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[OPEN] Lucía explores the better parts of Westcrown
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Lucia wakes earlier than her mother, and she's the Contesa.

So there's absolutely no reason why she shouldn't go out and explore Westcrown before the convention. Especially as she can fly on her own thundercloud (5 feet off the ground, but still. It makes her look absolutely terrific). 

So the next morning, while her mother is still sleeping, she gets up, gets her maid up, tells the new servants that she'll be back in the afternoon, and swoops away.


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Thea's lived in this city almost all of of her life, but she actually hasn't seen all of it, especially the nicer parts of town (the street urchin disguises of her childhood had some drawbacks).

Huh, that teenager looks interesting.  Thea hasn't seen or even heard of a spell like that thundercloud before (not that she is especially well informed, but she can at least recognize the most standard spells).  And the manner of dress suggests she is nobility?  Perhaps a more casual encounter with a noble might be useful experience?  Probably a teenager like this isn't a delegate, but some delegate's daughter or niece or cousin?

"Hello, new in town?"

Thea is a tall, well muscled young woman wearing a symbol of Irori.

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Experiences! Lucía is looking at everyone and everything, (all the shops all the people all the buildings, aaah!) is enjoying all the stares she gets, and only notices Thea when she talks to her. Oh a person! There had been a terrible swarm of urchins pestering her for money, earlier, and this doesn't look like an urchin.  Possibly a robber? A slaver? It's a public street, and she does have all her lightning for the day, so it can't be that bad. 

Her hesitation is visible, but the smile that breaks out is genuine, and she genuinely seems happy to talk to someone.

"Hello! I am new in town! I'm here for the Constitutional Convention! I'm the Condesa de Halmyris!"

The cloud descends by perhaps two feet, and her head's now at the same height as Thea. 

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A Condesa?  That means she is likely the delegate herself!  She hasn't actually planned for this meeting. Uncertainty flashes on her face.

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Focus, this is a noble, Thea has a script and a goal for nobles.

"I'm Thea, student of Irori and delegate of his faith to the Constitutional Convention."

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Experiences! Oh, she's a delegate! They should definitely be friends! "Congratulations! I don't know much about Irori. I stopped with As- uh the old god, after it was legal to stop, and I don't have a new god. I'd love to hear all about it! Were you empowered by him before, uh, the revolution?"

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"No, I was an acolyte of a minor order devoted to a minor Demigoddess of Hell, Eiseth.  After the Four Day War, the fully initiated Sister abandoned us acolytes, so I sought a divine patron to empower me so we would have the resources to continue training.  Irori is the God of self perfection, so he seemed the best fit for me."

She doesn't actually have a good plan for evangelizing for Irori!  It seemed most people were trying to convert to Iomedaenism after the Four Day War and the New Queen, and Thea was busy enough figuring out things just for her sisters, she didn't need any new students.

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Lucía thinks about this for a moment. "I would want to be perfect, I think. Irori liked you best, of all the people he could have picked? That's very impressive. What kind of training did-do you do? Swords? Spells?" 

She looks a bit guilty. "I would offer you to sit on my cloud, but it only lifts me right now. I'll get better at it."

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"We primarily train in empty handed unarmored combat.  It may not sound impressive, but for an experienced monk, their fists can damage monsters as if they were cold iron or silver, they can dodge a fireball unscathed, and they can land hits as faster than any weapon.  We do have a few weapons we train in besides that."

Is that boasting?  Irori wants humility... but it was an accurate summary.

"That is an interesting cloud you have?  Some unique spell?  Of a sorcerous bloodline perhaps?"

Lots of nobility have sorcerous bloodlines, so it seems an obvious guess.

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Lucía looks down at the cloud. She's practiced this line. "Oh, this old thing?" she says, with an exaggerated blase. Then she can't help giggling. That line didn't really work as well as she thought it would. "Yes, a bloodline, though it's skipped down from my great-grandfather, somehow. He had something to do with lightning! Everyone in town had a story of his lightning bolts coming down from the castle. They were apparently very impressive! I can't do that size yet. One day all my hair fell out, then I was making all kinds of clouds and lightning almost without thinking about it. My uncle made me his heir because I got the bloodline-  and then he was executed, just a month after it was all settled." Lucía pauses. "The revolution, you know. He was- not- uh-" she looks like doesn't quite know how to continue that sentence. Then her face hardens a little. "I'm in charge now."

She pauses. "That sounds really impressive. Do your hands look like metal when you do silver-punches? I'd love to see what you can do!"

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Interesting, new to power, so possibly in need of a reliable ally to secure her lands?  Thea gives a polite nod, to indicate further elaboration on her uncle's death isn't needed.

