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Escape from Westcrown
we're getting OUT of this city... hope no one is in the way
Permalink Mark Unread

[continued from The Proceedings of the Lodging House on 24th Korrado Street]

Enric and his roommates have joined a larger crowd at a small, church newly rededicated to Erastil. Not the main one in the city center, that's too far. The man Enric wounded is back on his feet and refusing to talk to anyone. The crowd discusses and murmurs until the cleric living in the church comes to a decision: Cities are pits of horror and evil, coming here was a mistake, time to get out.

So, a couple dozen men and women are heading for a bridge, safety in numbers. They are mostly farmers here in the city for errands, some temporary laborers, and some burghers who didn't get home before the violence started and so took shelter in the nearest good church. There's a few in the crowd holding daggers or axes; they're not here to hunt diabolists but they're getting out of this city alive, whatever that takes. 

They rush towards the closest bridge off of this city, looking indistinguishable from any other street mob.

Permalink Mark Unread

The very image of a deranged diabolist is striding in the opposite direction, dressed all in black, stained with blood*, and really unsettlingly gleeful.

"Attend, all Unlawful Assemblies bent on Wanton Violence! Disperse now, or be Dispersed by my Wizardry!" she cries, punctuated with a warning ray of frost to the ground.

*It's just ink! It's been a messy half hour! But it's dark out.

Permalink Mark Unread

The crowd shrinks back from the spell, but they're not running. No one is cutting down the diabolist yet but there's shouting and brandishing weapons. One loud voice, "We're getting out of the city! Don't try to stop us!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Bent on Flight, in such Prodigious Numbers?" scoffs Lluïsa, who has never had the experience of 'safety in numbers'. "And also so Prodigiously Armed?" she, who has a very nice knife under her cloak and has never really considered its potential combat applications, adds.

Well, it's time for a legal analysis. Broadly, one can perform Acts of Hostile Spellcasting on a crowd when:

  1. Lawfully ordered to.
  2. They are in the commission of an unlawful act (they possibly are for assembling with weapons, but the situation here is really unclear).
  3. They are committing, or threatening the imminent commission of, acts of violence, hostile spellcasting, or the like.
  4. One can get away with it (probably the case here, but no. This one isn't real law, it's fake law from people who are too stupid to figure out how to satisfy their stupid desires by using the law.)

So this isn't really at the point of Acts of Hostile Spellcasting. On the other hand, during a riot a lot of this can be lawfully fudged; the conditions of a riot make a lot of things threatening that aren't on an ordinary evening. On the mage hand, their excuse has at least the faint plausibility that there's a bridge in that direction. On the Aroden's Multifarious Mage Hands, she really wants to make up for all those times she fled in the face of mobs before.

Permalink Mark Unread

Time for a mob mentality analysis. Broadly, one can overrun someone when:

1. in the way
2. there's more of us 
3. scary looking 

Permalink Mark Unread

Wait, is that– "Lluisa?!"

Permalink Mark Unread

That's a surprising response!

"Delegate Porras? An unexpected Voice."

She pushes some hair out of her eyes to get a clearer look at the crowd.

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A clearer look...
It's a couple dozen men and women, more of them in farmer's tunics and hats than usual for the city. The ones brandishing weapons are still brandishing. If there's a familiar face in the crowd, it can't be seen from the front. If there's a familiar voice, it's drowned out by the voices shouting "KEEP MOVING, KEEP MOVING" and "BACK, DIABOLIST" and "OUT OF THE WAY".

The mob advances. Slowly, wary of another spell, but forwards.

Permalink Mark Unread

It's not very satisfying to perform Acts of Hostile Spellcasting on a crowd that some guy you know is possibly in!

But fine, the street full of probable rioters can also be full of web. It's really a great spell in an urban area! Though it's a bit soured.

Permalink Mark Unread

At least it isn't fireball.

Now there's around twenty people trapped in a giant spiderweb. The strongest ones pull themselves free and try to cut their fellows out, but most of those end up tripping and getting caught back up in it again. Or get free and try to run, but also fall back into the web. Looks like they're at the mercy of a diabolist wizard.

Tangled in a web, everyone is confused and scared and angry, much like they were before. But now they're scared and confused and angry without momentum.

Permalink Mark Unread

What, exactly, does one do with a mob trapped in a web? This plan didn't really have more than zero steps in it to begin with. At least it lasts a long time; enough to figure something out, probably?

"Delegate, are you within that Entanglement?" Neither possible answer would really be great to hear.

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It is Lluisa. Everyone just charged her. She was threatening with spells. But one that doesn't kill everyone. He knew she wasn't an evil type lawyer anymore, even if she still talks like–and now looks like–one.

"Yes, it's me."

He is most definitely within the entanglement.

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Oh, good/bad.

"Delegate, is this a Peaceful Group? Have I mistaken it in this Chaos for a Band of Criminal Looters?"

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"You have! We're not taking anything, not here to kill anyone. But the whole city is in chaos and pamphlet madness, we have to get out."

He's glad she seems okay but a bit indignant. He realized she wasn't evil and said so to the diabolist headhunters back in committee, but she thinks he's the kind of person who would use this as an excuse to steal?

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"Your words of Assurance suffice for me, then. I will remove the Entanglement; furthermore I know the lay of the City Outskirts well, and would happily provide Escort for your Swift Passage. Though I hope it is not a Permanent Departure."

As long as no one is bursting with imminent violence, the web can be dispelled. What a convenient spell!

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"Everyone, this is my friend from the convention. She says she knows the way out of the city."

He tries to make sure his mob isn't bursting with imminent violence, then brushes off some dissolved webbing and goes to talk to her.

