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jealous is the night when the morning comes
sunnyverse ves summons demon cam
Permalink Mark Unread

She finds the instructions in the back of an old book that must have been tossed across five or six dimensions over the course of its lifetime. It's in Latin, rather than a demon language. She knows Latin. She's pretty sure Imrainai doesn't know Latin, which is presumably why she didn't confiscate the book.

The book says you can follow the instructions to summon an angel, a fairy, or a demon. (She's really unclear on where the first two categories have been all this time, but whatever.) Angels transform stuff into other stuff. Fairies move stuff. Both of these sound potentially strategically useful, given enough time to strategize. Demons, though? Whatever kind of demon this is talking about is an entity that can make stuff. A summoned demon could maybe make her a cell phone. There's maybe something to be said for sticking with the devil she knows, but the devil she knows is actually pretty terrible? So hey, lots of room for improvement even within the evil fiends category.

The instructions are clear that if you're going to summon anything, especially a demon, then you gotta make sure that your circle has bindings. The book gives some examples, and suggests other precautions one may want to take. It strongly, strongly suggests gagging demons, because demons are evil and stuff, and talking to evil things isn't a great idea, apparently. On the other hand, she has practice on that front, and she doesn't have a lot of stuff to trade away or a lot of time to do it in, so playing twenty questions with a demon sounds possibly more dangerous than just talking to it, under the circumstances.

She spins up a binding. It's on the conservative side of the book's suggestions, but the gag only keeps the demon from speaking out loud, not from writing or signing. When she's moderately sure that she knows how to make a summoning circle work, she goes to bed in her room as per usual, turns out all of the lights, very quietly and stealthily tapes some black construction paper over the hidden cameras, piles a blanket in front of the crack under the door, turns on a flashlight wrapped in tissues that gives her just enough light to see what she's writing, draws the whole circle out on her floor with chalk, and thinks about how if this works then she might be able to win.

In the quiet and not-quite-blackness of her room, Suzanna Teller summons a demon.

Permalink Mark Unread

A demon appears promptly. It waves.

Permalink Mark Unread

The very intense twelve-year-old in front of it holds up a paper that says VAMPIRES ARE LISTENING. DON'T MAKE SOUNDS. You can use ASL to communicate things if you know it.

Permalink Mark Unread

The demon replies in ASL: I did even before you summoned me, I get all the languages you know. Vampires? Is this a LARP? You probably shouldn't summon demons for LARPs.

Permalink Mark Unread

She stares at him in disbelief for a second, then judges him sincere.

If you don't even have vampires in whatever demon dimension you come from then that's going to take some explaining. Skip the suspension of disbelief for now and assume that there are five normal adults keeping me locked in this house, then. They are not nice people and if they hear you then bad stuff happens.

Permalink Mark Unread

Gotcha. I'll keep quiet.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cool of you. I don't know what the limits of the making things thing is. If you could make a cell phone with unlimited texting then that would probably be a help in getting out of this totally normal abusive household that definitely doesn't torture people to death twice a week. I don't have a lot to trade but I know magic, knowing about magic is useful?

Permalink Mark Unread

I can't get you on a cell network but it's possible even a phone with no credentials can make 911 calls?

Permalink Mark Unread

Possibly. Of course then the police will come with guns, and guns don't work so well on vampires, so maybe they call the force and get us out, or maybe they don't and a bunch of police officers die and we move out of the area before anyone's able to follow up.

Permalink Mark Unread

Who were you otherwise planning to call?

Permalink Mark Unread

I have some vaguely reasonable cousins who aren't dead yet. And I know the number of one of the priests at my old parish who I think maybe they didn't get. Figured I could text one and get them to figure out how to contact the Council of Watchers, since it's kind of their business.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay. I'm happy to try the cell phone idea just in case it works, but I think it won't. Ex hypothesi how hard would vampires make it for me to just break you out of here?

Permalink Mark Unread

This sounds like the sort of plan that's going to result in me looking back in ten years going "man, I really shouldn't have unbound that demon to kill the vampires so that it could bring about hell on earth, have I learned nothing from the story of the old lady who swallowed the fly".

Permalink Mark Unread

I didn't say snap my binding, I don't want to kill anybody, you could let me tie them up or something!

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh. I don't know who wins in a fight between four random vampires and one superpowered ex-slayer vampire and one random full demon with bindings on, but given my aunt's track record I'm betting she just beheads you.

Permalink Mark Unread

My head, uh, doesn't come off? That's how demons work.

Permalink Mark Unread

Lotta headless demons around these parts, man.

Permalink Mark Unread


Okay, I'm trying not to tell you that you're delusional, but it's really hard to discuss the tactics of removing you from your abusive household when we have this degree of difference in opinion.

Permalink Mark Unread

I agree that your total ignorance of basic supernatural information is tactically frustrating.

Permalink Mark Unread

I know things! I can teach a university level course in summoning! I know about weird medical fairy tricks and how to get the most out of angel range limits and I'm not even one of those! I know parlor tricks, for crying out loud! But vampires who can behead me aren't a thing.

Permalink Mark Unread

What's a medical fairy?

Permalink Mark Unread

They're way less common than medical angels but they can be useful in restraining patients who need to be awake, and for some surgeries and stopping bleeding without sealing off whatever the wound is, and specialist applications like that.

Permalink Mark Unread

This seems incompatible with any description of medical practice in her world.

Maybe you're from some kind of weird cut-off demon dimension that can't be connected to this one through normal dimensional portals. Which I guess makes it weird that I was able to summon you, but maybe nobody on this side knew the specific ritual that works for you guys.

She stops signing to very very quietly page through one of her books.

Permalink Mark Unread

I've been summoned before. I put up apartment buildings and stuff, he says, but if she's not looking at him there's not so much he can do about that.

Permalink Mark Unread

She looks up when she sees motion. She bites her lip.

Nobody asks demons to put up apartment buildings, although this seems like the sort of objection that isn't going to get us anywhere.

Permalink Mark Unread

I have also done firefighting, translation, food...

Permalink Mark Unread

I feel like these are things that most people can accomplish without demons.

Permalink Mark Unread

We're faster.

Permalink Mark Unread

You're also super dangerous and evil and most people don't know you exist, particularly in the developed world? - this isn't getting us anywhere. What if you tell me exactly what you think is going on here, and I tell you exactly what I think is going on here, and then we see if there's some strategy that stands a fair chance of working no matter which thing is actually going on?

Permalink Mark Unread


People have known demons exist for about a hundred fifty years. It was simultaneously revealed all over Earth, it was a big deal.

Permalink Mark Unread

A hundred and fifty years ago was like.... 1858? I really feel like this did not happen in 1858.

Permalink Mark Unread


Where I'm from it's 2159.

Permalink Mark Unread

Welcome to 2008, dude.

Permalink Mark Unread

Even if I time traveled you should have had Revelation like last year!

Permalink Mark Unread

...so not to torpedo my own credibility but I'm not like entirely sure about what all happened last year, it's like January and they sort of kidnapped me like eleven months ago. But I feel like the vampires would've said something.

Permalink Mark Unread

Also I feel like it's a basic rule of kidnapping people that you don't leave summoning textbooks lying around but perhaps this is one of their rare errors.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh it's mostly not! It's a medieval Latin manuscript that's mostly about relations between different dimensions. My aunt's Latin is too bad to read the whole thing, she didn't know it had any spells in it. They're mostly pretty good at not letting me have magic stuff unsupervised.

Permalink Mark Unread

There's other magic stuff?

Permalink Mark Unread

Lots of magic stuff! Of course I don't have a lot of practice with it and I'd mostly need more materials to do anything useful. That's why this spell was so promising, I could do it without rare incense or mandrake root or whatever.

Permalink Mark Unread

I could... make you incense? I don't know about mandrake root, that sounds like a suspiciously magical plant.

Permalink Mark Unread

I don't have any real spellbooks here, and I wouldn't want to cast anything powerful from memory, I don't think. 

Permalink Mark Unread

A sensible precaution.

Anyway, even if vampires are real, I don't think they can decapitate me, because I'm indestructible. I would not bet my life on being immune to whatever you do with incense and mandrake root, but decapitation I no-sell.

Permalink Mark Unread

Hmm. Well, assuming this is accurate and you're not going to be the latest in a long line of demons who thought they could take on a slayer and live, that does give us more options. I dunno how many more options but I'm sure it gives us several.

Permalink Mark Unread

I could also leave the house, if there's a wall I can quietly destroy and replace, and go looking for help if you know where to find it?

Permalink Mark Unread

This is a really internal room, I'm not allowed in the ones that border the outside unsupervised. And I'm having trouble imagining you inconspicuously destroying a wall, especially with the cameras everywhere.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay, yes, if there's cameras everywhere I am much impaired in my unobtrusiveness.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah. I think I taped over all the ones in this room before I summoned you, but I don't know how to inconspicuously block them in the areas that they keep lighted. 

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam nods. He sighs. I can get you a phone and you can try it just in case but maybe you should like... name a person who would own a phone, so I can duplicate theirs exactly and hope it can fool the network.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oooh, maybe, can you get me a copy of -

Permalink Mark Unread

And with absolutely no warning, the door opens.