"At this point in my development, my fists are only equivalent to the least of magical weapons, enough to crack wood and bone, but I wouldn't be much help with just my fist against Fey or Demons or Devils.  We could head back to my monastery if you want to see me smash some training targets?  Although I wouldn't mind simply enjoying the sights of this part of the city.  My training under the Sisterhood of Eiseth didn't allow for simply walking around openly in this part of town."

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"Oh, much the same. I saw much- I was just one of a crowd of thirtyish cousins, all of us of his brothers and sisters, just waiting for my uncle to make up his mind. He was not a ladies' man, mercifully. My mother married a merchant. Dad's back at Castle Halmyris, now, wrangling things."

She thinks. "I'd love to visit, but you'll be here for the entire convention! Oh, let's explore, shall we?"

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"Yes it would be nice to see the city."

She enjoys the sights a bit before speaking.

"Do you trust your father's management well?  And your guards and retainers?  Even if they were reliable before, all the chaos has stirred up a lot of problems."

Maybe too direct of an approach, but she'll see how this noble reacts.

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Experiences! She's enjoying her outing. It's so much nicer to have someone to talk to about things you see.

Oh, it's that type of conversation. She shifts to her other fashion of being, and looks a bit colder, all of a sudden. Asm- she changes it in her head. Irori, the woman might want something from her.

"Growing up, I had some experiences with the guards, more with his retainers, and most with his chaplain-priest. I also have some experience with my father's men- and it is my belief that the retainers of a man molds into his image." She sighs. 

"Through the revolution, I had the cover to have the chaplain torn limb from limb, which I know is less-" the word comes out harshly. "-than he deserved. Not the cure for all, but if I could replace everyone, without being overthrown myself, and start afresh, I would."

"Why? Do you have a friend who might be of help?"

She smiles a little. "It's not out of the question."

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She almost pushed to hard... maybe she should lighten up?  Or show some vulnerability.

"Not a friend exactly... more like myself and my entire monastery.  The Sisterhood of Eiseth made it's money through assassination and thuggery.  With the shortage of Asmodean clerics-" she gives a knowing smile "-thanks to the initiative of many of the Queen's subjects and Asmodeus cutting his loses in his empowerment of them, I found my cantrips valuable enough to sustain my monastery in the short run.  In the long run, we need students, funding, and appropriate legal status.  We can provide martial education, from early childhood to adulthood, and adventurers or potentially even retainers with the completion of such education.  We currently have two sisters, besides myself, nearing the limit of what training, in isolation, can do, and will have a few more in a few years.  Oh, and it's not a specialty of ours, but I think people from many walks of life could benefit from a season of our training."

"But there is no rush, the convention might set terms that alter what arrangements I consider."

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Lucía considers this, twiddling with her earring. "Frankly, I have money. Brought to the Bank of Abadar, as fast as we possibly could, which I can now draw on."

"Here, then, is what I believe I need, urgently. I need a lawful, powerful, and loyal captain, to visibly take command of the castle force, and face direct internal challenges with strength. The city- and I- need priests." She blushes slightly. "I will certainly not have children, which I must have once I marry, without a priest nearby. As I said, there is already a priest of Abadar, come across the sea, but he charges- what the market will bear, and while I imagine he will be my father's god, once my father has a moment to consider it, I am not sure he will be mine."

"I think you and your monastery is well suited to provide one, or both of these services, both priest and guard. In return- well, there are orphans now, and there will always be orphans in a port city, from the whores and the sailors at the very least. And it is a port city, and while we are not rich, there are taxes to be drawn. More, I hope, after the revolution. Legal status is the easiest still." 

"I do not know what powers the nobility-we-I will have, after the convention- but they say that possession is the major part of ownership! If you were already established in the old fort- who could fairly take it from you?"

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"I'm lawful and loyal to those loyal to me and mine."

She considers for a moment.

"In terms of power I'm comparable to at least a minor adventurer, but I lack the practical experience one would have.  As for healing, I can't yet channel positive, I'm not sure how long it will take me to reach Lawful Neutral, but healing spells are enough for helping one person.  I don't know much about Abadar... I've done a first read of Manual of City Building and some of it seemed straightforward and practical, but some of it was too heavy on abstract principles I didn't follow.  As to comparing him to Irori... I think if you want money and wealth gained through orderly laws on the scale of cities, Abadar is a decent God.  If you want strength and perfection gained through individual personal discipline, Irori is the best God.  Although I don't think Irori demands a singular commitment, in fact his holy text seems to recommend considering many sources of wisdom and I personally wouldn't mind if you paid homage to both as suited you."

Thea doesn't want to commit yet, but a younger noble might be a better?  And a port city will be reasonably wealthy?  There is an obvious move to both get more information and avoid committing immediately.

