my powers to them but you guys seemed pretty cool, in comparison to other guilds, so I decided to just join up."

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"...yeah. Quasar is really cool."

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How can anyone not have a crush on this man when he's capable of smiling like that? It's quite frankly unfair.

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"How'd you join? If you don't mind me asking."

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"I... was homeless. Before Quasar. I went into my mandatory military service as soon as I could and manifested like the week after I got discharged and Quasar took me in." Despite the embarrassment that while of manifestation was, which he's pretty sure Quasar had to somehow sweep under the rug for the sake of his image. Or maybe not? Tae-gun supposes no one would believe someone who went "hey I actually matched with Lee Tae-gun on one of those sex apps once, he was begging for my cock all night like a little slut" so maybe Quasar just relied on that. "They were welcoming and accommodating in a way I don't think any of the other Korean guilds could match up."

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"...aw, that's really nice. I'm glad you had them."

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"Yeah. And—I know how it comes off, to say that a company is like a family, but they... have been. Like a family." That's maybe a bit too emotionally vulnerable with a stranger? But he's been feeling weirdly chipper these past couple of weeks, probably courtesy of Kang Jaeha.

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"No, I totally see what you mean. ...it is still pretty weird to me to, um, call you sunbaenim."

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"...yeah. That was weird to me, too, especially straight out of the military. I'm a bit more used to it, right now, but it's definitely a different environment than I expected I'd end up in, growing up. You don't have to if you don't want to, obviously, it's just—the way everyone around here does it, I guess?" It's one thing to refer to your partner that way, but someone who just happens to work in the guild with you just kinda goes counter his expectations.

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"I mean, I'm fine with it? No one told me to do it or anything, and they act just fine if I don't—well, Park Yoo-min-sunbae did make a bit of a face when I called him Park Yoo-min-nim, but he didn't say anything. And you're right about the way it comes off, but I've been here a couple of months and it's hard to hold onto the expectations of formality when basically no one else does."

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"Sunbae does seem to really like the way things work here, yeah. I have the impression he wasn't ever really even planning on joining the traditional workforce, but we haven't talked about it."

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"But you were?"

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"...well, yeah. Weren't you?"

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"I was."

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Yeah, so.

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—Woo-young feels like a step in the dance just got missed. 

"Did you want to work with anything in particular?"

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"I had been thinking of maybe going into engineering."

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"—huh! Really? Somehow I didn't expect that."

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"Why not?" Is that an insult? It doesn't sound like one.

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Because you're hot and do physically strenuous activities for a living and engineers are nerds.

He's not gonna say that.

"I guess it's hard to picture Lee Tae-gun as anything other than Lee Tae-gun. It's especially hard to imagine you as an intern at an engineering firm, in a suit, working from a cubicle."

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He still doesn't know if that's insulting. Probably not? Because Min Woo-young has no reason to insult him with a straight face? But he thinks he'd be a perfectly good engineer.

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Lee Tae-gun is making faces that Woo-young doesn't know how to interpret and he might've offended him and aaah.

"Did I... say something bad?" he wonders, tentatively.

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"Huh? No." He doesn't think so?

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"Oh. Okay."

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...well, now it's awkward. He opens his mouth—

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"It's just that it looked like you were—uncomfortable with what I said?" You know, Woo-young, the way to get your celebrity crush to not write you off would be to maybe stop talking.

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"No, just... I thought I'd have made a good engineer, is all."

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"Oh! I mean, I'm—" The words "sure you would have" die on his lips. Lee Tae-gun has been nothing but straightforward and has only said things he definitely means and hasn't wasted any time with flattery and platitudes, so perhaps Woo-young should do the same. "I guess I'm not sure you would have since we don't know each other that well yet, but I wasn't thinking in those terms. It's just that you're really, really good at what you do right now?

"Like, imagine seeing an Olympic swimmer get a gold medal, and then finding out that they thought about being an accountant, and, maybe they'd have been a great accountant, I don't know, but it's difficult to imagine them doing anything but this thing they're clearly amazing at, you know?" Also the swimsuit, it's hard to imagine an Olympic swimmer not in a swimsuit-and-related and it's hard to imagine Lee Tae-gun not looking incredibly physically impressive and HOW did Woo-young ever think he was heterosexual.

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...see, that was a very clear set of sentences that articulated and communicated things very well and didn't leave Tae-gun having to guess at Min Woo-young's thoughts at all nor feeling maybe veiledly insulted! Tae-gun appreciates this set of sentences.

"I guess I don't know if I'd have been a good engineer, either," he says, smiling a bit. "I just like engineering things."

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...well, he does sound a certain kind of smart, now that Woo-young thinks about it.

"Like... maths things, or?"

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"That's... some of them, yeah."

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Oh he's going to have to actually explain it. Cool. Uh...

...how does he explain it.

He doesn't... know...

........this is embarrassing. It's. Taking embarrassingly long for him to figure it out. It's especially taking long now that he's spending so much time thinking about how embarrassing it is that he's spending so much time thinking instead of about the thing he should be thinking about.

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He blinks, considers saying something, and... decides against it, actually? He's happy to wait.

(Lee Tae-gun looks adorable getting embarrassed like this? He never thought he'd have the thought 'Lee Tae-gun is adorable' but here they are, Lee Tae-gun is adorable.)

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Min Woo-young should be saying something. Should be interrupting him. The silence is streeeetching oooooout...

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...and it's fine? It doesn't look like he's... judging Tae-gun at all?

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Nope. No judgment here (other than cute).

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He thinks.

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"I think it's something about... precision," he finally says, after what was probably three and a half years of silence during which they both starved to death waiting for him to come up with something to say. "Things having... exact solutions, or exact bounds to their inexact solutions. If that makes sense? There being... algorithms and procedures, those kinds of things. They're interesting and... I think I'm good at them."

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"Precision... I can see that. It even fits your power's theme, somewhat? I think?"

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He hadn't actually made that connection before.

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"If we ever run out of dungeons you know what to specialise in!" he says cheerfully.

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Oh he'd really rather not think about that possibility. It would probably be better for the world if dungeons stopped but, in Min Woo-young's metaphor, it'd be like if all pools in the world dried up.

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This man's eyebrows go through some epic journeys, huh.

"Anyway, do you have anything scheduled for after this?"

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"...not until later in the evening." He and Kang Jaeha have a synced dungeon clear so that they'll get back to their silo at similar times and be able to guide each other. Tae-gun does usually take on more dungeons than Kang Jaeha but today's schedule is relatively light.

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"Wanna grab some coffee with me and Cho Seomin-sunbae, then?"

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"...sure." Why not. He hasn't really interacted much with Min Woo-young's partner, even though she's his hoobae too; it would not be a bad idea to get to know her.

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"What's the point of me being here," he sighs.

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"Have you ever tried buying yourself a birthday present? It's approximately impossible, so we're having you consult on them."

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"I don't particularly want birthday presents."

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"We know! You're getting them anyway."

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"Think of it as retail therapy."

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"I don't need therapy."

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"Coulda fooled me! You're always so glum."

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"I don't think I'd call him glum... Just kind of quiet."

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"Oppa is overindexing on himself."

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"You try not overindexing on yourself when you're as perfect as me."

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"Did you literally say the word 'hairtoss', noona?"

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"If Si-yeon had longer hair I'd have done it for him, but just doing it myself doesn't have the same effect. Look." She does a hairtoss. "That just looks gratuitous."

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They're all so cheerful all the time.

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"Should we have invited Kang Jaeha-nim? Only, we don't really know him, only, it is Tae-gun-sunbae's birthday..."

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"Chun-hee, I'm sure Kang Jaeha-nim's present to Tae-gun is of an entirely different kind." He leans down and covers the wrong side of his lips to whisper, "It's his body."

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"What are you saying!!!"

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"You did say he looked amazing naked the other day..."

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"He was drunk, don't hold the things drunk people say against themselves."

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"Why not? That's when we're at our most honest."

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"Tae-gun doesn't like being honest, it's his one weakness."

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Pat pat. Poor sunbae, surrounded by lunatics.

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"Besides," she continues, "it's not holding anything against him, is it? I mean, you've seen Kang Jaeha-nim, haven't you? It's not a wild guess that he looks good naked."

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"Hear hear! The things I'd let that man do to me are not in the Bible."

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"Aren't they? I'm no Bible scholar but I was pretty sure it was full of some pretty nasty things."

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"You're all degenerates."

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"Don't lump me in with them," Chun-he sniffles haughtily.

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"Nor me."

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"Our partners are such bores, noona," sighs Si-yeon.

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"Tae-gun, too. He hasn't shared a single thing about Kang Jaeha-nim. What's his favourite book? Does he like romcoms? How big is—"

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"Not in public!!!" Tae-gun doesn't quite wail. It's a weekday morning and so the shopping mall they're in is reasonably empty but a group of five espers walking alone is attracting its fair share of attention and they've already had to stop twice to let people take pictures with them.

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"I was going to ask how big his Spotify favourites list was! Your mind's in the gutter, Tae-gun."

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"That doesn't even make sense, unnie."

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"I couldn't think of an appropriate replacement fast enough. My brain went to 'how big is his CD collection' but who even owns CDs."

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"Besides, it'd be really hard to beat the size of Tae-gun's CD collection."

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"Would it, now?" She looks at Juheon. "You never told me that."

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"It's not cool to share people's personal details like that," he sighs.

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"...you're not even denying it?"

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"It's hard to deny something that huge staring you in the—"

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"Can we talk about literally anything else please."

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"Tell us about Kang Jaeha-nim! It's been weeks already!"

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Well... it has been weeks, and she's also curious, but she hasn't known Tae-gun-sunbae as long as the other three have and she feels a bit awkward about pressing, too. Unnie can be pretty intense, herself, anyway.

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The problem—or, well, one of the many problems with this entire conversation—is that he. Doesn't. Really know? He's got a mild crush on Kang Jaeha and he likes the man's personality but when it comes to, like, actually knowing facts about him as a person... Tae-gun is kind of coming up blank?

"He doesn't like horror movies," Tae-gun temporises, because that is definitely a fact he knows. Uhhhhh, he can try to think about things, uhhhhhh... "He's smart? Um. A bit jaded and cynical, I guess?"

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"Writing down this set of disparate facts on my little notebook."

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"When you get to our age you do inevitably become jaded and cynical," Hyun-jae agrees.

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"Unnie you're 24."

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"And Kang Jaeha-nim is 25! We're both world-weary wanderers of this land, marred by its horrors, inured to the suffering it causes—"

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Juheon bumps into her lightly then kisses her on the cheek. "You're cute."

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"I'm your sunbae, how dare you!"

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"Juheon is like six feet tall, from that high up I'm sure we all look cute."

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"I'm six three, actually."

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"Who's taller between you and Yoo-min-sunbae?"

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"About the same, I think?"

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"Yoo-min-sunbae looks taller because he's not as buff."

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"Can you even tell the difference, from down there?"

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"Oh, ha ha, I guess it's time to make fun of little old me."

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"You deserve it," Tae-gun opines.

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"Punching down is not a good look."

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"Is there even a way to punch you that's not 'down'?"

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"Weak. That joke was weak."

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"Do you like getting clothes?" Juheon asks Tae-gun, slowing down in front of a clothes shop. "I'd guess not since you're always dressed the same, but..."

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"I told you I don't need birthday presents."

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"No one needs birthday presents, Tae-gun, that's why it's so nice for them to get them anyway."

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"Sunbae might just be one of those people who'd prefer to have experiences for his birthday? Hanging out with people, you know?"

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...is he one of those people...?

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"Nah he just doesn't see the point in birthdays."

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Oh. Yeah, he's one of those people.

"They're just... days."

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"Well, they're days you spend with people you care about and who care about you. There's nothing inherently special to them but you can make them be special."

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"How often do you see people you like?"

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...he has no idea how to answer this question.

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"What I mean is, it's a day you're guaranteed to see the people you like, so you don't let them drift away and reinforce your relationships. That's all there is to it."

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"Okay but then presents are unnecessary."

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"Did your family and friends growing up not do that, sunbae?"

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"...did I just put my foot in my mouth somehow."

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"I didn't really have those, growing up," he shrugs.

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"Don't make it a big deal. It's not a big deal. Everyone keeps making it a big deal but it's not."

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"Well, whatever. Let's just go stop at a bunch of stores and look at things we're definitely not buying you and then when it's your actual birthday we'll invite half of Quasar and that'll be that."

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He looks pained.

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"Only the half you like, how about?"

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"Fine, just put me out of my misery."

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"How about cake? Do you like cake? Let's figure out some kind of cake to get you for your birthday, there's this lovely bakery I know..."

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"My friends were asking about you," Tae-gun says while they're eating dinner together.

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"Just... you know. Since we're partners and all."

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"I guess it's natural they'd be curious." Not that he'd know. "What'd you say?"

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"I... didn't. Much. Um." He takes a deep breath then looks at Kang Jaeha. "I... feel like we don't know each other all that well? And, um. I want to. Get to know you better, that is."

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"Well, what would you like to know?"

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"I don't... know. I'm not really good at these things, I don't know what other people in these situations do, they just kind of... happen."

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"'These situations'?"

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"You know, relationships."

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"Are we in a relationship, then?"

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"And what's that relationship, Tae-gun?"

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"We're par—oh." Oh, that. That...

That phrase does have some meanings, huh.



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"Just partners? Nothing more? Strictly transactional?"

...his heart is. Making a noise. Of some kind. He'd been teasing but he's having some sort of reaction. And he's not some dumb BL protagonist who'll hear the ba-dum of his heart in such a situation and go, "gosh, what's this?" It does take him a second but only a second to realise that when your heart starts going ba-dum when you make a joke about a romantic relationship that has some implications about your feelings.

The thing that's tripping him up there is that 'feelings' bit.

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"Well... I mean... yeah...?"

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"Yeah? So if I said I didn't want to be just your partner, what would you say?"


Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.

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"I don't know? I. I need to think. Um."

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He doesn't like that response. He doesn't like that at all. He's—feeling something, something he does not want to be feeling, and actually it feels like this is going very very wrong.

Why is he feeling that way?

He needs to think.

He should stop Tae-gun and undo—

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No, he. He's not going to undo it, actually.

Why not?

He should undo it. He should undo it because he needs certainty, he should undo it because if Tae-gun comes down on the wrong side then it'll be a lot harder to get him on the right side later, because he could spend some more time getting Tae-gun convinced and then ask the question and...

...and he doesn't want to. Besides, even if he did, he lost his timing, he can't grab that memory anymore, it's been too long, but also he doesn't want to.

Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.

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Tae-gun is too busy with his own internal struggle to notice Kang Jaeha's, but his heart is doing its fair share of ba-dums.

He's also not stupid.

He has a "mild crush" on Kang Jaeha, but... a relationship? It's only been a couple of weeks.

A relationship? This soon? He was just saying that he barely knows Kang Jaeha.

A relationship? Him? Him and Kang Jaeha? Him and Kang Jaeha spending time together? Going on dates, doing things together, things other than fucking in their silo? Watching movies, sharing book recs, chatting about nothing at all, those stupid things from books and webcomics and movies that suddenly don't sound stupid at all even though he barely knows this man? Even though he wants to?


Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.

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Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.

He grabs a glass of water. His face is doing something, and he realises that there was a moment there that he let slip, a moment to say something silly, to make fun of the situation. To make it light. He let it slip, and it got serious, and he can hear Tae-gun's heartbeat, and Tae-gun can hear his.

He drinks some water.

Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.

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"What... would that... entail. Exactly."

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"I don't know!" he says—whoops, that was a bit more forceful than he intended, that's not—

—he doesn't undo. He doesn't undo.


"I don't know. I've never dated anyone before." It feels pathetic. It feels so pathetic to be 25 and not ever have dated anyone before and he didn't care before but suddenly he does. God, maybe he is a stupid BL protagonist. He's about to say a stupid BL protagonist line and he can't even stop himself. "But I'd like to find out. With you."

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"...can I... call you Tae-gun-ah?"

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Ba-dum ba-dum ba-DUM BA-DUM BA-DUM—


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"And... do you want to call me hyung?"

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This is stupid. This is so so so stupid. So stupid. He calls Juheon and Si-yeon hyung! Why is this different! This makes no sense!!!!!

"I. I can. Um. H-hyung. Jaeha-hyung."


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Yeah it does make absolutely no fucking sense. No sense at all.


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"Y-yes, h-hyung?"

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"Kiss me."

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"Yes, hyung." He's kissed Kang Jaeha plenty of times. Why is this different? Why does this feel different?

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum.

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There aren't fireworks, because fireworks are when they're both backlashed and fuck like rabbits. This is something different.

Ba-dum. Ba-dum.

Alright he gets it can you please fucking stop.



He pulls away and looks into Tae-gun's eyes. "I'm boring. I'm really, really boring. I don't have interests, because nothing ever interests me. I don't have hobbies, I don't do anything in my spare time. I'd call it depression but it's backlash. Maybe they're the same thing. But there isn't anything for you to know, anything I can tell you that you can share with your friends about me. I'm... going to need to invent myself, for you."

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"You said you didn't like horror movies."

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"Was that a lie?"

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"...no. They terrify me."

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"So I think you're not just... making it up. Yourself.

"But it's fine if you are. We can get to know you together."

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.........oh God that was the corniest line how did he say that with his facemouth excuse him he needs to catch fire and die.

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He lowers his face. "Fuck, Tae-gun-ah, you're messing with my head now. I'm meant to be the psychic one, here, not you."

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"I." He swallows and licks his lips. "My birthday's on Wednesday."

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"My... friends are doing something. Some party or something. You could come. And, and we could do something else, too. Just us. Before, or after."

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"Are you asking me out on a date?"

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He shuts his eyes and nods.

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"Then I'll go out with you, Tae-gun-ah. What would you like to do?"

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"I don't know. ...people go to movies? Or... restaurants?"

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"Is that what you'd like?"

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"I don't know. Um. What would you like?"

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Absolutely nothing.

Except that's not true.

"If I'm with you, anything's fine. ...but we could try something different. Do you want to go to the Natural Science Museum with me?"

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Oh. That does admittedly sound a lot better than a restaurant or a movie.

"I, yeah. I'd like that."

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He grabs Tae-gun's hands and brings them up to his lips. "Tuesday afternoon, then, our schedules permitting."

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"All you fruits better pay up," Yoo-min says when he sees Tae-gun arrive with Jaeha in tow.

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"Damnit," says Si-yeon, grabbing five five-thousand bills from his wallet and shoving them into Yoo-min's outstretched palm.

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"Do I count as a fruit if I'm a girl?" wonders Hyun-jae, also giving Yoo-min twenty-five thou.

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"You definitely count." Twenty-five thousand won from him, too.

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"Why is everyone giving sunbaenim money?" Also this is more people than he'd expected, um.

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"I'd guess they were betting on whether I'd come at all."

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"They totally were."

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"Well, of course I couldn't miss Tae-gun's birthday." He bows. "It's a pleasure to meet you, sunbaenim."

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"...shit, we're your sunbaes, aren't we? I don't think I'm ready for this much responsibility."

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Tae-gun sighs. "These are my old partners Ha Si-yeon and Lee Juheon, their current partners Kim Chun-hee and Baek Hyun-jae, these are Park Yoo-min and Choi Seungjoo, and this is Min Woo-young. "

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"It's nice to meet you hoobaenim." Unlike everyone else he does not find it particularly weird to be Kang Jaeha's sunbae, probably due to the fact that he manifested really early and is technically the sunbae of lots of people older than himself so he's used to the dissonance.

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"Anyway! Happy birthday Tae-gun-sunbae!"

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"Happy birthday!"

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Yes yes happy birthday Lee Tae-gun etc etc.

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Lee Juheon ushers everyone inside the booth they reserved for their little party at a pizza place and takes a seat next to Hyun-jae. "How were today's assignments?"

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"It's Tae-gun's birthday, let's not talk about work."

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"It's fine, hyung."

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...twitch? Kang Jaeha, are you experiencing jealousy? No, seriously, don't be a stupid BL protagonist, that's going a bit too far. You haven't even discussed monogamy with Tae-gun! Admittedly most people do assume that when they start dating someone but 1. espers are different and 2. you should just never assume things with Lee Tae-gun, the man does not work like other people. Besides, calling someone hyung doesn't need to be romantic, at all, it's a normal thing for a guy to call an older friend, stop reading into it.

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"Tae-gun likes talking about work anyway."

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"If you were as good at it as he is you would, too."

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"I'm plenty good at work!"

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"It was alright. Just four small B-rank dungeons—"

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("Tae-gun's just like that.")

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"You cleared the one in Gangseo-gu, right? The one that had a dungeon break?"

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"—well I didn't clear it because there was some interesting tech that people wanted to see if they could make work outside the dungeon itself but I left the core with the team by the door and they killed it later."

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"Tech? What kind of tech?"

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"Miniaturisation. The robots in it had very small chips, and there were some that—weren't nanobots because they weren't nano but they were very much micro."

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"And did it? Work outside the dungeon, that is?"

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"I'm... not sure."

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"It didn't directly, the dungeon was doing spatial manipulation, but I believe I read about some useful insights they drew from it anyway."

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Blink. "You read about it?"

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"Well, I need to find something to do with my time while I'm waiting for my hero in shining armour to arrive from his dungeon."

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"Get a room."

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"Don't worry, we used ours very very thoroughly."