Imrainai takes in the room.

"I knew I shouldn't have let you read those," sighs Imrainai. "You're just getting so smart!"

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam doesn't immediately take hostile action but, to inappropriately borrow D&D parlance, readies an action. He scans his binding for loopholes; his Latin is a little better than his summoner's.

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I thought I would get in my teenage rebellion a couple years early," says Zana, weakly.

Permalink Mark Unread

Imrainai nods solemnly. 

"Put the demon back and we can discuss possible appropriate parental responses."

Permalink Mark Unread

Permalink Mark Unread

"...so I'm gonna say no? Because I'm a rebel."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam has only read half of this Latin but he has surreptitiously tested something up his sleeve pant leg and thinks he can tie up the ?vampire? if she makes any sudden abusive parent moves.

Permalink Mark Unread

She nods again. "All right! We can do this the hard way, then."

Imrainai closes the door on them. The door locks, and then there's the sound of a bar closing across it.

Permalink Mark Unread

- so I think we might've blown 'inconspicuous'.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yep. I think this binding will let me try the tying her up option if she tries anything else.

Permalink Mark Unread

Guess that's something. I think if we don't break out she comes back with a handgun and an axe and backup.

Permalink Mark Unread

I also think I can make you a bulletproof vest? Or is she going to shoot me, because I don't care.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh she's totally going to shoot you! And then try to behead you, and then maybe try magic if you haven't by that time demonstrated an ability to rip her to shreds. She's waiting until I grow up to kill me.

Permalink Mark Unread

How confident are you that she won't hurt you? What does she need to be able to do to perform magic? Do drugs that work on humans work on vampires?

Permalink Mark Unread

She's totally going to hurt me it just won't be fatal, ability to say words and probably access to spell materials, usually at all yes but inconsistently because they're dead and their blood doesn't flow.

Permalink Mark Unread

I think I can fill her mouth with caramel to prevent words but the binding looks mostly pretty good on the violence-per-se front so I'm not sure I can finesse drugs unless you want to make a deal about it, I'll take, like, what do you have, title of a book you like, it has to be something but it doesn't have to be substantial.

Permalink Mark Unread

Zana thinks very hard about which action doesn't lead to her being responsible for demons somehow breaking loose and killing a ton of people.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I know it's still in there, Zana, last chance!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It takes a minute to do the dismissal!"

- if - if I give you the title of a book do you think you can knock all five of them out somehow?

Permalink Mark Unread

I can try drugs that would do it for humans.

Permalink Mark Unread

I guess that's -

Imrainai fires on Cam through the door instead of opening it. 

" - so I really liked The Tale of Despereaux when I was eight," she says, a little desperately.

Permalink Mark Unread

He falls over; for one and a half seconds he has a light purple bruise. Cam can't obliterate the door under this amateurishly conducted deal, but he can do a camera in the hallway, his computer to see the feed, and then the drugs. Distributed to account for the not so much circulation thing if that's real.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, fuck," mutters Imrainai, who has about a second to notice that something is wrong with her system before she collapses.

Permalink Mark Unread

" - so I guess you are bulletproof! That's - cool?"

Permalink Mark Unread

I did tell you, Cam signs. I got her, I don't know how long this lasts if she's a vampire. He turns the computer display in Suzanna's direction.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cool. Cool. We can just - um, if I break down the door now the others aren't going to be far behind so you should probably -

Permalink Mark Unread

An axe splits through the door, indicating that the other vampires are going to preempt her on that. The display shows two of them outside.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Vampires predictably collapse. There do not seem to be any more around.

Permalink Mark Unread

" - so I'm gonna... you think you can tie them up, you said?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes. Are they super-strong or anything?

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. I dunno how to quantify it off the top of my head, but stronger than a human. And Imrainai's stronger than a normal vampire. Uh, the one with the purple hair."

Permalink Mark Unread

Like 'tear down a suspension bridge' strong or just 'win the Olympics" strong? Because I still haven't actually seen anyone be definitely a vampire and I would sort of like them to be able to get help from, like, nurses, if I get unexpectedly sent home, but on the other hand if they can bust rope like tissue paper it seems irresponsible given my state of uncertainty to trust them to that.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Just win the Olympics stuff. The normal ones, anyway. Imrainai's stronger than nonmagically humanly possible but she doesn't do tissue-paper ropes. Long as they're good ropes."

Permalink Mark Unread

They can be very good and numerous ropes and still go down to a steak knife, which is what I'm going for here. Good and copious ropes appear.

Permalink Mark Unread


She takes a desk lamp to the injured door until the gap is big enough for her to climb through. She unbars it from the other side and lets Cam into the rest of the complex.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam follows her. He is limited in his ability to talk to her from this position but fortunately has nothing urgent to say.

Permalink Mark Unread

She drags the tied-up vampires out of the hallway and back into her room.

"We, uh, we should at some point go down to the cellar and let out whoever else they have down there. Probably."

Permalink Mark Unread

They have more people?

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. I didn't mention it 'cause getting to the cellar would've been harder if we weren't gonna take out the vampires. I'd've come back for them. Uh - how squeamish are you about recreated medieval torture devices?"

Permalink Mark Unread

I... went to demon medical school?

Permalink Mark Unread

"...OK. I'm gonna head down and if you need to duck out to barf then that's cool."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

The cellar is down a hallway and some stairs and a through a heavy metal door with a key code that Zana has collected and memorized. There are six bodies in it. Three of them are thoroughly mutilated corpses, but three of them appear to be alive - two young adults who are tied to beds and who appear to have passed out from blood loss, plus a little kid who's hanging from the wall by a pair of nails in his hands.

Permalink Mark Unread

Please let me fix that, I need freer rein to fix that.

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I'll give you another book title if you fix it," says Zana, quietly.

Permalink Mark Unread

The nails detach from the wall and the kid falls unconcisous into Cam's arms. Something appears over Cam's head that covers his eyes; it might be a microscope because he looks closely at the nail wounds through it and fills them in. He checks the kid over for other injuries, then moves on to the blood loss cases and blood types them with more spontaneously appearing equipment and tops them off with blood and fixes up whatever else they have going on. Then he checks to make sure the dead people are for-sure dead.

Permalink Mark Unread

The dead people are super dead. 

"The nuns aren't here," says Zana, staring uncomfortably at the walls. "There are two of them who're still alive, they must be locked in their rooms. We should - find them and make sure the last two vampires haven't done anything and then ask the nuns what they want to do and then call the police. And get gone before the police show up. I guess."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nuns?? signs Cam as soon as his hands are free. Okay, lead the way.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah," says Zana, leading them back up. "Imrainai was Catholic, before the whole - before she died? So her evil tends towards desecration of the sacred even more than it does for other vampires. This place used to be a convent before she took it over. 'S why almost nobody visits. They ate most of the former inhabitants but they kept a couple of them for... reasons."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Mhmm. ...uh, so books, the Goosebumps books are silly but I guess I kind of like them anyway? Imrainai used to read them to us when we were really little. Before stuff happened. And tell us which parts of them were fake and which parts were like reality, and what to do if you ever ran into a zombie for real. And stuff."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Feel like I'm getting the better end of these deals so far, honestly."

The nuns are, in fact, in their room. Zana closes herself in the room with them and comes back in a couple minutes to report.

"They don't know where the last two vampires are. They'd prefer to stake the ones we have, but they're willing to let us load them into one of the cars and take them before they call the police, if we really want to. ...I, uh, I don't really know how to drive. Because I'm twelve."

Permalink Mark Unread

I can drive.

Permalink Mark Unread

"OK. We should... probably go back to Sunnydale, there're still a couple useful people there she didn't kill. It's in California and we're in Iowa. We can load them into Imrainai's car, I guess."

Permalink Mark Unread

It's going to be crowded if she doesn't have a minivan.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh she kidnaps people all the time, she totally has a minivan. Turnabout's fair play or something."

Permalink Mark Unread

All right then. I can't readily carry people but would be happy to make you a handcart. Do you want me to hide or remove the wings?

Permalink Mark Unread

"That would make things much less weird if we get pulled over. Or have to stay at a motel. Or interact with society in any way."

Permalink Mark Unread

I figured. I'll hide them for now, it involves less blood. He adds a shirt and long leather coat to his ensemble.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Nice. Uh, I'm Zana, by the way. I'll give you a third book title for a handcart."

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm - He spells: Cam. He makes a handcart.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cool. Cam. I hope you know you've given me unrealistic standards for any and all other demons I might ever have to summon."

She wheels the vampires to the minivan. They're still unconscious and it's still dark, so this takes more effort than ingenuity. She retrieves the keys from Imrainai's pocket, goes back to toss some really old books and some notebooks and some clothes and some snacks and the money on top of the fridge and her toothbrush and the Wii and Imrainai's laptop in a suitcase, and then she's packed.

Permalink Mark Unread

You should really be more careful if you have to summon more. I can give you a circle that will just get you me under some more sensible set of bindings, he offers.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess that would be good to have. And I'm not planning to summon more! Summoning demons is really dangerous and I'm a careful person! Up until the point where my aunt turns into a murderous demon and locks me in a convent and starts sacrificing babies to dark powers, I guess then I get less careful."