"How close is your city?  I could possibly send an older student, perhaps with a letter of introduction from you, who could at least get an initial look at your city?  If you are particularly close, perhaps they could be back before the convention is over?"

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To the discerning eye, Lucía shows a slight excitement about this plan. "Halmyris is east of here, and quite close- three hundred miles along the Queen's roads. One could could easily could walk there in a hundred hours, if one did not need to stop for rest- though in tales monks can do such things? I'll write you a letter- and I could send some gold for the trip- and there's an excellent young woman with significant legal knowledge, if you think you want any specific language on it the letter." Experiences!

Happy Lucía comes back in full force then. 

"Even if you find a better offer, as we are both delegates, I think we should be friends, and I would love to see your monastery!"

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She can tell Lucia is responding, but not if it is for better or worse until her mood visibly brightens again.

"I've heard such tales of monkish abilities myself and seen a few.  With a bit of Ki (supernatural breath) there are quite a number of such techniques we might learn.  All I've learned myself is hardening my fists, as I've already described, and speeding my punches along.  "

"That's not too far a distance and that is quite a generous offer. I had considered an offer from a... " she spends a moment trying to make sure she gets the title right "a Marquis de Juncosa, but his lands were 600 miles away and it sounded like sections of the journey where through areas in turmoil.  And the way he was excited by the idea that monks don't need weapons and therefore need less financial support made me nervous.  I'll trust the particulars of your language in the letter as long as I get to see a basic read of it first."

Another delegate is quite a sensible connection to make.

"Yes, friends among other delegates is a good idea.  I opened up my monastery to tenants, both to help our finances and to make connections among the city's many visitors for the convention and so I'm currently hosting a second circle cleric of Desna.  You are certainly welcome to visit... I've even been meaning to practice at explaining our martial arts to someone new to empty handed combat if you would like an introductory lesson.  And, if you don't mind good stew, or at least can tolerate it, you could stay for dinner."

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Lucía nods. "Thank you, that would be lovely! I'll come by later in the afternoon then, after I've had a chance to write something up!"

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Thea gives her directions "- and it's underneath the old crematorium, you can get into it from inside the crematorium."

"I'll look forward to seeing you later today."

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Lucia continues exploring! 

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Aspexia-Isona Raimon i Vilar has never been in a big city before!

... This sentence is false. But it's spiritually true, in that all four times they passed through Remesiana she had no time to do anything but crane her head as she went past and she was kind of hiding when they showed up to swear fealty. But this time nobody's in charge except her and her written instructions, and so she can get a good look around the safe parts of town, with a couple of her cousins (in armor) just in case a howling mob of Pharasmins comes 'round the corner.

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That looks like a person! And another noblewoman! She will raise a hand in greeting!

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Experiences! Lucía still is looking at everyone and everything, even more so that she's had a few successful interactions, and so she sees the noblewoman from afar, moving though the crowd. She waves and descends enough to talk, Once she does, it's obvious she's accompanied by her maid, who moves alongside." Hello there!"

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"Greetings." One maid, wizard or sorcerer, but she's also a noblewoman "- Aspexia-Isona Raimon i Vilar, heiress to Mequinenza." She can curtsey. She does it the way people did a hundred years ago, and has a country accent (Sirmium, if Lucia can place it), but she can curtsey.

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Lucía bobs up and down, in a gesture towards a curtsey, and then gets off her cloud. "Condesa Lucía Velacruz i Montemayor de Halmyris-  how perfectly splendid to make your acquaintance!" She grins, and seems completely guileless in it. "Are you here for the Constitutional Convention with the Conde? Mequinenza? I haven't met them- I only became the heir a short while ago, and the Condesa even shorter! Isn't this an interesting city? Halmyris isn't a tenth the size!"

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She thinks this is the thing where Asmodeans are really good liars? That's her best guess, anyway. "My grandfather is the Conde, but he's in poor health and can't travel. So I'm attending here for him, since I'm his heir."

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Lucía nods, understanding. "Oh, but then you can't have long to wait!" she says, with excitement, and then pauses- "Or is he merely waiting for a priest to become available?" Lucía frowns. "I'm not used to there not being any available- we have a priest of Abadar in Halmyris that came over on the ships, but he charges what the market will bear. What kind of place is Mequinenza? In Sirmium, isn't it?

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"In Sirmium. Poor and full of monsters" a large portion of whom are undead who work for her grandfather, which is how they're still there "and too near the Whisperwood." Aspexia-Isona is kind of creeped out that Lucia is excited by the thought that her grandfather will die. What sort of person would want their grandfather to die just so they could inherit? "We have a priest; the problem is just that he's a very old man, and, well, old age..."

