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consider phlebas, who was once handsome and short as you
marisas don't die, they go pichuun~ and emerge from the bottom of the screen
Permalink Mark Unread

[continued from Escape from Westcrown]

The next thing she knows, she's clawing to the surface of the water, searching for air. Hardiness to injury isn't what wizards are known for, but wizardry comes with it nonetheless; this isn't the first major injury she's ever had to shrug off, but it might be the most unexpected.

Coughing and spitting out water, she flails inexpertly towards the great stone column to cling onto.

It's time for triage:

  • Her notes are likely ruined, and only the committee notes were copied and given to others, not her personal notes. No, this one can be forced lower.
  • She's injured to an unknown degree. Everything hurts, which doesn't suggest any specific priority items.
  • She's in the middle of the river.
  • It's apparently raining now, and under a bridge is shelter from that but not great all-in-all because it's in the middle of the river.
  • There's another delegate in unknown danger up there.
  • It looks like a bad swim to shore.
  • Her notes are likely ruined &c. (moved down to this position on the list).
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Séfora pauses when she gets to the great bridge, to think about what's next.

She ends up attaching Quirze to her pack, using his belt. Taking Quirze home to be buried in his home county seems like the right thing to do.  But walking all the way underwater, be unlikely to arrive with more than a skeleton. There's already been a fish or two nibbling.

And then someone falls from the bridge. She gets the impression of slim legs under a dark robe falling into the water.

She's already doing something. But Quirze's not getting any deader. And she is a hero.

She runs along the bottom, feet sinking into the muck- but she's been down here before, and she steps across the bottom muck lightly.

Slim legs kicking in the water. Probably doesn't know how to swim. She glances up. Yes, it's maybe eleven feet deep here, and Séfora grabs (the woman's?) feet, both at once, and holds them up, her grip steady and strong. 

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Oh no, there are ghouls in the river, suggesting a new priority goal: do not be devoured by ghouls.

Bracing against being dragged underwater, she attempts to get a line of sight on the ghoul. What spells work on ghouls, do they have cognition, they have eyesight—maybe, there's positive energy which is not a wizard's forte—

After a short time elapses with no being dragged underwater, she's a little confused.

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Yeah, eventually this person will realize that (1) Séfora is stronger and (2) Séfora isn't dragging her down. So she can stop trying to kick Séfora in the face. Eventually she does.

Séfora walks towards the shore, walking crosswise to the current. Quirze's body rocks back and forth against her belt, and it begins to get shallower. 

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Okay, this is a way out of the middle of the river, as much of a non sequitur as it might be, so she'll just tread water and come up with fanciful explanations. A riverine golem from the days of holy Aroden tasked with retrieving sailors fallen overboard? Did old Imperial riparian law mention those?

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Eventually it gets shallow enough that Séfora's able to put this remarkably light woman on her shoulder, and not long after that her face begins to rise out of the water. "I have a corpse of an idiot hanging from my belt. Don't get frightened. I didn't kill him."

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"A day's Honest Labor for a tireless Riverine Golem," replies Lluïsa, who is a bit out of it at the moment or she'd recognize the Metal Delegate by voice. "I suppose you are impressively Proofed against Rust, and this Rain means little to you, but I should like to get under some sort of Covering Structure against the Skies."

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She's heard that phrasing, that strange emphasis before. "You're that little lawyer with the hat!" She picks her up off her shoulders, and sets her down on the beach. "What is a fancy girl like you doing in a river? I'm Séfora- you'll have seen me at the palace"

She cranes her neck. 

"I imagine there's an inn above- they always have them near bridges. Let's go up."

She unbuckles Quirze, and leaves the corpse face down, on the shore, a bit down off the high water mark. "He won't go anywhere."

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"Ah, the Metal Delegate! I was unfortunately Hurled Bodily from the Bridge, in an Unexpected Confrontation. I only hope they did not hurl my companion, Delegate Porras, down as well," she looks around but it's hard to see out on the water in this rain and even harder to see anything that might be going on above, so it's inconclusive. "At the least he is Sturdier than I and would put up more of a Physical Struggle. I suppose had he fallen you would have noticed his Struggling, perhaps. We should Ascend to the City, likely." She looks out over the water again.

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I did not see him fall, but he could have fallen behind me, or behind a pillar.  I have killed six men today, who were all trying to kill me.  I think there will be many dead, after this night is fully tallied.

She takes Lluïsa's hand. "Come on." She grins. "it's not healthy to be out in the rain like this."

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"Yes," she agrees, allowing herself to be led by the Metal Delegate up the steps to the city.

"It would be injurious to the Integrity of the Convention were delegates to be Slain in Wanton Violence," she adds.

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Séfora glances back at Quirze. "It would indeed."