Permalink Mark Unread

Yes, that makes sense. We're driving these people all the way to California from Iowa? I sure hope vampires don't need bathroom breaks.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not unless they eat stuff."

Permalink Mark Unread

I sure hope they don't need to eat stuff, then. Does drinking blood count as eating stuff?

Permalink Mark Unread

"Nah, that's this whole mystical thing, it gets absorbed. They don't need to eat people food but Imrainai keeps doing it anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

Do you suppose she'll confirm that when she wakes up? Since I still haven't seen any magic I didn't do myself, and all.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hmm. Well she did try to shoot you, so she can't go too hard on me being totally delusional? But she will probably go as hard on me being delusional as she thinks she can get away with. I guess she can't go out in sunlight without burning up, that's a thing."

Permalink Mark Unread

Garlic? Crosses? Running water? Compulsively counting spilled rice?

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, right, crosses. One minute rundown on vampires: you kill them with fire, wooden stakes through the heart, beheading, or sunlight. Crosses and holy water and certain Catholic relic thingies burn them. Garlic flowers repel them but the bulbs are useless, and honestly the flowers don't pack very much punch anyway. They can't enter houses without being invited in, but once you invite them in they can't be uninvited without this whole disinvitation spell thing. They don't need to breathe or eat. They do need to sleep. They make more vampires by drinking someone's blood and making someone drink their blood before they die. And they're evil soulless versions of the people they used to be - like, you lose your soul and you get a demon in its place, and the demon likes cruelty and mayhem and generally being villainous. I'd show you the cross thing but I don't have any on hand anymore, they got rid of them all."

Permalink Mark Unread

I continue to be a demon.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't super know what's up with you. I don't think all demons are evil, Imrainai knew some who were OK before she died. But vampires are really terrible. They're not all as terrible as Imrainai is, but they're not... good."

Permalink Mark Unread

I mean, I don't think my particular Hell normally has contact with this Earth, I would have heard about it. My kind of demon vary like humans, pretty much.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. ...anyway, I think we should go to Sunnydale as soon as we can, and not take extra vampire potty breaks, because I really don't want to deal with them getting loose and killing anyone. If you wanna see the cross thing we can duck into a Christian bookstore in Omaha or something."

Permalink Mark Unread

When I say I'm a demon I mean I can make a cross, unless it has to be manufactured by a true believer or something.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ohhhh. Duh. OK. Yeah, I'll give you a fourth book title for a cross? And I think I still owe you number three."

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm not super itching for the title, and if you did happen to not pay up the gag is the first thing to break down. But you might not want to trust me on that. Anyway, accepted. He makes a little gold cross.

Permalink Mark Unread

Zana touches the cross to Imrainai's forehead, on the grounds that she doesn't know about the other vampires, but the real Imrainai would totally take an eensy little burn to prove the existence of magic to people. The site of contact starts smoking.


Permalink Mark Unread

Yikes. Okay.

Permalink Mark Unread

"One hundred percent certified no-longer-free-range evil. Annnd - man, I should be giving you good books. The best ones for learning about vampires are the slayer handbook, technically titled Vampyre, with a Y, and Lyman's A Primer on Unnatural Creatures."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cool. I'll stick it on my computer and have it do text to speech audiobook while we travel, shall I?

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

Cam construes this as summoner permission and does the thing.

Permalink Mark Unread

Some hours past morning, a very unhappy vampire wakes up under a pile of blankets.

"...Zana? I've told you that you're very smart, right?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Many times."

Permalink Mark Unread

Hmmm. They clearly haven't been handed over to the police or the council, and they haven't been killed, which means that Zana isn't planning to kill her. She peeks out from under her blanket and observes that the person driving the car looks like probably the demon that Zana summoned earlier.

"Zana, I'm sorry, I was really worried about you and I didn't know what else to do to get rid of the demon before it could hurt you. The last time you summoned something it nearly killed you."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam sticks his computer in the cupholder where Suzanna and Imrainai can both see the display. I can't sign while I'm driving safely so this is how I'm talking now, he says, and the computer bleeps.

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's good? It would be really bad if you were signing and we crashed and Zana died. Very depressing ending to this whole adventure."

Permalink Mark Unread

I agree.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Anyone want to fill me in on where we're going, or is it very important that I be kept in suspense?"

Permalink Mark Unread

She suggested Sunnydale, California.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah. Naturally." 

Zana isn't really giving her anything, here. She could try pretending to be a responsible caregiver, but that seems unlikely to work, given what Zana's probably informed him of thus far. She's really very smart. Maybe she can go for honest villain, that's more useful than dishonest villain.

"So, who are we being kidnapped by, exactly?"

Permalink Mark Unread

My name's Cam.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not a very demonic name, but I suppose we all have our faults."

Permalink Mark Unread

I can't say I expect vampires to be named Imrainai.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, if you pick a name people have heard of, you invite comparisons. If you don't, then if you succeed, you get to be the person people are compared to, and there's never any confusion about who they mean."

Permalink Mark Unread

I see.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Are you going to tell me what you want, Zana?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Well I don't know how you expect me to cooperate if I don't know what I'm supposed to be cooperating with."

Permalink Mark Unread

Easy. You continue to be tied up. When you want some blood, you let me know and I can appear it in your stomach, or I guess in your mouth if you relish the culinary experience. I'll take requests if you prefer A-negative virgins or something.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I suppose there exist less considerate living situations."

Permalink Mark Unread

I do try!

Permalink Mark Unread

She sighs. "I am sorry for what you've had to deal with, Zana. I only ever did any of it because I cared about you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You know that doesn't add up, like, at all, right?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"All right, admittedly, some of the ritual sacrifices were for me and not for you, but on the whole? Our entire living situation, Zana, all because I wanted you to become the most powerful version of yourself you possibly could."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm sure on some planets that's considered thoughtful."

Permalink Mark Unread

She sighs again, sounding very much like a parent near her wit's end whose rebellious teenager simply will not see reason.

She takes a nap. At least seeing Sunnydale again should be fun.

Eventually her minions wake up and offer their own commentary on the situation. Both of them seem kind of confused about the situation, since you don't normally kidnap vampires, you stake them. Eventually they give up on trying to figure out what's happening and end up playing twenty questions with each other, occasionally noting that they are incredibly bored.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam listens to vampire books on tape, either on headphones or as ambient background as the other car occupants prefer.

Permalink Mark Unread

One of the minions thinks it's annoying. Zana likes listening to it and also thinks that annoying the evil vampires is a just punishment for their crimes.

Permalink Mark Unread

It doesn't seem rehabilitative, comments Cam, or likely to have a strong deterrent effect. You can have headphones too if you want.

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're annoyingly non-evil. Headphones please."

Permalink Mark Unread

He gets her headphones and they listen to Vampyre. Would the vampyres in the back like music or anything?

Permalink Mark Unread

"That sounds good. Maybe orchestral film scores or something."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam compiles some orchestral film scores and puts headphones in her ears. Minions?

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The minions want to know if he could make a TV or something so they can watch all the action movies Imrainai never lets them pick.

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Sure, he can do that. They get headphones too and a TV mounted to the back of the driver's seat.

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The minions figure this is probably about as good as it gets when you're in the middle of being kidnapped.

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"Do you need to, like, sleep at any point?" Zana asks him, eventually.

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Nope, I can keep going with coffee forever and usually do.

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"Huh. Whatever works, then."

She sleeps in the car and eats the snacks she grabbed and notes whenever she needs a break to pee. They make it to Sunnydale in a little more than a day.

"So I think we're best off heading to St. Mary's, on the south end of town. I dunno if Father Alex is still there, but I'm sure that someone who knows what's what is, they can't have all forgotten in the last couple years."

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"Oh, not a church, I hate churches. I should've burned that one down before I left."

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We all have regrets, remarks Cam blandly. He seeks St. Mary's.

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St. Mary's is a brick building with a cemetery and an attached school that closed down years ago for lack of funds. Evening mass has just ended, and the parking lot is mostly but not entirely empty. A few people are still talking outside.

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Cam parks. I'm not sure what I'd add to a conversation with a priest, but I'll come if you want, he tells Suzanna.

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"He probably doesn't know ASL. Guard the captives, I guess."

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Yes summoner, Cam says, saluting.

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She heads off in the direction of the church. She comes back several minutes later with a young priest and a very old woman.

"Hello, Karen," says the old woman, sternly, when Zana opens the door. "I understand that you've made some poor decisions."

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"You know, I'm fine being kidnapped, but I'm really not here to be lectured about the error of my ways."

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"I've definitely seen the error of my ways," puts in one of the minions.

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"The basement's equipped to hold vampires, if you wanna help us get them there," says Zana.

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Cam stuck the handcart in the trunk. He goes and gets that.

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"I can just walk? That seems significantly less humiliating."

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I am under enough binding to have some worries about my reaction time if you decide not to just walk. Would you like to be draped in a sheet so no one knows you aren't a life sized sculpture?

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"You know, as considerate as that is, I think I'll pass."