If she gets for breath after trailing off "- what's Halmyris like?"

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Lucía nods. "Oh, it is a port, and we have a little castle on the hill above! We had many wizards there, but many have gone over the sea now, and many who were rich likewise. Still, the shipping continues to increase, so perhaps there will be many rich merchants again." 

"Oh, old age!  My Uncle Rodrigo, the old Conde, was executed for being very Evil, and it was well deserved! What kind of Priest did you get? I still haven't decided on what god to pick. Do you have one?" 

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"He's a priest of Irori," because it was the traveling priest of Irori who took being turned into a vampire by her grandfather so he could have someone to channel negative energy best. "I don't particularly have a god I worship." 

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Lucía looks excited. "Oh, yes, Irori! I would like to be perfect, I think." She blinks. "And now you're here representing your grandfather. Is he a particular ally of yours, or are you aligning towards some other power? What are your goals for the Convention? I've been thinking about what kind of Constitution I want, and asked around some, but I certainly want to claim I know much about it."

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"He's my grandfather? Our goals are mostly just to make sure the worship of Asmodeus is outlawed" and I don't get burned at the stake for being an abomination unto Pharasma "and things aren't too much of a disaster, and taxes aren't raised too high and that sort of thing? What do you think about the Constitution?"

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Lucía is beginning to suspect that Aspexia has a different relationship to her family than what she's used to. "Did you have much control over your Asmodean priests before the revolution? Ours- my Uncle's chaplain- was- uh- a problem." She touches the long scar on her skull absently, staring into the distance for a moment.

She looks back. "Not the worst I've heard of, but quite bad. We had him torn limb from limb!" Lucía grins as happily as Aspexia has seen her so far. "I got to give the order! I should certainly think we should make Asmodeanism illegal."

"Oh- we tax the ships that come into port. I think there's a rule not to tax too much, or you get fewer ships. The Abadarian does lectures. For the constitution I think I want a senate! That seems good for keeping our privileges!" 

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"We were in hiding before the war, but my grandfather had them killed once he took over again." He and the other vampires ate them.

(Aspexia is now wondering if Lucia's scar is a sign of some mental damage that didn't heal? Chelish people can't all be like this.)

"Why not just put things back the way they were before the war? Cheliax was functional then."

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"That's so exciting! I think you're the first person I've met, other than some sailors and merchants, who grew up without a priest around! What was it like? How ever did you hide from both church and state?"

Lucía bounces.

"Oh- since we're both delegates, we should be friends!"

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"- Sure!" she says, she's not sure why. "Let's be friends -" she's supposed to make allies, right? "Um, we were hiding in my grandfather's old ruined castle, and he made people think that it was haunted, and we... were... the adventurers the Count called in whenever someone complained about problems there." He made people think it was haunted by having it be haunted.

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"That sounds amazing! I wouldn't have expected that to work! Did you all have rings of sustenance? Are your family very strong adventurers?" 

She looks a bit embarrassed. "I'm just first circle- I'm a sorceress- but I'm definitely going to try to push that out a bit as soon as I have time! Oh, and I want a senate, because if we make a senate that Condesas and above can sit in- and I think mages above 5th circle should get a vote, they're so strong- and perhaps very rich people? Then we can advise the queen when she makes bad decisions! It's like an extra bit of power for us!"

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"Well, my grandfather is very strong, and the rest of us have picked up enough for monster hunting."

"... I think if we're at Westcrown advising the queen all the time we won't be able to run our estates very well? Maybe the fifth-circle wizards will be able to, but not everyone else?"

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Lucía looks briefly a little poleaxed, and she chews her lip for a moment. "I don't imagine the queen will need our help all the time. Maybe when she wants new taxes, or wars, or laws? I think they don't think the Senate is always in the capital, even abroad. And New Cheliax should be rich enough for for the people to live very far away to be teleported too."

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"Teleportation spells are very expensive. You can bind a demon to serve you for years with that, or an angel to make the land fertile."

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She nods. "I suppose! But isn't that because the government used all the good wizards for the worldwound? And I know many ran away- my sister's husband's mother ran away to Osiron, and she's a great wizard there."

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"Maybe?" She thinks wizards were rare and expensive before the war, too. "But inviting all the counts to a Senate would take almost three hundred teleportation spells to bring them there and send them back."

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She smiles. "I wouldn't need one. Halmyris is quite close. If we had our own ship, and you know, stopped the pirates, we could get to the capital in a few days. I think there's magic between teleportation and walking too- but I was never any good at magic in school. Do you have any spells?"

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"I'm second circle," she says. It's really not very impressive to be second circle but it is somewhat to be second circle before it's really unambiguous that the Church of Sarenrae will let you marry. " - Adventurer."