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A Remedy to a Most Pressing Problem [Open]
blood sacrifice is Good, right
Permalink Mark Unread

The wounds of war still lie fresh on our bodies, in a sense more literal than metaphorical. Our people bleed and suffer for lack of divine healing, and there are many who say that the devil's-blood that powers much of our arcane healing is soon to run out, or even that it already has. To call on the devils of Hell to remedy this would be a fool's errand or a diabolist's. But there is another solution, far simpler, that may yet prove adequate.

I speak, of course, of the Hell-born Tieflings who walk among us. Under House Thrune their status was exalted far over pure-blooded humans, and none would have dared to ask them for such a sacrifice. But their Asmodeus-granted thrones have been rent asunder, and no man need fear their tyranny any longer. It is said that all men have a hundred thousand drops of blood within them, and the Tiefling is no exception. Let the blood of the Tiefling be spilt, and so let our wounds be healed!

Do not mistake me, of course, for one who calls for indiscriminate slaughter. My proposal is far more modest. Let a few drops of blood be let each month from every Tiefling in Cheliax, and it shall be more than adequate to power our healing. Let any Tiefling who refuses be executed as an enemy of the state — for what reason could a Hellspawn have to deny us its healing power, save that it has taken Hell as its master? Through their blood we shall be delivered from death into life.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's right.  Most wizards can't eschew materials, and even many of those that can have trouble eschewing a lack of devil's blood for infernal healing!  It is one a few tricks he's taught himself of which he is genuinely proud, that isn't just struggling to do basic wizardry.  If the supply of devil blood continues to shrink, and other Gods continue to be so slow at filling the role of Asmodeus, his infernal healings will climb in value.  If he can find a city without enough Good priests for emergency channels and healing, he could easily sell his slots at 15 silver pieces, probably much higher, he'll use 20 for calculation purposes.  And a city would have people rich enough to pay up front, none of his former Asmodean crap with drawn out loans.  A year or two at 20 silver pieces a spell, 3 spells a day... this might work.

He tries to avoid jumping ahead to think through potential problems.  The pamphlet's proposal won't work he's pretty sure.  Tieflings are kind of Outsiders, but Kytons and Daemons and Demons don't work for infernal healing as far as he knows... so probably Tiefling blood, even Hellspawn, won't work?  He should try to buy a bit off a Tiefling to test.  The Archmagi could probably figure something out (mass distribution of symbols of healing?), but they haven't already, so he has some time to make money.  More wizards could learn eschew materials, but it took him a lot of practice with decreasing amounts of devil blood to get the technique down and conjuration is one of his few strengths, so he thinks he genuinely has an edge there.  So... a year or two minimum to actually get paid like he deserves.  If he can manage to put 50 silver pieces a day towards his loan for a year, he can actually pay it off!  He'll keep an eye on devil's blood prices, maybe he won't have to go with his reincarnate and abscond plan!

And then... it feels dangerous to think so far ahead, but he's only made it this far by planning... if overcharging on healing and loans counts for Evil, maybe undercharging counts as Good?  5 silver pieces per spell is more than he could usually make before out in the country side, but it is cheaper than he deserves, and with the shortage of healing he should be able to charge that much in the city.  He could live a comfortable life and work his way up to Lawful Neutral.

As stupid as this pamphlet is (Asmodeus likes a bit of blood letting, so it is definitely not Good), it gave him a great idea.  He should read more pamphlets.