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Vampires enter the church in handcarts.

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Vampires are annoyed, but neglect to try anything before being locked in the basement, which has at some point been remodeled to contain a bunch of vaguely concerning-looking little jail cells.

Permalink Mark Unread

That is indeed concerning-looking. What happens with imprisoned vampires down here?

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"Nothing, not lately," replies the priest. "When we had more resources we used to keep them down here to talk to them, attempt to sort out which ones could be helped and which ones were beyond us. Unfortunately many of the larger facilities have been burnt down in the recent past. Several of them by Karen and her followers."

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If Zana wants to let me I can rebuild 'em for you.

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"We would certainly appreciate help. Ah, I don't believe that we've been introduced?"

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I'm Cam. I can make things.

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"I see. Well, thank you for bringing them back, anyway. Perhaps we should discuss our next priorities upstairs, out of vampire earshot."

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Cam obligingly tromps upstairs.

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Zana follows the old lady and the priest back up to the parish office, once she's satisfied that the vampires are secure.

"So I'd love to give an account of the last year," she says, before anyone can ask her why exactly she kidnapped Imrainai instead of staking her, "because it sucked in very interesting ways, but I kind of have some stuff to take care of first. I know Imrainai's - Karen's not one of the chiller vampires, and I don't really think we have the resources to rehabilitate her the old fashioned way, if that's even possible in the first place. And I know that we've had zero luck with non-lethally exorcising vampires in the past. But I've been doing research, and I'm pretty sure there's a way to get vampire souls back. It's just not, like, recorded anywhere that I can find? So I'm going to have to do more research, because I feel like if we're going to fix her we're gonna have to do it the so-old-fashioned-it's-been-lost-to-history way."

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Name some books, Cam suggests. Title and author or a comparable amount of information.

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" - oh right, we can get - can you get back copies of books that don't exist anymore?"

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Cam nods.

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"Can you get me, like, the card catalog for the St. Ignatius parish library before Imrainai burned it down?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Need a token exchange.

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"I can... give you a list of books for learning about dimensional transport?"

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That's better than token, sure. Where do you want the catalog?

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"Put it in the school, nobody's using it! I'll come back with a short list and a long list of books when I've gone through it, OK?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Where in the school?

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"I can show you!" she says, before dashing off. "Have I mentioned that you are my favorite person who is not currently dead? Because you are."

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I mean, that sort of depends on your definition of dead.

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"I feel like Imrainai super doesn't count right now. Or like, if she did she would no longer be my favorite? Maybe I'll forgive her for the continuous torture stuff after I'm done with this and can think about stuff and see what a vampire with a soul even is."

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Oh, no, I mean I might count as dead.

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"Oh. OK, well, I definitely want a summary of that after I figure out how to fix Imrainai. This room is good for the card catalog."

Permalink Mark Unread

Card catalog!

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Zana is so pleased. 

She tears into the card catalog and starts writing down two lists of books, one for books that might get her closer to re-ensouling Imrainai and one for books on dimensional transport. She hands both of them to Cam after a while of looking.

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Thanks! I'll make you these books for something. You could also just make a deal for my long term assistance if this is getting tedious, which I have hesitated to suggest in case you think I'm evilly attempting to get more leeway.

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"This seems plausible. I guess I don't know that you're not an evil serial killer who's taking out other serial killers for trust points and who is just really good at acting like crucified kids bother him."

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Yeah. We can keep doing piecemeal for book titles - or songs or strands of your hair or whatever - if you want.

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"Sounds good. I'm still concerned about your ignorance of how things work. All of these books for an encyclopedia of demons rec?"

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Cam nods again and makes the books.

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She hands him a piece of paper with an encyclopedia rec on it.

It's going to take her a while to figure out where the precise information she needs is, and longer to piece together the steps she needs to take to actually ensoul Imrainai. She gets her stuff from the car and settles in to research stuff for pretty much as long as it takes. Occasionally she asks Cam to make something else for her - another series of old books, a particular decoding codex, a Romanian to English dictionary.

The parish secretary brings them food and occasionally expresses that perhaps they should go home with someone at some point.

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You know what, Cam says, I should look myself up. I might exist in this world at this time, and if I do I have a mom who is the sort of person who adopts random kids - I don't know about her current husband, though.

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"You mean, like, a different you that isn't you? Is that a thing that happens?"

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This is an Earth and I can tell you spell it 'color' so I assume you had Noah Webster, so why not look for me?

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"I guess that makes sense, if you think you're in like an alternate timeline and the split was later than - wait, are you like a dead human?"

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"Huh. OK, look you up, then. Do you need a thing to be allowed?"

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I could just use the internet if there's a computer around.

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She passes Imrainai's laptop to him and gets back to reading.

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Cam looks up public school teachers in Jacksonville and police officers in Forks, Washington.

My parents both exist! No sign of me, but I'd be unlikely to take a public-sector job by default, I suppose.

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"Neat. D'you know Romanian? I think I want someone else to check this decoded incantation for me and see that it at least doesn't have any obvious errors in it. Also I need an Orb of Thesulah but I still dunno whether you can make things that are magical, or how magical a thing needs to be before you stop being able to make it, or whatever."

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I do know Romanian, though not perfectly, I've never gotten a native speaker summoner. To my knowledge I cannot make magical things, but I've never had the opportunity to copy preexisting magic things like, apparently, Orbs of Thesulah, so I can try it if you want.

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"Cool. You should try it. Ritual text is here. List of ingredients is here. The other stuff is all pretty nonmagical. I'll give you another book rec for it."

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Cam tries the orb.

Orb's not happening. Is the rest of it still useful without, can you get one at Walmart?

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"Doubtful, but there are non-Walmart places. We could go try the local magic shop, I guess?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Sounds fun!

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The local magic shop does not have Orbs of Thesulah. It does have recommendations for where they might find some. The shopkeeper is a little concerned about what a twelve-year-old might be doing with Orbs of Thesulah, given that they're primarily used in dangerous rituals involving the undead, but she does give them a list of places they might look. The closest is an address in LA.

Permalink Mark Unread

Road trip?

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"Seems like the thing to do. Hope you don't have, like, a life to get back to or anything."

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Nothing I'll miss for a few years.

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"Very convenient. We should maybe see about restoring your powers of speech at some point, but I guess it's not super urgent?"

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This is more than summoners usually let me do.

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"I guess that makes sense if you think a demon's going to talk you out of your soul or something. Souls are very important."

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Yup. I'm not in the habit of collecting them but that's the ostensible rationale.

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"Real hassle to get those things back," says Zana, nodding.

The LA magic shop does, in fact, have Orbs of Thesulah. Its shopkeeper is totally willing to hand them over to twelve-year-old girls, on the grounds that the Orbs of Thesulah used to be dangerous, but since the related ritual has been lost it's not like anyone can do anything with them.

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Just out of curiosity, do you have any sort of tutor or supervisory senior magic-doer or anything going for you here?

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"No, no, I just read stuff obsessively. We might want to find a real actual witch to actually cast the thing. Somewhere."

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Yes. Do you suppose the magic shop has a bulletin board or anything?

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"There are like, networks? But a lot of the people in the networks are deeply sketchy."

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Well, if we can find someone who is expensive instead of sketchy I can bribe them?

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"I feel like you don't become an uberpowerful witch if money can buy the stuff you're interested in. Though I guess you do have a lot of stuff on hand that money can't buy."

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Where I'm from it's 2179!

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"Yes, this is an advantage. Though I don't actually know how to sort the sketchy people out from the non-sketchy people. It's not like doctors or lawyers or whatever where you just go to the person with the best credentials and the highest price and figure that person must be on the up and up. Spellcasters can be sketchy in lots of dimensions besides not knowing what they're doing or trying to cheat you out of money."

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah, I can see that being a thing.

What are the actual risks associated with the spell?

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"Difficult to get specifics. The person who created it was an elderly Romani witch who probably knew way more than I do. The warnings in the secondary texts suggested that an incorrectly performed spell could backfire on the caster, and that an inexperienced caster who tried to perform it could - 'open a gate that could not be closed', I think was the phrasing? Possibly you lose control of the magic and then the magic is in control and it doesn't make the greatest decisions."

Permalink Mark Unread

This sounds like a pretty serious deal. I can't make you do anything, since you can banish me on sixty seconds' notice, but I think it deserves a thorough search of potential help and maybe getting better at magic in general on background, first. How long is St. Mary's prepared to hold the vampires?

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"Couple weeks. They don't really have the staff to hold them indefinitely, and - well if you're gonna try rehabilitating vampires, Imrainai's not really the first person you'd pick to spend your resources on. But she's - if it was me she wouldn't give up. So..."

Permalink Mark Unread

You're a minor she was responsible for. I'm not sure it's a good idea to hold yourself to that standard in reverse.

If the set of my parents here have a me, he's probably up to his eyebrows in magic. Do you want to try looking for him?

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"That's what Imrainai'd say, you know. But she's not here, and she doesn't get a vote. And I miss her. And I'm not done being a rebel. But I think rebels are allowed to get help so they can accomplish their rebellious objectives without blowing their faces off. So... yeah. Let's do it."