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"Oh you've got a hyung already, huh? You sly dog, took me two months to get to that point with Tae-gun."

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...should Si-yeon-sunbae be calling Kang Jaeha that...?

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Oh yes he absolutely should, Jaeha is glowing with pride at the idea that he got Tae-gun to call him 'hyung' before Tae-gun's prior partners. His jealousy evaporates just like that.

"Did you two date?"

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Tae-gun blinks at Jaeha. Didn't he already tell Jaeha about that...?

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Yes he did but Jaeha doesn't trust Tae-gun to have noticed that he might've been dating someone if they didn't explicitly talk about it.

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"Oh, nah, our relationship was purely carnal."

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Sometimes he wonders why he hangs out with these people.

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He laughs.

"Okay, I just said that to tease him. We didn't date, though, we're just friends. Even though he's a cutie." He's a cutie who's also a lot, Si-yeon cannot keep up with all of the everything that man is.

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"That he is," says Juheon. "By the way, I'm linking you guys the menu," he continues, opening his commscreen and doing so, "so pick the toppings you want and we can figure out how many and which pizzas to get."

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Oooh, food.

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Ooh food indeed.

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"Is Seomin-sunbae not coming?" Chun-hee asks Woo-young after they've figured out what pizzas to get.

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"Ah, no."

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"Why not?"

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"She, ah, said that she wasn't comfortable being around so many people she doesn't know?"

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"She just doesn't want to hang out with us queers."

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"You don't know that."

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"Nnnnno, we kinda do."

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Really? In this day and age?

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Yoo-min sighs. "I don't want to, like—get in the way of anything, but, uh, she... How to put this..."

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"She thinks faggots and dykes should keep our lifestyles to ourselves and stop making espers all look like deviants in the eyes of the public."

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"Tag yourself, I'm dykes."

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"I'm deviants."

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"I'm definitely faggots."

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"Hyung, you're bi." As is Hyun-jae and—pretty much everyone else here? He supposes he's not sure about Chun-hee and has no idea about Kang Jaeha, and he himself is gay, but.

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"I don't think she'd put it quite like that."

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"No but you know that's exactly what she's thinking."

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Well he can't argue with that but, "I'm with Yoo-min, we shouldn't be trying to bias Woo-young."

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"No, um, I—if that's true that's definitely the kind of thing I ought to know about? Since I'm, uh, maybe bi?"

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"Yeah but if she's been nice to you there's no reason to hold whatever against her, you know?"

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"Well, I wouldn't know, I haven't really... told her..."

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"She was nice to me."

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"Tae-gun-ah, no one is ever going to not be nice to Korea's most powerful esper."

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Well he doesn't like that idea at all!!!!

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"Anyway! Happier topics! It's Tae-gun's birthday!" He looks at Jaeha. "How're you finding working with him?"

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"Oh he's delightful. ...to work with."

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"I knew it."

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"Hyung answer the question properly," Tae-gun sighs.

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He grins.

"Well, we haven't been assigned to that many dungeons together, but he's nothing short of wonderful to work with."

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(Uh huh.)

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"It's true, whenever we're assigned dungeons together he's always really impressive."

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Nod nod nod.

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"Well, now I want to experience it myself."

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"Wow, babe, am I not enough for you?"

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"I'm pretty sure I'm not compatible with Tae-gun-sunbae! I just want to see him in action, is all."

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"What about Quasar as a whole, has everyone been welcoming?"

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"Yeah. It's a pretty different environment from Juno's."

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"Oh?" He has a teensy bit of FOMO about not joining other guilds and not knowing what they're like, even if he has loved being in Quasar.

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"People are warmer. I didn't really believe Tae-gun when he said that you guys act like family around each other but I'm starting to."

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"Hell yeah, Quasar's great."

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"Are you gonna join Queer Quasar? —at least I assume you're, um—" He made all of those jokes and all but maybe they were just jokes?

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"Oh I'm very much into cock."

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"That's the LGBTQ+ group, right? What does 'join' look like?"

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"We have a group chat, and we hold meetups every now and then. There's more people than just us, of course, and it's cool to have others with similar experiences around?"

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"I guess I've never really felt like those experiences were that... formative? It makes me feel a little bit like an impostor."

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Also relatable.

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"Yeah, no pressure, of course."

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"We all did grow up in Korea, where gay men are gross and gay women don't exist. Closet experiences are universally bonding."

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"I was too much of a sissy as a kid, I never really got to stay in the closet. Only figured out I also liked girls when I was, like, seventeen, and it was far too late to pretend by then."

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"That's not a great word to use."

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"I think if people spend your whole fucking life hurling it at you as an insult you get to use it, actually. Not all of us are giant football jocks no one ever wants to mess with."

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"Oppa, you're being kind of a dick."

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"...sorry. I'm not over it, I guess."

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Pat pat pat.

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"I'm fine. He's right that I shouldn't be policing his word choice like that, and he ought to be allowed to vent about those things with us of all people."

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"I might join," says Jaeha. "It wasn't really the kind of thing I did at Juno but like I said, Quasar's different."

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Pizza! They ordered pizza, right? As well as beers and wine?

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Woo they totally did.

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"How does it work, being partners with different specialties?" Woo-young asks. "Seomin-sunbae's a rescue esper too and we go in together, but the two of you don't?"

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"The biggest problem, really, is that Tae-gun is insane, not that our specs are different."

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"Oh worm."

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"He is hard to keep up with."

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"Yeah, no kidding, four dungeons—"

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"I already told you guys they were just small B-ranks..."

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"Yeah, babe, you heard that? They were just small B-ranks."

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"Yeah, just four of them."

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They're making fun of him, aren't they.

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Just a little bit!

"So you wait for him at the silo or, how's that work?"

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"I did three, today, and we synced those to come back home at the same time, but for the fourth, yeah, I waited for him, my prince charming."

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How is he saying that with a straight face.

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No, Tae-gun-ah, it's a very gay face, actually.

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And two other people at this table know exactly what Tae-gun's backlash is like, and exchange very knowing looks.

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"Wow, all of the gays at this table are eyefucking each other, Chun-hee you should eyefuck me, too."

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"You know what, I can work with that."

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"Wait hold on can I get invited to this party?"

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"Nuh uh, you were already flirting with Juheon."

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"We were not flirting."

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"I was maybe flirting a little."

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"That's the problem with getting too many queers in one place, we all start flirting with each other."

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"Speak for yourself, hyung."

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"I have eyes for only you, Joo-ya."

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"No, you don't."

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"You really, really don't."

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"It's okay, hyung, I'll share."

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"I have the best boyfriend in the world."

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"Hmm, dunno, I think I got a pretty good one."

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"I think I'm going to have to ruin your fun because I've got an S-rank boyfriend."

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"—yooooooo for real??? Ain't no hints now, that subtext's text?????"

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"Wow! Congratulations!"

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puppy is not sad puppy is happy for his sunbae

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Seungjoo serves himself some wine. "Let's cheer for Tae-gun's birthday and hot new boyfriend."

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"I'm not getting drunk tonight," he mumbles from where he's hiding in his arms. "I make enough of a fool of myself sober."

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Jaeha kisses the top of Tae-gun's head. "Cheers, Tae-gun-ah."

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"I feel like we may be picking a bit too much on Tae-gun-sunbae."

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"Oh don't worry he gets off on it."

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"Duly noted."

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"It's his birthday. That's what it's for."

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"I thought that was to spend time with people you like."

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"Are you saying you don't like us?"

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"Strongly considering it."

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"Alright, alright, let's take the spotlight off him for a moment. What are all your powers? I confess I did not do my homework of looking all of you up online before coming here."

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"Ooh, me first, me first! I do lightning—"

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"That was fun. Your friends are a lively bunch."

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They've low-key turned Jaeha's place into a shared silo slash home. It's bigger than both Tae-gun's place and their actual silo—Jaeha comes from money so he had a nice big house even prior to becoming an esper—and they're definitely in the honeymoon phase of their relationship where they want to spend all their time with each other. "They're loud," Tae-gun complains while he's taking his shoes off.

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"And yet you still hang out with them," Jaeha observes, following suit.

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"...yeah. 'Cause I'm a dumbass."

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"Didn't really peg you for the type to hang out with the queer group. Doesn't seem like your style."

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He starts making his way upstairs to their bedroom and ensuite bathroom. "It was kind of a coincidence, really," he sighs.

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He follows Tae-gun up. "Oh?"

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"Juheon was my first partner, and he was part of the queer group and introduced me to everyone, and—um. I don't remember if I told you, but I was homeless before joining Quasar?"

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"You didn't," though Jaeha did dig around a bit and figured it out from reading between the lines before they were partners.


"But, ah, I actually knew?"

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Why is he doing this. Why is he saying this.

"Ah... Before we were partners, officially, I kind of... dug around, about you. It's not written anywhere but—there were things that weren't said." He gets ready to erase Tae-gun's memory—

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—no, actually. He doesn't. He's not sure why. This could backfire spectacularly. Tae-gun could feel pretty betrayed by this, especially that it took Jaeha this long to tell him.

He will turn the shower water on rather than look at Tae-gun, how about.

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Tae-gun is feeling... unstable, and confused, and a little bit vulnerable, and a little bit upset—

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"W-well. I suppose it's not really a secret. Um."

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Argh. What does he—Kang Jaeha stop being stupid. "I'm sorry. I—shouldn't have." What's he going to say? That he didn't realise it could've upset Tae-gun? Of course he did; he just didn't care.

That's a state of mind he can't really inhabit right now, though. At all. Not caring about Tae-gun? Insane.

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"...no, it's... fine."

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He blinks and turns to look at Tae-gun again.

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"It's fine," he repeats more confidently. "I—forgive you. And... we were about to be partners, and we're dating anyway, it's fine if you know things about me. Right?"

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His face splits into a wide, adoring grin.

"Yeah. We are dating."

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........what's with that smile. Why is that smile being pointed at him. What is happening. Why is it making him have butterflies in his stomach.

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"So, you were saying?" Jaeha asks gently.

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"...right. Um. I was homeless, and—Quasar was nice. And I didn't use to know anybody—you say you're hard to deal with but, um, I'm harder, I'm—"

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Jaeha places a finger on Tae-gun's lips. "Perfect. You're perfect."

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What is he saying!!!!!!

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Well right now he's not saying anything, he's just kissing Tae-gun.

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He pulls away after a few seconds. "So Lee Juheon-shi was your first partner...?"

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"...right. Um. I didn't have friends before, and Juheon-hyung took me to a meetup once, and everyone in the queer group was really friendly and wanted to include me and I'm—bad at saying no."

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"That much I noticed."

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He pouts. "Well. That's what it was."

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"Both Lee Juheon-shi and Baek Hyun-jae-shi are your sunbaes, right? How come they're partnered now but weren't when you joined?"

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"...Hyun-jae-sunbae's previous partner, uh. Died. Last year. And she'd never been to the queer meetup before and went to one to, um, get really drunk and forget about it by maybe having inadvisable sex with a girl, and then they met and found out they were super compatible."

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"And so Lee Juheon-shi just... left you?" He doesn't want to complain about the series of happenings that led him to have met Tae-gun but he's finding himself put out by the idea of someone having dropped Tae-gun like a hot potato like that.

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"—no, of course not." The water's already hot, so he strips and gets under it. "We talked about it, he wasn't going to just leave me in the lurch, and eventually we found my second partner—he's not at Quasar anymore. Or, um, anywhere, he decided that being a dungeon esper wasn't for him, I think he's working with civilians now but I'm not sure what, we haven't kept in contact."

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...still doesn't sit right with Jaeha but, well, again, if they weren't that compatible after all he guesses that was for the best. And... they're still on good terms, so that's... good?

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"When Ipsae—that's my second partner—decided to stop, Si-yeon-hyung's partner had just done the same thing a bit earlier, and I already knew hyung from the meetups and we knew we were compatible so we partnered."

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"And Kim Chun-hee-shi...?"

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"Is my hoobae, and they were a lot more compatible than hyung and I were."

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"And he did leave you."

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"We talked about it." He looks up at Jaeha then tugs him under the shower. "...did all of your partners leave you just like that?" he wonders.

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"I guess I'm showing my damage, huh?"

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"...that's a kind of..." Weird? Mean? Thing to say about oneself.

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"Well, you're right that all of my previous partners left. I could list their names for you if you want but the story's always the same. I'm too apathetic, I'm only interested in the sex, I'm boring, I don't care about anything." He shrugs. "They varied in how polite they were when they were telling me how much I sucked as a partner."

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"...I don't think you suck."

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"That's because with you I'm more guided than I've been in literal years. I told you, didn't I? I'm inventing myself again for you."

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This is not, objectively speaking, "romantic", he thinks, but he's still getting butterflies.

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Jaeha grins then grabs the shampoo to wash Tae-gun's hair. He doesn't remember when or why he started doing it but he kind of likes it now; it feels like taking care of Tae-gun, who doesn't really need anyone taking care of him and furthermore objects to the concept. It's a small thing but that's something Jaeha's getting back, is his appreciation for small things. His, just... feeling like his day-to-day existence is good rather than neutral or tolerable.

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Well, whatever Jaeha's reason is, Tae-gun finds it very nice to be on the receiving end of.

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"You're very cute."

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And now he's scowling. "I'm the most powerful esper in Korea."

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"The most powerful esper in Korea is very cute."

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He hopes Kang Jaeha can tell that he's being glared at despite the fact that Tae-gun is not actually turning around to do so. Having his hair washed is more important than glaring, just barely.

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Oh, he can hear that glare loud and clear. He rinses Tae-gun's hair then turns him around and pulls him into a hug, resting his chin on Tae-gun's shoulder and sighing contentedly. "Happy birthday, Tae-gun-ah."

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...Tae-gun's maybe starting to understand why people like birthdays.

(Oh why is his heart hammering so fast all of a sudden. That's just cruel.)

But he wraps his arms around Jaeha, too, and mumbles a "Thank you."

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"And I bought you something."

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"As a gift. Because it's your birthday. Come on, Tae-gun-ah, keep up."

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Oh. Right. Those are a thing.

"You didn't need to," he says, a bit uncomfortable, but... he's actually kind of curious.

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"No, but I wanted to. I want to make you happy, and I know material things aren't happiness but they're just... a small way I have of showing you that I care about you. And so that you can remember that."

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See, that logic almost makes sense, at least compared to what his friends said the other day. It's also not helping with the butterflies or the hammering heart.

...but he's still a bit concerned. The other thing about presents is that—what if he doesn't like them? Is he going to have to lie to Jaeha and say he liked them? That'd be so awkward, and furthermore he doesn't want to lie to his boyfriend. He has no idea how to navigate that! Would it be okay for him to just say so? Does he say a polite "thank you" and then never use—whatever it is?

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It doesn't take a psychic to guess some of what's going on in Tae-gun's head and being a psychic lets him figure out the rest. "I'm not going to be hurt if you don't like it. It's fine if you never use it. You can see it as a selfish thing I did for myself, if you want, you're not obligated to feel any way about it."

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He grumbles into Jaeha's skin then pulls away and looks up at him. "It's unfair that you can read my mind like that."

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Tae-gun doesn't mean it literally, because Tae-gun doesn't know that Jaeha does receive feedback.

(For some reason Jaeha is... uncomfortable with that.)

"I know you pretty well, and you're very easy to read," he says, trying to push that discomfort away.

(He knows what he'll see if he looks at it. He doesn't want to look. It's... scary.)

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"Everyone says that. That I'm easy to read. I dunno why."

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"It's your eyebrows. They're very expressive. I could write entire books about the stuff they're saying."

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"You weren't even looking at me."

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"But I could feel the eyebrows," he says, booping one of them with a finger. Then he pulls away from the hug and starts soaping himself.

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...and now Tae-gun's being reminded that his boyfriend is smoking hot. That's the problem with showering together.

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"Need I remind you again that I am free-use Jaeha and you can fuck me whenever you want?"

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"We have work tomorrow morning."

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"Are you saying we can't get a quickie in?"

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"I'm saying if I put my hands on you it's not going to be a quickie."

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"I feel so threatened." 

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"We are not having any more sex today," Tae-gun declares, and that's that.

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Jaeha laughs but drops it. He's not particularly raring for it, it's just a lot of fun to mess with Tae-gun.

...not that he'd say no. Tae-gun's got him in the palm of his hand, Jaeha will do anything Tae-gun asks.

(That's really, really scary.)

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They finish showering then Jaeha bids Tae-gun wait in the bedroom while he goes to a different room to fetch Tae-gun's birthday present. When he comes back he's carrying two wrapped gift boxes: one is about as wide and half as long as Tae-gun's forearm, and the other is much wider but not very tall and somewhat flat.

He gives Tae-gun the smaller one first.

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He'll unwrap it, he guesses?

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It's a beautifully ornamented carved wooden box, and there is a long metal knife inside with carvings in the same style.

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But before Tae-gun can say anything he takes it from him and gives Tae-gun the bigger box, which is big enough Tae-gun will need to actually lay it on the bed to properly unwrap.

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What the... a knife? Bwuh? Okay, he did not expect that, he's not even sure whether he likes it or not, it's just so insane.

Alright, what's the second gift?

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A glass casing containing twin swords, also beautifully carved, the style that's pretty enough it ought to be hung on a wall somewhere.

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"They're real," he explains. "They're pretty but they're also real. I think they have a good weight distribution and balance for dual-wielding, they won't break or get damaged even if you go really hard on them. The knife, too, for a different style. I figured that you could use them to practise your melee combat, and you could maybe use them as inspiration for when you conjure your own ice blades, since there's a lot of history and expertise in the world about how to forge effective—"

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Tae-gun finds himself on top of Jaeha shutting him up with a violent, hungry kiss.

It turns out he was wrong; they are having any more sex today.

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Park Yoo-min lets out a long, low whistle as he looks at the swords Tae-gun's brought to the Quasar gym. "They're beautiful. Do they have names?"

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...it had not occurred to him that he ought to name his swords? "No."

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"Call them Left and Right."

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"Kang Jaeha got them for you?"

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"After you went through all that trouble to convince us to not get you birthday presents. Is it because he's prettier than us?"

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"That is pure slander. I'll have you know no one's prettier than Seungjoo."

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His hyung is so stupid.

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"Do I get to give them a go after you've kicked my ass with them?"

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"You know how to dual-wield?"

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"Isn't that just wasting your backlash, then?"

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"Some things are worth the backlash, and learning how to use those definitely is."

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Tae-gun doesn't expect he's going to kick Si-yeon's ass, though; Si-yeon's got him totally outclassed in melee like this if Tae-gun isn't willing to go lethal. It's just a lot more useful to spar with an intelligent moving target than against a practice dummy.

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Yoo-min and Seungjoo get out of their way and take a seat somewhere they can watch the sparring. Neither Tae-gun nor Si-yeon are likely to fuck up badly enough to actually be dangerous to them but if anything happens Seungjoo is perfectly capable of stopping them.

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They start circling each other. Tae-gun has one sword in each hand and thin ice sheets discreetly attached to the bottom of his shoes, and he eyes Si-yeon warily trying to look for an opening.

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Si-yeon skips from foot to foot, grinning and doing the same. He's the more impatient of the two, though, of course, so when he gets bored of waiting he leaps, covering the distance between them in an instant.

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Tae-gun parries the punch with a swirl of his body and aims one of his swords at Si-yeon's back with the other following closely behind.

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He turns midair with his forearms forming an X just in time to block the first sword, allowing it to launch him back and away from the second sword. He lands in a crouch but immediately presses the offense again, aiming for speed and agility to compensate for Tae-gun's weapons and ice-enhanced mobility.

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The game is on.

Tae-gun is more mobile—he can fly, if nothing else, and the only upper limit to how fast his ice can go is given by his backlash accumulation rate—and his blades are more dangerous, especially given that he does have prior experience with them. Si-yeon is nimbler, more able to turn on a dime and do acrobatic feats, not to mention that he can easily leap as high as the gym ceiling which mitigates a lot of Tae-gun's advantage through flight. Si-yeon is also reckless, aggressively going after Tae-gun almost heedless of his own safety. Tae-gun, of course, can't let Si-yeon's recklessness prevent him from actually using his blades in ways that would be really dangerous to anyone else as that would be a weakness Si-yeon would absolutely exploit, but Si-yeon can always dodge when he needs to, or straightforwardly tank a hit when that's necessary, though he does that sparingly as it's pretty costly in backlash compared to other things he could do—such as stopping the blades with his bare hands.

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It's loads of fun. Fighting monsters is just not the same as fighting another human, and Tae-gun keeps him constantly on his toes. S-rankers are on another level, even if Si-yeon himself is A-rank—although maybe he shouldn't be thinking about "S-rankers" so much as "Lee Tae-gun".

Si-yeon's goal, of course, is to disarm him. In a real fight against monsters there's no such thing, Tae-gun can just conjure weapons at will, but the point of sparring like this is for both of them to practise various individual skills that they can use to build up their arsenals. If both of them were going all-in and trying to kill each other Si-yeon would still be a challenge to Tae-gun but he'd just lose.

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But in this constrained situation Si-yeon wins. There are very few espers who can beat him one-on-one in a mostly-physical fight, and it'd have been even more one-sided if Tae-gun hadn't been allowed to use his various mobility aids. In real life he'd have made sure to go ranged and use his conjuration powers a lot more, too.

