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Most rules are arbitrary, he insists
The Cold Sea Region's favorite pastime
Permalink Mark Unread

The voice on the broadcast is slow, and quiet. It speaks with the clear, crisp enunciation that only a lifetime working as an announcer can cultivate.

"Welcome back, everyone," it says. "To the pre-final match of the annual Complicated Social Rules competition."

In the background, there is the gentle sound of a tea-set being laid out.

"For those of us who need a refresher on the structure of the competition, this is the first match that includes all of the remaining teams that were not eliminated during the bracket round. All of the teams competing today will advance to the final round next week, but the points scored here can determine the seating arrangements for the final — which could be very important, given the number of seating- or proximity-based rules in play this year."

Permalink Mark Unread

There's the sound of a door opening, and a pair of people walking on a tiled floor.

"Oh, and here come the first competitors," another voice interjects. Unlike the first voice, this one is excited, although still just as quiet and carefully enunciated. This is the voice of someone who is deeply excited about things like whether the league is going to reform the large forks rule, because 'it would have such a big impact on play, don't you think?'. This is the voice of someone who gets into arguments on mailing lists.

"Jadmik and Orþalor are to be seated first, since they came in with the most points scored overall. They are a couple from Island Without Trees who have competed in three previous years, but never before made it to the final. They seem to have really gotten into the swing of things this year, though. Jadmik—"

Permalink Mark Unread

There's the sound of a chair being slid back.

"Ah, they've made a first seating choice," the first voice interjects. "Orþalor has pulled out a chair for Jadmik — indicating that Jadmik will have the lead in the first conversation. Meanwhile Orþalor has taken a seat on the opposite side of the table."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, that's just reflective of this team's aggressive approach, isn't it? By having a stake on both sides of the table, they're expanding their potential reach, at the cost of being less easily able to play defense. Jadmik had better hope that they can avoid being pinned as the other teams move in," the second voice replies.

Permalink Mark Unread

"They are quite near the head of the table, though," the first voice points out. "That's the advantage of having first choice — if they can monopolize the host, they won't need to worry about defense."

The door creaks again.

Permalink Mark Unread

"And now we have Visrak and Ŋarol!" the second voice announces. "They were last year's winners, and they've put on just as strong a showing this year. And it looks like ... yes, Visrak will be taking the lead this game. They've picked out chairs just down from Jadmik, setting up for a potential pin."

Permalink Mark Unread

There's the sound of a large binder full of paper being sedately flipped through.

"Of course, only one of the remaining teams is eligible for a pin, here," the first voice remarks. "We'll have to see whether our third team is willing to leave the spot open — and be forced onto the left side — in order to hobble the top team coming out of the elimination rounds."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And now our third team is coming in," the second voice speaks over the sound of their steps. There's the now familiar tap on the tiled floor, but also a faint hissing sound. "Magel and Borm. Borm is from Smaller Continent, but they've really taken to Complicated Social Rules like a native of the Cold Sea."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And yes — Magel is leading from the left, leaving the possibility of a pin open," the first voice relates. "But what's this? Borm has asked Orþalor whether she would like some water, before the last team has even arrived."

Permalink Mark Unread

"This is the sort of powermove that the league opened up with this year's modifications," the second voice explains. "Normally, Borm would need to worry about being labeled presumptive, but since Magel is leading and Orþalor is too far from the jug, they can play the 'service' defense. That won't last if the host acknowledges them ..."

Permalink Mark Unread

The door clicks shut. One pair of feet is heard.

"And soon we'll know who that host will be. Here are Lhornat and Desim. Desim, of course, has to take the lead in most games, since he's in a wheelchair. That hasn't handicapped them too badly, though. Still, entering fourth could be a lucky stroke, since that makes Lhornat the host."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Desim's gown is a bright green — which looks like it complements Jadmik's vest," the second voice continues. "That means that not only is the pin one-and-a-half cinched, but that either Lhornat and Desim have had an incredibly lucky entrance, or that this was planned."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Remember, of course," the first voice says, "that collusion outside the matches themselves is not only permitted, but encouraged — provided that full transcripts are made available afterwards. With this being the pre-final, this season's transcripts should be available in a little more than a week. It will be interesting to see whether the outfits were coordinated deliberately."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It most certainly will!" the second voice agrees.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you all for coming," a baritone voice interrupts, the two announcers quickly quieting down. "Would any of you like something to drink?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah — a textbook opening from Lhornat. Unfortunately, this sets Orþalor up for an annoyance point, because of Borm's pre-seating offer. An early lead, but not a difficult one to make up," the second voice interjects, speaking more quickly now to avoid cutting off too much of the competitor's responses.

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"— would be lovely, thank you," a light, lilting voice finishes saying.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ŋarol looked to Visrak before answering for them both," the first voice narrates. "A defensive play, because it doesn't leave Visrak exposed to a counterproposal, but still leaves her set up as the lead, instead of pulling a subversion."

Permalink Mark Unread

"With how people are seated, I don't think that a subversion is actually in anyone's favor this game," the second voice remarks.

There's a brief pause, filled with the sound of pouring liquid and clinking glassware.

Permalink Mark Unread

There's a sipping noise.

"This is good water; tangy," someone says. They speak with a faint accent — a bit too much rounding on their vowels.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ooh! A disguised insult already," the second voice cheers. "And ... Jadmik has indicated disapproval by turning away, Visrak has indicated approval by smiling. Desim can't indicate disapproval without opening himself up for Jadmik to monopolize his conversation, but can't approve without undercutting Lhornat. A tricky bind."

Permalink Mark Unread

"—from local springs, actually. The dissolved salts make it good for extended water therapy."

Permalink Mark Unread

"But he's evaded it by implying Magel lacks local cultural knowledge. If Lhornat can capitalize on it to move us to soup—"

Permalink Mark Unread

"And yes, that's the soup bell," the second voice interjects. "Let's see how they serve it."