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You up for another road trip to Forks? Or I could make a little spaceship, that'd be faster.

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"That sounds kind of attention-calling. Car's probably fine."

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Car it is.

Cam drives north.

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Zana is driven north! She reads more old books on the way, because that's sort of what she does.

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Cam listens to more books likewise.

After more hours and hours on the road, they pull up to a little house with a cop car in front.

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"D'you want me to go in with you, or...?"

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No, I don't think so. He's home, this shouldn't take all that long, I think. Can I have permission to make small harmless objects as a demo and I'll give you, I don't know, an ice cream cone or something?

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"I like ice cream. Accepted."

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She gets an ice cream cone. Uh, I feel sort of weird about leaving you alone even just in the car, so I'm going to leave a rolled-up nearly-complete circle that will get you me under a more sensible binding in the back seat, okay? Please don't try to summon anyone else, you don't have the training to do it safely.

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She nods.

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He leaves her the circle.

He goes and knocks at the door.

The man who answers him does resemble him enough to be his father, but doesn't seem to recognize him. Eventually Cam talks his way into the house anyway.

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Zana stays in the car and reads over the circle Cam left for potential loopholes that could be used for acts of naughty evil.

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It's in English, and it's better than the Latin binding, but it does let him speak and do things like self-caffienate without permission.

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Seems sensible. It would be more of a stain on her honor that she doesn't know how to do this right if literally any non-demon in this dimension did.

She waits for Cam to come back out.

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It takes him about an hour.

So, this one doesn't have a son, he says. Instead, he has two daughters. But I remind him very strongly of the older one, so it's possible that she's my local counterpart, just a girl. The bad news is, she has some kind of magic disability and spells don't work for her. The good news is, her little sister picks up the slack in that department. The other bad news is, he doesn't know where they are at any given time, because they live in a Winnebago and do not file travel plans with their dad. However, he holds up a slip of paper, I have their cell numbers.

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"Sounds pretty useful for finding people! Although we still don't have a cell phone with a plan and stuff."

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Yeah, I made him a bunch of groceries and fishing equipment and he gave me some cash, so next stop is to buy one.

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"Sounds like a plan."

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This is a tiny nothing town but they might have cheap ones at the convenience store. However, I haven't been here in a hundred and fifty years so it might take me a little nosing around to find it, bear with me.

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She gives him a thumbs up.

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Cam locates an electronics store before he locates a convenience store. This computer I'm using for speech to text and controlling with my brain is state of the art in 2159, so I think you should probably make the transaction, if necessary signing at me to demonstrate adult approval.

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Zana can do this thing. Cell phones are only mildly dangerous objects and twelve-year-olds are totally allowed to buy them with adult approval.

She loads the numbers in as contacts, and then - "D'you wanna be resummoned so you can, like, talk on phones?"

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You know, I would, but it's - it's weird that I hadn't heard about this place before if summoning my kind of demon works normally here, you know? So, circle in the backseat is there if it ever makes sense to try, but I'm not a hundred percent sure it would, in fact, work.

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"Yeah." She looks thoughtful. "There are definitely some dimensional pairs that you can only travel between under really special conditions, or during certain times. I wonder if yours is like that and we only got lucky. So - you want me to call your other self for now?"

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I'll start by texting her. I got Charlie to call her about me, they might even still be on the phone.

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She nods and hands him the phone.

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And Cam texts Bella, and there's a delay.

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Zana waits.

" - so how does magic determine what a harmless object is?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Are you trying to be retroactively paranoid? That is not the most significant opportunity for mayhem I've had. In this case the binding has some stuff I am categorically not to do, and some stuff I'm not to do outside of a task; it doesn't actually have a definition of small or harmless per se.

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"I think I gave up paranoid about when you fixed the dying kid. I can do paranoid, but it's really tiring. Or maybe I can't do it when I've been doing it for a year and now it feels less urgent than it did. Or something. I'm just trying to figure out how this magic interprets language."

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I'll give you an introductory summoning textbook if you promise not to summon anyone but me before passing a licensing test.

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"I promise. And thanks. The Latin one was confusing."

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There's a section in here about how you should only write circles in your native language! He hands her a book.

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"I didn't think it'd work if I translated it," she says, before opening the book and settling in to read it.

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They sit in the electronics store parking lot until Bella texts him back.

Bella and her sister are actually on their way to Sunnydale, he remarks. But from the east so we can't catch up to them. We can meet them there.

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"Huh. All right. Let's do it."

Permalink Mark Unread

Definite no on the little spaceship?

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"...does the spaceship have cloaking? And space for the car?"

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I could make one big enough for the car. And cloaked against radar and stuff, though it won't be literally invisible.

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"I guess if we fly up high enough it won't be that likely to call down the attention of the X Files team. Well, anyone who isn't the X Files team, anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

Right, off into the woods we go for discreet takeoff. I can even make us cloud cover if you like! And he drives them out of the parking lot into the copious nearby forest.

Permalink Mark Unread

Eee spaceship! Hopefully she's only being moderately irresponsible!

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They are in no way shot down by the Air Force and the trip to Sunnydale takes less than an hour.

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"So how far out did Bella say she was?"

Permalink Mark Unread

A couple hours.

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"OK. Cool."

She's sort of inclined to just sit here and fidget, but that's a waste of time, so she's going to read more of the summoning textbook.

Permalink Mark Unread

Let's get a hotel room and I'll make us some non-car-food, I don't think there's likely to be crash space in a Winnebago.

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"OK! That makes sense. Probably. I dunno exactly what a Winnebago is. Like an RV?"

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Yes, it's a brand of them.

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"Oh. Hotel room sounds good, I guess. I don't think they let kids buy hotel rooms, though."

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I am your mute uncle and you are my interpreter, of course.

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"Very believable. I think people in Sunnydale don't ask a ton of questions, so it's probably fine."

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Zanna and her mute uncle successfully acquire a room at the Mariott. Cam makes them salmon and potatoes and asparagus.

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Zana is easily impressed by food. Mostly the nuns have been making her food for the last few months, and they haven't really been in a state of mind that lets them care very deeply about the results.

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Hopefully she's impressed enough to eat her vegetables.

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Bella texts when they're approaching Sunnydale, and parks in the Mariott parking lot when she gets the location from Cam. She comes and knocks on the door.

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Zana answers the door.

"Hi! I'm Zana. Are you Bella?"

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"That's me! My dad says that you have summoned a friendly demon who might be an alternate universe version of me or something?"

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"Yep! He's in here. Also he's temporarily mute for reasons."

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"Yes, Dad said. It's all right, I'm literate. I'm not going to ask if I can come in because I've ever read a book on vampires and that would set of all kinds off alarm bells, I'm sure." She slips past Zanna. "Hi, Cam."

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Hello, says Cam through his computer.

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"Is that what you actually sound like?"

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No, this is synthesized voice option Paul 7 with a manual tweak on the nasals.

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"I see. So you're from the future of an alternate universe, and you're a demon, but the kind who was a human and then died and went to hell, which isn't customary here?"

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"Cool. I'm Bella the Vampire Slayer, please don't tell any elderly British people or their friends."

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"Ohhh, is that where the other one is. That's a weird coincidence."

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"The other one?"

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"....so the main reason we called you here is that Cam thought you'd know a bunch about magic, and we have a spell that can probably return a vampire's soul to it, but we don't have someone skilled enough to cast it. And I wanna restore my aunt's soul, because she's a vampire now, but I think I can fix it. And before she was a vampire she was the vampire slayer. Well, a vampire slayer. There's supposed to be only one, but she drowned for a bit when she was fifteen and so there've technically been two for a while. Except right now I guess there's only one. Hi."

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"- okay. Uh. I have a tragic magical disability, so my magical prosthesis, Soph, will be along shortly to consult on that. Right now she's topping us off on gas."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Makes sense."

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"We have not previously gone in for restoring vampire souls. You have a way to do that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm pretty sure I do? There's at least one previous recorded case of it working, though I dunno where exactly this souled vampire is right now. Uh, Cam does this thing where if you tell him what to make he can make things, including copies of old books that've been burnt or destroyed or whatever, so that's how I was able to get all the information together. It's technically a curse that was created to make this one vampire really miserable about his crimes as this whole vengeance thing, but if you can get vampires their souls back then that's worth trying, right?"

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"Seems like it to me. Especially with unlimited ingredients. How much do you need to know for this ritual about the specific vampire and how long does it take to do?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't think it takes very long? You need to set up a sacred circle and recite an incantation and catch the soul in an Orb of Thesulah, and then you say another incantation to move the soul from the orb to the vampire. You need to specify a target but I don't know how specific you have to be or what happens if you're not specific enough. This thing doesn't seem to have a long history of being, like, used. I can show you all the notes I took on it, though."

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"Soph'll look them over. I have a sort of strategic understanding of magic but it just isn't - efficient - for me to study it in more depth."

Permalink Mark Unread

That must suck real bad.

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"Yeah. It sucks real bad."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...do you want, like, a hug or something?"

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"No, but thanks. Cam, I wanna double-check you, whaddaya got."

