Condesa Lucía Velacruz i Montemayor
Lucía considers this, twiddling with her earring. "Frankly, I have money. Brought to the Bank of Abadar, as fast as we possibly could, which I can now draw on."
"Here, then, is what I believe I need, urgently. I need a lawful, powerful, and loyal captain, to visibly take command of the castle force, and face direct internal challenges with strength. The city- and I- need priests." She blushes slightly. "I will certainly not have children, which I must have once I marry, without a priest nearby. As I said, there is already a priest of Abadar, come across the sea, but he charges- what the market will bear, and while I imagine he will be my father's god, once my father has a moment to consider it, I am not sure he will be mine."
"I think you and your monastery is well suited to provide one, or both of these services, both priest and guard. In return- well, there are orphans now, and there will always be orphans in a port city, from the whores and the sailors at the very least. And it is a port city, and while we are not rich, there are taxes to be drawn. More, I hope, after the revolution. Legal status is the easiest still."
"I do not know what powers the nobility-we-I will have, after the convention- but they say that possession is the major part of ownership! If you were already established in the old fort- who could fairly take it from you?"