Not to mention that Tae-gun feels a flash of—something—when Si-yeon disarms him, and he doesn't know exactly what it is, but it's unexpected and it throws him off-balance enough that it takes a lot less time between losing the first sword and the second than it otherwise would. He doesn't immediately give up on being completely disarmed but from there it doesn't take very long for Si-yeon to stop himself from landing what would've been a decisive blow.

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Seungjoo claps.

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And Yoo-min wolf whistles and says, "That was so hot."

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Si-yeon straightens up from where he's crouched on top of Tae-gun and offers him a hand up. "Do I get a prize for winning?"

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Tae-gun accepts the hand, dusts himself, and looks at Si-yeon for a second...

...then summons a very thin layer of very cold frost directly over the skin of his face.

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"Ack!" He starts rubbing his face to get rid of the frost. "Warn a hyung before you do that!"

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He ignores Si-yeon's complaints and goes to pick his swords up. Despite Jaeha's warning that they could handle quite a lot of roughness he still inspects them for damage, and thankfully there isn't any.

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"I can give you a prize if you want, Si-yeon."

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"Can you, hyung?"

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"I mean—"

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Si-yeon—looks conflicted for a moment, which is really not a look that fits his face—

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—then shakes his head and skips over to the couple. He kneels before Seungjoo and makes a pouty face. "Please, Seungjoo-sunbae?"

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He hates interrupting an 18-year-old publicly domming someone but, "Did you want to try the swords out, hyung?"

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...oh he did say he wanted that, didn't he? But on the other hand whenever he gets with these two he has so much fun—but back on the first hand he's not compatible with either of these two and he won't get much guiding from them—

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"If you look impressive with the swords I'll let hyung reward you."

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He jumps to his feet and gets the swords off Tae-gun then starts practising with them.

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Sigh. "We should probably get Kim Chun-hee here for his backlash."

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"I'll let her know."

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Trying this out with zero prior training is pretty costly in backlash but having watched what Tae-gun was doing earlier does count a bit, and he's gotten really good at using the initial feedback of his first attempts to inform further attempts. First he wants to know the proper way to hold them and how to balance himself, then try a first stab at footwork, then some basic motions, then...

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It's always interesting to watch Ha Si-yeon learn a new skill. He does some small things really well, then tries them again and does them wrong. Then he tries more ambitious things and does them perfectly, then he does them again really badly. It's a bizarre stuttering process but it actually is informative even when Tae-gun already has the relevant skills.

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It would be far, far too costly in backlash for him to try to use his power to actually completely learn how to do it but he can get enough from his first attempts to then just practise specific aspects of the skill without using his power.

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After he's rested enough from the sparring he starts running through forms solo against a training dummy with ice swords based on the real ones. It's training time, after all.

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"Oh you're backlashing, right." Shoes off, jacket off, then over to his ~boyfriend~ to climb on top of him. He pinches the cig off Jaeha's hand, tosses it aside (so a bit of flying ice will send it to an ashtray), and kisses Jaeha deeply. "I don't like the taste of smoke, but your kiss tastes really nice."

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He trails after Tae-gun when he pulls away from the kiss then leans back onto the sofa. "Then kiss me more. It's just acute backlash, anyway." It doesn't feel worthwhile, but it never does, and he should do it anyway. Plus...

...he exists so much more, with Tae-gun, and if he can't want things, he can at least want to want them. Tae-gun will give him that.

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He wraps his wrists behind Jaeha's neck and tilts his head. "It makes me sad, to see you like this. I wish it weren't so. And I like that I can fix it but I wish I didn't have to. I like my Jaeha."

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Okay, not even his backlash can ignore the way his heart skips a bit at "my Jaeha". "Shut up and fuck me, Tae-gun-ah."

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"Don't know if I can shut up, though," he adds.

Anyway, he's still wearing trousers and he'd need to get off Jaeha to pull them off and he really doesn't want to so what he does instead is summon a blade to cut a hole into the back of his trousers and underwear, which he can do because they're stretched by the way Tae-gun's legs are spread while he's straddling Jaeha's legs. His T-shirt is much easier to pull off, though, so he does that without ruining it. 

"Say 'ah'," he requests, placing two fingers on Jaeha's lips.

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He puts those fingers in Jaeha's mouth. "Now suck them."

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Jaeha reaches up to hold Tae-gun's hand with both of his and does as instructed, slowly and without breaking eye contact.

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"God. You look so hot doing this. I want you to suck my cock like that. Not right now, though, right now I want you to fill my hole so full I can't think. Though if you fuck my face that'll definitely make me shut up. Do you want to that? It'd be hot if you did that. I kind of want you to do that. That'll make it very silly that I ripped a hole in my pants for you but maybe you could still fuck me—"

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Jaeha sticks his fingers in Tae-gun's mouth, now. "Shut up, bunny," he says gently.

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Oh he's perfectly happy to suck on that.

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After a few seconds of this Jaeha unceremoniously shoves those fingers into Tae-gun's ass.

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"Such a good boy, moaning on my fingers like that."

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"Fuck—Jaeha—my Jaeha—harder—"

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Again with the "my Jaeha". He's actually having a lot of trouble holding onto his current state of mind, with that. He pulls Tae-gun closer with his other arm and buries his face in Tae-gun's chest. "My Tae-gun," he says, in turns.

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...causing Tae-gun to orgasm just by saying what he just said is really good for the ego. He actually cannot handle what he's feeling right now. It's too, too—something. Overwhelming, maybe.

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"No, why'd you stop, keep going, keep fingering me—"

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No. He will not. He will pull his fingers out and put his dick in.

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Oh that works too.

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"Kiss me, Tae-gun-ah."

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He does. He kisses Jaeha, and he rides Jaeha, and he fucks Jaeha, his Jaeha, a Jaeha that's all his, that he gets to keep, who's so, so good to him, whom he likes so much, who likes him so much, he's—also a bit overwhelmed, actually.

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And he hugs Tae-gun and pets Tae-gun and kisses Tae-gun's forehead and washes Tae-gun's hair and lies in bed snuggling Tae-gun.

"You're very cute when you backlash into babbling like that."

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Tae-gun covers his face. "It's embarrassing."

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"Was the way you called me your Jaeha embarrassing, too?"

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"How about the way you came as soon as I called you 'my Tae-gun'?"

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Also yes!!!!!!!!

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"Well. It's all true. I'm your Jaeha, and you're my Tae-gun."

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"How can you say things like that with a straight face???"

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"Tae-gun-ah. Look at me."

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He does.

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Jaeha is, in point of fact, himself blushing.

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Oh. That's—that's the first time Tae-gun's seen Jaeha blush.

...he looks so cute.

"I like you, hyung," he says, leaning his head against Jaeha again.

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Now he has to hide his face, too. It's the first time Tae-gun said that out loud. "Haah... You drive me insane, Tae-gun-ah."

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"Hopefully in a good way."

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"Of course it's in a good way. And of course I like you too. For fuck's sake, Tae-gun-ah, I've never liked anyone this much before. I don't know what to do with myself, I just want to spend all my time with you, even when I'm backlashed I still look forward to seeing you, it's embarrassing to need you as much as I do but I do. I need you." It's only been a couple of months and it's terrifying that when he said "I like you too" he actually wanted to say "I love you" because if this isn't love he has no idea what love is. He's constantly feeling like he's out of his mind, like this isn't him, except obviously it's the opposite, this is him, he hadn't been himself in years and now he is and he doesn't fit in his skin anymore, he feels like he's going to burst out of it at any moment, and he feels it more whenever he sees Tae-gun, whenever Tae-gun calls him "hyung", whenever Tae-gun looks at him and blushes, whenever Tae-gun moans, whenever he wakes up before Tae-gun and sees his sleeping face and kisses his nose and watches him smile blearily and hears him mumble a "good morning" with that dumb, besotted look on his stupidly gorgeous face.

Jaeha really, really doesn't know what to do.

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Okay that was a way cooler confesion than Tae-gun's and he also doesn't know what to do. His heart is pounding so loudly in his chest he's certain even an unaugmented human would be able to hear it and he's flushed from head to toe. He had no idea it was possible to feel this way about someone, he feels so unprepared for it, and he feels like it's got to be fake. It's got to be fake that he's liked this much when he's not even trying, that he doesn't need to try, that he can be pathetic and whiny and clingy and horny and impulsive and Jaeha will just keep on liking him.

In summary: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

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Jaeha is in a state of mind where he thinks he'd be inclined to feel anxious that Tae-gun didn't respond to his confession except he can feel Tae-gun's emotions right now and he knows exactly what effect his confession had so he's not anxious at all because he knows Tae-gun likes him too.

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He knew this was coming, didn't he? He's known it for a long time. He was scared to look at it because he's a coward, because he wanted to leave it for future Jaeha, for a Jaeha who was more guided and could maybe figure out a way to navigate this better, but the fact is that he's really bad at understanding himself and knowing who he is while he's backlashed, isn't he? Apparently so, because now that he's guided he needs to face the music. Now that he's guided and Tae-gun said that he likes him and he's realising that he's been, been using his powers nearly indiscriminately on everyone including Tae-gun and that's bad, actually. That's unbearable, actually. He did this... to his Tae-gun.

His Tae-gun.

Can he even say that? Does he even deserve to call Tae-gun his, when Jaeha's manipulated and lied and cheated to get him?

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Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.


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Tae-gun jumps at the sudden outburst and looks at Jaeha in alarm.

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He's covering his face with both hands.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," he repeats over and over until the word has stopped sounding like a word.

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How? How could he? How could he do this? How could he act this way, how could he, he, how could he lie to his Tae-gun the way he has been, the way he does to everyone at all times? How could he lie to everyone at all times like he does, and manipulate them, and change their feelings, and make them experience things that aren't real?

Jaeha's a monster. That's monstrous. That's a horrible thing to do, and he's constantly doing it, and even now while he's thinking about how he's constantly doing it he's still doing it, his power is still active, he's still reaching for the warmth and safety of Tae-gun's feelings of concern for him. He doesn't know how to stop, he doesn't know how to not do that, he feels like he's going to drown in icy water. He feels like he deserves to drown, like he shouldn't be allowing himself to be warm.

He fucked up. He fucked up so much. He's been fucking up for years, and he's been massively fucking up for the past several months, and he knows exactly what he's going to do next and it's making him nauseous with fear to think about it but he has to, he has to even if it makes Tae-gun decide to end things with him forever, because Tae-gun deserves to end things with him forever if that's what he wants to do once he knows the truth.


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"Hyung, what's wrong? What's happening?"

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He looks at Tae-gun again, at those beautiful cobalt-blue eyes, and he crumbles. He pulls away, pulling his legs close to and under him, and kneels in front of Tae-gun, both hands in fists over his thighs and his gaze downcast.

"Tae-gun-ah—" Does Jaeha even have a right to call him that? "Tae-gun. I need to tell you something."

Fuck, he knows it was inevitable but he'd been avoiding it except now that he went and properly thought about it without hiding or looking away he just can't pretend anymore, can't lie to himself, and, fuck.

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Well that's not anxiety-inducing or anything!!

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He has no idea where to start. 

"I have no idea where to start."

Maybe at the beginning.

"Maybe at the beginning."

This is hard. This is so, so hard. He's stalling and he knows he's stalling but, but, but what can he do instead? Tell the truth? 

He's scared. He's really, really scared. 

"I'm scared. I'm really, really scared."

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That does not make this any less confusing actually!!!

"What are you scared of?" Tae-gun tries, going for gentle and reassuring even though he's still kind of anxious. Those sentences there sound really heavy. "How can I help you, hyung?"

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"God, Tae-gun, you're making this harder. You shouldn't be gentle and nice to me, I don't deserve it."

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"...what do you mean?" Jaeha has been—perfect. The perfect gentleman, the perfect boyfriend, thoughtful and kind and nice and—why would he not deserve it?

What did he do?

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"I, I've, fuck just, just give me a moment to think and, and prepare myself." Stalling, stalling, trying to figure out a way to escape, to run away, to not have to face his Tae-gun and have to confess everything. Even though he knows there's no escape and that he'll have to. He couldn't live with himself if he didn't.

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"Okay." He can be patient, and he can sit on his anxiety and fear, and he can wait. He trusts his Jaeha. If nothing else is true, that much is.

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...no! Why, why is he—

"Why are you feeling like that? Why are you, you, why are you extending me the benefit of the doubt—?"

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"...because I like you. Because I trust you. Because you're you."

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Goddamnit, Lee Tae-gun.

He really, really can't keep stalling.

"I lied to you about my backlash."

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He takes a deep breath. Great timing, Kang Jaeha. Just amazing. Tae-gun just confessed to you, and you confessed to him, and you just had to have your moment of horrified realisation now. Couldn't you have waited a week, maybe? Or done it a week ago? Did it have to be now?

Time to face the music. Once he starts, he won't be able to stop, so he needs to—focus. Be objective. Clamp down on his rising fear and panic and, and, and just tell him everything.

Deep breath. He can do this.

"It's not anhedonia. Or it's not just anhedonia. I lose—a lot more than that. I lose—everything. I lose my emotions. I lose empathy. I become empty, I don't care about people, I don't care about myself, I don't care about anything. I don't feel remorse or guilt, and the bad, ugly emotions are the last to go. I can feel sad but not happy, I can feel angry but not calm, I can feel jealous but not satisfied. 

"And then those are gone, too."

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...that's not... so bad? It's not really that different from how Tae-gun had been modelling it, though the, it has some implications. He's... not enough of a people person to know what the implications are...

...well, at least one of the implications is obvious.

"You lied to me when you were backlashed, right?"

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No, Jaeha can feel Tae-gun starting to rationalise it and he doesn't want Tae-gun to decide anything before he's heard the full story.

"And I never clarified it, even when I got more guided. Until now. But that's not all."

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"I lied to you about what my powers are, too. ...I lied to everyone about what my powers are. No one knows, but me."

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He extends his hand forward, palm up. "Put your hand on mine." He's still not looking at Tae-gun.

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He does not like where this is going but he does as instructed.

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"Please don't be startled. Lift it up slowly."

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It does not go.

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...what the fuck! It's very hard not to be startled by that!!! He freezes but what the fuck!!!!!!

"You can control me?"

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"No. It's an illusion." He stops it and now Tae-gun's hand is where it should be.

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Keep going, you've already started, you can't stop now. You gotta keep going.

"My illusions are all-encompassing," he says, and he's sure the way his voice sounds hollow is just a projection of his emotions but it still feels like a robot speaking with his voice.

He presses on. "Everything you can feel, I can fake. That includes proprioception. You did move, but I made you feel like you didn't, like your hand was still there. You have no way to tell. There is no mind esper who has any way to tell. My illusions don't change anything in your mind; they change what your mind is perceiving in the first place. There is no difference, as far as your nerves are concerned, between an illusion I show you of something being somewhere and that something actually being there. The memories of perceiving my illusions are as real as the memories of perceiving reality, neurologically speaking. You would not be able to tell if anything is real or being faked by me, even in retrospect."

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Oooookaaaay that is a lot scarier.

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"I don't need to do my detailwork on my illusions." Just keep going, don't stop until you're done. "I can let your brain fill in the details. I can make you believe you're holding a conversation with me when you're not, the contents of which your own brain generates. I can tell your brain to believe that I said or did something with a given character, and let it generate that. I can tell it to believe I said something charming, or funny, or sexy, and it'll come up with it for me.

"I can fake feelings like the feeling of being in a dream, or the feeling of having just woken up, or the feeling of being out of breath.

"I can't fake emotions but I can mute or highlight ones you're already feeling. This is mostly but not exclusively done by focusing on their physical correlates."

Now for the scariest part, if he can even call any part of his power scarier than any other. "If I have a hold of your mind while a memory is being formed, I can erase it. Once it's properly recorded into long-term memory I no longer have access to it, but until that happens, I do. I can do that selectively, only erasing parts of a memory. I could touch someone, find out we're incompatible, then replace that memory with a memory where we're compatible."

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What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck does this guy have any weaknesses—

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Almost there, now, the end is in sight. "My range is pretty extensive, but I can't pick out minds directly; for me to find you I need to know where you are, relative to me, through non-powers means. I need to know it reasonably precisely; knowing you're in a specific room isn't precise enough if I don't know where in it you are. Knowing you're in a room, seeing you through CCTV, and knowing where the CCTV is in the room, is precise enough. I can't use my power through dungeon portals. I lose precision quickly with distance, but the fact that I can let your mind decide what it's perceiving covers a lot of that weakness."

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...okay, that's...

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And finally, "I can't read your mind, but I can feel a lot of what you're feeling, especially in response to my illusions. I get emotional feedback and I get feedback of the major things human minds tend to find easy to keep track of, such as whether they're looking at a face and whether they recognise it."

Okay. There. He did it. He told Tae-gun everything. And Tae-gun is...

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"You're scared of me, and you should be. My powers are terrifying. The fact that I never told you this before is terrifying. The fact that I've used my power on you should be terrifying. From the start, from before we partnered. I've lied to you, and I've messed with your memories, and I've made you see and feel things. I've done that to everyone, I do it constantly, I don't even know how to interact with normal people in normal ways. I'm constantly going through life with cheat mode enabled. I didn't feel guilty, I wasn't capable of feeling guilty, not under all of that backlash that I was never sufficiently compatible with anyone to get rid of. 

"Anyone but you.

"But you can't trust anything you've perceived around me, you can't even trust that I'm telling the truth now, and, and if you were smart you'd leave. If you were smart you'd run away, you'd tell everyone about this NDA be damned because I'm a risk to humanity, because my usefulness doesn't outweigh the risks, doesn't outweigh how much I can, how much damage I can do." God, why is he saying this. He doesn't know what he'll do if Tae-gun takes him up on it. He doesn't, he, he, he loves Tae-gun is why. He can't keep doing this because he's in love with Lee Tae-gun.

"I don't know what I want but part of me hopes you'll do that, because then I won't have the chance to lie to you and hurt you again, because I can't live with the fact that I've done this to you already."

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And then


















using his power. He stops watching Tae-gun's emotions. He stops listening to anything but Tae-gun's panicked breathing and heartbeat, he still doesn't look up because he doesn't want to know what horrified, disgusted faces Tae-gun must be making. He doesn't want to know. He can't know.

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"—I, I need to think about this. I should, I—"

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"Go. Do what you must, get away from me, find somewhere safe. I'm not—safe. I don't deserve you, and I don't—I just keep manipulating you with my words, just go."

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...he goes.

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Jaeha stays up all night. He tries to tell himself he's not waiting for Tae-gun but that would be a rotten lie, every waking moment of his revolves around Tae-gun. He at least manages not to obsessively check his messages and just lies in bed keeping only his own miserable self for company.

He cancels the next day's dungeons. If he goes into a dungeon, he'll get backlashed and he does not trust his backlashed self to be sensible about it, it would be so so easy for him to slide back into a version of himself that would, would try to optimise Tae-gun, to figure out the words to say and the things to do to get Tae-gun back and he, he can't. He can't do that. He can't do that to his Tae-gun, to the man he loves, he needs to make it possible for Tae-gun to decide to never touch him again and never see him again and never think about him again and the only version of him that would ever allow that to happen is the current one. Then if, if Tae-gun decides to end it all, he can, he can make sure that he will end it all, that he'll find ways to prevent his backlashed self from being able to get Tae-gun back like he will inevitably want to.

He needs Tae-gun, but he needs Tae-gun to be safe and happy more, even if that means that was the last time he'll ever see Tae-gun in person in his life.

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Tae-gun had a dungeon scheduled for 8:30AM, and hasn't contacted Jaeha by then.

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This is fine. This is expected. Tae-gun probably went to sleep, and woke up, and went to work. There was very little time, really, for anything to have happened. For him to have come up with a decision. It doesn't mean anything. Tae-gun shouldn't change his schedule because of Jaeha. It's fine.

Jaeha stays in bed.

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Tae-gun's next dungeon is at 1PM, and he continues to not contact Jaeha.

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This is, again, fine. Expected, really. Of course Tae-gun wouldn't have had a lot of time, and even if he had, he can't just come back in that time. His schedule is tight. 

But Jaeha's worried about his backlash. Given the way he usually comes home after a single dungeon, will be really be okay, on his own? Or is he getting guided by someone else, maybe he's meeting up with Ha Si-yeon or Lee Juheon and they're, they're—

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It's fine if they are. Really. What's important is that Tae-gun is safe and healthy and guided. Everything else is secondary. Jaeha's petty feelings of jealousy are secondary. And if Tae-gun realises that he doesn't need Jaeha after all, that Jaeha is superfluous and unnecessary, then, then, then good. Tae-gun should do what's right for him. This will mean Jaeha will have no more opportunity to hurt him.

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His third dungeon is at 4. Still no contact.

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He's still in bed by then but then it occurs to him that starving himself pitifully because he misses Tae-gun would also be kind of manipulative and pressuring if Tae-gun ever comes back and—something. He doesn't think he can pretend his way into acting like a full normal human being but he can at least not be a useless lump and have some semblance of ability to care for his own biological needs.

He doesn't know what to do. He doesn't know what to do. The answer is "nothing", obviously, but—but how can he do nothing? What comes next? Should he be thinking about what comes next? Surely Tae-gun will let him know that it's over, right? He's not going to be left in limbo forever and just have to guess based on how long it's been since he's been ghosted? That, that would be so cruel, and his Tae-gun isn't cruel, has never been cruel, couldn't be cruel. Tae-gun—even if he's scared of Jaeha, Tae-gun is still, is still himself. He wouldn't just, just not say anything, would he? Just leave? At least a text? Surely he'd send Jaeha at least a text?

