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timeline-hopping in Golarion is delightful
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Before she gets very far, Pasenkey will show up, apparently bodyguardless and looking distant and sleep-deprived.


"Hi! Does Prestidigitation exist yet?" 

She is a little concerned by the apparent sleep deprivation--wizards need sleep to prepare spells--but he is the kind of person where she's confident that skipping the small talk and going straight to the magic is the right move.


"Yes," he says. "It's an Azlanti wonder."


“Good. Uh, for some reason I can’t get it to hang on my familiar. Usually my siblings who are wizards—Arodenites—would cast it for me anytime they noticed I wasn’t completely clean, but obviously that isn’t happening here.”


He'll Presdigitate her, it's faster than getting someone else to do it. "We don't have very many wizards."


"Yeah, my family is weird. I have twenty-eight half-siblings and seventeen of them are wizards." 


"Who taught them? How were they taught?" 


“Ghoul tutors, mostly, but Father would step in sometimes. With Istraya more than anyone else. There were group classes that everyone attended and then also smaller sessions for one or a few of us at a time. I never got as far as really being a wizard but all of us got the classes, at least at first.”


"The law in Osirion is that wizards may teach none save their apprentices," he says tonelessly, "nor take multiple apprentices at a time, nor take any apprentice not Osirion by blood and heritage, nor do so without paying a bond to the Emerald Order." 


"Wow, that's--do they want? To not have wizards? Why would any country not want to have wizards? Wizards are useful!" 


"The fewer wizards, the more they're people you know, the easier they are to watch. Wizards you can't watch might do something you dislike."


"The more wizards you have, the more they can do things you like. And the more wizards you have doing things you like, the less it matters if one does something you don't. And the more wizards the other guy has that you don't, the harder it is to win wars. No wonder this iteration of the empire fell. Anyway, my Father isn't Osirian in heritage at all. He came here from Avistan when a necromancer in Avistan pissed off the Church of Aroden bad enough that they really cracked down on undead. He could've picked slaves with Osirian blood for all the human experiments, but that would probably have made the tiefling and aasimar mother experiments significantly harder, and pfui on the elf and hag ones."


"The empire will of course last forever," he says in the same toneless voice.


- before returning to his normal tone. "The Emerald Order has very little presence in Mechitar."


"Good for Mechitar, I think? The Emerald Order didn't last long enough to feature in any of my history lessons, so I don't know anything about them that you haven't already mentioned, so they sound bad but I'm not confident in that read."


Drily, "I would not want to contradict my guest."


"Okay, you're saying that in approximately the same tone you said the Empire is eternal, so I'm not actually sure if you're going for 'remarkable understatement' or 'sarcasm' or what." 


"It is usually strategic to be in the habit, even in your home, among friends, of not saying anything you would not want repeated under a Zone of Truth."


"Ah. Okay, thanks. I mean, I hate it, but it makes sense." For now. She has no idea if anywhere else is better, but she can in fact leave and go somewhere else, probably, once she gets high enough circle. Assuming Teleport isn't one of those spells that just won't go in a familiar for some reason. Someday she's going to figure out what the difference is between spells that both she and a wizard can use, and spells only a wizard can use, and then rework Prestidigitation to fit into the former category instead of the latter. "Should I just stop talking about the future," she thinks that over for a moment, "or at least the parts of the future that take place on this continent, until and unless that stops being a constraint?"


Normal voice. "You should continue telling me about the future." Toneless voice. "After all, the gods may have sent you here to avert its horrors."


Wryly: "Well, there are certainly some horrors I'd like to avert. Like the giant planar rift to the Abyss, that's not great. Or the necromancer that pissed off Aroden, he caused a lot of problems."




She ticks off her fingers. "Well, one, he killed Arazni. And then two, after Aroden and his protege Iomedae--a paladin of his who ended up ascending to godhood--beat him up and sealed him away, they decided to turn their attention to...the area we are currently another hotbed of undeath...and the, uh, archmage whose name is illegal to say, retaliated by stealing Arazni's corpse and turning her into an enslaved lich. ...I assume you were only asking about that one, and 'a rift to the Abyss is bad' is self-explanatory." 


"Interesting." He doesn't actually think it's possible to make liches unwillingly, right now, or make a lich for someone dead... "You are saying he didn't have access to Arazni's soul and yet he was able to transform her into a lich?"


"Oh, yeah, she was, like, an angel and also a demigod at the time."

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