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Cam pulls up pictures on his computer of himself with his parents. He shows her a page of his notes, angled so Zanna can't see. He informs her that he picked up violin after he died and makes her sporfle. He hesitates, and then claims credit for Revelation, not that Zanna has the context to appreciate that.

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Zana does not, in fact, have the context to appreciate this. She does feel like it's the sort of thing that Imrainai would approve of, taking your random happenstance and trying to do the very very best you can with it. 

She hugs her knees on one of the hotel room beds and waits for Soph to show up.

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Soph shows up while Cam is still in the middle of explaining Revelation. "Hey demon bro," she says.

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Hello, the sister I never had.

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"And you're Zanna?"

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"Nice to meet you, I'm Soph and I will be your witch this evening, how can I help ya."

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"We wanna re-ensoul a vampire."

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"Gosh. Never done that one before, not sure where to start..."

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"She's got an old book Cam grabbed for her, you're just gonna have to look over the spell and stuff."

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"Yeah, I have it all written up. It's supposed to be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing, very powerful magical stuff here, but I think I have the instructions and the incantations right."

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"Okay, like, how sure are you of that, because no offense but you look like you're maybe thirteen."

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"I'm twelve. You can check my work if you want, I would."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Will do. Let's see it?"

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So Zana gets her books and her notes and her version of the incantations. "A lot of it's in Romanian. I had Cam check it but neither of us is a native speaker."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's really inconsiderate of all these ancients to have spoken more than one language, you know? I'm not even good at languages, we have a buddy in Cleveland who does translations for us usually when things are complicated and I can't freeform it in good old American, but I don't think he even has Romanian. Cam, do the honors?"

Permalink Mark Unread

I'm technically fluent but not native quality. I have machine translation, though it won't catch any idioms from the field of sorcery or whatever you call it. But he goes through and translates and explains where things are ambiguous.

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"So d'you think it'll work?"

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"Hrmm. I mean... it's a sound enough construction, yeah. But it's got this big honking escape clause in the middle and it doesn't exactly define a moment of true happiness, what if we put her soul back and then let her go and then she listens to the new Killers album?"

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"She's like a super unhappy person. But I guess that's fair."

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"And I'm not sure how to like, get that part out of the spell. Also like she's probably gonna be traumatized so we can't just leave her locked up and try to cheer her up in prison to see how easy it is to do, we're talking a surprise in seven or eight years after the therapy kicks in, more like."

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"Yeah. I dunno how to fix it, though, it's sort of integral to the whole thing. Maybe there's a way of tracking her or something?"

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"I do not have much in the way of magic bugs. I guess we could get a nonmagical bug but we're on a budget, our primary source of income is helping ourselves to the petty cash in vampire nests."

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"I assume Cam can do a nonmagical tracker."

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I can, yes, but that will only help us find her, it won't save anyone who's near her at the moment she hears the new Killers album. If she goes in for the Killers.

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"I guess worst case we could just keep her contained indefinitely? That still seems better than being... what she is. But I guess that's a lot of resources."

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I mean, I could build something that'd hold her, that wouldn't take me too long, but if there happens to be a better way to ensoul a vampire that seems worth looking into.

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"I've heard rumors but nothing really credible."

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"I... guess we could try to find the vampire who has a soul now, assuming he's still around? See if he's figured anything out? But I haven't heard anything about other methods, I don't think I can help on that front right now."

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"Oh, yeah, if there's one who's already had this done kicking around I super want to talk to him before I try casting it, see how much of a problem he has with it knocking loose. Do you know where he is or anything?"

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"Not currently. I read some stuff the Council has on him but it's not like they're super keeping track of his whereabouts. Last known location was in New York City. Which is, like, a city."

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"Do you know his name or anything? I might be able to figure something out."

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"Given name Liam, assumed name Angelus. Cursed in 1898, looks like."

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"Okay, I can try it. I've got a few tracking spell variants for finding vampires and demons and stuff and if Cam makes me a bushel of pinecones I can even use the good one."

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Zana double-checks whether she has any other useful info on Angelus (she mostly doesn't, unless descriptions of puppies he's killed are useful), then waits for Soph to make use of her pinecones. 

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"I found this one minor deity that's nuts for pine cones," Soph confides, "it's very handy when we're out in the middle of nowhere and it's a piney nowhere, it can't do oomph but it can do search." And she fetches a couple of tools out of the car and sacrifices the bushel of pine cones and an also-Cam-provided atlas of the United States. Only a small scrap of the atlas remains, and it's a little square of Manhattan. "I can do that again with more pine cones when we get there," she says.

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"OK! We, uh, have a spaceship. If you don't want to drive that far."

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"Will the spaceship fit the Winnebago?"

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Yes, if we leave the van here.

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"That seems sensible."

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So they all pile into the spaceship, Winnebago and all, and fly to New York, which takes a couple hours. Cam spends this time catching up with Bella about their characteristics.

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New York is a big city, but if they do the ritual again then they should eventually be able to pinpoint Angelus to a particular alleyway. 

"Soooo are we all going, or does someone want to babysit the ship, or...?"

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The ship won't be less conspicuous with a babysitter, and nobody else but me can fly it. But if there's any doubt about him still having his soul, I should probably be there to present a non-soft target.

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"Who are you calling a soft target?"

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You are a soft target. You are a moving, dangerous soft target, but still.

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"Fair enough."

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"I wanna see the vampire too! Probably from behind Cam, but I have questions and I don't want to assume you guys are going to successfully get him to come back here."

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"And I need to talk to him about spell stuff."

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"Well, I guess I can come too, if there's no reason to leave anyone behind, but maybe I'll stand outside the alley so he's not like, 'oh no, a young woman with sharp wooden objects, and me with all this vampirism'."

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"Sounds good."

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Angelus can be found in his trash-cluttered alleyway hunting rats. He's not terribly good at it, and misses several before he catches one and is finally able to eat something. He looks very, very homeless.

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Uh, do you want some ethically sourced blood?

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"...who are you?"

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My name is Cam. Please pardon the unorthodox communication method, I'm mute at the moment. These are Bella, Soph, and Zanna.

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"I'm here to ask you, like, intrusive soul questions, is that okay? You can eat the ethically sourced blood first, it's fine."

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"How do you know what I am?" he asks, clutching the rat corpse in his hands protectively.

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"There's a vampire we want to re-ensoul, but we have some questions about how good the procedure is so we thought we'd ask you and found you with magic," says Bella.

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"You should kill him instead. It would be kinder."

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"You don't seem to be courting sunburn, and she was before her death the guardian of this here twelve year old who wants her back."

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"...I am sorry for your loss. But just because I'm not strong enough to kill myself doesn't mean this curse is a mercy."

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"If you want Bella to stake you can you at least answer my intrusive soul questions first? Question one: does it seem to you to be your original model?"

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"Is it the same soul or is it like, a different soul, with the soul you had back when you were human having gone some other place?"

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"I'm not sure how I would tell. I was a soulless demon for more than a hundred years, I barely remember what it was like to be... human."

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"Well, do you like, identify with who you were when you were human?"

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"I... suppose I don't feel like I've been replaced with someone unrelated."

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"Cool, cool. Question two, is it difficult to avoid moments of pure happiness, like, are you this mopey on purpose to make sure you steer clear and it would be pretty easy to do if you like smelled a flower or something, or would it actually be really hard and require achieving enlightenment as a Buddhist monk and eating chocolate and watching the stars and listening to really good music while on drugs, or somewhere in between?"

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" - what am I avoiding?"

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"Oh. Uh, did you not know about that part?"

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"The witch didn't really stop to give me a course in having a soul again."

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"Rude. Uh, I'm assuming this is the same spell, it's supposed to be, and it has this thing where if you experience a moment of true happiness your soul will leave. But I guess you haven't had any problems with that. But I don't know how much we can figure from that because you look super depressed."

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"Misery is the point of it. It's the price I'm paying for what I've done."

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"Not having a soul isn't a good look on anybody, dude."

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He sighs. "I've had this curse for more than a hundred years. It can't be that easy to break it by accident."

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"Are you saying that you haven't been depressed for the whole hundred years," Bella asks, "or that you have but you think any ensouled vampire will have this problem, even if we start ensouling people as soon as they rise from the grave before they've experienced anything more than a trippy twenty minutes of sociopathy with no concrete effects, or...?"

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"I think anyone who's done what I've done will have a hard time forgetting it. I don't even know if a vengeance curse will work on someone who hasn't done anything wrong."

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"This one has, right?" Soph asks.

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Cam nods.

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"Well, I guess we can try it on newer vampires and see and maybe I can eventually use it as a template for something else..."

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"We can do science! Magic science."

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"...well. Good luck with that."

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"Do you, like, need anything? I wasn't kidding about the ethically sourced blood, Cam can make it out of thin air."

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Don't undersell me, it also works in hard vacuum.

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"You should take him up on it. I bet you could do more useful stuff if you weren't busy being a starving homeless person. Like, you know, saving the world from evil vampires. I bet that's better atonement than just being sad all the time."

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He looks down at his sad little rat and his trash-covered alley. 

"I don't know if I can do anything for you. I don't play very well with others."