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Tae-gun didn't have any more dungeons scheduled for today. The expected time of completion of that last one was no later than 7PM.

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Through heroic effort Jaeha doesn't check the news. Doesn't turn on the TV to see if Tae-gun came out of his dungeons okay, that he's safe. Quasar would contact him if his partner weren't safe, right? So no contact is actually good, it means that Tae-gun is safe and, and, and doesn't need him. 

Tae-gun doesn't need him. 

He's not going to cry because if Tae-gun comes back it'll be really manipulative of him to look like he'd been crying. He's going to wait.

He's not sure how long he's going to wait, but—a day isn't too bad, right? It's not too much for him to ask, just a day. And Jaeha hopes it won't be too much longer but, but even a week would be fine, probably. That was a lot of information, all at once, and, and Tae-gun is probably reviewing their whole acquaintance. That'd be like him, to be sure. 

Surely he'll tell Jaeha if he means to think for that long? Surely he'll, he'll let Jaeha know? Won't he? Surely he will?

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When it's been exactly twenty-four hours since Tae-gun teleported away, he sends Jaeha a text.

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He set priority to texts and calls from Tae-gun to maximum and he gets an instant popup on his commscreen and he nearly dies with some sort of emotion he doesn't want to know.

What's... the content of the text?

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Are you available for a video call?

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, he responds immediately.

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He gets a call.

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Jaeha obviously accepts it and—holds his breath, because he shouldn't say Tae-gun's name with all of the relief he's feeling, he should actually not show any emotions at all, if he shows emotions that'll be manipulative—

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Tae-gun blinks when he sees Jaeha's face. "...hey."

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"Are you... backlashed?"

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"...no. I cancelled my assignments today and haven't used my powers at all since last night."

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"Oh. You look..."

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...ah. Right. The expressionless face would be the face Tae-gun usually sees when Jaeha's backlashed, wouldn't it?

He doesn't say anything.

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"Hyung, are you alright?"

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Aaaaand he loses at "hyung". He turns his face away and sobs into his hand and tries to hide it. "Sorry. Sorry. Just—sorry. I'll—" He doesn't know what he'll. Hearing Tae-gun call him that filled him with far, far too much hope and he shouldn't be feeling hope, it was probably a slip of the tongue—

—Tae-gun asked him a question. "No. I'm not." Because he needs to stop lying, and even a white lie would feel wrong.

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That's, that's his Jaeha. He made his Jaeha cry, he, he didn't think that was possible—

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"Why did you tell me all of that yesterday?"

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"...isn't it obvious? Because I'm in love with you. Because I couldn't bear lying to you anymore, because I realised I—had done something horrible to you, had been doing something horrible to everyone around me—"

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"What changed?"

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"...I just. Being guided, probably. Getting it all back. And then—you told me you liked me—and I told you I liked you—and you didn't say anything, and that made me anxious, but then you felt something, and that made me happy, and it made me realise that I was happy doing something you didn't know I was doing and could object to and that made me think about this which I'd been avoiding for weeks and I couldn't, I couldn't bear to keep doing it to you. Because I like you. Because I'm in love with you."

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"Hyung, when was the last time you used your powers on me? —other than last night. And other than just knowing what I'm feeling."

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His heart skips another beat at "hyung". That can't have been a slip, right? It can't have.

"I don't remember. A month ago, maybe longer."

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"When was the last time you used it on someone else?"

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"...less long ago than that." That's vague and manipulative. "This week." Also lying. "...I do it all the time. I do it almost instinctively, whenever I'm talking to anyone—other than you—I'm always trying to present them with my best, making them feel well-disposed towards me, fudging memories and retrying things until they work, letting them figure out what I should say that would make sense and work well."

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"Would you stop, if I asked you to?"

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"I would take a spaceship to the Sun if you asked me to, Tae-gun. Yes, I'd stop. I'll stop being an esper, I'll become a housewife for you."

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"...that's ridiculous."

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He covers his face again. "I'm such a fucking cliché when it comes to you. Of course it's ridiculous."

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"And if you backlash again..."

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"I don't know, Tae-gun. I—I want to say I'll never do it again, but I don't know if it's true. I don't really—care? When I'm backlashed, I do it because it makes my life easier, but I just don't care about things then. It won't hurt me to stop. And right now I, I'll try it. I'll do anything, I'll—" He's being manipulative but not saying this would also be because it's true, because he will do anything Tae-gun asks him to do—

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"I love you too."

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"Oh don't say that, Tae-gun-ah, I don't think I can—"

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"I wanted to wait. To be away from you and know what I was really feeling, but... it was all real, wasn't it? You didn't—you said it's been a month. I looked over our texts. You were still—the you I think you are. I spent all day thinking and, and trying to figure it out.

"I don't want to lose you. I don't want to leave you."

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"...it wasn't all real. At first, I—you remember when I told you you could call me by my name? That wasn't the first thing I said then. I said you could call me 'hyung' and you—didn't like it. You felt uncomfortable. So I got rid of that."

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"...does that matter? That's so, so small."

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"It's all small. Small this, small that. A lot of small things add up."

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"But the last month was real."

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"Please stop giving me chances, Tae-gun-ah, I don't—I can't refuse you. I'm not strong enough to stay away from you if you don't push me away."

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"Well then don't. We can, we can figure it out. We can make it work. We can deal with your backlash, and find ways for you to not slide into this again, and—it's not that bad. You know. Being bad at—people. At knowing what to say. People can still like you. I don't know how or why but they can.

"You like me."

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"That's different."

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"It's not. If you can stop using your power around me you can do it around other people, too. And you can still be you. And, and you can still be mine."

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"Can you come over? If we're not breaking up, then, then—then I need a hug."

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He hangs up, and then Jaeha gets a request for a visitor to teleport to his door.

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He accepts the request and rushes over to open his door for Tae-gun and—


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"...hi. Shut the door if you're not gonna put clothes on."

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He pulls Tae-gun inside, shuts the door, then wraps both arms around Tae-gun and rests his forehead on Tae-gun's neck. "Is it stupid that I missed you?"

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"It is," Tae-gun says, hugging back and closing his eyes. "I'm stupid, too."

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God, he's not sure what he's gonna do, now, he doesn't think he has the strength to let go. He might just die of hunger while hugging Tae-gun by his front door.

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Well, he's not going to because Tae-gun is tugging him towards his living room sofa. They can snuggle there.

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Whatever Tae-gun wants, he can get.

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"...can you cancel tomorrow's dungeons too? I don't—I don't want to keep talking about it. We can talk more tomorrow. Please?"

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"What part of 'I'll become a housewife if you ask me to' didn't you understand?" He kisses the top of Tae-gun's head and summons his commscreen to cancel his assignments. "Done."

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The part! Where! It's! A ridiculous thing to say!!!! That's the part!!!!!!

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Too bad. It's still true.

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Well. Cool. Fine. Whatever.

...he loves Jaeha. And Jaeha loves him. This is also ridiculous to think about, and it's only been, it's only been a few months! How does that happen!!!! It doesn't, that's how. It's fake. But it's so, so nice. Lying here on top of Jaeha in his living room, pressing his ear against Jaeha's skin and hearing his heartbeat and feeling the rise and fall of his chest while he breathes. Everything else feels secondary and distant, compared to that. And he might be scared of Jaeha's powers, but he was already feeling that way before. He was feeling like he was trying to do his due diligence, like he needed to make sure, but it was so, so small compared to how he feels about Jaeha.

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"...what are you thinking, Tae-gun-ah?" He's trying not to sound clingy and anxious but actually not listening at all for other people's feelings is. Hard. It's hard. It's especially hard when he's feeling kind of vulnerable and precarious but of course it'd be exactly the wrong thing, for him to do it anyway.

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"...I'm thinking that it's ridiculous that—you like me this much. And that I like you this much. And that it doesn't feel real. And that I don't want to stop. And that I—like hearing the way your heartrate picks up while I'm saying this."

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"Oh, Tae-gun-ah, I can't handle this, this is too much," he says, squeezing Tae-gun closer. "There isn't enough me for all of this."

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He closes his eyes. "No takebacks."

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"Not for the world. You're mine."

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Yeah. Yeah, he is.

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Tae-gun also cancels his dungeons the next day—they are all of them small, and he basically never does this, and figuring out where he and Jaeha stand is important not just from a relationship perspective but also from a work perspective, and there are people who can cover for him even if that's going to stretch the support staff thinner, and they were counting on him but this is a good idea for his long term stability which is the most important thing when it comes to how much work he can do and how many people he can help—


Tae-gun also cancels his dungeons the next day and only agonises about it for like an hour or two, maybe, and he fails to sleep in even though he wanted to because his brain thinks he should be working and is not willing to let him relax even if he took the day off.

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Jaeha does manage to sleep in, at least in part because he had been awake for like forty hours straight and had an extremely miserable day and the emotional rollercoaster was physically draining. When he wakes up he reaches for Tae-gun's feelings before he even opens his eyes, then freezes and stops. 

This... is going to be difficult. 

"Good morning."

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Tae-gun looks up from his phone and smiles—then stops. "Are you okay?"

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"...I don't know. On the one hand I'm waking up next to the man I love when I thought I might never see him again, on the other the first thing I did as soon as I woke up was try to reach for his emotions. —I stopped, but it's a habit."

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He's... having some trouble really viscerally caring about that second bit because it's his Jaeha, why wouldn't he want to share his emotions with his Jaeha? But—that's not the problem.

(It occurs to him that maybe the reason he's feeling that way is because Jaeha is trying to manipulate him but—he doesn't want to go there. Doesn't want to keep questioning everything. If Jaeha wanted to manipulate him he could've just not told Tae-gun anything at all, there's gotta be some minimal amount of trust for them to get anywhere.)

"Why did you?"

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"It's a habit," he repeats. "It's—like opening my eyes. It doesn't feel any different, it's just a sense I have."

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"It costs backlash though."

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"Yeah." Tiny pitiful amounts, if it's purely passive and just with one target, a small enough amount that just snuggling Tae-gun like this covers it, but having a constant drain on his reserves like that even when he's not in a dungeon probably has consequences.

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Tae-gun doesn't really know how to approach this problem. It's too big and too unlike the things he's good at. He considered telling other people about it to get advice but he couldn't share Jaeha's information without his consent, and on his own... he doesn't know what to do. 

"Let's... get up and eat something... and then we can talk about it." Gives them time to think a bit.

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"Okay," he agrees. 

...but he's not getting up.

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Yeah, neither is he. They can just stay like this a little bit longer.

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But eventually they do get up and Jaeha starts making them breakfast.

They haven't really talked any more about anything since they woke up, but it doesn't feel too awkward. ...any awkward. Some awkward. But not too awkward. They can just Not Talk for a bit, even if the vibe is tempting Jaeha to do something about it. Especially because the vibe is tempting Jaeha to do something about it. Though to be fair he wouldn't be doing a something that involved messing with Tae-gun's mind, he was not lying when he said he'd stopped doing that weeks ago, but...

...he's starting to realise he may be an overthinker just like his boyfriend.

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Tae-gun sits at the counter and leans forward, folding his arms on the surface and resting his chin on his forearms to watch Jaeha cook.

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"What are you thinking, Tae-gun-ah?"

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It is deeply, deeply weird to see his Jaeha look so anxious and vulnerable. And Tae-gun... kinda likes it? Cool, confident Jaeha who always knows what to say is hot but nervous Jaeha who really wants Tae-gun's approval is very, very loveable.

"That I like you."

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...is Tae-gun telling the truth. That seems far, far too convenient. But why would Tae-gun lie about that? When has Tae-gun ever lied to him? Jaeha supposes Tae-gun occasionally says things that are funny rather than things that are true, or plays to a bit, but there isn't a bit here.

Man, even when he was listening for people's emotions he wasn't relying that much on it, he's pretty sure. He knows what people look like, what their faces and bodies are saying, he shouldn't need to double check. So he can just... look over his shoulder at Tae-gun?

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Oh that man is unreasonably attractive.

Back to cooking with him, feeling his heart hammer a bit too loudly and trying to ignore it.

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But he'll open his commscreen with some information about upcoming dungeons and start scrolling through them while he waits for the food. If he's gonna take time off for personal reasons he should at minimum make sure it doesn't impact his future performance negatively.

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That did reduce the awkwardness, funnily enough, and the literal only negative consequence was that he felt kind of anxious for a while. Maybe Tae-gun's onto something, here, when he says it's not that bad. Regardless, he stops overthinking while making breakfast and even gets to a point where he's kind of cheerful again as he's serving the food on the counter and taking the seat across it from Tae-gun.

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"You are housewife material," Tae-gun observes.

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"...I am?"

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What would the confident Jaeha say, here? What would he say if he trusted that his read on Tae-gun's emotional state were correct without having to cheat?

"So should I start making my man coffee and sandwiches and kissing him on his way to work? Take the kids to school, make sure there's a warm meal waiting for him when he comes back?"

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"...we're men. We can't have kids."

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"We could adopt."

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He grimaces. There just is actually no space in his life for kids, actually?

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He laughs. "I don't particularly want kids, either," he says, ruffling Tae-gun's hair.

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"...that thing I said a while ago, about you having very expressive eyebrows, that wasn't a cover. Or, not just a cover. You really are very easy to read, Tae-gun-ah."

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...both of his prior partners have said exactly the same thing so it's not surprising. He guesses.

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You know what, he can do this. He thinks he can do this. He grabs a slice of salmon with his chopsticks and offers it to Tae-gun.

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"So! You were saying, about me being a housewife?"

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He swallows and sighs. "Were you serious? When you said you'd stop being an esper?"

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"I meant everything I said."

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"You did not mean the part where you'd go to the Sun."

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"Did too."

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"Why would you mean that part! It's insane!"

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Have another salmon slice.

"Well, part of it is because you wouldn't ask me to do that, so if you did... you'd probably have a really good reason? But another part is just that I cannot imagine ever refusing you anything."

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"...you should just assume I'm mind-controlled or something if I ask you to fly into the Sun!!!"

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"Is there a point in discussing crazy hypotheticals? You understood what I meant, didn't you?"

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"...I suppose."

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"Do you want me to? Stop being an esper, that is?"

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"...I couldn't do that." He tries to imagine Jaeha asking him to stop being an esper and it's like being asked to kill himself. What's the point of Lee Tae-gun if he's not an esper?

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"I think I find being an esper a lot less important to who I am than you do, Tae-gun-ah.

"...you know I haven't been fully guided since I manifested when I was seventeen, right?"

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...well he hadn't really put it together like that.

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"And I keep thinking, that probably fucked me up, right? I don't know who I'd be if I weren't an esper but that's because I don't know who I'd be. I don't care about being an esper that much. ...my father would be thrilled if I stepped down and became his heir, so you wouldn't even need to financially support me or anything."

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"Your father?"

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"My grandfather is Kang Moon-il, founder of Kang Moon-il Group, and my father is Kang Jaehyuk, its current chairman and majority shareholder."

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...oh, Tae-gun knows those names. Everyone in Korea knows those names.


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He smiles a bit. "But I knew I was gay when I was a teenager, and I was not very discreet about it, either. Drove father up the wall. I'm sure he wanted to set up a marriage for me, and would have if I hadn't become an esper. And if I come home telling him that I'll be his heir and also that his son-in-law is Lee Tae-gun he might actually die on the spot of an aneurysm."

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"I'd prefer not to be your father's cause of death."

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"But it would be really funny."

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...well, Tae-gun confesses he can't feel very sorry if some homophobic magnate dies because he finds out his son is dating a man. Not in anything more than an abstract way.

"When you said at the meetup that being gay wasn't really formative...?"

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"Well, I was maybe playing it up a bit. It wasn't formative in a way that made me want to bond with other people about it? Most people aren't from the kind of family that will try to arrange marriages for them so there's not much to bond over, there. And despite everything I was never in danger, even when rumours were going around I was still Kang Jaeha from Kang Moon-il Group, no one was going to say a peep about it."

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"But still, you're—valuable. I mean, your work as an esper." Losing Kang Jaeha would have material consequences to actual people out there, people would die more.

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He can't say that he cares about that that much compared to how much he cares about Tae-gun, but—any. He does have any sense of empathy and duty, and it's not even all of it due to Tae-gun.


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"Are you under zero backlash right now?"

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He opens his mouth to say 'yes' but then stops and turns his feelings over in his mind. "I think so. I'm not in any pain, I'm reasonably well-rested, and the mental part is... harder to gauge, but... I think so."

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"Would you be able to tell that you got to this level of guided?"

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"Not automatically. If I stopped to think about it, yes."

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"But even with no backlash you still..."

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"I still have the habits, yes. And... the impulses."

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"But you haven't slipped?"

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"Only this morning when I had just woken up."

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"That seems manageable, then, right? If you come home right after your dungeons, we guide each other..."

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Tae-gun! Just! Called! His! House! "Home"!!!!!! He might actually pass away.

"You're not going to find me complaining about you guiding me more."

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"Speaking of which..." He reaches for Tae-gun and slides his fingernails lightly against the skin of Tae-gun's forearm. "You did go on dungeons yesterday, didn't you? And didn't get guided at all?"

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"I think I should fix that."

He doesn't need to be feeling Tae-gun's emotions directly. Tae-gun is so, so very expressive, and he knows exactly what he needs to do to make that beautiful, amazing man beg.

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It always boggles the mind, how good sex with Tae-gun is. You'd think he'd get bored of it, and honestly if you'd asked him at the start of this all what he thought would happen if he got rid of all of his backlash, he would have expected his interest to wane a lot. It hasn't, though, but to be fair it is for a reason he hadn't considered at all plausible at the time. Having sex with someone you love just feels different. And while he's sure the novelty will wear off eventually and the honeymoon phase is going to end eventually he's still not even close to that.

"What do you want to do with the rest of your day off?"

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He scratches the back of his neck without looking up from his phone. "Um..."

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"Is the answer that you kind of wanted to see if maybe you could do one of the dungeons you rescheduled this evening since our chat ended up being quicker than you thought it'd be?"

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"You don't need to feel embarrassed. I was thinking the same. I'm... not sure they won't feel jerked around by us, but maybe we could see if we can do it at the same time? I can't pick up a dungeon to solo like you can but..."

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Wait, really?

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"I do feel kind of guilty taking two days off in a row like that, with no prior warning, especially with how, like you said, the work I do is valuable. Whatever affordance we may have due to how diligently we've otherwise worked over the years, the need is still there.

"Besides, this means that when we next have some scheduled time off we'll be able to rest more easily and maybe go on a date together. We haven't in a hot minute."

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Well now he kind of wants to kiss Jaeha.

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Unfortunately Jaeha has turned his powers off so he doesn't know that!

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...that's a hiccup, actually. It takes Tae-gun a couple of seconds to understand why, and to notice that he'd gotten accustomed to Jaeha kissing him whenever he thought about it. Tae-gun had figured it was just because of how good Jaeha is at reading people, but...

That drives the extent of Jaeha's power usage home in a different way that he hadn't really thought about before.

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"—did I say something wrong?"

Damnit, he did, and he doesn't even know which part of what he said was wrong, he wasn't looking at Tae-gun so he didn't even catch his body language—

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"No. Um. You said something right. And I wanted to kiss you over it."

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"Oh. You could've just asked."

His prince's wish is as always his command.

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He could've. And he will, starting now. Even though he kind of liked it, it'll be bad for his Jaeha if he relies on power use like that; habits are hard to break, and if he does it at home, it'll be difficult for him to not do it outside.

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"So was that a 'yes' on trying to sync up dungeons?"

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"Let me see what I can get on my end, your schedule is more flexible than mine."

He opens his commscreen and starts looking into that. In spite of his words, it's not actually that hard on his end, either; he's always in demand, and a support team can be assembled to go with him into a low-A-rank over the next hour.

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Tae-gun is indeed able to be a lot more flexible than Jaeha, though, and once he requests a dungeon to clear solo he gets lots of options. 

"...is it okay if I do two?"

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"What, back to back?"

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"Yeah. Start one before yours, I end the second and you yours at the same time?" Not that they can know exactly when a dungeon is going to be cleared, but they have ranges of expectation.

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...he's feeling kind of vulnerable and like he doesn't want to spend any more time away from Tae-gun than he strictly needs to, but...

...he knows his boyfriend. And he doesn't want to rain on Tae-gun's parade. "Of course, Tae-gun-ah," he says, kissing Tae-gun's temple.

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"You know you can say no, right? I, I know you said you'll never refuse me anything but. Um. I l-like you too? And I want you to be happy too."

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"You know, you're a lot more perceptive than you give yourself credit for."

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"I'll be fine. You don't have to worry about me."

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"...but it would ease my mind a little if you could instead choose an earlier dungeon that allowed you time to get some guiding in before the second one." Which is not gonna be straightforward because the dungeon he managed to get for himself was inconveniently in the middle of the afternoon so Tae-gun would need to leave pretty soon for the schedule to work out, but it can't hurt to ask. 

(He really hopes it can't hurt to ask.)

