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make a better place for all people
Silvers and Nova in Eretese
Permalink Mark Unread

Felix had to admit that it was dangerous to go out exploring an unfamiliar world on his own. But their scouts reports said there was little activity.

Which is to say, there was activity, just not a lot of it. Small fires and weird noises, neither matched the current weather nor a marching army. A dragon or drake would've caused much more trouble if anything had disturbed their territory. Same could be said about a demon. Whatever it was, it was avoiding large groups of armed people.

So, Felix used his torchbearer ability on Perseverance and used his final ability to turn it into the golden torch. Between that and Percy's Mark of Devotion he was pretty secure in their ability to escape serious trouble.

After checking the progress on their camp (three houses have been conjured and adapted by workers, they should have enough Spirit for a spell tower by tomorrow) he gave Percy a goodbye kiss and set about exploring the world. It was a small world, this meant that the monsters would be more concentrated. Good.

He liked the opportunity to make new friends.

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, the small fires and weird noises were all focused around an area. It should be pretty easy to figure out a central point to the events. There's a cave there.

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Yeah, pretty much the natural habitat for anyone that isn't part of a faction. Felix briefly checks that nothing is going to ambush him from behind and then stealthily enters the cave.

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There's something inside, a fairly small, metallic...semi-humanoid mecha. It seems to be in a rest mode.

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That is a bit alarming. They didn't expect to find mechanical wizards in this world. The next world over did have a base, but the records showed that no one allied to them survived or escaped. It was a place for experiments so they didn't have a lot of resources devoted to defense, that was their downfall...

Felix tilts his head, he has a hunch. And after waiting a minute, Percy didn't show up to tell him that the hunch was a completely crazy idea.

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The mecha shifts abruptly, as though it can sense someone else there.

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Felix holding up his hands (he doesn't need weapons, but it is a symbolic gesture).

"Hello, I come in peace and friendship," Felix announces.

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It spins to face him, startled and...scared? Fire surges through it as it moves.

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Felix waves his hands. "Sorry, for startling you. But I come here as a potential friend."

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It's still, and then what is probably its head tilts. "-Friend?"

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Smile. "Yes, friend. I like to make new friends."

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"I- don't know what that is."

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His smile falls. "A friend is someone that... likes your company and when you're happy."

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Silence, a sense of confusion at that idea. "-o-oh. I've-" The mecha manages to make itself smaller. "Never had one before."

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That's heartbreaking. "Do you want one?"

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"...I think I'd like that?"

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"I would like that too!" Smile.

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A...head? Pokes out from the side of the mecha, and then a small being made of fire scurries up to the top of it, curling up and looking at him.

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Awww. That's the cutest fire elemental he has ever seen. "Hi, I am Felix." He offers a hand. Felix is fire-warded, of course, he is a fire mage.

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The fire elemental moves close enough to sniff at Felix's hand, but doesn't seem to know what else to do with the gesture, and scurries back to its perch on top of the mecha.

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Too cute. "It's safe to touch," Felix says still holding his hand up. "What's your name?"

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Blink, confusion. "I- um. Name?"

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"Ah... a name is a word that people to designate you, in specific."

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"O-Oh." Pause. "Battery?"

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Felix considers just responding with "nice meeting you".

But he looks between the elemental and the small automaton armor. "Why Battery?"

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"S'what I am. What they called me."

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'You're more than a battery. And a name is... more than that? Or more specific. It's about you being an individual."

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"O-Oh." Pause. "I- That's- the closest I had."

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"It's okay. Someone should've gave you one." Pause. "Though you can give one yourself."

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"I- I wouldn't know- where to start."

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"It's okay. Most people don't have to think about it. And there is no hurry."

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The elemental uncurls a little. "I- did you- need something?"

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"I came here to check some weirdness going on. And hoping I could make a new friend." Smile.

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Pause. "I- the- the weirdness. Might've been me? I- started- trying to figure out. What I could- do."

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"That's reasonable. You're an elemental, right? And you have... that armor thing too."