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"I didn't invite you to come live in our Winnebago, dude. You could do the solo vigilante thing, I can't be everywhere."

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"I'm not very - I guess that might be easier with blood. If I were going to do something."

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Cam give Zanna a nudge. How well does it keep for your purposes?

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"Best is fresh from a living body, naturally, but you can keep it refrigerated for like a month and it's fine. Obviously you need a refrigerator for that."

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I'd be happy to make you some stuff to pawn, too. Zanna, I actually do need your go-ahead to make him some blood.

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"Oh, sorry. I'll give you one book title if you make him some blood."

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You can also phrase it the other way around, Cam says, handing over a two-liter jug, where I'm trading you for the permission to make a thing, if you want any stuff.

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"Ahhh, solid." She frowns at Angelus and his two-liter jug of blood, then signs at Cam. Do you think it's OK to just leave him like this? Like, he's sort of...... pathetic.

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He's very pathetic, but I don't know what to do about that, my dad didn't give me that much cash. If you'd like to attempt to enter the commodities market we could clean up but it's not something that will get him off the street right now.

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I guess as long as we know where to find him. Maybe we can give him our cell number or something. In case anything else happens to him.

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Be my guest.

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"Thanks for the help. If you need anything else you can buy a cell phone and call us, because we are people who can be contacted by cell phone." She gives him a piece of paper with her number on it. "....I guess we're done here, then?"

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"Oh, I also wanted to know what getting a soul was like?"

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"It was the worst thing I've ever experienced."

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"Oh. Uh. But like was it incapacitating for days, or just real bad for a minute, or..."

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"...I don't know that it's gotten better. Maybe it was... sharper, for the first few years?"

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"Are you sure you wanna do this to your aunt, Zanna?"

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"...I dunno. I feel like we should ask her, but..."

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"She's not really there to ask till we try." Sigh. "Here, you, whatever you're going by lately, you can have my phone number too, in case you need anything slain, please don't tell any elderly British people or their friends -" She writes her number down for Angel.

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"Angel. I don't say much."

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"It's my standard line," she shrugs.

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Do you want, like, a change of clothes, some jewelry to drop at several pawnshops that don't talk to each other so you can get a place to live and have an address and find a night shift job...

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"I try to stay away from people. But maybe being able to hide in an apartment would make that easier. I guess I have nothing to lose, apart from my soul."

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"Yeah, please try not to be too delighted about not being homeless."

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You want me to stick a tracker in you so I can find you if you do lose your soul?

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"That's a slightly concerning question."

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Because you don't want to be tracked now while you still have one, or because you don't like there being a way to lose it?

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"Both. I don't know that it would do anything, anyway. I could eviscerate myself, if I wanted it out. Wait for the wounds to heal and be good as new."

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I mean, I was thinking it'd serve a more useful insurance-against-moments-of-happiness purpose if you didn't know where it was.

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"Well, if you want something badly enough. And if you have a lot of experience with being in pain anyway."

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If you don't think it would work, and you do not want to be trackable, we can certainly skip it.

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He nods. "Thank you for offering. And for the blood."

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"You can make the clothes and some jewelry and like a little duffel bag to put it all in if you give me another ice cream cone. If that's how that works."

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That is how it works. Cam gives her another ice cream cone - coconut praline! - and gives Angel a duffel bag that clinks.

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"Thanks! Call us when you have a number, OK Angel? Then we can ask you stuff without flying to New York. D'we need anything else, Soph?"

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"I think we're ready to go."

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"OK. I gotta think about stuff, but I can do that on the way home, I guess." Insofar as she has a home.

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"Stay out of trouble," Bella advises Angel, and they head back for the ship.

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Suzanna follows everyone back to the spaceship, then curls up in her seat and looks melancholy while she eats her ice cream.

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Do you need a hug?

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Cam shrugs off his coat and puts a wing over her back.

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You're welcome.

You're holding up really well, through something really astonishingly terrible. It's impressive.

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Thanks. I aim for impressive. But now I gotta figure out what the right thing to do is, I guess. Less good at that.

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Yeah. I really don't know. I can't exactly unambiguously recommend the foster system, my flippant comment about my mom aside - I bet that's hard to fix legally.

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I guess I still have some non-evil non-dead cousins somewhere. Probably. But I don't wanna just give up on her.

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I understand. But you should be ready for the possibility that she isn't in a good state to look after you even afterwards.

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Yeah. That makes sense.

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I guess I wanna try the non-evil cousins first. Maybe after, though. If we're still doing it.

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Yeah. I'm not sure whether it's the right thing to do or not, but it seems like it might be, and it's - more reversible than staking her.

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She nods. I still wanna try it. 

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Soph is rereading the spell and Cam's provided translation/annotation of it.

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"D'you still wanna do it?"

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"I think so? I mean... she'll need a ton of therapy but she'll be alive, right? And this spell could be really useful, even if I wind up using another version or writing my own later. So I need to try it on somebody..."

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"Yeah. I feel like she'd wanna do that much, anyway. If it'd help people."

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"I mean I could also try it on somebody else but this one seems especially likely to be better souled than not, right?"

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"Yeah, I think we go for it."

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Zana nods.

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Eventually they land near Sunnydale and proceed to St. Mary's. "I think the spell might be easier if I've seen her?" says Soph. "To target her, I mean."

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"Worst she can do is talk at you right now, I guess."

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So Soph goes down to the vampire cells.

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Zana goes down too. It seems pretty unlikely to her that another conversation with Imrainai is going to be traumatic on a scale that's still significant when compared to the last eleven months.

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"Oh good, visitors! It's incredibly boring down here. Hi Zana!"

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Soph waves.

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"Hi, Imrainai."

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"I know what you're going to do to me, Zana. I'm not quite as stupid as you think I am."

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"I don't think you're stupid."

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"Getting your soul back isn't gonna be fun, so you know."

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"Oh, I know! And I want you to know that I support you. Unleashing unfathomable crushing guilt on someone who you know is already prone to feeling incredibly guilty and anxious about her worth as a person, on someone who happens to be the only human who's ever really cared about you, who's never done anything whatsoever to deserve it while in her right mind? Honestly, I thought I was going to have to vamp you to unleash that kind of cruelty, but you just keep impressing me, Zana."

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"Yeah, well. I aim to impress."

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"I think I can aim now."

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"Cool. Bye, Imrainai."

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"Bye! Have fun!"

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Soph glumly sets up the spell.

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"She just said it to get to us, y'know. She's like contractually obligated."

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"That doesn't mean it didn't work."

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"I guess not. D'you need any help?"

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"You can hold the orb if you want."

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"Cool. I can hold orbs."

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Soph hands her the orb, shows her which way is up.

She starts reciting the spell, which Cam has provided a pronunciation guide for.

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Whatever powers are out there hear and take note. The magic courses through Soph and calls forth a soul, which glows brightly in the orb in Zana's hands. One incantation later, and the orb fades out of existence.

Zana dashes off for the basement the moment it's gone.

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Oh, the orb disappears. If Cam can't make those they're not gonna be able to scale this one.

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It does complicate scaling up, yeah.

Zana wrenches the basement door open and peeks down to see how Imrainai's doing.

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She's standing in a corner of her cell, hands on the bars, looking like she's trying to fuse herself to the basement wall.

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Cam comes down to - supervise this interaction, when he hears the spell is done.

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"...you OK?" asks Zana, when she's watched Imrainai for a while and hasn't seen her do anything.

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She nods, after a moment, slowly and laboriously, still not looking at anyone.


"Did the kids make it out OK?"

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I patched up the one kid I saw, and the adults who were still alive too.

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"...how many? I don't - remember everything."

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One kid two adults were alive. Plus a couple of nuns.

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"OK. ...not OK. But thank you. You were very impressive, Zana."

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"I aim to be. Do you, like, need anything?"

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Headshake. "I'm OK. I just need another second to - be OK. Is someone looking out for you and Connor right now?"

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"Yeah. I guess Cam is. Sort of."

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" - alright, OK, Cam's sorta looking after me and Connor's sorta dead."

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Cam puts a wing over Zana.

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"I'm sorry."

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"...s'not your fault. I bet if you vamped Mr. Rogers he'd be an asshole, too."

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"Who else?"

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"I kinda don't feel like it'll help you to list 'em all off right now."

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"...maybe." She pauses, collecting herself again. "Do you have plans from here, or...?"

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"Working on that," says Zana, quietly.

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There's an alternate universe version of me here. She's the Slayer now - she asks that no elderly Brits be informed - and her sister's a witch.

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"Oh. OK. And you're a demon."

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An alternate universe kind. We could call me an apsel to disambiguate.

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"Most of our demons are the alternate universe kind. Wildly different evil levels depending on subtype and individual. For a while I tried getting people to call all the corporeal ones aliens, but I don't think it ever caught on."

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I think calling me an alien would be inaccurate. I used to be a human.

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"We have some of those, too. Demon is a really overloaded word."

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"Uh, so, we should probably be nicer than the people who cursed Angel, are you up for hearing what we did?"

