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laundering involvement
for reveal once someone guesses
Permalink Mark Unread

She takes back to her desk a chunk of rusted metal, sets it in place along with possessions of almost every other person she might conceivably want to scry.


She has never before contacted Riudare in daytime. Quite possibly he won't be having his mirror monitored at this hour. But - 

"Your allies mean to fight a lich and I think you alone can first check if she's home at all."

Permalink Mark Unread

There are not very many female liches. "The badger? For what possible reason? I had considered her rather beneath my notice, myself—though she does seem to be quite well-informed and if she were less mad she might even be useful."

Permalink Mark Unread

"They are trying very hard to convince the terrified convention that the city is under control and does not require more dramatic crackdown measures and she keeps mocking them and rather undermining their protestations. Cities simply do not feel very under control when there are liches selling pamphlets, apparently. I have also considered her mostly not worth worrying about, I don't think she's our mysterious instigator and I don't care if she eats peasants occasionally, but if they are going to go after her I shouldn't want them to have to try twice."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll spare the Discern—I do want her spellbook for my trouble, if they can find it." His people have recovered some magically interesting badger skulls from around the city.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Tell them that yourself. I went ahead and scouted out the place and have a map, and it's Forbiddanced so I dug a little enclave just beneath it they can safely Teleport into. But if I show up to convey your request and my intelligence they will be tedious and ungrateful, and if you show up to convey both they will happily award you the spellbook."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Of course. Do you know if she scribes the pamphlets herself?" They'll work to target a Discern Location if and only if she does.

Permalink Mark Unread

"She does not seem to, so while scouting the place I had my elemental bring back a little chunk of the walls of her fortress, which I suspect she did herself." Sixth circle wizards don't usually hire other sixth circle wizards for sixth circle wizardry. It's a matter of pride.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you. The operation is tonight?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's what my deep undercover sources among the new nobility tell me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I suppose my other plans can safely be delayed another night. Drop the piece of fortress at—" and he'll name a quickly randomized location.

He turns the mirror face-down.

Permalink Mark Unread

A very reasonable amount of inconvenience to impose on her in response to her 'tell them yourself', which isn't to say she succeeds at not being at all irked. She'll drop it off. Hurriedly. She has places to be.