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"Mhmm. I- I power the armour. Um. That was why. Battery."

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Slow nod. "Have you been okay in here by yourself?"

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"I- yes? Better here."

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Nod. "What have you been doing?"

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Slight shrug. "I- started. Trying to figure out. What I could do?"

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"That's prudent. What have you figured out so far?"

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"Not- much. Can do things with fire?"

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"I can do things with fire too. It's a natural affinity."

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There's a crackling sound, almost like a giggle, and the flames that make up the elementals body ripple. "S-same I guess?"

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Matching giggle. But less crackly.

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"Would you like to come back with me? Or meet my friends at a later point?"

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There's suspicion there, but it's tempered somewhat - something is making the elemental think that Felix is worth the benefit of the doubt.


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"Because you're all alone and it can be nice to be around friendly people."

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"Oh." That does sound nice. "You can't make me stay?" It's as much a question as it is a statement.

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"I would not make you stay. Or go. As long you're not hurting anyone."

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"-I wouldn't." (Not without a reason.)

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Smile. "Do you want to go there now?"

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The elemental is quiet for a couple of moments, before cautiously nodding. "I- okay."

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Felix beckons the elemental to follow him outside.

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The mecha clanks back to life and follows after Felix.

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Felix leads him to their settlement. The walls and watch towers are being built as their speak. In fact they can see as the main structure of one of the towers materializing as the workers will it to. Meanwhile, another group of workers is cutting down the trees to eliminate cover, the timber is gathered in a pile and slowly dissolves into a blue fog.

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A tall and spindly winged humanoid lands behind the city's gates. Her skin is very pale with purple accents, and her hair and eyes are a violet-pink that almost glows. She makes her way towards Felix. "New friend?"

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The mecha seems to make itself smaller at her presence.

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"Aw, I am sorry. I didn't mean to intimidate you. I am Felix's friend."

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"H-Hi. I- no. It's- okay?"

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"It is! Don't worry."

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The fire elemental's head pokes out the side of the mecha, and then it scurries down the mecha's arms again, sitting up on the end of the 'hand'.

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"Awww, you're so cute."

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That gets a startled blink. "I- thank you?"

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"You're welcome."

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"You are cute. Do you want to come inside the settlement?" He waves at the gates.

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Pause, somehow watching the settlement, and then the elemental nods.

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They guide the elemental inside. Where people are busy at work.

And it's an interestingly diverse array of people. Not only from different factions like humans, goblins and elves, but also beings that didn't usually belong to any faction, like trolls, lizardmen, minotaurs and even a couple of harpies.

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The elemental vanishes back inside the mecha, clearly a little overwhelmed by the number of people, but lets them guide it.

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A bit worrying, but they don't comment. Felix points at places where they plan to expand the settlement. If this world proves itself to be empty besides them the plan is turning it into a farming world with a small magic academy.

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The elemental is definitely curious about it, and is listening attentively.

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As it might be noticeable, they have a really diverse crew here, many are people that Felix recruited and joined their faction because they wanted a more peaceful life or wanted to eventually become Heroes like Felix and Perseverance.

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...And our friendly Elemental.

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-Confusion? The elemental isn't a hero - can't be, just a battery, that's all-

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"I think you're... an accidental hero. I know the feeling."

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"-how can you tell?"

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"I have an extra sense for relationships and heroes are highlighted."

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"And your abilities are somewhat unusual."

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A curious head pokes out the top of the mecha. "...they are?"

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"I mean, maybe the wizards could have managed to make a new kind of troop with one or two new abilities like yours, but even then it wouldn't be easy."

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"O-oh." The elemental doesn't seem to know what to do with that.

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"Are you okay?"

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"I- yes." (Mostly.) "Just. Strange." (To be told it was worth more than its worth as a battery.)

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"Look at it positively. Strange can be good."

That's sure appears to be this settlement's motto.

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"Mm. Guess so."

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Permalink Mark Unread

"It... doesn't sound that you had the opportunity to do a lot of things?"

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Head shake. "N-not really."

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"Do you... eat?"