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"Short version is that it's a curse, developed to cause a vampire to suffer for their crimes. That's - not why we did it, obviously, we just didn't have anything better, but - because it's a curse, it only holds as long as you're suffering. If you experience a moment of true happiness - and we're fuzzy on what exactly that means - then evil you is back in business."

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"I don't think that's going to be a problem. Any time soon."

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Yeah, it doesn't look like it. Maybe in the meantime some additional precautions can be devised or something.

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"Do you, uh, wanna come out of the cell?"

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"I can."

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She glances at Cam to make sure he's not looking at her like this is a terrible idea, and then unlocks the door.

"...you good with hugs, or is that too much?"

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Imrainai hugs her. She hugs her for a while. She is deeply unclear on which one of them needs this more, but it's possible that it isn't her, in which case she's not going to leave Zana hug-deficient. 

"I should talk to the other slayer," she says, eventually.

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She's available, says Cam's computer. Her name's Bella.

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"OK. And - I don't want to interact with Zana without you or her present. Just in case. Not until I have a better idea how the - thing works. Is it day right now?"

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Yes. That seems like a reasonable precaution but it puts a lot on our reaction time.

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"Yeah. And it's - hardly a long-term solution. But just. Until we think of something better."

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"Angel - the other vampire who's been cursed like this - he said he's had his soul for like a hundred years, so it's not like it just comes off whenever. But he was sort of a homeless guy living in an alley full of garbage, I guess."

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"I see," she says, blandly, and then follows Zana to go find Bella.

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Bella is restocking the holy water gun ammo as long as she happens to be in a church.

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Her brain has already decided to be near maximum internal screaming levels at all times, so she's left with nothing but actual reflective disappointment that she's picked up some new phobias around things that are actually very important to her now. She folds her arms in front of her protectively and tries not to also look like a wounded puppy. 

"Hi. You're the slayer?"

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"That's me. How are you holding up?"

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" - with chewing gum and duct tape, but I think we bought the right brands of the stuff." Man, that metaphor barely even makes sense. "May or may not be this functional when the temporary memory loss wears off. ...I assume it's temporary, anyway."

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"Angel reported barely remembering he was human but didn't say anything about having a hard time remembering the part after that. He didn't mention any other memory problems. So either it's just you and could go either way or it wears off fast enough it didn't bear mentioning."

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"Ah. I'd... momentarily forgotten about some very important murders I'd committed. I'm sure it'll all come back eventually."

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"I see. I'm sorry."

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"Yeah. Slightly unclear on what I... do, now. I guess a lot depends on how well my soul is stuck on." Also she really feels like all of the everything is messing pretty badly with her ability to make plans right now, but maybe that'll wear off in a couple days, too. "How taxing is the ensoulment process on your end, is it something we can do for the captured minions, too?"

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"Hey Soph!"

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"Yeah? Oh, yeah. Uh, the spell isn't that hard but it consumes an Orb of Thesulah and those don't grow on trees."

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"Any idea where they do grow?"

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"I think a cottage industry in Hungary?"

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"Maybe worth looking into. What were you guys planning to do now?"

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"We just kinda bounce around handling supernatural shit, don't have a next lined up."

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"Probably lots of that going on around here, with the hellmouth and no slayer until this week." Frown. "Zana, is Willy still alive, or did I kill him?"

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"He was alive the last time I saw him."

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"Cool. Looks like it's sunset now. I'm gonna - take a walk, figure out how badly the town's been messed up, get some kind of summary of the past two years from Willy, unless anyone thinks that I am terribly likely to experience perfect happiness just whenever?"

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"Doesn't seem all that likely, but maybe for the first week or two you should have an escort who can take you out if you need to."

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"I suppose this is sensible."

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"I try."

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"All right. Anyone have nothing better to do than babysit vampires as they take a town inventory."

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Cam raises his hand, then wobbles it from a horizontal position and points at Zana, who at some point he has become responsible for.

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"Right, OK. Zana, stick with Bella and Soph until we get back, given that we don't have a house right now? Maybe see if you can make any progress on orb sourcing? 

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"Sure. Have fun."

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"Very unlikely," sighs Karen, before motioning for Cam to follow and strolling out the door.

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Cam follows her.

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She looks relatively less together again, now that she's not in front of Zana. She takes them fairly slowly in the direction of Willy's bar, which is a ways off from this part of town. 

"So can you talk now, or...?"

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No, I'm still on the same binding as before says Cam's computer, but this is pretty close.

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"Cool. ...Thank you. For, uh, looking after Zana. And preventing me from murdering more people. And stuff."

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You're welcome.

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"Did she say - why, exactly, she wanted me re-ensouled and not killed?"

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It was sort of left implicit

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"Ah. Thanks anyway."

Willy's Place is a sort of run-down looking building at this particular moment in time, although a lot of that is the boarded-up window in front. Regardless, the sign says they're open, and a few human and variously demonic patrons are sitting at tables.

Willy himself is behind the bar, and smiles widely when he sees them. "Well! Hello, hello. Do you know that your movie is one of the most popular items we've ever sold?"


"You know what?" says Karen, almost idly, "I was in a bad mood when I walked in here, but I think I may have upgraded to complete and total despair."

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     "Oh, you haven't seen it?" asks Willy. "Well, it's not for the faint of heart - or stomach - but you know, I thought it was very artistically innovative. You can have a copy for ten bucks."

"It's a snuff film," says Karen, sitting down at the bar. "And honestly I was going to discuss other things, but I guess we're discussing this now! Now, Willy, I know that you fear the laws of neither God nor man, but I am going to appeal to your sense of human decency. Please give me all the copies you have so that I can destroy them with a sledgehammer."

     "Oh, I couldn't do that, I had about a couple hundred more copies made. I stand to lose a lot of money if I don't sell them. Not worried, though, they sell like hotcakes. And hey, I thought you really liked that they were doing so well? You sure you don't want one?" he asks Cam.

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Not my genre.

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She takes a deep breath, because while breathing isn't strictly necessary anymore it's still pretty good for not wanting to punch people. "Willy, you gotta destroy them."

     He frowns, deeply and sorrowfully. "Could you at least pay half price for them? Buy me out?"

"No? I am not paying you like a thousand dollars for documentation of how I was murdered. I was there! I actually know how it went."

     "Please, I got a family - "

" - you know, I suddenly feel really sorry for them. This is the deal: I destroy all of your DVDs with a sledgehammer, because I'm going to do that either way, and separately I pay you, like, two hundred bucks to give me a rundown of everything that's happened in Sunnydale for the past year. Can you just make arbitrary objects, Cam? Notebooks, pens?"

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I think I can do that. Zana said 'sure' when Karen said something about him babysitting vampires and he volunteered, making small incidentals should be covered - yep, notebook, pen.

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And so she takes down the last year of Sunnydale history. Something about a coven that went to a lot of trouble to raise their leader as a lich, but then they all moved out to LA. List of notable vampires who have done notable things. Three more churches burned down in various fights. She gets over wanting to punch Willy fairly quickly; he's super annoying, and on some axes a terrible person, but you can't say he doesn't pay attention to stuff. 

Several pages of notes later, she thanks him, pinky swears to get him his money in a timely manner, and heads into the back without waiting for permission to do so.

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Cam follows her.

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Willy has a bunch of vaguely suspicious-looking chests and coolers in the back, plus an entire bookshelf of DVDs. Three shelves are devoted to copies of The Passion of the Slayer.

"I don't suppose you can also conjure sledgehammers on short notice, huh."

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Cam seems to be able to do that actually.

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" - neat."

And so she pulls the DVDs off the shelf and thoroughly destroys them, then frowns sadly at her handiwork.

"I was hoping that would be cathartic or something, but I don't think it worked."

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"S'OK. I'll just have to do therapy or something like everybody else."

She sighs and finds a broom and dustpan and sweeps all the broken stuff into the trash. She tells Willy to make better decisions as she passes him on the way out.

They swing through several cemeteries in the process of looping around back to the church. Occasionally Karen ducks into one of the crypts to check whether it's deserted or whether any of the secret passages look recently used. Eventually she gets to a fairly well-dusted crypt with a single extant grave in the middle. She pulls herself up onto it and sits.

"This is where Zeke lived."

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I'm sorry.

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"I just - some of my friends were demons, you know? Zeke was a soulless vampire with a history of pre-friendship murder. And it didn't even matter. Wasn't good enough for her. I have somehow managed to kill - quite possibly every single person besides Zana who has ever remotely cared about me."

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Do you want a hug?

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"I'm - mostly really aggressively trying to get the moping part of this process out of the way, but I guess that might help too."

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Cam shrugs off his coat of unobtrusiveness for extra winginess to add to the hug and hugs her.

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Hug. Slightly clingy but overall not totally unreasonably long hug.

" - can I ask for something super petty, before we head back?"

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Ask away.

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"It would be super great if I could have some black hair dye. Or at least moderately less terrible. I would buy it like a normal person but I don't actually immediately have access to any money."

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I can just pigment your hair directly if you'd rather.

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"Ah. Yeah, I guess that works, too."

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Her hair turns black and slightly damp.

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"Thank you. I doubt that I'm in danger of becoming deliriously happy any time soon, but that's one source of awful taken care of. Bad enough having the same face."

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It was yours first.