Drizzt Do'Urden in Lifesteal
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"By hand. That's less concerning than it could be." 

It's good to know crystals are not allowed before he comes into the possession of any. Maybe the people here distrust magic as a whole? 


Shrug. "I guess. I mean, they're still turning spawn to obsidian."


"There's a limit to how fast they can do it. And they can only turn buildings into obsidian." 


"...No? I literally just turned the ground to obsidian. Right now they're only turning buildings into obsidian but they aren't limited by that." His tone sounds like he thinks Drizzt is incredibly stupid. He's got his pickaxe out now--it's the same glowing purple as his armor--and is very slowly mining the obsidian again.


"If they can turn people into obsidian I would be more concerned."


"Oh. Oh. Yeah, uh, that would be bad." Kind of cool, though. "...Do you know how to do that?" He's looking at Drizzt with renewed interest.


"I did not study the wizarding arts, unfortunately."


"Huh. Well, that's alright, I can't either, so." He does sound kind of disappointed.


That's understandable, even if he himself does not regret being a skilled fighter or not spending so much time in the Academy. "I should not interrupt you further, unless there is something I can help with." Please have something to help with, this is his first conversation in months with someone who can talk. 


"I should probably let you gear up, honestly. Let me know if you get any info?"


"I will keep my eyes open."


Then Mapicc will wander off.


Mapicc whispers to roshambogames: vc


"What happened--"


"New person joined. I thought I'd talk to them and get them on the investigation before Poafa or Subz could."


"That's so risky-- what happened?"


"It was fine, I played it off. He wanted to help keep watch tonight but I played it off, said we'd have Poafa keep watch on his own one night and then with him one night, and then if it only turns to obsidian while Poafa's alone then we know it's him."


"And you know Poafa's schedule, you're sure we can do this?"


"I'm sure. It'll be fine, okay?"


"If you're sure."


Spawn's pretty empty. Depending how long Drizzt stays, he might see one or two people: both also teenage human(?) boys. The first of which is definitely entirely human, with black hair and a sky-themed hoodie; the second of which has brown hair, a long purple-and-black trenchcoat, large, curling horns, green-and-purple heterochromia, and a black pattern on his skin snaking up his left arm and onto his chest and face.


He's not actually entirely sure how to get equipped. He hands around spawn, because it's the most inhabitated place he has seen so far (...not that he has really gone anywhere else.)

He keeps his distance from the new arrivals, and watches them. (He's observing the social mores and trying to understand what's going on here. Yes. Definitely.)


They're mining one of the obsidian buildings. It's a slow process.

(The horned man has the same glowing purple-black armor as Mapicc had; the definitely-human has a lighter, blue-white armor. Their tools match their armor in color; they're also holding small golden items in their left hands.)


Hmm, those golden items are intriguing. They wouldn't be carrying them if they didn't serve a purpose, not when they could mine faster with two hands. 

He sneaks a little closer. 


He gets some wary looks, but he's unarmed and unarmored, and neither of the people seem interested in fighting him. He gets a better view of the items they're holding.


Idols? For religious purposes?

They have spotted him, and they haven't immediately attacked him or run away. That's good. He steps into the light. "Greetings."

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