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"I'll try." It actually makes him a lot happier than he'd expected it to, for Jaeha to ask him for something. It's an opportunity for him to do something that will be good for his boyfriend and it turns out he likes those.

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And while he does that Jaeha should probably do his homework on the dungeon.

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Tae-gun feels a bit bad about the espers who were going into the dungeons he's clearing but the important thing is that they're cleared, not who does it, and he can probably do it faster than the B-rank teams that were assigned to these, which is strictly positive. Right? 

(If he'd stuck to his schedule he wouldn't be making people have to scramble to cover for him and then scramble out of his way.)

He grabs some quick food since it seems like he won't have time for a proper lunch, kisses his Jaeha goodbye, and teleports away.

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And now he's alone with his thoughts again.

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Though it's not as... bad... as he'd expected? It felt... well, housewife-y, to be kissed goodbye by his love on his way to work, knowing that he'll be back later. And the knowing is definitely carrying the day, there, especially the part where Tae-gun did specifically go and pick an early first dungeon to try and come back more quickly to Jaeha.

No, actually, he's... feeling kind of good. A bit bored, but good.

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He's gonna light a cigarette though because his nerves aren't completely fine, actually. They could do with a little bit more calming, a little numbing of the anxiety that actually Tae-gun isn't coming back. 

(If Tae-gun decides to never come back then Jaeha will respect his decision and probably die, but the important part is the first part.)

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But that went okay, overall. Other than the day of stress, that is, which is really a very small price to pay. His Tae-gun said he loves him back, and called his house "home", and said that he doesn't want to leave, and not using his passive powers on Tae-gun at all has not in fact caused any problems whatsoever. He thinks he's had this exact sequence of thoughts earlier but he's still marvelling at it. Everything is going... okay?

It feels like it shouldn't be. Feels like there should be some reckoning, some punishment for all of the awful shit he did. If nothing else, Tae-gun was not the only person he wronged. But the idea of coming clean to anyone else feels sickening; no one else would be as understanding and forgiving, and besides it would involve revealing the full extent of his powers to everyone, which he... can't do. 

Unless Tae-gun asks him to.

But it would be a disaster, and might get him ostracised and unable to clear any more dungeons. And, and those are rationalisations, because truth is he's afraid. He's afraid, and he feels like he doesn't deserve this luck, nor the beacon of shining light that is Lee Tae-gun.

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He's going to need to put some work in, to be worthy of Tae-gun's love.

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He spends his time usefully, studying the dungeon he's going into today and then some of his upcoming ones while he works out. He may not be a combat esper but every dungeon esper wants to be in shape as a general rule and he's no exception. Then he takes a shower and opens his commscreen again to look at dungeon scheduling and—


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Tae-gun arrives home a little over an hour before their respective next dungeons. That first one turned out a lot harder than expected and will definitely be posthumously upgraded to A once he's written his report. On the bright side he got some rocks the scientists at HQ seemed to find incredibly exciting for some reason so that was probably useful! 

But also he's pretty backlashed, right now, and he's feeling like making use of his free-use Jaeha to take the edge off.

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His free-use Jaeha made him a late lunch so that he won't go into his second dungeon on an empty stomach and welcomes him with a hug and a twirl. "Welcome home, honey."

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...he's in love with this ridiculous man. 

"I need you to fuck me," he says in response.

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"What's the magic word?"

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"Please, hyung—Jaeha—my Jaeha—"

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"As you wish, my Tae-gun-ah."

An hour is enough to get rid of most of Tae-gun's acute backlash, though the fact that Jaeha himself is fully guided makes him a lot less efficient at it than if they were both backlashing. Still, he makes sure to leave some time to actually get Tae-gun fed before they have to go.

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Jaeha really is great wife material.

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He's happy to be of service.

"Tae-gun-ah, when was the last time you were called to a dungeon abroad?"

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"...a month and a half ago? Maybe two?"

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"I assume you must know about confluences."

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"The last one was before you manifested, but... we're due."

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"...Nightmare always shows up for confluences and stays out for weeks." Which means he'll be using his power very heavily.

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And Tae-gun will be similarly busy. "Come home?" he asks. "Straight away, I mean. Let me take care of you." Let me love you.

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He drops his head forward, resting his forehead on Tae-gun's shoulder. "Haah... I really can't with you, sometimes." He lifts his gaze back up to kiss Tae-gun once then looks into his eyes. "Yes, Tae-gun-ah. I will."

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"But we both have work, now. Let's go."

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"Yeah." Pause. "Hyung? I like you a lot."

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"Goddamnit, Tae-gun, we have work now," he complains before pulling his boyfriend into an even deeper kiss than before.

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"Let's go, you need to stop tempting me."

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"Yes, hyung," though he can't help the whine that accompanies this.

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"Open your commscreen, come on." He does the same.

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He does and goes to the teleportation menu to find his dungeon.

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"Now go before I do something to you we'll both regret. ...but I like you a lot, too."

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Yeah okay he should go. ...after one last peck on Jaeha's lips. 


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God almighty give him strength. 

He also goes to his dungeon.

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This one is in Gwangju, somewhat out of the way, and it'd been causing mass hallucinations and nightmares for two days before it was found. No monsters have been seen, but a handful of disappearances are suspected to have been kidnappings. As is reasonably typical with psychic dungeons, sensors have had trouble mapping the inside, but the hope is that Jaeha's mental shielding will let them work better.

There aren't many onlookers outside the yellow tape. The support team is there but one out of the other three espers who are going in with Jaeha is yet to arrive.

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Jaeha turns his empathy powers on everyone as soon as he arrives.

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And turns it back off, cursing internally about how hard habits are to break.

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...then he turns it back on, and walks over to the two team members that are already present.

"Do not act startled," he says without preamble, "or react in any noticeable way if you can avoid it. There are monsters here; you can't see them, and they don't seem inclined to attack unprovoked. I can make both of you able to see them but they might react to that." Jaeha himself can't see them, and he is immune to his own shielding, but he can perceive them with his empathy and also detect their work on others' minds.

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...well, shit.

"Understood," says the team leader in a firm but not agitated tone. Then she softens a bit. "Thank you, Kang Jaeha-shi. It's always a pleasure to work with you." And a reminder of how insanely powerful this man is, he is not the first psychic esper to have come here—their missing team member is one, himself—but he's the only one who's noticed. "I'll add it to the report." Psychic dungeon reports have sections marked as informational hazards and everyone cleared to go into them has training to deal with those.

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"Are they the things people have been hallucinating?" asks the other team member.

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"I don't know. I'm not seeing them myself, only perceiving their minds." Let them think that this is because he doesn't want to see the monsters; the fact that he can't shield himself isn't public, and he's not going to mention it aloud. "Which is risky enough as-is, so I'm going to stop so that I can't tell where they are and alert them to the fact that I know."

He... is a lot more reluctant to do it now than he was when he'd just arrived. It's useful to have this power. The tactical considerations are correct, though, and it would be safer for him to not know where the monsters are, so he doesn't hesitate very long before closing his third eye.

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"What could you detect about them?'

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"There are two of them here with us, and I detected at least another four in range. Monsters' emotional makeups are always hard to describe but they felt—idle. That's part of why I'm hesitant to let people see them, it might agitate them."

Undetectable psychic monsters are definitely the kind of thing that'll place this dungeon square in the A-rank category. They're always difficult to deal with, as it's a toss of the dice whether combat espers will even be able to touch them, and their sensory modalities are unpredictable. He can at least rule out straight mind reading, as they didn't react to his finding out that they're here and informing his team. 

"I didn't take a very close look. If they use both psychic and normal senses they might notice anyone who disappeared from the former but not the latter. They might notice direct attention, psychic or otherwise. If they're the main vectors of the hallucinations and nightmares they'll almost certainly notice anything strange happening to any specific people they're currently acting on."

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"Once Won Seonwoo is here we can get his thoughts but this sounds like we might need reinforcements."

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"Almost certainly."

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Their missing party member chooses that moment to arrive. He walks over to them and bows. "Kang Jaeha-shi, it's been a while. Have you managed to deal with the problem you were having yesterday?"

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"You had unscheduled this dungeon, had you not?"

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"Ah." Fuck, Won Seonwoo is impossible to read and Jaeha has no idea what he's feeling and has to abort the instinctual reach for his emotions but that means he hesitates a bit too long—

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"I'm certain it must have been urgent."

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"—forgive me, I shouldn't pry."

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Aaah what does he do does he smile does he shrug does he distract—

"Don't worry about it," which is the least confident thing he could possibly say here but it's at least the safest.

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"More importantly, Kang Jaeha-shi has detected monsters hiding their presence here, and it's a safe bet there are more."

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"Would you be able to check how safe it would be to...?"

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"On it," he says, eyes going unfocused. "...not very clear. Can you form more firm intentions...? Ah. That would have mixed success... that would work better... that would not work well at all."

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"They can't directly perceive that they're being perceived as a primitive action but they're very atuned to people's actions and reactions, is my guess. —letting all of you see them, only seeing them myself," sort of, "and letting the support team see them. If—"

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"Oh that would be a disaster," he interrupts.

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"That was me deciding to actively rile them up."

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"It always amazes me how good you are at flipping between intentions, Kang Jaeha-shi."

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Is that genuine, or is he subtly insulting Jaeha? Won Seonwoo makes him really uncomfortable but at least before he had a handle on the man. His best guess is that it's genuine but there's something in Won Seonwoo's voice...

"Team leader-nim, what should we do?"

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"Seonwoo, do you think you can cover the three of you if you go into the dungeon?"

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He closes his eyes, this time, and furrows his eyebrows in concentration for a few seconds, then opens his eyes again. "...yes. At least for a while."

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Jaeha knows it's costlier and less reliable for Won Seonwoo to look into dungeons from the outside and vice-versa, but that's useful nonetheless. "Thank you, Won Seonwoo-shi."

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On to the briefing, then.

"The dungeon is believed to have appeared three days ago, but it was only located yesterday. It's believed to be new, as the mass hallucinations and nightmares it's caused are much more overt than more experienced dungeons tend to be. Three sensors have gone in, including Goh Su-ah with Won Seonwoo, but they've had little success mapping it. The commonalities in experience," because of course with psychic dungeons you can't even trust that the things you see when you walk in are real, "are an overt lack of monsters and an overall structure resembling a pocket of air in an underwater cave, but the exact details of the layout differed.

"Technological means of sensing had more consistent success, but some feature of the terrain prevented them from penetrating farther than a few dozen feet out in any direction.

"Hallucinations started within five minutes of entering and did not seem targeted, but contents differed as well, with the main commonality of experience being that they culminated in the person experiencing them perceiving that their ally had died, left, or turned against them. The hallucinations fooled two out of the three sensors' powers, with Goh Su-ah's being the one that did not get fooled, but all espers followed protocol and there were no injuries nor lasting psychic damage." Though they'll want Jaeha to go through everyone who's been touched by the dungeon to definitely wipe them clean of anything that might've been missed.

"The four of us are to go in, Kang Jaeha-shi protecting our minds and Won Seonwoo shielding us while Goh Su-ah tries to generate a more thorough map and I fight off any threats. Given the existence of monsters, we will need to come back out and request backup once we have a better idea of what we're dealing with. In the unlikely scenario where the four of us are sufficient, I will make that call once we're outside, though the specifics will depend on whether we find out anything about kidnapped victims.

"Are there any questions?"

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There aren't.

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Then they can go inside, Won Seonwoo first followed by Jaeha, then Choi Hyun-min, and finally Goh Su-ah.

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He turns his passive power on and immediately shields the other three and wipes all psychic influences from all of them. Now it's time to not pay attention to his own senses and instead try to piece together what they must be seeing from theirs and from the actually quite numerous monsters inside, what the hell.

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The minds of the monsters are located some twelve feet above the ground, on average, and there are seven of them in immediate range. Four of them are moving towards the espers with purpose, one per esper, and the joint impressions that the other three have aren't hard for Jaeha to interpret: jellyfish-like creatures.

What's more concerning, though, is that it seems like the room they're in is substantally smaller than Jaeha's hallucinations would have him believe; the other three are all getting mental impressions of a more claustrophobic place, still damp and cavelike but more solid and less... psychedelic... than what Jaeha is experiencing. And "psychedelic" is actually a pretty good word for it, with the lighting in his surroundings shifting in unpredictable ways and the "sea" in the distance not deciding what colours it should be. Plus, his companions all look like they're starting to melt.

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But even Jaeha's hallucionations are short-lived as Won Seonwoo immediately summons an ethereal bubble around himself which expands to encompass the four of them and pushes the jellyfish away. "They're going to get violent," he warns.

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"Oh that's what was wrong," mutters Goh Su-ah. Tendrils of energy are spreading out from under her feet along the ground in all directions, but they're biased towards the entrances to the cave.

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"Should I attempt to reflect their hallucinations?" Jaeha wonders.

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"No," Won Seonwoo replies vehemently. "That's going to go really badly."

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"Temperature check on my thing?"

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"...works for a bit, but something goes wrong."

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"So we probably should get some backup."

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"You'll forgive me for not checking."

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The enormous jellyfish-like creatures have been curiously prodding at the barrier Won Seonwoo put up, but the first of them tries slamming one of its drab grey tentacles against it to see what happens.

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He flinches is what happens. "Oh, this is going to suck."

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Another tentacle slamming against the bubble.

Then another.

Then another.

Then another.

The four jellyfish are doing it at the same time, now.

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"...five minutes," she decides. "We'll stay here five minutes then leave and review."

She starts moving her hands and fingers and tendrils thinner than hair of a hard-to-see material are conjured from her fingers and stretch out towards the creatures.

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They're not expecting invisible strands of hair that can cut their tentacles off and do not react well to their existence. When they notice they're under attack they shriek which alerts others and causes them to start converging.

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"...I see what goes wrong."

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"...does this do anything?"

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"—very little and it goes badly but—also well?"

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"They're damaged by purely-material things. We should get Lee Tae-gun here."

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"...we can do that?"

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One of the jellyfish slams its whole body against the barrier.

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He cries out and falls to his knees.

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"He's in a dungeon, too, but it should be quick, and he can handle this."

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"How do you—"

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"We're partnered, now."

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"Oh shit. Yes, get your partner here if you can." She's not even going to feel insulted, clearly this is above her paygrade and besides if Lee Tae-gun shows up that means they won't need a whole team of support.

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He can handle five minutes, sure. It will, as predicted, suck, but he can.

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And she can get a good read of the place in those five minutes, and work on a better model of the environment on her commscreen while she does that.

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When they finally step out they're all various types of bedraggled and fucked up, except Jaeha, who looks fine. He immediately gets his commscreen out and sends a message to Tae-gun.

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And the team leader sends an official support request. 

"You said he was currently in a dungeon?"

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"Yes, but it's B-rank, he shouldn't take longer than an hour or two."

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Well that's going to make this dungeon overrun the planned time but none of them have any other dungeons planned for the day and it's not like psychic dungeons have the least amount of variance in how long they take to clear. But what it does mean is that they need to stay on high alert until Lee Tae-gun shows up (she's not fangirling you're fangirling shut up).

"Since we won't be going into the dungeon until our backup shows up, we should take this time to locate other monsters. Their alerting of each other means we can't properly take them out but knowing where they are will be useful.

"Kang Jaeha-shi, shield the support staff so that they can call in if any more monsters leave the dungeon?"

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"Yes, team leader-nim."

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Won Seonwoo will stay behind because those ten minutes of having his barriers hammered against were hell on his backlash so Kang Jaeha doesn't need to do that actually.

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Very well. Out they go, then.

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The monsters aren't totally incorporeal but they're not totally corporeal either. Since they can go into buildings it would not be feasible to check everywhere they could be directly but they remain in contact with Won Seonwoo and he can use his power to point them in the right direction.

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And a little bit over an hour later Lee Tae-gun appears back at the main camp.

"Good evening."

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They've done as much recon as they're going to so they're all back, too.

"Good evening, Lee Tae-gun-nim. I am team leader Choi Hyun-min, B-rank combat esper, and these are Won Seonwoo, B-rank psychic and defensive esper, and Goh Su-ah, B-rank sensor esper."

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It's always sooooo awwwwkwaaaaard talking to people from other guilds who insist on telling each other their ranks when introducing like that.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," he says, but his eyes are looking for—

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"Hey, Tae-gun."

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Aaaaaaah he's so hot this is unreal and Tae-gun is going into a dungeon with him aaaaaaah.

"Hi, hyu- Kang Jaeha-shi."

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Oh they fuckin' fuckin'.

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Yes, they are. 

—wait. Ah, shit, he's been using his power nonstop and he's reading everyone's emotions. He should... stop...

"Don't react," he warns Tae-gun, and shields him.

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He doesn't, very much, except for a narrowing of his eyes and a reassessment.

"Brief me?"

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The team leader goes into the details, including the powers of all involved and what they found inside.

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...yeah that seems pretty straightforward, actually.

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Maybe if you're Lee fucking Tae-gun.

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Envy doesn't become you, Won Seonwoo-shi. ...ah, and jealousy, too? Is that what Won Seonwoo had been feeling earlier, he was wistful about not being able to be Jaeha's partner because they're not compatible? That's kind of adorable.

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Stop. He said he was going to stop. He no longer needs to keep an eye on everyone, not while they're all still shielded and can deal with the threats better than he can.


He stops.

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So the plan is going to be to go inside, Tae-gun will deal with threats while Goh Su-ah maps the whole dungeon, and they can rescue anyone they need to. Once they're done with that, they'll go back out and take out the monsters that are still outside, and once those are taken care of, they'll destroy the dungeon core.

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"Won Seonwoo-shi, is it still a bad idea to reflect the monsters' powers against them with Tae-gun on the team?"

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He frowns. "No."

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...he's starting to realise he's actually a lot worse at reading people's body language and tone of voice than he thought he was. He's always been filtering it through his powers, it seems, and using them as a crutch. 

He needs to learn it the hard way.

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Well, Tae-gun is happy to go along with that plan. 

Ahhhhh he's going into a dungeon with his boyfrienddddd he hopes he doesn't disappoint he is being silly. He has done dungeons with Jaeha before. There is no reason why this one should be different except there IS because they are IN LOVE he is being exceptionally silly.

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Tae-gun, on the other hand, continues to be extremely easy to read even when he's trying to mask in public. That's probably because he's in love.

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But once he's inside it's time to put his game face on and get busy. He wouldn't really be necessary for something like this, but the dungeon is definitely going to get classified as A-rank, and two S-ranks (Jaeha in fact if not on paper) are more than enough to make this a walk in the park.

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...okay yeah he just can't compete with that.

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No kidding.

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There are kidnapping victims in the dungeons, it turns out, but they're none of them trapped, and the dungeon was just relying on the hallucinations to keep them there. Once Goh Su-ah finds them Jaeha can free them from the mental effects.

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And it turns out that reflecting the monsters' attacks back on them causes them to lash out very violently, but it does take them out of commission easily.

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Choi Hyun-min's plan works out without a hitch. He leaves the core in the hands of the other three and he and Jaeha go out to deal with the escaped monsters and help their victims.

The whole thing takes about two hours, and soon enough they're back at the dungeon entrance and can destroy its core to seal it.

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At the end of that Jaeha is also looking somewhat peaky, not that he finds himself very motivated to try to mask that. He's had to use his powers nearly nonstop and his backlash rate isn't the best. Tae-gun left him outside when he went back in to destroy the core, so now he's hanging out and waiting.

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"Lee Tae-gun-nim is really something else," says the team leader, standing next to Jaeha and looking at the portal Tae-gun just disappeared into.

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"He really is."

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"How long have you been partners? I don't think I heard the news."

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That's because neither of them want it to be particularly publicised. 

"About three months."

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"It's interesting, though, with your specialties being so different."

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Jaeha's been playing this game for years and he's not about to give an inch to the gossip mill. "Yeah, these things shake out in pretty unpredictable ways, don't they?"

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"And how has it—"

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The portal turns green and Tae-gun steps out of it.

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Oh good an excuse.

"How'd it go?" asks Jaeha, walking up to him.

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"Alright. It wasn't that hard."

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No, of course it wasn't. 

He turns back around. "Team leader-nim, it's been as always an honour to work with you."

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"Likewise, Kang Jaeha-shi."

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"Until next time."

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"See you!"

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"Shall we?"

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He drapes himself onto Jaeha as soon as they've taken their shoes off.

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Oh good yes—

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...he can feel something touching his thigh. "How long have you been hard, Tae-gun-ah?" he asks, pressing his leg against Tae-gun's crotch.

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He flinches and whines. "Don't know—an hour—maybe longer—hyung please—"

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Jaeha slides his hand down under the waist of Tae-gun's pants to grab Tae-gun's ass firmly and pull him up into a kiss.

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Feeling Tae-gun's orgasm secondhand is almost as good as orgasming himself.

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...ah, right.

He stops.

He doesn't feel any hesitation to stop this time, which he feels reassured by. No internal resistance. He knows that this is how he gets to keep Tae-gun, is by actually doing it right, and it's one thing to forget to stop when he's been using it for an actual dungeon and it's a whole 'nother to keep doing it after he catches himself. And he did catch himself.

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Right, it's not the time to self-congratulate on his restraint, it's time to overstimulate Tae-gun. "Wrap your legs around me," he says, pulling Tae-gun up again.

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He does, legs around Jaeha's waist and arms around his neck.

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So Jaeha can carry him to their bedroom and they can take care of their backlashes the usual way.

