In Which Jacqueline Somer Suffers Beneath A Red Sun
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"The sun here is pretty dim, so I was excited at the prospect of having more light. But then, I remembered that things which glow are often quite deadly."


"Oh, um.... Oh"


"I used them for a couple hours last night and I don't feel any ill effects.."


Have you ever heard the cautionary tale of Madam Curie? 

"What does your planet know about radiation?"


"On my home planet some people a while ago used to blow up radioactive rocks to make power... and some people used to get sick when they... got too many sunburns I think? But nowadays there were solutions for all that, I didn't really spend a lot of time studying history." 


Setting aside everything else for a moment -

"What did you spend a lot of time studying?"


"I.. not much of anything. I just read a lot of fiction. I guess I was wanting to become a writer but I never really got around to it."


"What did you read?"

Not science or history, apparently.


"A lot of.. drama, and.. romance"


She seems rather embarrassed about this fact.


That's understandable.

Owl would be embarrassed too.


"So um.. like, all of my abilities glow.. So are you against helping me in the future?"

She begins speaking faster

"Not like, that I want that to change your mind or anything, I don't want to pressure you into helping if you don't want to.. but I really do need to test all of these out.."


It's true. 

They do in fact all glow. For some reason it didn't occur to her to get freaked about it until Seren summoned the persistent glowing ball of light, but there have consistently been, uh, practical effects accompanying the power use.

And it's not like impressive but harmless movie magic never accompanies powers from her own world. Maybe she's being too paranoid? Or paranoid in the wrong direction?

And, Seren's powers were ostensibly hand-chosen by a humanoidish thing. Is Seren's "goddess" the sort who'd give her radioactive powers?

"Can you describe your interaction with the goddess in comprehensive detail, detailing the events as they happened chronologically?"


"Uh, oh! Um.. I went to sleep and when I woke up I was standing in-between two flower fields and she was standing in front of me. I think I said something like 'I don't remember falling asleep here?' and she smiled at me. She told me that I was being reincarnated into a different world and that I would get a new body and abilities. I was like 'wha-what? why?' and she just said "good luck in your next life." Then I woke up in the middle of this caravan at night."


...Okay, so Seren doesn't have Owl at that much of an advantage.


"Would get a new body and abilities?"

Shouldn't she have already gotten a new body, if Seren died and showed up in the flower field? (Accepting the conceit that it works that way.)


"..? Yeah.. I got a new body and powers on waking up.."

She speaks as if this would be obvious as she gestures to her ears.


Wait wait wait.


"Did you not have pointy ears originally?"



"  "

"no.noo. I was a human, not an elf. Elves weren't a thing on my home planet.."




"Wait.. Did you look like that on your home planet?!? I-I'm so sorry!"


She realizes what she just said

"Oh my gosh! I didn't mean- I... I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that!"


"What did you in, originally?"


"I.. I haven't really thought about it. I just was reading until my eyelids were too heavy to stay open and fell asleep in my chair."


"I was hit by a bus."

When Seren mentioned new bodies, Owl assumed... meet the new body, same as the old body. But unbussified.

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