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"-Never had to before."

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"Do you want to try?" Felix says conjuring an apple.

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The elemental moves along the mecha's arm again, stretching out to sniff at the apple. "I- maybe?"

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He offers the apple for the elemental to take. "You just bite it and then chew on it a little before swallowing."

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The elemental takes the apple, the skin scorching slightly from the fire. It's not entirely clear how it consumes the apple, but consume it it does.

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"Did you like it?"

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"Yes? I- I think so, yes."

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"Wanna try more things?" He conjures more food.

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"You can try to take a bite from each thing to get a taste. We can just vanish them back."

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"-That's okay?"

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Felix conjures more food, in simple clay plates, and offers them again.

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Well, if they're there...

The elemental is still a little hesitant, but does try the offered foods, sometimes needing a couple of bites to decide whether or not it likes them.

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Felix starts getting a sense of what the elemental like or doesn't. Some people stop to admire and a few come to ask Felix questions.

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The elemental is very shy in the face of other people, but doesn't retreat inside the mecha.

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"Do you think you can hold paper without burning it?"

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"Mm. I- the mecha can."

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"Do you feel uncomfortable inside it? I wanted to introduce you to books."

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"It- it's fine." Pause. "Can move it from out here just as well?"

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"Ah, convenient. Do you know how to read?"

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The elemental shakes its head slowly.

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"Do you wanna learn?"

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"I- yes? Maybe?"

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"We could get one of the less busy guards to teach you."

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"I- yes. If you- think that's- best."

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"Are you too nervous to meet new people?"

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"I don't- I have never. Seen this many. Before. Not that-" (That weren't trying to hurt them, use them.)

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"No one here wants to hurt you or use you. We are hoping you will want to join us under your own volition, but allegiance is not necessary."

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"Oh- I- that's- I've never had- options. Before."

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"It can be overwhelming. I know."

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Head tilt, slightly surprised chirrup. "I- how do you know? What to do?"

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"To you? I would recommend following your feelings. Your curiosity, if you want to know something? If something makes you scared you should make it known, so we can help."

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Another, quieter chirrup. "I- I'll try?"

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"As my younger brother says 'trying something is the first step at not sucking at something'. Meaning, don't be worried."

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"Oh." Beat. Nod. "I- yes. I'll try not to."

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"An advice. Not a warning."

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"Yeah, that. So, do you mind if I find a guard to teach you how to read?"

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The elemental thinks for a moment. "I don't- think so?"

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"I think it might be good for you."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, Dara is over there. I will wave her over," Felix says while waving for, presumably, Dara to come closer.

Dara is a blond woman in the typical uniform and leather armor that they have around.

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The elemental retreats most of the way inside the mecha, but that's probably not an indictment of the woman more than the elemental being unsure of everything and everyone.

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"Dara, this is our new - currently unnamed - friend. He wants to learn how to read. Are you free?"

"Sure. Hi?"

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Head: reappears out the side of the mecha. "...Hi?"

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"Hi!" She says at the cute fire critter. "Do you want to read?"

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"I- I think so yes?"

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"Do you know anything how is it done?" She says pulling a book seemingly out of nowhere and crouching to his eye level.

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He shakes his head. "I- I'm sorry. I don't-"

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"No, it's okay... really. The idea is that the symbols combine to mean different sounds."

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He nods, and pays rapt attention to her.

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She walks him through the alphabet and different sounds each symbol represents. Showing how her own name is written.

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He's attentive, and a perhaps surprisingly quick study.

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She notices and tells him as much. What a good student!

After a while. "Do you mind if we leave for a while? There is some more scouting that we need to do."

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"Oh- I- no, not at all- I'm sorry- I shouldn't have kept you-"

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"It's okay. You didn't keep us. We have been waiting for some towers to get ready." She points at a tower that has just finished completion.

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"Oh." He regards the tower for a moment. "I see."

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"But it was nice watching you learn!"

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That gets a slightly shy shuffling. "I- I liked it?"

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"You can keep going? Until you want to do something else or Dara gets tired. You can ask for something else to do then, no problem."