"Thank you, Lluisa. Thank you. I didn't really think that far ahead, or think at all really. Right now we're just trying to leave." A pause to think. "I have people at home, need to make it back alive. But if the gods still need me for the convention, I'll stay in the city a bit longer."

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"I do hope so. Though you are correct not to wish to Remain in the City as a Corpse."

To the crowd, "Follow behind me to the Bridge; it is Lengthy and without Routes of Escape, and may be the most Perilous Leg of the Journey to Exit the City Limits."

And she leads the way; they're not far, and it's a bridge she commutes across regularly.

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Enric follows a bit ahead of his fellows, walking side by side. Shudders at the danger.

"If it is that dangerous, good to have someone who knows the way. There's enough of us and some of us have weapons, we can keep danger away."

"Are you coming with us, or do you want to stay here and keep... fighting groups of criminals on your own?"

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"I am... undecided. I have hardly prepared Spells for Mass Violence; I am prepared to Subdue the Unruly Mob, but with an eye towards my own Expeditious Escape from any scenes of Civil Unrest. Perhaps this is a matter for the Illustrious Archmages to quell, if they can be Roused. My own lodging is across this Bridge; perhaps I will return there."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess you're more of a wizard than I realized but... you can still leave it to the archmages and come with us?"

She can leave the city, right? He's never seen a lawyer out in the countryside but they probably aren't bound to one location like ghosts.

"One of the guys, Marcus, says he has a cousin with a house less than a day from the city. We're going to hide out there, should have room for one more."

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"I would be loath to Abandon the work of the Convention, though perhaps it would be Prudent to wait for Word from the City; its Schedule may well be Suspended given the Unrest."

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"Please. If you come with me to safety until all this is over, then I promise I'll come back to the convention with you after. You still need me to be the sortition for the judiciary committee, right?"

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She laughs. "Have I impressed you with my Sumptuous Finery? I am of the Estate chosen by Lot as well; of all the Various and Populous Cities in the Empire at least One like me was bound to be Included, though I would be surprised to see more than One or perhaps Two. But your Worry is misplaced; there have been Riots before this, and will be Riots after, and I am safer than most."

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He laughs, but still a bit of worry. "I thought lawyers were in the secret fifth category, like the druids and the hellknights."

"Safer than most is still in the city. If you want to be a hero, well this is the kind of day where it's easier to make it to good. I won't tell you not to do that if you want to try. But if you're trying to stay safe– I've got a group of good people here, and we have somewhere to go that won't have any riots."

And he's going to keep worrying the whole night if not, but he can't say that. That's not a reason to stay.

Permalink Mark Unread

Making it to Good doesn't really help when the issue is an intractably clouded title.

"Riots are like Vampires; they have difficulty crossing Rivers. Though I have heard there is a Vampire Delegate, and if true, he must have found a way around this Stricture. Nevertheless, I will follow to at least the City Limits."

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“If you say you’ll be okay across the river, I guess you know best about the dangers of the city. Once we’re across, then I’ll stop worrying”

She probably could tell him all about the dangers here, just like he can warn travelers about unsafe roads back home. 

Wait did she say there’s a vampire delegate?? “Do you know who this vampire delegate who can cross rivers? Should we all be wearing holy symbols?”

Permalink Mark Unread

"Regrettably, I have heard it only from Scattered Rumors, but it is said he is of the Noble Estate. I have a Mind to keep an Eye on any possible Concealed Provisions being drafted regarding Rights to Feed on One's Peasantry, or any such Vile Practices."

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“Ha, I feel like both nobles on the rights committee would have some explanation of why it’s a necessary evil and vote in favor. I’ll keep an eye out.”

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"I am not Favorably Impressed by the quality of the Nobility, for the most part, though the Archdukes seem an Exceptional Class. Perhaps it is proximity to her Majesty that matters."

Permalink Mark Unread

“Probably. The queen is like an archmage but with swords, and I think that paladin might be her second in command. Good might rub off on the nobles they work with a lot?”

Both of the people on rights who Enric mentioned are archdukes, but she’s probably trying to be safe from politics. Archdukes might be able to put a truth spell on you and ask if you’ve ever insulted them, or something. 

Oh hey the bridge is right there. Enric shouts for a couple stragglers in his mob to catch up with the rest, stay together as they cross. 

Permalink Mark Unread

The bridge is quiet. There should be a couple sentries watching and asking questions of anyone crossing this late at night. Those two have either decided to stay home tonight or have been called away to deal with more urgent things. 

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“So, you said things will be calmer on the other side of the river? Makes me wonder why anyone lives in the part where riots happen.” Or in cities at all.

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"The Business of the City is chiefly done on the Central Isle, but it is hardly Economical to Reside thereon for most. Some prefer it nonetheless, and some can afford it and therefore must afford it, by the demands of their Position in Society."

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“Hm, so the same thing as people with professions wanting to live inside of town instead of just nearby, except—

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The two men who were hanging back whispering to each other rush up through the crowd. Both grab the lawyer, to throw off the bridge. 

“Burn in hell, soul dealer! Burn with every soul you damned!”

Permalink Mark Unread

This isn't something a physically small wizard who's grabbed before she can react has a good response for!

She attempts to cast anyway, but—

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Perhaps feather fall is a prudent spell to include in the "defense against mobs" set. Especially when one isn't preparing fly, though that wouldn't have helped here, it takes too long to cast. Though it trades off against—

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Enric reacts too late, but still in time to knock one of the men into the water too. 

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Permalink Mark Unread

Shortly afterwards, the first few raindrops hit the water.