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"I slipped again earlier," Jaeha says when they're doing their ritual showering together.

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"Into using my passive power," he elaborates.

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"I was using it to find the monsters with you, after we left the dungeon, and then when we got back I—forgot—to turn it back off while I waited for you outside. And then I remembered to do it once you got back home and I felt you orgasm in your pants."

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"Was that... all?"

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"Y—" Pause. "No. I also used an illusion on the team leader when she was trying to talk to me while we waited for you."

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Blink. "Why?"

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"She was prodding for gossip. She wanted to see if she could get something on our backlashes, since it seems strange for you and I to have compatible ones. And I—wanted to distract her. So I used an illusion to prop up responses that wouldn't give her any information."

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"And did you... need illusions for that?"

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He notices he's starting to feel defensive of his choices, which is an incredibly unproductive mindset. They're in this together, he's already committed to being someone who will deserve Tae-gun's love.

"No. But they're convenient, and useful, and I'm used to them, so I just use them without thinking."

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"Did you lie or try to, I don't know, make her think something that isn't true in some other way...?"

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"Then I think that's not so bad." Really, in Tae-gun's opinion it's not bad at all, he's just worried about the backlash slippery slope. He guesses the empathy powers are kinda bad, but...

...wait, why are the empathy powers bad, exactly?

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Jaeha notices the hesitation. "Hmm?"

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"It's nothing."

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He blinks owlishly.

(It's hard enough not to use his powers when people aren't actively subtexting him!)

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"It's just, I think I..." Words. Come on, Lee Tae-gun, you can do those. This would be so much easier if he were backlashing. "People always say I'm easy to read. You and my other hyungs."

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"It's the eyebrows," he says, poking them with his right index and middle fingers.

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He rubs his forehead. "Well, what difference does it make if it's my eyebrows or your esper powers? It's all the same."

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"...I'm going to need you to elaborate on that, Tae-gun-ah, I don't know where you're going with it."

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"I mean that it's not a big deal, if you slip and use your powers to hear what people are feeling. It's bad for the backlash and habits I guess but you don't need to beat yourself up about it."

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It is very, very important for his relationship with Tae-gun that he not take this get out of jail free card however tempting it may look.

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"You were attracted to me when we first met."

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...well yeah obviously.

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"You weren't showing it, not at first. But I could tell. Other people wouldn't have been able to, but I was."

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"I know it feels the same to you, how people always know what you're thinking even when you don't tell them, but it's not true. There's one thing they don't know if you don't tell them, one thing no one knows. And I knew. The moment I saw you, I knew. And you wouldn't have wanted to walk into that room, if you'd known I'd know." Which he can't regret, exactly, but the correct lesson to learn from it is that he should instead not have known. He should've been who he was pretending to be. "People walk into rooms because they have agreed that they're fine showing what they think they're showing and hiding what they think they're hiding. And I don't play that game, I don't have to if I don't want to, I can know more than they want to tell me, more than they'd be alright with me knowing.

"So it is a big deal, Tae-gun-ah. It's not okay for me to know it, and I shouldn't slip even once."

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"...or at least I should aim for that. Clearly I'm shit at it."

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Tae-gun wraps his arms around Jaeha's waist and rests his cheek on Jaeha's chest. "Okay. Thank you, hyung."

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...Jaeha returns the hug after a moment, surprised. "What for?"

(He wouldn't have been surprised if he knew what Tae-gun was feeling with more precision.)

(He kind of likes that he was suprised, which is also surprising to him. He's definitely learning new things about himself.)

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"For... taking it seriously, I guess. And thinking things through. We can figure it out together."

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He smiles. "Yeah. We can."

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"You guys were right," he sighs into a cup of wine.

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"We usually are! What about?"

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Ah, so that's what he's been down about. "What happened?"

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"I told her about... being bi. She made faces but said it was fine, and then she decided out of the blue to stop partnering. Didn't even have someone else lined up, just..."

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Juheon reaches over to squeeze Woo-young's hand. "You doing alright?"

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"I'm fine. It was... alright with her, but, um. In retrospect we didn't really get along that much?"

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"I don't know why she's still even here," Si-yeon grumbles.

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"In Quasar?"

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"Yeah! This isn't Quasar behaviour. Prez shouldn't let this shit slide."

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"Is she powerful?"

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He lifts his glass of whiskey to his lips. "You've got your answer, then."

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"Nah fam that shit may fly wherever you used to work but this is Quasar."

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"Hear hear!" says Yoo-min, leaning up and forward from his seat to clink Si-yeon's glass with his.

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He twitches. "Ah, I just meant..."

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"It's, like, the whole point. Of Quasar."

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Tae-gun squeezes Jaeha's hand.

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He twitches again then tries to relax. 

(It feels like he fumbled that interaction. Misread something, and came off badly. And he won't undo it but it takes some effort to pull his finger off that metaphorical trigger. It helps that since he's not using his passive powers at all he didn't catch their memories so he couldn't modify them even if he wanted to.)

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"It's not really a big deal, though..."

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"No, man, it is. Like, you start tolerating this kind of shit, let people think it's okay to be homophobes, they start making their little groups, start rumours, then one day you wake up and you find out half the guild thinks we're perverts who're ruining the image of espers all over Korea and it's a culture problem."

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"You can't force people to partner with people they don't want to partner with, though."

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"Well, no, obviously, but..."

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"And I'm sure Woo-young wouldn't want to stay with her, right?"

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"I'm not saying that either!"

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"So what are you saying?"

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"I... don't really know," he sighs, slumping back down onto his seat and bringing his drink to his lips to sip on.

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"It would be good if it were, you know... widely known at the company that it's okay to be gay. On a policy level."

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Good luck.

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"Maybe we could get some kind of companywide announcement or something."

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"Just drop prez a line."

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It's wild the way these people refer to their guild president.

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Woo-young scratches his cheek then looks at Tae-gun. "What about you, sunbae?"

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"...what about me?"

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"You haven't said much. What do you think of... all of this?"

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"I don't know."

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Woo-young blinks at him expectantly.

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Oh now everyone's looking at him, lovely.

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...Jaeha feels like he should intervene but he has no idea how to do that in a way that will have good consequences and not bad ones but people are pressuring his boyfriend and—

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"Quasar was very welcoming to me and I don't want other people to feel like they're not welcome because they happened to run into the wrong people so if there's a way to get everyone on the same page about how everyone here is okay then... that's good, probably."

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"You were homeless before Quasar, right, sunbae?" She covers her mouth and gasps an "oh" when she realises this... may not be something people want widely shared.

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"Yeah." Everyone here knows, anyway. It's not a huge secret or anything. "So... I guess that sounds like a good idea. Though I don't know that involving the guild president directly is the best way to do it..."

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"Oh it's fine, he'll figure it out."

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"You can just... talk to the guild president like that?"

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"Yeah. Or yell at him if you need to. It's very cathartic. Sometimes I think he kinks on it."

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"Oppa why are you like this."

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"I confess I did not walk into this bar today thinking I'd run into reasons to ponder prez's sexual preferences but here we are."

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"I mean, that man could get it, he's rocking that harried bureaucrat aesthetic."

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"Hyung why are you like this."

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"No I'm with them on this one."

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Juheon conspicuously does not say "noona why are you like this" and instead lifts her hand to his lips and kisses it.

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"So... you don't have a partner right now?" Tae-gun asks Woo-young, hoping to maybe drag this conversation back onto a productive track. Woo-young's only been in the guild less than a year but so many processes are making use of his teleportation now, Tae-gun has no idea how he used to live without it; before Woo-young they had to hire services from other espers so they only used it when they really needed to. If they've gotta ration teleportation uses because Woo-young's down a partner, that'd be really inconvenient.

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"I don't, but I'm a tiny bit compatible with Yoo-min-sunbae and Seungjoo-sunbae and they've been helping."

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"Have they?"

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"Gotta be there for your friends."

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"Be where, exactly, hyung? Tell us all the details."

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"Wherever I want him to be."

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"...yeah, that tracks."

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"I'm glad you guys are having fun."

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"We're a bit compatible, too, right?"

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Jaeha freezes.

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Woo-young glances at him then looks at Tae-gun again to say, "Yeah, but I'm fine for the time being. My backlash is easy to find compatible people for anyway."

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He relaxes some. Not completely, his heart is still doing something funny, but some.

Tae-gun is his. He said so. Tae-gun is his, and he's Tae-gun's.

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"Oh I just, um, was asking out of—I didn't mean that I—I mean—"

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"Our little Tae-gun won't fuck you unless you sign an NDA about it."

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"His skill in bed is a closely guarded secret."

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whyyyyyyy are they liiiiiiiike thiiiiisssssssss

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...yeah, that's right. Tae-gun wouldn't be with other people because he doesn't want people to know what his backlash is. Jaeha is part of a very exclusive club of very few people who know. 

(But not that exclusive. There are at least two people at this table who are also in it, and that's if they haven't told anyone else.)

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"You shouldn't flirt with someone who's partnered until they flirt with you first," Seungjoo says admonishingly. "You could make them or their partner uncomfortable."

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"Oh, uh, I'm fine." So long as Tae-gun doesn't flirt back.

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"Oh, it's all jokes anyway. Making Tae-gun uncomfortable is a friendly hobby."

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"You're a dick," he says from where he's hiding in his arms on the table.

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Pat pat. "I apologise for my contribution to your mortification."

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"But you're not going to stop."

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"I am! For now."

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"It's Juheon's birthday, why isn't anyone picking on him?"

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"Have you seen the size of that man? If I make him mad he'll fold me like origami."

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"I could take him."

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"...you could take Juheon-oppa in a fight?" Isn't Yoo-min-sunbae B-rank?

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"Unfortunately for you, darling, he's all mine."

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He kisses her hand again.

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"Monogamous people," he grumps.

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"Most people are monogamous, you know."

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"I know! It's tragic! Yoo-min gets me, right?"

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He nods sagely, taking a sip from his drink.

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...are Jaeha and Tae-gun monogamous? He actually isn't... sure... Not that there's really anyone he'd fuck other than his ex-partners, which in practice means just Si-yeon in particular, but maybe Jaeha would want to be with someone else? Tae-gun was fine with Juheon and Si-yeon doing it, but he wasn't dating them, except he's not sure what the difference is meant to be, there. He thinks he'd probably be fine with Jaeha having sex with other people, too? Maybe he should ask what Jaeha thinks, later.

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"Are you just walking around in a perpetual state of frustration about everyone you meet, Si-yeon-sunbae?"

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"Not everyone! Only the hot people."

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"No, everyone. Every human being was created to torment me personally."

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"Am I tormenting you?"

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"No, you're the one who's tormented, here."

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"...yes, sir, I am."

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"Did something happen I'm not aware of?"

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"Don't worry about it."

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"Remind me never to get on Seungjoo's bad side."

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"And me? Do I torment you?" he asks Yoo-min.

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...okay that's a green light, right? He's been keeping his hands to himself, but...


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"And Tae-gun?"

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"Also constantly."

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He rests one elbow on the table and the side of his head on his hand while reaching over Tae-gun to where Yoo-min is seated across from him with his other hand to place his index finger under Yoo-min's chin and lift it up a fraction of an inch. "Poor sunbae. So many items on the menu he just can't have."

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Eh? Is Jaeha flirting with Park Yoo-min?

...why is that kind of turning him on?????

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Yoo-min swallows dryly. "O Lord in Heaven lead me not into temptation and deliver me from evil."

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He slides the finger down Yoo-min's chin towards his throat, slowly. "I think the Lord will be deaf to your prayers, sinner."

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"Get a room!"

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He withdraws his hand then places it behind Tae-gun's neck possessively. "We will not. Were you not listening? This menu item is not available to Park Yoo-min."

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His skin is burning up where Jaeha is touching it.

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Yoo-min deflates like a balloon, leaning on Seungjoo and hiding his face in Seungjoo's hair.

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Well that's one way to stake a claim.

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"Why do conversations with you guys always devolve into flirting?"

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"You can't get a bunch of horny bisexuals in their early twenties in a room and not have us flirt with each other a bunch."

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"Not all of us are bi."

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"Not all of us are horny."

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"Not all of us are in our early twenties."

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"You get my point, though."

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"I challenge you all to do zero flirting for the rest of tonight. ...or talking about sex, at all."

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"Then why don't you suggest a conversation topic?"

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"I don't know how to come up with one on command like that!"

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"I'll rescue you, babe. You know what time it is? It's 'telling your friends an embarrassing non-sexual anecdote' time! I'll start.

"When I was eleven and didn't know I was totally gay I had a sweetheart and a few days after our first kiss she had her first period. I was very confused about how biology worked and thought that meant she was pregnant and I was the father so I went to her house to tell her parents that I was willing to take responsibility and marry her and take care of our child. Her father did not like that at all."

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"Oh my God."

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Si-yeon cackles. "Oh I thought that kind of stuff only happened in movies, that's hilarious."

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"Does that count as non-sexual, though?"

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"I'll let Tae-gun be the judge of that."

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"It counts."

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"I think I'll pass the ball to Lee Juheon-shi, now."

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"I never do embarrassing things."

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He covers her mouth. "I never do embarrassing things," he repeats.

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"You realise she's not the only one who's known you for years, right?"

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"I don't have enough hands to cover everyone's mouths."

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Yoo-min opens his mouth, then closes it again when he remembers Tae-gun's rule. Also it wouldn't have been flirting, it'd have been straight-up propositioning, which would be worse.

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"Guess you're gonna have to pick something if you don't want us to pick for you."

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"Oh, fine. Before Hyun-jae and I were partnered I had a major crush on her and I spent the longest time pining and one day I got really drunk and made a fool of myself blubbering about my unrequited love in front of Tae-gun and Yoo-min and almost drunk dialed her to confess. I would've if Yoo-min hadn't stopped me."

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"...you never told me that!"

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"I thought you said they'd only met later," Jaeha says to Tae-gun.

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"We hadn't met! I hadn't even ever said hi to her! That's why it's so embarrassing."

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"I didn't want to get into the details since they weren't mine to tell."

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"Now I'll pass the ball to—"

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"Me! Me! Pick me!"

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"You're the newest addition to the group other than Kang Jaeha-shi, and this clown here gets off on being embarrassed so it's no fun," says Juheon, hiking a thumb in Si-yeon's direction.

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"Harsh but fair."

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"...alright. There's... well, there's this person I like..."

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Tae-gun gets an emergency dungeon notification.

Then Woo-young does, too.

Then Jaeha.

One by one, everyone else does, too.

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"...ah, shit."

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Tae-gun arrives home before Jaeha and he's so exhausted he can barely jerk off. He hasn't been taking the pills often at all, not since he and Jaeha partnered, but he has no idea how long Jaeha is going to be with how unpredictable confluence dungeons are, so he takes them this time and then waits. He's shivering, his body is hot all over and his skin is flushed, the stimulation of his erection trapped between his stomach and the bedsheets almost but not quite enough in itself to make him come, but he just doesn't have the energy for it right now.

The pills take the edge off, and by twenty minutes later he's fallen asleep.

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Jaeha doesn't get home until a couple of hours later, and he's similarly exhausted. He doesn't even undress, just walks into their bedroom and lies next to Tae-gun.

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He stirs a bit and snuggles closer in his sleep but doesn't actually wake up.

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"...I like you, Lee Tae-gun," Jaeha murmurs. It's gotten to the point where he can feel it even when he's this deep in backlash. It's no longer just a giddy happy honeymoon romance, it's something that permeates every piece of him. The parts of it that remain right then are the possessiveness, the jealousy, the fear of losing him, the need—but he knows that's not all he has, he knows that his love is so much more than that, and that awareness also remains and carries him. "I like you far, far too much. I don't know what to do with myself. You're my everything."

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Tae-gun smiles and makes a soft hmming noise but still doesn't wake up.

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"Good night, Tae-gun-ah," he whispers, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep, himself.

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...it's the noises that wakes him up, because the feeling had worked its way into his dreams, steering them in a very different direction than they'd been going up until then. A much less pleasant direction than reality, though, because waking up to getting head from his boyfriend is hard to beat, dream or reality.

"Morning, Tae-gun-ah."

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He pulls away to reply with a "good morning" and then he's back at it.

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"Ah, fuck—" Okay, apparently it wasn't just the noises that woke him up, it was also how close he was to climaxing.

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"Are you still backlashed?" he asks, hooking his hand behind Tae-gun's head to pull him closer.

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"Just a bit." He just woke up and his boyfriend had morning wood and he wanted to do something about that.

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He licks Tae-gun's lips and the line going down to his chin then kisses him. "Well it's a great way to wake up." Even if he feels like he needs a shower, but they've had this conversation before and Tae-gun has stated that he feels like "free-use" should not have exceptions.

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"Come shower with me?"

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"Come on, then." Hyup they go.

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"So what's your schedule going to be like?" he asks once they're showering.

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It's been two days since the confluence started and they've barely had time to catch up. It picked up steam a lot faster than they typically do and Tae-gun and Jaeha were immediately swamped with emergency calls. No emergencies have come up this morning yet, though, so they have some time before their first scheduled non-emergency.

"Small dungeons I can solo, B-ranks or A-ranks, with time between them for when S-ranks show up or I have to be called in for emergencies. You?"

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"Similar, except I'm waiting for Nightmare to show, and I'm less able to solo dungeons."

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"Oh. Right. How does that usually... go?"

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"Nightmare? We go in small groups, a tracker finds a victim, someone with good mobility powers gets us to them, I remove Nightmare's mark, and we get them out."

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"That sounds..." Straightforward? Almost peaceful.

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He smiles a bit, bitterly. "Nightmare isn't directly dangerous to espers, at least not with competent shielding, until we find the victim and get caught up in their nightmares. What's difficult is that it keeps taunting us, trying to make us get lost, showing us other victims we could be helping so that we can stray from our known path and be trapped. It's psychological warfare." And it goes without saying that when he's backlashed he just doesn't care.

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"How come you can handle Nightmare when you can't handle horror movies?"

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"Horror movies are two hours of nonstop dread, a Nightmare run is twenty to forty minutes most of which is making our way to and from the victim's nightmares. It's especially easy with a mobility esper that can get us there and back without having to experience the interim."

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"I'm very mobile," he observes.

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"You're also most useful in dungeons where you can do things no one else can. Lots of espers are very mobile, very few espers can do everything else you can."

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He nods. "It's not my comparative advantage."

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"...your what?"

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"Like, it's not the thing I'm best at, so even if I'm also really good at mobility and a lot better than other people I should do the thing I'm best at instead because very few people are as good as I am at that and so someone has to—I'm explaining this wrong. It's an economics concept, like, okay imagine two countries that export—"

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Jaeha kisses him. "I think I get it."

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Whyyyyy does he still get flustered when Jaeha kisses himmmmm it's been moooonths since they've been togeeetheeeeeeerrrrrrr!!!!

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It's because he's a cutie.

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Sure, whatever he says.

"Anyway, I just meant that maybe I could help in my downtime. Flying around is less backlash intensive than most things I could be doing, and if I'm with you I'd get passive guiding that might help and even be backlash-negative."

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"...hmm. Maybe." It's not an obviously awful idea.

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"You don't look happy about it."

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"Well... are you happy that I have to go into Nightmare?"

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"...well, no."

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"But I'm specced for it. You're not. Even if I can protect you... It still scares me."

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"I don't know. Maybe. It would be reassuring to have you right next to me rather than off doing something insane on your own where I can't see and having to wait for you to come back home afterwards, not knowing if you'll die in a dungeon."

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"Do you... worry about that a lot?"

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"Some. Positive emotions are the first to go, remember? It's... easy... to get lost in worry and paranoia."

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"Oh. You shouldn't. I'm really strong and hard to hurt."

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"Tae-gun-ah, you're the most precious thing in my life. How could I not?"

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"...w-well, we still have a job to do. I, I don't want to insist if it wouldn't work, but... I like it when we get to work together."

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"I can't say no to you, Tae-gun-ah. I'll see what we can do, when Nightmare shows up."

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"Let's break up."

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"I said let's break up, didn't you hear me the first time?"

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"I—I heard you, but—why? Tae-gun-ah, did I do something—"

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"It's just that I don't really need you? I can deal with my backlash just fine with my hyungs, and you know you and I are asymmetrically compatible anyway. And the way you're kind of clingy... I mean, it's romantic, but I need my own space, you know?"

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"Kang Jaeha-nim, that's—that's not real—" Says the tracker/mover esper accompanying him. He's a little bit panicked because, what the hell, how is Kang Jaeha being affected by Nightmare.

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God, is he really that easy? That didn't even sound like Tae-gun, how was he fooled for even five seconds. He takes hold of the mind of the other esper, erases that conversation from their memory, and erases Jaeha's nightmare from their awareness. Not that he expects they'll last very long, Nightmare is almost certainly not going to keep trying this now that Jaeha is onto it.

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Jaeha is good enough at this that the esper barely notices anything wrong, and just keeps leading the way to their victim.

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This fucking sucks. He didn't want to keep track of more potential attack vectors from Nightmare targetting him in particular to keep them from everyone's awarenesses. He didn't use to have this problem, though it's immediately obvious that this is the first time he's gone into Nightmare and cared about anything. Of course Nightmare would exploit this newfound weakness.

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The environment shifts into a forest at night. The shadows are too long and dark and thick, too difficult to see through. The sounds start getting muffled, replaced by an eerie quiet only disturbed by the wind.