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"I- If Ms Dara doesn't mind?"

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"I don't. You're a good student," Dara says.

"She likes to teach," Felix informs.


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"Then please?"

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In that case they can continue teaching and Dara can show him how to write a few simple things in the dirt.

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He continues to be an attentive student, and perches on the feet of the mecha so that he can copy the shape of the letters into the dirt.

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She compliments his diligence and carefulness.

Then there is a loud bell from one of the newly constructed towers. "That's an attack alarm." She says, eyes widening.

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He scurries back into the mecha. "That's a- that's a bad thing, right?"

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"It is. I need to get to my position. Do you have... an assigned place?"

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"I- no. But- I can-help?"

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She nods. "Lets go to the gates them. Follow me." And she darts gate-wards, looking behind to make sure he is following.

The entire settlement is in motion.

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The mecha is surprisingly mobile, and he follows easily.

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They reach the gates. Guards assemble in formation and manifest their armors over their uniforms, turning into a wall of metal in front of the gates. There is a tense moment of wanting.

Then everything turns dark brown. A sand cloud covers everything, people start coughing violently.

And amidst it all, a dark silhouette with dark eyes is visible, steadily going towards Nova.

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The mecha shifts, aware of it, watching carefully, ready to act if need be.

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The guards try to pile up on the creature, but it's much stronger than it has any right to be. It picks one particular guard and raises them by the neck. A darkness starts covering the armor-clad figure.

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...Um. No. They flare up, flames shaping around the mecha, and they lash out towards the creature - slipping in between the other defenders.

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The creature is set on fire, revealing a dissected being covered in bandages.

It does not appear to be in pain, but the sudden light up of its quite flamable parts elicit the reaction of the creature turning towards nova and jumping for a grab.

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The mecha is surprisingly agile, but is also surrounded by fire, and not backing down from a fight, moving to avoid the grab, but also trying to deal with the creature.

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The creature screams in frustration and calls all the sand making the surrounding cloud to douse the flames.

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-Did the creature know that sand heated hot enough turns to glass?

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If they didn't, they found out now! And their reaction isn't shouting "fascinating!", but the dying scream compensates by being high-pitched and loud.

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They're not sure that's...good, necessarily, but it is at least an enemy down.

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The troops pick themselves up as the smoke (sometimes literal) clears. People are looking for the fallen or hurt soldiers and bringing them to be healed.

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The mecha settles somewhat, letting out whisps of smoke as though it's cooling down.

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People check on him, to be sure he is okay and needs healing or repairing.

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No, he's okay he thinks?

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Alright, does he have any healing of his own to share?

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-Maybe. He's pretty sure he does. He's not certain, he'd...not really had to heal anyone before. But he thinks he does.

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Well, he could try?

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Yes! Yes he can! He's very willing to try! Where would they like him to try?

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They have been gathering people to get healing in that corner over there.

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Well. He'll go over there and see what help he can give then.

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When he tries to reach for some sort of healing he gets a feeling...

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It's warm, the faintest spark of flame ready to catch and ignite, rushing through to fix what ails...

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And people's wounds are closed, and they breathe sighs of relief. Some send thanks his way.

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And the elemental curls shyly back into its mecha.

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Eventually, Felix comes in to check on him.

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He's settled quietly, waiting for something.

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Felix smiles upon seeing the small mecha. "Thank you so much for defeating the creature and helping everyone."

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He sticks his head out cautiously. "I...uh. You're...welcome? I- like. To help?"

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"Helping is great. Do you need anything?"

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"I- I don't- think so? Uh- do you...need me to do anything?"

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"Not at the moment, and you've already helped a lot."

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"O-okay. I- Okay."

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Grin. "Do you want to go back to learn how to read?"

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He perks up. "Please!!"

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In that case, Felix will pick up the lessons from where he left. What a great student.

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A very attentive and eager one certainly!

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It's very adorable. There are no more incidents for the rest of the day.

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That's a relief at least. The elemental seems to relax some over the course of the day.