April in Starter Villain
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"All right, let's see what we're up against here..." She scrutinizes the form as she passes it over.


The top page is for her own personal contact information, her name and telephone number and email address and such, for their records, though there is also a spot for the pet's name. Further pages are for the pet's medical history and vaccinations and such, most of which do have a box to check for "Unknown". 


She checks a lot of Unknown boxes, and leaves the name field blank for now, pending certain crucial information about the cat.


After a few minutes of form filling out, a short woman in blue scrubs comes out of the door. Her hair is pulled back behind her head, revealing a friendly smile. She looks around, sees Daisy, and heads towards her and her friend. 

"Hey, Daisy," she says, with a small wave, and turns towards the woman she's pretty sure is April. "April, right?" she asks putting out her hand to shake. "I'm Dr. Kelly Branson, but you can call me Dr. Kelly if you'd like. It's very nice to meet you." 


"It's nice to meet you too," she says, shaking the vet's hand with only moderate awkwardness.


The doctor is practiced at this, her handshake is firm but warm. "So, Daisy told me you have a stray that's adopted you? I'm glad I could squeeze you in today, let me take a look at them." She leans over and peers into the cat carrier. 


The cat peers back at her, putting one paw on the door, staring at her carefully. 


"Well, they're beautiful," the vet says. "They doesn't seem to have a collar or anything, and we'll check for a microchip. They must have belonged to someone once, given how well behaved they look. Are you sure that no one has come looking for it or anything?" She's still looking carefully at the cat as she says this. 


"Yeah, nothing like that. My going theory is that it used to live at my house and its previous owners moved away or died and it escaped wherever it ended up and then came back 'home', but, you know, I made all of that up and have no idea how plausible it is."


Kelly nods and smiles at her. "Well, let me take them in the back, and see what I can find out about them. We'll see if they're eating right and don't have any parasites or anything. Do they have a name I can call them? Oh, and did you want to put a microchip in, if there isn't one? There should be a form in there somewhere for that." 


"I haven't picked a name yet because I don't know the gender and it just seems weird. I... don't know about a microchip. I'll think about it."


The doctor nods and smiles. "I'll let you know their sex when I bring them back. And I would suggest microchipping, especially if they're an outdoor cat, since that will help them get back to you if they get lost, but let me take your beautiful animal and give them a full checkup first." She reaches down and picks up the carrier. "See you in about an hour!" 


"See you!" she says, trying for 'cheerful' and landing somewhere around 'awkward and tired'.


Daisy pats her on the shoulder.


About an hour and twenty minutes later the doctor comes back, cat in tow in the carrier. 


The cat is curled up inside the carrier, but it perks up its head when it sees April. 


"She was very well behaved," Kelly tells them as she puts the carrier down on the table next to the two of them. "Extremely well behaved. If I hadn't heard it from you, I'd never have believed she was a stray. She seems quite healthy, no parasites or injuries or anything like that. The blood tests and such will take a little while longer, but I suspect all of those will come back clean, but we'll email you with the results when they come in." 


"So, girl cat?" she says, gazing contemplatively into the carrier.


"Yup! Girl cat. And already spayed, too, so you don't need to worry about that. You should probably pick a name to put on the form, now that you know." She smiles brightly. "Also, she didn't have a microchip or any other form of identification, so she's yours to keep. Did you put any thought into whether or not you'd like her to be microchipped? I'd be happy to take her back and do it, it won't take very long." 


"Pet ownership is an ethical nightmare," she grumbles, mostly to herself.


"There, there," says Daisy, without looking up from her phone.


The cat has nothing to contribute to this conversation, and curls back up, watching April. 


"Ethical nightmare?" the doctor asks. "If there's anything you're worried about microchipping, do feel free to ask. I'd be happy to set your mind at ease with any concerns you might have." 


"The concern I have is that I can't ask the cat what she thinks about the situation and I really don't think you can set my mind at ease about it unless you're secretly a Disney princess and can talk to cats."


The cat has no reasonable way to communicate that she would be perfectly fine with a microchip, and even if it could there's no reason why she would answer the question, as she is a cat and cannot understand human speech. So it waits in the carrier, unable to even rub up against April to comfort her. 

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