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"...this is harder to navigate. Hop onto a hoverboard, I'll just move all of us together."

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"Understood—" Wait no. Tae-gun didn't come into the dungeon with him. Again. Ugh. He wipes the other esper's memory and keeps following them.

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"...Kang Jaeha-shi?"

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Ignore him ignore him ignore him.

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"Hyung?" he repeats, more urgently.

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The other esper's power has a little bit of trouble with all of the curving and zigzagging they need to do amidst the trees but he leads on, leaving a glowing path behind that Jaeha can follow and following one, himself.

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"Yoon Chul-san-shi, please say you can hear me? Kang Jaeha-shi is..."

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Nice try.

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"Jaeha—hyung—Jaeha-ya—why are you—is the dungeon messing with you? Is it making you not see me?"

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He's not falling for it. He remembers that Tae-gun didn't go into the dungeon with him.


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"Fuck!" He didn't—that's a lie, he did know that Nightmare could mess with people's perceptions and memories, but just a little bit, he didn't realise it could make them just completely fail to perceive other people? Well—okay, he'll just—follow along? Then? And, and help to the extent he can? And then when Jaeha steps out of the dungeon he can try to communicate with other people—

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...those emotions sound too realistic. That's, that's entirely unlike the previous thing with Tae-gun breaking up with him. Did Nightmare fool him into thinking Tae-gun didn't come with him when he actually did? Could Nightmare mess with his memory that far? "Yoon Chul-san-shi, we came into this dungeon alone, right? Just the two of us?"

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"...huh? Yeah, why?"

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Erase that. Let's keep going.

This fucking dungeon is either messing with both of them or just trying to make him question his own memories and he's not going to let it.

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"...hyung, did you just... erase Yoon Chul-san-shi's memories? You can hear me? Hyung!"

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"You're not real, Tae-gun-ah."

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"...okay, if you can hear me, then—wait, so Nightmare isn't making it impossible for you to see me, are you—hyung. Are you blocking me from Yoon Chul-san-shi's awareness?"

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"Other people don't need to know about my nightmares."

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"Hyung, I'm real—okay. No. It doesn't matter. We can, we can wait until we're out of here and then once we're out of the dungeon you'll believe that I'm real, right?"

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"Sure, and then we'll need to report the fact that Nightmare is apparently now able to alter long-term memories and not just immediate ones. If you're real."

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"Right. Okay. I can work with that. ...do you need to block me from Yoon Chul-san-shi's awareness? You're using your power a lot and getting backlashed from it."

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"If you're not real and I don't do this, people will know I can't shield myself."

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"—you can't shield yourself??" He shakes his head. "Unimportant right now. If I am real and you do this, people will either think Nightmare's able to create—selective illusions, now—or that you've done something."

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"...you don't care?"

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"Sorry, Tae-gun-ah. I don't. I really, really don't think you're real."

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"...okay. We can... figure this out later. When we're outside."

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He is starting to get a very visceral understanding of why people hate this fucking dungeon so much.

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The esper suddenly yelps, pointing at what looks like someone impaled on a tree.

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What the fuck—who—

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Who indeed.

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Jaeha covers his mouth to try to stop himself from throwing up and erases the image and memory from Yoon Chul-san's mind. He did not think seeing that would mess with him so badly.

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"Hyung what—oh. Hyung, I'm fine, I'm here, I'm alive—"

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"You're fine and you're alive, Tae-gun-ah, but you're not here."

He's still having trouble looking away from, from—

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Nightmare reaches into your mind to draw out your nightmares, but it gives them solid form; looking away or knowing it's false doesn't make it go away. The only thing he can do is keep going. 

And that is not the only Tae-gun corpse Jaeha will run into today.

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Fuck, where's that fucking civilian, can they get attacked by a fucking bear or something already? Fuck this fucking dungeon.

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"Stop calling me that," he snaps. "—why am I even bothering to say this, you'll do whatever torments me the most."

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There is literally zero reason for him to react to that so he won't. Even though it hurts.

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And what torments Jaeha the most right now, obviously, is the fucking uncertainty, is the way this—version—of Tae-gun is actually indistinguishable from the real thing as far as he can tell to the point that he doesn't know if he may instead be imagining Yoon Chul-san because it would be just like Nightmare to make him backlash himself to hell and back by using his power on someone that doesn't exist while hurting the person that does exist, who loves him. And the version of reality that torments him the least is the one in which this isn't the real Tae-gun because he doesn't want his Tae-gun to see him like this, so out of control, without an ounce of composure, using his power much more than he should to protect his pride and his secrets, on an innocent person.

(He wouldn't cry if Yoon Chul-san got mauled by a bear, though.)

Nightmare will drag this out, too, obviously. It'll make it take longer to get to the victim, taunt Jaeha some more. It can't literally prevent them from getting there, the other esper's power wouldn't allow that to happen if nothing else, but it sure as hell can make the path more treacherous and thornier and more zigzagging so that he has to see all of the myriad creative ways it's come up with to kill Tae-gun. Thankfully he doesn't need to pay all that much attention to it to erase it from Yoon Chul-san's awareness but—not much is still some.

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They do eventually find the victim. Their nightmare is a memory from a time when they got lost in the woods for two days and thought they would die.

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He's happy for you and/or sorry it happened.

Can they leave now?

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Yes. They can.

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"What. What is it now."

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He smiles. "You know this won't last. You know I'll get tired of you. I'll get bored of how you never do anything, you have no friends, you don't care about your family, you've got nothing going for you. You just cling to me and it sure feeds my ego but it's not, particularly, fulfilling. You know that, right? You're boring, hyung. What do you have to offer me, that I don't already have?"

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"Took your sweet fucking time, asshole."

The portal's in sight, so of course it couldn't keep the pretense going for that long.

(He's so, so relieved.)

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"Relieved? Why would you be relieved? You're coming back here, hyung. You're coming here eeeeevery day, for many days in a row. Who knows when Nightmare's going to leave? So you and I, hyung, we're going to be having some fun here. Or, well, I am, at least.

"And then, once I'm done having my fun with you, I'll just throw you out like the bland trash you are."

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"I like you, hyung. I like you a lot.

"But I won't like you for long. Goodbye!"

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Yes out that fucking portal God fucking damnit.

"Yoon Chul-san-shi, I—I'm afraid I need to take a break."

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"...yeah, me too. It's always an honour working with you, Kang Jaeha-shi," he says, bowing. "I'll take the victim, you can go rest."

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Jaeha goes after the support tent and gets some of the backlash-stabilising pills that are available to all espers there. He downs them with water then sits down and waits for his nerves to calm down.

Nightmare's only just shown up, and he's got a whole night ahead of him. He might need noise-cancelling earbuds.

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Nightmare appeared in Korea this time, for a coincidence (unless it specifically planned it so that it'd sync with Jaeha's schedule and maximally fuck him up), which means that Jaeha's shift ends before sunrise, and he immediately teleports home.

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The timing means that Tae-gun is still home, asleep.

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When Jaeha left in the evening he loved Tae-gun. Now, though, he feels... empty. He feels empty, and Tae-gun is the only thing that can fill that void. He doesn't bother to shower, just takes his clothes off and collapses on their bed.

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Which rouses Tae-gun from his sleep but only by enough that he can snuggle up.

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Oh this feels nice. This is the first nice thing he's felt since he left yesterday.

It had been a long, long time since he'd last been so backlashed he felt actively suicidal. He still has procedures for when this happens, he won't kill himself on impulse, but it still feels absolutely awful, and he doesn't think he could hold out for very long; the only reason he survived his manifestation was because his family physically prevented him from doing it (and also because he didn't have enough motivation to fight them about it).

He can't lose Tae-gun. He can't ever, ever lose him. He can't survive without this.

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They decided that regardless of whether or not Tae-gun was going to join Jaeha doing Nightmare they'd try to sync up their schedules so that they could guide each other better (meaning Tae-gun would try to go for international dungeons more often) but since Nightmare appeared just last night they haven't had time for it. Tae-gun could have just pushed himself awake until Jaeha arrived, but Jaeha asked him not to, so instead he just stayed up until 3AM before finally going to bed. But this means that they can sleep together now, which will do a reasonable amount of guiding by itself.

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Will Jaeha be able to sleep? On the one hand, he's dead on his (metaphorical) feet, especially given that he'd been awake all day long already before Nightmare showed up; on the other, despite everything, Nightmare did get to him and he kind of needs to make sure Tae-gun is really here and solid in his arms.

He'll compromise by holding Tae-gun until he physically cannot stay awake.

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When he finally wakes up, Tae-gun is nowhere to be seen.

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...no. No no no no where'd he to where's Tae-gun his Tae-gun he jolts awake and jumps off the bed and loses balance hard enough to come crashing down onto the floor and tries to get up—

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And Tae-gun rushes through the door riding an ice board looking scared. "Hyung? What happened, why are you on the floor, what—"

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As soon as Tae-gun is close enough Jaeha pulls him into a tight hug.

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"What—hyung, what happened, you're shaking—"

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"Don't leave me. Please. Please stay. Please don't leave me, Tae-gun-ah, please—" He can't bear to pull away can't bear to look at Tae-gun's face what if Tae-gun looks disgusted what if he's too clingy what if he's feeling awkward what if—

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He hugs back, just as tightly. "It's okay, hyung. I'm here. I'm not going leave. I'll stay with you." What the fuck, this might be the first time he's ever seen Jaeha—he can feel wetness on the skin of his back. He pulls away to look at Jaeha's face. Is—is he crying?

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Yes. Yes he is. "Don't look at me, Tae-gun-ah," he pleads, turning his face away. "Don't, don't, I don't want you to see me like this—" He's pathetic, he's so pathetic, he's making such a mess of himself and he can feel Tae-gun's worry for him, Tae-gun's love, and he feels like a pitiful worm for ever doubting it even for a second, for ever letting Nightmare get to him, for ever letting it plant even the tiniest seeds of doubt, but if Tae-gun sees how pathetic Jaeha is he'll surely leave—

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"Hyung. Hyung, look at me. Jaeha-ya."

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He can't say no. He can't ever, ever say no. He turns his face, reluctantly, but he fixes his gaze somewhere around Tae-gun's chin.

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Good enough.

Tae-gun kisses him. "Jaeha-ya. I love you."

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Oh, God, he can't keep looking, he needs to hide his face in Tae-gun's shoulder again, not that that'll help to hide his sobbing in any way. 

Tae-gun is here, Tae-gun is real, Tae-gun is his, Tae-gun loves him, he said so, Jaeha can feel it too, if there's anything that's real it's how much Tae-gun loves him, Tae-gun will never leave him, Tae-gun must never leave him, there is no Jaeha without Tae-gun, without Tae-gun he's just a hollow, empty husk, he's not even half a person, he's nothing without Tae-gun—

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"Let it out, hyung. I'll be here for as long as you want me to be."

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That's just making him sob harder and hug tighter, this is too much for just one person to handle, not even one person, just the tiny pitiful unperson he becomes when he's backlashed.

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He lifts one hand to cup the back of Jaeha's head and run his fingers through Jaeha's hair, petting him soothingly and just being physically present for his Jaeha since he seems to need it so much.

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He does. He needs it so much. He spends a while there, he's not keeping track of the time and the blackout blinds don't let any sun in so he can't even use the light to help, and he cries harder than he's cried in a long, long time, possibly ever. 

Eventually he does calm down, though, enough to stop crying, and a while after that he calms down though to be able to pull away again. "Sorry, Tae-gun-ah. I'm sorry. I just—"

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"Was it Nightmare?" Tae-gun asks in a soft voice.

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Tae-gun nods. He doesn't ask what, exactly, he saw in Nightmare. He doesn't want to dig up whatever was painful enough to cause this, and it doesn't really matter. He also doesn't ask if this has happened before, because he's pretty sure it hasn't, and that this is the first time Jaeha's gone into Nightmare with so little backlash, possibly the first time Jaeha's gone into Nightmare while he cared about anything enough to have nightmares over it. It wouldn't have been able to show Jaeha anything personal, Jaeha can completely nullify it, but seeing other people's nightmares over and over and over again, seeing other people lose those whom they love, and Jaeha spent how many hours in the dungeon? Jaeha, his Jaeha, his poor Jaeha...

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God, being pitied by Tae-gun is almost worse. He turns his empathy off again—he doesn't want to know, and really he shouldn't have turned it on in the first place, except he needed it, he needed more than just Tae-gun's words to be reassured, however immature and pathetic that makes him—and cups Tae-gun's cheek with a hand. "I need a shower." Not just because of the crying, he also spent several hours running around the nightmares of so many other people, he's feeling grubby and grimy and disgusting.

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"Yeah." Jaeha is a teensy bit taller and definitely broader than Tae-gun but Tae-gun is strong and can definitely bridal carry him to the bathroom.

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He wraps his arms around Tae-gun's neck—not that he really needs it, he's sure Tae-gun would be able to hold onto him regardless—and hides in Tae-gun's neck. "You're ridiculous," he sob-laughs.

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"Yeah," he agrees. "Let me take care of you."

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He doesn't deserve this. He'll accept it, but he definitely doesn't deserve it.

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"Deserving" is a fake concept anyway. No matter how much Jaeha does or does not deserve this in any kind of cosmic sense it'll still be the case that Tae-gun loves him and will take care of him. He'll do the things Jaeha does for him, getting him under the warm water and wash his hair and hug him and tell him that he likes him a lot and will never leave him.

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Yeah. Okay. Good. That's—that's good. 

"...sorry I'm a mess," he says eventually, once they're out of the shower and Tae-gun is fixing Jaeha something to eat.

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Tae-gun eyes Jaeha dubiously. "I don't think you're a mess, but if you are, you're my mess."

(He's so coooornyyyyyyy aaaah.)

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He snorts. "Got that going for me, I suppose."

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Man, that was just day one of Nightmare. 

"Should I come with you from now on, then?" There's no way Jaeha can doubt that Tae-gun will stick with him, then, if he can see Tae-gun in the flesh right there.

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"No. Absolutely not. I can't, can't—I won't be able to handle that."

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"...handle that...?"

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"Please, just—this is bad enough as it is. If—if it—please, Tae-gun-ah. Please don't ask that of me."

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"...okay. I'm sorry."

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"No, don't, don't feel bad, that's just—it's just me. I'm the fucked up one."

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He really doesn't know how to interface with any of that. 

"...should we have sex? Maybe get rid of the last of your backlash..."

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Is it the backlash that's making him feel like such shit? That's the obvious candidate, isn't it, and just spending the "night" in bed together would not have been enough to deal with all of his backlash, now that he thinks about it, especially if Tae-gun woke up before he did—

(a flash of annoyance)

—yeah, if he's annoyed with Tae-gun for that he's definitely still really backlashed.

"Yeah. Probably. Let's eat first, though?" He's starving.

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"Of course."

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Oh... Tae-gun's smile is so pretty... He's glad at least that he's not so backlashed that he can't see that.

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Tae-gun himself isn't backlashed at all—he cancelled today's dungeons, after all, since he'll be shifting his schedule to match Jaeha's and therefore he'll be taking dungeons at night—so he's not as desperate and mindlessly horny as he usually is. And his Jaeha looks fragile, is fragile, right now, so Tae-gun is careful, so very careful. He kisses Jaeha and he tells Jaeha how much he likes him while making love to him and they don't talk about anything.

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Yeah. This is good, this, this is what he needed. Life feels progressively less hopeless, he clearly was extremely backlashed and he's getting back into himself again.

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But once it seems like Jaeha is sufficiently recovered, Tae-gun does have to ask. 

"Are you sure this'll be... okay? Nightmare will be around for several weeks, if you're this affected every time..."

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"I'm not sure of anything, Tae-gun-ah. I—you must've guessed what the problem was."

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"You've never gone into it while you had something you cared about."

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"Yeah. So I don't really know if it'll affect me too much for me to keep going. I really don't.

"What I can say is that... there'll be some getting used to it, probably? And last night, I had already done dungeons earlier in the day, and I was very tired, which impairs my judgment and emotional resilience even if I'm fully guided." Or so he imagines; it does everyone, after all, and he has no reason to believe he'd be an exception. "This start will be... rougher, probably. But I want to try at least for a bit."

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Tae-gun nods. Their comfort is measured in lives, and to a large extent confluences are when you buckle up and sit on your discomfort and upset for the sake of others. This work isn't one you do without sacrifice, not any more than being a paramedic or a firefighter. You do it because someone needs to, because if you don't then people will die. 

"Okay. But—talk to me. Okay? And come home immediately, and wait for me if I'm not back yet, and—let me be there for you. Let me be your boyfriend."

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"Yes, Tae-gun-ah. I will."

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🪁freefall: I am actually deceased
🪁freefall: I have died and I now speak to you from beyond the grave
🪁freefall: just like your ancestors do

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🍀LeeJuheon: I don't think my ancestors have ever spoken to me from beyond the grave.

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🪁freefall: really?
🪁freefall: damn, must feel like crap to be ignored by your own ancestors

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🍀LeeJuheon: I've never felt the lack!

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That group chat only has Tae-gun and his two hyungs, and it took Tae-gun threatening to block Si-yeon to get him to back down from renaming the chat to "Tae-gun and his exes" when Tae-gun and Jaeha started dating. Jaeha... does feel kind of jealous, that much Tae-gun knows, so it would be unnecessarily mean to him to do that even as a joke.

LeeTae-gun: What happened?

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🪁freefall: this last fucking dungeon is what happened
🪁freefall: five hours!!! chun-hee and i were in there for five! hours!!!!!
🪁freefall: we had to call for backup!

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🍀LeeJuheon: You spent five hours in a dungeon and you're chatting to us rather than snuggling your partner?
🍀LeeJuheon: Can't have been that bad

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🪁freefall: we left the dungeon two and a half hours ago and i spent most of them balls deep in her

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LeeTae-gun: TMI, hyung.

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🪁freefall: if this clown wants to make suggestive remarks about how much i guide my partner i'ma make sure he stands corrected

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🍀LeeJuheon: It was a joke! Just a joke!

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🪁freefall: ugh, yteah, i know
🪁freefall: sorry
🪁freefall: I'm just really fucking tired and cranky rn

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LeeTae-gun: So maybe go sleep?

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🪁freefall: ughhhhh I don't wannaaaaaaa
🪁freefall: I wanna whine to my best friends instead
🪁freefall: gimme one good thing in my life Tae-gun I am SUFFERING

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LeeTae-gun: You're so dramatic.

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🪁freefall: languishes pitifully on the floor ㅠ_ㅠ

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Juheon sends a sticker of a kitty petting another kitty.

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LeeTae-gun: Did the dungeon get misranked or something?

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🪁freefall: yeah
🪁freefall: li'l shit got upranked to S after I sent my report
🪁freefall: we, like, killed it, so it's fine
🪁freefall: but god Tae-gun
🪁freefall: sometimes i'm really jelly of your S-rankness but times like this I'm really, really not

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🍀LeeJuheon: Tae-gun would probably not have needed to spend five hours in the dungeon.

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🪁freefall: wow rude
🪁freefall: fucka u too pal ㅗㅗ

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🍀LeeJuheon: That's not what I meant!
🍀LeeJuheon: I just mean that it's probably not as exhausting for him
🍀LeeJuheon: So you can remain jealous of him if you want
🍀LeeJuheon: ........I'm just digging my own grave here, aren't I

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🪁freefall: lolololol
🪁freefall: yeah but it's entertaining so you can keep going

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LeeTae-gun: Was it this dungeon?

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🪁freefall: ugh I'm getting trauma flashbacks
🪁freefall: yeah that's the fucker

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LeeTae-gun: That looks tough.
LeeTae-gun: Good job on clearing it.

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🪁freefall: ....... > /// <

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🍀LeeJuheon: The day's just starting for you, right, Tae-gun?

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LeeTae-gun: Yeah.
LeeTae-gun: I'm going to a dungeon in Argentina in half an hour and hyung is going to Nightmare.

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🪁freefall: ...extremely not jealous of you rn
🪁freefall: Nightmare, brrrrrrr

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🍀LeeJuheon: It sounds really rough on both of you
🍀LeeJuheon: Is Kang Jaeha-shi handling it okay?

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Tae-gun looks down at Jaeha's (gorgeous) sleeping face and sighs, running his fingers through Jaeha's hair.

LeeTae-gun: Okay, yeah.
LeeTae-gun: We're dealing.

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🍀LeeJuheon: Please take good care of each other!

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LeeTae-gun: We will.

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"Hyuuuuung were you really that upset that I was chatting to my exes while you were asleep?"

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"They're not your exes."

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"Ex-partners, best friends, we used to have sex, and even I can tell they'd both still be down to fuck if I showed up all backlashed and submissive and breedable and asked for for one or both of them to fill some of my holes."

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"Lee Juheon-shi is in an exclusive relationship."

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"But Si-yeon-hyung iiiiisnnnnnn't. Besides, do you really think Hyun-jae-sunbae would mind if I borrowed her man for a bit if the need was great?"

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"The need won't be great."

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"Mmmmmaybe, maybe not. Do you really think you can satisfy me? Especially now that you're always so tired and wrung out after coming back home, and all clingy and upset and going all 'oh noooooo please don't leave meeee I need you Tae-gun-aaaaahhhh' so I have to spend at least an hour every day reassuring you... At least until I get too tired of reassuring you, of course.

"But it's okay, hyung, I'll always have my two hot exes waiting for me if you ever fall down on the job."

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Fucking irritating dungeon.

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"No response? Did I touch a sore spot? Whoops, tee hee!"

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"'Tee hee'? You're not even trying."

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"But nightmares don't need to make that much sense, do they? They're just putting a face to your fears. And fear is all you have, every morning when you teleport home. Fear of losing me, fear that I won't be there waiting for you, fear that I'll be off laughing at you with my real friends.

"Of course, if you weren't so immature and insecure it wouldn't be a problem. I fell for your confidence and competence, so you showing me this pathetic side that can't even trust me... It's somewhere between sad and hurtful, you know?"

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...why would it be hurtful???

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"Because you don't trust me, I just said! You keep thinking that I'm lying, that I don't mean what I say. There's nothing I can do, is there? You'll just never trust me."

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It's not Tae-gun he doesn't trust. 

And it's not trust that's the problem.

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"Anyway! That's all probably moot. I mean, what are the odds I'll even survive this confluence? Sure, I'm good at my job, but that means I'm always taking the riskiest dungeons, so one small misstep..."

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"Shut up you asshole."

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"Maaaaake meeeee~" he singsongs, skipping over his own corpse lying on the floor, impaled by something.

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He hates this dungeon. He hates this dungeon. He hates this dungeon. He hates this dungeon. He hates

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"Escher" was the name given to an S-rank dungeon by someone who was going for sounding cool rather than being descriptive. Not that that matters much—by the time an S-rank gets a name it's famous enough you'll know what people are talking about—but still, there are hardly any bizarre stairs with fucked up gravity, and those have become less and less numerous over the decades, and not even Escher's worst nightmares featured the kinds of stuff this dungeon likes to pull.

For one, it's properly four-dimensional. Not that humans can really interact much with that fact; despite what fiction might like to tell you, being in 4D space doesn't drive you crazy or make you time travel or whatever else. It doesn't really look like much at all, as both espers and kidnappees still have to just navigate the 3D projection they happen to be in. Light can still travel in all four directions, though, and some teleporter espers are even able to teleport you kata or ana from where you are. And of course, the dungeon would love to take you to some other three-dimensional projection of itself than the one you're in.

That's also where the non-Euclideanness comes in. Some places will in fact take you kata or ana, and sometimes taking a step to your left will leave you somewhere that looks completely identical to where you just were except for how everyone who was with you is nowhere in sight, and it's not clear whether that's better or worse than when you take a step to your right and end up somewhere completely unrecognisable with no good way to get back to where you were. You also have standard hyperbolic geometries (a.k.a. we were right next to each other and now she's ten feet away), cyclical geometries (a.k.a. didn't I just come from here?), punctured connections (a.k.a. portals), acyclic directed topologies (a.k.a. fuck retracing my steps won't bring me back to where I was), and so on.

And finally: the monsters! There aren't that many, to be fair, and they're small and not very threatening. What they do enjoy doing, though, is tripping you and pushing you and knocking you around, it's snipping your lengths of string and eating your breadcrumb trails, and it's pulling you kata or ana (because they, of course, can move along all four dimensions).

The fact that light in the dungeon can travel in all directions is a blessing, at least: that means that specialised tracking software can go some way towards creating something that could almost be called a map if you squint and also are high on acid. Trying to find the core is basically out of the question, and espers' job is to try to track as many kidnap victims as they can and bring them back. This means you want espers with very precise mobility skills, a way to make sure your breadcrumbs aren't lost and, of course, good teleporters.

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"This was one of the first dungeons that appeared back in the seventies, before we knew anything about anything and had our acts together," says the lead of this particular expeditionary team. "It had a lot fewer teeth back then, and if we'd managed to nip it in the bud we wouldn't be having to deal with this kind of headache now.

"Everyone already has their partners," by which she doesn't mean the people who usually help with guiding but rather the people whose powers dovetail well enough with yours in this situation, "and the teleporters will be by the portal. By the way, we do have closed tents set up in there if you would be most efficiently guided in private ways; this is going to be hell on your backlashes, I'm telling you right now, I've never met a single teleporter who didn't find this nightmarish, so whatever we can get out of you we're taking."

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...God, he could never.

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Oh he could and he probably will; his new prospective partner is really hot.

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"I'm going to let you all get acquainted with each other and discuss strats, we'll reconvene in fifteen and then go in. I'm point person if you need anything at all."

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"You got your wish."

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"...my wish?"

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"Running a dungeon with Tae-gun."

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"—oh! That's true." She'd kinda hoped it would've been one where she could, you know, see him in action properly. There'll be hardly any combat here, Tae-gun is mostly present because his conjuration skills are nearly unparalleled and very good at being breadcrumbs.

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"Have you done non-Euclidean dungeons before?" Tae-gun asks Woo-young.

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"Only every other week. People got it into their heads that my power is good for those."

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"...isn't it?"

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"It is! So I can't even say no! Doesn't mean I have to like it."

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"Can you teleport in the fourth dimension, Woo-young?"

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"I don't know. I haven't had the opportunity to try. My hunch is that yes, though."

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"Hey on the bright side you're going to get your dick so wet—"

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Tae-gun drops a solid chunk of ice on Si-yeon's head.

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"Ow! That hurt you asshole!"

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"Stop being crass in public, oppa, and you won't get hit by sunbae's ice."

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"Maybe I'm into it."

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Another chunk of ice, this one heavier and with a bit o' force.

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"Stop being crass in public, hyung."

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"That's funny so don't stop on account of me but I don't really mind."

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"You gotta nip it in the bud. He starts getting bolder and bolder otherwise."

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He opens his mouth—

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And Tae-gun fills it with snow.

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Of course he accidentally inhales some of that and has to spit it all out and start coughing.

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"I'll stop when you do, hyung."

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He raises both hands next to his head when he's done coughing. "You win! You win! I'll stop!"

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"Good boy."

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"...okay you're doing that on purpose, aren't you?"

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"Doing what?"

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Woo-young bets Tae-gun would be fun in bed.

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He's a bully is what he is.

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"Are you going in, too, hyung?" he asks once the awkward silence has sufficiently punished Si-yeon.

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He perks right back up. "Yeah! We'll find out what I can do in the dungeon but I'm betting it's not 'nothing'."

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"Maybe you'll find out how to step into the fourth dimension outside, too."

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"That'd be super cool!"

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"...that was a joke. That's literally impossible."

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"So is conjuring and telekinetically controlling ice but you don't see me raining on your parade about it."

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"—no, you don't understand—"

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"You should meet up with your tracker, Tae-gun. It's not good manners to wait until you're inside to introduce yourself."

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...ugh. He should.

"You're right," he says with a defeated sigh.

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"There there, sunbae."

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"There there, sunbae."

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Grumble grumble fine he'll go do that.

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The tracker Tae-gun will be working with has a minor precognitive power coupled with superspeed. It allows them to guess where they could run to that would achieve their goals, and they can use it in bursts to give directions for immediate places to run.

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Meanwhile Tae-gun can keep up a cloud of ice crystals some distance around his body, effectively giving him extra disposable limbs he can track that will inform him of whether going in a given direction will be a problem. He can also conjure extremely dense ice that's effectively unbreakable for as long as it's in his range and merely very hard to break when outside it, stuck to the ground, to serve as breadcrumbs. Coupled with his high combat capabilities makes him one of the safest people to be around in this dungeon.

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The field espers are also given numerous relays and repeaters to leave places so that the comms don't get cut off by too many unexpected corners. Those are small drones with limited vision and AI meant to try to keep them safely out of reach of monsters.

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Woo-young meanwhile is getting a crash course on how to understand non-Euclidean dungeons, hard mode. He's absolutely certain every other such dungeon will be a walk in the park after this bullshit.

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But it's in any event not really a very stressful dungeon. They go out, they find people, they give them teleport tags, Woo-young or some other teleporter gets them out. Tae-gun is glad to be useful but he doesn't feel very useful, which itself of course makes him feel terribly guilty. It's better not worse when dungeons aren't horribly dangerous to everyone!

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Since there's no expectation of clearing the dungeon at all, they're just meant to spend some time in it and then leave, as their backlashes are the constraining factor.

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Tae-gun's backlash control and tolerance are both exceptional so he's still feeling fine by then but the tracker coming with him clearly isn't so back to the portal they go. 

(They didn't even get to kill any monsters.)

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When they arrive back at the portal, though, there's quite a lot of commotion.

"Sunbae," calls Woo-young, looking a bit panicked. "We've lost contact with Ha Si-yeon and Kim Chun-hee."

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"When? How? What were the last comms we got from them?"

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The team lead takes over. "Ten minutes ago the string of water Kim Chun-hee was using as their breadcrumb trail suddenly lost coherence and fell to the floor," she says, gesturing at where it did. Kim Chun-hee is an A-rank hydrokinetic with unbounded range so the water she'd been holding onto really shouldn't have been let go of like that—unless she got taken out of commission somehow.

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"Alright. Get me a tracker, ten minutes is far too long, we need to find them." He's not going to worry about hurting the feelings of the tracker that came in with him, he knows that they will not be enough for this. "Min Woo-young, do you have enough on their last location to teleport us there or do we need to go the long way?"

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"—I think so." He's had his head buried in this insane map for hours now while making out with his temporary partner and it's almost starting to make sense, a sure sign that he's going insane.

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"You'll go after them?" the team lead asks Tae-gun. "Do you need any more support?"

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"No, just someone who can catch their scent."

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"I'll have someone in two minutes," she says, stepping out through the portal.

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Why had no one told him before that this had happened. Ten whole minutes??? That's fucking insane.

Well, nothing to it. He'll figure it out.

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The tracker they get him is particularly good for this dungeon: they're an S-ranker from Norway (or, well, Korea classifies them that way, Norway itself doesn't use the rank system) who can conjure a path made of solid light under their feet leading to their destination. That makes it very useful for navigating the insanity of this place since they don't have to rely on the existing terrain which is often very misleading or unreliable.

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Oh yes that is a very useful power.

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However, they're going to need something that belongs or recently belonged to their target, or some other way to uniquely identify them.

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...would a picture do?

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In a pinch.

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Ok hang on he still has the door code for Si-yeon's place so he can teleport there and back with something of his in less than two minutes.

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Oh! Yes excellent that works perfectly.

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Woo-young will teleport them to Si-yeon and Chun-hee's last known location, then.

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The tracker uses their power, their solid light conjuration stretches away from them in a specific direction and then...

...vanishes into thin air.

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Yeah, that's what he fucking thought.

"They got pulled kata or ana," Tae-gun says into the comms. "Min Woo-young, if we stand here at their disappearance point, can you teleport us in the right direction?"

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"—yes, I think so." It might be really costly but their best model of this dungeon has it as actually really thin along the fourth dimension such that teleports along it are actually pretty easy. It's of course approximately impossible to know exact scales but their best guess is that it's less than 10cm "tall".

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Alright. He goes to the spot where the path disappears, gets a little radar doodad to generate a map of the 4D surroundings—

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"—found them."


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They're in hot fucking water, pun unintended. Chun-hee is holding up a bubble of water as a shield around herself and Si-yeon—

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—except Si-yeon is vanishing into thin air and reappearing at irregular intervals, looking incredibly harried.

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Whenever he appears Chun-hee shouts instructions, to get around some of his backlash and get him focused on the fight, but it's really hard to fight something in four dimensions.

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To give an impression of how hard it is, let's take this analogy back one dimension down. Imagine you're looking down at a little sapient dot on a flat piece of paper. That little dot is surrounded by a circle that it thinks is a perfectly protective forcefield—after all, there is no direction it can perceive that it can be assailed from. So then you go and you poke a hole into the piece of paper with your finger, from the dimension the dot just cannot perceive, and there's nothing it can do to resist you.

Unless it can figure out how to step out of the paper, too.

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Ha Si-yeon's power is that he can do things. Therefore, today, he can move in four dimensions. That is a thing that one does, and he can do things, therefore he can do that.

(It turned out to be surprisingly backlash-cheap, too! Not the cheapest but it seems that, as far as his power is concerned, if he is in four-dimensional space, there shouldn't be much of a difference between being able to fight well in 4D versus being able to fight well in 3D. The main problem is his senses, but he's working around that.)

However, he's still been in this fight for fifteen minutes, now, and fifteen minutes of uninterrupted power use is. A lot. It's a lot.

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The little dot on the piece of paper doesn't really have a way to properly understand what you are. If it manages to step out of its piece of paper because of magic bullshit, it'll still only be able to properly interact with two-dimensional cross-sections of you.

By a similar token, it's really difficult to understand what exactly in the everloving fuck they're fighting. It changes sizes in place and disappears and reappears in other places as it moves around in a dimension you just can't see. It's—blobby, and smooth. The three-dimensional cross-sections it projects onto the area visible to them never get bigger than a person, but it's hard to make out any kinds of detail.

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...this means that everyone here other than Si-yeon is a liability. Chun-hee's water shield is completely ineffective, and a waste of backlash. However, the monster engaging them so actively means that the core is probably here. Just—

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"Sunbae, status?"

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Oh, right, the relay worked.

"Si-yeon can fight in 4D, Kim Chun-hee is telling him what to do, get this radar pulsating and find us the core so Si-yeon can kill it."

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Oh thank goodness someone found them.

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"Roger that."

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"Hyung, pull me kata." Two separate 3D projections is—still not perfect, especially since Tae-gun can't even rotate properly in 4D or move on his own, but whenever he sees the thing's projections he can harass them and that'll be extra pressure that just a single person can't provide.

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It's so good when people tell him what to do. Yes, he can do that.

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It's trippy as fuck and a little bit terrifying, the way everyone else just blips out of existence while the entire environment kind of flows like it's made of putty, but he was braced for it. Time to do whatever he can do, until Woo-young finds the core.

Hopefully it won't be inside the monster.

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It's not.

It still takes Woo-young a while, because despite the existence of radars and the software to interpret their results into 4D maps he still needs to understand the damn things to teleport people, he needs to know where the core is.

But the stupidest thing is that the core is three-dimensional. It is in one of the infinitely many 3D slices of 4D space, with actually zero probability that you'd hit it by just looking. But, well, Ha Si-yeon is doing a pretty damn good job of keeping the monster occupied, so Woo-young can teleport Tae-gun to the right place.

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"Get us all out of here."

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It takes all of them a moment to adjust, Si-yeon in particular, but as soon as he realises he doesn't need to mess around with 4D anymore and can just leave he promptly goes sick on the floor.

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"How many more people are there left to rescue?"

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"...Lee Tae-gun-nim. We cannot actually wait."

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"—we can't just leave the victims behind—"

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"We can, and we will." It is the team leader's job to make these calls, after all, and... "This dungeon has existed for as long as espers have, if it's at all smart it is going to seal itself immediately with all of us inside and it is actually that smart, and all of the monsters will be gunning for us—we're killing it. I'm not discussing this. Place their lives on my shoulders. But we're ending this now."

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He saw the logic even before she said it, saw the inescapable truth. This is a named S-rank, the smartest, most dangerous kind, the kind that has been escaping them for decades—they need to kill it. They cannot give it the opportunity to leave.


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Yeah. She knows.

She made the decision, so she'll be the one to go through with it. She gets Woo-young to teleport all espers out, waits until every other person has left, then finally destroys the core and leaves.

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How is he meant to face the public. How is he meant to act when they just, just—

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With his head held high and the confidence that he did the right thing because now that threat is gone. It is gone for good. Their names are going down in history; even if they retired tomorrow, they'd have saved more lives than most espers do in their entire careers.

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Sure doesn't fucking feel like it, though.


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The team leader gently encourages everyone else to go into isolation, but she needs to be there to answer questions and have her decision reviewed and all of that.

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Jaeha has to hold his annoyance and jealousy back when Tae-gun tells him about what happened. He went after Ha Si-yeon, at great personal risk, despite having no idea what had gone wrong—what would Jaeha have done if Tae-gun'd died?? It was a named S-rank. And he just, just—

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No. No. What did he expect? Did he really expect his Tae-gun to just leave one of his best friends behind? Obviously not. That's ludicrous. His Tae-gun wouldn't be who he is if he did that. Jaeha will be supportive, instead of petty and jealous.

"I'm proud of you, Tae-gun-ah."

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"...I didn't do anything."

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"It certainly wasn't anyone else who managed to locate Ha Si-yeon-shi and Kim Chun-hee-shi and then figure out what to do to finish the fight."

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He... guesses. It feels like it could have been anyone else. And...

"...and all of those people we didn't rescue, they..."

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"Oh, Tae-gun-ah..." He knows what it is that Tae-gun needs, here. He know that Tae-gun knows it was the smart decision, the correct decision, the decision that gets the most people safe in the long run, but... Tae-gun'll be beating himself up about it regardless. Or just plain old sad. And for that, he can hold Tae-gun close and pet him soothingly and just be there for him, the way Tae-gun's there for Jaeha.

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...yeah. Yeah, that is what he wants. And, and he wants to be a little bit ridiculous and cry, also.

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Tae-gun. Tae-gun, no. Tae-gun it's not ridiculous to want to cry because your actions however indirectly or reasonably caused the deaths of others. That is approximately the least ridiculous reason for crying there could be. Come on, let it out.

Jaeha will be here for him, for as long as he needs Jaeha to be.

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He has a good hyung. He's... really, really happy to have his hyung.

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This dungeon appeared on their day off (because confluence or no confluence they need breaks to survive) so Jaeha isn't too badly backlashed today, only the last bits of it that they didn't manage to clear over the past few days, so he can take care of Tae-gun, make him something nice to eat, give him a massage, just spend some time together doing dungeon aftercare. Some of it is sex, too, of course, but Tae-gun takes a bit to be sufficiently in the mood, after everything.

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Yeah. Turns out that being responsible for the deaths of who knows how many people kinda kills the mood. Even when they do have sex it's slower and sweeter than they usually do it, a continuation of Jaeha emotionally supporting Tae-gun and being there for him. Because they love each other.

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Yeah. They do.

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🪁freefall: Tae-gun
🪁freefall: im feeling like shit
🪁freefall: come get drunk with me

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No. Ha Si-yeon has kept Tae-gun for long enough, has made Tae-gun risk his life like that, and then go through all of this when he had to clean Ha Si-yeon's mess.

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LeeTae-gun: Sorry, hyung, I need to be alone right now.

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—wait, shit—

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🪁freefall: alone? or alone with your hunk?

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☘️LeeJuheon: Ha Si-yeon.

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🪁freefall: sorry, forget about it
🪁freefall: it was just a rough day

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Yeah. And that's why he wants to be alone (with Jaeha).

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—it's fine. That was fine. That wasn't anything. He wasn't even actually listening for Tae-gun's emotions. Still isn't. He wouldn't have been able to do what he did if Tae-gun hadn't already been feeling bad about the idea. Jaeha can't plant whole emotions in anyone, he can only pull on emotions that were already there, so the fact that he was able to do this blind just means that Tae-gun already agreed with him that this was bad. That's not any different than just asking, it's just—a bit more direct. He's not even sure he did anything, he has no way to tell, he wasn't listening, still isn't, and if he did do it it was an accident. It's fine.

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"...hyung? You okay? Your heart started..."

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"Ah. Sorry, I was just—for a moment I thought you were going to go out again with Ha Si-yeon-shi and I—got jealous—"

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"You don't have to be jealous. I'm your boyfriend. Not his. And I want to spend time with you, not with him."

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"Yeah." He is Jaeha's boyfriend, and not Ha Si-yeon's. And Jaeha probably didn't actually do anything, he's just stressing himself out for no reason. He shouldn't be worrying about it. Tae-gun isn't going to leave. Tae-gun will stay. He knows this.

He knows this.

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"Oh hey sunbae."

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Tae-gun is in one of the Quasar training rooms, sitting on a bench resting a bit from his workout. He's going to get back to it in a minute but he's not training endurance today so he doesn't feel the need to simulate the breakneck pace of doing dungeons and can take breaks. 

"—oh. Min Woo-young-shi. Hello." Out of all people to run into, Min Woo-young is a pretty alright one. Tae-gun finds it comfortable to be around him, probably due to the way he's always so patient and non-judgemental. Kind of like Juheon-hyung, actually, now that he thinks of it.

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Right, sunbae is super into the honorifics. It's probably good practice, Woo-young is getting too used to Quasar and he wouldn't want to slip too much in public. 

"Surprised to see you here, I thought you'd aligned your schedule with Kang Jaeha-shi's?"

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"I did, but I'm taking today off to make up for the day we had to deal with Escher," because the guild president insisted, "and since I wake up early in the evening I only go to bed at 11, so I'm awake for a couple more hours."

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"So this is... the equivalent of an evening workout?"

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"I'm definitely more of a morning person; if nothing else I'm usually immobile in the evenings."

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"—oh, right. Did you ever get a new partner?"

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"I did! That person I met in Escher, Kim Dal-jye, we turned out to be pretty decently compatible both in backlash terms and, like, personally." The sex is amazing, too, but he's not about to tell sunbae that.

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"Oh. That's good. She didn't already have a partner?"

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"She did but they're not sufficiently compatible for her to run dungeons as often as she wants to, I'm kind of supplementing that. She's still with them, though."

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"Oh. Okay. And she's not with Quasar?"

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"No, she's with Lucid."